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Our mission is to proclaim and embody the Gospel of Christ in the community of our parish through worship, fellowship, care and outreach to enable all to grow in faith, hope and love.

Our Values

1. Focused on God. Therefore we aim to maintain a broad range of existing styles of worship and pioneer new forms of worship in particular to encourage more young people into the church; develop our life of prayer, including through Prayer Ministry in services and Quiet Days.

2. Listening to God and our community, expanding the use of the church by schools and others for worship and learning; selecting, training and commissioning a Visiting Team and taking school assemblies and inviting families to appropriate services and events.

3. Concerned with the kingdom of God, putting God and his will first. Therefore we continue with community fairs and encourage community use of the lounge and Centre, strengthening our link with St John’s, Pinetown, Natal, and working towards good stewardship of creation.

4. Looking to make disciples. We continue with outreach events, including Alpha Courses; further discipleship through home groups and actively encourage the people to contribute to worship and general management, using their skills and gifts. 5. A community of faith, characterised by welcome, hospitality and an openness to change. Therefore we will continue with hospitality and induction into the church family, make times to meet and eat together and develop friendships and value the link with the Newstead Abbey Chapel.

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We offer a warm welcome within our vibrant church family and supportive leadership group. We have a track record of growth and there are lots of opportunities for further growth. Twice a year we hold a welcome evening for new members of our congregation.

Ravenshead has a welcoming and well developed community making it a great place to live. We offer a financially secure parish and an attractive, modern four bedroomed vicarage (see below) in the grounds of St. Peter’s Church.

In line with the diocesan priority to develop disciples wider, younger and deeper we are in prayer for a person who feels called to ministry in our parish to help us develop in the following ways:

 Leadership: A motivational leader who will continue to grow the church at St. Peter’s and the Abbey Chapel and provide guidance and empowerment for our active lay ministry.  Ministry: An engaging minister who enjoys leading a diverse range of worship from traditional to the more informal and evangelistic styles.  Spirituality: An enabler who will develop opportunities for our church family and the wider community in our parish, to explore Christianity and grow deeper in faith. This may be through services, courses, Home Groups, Prayer Ministry and lay ministry.  All ages: A person with a passion for engaging and encouraging young and old in their Christian journey.  Pastoral Care: A person who through a focus on nurture and prayer will provide pastoral care to our community and encouragement and support to our pastoral visiting team.  Community: A sociable person who will embrace everyone and, through outreach, will be a visible presence in our community. This will include building on the already good relationships with uniformed organisations and the two excellent primary schools in the Parish and acting as an ex-officio Governor at the Church of England school.

The Vicarage is a spacious 4 bedroom house built in 2005. It is set back from the road behind St. Peter’s Church, and accessed via a driveway which runs alongside. There is a double garage and parking for several cars on the drive.

The front of the Vicarage viewed from the Church The rear of the Vicarage viewed from the bottom of the garden

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Our congregation has seen steady growth through the provision of a wide variety of engaging worship in our Parish. We encourage participation through a diverse range of styles of worship, giving opportunities for lay people to take an active leadership role in our services and children’s work.

Our Lay Reader provides support across all services and four people are undergoing training for Bitesize preaching.

We have a Pastoral Team who visit people in their home, hospital or workplace. They listen, pray and build up relationships with those visited feeding back to the incumbent or Team Leader, and attend regular team meetings.

We have an administrative assistant who supports the Clergy. St. Peter’s Church

St. Peter’s Church The church was built in 1972 in a modern style by the architect Colin Shewring. It is owned by the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham.

It is much larger than the Abbey Chapel so has larger congregations (Our Church is packed to capacity across the three services on Christmas Eve). St. Peter’s offers more diverse services and can be used for social events, such as the Maundy Service meal, concerts. drama and various other community events.

The church lounge is used for Wednesday morning communion, prayer and coffee after services. It is also used by church and community groups for their meetings.

