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;;~:.-nv\ ..-•:'-v- i!i*.fllirr! *sm -STATS ~*}*m LIBRART I ' 15TH * HWH'St. WANTED: Parents .•.{_» f THE OHIO § C0LU-BJ3, Oil 10 C DENTIN EL THE OHIO g DID FIERY CROSS i j 5ENTINEL BURNING VAT NESS COMMIT PERJURY? • •• • i k Story On Page 3 ¥ VOL. 8, No. 24 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24,195* 15 CENTS COLUMBUS, OHIO WANTED; Couples who have given CAREFUL thought to adoption. BOTH husband and wile must, want a child in the home; need not have above average income or home of their.own; must be willing to travel with home finder through NECESSARY red tape before child can be placed in home. Address replies to Infor mation Center, Council of Social Agencies, Ca. 8-4797i 137 E. State st.. Columbus. See story on Page 3. Story Oil Page 2 ' • • . SUNSHINE EXPERT HENRY S. FISHER, 997 E. RICH ST; Columbus, is pic REFLECTIVE THOUGHT . i tured with Don Riggs, center, and Mr*. Wflliam T. Barry, 1744. Oakland Pk. av.,, re ceiving award of all-electric clothes dryer. Fisher and Mra. Barry were winners in third weeks' contest during "Operation Sunshine." For guesses closest to actual hours of sunshine week of Oct. 28-Nov, 3, the two won all-electric clothes dryers. Fisher • was winner of Norge dryer and Mrs. Barry received a Speed Queen. Presentations were made on "TV Weatherman Show" by Riggs. Fisher entered contest from Cook Furniture and Appliance Co., 2862.E. Main sL, while Mrs. Barry placed her winning entry at Cussins and Fearn Co., 2464 Cleveland av. "Operation Sunshine" is a coop erative effort by over 250 electric appliance dealers and Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric Co. It Is designed to tell housewives how to "'bring sunshine indoors" by drying clothes modern, all-electric way. In five weekly contests, three clothes dryers ' #1 are being awarded each week to-contestants coming closest-to guesaing actual hours HIS COMMANDING OFFICER, Lt Col. O. F. Peat- of sunshine the following week. All weekly winners will then compete for grand ross. administers oath to Youngstown's Pvt. Robert Gil prize of color television set. Top award will be presented at end of contest periods to ford, upon Gilford's joining marine corps at recruit de winner guessing closest .to actual hours of sunshine in any one week period. is pot in Parris Island, S. C. League Guild Presents Karamu Dancers Nov. 17 SERVING IN JApAN with MARY ENSLEY, VIRGINIA DRYANSKY AND 8 p; m. Karamu dancers come to Capital Citv under the 1st marine aircraft wing REFLECTIVE THOU-GHT AMID A BRISK autumn Maxine Starling (from left) will perform with karamu auspices of Urban League Guild. Tickets are on sale at as ordrutneeman is Marine background highlights Bill Carter's photo study of tha dance troupe from Cleveland when it appears in Colum Hea-tu-A, Tyler's drug stores and from TTL Guild mem bus' Veterans Memorial auditorium Saturday, Nov. 17. Pvt. Samuel D, Irbv. Sandus- week. Model is attractive Palsy Thomas. 1962 McAllis bers. yka. o. ter av.. Columbus, who's employed as a clerk-typist and is—natch—a modeling student—BXR Carter Photo, j : 7 PAGE2 • .,-s^^ :.-•,......::•, :^:;::..j...:\ THE 6m6 SENTINEL '••••••• SATURDAYSATt/R-)AY,. NOVEMBENOVEMBER 2V$4\I 19iflk. * SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1956 THE OHIO SENTINEL 111 ' • . 1 II ' 1. " ' 1 • 'iTit "' • ' ••'••• . •• r ; PAGE ?, Heated Argument Over Unborn Child Said Cause In Columbus Shooting Thanksgiving Mans In The Air For Wilberforce Coeds Draws Life In . A 9h-.nc<l argument which A 4krated argument which | fanin th thee righrightt kneeknee.. HHee wawass aadd - | thethem occurreoccurredd aa couplcoaptee eeff | CafeCafe,, 979799 MtMt.. VeVerm.i a. sr.sr.,, bleMew | the stream of else*-] wWewhl h TALKING developed between the mother mRted to Grant hospital and months age when he was ar the lock from, the door with a flowed from his injury. THINGS ot am unborn child aad the Is reported la good condition. rested on charges ef dlscharg- blast from his revolver. Ia court later, Elliott plead- over for their' Burgle-Bealing , pian she accused of being Its Police said Miss Tucker us ing a firearm and malicious He then ran his bead ed guilty to both charges aad . first colle father climaxed in a shooting ed a .25 calibre French revolv destruction of property. through the shattered gllss got off wlfjf 2tg nstt casts oa giate fray early Friday, according er lo the shooting. Tbe Inci • • • • door, cutting his wrist ss be each offense. Thanksgiv Of Aged Couple to Columbus police. dent occurred doring a party THE CHARGES GREW out opened the night latch. ing are A life term in the Ohio