11(5 rnr. WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA JAMKS, Major H. E. R. : Army Medical Service Jomt, Mr. : sentenced for carrying on illicit reform work, vf 542 liquor traffic, '00, i 122 JAMES, Lieut. (R.N.): at Colenao, ii 442; at JOHANNESBURG : Spion Kop, lit 283, 286 Administration during early months of JAMES, Lieut. : at Lichtenburg, v 223 war, iv 149-52; after British occupation, vi JAMESON, Dr. A. : appointed Commissioner of 683-01, iv 497 Land* in Transvaal, vi 57 Begbie's factory manufactures ammuni- : Director General iii 82 ii iv 150 JAMESON, Surg.-Gen. Army tion, ; wrecked, 70, Medical Service, vi 02, 643 Boers approve Kruger's franchise pro- : 1 i JAMKSON, Dr. L. S. portrait, 150 ; Adminis- posals, 288 i trator of Rhodesia ; prevents Boer invasion, Bogus conspiracy May 16 '99, 301, 302 1891, 106 ; undertakes to smuggle rifles into Chamber of Mines President endeavours ] 53 i 141 Johannesburg, ; force on Transvaal to allay excitement. '94, ; protests a ,-i i MSI, i 121 border, 160 ; Reformers request his aid, liquor traffic, ; attitude on raid into Transvaal 235 163, -164 ; makes ; cap- dynamite monopoly, in of tured at Doornkop, 167 ; leader of Cape Chamber of Trade favour Chinese, Progressives, vi 192 ; forms ministry, 193 ; vil!9 appreciation of administration, 193; ad- Chamberlain, Mr. arrives, vi 80 ministrative difficulties, 194 ; efforts to enlist Civil administration municipal govern- support of Moderates, 194 ; review of ministry ment conferred by Kruger, 218 ; condemiifd 195 227 vl (1904-8), 193-5 ; resignation and defeat, ; by Uitlanders, ; organization, v 270, supports movement for South African Union, 15, 16 iii 210 ; services at Convention, 214 ; suggests Clothing factory started by Boers, 82 title for Orange River Colony, 217 Commando see under REOIMENTA i.
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