Client: Urban Development & Environment Department (Government of Madhya Pradesh)


Roshanpura Square Metro Station

PREPARED BY Rohit Associates Architects & Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Consortium B / 912,911 , Damji Shamji Corporate Square, Laxmi Nagar, Link road, Ghatkopar (E) Mumbai-400075 Tel: 022-25005223/022-25005224. Email: [email protected]

PPR for Metro Rail


Part I : Project Summary

1. Project name : Metro Rail Transit System

2. Project Implementing Agency : Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Co Limited

3. Central Sector Project State Sector Project

Sectoral area of the project Urban Transport

Central Line Ministry Ministry of Urban Development

Administrative State Government of Madhya Pradesh Government

4 Broad objective of the project

The Goal is to offer a rail based Sustainable Urban Transport System, Smart and Healthy City to increase the quality of life and better access to goods, services, creating employment opportunities and sustainable development, climate change mitigation resulting in a livable city environment i.e. health supportive environment with more allocation of road space to people rather than vehicles so as to make people include walk and cycle in their daily routines during course of transit for their healthy life.

The aim is to increase the capacity of the existing developed urban land by increasing the infrastructure so that some areas can be freed for green spaces and some redeveloped for better optimum use.

The main objective of this project is to provide continuous availability of affordable, reliable, safe, secure and seamless transport system in the urban agglomeration of Bhopal so as to reduce the accidents, pollution, travel time, energy consumption and anti-social incidents as well as to control urban development and land use for sustainability and regional development.

Population of Bhopal Metropolitan Area is approx. 2.3 million and is projected to be approx. 4.3 million by year 2041.The planning area of Bhopal is already approx.800 Square km. The per capita motorized trip rate is projected 1.17 which makes it absolutely necessary to urgently start building an attractive high level mass rapid transit system so that city also transforms and shapes as a transit oriented development for optimum land use to minimize as far as possible the further conversion of green/agricultural into land for urban development.

These goals and objectives are already defined with targeted activities, outcomes in the prepared detailed project report which is a basic design for this project

5. Location of the project(Specify Districts): Bhopal Metropolitan Area, Bhopal

6. Project implementation period: 2015 -16 to 2019 – 2020

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PPR for Metro Rail Bhopal

7. Components of total estimated cost (in Rs. Crore)

Source Loan / Grant Equity Other(Specify) Total Credit GoI 1392.58 1392.58 JICA Loan 5570.34 5570.34 Total estimated cost 6962.92

8. Total bilateral development assistance proposed (Specify both in Rupees and in donor currency. Please Specify name of the agency for assistance. Include additional technical cooperation component, if any and activities proposed to be implemented through technical cooperation.) :

Rs. 5570.34 Crore / 94332.6 Million Yen from Japan International Cooperation agency Procurement, Construction, Installation/Erection, Commissioning for Civil Works Electrical/Power Supply Signaling & Telecommunication Rolling Stock HVAC Software/Hardware for Ticketing & Operations Miscellaneous

9. Details of previous phase (s) if any, impact assessment been made for previous phase? NA

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PPR for Metro Rail Bhopal

Part II : Project Design and Output

10. Is any separate institutional arrangement required to be established for the implementation of the project?If yes, specify details with timeline for establishment.

Special Propose Company “Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Company” is already incorporated.

11. Has any feasibility study / pre-appraisal /pre-investment study been conducted? If yes, specify details of the findings.

Detail Project Report is Prepared which included in its inception the System Selection Report, detailed route alignment and in its final report the Pre investment appraisals (Financial, Economic) the complete investment and construction plan is available with the description of the technology and performance levels for open completion. The findings are that the city needs an efficient backbone mass rapid transit system and rail based is a convincing solution due to manifold benefits.

FIRR for 40 years Project Cycle : 10.76% EIRR for 40 Years Project cycle : 20.23%

12. Quantifiable outputs including Target Population and outcomes of the project.

Activities involved:

Design, Construction, Operation & Maintenance for the Metro Rail System. This will mainly involve activities of consulting services, civil works, Procurement-Installation & commissioning of electrical, signaling and telecommunication, rolling stock, air-conditioning and ventilation, safety and security appliances, software, hardware for ticketing and system O&M for the phase 1 section as detailed below :

Total Stations Length in Km Line Name of At At No. Corridor/Line Elevated Underground Total Elevated Ramp Underground Total Grade Grade Karond Square to 2 14 2 0 16 12.58 0.62 1.79 0 14.99 AIIMS Bhadbhada Square 5 14 0 0 14 12.882 0 0 0 12.882 to RatnagiriTiraha

Outputs of the project

A State of the Art Metro Rail System (27.87 Km) providing seamless urban transport service contributing to barrier free & environmental friendly i.e. good quality of life. Outcome of the project

Reduction in Accidents/Lethality

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PPR for Metro Rail Bhopal

Reduction in Fuel Consumption Reduction in vehicle operating Cost Reduction in Travel Time Reduction in Pollution level Increased Employment Increased access to public transport Sustainable development

Target Population

All General Public resident of Bhopal urban agglomeration and General Public visiting Bhopal but for safety and security reasons persons who are visibly intoxicated, insane and/or under the influence of controlled substances, persons carrying flammable material and/or explosives, persons carrying bulky objects or items over 1.5 meters (5ft) tall and/or wide are prohibited. The targeted ridership per day on phase 1 lines is estimated as below:

Total Day 2018 2018 2021 2021 2031 2031 2041 2041 2054 2054

Line Description Pass. Pass. km Pass. Pass. km Pass. Pass. km Pass. Pass. km Pass. Pass. km

2 KAROND CIRCLE-AIIMS 2,03,940 11,93,004 2,15,224 9,68,194 2,83,703 12,76,250 3,73,970 16,82,322 5,35,525 24,09,085

5 BHADBHADA SQ-RATNAGI 1,20,570 7,17,546 1,38,848 6,46,481 1,83,026 8,52,176 2,41,260 11,23,318 3,45,484 16,08,591

13. Dose the project require sector adjustment policy formulation? If yes, give details : NO

14. Is the project covered under any existing government schemes / programmers / Multilateral /Bilateral Assistance / Other Assistance? YES

15. Is any subsidy envisaged from center / state government for project execution and viability? If yes, Mention source : NO

16. Linkages with completed or ongoing project(s) of similar nature : NA

Sr Name of the Implementation Quantifiable Total cost of the No. project period Outcome/ achieved / targeted project (in Rs. Crore) Ongoing Proposed Completed

17. Details on costs to be funded from the bilateral official development assistance should be provided in Annexure. The component should include Materials / Equipments / Construction, Personnel / Experts from External Agency / Price escalation , Physical contingency, Consulting services, Land Acquisition, Administration cost, VAT & other Taxes, Interest Payment on Loan, Front End Fee and others, if any Specify along with percentage(%) of total cost for each component. Annexure Attached Page No - 4 of 16 Rohit Associates Architects & Engineers Pvt. Ltd. 28.01.2016 Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Company Limited

PPR for Metro Rail Bhopal

18. Detailed year-wise physical and financial target plan with quantifiable and qualitative (Verifiable) target indicators, including year-wise utilization of proposed bilateral development assistance.

Year-wise physical and financial target plan

BHOPAL Year-wise Investment (Completion cost including cost of Land & Tax) (Geometric Escalation) Cost at March-2015 Price Level Completion cost Financial Year Corridor Corridor TOTAL Total 2 5 2 5 2015-16 317.79 175.96 493.75 317.79 175.96 493.75 2016-17 1242.15 574.25 1816.40 1304.26 602.97 1907.22 2017-18 1118.52 603.19 1721.70 1233.17 665.01 1898.18 2018-19 1344.10 956.96 2301.06 1555.97 1107.80 2663.77 4022.56 2310.36 6332.92 4411.18 2551.74 6962.92

Construction & investment plan Bhopal (Phase1 ) in INR Crore (Completion cost including cost of Land & Tax ) Line Description Length in Cost at 2015 Completion cost Construction Construction No. km Price level with escalations up Starting Year Completion to 2019 price levels year 2 Karond Circle to AIIMS 14.99 4022.56 4411.18 2015-2016 2018-2019 5 Bhadbada Square- 12.88 2310.36 2551.74 2015-2016 2018-2019 RatnagiriTiraha

Total 27.87 6332.92 6962.92

Quantitative and qualitative (verifiable) target indicators: i. Quantitative effects a. Performance Indicators (operation and effect Indicator) Phase 1

Indicator Target 2021 (Expected Value 2 years after the project completion) Phase 1 Operating Rate (% / year ) 92 % Running Distance 1000km/day 12.15 Number of Running Trains 228 Number of trains/day,one direction Volume of transportation (million 1.91 persons-km/day) Income from Passengers (million 5.6 rupees /day)

b. Internal rate of return

Economic Internal Rate (EIRR) of the Project will be 20.01 (for 30 years),20.23 %(for 40 years) and the Financial Internal rate (FIRR) of the return will be 8.19 (for 30 years),10.76 % (for 40 years)based on following assumptions:

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PPR for Metro Rail Bhopal


Costs: Project Costs (excluding tax), operation, maintenance and management cost.