The Church Lounge Wednesday Service Refreshments

Abbey Chapel

Chapel of St. Mary (Newstead Abbey) The small historic chapel, which accommodates 70 people, is located in the east wing of the Abbey holds regular traditional services and is a favourite for weddings and baptisms

The Abbey, which was founded in 1170 as an Augustine Priory, and located in beautiful Newstead Abbey Park, was converted to a domestic home following the dissolution of the monasteries in 1539. It is best known as the ancestral home of poet Lord Byron, but has been owned and maintained (including the Chapel) by Nottingham City Council since 1931.

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WORSHIP IN OUR PARISH Our pattern of worship is as follows but continues to evolve as we seek to grow disciples.

Sundays at St. Peter’s Church – typically we see an average attendance of over 140 adults with varying numbers of children. 8.00 Holy Communion (1st and 3rd Sunday) 9.30 Parish Communion (Every Sunday) 11.00 (Term-Time Only): Various styles of service: Primarily Morning Worship and occasional Communion, both in church, but once a month Bitesize Church, an informal café-style service which takes place in the Centre. Children’s work at St. Peter’s occurs at this time. 4.00 Evensong (4th Sunday) Every Wednesday - typically we see an average attendance of over 20 10.30am Holy Communion (St. Peter’s Church Lounge) Fridays (Last Friday in a month) 8.00am Prayer Breakfast (St. Peter’s Church Lounge)

The Altar at St. Peter’s Nativity at St. Peter’s Bitesize Church at The Centre Sundays at The Chapel of Mary (Newstead Abbey) – the annual attendance is typically over 700 for all services: 11.30 BCP Matins, Songs of Praise or Lodge Service [2nd Sunday] 11:30 BCP Holy Communion [4th Sunday] Special Whole Parish Services: Mothering Sunday, Easter Day, St. Peter’s Day, Harvest, Remembrance, Nativity and Christmas morning, Holy Communion after the Maundy Meal, Easter Sunrise, Annual Memorial Service, Christingle and Carol Services.

Easter Sunrise Service at Newstead Abbley Maundy Thursday Meal

For variations please see our website or our Parish Magazine.

Appendix 1 contains a record of actual services and attendance figures for the last 12 months.

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A dream for many years was to increase St. Peter’s outreach by replacing our old worn-out church hall with a community centre for the entire village. In 2014 a steering committee was formed and subsequently the old building was finally bulldozed to enable a purpose -built community facility to be erected.

It was designed to provide flexible accommodation to suit small or large groups and following a well-organised campaign the necessary half a million pounds was raised by the church, the community and community grants.

In May 2015, The Centre at St. Peter’s as it is now known, was finally opened and this fantastic facility is home to more than 42 regular user groups meeting either weekly, monthly or on a more ad hoc basis. The groups include Pebbles (carer, baby and toddler group), Bridge, Yoga, Brownies and Guides, U3A activities, dance and music groups. The footfall so far in 2017 is more than 16 thousand per annum. A full list of users is available in The Centre.

The Centre is also used for themed food evenings—there is a full catering kitchen—film nights, Harvest lunch and Church Summer and Christmas fairs amongst many other events. It was also used on our Seed Scattering weekend, a Beetle Drive and Baking for All event.

Bishop Tony Baking for All The secret of its success is that it is operated by a management team [Right] comprising both church and non-church volunteers.

The running of the Centre is overseen, on behalf of the PCC, by the Finance and Standing Committee.

A lunch is held one Wednesday a month, which is very well supported and the facility is a perfect venue after funerals for get-togethers and for both children’s and adult parties e.g. birthdays and anniversaries. We have even had wedding receptions there.

From 10am to 4pm week days the foyer hosts a ”drop in” for coffee, tea and biscuits for anyone who chooses to go for company and a chat. A team of “welcomers” volunteer for this on a rota basis. Other volunteers unlock and lock up and set up the rooms, including the correct partitioning, dependent on requirements.

