
Visiting Faculty Recruiting Checklist Chairs and Academic Department Coordinators

Start of a search: Position is approved by the dean’s office.

Job ad placement: Job ads are approved by Elizabeth Pritchard. Dodie or Claire will post on the Bowdoin website in Recruit and it will then appear in both the Chronicle online and HigherEdJobs online. ADCs will place the ad in any field‐specific journals or websites, on list‐serves or in newsletters, and share with major graduate programs (if appropriate).

Faculty search budget and project number: For 2020‐21, the recruiting budget will cover advertising expenses and pre‐approved (by Elizabeth Pritchard) expenses related to remote participation in conferences to interview candidates (if applicable). We do not expect to incur candidate travel expenses or department hospitality expenses this year. Unless otherwise approved in advance, please charge any excess to the department budget by splitting the expense in Workday. Use project #200025 and appropriate account codes for all invoices/reimbursements related to recruitment.

Recruit for Faculty: ADCs and search committee chairs will have administrative access to their search in Recruit. (ADCs should work with HR for training/assistance in Recruit.) All search committee members will have access to the applicant materials. Dodie or Claire will send an email notice once a search is live in Recruit. will remain “paper free” until finalists are determined.

Long‐list meeting: Once the search committee has narrowed the search to the top 12‐24 candidates, the search chair will email the names on the long‐list to Elizabeth Pritchard ([email protected]), Dodie ([email protected]), and Claire [email protected] , and arrange for a meeting with Elizabeth and Michael Reed to discuss the list (please contact Claire at x3978 or [email protected]). In order to run EEO reports at each step in the process, ADCs should change statuses of applicants to “Long Short List” or “Third Consideration” or “Preliminary Interview” (these are the statuses built into the EEO reporting in Recruit). If any additional material is available beyond the electronic files, ADCs should send those materials in advance of .

Remote preliminary interviews: This year, any preliminary interviews will be held remotely (via telephone, video conference, Zoom, or Skype) and recorded with candidate’s permission. The search committee should schedule the appointment time with the candidate in advance and set a length for the interview call (typically 30‐45 mins). Questions for the interview must be formulated in advance and used consistently for all candidates. The general topics of the questions should be shared with candidates in advance. The interview must be conducted by at least two members of the search committee. If questions or topics arise that you cannot answer or feel unprepared to address, please refer these to the dean’s office.

Selecting Finalists: Search committees meet to select a short‐list of two candidates to recommend as finalists for the position. For candidates who are ABD, the search committee chair will contact dissertation chairs to ensure that candidates are on schedule to complete their degree requirements in the expected timeframe. The search committee chair will then provide a written appraisal of each of the two candidates in the form of a brief “Finalist Memo” to Elizabeth. Elizabeth and the search committee chair may meet to discuss the finalists.

Scheduling “virtual campus visit” interviews: For 2020‐21, all visiting finalists will meet virtually with Elizabeth. When top candidates are identified and dates for these “virtual campus visits” have been chosen (see separate document, “Best Practices for Conducting Remote Searches”), arrange for an interview time on Elizabeth’s calendar with Claire x3978 or [email protected]

1 Checklist for Visiting Faculty Searches page 2

Interview: Provide candidates with clear expectations as to the length, audience, and format of the job talk. (Let them know if they are expected to teach a class, to read a prepared text, or to avoid reading their paper.)

Prepare “virtual campus visit” interview schedule and candidate materials PDFs: Please provide, in a single PDF for each candidate, the following materials (in this order): the candidate’s cover letter, CV, and letters of reference along with the candidate’s visit schedule. Email these documents to Elizabeth ([email protected]), with a copy to Claire ([email protected]). *Please note: If the candidate schedule is not finalized at the time you deliver the materials PDFs, please email the finalized schedule as soon as possible directly to Claire ([email protected]).

Ad hoc committee: There are no ad hoc committees for visiting searches.

Procedure for hiring: Once virtual campus visits/interviews have concluded, the search committee chair will contact Elizabeth to consider the candidates’ relative strengths and weaknesses. After the search committee meets, the chair will prepare a “Revised Finalist Memo” for Elizabeth through which the chair shares a written appraisal of both candidates as well as a rationale for the committee’s final choice. No final notice about hiring can be made without approval from Elizabeth. Normally, the search chair notifies the individual selected that an offer of employment will come from the College and that Elizabeth will convey that offer.

Conclusion of search: Once a signed offer letter arrives in the dean’s office and the background check is complete, Dodie will send an email notification. After that notice is sent, search committee chairs should personally contact unsuccessful candidates who interviewed on campus. Finally, the ADC should close the search in Recruit by changing all statuses and sending emails to unsuccessful candidates. Please shred all applications and materials related to the search that were printed from the system. No paper copies need to be sent to HR.