Page 1 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

PowerBook G4 17 ჩ׌ ᄊࠞාԊ ங؇Пቯcت ѩ৵ PowerBook G4 ࿲ཱו৶ᆼߦႲ஖क Page 2 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

K Apple Computer, Inc. AppleCarec Apple Store ވ iTunes Music Store ĥiTunes Apple Computer, Inc. Аੁ၆౑ಇ৪d ၿ৅ഉ׏Ħൢ Apple Computer, Inc. ᄡૉ ݗࠧ ఇ෴ ݗࡉ 2005 © ༄ї࠾dڟ౹ሃҬֽ֩ވ ᇉЫ൱Ҭڳĩ໇࣠ Apple ඄૯๡ၭĩ҆֨ى۸ऐϵಇ ༄ї࠾dڟ֩ .d .Mac ൢ Apple Computer, Inc಼ୁٷᇓ֩ಊҊࠋҊ

Apple їᇁൢ Apple Computer, Inc. ᄡૉݗࠧఇ෴ݗࡉ ENERGY STAR® ൢૉݗ֩ሃҬഉїd ౹ሃҬ֩ഉїd൝༹ૄႹ Apple ֩඄૯๡ၭĩࢀֽވ ໗ሷ ї࠾ވї ᇁ݆ ෲႹ d qࡳ஑rA pple їᇁĥ Option-Shift-KĦႬჃഉ၀Ⴌ๳ࢀ Bluetooth® Bluetooth SIG, Inc. ࣠൵ಇޮൔႬՒї࠾d .Apple Computer, Inc ވੴĩग़ၟШᆻ३ຽ౗ٙഉїಇىᇠވૉݗ৷Ͻຸٕ ࣍ྟ҆܈௠࣭ᆞd PowerPC ൢ International Business Machines Corporation ഉїĩ࣠ྼग़ޮൔႬd֩ ໥ૐၜࣔ৳ಖАЫ൱Ҭഌ֩ྔ༓ምಖd Apple ؗႊඛ භ֩ഉ܈Ӆ௚଄ӯൢఇདႏވභ܈ᄷd ᆇ৞ุࠧ֩ఇ෴ڹ҆ۄࠋ໗ሷմ༆ їdֿุࠧ֩೜ٞӅ௚࣋ቘҙ्ĩѭ҆ցњ ᆱ Apple Apple ҆ۄಮग़ࠋ๻࡭d ؗᆇླྀӅ௚֩ྣୃࠋൔႬ 1 Infinite Loop Apple ᄷdڹ Cupertino, CA 95014-2084 Ы൱Ҭᇓෲ૱එ֩Ӆ௚ҔႬϵಇА޽࠳ඐĩՒ࠳ඐඏ 408-996-1010 ఇ෴ӅಇಪෲႹĩ൷ૉݗሉވ Macrovision Corporation А޽dൔႬՒཟА޽࠳ඐх֩ىࠧఇ෴ᆭ൑Ӆಇى৪ Applec௞ݘc Apple їᇁc AirPortc AppleTalkc ྺ࣠ ൵ಇĩѭ౓ᆾୃᄡࡉ๚ Final Cut Proc FireWirec iCalc iDVDc iLifec iMoviec Macrovision Corporation ఇ෴Ⴙཏܸ֩ॅႬ๳ĩԦ٨਺࣠ވᇓൔႬ iPodciTunes cMac cMa cintoshcMac OS ވ PowerBook Macrovision ӵࠋٕ߼эd܁൵ಇd࿼࣐࣍ྟٕལ ౹ሃҬ Corporationֽވൢ Apple Computer, Inc. ᄡૉݗࠧఇ෴ݗࡉ ഉїd֩ 4,907,093 ވ 4,631,603c4,577,216 c4,819,098 ހૉݗሉ৪ ഥХဵ౴ၜ࣠ྼग़ຽ࣋ႬჃႹཏܸ֩ॅႬ๳d֩ Exposéc FileVaultc Finderc iPhotoc iSightc ࡊପպ๡ൌԟϵdވXcode ൢ Ы൱Ҭႋ໗ϵᄡૉݗ ވ Rendezvousc Safaric SuperDrive Apple Computer, Inc. ֩ഉїd Page 3 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

஄ૅ 1

؝ 1 ᇅ 5 ඲ᄊനବ PowerBook ֩ࠒЫனᇆ 6 ࡊனᇆڼ֩ PowerBook 8 10 ρሑ 17 ೆމܵт PowerBookļ ም׌ԁི 19 19 ༳၆҈ᄼઽϻļ

؝ 2 ᇅ 21 ࡰֆላද ऻൗਘࢷಊྑ֩ PowerBook 21 ᆠཅ൙௤ל 22 ൔႬ׌჻൥னచ 23 24 ൔႬԬ३ϴ 25 ൔႬࡳ஑ 26 ൔႬඎї 26 ࿔༡ Mac OS X ഥ׫ძᇆވስ׫ሡ૯ 27 28 ൔႬႏႬӵ࿁ 28 ৹ࢨչႊࠓ ৹ࢨؽࠓވ CD Ѱ٦ 29 30 Аӿೌࡵ቏ྑ 30 ৹ࢨདࠓࠋఇ෴ FireWire ࠋ USB ഥХ 31 ৹ࢨᇄອ઒ 31 ൔႬ Internet ࢀ໗ࡵԲൿᇄ਺၆෿׌଻ 31 32 ႏႬӵ࿁๘ᆼᄒྟൌ

ஙت؝ 3 ᇅ 33 ඲ᄊ 34 ๝ႬԵྟሽཐ (USB) 36 FireWire 38 PC ह 39 ൔႬ Bluetooth ഥХ ٤ໝ Internet ވAirPort Extreme ໱ཐ৷ອ 41 43 ၟขອ (10/100/1000Base-T)

3 Page 4 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

చלᇉࢷלൔႬ 44 44 ৹ࢨလശచވၿ௘ഥХ 45 Sudden Motion Sensor 45 ທҊ൮௘ᆪӿĥDVI c VGA ވ S-VideoĦ చײൔႬ SuperDrive ౾ 48 ׌ԁ 51 ١֦෱५ 55

ஙຢࢨட׋ت؝ 4 ᇅ 57 ༛ ࡊୁխڼρሑ 57 ಖ׫׌଻ୃ൑ѝྑୁխ 62

ו؝ 5 ᇅ 63 Ⴒ஖क ൔႬ׌଻֩ໝูىൔୡ໱ 63 65 ఇ෴ໝู տ֩ೌࡵڼᇛྑρሑ׌଻ 67 68 ൔႬ Apple Hardware Test 69 ρሑ Xcode Tools 69 ᅷԟӅ௚࿁ਝހ

ܚૅ A 71 ࢑෮ޡݎ

ܚૅ B 73 П೨c඲ᄊߦѮႃ࿲ཱ ൔႬ׌଻֩ρಊථ଀ވρሑ 73 74 ൔႬ PowerBook 75 ၆ϲρಊථ଀ ׌ԁ 76 щ૫๔৳෩ݡ 76 76 Apple ވߐࣦ 76 ಪࠓ܁ӵ࿔

ܚૅ C 79 ੗आሢ Internet ࠦྷဵ֩ྔ༓් 81 82 ൿೊྔ༓ చלᇉࢷלހ׈ؗ׈ོၴ (PPP) ৹ࢨ֩ѱ 82 చࠋउმອ Internet ৹ࢨלᇉࢷלచcཐ঱לᇉࢷל DSL 84 89 AirPort Extreme ໱ཐ৹ࢨ Ⴣ৹ࢨ֩ၔସࢷշܵ 93

D 95 ክԪ࣐؇ටݓ༻ທ ૅܚ

99 Communications Regulation Information

4 ଦ੧ Page 5 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

඲ᄊനବ 1 1

ஙdتி؇ PowerBook වႤ๝ݡ஡໽҃؇ҕ࢜҉


ވሹ႓ර྽€ࢀ׌଻֩׌჻Ұ๬ҰೊాഌҰቚᆱఱĩ౬ሱ༩ᄋ؄ಊҊρሑථ଀ ρಊྔ༓ ĥ౬ҙᄋֿ 73 ှĦd

5 Page 6 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

PowerBook ؇ࡰ҉ఇሤ


num esc F1 F2 F3 F4 F5lock F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12

؝ 1 ᇅ ൔႬೊ૎ 6 Page 7 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

੬٩েሧ࣑ ¤ ᄽీࠋ࡬೔ PowerBook ཅ൙௤֩਎؋d - ო੪েሧ࣑ ؽࠓൿԟ؎५֩ၿ਌dވࡽလശచୁֲלࠋ۞ל Num Lock ࣑ ࠛࠇ PowerBook ࡳ஑ഌୁష֩඘ሷ཰ࡳ஑d඘ሷ཰ࡳ஑ࠛࠇൌĩ Num Lock ࡳഌߺ਎ఓ੷֫d i ෌శ୨බಯ࠲࣑ ൔႬՒࡳᄡඤཅ൙చވ൮௘ࣨརଊ൘ᆱ࡛࣍ྟ౑ߔd o ࣑௯ᇘ୞েሧ࣑ ᄽీࠋ࡬೔ࡳ஑ᅺ଀֩਎؋d C ޝ௯໙ս࣑ σሂՒࡳग़ၟ๻ԟܿ஑dࢀሡ૯ഌ֩ܿ஑๱їຄၑᇄٰᇀ੓ွग़ၟ๻ԟܿ஑d ۦૼ঺ ĥ໎ჃቔလശచА޽ອ֩༳૯Ħग़ၟᆴࢨࢀശၿ੧ᇉ֢ PowerBook ႛ஑ഌdڈൔႬᆇ۵ୁࡽઞड़ டࣛၺඔ౸ ĥ2 ݓĦ ૆฼dأވྏഊၿ৅c׌႙cႷ༨ (ݡ஡࣑ (Fn σሂՒࡳग़ၟࠛࠇ܃ୃࡳ (F1 - F12)d ฆ୆ሙභ؉ PowerBook ԭჃඨ૨ሕฃൌĩϦ֫ߺ೾਎d Сைۄභూෆྣ σ༳Ւσ୪൨٦ཅ൙௤ĩಚޮչऻ PowerBookd ֊েђ ௤ଢĩ౬ࢀਊ۵൱ᆻײPowerBook ཅ൙௤ഌ֩ᆻᆐĩ౬ࢀ၆۵൱ᆻ٦ᄡԬ३ϴഌĸဵݓ ײဵၑ ࿎ཟd ĦܵჃൔႬԬ३ϴײ٦ᄡԬ३ϴഌdĥᄡ q༦๨ძᇆr֩ qࡳ஑ეඎїr૯ϴᇓչऻݓ ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 24 ှ qൔႬԬ३ϴrdྔأۻ௤ଢ֩ײݓވᆻᆐײၑ ௯೜ِ౸ޝ཭നබ చग़ၟ؄ಀ CD-ROM ܿ஑cPhoto CDĥᅺ௏ CDĦcїምၿ৅ܿ஑cDV D-ROMײୡ֩ SuperDrive ౾ ఇ෴඘ખ໗ࡵढ़੧ᄡވDVD-R ܿ஑c DVD ႙௏ၟࠧఇ෴৏ྜ֩ࢾᇍĩွग़ၟࢀၿ৅c໗ۤ ވ ཛ༩֩ྔ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋۻDVD+RW ܿ ஑ഌdႹܵ ވ CD-Rc CD-RWc DVD-Rc DVD+Rc DVD-RW చr dײှ qൔႬ SuperDrive ౾ 48 ֿ ᅙСைت ® չऻވܵт PowerBookĩࠋࢀఇᇆೊඨ૨ሕฃd AirPort Extreme/Bluetooth ມྮ֕৉ ൔႬग़࿎֩ AirPort Extreme ࠒᅣc AirPort Express ࠋఇ෴໱ཐࠦཐచၟ໱ཐٞ൘৹ࢨᇄ Internetd ވ (ୡွग़ၟႬ໱ཐٞ൘৹ࢨனХႹ Bluetooth ® ໱ཐ࠳ඐ֩ഥХĩೆඎїcࡳ஑cᅫഌ׌଻ (PDA ׌߉dײၑ

చĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 33 ှֿ 3 ᅧ qൔႬ׌଻r dײဵ࣍၆҈ਘࢷ AirPort Extreme ࠋୡ֩ܿ஑౾

؝ 1 ᇅ ൔႬೊ૎ 7 Page 8 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ࢨఇሤܚPowerBook ؇



؝ 1 ᇅ ൔႬೊ૎ 8 Page 9 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

؄๏৉ڿ PowerBook Ш֦d ࢨഌ١֦঱഻ၟ١ ᅙසఇ౸٬৉ت ¯ տ֩ Apple Portable Power Adapter ൥னచၟѐ۷ PowerBook ׌ԁԍ׌dڼҰഌ ౸٬৉غሧकغW டሤ చഌdלᇉࢷלࢀїም׌߉ཐᆴࢨ৹ࢨᄡୁᇆ d ੨ݓ USB 2.0 ĥົᄊ֓࿽ኛྮĦ٬৉ dۊႷ༨ވచcࡳ஑לᇉࢷלࡊഥХᇄ PowerBookĩೆչႊࠓcທҊխԩഥХc඘ખདࠓcڼ৹ࢨ PC গԎԄ dୃ܃֩ CardBus ۰൘֩ PC हҰҦণঘԍ PowerBook ވ ൔႬᆪӿ Type Ic Type II ෶૴ოశෝന٬৉ޝ / ოశྮીෝന , ࠋ඘ખၿ௘ഥХ৹ࢨᇄ PowerBookdڈࢀཐ੢׌௠ઞड़ ෶૴ოశෝս٬৉ޝ / ࡱڛ f ৹ࢨທҊလശచcؽࠓࠋ඘ખၿ௘ഥХd ٬৉ H ੨ݓ FireWire ທҊխԩഥХdग़ၟࢀїም 6 ᆐ FireWire ഥХᆴࢨ৹ࢨᇄވ৹ࢨ۞ිທҊഥХĩೆ඘ખഠརࠓ FireWire 400 ؎५ĩࠋᆄग़ၟൔႬ 9 ᆐᇄ 6 ᆐ FireWire ׌঱ࢀഥХ৹ࢨᇄ FireWire 800 ؎५dွग़ ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 36 ှdྔأۻၟࢀ 9 ᆐ FireWire ഥХᆴࢨ৹ࢨᇄ FireWire 800 ؎५dႹܵ (G ಆᇚ༬Ⴝ๠་٬৉ (10/100/1000Base-T ᆑҭrײ৹ࢨᇄ۞ි 10/100/1000Base-T ၟขອ઒ࠋ਺၆෿׌଻ѭԲൿ໗ࡵdၟขອ؎५֩qስ ग़ၟᆑҭ֢ఇ෴ၟขອഥХĩၽػ҆ྷဵၟขອ࢐ұ׌঱ণ৹ࢨᆇླྀഥХdୃ܃ Æ TV ෝս ĥS-video ෝսĦ٬৉ ࢀ PowerBook ৹ࢨᇄ׌൮ࠓc VCR ࠋఇ෴൮௘ഥХdୡग़ၟൔႬ TV ൿԟ؎५࣍ྟည൙ࠋᄡ׌൮ DVD-Videod ࠓഌѰ٦ DVI ĥ໵Өྣභ౸Ħ٬৉ £ տ֩ DVI ᇄ VGA ൥னచ৹ࢨ VGA ཅڼႬჃ৹ࢨտ DVI ࢨ५֩ທҊཅ൙చࠋ๫႙ഥХĩࠋᆄൔႬ ൶ટĦ৹ࢨ Apple ௠ϴཅ൙చd؃֊൙చdୡွग़ၟൔႬ DVI ᇄ ADC ൥னచ ĥ

ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 33 ှֿ 3 ᅧ qൔႬ׌଻r dୃ܃ဵ࣍၆҈ਘࢷᆇླྀ

؝ 1 ᇅ ൔႬೊ૎ 9 Page 10 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

Пቯ ࿥ිֽρሑĩѭग़ၟ৯ࠫऻൗൔႬdܘPowerBook ֩ഥ࠽ಢୡୃ

ᅙසఇ౸تӦ቉ 1: Ԏ൪ m ࢀ׌჻൥னచ֩࢐੄Ұ๬Ұೊᇄ׌჻Ұቚĩѭࢀ׌჻൥னచҰ๬Ұೊᇄ PowerBook ׌჻൥னచ؎५d



ဵကӍ׌჻൥னచ׌঱ĩୡग़ၟࢨഌ࢐੄׌ཐĥೆݘྷဵĦd౬ҙᄋֿ 23 ှqൔႬ ׌჻൥னచrd

Ӧ቉ 2: ቻ҃੕་ ׌଻ൌĩqഥᇆᇽড়rߺႈ֡ୡຟӲሃҬݚӵd෵ߒߺϾᇽୡഥᇆ׌ײୡ൲Օగ֖ ֩܆ഉ (ISP) ෲุ܆༄ุڟ Internet ৹ࢨd Internet ৹ࢨ๝ӌྷဵ၆۵ Internet ވ଻ dٲڵᅯ߀dᆇग़ୃྷဵ

ᅯ߀଄ӯdೆݘ֩܆၆ླྀྔ༓ĩеೆ ISP ལୡุ܆ഥᇆ Internet ৹ࢨ๝ӌဵ౴ୡุ ݚӵĩ഑ޮᄠ࣍ྟഥᇆd౬ҙᄋۂ഍໇ምХݾഥᇆୡ֩৹ࢨĩୡग़ၟ༹๏ݚ ࣍ྟഥᇆ֩ྔ༓dೆݘୡၜމ੧ C q৹ࢨᇄ InternetrၟਘࢷႹܵ഑ޮೆڼှ 79 ֿ ࣠ምХݾ৹ࢨĩ౬ຽୡࢀဵൔႬ֩৹ࢨ৏ྜ්ࠦ༳ਝྔ༓d

؝ 1 ᇅ ൔႬೊ૎ 10 Page 11 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

༓ĩಚޮᄡqഥᇆᇽྔ֩܆ୡग़ၟᄡᆇླྀှ૯ഌྃ༳ୡ֩ ISP ࠋອ઒ܹড়ჸལୡุ ড়rᇓൿೊᆇླྀྔ༓d

ࠧӏߞ੗आĩೊศࢄྑ੻࿲ཱķت႓ඃሤ ഉ଄ӯ܆༄ุڟ Â Â Ⴌ߀ࠋᅯ߀଄ӯ Â ૥ખ ખހÂ ISP ׌߉ ખހÂ Х࿎׌߉ Â ѱչທཐ֩ሷܷ

౸c१ᄹ་ࡩ AirPort Extreme ཏྮ੗आķغሧकغ౸cྮਏغሧकغ ႓ඃሤ DSL ᇙٞ൘ĩ౬࿜ໝ༦๨ܹড়ჸࠋ ISPĦķމႬۂm ൲༹ĩ౬࿎ಀ৹ࢨٞ൘ĥೆݘୡ҆ᆭ֥ ײÂ ൱ ഥ׫ IP ֽᆺײÂ ൔႬ DHCP ѭ൱ Â ൔႬ DHCP Â ൔႬ BootP Â PPP

ײൔႬଫᇙٞ൘ĩମઽ቏ݾ࿎ᄸ qൔႬ DHCPrĩ ၽຽອ઒ߺስۂೆݘୡ҆ಖ׫ႏ ඘хྷ֩ྔ༓dأպ܆ຽୡุ

ഥ׫ IP ֽᆺrĩ౬්ࠦ༳ਝྔ༓ķײrࠋ qൔႬ DHCP ѭ൱ײೆݘୡ࿎ᄸਘq൱  IP ֽᆺ  ሴອဇખ  ੢Ⴒచֽᆺ ੢ވഥ׫ IP ֽᆺrĩᄹ҆ྷဵሴອဇખײቡ€ೆݘୡ࿎ᄸਘ qൔႬ DHCP ѭ൱ Ⴒచֽᆺd

ဵᆇྷڒೆݘୡ࿎ᄸਘ qൔႬ DHCPrĩ ౬්ࠦ༳ਝग़࿎ྔ༓ ĥ౬࿜ໝ ISP ॅୡൢ ླྀྔ༓Ħķ Â DHCP फ़߀ ID ༄చڟ Â DNS

ೆݘୡ࿎ᄸਘqPPP rĥႬჃ PPPoE ৹ࢨĦĩ౬්ࠦ༳ਝྔ༓ķ ഉ܆༄ุڟ Â Â ᅯ߀଄ӯ Â ૥ખ ༄଄ӯڟ Â PPPoE

؝ 1 ᇅ ൔႬೊ૎ 11 Page 12 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ဵᆇླྀྔ༓dྷڒ༳ਝྔ༓ൢग़࿎֩d౬࿜ໝୡ֩ ISP ࠋ༦๨ܹড়ჸॅୡൢ ༄చڟ Â DNS Â მ଄ ༄చڟÂ ցড়

ઘႤ๝ Mac ֐ෝ༵࣓ૹļָ ࢀၟఱ֩ Mac ഌ֩Ⴌ߀ײೆݘୡၜ࣠႞Ⴙਘ၆෿ Macĩqഥᇆᇽড়rग़ ၟ Ͼᇽୡስ ༓Բൿᇄྑ Mac ᇓdྔأۻވᅯ߀cອ઒ഥᇆcႏႬӵ࿁ ႓֐ෝ࿲ཱĩிңဘ॰҃തྑສ࣓ķ Â ၆۸їም 6 ᆐᇄ 6 ᆐ FireWire ׌঱d ϵЫd۞ۻÂ ୡ֩਺၆෿ Mac хྺρሑႹ Mac OS X v10.1 ࠋ Â ୡ֩਺၆෿ Mac хྺனХႹୁࡽ FireWire ؎५ѭᆪӿq FireWire ଦїՌ஑ଊ൘rd

႓ࣞႽಏ؇ Mac ൪؇࿲ཱ֐ෝሢி؇࿯ Mac ൪ķ m ୡᆾྷչऻྑ Macĩಚޮσᅺ௤ଢᆻ൙࣍ྟҤቘdqഥᇆᇽড়rࢀᇳ҈ֽႈ֡ୡຟ ӲԲൿྔ༓֩ݚӵd ࢀྔ༓Բൿᇄྑ Mac ҆ߺ႙ཝୡ֩਺၆෿ Mac ഌ֩ྔ༓dĥೆݘୡᄡྑ Mac ഌഥ ౹ᇓdĦٷ౹ĩᄹণስ਺၆෿ Mac ֩ෲႹྔ༓׿ࢀԲൿ֢၆۵ٷ۵أᇆਘ ඲ᄊ qඃሤቛ਺rĩிসႽ֐ෝķ ׌ሴႳࡵވÂ Ⴌ߀ᅯ߀ĩЋগძᇆ ഥᇆຽൔႬეୡ֩਺၆෿ Macײອ઒ഥᇆĩᆇဦୡ֩ྑ Mac ऀߺШስވ Â Internet ቘ܁ད๡֩ഥᇆণ

 ႏႬӵ࿁ 1ĩᆇဦୡᄡ਺၆෿ Mac ഌൔႬ֩ෲႹႏႬӵ࿁ཇᄡ׿ᄡୡ֩ྑ Mac ഌ ໗ࡵࡇĩᆇ ग़ ಢୡౢෂֽ٤ໝୡᄡࣼ֩ Mac ഌൔႬ֩໗ࡵވ౹ഌ֩໗ࡵٷވ ႛ஑ ވ໗ࡵࡇd

ೆݘୡ҆ཛྷАੁࠋൔႬୡ֩਺၆෿ Macĩୡग़ୃཛྷဵಀཬؗୡ֩ࣼ׌଻֩൵ಇĩൔ ઝ֩ၿ৅dܗѰ٦ୡ՚ iTunes ၿ৅ഉ׏ى෵໱ ׌଻ൌĩೆݘ҆ൔႬqഥᇆᇽড়rԲൿྔ༓ĩᄹग़ၟ഑ޮᄠ࣍ྟՒҤቘdײ൲Օగ

ላ֢ qႏႬӵ࿁r໗ࡵࡇĩչऻ q൐Ⴌӵ࿁rĩಚޮ৹σ qഥᇆᇽড়rd

ୡग़ୃхྺᇛྑρሑୡԲൿ֩ଚླྀႏႬӵ࿁d .1

؝ 1 ᇅ ൔႬೊ૎ 12 Page 13 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ቡ€ೆݘୡၜ࣠ൔႬqഥᇆᇽড়rԲൿਘࣼ Macintosh ഌ֩ྔ༓ĩѭཛྷൔႬ qഥ ᇆᇽড়rᄠՕԲൿఇᇓ֩ྔ༓ĩ౬ಖ׫ࣼ Macintosh ഌ֩ FileVault ĥ໗ࡵАཆཕĦ ၜܵтdဵܵт FileVaultĩ౬չऻq༦๨ძᇆr֩qᅯ߀r૯ϴĩಚޮ׈σqρಊrd σᅺ௤ଢᆻ൙࣍ྟҤቘd

ਏتӦ቉ 3: ੗आ చࠋלᇉࢷלచcཐ঱לᇉࢷל ࢨ༳ণĩࢀୡ֩ PowerBook ৹ࢨᇄ׌߉ཐ੢c DSL ၟขອ઒dೆݘୡဵ৹ࢨᇄ၆۵໱ཐ AirPort Extreme 802.11b ࠋ 802.11g ອ઒ĩᄹ҆ ဵ׌঱dྷ

