Campaigns Climax Today with Elections
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2300 Ballots Printed f Campaigns Climax Liven Torn. ' at. 'vet Today With Elections Spartan et All e)4.1)12C1 ed 2;00 students 55 111 uaiiglit t,) pale capaillates, includ- Ihr cast ballots today and tomorrow ing Ted Heckathorn (SPUR), Lou- for the next SJS student body ise Saylor, Sally Rees, Marty SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE president-- Pat McClenahan, Bob Sleeper (SPUR), Ron Brockett McKeown, Howard Reed or Bob (TASC), Martha AlLshouse VOL 47 -4114- SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1960 NO. 126 Tennant. (SP,UR), Everett Avila (TASC), The estimate of voters was made John Bird and Roger Plumley Too Many Wires yesterday by Doyle Norman, head (SPUR). WI Limeliters' of the election committee. Last Two graduate representative .1TASC Recognition year 2699 voters turned out. seats will go to either Francis Halted; Students may vote (SPUR), Stanley Stevens ,Q 411 for student Azimi 2 body and class officers from 9:30 (SPUR), or Gary Clemens (TASC). Folk Songs a.m. to 3:30 p.m. today and to- Pay Hayes, Ron Gerevas, Nancy 'Court Action Pending morrow at voting booths set up Reesink, John Gustafson, Dale in front of the cafeteria, in front Berry (TASC), and Pat Ross are On Tonight Deferral of recognition of TASC of Gustafson's withdrawal, which of the book store and in the out- candidates for the four junior rep- ". A great new group that pending the outcome of court ac- must be presented to student court er quad. resentative seats. manages to make folk songs tion was strongly protested by offically in writing, the ASB must TASC, the "liberal" party, is Trying for one of the four soph- sound like real music . ." said the political party at yesterday's prosecute. In all cases the ASH not endorsing a presidential can- omore representative offices are Herb Caen, San Francisco Chron- Student Council meeting in the acts as a joint plaintiff, he ex- didate. Susie Barton (SPUR), Bernice icle columnist, of the Limeliters College Union. plained. McClenahan is a senior social Mangseth (SPUR), Judy Lagen, when they were at the hungry i The recommendation for defer- Council had a preview of what science major from Campbell; Mc- I Joe Stroud (TASC). Marcia Mc- last summer. ral came from the constitution the SJS band' will be wearing next Keown, a junior marketing major Dowell and Carolyn Winnegar. and by-laws committee. The com- fall. The uniforms, which will cost from Redwood City; Reed, a jun- The last four Student Council The trio will be in Morris Dailey mittee, headed by Carol Kauf- approximately $10,000, will be ior radio-television major from seats will go to fall freshmen auditorium tonight to present their man. felt that the temporarily rec- dark blue with metallic silver trim Martinez; and Tennant, a junior when their elections are held next brand of "folk songs for mod- ognized political group had acted and cummerbund. political science major from Ave- semester. There are 18 Student erns." The concert will begin at in bad faith by using the college The band uniform committee nel. Council offices altogether. 8 p.m. name in recent protest picketings had three band companies present All presidential candidates are Class elections, usually held at Tickets are still available in the of two downtown stores. samples with their bid. Each sam- 21 years old, except Tennant, 20. this time, will be most likely held Student Affairs business office, Everitt Avila, TASC spokesman, ple was of different design and Going for the vice presidency in the fall. said Guy Gleason, ASH T1116, and at a booth by the cafe- contended that by deferring ac- specifications. of the student body are Skip Fisk vice president, however, the exact teria. Those not sold will be on tion the council was actually de- Guy Gleason, ASB vice presi- and Bill Gilbreth (SPUR). time has not been set by the sale at the door. Reserved seats nying recognition. TASC's tem- dent, acted as chairman in lieu of Running unopposed on the ballot council. are $1.25 and general admission porary recognition expires at the ASB Pres. Rich Hill, who is in are Jim Watson, for ASB treas- The new officers will be in- is $1. end of this semester, he said. The Tucson at the Pacific Student urer, Brent Davis (SPUR) for ex- stalled at a banquet May 18 at the limeliter's performance Is be- trial will probably not take place President's assn. convention. ecutive secretary, and Dan Plum- Garden City liotbrau restaurant, ing made possible by the Social until next year. ley, for attorney general. with a retreat scheduled for the Affairs committee, which has John Gustafson, who originally Senior representative posts on day after at the ranch