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China /1V, National. HighwayProject (Henan Section) Public Disclosure Authorized The Proposed Luoyang-Sanmenxia Expressway Public Disclosure Authorized Archaeological Survey Report Public Disclosure Authorized Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology August, 1995 Public Disclosure Authorized L <., V Tablle of Contents No.ofsheet The ProposedLuoyang-Sanmenxia Expressway Archaeologicatl Survey Report.-.. ...... 2 ChinaLianhuo National Highway Project (HenanSection) Luoyang-SanmenxiaExpressway Protection and Excavation of Cuturat Relics ---....-..----....-..---..---.. --..-.... 2 I.Destrict of Imperial Mausoleumsand BeimangMountain Cemetery of Northern WeiDynasty,Luoyang ...........----. 2 1) Description ......................... 2) Plans -........---..--... 2 3) Exploration Profiles *-..--------..6 2.Shuiquangou Site, Mengjin County -.----. ---.. -.-...... -.--...2 1) Description-.: --..--... 1 2) Ptlans -.................. ---..-......-.. 1 3) Exploration Profiles -........--.. 1 3.1HuocunVillage Site,Xinan County -.------.---.. 1.------. 1) Description. ......................; 2) Plans *-------------------------------------------------..-----..-.. 1 3) Exploration Profiles --.-----.-.-------..........1 4. Cemetery at Mujiangpu Village --...... -.-.------.-.--.-. 1..I 1) Description.. --....---.... ......................................... 2) Plans -....-.... --....-..............-..... I 3) Exploration Profiles....1 5. Cemetery at Xiajiaao Village -.-.-.- l..1 1) Description .. 1 2) Ptlans -..-..-..-....-.....-.... 1 3) Exploration Profiles -.-----------.---........1 6. Cemetery at Pailou Village -....-----......... -.-t..I 1) Description -......-----..------..-..----------... 1 2) Ptlans .- .............................................I 3) Exploration Profiles ....................... I 7. ChendongwaCraveyard in Xinan ----------... I 1) Description -.. --......-.... --..... 1 2) Plans *-..--....--..--..-..-------.......... 1 3) Exploration Profiles -.----- 1..1 B.XiayanggouSite, Xinan County----.-.---..... 1 1) Description -....-..-..... 1 2) Plans. .--........--....-....-..-- .............. ---..--. 3) Exploration Profiles ..-.-.-.--. 1..1 9.Goutoubel Cemetery, Xinan County -. -----.-.--.-- 1.I 1) Description .......... I 2) Plans ..................................................................... 1 3) Exploration Profiles ------ ..-.............. 1O.Jiacun Site,Yima City ..... --------------------........-------- 2 1) Description............................................................-.. I 2) Ptlans *---..------..-..----......-....----....--..---.. ---.....-..... 1 3) Exploration Profiles *-.......---.-----------.---......--.--.-.-- 1 l.1LingtouSite at XilingtouViltage, Mianchi County............2 1) Description-.................................................................... 2) Plans .................................................................... 1 3) ExplorationProfiles .............................. 1 12.M4atouzhaiSite,Mianchi County----------------------. ................... 1) Description.................................................................... l 2) Plans *-----------------------..-------..-----------..-..---..-..-..-.... 1 3) ExplorationProfiles .................................................. .1 13.ZhuchengcunSite,Mianchi County ------------------...---------------2 1) Description.................................................................. 2) P lans ........................................----.-.-.---.-------------- - 1 3) ExplorationProfiles .-..-..---....--.. -.... ---..2 14.ShilipuCemetery, Shanxian County ............................... 1) Description ....... ... ................................................... 1 2) Plans -......--. 1... 3) Exploration Profiles --....-----......-....-..-..--. --.-1..I 15.Lujiadian Site,Sanmenxia City......................................... I -) Description ---............................................................ 2) Plans *-..-................................. 3) Exploration Profiles ..................................................... 1 16.Dajiaokou Site,Sanmenxia City......................................... I I) Descriptimon ............................. I....................................... 2) Plants ............................................................. I 3) Exploration l'rofiles ...................................................... I 17.Shibangou Site at Sanmenxia City.................. ...... 1) Description .- ............................................... 2) Plants*-..----..--....-----.----.-...........------.----------- 1 3) ExplorationProfiles .