Benefits: The benefit stream for the monetary evaluation of the social benefits arising from Metro Project comprised following:

 Annual time cost saved by metro passengers: Savings in time of commuters using the Metro over the existing transport modes because of faster speed of metro.  Annual fuel cost saved by metro passengers: As these passengers shifted from road based system to metro there will be saving of the fuel they were spending before.  Vehicle operating cost saved: Savings in operating cost of all buses and other vehicles due to decongestion including those that would continue to use the existing transport network even after the metro is introduced.  Emission saving cost: Emission saving cost adopted for Indian conditions in Rs. / Ton due to passenger km shifted on metro.  Accident cost: savings on the account of reduction of accidents due to less number of passenger km on road as they have shifted to metro and also due to less traffic and hence more space to design proper roads and walkways.  Annual time cost saved by road passengers: Saving in time consumption on account of less number of vehicles on road.  Annual fuel cost saved by road passengers: Savings in fuel consumption on account of less number of vehicles on road.  Annual infrastructure maintenance cost: As metro takes high capacity in less space the need of road space will be reduced and at the same time there will be less vehicles on road, less bus stops, lesser road signals meaning better controlled maintenance. This will reduce the infrastructure maintenance cost.  Employment Benefits: Metro project generates employment in a significant way

during construction and later its operation and maintenance. Civil construction works are labour intensive, One direct and indirect job created is considered to be created on an investment of every $10,000 invested in the civil works in developed countries, the same investment creates more jobs in developing countries, but as the advanced methods of construction are applied in this project we have also assumed the same, the actual jobs created during the operation period are estimated and the same is quantified for the economic benefits. For three direct jobs one indirect job is considered during the O&M of the Metro project in Bhopal.

Fare revenues as well as revenues from rental or advertising income were not taken into account, since the generated cash flow is considered a financial benefit and not an economic benefit.

Project Life: 40 years


Costs: Project cost (including tax), operation, maintenance and management cost.

Benefit: Revenue from Fare box, Revenue from Advertising and Property space.

Project Life: 40 years.

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PPR for Metro Rail Bhopal

ii. Qualitative Effects

Improvement in Quality of life with Improved Access to affordable, reliable, fast, safe and secure high level of comfortable transports system, Improvement and control in urban development with transit oriented development, Economic Development in Bhopal Metropolitan Area in the state of Madhya Pradesh in India , Mitigation of traffic pollution/Mitigation of Climate change.

19. Is private sector or NGO participation proposed in the project? If yes, specify nature of the proposed involvement and why work cannot be done by Government agencies. NO

20. Impact on (i) environment including land, water, air, biodiversity, etc. (ii) women and children (iii) employment(iv) poverty alleviation and (v) productivity and economic growth should be included .

Environmental Sustainability of the Project:

The attractiveness of the Indian cities will enhance their potential for growth and job creation, and cities are therefore of key importance to implement growth agenda for sustainability and GDP and for which urban transport is important criteria. Urban transport has a direct impact on air, noise, congestion and CO 2 emissions. The adoption and implementation of urban transport plan can reduce the negative impacts and increase the positive impacts.

Effective transport planning requires long term vision to plan financial requirements for infrastructure and vehicles, to design incentive schemes to promote high quality of public transport, safe cycling and walking and to coordinate with land-use planning at the appropriate administrative levels. Transport planning should take into account of safety and security, access to goods and services, air pollution, noise, greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption, land use.

From the above explanation it can be noted that metro project in Bhopal is for positive environmental and social impacts for environmental sustainability.

Worldwide several commissions like European commission, United Nations recommend implementation of a sustainable mass transport system to reduce and control on increasing pollution levels in world due to high private vehicle or low quality public transport of high emissions causing global climate change.

Government of India’s EIA notification dated 14 September 2006 as amended up to December 2009 does not include metro rail project in the schedule 1 therefore the project does not require an environment clearance certificate, the reason can simply be assumed as more positive impacts on the urban environment than negative.

However, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Management Plan is prepared already as part of the Detail Project Report which includes schedule for continuous monitoring of environment and implementation of pollution mitigation measures. Monitoring plan include provisions for noise level, ground water quality, air quality, surface water quality, land acquisitioning and resettlement.

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PPR for Metro Rail Bhopal

Sound proof walls and sound insulating pads are proposed in the schedule for noise reduction and vibration mitigation.

Impact on the Natural Environment : Minimal impact on the natural environment as the project is proposed in the existing urban built environment and the planned route is mostly on the existing roads.

Social Environment: There will be positive improvement in the social environment. Most of the Land acquisition is from the Government properties making no negative social impact. The sites of Historical importance or archeology are not interfered in any place on the ground for the alignment and there are enough clearance distance provided wherever such sites are nearby therefore there is no impact on any archeological site.

Poverty reduction : The project will contribute positively to poverty reduction by means of creation of direct and indirect employment.

Social Development: The project will contribute to positive social development due to modernization of the city, availability of safe, secure, reliable, fast and affordable transportation, there will be increase in work force participation specially of women, specially abled people, increase in people to people contact which will contribute to economic and social development. This means increase in happiness levels of people due to feeling of more safety, security, comfort and freedom of mind using the metro system while saving travel time which can now be spent in other quality activities like yoga, sports etc.

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PPR for Metro Rail Bhopal

Part III : Clearances Required

21. Details of statutory clearances required for implementation of project. Specify status of obtaining Clearances and time frame for Clearances.

Project is Cleared by Government of Madhya Pradesh.

22. Details of debt sustainability Clearance from the Department of Expenditure for State Sector Project :

Debt Sustainability Clearance is attached in the annexure.

23. Dose the project involve land acquisition? If so, indicate:

Due to the selection of a flexible and modular system and approach i.e. Metro, the Project is designed in such a way that there is a minimal need for land acquisition. Land is required for the Depot & workshops, Receiving Substations (RSS), entry-exit space for two stations from government properties, No land acquisition is required for the right of the way as it is mostly used from the existing public areas like roads and its shoulders, and in case of unavailability of such areas the section is Underground.

Some land is required temporarily during the construction for the purpose of casting yards, store of materials, equipment and labour camps etc. As this land is for temporary purpose and will be returned after completion of construction only vacant government land at the outskirts is considered for this purpose and is not included in the land acquisition.

32.5Hectares of land is required as described below in the table:

S.No. Area ( Hectare ) Ownership Purpose 1 30.70 Government Heavy &Light Maintenance/Stabling, Administration building 2 0.60 Government Receiving Sub S tation 3. 0.60 Government Receiving Sub S tation 4. 0.60 Government Receiving S ub Station

• Total land to be acquired : 32.5 Hectares • Actual land acquired so far : As the land belongs to the government letters for transfer/ use Issued for 32.50 Hectares • Target land acquisition completion date : 31/03/2016 • Is there any legal issue or any other obstacle being faced by the acquisition authority which could push the target dates mentioned? If so, Specify details : No

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PPR for Metro Rail Bhopal

24. Dose the project involve resettlement and rehabilitation? If so, indicate its magnitude, cost and present status of plan

No resettlement and rehabilitation is required as all the proposed land acquisition is on open plots/properties belonging to the government however some properties will be redeveloped to create beautiful spaces around the stations but these will accommodate the settlement at its site itself by adjustment in the design and floor area ratio.

25. Is Environmental Impact Assessment Clearance required? If yes, has the proposal to MoE&F been submitted? If not, when is it likely to be submitted?


26. Is Forest clearance required? If yes, has the proposal to MoE&F been submitted? If not, when is it likely to be submitted?


Signature of the Head of the Project Implementation Agency With seal and date.

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PPR for Metro Rail Bhopal

Annexure – A (1 st Page of 2 Pages)

BHOPAL PHASE ---III CAPITAL COST LAND COST+ BASIC CORRIDOR BASIC TOTAL Excise Duty Custom Duty VAT Total TAX TOTAL LAND COST FINAL TOTAL + TAX* TOTAL LINE 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LINE 2 3197.43 184.49 265.68 113.04 563.21 261.92 3459.35 4022.56 LINE 3B 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LINE 3A 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LINE 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LINE 5 1915.23 103.88 178.62 62.32 344.82 50.31 1965.54 2310.36 LINE 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 5112.66 288.37 444.30 175.36 908.03 312.23 5424.89 6332.92 81% 5% 7% 3% 14% 5% 86% 100%

Price at 2015 level Figure in Crore INR

Basic Cost Bifurcation Excluding Land Cost & Taxes Works/ Percentage Cost ( INR Crore) Completion cost with Activities wise Works Price 2015 Level Escalation (INR Crore) Price level 2018 Civil 43.6% 2227.99 2455.38 Track work 4.4% 222.66 247.79 Power Supply 7.3% 373.89 411.11 Communication ( Signaling +Telecom) 9.0% 460.18 506.84 AFC 3.5% 180.00 197.11 PSD 2.3% 120.00 129.53 Rolling Stock 16.4% 837.00 923.58 EM 10.1% 518.38 568.79 Miscellaneous Civil 2.0% 103.54 112.63 Miscellaneous EM 1.4% 69.03 78.84 Total 100.0% 5112.67 5631.61 All Costs include the Design, Consulting and administration costs.

