AUOTION SALES AUOTION SALES -tyNs4ki44is HELP MIN THE EVENING STAR B-5 PERSONAL MR. TWEEDY Washington, D. C. CLASSIFIED (CONTINUED) - to THOi. J. OWEN A BON. LINOTTPMT MAKEUP MAN. Saturday, January 3, 1959 Agetieneers. work from 12 to 6 p.m. CaU DI. ANYTHING you hev# to Mil. your N.W. 7-2386. __ ADVERTISING houM. ear, (urn., etc. « a*TkO:*%o(ftt 1111 irr. elothlns. (ront, busy hwy>, slots, ap- util or salesman for retail etora: ws will rslor anxious buysrsto .legal experienced only »- you dlroet. This U a nlw prox. 6 acres, living Quarters; TRUSTEES' SALE* OF VALUABLE need apply; RATES CLAB6FIID REFERRAL 983,000. substantial cash, prin- TOO-STORY DETACHED BRICK .SERV- ciples only. 577, Plots, Md. DWELUNG BEING KNOWN AS ICE No dealer or commissions to Box La n.w. oty BULLETIN ADS.. INC.. FX OWEN * SON. PREMISES NUMBER 1354-68 ______THE Jn THOS. J. MADISON STREET NORTHWEST LUMBERMEN, retail countar sales- 7-3222 _ Auctioneers. sl|f iEtmting Star yard checkers and drivers APPRAISAL* — Expert epprel.lng 1111 E BT. N.W. By virtue of e certain deed of man. insurance, 1 estate, casualty trust duly recorded, in Liber No. for permanent positions. ANNAN- tor MILLWORK. CL. 8-13(K1_ 3Jlj* fcunbag Star claims. gift and tax purooee. cov- 9786. Folio 264 ft sea., of tho DAII - SMART erlnt anttaue and contemporary land records of the District of MACHINIST AND SHEET METAL Columbia, and at the request of exper.. eteedy. catexorles. Call FE. 3-3811. the party thereby, HRLKBSi some - — AVENUE. secured the reliable. Mr Winter, OL. 8-8608. 1 CANDY CLASSES atartjai 12-I*. PREMISES 2853 MILLS undersigned sell, *a call RATES (white!. NORTHEAST. trustees will et JAMES S. BTIVEY, INC., 4988 NUMBER Day-eve OT. 4-6924. public auction, in front of the Hampden Betheeda. JAY DBE CANDY SCHOOL By virtue ol a certain deed ot true* premises, on lane. duly 1 uHOB, WEDNESDAY THE Doily or Sunday EXALTED DlSHES—French cook- recorded, to Liber No FOURTEENTH DAY OF JANU- ta place a classified ad it Folio 337 et sea., ol the lend 195(1. JL MACHINIST teacher: real. ARY A.D. AT ONE- For Lint—Per Day ins courses. Faria records ol the District ot Columbia, TWENTY O'CLOCK P.M.. tho fol—- 2&-46 JI 4-7787. and at the reauest o( the party prem- thereby, undersigned lowlnt-detcrlbed land and Prefer first class with Job shop MONET, will loan *SO or secured the ises, situate to the District of par line HAVE trustees will sell, at public auction exper. Small ebop. splendid con- ST. 3-5000 time, ...... 41c OLD DOMINION SMALL Oolumble. and desltnated as and 5-day. 10 more. to (ront o( the premises, on MON- being ditions: 40-hr. week with LOAN CORP.. 103 N. Allred et.. * part of Lot 19. to Square employe bene- timti _. 45c par lino r OF JANU- over time. Liberal 7 to 9 Alexandria. TE. 0-2100. DAY. HE FIFTH DAY 2799, to Holmes Central Realty fits; required. Apply ARY. A. D 1959. AT THrEr part references .. per Corporation's J to 6 timet 50c lino JOIN OUR’ DANCE CLUB, liars O'CLOCK F.M., the followlng-de- subdivision of hilrmFh to danco In a warm, conxonlal premises, situate of Peter's Mill Beet now called STONE STRAW CORP. 1 58c per line atmosphere. Pay you scrlbed lend and ''Sixteenth Street Highlands." as time as to; no In District of Columbia, and plat the par troa designatedthe being recorded in Office of SALES REPRESENTATIVE contract: *1 hour lesson: es and Lot 13 * Surveyor for (Personal and Special Notice! weekly special. CaU HO. 2-2277. Harvey Kr the Dlotrlct of In Square 4251 to Laura B. Columbia. In Liber 60. at Folio Maintenance Man Nationally known manufacturer Additional) A. BRUBECX, please Koogle, Trustees’ 128; opontos salesman o Line LEWIS IR.. and Busan C described by metes end Colored, sober, married, has for to 5c Marguerite at 7- subdivision, as per plat recorded hounds, taxed in no chil- established territory In Wtshtoe- call Stater DU. In of tho as Lot 809. for garden-type apt. Oood 3* Liber 89 at Folio 94 Square 2799. dren. ton. D C. and surrounding area; rotei 1000 alter «_p.m. _Anjtloue, records ot the Office o( the Sur- •alary and living quarters. Local 35-38, prevloue ealo* Above are tor consecutive veyor o( Columbia. TERMS: Sold subject to a Drier refs required. Experience In gen. age with space, TANEN’S DISCOUNT HOUSE, 10th et tho District (building association) experience, calling on drug, insertions. Minimum 3 sts. subject to prior deed of maintenance and oil burners AP- grocory and D n.w.. offer watch. Jew- Terms: Bold a truet approximately $9.- plv Hyatts- variety or trade preferred. elry repair., electronic timing. 1- Ibulldlng association) deed ot trust for 5720 29th ave.. West Salary, bonus, expenses end lines. (ur- 696.89: further particulars of vllie, Md. AP. 7-3338. WA. 7-2195. re- yr. guar. Home service for trend- (or approximately 94.t29.88. which will be announced at time i tirement plan. Own car or com- (ather clocks, otc BT. 3-0398. thelr particulars ol which will be of Mle: the purchase price above MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN: pany car. Our representative* Timas Times Times homo whore loved announced at time ol' sale- the trust paid must have electrician’s license: Know Phone James Linas VACANCY In «. said to be to cash. A of this adv W«r4s Tlsss purchase price above 'd truet depoelt steady work. HA. 8-3432. at 1 * ones ere treated with twtlenee. of *SOO required Con- Torbet. NA. 8-8510 after 1 T 10 cheerful, excel, petd eesh A deposit o( veyancing, rgcordlng. pm. Monday. January 6. love, care; warm, to bo in re- etc., .at pur- MAN NEEDED. FULL-TIME JORI o'clock 1] 3 31.74 34.30 39.43 spec. attn. diet. AD. 2-7939. 8500 required. Conveyancl',g. chaser s 6-day week. 40 hrs.. plus over or any tlm* balance of the 332.30 meals cording. etc., purchaser's cost. cost. Adjustments mad* M*DP'DDit HATWW any the at as of date of Terms to be COM Ud-wo«10 IllfcHU MURVIO time. Need a man who has week for appointment. 