Fatimr:i Energy Lim t:ed A Fatima Group Company llllr .. _ t 1 FEL/NEPRA/010120/0166 6&1 3o-._.. /2020 t : i . I The Registrar . [ National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (''NEPRA'") i NEPRA Tower, Attaturk Avenue (East) r Sector G-rl, Islamabad ; Subject: , Fatima 'Energy Limited ("the Company'') - A1mlicntion for f Modification of the Generation License . ' I Dear Sir _\ f. . j Fatima Energy Limited was granted the Generation License No. SGC/96/2013 on 31 ! December 2013 (the "Generation License") by NEPRA and amended vide NEPRA ( LPM Modification I and II: ': Please app. reciate that the proposed modifications does not impact the tariff in any i manner. The proposed modification would facilitate the Company in fulfilling its \ obligations under the Generation License. The changes to be incorporated in the , modified license would reflect the fact that the Company intends to supply electric power to additional bulk power consumers and references of bulk power consumers would be appropriately amended. Company is trying to expand its customer network to serve at national level and has filed license proposed modification for this purpose. Addition of customers would help the Company to achieve operations at full capacity and repayment of debt. Company's cheaper electricity would help enhance production, exports and government revenue in the form of taxes and increase in employment.

A bank ~raft of PKR °I\ 1., :/l.Of is being submitted· with ·this letter as fee in consideration of our application for LPM. In relation hereto; it is certified that the f documents in support enclosed with this modification application are prepared and t submitted in conformity with the provisions ofthe Regulations, and that the Company I undertakes to abide by the terms and provisions of the Regulations. The Company I further undertakes and confirms that the information provided in the enclosed I documents is true and correct to the best of knowledge and belief f In light of this application and its enclosures, approval for proposed modification of the I Generation License is requested. I Kind regards, For and on behalf of FATIMA ENERGY LIMITED

Fazal Ahmed Sheikh CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER -~( IY\1.€) ~I<.~~~) Ve "" (-, ) -"1 ( Cl\ ) - LA ( l><'"J -

Plant Site: Fazal Gerh, Sanawan, Kot Addu, Dist. . PABX: +92 66 2250514-5, Fax: +92 66 2250512 Head Office; E-110, Khayaban-a-Jinnah, Lahore Gantt., . PABX: +92 42111-FATIMA(111-328-462), Fax: +92 42 36621389, www.fatima-group.com

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RJ=I SOLVED FURTHER th~t Mr. Fawad Ahmed Mukhtar. Chairman and Mr. Fazal Ahmed Spaikh, CEO/Director. of the Company bearing CNIC No 36302·27412i4-7 and 36302· Oy4324·1-Q respectively ars hereby jointly anc severally aulhcnzed to sign the LPM Application, and any documentation ancillary· thereto. pay all filing fees. and provide any information required b} NEPRA 111 respect of the Proiect, and do all acts and lhings necessary for the processing. c¢mplet1on and '.inoliz~!ion of the LPM Apoucatlon !: : C~RTIFIEO TRUE: COPY I hereby certify that lhe above resotution was duly passed through circutauon by the Board of D[redors on May 27. 2016. . I . Lc:;-'~:~-Ll- Rrc?MPANYS- c_·RE=rf,~v . l : ! I

l : • J

, . Pinnt ~,1e. ;arc1 Oarh. S•nawo,,, K,,1 Adcu. 01.i MuzoffnrQorh PAIIX· •\a Ho 22005\d.5, Fa, +9~ ~6 UoOo 12 ·.-to..1') 'Jtft•q -1~\) l

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I, Fazal Ahmed Sheikh, s/o Mian Mukhtar Ahmed Sheikh,· Chief Executive Officer of Fatima Energy Limited bearing CNIC No 36302-0543241-9, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as under;

