EXHIBITION GUIDE ENG PART Piazza Cavour 26, 47921 Rimini (RN) INFO
[email protected] +39 0541 793879 – are essentially intended as a physical ne- 3. CARSTEN HÖLLER HALL 1 cessity and the manifestation of a state of Born in Brussels, Belgium in 1961. He lives mind. The work at the entrance of the PART and works between Stockholm and Biriwa emerged from this context. It comes from in Ghana. the temporary floor of Cantiere1 / Terrazzo After graduating in agronomy from the 000, created in Naples for the SS. Trinità University of Kiel in 1993 with a doctorate delle Monache with the Matronage of the on insect behaviour, Carsten Höller has Donnaregina Foundation for Contempo- been one of the most interesting artists on rary Arts / MADRE. A great architectural the international scene since the 1990s. His painting: a dialogue between Piazza work is aimed at identifying new possibili- Cavour, the back garden and the Federico ties for the perception of existence through Fellini International Museum. Roberto Coda a rigorous method of investigation that Zabetta trained in Rome at the Art Institute, comes close to the scientific one, and whi- and later at the Brera Academy in Milan. He ch reflects on the various forms that natural worked as an assistant to Aldo Mondino evolutionary forces can take on in their from 1995 to 2005. relationship with human emotivity. By invi- ting the public to undergo highly controlled 2. ALESSANDRO BUSCI experiences of participation (psychological Born in Milan, 1971, where he lives and and perceptive experiments, which are works today. often also playful), the ‘sensory mechani- Busci’s pictorial research is characterised sms’ and structures designed by Höller are by constant experimentation with uncon- in fact able to stimulate states of attraction, ventional techniques and supports such as excitement, doubt and confusion in the enamels and acids on steel, iron, alumi- individual user.