20 4 2.32 6.00 12.60 16.40 Adjustments made ol date of compiled eale. exper. Pitney Utter VETERAN deelras lob tm- as with within THIRTY on Bowes clothing end 7.30 13.73 20.30 YOUNG •ale. Terms to bo compiled with days, deposit Machines or Phllllpaburg Insert- SALESMAN for men’s 23 3 2.90 thirty deys, de- otherwise forfeited Willing to furnishings. Year-round position, within otherwise and the property may be adver- HELP MEN Ins Machine. work salary Apply ds posit (orielted and the property advertisements overtime when required. State ad- and commission. 86c Per Line Bata, and Buna JO 3-7667 tised and resold et the discretion When aniwertno number, age. WEBSTER CLOTHES. 1012 1 at. Out-of-Town Rote, may be advertised and resold at of the trustees. addresed to Star boxes do HOT dress. phone race, good ' the discretion o( the trustees. J. QEORQE original references, pho- CHAUFFEUR, reliable, with exper. we will treto. Box 304-D, 3 or More Times, 80c Per Line JOHNSTONE. OATELY. enclose % time, 2’f4-I. ALAN CHALMERS tographs or other materials of ref,; 10 to 4. Box Star _ ...» F. GROFF. (4-Line Minimum). AUCTION SALES WM D. PAYNE 1* Trustee* personal value. Copies the Star. 4* MAN 48 TO S9—Noat. conscienti- SALESMAN lack Insertion de22.28 Trustees. serve Salary commission, J29.310e5_ THOS. J. OWEN A SON, purpose. Originals mag get lost. CLAIMS MANAGER—Substantial ous. owns a car. to take short plus local ter- ADAM A. WESCHLEB A SON. THOS- J. OWEN * BON. opportunity to head local Insur- trips to area surround. Washing- ritory. established accounts, rapid FOR ERRORS Auctlaneers, five-figure income; CLAIMS Aectloneers-Appraisers AietlinHn. till E ST. N.W. 1 i ¦¦ ance claim department. Exper. In ton Earnings open, but we consider advancement to Must bo mode in time for correc- nit« it, WeW. casualty or allied lines necessary. this opening worth up to 914.500 wonderful future for hard worker: Interviews locally week of Jan. a. g yr write C R. Canning. Pres,. car neceeeary. Phone LI. 4-6040. second insertion. TRUSTEES' BALE~OF VALUABLE HELP MEN conßdentlally. tion beforo NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT TRUSTEES' BALE OF VALUABLE TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLINO Inquiries handled PANTHER OIL A OREAS* MFO. SALESMAN WANTED—LocaI dis- TUESDAY, THE SIXTH DAT ROW BRICE BEING (CONTINUED) Write giving qifaliacatlons to . Box Fort Worth 1. Tex. tributor needs ON TWO STORY KNOWN AS PREMISES CO 711. * man to take chart* OF JANUARY. 1959. COMMENC- DWELLING, KNOWN AS Box 254-D, BtarT Port Worth phone Edison 2-1594. of Interest to Government NOTICES A and PREjT NUMBER 1108 MONROE STREET __ his SPECIAL ING AT NINE-THIRTY M . ISEB 1835 SIXTH STREET. NORTHWEST. CLERKS, white, to am*li~ixcluilvs aales division. Duties varied, continuing, U necesearx each TO- ATTENTION: travel; ealary; NORTHWEST. , . _ hotel; experienced in ho- MANAGER some excellent AJrt) THERE- By virtue of a certain deed of must be I CALL crON ALL PERSONS to DAY TUESDAY By virtue ol a Dead ol re- tel work and operate PBX to wash narking opportunity. Box 39-A, Star. AFTER. will sell, by public No. .Trust10483. at trust duly recorded. In Liber No. MACHINISTS For minute car and ¦how cause why a new certificate wa corded to Liber 10796, seq., reply state age. education, and be experienced in han- not be issued to me in lieu auttlon. at WEBCHUCR 8, 908 1 Folio 339 ol the land record, of Folio A et of the land lot. Must shall to our records of the DRAFTSMEN give local references; excellent dllnx help. State age. give refer- of Certlflcstes No. 237-238 <4 STREET N W.. enforce tho District ot Columbia, we shffil District of Co- working Box 361-D Qualifications. Reply SALESMAN Co.), (or storage and/or other to (rout lumbia. and at the request of the ELECTRONIC conditions. ences. other shares Chat Schneider Baltin* lions goods with ¦eU of the .premises party secured thereby, under- Star. ; to handwriting. Writ# Box which have become lost or de- charges, stored u> In MONDAY. THE FIFTH DAY the own character, willing names ot Mattie on signed trustees will sell, at public TECHNICIANS CLERK, to work cigxr and drug 49-D. Star. Young man with stroyed. JOHN B YBABOWER. the Armstrong. store, dxywork; to and ability to are., James Browne, Curtis Combe. auction, to front of the premises, dept., downtown MEAT SALESMAN, with established work herd with 3712 Va. Palls Church. MECHANICAL salary lead the Permanent Richard/Quean Either Davis. Wil- Lot numbered Forty-one (41) in on WEDNESDAY. THE FOUR- excel, for responsible party: following, hotels, institutions, sub- customer ca- I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for Douglas. Frys. TEENTH DAY experiences necessary. PENN salary, plus commission reer sales opportunity with suc- , Cora Llpnold subdivi- OP JANUARY. local any debts contracted fay any other liam/Jearllne John and other*’ TECHNICIANS stantial cessful local suburban company. Janies Hawkins. 1959, AT 1301 1 st. n.w. . company C. H. O. Oonialea. sion In Square numbered Four A.D. THREE-TWENTY DRUG. and benefits. Excellent pay plan. beneßts; than myself. WILLIAM ON- Edmonla Herwood, Gwendolyn Seventy-live (475). O'CLOCK P M . the following-de- parte opportunity If you exn qualify. Liberal new car 5320 Chesapeake rd., Holloway, Jones, Hundred and INSPECTORS CLERK, automotive stock- furnished. Call JU. 5-5838. • Norman per plat recorded in the Office scribed land and premises, situate five-day week with group Box 367-P. Star. SROVICH,yattsvllle, Md. GeorgeBeatriea. Barah as to the Columbia, Investigate Opportunities at room: McCrea. Magrogan., o( the Surveyor (or the District District of and benefits: salary depending upon MECHANIC, wash, machines, eoln- Mosby, Melvin/Blanche o( to Liber 40 at desltnated as and being Lot 58 experience Reply Star. SALESMAN ttlley. lr„ ReldTTfd- Columbia by MELPAR Box 420-C. metered type; top pay. CaU after ward Mathew /Chrlagna Polio 60 •f tho subdivision made Len- Washington's Largest p.m., PERSONAL Smith, Mr. and Mrs. man and 17, 18 CLERK, for cigar