1. TJat the Lice~se Proposed Modification Application (the "LPM Application") in respect of;Fatima Energy Limited's Generation License No. ~GC/96/2013 dated 31.12.2013 has been filed before the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (the "NEPRA") and th~ contents of the same may kindly be read as an integral part of this affidavit. ~ . : . 2. "That the contents of the accompanying LPM Application are true and correct to the best of knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed or misstated therein. ! my . ·; r i f l~· t (Deponent) I Fazal Ah.med Sheikh !• • Chief Executive Officer t r

lI I I !. t 1 ! i (' I ~sT.·eo

Oath Comni1ss1oner Lahor_w,,.,., i Fatima Energy Li,mlted A Fatima Group Company ! I I IFEL/NEPRA/020120/0810 o& I Jc..v. :12020 l t ;The Registrar ;National Electric Power Regulatory Authority ("NEPRA ") : NEPRA Tower, Attaturk Avenue (East) )sector G-5/1, Islamabad I : Subject: Application fo,· License Proposed Modification - on behalf of Fatima Energy Limited (the "Com1>anv")

lOeai· Sir, ! i 11, Fazal Ahmed Sheikh, the Chief Executive Officer of the Company being the duly I authorized representative of Fatima Energy Limited by virtue of a Board Resolution l dated 27 f-1ay 2016, appended herewith, hereby apply to the National Electric Power ! Regulatory Authority ("NEPRA or Authority") for the modification of our 1 Generation License for the Company bearing # SGC/96/2013. · dated 31.12.2013 in 1 respect of the Company's 120 MW (gross) biomass/coal based thermal co-generation 1 energy power project at Sana wan, Mehmood Kot, Tehsil Kot Addu, District ; Muzaffargarh, Punjab (the "Project") pursuant to Regulation I 0(2) of the National ; Electric Power Regulatory Authority · Licensing (Application and Modification ' Procedure) Regulations, 1999 (the "Regulations" or "AMPR"}

· I certify that the documents-in-support attached with this application are prepared and submitted in conformity with the provisions of the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority Licensing (Application and Modification Procedure) Regulations, 1999, and undertake to abide by the terms and provisions or the above• said regulations. I further undertake and confirm that the information provided in the I attached documents-in-support is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and : belief.

; A bank draft in the SLll11 of PKR jll.,°!:>2o/is being submitted as foe in consideration of our application for LPM calculated in accordance with Schedule H to the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority Licensing (Application and Modification Procedure) Regulations, 1999, is also attached herewith.

Kind regards,

. For and on behalf of FATIMA ENli:RGY LIMITED


Plant Site: Fazal Garh, Sanawan, Kot Addu, Dist. Muzaffargarh. PABX: +92 66 2250514·5, Fax: +92 66 2250512 Head Office: E-110, Khayaban·e-Jlnnah, Lahore Cantt., Pakistan. PABX: +92 42 111-FATIMA (111-328·462),. Fax: +92 42 36621389, www.fatlrmi-group.com z··-;~·-~··"··7"·r:T1·T,·-=rTW1TfETITT77-:C~=y;w7w~T?JTTT?Ti 5172575if P- I i ! I I I


1. Legal Basis:

Fati~a Energy Limit_ed in pursuance of inter alia, Regulation I 0(2) of the National Electric fower Regulatory Authority Licensing (Application and Modification Procedure) Regulations, I 999 (the . . . . i "Regulations" or "AMPR") and other applicable provisions of the Regulation of Generation . ' Tra11smission 'and Distribution of Electric Power Act, 1997 (the "Act"), Rules, Regulations and applicable documents submits this Licensee Proposed Modification Application (the ,lLPM i Application") in respect of its Generation License# No. SGC/96/2013.

In terms of the then Section- IS (now Section-148) of the Regulation of Generation, Transmission and 'Distribution of Electric Power Act, 1997, NEPRA awarded a Generation License to Fatima I . Ene(·gy Limited for its biomass/coal based thermal co-generation energy power project at Sanawan, Mehmood Kot, Tehsil Kot Addu, District Muzaffargarh, Punjab.

