AUOTION SALES AUOTION SALES -tyNs4ki44is HELP MIN THE EVENING STAR B-5 PERSONAL MR. TWEEDY Washington, D. C. CLASSIFIED (CONTINUED) - to THOi. J. OWEN A BON. LINOTTPMT MAKEUP MAN. Saturday, January 3, 1959 Agetieneers. work from 12 to 6 p.m. CaU DI. ANYTHING you hev# to Mil. your N.W. 7-2386. __ ADVERTISING houM. ear, (urn., etc. « a*TkO:*%o(ftt 1111 irr. elothlns. (ront, busy hwy>, slots, ap- util or salesman for retail etora: ws will rslor anxious buysrsto .legal experienced only »- you dlroet. This U a nlw prox. 6 acres, living Quarters; TRUSTEES' SALE* OF VALUABLE need apply; RATES CLAB6FIID REFERRAL 983,000. substantial cash, prin- TOO-STORY DETACHED BRICK .SERV- ciples only. 577, Plots, Md. DWELUNG BEING KNOWN AS ICE No dealer or commissions to Box La n.w. oty BULLETIN ADS.. INC.. FX OWEN * SON. PREMISES NUMBER 1354-68 ________ THE Jn THOS. J. MADISON STREET NORTHWEST LUMBERMEN, retail countar sales- 7-3222 _ Auctioneers. sl|f iEtmting Star yard checkers and drivers APPRAISAL* — Expert epprel.lng 1111 E BT. N.W. By virtue of e certain deed of man. insurance, 1 estate, casualty trust duly recorded, in Liber No. for permanent positions. ANNAN- tor MILLWORK. CL. 8-13(K1_ 3Jlj* fcunbag Star claims. gift and tax purooee. cov- 9786. Folio 264 ft sea., of tho DAII - SMART erlnt anttaue and contemporary land records of the District of MACHINIST AND SHEET METAL Columbia, and at the request of exper.. eteedy. catexorles. Call FE. 3-3811. the party thereby, HRLKBSi some - — AVENUE. secured the reliable. Mr Winter, OL. 8-8608. 1 CANDY CLASSES atartjai 12-I*. PREMISES 2853 MILLS undersigned sell, *a call RATES (white!. NORTHEAST. trustees will et JAMES S. BTIVEY, INC., 4988 NUMBER Day-eve OT. 4-6924. public auction, in front of the Hampden Betheeda. JAY DBE CANDY SCHOOL By virtue ol a certain deed ot true* premises, on lane. duly 1 uHOB, WEDNESDAY THE Doily or Sunday EXALTED DlSHES—French cook- recorded, to Liber No FOURTEENTH DAY OF JANU- ta place a classified ad it Folio 337 et sea., ol the lend 195(1. JL MACHINIST teacher: real. ARY A.D. AT ONE- For Lint—Per Day ins courses. Faria records ol the District ot Columbia, TWENTY O'CLOCK P.M.. tho fol—- 2&-46 JI 4-7787. and at the reauest o( the party prem- thereby, undersigned lowlnt-detcrlbed land and Prefer first class with Job shop MONET, will loan *SO or secured the ises, situate to the District of par line HAVE trustees will sell, at public auction exper. Small ebop. splendid con- ST. 3-5000 time, ...... 41c OLD DOMINION SMALL Oolumble. and desltnated as and 5-day. 10 more. to (ront o( the premises, on MON- being ditions: 40-hr. week with LOAN CORP.. 103 N. Allred et.. * part of Lot 19. to Square employe bene- timti _. 45c par lino r OF JANU- over time. Liberal 7 to 9 Alexandria. TE. 0-2100. DAY. HE FIFTH DAY 2799, to Holmes Central Realty fits; required. Apply ARY. A. D 1959. AT THrEr part references .. per Corporation's J to 6 timet 50c lino JOIN OUR’ DANCE CLUB, liars O'CLOCK F.M., the followlng-de- subdivision of hilrmFh to danco In a warm, conxonlal premises, situate of Peter's Mill Beet now called STONE STRAW CORP. 1 58c per line atmosphere. Pay you scrlbed lend and ''Sixteenth Street Highlands." as time as to; no In District of Columbia, and plat the par troa designatedthe being recorded in Office of SALES REPRESENTATIVE contract: *1 hour lesson: es and Lot 13 * Surveyor for (Personal and Special Notice! weekly special. CaU HO. 2-2277. Harvey Kr the Dlotrlct of In Square 4251 to Laura B. Columbia. In Liber 60. at Folio Maintenance Man Nationally known manufacturer Additional) A. BRUBECX, please Koogle, Trustees’ 128; opontos salesman o Line LEWIS IR.. and Busan C described by metes end Colored, sober, married, has for to 5c Marguerite at 7- subdivision, as per plat recorded hounds, taxed in no chil- established territory In Wtshtoe- call Stater DU. In of tho as Lot 809. for garden-type apt. Oood 3* Liber 89 at Folio 94 Square 2799. dren. ton. D C. and surrounding area; rotei 1000 alter «_p.m. _Anjtloue, records ot the Office o( the Sur- •alary and living quarters. Local 35-38, prevloue ealo* Above are tor consecutive veyor o( Columbia. TERMS: Sold subject to a Drier refs required. Experience In gen. age with space, TANEN’S DISCOUNT HOUSE, 10th et tho District (building association) experience, calling on drug, insertions. Minimum 3 sts. subject to prior deed of maintenance and oil burners AP- grocory and D n.w.. offer watch. Jew- Terms: Bold a truet approximately $9.- plv Hyatts- variety or trade preferred. elry repair., electronic timing. 