of ASB charge of bringing entertain- made the formal charges to stu- the Student Council are being President Rich Hill ment to SJS each semester. dent court, offered to withdraw '60 Annual * * Lou Gottlieb on bass, Alex Has- the charges against TASC. silev on guitar and banjo and Pat McClenahan, ASB prosecut- Glenn Larbrough on guitar com- im. NtIcenes simid that regardless HMMM, I SEE?The new switching room in the Building and To Feature 5 Candidates Discuss bine instrumentally and vocally Grounds building seems a bit confusing to two sophomore women, (14) Kay McCrohan and Elise Herzog. Western Electric's Donald for a different blend of folk sing- Garey ;s explaining how the new switchboard system will work. ing. Gottlieb is the musical di- BookQuestions Innovations rector of the trio and serves as Housing, Surplus Profits Werner von Its spokesman. Braun, Pablo Casals, With a repertoire of over fifty and Jonas Salk all have something A 9)1.111iiiiite discussion of platform, sa,s ing 1,01, 1 people New Telephone Switchboard Moral Guides personal to say to San Jose State special arrangements and adapta- Platforms and candidates cen- think I'm crazy, wanting a sta- tions, the Limeliters will put forth students. And they will say it in tered on Spartan shop surpluses dium. But I don't want to build it this year's yearbook. pro- tonight such numbers as ''Gari In U.S. Laws and new student housing regula- I tomorrow. It's a long-range Installed; Directory Changed , Geri," "The Monks of St. Ber- La Torre editor Sharon Maloney tions last night made up Gavel posal. a nard,"Does'The Ballad of Sigmund person have a legal right has announced that one of the dis- and Rostrum's first annual ton- Bob Tennant 4 Independent ) pro- r State ( ollege now has I in the plaiiiiing stages manY Freud," and "Have Some Madeira. I not to be a good samaritan? Is tinguishing features of her book didates' Night in Morris Dailey posed that the fate of surpluses ni tilephone switchboard, years. cheating on income taxes im- is a series of personal messages from Spartanshop be decided each PIM.' M'deah." auditorium. aILi loom and a new tele- "The move was necessitated be- moral? from these and other men heading All presidential candidates and time through a general election, phone directory. cause of the addition of many new Such are questions imposed upon different sections in the yearbook. a representative from TASC pre- I giving the students more direct The new switchboard, utilizing buildings on campus," he said. !court judges of whom decisions are Miss Maloney said she realizes sented eight-minute speeches, then control of the money. about Faculty Still Can .1.ds. will go into use Mon- "These facilities will have required. But are they moral obli- the "pedestrian and insipid nature opened themselves to questions I But Pat McClenahan (SPUR) 360 to the operators move into 1000 lines in place of the .;ations which are beyond the of most college yearbooks. If the from the audience. ,I pointed out that Spartanshop added. location in the Building 900 presently in use," he Order Caps,Gowns scope of law? covers were switched among many At one of the first public ap- funds are to be used for the good and structure. Mr. Thompson said that many These are generalized samples of Faculty members %silo hase books, one could hardly tell the pearances where platforms were of the college community- includ- The 11, \ V directory discontinues of the campus telephones now have topics discussed by Edmond Cahn not ordered their academic re- difference," she said. attacked iKOED radio yesterday ing faculty, administration, em- he p:mnt three digit numbering small tabs over the numbers. in his book "The Moral Decision sponsored a similar debate), How- ployees and students. Students These tabs were placed over the gallacap, gown and hoodfor Right and Wrong in the Light 'AIR OF QUALITY' .T:iem and replaces it with a four ard Reed 4Independent said "This should have only partial control there would be no the June 10 commencement ex- of American Law." "Using division pages with new numbers so reviewed at is the first time I've heard Mc- of the money. he said. stem designed to make erelses should piek them up ' meaningful -not stilted and confusion until the new directory yesterday's book talk by Dr. Philip ideal- Keown (Independent) speak, in- Reed proposed that S.'S ignore 7iore liCs possible. the Spartan bookstore as soon istic- -statements from men of in- was in circulation. 1.7 Davis, assistant professor of corporating my platform into his." all sympathy movements -out of Manager Edward S. "These tabs can he removed any as possible. telligence and accomplishment," Reed referred to McKeown's lour sphere." iTASC has proposed moose has been t now.