ࠧྮીķت႓੗आ ހచ؎५ႬჃѱלᇉࢷלచ ؎५ĩלᇉࢷלᇆୁވm Ⴌ׌߉ཐ৹ࢨాഌ׌߉Ұ२ ৹ࢨd


ᇉלۂచ৹ࢨᄡଊ୉׌߉ཐ੢ഌĥࡉ๚๝ӌൔႬ֩ମᇙĦdלᇉࢷל౬༄хࢀୁᇆ ඘ሷ׌߉ཐ੢ൔႬdފచ҆ୃனלࢷ

ᇉלచഌĩ׌߉ཐ੢৏ྜ҆ؗߺ෩ߎלᇉࢷלी݃€༃ࢀ඘ሷ׌߉ཐ੢৹ࢨᄡ භd܈ൢ඘ሷ׌߉ཐ੢ĩ౬৷༦ୡ֩׌߉ڒచdೆݘ҆ୃಖ׫ୡൔႬ֩ൢלࢷ

చrdלᇉࢷל༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 44 ှ qൔႬྔأۻచ֩לᇉࢷלႹܵ ੧ C q৹ࢨᇄ Internetrdڼ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 79 ှྔأۻႹܵఇ෴৹ࢨ৏ྜ֩

؝ 1 ᇅ ൔႬೊ૎ 13 Page 14 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

౸ࡩႽ๠་૰ķغሧकغ౸cྮਏغሧकغ ႓੗आሢ DSL לᇉࢷלచࠋཐ঱לᇉࢷל చථ଀ᇓ֩๱൙ࢀ׌঱৹ࢨᇄ DSLלᇉࢷלm ౬ҙᅺ చĩࠋᆄҙᅺ༳๱ࢀၟขອཐ৹ࢨᇄၟขອࠦཐచࠋҰ५dಚޮࢀၟขອཐ֩਺၆ ৹ࢨᇄ׌଻֩ၟขອ؎५d؎



؝ 1 ᇅ ൔႬೊ૎ 14 Page 15 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ঙ PowerBookח :Ӧ቉ 4 ײగײୡ֩׌଻ਘdqഥᇆᇽড়rߺስײࠦݾഥᇆྷဵ֩ྔ༓ᆱޮĩୡऀग़ၟగ් ণϾᇽୡ࣍ྟഥᇆd ဵչऻ׌଻ĩ౬σ༳׌჻σ୪ (® )d 1 ൌσ༳׌჻σ୪ग़ײቡ€؏ᄤֽσ၆༳׌჻σ୪ ĥ҆ဵӕݚ၆૴ᇖĦdᄡ׌଻గ ߺᄠՕܵтୡ֩׌଻dୃ ဵ߁၆ླྀൌ࡛dྷײശၿd׌଻గײऻࠓൌୡߺ๔֢׌଻֩గ


؝ 1 ᇅ ൔႬೊ૎ 15 Page 16 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ஙঙࡱඪսྥ༻ທļت ჭdڳஙଢᄗتᅙСைࠌĩتСྑ ׌჻ഌdވ৹ࢨᄡ׌଻ֽܩÂ ׌ԁग़ୃၜݿࣔd౬ಖ׫ၜࢀ׌჻൥னచ֩ਊ؎ঽ ൢ਎֩dۂୡࢀ൥னచҰೊ׌଻ൌĩҰ๬ഌ֩֫ႏ֖ ൔႬ׌଻֩ໝูrdىĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 63 ှ qൔୡ໱ײÂ ೆݘ׌଻။ಚ҆ୃగ ൜ِ༻ߞ؇֪௯ࡩ༵࣓ࢥ໏భdםսྥႤݓ Â ᆇ۵๱ї๝ӌၭ້ሦ׌଻ᄡႛ஑ࠋ׌଻৹ࢨ֩ఇ෴Ռ஑ഌᅷ֢҆༦๨ೌࡵd౬ ׌଻dσሂ׌଻֩׌჻σ୪ᄃ 4 ᇄ 5 ૴ᇖĩᆴᇄ׌଻ܵтdಚޮײӋ൯ᇛྑగ ᄠՕσ༳׌჻σ୪dೆݘໝูಳಚխᄡĩୡग़ୃྷဵᇛྑρሑ༦๨ೌࡵd౬ҙ տ֩ೌࡵrdڼᄋֿ 67 ှ qᇛྑρሑ׌଻

ሡഌྜ׌଻ൔႬඎїފ௤ଢഌ֩ཟଦĩऀརனײၑވൔႬ PowerBook Ԭ३ϴণ࿎ᄸ 2 ၆ဦd ୡ֩൱ᆻdײ௤ଢഌ֩ࡴ๬ᆻᆐĩ౬ᄡԬ३ϴഌ߅ײ ဵၑ أᆻᆐĩ౬࣋ᄡԬ३ϴഌൔႬ၆۵൱ᆻĸೆݘୡൔႬਊ۵ࠋײሹ႓ර྽€ဵၑ ײdĥԬ३ϴШഥ࠽ຽᄑྼୡൔႬਊ۵ਧ࣑֩൱ᆻণݓײ۵൱ᆻĩᄹᆻᆐ҆ߺၑ ༓dĦྔأۻ௤ଢd౬ҙᄋֿ 24 ှ qൔႬԬ३ϴrၟਘࢷ

؝ 1 ᇅ ൔႬೊ૎ 16 Page 17 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM



ႹܵൔႬԬ३ϴุ֩൙ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 24 ှ qႹܵൔႬԬ३ϴุ֩൙rd ܄༣ୡĩୡၜ࣠ഌ੢ডĞ

തߧޓҠ PowerBookļ ቘޮĩୡग़ၟࢀ׌଻ᇆೊඨ૨ሕฃࠋܵࠓd܁ᄡൔႬ PowerBook ຟӲ

ࣞ PowerBook ሤനฆ୆ታ๡ ೆݘୡᆾൢ؏ൌ࡛ୁ҆ൔႬ PowerBookĩ౬ࢀ෵ᇆೊඨ૨ሕฃd׌଻ԭჃඨ૨ሕฃ ݚӵdײॽࢀఇߖྠĩػ໱ྷ࣠ݚగޗൌĩୡग़ၟ

ஙሤനฆ୆ታ๡ĩೊफ࿽ႽྑႤ྽Ԃ኶ķت႓ࣞ  ފഌཅ൙௤d  ՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ Apple () > qඨ૨rd

؝ 1 ᇅ ൔႬೊ૎ 17 Page 18 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

 σ༳׌჻σ୪ (® ) ѭᄡ௤ଢഌԟཇ֩ؗ߉ঃᇓ׈σ qඨ૨rd

ी݃€౬༄х֭ք࠯૴ᇖĩᆴ֢໎Ⴣཅ൙௤෱६ഌ֩Ϧ೨ඨ૨ᆻ൙֫ऻൗ೾਎ ײPowerBookdႛ஑ላ ײĦޮĩᄠၑײĥњ൙׌଻ԭჃඨ૨ሕฃĩႛ஑ၜ๘ᆼላ dײ׌଻ߺ෩ߎႛ஑ĩ֡ᇅ඘ऐ׭ൂࠋᆄ҆ୃ՚ႛ஑గײൌၑ

ஙķت႓࠴࿾ ՚ඨ૨ᇓߖྠdײÂ ത޶ྣභూවߨ൪؇ĩ౬չऻ෵dչऻཅ൙௤ޮĩPowerB ook ߺስ ঙĩ౬σ༳׌჻σ୪ (® ) ࠋࡳ஑ഌ֩ಭၭ၆۵ࡳdחÂ ത޶ྣභూႺ

ޓҠ PowerBook ೆݘᄡ၆ਊใୁ׿҆ߺൔႬ PowerBookĩႏࢀఇܵтd ஙĩೊफ࿽ႽྑႤ྽Ԃ኶ķتҠޓ႓  ౬՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ Apple () > qܵࠓrd  σ༳׌჻σ୪ (® ) ѭᄡԟཇ֩ؗ߉ঃᇓ׈σ qܵࠓrd

މPowerBookrၟਘࢷೆ PowerBookĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 74 ှqխ٦ ೆݘୡչොӍൌ࡛խ٦ ١ᆼ׌ԁຟಊݿࣔd

؝ 1 ᇅ ൔႬೊ૎ 18 Page 19 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

՟ت࿐ቻ ဵൔ PowerBook ׌ԁ֩ൔႬൌ࡛ն֢቏Ӎĩ౬ᄡൔႬ PowerBook ֿ֩၆ᇟୁຟӲ ༳ਝҤቘķ

՟फ࿽ռֳ࿐ቻķتٵೊСᇘྑ੻Ӧ቉ Ұഌ׌჻൥னచ۷ୡ֩ PowerBook ׌ԁԍ׌ĩᆴ֢׌჻൥னచҰ๬ഌ֩ᆻ൙֫ё 1 Ӳ੷೨ѭ౓Җ֊ধഌ֩׌ԁ๱їᆻ൙׌ԁၜԍથ׌d ౬ؒऻ׌჻൥னచĩಚޮҤቘ PowerBook ᆴᇄ׌ԁݿࣔd 2 ؗ߉ঃd౬ࡃ࿇ൔۥ׌ԁ׌਌҆ቄൌĩୡߺᄡ௤ଢഌॅ֢൲Օ׌ԁ׌਌҆ቄ֩࣢֖ Ⴌ PowerBook ၟݿࣔ׌ԁᆴ֢׌଻࣍ೊඨ૨ሕฃĸՒൌĩ׌ԁၜࠒЫഌݿࣔĩग़ၟ ࣍ྟིምਘd ࢨഌ׌჻൥னచѭАӿ৹ࢨĩᆴ֢׌ԁᄠՕԍથ׌d 3 ሹ႓ර྽€ୡᆾྷຟಊ൨٦׌ԁ׌਌ĩಚޮ၆Օྣֽ۷׌ԁԍથ׌ĩ՚ػຟӲؗ ऻ׌჻൥னచdؒވഖĩୡ׿ग़ၟࢨഌأఇ࣍ྟིምdၟޮĩܹ҆׌ԁ֩׌਌ൢ

ވՒིምݚӵdႹܵ׌჻൥னచڳࡊ׌ԁᇛڼࡊ֩׌ԁĩ౬ؗᆇླྀڼઝਘܗೆݘୡ ှ q׌ԁrd 51 ֿވ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 23 ှ qൔႬ׌჻൥னచrྔأۻ׌ԁ֩

ྑႤӦᆚଛљļ  ਘࢷႹܵ PowerBook ֩ᇛဵࠒԨᆭ൑d౬Ҵᄋֿ 21 ှֿ 2 ᅧ qࠒԨᆭ൑r d տ֩ Mac OS Xڼĩఇ৅໱౯dᛖযୡ֩׌଻ୃ܃ Internet ވ Ӌ൯׌଻֩ႏႬӵ࿁ ވႏႬӵ࿁൱Ҭd  ೆݘୡ҆ඇ༕ Mac OS Xĩ౬չऻ qMac OS Ͼᇽrѭᛖযఇᇓ֩ྔ༓d ՚ఇ෴׌଻ላߔݚণļ ౬չऻq Mac OS Ͼᇽrѭ ҴᄋqM ac OS X ൔႬೊ૎rd۔  ෵ग़ၟϾᇽୡႬၟఱ֩׌଻ᆭ൑ণऻൗൔႬ Macd

؝ 1 ᇅ ൔႬೊ૎ 19 Page 20 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ത޶࠰ᄗ༻ທĩܠᆚଛљļ Mac OS ќቛ ඘ྔ༓׿ग़ၟᆴࢨᄡ׌଻ഌᅷ֢dأႹܵൔႬ Macintosh ֩պ ׈σ Dock ĥ௤ଢּҊ֩๱їধĦᇓ֩ Finder ๱їd 1

࿎ಀqϾᇽr> qM ac Ͼᇽrĥ׈σҖ֊ধᇓ֩qϾᇽrҖ֊ѭ࿎ಀq Mac ϾᇽrĦd 2

׈σ්෰ধĩࡳೊୡ֩ໝูѭσ༳ࡳ஑ഌ֩ Return ࡳd 3

౥๒ለ՝ Â ೆݘჟ֢֩ໝูൔୡ҆ୃൔႬ׌଻ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 63 ှֿ 5 ᅧ qၔସࢷշr d ੧ D q቏ӌࡲ֩൉۵ໝูrdڼÂ ౬Ҵॅ቏ӌࡲ֩൉۵ໝูd౬ҙᄋֿ 95 ှ ቏ྑ֩ Apple ೌࡵ༳ᄟĩ౬٤ໝވÂ ဵࠊ֨ᆪӿྔ༓cႬ߀อઆ౹

տ֩ AppleCare ራਜਘࢷೆڼೆݘୡᄡᆇླྀ໎ᇆ׿ᅷ֢҆ໝู֩շχĩ౬ҙᄋ׌଻ މე Apple ৷༦d

؝ 1 ᇅ ൔႬೊ૎ 20 Page 21 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ࡰֆላද 2 2

PowerBook ؇ሹ႓ ޓᇅज൷੶ிပ႓੶क؇ᄗ҉ ࡰֆላදd

ঙඵ੶क೨࿯؇ PowerBook ൭c๱඄ܺcࢡ൭ĩࠋᆄୡ܈ୡ֩ PowerBook ӕЎӕౢĩၽՒୡग़ၟࢀ෵տ֢ϻ ఇ෴ֽٞdމቘcგ৅֩ಭ܁

చײ஑౾ܿވൌ๘ᆼൔႬ PowerBookĩ౬ᄡϰၑ׌଻ᆱఱĩ഑֭௏ढ़ၟѐႛ஑މ໱આ ൌĩщ૫๻ሓࠋሓࠐୡ֩ PowerBookdײdܿ஑ᆢᄡላײᇓ֩ܿ஑๘ᆼላ

ײએࠋᄩ൷चਟ֩ᆖםቡ€PowerB ook ҔႬਘ Sudden Motion Sensor ࠳ඐĩ֖׌଻ أۻ࠳ඐႹᇽჃА޽ႛ஑d౬ҙᄋֿ 45 ှq Sudden Motion Sensorrၟਘࢷۂൌĩ ྔ༓d

ಧൢᆢӌ֩dӍൌ࡛ൔႬൌĩ౬ࢀكቘࠋ׌ԁԍ׌ൌĩࠓक़ּҊ܁ ᄡ PowerBook ٦ᄡ௠ᆠػႿ໛׫֩њ૯ഌdࠓक़ּҊШ੿ີ׋۞ĩၟѐՠ࣍०ఛ੄ PowerBook ๝ĩൔ׌଻Аӿᄡᆢӌ֩Ҥቘ໕؋຺ٗୁd

ԟౢີ֩ᄲكచൌߺײ஑౾ܿވcൔ Ⴌ ႛ஑ײཇ׌଻ᄡగكᄡਘࢷྑ׌଻ൌĩୡߺ ๻ԟܿ஑ൌĩୡߺ๔֢ވచഌ֩඘ऐĩࠋሑೊײ஑౾ܿވၿd৬ೆĩᄡୡ٤ໝႛ஑ അণ೟ಧĩᆇ ߺӅڈहᕙശdPowerB ook ᄡᄒྟ၆ؑൌ࡛ޮߺչऻ၆۵཰ވໞໞശ ഷີ೔֩ശၿdౢີᄲၿൢ PowerBook ᄒྟݚӵᇓӅഷ֩ĩඏᆢӌཇཤd

੧ Bڼρಊථ଀ĩ౬ୡ༄хҙᄋֿ 73 ှأۻൔႬ׌଻֩ވႹܵᄡ҆๡ֽ׈ԭড় qρಊcൔႬވАဥྔ༓rd

21 Page 22 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ᇾྣභూغ ၢܸॅdൔႬ಼ۻᆠཅ൙௤ĩൔ௤ଢל၆֎ऻൗൔႬྑ֩ PowerBookĩୡग़ୃྷဵ ᆠ௤ଢ਎؋dלїႹ ¤ ๱ї֩σࡳণ


Ҡናِྣභూ੬٩ݡ஡ķޓ႓ ײm ՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ Apple () > q༦๨ძᇆrdչऻ qཅ൙చr૯ϴѭಀཬ࿎ᄸስ ਎؋ሃ࠾۰d

࿎טూ஀൪؇ࠤ୍ܡݙ ѓੵdୡွग़ၟൔႬఇٷୡ֩ PowerBook ॾ௤ଢཅ൙௤ൔႬ֩ൢ 1440 x 900 ჴഷ ѓੵĩೆ 1024 x 768dٷ෴їም ѓੵ֩ٷᄡທҊཅ൙చഌࣨར௤ଢൌĩࠋᆄൔႬଚླྀႏႬӵ࿁ ĥೆഥ࠽ႬჃїም ѓੵdٷႷ༨ࠋည൙໗ۤೌࡵĦൌĩ౬ൔႬїም

տĩᄹग़ၟ࿎ಀޕտdೆ ݘ ୡ҆ཛྷॅ֢ޕѓੵൌĩཅ൙௤ਊҫߺԟཇٷᄡൔႬїም տdޕᆠ۵௤ଢѭཬԦۆڱѓੵজӍ๱རĩণٷqজഩrϵЫ֩

؝ 2 ᇅ ࠒԨᆭ൑ 22 Page 23 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ѓੵ ĥШٷ཰֩ۻୡग़ၟᄡ q༦๨ძᇆr֩ qཅ൙చr૯ϴᇓ࿎ಀ 1152 x 768 ࠋ ѓੵൌĩ௤ٷѓੵĦd֖ୡ౑ߔᇄॾ۞еད๡֩ࢤ཰ٷӯຽqॾ۞еད๡֩rࢤ཰ ٷѓੵग़ୃ҆ೆཅ൙௤֩ძഥٷၢܸॅdॾ۞еད๡֩ࢤ཰಼ۻଢഌ֩ཟଦёպĩ ѓੵମઽ౦།d

ұ૓ķەᇾྣභూغ႓ m ՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ Apple () >q༦๨ძᇆrdչ ऻq ༦๨ძᇆrᇓ֩qཅ൙చr૯ϴd ဵൔႬҖ֊ধᇓ֩ཅ൙చ๱їণ३ᇉୡ֩ཅ൙௤ഥᇆĩ౬׈࿎ qᄡҖ֊ধᇓཅ൙ ཅ൙చ๱їrd

ᅙසఇ౸ت඲ᄊ ࢐੄׌჻ѭຽ׌଻֩׌ԁԍ׌d܆Ұഌ׌჻൥னచग़ၟຽ׌଻ุ

ઝ၆۵ܗտ֩׌჻൥னచࠋ਺ທڼሹ႓ර྽€ဵࠊ֨቏ࡈྣୃĩ౬ᆾൔႬ׌଻ 65W Apple Portable Power Adapter ൥னచd ԟ၆૴ᇖ֩੷ܿĩњ൙׌჻ၜكୡ൲Օࢀ׌჻൥னచ৹ࢨᄡ׌଻ഌൌĩᆻ൙֫ߺ֖ ৹ࢨݾdᆻ൙֫ຽᠻᠫ೨њ଀׌ԁᆢᄡԍ׌dᆻ൙֫ຽ੷೨њ଀׌ԁၜԍથ׌dୡ ग़ၟൔႬҖ֊ধᇓ֩׌ԁ๱їࠋ׌ԁּҊ֩׌ԁ׌਌ᆻ൙֫ণࡗ൮׌ԁ֩׌਌ ĥ౬ҙᄋֿ 51 ှĦd տ֩࢐੄׌ཐሑᄡ൥ன ڼ ဵကӍ׌჻൥னచ׌঱ĩ౬՚൥னచഌϝ༳࢐੄Ұ๬dࢀ చഌĩಚޮࢀ׌ཐ਺၆؎Ұೊ֢ాഌҰቚᇓd

ी݃€౬ಖ׫ࢀ׌჻൥னచҰೊ׌჻Ұቚᆱఱĩ൥னచၜຟಊቊሑݾdೆݘୡ ൔႬĩ౬༄х༹ࢀ࢐੄Ұ๬ഌ֩ਊ۵Ұཫຟಊϱފ׌჻൥னచனވဵࢀ࢐੄Ұ๬ ऻĩಚޮᄠҰೊ൥னచd

؝ 2 ᇅ ࠒԨᆭ൑ 23 Page 24 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

տ֩࢐੄׌ཐdಖ׫ࢀ׌჻Ұ๬ຟಊҰೊ֢׌଻ഌ֩ڼ౬ᆾൔႬୡ֩׌჻൥னచ ׌ᆢӌd܆౓ܩ׌჻൥னచ؎५ᇓĩၟಖА৹ࢨঽ


ႹܵൔႬ׌჻൥னచ֩ρಊථ଀ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 73 ှ qҰೊ׌჻൥னచrd

඲ᄊ֊েђ ၆཰ؑײ؋dဵ ಢᆻᆐᄡ௤ଢഌၑි֩ײᆻᆐ֩ॽનಀऩჃୡ֩൱ᆻၑײԬ३ϴၑ ᄄჽd֨ײᄄॽĩᆻᆐᄡ௤ଢഌၑ֨ײ൱ᆻd൱ᆻၑײओ৚ĩ౬ᄡԬ३ϴഌનનၑ

඲ᄊ֊েђ؇ຖභޓᄗ ဵࠊ֨቏ࡈԬ३ϴൔႬྲྀݘĩ౬࠾ሂၟ༳ุ൙ķ ۵ࢨԬ׈ĩ֐ൢೆݘୡࢀأᆻᆐdԬ३ϴഥ࠽ຽग़ၟࡣҭײÂ ࣋ൔႬ၆۵൱ᆻၑ dײ۵൱ᆻ٦ᄡԬ३ϴഌĩᄹᆻᆐ҆ߺၑأਊ۵ࠋ ఇ෴༂฼dމзࠋಭەÂ ҆ဵൔႬ ᄶdೆݘԬ३ϴႲჃ൅ఛࠋටఞ୤ࢶػ൷Ӛĩ౬Ⴌ၆ॺۈԬ३ϴྺАӿވÂ ൱ᆻ ᄠൔႬdޮۈ࣮֩ଏ҇ౢౢҌۈ ৏ྜ֩༥ࢵࣞҌ൞Ԭ३ϴdމÂ ౑༃ൔႬಭ

Ҋ֩Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ qϾᇽr > qMacר༓ĩ౬ୡ՚௤ଢྔأۻႹܵൔႬԬ३ϴ֩ Ͼᇽrd

৹σdᄡq༦ވԦਘൔႬԬ३ϴσ୪ĩୡߒग़ၟൔႬ൱ᆻᆴࢨᄡԬ३ϴഌ࣍ྟ׈σ ࠧఇ෴Ԭ३ϴ࿎ཟdୃ܃๨ძᇆr֩ qࡳ஑ეඎїr૯ϴᇓչऻՒ

ൢᄡԬ३ϴഌၑىԷ५ĩٞײට௠ݓވĩᄹग़ၟ࿎ᄸՀᆴ์ײՒທĩೆݘԷ५Ⴙݓ ਊ۵ਧ࣑֩൱ᆻdग़ᄡ q༦๨ძᇆr֩ qࡳ஑ეඎїr૯ϴᇓ࿎ᄸՒ࿎ཟdײ

ĩᆇൢၽຽୡ҆཰ྒྷ஻֢ਘԬ३ϴĩ౬ಖ׫ײཇᆻᆐᄡၑكቡ€ೆݘୡᄡչሷൌ ੿҆ഴ֩Ԭ३ϴൿೊr࿎ཟdޱᄡq༦๨ძᇆr֩qࡳ஑ეඎїr૯ϴᇓ࿎ᄸਘq

؝ 2 ᇅ ࠒԨᆭ൑ 24 Page 25 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

඲ᄊ࣑௯ ѭᄡїምࡳ஑ࡳᇓ֩඘ሷ཰ࡳ஑d඘ሷ཰ࡳ஑֩σࡳ׿ႹފPowerBook ࡳ஑Ⴙ၆۵ ၆۵ࢤ཰֩՚ඏїపd


ဵൔႬ඘ሷ཰ࡳ஑ĩ౬σ༳ Num Lockĥ඘ሷ෱׫Ħࡳdೆݘ Num Lock ࡳ਎੷֫ĩ њ൙཰ࡳ஑ൢࠇᄅ֩dႬຟޮᄠσ၆༳ Num Lock ࡳࢀఇܵтd

ቘĩ౬ࡣҴ Num Lock ࡳd඘ሷ཰ࡳ஑ࠇᄅ܁ሹ႓ර྽€ೆݘࡳ஑඿ް҆ୃᆢӌ Ħ֩ࡳ஑֭ྲྀࡳ׿҆ग़Ⴌdୃ܃Җ֊ଅ਻ ĥೆ x -Q ᆷྟ຀ԟވൌĩఇ෴σࡳ

చ໎ჃလശచА޽ۏႏ (ALS) ༦๨d ALS ԲۏߐࣦܿވPowerBook னХਘРܿࡳ஑ ࡳ஑ᅺ଀dୡވᆠཅ൙௤਎؋לֽײອ༳૯ĩ෵ૐग़ၟ۸ऐ֖ఱߐࣦᇓ֩ܿཐণስ ᆠࡳ஑ᅺ଀dלF10 ࡳণ ވ ߒग़ၟൔႬ F8c F9 ൢչऻ֩ĩࡳ஑ွᆾୃᄡܿཐࢤτ֩౪ই༳ᅺ଀dୃ܃ሹ႓ර྽€ࠫൔࡳ஑ᅺ଀

