Loris Cecchini B. 1969, Milan Lives and works between Berlin and Tuscany. Education 1985-89 Art institute in Siena, Italy 1989-91 Academy of Fine arts, Florence 1991-94 Brera Academy of Fine arts, Milan Solo exhibitions 2015 Emotional Diagrams and Other Micrologies, Leila Heller Gallery, New York, NY 2014 Waterbones (sponge), Edicola Notte, Roma, Italy Bushwalking, Centro Arti Plastiche, Carrara, Italy Nuages de la mer et de l’air, symphonie des flux, permanent installation, Les Terrasses Du Port, Marseille, France Modulo e modello, a cura di / curated by M. Meneguzzo, Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Milano, Italy (cat.) 2013 Loris Cecchini, Galleria Continua, Beijing, China (cat.) The size plus the size of the sample, Studio Sandra Recio, Genève, Switzerland 2012 Aerial Boundaries, site-specific istallation, Palazzo Strozzi, CCC Strozzina, Firenze, Italy Loris Cecchini, Diana Lowenstein Gallery, Miami (FL), USA The Hand, the Creatures, and the Singing Garden, permanent installation, Villa Celle, Pistoia, Italy (cat.) 2011 Loris Cecchini, Palazzo Ducale, Fondazione Edoardo Garrone, Genova, Italy The rainbow trusses, Galleria Continua / Le Moulin, Boissy-le-Châtel, France 2010 Loris Cecchini, Château des Adhémar, Centre d’art contemporain, Montélimar, France Loris Cecchini, Musée d’Art Moderne de Saint-Étienne Métropole, Saint- Étienne, France Solidsky, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, Italy 2009 Dotsandloops, Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato, Italy (cat.) Loris Cecchini, Costruzioni che scivolano e pensieri alla deriva, Galleria Photology, Milano, Italy 568 West 25th Street New York, NY 10001 | Tel: +1 212 249 7695 Fax: +1 212 249 7693 www.LeilaHellerGallery.com 2008 Loris Cecchini, Laure Genillard Gallery, London, UK 2007 Blaublobbing, Palazzo Fendi, Roma, Italy Empty Walls - Just Doors, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France Morphing wave, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, Italy 2006 Cloudless, PS1 Contemporary Art Center - MoMA, New York, USA; Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France; Shanghai Duolun MoMA, Shanghai, China; Galleria Continua, Beijing, China (cat.) 2005 Gaps and Other Works, Galería Max Estrella, Madrid, Spain Loris Cecchini: Polvere di Spezie e altri spazi, Galleria Photology, Milan, Italy Monologue Patterns, Hotel Bulgari, Milan, Italy 2004 Blaublobbing Outside, curated by G. Curto, Palazzo Bricherasio, Torino, Italy Estructura de monólogo, Museu Casal Solleric, Palma de Mallorca, Spain Loris Cecchini, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France Project Rooms, ARCO Madrid, Madrid, Spain Voyager I, curated by S. Risaliti, Quarter - Centro Produ- zione Arte, Firenze, Italy 2003 La gabbia di Ferro. Dialoghi da Max Weber attorno a DensitySpectrumZone 1.0 di Loris Cecchini (conference and performance with Anna Scalfi), curated by F. Cavallucci, Galleria Civica di Arte Contemporanea, Trento, Italy Monologue Patterns, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, Italy 2002 ContaMICRAzioni, site-specific project, Cappa Mazzoniana, Stazione Termini, Fondazione Nissan per l’arte contemporanea, Roma, Italy Terraforming, site-specific project, Fondazione Teseco, Pisa, Italy 2001 H( )ME, Armani Store, Milano, Italy Loris Cecchini, Galerie Ghislaine Hussenot, Paris, France Places for the show, Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg, Germany (cat.) 2000 Cargo, curated by E. Cicelyn, Museo di Castel Nuovo, Napoli, Italy (cat.) Loris Cecchini, CGAC - Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Santiago de Compostela, Spain (cat.) 568 West 25th Street New York, NY 10001 | Tel: +1 212 249 7695 Fax: +1 212 249 7693 www.LeilaHellerGallery.com Loris Cecchini, curated by A. Fiz, Fondazione Bandera, Busto Arsizio, Italy Stage evidences, Galleria A. Nicola, Torino, Italy Waste, Galería Max