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Added to all this is a sensory garden at the back of the Centre, a quiet contemplative space to meet. The Centre is fully self-financing.

Check-in for Lunch Asian/Pacific Themed Evening Part of our Hospitality Team

Lunch Time Pebbles in the garden Time for a coffee TimeT

The Centre Sensory Garden 1st Birthday Ice Cream Sales at a Film Night

Refreshments Themed Evening Carvery Baby Pebbles at The Centre

For further details please see the Centre Website:

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Parochial Church Council

We have an active, enthusiastic and supportive PCC consisting of fifteen elected members, four synod members, a co-opted secretary and three churchwardens.

All members of the PCC, together with the wider church family, are both encouraged and enthusiastic to get involved in a range of committees and groups to develop a vibrant church. Committees include worship, communications, social, green, children and Natal. There are also a number of other active groups such as the Men’s group, prayer ministry, a Pastoral visiting team and home groups.

Background Information

Diocese: Southwell and Nottingham Local Council: Gedling Borough Deanery: Newstead Parliamentary Sherwood Constituency: Patron: The Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham Parish Dashboard Data Please see Appendix 3.

Parish Population: 6,500 Parish Representatives: Churchwardens Electoral Roll: 295

Communications The Parish Magazine is published 10 times per year with a circulation of roughly 300. There is also a church website and the use of Facebook is in its infancy. An independently produced monthly publication, the Ravenshead Newsletter, is distributed to most properties in the village and contains a full page report on St. Peter’s activities. This is a useful medium for communicating with people outside the normal circle of our own congregation.

A Welcome to St. Peter’s pack, containing contact and outline information about the Church, the Abbey Chapel and their people, is continually updated and made available to new members and visitors. The pack also includes the history booklet The First Fifty Years.

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Baptisms, Funerals and Marriages within the Parish

In 2016, Baptisms 11, Confirmation 8, Marriages 9, Funerals in church 11 and funerals at Crematorium 20. Policy on Holy Communion before Confirmation

On the 19th March 2002 our Bishop gave permission to the Parish of St. Peter, Ravenshead to admit the Baptised to Holy Communion before Confirmation, and this was taken up by a number of children. It is the policy of the parish that before they can receive Holy Communion the baptised have to undertake a period of preparation. Church Activities Choir St. Peter’s currently has a fifteen-strong, four part, robed choir and accomplished organist under the leadership of the music director. They help to lead the worship on about five services per month, including one evening service. They rehearse one evening per week and the high, regular attendance reflects the members’ commitment and dedication.

The choir’s repertoire of anthems is quite extensive as befits a group of experienced and able choristers, the majority of whom hold Bishop’s Awards (either for long service or merit). They lead the singing of hymns, songs, psalms and canticles and service settings used in our Sunday worship and St. Peter’s counts itself fortunate to have retained this choir and, with it, the choral tradition of an Anglican Village Parish Church.

Music Group This is a small but enthusiastic group of musicians and singers who contribute to the 11am services and on special whole church occasions join with the choir. They play a fairly wide range of music and are always happy to expand their repertoire.

Music Group in Church

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Children and Youth Groups

Rock Solid is for 3-11 year olds and is held during the 11 o‘clock service. The sessions are fun and free and include crafts, songs, games and some input on a Bible theme. Sessions start in the Centre at St. Peter’s at 11am, run for about 50 minutes and join the latter part of the 11 o’clock service, which finishes about 12.

Messy Church is aimed at children and young families and is held in The Centre. The session starts with games, crafts and activities, then food to enjoy together and, finally, a Bible story, song and prayer.

Rock Solid in the Garden Bitesize Church Pebbles is a drop-in for pre-school aged children and their carers with coffee and a chat. It is held in the Centre from 9.15 to 11.15am every Monday in term time. This summer it ran four Mondays during the school holidays and Holiday Rock ran alongside it for almost 40 Primary aged children. This was organised and run by laity.