؝ 2 ᇅ ࠒԨᆭ൑ 25 Page 26 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ĩࠋᆄσ༳ F8 ࡳdୃ܃ୡग़ၟᄡq༦๨ძᇆr֩qࡳ ஑ ეඎїr૯ϴᇓܵтࡳ஑ᅺ଀

ᆠࡳ஑ᅺ଀dဵႬ ExposéלF10 ࡳĩ෵ૐွग़Ⴌণ ވ ቡ€ Exposé ძഥຽൔႬ F9 ণܹড়ୡ֩ሡ૯Է५ĩ౬σ༳ Fn ࡳѭσሂ F9 ࠋ F10ĩࠋᄡ q༦๨ძᇆr৞չऻ ࡳণܹড়Է५dୃ܃qExposé r૯ϴѭ࿎ᄸ҆๡֩

ቘĩ౬՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ qϾᇽr >q Mac Ͼᇽr܁ೆݘୡཛྷൔႬࡳ஑࿥ࢲণ۞ྲֽྀ ႏႬވӌႬ֩Ҥቘأཇຟᆠ֩ࡳ஑࿥ࢲਝњĩग़ႬჃྼكѭ්෰ q࿥ࢲrdୡߺ ӵ࿁d

඲ᄊ෬ҵ ೆݘୡൔႬ֩ Apple Mouse ඎїտႹ USB ৹ࢨĩୡग़ၟࢀ USB ࢨ๬Ұೊᇄ USB 2.0 ५ᇓĩಚޮऀग़ၟൔႬୡ֩ඎїਘdୡग़ၟ՚ Apple ൵ಇ࣠ཫഉࠋ Apple Store؎ ອᅣ ܗઝ USB ඎїd

ဲཿ Mac OS X ୃ܃տႹ Mac OS XĩఇฯྣЋগႮ࿲֩Ⴌ߀ࢼ૯c۞࠭֩๱ྜྷڼ ୡ֩ PowerBook d෵ွտႹ Classicĩ၆ᇙᄡ׌଻ᄒྟ Mac OS X ൌൔୃྣވၟࠧᄽీ֩༦๨໛׫ྣ Ⴌ Mac OS 9 ႏႬӵ࿁֩ߐࣦd

ᆭ൑ĩ౬أۻࠊࢆ֩ iLife ႏႬӵ࿁֩ވ տ֩ Mac OS XڼೆݘୡምХ࿔༡Ⴙܵ׌଻ տ֩ Mac OS X ൱Ҭdွग़ၟչऻqM ac OS Ͼᇽrѭᛖযఇᇓ֩ڼ ҙᄋ PowerBook ላߔᇄ Mac ֩Ⴌ߀ႹႬ֩ވ༓dୡࢀᅷ֢պ਌ؗჃྑ׌଻Ⴌ߀cႹ࣠ဖ֩Ⴌ߀ྔ ྔ༓d ྔأۻ֩ ႹܵೌࡵႏႬӵ࿁ე Mac OS X ֩࡝಼ྣໝูĩࠋཛྷਘࢷܵჃ Mac OS X ༓ĩ౬٤ໝ Apple ອᅣ

տ֩ Mac OS 9ڼቡ€ೆݘୡཛྷᄡୡ֩׌଻ഌൔႬ Mac OS 9 ႏႬӵ࿁ĩх ྺൔႬ׌଻ Install Discĥ Mac OS 9 ρሑܿ஑Ħণρሑ Mac OS 9d Mac OS 9 ҆ୃቘຽ൲࿎Ҥቘ༦ ׌଻dײ๨ρሑᄡୡ֩ PowerBook ഌĩୡွ҆ୃൔႬ Mac OS 9 గ

؝ 2 ᇅ ࠒԨᆭ൑ 26 Page 27 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ᅉሤىቿ୍ߦඃىና ॽёӲୡཛྷဵ֩ທܸd౬՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀޗୡग़ၟൔႬ q༦๨ძᇆrࢀሡ૯ Apple () > q༦๨ძᇆrd

ĩྑۻވInternet ອᅣ֩ྑϵЫ ވ҇ఇ༦๨ೌࡵcႏႬӵ࿁كቡ€ၽຽ Apple ࣠ӌ ၽՒЫ൱Ҭᇓෲ൙֩๱௏ग़ୃეୡᄡ௤ଢഌෲॅ֢֩੿Ⴙ҆๡d

Ӌ൯ၟ༳ഥᇆķވۃۻୡग़ၟෟၭ σ୪cҖ֊ࠧԷ५֩ဂ೨c۞਎ཅ൙ဂ೨ၟࠧఇۃۻķ࿎ᄸᆇ۵ძᇆ૯ϴণޖÂ ໵ ෴࿎ཟd ሡ૯֩Рࣣဂ೨ࠋ๱χĩࠋࢀሡۃۻÂ ቿ୍ᄲూ஀ѮࠛՓဟķ࿎ᄸᆇ۵ძᇆ૯ϴণ ݘྲྀۂຽୡ༣ν֩ᅺ௏ࠋ๱རdୡွग़ၟ࿎ಀ၆ᇙႈಪሃଦ֩௤ଢྲྀݘĩۃۻ૯ ᄡ׌଻ཁᇆൌԟཇᄡ௤ଢഌd ຽdྟވDock ֩ທܸc໎ᇆ ۃۻÂ Dockķ࿎ᄸᆇ۵ძᇆ૯ϴণ

ୡᇳࡺඇ༕׌଻ޮĩऀग़ၟด෰༦๨ძᇆᇓ֩ఇ෴૯ϴਘdq༦๨ძᇆrൢ֖ < ༓ĩ౬՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀqϾᇽrྔأۻ ܵ ඘ഥᇆ֩ଅ਻ᇓྒྷdႹأPowerBook ഌպ ฯ׫ძᇆ૯ϴ֩ྔ༓d֩ۃۻqM ac Ͼᇽrѭ්෰ q༦๨ძᇆrĩࠋ්෰Ⴙܵဵ

ĩྑۻވInternet ອᅣ֩ྑϵЫ ވ҇ఇ༦๨ೌࡵcႏႬӵ࿁كቡ€ၽຽ Apple ࣠ӌ ၽՒЫ൱Ҭᇓෲ൙֩๱௏ग़ୃეୡᄡ௤ଢഌෲॅ֢֩੿Ⴙ҆๡d

؝ 2 ᇅ ࠒԨᆭ൑ 27 Page 28 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

඲ᄊჭᄊՓဟ ୡ֩ PowerBook ძሑਘ၆ླྀೌࡵႏႬӵ࿁ ĥЋগ iLife ႏႬӵ࿁ฮࡵĦ ĩग़Ⴌণԭ ܁඘ખᅺ௏cᇉቘ႙௏֭ވෆ׌ሴႳࡵcອഌԎ঺cອഌ਑ใcᆠড়ၿ৅كড়ೆ տ֩ Mac OS X ൱Ҭdڼ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋ׌଻ྔأۻቘdႹܵᆇླྀႏႬӵ࿁֩


৹ࢨވտ֩ථ଀ρሑхྷ֩ೌࡵڼPowerBook ൔႬչႊࠓĩ౬σᅺչႊࠓ ފဵன ཇૄكӵ࿁ĩၽՒୡग़ୃײ඘չႊࠓ֩౾أչႊࠓd౬ሃၭĩ Mac OS X ୁࡽਘպ ࡊ֩ೌࡵdڼхဵρሑ

඘չႊࠓ๝ݚ USB ׌঱৹ࢨĸ਺ທ၆ླྀᄹ๝ݚອ઒৹ࢨ٤ໝĩеೆ๝ݚၟขأ ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 34 ှq๝ႬԵྟሽཐ (USB)rdႹܵອ઒ྔأۻອdႹܵ USB ؎५֩ ှ 41 ֿވ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 43 ှ qၟขອ (10/100/1000Base-T)rྔأۻࠋ໱ཐ৹ࢨ֩ ٤ໝrd Internet ވqAirPort Extreme ໱ཐ৷ອ ഥᇆݾչႊࠓޮĩ౬ൔႬ q༦๨ძᇆr֩ qչႊეԲᆋr૯ϴণ࿎ᄸဵൔވ৹ࢨ Ⴌ֩չႊࠓdೆݘୡဵ๝ݚອ઒৹ࢨչႊࠓĩग़ୃྷဵᆭ֥չႊࠓ֩ອ઒଄ӯࠋֽ ᆺၟ࿎ᄸ෵dೆݘႹၜ৹ࢨᄡ AirPort Extreme ࠒᅣࠋ AirPort Express ഌ֩ USB չႊ չႊࠓѭၟ໱ཐٞ൘࣍ྟչႊdۂࠓĩୡग़ၟ৹ࢨᇄ

შࡱķח႓ඃሤ չऻ q༦๨ძᇆrѭ׈σ qչႊეԲᆋr๱їd 1 ׈σ qഥᇆչႊࠓrσ୪d 2 ׈σ qไࡊrσ୪d 3

؝ 2 ᇅ ࠒԨᆭ൑ 28 Page 29 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

՚֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀչႊࠓ֩৹ࢨ৏ྜ ĥೆ USBc AppleTalk ֭֭Ħd 4

ဵไࡊၜ৹ࢨᄡ AirPort Extreme ࠒᅣഌ֩ USB չႊࠓĩ౬՚֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ qRendezvous rd ࿎ᄸࠋൿೊୡ֩չႊࠓྔ༓ѭ׈σ qไࡊrd 5 შחࢵে ෆᇄչႊࠓޮĩୡग़ၟࡗ३չႊcᇓᆼࠋᄤ๘չႊdكࢀ໗ۤ

შķח႓ࢵে m ׈σ Dock ᇓ֩չႊࠓ๱їၟչऻչႊࠓԷ५d ༓ĩ౬՚Җ֊ধᇓྔأۻཇᄡୡग़ၟॅ֢չႊؖਝᇓ֩չႊቘ၀ѭԭড়෵ૐdႹܵ ࿎ಀ qϾᇽr > q Mac Ͼᇽrĩಚޮ්෰ qչႊrd

ࡱڛCD ߦ੗आ ۄӎ చᇓҰೊ၆ᅪၿ৅ CDdiTunes ĩ၆ ۵ײቘ၆ь๔ၿ৅ĩ౬ᄡܿ஑౾܁ೆݘୡཛྷ၆ь ԟཇᄡ௤ଢഌdୡߒग़ၟࢀտႹ཰ྜҰ๬֩ؽײၢჃൔႬ֩ၿ৅Ѱ٦ӵ࿁ĩऀߺስ ስྏഊၿ৅d؃ࠓҰೊᇄ PowerBook ֩ؽࠓൿԟ؎५ᇓၟ

႓ඉന੶क iTunesķ ၿ৅ഉ׏Ͼᇽrdވ m չऻ iTunes ѭ࿎ಀ qϾᇽr > q iTunes చrdײ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 48 ှ qൔႬ SuperDrive ౾ྔأۻచ֩ײဵਘࢷܵჃܿ஑౾

؝ 2 ᇅ ࠒԨᆭ൑ 29 Page 30 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

Ѯ՝പ࣓ክ࿯ ุ ӵ࿁ၟࠧ Appleײࡵc౾ೌٲρሑ቏ྑ֩૫ވ༳ᄟײୡग़ၟ৹ࢨᇄ Internet ѭስ ఇ෴ᄽీೌࡵd֩܆

Ⴙڒ༄చĩҴॅൢڟ Ҵ Apple ֩ Internetކrߺྑۻୡ৹ࢨᇄ Internet ൌĩqೌࡵ֖ ༄చѭ༳ڟ Ҵ Appleކdୡग़ၟഥᇆ Mac ׌଻׫௽ྑۻୡ֩׌଻ൔႬ֩܆ग़މಭ ࡵdೌ֩ྑۻρሑވᄟ

႓ߤԒݙ࿯؇പ࣓ķ 1 ౬չऻ q༦๨ძᇆrd r๱їѭσᅺ௤ଢᆻ൙࣍ྟҤቘdྑۻ׈σ qೌࡵ 2

rdྑۻ࿲ཱĩ౬ᄡqM ac OS Ͼᇽrᇓ්෰ qೌࡵځݙޓÂ ᄗ Mac OS ؇ክ࿯࿲ཱĩ౬٤ໝ Mac OS ອᅣ ޓÂ ᄗ

੗आྯࡱࡩ౥๒ FireWire ࡩ USB ඃ҃ ೆݘୡႹ iPodc iSight ഠར๬c඘ખདࠓcഠརࠓc೥૱ၒࠋఇ෴տႹ FireWire ࠋ տ֩ρሑථ଀࣍ྟڼUSB ࢨ५֩ഥХĩୡग़ၟࢀఇ৹ࢨᇄ PowerBookd౬σᅺഥХ ཬأۻ֩ ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 36 ှ qFire WirerdႹܵ USBྔأۻ֩ ҤቘdႹܵ FireWire ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 34 ှ q๝ႬԵྟሽཐ (USB)rd

؝ 2 ᇅ ࠒԨᆭ൑ 30 Page 31 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

੗आሢ་૰ ೆݘୡཛྷࢀୡ֩ PowerBook ৹ࢨᇄၟขອ઒ࠋ໱ཐອ઒ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 43 ှqၟขອ ٤ໝrၟਘ Internet ވှ qAirPort Extreme ໱ཐ৷ອ 41 ֿވ10/100/1000Base-T)r) ༓dୡွग़ၟ՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀྔأۻࢷႹܵഥᇆၟขອࠋ AirPort Extreme ৹ࢨ֩ qϾᇽr > qM ac Ͼᇽrѭ්෰qၟขອrĩࠋչऻ q AirPort ܹড়൐Ⴌӵ࿁rѭ࿎ ಀ qϾᇽr > q AirPort Ͼᇽrd

඲ᄊ Internet ۻ৹ࢨᇄ Internetdೆݘୡྷဵމᄡ቏Ԟഥᇆ௽࡛ĩqഥᇆᇽড়rऀၜ࣠ᆻ֡ୡೆ (చcၟขउმອ (LANלᇉࢷלచcཐ঱לᇉࢷל ຽ਺၆ᇙ৏ྜ֩৹ࢨĩೆ DSLۃ ༓dྔأۻ੧ C q৹ࢨᇄ Internetrᇓᅷ֢ڼࠋ AirPort Extreme ອ઒ĩग़ᄡֿ 79 ှ

ஙت༵࣓ࣞ֐ෝሢઘႤ๝ ೆݘဵࢀ໗ࡵࠋ໗ۤԲൿ֢ୡ֩ PowerBook ഌࠋᆄ՚ PowerBook ᇓൿԟ໗ࡵࠋ໗ ĩୡग़ၟҔႬၟ༳࠯ᇙٞ൘ķۤ ൶ટĦౢෂֽԲൿ໗ࡵdୡွग़؃֊FireWire ׌঱ĥ ވ ୡग़ၟൔႬqഥᇆᇽড়r ײၟൔႬ FireWire ׌঱৹ࢨᇄ਺၆෿ Macĩಚޮၟ qFireWi re ଦїՌ஑ଊ൘rగ ୡ֩ PowerBookdୡ֩ PowerBook ᄡ਺၆෿׌଻ഌཅ൙ຽ၆۵ႛ஑ĩಚޮୡऀग़ ၟԲൿ໗ࡵਘdႹܵൔႬ Fire Wire ণԲൿ໗ࡵ֩ྔ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 37 ှ q FireWire ଦїՌ஑ଊ൘rd చࠋఇ෴๝ݚ USB ࠋײచc Zip ౾ײచc೾խ౾ײ ೆݘୡ৹ࢨਘທҊႛ஑౾ FireWire ׌঱৹ࢨ֩඘ऐխԩഥХĩᄹग़ၟൔႬ෵ণԲൿ໗ࡵd చĩୡग़ၟԲൿၜढ़੧ᄡ CD ࠋ DVD ܿ஑ײ ೆݘఇ෴׌଻Ⴙ၆۵ग़ढ़੧֩ܿ஑౾ ഌ֩໗ࡵd  ୡग़ၟൔႬ .Mac ࠋఇ෴ Internet ᅯ߀๝ݚ Internet ণԲൿ໗ࡵd ༄చࠋఇ෴׌଻ĩٞڟ ୡग़ၟࢀ໗ࡵԲൿᇄອ઒ᇓ֩਺၆෿׌଻ഌdୡग़ၟ٤ໝ ऒ์ᇓ֩qອ઒rĩࠋ՚ Finder Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀqላ֢r >q৹܁ ൢ׈σ Finderى ༄చrdڟࢨ֢ ਺၆෿׌଻৹ࢨఓণĩވ  ୡग़ൔႬၟขອ׌঱๝ݚၟขອ؎५ࢀୡ֩ PowerBook < ༓ĩ౬՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ qϾᇽrྔأۻ՚ػԻࡽ၆۵཰ྜ֩ၟขອ઒dႹܵ qM ac Ͼᇽrѭ්෰ qൔႬၟขອ৹ࢨਊ෿׌଻rd  ୡွग़ၟൔႬ FireWire ׌঱৹ࢨᇄ਺၆෿ Macd֖ୡၟqFireWi re ଦїՌ஑ଊ൘r చĩಚޮୡײ׌଻ൌĩୡ֩ PowerBook ࢀᄡ਺၆෿׌଻ഌཅ൙ຽ၆۵Ռ஑౾ײగ ऀग़ၟԲൿ໗ࡵਘdႹܵൔႬ FireWire ণԲൿ໗ࡵ֩ྔ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 37 ှ qFireWi re ଦїՌ஑ଊ൘rd

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৹ࢨᇄ၆۵ AirPort Extreme 802.11g ࠋ 802.11b ໱ཐອ઒ণԲൿ໗ࡵdႹܵܘÂ ୡୃ ٤ໝrd Internet ވ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 41 ှ qAirPort Extreme ໱ཐ৷ອྔأۻ Â ೆݘୡग़ၟ٤ໝମླྀൔႬ Bluetooth ໱ཐ࠳ඐ࣍ྟ๝ྔ֩ഥХĩମઽୡग़ၟൔႬ ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 39 ှqൔႬ BluetoothྔأۻBluetooth ໱ཐ࠳ඐণԲൿ໗ࡵdႹܵ ഥХrd

໗ۤ֩๝Ⴌྔ༓ĩ౬չऻq Mac OS Ͼᇽrѭ්෰ୡྷဵ֩৹ࢨ৏ྜdވႹܵԲൿ໗ࡵ

ჭᄊՓဟຶሚᅰ࿽ඪ ĩ҆ىਘ၆ᇙٞ܆ุ ᄡࠢഖ඘౪ই༳ĩႏႬӵ࿁ߺᄡ௤ଢഌ๘ᆼᄒྟd Mac OS X ׌଻ऀୃ຀ԟၜ๘ᆼᄒྟ֩ႏႬӵ࿁d຀ԟၜ๘ᆼᄒྟ֩ႏႬӵ࿁ୃײᇛྑగྷ ቘd܁ಢୡխԩఇ෴ၜչऻ֩ႏႬӵ࿁ᇓ֩

႓ಞሧႤݓჭᄊՓဟໞսķ 1 σ༳ Command (x)-Option-Esc ࠋ՚ Apple () Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ qీᇉ຀ԟrd qీᇉ຀ԟႏႬӵ࿁rؗ߉ঃߺԟཇĩѭ౓֖ఱႏႬӵ࿁ၜШ࿎׫d

׈σ qీᇉ຀ԟrd 2 ႏႬӵ࿁ߺ຀ԟĩػෲႹఇ෴ႏႬӵ࿁ಳАӿչऻdۂ

ೆݘྷဵ֩߉ĩୡߒग़ၟీᇉ຀ԟ Classic ߐࣦĩᆇࢀܵтෲႹ Classic ႏႬӵ࿁d Finderd ײୡွग़ၟ՚ᆇ۵ؗ߉ঃᇛྑగ

ೆݘୡჟ֢ఇ෴ໝูĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 63 ှֿ 5 ᅧ qၔସࢷշr d

؝ 2 ᇅ ࠒԨᆭ൑ 32 Page 33 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ஙت඲ᄊ 3 3

டࣛ؇ఇሤߦ੗आ஡ੑĩځঢ় PowerBook ຖݤ੶ယְ ஙႽଃኢி؇ပ႓dتሧߦ৶ᆼىসႽᄊਁ

Ћগķ ఇ෴ഥХĦވࡊഥХĥೆչႊࠓc೥૱ၒڼÂ ๝ႬԵྟሽཐ (USB) 2.0 ؎५ĩႬჃࢀ ৹ࢨᇄ PowerBookd౬ҙᄋֿ 34 ှd చײທҊႛ஑౾ވ५ĩႬჃ৹ࢨ۞ිഥХĩೆ඘ખഠརࠓ؎ 800 ވ Â FireWire 400 d౬ҙᄋֿ 36 ှd֭ Â PC ह /CardBus ҰҦd౬ҙᄋֿ 38 ှd ᇉל ၟࠧ 56Kୃ܃cၟขອ৷ອୃ܃Â Bluetooth ໱ཐ৹ࢨcAirPort Extreme ໱ཐ৷ອ ๝ྔd౬ҙᄋֿ 39 ှdވచĩႬჃ৷ອלࢷ ؽࠓ / ܿ඘ખၿ௘ൿԟ؎५ĩႬჃ৹ࢨؽވÂ ၿ௘ཐ੢ൿೊ / ܿ඘ખၿ௘ൿೊ؎५ ఇ෴ၿ௘ഥХd౬ҙᄋֿ 44 ှdވڈࠓcလശచcઞड़ տ DVI ᇄ VGA ൥னచĦĩग़ಢୡᄡ PowerBook ഌ৹ࢨທҊཅ൙ڼÂ DVI ൮௘ൿԟĥ చࠋ඘ખ௠ϴཅ൙చĩѭᆪӿ൮௘ࣨརވঘᅞሡ૯ĥඤཅ൙చĦଊ൘dൔႬୁࡽ S-video ᆪӿণᄡ׌൮ࠓഌཅ൙ୁ಼d౬ҙᄋֿ 45 ှd ֩ ൌႹᇽჃА޽ୁײએࠋᄩ൷चਟᆖם Â Sudden Motion Sensor ࠳ඐĩᄡ PowerBook ᇆႛ஑d౬ҙᄋֿ 45 ှd DVDd౬ҙᄋֿ 48 ှd ވ Իࡽ CDވచĩग़ၟಢୡѰ٦ײÂ SuperDrive ౾ ١֦෱५ĩ١ᆼ PowerBook Ш֦d౬ҙᄋֿ 55 ှ q١֦෱५rd Â

33 Page 34 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

(ᄊ֓࿽ኛྮ (USBົ ୡ֩ PowerBook տႹਊ۵ USB 2.0 ؎५ (d )ĩွШӯຽ۞ි USBĩୡग़ၟൔႬ෵ૐণ cۊ৏ྜ֩ທҊഥХĩЋগչႊࠓc೥૱ၒc඘ખདࠓcႷ༨൱ѧcႷ༨أ৹ࢨྼ ඘౪ই༳ĩୡग़أచd USB 2.0 ؎५ეᄮ௽֩ USB ഥХ࡝಼dպײࡳ஑ၟࠧೌ஑౾ ऻ USB ഥХdഥХࢨݾޮ৯ࠫऀग़ၟൔႬdୡ҆ྷဵᇛؒވၟᄡ׌଻ᄒྟൌ৹ࢨ ࠋᇛྑனᇆ׌଻dײగྑ


඲ᄊ USB ඃ҃ ഥХ৹ࢨᇄ׌଻ࠫग़dᆾဵୡ৹ࢨഌྑۂဵᄡୡ֩׌଻ഌൔႬ USB ഥХĩᆾྷࢀ ᄟೊདႏ֩ೌࡵdײഥХĩ׌଻ऀߺስ֩

USB ഥХൔႬ֩ೌࡵd৹ࢨ USB ഥХޮĩೆݘ أޗފտਘனڼቡ€ Apple ׌଻ၜ տ֩ೌࡵĩွग़ၟσᅺ௤ଢഌ֩ڼ൥֩ೌࡵĩୡग़ၟρሑഥХފPowerBook ᅷ֢҆ ൙ൔႬ Internet Ҵᅷc༳ᄟѭρሑᆢಖ֩ೌࡵdุ

ᅙت՟تUSB ඃ҃ߦ ׌֩؃֊ࡳ஑Ħग़๝ݚ USB ৹ࢨࠊ֨׌჻ĩػ҆ྷވۊႹླྀ USB ഥХ ĥೆႷ༨ ൔႬd֐ൢĩᆇ৏ USB ഥХߺൔފეPowerBook னܘ჻ ൥னచĩᆇ ৏ഥХୃ ॽݿࣔdೆݘୡဵӍൌֽ࡛ൔႬᆇ৏ഥХĩ቏ݾࢀ PowerBook ҰޗPowerBook ׌ԁ ഌ׌჻൥னచd