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PPR for Metro Rail Bhopal

Annexure – A (2 nd Page of 2 Pages)

BHOPAL PHASE - I Year-wise Investment Completion cost (Basic Total )

Financial Cost at March-2015 Price Level Completion cost Year Corridor Corridor TOTAL Total 2 5 2 5

2015-16 272.66 151.08 423.74 272.66 151.08 423.74 2016-17 840.73 449.79 1290.51 882.77 472.27 1355.04 2017-18 957.48 516.58 1474.06 1055.62 569.53 1625.15 2018-19 1126.56 797.78 1924.35 1304.14 923.53 2227.67 Total 3197.43 1915.23 5112.67 3515.19 2116.42 5631.61

BHOPAL PHASE - I Year -wise Investment (Completion cost including cost of Land )

Cost at March -2015 Price Level Completion cost Financial Year Corridor Corridor TOTAL Total 2 5 2 5 2015-16 272.66 151.08 423.74 272.66 151.08 423.74 2016 -17 1102.65 500.10 1602.74 1157.78 525.10 1682.88 2017-18 957.48 516.58 1474.06 1055.62 569.53 1625.15 2018 -19 1126.56 797.78 1924.35 1304.14 923.53 2227.67 Total 3459.35 1965.54 5424.90 3790.20 2169.25 5959.45

BHOPAL PHASE - I Year -wise Investment (Completion cost including cost of Land & Cent Tax.) Cost at March -2015 Price Level Completion cost Financial Corridor Corridor Year TOTAL Total 2 5 2 5 2015 -16 307.57 170.66 478.23 307.57 170.66 478.23 2016-17 1207.93 555.97 1763.90 1268.32 583.77 1852.10 2017-18 1080.45 582.83 1663.28 1191.19 642.57 1833.76 2018 -19 1313.58 938.58 2252.16 1520.63 1086.52 2607.15 Total 3909.52 2248.04 6157.56 4287.72 2483.52 6771.24

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BHOPAL FIRR with Taxes

Outflow Inflow Cash Flow

BHOPAL PHASE-I Contributi YEAR Grant on ( Received From Total NET CASH Equity) Contribution ( Loan Cumulative Cumulative Total Cumulative Additional Running Replaceme Fare box Rental & Total Scarcity of cummulati Cumulative Repayment Interest State .Govt ( Installment( Profit before Cash Return on Completion cost total costs FLOW For From Equity) From Taken By Loan IDC loan incl. Depreciatio Cash Profit Cash Costs expenses nt cost Revenue ADVT Revenue Cash ve Cash Loan of Loan @0.3% Repayment of Repay by Tax Balance Equity ( EIRR IRR Govt of GOI @ 20% Metro Co. Repayment IDC n Balance Loan by State Metro Co.) M.P @ .Govt.) 20% 2015 - 2016 493.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 493.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 -493.75 0.00 98.75 -395.00 -395.00 395.00 395.00 0.00 0.00 1.19 396.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -98.75 2016 - 2017 1907.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 1907.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1907.22 0.00 381.44 -1525.78 -1920.78 1920.78 1525.78 0.00 0.00 5.76 1927.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -381.44 2017 - 2018 1898.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 1898.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1898.18 0.00 379.64 -1518.54 -3439.32 3439.32 1518.54 0.00 0.00 10.32 3456.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -379.64 2018 - 2019 2663.77 0.00 176.82 0.00 2840.59 284.20 92.93 377.13 -2463.46 0.00 532.75 -1930.70 -5370.02 5370.02 1930.70 0.00 0.00 16.11 5403.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.31 200.31 0.00 0.00 -532.75 2019 - 2020 0.00 0.00 190.08 0.00 190.08 292.16 95.54 387.70 197.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.11 5419.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 174.07 23.54 197.61 197.61 197.61 197.61 2020 - 2021 0.00 0.00 204.34 0.00 204.34 345.36 112.93 458.29 253.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.11 5435.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 174.07 79.88 253.95 253.95 451.57 253.95 2021 - 2022 0.00 0.00 219.66 0.00 219.66 356.56 116.60 473.16 253.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.11 5451.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 174.07 79.42 253.50 253.50 705.06 253.50 2022 - 2023 0.00 0.00 236.14 0.00 236.14 422.27 138.08 560.35 324.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.11 5467.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 174.07 150.14 324.21 324.21 1029.27 324.21 2023 - 2024 0.00 0.00 253.85 0.00 253.85 407.55 133.27 540.81 286.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.11 5483.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 174.07 112.89 286.97 286.97 1316.24 286.97 2024 - 2025 0.00 0.00 272.89 0.00 272.89 484.04 158.28 642.32 369.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.11 5500.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 174.07 195.36 369.43 369.43 1685.67 369.43 2025 - 2026 0.00 0.00 293.35 0.00 293.35 529.81 173.25 703.06 409.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 183.34 0.00 0.00 16.50 51.82 148.02 174.07 223.41 397.49 261.69 1947.36 261.69 2026 - 2027 0.00 0.00 315.35 0.00 315.35 619.76 202.66 822.42 507.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 366.67 0.00 0.00 15.95 51.67 147.61 174.07 321.18 495.25 359.46 2306.82 359.46 2027 - 2028 0.00 0.00 339.01 0.00 339.01 637.12 208.34 845.46 506.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 550.01 0.00 0.00 15.40 51.53 147.20 174.07 320.97 495.05 359.25 2666.07 359.25 2028 - 2029 0.00 0.00 364.43 0.00 364.43 752.48 246.06 998.55 634.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 733.34 0.00 0.00 14.85 51.39 146.80 174.07 449.04 623.12 487.32 3153.39 487.32 2029 - 2030 0.00 0.00 391.76 0.00 391.76 773.56 252.95 1026.52 634.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 916.68 0.00 0.00 14.30 51.25 146.39 174.07 450.09 624.16 488.36 3641.75 488.36 2030 - 2031 0.00 0.00 421.15 0.00 421.15 920.18 300.90 1221.08 799.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 1100.01 0.00 0.00 13.75 51.10 145.98 174.07 615.67 789.74 653.95 4295.70 653.95 2031 - 2032 0.00 0.00 452.73 0.00 452.73 945.95 309.33 1255.28 802.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 1283.35 0.00 0.00 13.20 50.96 145.57 174.07 618.70 792.77 656.97 4952.67 656.97 2032 - 2033 0.00 0.00 486.69 0.00 486.69 1119.27 366.00 1485.28 998.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 1466.68 0.00 0.00 12.65 50.82 145.17 174.07 815.15 989.22 853.42 5806.09 853.42 2033 - 2034 0.00 0.00 523.19 0.00 523.19 1150.63 376.25 1526.88 1003.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 1650.02 0.00 0.00 12.10 50.68 144.76 174.07 820.66 994.73 858.93 6665.02 858.93 2034 - 2035 0.00 0.00 562.43 0.00 562.43 1359.56 444.58 1804.14 1241.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 1833.35 0.00 0.00 11.55 50.53 144.35 174.07 1059.09 1233.16 1097.36 7762.39 1097.36 2035 - 2036 0.00 0.00 604.61 0.00 604.61 1397.65 457.03 1854.68 1250.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 2016.69 0.00 0.00 11.00 50.39 143.94 174.07 1067.85 1241.92 1106.12 8868.51 1106.12 2036 - 2037 0.00 0.00 649.96 0.00 649.96 1656.54 541.69 2198.23 1548.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 2200.02 0.00 0.00 10.45 50.25 143.54 174.07 1366.46 1540.53 1404.73 10273.24 1404.73 2037 - 2038 0.00 0.00 698.70 0.00 698.70 1702.94 556.86 2259.80 1561.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 2383.36 0.00 0.00 9.90 50.11 143.13 174.07 1379.69 1553.76 1417.97 11691.21 1417.97 2038 - 2039 0.00 0.00 751.11 0.00 751.11 2007.48 656.45 2663.93 1912.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 2566.69 0.00 0.00 9.35 49.96 142.72 174.07 1731.82 1905.90 1770.10 13461.31 1770.10 2039 - 2040 0.00 0.00 807.44 2363.19 3170.63 2063.71 674.83 2738.54 -432.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 2750.03 0.00 0.00 8.80 49.82 142.32 233.15 1691.44 1924.59 -574.40 12886.91 -574.40 2040 - 2041 0.00 0.00 868.00 0.00 868.00 2436.38 796.69 3233.07 2365.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 2933.36 0.00 0.00 8.25 49.68 141.91 233.15 2125.81 2358.96 2223.17 15110.07 2223.17 2041 - 2042 0.00 1322.71 933.10 0.00 2255.81 2350.21 768.52 3118.73 862.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 3116.70 0.00 0.00 7.70 49.53 141.50 266.22 1913.71 2179.93 721.42 15831.50 721.42 2042 - 2043 0.00 0.00 1003.08 0.00 1003.08 2967.44 970.35 3937.79 2934.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 3300.04 0.00 0.00 7.15 49.39 141.09 266.22 2663.20 2929.42 2793.62 18625.12 2793.62 2043 - 2044 0.00 0.00 1078.31 0.00 1078.31 3050.53 997.52 4048.05 2969.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 3483.37 0.00 0.00 6.60 49.25 140.69 266.22 2698.63 2964.85 2829.06 21454.18 2829.06 2044 - 2045 0.00 0.00 1159.18 0.00 1159.18 3379.63 1105.14 4484.77 3325.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 3666.71 0.00 0.00 6.05 49.11 140.28 266.22 3054.89 3321.11 3185.31 24639.49 3185.31 2045 - 2046 0.00 0.00 1246.12 0.00 1246.12 3474.26 1136.08 4610.34 3364.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 3850.04 0.00 0.00 5.50 48.96 139.87 266.22 3093.93 3360.15 3224.35 27863.84 3224.35 2046 - 2047 0.00 0.00 1339.58 0.00 1339.58 4102.78 1341.61 5444.39 4104.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 4033.38 0.00 0.00 4.95 48.82 139.46 266.22 3834.92 4101.14 3965.34 31829.18 3965.34 2047 - 2048 0.00 0.00 1440.05 0.00 1440.05 4217.66 1379.17 5596.83 4156.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 4216.71 0.00 0.00 4.40 48.68 139.06 266.22 3887.30 4153.52 4017.73 35846.91 4017.73 2048 - 2049 0.00 0.00 1548.05 0.00 1548.05 4995.94 1633.67 6629.62 5081.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 4400.05 0.00 0.00 3.85 48.54 138.65 266.22 4812.49 5078.71 4942.92 40789.83 4942.92 2049 - 2050 0.00 0.00 1664.16 0.00 1664.16 5135.83 1679.42 6815.25 5151.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 4583.38 0.00 0.00 3.30 48.39 138.24 266.22 4882.43 5148.65 5012.85 45802.68 5012.85 2050 - 2051 0.00 0.00 1788.97 0.00 1788.97 6067.40 1984.04 8051.45 6262.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 4766.72 0.00 0.00 2.75 48.25 137.83 266.22 5994.22 6260.44 6124.65 51927.32 6124.65 2051 - 2052 0.00 0.00 1923.14 0.00 1923.14 6237.29 2039.59 8276.89 6353.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 4950.05 0.00 0.00 2.20 48.11 137.43 266.22 6085.90 6352.12 6216.32 58143.64 6216.32 2052 - 2053 0.00 0.00 2067.37 0.00 2067.37 7364.53 2408.20 9772.74 7705.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 5133.39 0.00 0.00 1.65 47.97 137.02 266.22 7437.92 7704.14 7568.34 65711.99 7568.34 2053 - 2054 0.00 0.00 2222.43 0.00 2222.43 7570.74 2475.63 10046.37 7823.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 5316.72 0.00 0.00 1.10 47.82 136.61 266.22 7556.91 7823.13 7687.33 73399.32 7687.33 2054 - 2055 0.00 0.00 2389.11 0.00 2389.11 8957.74 2929.18 11886.92 9497.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.34 5500.06 0.00 0.00 0.55 47.68 136.20 266.22 9231.18 9497.40 9361.60 82760.93 9361.60 TOTAL 6962.92 1322.71 31886.31 2363.19 42535.12 92537.15 30259.65 122796.79 80261.67 0.00 1392.58 0.00 0.00 5370.02 5370.02 5500.06 0.00 130.04 5500.06 255.75 1492.46 4263.35 7674.85 83046.20 90721.05 82760.93 22.03%

