
of York, England

The temperature in York ranges normally between +1oC and +20oC. In July, for example, the temperature usually goes up to about 20 degrees during the day and down to approximately 11 degrees at night. In January, the temperature ranges between +1oC and +6oC. It mostly between July and August. The summers are warm and the winters are mild sometimes cloudy and windy. It is very typical coast weather.

Average days with per month Average temperature per month

Our suggestion of plant for York, England

Ivy is a woody climber or creeper. It holds fast on to tree trunks, walls or rocks with short roots, and it is self-climbing.

Ivy is found in most parts of and in the eastwards of . In Sweden it can be found in the southern part of the country, which is warmer than the northern part.

Climate of Istanbul,

The summers in Istanbul are hot and dry and the winters are chilly and rainy. The month of December is the wettest, and the driest month is June. Istanbul has only snow for 1 or 2 weeks a year.

The table below shows pictures of the temperature in Istanbul over a year.

Average temperature over the year in Istanbul, Turkey

Our suggestion of plant for Istanbul, Turkey

Climbing Hydrangea

Climbing Hydrangea thrives in sun and lime poor soil, the soil should be rich in humus and contain a high level of moisture, it can be about 3 meters high.

Climate of ,

In the northern part of Poland, the climate is strongly influenced by the coast and water. The summers are relatively cool and the winters are not as harsh. It is a pleasant summer climate in the summer for those who want to swim. July and August are the highest point for beach resorts. In the inland of Poland, south of the coast, the climate switches, and this is a more varied continental climate. This means warm and dry summers and winters can get really, really cold. Far into the country can be very harsh in winter, while summer offers almost oppressive heat. The average temperature in Poland is in the summer between 20-27 degrees Celsius. In winter, average temperatures vary greatly from area to area. On certain inland areas the average temperature in the winter goes down to -30 degrees, while elsewhere is -8 degrees. The absolute coldest region is Podlasie which lies on the border of . The warmest region in Poland is Malopolska. The summers are hot and the winters mild.

Our suggestion of plant for


The plant we suggest for Warsaw is the Virginia Creeper. It is a vigorous and fast growing vine. It can grow in soggy, dry and slightly alkaline soil. It can also grow in both shade and sun. The adaptability of the plant makes it suitable for any location in the country but you should keep in mind that it has to be away from wood siding and gutters. The vine climbs and adheres itself to vertical surfaces with aerial roots, and the weight of the plant could pull off boards and misalign gutters.

Climate of Liden, Sweden

Sweden is located so far north in Europe and enjoys a generally template climate thanks to the warm Gulf Stream in the Atlantic. Above the Arctic Circle, winter can be crisp and invigorating. In the south winter is generally mild. The difference between the southern and northern part of Sweden can be seen clearly during the summer. Temperatures can vary markedly in different parts of the country. You can divide the country into three regions; central and southern Sweden, the northeast and the northwest or far north to describe the weather in Sweden.


In central and southern Sweden the winder are short and quite cold, and summer temperatures are similar to those in southern England, but with a lot more hours of sunshine and daylight. Meanwhile in the northeast the winters are severe, the more so as you travel further north while the summers can be surprisingly warm. In the far north the winters are also severe, with snow lying the year-round on elevated areas. The summers can be short and changeable. Sweden has very long hours of daylight in summers and very long nights in winters because Sweden lies at a high latitude much of the country.

The northern of Sweden is cover with snow between December and March, sometime even in April. In the far south of Sweden usually rains during the winter .

Most of Sweden has a . On average, most of Sweden receives between

500 and 800 mm of precipitation each year, making it considerably drier than the global average. The southwestern part of the country receives ´

On average most of Sweden receives between 500 and 800 mm of precipitation each year making it considerably drier then the global average. The southwestern part of the country receives more precipitation, between 1000 and 1200 and some mountain in the north are estimated to receive up to 2000mm.

Snowfall mainly occurs from December through March in southern Sweden, from November through April in central Sweden and from October through May in northern Sweden.

Our suggestion of plant for Liden, Sweden.

Hops (Humulus lupulus) grows in Europe, , North Africa and .

It grows from the middle to the south in Sweden but they can grow north to.

Hops grows every year and can be up to 6 or 7 meters high. It can grow 20 cm a day and it is a kind of grass.

It is wind pollinated and the stamens produce a lot of pollen.

It is an old plant and people have made beer from this grass for many years.

Hops is a kind of mild lenitive and it is good against infections and wounds that are difficult to heal.

Hops grows in the same kind of soil as potatoes does, humid and in a temperate climate.

We chose this plant ,because it’s an old cultural plant from our village.

By Robin Sundin and Gustav Backlund



Red - Poland

Blue - Sweden

Green - England Black - Purple - Turkey


A - Virginia Creeper B - Daffodils C -Tulips

D - Daphne

E - Lavender F - Blanche Sandman G - Elegans H - Japanese Vine

I - Bougainvillea

J - Laurus

K – Corydalis Solid

Climate of Trujillo, Spain

Trujillo has very hot dry summers with temperatures which often reach 40 degrees in late July and in general, little and mild winters. Even if it’s cold, it’s usually sunny.

In May/June the countryside is particularly pretty, with carpets of wild flowers, before the scorching temperatures set in. In late summer, the temperatures drop to more comfortable levels and September/October are usually very pleasant.

Average temperature per month (oC) Average days with precipitation per month (mm) Our suggestion of plant for Trujillo, Spain.

In the summer, temperature is above 20 degrees for the best. Bougainvillea is perfectly possible to have outdoors on patios, balconies and terraces. In winter, the plant would stand cool and bright, around 5-10 degrees, if it is to survive and bloom the next season. Placing the plant too shady, will make it lose its leaves. It wants fresh humus topsoil. When the plant has grown up, you will need to tie it up as it's a climbing plant. They thrive in moist soil.