؝ 3 ᇅ ൔႬ׌଻ 34 Page 35 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ݓ USB ඃ҃ځ຿ඪ඲ᄊ USB ഥХ৹ࢨᄡୡ֩׌଻ഌd USB ࠦཐచ৹ࢨ ۵أઝ USB ࠦཐచၟѐࢀܗୡग़ၟ ࡊ֩ USB ؎५ ĥ๝ӌຽල۵ࠋం۵Ħd۞ිࠦཐڼ܆ᄡ׌଻֩०ᇆ؎५ഌĩѭุ చग़ၟᆪӿ USB 2.0 ۞ිഥХၟࠧე USB 1.1 ࡝಼֩ഥХd USB 1.1 ࠦཐచ҆ᄑྼ۞ ඘ USB ࠦཐచனႹ׌჻൥னచĩ෵أቘdպ܁USB ഥХၟఇ቏۞඘ऐි؋࣍ྟ ි ૐႏШҰೊ׌჻Ұቚd

ි۞ ࠦཐచਁĩମઽଚླྀ USB ഥХᄡ๝ݚ USB 2.0ވቡ€ೆݘୡᆢൔႬ USB ഥХ ቘd৬ೆĩᄡୡ֩ሡ૯܁ى৹ࢨൌग़ୃ໱ފUSB 1.1 ಊිࠋֲිࠦཐచቊ ވࠦཐచ ഷՒໝูĩ౬҆ဵࢀි؋҆๡֩ USB ഥكഌୡग़ୃॅ֢҆ທҊ USB ႛ஑dဵщ૫ Х৹ࢨᄡ၆ఓdࢀୡ֩۞ිࠦཐచᆴࢨ৹ࢨᇄୡ֩׌଻ĩಚޮࢀ۞ිഥХ৹ࢨᇄ۞ ࠦཐచdࢀಊිࠋֲිࠦཐచᆴࢨ৹ࢨᇄୡ֩׌଻ĩಚޮࢀි؋৏඿֩ഥХ৹ࢨි ᇄಊිࠋֲිࠦཐచd


࿲ཱځUSB ؇ݙ ޓᄗ < ༓ग़ᄡ q Mac OS Ͼᇽrᇓᅷ֢d౬՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ qϾᇽrྔأۻ֩ Ⴙܵ USB qM ac Ͼᇽrĩ ಚޮ්෰ qUSB rd ୡွग़ၟᄡ Apple USB ອᅣ ഌᅷ֢དܵྔ༓d

Ⴙܵୡ֩׌଻ग़Ⴌ֩ USB ഥХ֩ྔ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋ Macintosh Products Guideĥ Macintosh Ӆ௚ᆻଶĦĩອᆺຽ

؝ 3 ᇅ ൔႬ׌଻ 35 Page 36 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

FireWire ၆۵ FireWire 800 ؎५ (H )dൔႬ FireWireĩୡग़ވ ୡ֩׌଻տႹ၆۵ FireWire 400 ႛ஑ĦĩވऻທҊ۞ිഥХ ĥеೆ DV ഠརࠓcչႊࠓc೥૱ၒؒވၟౢෂֽ৹ࢨ ׌଻dײػ҆ྷဵᇛྑగ

ୡग़ၟࢀїም֩ 6 ᆐ FireWire ഥХᆴࢨ৹ࢨᇄ FireWire 400 ؎५dୡग़ၟൔႬ 9 ᆐ ഥХ৹ࢨᇄ FireWire 800 ؎५dୡွग़ၟᆴࢨࢀ 9 ᆐ֩ۂᇄ 6 ᆐ FireWire ׌঱ࢀ ॽ֩ි؋dਊ۵؎५׿ग़ၟຽࢨೊۻFireWire ഥХ৹ࢨᇄ FireWire 800 ؎५ĩၟࠊಀ ׌჻ ĥၽՒᆇླྀഥХ҆ྷဵທࡊ׌჻Ұ๬Ħd܆ഥХุ֩


ൔႬ FireWire ୡग़ၟຟӲၟ༳၆ླྀ܁ቘķ Â ৹ࢨ඘ખഠརࠓĩൔႬ iMovie ࠋ Final Cut Pro ֭൮௘эࠤೌࡵᆴࢨᄡ׌଻ഌҁሞc эࠤ۞ᇍ਌൮௘dވԲൿ տ֩ iChat AV ႏႬӵ࿁๝ݚ۞ි Internet ৹ࢨڼÂ ৹ࢨ Apple iSight ഠར๬ѭൔႬ ეஸႺވࡉಪ࣍ྟ൮௘ߺฏd ඘ऐࠋԲൿ໗ࡵdپచĩൔႬ෵ণХײÂ ৹ࢨທҊ FireWire ႛ஑౾ d৹ࢨ၆۵ທҊ FireWire ႛ஑ ĥၜρሑਘႹྲྀ֩Ҥቘ༦ײÂ ՚ທҊ FireWire ႛ஑గ FireWire ႛ஑dᇛ ۂՌ஑r૯ϴĩѭ׈σײ๨Ħĩಚޮչऻ q༦๨ძᇆr֩ qగ ׌଻dײగྑ

؝ 3 ᇅ ൔႬ׌଻ 36 Page 37 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

඲ᄊ FireWire ඃ҃ տ֩ڼഥХۂഥХ৹ࢨᄡ׌଻ഌĩಚޮρሑۂဵᄡ׌଻ഌൔႬ FireWire ഥХĩ౬ࢀ ࡣҭ֢ྑ৹ࢨ֩ഥХdײෲႹೌࡵdୡ֩׌଻ߺስ

ᅙت՟تFireWire ඃ҃ߦ FireWire ഥХ ĥೆଚླྀທҊႛ஑Ħग़ၟ๝ݚ PowerBook FireWire ৹ࢨࠊ֨׌჻ĩ҆ ॽֽۻ׌჻൥னచdಚػĩᆇ৏ FireWire ഥХࢀߺൔ PowerBook ׌ԁ֩؃֊ൔႬྷ ݿࣔdೆݘୡဵӍൌֽ࡛৹ࢨ၆۵ഥХĩ቏ݾࢀ PowerBook Ұഌ׌჻൥னచd

أ׌჻ĥ቏պ 7 ດĦdୡग़ၟࢀ܆ຽ FireWire ഥХุܘቡ€FireWire ؎५֩ഥ࠽ୃ ۵ഥХད޾৹ࢨĩಚޮࢀᆇླྀഥХ֩qई߁ਁr৹ࢨᇄ׌଻֩ FireWire ؎५ĩ֐ႏ ܆ᆾႹ၆۵ഥХ՚׌଻ࠊಀ׌჻dई߁ਁഌఇ჉֩ഥХႏႲ۶ስ֩׌჻൥னచۂ ഷໝูĩ౬ܵтك׌֩ FireWire ഥХग़ୃߺӅഷໝูdೆݘ܆۵Ⴒ׌଻أ׌d৹ࢨ ׌଻dײ׌଻ĩϝ༳ FireWire ഥХĩಚޮᇛྑగ

FireWire ஄ҵ֪௯୨බ ਺၆෿னХ FireWire ֩׌଻ᆱ࡛Բൿ໗ࡵĩࠋᆄୡ֩׌଻ވ ೆݘୡཛྷᄡ PowerBook ൌԟཇໝูĩᄹग़ၟൔႬ qFireWi re ଦїՌ஑ଊ൘r৹ࢨᇄ਺၆෿׌଻ѭ٤ໝײగ ୡ֩׌଻ޮĩ਺၆෿׌଻ऀग़ၟײୡ֩໗ࡵd֖ୡၟq FireWire ଦїՌ஑ଊ൘rగ ٤ໝୡ֩ PowerBook ĥೆ๡෵ൢ၆۵ႛ஑၆ဦĦd

ቡ€ൔႬ q FireWire ଦїՌ஑ଊ൘rൌĩ቏ݾ۷ PowerBook Ұഌ׌჻൥னచd

ஙķت႓Ⴝ qFireWire ஄ҵ֪௯୨බrࣞி؇ PowerBook ੗आሢ౥๒ ಖ׫ୡ֩ PowerBook ၜ࣠ܵтd 1 ൔႬ FireWire ׌঱ࢀୡ֩ PowerBook ৹ࢨᇄ਺၆෿னХႹ FireWire ֩׌଻dୡग़ၟ 2 FireWire ׌঱d ֩ފᆐࢨ๬ቊ 9 ވ၆ᇙ 6 ᆐࢨ๬މൔႬಭ PowerBook ѭ৯ࠫσሂ T ࡳdୡ֩ PowerBook ཅ൙௤ഌߺཅ൙ FireWire їᇁd ײగ 3 ਺၆෿׌଻֩௤ଢഌߺཅ൙ԟ PowerBook ֩ୁᇆႛ஑๱їdཇᄡୡऀग़ၟᄡਊ۵ ׌଻༦๨ᆱ࡛ຄ٦໗ࡵਘd ຟӲ໗ࡵԲൿᆱޮĩࢀ PowerBook ႛ஑๱їຄٰ֢ᇀ੓ᇓd 4 σ༳ PowerBook ഌ֩׌჻σ୪ࢀఇܵтĩಚޮϝ༳ FireWire ׌঱d 5

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࿲ཱځFireWire ؇ݙ ޓᄗ ༓ग़ᄡ q Mac OS Ͼᇽrᇓᅷ֢d౬՚ Finder Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀྔأۻ֩ Ⴙܵ FireWire qϾᇽr > q Mac Ͼᇽrĩಚޮ්෰ q FireWirerdୡွग़ၟᄡ Apple FireWire ອᅣ ഌᅷ֢དܵྔ༓d

PC গ dୡग़ၟ৹ࢨႛ஑cླᆉ೾խह (Compact Flashୃ܃ୡग़ၟൔႬ PC हҰҦঘᅞ׌଻ ഥХdୡ֩ PowerBook տႹ၆۵ PC हҰҦĩग़ၟ࡝಼أۻCard) ᄋ؄చၟࠧఇ෴ Type II PCMCIA हĩЋগ CardBus ۰൘֩हdୡग़ၟᄡ׌଻չऻcܵтࠋඨ ވ Type I ૨ൌҰೊ PC हd


೜ֿٞأሹ႓ර྽€A pple AirPort Extreme हሑᄡ׌଻ୁҊ֩ҰҦᇓd෵҆ୃརྼ ໱ཐहମဦሑᄡ PC हҰҦᇓdೆݘ AirPort Extreme हሑᄡ PC हҰҦᇓĩᄹ෵҆ୃ ቘ҆ᆢӌd܁ቘѭ౓ߺ֡ᇅ׌଻܁

؝ 3 ᇅ ൔႬ׌଻ 38 Page 39 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

Ԏനߦ໙ս PC গ न֢Ⴙླྀ቉৳dۏहൌୡߺۂҰೊ PC हൌĩಖАտїప֩၆૯Әഌĩह٦௠d๻ೊ ԟ౦է֩ശၿѭ౓ሡ૯ഌߺԟཇ၆۵๱їdୡग़ၟᄡ׌ك׫ᄡҰҦᇓൌĩߺܩहШ ଻չऻࠋܵтൌ๻ԟ PC हĩ֐ൢ҆ୃᄡ׌଻ඨ૨ൌ๻ԟd

႓໙ս PC গķ ೆݘ׌଻ൢչऻ֩ĩࢀह๱їຄٰ֢ᇀ੓ᇓd 1 2 σ၆༳ PC ह๻ԟσ୪ၟࢀఇෂऻd σ୪ࢀह๻ԟdۂᄠσ၆Օ 3 ഌdފहĩಚޮᄠσ၆༳๻ԟσ୪ࢀఇۂ՚ҰҦᇓϝԟ 4

࿲ཱځPC গ؇ݙ ޓᄗ Ⴙܵग़ႬჃ PowerBook ֩ PC हྔ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋ Macintosh Products GuideĥM acintosh Ӆ௚ᆻଶĦĩ ອ ᆺຽ

඲ᄊ Bluetooth ඃ҃ ᅫഌ׌ވ׌߉ײୡ֩ PowerBook ग़ၟ৹ࢨᇄൔႬ Bluetooth ® ໱ཐ࠳ඐ֩ഥХĩೆၑ ଻ (PDA)ĩಚޮၟ໱ཐٞ൘Բൿྔ༓dBluetooth ໱ཐ࠳ඐႹᇽჃ࡬ഖ׌঱ྷ౴ĥԲ ๨ഌൔႬ׌঱৹ࢨഥХĦdൔႬ Bluetooth ໱ཐ࠳ඐ֩ഥХग़ၟᄡ 10 ૠĥ33 ႋԈĦ ຺ୁၟ໱ཐٞ൘޾৹dٗ

Bluetooth ໱ཐ࠳ඐഥХЋগķ Â ׌଻ ׌߉ײÂ ၑ Â ທ຺ഥХ ĥࡳ஑cඎї֭Ħ Â PDA

ൔႬ Bluetooth ໱ཐ࠳ඐĩୡग़ၟķ ׌߉࣍ྟ๝ྔdୡ֩׌߉ग़ၟײÂ ൔႬ PowerBook ეனХ Bluetooth ໱ཐ࠳ඐ֩ၑ ഉĩԲൿි؋۞ն 56 kbit/s ࠋ܆༄ุڟచࢀୡ֩׌଻৹ࢨᇄ໱ཐלᇉࢷלႬቘ ׌߉ণ٤ໝ InternetdײĩၽՒୡग़ၟൔႬၑ۞ۻ Â ე൱ӿ PDA ๝ྔdൔႬ iSyncĩୡ໱ྷ׌঱ऀग़ၟຟӲࠫൌ๡҈Ҥቘĩࠋᆄࢀ଄ ෆᇄ๡൝֩ PDA ഌdك௏ࠋ಴৩൝ࡵᆴࢨ

؝ 3 ᇅ ൔႬ׌଻ 39 Page 40 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

 ൔႬԲൿ൐Ⴌӵ࿁ĩᄡ׌଻ᆱ࡛Բൿ໗ࡵĩୡലᇄग़ၟࢀ໗ࡵ՚ Mac Բൿᇄ PCd Apple ߒൢࡽၴൔႬ AirPort Extreme ໱ཐອ઒ণԲൿෲႹ໗ࡵ ĥ۵ѝࠢ཰֩໗ࡵ ԦທĦd  ൔႬ Bluetooth ໱ཐࡳ஑ࠋඎїd

႓ඃሤ Bluetooth ඃ҃ķ ӵ࿁໎Ⴣႛ஑ഌ֩qႏႬӵ࿁r /q൐Ⴌӵ࿁r໗ۂm ൔႬq Bluetooth ഥᇆᇽড়rĩ ࡵࡇᇓd ୡွग़ၟ՚Җ֊ধᇓ֩ Bluetooth ሕฃҖ֊࿎ಀ qഥᇆ Bluetooth ഥХrd

ඃሤ Bluetooth ༵࣓࣮࠲ ԭড়෵ეఇ෴ Bluetooth ഥХᆱ࡛࢐ߔ֩໗ࡵdୡग़ၟ࿎މୡग़ၟ३ᇉୡ֩׌଻ೆ ᇙމಀ໗ࡵࡇࢨ൷ণስఇ෴ഥХ֩໗ࡵķଫ ۵ ໗ࡵࡇग़ၟШఇ෴ഥХᛖযĩၟࠧႬ ႏႬӵ࿁չऻୡࢨ൷֩໗ࡵd

႓ඃሤ Bluetooth ༵࣓࣮࠲ķ m չऻ q༦๨ძᇆrĩ׈σ qBluetooth rĩಚޮ׈σ q໗ࡵ࢐ߔrd

ඃሤ Bluetooth ੗आ ૠĥ 33 10 أ൱ӿഥХ (PDA)ĩग़ၟᄡ቏ވ׌߉ײᆪӿ Bluetooth ֩ഥХĩೆ׌଻cၑ ႋԈĦ຺ٗୁၟ໱ཐٞ൘ད޾৹ࢨd

ஙఇߨݟ኶ķت႓ඃሤ Bluetooth ඃ҃ᄲி؇ ಖ׫ୡ֩׌଻ρሑਘ Bluetooth ଊॺࠋე USB Bluetooth ଊॺད৹d 1 չऻ q༦๨ძᇆrѭ׈σ q Bluetoothrd 2 ׈σ qഥᇆྑഥХrd 3 ࿎ಀဵഥᇆ֩ഥХ֩৏ྜĩಚޮσᅺ௤ଢᆻ൙࣍ྟҤቘd 4

ฤሢለ՝ Bluetooth ؇ඃ҃ڡ༵࣓ࣞ ෆᇄఇ෴ Bluetooth ഥХdೆݘୡكᄡႹྲ຺ྀٗୁĩୡ֩׌଻ୃၟ໱ཐٞ൘ࢀ໗ࡵ ഥХഌ׿ൿೊ૥ખণனؗdވഥХனؗĩᄹхྺᄡ׌଻ۂ׌଻ૄႹე֩


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ฤሢለ՝ Bluetooth ؇ඃ҃ķڡ༵࣓ࣞ 1 չऻqBluetooth ໗ࡵ࢐ߔrႏႬӵ࿁ĩ෵໎ჃqႏႬӵ࿁r/q ൐Ⴌӵ࿁r໗ࡵࡇᇓd ෆrdكෆ֩໗ࡵĩಚޮ׈σ qكෆ໗ࡵrĩ࿎ᄸୡဵك࿎ಀ q໗ࡵr > q 2 ෆrdك՚ഥХਝњᇓ࿎ಀ၆۵ഥХĩಚޮ׈σ q 3

ഥХۂೆݘഥХૄႹᄡഥХਝњᇓĩ׈σ q්෰rdq Bluetooth ໗ࡵ࢐ߔrᅷ֢ ĩୡग़ၟࢀ෵ไࡊᇄ۵ಪ൰ңਝњᇓdޮ

ᄡq Bluetooth ძᇆrᇓ֩ q໗ࡵ࢐ߔr૯ϴᇓĩୡग़ၟഥᇆ࿎ཟĩൔ׌଻ᆭ֥ೆ ԭড়ეఇ෴ Bluetooth ഥХ࢐ߔ֩໗ࡵdމ

ෆ໗ࡵdكෆ໗ࡵrণكୡွग़ၟ՚Җ֊ধᇓ֩ qBluetooth ሕฃrҖ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ q

࿲ཱځBluetooth ཏྮ࢑෮؇ݙ ޓᄗ ୡग़ၟ๝ݚၟ༳๳ࣩࠊ֨ൔႬ Bluetooth ໱ཐ࠳ඐ֩Ͼᇽķչऻq Bluetooth ໗ࡵ࢐ ߔrႏႬӵ࿁ ĥ໎ჃqႏႬӵ࿁r /q൐Ⴌӵ࿁r໗ࡵࡇᇓĦĩಚޮ࿎ಀqϾᇽr > qBluetooth Ͼᇽrdୡွग़ၟᄡ Apple ອᅣ ഌᅷ֢དܵ ྔ༓d

༻ۂ AirPort Extreme ཏྮ੕་ߦ Internet භࠋ࿔ི܈ୡ֩ PowerBook ρሑਘ AirPort Extreme हd AirPort Extreme ຽᄡࡉ৞c ਘ၆ᇙࡩѐႿ൐߶֩๳ࣩd AirPort Extreme܆٤ໝุ ٞ࣍ྟ໱ཐ Internetֽމಭ֩ ໱ཐ๝ྔd܆෿׌଻ᆱุ࡛أൔႬԲ๨֩׌঱ĩػൔႬ໱ཐउმອ (LAN) ࠳ඐᄡ҆ ಪႷ༨֭֭dأ٤ໝcԲൿ໗ࡵcປ ๝ݚ໱ཐອ઒ĩୡग़ၟഥᇆ Internet

AirPort Extreme ह࡝಼ Apple AirPort Extreme ࠒᅣc AirPort Expresscᄮ௽֩ Apple 802.11b ࠋ 802.11g ݃۰֩Ӆ௚d ފڜމAirPort ࠒᅣၟࠧಭ

٤ໝ׈ĩೆ ٤ໝྷဵ AirPort Extreme हĩ 802.11b ࠋ 802.11g ቡ€໱ཐ Internet ٤ໝ ĥग़ୃྷ AirPort Extreme ࠒᅣc AirPort Express ࠋ AirPort ࠒᅣĩၟࠧ Internet ຺ߺၽӊֽٗۆڱഉଦఱე AirPort ҆࡝಼d໱ཐ܆༄ุڟ ĦdႹ ླྀ Internetٲڵဵ ࡵ҆๡ػၷd์

؝ 3 ᇅ ൔႬ׌଻ 41 Page 42 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

༻ۂ AirPort Extreme തߧຖݤཏྮ Internet ൔႬ AirPort Extremeĩୡग़ၟე၆۵Шӯຽࡰᇁ֩ഥХࡽ৯໱ཐ৹ࢨĩػࠒᅣე ቘჴড়ე໱഻׌߉ད඿d׌ ଻܁Internet ᆴࢨ࣍ྟ༂ড়৹ࢨdAirPort Extreme ࠳ඐ֩ ᇉࢷל ᇓ֩ AirPort Extreme हეࠒᅣࡽ৯໱ཐ৹ࢨĩػࠒᅣ৹ࢨᇄ׌߉ཐ੢cDSL చࠋࢨೊ Internet ֩उმອdלᇉࢷלచcཐ঱ל


࿲ཱځAirPort Extreme ؇ݙ ޓᄗ ઝ AirPort Extreme ࠒᅣࠋ AirPort Expressĩ౬৷༦ Apple ൵ಇ࣠ཫഉࠋ٤ໝອܗဵ ᅣ ഌ֩ Apple Stored

༓ग़ᄡ q AirPort Ͼᇽrᇓᅷ֢d՚ྔأۻ֩ Ⴙܵ AirPort Extreme ࠋ AirPort Express Җ֊ধ࿎ಀqϾᇽr >qM ac Ͼᇽrĩಚޮ՚qϾᇽཅ൙ӵ࿁rҖ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀqራ ჻ॳr >q AirPort Ͼᇽrdୡߒग़ၟᄡ Apple AirPort ອᅣ ࠋ ອᅣഌᅷ֢དܵྔ༓d

؝ 3 ᇅ ൔႬ׌଻ 42 Page 43 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

Ⴝ๠་ (10/100/1000Base-T) ĩୡग़ၟႬ෵ণ৹ࢨୃ܃ୡ֩׌଻னႹୁࡽ 10/100/1000 Mbit/s ඤ࢟ཐၟขອ৷ອ చdלᇉࢷל చࠋ DSLלᇉࢷלᇄອ઒ ĥЋগనᅼ໎ၟขອ઒Ħcཐ঱


৹ࢨᇄອ઒ޮୡऀग़ၟ٤ໝఇ෴׌଻dୡग़ၟխԩѭಀ߱ྔ༓ĸൔႬອ઒չႊࠓc ׌ሴႳࡵĸࠋ৹ࢨᇄ Internetdୡွग़ၟൔႬၟขອᄡਊ෿׌଻ᆱ࡛ވచלᇉࢷל ࡣҭఇ෴ၟขອഥײཞ໗ࡵࠋࡽ৯཰ྜອ઒d PowerBook ഌ֩ၟขອ؎५ߺስ܏ Хd֖৹ࢨᇄఇ෴ၟขອഥХൌ҆ྷဵൔႬၟขອ࢐ұ׌঱d Ħၟขອ׌঱৹ࢨᇄ 10Base-T ၟขອ઒d۞ۻÂ ൔႬਊؗ 3 ৏ (Cat 3) ĥࠋ Ħၟขອ׌঱৹ࢨᇄ 100Base-T ၟขອ઒d۞ۻÂ ൔႬਊؗ 5 ৏ (Cat 5) ĥࠋ Ħၟขອ׌঱৹ࢨᇄ 1000Base-T ၟขອ઒d۞ۻÂ ൔႬලؗ 5 ৏ (Cat 5) ĥࠋ ࿲ཱځ඲ᄊႽ๠་؇ݙޓᄗ ༓ग़ၟᄡ qM ac OS Ͼᇽrᇓᅷ֢dྔأۻࡽ৯ၟขອ઒ࠋൔႬၟขອԲൿ໗ࡵ֩ ՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ qϾᇽr > q Mac Ͼᇽrĩಚޮ්෰ qၟขອrࠋ qອ઒rd

ൔႬ֩৷ອӅ௚֩ྔ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋ Macintosh ProductsފႹܵग़ၟე PowerBook ன Guide ĥM acintosh Ӆ௚ᆻଶĦĩ ອ ᆺຽ

؝ 3 ᇅ ൔႬ׌଻ 43 Page 44 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

౸غሧकغ඲ᄊ చĩ౬ࢀ׌߉ཐࠋ RJ-11לᇉࢷלచdဵ৹ࢨלᇉࢷל ୡ֩׌଻னХਘ Apple 56K v.92 చ؎५ᇓĩಚޮࢀ਺၆؎Ұೊాഌ֩їም RJ-11לᇉࢷל׌঱֩၆؎Ұೊ׌଻ഌ֩ ׌߉Ұ२ᇓd

඘ފచ҆ୃனלᇉࢷלۂ၆׫ဵ৹ࢨᄡଊ୉׌߉ཐ੢ഌĥࡉ๚๝ӌൔႬ֩ମᇙĦd ሷ׌߉ཐ੢ൔႬd

చdלᇉࢷלచഌĩၽຽ෵ߺ෩ߎלᇉࢷלी݃€౑༃ࢀ඘ሷ׌߉ཐ੢৹ࢨᄡ භd܈ൢ඘ሷ׌߉ཐ੢ĩ౬৷༦ୡ֩׌߉ڒೆݘ҆ୃಖ׫ୡൔႬ֩ൢ

੧ C q৹ࢨᇄ Internetrdڼ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 79 ှྔأۻࡽ৯ Internet ৹ࢨ֩މႹܵೆ ༓ွग़ᄡ qM ac OS Ͼᇽrᇓᅷ֢dྔأۻచ֩לᇉࢷלႹܵୁᇆ