Estrella, Madrid, Spain 1999 Loris Cecchini, Galleria Gian Ferrari Arte Contemporanea, Milano, Italy Loris Cecchini, Italienisches Kulturinstitut Köln, Köln, Germany (cat.) 1998 FWD>>: Loris Cecchini, curated by A. Pieroni, Palazzo delle Papesse Centro Arte Contemporanea, Siena, Italy No Casting, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, Italy 1997 Pause in Background, Galleria Studio Legale, Caserta, Italy (cat.) 1996 Farfalle e propano, Galleria Bordone, Milano, Italy Group exhibitions 2014 4409.72 miles, 9125 days, Diana Lowenstein Gallery, Miami (FL), USA Natura Naturata, BMW Stiftung, Berlino, Germany Highly Recommended: Emerging Sculptors, Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park, Grand Rapids Michigan, USA ICONICA Arte urbana al Foro Italico | ICONICA Urban art at Foro Italico, curated by Bartolomeo Pietromarchi and Maria Alicata, Rome, Italy Natura Naturata, WiE KULTUR, Berlin, Germany Conjuction, Greenhouse Berlin, Germany 2013 Artisti nello spazio. Da Lucio Fontana a oggi: gli ambienti nell’arte italiana, curated by M. Meneguzzo, B. di Marino, A. La Porta, Fondazione Rocco Guglielmo, Complesso Monumentale San Giovanni, Catanzaro, Italy (cat.) Glasstress: White Light/White Heat, curated by J. Putnam, A. Berengo, collateral event of the 55th Biennale Internazio- nale d’Arte di Venezia, Venezia, Italy (cat.) Les nouvelles folies françaises, curated by P. Amine, Musée d’Archéologie nationale et Domaine national de Saint-Germain-en- Laye, Saint-Germain-en- Laye, France (cat.) Shadow of dust, when the sun blooms, WiE KULTUR, Berlin, Germany Turbulences II, curated by D. Rosenberg, P. Sterckx, Boghossian Foundation, Villa Empain, Brussels, Belgium (cat.) 2012 9th Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai, China (cat.) 568 West 25th Street New York, NY 10001 | Tel: +1 212 249 7695 Fax: +1 212 249 7693 www.LeilaHellerGallery.com Construir, Deconstruir y Destruir / Construct, Deconstruct and Destroy, Carlos Garaicoa Open Studio 6.0, Madrid, Spain Future, Landscape. A changing exhibition, curated by R. Caldura, with the collaboration of G. D’Inca Levis, G. Molinari, P. Toffoluti, Forte Marghera, Mestre, Venezia, Italy (cat.) Metamorphosis - Le collezioni Moroso fra design e arti visive, curated by A. Bruciati, P. Moroso, M. Viola, Casa Cavazzini, Museo d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Udine, Italy Muro di China - Madeinfilandia, Galleria Eva Menzio, Torino, Italy (cat.) OA-Cinque atti teatrali sull’opera d’arte, Teatro Studio, Scandicci, Italy Turbulences, curated by D. Rosenberg, P. Sterckx, Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton, Paris, France (cat.) 2011 Alfabeta2 è un’altra cosa... Riflessi dell’arte italiana, collateral event of the 54th Biennale Internazionale d’Arte di Venezia, Ca’ Vendramin Calergi, Venezia, Italy Creuser dans la langue une langue étrangère, Galerie Florence Leoni, Paris, France for instance..., SUN - studio74rosso, Firenze, Italy Invito al viaggio. Parte 2 - Proposte dalla collezione del Museo, Museo Pecci Milano, Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Milano, Italy Italiens. Arte giovane in ambasciata, Ambasciata Italiana a Berlino, Berlin, Germany Loris Cecchini + Sabrina Torelli. Nulla si crea, nulla si distrugge, tutto si trasforma, Velan Center for contemporary art, Torino, Italy Mina a Mano armata, Studio Geddes, Roma, Italy Posso errare, ma non di core. Passato prossimo e futuro anteriore dell’Italia, GC.AC - Galleria Comunale d’Arte Contemporanea, Monfalcone, Italy Premio Moroso per l’arte contemporanea, GC.AC - Galleria Comunale d’Arte Contemporanea, Monfalcone, Italy Quelli che restano. Stati d’animo del paesaggio contemporaneo, Spazio Oberdan, Milano, Italy Sopra/naturale - La forma riflette, Complesso di Sant’Agostino, Pietrasanta, Italy Spaceship Earth, CoCA - Centre of Contemporary Art, Torun, Poland (cat.) Un monde sans measures, Palais Fesch - Musée des Beaux-Arts, Ajaccio, France (cat.) 2010 Antroposfera. Nuove forme della vita, Fondazione Marino Golinelli, Palazzo Re Enzo, Bologna, Italy (cat.) Cosmogonia. Le Supernova del collezionismo italiano. Stefano e Raffaella Sciarretta, Palazzo Collicola, Spoleto, Italy Entre Glace et Neige. Processi ed energie della natura, Centro Saint- Bénin, Aosta, Italy (cat.) Forward>>Looking, MACRO Testaccio, Roma, Italy In Context, Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa Italian Genius Now - Casa dolce casa, curated by M. Bazzini, Italian Pavillion, Expo 2010 Shangai - Better City, Better Life, Shanghai, China L’arte della ricerca: cultura, scienza, evoluzione, MACRO Testaccio, Roma, Italy 568 West 25th Street New York, NY 10001 | Tel: +1 212 249 7695 Fax: +1 212 249 7693 www.LeilaHellerGallery.com La scultura italiana del XXI secolo, curated by M. Meneguzzo, Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Milano, Italy (cat.) Living Rooms. Pièces à Vivre (Chamarande), Château de Chamarande, Centre d’art contemporain, Chamarande, France (cat.) Made in Filandia, La Filanda, Pieve a Presciano, Italy (cat.) PastPresentFuture - Highlights from the UniCredit Collection, Yapi Kredi Cultural Center, Istanbul, Turkey (cat.) Sphères 2010, Galleria Continua / Le Moulin, Boissy-le-Châtel, France SUD2010 - Salon Urbain de Douala, doual’art - Centre d’art con- temporain, Douala, Camerun The New Décor, Hayward Gallery, London, UK; The Garage Centre for Contemporary Culture, Moskvá, Russia 2009 Arte contemporanea per L’Aquila, Palazzo Massimo Lancellotti, Roma, Italy Fragile, terres d’empathie, Musée d’Art Moderne de Saint-Étienne Métropole, Saint-Étienne, France (cat.) Intramoenia Extra Art - On the ground, underground, Castello di Barletta, Barletta, Italy (cat.) La différence, CAB - Centre d’Art Bastille, Fort de la Bastille, Grenoble, France La testa tra le nuvole, Convento dei Carmelitani Scalzi, Viterbo, Italy Open Care, Open day, Open Care - Servizi per l’Arte, Milano, Italy Qui è altrove, Palazzo de Sanctis, Castelbasso,
THE AMBIGUOUS LIGHTNESS of BEING - an Homage to Milan Kundera
THE AMBIGUOUS LIGHTNESS OF BEING - an homage to Milan Kundera CURATED BY OMBRETTA AGRÓ ANDRUFF 02.13.2016 - 03.31.2016 difficult birth and the physical repercussion he has had to endure hung on a wall and hidden underneath a skin of shimmery tinsel. throughout his life. Musco’s practice is also inspired by nature and A fan positioned in front of the installation ‘sculpts’ the works its architecture, engaging classic and contemporary themes of endlessly: at once shiningly shrouding and carelessly revealing birth, nutrition, renewal and community. In Aves, his most recent the grey heaviness of concrete, cheerful layers of tinsel reminisce “The heaviest of burdens crushes us, we sink beneath it, it pins us Salvadorian Ronald Morán and Slovak, London-based Jaroslav series, the images appear minimal and restrained on the surface, potential fun times and glorify triviality and lightheartedness. to the ground. But in love poetry of every age, the woman longs to Kyša, both explore somber socio-political issues in their yet they reveal their complexity and compelling visual poetry be weighed down by the man’s body. The heaviest of burdens is installations, sculptures and drawings by way of ‘dematerializing’ when examined up close. The feathers, created by the weaving of Korean GYE HOON PARK takes the struggle between therefore simultaneously an image of life’s most intense fulfillment. the very forms that they represent. thousands of naked human bodies, are gently floating against a lightness and weight to a greater existential platform. His delicate The heavier the burden, the closer our lives come to the earth, pitch-black background, frozen in a magical dance, engaged in an works on paper, through the repetitive act of perforation, become a the more real and truthful they become.