----------------------------------------------------- 18.APataeolithic locality Zhaojiayuan at, ShanxianCounty--l1 I) Description.1...................................................... l 2) Plans ...........................................................................- 3) Exploration Profiles.*------........-----..----------.----1 19. Cemetery at Dongchengcun VI llage, Shanxian County.......- 1 1) Description .-----..-..---.................. 1 2) Plans. -.. -..--........-----..---.. -..-..---..---1 3) ExplorationProfiles .*-..- ....------..-. 2 China Lianhuo National HighwayProject (HlenanSection) The Proposed Luoyang-SanmenxiaExpressway Archaeological Survey Report We,Henan Provinciat Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,as assigned by Henan Provincial High Grade Highway Construction Authority and Henan Prouincial Bureau of Cultural Relics,cooperated with Luoyang City Administration of Cultural Relics,Sanmenxia City Bureau of Cultural Retics,Cultural Relics Administrations of Mengjin County,the Surburb District of Luoyang, Xinan County,Yima City,Nianchi County,Shanxian County,Hubin District of Sanmeuxia City, organized and executed an archaeoalogicalsurvey along the alignmentof the above ptoject from December1994 toFebruarYl995.On the basisof available information,the archaeological survey concentrated on 33 ancient. sites and graveyards where the expressway cuts through or passes nearby. The exploration covered an area of 1201650square meters and found 10 ancient sites, totalling 115250 square meters>, 8 cemeteries inctuding 115 tombs; 35 -storage pits of different periods; 1 palaeolithic locality;wetI and stone tol manufacturing site of the YangshaoCulture and a large building foundation of the Warring States Period and Han Dynasties etc.. The area where the expressway ties is an extremely important ancient route(Yaohan Route) connecting Guanzhongplain and Huabei Plain and thus a battlefield of different periods. All kinds of cultural relics are abundant and valuable for the staty of the history of ancient war, transportation and culturat exchange. To reduce the damage which the construction wilt bring to cultural relics to a minimum, an archaeological excavation has to be carriedout at ten percentimportant sites and cemeteriesof above-mentioned, totalling11500 square meters before the constructionof the expressway.HenanProvincial Institute of CulturalRelics and Archaeologyis committed,in about 120 to 150 days,tothe fullcompletion of archaeologicalexcavation after the landbeing acquired and prior to the actualcommencement of the expresswayworks and will mobilizeits manpowerand resources corresponding to the task. Among the above-mentioned 33 cultural retics locatities,in the light of our investigatioanit is known that the following 7 sites are slightlyfar from the expresswayand thus will not be injured during the construction.Theyare Suqin (a famous politicianof the WarringStates Period)tomb,Baizhuang site, Yinghaosite,Xiashi walled town,Xiashigraveyard,Xiya site and Shij iagou graveyard. Even though Yanghe site, Anbeicun site, Nanwang site ,flekousite at Yima,Wuyaotou site and Xiaojiaokousite are stightly near to the expressway, however the archaeological drilling didn't expose cultural remains and the construction will, not cause damage.It should be pointed out that Zhaojiayuan pataeolithic locality,although without dritling,must be carried out in the future. The next is an discription of the explorations and the future work plan of the above-mentioned sites. China Lianhuo Hatioi Luoyang-SanrmenxiaExpressway Pro AD:Anno Domini BC:Bef ore Christ BP:Bef ore Present Roak of Protectijig Nos Sites Location Age Culttiral Retics Inperial Chaoyang Town, Western Mma, Historical Uonumen I Mlausolems Mengjin County Northern Val, Cultural Relics of Northern Tang dynast; City Protection Wei Dynasty K0-K3 KS-KB BC206-AD907 Shuiqtiangou On the Eest of J4tun Yangshao and 2 Site , NengjinCounty ErlitouCultures Undecided K4-K4+500 BPsooo--37?0 Huocun On tieWest of Matun Longshanand Ian 3 VillageSite , Mengjin County dynastyCultures Undecided K1 -K10+400 BP4500- -AD220 Cemeteryat On theNorth of Mu- Ran dynasty 4 Mujianspu jiangpuXin County Undecided Village K11--KiI BC206-- AD220 Cemeteryat On theNorth of Xia- Song and Ming 5 Xiaj i aao ijaao,Xinan County dynasties indecided Village K19-4(gU AD960-- 1644 Cemeteryat On the South of Ming dynasty 6 Pailon Paltou,XinanCounty Undecided Village K25+ 5-0--26 + 500 AD1360- -1644 Chendongwa On the North of Song dynasty 7 Craveyard ChendongwaVillage Undecided in Xinan K2?+S500-K28+f500 AD960--1279 Xinyanggou Xiayangsou Village, Longshan Culture 8 Site, Xinan County Undecided Xinan County K23-423+ I80 BP4500--400 Goufoubei On the North of WarringStates, 9 Cemetery, Goutou.Xinan County Ran dynasty Undecided Xinan County K38--K39 BC415---AD220 Jiacun Site, On the North of Jia- Yangshao and Historical Monuuxzz&