੗आၺඔ౸ߦოశඃ҃ ܿ / c၆۵ၿ௘ཐ੢ൿೊڈୡ֩ PowerBook னХႹਊ۵ୁࡽလശచc၆۵ୁࡽઞड़ ၆۵ؽࠓ / ܿ඘ખၿ௘ൿԟ؎५dވ඘ખၿ௘ൿೊ؎५ ቡ€֖ෲႹഥХ׿Ұഌൌĩശၿ҆ߺ՚ୁࡽလശచᇓԲԟdϝ༳ෲႹؽࠓࠋလശ ԟ֩ശၿdكచҐୃ๔֢׌଻လശచᇓ

ܿ / ఇ෴ശၿൿԟഥХ৹ࢨᇄؽࠓވୡग़ၟࢀທҊလശచcؽࠓc 5.1 ߐಥശ༦๨ ५ൢ၆۵৯฼ശ 3.5 ཰ྜӓࠓҰ५d؎ۂ඘ખၿ௘ൿԟ؎५d ĥ໎ჃቔလശచА޽ອ֩༳૯Ħࢀശၿ੧ᇉ֢ႛ஑dୡߒ ڈୡग़ၟൔႬୁࡽઞड़ ۂࠋఇ෴ၿ௘ഥХ৹ࢨᇄၿ௘ཐ੢ൿೊ / ܿ඘ખၿ௘ൿೊ؎५dڈग़ၟࢀທҊઞड़ ׌჻ĩෲၟୡхྺൔ܆५ൢ၆۵৯฼ശ 3.5 ཰ྜӓࠓҰ५ĩ෵҆ୃຽທࢨഥХุ؎ ႬႹ჻ທ຺ഥХdൔႬ Toslink Ұ५ᇄ཰Ұ๬൥னచĩୡग़ၟൔႬ Toslink ׌঱ণ৹ ࠅ੧ୡስ࠱֩ၿ৅dވࢨ඘ખ੧ၿտ (DAT) ቀտഥХࠋ඘ખ৅చĩၟѐൿೊ

ؗჃ iMovie ֭ग़ၟ੧ᇉശၿ֩ႏႬӵ࿁ĩ౬ൔႬ q༦๨ძᇆrᇓ֩ qശၿr૯ϴ dڈণ࿎ᄸୡཛྷൔႬ֩ൿೊഥХĩеೆ๝ݚ USB ৹ࢨ֩ઞड़

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ၿ਌dୡߒग़ၟ՚ q༦๨ძᇆr֩ qശۃۻࡳ஑ഌ֩ၿ਌३ᇉࡳग़ၟಢୡౢෂֽ ၿr૯ϴ٤ໝᆇླྀ३ᇉࡳd

༓ĩ౬չऻqMac OS Ͼᇽrѭ්෰qശၿrdྔأۻႹܵ׌଻ഌശၿൔႬࠋၔସࢷշ֩

Sudden Motion Sensor םĦĩ֖׌଻ୃ܃PowerBook ႏႬਘ Sudden Motion Sensor ࠳ඐ ĥୁࡽ֩ႛ஑А޽ ᅴdܧൌĩႹᇽჃ١ᆼՌ஑ԟཇײએࠋᄩ൷चਟᆖ

ߺ႙ཝ PowerBook ᄡᆷྟӌ݃Ҥቘ௽҆ୃ܃၆ϲػခĩ Sudden Motion Sensor А޽ ࡛ႛ஑֩ྣୃd֖ PowerBook ࠦᇓྃೊࠋ؄ಀ඘ऐൌĩ৬ೆѰ٦ࠋ࠾੧൮௘ࠋၿ Sudden Motion Sensor ࠳ඐdᄡᆇᇙ౪ই༳ĩୡߺ ײ஁ؾߺగײ௘ĩၷӌ֩चਟᆖ ࠋ๰ײ׭ൂ๱རᆤࠋശၿჱෑĩ౬ಖА PowerBook ԭჃ၆۵໛׫֩ߐࣦᇓĩૄႹᆖ dײಚ֩ᄒ

໵Ө෌శለ՝ ĥDVI c VGA ߦ S-VideoĦ ୡग़ၟൔႬ׌଻֩ທҊཅ൙చ؎५ (DVI) ᆴࢨ৹ࢨտႹ DVI ࢨ५֩ཅ൙చࠋ๫႙ ๫ވտ֩ DVI ᇄ VGA ൥னచࢀ PowerBook ৹ࢨᇄտ VGA ࢨ५֩ཅ൙చڼၒdൔႬ ႙ၒd

׌଻ഌ֩ TV ൿԟ؎५ĥွШӯຽ S-video ෝս٬৉Ħग़ၟಢୡൔႬ S-video ׌঱ণ ৹ࢨ׌൮ࠓc੧རࠓ (VCR) ࠋ൮௘๫႙༦๨dୡग़ၟൔႬ TV ൿԟ؎५ᄡ׌൮ࠓഌ DVD-Video ܿ஑d ཅ൙๱རcᄡ VCR ഌ੧ᇉ׌଻๱རࠋᆄᄡ׌൮ࠓഌѰ٦

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൮௘؎५ػૄႹ S-video ؎५ĩମઽୡग़ၟൔႬފڳೆݘୡཛྷဵ৹ࢨ֩ഥХտႹ ൮௘൥னచdފڳտ֩ S-video ᇄڼ PowerBook


ທҊཅ൙చഌཅ൙ད๡֩ވ৹ࢨທҊཅ൙చࠋ׌൮ࠓൌĩୡग़ၟᄡୁᇆཅ൙௤֖ ߆૯ ĥШӯຽ෌శॆ࿀ĦĩࠋൔႬທҊཅ൙చণঘᅞ Mac OS ሡ૯ ĥШӯຽขྣභ dσ༳ F7 ࡳ (i ) ग़ײ౸୨බĦ dძഥ౪ই༳ĩୡ֩ PowerBook ၟඤཅ൙చଊ൘గ ၟᄡඤཅ൙చވ൮௘ࣨརଊ൘ᆱ࡛౑ߔd

ԟĩеೆ๫႙ၒࠋ׌൮ࠓĩମઽୡྷဵ՚׌଻ؽࠓكೆݘୡ༔ະശၿ՚ທҊཅ൙చ ഥХdۂൿԟ؎५৹ࢨ၆۸ၿ௘ཐᇄ

඘׌൮ࠓ֩ཅ൙ཏᇉĩ׌൮ࠓ௤ଢഌෲཅ൙߆૯֩ᇍ਌ૄႹୁࡽཅأቡ€ႲჃպ ൙௤ࠋທҊཅ൙చഌཅ൙֩ᇍ਌۞d

੗आ໵Өྣභ౸ࡩ້ჷႰ ங൪ķت႓඲ᄊ DVI आ৉ࣞ໵Өྣභ౸ࡩ້ჷႰ੗आᅿ 1 ऻగທҊཅ൙చࠋ๫႙ၒd ಖ׫ཅ൙చ׌঱ၜ࣠৹ࢨᄡທҊ๫႙ၒࠋཅ൙చഌd 2

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ࡣҭ֢ທҊཅ൙చdײࢀཅ൙చ׌঱৹ࢨᇄ PowerBookd PowerBook ߺስ 3 ᆠທҊཅ൙చלൔႬ q༦๨ძᇆr֩ qཅ൙చr૯ϴࠋҖ֊ধᇓ֩ཅ൙చ๱їণ 4 ѓੵdٷ֩

ங൪ķت႓඲ᄊ VGA आ৉ࣞ໵Өྣභ౸ࡩ້ჷႰ੗आᅿ 1 ऻగທҊཅ൙చࠋ๫႙ၒd ಖ׫ཅ൙చ׌঱ၜ࣠৹ࢨᄡທҊ๫႙ၒࠋཅ൙చഌd 2 տ֩ DVI ᇄ VGA ൥னచ৹ࢨᇄທҊཅ൙చࠋ๫႙ၒ֩ VGA ࢨ५dڼ ࢀ PowerBook 3 ࡣҭ֢ທҊཅ൙చdײࢀ DVI ᇄ VGA ൥னచ৹ࢨᇄ PowerBookd PowerBook ߺስ 4 ࡣҭ֢ທҊཅ൙చࠋ๫႙ၒĩ౬༄х༹ࢀײሹ႓ර྽€ဵಖА PowerBook ୃስ DVI ᇄ VGA ൥னచҰೊທҊཅ൙చࠋ๫႙ၒd ᆠທҊཅ൙చלൔႬ q༦๨ძᇆr֩ qཅ൙చr૯ϴࠋҖ֊ধᇓ֩ཅ൙చ๱їণ 5 ѓੵdٷ֩

ᅿߨ൪ྣභూ؇ೈ৥ྑ඲ᄊ PowerBook ඎїĩѭ౓׌჻൥னచၜҰೊވೆݘ PowerBook ၜ৹ࢨሦທҊཅ൙చcࡳ஑ ഌཅ൙௤ণൔႬ׌଻dފ׌჻Ұቚĩୡऀग़ၟވ PowerBook

ഌൌൔႬ PowerBookĩхྺࢀ׌჻൥னచҰೊ PowerBookފሹ႓ර྽€ဵᄡཅ൙௤ ׌჻Ұቚdވ

ஙķت႓ᅿआ൪໵Өྣභ౸Ӌߨ൪ྣභూඪԂ኶ 1 ࢀ USB ࡳ஑ވඎї৹ࢨᇄ PowerBookd ࢀ׌჻൥னచ֩၆؎৹ࢨᇄ PowerBookĩ਺၆؎৹ࢨᄡ׌჻Ұቚഌd 2 ഌ PowerBook ཅ൙௤ࢀ׌଻ᇆೊඨ૨ሕฃdފ 3 4 σᅺഌࢯෲඑ҈ᇫࢀ PowerBook ৹ࢨᇄທҊཅ൙చd ࠯૴ᇖޮσ༳ທҊࡳ஑ഌ֩ಭၭ၆۵ࡳߖྠ PowerBookd 5

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෌ࡱc VCR ࡩ౥๒෌శඃ҃ت੗आ ෌ࡱc VCR ࡩ౥๒෌శඃ҃੗आሢ PowerBookķت႓ࣞ ൮ފڳࢀ S-video ׌঱৹ࢨᇄ PowerBook ֩ TV ൿԟ؎५ (Æ ) ĥࠋᆄൔႬ S-video ᇄ 1 ൮௘׌঱Ħĩѭࢀ਺၆؎৹ࢨᇄୡ֩ഥХdފڳ௘൥னచ৹ࢨ ഥХĩ౬ࢀ၆۵཰ྜҰ๬ᇄ RCA ׌঱ۂೆݘୡဵࢀ PowerBook ᇓ֩ശၿԲෆᇄ 2 ഥХ֩ၿ௘ൿೊ؎५dۂտĦ՚ PowerBook ഌ֩ؽࠓൿԟ؎५ (f ) ৹ࢨᇄڼĥ໇ 3 ऻగທҊഥХd ဵࡣҭ׌൮ࠓࠋఇ෴ທҊഥХĩ౬σሂ Command (x) ࡳѭσ༳ F2 ࡳd 4 ࢯ߆૯ᄡഥХഌ֩ཅ൙ٞ൘ĩ౬ൔႬ q༦๨ძᇆrᇓ֩ qཅ൙చr૯ϴdלဵ 5

੗आ Apple ాђྣභ౸ ୡग़ၟࢀୡ֩ PowerBook ৹ࢨᇄ Apple ௠ϴཅ൙చdಀऩჃෲൔႬཅ൙చ֩৏ྜĩ ৹ࢨཅ൙చग़ୃྷဵ၆۵ DVI ᇄ ADC ൥னచĩᆇᇙ൥னచग़ၟ՚ Apple ൵ಇ࣠ཫ ઝdܗ ഉc Apple ሉટ׏ࠋອᅣ ഌ֩ Apple Store ࿲ཱځ෌ࡱ؇ݙت඲ᄊ໵Өྣභ౸ࡩޓᄗ ࡊྔ༓ग़ᄡ qM ac OS Ͼᇽrᇓᅷ֢d౬՚Җ֊ধڼனᇆທҊཅ൙చ֩ވႹܵൔႬ ᇓ࿎ಀ qϾᇽr > q Mac Ͼᇽrĩಚޮ්෰ qཅ൙చrd

඲ᄊ SuperDrive ೜ِ౸ చĩୡग़ၟķײൔႬ SuperDrive ౾ Â ρሑࠋൔႬণስ CD ࠋ DVD ֩ೌࡵ ྏഊၿ৅ܿ஑ഌ֩ၿ৅ވ૆฼أCD ܿ஑ഌ֩ Â Ѱ٦ CD-RW ܿ஑ഌ ވ ఇ෴඘ખ໗ࡵढ़੧ᄡ CD-RވÂ ࢀၿ৅c໗ۤ ඘֩ DVD ܿ஑أDVD ႙௏ѭൔႬպ Â Ѱ٦ DVD+RW ܿ஑ഌ ވ Â ࢀྔ༓ढ़੧ᄡ०Ϧ֩ DVD-Rc DVD+Rc DVD-RW

చᆪӿᆴࣩຽ 12 ৔ૠ֩їምჹײሹ႓ර྽€ୡ֩ PowerBook ᇓ֩ SuperDrive ౾ ஑d҆ᆪӿ҆݃ᄹྜྷሕ֩ܿ஑ࠋᆴࣩ཰Ⴣ 12 ৔ૠ֩ܿ஑d٨ჹྜྷܿ஑ߺहᄡܿྜྷ చᇓdײ౾

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Ԏന CD ࡩ DVD ޝ௯ ௯൪؇Փဟķޝ ႓Пቯࡩ඲ᄊ CD ࡩ DVD చၜሆሂܿ஑ײन֢౾ۏచĩᆴ֢ୡײ׌଻չऻൌĩࢀܿ஑ĥїపӘഌĦҰೊ౾ 1 ѭࢀఇ༏ೊd చҐୃࢀܿ஑༏ೊdᆇൢᆢӌ֩dײୡग़ୃྷဵࢀܿ஑࠯ްຟಊҰೊĩ౾ ૯ĩୡྷဵࢀܿ஑َݚণdفቡ€Ⴙླྀ DVD ܿ஑ൢඤ૯֩dဵൔႬܿ஑ֿ֩


஑֩๱їԟཇᄡሡ૯ഌޮĩܿ஑ऀग़ၟൔႬਘdܿ 2 ໙սޝ௯ ႓໙սޝ௯ĩೊሕ࿽ႽྑႤ྽Ԃ኶ķ  ࢀܿ஑๱їຄၑٰ֢ᇀ੓d  σሂࡳ஑ഌ֩ܿ஑๻ԟࡳ (C )ĩᆴ֢ܿ஑๻ԟd ಀԟࠋᇛྑҰೊܿ஑ఱĩ౬ಢ෵ຟಊ๻ԟd

ೆݘୡ҆ୃ๻ԟܿ஑ĩ౬຀ԟෲႹग़ୃൔႬܿ஑֩ႏႬӵ࿁ĩಚޮᄠ൯၆Օdೆݘ ׌଻ൌσሂԬ३ϴσ୪dײ໱ྲྀĩ౬ᄡᇛྑగىՒٞ

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௯ޝ DVD ۄӎ DVD ܿ஑dqDVD Ѱ٦ ۂDVD-Video ܿ஑ĩ౬Ұೊ ဵᄡୡ֩ PowerBook ഌѰ٦ ਘၢჃൔႬ֩३ᇉ୪ĩѐჃ܆ཇ q DVD Ѱ٦ӵ࿁rุكչऻdୡߺײӵ࿁rߺስ DVDd ॅܸވऻൗc๘ᆼѰ٦

ೆݘୡ֩ PowerBook ၜ࣠৹ࢨ׌൮ࠓĩᄹୡग़ၟᄡ׌൮ࠓ௤ଢഌܸॅ DVD-Videoĩ ౬ᄡq༦๨ძᇆr֩ qཅ൙చr૯ϴᇓ࿎ᄸ 720 x 480 NTSC ĥૉݗĦࠋ 720 x 576 ఇ෴ֽ౹ĦdވPAL ĥ୼ᇡ

ၢऀग़ၟࢀୡ֩ PowerBook ৹ࢨᇄ৯฼ശၿཝ༦๨dൔႬ཰Ұ๬ᇄ RCA ׌಼ޗୡ տĦĩࢀ PowerBook ֩ؽࠓൿԟ؎५ (f ) ე৯฼ശၿཝ֩ၿ௘ൿೊ؎५৹ڼ঱ĥ໇ ࢨఓণd

঻ૅ CD-R ߦ CD-RW ޝ௯ ୡग़ၟࢀ඘ऐढ़੧ᄡ CD-R ވ CD-RW ܿ஑ഌ

႓ࣞ෶८঻ૅᅿ CD-R ࡩ CD-RW ޝ௯൪ķ చᇓҰೊ०Ϧܿ஑dײᄡܿ஑౾ 1 ᄡԟཇ֩ؗ߉ঃᇓĩൿೊܿ஑଄ӯdሡ૯ഌߺԟཇ၆۵ܿ஑๱їd 2 ஑๱їഌdܿۂ໗ࡵࡇຄၑᇄވࢀ໗ࡵ 3 ऒ์ᇓܿ஑଄ӯஙь֩qढ़੧ܿ஑r๱їd܁ ׈σ Finder 4 CD-RW ܿ஑ഌd ވ ୡွग़ၟࢀ iTunes ౻ॳᇓ֩ၿ৅ढ़੧ᄡ CD-R

႓঻ૅ iTunes ೙৑ሱ؇ოਣķ ׈σ Dock ഌ֩ iTunes ๱їd 1 ࿎ᄸཛྷဵढ़੧֩Ѱ٦ਝњd 2 3 Ұೊ०Ϧ CD-R ࠋ CD-RW ܿ஑d Ҋ֩ qढ़੧ܿ஑rdר׈σ iTunes Է५ 4 ࿲ཱځݙ ൔႬ iTunes ࢀၿ৅ढ़੧ᄡ CD-R ࠋ CD-RW ܿ஑ഌ֩ྔ༓ĩ౬չऻ iTunesމ Ⴙܵೆ ѭҴᄋ iTunes ௤ଢϾᇽd  ႹܵൔႬ qD VD Ѱ٦ӵ࿁r֩ථ଀ĩ౬չऻ qD VD Ѱ٦ӵ࿁rѭҴᄋ q DVD Ѱ ٦ӵ࿁r௤ଢϾᇽd

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ࣞ࿲ཱ঻ૅᅿ DVD ൪ ୡग़ၟࢀስ࠱֩඘ખ႙௏ढ़੧ᄡ०Ϧ֩ग़ढ़੧ DVD ܿ஑ഌdୡߒग़ၟढ़੧ఇ෴৏ྜ ֢၆ᅪग़ढ़੧ DVD ܿ஑ഌdپ඘ખ඘ऐĩеೆࢀ໗ࡵХ֩

ൔႬ iDVD ᆇ৏ႏႬӵ࿁ĩୡग़ၟᇉቘስ׫֩඘ખ૆฼ࢯଦĩѭࢀఇढ़੧ᄡ०Ϧ֩ ඘їም DVD Ѱ٦ࠓഌѰ٦dأग़ढ़੧ܿ஑ഌĩಚޮᄡպ

௯൪ķޝ ႓ࣞ iDVD ྽஄঻ૅᅿৄф؇ DVD-Rc DVD+Rc DVD-RW ࡩ DVD+RW չऻ iDVDĩಚޮչऻၜຟӲ֩ iDVD ཟଦd 1 ׈σ qढ़੧rσ୪d 2 చᇓdײσᅺุ൙ĩࢀ၆ᅪ०Ϧ֩ग़ढ़੧ DVD ܿ஑Ұೊ౾ 3 ᄠՕ׈σ qढ़੧rσ୪d 4

႓ࣞ෶८঻ૅᅿ DVD-Rc DVD+Rc DVD-RW ࡩ DVD+RW ޝ௯൪ķ చᇓdײࢀ०Ϧ֩ग़ढ़੧ DVD ܿ஑Ұೊ౾ 1 ᄡԟཇ֩ؗ߉ঃᇓĩຽܿ஑ൿೊ଄ӯĩѭ࿎ᄸୡཛྷဵᇉቘ֩۰൘dሡ૯ഌߺԟཇ၆ 2 DVD ๱їd ۵ 3 ৹σ DVD ๱їĩಚޮࢀ໗ࡵވ໗ࡵࡇຄೊఇᇓd ऒধᇓ֩ܿ஑଄ӯஙь֩qढ़੧ܿ஑r๱їd܁ ׈σ Finder 4

༓ĩ౬չऻ iDVD ѭҴᄋ௤ଢϾᇽdྔأۻ֩ ൔႬ iDVDމႹܵೆ

ሹ႓ර྽€ೆݘୡᄡढ़੧ DVD ൌ׌ԁႬຟਘĩମઽढ़੧ߺൂϫѭ౓ DVD ܿ஑ွ ᄠՕൔႬdဵщ૫ᆇᇙ౪ইĩ౬ᄡढ़੧ DVD ൌൔႬ׌჻൥னచdୃ҆

՟ت ׌dಀऩჃୡൔႬ֩ႏႬӵ࿁ၟࠧ܆ೆݘ໇৹ࢨທҊ׌჻൥னచĩ׌଻ߺ๝ݚ׌ԁ ׌֩ൌ࡛҆܆ ཇ׌ԁຽ PowerBookك৹ࢨᄡ PowerBook ഌ֩ທҊഥХĩୡग़ୃߺ ĥೆ AirPort Extreme ࠋ Bluetooth ® ໱ཐ࠳ඐĦႹᇽჃကӍ׌ԁୃ܃၆ဦdܵтଚླྀ ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 54 ှ q׌ԁࢯୃุ൙rdྔأۻൔႬ൴ଅdႹܵൔႬ׌ԁ֩ Ҵॅ׌ԁഌ֩׌਌ᆻ൙֫ĩୡग़ၟᆭ֥׌ԁാ჉֩׌਌dσ༳ᆻ൙֫ஙь֩σ୪ ൌĩᆻ൙֫ߺ਎ఓĩཅ൙׌ԁᇓാ჉֩׌਌dσ༳σ୪ޮᆻ൙֫ߺАӿ਎࠯૴ᇖd ሑᄡ PowerBook ᇓĩୡ׿ग़ၟࡣҴ׌ԁ֩׌਌dڒ໱આ׌ԁൢ

؝ 3 ᇅ ൔႬ׌଻ 51 Page 52 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ቘൌ׌ԁ׌਌҆ቄĩୡग़ၟࢀ PowerBook ᇆೊඨ૨ሕฃĩߔഌၜԍથ׌֩܁ೆݘᄡ ᆾأ຿ӿୁխᇓ֩ୁ಼֩׌਌ĩ֐቏ܘਘቄ܆ߔ׌ԁൌĩୁҊޮХ׌ԁุۻ׌ԁd ᇖdٷ ຿ӿ 3ୃ

׌਌ࢀ҆ቄ຿֩܆ࡊୁխĩମઽХႬ׌ԁุڼቡ€ೆݘୡᄡ PowerBook ᇓρሑਘ ൌ࡛ຟಊԍܘߔ׌ԁݾ࠯ՕĩൔХႬ׌ԁૄႹቄۻᇖdػ౓ĩೆݘᄡ؏௽ୁٷӿ೜ થ׌ĩऀߺ෮؏ХႬ׌ԁ຿޽඘ऐ֩ൌ࡛d

ሹ႓ර྽€ೆݘᆾႹ၆۵ᆻ൙֫೾਎ĩњ൙׌ԁ׌਌ၜෲാ໱࠯dೆݘᆻ൙֫׿ dҰഌ׌ײ਎ĩථ଀׌ԁ׌਌ၜ࣠ݿࣔĩೆݘ҆ࢨഌ׌჻൥னచĩ׌଻ࢀ҆ୃగ҆ ჻൥னచĩಢ׌ԁᇛྑԍથ׌ĩࠋᆄൔႬၜԍથ׌֩׌ԁ฽ߔၜݿࣔ֩׌ԁ ĥ౬ ҙᄋֿ 53 ှĦd

еĩᄹႹൌୡߺሃၭ֢ᄡ׌ٷೆݘ Finder Җ֊ᇓ׌ԁ๱їၜШഥᇆຽཅ൙׌਌Ϩ ଻ࢨഌ׌჻൥னచൌĩ׌ԁ҆ߺАӿ 100% ֩થ׌਌ሕฃd֖׌ԁ׌਌቏ᇘࢊ֢ ၟ༳ൌĩ׌ԁߺ၆ᆴԍ׌֢ 100%dᆇߺကӍ׌ԁ֩൴ଅĩၽຽԍ׌҆ߺ৹࿇ 95% ൌ࿇ൌؒd

؝ 3 ᇅ ൔႬ׌଻ 52 Page 53 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

՟تೞսߦቯࡏ ՟ķت႓ೞս m ܵт PowerBookdࢀ෵َላݚণѭᅷ֢׌ԁ෱६dࢀ෱६ལഌ߅ၟࢷ෱׌ԁĩѭౢ ౢಀԟ׌ԁd

՟ķت႓ቯࡏ m ࢀ׌ԁ၆ҫ٦ೊ׌ԁҡᇓdౢౢལ༳σ࿦׌ԁᆴ֢׌ԁ෱६෱׫֢໎d

༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 100 ှq׌ԁԭྔأۻቡ€౬۸ऐֽ֖֩ߐА݃׫ԭড়׌ԁdႹܵ ড়ྔ༓rd