Arte E Tecnologia Del Terzo Millennio. Scenari E Protagonisti
I QUADERNI della COLLEZIONE La riflessione sulla pervasività delle tecnologie nella società e nelle pratiche artistiche contemporanee apre molteplici scenari sul nostro prossimo futu- Con la collana I Quaderni della Collezione si realizza un progetto editoriale che Q d C ro. Superata la classica dicotomia arte+tecnologia, i nuovi ambiti di ricerca intende contribuire a stimolare, anche sul piano scientifico e accademico, una sono complessi e ricchi di implicazioni: l’iperintelligenza; il postumano fra riflessione sull’arte contemporanea, partendo da opere, temi e artisti presenti | 2 | cyborg e antropocene; l’Expanded Internet Art; dalla realtà estesa alla vide- in Collezione Farnesina. ogame art; la sound art; “l’artista inventore”. Il secondo volume della collana La Collezione Farnesina, raccolta d’arte contemporanea del Ministero degli I Quaderni della Collezione è dedicato a individuare questi nuovi scenari e a Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, nasce vent’anni or sono identificare gli artisti che operano nel settore, con una particolare attenzio- su iniziativa dell’allora Segretario Generale Ambasciatore Umberto Vattani, ne agli italiani di cui si realizza qui una prima mappatura globale. per sottolineare un preciso indirizzo progettuale del Ministero: fare dell’arte Studiare il loro lavoro, comprendere le dirompenti potenzialità del loro pensie- contemporanea un ambito prioritario d’intervento della propria politica cul- ro laterale, permette di acquisire indispensabili strumenti di lettura della no- turale. I QUADERNI
BARLETTA BARI BARI BARLETTA con il patrocinio e la collaborazione di/ evento promosso da/event promoted by under the patronage of and in collaboration with evento promosso da/event promoted by intramoenia extrart con il patrocinio/under the patronage of Castelli di Puglia/Castles of Apulia Grand Tour in Terra di Bari/Grand Tour in the Land of Bari Castello Svevo di Bari/Swabian Castle of Bari 18 dicembre 2008 – 8 marzo 2009/December 18, 2008 – March 8, 2009 Comune di Bari Castello di Barletta/Castle of Barletta con il sostegno e la promozione di/ 16 maggio – 20 settembre 2009/May 16 – September 20, 2009 with the support of con il patrocinio/under the patronage of Direttore scientifi co/scientifi c director Achille Bonito Oliva Curatore generale/general curator Giusy Caroppo Curatore esecutivo/executive curator in collaborazione con/in collaboration with Rossella Meucci Reale Direttore regionale per i beni culturali e paesaggistici della Puglia/ Regional Director for Apulia’s Cultural and Natural Heritage Ruggero Martines Ideazione e organizzazione/Project and planning Eclettica_cultura dell’Arte produzione evento allestimenti uffi cio stampa catalogo Associazione Culturale, Barletta ideazione e cura generale del progetto/format and curatorship of INTRAMOENIA EXTRART guide didattiche/didactic guides Giusy Caroppo, Art director Eclettica_cultura dell’Arte, Barletta Roberta Boccuzzi, Chiara Gasparro, Giulia Anaclerio uffi cio stampa e immagine/press offi ce and image progetto allestimento mostra/exhibition design Manual comunicazione informazione immaginazione Arcotech s.r.l., Roma/Arch. Daniela Ferragni Paola Marino, Pino Pipoli in collaborazione con/in collaboration with Stefano Panero, Giovanni Musarò siti internet /web sites layout e allestimento/layout and set up www.ecletticaweb.it ROMANO EXHIBIT, Bari www.intramoeniaextrart.it si ringrazia per la collaborazione/thanks for the collaboration to web master Alessandra Lacasella, scenografa/set designer Assunta Amici - SPIM s.r.l.
