Slip Rate of the Western Garlock Fault, at Clark Wash, Near Lone Tree Canyon, Mojave Desert, California
Slip rate of the western Garlock fault, at Clark Wash, near Lone Tree Canyon, Mojave Desert, California Sally F. McGill1†, Stephen G. Wells2, Sarah K. Fortner3*, Heidi Anderson Kuzma1**, John D. McGill4 1Department of Geological Sciences, California State University, San Bernardino, 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, California 92407-2397, USA 2Desert Research Institute, PO Box 60220, Reno, Nevada 89506-0220, USA 3Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1215 W Dayton St., Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA 4Department of Physics, California State University, San Bernardino, 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, California 92407-2397, USA *Now at School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University, 275 Mendenhall Laboratory, 125 S. Oval Mall, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA **Now at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 760 Davis Hall, University of California, Berkeley, California, 94720-1710, USA ABSTRACT than rates inferred from geodetic data. The ously published slip-rate estimates from a simi- high rate of motion on the western Garlock lar time period along the central section of the The precise tectonic role of the left-lateral fault is most consistent with a model in which fault (Clark and Lajoie, 1974; McGill and Sieh, Garlock fault in southern California has the western Garlock fault acts as a conju- 1993). This allows us to assess how the slip rate been controversial. Three proposed tectonic gate shear to the San Andreas fault. Other changes as a function of distance along strike. models yield signifi cantly different predic- mechanisms, involving extension north of the Our results also fi ll an important temporal niche tions for the slip rate, history, orientation, Garlock fault and block rotation at the east- between slip rates estimated at geodetic time and total bedrock offset as a function of dis- ern end of the fault may be relevant to the scales (past decade or two) and fault motions tance along strike.
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