1- Ibulldlng association) deed ot trust for 5720 29th ave.. West Salary, bonus, expenses end lines. (ur- 696.89: further particulars of vllie, Md. AP. 7-3338. WA. 7-2195. re- yr. guar. Home service for trend- (or approximately 94.t29.88. which will be announced at time i tirement plan. Own car or com- (ather clocks, otc BT. 3-0398. thelr particulars ol which will be of Mle: the purchase price above MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN: pany car. Our representative* Timas Times Times homo whore loved announced at time ol' sale- the trust paid must have electrician’s license: Know Phone James Linas VACANCY In «. said to be to cash. A of this adv W«r4s Tlsss purchase price above 'd truet depoelt steady work. HA. 8-3432. at 1 * ones ere treated with twtlenee. of *SOO required Con- Torbet. NA. 8-8510 after 1 T 10 cheerful, excel, petd eesh A deposit o( veyancing, rgcordlng. pm. Monday. January 6. love, care; warm, to bo in re- etc., .at pur- MAN NEEDED. FULL-TIME JORI o'clock 1] 3 31.74 34.30 39.43 spec. attn. diet. AD. 2-7939. 8500 required. Conveyancl',g. chaser s 6-day week. 40 hrs.. plus over or any tlm* balance of the 332.30 meals cording. etc., purchaser's cost. cost. Adjustments mad* M*DP'DDit HATWW any the at as of date of Terms to be COM Ud-wo«10 IllfcHU MURVIO time. Need a man who has week for appointment. 20 4 2.32 6.00 12.60 16.40 Adjustments made ol date of compiled eale. exper. Pitney Utter VETERAN deelras lob tm- as with within THIRTY on Bowes clothing end 7.30 13.73 20.30 YOUNG •ale. Terms to bo compiled with days, deposit Machines or Phllllpaburg Insert- SALESMAN for men’s 23 3 2.90 thirty deys, de- otherwise forfeited Willing to furnishings. Year-round position, within otherwise and the property may be adver- HELP MEN Ins Machine. work salary Apply ds posit (orielted and the property advertisements overtime when required. State ad- and commission. 86c Per Line Bata, and Buna JO 3-7667 tised and resold et the discretion When aniwertno number, age. WEBSTER CLOTHES. 1012 1 at. Out-of-Town Rote, may be advertised and resold at of the trustees. addresed to Star boxes do HOT dress. phone race, good ' the discretion o( the trustees. J. QEORQE original references, pho- CHAUFFEUR, reliable, with exper. we will treto. Box 304-D, 3 or More Times, 80c Per Line JOHNSTONE. OATELY. enclose % time, 2’f4-I. ALAN CHALMERS tographs or other materials of ref,; 10 to 4. Box Star _ ...» F. GROFF. (4-Line Minimum). AUCTION SALES WM D. PAYNE 1* Trustee* personal value. Copies the Star. 4* MAN 48 TO S9—Noat. conscienti- SALESMAN lack Insertion de22.28 Trustees. serve Salary commission, J29.310e5_ THOS. J. OWEN A SON, purpose. Originals mag get lost. CLAIMS MANAGER—Substantial ous. owns a car. to take short plus local ter- ADAM A. WESCHLEB A SON. THOS- J. OWEN * BON. opportunity to head local Insur- trips to area surround. Washing- ritory. established accounts, rapid FOR ERRORS Auctlaneers, five-figure income; CLAIMS Aectloneers-Appraisers AietlinHn. till E ST. N.W. 1 i ¦¦ ance claim department. Exper. In ton Earnings open, but we consider advancement to Must bo mode in time for correc- nit« it, WeW. casualty or allied lines necessary. this opening worth up to 914.500 wonderful future for hard worker: Interviews locally week of Jan. a. g yr write C R. Canning. Pres,. car neceeeary. Phone LI. 4-6040. second insertion. TRUSTEES' BALE~OF VALUABLE HELP MEN conßdentlally. tion beforo NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT TRUSTEES' BALE OF VALUABLE TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLINO Inquiries handled PANTHER OIL A OREAS* MFO. SALESMAN WANTED—LocaI dis- TUESDAY, THE SIXTH DAT ROW BRICE BEING (CONTINUED) Write giving qifaliacatlons to . Box Fort Worth 1. Tex. tributor needs ON TWO STORY KNOWN AS PREMISES CO 711. * man to take chart* OF JANUARY. 1959. COMMENC- DWELLING, KNOWN AS Box 254-D, BtarT Port Worth phone Edison 2-1594. of Interest to Government NOTICES A and PREjT NUMBER 1108 MONROE STREET __ his SPECIAL ING AT NINE-THIRTY M . ISEB 1835 SIXTH STREET. NORTHWEST. CLERKS, white, to am*li~ixcluilvs aales division. Duties varied, continuing, U necesearx each TO- ATTENTION: travel; ealary; NORTHWEST. , . _ hotel; experienced in ho- MANAGER some excellent AJrt) THERE- By virtue of a certain deed of must be I CALL crON ALL PERSONS to DAY TUESDAY By virtue ol a Dead ol re- tel work and operate PBX to wash narking opportunity. Box 39-A, Star. AFTER. will sell, by public No. .Trust10483. at trust duly recorded. In Liber No. MACHINISTS For minute car and ¦how cause why a new certificate wa corded to Liber 10796, seq., reply state age.
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