؝ 3 ᇅ ൔႬ׌଻ 53 Page 54 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ت՟իت༛ տ֩׌჻൥னచޮĩ׌ԁᄡ׌଻ܵтcչऻࠋඨ૨ൌ׿ग़ၟԍ׌d֐ڼҰഌ׌଻ ॽླྀdୡग़ၟൔႬҖ֊ধഌ֩׌ԁሕฃ๱їࡗ൮׌ۻൢĩ׌଻ܵтࠋඨ૨ൌԍ׌ߺ ഖdأԁ֩׌਌

ഖࠒჃ׌ԁᇓ֩ാ჉׌਌ĩߒეୡᆢᄡൔႬ֩ႏႬӵ࿁cທ຺أෲཅ൙֩׌ԁ׌਌ ׌֩أۻ༦๨ഥᇆĥЋগཅ൙చ਎؋cqࢯୃచrഥᇆ֭֭ĦႹܵdဵࢯ഼ވഥХ ᆠୡ֩qࢯלԁ׌਌ĩ౬ܵтૄႹൔႬ֩ႏႬӵ࿁cؒऻૄႹൔႬ֩ທ຺ഥХѭ Ħdٷచrഥᇆ ĥ౬ҙᄋ༳၆Ҋୃ

՟ऍ஡ຖභت ቘൌ࡛ಀऩჃୡ֖ఱᆢᄡൔႬ֩܁֩܆PowerBook ׌ԁᄡྷဵᇛྑԍ׌ఱग़ၟุ ቘൌୡҔಀ֩ࢯୃղൄd܁ທ຺ഥХĩၟࠧވႏႬӵ࿁

੪ĩೊሕ࿽ႽྑԂ኶ķت՟تՓ٩ऍකט႓ክ ׌֩ USB ࠋ FireWire ഥХ ĥೆݘ໇ൔႬĦd܆ ϝ༳ሽཐ  ᄡ҆ൔႬ AirPort ൌࢀఇܵт ĥൔႬҖ֊ধᇓ֩ AirPort ሕฃ๱їĦd  ᄡ Bluetooth ໱ཐଊॺ҆ൔႬൌࢀఇܵтd  ຀ԟୡ҆ᄠൔႬ֩ႏႬӵ࿁d DVD ܿ஑ ĥೆݘ໇ൔႬĦd ވ  ಀԟ CD ௤ଢ਎؋dֲל ൔႬ PowerBook ࡳ஑ഌ֩਎؋३ᇉࡳ dᄡ q༦๨ძᇆr֩ qࢯୃచr૯ϴᇓĩ࿎ײ ഥᇆႛ஑ᄡ؏ൌ࡛ཁᇆޮ๘ᆼላ ᄸ qೆݘग़ୃĩൔႛ஑࣍ೊඨ૨r࿎ཟd ࠫ࣍ೊඨ૨ሕฃdײൌ࡛ୁ҆ࠇ؏ۻᇖࠋٷ  ࢀ PowerBook ഥᇆຽ 5

؝ 3 ᇅ ൔႬ׌଻ 54 Page 55 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

੪ĩೊᅿ q྄ໆᅉሤr؇ qऍ஡౸rেሧђሱာೞت՟ت႓ݙफႤӦऍක ྑ੻ာ྽ķ ԭড়చි؋dୡ֩ PowerBook ᄡൔႬۃۻ਌ײÂ ࢀ׌଻ഥᇆຽ။ऐෲྷ֩ԭড়ࠇ ࢊֲԭড়ි؋ĩၽՒࢊֲਘײൌĩШძ׫ഥᇆຽስײࢤౢ֩ࠇބڹ׌ԁ׌਌ԭড় ౑ߔᇄࢤ۞֩ԭড়ි؋dဵࡣײࢤᇛ௽࡛ĩୡ֩׌଻ߺስײ׌਌ൔႬdᄡԭড়ࠇ ഥᇆĩ౬չऻq༦๨ძᇆr֩ qࢯୃచr૯ϴĩѭ׈σ qཅ൙ཛ༩ྔ༓rۂҴ ёԭড়చි؋ĩ౬՚ qഥᇆr֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ q׌ۃײഥᇆdဵስۂণҴॅ rdײԁ׌჻rĩ׈σ q࿎ཟrĩѭ՚ qԭড়చྣୃr֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ qስ ĥဵഥ׫׌଻၆ᆴൔႬ቏۞֩ԭড়ි؋ĩ౬՚qԭড়చྣୃr֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ q቏۞rdĦ Â ဵൔ׌ԁ֩ൔႬൌ࡛቏Ӎĩ౬՚ qႮ߈ࢯୃഥᇆr֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ q቏Ӎ׌ ԁ൴ଅrd

࿲ཱځ՟؇ݙت PowerBook ޓᄗ ༓ग़ᄡqM ac OS Ͼᇽrᇓ ᅷ֢d౬՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀqϾᇽr> q Mac Ͼᇽrĩྔأۻ ಚޮ්෰ q׌ԁrdୡွग़ၟᄡອᅣ ഌᅷ ֢ႹܵကӍ׌ԁൔႬ൴ଅ֩ྔ༓d

؄๏৉ڿ ׫ᄡ෿૯ࠋሡሴഌdܩઝ١֦঱഻ণА޽ PowerBookd١֦෱ग़Ⴌণࢀ׌଻ܗୡग़


؝ 3 ᇅ ൔႬ׌଻ 55 Page 56 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

࿲ཱځП೨ာ྽؇ݙޓᄗ ĩग़ୃ܃໗ࡵࡊ૥֭ވႬ߀૥ખأ༓ĩЋগྔأۻ֩ୃ܃Ⴙܵ PowerBook ೌࡵρಊ ၟ՚ q Mac OS Ͼᇽrᇓᅷ֢d՚Җ֊ধ࿎ಀ qϾᇽr > q Mac Ͼᇽrĩಚޮ්෰ Ⴌ߀rdأqρಊrࠋ q

؝ 3 ᇅ ൔႬ׌଻ 56 Page 57 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ஙຢࢨட׋ت༛ 4 4

ࢨட׋؇࿲ཱܚᅿ PowerBook ሱПቯޓᇅຖݤ੶ᄗ҉ ߦฌ୞d

༄ڟտ֩ڼी݃€ Apple ࡽၴႲ Apple ಮᆧ֩࠳ඐಪჸণρሑୁխd౬Ҵᄋ׌଻ ༄֩དܵථ଀dೆݘୡስڟභ৷༦ণࠊ֨܈ ე Appleމᆪӿྔ༓ĩၟਘࢷႹܵೆވ ࠱Ӌ൯ρሑୁխػ෩ߎਘഥХĩᄹᆇᇙ෩ߎࢀ҆Ћݧᄡ׌଻֩ႹཏАྭ຺ٗᆱୁd

ࢨட׋ܚПቯ ণһሑୁխdୡ֩ۆୡ֩׌଻னХਘਊ۵ୁխҰҦĩग़ၟ๝ݚ྅༳׌ԁҡᇓ֩ୁխ ฃෟࠓխಀխԩచײPowerBook னХਘ၆۵ 512 MB ඤ඘ऐිੵ (DDR) ๡҈ ڜމSDRAM) ଊॺĩρሑᄡਊ۵ୁխҦᇓ֩၆۵৞૯dਊ۵ୁխҰҦ׿ग़ၟρሑಭ) ၟ༳࠳ඐ݃۰֩ୁխଊॺķފ Â ཰ྜඤਝᆴҰ൘խԩచଊॺ (SO-DIMM) ۰൘ ཰ۻÂ 1.25 ႋծࠋ ݿĦ܃Â 512 MB ࠋ 1 GB ĥֲ Â 200 ᆐ Â PC 2700 DDR 333 ৏ RAM

ѝρሑ၆ٷୡग़ၟᄡ PowerBook ᇓρሑ֩቏պୁխ඘਌ຽ 2 GBĩࠫਊ۵ୁխҦᇓ ์ 1GB DIMM ୁխd

57 Page 58 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ࢨட׋ķܚ႓Пቯ ఇ෴׌঱dމಭވт׌଻dϝ༳৹ࢨᄡ׌଻ഌ֩׌჻൥னచc׌߉ཐܵ 1 ߺۂd׌ԁႏײ၆ҫ֩ෂऻ෱६dࢀ ਊ෱६ལഌ߅މࢀ׌଻َላݚণĩᅷ֢׌ԁಭ 2 ౢౢ֔ԟd

รdೆݘୡ၆ᆴൔႬ PowerBookĩମઽ౬ޗª ी݃€PowerB ook ֩ୁҊቊࡵग़ୃߺ ᇖĩքୁҊቊࡵ৓ಓޮᄠࡃ࿇ఇ෴Ҥቘdٷ ᄡܵࠓޮ֭ޭ 10

ഌ֩ઈමĩಚޮࢀఇ՚׌଻׌ԁҡಀԟdۆ൉ሷઈම֛୦ऻୁխހ ൔႬ 00 3

؝ 4 ᇅ ຽ׌଻ไࡊୁխ 58 Page 59 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

Ԭଇ၆༳׌଻ୁҊ֩ࣅඏњ૯ၟ൨٦ୡപഌ֩ࣥ׌d 4

ೆݘୁխहၜ࣠ρሑᄡୡཛྷဵൔႬ֩ҰҦᇓĩ౬ࢀఇ྅༳dࢀҰҦਊь֩֔௏ལ 5 ߺౢౢ֔ԟdၟ 30 ؋ุ࢜ఓୁխहĩಚޮࢀఇౢౢজԟୁۂਊьϱऻdୁխहႏ խҦd

؝ 4 ᇅ ຽ׌଻ไࡊୁխ 59 Page 60 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ၟ 30 ؋࢜Ұೊୁխहdࢀहഌ֩ϋ५ეୁխҦᇓ֩཰֔௏དؗఎĩಚޮࢀह߅ೊ 6 ۏҰҦᇓᆴ֢ॅ֢҆ह֩ࣅ೨ьჼdಚޮࢀୁխहౢౢֽ๻ೊୁխҦᇓdୡग़ୃߺ न֢၆ླྀ቉৳d


ࢀहᄡୁխहϋ५ഌ֩ҰҦ֔௏ལਊьϱऻĩѭལ༳σ࿦ୁխहᆴ֢हਊь֩σ 7 ׫֢໎dܩ६

؝ 4 ᇅ ຽ׌଻ไࡊୁխ 60 Page 61 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

׫dܩĩಖ׫ၜࢀఇ٦௠ĩᄠϠ෵୦ࣉۆᇛྑሑഌୁխ 8

ሑ߱׌ԁd 9

ఇ෴׌঱dމಭވᇛྑࢨഌ׌჻൥னచ 10

؝ 4 ᇅ ຽ׌଻ไࡊୁխ 61 Page 62 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ங஡දһ࿯ட׋تى೴ ൑ѝྑୁխdܘୃڒࡊୁխᆱޮĩୡग़ၟࡣҴ၆༳׌଻ൢڼᄡ PowerBook ᇓρሑ

ங؇ட׋ķت႓ࣁԒ ׌଻dײగ 1 ୡॅ֢ Mac OS ሡ૯ൌĩ՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ Apple () > qܵჃЫࠓrd֖ 2 խĦdႹܵ׌଻ഌρୁྑމԟཇ֩ؗ߉ঃཅ൙ਘ׌଻ᇓୁխሽ਌ĥЋগୡไࡊ֩ಭ ༓rσ୪dྔأۻ৏ĩ౬׈σ qٷሑ֩ୁխ֩ཛ༩

ĩ౬ܵт PowerBookĩᇛྑࡣҴ၆ײೆݘ҆ୃ൑ѝྑρሑ֩ୁխࠋ׌଻҆ୃᆢӌగ ༳Ⴙܵථ଀ĩၟಖ׫ρሑ֩ୁխე PowerBook ࡝಼ѭ౓ρሑᆢಖdೆݘಳႹໝูĩ ࠎഉd܆տ֩ᆪӿྔ༓ࠋ৷༦ୁխڼ౬྅༳ୁխѭҙᄋୁխ

؝ 4 ᇅ ຽ׌଻ไࡊୁխ 62 Page 63 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

וႲ஖क 5 5

ᇥ਼؀੶༻ທĩೊྗ؀ത޶ிᅿ඲ᄊ PowerBook ඪᄽ Хߦࣛგdڼျ೒कই

ഷ֩౪كୡჟ֢ໝูൌĩ๝ӌߺႹ၆ᇙࡩ֊ॽࢲ֩ࢷऩٞχd౬ੁၭ֡ᇅໝู֖ ᅴჴၽ຺֩ٗĩಚޮᄠܧইd࠾༳ԟཇໝูఱୡᆷྟݚ֩Ҥቘग़ၟϾᇽୡ෮཰Ҵᅷ ࿝ᅷୡྷဵ֩շχd

ဵ࠾༳֩ୁ಼Ћগķྷ ഷᄡଚ၆ฯ׫ႏႬӵ࿁ഌĩମઽग़ୃكഷໝูൌൔႬ֩ႏႬӵ࿁dೆݘໝู࣋ك Â ჴၽൢՒႏႬӵ࿁ე׌଻ഌρሑ֩ Mac OS ϵЫ҆࡝಼d֩ ࡵĩฯѝൢᄡ q༦๨r໗ࡵࡇᇓไࡊਘཟଦ֩ೌࡵdĥଚླྀೌމÂ ୡ቏࣑ρሑ֩ಭ ঘᅞdĦୃ܃ႏႬӵ࿁ρሑਘე Classic ߐࣦ҆࡝಼֩ ࡊୁխࠋທ຺ഥХĦdڼÂ ෲႹྑρሑ֩ႛࡵ ĥೆ

ୡߒग़ၟᄡq Mac OS Ͼᇽrc Apple ᆪӿອᅣ ၟࠧ ۻ ഌ֩ AppleCare Knowledge Baseĥ AppleCare ራਜॳĦᇓᅷ֢ ၔସࢷշྔ༓dأ

ங؇༻ທت඲ᄊڧ඲ிཏ ჭࡩሙᇮӤႯِڳஙଢᄗتത޶ Â ๡ൌσ༳ C ommand (x)-Option-Esc ࡳీᇉ຀ԟၜ๘ᆼᄒྟ֩ႏႬӵ࿁dೆݘԟ ཇ၆۵ؗ߉ঃĩ౬࿎ᄸୡဵ຀ԟ֩ႏႬӵ࿁ѭ׈σ qీᇉ຀ԟrd Command (x) ࡳĩಚޮσ༳ ވ ቘĩ౬σሂ Option܁ೆݘୡൢᄡ Classic ߐࣦ༳ Esc ࡳd ׌଻ၟൔໝูӢּײቘĩಚޮᇛྑగ܁ࢨ༳ণĩխԩෲႹչऻ֩ႏႬӵ࿁ᇓ֩ ཬԦd

63 Page 64 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ႏႬӵ࿁ĩମઽ౬σሂ׌჻σ୪ (® ) ࠯૴ᇖၟܵт׌଻dۂᇉ຀ԟీىÂ ೆݘ໱ ׌჻ވ Â ೆݘ׌଻ಳಚૄႹٕႏĩӋ൯๡ൌσ༳ࡳ஑ഌ֩ C ommand (x)c Control ׌଻dײσ୪ (® ) ᇛྑగ

Ҋ֩Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ qϾᇽr > qM ac Ͼᇽrd౬්רඕĩ౬՚௤ଢڡത޶༻ທाԪ ෰Ցი qඹࠓrၟҴॅႹܵ׌଻๘ᆼᄒྟࠋ҆ཝႏ֩౪ྜྷd

൐၆༳෵ൢކӵ࿁֩ᇉᄳഉĩۂඕĩମઽ౬ሪ࿜ڡത޶ሜᅿ඲ᄊ୸ݓՓဟඪ༻ທӮ ႏႬӵ࿁ൢ࡝಼֩ĩମઽୡग़ୃྷဵᇛྑρሑ׌ۂეୡ֩׌଻࡝಼dೆݘୡᆭ֥ڒ ୃ܃Ⴙ҆࡝಼֩༦๨ڒ଻֩༦๨ೌࡵĩࠋᆄೆݘୡൔႬ Classicĩୡग़ୃྷဵࡣҴൢ ঘᅞd౬ҙᄋ༳၆۵ᇺูၟࠊ֨དܵථ଀d

ஙᅿ౵ِඪຶሚྻჭࡩսྥ൜ِ؇༻ߞتത޶ ൢσሂ׌ىĩମઽ౬ܵࠓĩٞײÂ ഑֭࠯૴ᇖdೆݘ׌଻ᄡ࣠ݚ၆ؑൌ࡛ޮಳ໇గ ׌჻σ୪ (® ) ၟވ჻σ୪ (® ) ᄃ 5 ૴ᇖᆴ֢׌଻ܵтdಚޮᄠՕσ༳ Option ࡳ ĩչऻޮײൌĩ׈σႛ஑๱їĩಚޮ׈σႻࡴ๬d׌଻గײ༦๨d׌଻గײѐగ Ռ஑rd࿎ᄸЫࠓ֩ Mac OS X ༦๨໗ࡵࡇdײq༦๨ძᇆrĩಚޮ׈σ qగ ൢࢀ Mac OS XىՌ஑ĩٞڳऒrণྭ܁໱ྲྀĩ౬Ӌ൯ൔႬ qՌ஑ىÂ ೆݘၟഌٞ ׌଻ĩѭᄡ׌଻ײInstall Disc 1ĥ Mac OS X ρሑܿ஑ 1ĦҰೊ׌଻ᇓdಚޮᇛྑగ ऒrչऻޮĩ܁ऒrdqՌ஑܁ൌσሂ C ࡳd࿎ಀqρሑӵ࿁r >qչऻՌ஑ײగ ୡ֩Ռ஑dڳྭୃڒऒൢ܁ۂσᅺ qࠨࣻr૯ϴᇓ֩ථ଀࣍ྟҤቘĩॅॅ ऒr҆ୃࢷऩໝูĩୡग़ୃྷဵᇛྑρሑ׌଻֩༦๨ೌࡵd౬܁ೆݘൔႬqՌ஑ ҙᄋֿ 67 ှၟਘࢷདܵථ଀d ஙӤঙ౵ࡩ౵ِتത޶ Â ಖ׫׌჻൥னచၜҰೊ׌଻ѭၜҰᄡ၆۵ၜ๝׌֩׌჻Ұቚഌd౬༄хൔႬୡ տ֩׌჻൥னచdڼ׌଻֩ ဵԍ׌dσ༳׌ԁഌ֩཰σ୪dୡႏ֖ߺॅ֢Ⴙ၆۵֢ල۵֫਎ྷڒÂ ࡣҴ׌ԁൢ ĩ౬ൔႬ൥னచຽ׌ײఓၟњ൙׌ԁ֩׌਌dೆݘᆾႹ၆۵׌ԁ׌਌ᆻ൙֫ᄡ೾ dܿكԁԍ׌ᆴ֢ᇄഖႹ၆۵ᆻ൙֫ӿ࿇ ൢؒऻ׌჻൥னచĩಀԟ׌ى׌଻֩ԟӐഥᇆĩٞڳ໱ྲྀĩ౬߯ىÂ ೆݘၟഌٞ ԁĩಚޮσሂ׌჻σ୪ᇄഖ 5 ૴ᇖd

؝ 5 ᇅ ၔସࢷշ 64 Page 65 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ࡊڼࡊୁխĩಖ ׫ ෵ૐၜᆢಖρሑѭ౓ე׌଻࡝಼dࡣҴಀԟڼÂ ೆݘ቏࣑ρሑਘ ĥ౬ҙᄋֿ 57 ှĦd ײగୃڒխޮ׌଻ൢୁ ეމᆪӿྔ༓ĩਘࢷೆވ༄ڟտ֩ڼ ׌଻ĩ౬Ҵॅ PowerBookײÂ ೆݘಳ҆ୃగ ༄֩ྔ༓dڟApple ৷༦ၟࠊ֨ ത޶ྣභూ໎೸ү߳ࡩ྄ໆຶሚྻჭ ༦๨dײ౬Ӌ൯ᇛྑగ ϝ༳৹ࢨᄡ PowerBook ഌ֩ෲႹഥХ ĥ׌჻൥னచԦທĦd 1 ༦๨dײControl ࡳĩಚޮσ༳׌჻σ୪ (® ) ণᇛྑగ ވ (σሂ Command (x 2 ቘൌĩ׌ԁႏᇄഖԍ׌ 10%d܁ທҊഥХҰೊѭࡃ࿇މᄡࢀಭ 3 ဵҴॅ׌ԁ֩׌਌ĩ౬ൔႬҖ֊ধഌ֩׌ԁሕฃ๱їd

౥๒༻ທ ത޶ி༏࢜੶ୃ૴ ୡग़ၟᇛഥୡܹ֩ড়ჸ૥ખd ୡ֩׌଻ײҰೊୡ֩ Mac OS X Install Disc 1 ĥM ac OS X ρሑܿ஑ 1Ħdಚޮᇛྑగ 1 ൌσሂ C ࡳdײѭᄡ׌଻గ 2 ՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ qρሑӵ࿁r > qᇛഥ૥ખrd σᅺ௤ଢᆻ൙࣍ྟҤቘd ത޶୸ݓჭᄊՓဟᄗ༻ທ Â ؗჃఇ෴ᇉᄳഉഷӅ֩ೌࡵ֩ໝูĩ౬ሪ࿜དႏ֩ᇉᄳഉdೌࡵᇉᄳഉ࣠ӌᄡఇ dྑۻࡵೌ܆ອᅣഌุ Ҵѭρሑކֽײrĩୡग़ၟனᇆ PowerBook ስྑۻÂ ൔႬq༦๨ძᇆrᇓ֩ qೌࡵ ༓ĩ౬՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ qϾᇽr > q Mac Ͼᇽrྔأۻ቏ྑ֩ Apple ೌࡵdႹܵ rdྑۻѭ්෰ qೌࡵ

ທ༻؀ത޶ிᅿ඲ᄊ AirPort Extreme ཏྮົ࿲ඪᄽ տ֩ථ଀ᆢಖனᇆਘڼ  ಖ׫ୡၜσᅺ AirPort Extreme हcࠒᅣࠋ AirPort Express ೌࡵd  ಖ׫ୡཛྷဵ৹ࢨ֩׌଻ࠋອ઒ᆢᄡᄒྟĩѭ౓Ⴙ໱ཐ٤ໝ׈d

؝ 5 ᇅ ၔସࢷշ 65 Page 66 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

؋ĩၟಖ ׫ ୡ֩׌଻ԭჃఇ෴׌଻ీހྔ֩ Â ࡣҴ AirPort Extreme ࠋ AirPort Express أ؋቏ీހࠋອ઒٤ໝ׈֩ใཐ຺ٗୁdࡣҴҖ֊ধᇓ֩ AirPort ሕฃ๱їdྔ ग़նල۰d ຺dᇛྑ٦ᇆٗۆڱತ໱ཐ๝ྔ౓ߺ෮཰ఇۈ࣑֩׌ሴഥХࠋࣅඏࡽሁ༂ߺڼ ഃࢨ൰ྲྀݘdۃ׌଻ग़ၟײ׌଻ࠋላ Â ҙᄋq AirPort Ͼᇽrĥ՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀqϾᇽr >q Mac Ͼᇽrĩಚޮ࿎ಀqራ ༓dྔأۻտ֩ථ଀ၟਘࢷڼ໱ཐഥХ ވ ჻ॳr > qAirPort ϾᇽrĦ ங؇ჹ௯Ӥ஡ሀ೴࢜ૅ෶८تത޶ி؇ ߬كĩ Sudden Motion Sensor ࠳ඐߺײm ᄡഖ඘౪ই༳ĩೆݘႛ஑ᄩ൷٨ӌचਟ֩ᆖ ໇ୃ࠾੧֩౪ইdٷᆤࠋଚླྀҊיቘႬĩ֡ᇅՌ஑ᄡࠦᇓ࠾੧ശၿࠋ඘ऐൌԟཇ ࠋ๰ಚ֩ײഷᆇᇙ౪ইĩ౬ಖ׫ PowerBook ԭჃ໛׫֩ߐࣦᇓĩ҆ߺԟཇᆖكೆݘ dײᄒ

ത޶໙սޝ௯ᄗ༻ທ ໱ྲྀĩ౬ᄡᇛىm ຀ԟෲႹग़ୃᆢᄡൔႬܿ஑֩ႏႬӵ࿁ĩಚޮᄠ൯၆ՕdೆݘՒٞ ׌଻ൌσሂԬ३ϴσ୪dײగྑ

ஙჹ࣓սྥ੶༻ທتത޶ிࠪႲ m ୡग़ၟൔႬ Apple Hardware Test ĥ Apple ႛࡵҭ൯ĦႏႬӵ࿁ণϾᇽୡಖ׫׌଻֩ Ⴙໝูdڒቊࡵ ĥೆୁխࠋԭড়చĦൢ ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 68 ှqൔႬ Apple Hardware Testrdྔأۻ֩ Ⴙܵ Apple Hardware Test