Ii i . 2. Statement of the reasons in support of the modification: f { 2.1 In footnote of paragraph 3 of Interconnection Arrangement/Transmission · Facilities qf .the I Co1~pany's LPM approved by NEPRA on 14 September 2015 vide its determination, Reference I No. ;NEPRA/R/LAG-222/13658-63, the Authority directed that FEL shall provide the details of any hew/additional BPC(s) other than mentioned above, before starting supply of electric power to it and will getthe name of BPC included in the Generation License. In accordance to above, FEL submitted Licensee Proposed Modification Application to NEPRA for addition of 22 BPCs vide its letter dated 21 August 2019 which has been approved by NEPRA on 31 December 2019 vide its determination, Reference No. NEPRA/R/LAG-222/28995-6 I.

2.2 FE~ is trying to expand its customer network to serve at national level and intended to supply electric power available to additional BPCs which will be beneficial to the BPC(s) as it will be having continuous supply of economical electric· power from FEL and proposed modificaiion is· I . , . necessary for FEL to effectively and efficiently perform its obligations under the licence in view of I . the 'financial and technical viability of FEL. Addition of BPCs would help FEL to achieve operations at full capacity. FEL's cheaper electricity would help enhance production, exports and government revenue in the form of taxes and increase in employment. In pursuance of the above, FEJ intends td supply electric power to additional BPCs for which appropriate changes are t : req~ired in the generation license to include these additional BPCs, List of BPCs is attached as annex 'C/1' to this petition.

3. Text of the proposed modification: ' Revised Second Tier Supply Authoritzation including additional BPCs is attached as annex 'C/2' 4. Impact of the Proposed Modification:

4.1 Impact on Tariff

As the learned Authority would appreciate, the proposed amendments do not impact the t . iff in ~~~. . J 4.2 Impact on Quality of Service The Company certifies that the quality of service and the performance by the Company un er the Generation License shall not be affected on acceptance by NEPRA of this LPM Application. It may be pertinent to add that, the I icense is required for the provision of services for the 11er iod consistent with the PP A. . . 4.3 Impact on the obligations of the Company under the License ·

The proposed modification would facilitate the Company in fulfilling its obligations under the License and the PP A. I j We hope the information/explanation provided above meets the Authority's requirements and

remai.o ~vailable to assist the A~~hority in further queries/clarifications. JI

4.4 Perm1ss1011 to Sup~nent Addthonal Documents

The Company requests the learned Authority to allow it to further supplement additional documents that may be relevant in this regard. i'RAYKR

It is most humbly pmyed to.the esteemed Authority as follows:

A. That the Ac1tho'l'i1y may ho pleased to treut the Company's request for the grant ·or this I ,PM. as requested. ·

13. t.ny further and better relief that the Authority may deem appropriate in the circumstances may kindly be granted to the Company.

K.i11d regards, \ . \ 11or and on behal f of FATIMA ENERGY LIMITIW

l7nzal Ahmed Sheikh CHI~F EXECUTIVE OI•'FICER j ,·

P~ge-·4of 4 .

(A). BPC{s} Located In the Service Territort of IESCO

(a). Askari Cement Limited (Unit No.1) located at Wah Cantt. Bestway Cement Limited (Unit No.1) located at Village Tatral District (b). I Chakwal Bestway Cement Limited (Former Pakistan Cement Company Limited) (c). located atVillaoe Karooli District Chakwal Sadiq Poultry Pvt Limited located at Moza Baggra Syedan Chakrt (d). Rawalpindi Sadiq Feed (Pvt) Limited (Unit No.1) located at GT Road Mandra (e). Rawalpindi Islamabad Feeds (Pvt) Limited (Unit No.1) located at Saga Sher Khan (f). Rawlpindi· ; (B). BPC{s} Located in the Service Territo!Y of LESCO I Unilever Pakistan Foods Limited (Former Rafhan Best Foods Limited) (a). located at 59 Km Road Bhai Pheru, Lahore Unilever Pakistan Limited (Unit No.1) located Multan Road, Mangamandi (b). Lahore Mughal Iron & Steel Industries Limited located at 17 Km Sheikhupura (c). Road Lahore - Islamabad Feeds (Pvt) Limited (Unit No.2) located at .9 K.M Depalpur (d). ' Road Chak No.48/2.L Deoalnur

I (e) .. Sadiq Poultry Farm (Pvt) Limited located at Chak No 8/Rb Safdarabad I (f). Jadeed Feedslndustrles (Pvt) Limited located at Kotla Kahlon Shahkot