counter: white: 5:30 JU. 6-6618. UNIQUE OPERATION Smart. Teresa ALL CASH. De- others of Lots Industrial Organization and ends; exper. FOR Neuman Tomnkhii. Mr. and Mrs TERMS OF BAU: and part of 19. "Hoimeade evenings week MECHANIC, maintenance and re- Our staff averages year* R posit *SOO required at time of 3X1(10 Arlington Blvd- P. C- T*. pref. not Apply ROCK gas engines; per- sales 6 A-l TAX SERVICE—Former I. John Toomor, Beulah Underwood ot Manor." m per plat recorded to but nec. pairs. small terns *IO.OOO per year sal- act., yrs. exper.: Btete; and Delores Washington, Farflag •ale. Terms of salt be com- of tho Surveyor for the Im- 8409 Grubb rd.. manent position. Apply person tnd 22 Federal. to thirtyto.days from tho Office AUTO BODY MAN. needed CREEK DRUGS. In ary and commission; usual com- your home, mine: reaa. LA.0-3090. piled with within District of Columbia, to Liber 23, mediately. Phone MR. KHRAMS. Silver Sprint. RENTAL TOOLS A EQUIPMENT pany benefits. CaU MR. HERSON. data ot sale, otherwise the trus- as U. 4-8300 time, for Capitol View ave., Sll- RETURNS at Polio 104; known Lot 68. _ COLLECTORS Part CO.. 9710 INCOME TAX preoared, Mpowa* the right to retoll too Spring. DE. 2-4700. tees reserve Square MAN, claim, monthly Bethesd*. ver Md. Fed.. State. D. C.; former Internal property the riek and eost of to 2839. AUTO BOOT Brst accte. In the Ravtnua LO. 7-9198 d*4-Jaß defaultingat glter A white; large shop; 6-dty week. Rockville, Kensington area*. Can SALESMAN aeent. the nurehaeer. TERMS OP SALB: ALL CASH. per your spar* live days’ advertisement of such, deposit of *6OO will be required See Mr. Ballard. ANACOBTIA earn *2 up hr. In CAREER resale in some newspaper publish- at time of sale. Adjustments mad* AUTO BODY CO.. 1118 M *t. S.S.. NEW Por established furniture route. as of date of sale. All conveyanc- LI. 4-7206. High, immediate earnings. Car ing, recording, stamps, Top more Arthur Murray now ac- necessary. revenue AUTO GLASS INSTALLER 2. Md. applicants See MR. G.. 1145 7th outforfelttogaarf'swiiiwtthCdepoelt truttooe may ate., at cost of purchaser. Terms position open right man. exeoUont cepting for teach- n.w. any or compiled for COLLECTOR-SALESMAN. ers training course, starting st. Greatest Track Meet Program avail themselves of total of sale to be with within AUTOCRAFT GLASS SERVICE. opening for Installment agent with No experience SALESMEN - SOLICITORS (8). far The against thirty of sale, January 14. equitable rights default- days from dav 3241 Rhode Island ave. UN. ptylng over 9125 wk. to ex- necessary. tangible service product: prefer tag oartlculars tho ear. man. guarantee and Guaranteed start- purchaser. Further otherwise tho trustees reserve 4-9848 perienced ing salary. Apply 7 to 9 p.m. 40-60 yrs. of age: ealary and ear at time ot sale. Adjustment of real right to resell the property at the commissions See MR. WEIN- ta defaulting AUTO MECHANIC. Bear equipment, ARTHUR MURRAY SCHOOL. allowance; no pvt.-home solicita- Indoor Season •state taxes end water rent risk and coat of pur- bal- BERG. 1031 7th et. n.w. tion; premanent positions for the of the conveyancing, re- days’ wheel alignment and wheel 1011 Connecticut avenue date at sole. All ehaser. after Bve advertise- ancing. repair work Box AND GRILL MAN. exper. right men. Call JA. 2-8900 for gordtog and revenue stamp*, etc, ment such resale to some news- General COUNTER n.w. or apply In person to otpublished Washington, 211-D, Star, Pull or pert time. lor week «nd_ appoint., paper to Apply In person. MARTINS MR. MILLER. 1421 Leo highway. the Twelfth Holding of AUTO MECHANIC (1); good work- Md. Va., through will mark hours, capable using Sun DAIRY, near Olney, WH. OFFSET PRESSMAN Arlington. Mon. Frl.. EaSiL M. FOREMAN. _ in* of 11 a 9*29.28.29,31-I*3 Truetoet. GEORGE E. PURMAOE, Jr. » equipment. GORDON SHELL. 8400 6-8800 To run 1-man ahop: must bo ablo 8:30 to> m. hardware lay- STATION ATTENDANT, THOS. * MILDRED B. MILLER. N. H. avo. _ "contract man to operate Dick-350 press, to SERVICE J. OWEN *ON. Trustee*. paste up. platea; topnotch; be sales minded: Aectloneers. 1* of out and burn mustexper. MECHANICS Needed to take complete charge salary open. Only fully experi- some mech. Apply in person, 1111 E BT. N.W. THOS. 1. OWEN'S SON. AUTO de- SERVICE. Auctioneers, FOREIGN CARS builder's contract hardware enced need apply. LEE HI-WAY CITIES TRUSTEES' BALI OF VALUABLE la the time to your partment: salary plus 4831 Lee hwy__Arl.. V*. E ST. N.W. Now make excellent Our 1111 change. 4 openings our aervice honus. well-established firm. CALL BALTIMORE, MD. ATTENDANT, in employes know Ad- SERVICE STATION Apply VERMONT AVI- TRUSTEES’ SALE OP VALUABLE depts Foreign car exper. la ab- of this ad 6-7945 must be experienced. to PREMISES 1341 solutely necessary. Real money ia dress all replies to Box 360-D. MULBERRY person. KENSINGTON AMOCO. THREESTORY-WITH-BABEMENT shops. University blvd., Kensing- By ot tenet:re- ROW BRICK DWELLINO KNOWN being made in our Start Star. 3700 virtue ot a deed Immediately. Heraon. EM. MGR., exper. pref OIL BURNER ton, Md., LO. 5-5786. corded in Liber No. 21, at FoUa A8 PREMISES 1828 CORCORAN Call Mr. CREDIT : 40-hr.. •( the NORTHWEST 2- MANHATTAN IMPORTED 5-dav week send resume. Box Service station attendant! 18. ol the land record! STREET . MECHANIC The of Columbia, w* aeil. trust CARS. 208-P. Star. _ exper. capable ot taking District shall By of a deed of ro- working men virtue MECHANIC, aervice atation : Experienced, good pay end complete charge gas Island. I corded to Liber No. 10-68. at AUTO experienced a of the JSSS&brfS Folio 691. of the land records of Fairfax. Va., area; conditions with time and half No nights or Sunday work. Liberal Columbia, we tune-up equip- over 40 hours: automatic nay in- pay hospital AT 1# tho District of shall with electronic DEBIT AGENT leave, vacations, nlus and life Insur- pSt iront premises, on ment Phone JA. 7-2031. creases. sick- 8 ance. Good oppor. for advance- ?t originalt^b % (8) aoU. to of the paid holidays: uniforms and laun- country's leading of Lot Numbered Six WEDNESDAY. THE FOURTEENTH AUTO MECHANIC Exper. Ford many ment with tiro part of Uit Lettered AD. 1959, basis Splendid opportunity for dry furnished, plus other company. Apply at FIREBTONE and also DAY OP JANUARY. mechanic to work on 50-50 a man employe benefits: have car; "A” ta Charlee C. Borland and AT TWO O'CLOCK P M., part of with good vacation and hoap. between 23 and 46 ol good char- mutt STORES. 