PPR for Metro Rail Bhopal

Appendix – 4

DOE’s OM No. 1(2)-PF.II/03 dated 7 th May, 2003

Generic structure of DPR

i. Context/background: This section should provide a brief description of the sector/sub-sector, the national priority, strategy and policy framework as well as a brief description of the existing situation.

ii. Problems to be addressed: This section should elaborate the problems to be addressed through the project/ scheme at the local/regional/national level, as the case may be. Evidence regarding the nature and magnitude of the problems should be presented, supported by baseline data/surveys/reports. Clear evidence should be available regarding the nature and magnitude of the problems to be addressed.

iii. Project Objectives: This section should indicate the Development Objectives proposed to be achieved, ranked in order of importance. The deliverables/output for each Development Objective should be spelt out clearly. This section should also provide a general description of the project.

iv. Target beneficiaries: There should be clear identification of target beneficiaries. Stakeholder analysis should be undertaken, including consultation with stakeholders at the time of project formulation. Options regarding cost sharing and beneficiary participation should be explored and incorporated in the project. Impact of the project on weaker section of society, positive or negative, should be assessed and remedial steps suggested in case of adverse impact.

v. Project strategy: This section should present an analysis of alternative strategies available to achieve the Development Objectives. Reasons for selecting the proposed strategy should be brought out. Involvement of NGOs should be considered. Basis for prioritization of locations should be indicated (where relevant). Options and opportunity for leveraging government funds through public-private partnership must be given priority and explored in depth.

vi. Legal Framework: This section should present the legal framework within which the project will be implemented and strength and weakness of the legal framework in so far as it impacts on achievement of project objectives.

vii. Environmental Impact assessment: Environmental impact assessment should be undertaken, wherever required and measures identified to mitigate adverse impact, if any. Issues relating to land acquisition diversion of forest land, rehabilitation and resettlement should be addressed in this section.

viii. On-going initiatives: This section should provide a description of ongoing initiatives and the manner in which duplication will be avoided and synergy created through the proposed project.

ix. Technology issues: This section should elaborate on technology choices, if any, evaluation of options, as well as the basis for choice of technology for the proposed project.

x. Management arrangements: Responsibility of different agencies for project management and implementation should be elaborated. The organization structure at various levels as well as monitoring and coordination arrangements should be spelt out.

xi. Means of Finance and Project Budget: This section should focus on means of finance, evaluation of options, project budget, cost estimates and phasing of expenditure. Options for cost sharing and cost recovery (user charges) should be considered and built into the total project cost. Infrastructure projects

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PPR for Metro Rail Bhopal

may be assessed on the basis of the cost of debt finance and the tenor of debt. Options for raising funds through private sector participation should also be considered and built into the project cost.

xii. Time frame: This section should indicate the proposed ‘Zero’ date for commencement and also provide a PERT/CPM chart, wherever relevant.

xiii. Risk analysis: This section should focus on identification and assessment of project risks and how these are proposed to be mitigated. Risk analysis could include legal/contractual risks, environmental risks, revenue risks, project management risks, regulatory risks, etc.

xiv. Evaluation: This section should focus on lessons learnt from evaluation of similar projects implemented in the past. Evaluation arrangements for the project, whether concurrent and mid-term or post-project should be spelt out. It may be noted that continuation of projects/schemes from one Plan period to another will not be permissible without an independent, in depth evaluation being undertaken.

xv. Success criteria: Success criteria to assess whether the Development Objectives have been achieved should be spelt out in measurable terms. Base-line data should be available against which success of the project will be assessed at the end of the project (Impact assessment). In this regard, it is essential that the base-line surveys be undertaken in case of large, beneficiary-oriented projects. Success criteria for each Deliverable/Output of the project should also be specified in measurable terms to assess achievement against proximate goals.

xvi. Financial and economic analysis: Financial and economic analysis of the project may be undertaken where the financial returns are quantifiable. This analysis would generally be required for investment and infrastructure projects, but may not always be feasible for social sector projects where the benefits cannot be easily quantified.

xvii. Sustainability: Issues relating to sustainability, including stakeholder commitment, operation and maintenance of assets after project completion, and other related issues should be addressed in this section.

Note: Requirement of the EFC/PIB format may also be kept in view while preparing the DPR.