Pebbles in the Garden Holiday Rock! Pebbles H Ignite is a group for children in school years 6 to 11, looking at different sections of the Bible and how it fits in with our life today.

Ignite Holiday Rock! Home Groups The number of Home Groups was expanded in 2016, following much thought and prayer. A new pattern has been introduced with groups running all the year round and meeting once a fortnight. There are five home groups running currently having about 50 members who meet on Monday, Tuesday or Thursdays. Each group is responsible for the material it uses. In addition, there are two further groups that run in Lent and Advent only.

All members of St. Peter’s are welcome to join a Home Group to pray, study and get to know one another in a more informal setting. New members are welcome to join a group at any time and are encouraged to contact one of the Home Group leaders for further information.

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Social The social committee currently has eight members. Planning meetings take place on a regular basis and are usually geared to the timing of future events. Our programme can be divided into three main categories.

a) Supporting events which form part of the Church calendar i.e. Maundy Thursday and Harvest Festival b) Providing Catering for events organized by the Church e.g. Christmas Band Concert, visiting dignitaries etc. c) Our own social events to encourage not only the Church family to attend but also the local community e.g. afternoon teas with varying themes, fashion shows, jumble sales etc. Although we do not consider our prime role to be that of fund raising, our events invariably produce a surplus which obviously benefits St. Peter’s Church. Deanery Links Four members of St. Peter’s sit on Newstead Deanery Synod. The deanery is divided into clusters; Ravenshead is part of the central cluster along with five churches in the nearby towns and villages of Annesley, Kirkby-in- Ashfield and Newstead. The cluster congregations join together for services on special occasions. The cluster clergy meet regularly and report back to their PCC. Diocesan Links The annual Diocesan Conference is attended by clergy and others in our congregation are welcome to attend. A member of laity is elected to Diocesan Synod. We are part of the diocesan link with the Diocese of Natal. Natal Link Members of our church family have visited Natal and the Bishop of Natal visited our parish on 13th July 2017.

Charities We support Family Care, Children’s Society, Portland College and Cornwater Evergreens every year. Additionally, agreed amounts are donated annually to nine other charities - three international, national and local ones – and these chosen charities are supported for a three year cycle. Finance

We pay our Parish Share in full every year, and earlier on this year had a successful Promise Programme.

Appendix 2 contains copies of Parish Balance Sheets.

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Ravenshead is situated in the pleasant county of Nottinghamshire and stands between Nottingham and . It’s in the heart of “Robin Hood Country” and many of the landmarks associated with the legendary outlaw can be found in its precincts. Yet the popular residential village was only created in its present form in 1966 when the three hamlets of Larch Farm, Fishpool and Kighill were amalgamated.

Ravenshead has a strong community spirit with a huge number of thriving clubs many of which meet in The Centre at St. Peter’s, Ravenshead Village Hall, Leisure Centre or Ravens Lodge (Scout HQ). Many of the activities in our community are covered across our Parish Magazine, St. Peter’s Church website (With a link to the Centre at St. Peter’s) and the monthly Ravenshead Newsletter, which is delivered to all homes

There was an expansion of properties throughout the 1960s, 70s and 80s. Although some had been built in the early post war period many of the buildings are privately owned houses and bungalows. A further number of properties, including some social housing, were recently added. They stand near well-used playing fields and indoor recreational facilities at the leisure centre. Ravenshead continues to expand as a community.

In the late 1950s the population was around 2,500; today it is around 6,500. An excellent bus service runs between Nottingham and Mansfield along the A60; buses run every 10 minutes at busy times. There are also four local community mini-buses which run in and around the village and are driven by local volunteers. This is an invaluable service, particularly for the elderly.