13th and K sts. n.w. *r in P. acter, to enter the liberal car allowance. Apply Mr. Mr. Dixon othare’ subdivision of lots Lot *2 to A. Pardon and plan. Plenty of work in busy combination Appold, CO., call NA. 6-3323. ethers' subdivision of Square 134. shop. Mr. Swann. NORTHEABT life .nsurance business In Wash- SINCLAIR REPINING ATTENDANTS, plat in See ington area. previous experi- 491 Farragut n.e. SERVICE STATION Evening srfcSEsysL as per recorded Liber FORD. 920 Bladensburg_rd. n.e. No com- experienced, sober, must hay* the necessary have e Star R. W , at Polio 5. In Office ence as we references. Apply or SYLVESTERS of the Surveyor for tho District AUTO MECHANICS <2>. GM plete training program. Starting OPTOMETRIST par- rambler exper.; pleasant working per plus com- GULP SERVICE STATION. Oeor- of Columbia: being more many employe salary *BS week Must be licensed to the State of and Eastern ayes, n.w. ticularly by metes conds . mod. shop, mission Fringe benefit*, vacation position is to a xl* fell* 2!ff WUby described and Mgr., Md. This located experienced. more particularly described bounds to Mid deed of trust; said benefits. Call Bervice OV. with pay Plus bonus, retirement local department store. Many ex- SHOEMAKER, must be metas and bounds and now known property now known for purposes 3- plan, sick benefits, hospitalisation employe benefits. Reply. Apply 4816 Massachusetts ave. purpose! of as Mechanics, Apply lee cellent tor assessment end of assessment end taxation au t o oidamobiia and free life Insurance. experience, ate end salary taxation as Lot 823. in Square Lot 804. to Square 134. experienced preferred; 5-day Averell. Sun Life Insurance Co., Jivingeslred. Box 217-D. Btar, Spring. _ week, vacation with pay. com- 8(137 13th st.. Silver Md. Apply SALESMEN OF ALL CASH. De- TERMS OP SALE: ALL CASH. De- pay plan. FAINT SALESMAN, lnalde. ~SHOE TERMS pany benefits. - sale:required at of posit of (600 required at time of 50-.50 JU. 9-0101. FELTON SIBLEY CO.. 5309 Experienced: llberxl salary plus posit of 9560 time to be com- Apply ALB E R OLDSMOBILE, many company sale. Terms of ealo to be com- sale. Terms of salt n.w. Georgia ave .n.w. commission, bene- from plied with within thirty days 1630 14th at. DENTAL LABORATORY TECHNI- exper. fit*. Apply plied with within 30 dare sale, the MECHANIC, experi- experienced In gold and Parts man, white: no otherwtoo the trueteee from date of otherwise AUTOMOBILE CIAN. (alary necessary. permit: parts. date ot oal*. reserve right to re- general repair: modern acrylic work preferred; Md. OM De YOUNG’S trustees the risk enced auto days. open. Apply in person, 7126 Balte. JOSEPH sell the property at the and garage, twin posts lifts: EX 3-6810. CeUego and P Sts. defaulting purchaser, Balary open. Apply in person. 3206 blvd.. Park. Md. Sea 808 13th N.W. Ul ,l cost of the DRAFTSMAN and quantity take-off SMITH. dwrs’ advertlsement of after five days' advertisement of Lee Highway. ANDBRSON Sc man for -subcontractor: steady SHOE SALESMAN h 2Kpub- in newspaper employment and good salary Latent ATTORNEY, sound think- resale in newspaper such resale some BUCKLER OARAGE. for Experienced preferred but not neosa- some Columbia, published District of Co- man. Reply, age firm. Give fuU par- lished to the District of in the AUTO METAL WORKER, excellent right statin* er. with local 318-D, Star, aary: oald vacations, employe t dla GAMES depoelt may forfeited, or lumbia. or deposit may be for- opportunity (or steady, and experience. Box 214-D, Star. llculart. Box count; salary or be forfeiting a reliable and commission Champs! Record forfeiting deposit, trustees feited, or without de- paid holidays and white; lor pick- PHARMACIST, exper.; top ealary HE. 4-5777, Olympic World without any legal posit, may man: vacation, DRIVER, over 25. Apply may avail themselves of I trustees avail them- insurance benefits. Earn up to 5-day week. to right man. in .person, any legal or equitable up and delivery; SHOE SALESMEN —Excel, salary', or equitable rights against default- selves of S2OO per week. See Mr. Lee. LAUN- McREYNOLD'S PHARMACY. 18th exper. only. particular* righU against defaulting pur- CO., COMMERCIAL OVERALL and tts. n.w. steady position; ing purchaser; further particular* at ROSSLYN AUTO BODY 1817 DRY, 4306 Penwood rd., Brent- O Top Relay Teams! tlm* of Adjustment of chaser: further Lynn at., Arlington. Va. wood, lively drugstore, SHOES Holders! at Hie. water time of sale. Adjustment of real North Md.. AP. 7-4242. PHARMACIST for ALBEE real estate tozee end rent PARTS C K young, expec pre- pleasant working conditions with IS N. Wash. St. Rockrlllfc, Md. ta AH conveyancing, estate taxes and water rent to AUTOMOTIVE BTO Drug CLERK, data of eale of sale. CLERK, part time giving salary plus STAND- a fine clientele; good starting tal- recording and revenue stamps, etc. date All converancins. Writeexperience. ferred: comm. 29-D, Star, SHOP FOREMAN for small auto- recording and revenue stamps, age, education and ARD CO., 1113 O st. n.w. ary. Box motive repair ahop; at coat ot purchaser 2-A, Star. 6rUO w«. ate., at cost of purchaser. Box CLERK; experienced only. PHARMACIST, part-time. 20-hours State qualifications and aalary DRUG per Apply expected. 245, Jr- AUTOMOTIVE PARTS and service Part time; evenings 6 to 10 week. Box 500-D. Star. Box D. Star. Trustees. requires and stock 3 J03.5.7X.13 ahop counter and part of week end. Good PLASTERERS. 