OM. No. 1(2)-PF. II/03, dated 7 th May, 2003

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Appendix – 5 An outline of Matrix

Strategy Indicators Sources/Means Assumptions/ Risk Of Verification Goals (Linked up with a government Priority/ programme / policy) : 1.Planning & Detail Project No Risk as DPR is Basic Design Report already prepared Urban Transport - 2. Procurement Low for political, Smart City / Healthy City / Climate Change ,Construction & Moderate risk for Mitigation /Sustainable Development/ Installation Natural Calamities a. Employment Expenditure Economic Situation. Madhya Pradesh vision 2018,GoMP b. Development Kilometer ready for operation To offer an attractive Urban Transport 3. Operations (Two System, Smart and Healthy City to Years After the Project increase the quality of life and better completion) access to goods, services, creating employment opportunities and sustainable a. Attractive Urban Volume of Moderate for Political, development resulting in a livable city Transport transportation Economic, Natural environment i.e. health supportive Service Persons-km/day Calamities, & change environment with more allocation of road in transport demand space to people rather than vehicles so as b. Positive (Sensitivity Analysis is to make people include walk and cycle in Environment Monitoring Report done for increase in their daily routines during course of transit Impact cost and decrease in for their healthy life. revenue) The aim is to increase the capacity of the c. Transit Oriented Approved building existing developed urban land by increasing Development Plans / the infrastructure so that some area s can be FAR Policy freed for green spaces and some d. Employment redeveloped for better optimum use. Created Payment of Direct & Indirect employees in the e. Quality of life Metro O & M Rating

Operations (Two Years Objective (purpose/expected benefits) After the Project

The main objective of this project is to completion) Moderate Political, provide continuous availability of a. Operating Rate 92 % Economic, Natural affordable, reliable, safe, secure and (% / year) Calamities, and seamless transport system in the urban b. Running Distance 12.15 change in transport agglomeration of Bhopal so as to reduce 1000km/day demand. the accidents, pollution, travel time, energy c. Number of 228 (Sensitivity Analysis is consumption and anti-social incidents as Running Trains done for increase in well as to control urban development and Number of cost and decrease in land use for sustainability and regional trains/day, one revenue) development. direction d. Volume of 1.91 transportation (million persons- km/day) e. Income from 5.6 Passengers

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PPR for Metro Rail Bhopal

Output/Results Operations (Two Years Moderate risk for (Goods/services/materials/ After the Project Delay in award of expected changes, the target populations completion) contracts / will get, which they cannot achieve a. Operating Rate 92 % Delay in availability of on their own without intervention of the (% / year) material and b. Running Distance 12.15 equipment. project ) 1000km/day Moderate risks of c. Number of 228 political/bureaucratic Running Trains delays and instability A State of the Art Metro Rail System Number of ,Moderate Risk of providing seamless urban transport service trains/day, one change in transport contributing to barrier free & environmental direction Demand friendly i.e. good quality of life. d. Volume of 1.91 (Sensitivity Analysis is

transportation done for increase in (million persons- cost and decrease in km/day) revenue) e. Income from 5.6 Passengers

Activities (tasks/actions to be carried Inputs / Costs out by utilizing resources, viz. human, financial, equipment, etc.) Moderate risk for Delay in award of contracts / DPR, Design, Consulting & RFP / 20% of the project cost Delay in availability of Management material and equipment. Procurement, Construction, Moderate risks of Installation/Erection, political/bureaucratic Commissioning for delays and instability Civil Works RFP-Supply / 80 % of the project Cost ,Moderate Risk of Electrical/Power Supply change in transport Signaling & Demand Telecommunication (Sensitivity Analysis is Rolling Stock done for increase in HVAC cost and decrease in Software/Hardware for revenue) Ticketing & Operations Miscellaneous

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DPR for MRTS Bhopal Metro Rail Project

Bhopal MRTS Project

Metro System

Background / City Profile / Need - Goals & Objectives

Copyright @Rohit Associates Architects & Engineers Pvt. Ltd

DPR for MRTS Bhopal Metro Rail Project

Table of Contents

Sr. No Content Page No.

1 Background 3-4

1.1 City Profile 5

1.1.1 History 5

1.1.2 Present 5-6

1.1.3 Regional Setting and Spatial Growth 6

1.1.4 Climate 7

1.1.5 Linkages and connectivity 7

1.1.6 Demographic Profile /Urban economy/Workforce 7-8

participation rate(WFPR)

1.1.7 Landuse Distribution 8

1.1.8 Road Network in the Urban Core 9

1.1.9 Vehicular Growth 9

1.1.10 Issues need to be solved from the Profile of the City 9

2 Summary 10

2.1 The Need 10

22. 2.2 2.22 Goals And Objectives 10

Copyright @Rohit Associates Architects & Engineers Pvt. Ltd

DPR for MRTS Bhopal Metro Rail Project

1. Background

Modern means of communication, ongoing trends towards urbanisation and drastic growth of population in major conglomerations significantly increase and modify mobility needs as well as travel pattern of people, living in metropolitan areas. More and more the availability of mass transit infrastructure becomes a key factor for the efficiency of commuter service, the quality of social life and the profitability of business activities. With regard to the regional and global competition on attractiveness and productivity of cities the governmental administrations have to care, that the actual public transport demand can be met effectively and reliably. As the individual transit modes are very limited in capacity and harmful to the environment there is no convincing alternative to the implementation of an efficient and flexible public transport network to reduce air and noise pollution, congestion and CO 2 emissions for the goal of climate change mitigation.

The attractiveness of the Indian cities will enhance their potential for growth and job creation, and cities are therefore of key importance to implement Health, growth agenda for sustainability and GDP.

This is also true for a continually growing city like Bhopal, particularly as it is situated in the most dynamic & strategic location in the Central India. Already today you can imagine what will happen, after all the planned and further induced developments like IT industries, special economic zones etc., will be realized. As Bhopal will become a high level business and residence place, the public transport system has to be on world class level. The existing proper planning will support the creation of a sound solution, starting with any line of MRTS as the initial stage of an integrated urban rail network.

Therefore Government of Madhya Pradesh with it vision 2018 has decided to upgrade the quality of the life in its city by providing a highly efficient and comfortable state of the art urban Rail system and have engaged the team of highly qualified and internationally acclaimed experts to conceptualise and specify the layout, system and technology for selection and implementation. Government of Madhya Pradesh has a goal of constructing metro rail in Bhopal in their vision 2018 to fulfill the promise made pre-election.

With the timely decisions of its urban administration at state level, Bhopal is going to avoid the sin of omission many cities in the world have made, which now are suffering from complicated implementation conditions and unreasonable construction costs, substantially jeopardizing the technical and financial feasibility. Though the MRTS project for the moment only will comprise a limited route length, it has addressed the complete network already in the initial study and Detail Project Report .The selection of suitable rail technology is the reflection of the comprehensive transport scenario for today and the future.

To meet the expectations of the future patrons and to develop a positive image for the general public the new transport system has to be looked at as a popular landmark, representing the modernisation of the whole city of Bhopal. An important contribution will come from the intended land developments at the stations and along the route.

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DPR for MRTS Bhopal Metro Rail Project

The selection of the most suitable transport technology is outcome of inception report of DPR based on multi criteria analysis and have solutions, which can later be upgraded to higher performance. Alignment plays the key role to achieve feasibility and viability as well. With regard to life-cycle-costs and sustainability of the system the availability and competitiveness of spare parts is as important as the option to extend or branch the first MRTS line, using interoperable rolling stock and compatible fixed equipment. To curb investment and operation costs by manifold competition, internationally standardized and interchangeable components are recommended. The implementation and operation of a modern urban rail system is a complex business, as the system consists of various sophisticated technologies with a huge number of internal and external interfaces. To avoid mistakes and to optimize the total system configuration very experienced experts are required, who have in mind all the interdependencies, risks, opportunities and performances. In our DPR consulting team several experts are available for rail based MRTS, who are not only experts in special fields of consulting or engineering but also generalists for complete system and its functional & operational requirements.

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DPR for MRTS Bhopal Metro Rail Project

1.1 City Profile

1.1.1 History

The name Bhopal originates from the 11th century when Raja Bhoja (king Bhoja) of the Parmara dynasty formed his capital Bhojpal between & near the two beautiful lakes engineered & constructed by him and his men. These two manmade lakes are main features of Bhopal, It is also said that “Bara Talao” (Big Lake or upper lake) was constructed by Raja Bhoj about 1000 years ago and the “ChotaTalao” (small lake or lower) was constructed in 1794 by minister Chhote Khan of the then Nawab of Bhopal. Bhopal was an Independent state of 18th Century India, a princely state of India from 1818 to 1947 and an Indian state from 1949 to 1956, the city of Bhopal was its capital. Bhopal became an Indian state on May 1, 1949; Sindhi refugees from Pakistan were accommodated in Bairagarh, western suburb of Bhopal. The city has architectural bases of Hindu and Islamic culture and lifestyles which can be visibly seen through its heritage structures and layouts. Even the earliest traces of the human life on the Indian subcontinent The Bhimbetka rock shelters are only 42 km from Bhopal. At least some of the shelters were inhabited by Homo erectus more than 100,000 years ago. Some of the Stone Age pintins found among the Bhimbetka rock shelters is approximately 30,000 years old. The caves also deliver early evidence of dance. They were declared a World Heritage Site in 2003.Sanchi the heritage site of early Buddhist stupa architecture in its extant form is only about46 km. Sanchi had many a name in the historical times, such as Kakanaya, Kakanava, Kakanadabota etc. The stupas in the place are simple irresistible and showcases the history of Buddhism in India.