(g). Asian Food Industries (Pvt) Limited located at Manga Road, Raiwind ' I . - . (C). BPC{s} Located in the Service Territo!Y of MEPCO ' ' Coca Cola Beverages Pakistan · Limited (Unit MGF) located at Plot (a). No.141-148, 163k170 Industrial Estate Ph-II Multan Coca Cola Beverages Pakistan Limited (Unit ·RYK) located at Shahbaz (b). Pur Road Rahimyar Khan (c). Mehr Dastgir Textile Mills Limited Located At Khanewal Road Multan Hitech Edible · Oil Milf (Pvt) Limited Located At 17-Km · Arifwala Road (d). Sahiwal .. (e). · Thal Limited located at DG Khan Road, Muzaffargarh Husnain Textile Mills (Pvt) Limited (Unit No.1) located at 3-Km Jhang (f). Road Muzaffargarh · Husnain Textile Mills (Pvt) Limited (Unit No. 2) located at 3-Km Jhang (g). Road Muzaffargarh Khokher Textile Mills Limited located at Chowk_Sarwar Shaheed Kot (h) Addu l Unilever Pakistan Limited (Unit No.2) located at Shahbaz Pur Road, (i) Rahimyar Khan Maqbool Textile Mills Limited (Unit No.1) located at Ch Sarwar Shaheed, 0). Kot Addu- Maqbool Textile Mills Limited (Unit No.2) located at Ch Sarwar Shaheed, (k) Kot Addu Allawasaya Spinning Mills (Pvt) l.lmited located at Dunia Pur Road Basti (I). Malook .. '. '

(m). Jamhoor Textile Mills Limited located at GT Road Mian Channu

(n). Monnoowal Textile Mills Limited located at GT Road Mian Channu Sadiq Feed (Pvt) Limited (Unit No.2) located at Chak No. 187/9-L (o). i Harappa Multan Road Sahiwal I Sadiq Oil Mills Extraction (Pvt) Limited located at Chak No .. 187/9-L (p). Harappa Multan Road Sahiwal I I M/S Jadeed Oil Extraction (Pvt) Limited located at Kabir Wala Road (q). Khanewal Since Steel Re-Roling Miii (Pvt) Limited located at Sama Satta Road (r). Bahawaleur Bahawalpur Steel Mills (Pvt) Limited located at Sarnrna Satta Link Road (s). Bahawalpur I Shabbir Edible Oil & Feed Industries (Pvt) Limited located at Hamidpur (t). Muzaffarqarh Rd Multan M.S Shabir Ahmad (Pvt) Limited located at Basti Belay Wala Ali Pur (u). More Jalalpur Weaving Mills Limited located at Qadir Pur Rawan By Pass (v). Khanewal Road Multan

(D). BPC{s} Located in the Service Territor~ of PESCO ... ~- (a). Askari Cement Limited (Unit No.2) Located at Nizampur

(b). Bestway Cement Limited (Unit No.3) located at Farooqia Harlpur

I (c). Bestway Cement Limited (Unit No.4) located at Hattar Haripur I Pakistan Accumulator (Pvt) Limited (Unit No.1) located at Plot 28 Harlpir (d). Industrial Estate Ph-3 Haripur Pakistan Accumulator (Pvt) Limited (Unit No.2) located at Plot 21 Haripir (e). Industrial Estate Ph-3 Haripur Pakistan Accumulator (Pvt) Limited (Unit No.3) located at Plot 6 Haripir (f). I Industrial Estate Ph-3 Harlpur


: r,


: ,

! ; . ; !