25 or more needed 24 -1*3.5,7,9.13 Trustees. clerk. Exper not necessary but JAMMY Immediately; white SATURDAY, hourly THOS. J. OWEN A SON. qualifications Box rate. Call MONTGOMERY Ist-claas Auctioneers, helpful. Writ* HILLS PHARMACY. JU. 8-8855. mechanics only, Cali WE. 6-6834. SIGN PAINTER 1-A, Star. till E 9T. N.W. OFFICIAL NOTICES DRY-CLEANING PLANT super- PLUMBER, experienced lobbint; Full Time—Experienced visor and spotter, solvent plant, steady work, top watee; D. C. AUTO PARTS CLERK driving permit. PLUMB- National Guard Armory hereby given that under parts experience necessary; mod. and clean, gross equip.: must SHAPIRO NOTICE le Pord exper., sober and steady. ING CO.. 3006 Oa. ave. n.w.. TU. Immediate opening avail- BEING KNOWN AB authority granted in Pub. Act. SVa-day week: vacation with pay. be LINO appr'd 15. 1932. au- DEPENDABLE CLEANERB, 3008 2-1900. for with IB M 307. Dec roads, Call MR. CRISMOND, DI. 7-5600. Arl., able a man show T McTCM§r thorising closing of streets, Columbia Pike. Va. PLUMBERS —For new houee work fe ; highways, and alleya In D.C., tho AUTOMOTIVE PARTS CLERK experienced tapers to Md. Mutt have car and hand and paper experi- f C f I by dealership. Ex- DRYWALL and p.m. card hold a WANTED Ford projects; WA 7-6Q30, to rMordfc, Commissioners, D.C., will perienced finishers: 6 large stead! tools. 8 5 *duto *to*LJb*r*No!seq., ®s4oj public hearing in the Board Rm. parts man needed, will work, highest wages. MUTT, remodeling ence. Polio 619 «t of the land top Call PLUMBER tor new and Dlitrtct of Colum- of tho Dist. Bldg , 14 th A I Sts, pay salary, bonus, vacation AP. 7-6362 or TEX. WA. 7-6027. work. Must be lst-clasx mechanic record* of the ON FRIDAY, and hospitalization plan. See Mr. at the request of the N.W.. Wash.. DC.. FORD, OPERATOR - with D. C. driver’s permit and bia. and 16, at Harper. NORTHEAST 920 ELEVATOR HANDY- L. TOP SALARY party secured thereby, the under- JANUARY 1959. 10:00 Bladcnsburg rd. MAN; good salary. Bupply full WSSC card. Apply J. BATE- pub- property own- ne. & working aimed trustee will sell at A M., lor Interested info, as to qualifications, etc. Box MAN SON. 2004 Rhode Island Excellent conditions. In front of the ers to determine as to anv prop- AUTO SALESMAN, used car dealer ave. n e., HO. 2-2200. Many other benefits. lic auction. erty rights may be affected, opening guar, salary and 320-D* Star. premUes. on WEDNESDAY, THE which new lot. PORTER, colored; hlgh-claea DAY OP JANUARY or as to tbe advisability ol clos- good comm., excel, opportunity for ENGINEER. ELECTRONICS; VHP tor APPLY IN PERSON FOURTEENTH street and alley areas, de- exper. replys strictly confl- transmitter, receiver plus general apartment house. Experienced ele- 6. AD. 1859. AT ONE O CLOCK ing the man. Apply MONDAY. JANUARY 1*59 land as follows: (li Closing of dential 253-D. Btar. practical experience in design and vator and switchboard. FOR BETWEEN P.M.. the following-described scribed Box Degree desirable, EDDYSTONE AFT.. 1301 Vermont INTERVIEW premiae*. situate in the Dis- 7th St., N.E . north of Rhode Is- manufacturing. 9 A.M. AND 6 P.M. and (21 Closing part of but not essential. Call Mr. Winter, ave,, DE. 2-1080. trict of Columbia, and desltnated land Ave.; of INC., alley in 8q 561: (31 SPIVEY. 4008 PORTERS, open- as end being Lot 6, in eub- pub Clos- AUTO SALESMAN JAMES S. OL. colored: excellent by Shapiro lots In ing parts of Bayley PL. BE., Hampden lane Bethesda. Md. ings for 2 men interested in good THE GRAND UNION CO. dlvlston of of good Square 3553, as Der plat recorded north of O St ; of 31st St., B E., Experienced not required. We 6-8608; . steady Job. Must have back- 2060 W. Virginia Ave. N.E. need ground references, In the Office of the Surveyor for bet E * O Sts.: of Croissant PI.. a man with character, who ia ESTIMATOR, experienced for local and sober and Washington. D. C. In & Bts : St , willing work hard and has and long distance moving reliable. Apply In person, 1801 the District of Columbia. Liber S.E.. bet. P G of 32nd to who coiq- 3. be- 74; subject to build- E 4c G Sts : of Russell ability We excellent opportunity; must Columbia road n.w., Suite 73. et Polio SE. bet. to lead the customer. on Monday, rough, for wholesalo ing as on S 8., bet. P 4c G Sts ; of 33rd will train you. Permanent Sany;ave a good general knowledge of tween 10 end 12. SPOTTER— restriction line shown PL. Sts F career January 5. dry cleaning plant; full time work ' St.. 8.E.. bet. F 4c G : of sales opportunity with successful business. State age and salary guaranteed. UN. • prior St., BE., bet. the B 4c O Rail- pay Must be sober. TERMS-' Sold subject to suburban dealership. Liberal expected. Box 246-D. Btar. 4-9783. (building association) deed of road right-of-way 4c 33rd St ; of plan, benefits: new car furnished. PORTER pub alleys in Sqs 5464. Mr. perma- FOREMAN for M-E-L prod- trust for approximately *3- 5463.providing Call Quantrille, JU. 5-7800. EXPORT For apt. bid*.. dajr». 8 to 4: SHOP ihop further particulars 5466. 5467: and nent; biweekly. Apply ucts: (killed In control with 297.36: time*of 5465 widening east-west *86.16 man- product knowledge: which will be announced at for of the SALESMEN—We 2 SALES ENGINEER ner. THE KENN*DY-WARHEN. considerable purchase price above alleys ta these squares: (4i Clos- AUTO heed aye, salary and bonus commensurate of sale: the Sq. (51 good men. If you tre working for citizen, heat- 3133 Conn, n.w. ability. trust to be paid in cash. A ing of pub. alley In *94: U S. familiar with with experience and Call said of pub alleys in a dealership that does not have a and conditioning; bi- PORTER, general drug ntora George Armon. mgr., INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS deposit of required. Con- Closing of nart program, you ing air for aervice bet. WOMEN’S *SOO (6i Closing part of heavy advertising or Bpanish: for work Local reference* required. a.m. 3 p.m., BUT* veyancing, recording, etc., at pur- Sq 468 ot We will lingual. French 10 and LEE D. Adjustments pub. alleys in 8a (7* Closing are not in the right spot. con- ALTO PHARMACY, 2218 Wi». ave. LER, INC., 7-0111. chaser’s cost. made 495: year a $50,000 pro- national firm of automatic PI. to b# part K St.. bet 3rd 4c have this advancement opportunttiez: n.w. play host to the top as of date of sale Terms of of S.W.. gram. We bring them in. You trols: Hemisphere. The Star Games will complied with within thirty days, 6th St*.: all of L St.. 8.W., bet travel Western Bend RADIO MEN—We want men who Sts.; part of 4th close them. Our men on the floor educational, personal and experi- radios, age deposit forfeited and 3rd 4c 6th of everyday. We only use H-man can fix 21 to 36. 