A travelling Ark: ( 05 ) 24 ribs, 24 artists. The “Arca Collective” project aims to knock down individual The objective barriers using tales of the power of sharing and inclusion. The metaphoric concept is The objective not bound to be connected to well-known current events (migration issues), but to discover the value The objective of co-habitation, first at an ontological and then at an existential, social or political level. Thanks to this awareness The objective (ontological co-habitation), that nowadays is missing or only partially felt, conflicts can instead become opportunities of contact. The objective It is for this reason we have chosen the ark and archetype, or the crew to ( 06 ) The objective which we all, substantially and ( 07 ) fundamentally, belong and thanks to which we can find The objective salvation. From here comes the choice of a travelling installation to cities and their sea and river ports. The objective The organization of the project is based on the great challenge The objective of identifying and involving a number of cultural partners, at a European level, who can accommodate in museums The objective or other large exhibition areas, this large sculptural architectonical body. The objective An active participation is requested, also in economical and logistic terms, to face the realities of the initiative along The objective its epic journey. The Mediterranean and its history. ( 08 ) ( 09 ) The sea is the base of value of the “Arca Collective” project. The sea the moving element, the sea bed the unifying one. The sea bed tells us and reminds us that every country is joined together even if divided by sea.
2007 Sustainability Report 2007 Sustainability Report At UniCredit Group we are aware that our business activities have an impact on the environment, and we always factor environmental sustainability into our strategic decisions. In 2008 the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the paper used for the publication of 2007 Annual Report and Sustainability Report have been offset by a contribution to a biomass-fueled district heating plant in Italy. The offsets for the 2007 Annual Report and Sustainability Report were executed in association with AzzeroCO2. Pictures Cover and sorter pages Courtesy Education Department of the Castello di Rivoli Contemporary Art Museum Top Managers Courtesy Ferruccio Torboli (UniCredit Group) UniCredit S.p.A. Registered Office: Roma, via Minghetti 17 General Management: Milan, Piazza Cordusio Graphic development and Composition: Registration number in the Rome Trade and Companies Register, tax Code and VAT No. 00348170101 Mercurio S.r.l. Studi di promozione pubblicitaria - Milan Entered in the Register of Banks Parent Company of the UniCredito Italiano Banking Group Banking Group Register No. 3135.1 Member of the Interbank Deposit Protection Fund Printed: Grafiche Milani SpA (Segrate) Capital Stock: € 6,683,084,257.50 fully paid in April 2008 The Art Experience 2007 was a formative year for the bank’s international activities in culture. It was a year that saw intense engagement in all the territories in which we operate. We believe that culture, when viewed as a strategic resource, can bring tremendous value and foster new ideas. These new ideas are fundamental to innovation and sustainable social and economic growth. In this year’s Sustainability Report, we have decided to focus on images of the international events which comprised our work with important partners in art and culture rather than on individual pieces from our collection.
2007 Sustainability Report 2007 Sustainability Report At UniCredit Group we are aware that our business activities have an impact on the environment, and we always factor environmental sustainability into our strategic decisions. In 2008 the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the paper used for the publication of 2007 Annual Report and Sustainability Report have been offset by a contribution to a biomass-fueled district heating plant in Italy. The offsets for the 2007 Annual Report and Sustainability Report were executed in association with AzzeroCO2. Pictures Cover and sorter pages Courtesy Education Department of the Castello di Rivoli Contemporary Art Museum Top Managers Courtesy Ferruccio Torboli (UniCredit Group) UniCredit S.p.A. Registered Office: Roma, via Minghetti 17 General Management: Milan, Piazza Cordusio Graphic development and Composition: Registration number in the Rome Trade and Companies Register, tax Code and VAT No. 00348170101 Mercurio S.r.l. Studi di promozione pubblicitaria - Milan Entered in the Register of Banks Parent Company of the UniCredito Italiano Banking Group Banking Group Register No. 3135.1 Member of the Interbank Deposit Protection Fund Printed: Grafiche Milani SpA (Segrate) Capital Stock: € 6,683,084,257.50 fully paid in April 2008 The Art Experience 2007 was a formative year for the bank’s international activities in culture. It was a year that saw intense engagement in all the territories in which we operate. We believe that culture, when viewed as a strategic resource, can bring tremendous value and foster new ideas. These new ideas are fundamental to innovation and sustainable social and economic growth. In this year’s Sustainability Report, we have decided to focus on images of the international events which comprised our work with important partners in art and culture rather than on individual pieces from our collection.