ത޶ Internet ੗आսྥ༻ທ ቘᆢӌd܁Â ಖ׫׌߉ཐࠋອ઒׌঱ၜ࣠৹ࢨ౓ చלᇉࢷלInternet ৹ࢨĩ౬ಖ׫׌߉ཐၜ࣠Ұೊ׌଻ഌ֩ ހÂ ೆݘୡൔႬ֩ൢѱ ५ ĥїႹ๱ї WĦĩػ҆ൢၟขອ؎५ ĥїႹ๱ї GĦd؎ ഉ (ISP) ࠋອ܆༄ุڟ Â չऻ q༦๨ძᇆrᇓ֩ qອ઒r૯ϴĩѭეୡ֩ Internet ؗၜ࣠ൿೊ֩ྔ༓dކ઒ܹড়ჸ

ஙࡩ Mac OS ඪսྥ༻ທتത޶඲ᄊ ၔވÂ ೆݘᄡЫ൱Ҭᇓᅷ֢҆ໝู֩շχĩ౬ᄡqM ac OS ϾᇽrᇓҴᅷདܵථ଀ ସࢷշྔ༓d ࡵೌވÂ Ҵॅ Apple ᆪӿອᅣ ၟࠊ֨቏ྑ֩ၔସࢷշྔ༓ dྑۻ

؝ 5 ᇅ ၔସࢷշ 66 Page 67 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

؇പ࣓םܚஙتሹ࿯Пቯ ρሑވտ֩ႏႬӵ࿁ڼտ֩ೌࡵρሑܿ஑ণᇛྑρሑ Mac OS X ࠧ׌଻ڼൔႬ׌଻ Mac OS 9 ĥೆݘୡཛྷဵᄡୡ֩׌଻ഌൔႬ Mac OS 9 ႏႬӵ࿁Ħd

ႛ஑ഌ֩඘ऐdA pple ؗಭپሹ႓ර྽€A pple ࡽၴୡᄡᇛྑρሑೌࡵᆱఱႏ༹Х ᄷdڹ҆ۄ׭ൂ֩඘ऐމ

Пቯ Mac OS X ߦჭᄊՓဟ ႏႬӵ࿁ĩ౬σᅺೆ༳҈ᇫ࣍ྟҤቘķވ տ֩ Mac OS Xڼဵρሑ׌଻ ୡ֩ᇛဵ໗ࡵdپೆݘग़ୃĩ౬Х 1 ಖ׫ၜࢨഌ׌჻൥னచd 2 տ֩ Mac OS X Install Disc 1 ĥM ac OS X ρሑܿ஑ 1Ħdڼ౬Ұೊ׌଻ 3 4 ৹σ qInstall Mac OS X and Bundled Softwarerĥρሑ Mac OS X ވকЂೌࡵĦd 5 σᅺ௤ଢᆻ൙࣍ྟҤቘd ѭဵ౴ײ࿎ᄸρሑ֩ଦ֩Ռ஑ޮĩσᅺ௤ଢᆻ൙ࡃ࿇࣍ྟҤቘdୡ֩׌଻ߺᇛྑగ 6 ᅪ Mac OS X Install Disc ĥ Mac OS X ρሑܿ஑ĦdفୡҰೊֿ

ຽჴൗ֩ԟӐഥᇆĩ౬ᄡ qρሑӵ࿁rڳቡ€ೆݘୡཛྷࢀ׌଻ഌ֩ Mac OS X ߯ ѭρሑrdיq࿎ᄸ၆۵ଦ֩ሻठr૯ϴᇓ׈σ q࿎ཟrσ୪ĩಚޮ࿎ᄸ qଏ ֩

ᇛဵپୡ֩ଦ֩Ռ஑ĩෲၟୡႏ֖Хיѭρሑr࿎ཟࢀଏיሹ႓ර྽€ၽຽqଏ ໗ࡵĩಚޮρሑ Mac OS X ވఇ෴ႏႬӵ࿁d

࿎ಀဵρሑ֩ଦ֩Ռ஑ޮĩ౬ࡃ࿇σᅺ௤ଢᆻ൙࣍ྟ Mac OS X ֩ࠒЫρሑdဵስ ႏႬӵ࿁ஙь֩೜࢜ྜྷĩಚޮ࿎ಀეۂ׫ρሑႏႬӵ࿁ĩ౬׈σqስ׫rĩᄠ׈σ ႏႬӵ࿁ஙь֩ሃ࠾۰d֩ڜୡ֩იခད ПቯჭᄊՓဟ տ֩ႏႬӵ࿁ĩ౬σᅺၟ༳҈ᇫ࣍ྟҤቘdୡ֩׌଻хྺρሑႹڼဵ࣋ρሑ׌଻ Mac OS X d ୡ֩ᇛဵ໗ࡵdپೆݘग़ୃĩ౬Х 1 ಖ׫ၜࢨഌ׌჻൥னచd 2 տ֩ Mac OS X Install Disc 1 ĥM ac OS X ρሑܿ஑ 1Ħdڼ౬Ұೊ׌଻ 3 ৹σ qInstall Bundled Software Onlyrĥ࣋ρሑকЂ֩ೌࡵĦd 4

؝ 5 ᇅ ၔସࢷշ 67 Page 68 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

5 σᅺ௤ଢᆻ൙࣍ྟҤቘd ѭဵ౴ײ࿎ᄸρሑ֩ଦ֩Ռ஑ޮĩσᅺ௤ଢᆻ൙ࡃ࿇࣍ྟҤቘdୡ֩׌଻ߺᇛྑగ 6 ᅪ Mac OS X Install Disc ĥ Mac OS X ρሑܿ஑ĦdفୡҰೊֿ

Safariĩ౬σᅺೆഌෲඑ֩ qρሑ ވ ቡ€ဵρሑ iCalc iChat AVc iSyncc iTunes ႏႬӵ࿁rᇓ֩ථ଀࣍ྟҤቘdވ Mac OS X

Пቯ Mac OS 9 ୡ֩ PowerBook ໇ძሑ Mac OS 9dဵᄡୡ֩׌଻ഌൔႬ Mac OS 9 ႏႬӵ࿁ĩୡх ྺൔႬ Mac OS 9 Install Disc ĥMac OS 9 ρሑܿ஑Ħণρሑ Mac OS 9 d

σᅺၟ༳҈ᇫρሑ Mac OS 9ķ ୡ֩ᇛဵ໗ࡵdپೆݘग़ୃĩ౬Х 1 ಖ׫ၜࢨഌ׌჻൥னచd 2 տ֩ Mac OS 9 Install Disc ĥM ac OS 9 ρሑܿ஑Ħdڼ౬Ұೊ׌଻ 3 4 ৹σ qInstall Mac OS 9 System Supportrĥρሑ Mac OS 9 ༦๨ᆪӿĦd 5 σᅺ௤ଢᆻ൙࣍ྟҤቘd ࿎ᄸρሑ֩ଦ֩Ռ஑ޮĩσᅺ௤ଢᆻ൙ࡃ࿇࣍ྟҤቘd 6

඲ᄊ Apple Hardware Test Ⴙໝูdڒୡग़ၟൔႬ Apple Hardware Test ণϾᇽҭ׫ୡ֩׌଻ႛࡵൢ

඲ᄊ Apple Hardware Test: ՚׌଻ഌϝ༳Ԧ׌჻൥னచᆱທ֩ෲႹທҊഥХdೆݘ৹ࢨਘၟขອ׌঱ĩ౬ؒ 1 ऻ෵d տ֩ Mac OS X Install Disc 1 ĥM ac OS X ρሑܿ஑ 1Ħdڼ౬Ұೊ׌଻ 2 ሻठߺԟཇd׈ײൌσሂ Option ࡳd၆ቊग़Ⴌ֩గײ׌଻ĩѭᄡ׌଻గײᇛྑగ 3 σ Apple Hardware Test ѭ׈σལႻࡴ๬d 4 պᄃ 45 ૴ᇖޮĩ Apple Hardware Test ᇺ௤ଢߺԟཇĩ౬σᅺ௤ଢᆻ൙࣍ྟҤቘd ೆݘ Apple Hardware Test ࡣҭ֢Ⴙໝูĩ෵ߺཅ൙մ༆ցખd౬࠾༳մ༆ցખĩಚ 5 ᅴĩᄹໝูग़ୃეೌܧ࿝౴࠳ඐᆪӿdೆݘ Apple Hardware Test ૄႹࡣҭ֢ႛࡵޮ ࡵႹܵd

տ֩ Mac OS X Install Disc 1ڼ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋ׌଻ྔأۻ֩ Ⴙܵ Apple Hardware Test ĥMac OS X ρሑܿ஑ 1Ħഌ ֩ Apple Hardware Test Read Meĥ Apple Hardware Test ౬ ᄋ؄Ħ໗ࡵd༹

؝ 5 ᇅ ၔସࢷշ 68 Page 69 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

Пቯ Xcode Tools ಪჸൔႬ֩ Xcode Toolsĩ౬σᅺၟ༳҈ᇫ࣍ྟҤቘķكࡵऻೌ܆ဵ࣋ρሑሉ տ֩ Mac OS X Install Disc 1 ĥM ac OS X ρሑܿ஑ 1Ħdڼ౬Ұೊ׌଻ 1 2 ৹σ qXcode Toolsrd 3 ৹σ qXcodeTools.mpg rd 4 σᅺ௤ଢᆻ൙࣍ྟҤቘd

ᇕսԣసဟ੻ߞ ༓rσ୪ĩࠋչऻྔأۻ๝ݚ՚ Apple () Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ qܵჃЫࠓrĩಚޮ׈σ q එrĥᄡ qႏႬӵ࿁r / q൐Ⴌӵ࿁r໗ࡵࡇᇓĦѭ׈σ qႛࡵrĩୡग़ۄq༦๨ ွग़ၟᄡ׌ԁҡᇓᅷ֢dހdୡ֩ PowerBook ֩࿁ਝހၟॅ֢ୡ֩׌଻֩࿁ਝ

؝ 5 ᇅ ၔସࢷշ 69 Page 70 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM Page 71 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

࢑෮ޡݎ A

A ܚૅ

ி؇ PowerBook ؇ޓ෯r੶कᄗܢிসႽ඲ᄊ q྄ໆ ࿎cჹ௯ച੪c੗आ؇ඃ҃ߦט࿲ཱĩതடࣛட׋྇ྐྵ ԣసဟ੻ߞ؋d

එrᇓҴॅᆇླྀྔ༓ĩ౬՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ Apple () > qܵჃЫࠓrۄဵᄡ q༦๨ ༓rĩࠋչऻ໎ჃqႏႬӵ࿁r /q൐Ⴌӵ࿁r໗ࡵࡇᇓ֩q༦๨ྔأۻѭ׈σq එrdۄ

׈σԷ५ᇓ֩೜࢜ྜྷ ণཅ൙ࠋႉң҆๡ ৏ѝᇓ֩ྔ༓d

Ԃ኶࠮ॄ Â Ԃ኶༳٩ķ1 0° C ᇄ 35° C ĥ 50° F ᇄ 95° FĦ Â ޼лķ቏۞ຽ 3048 ૠ ĥ 10,000 ႋԈĦ ඣ٩ķ 0% ᇄ 90% ĥ٨୤ࢶĦٵྯ Â ᅙසఇ౸ت (ሩ (Hzސ ฯ (V)ĩ 50/60ڝ Â ෝനķ࢐੄ 100-240 Â ෝսķᆴ੄ 24.5 Vĩ 2.65 A

71 Page 72 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

՟ت Â ෝսķᆴ੄ 10.8 V Â ച੪ķ 58 WHr ވ ༓ग़ᄡ Internet ອᅣྔأۻ ഌᅷ֢d

A ࠳ඐ݃۰ ૅܚ 72 Page 73 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

П೨c඲ᄊߦѮႃ࿲ཱ B

B ܚૅ

ᄡ PowerBook П೨ߦѮႃ؇ሹ႓࿲ཱdޓೊᅩ٢

ங؇П೨ฌ୞تПቯߦ඲ᄊ ᅙසఇ౸تԎന ވӒֽ֩ٞൔႬ׌჻൥னచ҆ڈ׌჻൥னచᇟ຺хྺੁႹ၆׫֩०࡛d҆ဵᄡ๝ ׌଻dչऻ׌଻ѭ࣍ྟ৏඿Ⴣρሑୁխࠋಀԟႛ஑֭Ҥቘᆱఱĩх ྺ ؒऻ׌჻൥ன చѭಀԟ׌ԁd

տ֩׌჻൥னచdఇ෴׌ሴഥХ ĥЋগڼी݃€౬ᆾൔႬୡ֩ PowerBook ׌଻ ఇ෴ѐཾ൘׌଻Ħ֩൥னచग़ୃॅఓণད඿ĩ֐ൢ෵ૐߺވހྜ ఇ෴ PowerBook ႙ཝୡ֩׌଻֩ྣୃĩലᇄ෩ߎୡ֩׌଻d

౸൪غሧकغࠧྮ੗आᅿடሤتࣞ ᄡչऻ׌଻ѭ࣍ྟ৏඿Ⴣρሑୁխࠋಀԟႛ஑֭Ҥቘᆱఱĩхྺ༹ϝ༳׌߉ཐd

చഌĩၽຽ׌߉ཐ੢৏ྜ҆ؗߺ෩ߎלᇉࢷלी݃€༃ࢀ඘ሷ׌߉ཐ੢৹ࢨᄡ చdלᇉࢷל

आ໊ߦ٬৉ ဵీྟࢀࢨ๬๻ೊ؎५ᇓdೆݘࢨ๬҆ୃౢၢֽҰೊᇄ؎५ᇓĩମઽථ଀෵ૐग़҆ ५֩ٞལདؗႏd؎ވைனd౬ಖ׫ࢨ๬ე؎५ைனĩѭ౓ࢨ๬҆ୃ

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඲ᄊ PowerBook ಧൢᆢӌ֩dӍൌ࡛ൔႬൌĩ౬ࢀكቘࠋ׌ԁԍ׌ൌĩࠓक़ּҊ܁ ᄡ PowerBook ٦ᄡ௠ᆠػႿ໛׫֩њ૯ഌd PowerBook ֩ࠓक़ּҊఓ৓ಓњ૯֩ቘ PowerBook ೟֢ທ૯ࢤ৓֩०ఛᇓdࠓक़ּҊШ੿ີ׋۞ĩၟѐՠ࣍كႬĩࢀ׌଻ୁҊ֩ಧ਌ ०ఛ੄๝ĩൔ׌଻Аӿᄡᆢӌ֩Ҥቘ໕؋຺ٗୁd਺ ທĩ׌଻ࢀಧ०ఛ՚ࠓक़ޮ૯ ५ஊ٦ԟ಄dڈ๝֩

ी݃€ PowerBook չऻൌ҆ဵ٦ᄡᆒ๬ࠋᆄఇ෴ೀೌ֩ҏਜഌĩၽຽᆇླྀҏਜ ഌཅ൙௤ఱ҆ဵފ५Ħĩ֡ᇅ׌଻ݚಧdᄡڈߺ቉೚०ఛ੄๝ ĥฯѝൢޮ૯֩๝ ಧ਌ѭൔ׌֩أ໎ĩ՚ػߺӅഷݚڳ׮༊٦ᄡࡳ஑ഌdᆇࢀ֡ᇅ׌଻҆ؒމࢀಭ ທҊਰࡵ໇ಊҊሑݾᆱఱĩ౑༃ऻࠓdᄡ׌଻һऻࠋಐഖވԁݿࣔd׌଻֩ୁҊ ཆĩػ౓ߺ෩ߎ׌଻dຶޗਰࡵ֩౪ই༳Ҥቘ׌଻ߺ

PowerBook ם࿜ ໗Ћᇓཾտĩ౬ಖ׫ఇᇓૄႹ೟ሑ֩ჱࡵĥೆ܈٦ᄡփሴࠋ ೆݘୡࢀ PowerBook చҦ५Ħ࣍ೊ׌଻ײ߱ྜྷᆐࠋႛпĦၟ૫෵ૐၭທֽ՚׌଻֩ऻ५ԭ ĥೆܿ஑౾ ୁҊd

PowerBook ۄ׋ PowerBook ׌ԁຟಊ PowerBookĩ౬ᆷྟၟ༳၆ཟҤቘၟ١ ೆݘୡဵӍൌ࡛խ٦ ݿࣔķ  ৹ࢨഌ׌჻൥னచd PowerBook ᆱఱ༹ࢀ׌ԁԍથ׌d  խ٦ 5 ۵ᄉၟഌĩᆇ၆׈Ⴑ PowerBook ൌĩࢀ׌ԁԍથ׌ޮᄠಀԟ ĥೆݘխ٦  խ٦ ఇᇛဵĦd

ೄओ PowerBook ౬σᅺၟ༳၆ϲჴᄹ౦ࢵ׌଻֩ທक़ࠧఇቊࡵķ Â ܵт PowerBook ѭಀԟ׌ԁd ၆۵ऻ५ԭ൷ӚdމÂ ൔႬ൅೒cೀೌc҆ఓಽ֩҇ਜণ౦ࢵ׌଻֩ທक़dщ૫ಭ ဵࢀ၅฼ᆴࢨ஬ഡ֢׌଻ഌd҆ Â ҆ဵൔႬఛༀ஬࠸c಻࠸ࠋ࿽ଌ࠸d

ೄओ PowerBook ྣභూ ဵ౦ࢵ PowerBook ཅ൙௤ĩ౬࣍ྟၟ༳Ҥቘķ Â ܵт PowerBook ѭಀԟ׌ԁd ࣮cೀೌc҆ఓಽ֩҇ਜࠋᇀࣂҌ൞௤ଢd҆ဵࢀ၅฼ᆴࢨ஬ۈÂ ൔႬ၆ॺᅟ൅֩ ഡ֢௤ଢഌd

74 ܚૅ B ρಊcൔႬވАဥྔ༓ Page 75 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ႤѐП೨ฌ୞ ഥХ֩ρಊĩ౬༄хҔಀၟ༳ძ١ղൄdވຽਘୡ۵ಪ

၆ᇙ౪ই༳ĩႏϝ༳׌჻Ұ๬ĥϝҰ๬ػ҆ൢজ׌ཐĦĩಀԟᇺ׌ԁމᄡ༳එ֩ಭ ѭϝ༳׌߉ཐķ  ୡཛྷಀԟಭމҊࡵd  ׌჻ཐࠋҰ๬ଌ෩ࠋ෩ߎd  Ⴙၷ༂ࡻ֢ࠓक़ୁd  ׌଻Шდ਩ࠋ࿼ᇛ൷Ӛd એࠋࠓक़෩ߎdם ׌଻  ୡߌၔୡ֩׌଻ྷဵ຿޽ࠋྭড়d  ୡဵ౦ࢵࠓक़ ĥ࣋ൔႬᆱఱࢾങ֩๻࡭ݚӵĦd

׌߉ཐĩѭಀԟ׌ԁdಖ׫ވൢϝ༳׌჻ཐىሹ႓ර྽€ຟಊؒऻ׌჻֩ົ၆ϻ ࢀఇϝ༳ণdܘֽ֢֩ٞĩၟѐᄡྷဵൌୃܘࢀ׌჻ཐ၆؎ᇆჃ಼ၢ

ी݃€ୡ֩࢐੄׌ཐХႹ၆۵೜དࢨֽҰ๬ ĥఇᇓႹ၆۵Ұ࢚ࢨֽĦdՒҰ๬ Ⴣࢨֽ֩࢐੄ҰቚdೆݘୡၽຽҰቚ໇ࢨֽػ҆ୃࢀҰ๬ҰೊҰቚᇓĩ౬ފᆾ൥ ߔ၆۵ᆢӌࢨֽ֩Ұቚd౬༄хൔႬࢨֽҰ๬dۻ܁۰֩׌ފ৷༦၆۵

౬༄хൗᇘ࣍ྟၟ༳Ҥቘķ  ൔୡ֩׌଻ჽ৚၅฼ণ჻ĩೆႆਜc༥਀ԁcშۖc਩შ൭֭d  щ૫ୡ֩׌଻൷Ӛࠋ൷֢Ӛ൅ใఛ ĥೆდ࿖ใఛ֭Ħ֩႙ཝd  ࢀ׌଻׌჻৹ࢨᇄాഌҰቚᆱఱĩሱ༩ᄋ؄ෲႹρሑථ଀d  ࢀᆇླྀρሑථ଀խ٦ᄡ಼ၢପ֢֩໎ᇆĩၟХ҆ൌᆱྷd dۥ࣢ވ ౬ቒᅺෲႹണࠧ༦๨֩ථ଀

৏඿Ӆވሹ႓ර྽€ೆݘൔႬ֖҆ĩ׌ఛഥХߺؗಪ฼ᄳӲഈݡdҤቘЫӅ௚ ௚ĩхྺႹӲಪࡗ޽d౑༃ಢؼ๤ࢨԬ׌ఛഥХ֩ୁҊĩွ҆ဵಢ෴ૐজӟ׌঱d

ཆĩग़ୃຶޗ༂฼๝ݚࠓक़ഌ֩ऻ५Ұ࣍ЫӅ௚ᇓdᆇဦ቗މी݃€࿼࣐ࢀಭ ߺ֡ᇅࠉᄝࠋ׌ࠐd

ܚૅ B ρಊcൔႬވАဥྔ༓ 75 Page 76 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM


ߔ֩׌ԁ৏ྜ҆ؗĩᄹߺႹЙᅍ֩ຶཆd౬σᅺֽ֖֩ߐА݃׫ۻी݃€ೆݘ ഒ׌ԁdٺԭড়ൔႬݚ֩׌ԁd҆ဵՓ௩ࠋ

ҧ୉າੑ็޿ ߺᄳӲ๔৳֩Ⴉࣶྣ෩ഈd๔၆ؑൌ࡛ၿ৅ޮĩ۞ޗी݃€ೆݘൔႬؽࠓĩၿ਌ ᆢӌĩ֐ߺ෩ߎୡ֩๔৳dຽਘ١ᆼޗୡߺ༡ܼ۞၆ླྀ֩ၿ਌ĩෝಚग़ୃ๔ఓণ ଂശĩޟႹا֢ρಊට௠dೆݘୡ֩ؽלഷĩ౬ࢀ PowerBook ֩ၿ਌كᆇᇙ౪ই ౬ࢊֲၿ਌ࠋ๘ᆼൔႬؽࠓd

Apple ߦ࠮ॄ Ӆ௚ЫപؗߐࣦᄳӲ֩႙ވApple Computer, Inc. ၜ࣠ၭ൑֢ႹᄷಭࢀӅ௚֩Ҥቘ ཝࢊ֢቏཰d

࿲ཱځݙ ౬٤ໝອᅣ

ഈࡱݟՓဲ ቘߐࣦ֩၆ླุྀ൙d܁༳૯ൢႹܵഥᇆࡶॆ֩

࣑௯ߦ֊েђ ఱшႏྜྷӲ၆۵഑պჃᆴ࢜֩࢜؋ĩ൱ވԬ३ϴൌĩඤ࡞ဵ٦ෂdഌ шވൔႬࡳ஑ ຨވ൱ᅫպᇅӲ၆์ᆴཐd

76 ܚૅ B ρಊcൔႬވАဥྔ༓ Page 77 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

൱ᆻႏАӿ٦ෂd҆ ဵ Ϡଛᆻठ౻ᄡ൱ވᄡࠐࡳࠋൔႬԬ३ϴൌ൱ᆻဵౢԬĩඤ൱ ᅫ༳d

ۏё၆༳൱֩ሬൡၟщ૫ெ়dᄡ ҆ ࡛ؒ֩௘ْҤቘᆱޮĩႹླྀ׌଻Ⴌ߀ߺۃ࣠ӌ ۰֩ࡶފ֢൱c൱ຨࠋ൱ш҆൥dೆݘ൱c൱ຨࠋ൱шԟཇનྣา๩ࠋ҆൥ĩ౬ལ ॆሉࡉሪ࿜d

኷Ⴗ ᆠ ၙሴ֩۞؋ĩൔպ๽ לػඁ൥֩ॐРdܩࢯ۞؋֩ቚၙĩ౓տႹࡘל቏ݾൔႬग़ ٦௠ĩඤ࢚௠٦ᄡֽ૯ഌdቚၙॐРႏᆪӮР֩༳ҊĥဩҊĦd౬ҙᅺᇉᄳഉ֩ථ ࢯၙРdל଀ĩ۸ऐስപ฼ྜྷ

ى൱ეࡳ஑Ӳ൥֖֩࢜؋dೆݘᆇဦ቗ୡ֩ඤ࢚໱ވሴĩൔ ఱшၙ۞לୡग़ୃྷဵ ࢚׋ࢀ࢚׋௠dୡွग़ၟࢊֲሡ૯ĩᆇဦ֩ל౤࢜ग़ވ௠٦ᄡֽϴഌĩग़ၟႬ۞؋ ቘ෿d܁ൢൔႬࡳ஑຅ࡓеӌ݃ሡ૯഑ֲ֩ىऀ҆ྷဵ࢚׋ਘdߒႹ၆ᇙٞ

໵Ө෬ҵ ೆݘୡൔႬທҊඎїĩ౬ࢀඎїეࡳ஑ᇆჃ๡၆۞؋౓಼ၢҤቘֽ֩ٞd

டࣛྣභూ ᆠཅ൙௤ൌჟלࠋ߀ທٕܿ֩ഡdೆݘܿ֫ר๬ވࢯཅ൙௤࢜؋ĩࣔ ਌࡬ഖ࿐ܿל ᆠdཅ൙௤չऻ࢜؋҆ୃӕݚ 140 ؋dל֢቉৳ĩ౬҆ဵీྟ ёۃቘߐࣦ֩֫ܿႹෲ܁ቘֽ׈ࠋᆄ܁ቘֽ׈ၑ֢਺၆۵܁ୡࢀ׌଻՚၆۵֖ ᆠཅ൙௤֩਎؋dלൌĩୡग़ၟདႏֽ