2010 women performers In . More otherwiseprol-rty may : and of ence Please reply Box 194-D. TELEPHONE the he advertised St. 8.W., bet, I 4e M Sts You must be a good closer. data. 14th »t. n.w. and resold at the discretion of pub. alleys in Sqs. 499. 500. 501, force Ster. ready for antic- 100 will be on the program 542, 4c Maps showing Call Mr. Dillon. BENNING AUTO REAL ESTATE—Be than contestants the trustees. _ 643 544. Edsel and Mercury. ipated activity. Join our classes. SALESMEN F GROFF, the street 4c alley areas proposed SALES. Lark. n.e., Brown of CHALMERS In the 1600 Benning rd. LI. 4-7233. Full or part time. Call for inter- aub- Including the fabulous Earlene Surviving Trustee. to be closed are on file EXPLOSIVES view. Active, progressive s.e. Md. You can earn a 1a3.5.7.9,13 Surveyor's Office. D C.. Rm. 405. AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN office. Call Mr. Fortin. JO. 8-6542. ' from Bldg., numbered as To Auto with the Fabu- weekly com- Southern California who rocketed ' J. OWEN * SON, Dist. and work Show RESEARCH AND atantial THOS. Maps 8306, 8307. 8308. 8309. lous Studebaker Lark, Jsn. 10th REAL ESTATE AGENTS (2>—Op- her Auctioneers, 8312. respectively. through 18th. Salary and commis- portunity for two aggressive sales mission Income mak- obscurity to world renown after start- B BT. 8310. 8311. by APPLICATIONS 1111 N.W. These maps may be examined sion. RED S SALES AND SERVICE, people: man or woman to make ing your parties during 24 H st. n.e. 4*_ expanding Vir- calls from ling put performance here Interested business ME. 8-3355. BS. MS or Ph D with minimum of connections with Experience shot and discus TRUSTEES’ SALE OP VALUABLE hours prior to the hearing Said experience In ginia organization. subscrip- I displayed at 5 years' the fields preferred or train. ORBIT desk in our She TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING maps will also b* of physics and/or chemistry of ex- will in the Olympic tryouts in ’56. holds the BEINO KNOWN AS PREMISES the hearing, and the Commis- SALESMEN development. REAL ESTATE CO., 2213 Mt. Ver- any sug- AUTO plosives research and KI. tion office. NUMBER 1344 PERRY PLACE sioners will consider Now is the time to make your Will need intimate knowledge of non ave.. Alex.. Va. Call for and last protests concerning tne now for 6 ex- explosives 8-5108. ask for Mr. Tapley. not es- American record the NORTHWEST. , 4 . gestiona or change. Openings primary and secondary Experience _ „ of trust alley closing! By virtue of a certain deed proposed atreet Sc perienced salesmen. Real money and their application. Research REAL ESTATE SALESMEN, _part you have a summer defeated the Russian Olympic duly recorded, in Liber No. 8096, shown on the above-mentioned is being made selling the finest activities will be applied to devel- time: no exper. neces. RA. | sential if Polio 388 et *eq„ ol the land maps R E McLAUGHLIN, D B. lines of Imported Care. Do not opment programs in the fields or 8-21J7. pleasant telephone champion. records of the District ol Colum- KARRICK. A. C. WELLING. Com- apply if accustomed to income less explosive activated components. at request of C SI,OOO monthly. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN with ei- bia. and the the missioners. D. than Call Mr. perience. ability to lead. New r voice. Storting Time: 9 AM. Admission: SI party aeeured thereby, the under- dec 22,23,24.27,29,30.31 Herson. EM. 2-4144. MANHAT- Sandia Corporation, located in Al- signed sell, at public 2,,9 buquerque. N. Mex.. is engaged In office, FRED J. GEORGE. M-L % trustees will ian IMPORTED CARB. nu- ' If you are over 21, auction, in front of the premises, TAN research and development of on WEDNESDAY. THE FOUR- clear weapons and other projects REAL ESTATE SALESMAN—I ex- age no barrier. AUTO SALESMEN AEC. Albuquerque Is man, general TEENTH DAY OP JANUARY. PROPOSALS to your for the a capable ¦ 1959, AT ONE - FORTY I Now Is the time make modern city of about 226.000, §erienced,rokerage. Silver Spring. Member Choose Your Own Hours A.D. chance Openings now lor 6 ex-» an and many O'CLOCK P.M.. the following-de- BIDS for installing one money has excellent climate Multi-listing system. THOMPSON it INTERSCHOLASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS and premises, SEALED perienced salesmen. Real and recreational attrac- Full Time, Part Time situate complete In the selling cultural mild, CO. JP. 5-4000. 1 scribed land Columbia, escalator Central Ls being made the finest tions. Winters are summer in the District of and Intelligence Agency Headquarters Imported Cars. Do not s Plenty REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES, Mont- Evenings designated as and being Lot 111 lines of nights art cool, and there or outstanding Building. Langley, Virginia, will apply if accustomed to income less year-around sunshine. Sandia s gomery County, Md.; experience The high school competitors in Square South of 2827 In until 2 P.M., BBT. Mr. of knowledge of in be received than SI,OOO monthly. Call liberal employe benefits include and area essential. FOR APPOINTMENT Williama’ subdivision of lots February 5, 1959, In 5332. EM 2-4144, vacations, and FRANK miles of Washington will “West Hohnead Rm. Herson. MANHAT- generous retirement L. HEWITT CO. from within 50 Block 1, Manor.” Services Building. 