I f\Y')'<

. i ' i ' (A). BPC(s} Located in the Service Territorl£ of IESCO

lttehad Steel Industries (AOP Association of Persons) - (located at Plot# (a). 51, Street #12, Industrial Area 1-9, Islamabad). Karachi Steel Re Rolling Mills (located at Plot# 191, Sector I -10/3, (b). Industrial Area, Islamabad). Fazal Steel (Pvt.) Limited (located at Plot No. 418-421 Industrial Area, I- (c). 9 Islamabad). __ MAT Cast (Pvt.) Limited (Mumtaz Steel) located at Plot# 13 and 14, 1-9, (d). Industrial Area, Islamabad. Hussaini Engineering Limited C/0 Karim Aziz Industry Limited (located (e). opposite to Railway Station, Hasanabadal, Attack). Reliance Weaving Mills Limited -Unit No. 3 (located at Rawat. Chakbeli (f). Road, Mukhtarabad). .. _(g). Askari Cement Limited (Unit No.1) located at Wah Gantt. Bestway Cement Limited (Unit No.1) located at Village Tatral District (h). Chakwal Bestway Cement Limited (Former Pakistan Cement Company Limited) (i). located at Village Karooli District Chakwal Sadiq Poultry Pvt Limited located at Moza Baggra Syedan Chakri (k). Rawalpindi Sadiq Feed (Pvt) Limited (Unit No.1) located at GT Road Mandra (I). Rawalpindi Islamabad Feeds (Pvt) Limited (Unit No.1) located at Baga Sher Khan (m). Rawlpindi ' ' (8). BPC{s} Located in the Service Territor~ of LESCO

Ejaz Spinning Mills Limited (located at Sheikhupura Faisalabad Road, (a). Shelkhupura). lttehad Chemicals Limited. (located at G.T. Road, Kala Shah Kaku, (b). Sheikhuoura). Colony Textile Mills Limited (located at 4km Raiwind Manga Road; {c). Raiwind, Kasur). Unilever Pakistan Foods Limited (Former Rafhan Best Foods Limited) (d). located at 59 Km Multan Road Bhai Pheru, Lahore . Unilever Pakistan Limited (Unit No.1) located Multan Road, Mangamandi (e). Lahore Mughal Iron & Steel Industries Limited located at 17 Km Sheikhupura (f). Road Lahore : Islamabad Feeds (Pvt) Limited (Unit No2) located at 9 K.M Depalpur (g). Road Chak No.48/2.L Depalpur (h). Sadiq Poultry Farm (Pvt) Limited located at Chak No 8/Rb Safdarabad

(i). Jadeed Feeds Industries (Pvt) Limited located at Katia Kahlon Shahkot

0). Asian Food Industries (Pvt) Limited located at Manga Road, Raiwind

(C). BPC{s} Located in the Service Territorl£ of MEPCO

Ahmed Fine Textile Mills Limited, (Unit1 and 2 located at Shahbaz Pur (a). Road, Rahim Yar Kha_n) Fazal Rehman Fabrics Limited, (Unit 1 and 2 located at Qadir Pur (b). Rawan, Khanewal Road, Multan); -. -- (c). Hussain Mills Limited (5 units) - · Hussain Mills Limited (Unit 1 located at Fazalabad Vehari (i). Road Ooo. Timber Market Multan) Hussain Mills Limited (Unit · 2 located at 35-KM, (ii). Bahawalpur Road, Near Adda Muhammad Pur, Multan) Hussain Mills Limited (Unit 3 located at Fazalabad Vehari (iii). Road, Opp. Timber Market, Multan) Hussain Mills Limited(Unit 4 located at Qadir Pur Rawan (iv). Bypass, Khanewal Road, Multan) Hussain Mills Limited (Unit 5 located at 17-KM Mauza (v). · Kohiwala Kabirwala, Khanewal) Mukhtar A Sheikh Memorial Welfare Hospital (located at Khanewal (d). Road, Multan) SM Food Makers Limited (Unit 1 located at New Shah Shams Colony, (e). Multan Unit 2 Saim Zulifqar Ali Anjam located at BWP road near Yaqoob soap factory Multan) Colony Textile Mills Limited (located at Shershah Road lsmailabad, (f}. · Multan). Fatima Sugar Mills Limited-FSML (located at Sanawan, MehmoodKot, (g). Tehsil KotAddu, District Muzaffargarh, Punjab

(h) Fazal Cloth Mills Limited (8 Units)

: (Unit 1, 2, 4 and 7 located at Jhang Road, Muzaffargarh);

