McGill Kyu Technique Requirements & Aikido Glossary

Kyu Attack 5 4 3 2 1 S - Iriminage Iriminage Shihonage S - Kotegaeshi Kotegaeshi Katatetori Udekimenage H - Shihonage Kaitennage H - Uchikaitennage

Shihonage Koshinage Tenchinage H - Kokyunage Ryotetori Udekiminage Kokyunage

Shihonage Iriminage Koshinage Moretetori Jujigarami Udekiminage Kotegaeshi Kokyunage

Ikkyo Nikyo Shihonage Katatori Sankyo Yonkyo Yonkyo Kaitennage Ikkyo S - Ikkyo Iriminage Nikyo Shomenuchi S - Nikyo Shihonage Koshinage Sankyo S - Sankyo Kotegaeshi Iriminage S - Yonkyo Kokyunage Kaitennage Ikkyo Iriminage Shihonage Nikyo Yokomenuchi Udekiminage Koshinage Kotegaeshi Sankyo Kokyunage Yonkyo Gokyo Ikkyo Kaitennage Nikyo Kotegaeshi Kokyunage Koshinage Udekimenage Sankyo Yonkyo Ikkyo Shihonage Kaitennage Ushiro ryotetori Nikyo Kotegaeshi Iriminage Koshinage Jujigarami Sankyo Kokyunage Yonkyo Ikkyo Jujigarami Nikyo Aiki otoshi Sankyo H - Sankyo

Ushiro ryokatatori Yonkyo H - Shihonage Kotegaeshi H - Kotegaeshi Kokyunage H - Kokyunage Sankyo Ushiro katatori Koshinage Kaitennage Jujigarami Kokyunage kubijime Iriminage

Ikkyo Jujigarami Shihonage Nikyo Koshinage Katamenuchi Sankyo Sankyo Kokyunage Yonkyo

Shomenuchi Suwariwaza Katamenuchi Jo tori Yokomenuchi Ushirowaza Hammi hantachi Tachi tori Tsuki Tanto tori Freestyle Morotetori Jiyuwaza ( 2 ukes ) Jiyuwaza ( 3 ukes ) Jiyuwaza ( 4 ukes ) Jiyuwaza ( 5 ukes ) S = Suwari waza H = Hammi hantachi AIKIDO GLOSSARY

ATTACKS : VARIOUS TERMS: Shomen uchi direct blow the top of head Ai harmony, integration, unification Yokomen uchi circular blow to side of head Ai hanmi mirror stance, guard (triangular) Chudan tsuki direct to stomach Atemi defensive blow, Jodan tsuki direct punch to the face Bokken wooden sabre, sword Katate tori one wrist hold (one hand) Budo way of the warrior, military (martial) art Morote tori one wrist hold (two hands) Bushi warrior, samurai Ryote tori (Jote tori) both wrists hold (two hands) Bushido code of honour of the warrior, samurai Mune tori lapel hold (one hand) Dan rank of black belt Ushiro ryote tori both wrists hold from behind Do way, method, discipline, philosophy Ushiro tekubi tori same hold from behind but static Dojo training hall where to study the way Ushiro kubi jime one wrist hold from behind, and Gi regular practice uniform strangle hold with other arm (worn under the hakama) Kata tori shoulder hold (one hand) Gyaku hanmi opposite, reverse stance, guard (triangular) Ryo kata tori both shoulders hold (two hands) Hakama skirt-like trousers worn over the gi Ushiro ryo kata tori both shoulders hold from Hara centre point of body, universe behind (two hands) Hidari left Katamenuchi Kata tori followed by Shomen Irimi moving forward, entering Hiji tori elbow hold Jo wooden stave, stick Eri tori collar hold Kamiza upper seat of the mat (face to bow) Ki centralized vital (life) energy TECHNIQUES: Kokyu power of breath, total extension Kokyu ho exercise of breath extension (seiza) • Katame Waza Control techniques Kyu rank below dan Ikkyo (1st principle) arm twist control pin Ma-ai optimal, basic distance between partners Nikyo (2nd principle) twist of wrist control pin Migi right Sankyo (3rd principle) edge of hand twist control pin Nage one who applies the technique, defender Yonkyo (4th principle) inner arm pressure pin Omote entering, moving forward, using irimi Gokyo (5th principle) inside wrist pin Rei bowing, gesture of respect Shiho nage four directions arm pin or throw Randori multiple attack Kote gaeshi wrist twist out pin or throw Sempai senior student Udekimi nage under elbow lift throw Seiza correct, calm sitting posture Jujigarami (jujinage) both crossed arms pin or throw Sensei title of Instructor, Teacher Soto to the side, outside • Nage Waza Projection techniques Tanto knife (wooden) Iriminage entering throw Tenkan pivoting, swivelling movement Kokyunage breath throw Uchi under, inside Koshinage through hips throw Uke one subjected to the technique, attacker Aiki otoshi behind through the legs throw Ukemi controlled fall, roll when thrown Uki otoshi floating throw Ura moving behind, turning, using tenkan Sumi otoshi corner throw Kaitennage cart wheel throw • Numbers • Parts of the body Tenchinage earth-sky throw Ichi one Te hand Ni two Kubi neck IMPLEMENTATION : San three Tekubi wrist Tachi waza standing techniques Shi four Ashi foot, leg five shoulder Suwari waza kneeling techniques Yon, Go Kata Roku six Ude arm Ushiro waza attack from behind techniques Shichi seven Hiji elbow Hanmi handachi waza Uke standing, Nage kneeling, Hachi eight Koshi hip, lower back techniques Kyu nine Kaeshi waza counter-techniques Ju ten Henka waza linked follow-up techniques Jiyu waza free-style techniques