The first Municipal Body Majlis-e-intezamia was formed in 1907 in the erstwhile state of Bhopal .The first City Survey was conducted in 1916 after the enactment of the municipal act. The first Municipal board was constituted in year 1952 later the status of Municipal board was upgraded to the municipal council. In 1956 the states of Madhya Bharat, Vindhya Pradesh and Bhopal were merged and Bhopal became the capital city of the state of Madhya Pradesh. In 1983 Bhopal got a status of Municipal Corporation with 56 wards. In 1975 the total Municipal Area was 71.23 Sq km, in I999 it was 285

1.1.2 Present The old city of Bhopal was developed on the North-East side of the Bara Talo and Chhota Talao and new City has gradually spread in the form of the semi-circle in the front direction. Though fully integrated and very mixed in land use it can be divided into two parts that is Old City and New Bhopal. The City has uneven elevation with hilly terrain, which slopes towards north and southeast. The topography of the city provides panoramic views of the city and of natural scenic beauty. Bhopal Metropolitan district has a population of 2,368,145 persons and Bhopal city has a population of 1778,813 persons as per the census of the year 2011 with an average population density of 6893 persons per and maximum population density of 99,176 persons per as per Bhopal Municipal Corporation. It is an active city as it houses State Assembly, administrative headquarters of the Government of Madhya Pradesh, divisional head quarter of , district headquarters of and City of Bhopal i.e. Municipal Corporation. It is strategically located in the

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DPR for MRTS Bhopal Metro Rail Project

Centre of India and is highly linked by a National rail, road& flight Network. The main railway station is a major junction of the country and handles over 200 trains from various parts of the country. The airport also operates some International flights during the Haj pilgrimage. It is being eyed by many international airlines for usage as hub due to aircraft parking facilities and strategic location in the middle of the country which may lead to increase in passenger traffic to the airport due to creation of employment and flights connectivity. Bhopal is becoming strategic hub of various economic activities ranging from different manufacturing Industries & Service Industries which are expanding in pace with the growth of the state and country. Education Sector is one of the key elements of the city with all kinds of medium and high level educational institutions from law to engineering, medicine, management and administration streams available. The Hotel industry is also flourishing with the addition of Multinational Hotel chains already setting up in the City. The retail industry is also modernising with the world class malls set up in the recent past and so is the culture with multiplexes and gaming zones and recreation. The city’s Public Transport is currently handled by City Buses, Mini buses, Tata Magic, recently started BRTS and three wheeler taxis (auto) further supported by radio taxis and private rent taxi services.

Bhopal is classified as a “National Priority City” in the national commission on urbanisation by Ministry of Urban development, Government of India. Bhopal metropolitan area includes Bhopal and kolar.

1.1.3 Regional Setting and Spatial Growth

Bhopal is 744km south of New Delhi and 779km northwest of Mumbai. From 56wardsin1983when Bhopal Municipal Council got the status of Municipal Corporation, the wards have been increased to 85 now. It appears as if the City has grown as discreet townships, with sparse outgrowth in between as:

• The old city and its periphery • BHEL • Capital Project (T.T. Nagar) • Mandideep Industrial Area • Bairagarh and new outgrowth • Kolar Nagar Palika

The urban sprawl has followed major roads such as Chhola, Hoshangabad and Kolar Roads. The city has grown mostly in the south east direction along Hoshangabad Road, due to availability of land and presence of Habibganj Railway Station, an important transport node. Undulating terrain and the Railway line on the northern side act as constraints to the spread of urbanization. The vast expanse of the Upper Lake has restricted the growth of the city towards the west. Now the planning area of Bhopal is 800.26 Sq km for the master plan.

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DPR for MRTS Bhopal Metro Rail Project

1.1.4 Climate

Bhopal has a humid subtropical climate, with cool, dry winters, a hot summer and a humid monsoon season. Summers start in late March and go on till mid-June, the average temperature being around 30 °C (86 °F), with the peak of summer in May, when the highs regularly exceed 40 °C (104 °F). The monsoon starts in late June and ends in late September. These months see about 40 inches (1020 mm) of precipitation, frequent thunderstorms and flooding. The average temperature is around 25 °C (77 °F) and the humidity is quite high. Temperatures rise again up to late October when winter starts, which lasts up to early March. Winters in Bhopal are cool, sunny and comfortable, with average daily temperatures around 16 °C (61°F) and little or no rain. The winter peaks in January when temperatures may drop close to freezing on some nights. Lowest temperature ever recorded was 0.3C. Total annual rainfall is about 1146 mm (46 inches).

1.1.5 Linkages and connectivity

The city is well connected to the other parts of the country and the state by road, rail and air transport.National Highway (NH) 12 connects Bhopal with Jabalpur in the east and Jai-pur in the westwhile NH 86 links Bhopal to Sagar in the east and Dewas in the west. NH-12 and NH-86 (RaisenRoad) bypassthe urban core, Sehore Bypass Road connects Indore, SH-23 ( Road) links Berasia while Vidisha Road connect Sanchi and Vidisha to Bhopal, Hoshangabad Road leads to Mandideep Industrial area. Main bus terminals in Bhopal areNadraBus Stand, Jawahar Chowk Bus Stand, interstate Bus Terminal (ISBT),Halalpura and Putlighar.Bhopal also enjoys astrategiclocationon theRailwayMap of India, connected by trains travelling north – South and East West. There are two main railway stations i.e. Bhopal junction and Habibganj railway station within the city and three others are at the outskirt connecting the city to most of the major cities of the country. Direct flight services are available to Delhi and Mumbai; International flights are also operated for Haj pilgrims. The airport is seen as important hub in the future due to increased demand projections and the readily available infrastructure of the airport.

1.1.6 Demographic Profile /Urban economy/Workforce participation rate(WFPR)

As per reports of Census India, population of Bhopal in 2011 is 1,795,648; of which male and female are 939,560 and 856,088 respectively. Although Bhopal city has population of 1,795,648; its urban / metropolitan population is 1,883,381 of which 985,408 are males and 897,973 are females. The work force participation rate in Bhopal is 29.59% as per Census 2011.The growth of population of Bhopal from 1951-2011 and future projections are presented in the tables below:

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Yr opultion Employmnt Yr opultion % Dcdl 2013 1,990,366 596,115 (in lkhs) incrs 2018 2,285,176 754,108 1951 1.02 2021 2,482,628 868,920 1961 2.23 118 2031 3,272,540 1,145,389 1971 3.85 73 2041 4,313,784 1,509,824 1981 6.71 74 1991 10.62 58 2001 14.33 35 2011 17.96 25

The present area under the jurisdiction of BMC has been delineated into 70 administrative wards with a total area of 258 sq. km, excluding water bodies. The planning area of Bhopal is now 800.26 Sqkm

1.1.7 Landuse Distribution

The Bhopal Development Plan 2005 had projected a total population of 25 lakhs in the planning area. Due to the present gap in rising population and supply of housing, growth of unauthorized settlements can be seen. The details of area allocated for different land uses in the Development Plan for 2005 is described in table.

Table :Landuse Composition proposed for Bhopal in BDP 2005 Landuse Areaunderdevelopment Share(%) (inhectares) Residential 8,190 47% Commercial 650 4% Public–SemiPublic 1,258 7% CommunityFacilities 488 3% Industrial 1,389 8% Transportation 2,600 15% Recreational* 2,925 17% Total 17,500 100%

The draft of Bhopal development plan(BDP) 2021 has propposed a total landuse area of 812.86 sqkm out of which 365.67 sqkm is city landarea and remaining are water bodies, farms and forest. Actually there is no landuse conversion in total area of existing farms, water body and forest area of BDP-2005 but the new addition of the land in BDP-2021 is greenfield inclusion in city land area by increasing 193.12 SqKm. The future growth of population is defined in terms of self-contained sub-cities / townships in order to regulate the future growth of the city. The areas in south of Mandideep near Narsinghgarh road and towards the east in Chhola road are proposed part of the planning area. The proposed sub-cities have been envisaged with nexus to the present transport corridors. The mass transport network would also facilitate provisions to inter link with the overall city road network, integrating the sub-cities through transport network.

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1.1.8 Road Network in the Urban Core

Bhopal city can be divided into two distinct areas, the Old city and the comparatively recently developed parts. The old city has narrow roads, while New Bhopal has relatively broad roads, most of which are flanked by landscaping. The road infrastructure has not expanded at a commensurate pace with the ever increasing number of vehicles. Since 1971, the population of Bhopal has multiplied about 4.5 times and number of registered vehicles has increased 87 times, but the increase in road length has been nominal. The road density is high in old Bhopal (3.24 km/Sq.m) followed by south and south west Bhopal (1.70km/, areas outside the municipal corporation has least road density of 0.31km/

1.1.9 Vehicular Growth The Bhopal District has experienced tremendous growth in vehicular traffic over the last decade; the average rate of growth since 2002 is about 10% per annum. The Total vehicular population registered in 2011 was about 7.9 lakhs, of which 80% were two wheelers. The majority of the vehicles registered with RTO, Bhopal District is located in the urban core. This is a major area of concern.