Newstead Abbey is close to Ravenshead and accessed from the Nottingham Road (A60) at the Abbey Gates as shown on the map. It is a beautiful drive, walk or cycle to Newstead Abbey, access is free if visiting the Abbey Chapel, otherwise there is a cost to visit the house, grounds, a café and play area etc. For more information please see and on Facebook

The M1 and A1 are just a few miles away and Airport is a 40-minute drive away. The diocesan centre is based in Southwell, alongside its minster, and is 11 miles away. Ravenshead is a rectangular shape and is bounded by Main Road, Nottingham Road, Longdale Lane and Chapel Lane. There is still some farming land but most people living in Ravenshead are professional and work in nearby Nottingham, Mansfield and Sutton-in- Ashfield. Many commute further afield. There is a high proportion of retired people because of the excellent local facilities but, there is another reason, and that is once people live here they are reluctant to leave!

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OUR COMMUNITY Schools With two primary schools, Abbey Gates Primary School and Ravenshead Church of England School, many families live in the village. The Ethos Statement of the Ravenshead C of E School states that governors and staff of the school affirm and espouse their Christian background and heritage. Parents have come to trust Church of England schools to deliver their Christian values believing this will ensure quality education, academically, personally, socially and spiritually. The C of E School was recently rated “Good” by Ofsted inspectors and “Outstanding” by Church School inspectors. The link with St. Peter’s underpins the ethos of the school and informs all that happens in the school. Linking Church and school is important in developing spirituality and working within school is imperative. It Ravenshead Church of England School is foreseen that the development of the partnership link will include the continued attendance of the children at special services in church and also conducting some services in school. This may include, for example, the vicar attending activities at school with the children, parents and staff. The role is a supporting and mutual one for all involved, both through the school itself and the governing body.

The Abbey Gates Primary School is also a well-run and respected school in the village and was rated “Outstanding” at its last Ofsted inspection. It is under the leadership of an experienced and dedicated head teacher. The staff are well motivated and there is a happy and busy atmosphere about the school. The mission statement of the school says that its vision is to be a leading school providing quality education in a caring environment. All children will be encouraged to achieve their full potential and become responsible, independent individuals. Although not a church school, the head teacher is sympathetic towards the Church and the Vicar is welcomed into

the school to deliver assemblies from time to time. Abbey Gates Primary School

Additionally, the school uses St. Peter’s Church for

services. The majority of the pupils live in the village

but some parents living in the surrounding district

have exercised their parental choice for their children to attend the school because of its reputation. These schools feed into Joseph Whitaker at Rainworth which is Ofsted rated Good, but there is an opportunity to go to schools further afield. The nearest universities are the and Nottingham Trent University. Vision West Notts College at Mansfield also offers degree courses. Other schools in Ravenshead include The Longdale Nursery School on Longdale Lane, also rated “Outstanding” at its most recent Ofsted. Portland College, just north of the village is for the disabled and our last Vicar was chaplain there. Opposite the college, Fountaindale School is for children with special needs

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Shopping, Leisure and Health There are good shopping facilities in Ravenshead. The precinct offers a small supermarket, greengrocer, newsagent, post office, library, three estate agents, solicitors, chiropodist, hardware shop, fish and chip shop, Chinese takeaway, financial services and hairdressers. A petrol station, mini-market and a further hairdressers is located on a different site. More recently a new mini supermarket has opened up on the A60. A veterinary surgery is also planned.

Shopping Precinct In the shopping precinct, we have a very popular butchers and deli.

Bradbury’s Deli

There are four public houses with restaurant facilities and a tapas bar in the village. A very popular Indian restaurant is attached to one of the pubs.

Little John Inn We have our own leisure centre with a wide variety of indoor and outdoor sports available.

Leisure Centre There is a skate park and football facilities at the Leisure Centre.

Skate Park

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There are numerous activities for young people with Scouting and Guiding proving very popular but there are dance groups and breakfast and after school clubs all available.

1st Larch Farm (St. Peter’s) Scout Group is affiliated to the Church

Ravens Lodge Scout HQ The Village Hall is used for various community activities and has a licenced bar and stage that is popular for shows and theatre.