EXHIBITION GUIDE ENG PART Piazza Cavour 26, 47921 Rimini (RN) INFO part@comune.rimini.it +39 0541 793879 – are essentially intended as a physical ne- 3. CARSTEN HÖLLER HALL 1 cessity and the manifestation of a state of Born in Brussels, Belgium in 1961. He lives mind. The work at the entrance of the PART and works between Stockholm and Biriwa emerged from this context. It comes from in Ghana. the temporary floor of Cantiere1 / Terrazzo After graduating in agronomy from the 000, created in Naples for the SS. Trinità University of Kiel in 1993 with a doctorate delle Monache with the Matronage of the on insect behaviour, Carsten Höller has Donnaregina Foundation for Contempo- been one of the most interesting artists on rary Arts / MADRE. A great architectural the international scene since the 1990s. His painting: a dialogue between Piazza work is aimed at identifying new possibili- Cavour, the back garden and the Federico ties for the perception of existence through Fellini International Museum. Roberto Coda a rigorous method of investigation that Zabetta trained in Rome at the Art Institute, comes close to the scientific one, and whi- and later at the Brera Academy in Milan. He ch reflects on the various forms that natural worked as an assistant to Aldo Mondino evolutionary forces can take on in their from 1995 to 2005. relationship with human emotivity. By invi- ting the public to undergo highly controlled 2. ALESSANDRO BUSCI experiences of participation (psychological Born in Milan, 1971, where he lives and and perceptive experiments, which are works today. often also playful), the ‘sensory mechani- Busci’s pictorial research is characterised sms’ and structures designed by Höller are by constant experimentation with uncon- in fact able to stimulate states of attraction, ventional techniques and supports such as excitement, doubt and confusion in the enamels and acids on steel, iron, alumi- individual user.
Goodman Gallery Loris Cecchini Biography Loris Cecchini was born in Milan in 1969 and moved to Siena in 1977, where he lived until 1989, earning a diploma at the city’s art school. He spent two years at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence, and then studied painting at the Accademia di Brera, Milan. He graduated in 1994 with a thesis on the films of Wim Wenders. He now lives between Prato and Berlin. Cecchini held his first solo show in Milan and participated in group shows at Galleria Continua in San Gimignano. He continued his work in photography and sculpture, and in 2001–02 produced his first spatial works of architectural-sculptural inspiration. In the exhibition catalogue for Cecchini’s show Dotsandloops, the critic Marco Bazzini comments that ‘If we were to imagine Cecchini’s deviation into another discipline, architecture would come to mind. The association arises from the constructive and deconstructive impulses that have made him stand out over the last decades.’ Cecchini is drawn to biomorphic forms, as well as to the relationship between the synthetic and the natural. These concerns can be clearly traced not only in the materials he has utilised (aluminium, Plexiglass, various types of plastics like PVC and PETG, mirrors, urethane rubber, optical lighting) but also in the methods of construction (moulding, welding, wiring, technical drawing, computer-generated draughting, and laser cutting) and in the intricate shapes and structures of his many sculptural works. The influence of technology is clear, but Cecchini appears to want to inhabit technology, to examine hi-tech objects and structures from the inside out in order to understand our relation to them.
Paris Gallery Weekend 1 Media Kit Edition #7 2• 3• 4 • 5 July 2020 Paris Gallery Weekend 2 Table of contents Paris Gallery Weekend Edition 2020 p.3 Press release p.5 Facts and numbers p.6 The galleries and their exhibitions Rediscovering art in the galleries p.16 A four-day programme in the galleries p.16 Opportunities for exchanges and encounters p.16 A multifaceted and dynamic Parisian scene, united in its diversity p.16 A commitment to solidarity alongside Thanks for Nothing p.17 Programme p.17 Support from private and public partners A broader international dimension p.18 Art Across Europe p.18 Collaboration with Artsy Training collectors online p.18 Learning to collect List by gallery p. 19 Sponsors p. 79 Board & team p.86 Practical informations p.89 Paris Gallery Weekend 3 A collective event to mark the reopening of art galleries May 25, 2020 For its 7th edition, held in July 2020 due to exceptional The Art Across Europe network -- together with the Brussels, circumstances, Paris Gallery Weekend is offering a more Lisbon, Madrid and Milan Gallery Weekends-- will provide extensive selection. Sixty modern and contemporary art Paris Gallery Weekend with an international showcase by galleries are joining forces for the event and expressing their assembling the impressions and reviews of the collectors, collective desire to create a key artistic moment. curators and institutions present. Reflecting the diversity of modern and contemporary art Partnerships with numerous public and private institutions galleries in Paris,the event spotlights the galleries: their space, in Paris will be maintained (Musée d’Art Moderne, Centre their role, their artists, and the gallerists running them.