19th plans, a graduate JU, 6-8900 CALL DI. 7-4169 per plat in the General 25, TAN IMPORTED CARS. insurance and as recorded Office and F Sts. N.W , Washington education assistance program HELPER; for tin on local records. Surveyor for the District of publicly opened in AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN, new ROOFER’S roo7s. make fresh assaults the of the D. C.. and then caliber, experience pre- Paid relocation allowance. Send pay experienced man. TV SERVICEMAN, Inside, Columbia, In Liber 36, at Folio and 1017. General car: high to Employment Sec- Good for outeida. Rooms 1011 compensation plan, resume Staff FE. 3-8848, radio exper ; transp. turn.; Nearly 400 will complete. 32- subject to covenants of record. Services at the above ferred. A-l tion _ auto subject to a prior Auditorium to group hospitalization 1232. first class , experienced only Apply In person TERMS: Sold deed address. Contractors Interested include Demo, ROOFING MECHANIC; p.m., T Admission: 50c of tor approximately 98,- to bidding the complete protect and life insurance. fur- Top pay. alter 8 TEMPLE HIL < TV. Storting Time: 12:30 P.M. trust opportunity to on tin roofs. FE. 8-8848. •«.. 878.77; further particulars of may obtain bidding material from nished; excellent 4584 St. Barnaba. rd. near will be announced at time Service, Room Join limited sales force selling SANDIA ROUTE MEN (21 Marlow shopping center. which Public Buildings JE. 2-9207. White; 805 wk to start: training of sale; the purchase price above 1304. at the above address. Phone No. 1 car—Chevrolet. 1 TV SERVICEMAN, benchwork only; said trust to be paid in cash. A Executive 3-4900. Ext. ,2397. ask for MR. REEBE. CORPORATION turn. Call now. PI. 7-3445. . experienced; 5-day week; hour., deposit of *SOO required. Con- Commissioner of Public Buildings. BINDERY MAN—Expanding shop. N. Mex. ROUTEMEN. 5-day week, good 1 fl to 6: good nay. OT 4-8400. THE BIG INVITATIONMEET veyancing, recording, etc., at pur- General Services Administration. Good opportunity for right man. Albuquerque, working conditions with paid va- KE. 8-8907. if chaser’s cost. Adjustments made 1*1,2,3 Folding cutting machines. cation and sick leave. Commission bookkeeping: to and apply. 160-tcre horse and with guaranteed salary plus ’ TYPIST, knowledge of os of date of sale. Terms be Only experienced men new FARMER~for bonus. £ pleasant phone voice, willing to complied thirty days, DU. 7-6800. cattle farm: job Includes care of Apply 1021 27th at. n.w. 3 to 6 This will bring together several hundred of with within the COLORTONE PRESS. estate grounds, maintenance and learn, chance of advancement. otherwise deposit forfeited and HELP MEN Ask for Mr. P.m. MR. BOYNTON. age. experience and eduea- may advertised and repairs; salary and attractive Give men will be fighting for places In property be METAL MAN. only experi- heating. Please tlon. Box 208-D, Star. the who resold at the discretion of the BODY apply. We need top house with central ROUTEMAN enced need a give experience and references. Married, age 22-38, perm, position Games In trustees. ACCOUNTING CLERK and statis- producer accustomed to 4-flgure GOULD. Laurel. Md. i Underwriting Trainee next summer’s Pan-American FRANK L. GANTZ, tical clerk-typist for certified pub- opening. Apply KINGDON in service dept, of well-established company Apply own income Immed. - Daytime salary. Large Insurance offers aa- HOWARD BERNSTEIN. lic accounting firm. to person Mr. Armon, FURNITURE SALESMAN DECO- Arm. hours, Local opnort. younx Chicago In Olympic Games at stating age giv- in to George: very store, carry- refs, rellent to man In- and the 1960 1a.3,5.7.9,13 Trustees. handwriting, and ingr LEE D BUTLER, RATOR. for fine required. Interview P-12. general service . top be capable terested in learning casualty In- J. * ing complete details of 1121 st. n.w. ing lines: must WESTERN EXTERMINATING CO. business. Office work only; THOS. OWEN SON. Including schools INC.. 21st well as 4904 Wisconsin Ave. N.W, surance Rome. Auctioneers. qualifications. experienced. for salesman as 5-day wk. Guaranteed attended, work experience and sal- BOOKKEEPER. knowledge of decorating. .Apply advanca- 1111 E ST. N.W. parts distributor*, five- par- SALES, perfumes, exper., $5,200 ) ment right man. College grad. in the field of 12 top sprinters ary range. REPLY IN WRITING automotive Box 302-D, Star, giving full plus. NATIONAL to Cassidy, Included day week end group benefits: sal- EMPL. BERV. prelcrred. See Mrs. VALUABLE ONLY to Suite 824 Investment INC., 1108 16th n.w.. EX. 3-7270. >. AND IN- , who won 8 gold TRUSTEES' SALE OF Bldg., Washington 5. D C. ary open. Reply Box 19.5-D. Btar. HARTFORD ACCIDENT will be BRICK DWELLINO BEING once DEMNITY CO., 1000 Vermont NUMBER BRICKLAYERS, report at to GARAGE ATTENDANT ave. Olympics; Murchison, KNOWN AS PREMISEB ACCOUNTANT-BOOKKEEPERPositions .High School, Fairfax For «»pt. bldg Middle-aged pre- n.w. medals in the last Ira FIFTY-FOURTH STREET We Specialize in These Munson Hill WAITER, high-class restau- 519 1420 N. Y. Avf. N W County. Take Route 7 to Patrick ferred to all make cars. colored: NORTHEAST. ATLAS AQY- to handlerequired: permanent; SALES EXECUTIVE rant: experienced only. MR. EV* placed In Olympic sprints; Dave By virtue of a certain deed of trust CPA Henry drive. turn south References who the ACCOUNTANT FOR STAFF of st. left to job. Top Applv garage man- ANB. EL 6-4111. duly recorded, in Liber No. 10630, firm. Salary, S3OO per mo. Pre- Diamond and $l5O monthlv To counsel prospective experi- Folio 441 et seq., the land required, but tviiges paid. ager. Mr. Hobbs. THE KENNEDY- buyers fi- WAREHOUSE MANAGER, Sime, co-holder of the world record for the of vious CPA exper not 3133 Conn, ave, n.w. in matters of Ige. general records of the District of Colum- helpful. BUTCHER. s'i days, steady job, WARRRN. nancial Investments. Must enced in warehouse the exper. to related field horns, operation preferred. Age to 40. 