Village Hall There is a doctor’s surgery and dentist in the village, Kings Mill Hospital at nearby Sutton-in-Ashfield has extensive A&E facilities and there is a community hospital in Mansfield.

Two facilities for the severely disabled, Fountaindale School and Portland College are nearby. For the elderly there is the Cornwater Evergreens. Doctor’s Surgery In the shopping precinct, we have our own pharmacy.

Pharmacy There is a library with computers available.

Library The Parish of Ravenshead is looking forward to extending a hand of friendship and a warm welcome to our new Vicar.

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APPENDIX 1 PARISH ATTENDANCE: St. Peter’s Church and St. Mary’s Chapel The Sunday and Wednesday congregations tend to be loyal to their preferred service, although some people do mix their services. The 8.00am, 9.30am and 4.00pm services are usually attended by the over 50s, as is the 10.30 service on Wednesday. The 11.00 services are attended by a complete age range, as are the special whole parish ones, and the 11.30 ones predominantly by the over 60s, but with some young adults. The tables below cover attendance figures, and unless stated otherwise, services were held at St. Peter’s Church.

Average attendances over last 12 months (1st September 2016 to 31st August 2017) Service Adults Children Frequency 8.00am Holy Communion 19 Twice a month 9.30am Parish Communion 85 Weekly 11.00am Morning Worship 43 11 Weekly (Term- time when no Bitesize) Bitesize (The Centre at St. Peter’s) 36 15 Monthly (Term-time) 11.30am St. Mary’s Chapel: Matins 30 Once a month Holy Communion 30 Once a month Songs of Praise (Masonic Lodge) 49 3 per year 4.00pm Choral Evensong 22 Once a month 10.30am Wednesday Holy Communion 22 Weekly

During the year, these special whole parish services took place:

Attendances at other services held during the last 12 months Service Adults Children 25th Sept. 11.00am Harvest Service 152 58 9th Oct. 11.30am Harvest Festival (St. Mary’s Chapel) 25 23rd Oct. 11.30am Memorial Service (St. Mary’s Chapel) 24 30th Oct. 6.00pm Memorial Service 136 2 13th Nov. 10.15am Remembrance Service 191 62 11.30am Remembrance (St. Mary’s Chapel) 24 11th Dec. 10.15am Nativity 155 60 15th Dec. 7.00pm Carol Service (St. Mary’s Chapel) 80 18th Dec. 6.00pm Carol Service 212 38 Christmas Eve: 3.00pm Christingle 240 124 5.00pm Christingle 257 145 11.30pm Midnight Communion 123 Christmas Day 10.15 Service 66 3 1st Mar. 7.30pm Ash Wednesday 73 1 26th Mar. 10.15am Mothering Sunday and Seed Scattering Service 210 70 2.00pm Songs of Praise (St. Mary’s Chapel) 55 13th Apr. 7.30pm Maundy Thursday Communion and Stripping the 82 2 Altar 14th Apr. 2.00pm Good Friday Devotions 60 Easter Day: 6.00am Sunrise Service (Newstead Abbey: Outdoors) 47 1 10.15am Easter Day 185 20 25th Jun. 10.15 St. Peter’s Day Service 99 1

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2016 2016


Debtors £300.00

Short term deposits Build Fund CBF £3,774.08

Short term deposits church CBF £19,061.83

Cash in bank and in hand Build fund £27,132.15

Cash in bank and in hand Church £17,925.68

Cash in hand for Roof £16,625.50

Cash in bank and in hand Centre £5,200.75

LESS UNCLAIMED Chqs -£2,754.04 £87,265.95


VAT account -257.33

Amounts due within 12 months -£5,000.00




General Savings

General Chq Bk a/c Church



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Allocated funds

Church Roof £15,707.00 centre roof £10,000.00

Restricted funds

Organ £1,218.00

Community Building Fund CBF £3,774.08

Community Building Fund Barclays £27,132.15


TOTAL FUNDS £82,008.62

Newstead Abbey Chapel

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