1.1.10 Issues need to be solved from the Profile of the City

1. The planning area is continuously expanding and outer green fields merging in the city. 2. Less space available for allocation to roads and especially non- motorized/Pedestrians. 3. Number of vehicles growing rapidly. 4. Low quality of Urban Transport. 5. Increasing accident rate and Lethality due to road accidents. 6. Increase in travel time, emissions and pollutions. 7. Increase in fuel consumption and vehicle operating cost. 8. Increasing Infrastructure maintenance cost. 9. Negative Social Impacts due to unlimited expansion of urban area and unaffordable increase in the real estate prices everywhere as impact of very high price in the core city because of lacking high quality transport system for creation of uniform quality, environment and demand in all the areas leading to unauthorized constructions and slums on one side and high prices of real estate at even outskirt areas as a result of price comparison to price of the core city.


The city needs to implement designs and plans for:

 The Sustainable Development  Good quality Mass transport Systems for reducing the travel time, pollution, accidents and Increasing the information, availability, safety and security for Economic Development  Climate Change Mitigation  Improve the Quality of the Life and beautification of the City.  Improve the affordability of the real estate. 

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DPR for MRTS Bhopal Metro Rail Project

2. The Need-Goals and objectives

2.1 The need

The urban sprawl of Bhopal planning area is already 812.26 Sq. Km. and the population in the metropolitan area is over 2.3 million which is projected to be over 4.3 million by year 2041.The per capita trip rate is 1.17 for the motorized trips and the accident rates are quite high with about 9 % of them as fatal accidents, 236 persons died in road accidents with severity rate of 6.8 per 100 accidents in the year 2014, the number of vehicles is further increasing rapidly every year and has already reached about one million now. All these above have caused the shortage in the road space for movement & parking of vehicles, space for non-motorized vehicles and Pedestrians. This is also contributing substantially to the increased level of dust, air and noise pollution due to more time spent on the travel time. The increase in road area also needs frequent time to time maintenance for the good ride quality and less wear and tear of the road user vehicles but this maintenance is not always happening due to various factors like fewer funds, climate, traffic, other infrastructure works on the road like laying of cables etc., and other social events.

Therefore a High level of high quality rail based Mass transport system is needed for the city of the Bhopal to attract its people to use clean and sustainable mode of transport to lead a more safe, secure, healthy and high quality of life contributing to maintain the ecosystem of the world by climate change mitigation and sustainable development and by minimize converting further green area into built.

2.2 Goals and Objectives:

The Goal is to offer a rail based Sustainable Urban Transport System, Smart and Healthy City to increase the quality of life and better access to goods, services, creating employment opportunities and sustainable development, climate change mitigation resulting in a livable city environment i.e. health supportive environment with more allocation of road space to people rather than vehicles so as to make people include walk and cycle in their daily routines during course of transit for their healthy life.

The aim is to increase the capacity of the existing developed urban land by increasing the infrastructure so that some areas can be freed for green spaces and some redeveloped for better optimum use.

The main objective of this project is to provide continuous availability of affordable, reliable, safe, secure and seamless transport system in the urban agglomeration of Bhopal so as to reduce the accidents, pollution, travel time, energy consumption and anti-social incidents as well as to control urban development and land use for sustainability and regional development.

Copyright @Rohit Associates Architects & Engineers Pvt. Ltd Executive Summary DPR for MRTS Bhopal Metro Rail Project

Executive Summary

1. General Introduction

Metro systems are very efficient in terms of environment, comfort and ride quality accordingly their energy consumption and maintenance cost is comparatively better justified compared to other similar capacity road based system. The capital investment is comparatively very high but due to large economic benefits in terms of job creation, reduction of air pollution, enhancement of clean environment, Passenger’s time savings and road traffic time savings, avoided lethality costs, last but not least peace of mind with freedom of mobility and connectivity in available, reliable, safe and barrier free environment it is a high quality of life and sustainable solution.

With the next generation of tomorrow’s Metro Concept we have already adopted a smart approach which means light infrastructure that blends with the city in harmony beautifying and creating value of world class level which gives the city a chance to reshape itself to be ready for the next generation of citizens of the connected world.

Due to our modular construction approach with flexibility, interoperability and inter changeability we have substantial control on the capital cost due to the competition , which makes the financial returns also in substantial controllable situation.

The Metro Project at Bhopal is conceptualised in such a way that it is close to people by large accessibility and coverage which means that opportunity is provided to bring at least 50% of the total trips on public transport by creating a feeling of availability and reliability at all times expecting at least 59% of these trips on Metro.

Looking at the current trends in the Indian market with quick & fast implementation of urban rail systems we have also optimistically proposed to build the total system in seven year time which of course is a challenge in such a high level engineering and financing magnitude. But it seems reasonable from the local conditions and the willingness of the Government to provide state of the art facilities for increasing quality of life to a world class level. Each Phase of the project is planned to be constructed in 4 years’ time but in the phase 1 lot of time has been already lost due to several reasons like elections and code of conduct etc. But the good thing is that we have already got the Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Company incorporated and the board of director appointed. We have also got the land for Depots and Workshops ready for allocation; the right of way is already informed to the authorities to keep it clear from the utilities etc. The Detail Project report clearly defines the locations and layout of the stations and infrastructure which can be readily used for the quick detail design. The system defined in the DPR is standard and state of the art therefore many suppliers are available in open market competition. With all this hard work and detail planning in the background, we can try to recover the lost time and fulfil the promise of the Government of Madhya Pradesh made to its people regarding its vision 2018 and this project.

The Bhopal Metro Systems will be designed as ultra-modern state of the art driverless operated Metro systems. Driverless operated trains require and have specific safety features and equipment on board a train in accordance with customer requirements as they have more (technical) senses than a driver.

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DPR for MRTS Bhopal Metro Rail Project

The Final Report for the Bhopal Metro Systems is the basis for further project work, tendering and the various design phases. The Bhopal Metro Systems is divided into the following volumes:

· Volume 1, Operations Concept with

- Attachment 1 Modeling of Ridership, and - Attachment 2 Environmental Impact Study

· Volume 2, Maintenance Concept · Volume 3, Alignment · Volume 4, Civil Engineering

- Attachment 1 Topographical Maps & Utilities, and - Attachment 2 Geotechnical Report

· Volume 5, Financial Support Mechanism and Institutional Setup

2. Bhopal System description

Bhopal is a Metro Rail system of a Metro type based on steel- wheel-technology and use standard gauge tracks of 1435 mm. The system shall be designed for a maximum operational speed of 90 Kph and it consists of 6 lines and stabling lines with one branch line on line 3, total 86 stations out of which 72 are elevated, 5 are underground, 9 at grade raised and depot area and workshops. Traction Power will be based on 750VDC using a third rail as a contact line. The operation of the transit system will be controlled by an automatic train control and bears the functional subsystems for automatic train supervision and driverless train operation. Train movements in normal operating condition shall be carried out in Driverless train operation mode. Following table provides the overview of the alignment and stations.

Total Line Network

Line No / Descript ion Length (KM ) Line 1 Bairagarh - Awadhpuri 20.67 Line 2 Karond Circle AIIMS 14.30 Line 3A Airport – Vansant Kunj 20.02 Line 3B Bhauri By-Pass – Vasant Kunj 21.64 Line 4 Ashoka Garden – Mother Tereesa School 19.05 Line 5 Bhadbada Square –Ratnagiri Tiraha 12.34 Line 6 Mandideep- Habibganj Station 15.60 Total 123.62 Only end to end station’s line distances.

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DPR for MRTS Bhopal Metro Rail Project

3. Phase wise Implementation Plan

Proportions of 1st Phase Network (structural) Total Stations Length in Km Line Name of At At No. Corridor/Line Elevated Underground Total Elevated Ramp Underground Total Grade Grade Karond Square to 2 14 2 0 16 12.58 0.62 1.79 0 14.99 AIIMS Bhadbhada Square 5 14 0 0 14 12.882 0 0 0 12.882 to Ratnagiri Tiraha Total 30 Total 27.88 Line 5 has one station which shares concourse with line 2

Proportions of 2 nd Phase Network (structural) Total Stations Length in Km Line Name of At At No. Corridor/Line Elevated Underground Total Elevated Ramp Underground Total Grade Grade Bair agarh to 1 19 2 3 24 14.87 0.49 1.37 4.6 21.335 Awadhpuri Aiport to Vasant 3A 1 0 0 1 1.123 0 0 0 1.123 Kunj Bhauri By -Pass to 3B 7 0 2 9 9.08 6.10 3.11 0 12.80 Vasant Kunj Total 34 Total 35.26 Line 1 has one station which shares concourse with line 4 and one station which shares concourse with line 2

Proportions of 3 rd Phase Network (structural) Total Stations Length in Km Line Name of At At No. Corridor/Line Elevated Underground Total Elevated Ramp Underground Total Grade Grade Ashoka Garden – 4 Mother Tereesa 15 1 0 16 15.19 .24 1.47 0 16.91 School Mandideep - 6 7 0 4 11 9.89 .44 0 4.65 14.98 Habibganj Station Total 27 Total 31..89 Line 4 has one station which shares concourse with line 2 and one station which shares concourse with line 1