100-yard and 100-meter dash, holder bia. and at the request of Phone good pay. QUALITY MARKET. GROOM, to care for 15 have successful record In 25 dash thereby, under- ME. 8-6131. Ga, RA. 6-1106. Call or White, good health and habits. nartv secured the DRAFTSMEN, *Bi7 ave. N.W. .urmsh references. wa business, Government, Complete and 100 signed trustees will sell, at public ARCHITECTURAL salary, good the pres- Salary open. resume of the indoor records for the 70, 80 the premises, experienced in apt. and office BUTCHER Good 4-9107. Armed Forces. This with 474-D. Stag. auction. In front of working conditions. Apply WHEA- MANAGER, tige position offers tre- first letter. Box building work. Permanent posi- HOTEL NIGHT white. 35, preferably 220 yards on WEDNESDAY. THE FOUR- persons. SUPER MARKET. 11443 Monday - Thursday, 10 P.m.. > mendous opportunities 'a a YOUNG MAN, under yards and outdoor records for and , JANUARY, tions for qualified VLAB- TON interesting and re- some casualty Insurance TEENTH DAY OF - KOUBEK, A.I.A. DI. Georgia ave., LO. 5-0302. prefer retired man or ma- most with A.D. 1959. AT THREE-FORTY- am.: student, living warding profession Part- exper., for claims desk of lga. low hurdles. In other the field will follow- 7-4542. ture university in to the events FIVE O'CLOCK PM., the CAB DRIVERS or near College Park. AP. timers will be considered Insurance office: must be able ing-described land and premises, ASST. BOOKKEEPER. YOUNG type 40 w.p.m., hard working, have hut D C YELLOW CABS INSTALLERS, experienced on provide stiff competition in , the District of Colum- MAN. exper. not important, FOR licensed driver, dra- CORP. “• pleasing personality. able to situate In being pay- If .ot a wa ran Anplv in person. ROSEN- WASHINGTON PLANNING bia, and designated as and the desire to learn is: sales, instructions in prepara- peries. OF MARYLAND handle the public and provide 12, the sub- mod laundry arrange BFRG'S. INC., 50th st. n.e. , , Elias Gilbert, Bob Lot 17. In Block In roll. etc.: in ami tion for See MR. 745 814 Warner Building good working references. 8rave as dry Box 111-D. hacker’s exam. underwriter, experience division of "East Deanwood.' cleaning office. GIVENS. 4th and Eve sts n.e. insurance Ed Butler. Manager. ME. 8-1144 4 age education, and Mugbsa, Joe Soprano, per plat the Office of Star excel, opportunity. Fire and casu- references. Writ. Box 74-D, Star. Gutowski, Velissa Bill recorded In of CARPENTER, active, non-d’inker, com- the Surveyor for the District Manager for dairy bar to alty experience. Will have YOUNG to County ». ASST. cut. expert to nave MAN. become technician A1 Lawrence. Columbia, in Liber at restaurant: exper preferred, but rlean plete charge of office. Mufct temperature Dellinger, John Macy and now known as Lot 17. in small organization with company school course In automatic control Folio 101: will ‘rein right person for 2nd work caliber. Salary .open completed (allied to heating and air- In Square 5224. Applv In men of like Write qualifications. All 'matters flell engl- Starting Time: 6:30 PM. shift and week end. Cl 6-2120. Sales Representative conditioning); work with TERMS: Sold sublect to a Prior person. DAIRY, BACON. in confidence. H GABRI- position 5-day week, association) deed MARTIN'S near stairway treated Conn. neers. Perm, ’ 51.50, $2, (building of Olney. Md WH H-RSMO. CARPENTER lst-class EL MURPHY Sc CO: 1001 established territory for nation- group hospitalization. advanca* Admission: J 3 and S 4 trust tor approximately *6.435.64; man. Call EL 6-5227 or report ave. 7-0300. In ment, Phone FE. 7-1000. n.w_Dl.- ally known manufacturer build- etc oartlculars of which will MR Estates. V>. per- of or MILLIGAIj, further of BROY. McLean JEWELRY SALESMAN, for ing College graduate e MRS. PERRY MRS. be announced at time sale; (2) ability to do materials. AUTO ACCESSORY . position: 40. Salary ' purchase price CASHIERS manent preferred, age 21 to the above said front desk, ages 30-50: one repairs essential. > In cash. Ade- Exper.. minor jewelry and additional compensation, ex- I trust to be nald SALESMEN p.m. to midnight; one 12 W. SPIER, st. Write SIO,OOO SALARY • posit *50(1 required Convey- shift 4 wk. GEORGE 806 14th penses and car furnished of pur- midnight to 8 a m ; 5-day n.w., 8-0419. Btar. giving and d ancing. recording, etc., at wkdays.. p.m. NA. Box 15-D. resume PLUS ’59 Must have experience inside sales- Apply 2-5 Rm. (2)—Expanding snapshot. CADILLAC cost. Adjustments made budget sales: Bldg. LITHO STRIPPERS Include recent chaser's of sale. to familiar with 1 380. National Press shop. Adding shift. Work- as of date Terms be work. plus capable second GENEROUS BONUS complied within thirty days, salary commission: CIGAR CLERK—Excellent opening ing foreman’s job open for man or>r Dnly successful, topflight «al«a with earn too income; vaca- good steady doing process OPPORTUNITY— Full The Evening Star Building deposit forfeited and men can for man interested in who can qualify in SALES experience unnecessary, r. proven sales rac- Room 200, otherwise plus companv benefits: job. good background color and white, part time, executive with old* the property may be advertised tion other Must have black and 2- training as registered d ord need apply. Established fiVa-day . or complete and the of the week. J •and references; sober and reliable. color quality work. Also need I sincere approach h line company Interviews begin resold at discretion Reply, giving experience, refer- .- representative for to The Evening Game; Apply in person. 1801 Columbia i 2 men for black and white and January Confidential. Writ# or or money Star _ MR t i 10. send check ' _____ order trustees. ences and other details. Box . 10 and color quality work. Box 64-D, to mutual fund shares. Call SOL M. PETER? rd. n.w suite 3: between I JbORT. OT. 4-1616. BoglOO-C, I t RUSSELL WINE. 123-D. Star. 412 on Monday, January 5. aur. Star.. Room 200, The Evening Star, Washington 4, D. C. P J*8,5,7.9.13 Trueteee.