Laboratory Safety Manual
LABORATORY SAFETY MANUAL 2018 LABORATORY SAFETY MANUAL WINTER 2018 OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL, HELATH SAFETY AND RISK MANAGEMENT | 205 East 42nd StreEt, NEw York, NY 10017 LABORATORY SAFETY MANUAL PUBLIC SAFETY AND 911 IN ANY EMERGENCY THAT REQUIRES IMMEDIATE POLICE, FIRE, OR MEDICAL RESPONSE TO PRESERVE A LIFE. LABORATORY SAFETY MANUAL 1 PURPOSE OF THIS MANUAL ThE OfficE of EnvironmEntal, HEalth, SafEty and Risk ManagEmEnt, in partnErship with thE EnvironmEntal, HEalth and SafEty OfficEr Council and thE CUNY OfficE of REsEarch, has dEvElopEd this Laboratory SafEty Manual to minimiZE thE risks associatEd with laboratory activity and EnsurE that CUNY rEmains in compliancE with the Occupational Safety and HEalth Administration (OSHA) rEgulation 29 CFR 1910.1450, "Occupational ExposurE to Hazardous 1 2 ChEmicals in LaboratoriEs,” or what is commonly rEfErrEd to as thE “Laboratory Standard.”0F ,1F ThE Laboratory Standard rEquirEs the developmEnt of a Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) for each laboratory workplacE that protEcts EmployEEs from hEalth haZards associatEd with haZardous chEmicals in thE laboratory and maintains ExposurEs bElow OSHA PErmissiblE ExposurE Limits. In addition to addrEssing thosE rEgulations that arE mandatory, this manual also offers somE best managEmEnt practicEs supportEd by lEading standards sEtting organiZations and rEsEarch institutions. Throughout this documEnt, rEgulatory rEquirEmEnts will bE clEarly idEntifiEd using words such as “must,” “rEquirEd,” and “shall.” CollEgEs, dEpartments, othEr units, and individual laboratoriEs arE frEE to adopt other non-mandatory guidElinEs found within this document as applicablE for thEir units or laboratoriEs. To takE advantagE of the IntErnet, this documEnt is formattEd to be a “front door” to other resourcEs, including usEful wEb links in thE notEs sEction.
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