4. Phase wise Investment Plan

Phase wise Implementation and Investment Plan Phase Line Description Length in km Cost at Completion cost with Construction Construction No. No. 2015 Price escalations up to Starting Completion level 2021 price level Year year (INR CR.) (INR CR.) 1 2 Karond Circle to AIIMS 14.99 4022.56 4411.18 2015-2016 2018-2019 1 5 Bhadbada Square-RatnagiriTiraha 12.88 2310.36 2551.74 2015-2016 2018-2019 2 1 Bairagarh -Awadpuri 21.33 4288.05 5209.45 2017-2018 2020-2021 2 3B Bhauri Bypass –VasantKunj 12.80 2338.38 2825.64 2017-2018 2020-2021 2 3A Bhopal Airport –VasantKunj 1.12 483.49 593.65 2017-2018 2020-2021 3 4 Ashoka Garden –Mother Teresa 16.91 3320.15 4229.41 2018-2019 2021-2022 School 3 6 Habibganj Station- Mandideep 14.98 2110.68 2683.18 2018-2019 2021-2022 Total 95.03 18873.67 22504.25

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DPR for MRTS Bhopal Metro Rail Project

5. Transport Demand & Capacity

a. Peak Hour Ridership

Peak Hour 2018 2018 2021 2021 2031 2031 2041 2041 2054 2054 Max Line Description Total Board Max Volume Total Board Max Volume Total Board Max Volume Total Board Max Volume Total Board Volume 1 BAIRAGARH-AWADHPURI pass/h/direction 28,917 5,801 38,117 7,646 50,245 10,079 71,951 14,434 2 KAROND CIRCLE-AIIMS pass/h/direction 20,394 6,956 21,522 5,995 28,370 7,902 37,397 10,416 53,553 14,916 3B BHAURI BYP/NH12 J-VA pass/h/direction 9,773 2,232 12,883 2,942 16,982 3,878 24,318 5,553 3a AIRPORT-VASANT KUNJ pass/h/direction 11,541 3,231 15,213 4,259 20,053 5,614 28,716 8,039 4 ASHOKA GARDEN-MOTHER pass/h/direction 16,157 4,599 21,298 6,063 28,075 7,992 40,203 11,445 5 BHADBHADA SQ-RATNAGI pass/h/direction 12,057 4,663 13,885 4,416 18,303 5,822 24,126 7,674 34,548 10,989 6 MANDIDEEP-MANS/HBJ S pass/h/direction 9,401 4,513 12,392 5,949 16,335 7,842 23,392 11,230 Sum: pass/h 32,451 1,11,196 1,46,576 1,93,213 2,76,681 Max: 6,956 5,995 7,902 10,416 14,916

b. Passengers & Pass.Km Per day

Total Day 2018 2018 2021 2021 2031 2031 2041 2041 2054 2054 Line Description Pass. Pass. km Pass. Pass. km Pass. Pass. km Pass. Pass. km Pass. Pass. km 1 BAIRAGARH-AWADHPURI 0 0 2,89,165 14,49,486 3,81,171 19,10,677 5,02,450 25,18,609 7,19,508 36,06,648 2 KAROND CIRCLE-AIIMS 2,03,940 11,93,004 2,15,224 9,68,194 2,83,703 12,76,250 3,73,970 16,82,322 5,35,525 24,09,085 3B BHAURI BYP/NH12 J-VA 0 0 97,733 5,12,407 1,28,830 6,75,443 1,69,820 8,90,353 2,43,182 12,74,985 3a AIRPORT-VASANT KUNJ 0 0 1,15,407 6,38,796 1,52,127 8,42,045 2,00,530 11,09,964 2,87,159 15,89,468 4 ASHOKA GARDEN-MOTHER 0 0 1,61,575 8,38,908 2,12,984 11,05,829 2,80,750 14,57,677 4,02,034 20,87,393 5 BHADBHADA SQ-RATNAGI 1,20,570 7,17,546 1,38,848 6,46,481 1,83,026 8,52,176 2,41,260 11,23,318 3,45,484 16,08,591 6 MANDIDEEP-MANS/HBJ S 0 0 94,010 8,14,534 1,23,921 10,73,700 1,63,350 14,15,325 2,33,917 20,26,745 Sum: 3,24,510 19,10,550 11,11,961 58,68,807 14,65,760 77,36,120 19,32,130 1,01,97,568 27,66,810 1,46,02,917

c. Number of Vehicles

Peak Hour 2018 2018 2021 2021 2031 2031 2041 2041 2054 2054 Line Description Length Time No. veh vehicle No. veh vehicle No. veh vehicle No. veh vehicle No. veh vehicle 1 BAIRAGARH-AWADHPURI 41.34 85.53 18 3-car-train 18 3-car-train 18 3-car-train 18 six-car-train 2 KAROND CIRCLE-AIIMS 28.6 56.45 12 3-car-train 12 3-car-train 12 3-car-train 12 six-car-train 12 six-car-train 3B BHAURI BYP/NH12 J-VA 43.28 79.90 9 3-car-train 9 3-car-train 9 3-car-train 18 3-car-train 3a AIRPORT-VASANT KUNJ 40.04 72.79 8 3-car-train 8 3-car-train 8 3-car-train 16 3-car-train 4 ASHOKA GARDEN-MOTHER 38.1 68.65 15 3-car-train 15 3-car-train 15 3-car-train 15 six-car-train 5 BHADBHADA SQ-RATNAGI 24.68 47.61 11 3-car-train 11 3-car-train 11 3-car-train 11 3-car-train 11 six-car-train 6 MANDIDEEP-MANS/HBJ S 31.2 46.57 6 3-car-train 6 six-car-train 6 six-car-train 6 six-car-train Sum: 247.24 457.499902 23 79 79 79 96

6. Stations and Ticketing :

The stations are conceptualized keeping the barrier free environment for specially abled people and for the maximum safety of the users with people friendly environment. Elevators and Escalators are provided for the smooth service as the environment in Bhopal also requires the same. The station will have paid and unpaid area in the concourse. The entry to paid area of the concourse will be from the flap gates. The ticketing system will be automatic fare control system with minimum two ticket office machine facility, two Ticket Vending machines, 2 Excess fare office, 4 add value machine and ticket readers. For comfort and service criteria 2 flap gates for entry and exit are provided on each side i.e. two access of paid area of the concourse. The

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DPR for MRTS Bhopal Metro Rail Project

system will have option to integrate its fare with the other modes of the city in future to create seamless travel.

7. Economical internal rate of the return :

The economic evaluation provides overall picture of the contribution of the Metro to broadly defined social objectives. The economic appraisal has been carried out by employing social cost benefit approach. The scenario is provided by the EIRR (economic internal rate of return) which is a common methodology for the overall economic performance measurement.

a. Quantified Benefits

Bhopal all phases-Full network: Benefit Stream For 30 /40 Year Annual Vehicle Annual Time Annual Fuel Annual Fuel Annual Time Annual Infra Operating Cost Emission Total Benefits Cost Saved by Cost Saved by Accident Cost Saved by Cost Saved Structure Employemnt Saved saved by Saving without From To Metro Metro Cost Road by Road Maintenance benefits Metro Cost Discount Passengers Passengers in Cr. Rs. Passengers Passengers Cost in Cr. Rs. Passengers in Cr. Rs. in Cr. Rs. in Cr. Rs. in Cr. Rs. in Cr. Rs. in Cr. Rs. in Cr. Rs. in Cr. Rs. 25,878.1 7,415.8 5,611.5 14,317.4 4,068.1 3,707.9 12,939.0 3,967.5 4,146.1 82051.41 2015 2045 42,218.1 12,093.8 9,151.2 23,349.0 6266.018521 6,046.9 21,109.0 6,470.2 4,718.1 131422.43 2015 2055


Project Horizon 30 years: 20.75 % (All Phases)

Project Horizon 30 years: 20.01 % (Phase 1)

Project Horizon 40 years: 21 % (All Phases)

Project Horizon 40 years: 20.23 % (Phase 1)

8. Financial internal rate of the return

The financial evaluation is done from the viewpoint of the operator taking into account only actual financial revenue he receives and actual financial costs he has to pay for. The calculation is done according to the rationale of an investor who spends money to get a return. As opposed to the economic evaluation contributions of the Metro to broadly defined social objectives are not included. The financial evaluation is confined to the financial outcome for the operator, here the Government or PPP partner. This outcome can be reflected by the NPV (Net Present Value) and/or the FIRR (Financial Internal Rate of Return), both of which are the common indicators for the financial performance of an investment.

Result of Financial appraisal base on the cost including all taxes.


Project Horizon 30 years: 8.53 % (All Phases)

Project Horizon 30 years: 8.19 % (Phase 1)

Project Horizon 40 years: 11.19 % (All Phases)

Project Horizon 40 years: 10.76 % (Phase 1)

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DPR for MRTS Bhopal Metro Rail Project

1. Implementation Agency:

Based on the Interim report of DPR Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Company is incorporated which will act as a special purpose vehicle of the Government of Madhya Pradesh. This company is flexible to form other shareholding patterns like Equity from Government of India.

This company is also open to implement the project on PPP or Self Implementation by giving cash contracts /EPC/Turnkey and availing loans etc.

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