pen . Frances M. Tucker, 919 N. la his 'defense, he claimed In a third floor apartment at of a disturbance at 994 ML these lovely""*" itentiary was imposed on James .Monroe av., police said, ad He wss arrested shortly aft he blasted Info the 994 spot • 892 Mt. Vernon av.. about 9:95 Vernon ar., where Elliott, freshman Harris, 36, 359 Galloway av., mitted she shot George A. El erward when pollre traced because he had been cheated a.m. Friday, police said. then manager ef the Paradise coeds of Wil liott when he gave her a gun him to the Paradise Club by out of 995 in a gambling game. Monday for the Sept. 1R burg Arrested and charged with berforce uni lary of an elderly Columbus and told her to "go ahead aad aggravated assault. Miss versity. Prom shoot mc." couple's Hildreth av. home in Tucker pleaded not guilty In left: Gail the night season. She also told police she Is municipal court Monday aad Lewis, Engle- pregnant bj Elliott sad he her esse was continued until NAACP Christmas Seal Sale Drive Opens Two accomplices, Louise Alt- promised to give her 929 week- Dec. 7. _7*_____________—*——————«...————•_—a—- i i II .II — wood, N. Y.; urns. '32, 1122 Hildreth av'.. and fry until she got on her feet. Barbara J. Davis, 25, 599 N. Cordelia Hen Bobert Johnson, 18, 1218*4 Mt. Ohio av., and David R. Chcn- derson, Pitts Vernon av., received five to 30 The argument developed year terms in Marysville and when Elliott, 29, 793 Lyman sult, 3.-. 319 N. Monroe ar., burgh; Velrpa arrested as material witness Mansf i e 1 d reformatories, re av., welched ea his promise, Lee, Birming spectively. police believe. es, were released without charges. ham, Ala.; • • • Connie Pros. Sam Devine said the Elliott has had severs! run- trio pleaded guilty to the burg ELLIOTT WAS SHOT twice, Ins with Columbus police. Young, once la the chest aad again His most recent brush with Pittsburgh; lary during which their victims. Adrian Linden Berry, 66, and his 78 Daniels, year old invalid wife, Minnie, Swan Makes Early Gift Bedford, O. both were brutally beaten. To Xmas Decoration Fund Did Rosary Cross Blaze Witness Commit Perjury? Lawyers Say No mitted part>n the cross burning. By JOHN B. COMBS caused Judge Lester to com The Lawsona, Negroes, had Did the 16 year old star witness hi tho Rosary Addition fiery cross burning ease ment: "1 am rather shocked at been subjected to much pres commit perjury when he hid behind the 5th amendment m tho trial of a Columbus man the fact that there is a dissim sure to sell their home since and woman in municipal court last we elc? ilarity in the heads of these they moved into the previously Fotlowing numerous queries j — ' nails," rather than a similarity. 9 p. m. the night the 8 ft. cross alleged statement was not made as the prosecutor claimed. all-white Rosary Addition early to this newspaper concerning last spring. the testimony of Ted Perry, key was found burning on the lawn in the presence of' the Joneses The Sentinel, however, was When all legal and peaceful prosecution witness against of Mr. and Mrs. George Law- and it thereby becomes bound Informed by a reliable source means of having them moved Phyllis and Clayton Jones, chief son, 806 Josephine av. ^ by the hearsay rule of law, and this week that the case may proved fruitless, the Ku Ktux suspects in the case. The Senti it could not be introduced as net be entirely closed, that From that time until 11:45 Klan cross burning tactic was nel surveyed a number of prom evidence against them at their authorities are new studying p. m., when his attention to the applied. inent attorneys on the question cross burning was attracted by trial. legal means through which the COLUMBUS NAACP OPENED ITS ANNUAL SALE OF NAACP Christmas seals ease ceuul be reopened la a But it, too, has been of no of possible perjury and it is their a commotion by a group of Sheriff deputies said they when Rev. John B. Quick, president, announced Bertha Watts (center) has been des avail, tor tha Lawsona hmsug expressed opinion that be did people, he insisted he was home court of law. ignated 1956 chairman. Pictured with Mrs. Watts are Constance' Tinch, who sold 29 * arrested the Joneses after made it known they have no in sheets last year, and John 11. Ellis, who sold 39 sheets. "We are anxious to have aa not. watching television. Perry named them as the per PERRY, MEANWHILE, it is also reported, is scheduled to tention ot selling or moving be many persons as possible help us with the sale of these seals which sell for $1 a sheet * Jo constitute perjury, they His story there was somewhat petrators of the cross burning. face juvenile court tor his adtht foreseeabls future.