
Parent Education Network Wyoming State PIRC, a project of Parents Helping Parents of Wyoming, Inc.

Parents as Teachers Developmental Chart Language Development Intellectual Development

 Recognize and turn to mother / father’s voices  Focuses on high contrast objects  Responds to but does not yet vocalize sounds  Observes surroundings briefly  Different cries express different needs  Gazes at faces  Makes simple sounds when awake, like “eh”  Brings hand to mouth and sucks B to B 1½ M  Turns head in general direction of sound  Looks at own hands

 Looks at parents when they talk  Bats at overhead objects  Makes sounds with saliva  Visually follows people and things past midline (center of  Begins cooing, using vowel sounds (aah, eee, ooo) body)  Takes turns making sounds with parent  Combines two actions (e.g., sucking and looking around)

(reciprocal vocalization) 1½to 3½ M

 Turns head to locate sound  Investigates small objects with hands, fingers, and eyes  Reacts when he hears his name  Brings object to mouth to explore  Listens intently to sounds he makes with mouth  Accurately bats dangling objects and repeats the activity  Gurgles and coos to show  Looks at person or object for at least one minute

3 ½ 3 to 5½ M  Makes raspberries or similar sounds

 Looks for named parent  Tries to explore everything with mouth  Squeals, shrieks or makes other loud noises  Experiments with the effects of throwing, dropping, shaking  Vocalizes single syllables (ba, pa, da, ma and na) and banging objects  Babbles using repeated syllables (ma ma ma , ba ba)  Seeks object which has been dropped or partly hidden

 Understands frequently used words  Anticipates the effects of actions/cause & effect 5 ½ 5 to 8 M  Mimics sounds  Demonstrates intense through constant exploration  Responds to simple requests sometimes  Examines small objects and details  Responds to “no” sometimes  Experiments purposefully with objects to discover the effects  Listens briefly to rhymes, songs, children’s TV programs of his actions (e.g., light switch)  Looks at books and points to familiar pictures named  Repeats acts which have produced interesting effects  Understands 10 to 15 frequently used words  Remembers the locations of hidden objects (e.g., TV remote)

8 to 8 14 M  Points, gestures or makes sounds to indicate wants & needs  Places a round shape into a shape sorter  Jabbers expressively  Tries to say a few words (dada and mama specifically)  Follows one- step directions  Uses trial and error to solve problems  Brings objects from another room on request  Places round, square and triangular piece in sorter  Uses words with gestures to indicate needs  Takes things apart and tries to put them together again  Has 20-30 word vocabulary, combines two words  Overcomes simple obstacles  Imitates adult inflections  Knows three animal sounds

14to 24 M  Speaks clearly about half the time  Explores cabinets and drawers  Names three pictures  Finds detail in favorite picture book or an object  Points to six body parts  Follows two-step directions  Engages in make believe play  Tells name  Remembers events and places  Names 3 body parts  Matches identical pictures or objects  Initiates and carries on short conversation  Points to big or little object upon request  Uses 4 word sentences  Sorts toys by one characteristic (e.g., color, shape, size, etc.)  200+ vocabulary  Completes simple puzzles  Uses intelligible words 75% of the time  Names one color  Uses pronouns (I, you, me)  Understands meaning of two

24to 36 M  Answers questions  Avoids common dangers  Uses verbs and past tense  Nests or stacks toys or objects of graduated sizes  Uses plural words  Asks what, where, & why questions  Understands the actions and events of simple stories  Verbalizes two prepositions 500 W. Lott St., Suite A, Buffalo, WY 82834  [email protected]  www.wpen.net Toll Free 1-877-900-9736  307-684-7441  307-684-5314 (fax)

Social-Emotional Development Motor Development Issues

 Shows when over-stimulated (averts face,  Lifts head briefly when lying on his tummy  Insecure attachments sleeps, becomes fussy)  Sucks effectively  Sensory overload  Observes people in his surroundings  Movements largely controlled by reflexes  SIDS  Prefers face over all other visual  Post-partum

B to B 1½ M  Can be comforted by care giver  Excessive crying

 Smiles purposefully  Uses some voluntary movements (e.g., squirming,  Shaken baby syndrome  Uses crying to alert parent to her needs stretching, random movements of arms and legs)  Immunizations  Imitates some facial movements  Lifts head when lying on stomach and turns it  Sleeping through the night  Shows excitement when seeing or hearing from side to side  Returning to work caregiver  Brings hands to midline  Spoiling  Comforts self in some way (e.g., suck thumb  Unclenches hands and uses them independently to

1½to 3½ M or pacifier) bat at objects

 Responds to familiar faces by calming,  Turns on to either side  Falling

smiling, vocalizing and/or vigorously moving  Lifts head and chest using forearms for support  Choking

arms and legs  Sits with support  Walkers  Responds to attention and  Holds toys with both hands  Hearing  Laughs  Stretches legs and kicks at objects  Ear infections  Anticipates eating upon seeing bottle or  Reaches and grasps items of 3 ½ 3 to 5½ M breast  Holds head steady in supported sitting position  Stops crying briefly when parent approaches  Turns from stomach to back

 Shows concern with unfamiliar people or  Sits without support or help  Sleep patterns

when parent leaves the room; stranger  Rolls, scoots or pulls body with arms  Separation anxiety/separation anxiety  Stands, holding on to support  General Safety  Enjoys simple games such as peek-a-boo  Grasps or turns object with control  Choking  Enjoys affectionate play  Transfers objects form one hand to the other  Poisoning 5 ½ 5 to 8 M  Seeks attention and interaction from  Bangs two objects together caregiver

 Knows the difference between familiar  Crawls on hands and knees  Stranger anxiety people and strangers  Pulls self up to stand, cruises, lowers self  Safety

 Gets care givers’ attention; wants to be near  Stands alone, walks with help and then alone  Weaning

them  Climbs stairs and other low objects  Lack of appetite  Plays simple imitative games  Tosses or throws with out control  Shows affection and annoyance  Picks up tiny objects with thumb & index finger 8 to 8 14 M  Observes and imitates actions of people  Uses index finger to point  Shows satisfaction with his accomplishments  Stacks two blocks  Initiates interactions with familiar people  Turns pages in a stiff book

 Says “no” often  Walks backward  Negativism  Imitates adult behaviors and activities  Throws and kicks ball forward  Temper tantrums

 Tries to comfort others in distress  Carries large object while walking  Child stress  Plays by self for a short period of time  Walks up stairs holding railing  Weaning  Holds and drinks from a cup with some  Climbs; runs  Sleep spilling  Straddles and rides toy without pedals  Toilet Learning

14to 24 M  Gives up bottle  Scribbles spontaneously; imitates vertical line  Feeds self with spoon with some spilling  Builds tower of six cubes  Removes socks, hat and shoes (laces undone)

 Uses the word “mine” or “me”  Catches large ball  Toilet learning  Follows 3-5 simple rules  Jumps up with both feet off the floor  Discipline  Interacts with other children  Balances on one foot  Sharing and peer play  Takes turns in activities w/ guidance  Walks up and down stairs by self, alternating feet  and night mares  Initiates own play  Tolerates swinging, spinning, rocking’  Television, computer games to36 M  routine some of the time  Builds tower of six cubes

 Expresses in words  Imitates a vertical line 24  Brushes teeth with help  Holds pencil w/ thumb & fingers (adult grasp)  Washes and dries own hands  Snips with scissors  Undresses with help  Screws and unscrews toys, jars, door knobs