(Unit 3, 5, 6 and 8 located at Qadir Pur Rawan bypass, Khanewal ' : Road, Multan); Reliance Weaving Mills Limited-RWML (unit 1, 2 and 4 located at (i) . Fazalour Khanewal Road Multan}; (j). Pak-Arab Fertilizer Limited-PFL (located at Khanewal Road Multan Coca Cola Beverages Pakistan Limited (Unit MGF) located at Plot (k}. No.141-148, 163-170 Industrial Estate Ph~II Multan Coca Cola Beverages Pakistan Limited (Unit RYK) located at Shahbaz (I). Pur Road Rahimyar Khan (m). Mehr Dastqlr Textile Mills Limited Located At Khanewal Road Multan f Hitech Edible 011 Mill (Pvt) Limited Located At 17-Km Arifwala Road (n). Sahiwal : (o). Thal Limited located at DG Khan Road, Muzaffargarh Husnain Textile Mills (Pvt) Limited (Unit No.1) located at 3-Km Jhang (p). Road Mu.zaffargarh Husnain Textile Mills (Pvt) Limited (Unit No. 2) located. at 3-Km Jhang (q). Road Muzaffargarh Khokhar Textile Mills Limited located at Chowk Sarwar Shaheed Kot (r). Addu Unilever Pakistan Limited (Unit No.2) located at Shahbaz Pur Road, (s). Rahimyar Khan Maqbool Textile Mills Limited (U11it No.1) located at Ch Sarwar Shaheed, (t). KotAddu Maqbool Textile Mills Limited (Unit No.2) located at Ch Sarwar Shaheed, (u). Kot Addu Allawasaya Spinning Mills (Pvt) Limited located at Dunia Pur Road Basti (v). Ma look '· - ·o (w). ;Jamhoor Textile Mills Limited located at GT Road Mian Channu

I (x). :Monnoowal Textile Mills Limited located at GT Road Mian Channu

i j

! : - Sadiq Feed (Pvt) Limited (Unit No'.2) located at Chak No. 187/9-L (y). Harappa Multan Road Sahiwal Sadiq Oil Mills Extraction (Pvt) Limited located at Chak No. 187/9-L . (z), i Harappa Multan Road Sahiwal M/S Jadeed Oil Extraction (Pvt) Limited located at Kabir Wala Road (aa). Khanewal Sinco Steel Re-Roling Mill (Pvt) Limited located at Sama Satta Road (bb). Bahawalpur Bahawalpur Steel Mills (Pvt) Limited located at Samma Satta Link Road (cc). Bahawalpur Shabbir Edible Oil. & Feed Industries (Pvt) Limited located at Hamidpur (dd). · Muzaffargarh Rd Multan M.S Shabir Ahmad (Pvt) Limited located at Basti Belay Wala Ali Pur (ee). More Jalalpur Shujabad Weaving Mills Limited located at Qadir Pur Rawan By Pass (ff). Khanewal Road Multan

(0). BPC(s} Located in the Service Territory of PESCO

Fareed Steel Casting (Pvt.) Limited Unit 2 (located at Plot # 81, PH 5 (a). Hattar Industrial Estate, Haripur). MA Steel Casting (Pvt.) Limited (located at Plot # 82, Phase 5, Hattar (b). Industrial. Estate, Haripur). Sher Steel Furnace & Re Rolling Mills (Pvt.) Limited (located at Dargai (c). MKD Aqency) Taj Re Rolling & · Steel Mills (Pvt.) Limited (Unit # 1 located at Sakhakot (d). MKD) (e), Askari Cement Limited (Unit No.2) Located at Nizampur

(t). Bestway Cement Limited (Unit No.3) located at Farooqia Haripur

(g). Bestway Cement Limited (Unit No.4) located at Hattar Haripur Pakistan Accumulator (Pvt) Limited (Unit No.1) located at Plot 28 Haripir (h). Industrial Estate Ph-3 Haripur Pakistan Accumulator (Pvt) Limited (Unit No.2) located at Plot 21 Haripir (i). Industrial Estate Ph-3 Harlpur Pakistan Accumulator (Pvt) Limited (Unit No.3) located at Plot 6 Haripir (j). Industrial Estate Ph-3 Haripur