࿲ཱځݙ ౬٤ໝອᅣ

ܚૅ B ρಊcൔႬވАဥྔ༓ 77 Page 78 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM Page 79 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

੗आሢ C Internet

C ܚૅ

ኒتฤڡஙਁ᜴਍༅༝་cݕఖᄘߦࢧഈتிসႽ඲ᄊ ᄑ࣓Ⴝࢅົ޸ Internet फ࿽ථඪ੯ມdೊ඲ᄊ҉ܚૅሱ ؇ྐྵ྇ฌ୞ਁ੗आሢ Internetd

ᅯ߀ĸ qഥᇆᇽড়r֩܆ุ (ഉ (ISP܆༄ุڟ ဵൔႬ Internetĩୡྷဵ၆۵ Internet ग़ၟϾᇽୡഥᇆ၆۵dᄡଚླྀݗࡉࠋֽ౹ĩqഥᇆᇽড়r҆ߺϾᇽୡལ ISP ധ౬ᅯ ሱ؇࿲ཱਁ੍ࣛ੗आdૅܚ৷༦ ISP ၟࠊ֨ᅯ߀ĩಚޮ඲ᄊְ؃֊߀dୡхྺ

ೆݘୡૄႹൔႬ qഥᇆᇽড়rণனᇆୡ֩ Internet ৹ࢨĩୡग़ၟཇᄡൔႬ෵࣍ྟ னᇆdչऻ q༦๨ძᇆrѭ׈σ qອ઒rd׈σ qལ֡rσ୪ণչऻ qອ઒ഥᇆ ഥᇆײ੧ᇓ֩ྔ༓ণ൱ڼᇽড়rdೆ ݘ ୡ҆ཛྷൔႬqອ઒ഥᇆᇽড়rĩग़ၟൔႬЫ ৹ࢨd

ᄗปሷਭ࿺؇ Internet ੗आķ տĦࢀ׌଻৹ࢨᇄాഌ֩׌ڼచ֩׌଻לᇉࢷלÂ ӏߞ੗आķ ൔႬ׌߉ཐ ĥனႹ ߉Ұ२d ౸੗आķ ๝ݚၟขອ׌঱ĩࢀ׌଻৹ࢨᇄغሧकغ౸ࡩྮਏغሧकغ Â ܼะ DSL చdלᇉࢷלฯൽ֩܆ุ ISP Â AirPort Extreme ཏྮ੗आķ ׌଻ग़ၟ๝ݚ AirPort Extreme ࠒᅣࠋ AirPort Express ၟ໱ཐٞ൘৹ࢨᇄ Internetd ܁Â १ᄹ་ (LAN)ķ ๝ݚၟขອ׌঱ĩࢀ׌଻৹ࢨᇄ၆۵उმອdՒ৏৹ࢨӌႬჃ ቘӊෲd

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੗आሢ Internet ಏ؇ቻ҃ q්ࠦྷဵ֩ྔ ٷ՚ ISP ࠋອ઒ܹড়ჸମ৞ࠊ֨ྷဵ֩৹ࢨྔ༓d౬ҙᄋ༳၆Ҋ ༓rၟਘࢷႹܵૈᇙ৹ࢨ৏ྜෲྷဵ֩ྔ༓d

ೆݘԭᄡ๡၆۵໎ᇆ֩਺၆෿׌଻ၜ࣠৹ࢨᇄ Internetĩᄹୡွग़ၟൔႬ෵֩ഥᇆd

ங൪Ԓᇕᇥ࿖ඃሤķت ႓ᅿ Mac OS X  չऻ q༦๨ძᇆr֩ qອ઒r૯ϴd  ՚ qཅ൙r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ৹ࢨٞ൘d  ॎСୡ֩னᇆྔ༓d

ங൪Ԓᇕᇥ࿖ඃሤķت ႓ᅿ Mac OS 9  չऻ qT CP/IPr३ᇉϴd  ᄡ q৹ࢨ࣠Ⴒr֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓᅷ֢৹ࢨٞ൘d  ᄡ qனᇆr֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓᅷ֢னᇆd  ՚དႏ֩ধ໎ᇓॎС IP ֽᆺcሴອဇખၟࠧ੢Ⴒచֽᆺd

႓ᅿ Windows PC ൪Ԓᇕᇥ࿖ඃሤķ Windows ׌଻ഌ֩৹ࢨྔ༓٦ᄡਊ۵ֽٞd Internet ৹ࢨr३ᇉ૯ϴd ވመߦኒ་ၥ૴ĩ౬չऻ qອ઒؛ Â ႓Ԓᇕ IP Â ႓Ԓᇕᄊࠞᇍࠞ࿲ཱĩ౬չऻ qႬ߀ᅯ߀r३ᇉ૯ϴd ୡग़ၟᆴࢨᄡၟ༳֩࠯ှᇓๅྃᆇླྀྔ༓ĩಚޮᄡ qഥᇆᇽড়rᇓൿೊ࣍಄d

տĦ֩ڼ඘ Macintosh ׌଻ၜأచĩᄹࢀ׌߉ཐĥպלᇉࢷלހೆݘୡൔႬ֩ൢѱ చ؎५ĩػࢀ਺၆؎Ұೊాഌ֩׌߉Ұ२dೆ ݘ ୡൔႬ֩לᇉࢷל၆؎Ұೊ׌଻֩ տ֩ථ଀ࢀఇ৹ࢨᇄڼచלᇉࢷלచĩᄹσᅺלᇉࢷלచࠋཐ঱לᇉࢷל ൢ DSL ׌଻d

80 ܚૅ C ৹ࢨᇄ Internet Page 81 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ศࢄပ႓؇࿲ཱ ༓ๅྃᄡᆇླྀྔ֩܆ഉ (ISP)cອ઒ܹড়ჸࠋఇ෴׌଻ุ܆༄ุڟ ୡग़ၟࢀ Internet ှ૯ഌĩಚޮᄡ qອ઒ഥᇆᇽড়rᇓൿೊ࣍಄d

ࠧӏߞ੗आĩೊศࢄྑ੻࿲ཱķت႓ඃሤ ഉ଄ӯ܆༄ุڟ Â Â Ⴌ߀ࠋᅯ߀଄ӯ Â ૥ખ ખހÂ ISP ׌߉ ખހÂ Х࿎׌߉ Â ѱչທཐ֩ሷܷ

౸c१ᄹ་ࡩ AirPort Extreme ཏྮ੗आķغሧकغ౸cྮਏغሧकغ ႓ඃሤ DSL ᇙٞ൘ĩ౬࿜ໝ༦๨ܹড়ჸࠋ ISPĦķމႬۂm ൲༹ĩ౬࿎ಀ৹ࢨٞ൘ĥೆݘୡ҆ᆭ֥ ײÂ ൱ ഥ׫ IP ֽᆺײÂ ൔႬ DHCP ѭ൱ Â ൔႬ DHCP Â ൔႬ BootP Â PPP

ײൔႬଫᇙٞ൘ĩମઽ቏ݾ࿎ᄸ qൔႬ DHCPrĩ ၽຽອ઒ߺስۂೆݘୡ҆ಖ׫ႏ ඘хྷ֩ྔ༓dأպ܆ຽୡุ

ഥ׫ IP ֽᆺrĩ౬්ࠦ༳ਝྔ༓ķײrࠋ qൔႬ DHCP ѭ൱ײೆݘୡ࿎ᄸਘq൱  IP ֽᆺ  ሴອဇખ  ੢Ⴒచֽᆺ ੢ވഥ׫ IP ֽᆺrĩᄹ҆ྷဵሴອဇખײቡ€ೆݘୡ࿎ᄸਘ qൔႬ DHCP ѭ൱ Ⴒచֽᆺd

ဵᆇྷڒೆݘୡ࿎ᄸਘ qൔႬ DHCPrĩ ౬්ࠦ༳ਝग़࿎ྔ༓ ĥ౬࿜ໝ ISP ॅୡൢ ླྀྔ༓Ħķ Â DHCP फ़߀ ID ༄చڟ Â DNS

ೆݘୡ࿎ᄸਘqPPP rĥႬჃ PPPoE ৹ࢨĦĩ౬්ࠦ༳ਝྔ༓ķ ഉ܆༄ุڟ Â Â ᅯ߀଄ӯ Â ૥ખ ༄଄ӯڟ Â PPPoE

ܚૅ C ৹ࢨᇄ Internet 81 Page 82 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ဵᆇླྀྔ༓dྷڒ༳ਝྔ༓ൢग़࿎֩d౬࿜ໝୡ֩ ISP ࠋ༦๨ܹড়ჸॅୡൢ ༄చڟ Â DNS Â მ଄ ༄చڟÂ ցড়

ෝന࿲ཱ ฯ׫ഥᇆྔ༓ޮĩୡग़ၟ׈σqອ઒rძᇆ૯ϴᇓ֩܆֢ࠦ ISP ࠋອ઒ܹড়ჸ්ุ ൿೊྔ༓dײqལ֡rσ୪ণչऻ qອ઒ഥᇆᇽড়rĩ ࠋ ୡग़ၟ൱֩

ൿೊྔ༓ĩ౬σᅺე৹ࢨٞ൘དႏ֩҈ᇫ࣍ྟҤቘdײဵ൱ చ ĥ౬ҙᄋֿ 82 ှĦלᇉࢷלހÂ ׈ؗ׈ོၴ (PPP) ৹ࢨ֩ѱ చࠋउმອ৹ࢨൔႬၟ༳னᇆķלᇉࢷל చc DSLלᇉࢷלÂ ཐ঱ ĥ౬ҙᄋֿ 86 ှĦ ײÂ ൱ Â DHCP ĥ౬ҙᄋֿ 87 ှĦ Â PPPoE ĥ౬ҙᄋֿ 88 ှĦ Â AirPort Extreme ໱ཐ৹ࢨ ĥ౬ҙᄋֿ 89 ှĦ

౸غሧकغ࿚გ (PPP) ੗आ؇ӏߞئٵئ చൔႬШӯຽq׈לᇉࢷלచൢ৹ࢨᇄ Internet ֩቏ӌႬٞ൘dୡ֩לᇉࢷלހѱ ণ৹ࢨᇄ ISPdىؗ׈ོၴ (PPP)r֩ٞ

༓ĥ౬ҙᄋྔ֩܆చၜ৹ࢨᄡ׌߉ཐ੢ഌĩѭ౓ୡၜምХݾ ISP ෲุלᇉࢷלಖ׫ ှĦd 81 ֿ

౸٬৉फ࿽੗आķغሧकغ႓ඃሤ q་૰rᅉሤႽ඲ᄊடሤ 1 ՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ Apple () > q༦๨ძᇆrd ׈σ qອ઒rd 2

82 ܚૅ C ৹ࢨᇄ Internet Page 83 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

చrஙьלᇉࢷל՚ qཅ൙r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ qອ઒؎५னᇆrѭ࿎ᄸ qୁᇆ 3 qչऻrሃ࠾۰d ֩

చrຄ֢ q؎५னᇆrਝњ֩቏ഌ؎ĩࢀ෵ഥᇆຽ൲࿎ĩွऀלᇉࢷלࢀqୁᇆ 4 ൢ൲ဵ֩ອ઒ࢨ५d చrѭ׈σ qPPP rdלᇉࢷל՚ qཅ൙r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ qୁᇆ 5 ༓ѭ׈σ qཇᄡႏႬrdྔ֩܆ุ ൿೊ ISP 6

ܚૅ C ৹ࢨᇄ Internet 83 Page 84 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

႓ԋ෍ Internet ఇሤķ չऻ qႏႬӵ࿁r໗ࡵࡇᇓ֩ q Internet ৹ࢨrႏႬӵ࿁d 1 చr๱їdלᇉࢷלೆݘྷဵĩ౬׈σ qୁᇆ 2 ૥ખdވખcᅯ߀଄ӯހ׌߉ހೆݘྷဵĩ౬ൿೊୡ֩ѱ 3 ׈σ q৹ࢨrd 4 qInternet ৹ࢨrߺѱೊ ISPĩಚޮࡽ৯৹ࢨd

ኒᄑ࣓Ħඪናِ੗आķتঙ TCP/IP ჭᄊՓဟ ĥത Web ᜴਍౸ࡩח႓ᅿ ׈σ qPPP ࿎ཟrĥᄡqອ઒rძᇆ֩ qPPP r૯ϴᇓĦd 1 ৹ࢨrሃ࠾۰dײ࿎ᄸ qྷဵൌስ 2

׈σ qݾrѭ׈σ qཇᄡႏႬrd 3

౸ࡩ१ᄹ་ Internet ੗आغሧकغ౸cྮਏغሧकغ DSL చࠋၟขउმອ৹ࢨᇄ Internetĩ౬࿜לᇉࢷלచcཐ঱לᇉࢷל ೆݘୡൔႬ DSL ໝ ISP ࠋອ઒ܹড়ჸୡႏೆމனᇆ Internet ৹ࢨķ ࣥฃ֩ IP ֽᆺၟࠧୡྷဵᄡ܆னᇆĩୡ֩ ISP ࠋອ઒ܹড়ჸߺุײÂ ාِķҔႬ൱ qອ઒rძᇆᇓൿೊ֩ఇ෴ྔ༓d ຽୡײ༄చߺስڟ Â ඲ᄊqِ๡ቘࡱఇሤ࿚გr (DHCP)ķҔႬ DHCP னᇆĩ DHCP ൿೊᆇླྀྔ༓d చѭྷဵႬ߀לᇉࢷל ࿚გr (PPPoE)ķೆݘൔႬ DSLئٵئÂ ඲ᄊ qႽ๠་൪؇ ଄ӯވ૥ખণ৹ࢨᇄ Internetĩୡग़ୃྷဵࢀອ઒னᇆӲൔႬ PPPoEd

༓ ĥ౬ҙᄋֿ 81 ှĦdྔ֩܆ಖ׫ᄡୡனᇆອ઒ൌၜ࣠ऒХਘ ISP ෲุ

84 ܚૅ C ৹ࢨᇄ Internet Page 85 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

႓ඃሤ q་૰rᅉሤ඲ᄊடࣛႽ๠་٬৉ķ 1 ՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ Apple () > q༦๨ძᇆrd ׈σ qອ઒rd 2 ՚ qཅ൙r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ qອ઒؎५னᇆrd 3 ࿎ᄸ qୁࡽၟขອrஙь֩ qչऻrሃ࠾۰d 4

ࢀqୁࡽၟขອrຄ֢ q؎५னᇆrਝњ֩቏ഌ؎ĩࢀ෵ഥᇆຽ൲࿎ĩွऀൢ൲ 5 ဵ֩ອ઒ࢨ५d cൔႬ DHCP ࠋൔײࢨሦĩσᅺ ISP ࠋອ઒ܹড়ჸ֩ථ଀னᇆອ઒ĩୡग़ၟ࿎ᄸ൱ Ⴌ PPPoEd

ܚૅ C ৹ࢨᇄ Internet 85 Page 86 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ාِఇሤ ሴອဇખ ĥ౬ҙᄋֿ 81 ှĦdވࣥฃ IP ֽᆺc੢Ⴒచֽᆺ֩܆ุ ምХݾ ISP

႓ඃሤාِఇሤķ ᄡ qອ઒rძᇆᇓĩ՚ qཅ൙r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ qୁࡽၟขອrd 1 ׈σ qT CP/IPrĥೆݘྷဵĦd 2 rdײ՚ qனᇆ IPv4r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ q൱ 3

ࢀྔ༓ࡳೊདႏ֩ধ໎ᇓd 4 ׈σ qཇᄡႏႬrd 5

ອ઒னᇆຟӲޮĩୡऀၜ࣠৷ອਘdչऻ Web ᛖযచĥࠋఇ෴ TCP/IP ႏႬӵ࿁Ħ֖ ণҭ൯ୡ֩ Internet ৹ࢨd

86 ܚૅ C ৹ࢨᇄ Internet Page 87 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

DHCP ఇሤ ອ઒ྔ༓d܆ຽୡุײ༄చऀߺስڟ ഥᇆਘ DHCP னᇆᆱޮĩ DHCP

ඃሤ DHCP ఇሤķ ᄡ qອ઒rძᇆᇓĩ՚ qཅ൙r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ qୁࡽၟขອrd 1 ׈σ qT CP/IPrĥೆݘྷဵĦd 2 ՚ qனᇆ IPv4r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ qൔႬ DHCPrd 3

׈σ qཇᄡႏႬrd 4 չऻ Web ᛖযచ ĥࠋఇ෴ TCP/IP ႏႬӵ࿁Ħণҭ൯ୡ֩ Internet ৹ࢨd q්෰მr ވᄹ౬҆ဵๅྃ q DHCP फ़߀ IDrڒቡ€Ԧ٨ୡ֩ ISP ဵ౴ᆇဦ቗ĩ ধ໎d

ܚૅ C ৹ࢨᇄ Internet 87 Page 88 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

PPPoE ఇሤ చ֩ ISP ൔႬqၟขອഌ֩׈ؗ׈ོၴr(PPPoE) dೆݘൔႬלᇉࢷל ଚླྀࠒჃ DSL ૥ખণ৹ࢨᇄ Internetĩ౬࿜ໝୡ֩ ISP ၟऩ׫ވచѭྷဵႬ߀଄ӯלᇉࢷל DSL ൔႬ PPPoE ৹ࢨdۂႏڒൢ

႓ඃሤ PPPoE ੗आķ ༄చ (DNS) ֽᆺ ĥೆݘྷဵĦĥ౬ҙڟႬ߀଄ӯc૥ખၟࠧმ଄֩܆ุ ምХݾ ISP ᄋֿ 81 ှĦd ᄡ qອ઒rძᇆᇓĩ՚ qཅ൙r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ qୁࡽၟขອrd 1 ׈σ qPPPoE rĩ࿎ಀ q৹ࢨൔႬ PPPoErd 2

ࢀྔ༓ࡳೊདႏ֩ধ໎ᇓdೆݘୡ༔ະ׌଻ഌ֩ෲႹႬ߀׿ൔႬད๡֩৹ࢨٞ൘ĩ 3 ౬࿎ಀ qխԩ૥ખrd ײ၆۵ TCP/IP ႏႬӵ࿁ ĥೆ Web ᛖযచࠋ׌ሴႳࡵӵ࿁Ħൌስײቡ€ဵཛྷᄡగ ৹ࢨrdײ৹ࢨĩ౬׈σ qPPPoE ࿎ཟrĩಚޮ࿎ᄸ qྷဵൌስ ׈σqT CP/IPrĩѭσᅺ ISP ֩ථ଀՚qனᇆ IPv4r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀqൔႬ PPPr 4 rѭᄡײrdೆݘୡ՚ ISP ମ৞֢֨ਘ၆۵ࣥฃ֩ IP ֽᆺĩ౬࿎ಀ q൱ײࠋq൱ ᆺdֽۂqIP ֽᆺrধ໎ᇓࡳೊ

88 ܚૅ C ৹ࢨᇄ Internet Page 89 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

༄చ (DNS) ֽᆺdڟ༄చrধ໎ᇓࡳೊმ଄ڟ ᄡqDNS 5

׈σ qཇᄡႏႬrd 6 ອ઒னᇆຟӲޮĩୡऀग़ၟ৹ࢨᇄ Internet ਘdୡग़ၟչऻ Web ᛖযచࠋఇ෴ TCP/IP ႏႬӵ࿁ণҭ൯ୡ֩৹ࢨd ৹ࢨ֩࿎ཟĩମઽୡྷဵչऻ q Internet ৹ࢨrײሹ႓ර྽€ೆݘୡૄႹ࿎ᄸስ Ҋר༓ĩ౬՚ཅ൙௤ྔأۻႏႬӵ࿁ĩ࿎ಀᆢಖ֩னᇆĩಚޮ׈σq৹ࢨrdႹܵ Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ qϾᇽr > q Internet ৹ࢨϾᇽrd֩

AirPort Extreme ཏྮ੗आ Internet ৹ࢨĩ ވୡग़ၟൔႬ q AirPort ഥᇆᇽড়rণனᇆୡ֩ AirPort Extreme ອ઒ ᇽড়ߺϾᇽୡனۂᇽড়໎Ⴣ qႏႬӵ࿁r໗ࡵࡇᇓ֩ q൐Ⴌӵ࿁r໗ࡵࡇᇓdۂ ᇆ AirPort Extreme ࠒᅣࠋ AirPort Express ѭഥᇆୡ֩׌଻ൔႬ AirPort ExtremedႹ տ֩໗ۤdڼ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋࠒᅣྔأۻࠒᅣ֩ܵ

඘౪ই༳ୡ֩أೆݘୡ֩ AirPort Extreme ࠒᅣࠋ AirPort Express ၜ࣠னᇆຟмĩպ ࠒᅣdۂAirPort Extreme हऀग़ၟ৯ࠫ٤ໝ

ܚૅ C ৹ࢨᇄ Internet 89 Page 90 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

AirPort Extreme ་૰ķ ༻ۂ႓ࣁԒிව۰সႽ m ׈σҖ֊ধᇓ֩ AirPort ሕฃ๱їĩಚޮ՚ਝԟ֩ AirPort ອ઒ᇓ࿎ᄸ၆۵d

ۃۻೆݘᄡਝњᇓॅ֢҆ AirPort ອ઒ĩୡग़ၟൔႬ q AirPort ഥᇆᇽড়rণࡣҴࠋ ഥᇆdۃۻഥᇆĩࠋൔႬ q༦๨ძᇆrᇓ֩ qອ઒r૯ϴণ

ාِඃሤ AirPort Extreme ੗आ ன֩ฯ׫ֽᆺĦĩ౬՚ୡٷ׌଻׿ൔႬძ༹ވ༄చڟ৹ࢨĥୡ֩ײೆݘୡဵഥᇆ൱ ༦๨ܹড়ჸԭ්ࠦ༳ਝྔ༓d֩

඘֩ྔ༓ĩၽՒᆾྷལأպ܆ຽୡ֩׌଻ุײೆݘୡဵൔႬ DHCP ৹ࢨĩອ઒ߺስ ୡ֩༦๨ܹড়ჸ࿜ໝଫླྀྔ༓ൢхဵ֩d ༄చ (DNS) ֽᆺ ĥೆݘྷဵĦڟÂ მ଄ IP ֽᆺனᇆ ײÂ DHCP ࠋ൱ Â IP ֽᆺ Â ੢Ⴒచֽᆺ Â ሴອဇખ Â ૥ખ ĥೆݘྷဵĦ

ࢨ༳ণĩಖ׫ᄡ qອ઒rძᇆᇓ AirPort ৹ࢨ࿎ཟൢࠇᄅ֩d

90 ܚૅ C ৹ࢨᇄ Internet Page 91 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

႓ඃሤ q་૰rᅉሤ඲ᄊ AirPort Extreme ੗आķ 1 ՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ Apple () > q༦๨ძᇆrd ׈σ qອ઒rd 2 ՚ qཅ൙r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ qອ઒؎५னᇆrd 3 ࿎ᄸ AirPort ஙь֩ qչऻrሃ࠾۰d 4

ࠋൔႬ DHCP னᇆອ઒dೆݘອ઒ൢײࢨ༳ণĩσᅺ ISP ࠋອ઒ܹড়ჸ֩ථ଀ণ൱ ன IPٷײ༄చߺስڟၢனᇆອ઒ĩၽຽ಼ۻୡስ࠱ࡽ৯֩ĩମઽൔႬ DHCP ग़ୃߺ ᆺdֽ ՚ qཅ൙r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ q AirPortrd 5 ׈σ qT CP/IPrĥೆݘྷဵĦd 6

ܚૅ C ৹ࢨᇄ Internet 91 Page 92 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

rࠋ qൔႬ DHCPrdײᄡ qனᇆ IPv4r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ q൱ 7

 ത޶ிာೞ qාِrĩ౬ᄡདႏধ໎ᇓࡳೊఇ෴ྔ༓d ఇ෴֩ྔ༓ĩԦ٨ୡ֩༦๨ܹড়ჸމ ത޶ிာೞ q඲ᄊ DHCPrĩ ऀ҆ྷൿೊಭ ဵ౴ୡᆇဦ቗d ࡊೊ AirPortމࠋ՚ඨ૨ᇓߖྠޮೆײ׈σAirPort ѭ࿎ᄸ࿎ཟĩऩ׫׌଻ᇛྑగ 8 Extreme ອ઒d ׈σ qཇᄡႏႬrd 9

னᇆݾ AirPort ഥᇆၟޮĩୡऀग़ၟ࣍ྟ৹ࢨਘd

႓ԋ෍ AirPort Extreme ੗आķ m ׈σҖ֊ধᇓ֩ AirPort ሕฃ๱їĩಚޮ࿎ಀ qչऻ AirPortrd ߺཅ൙ᄡҖ֊ᇓdۂᄡ຺ٗୁ֩ෲႹ AirPort Extreme ອ઒׿ႏ

92 ܚૅ C ৹ࢨᇄ Internet Page 93 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

וᄡ੗आ؇Ⴒ஖कޓ ౸ߦ१ᄹ་ Internet ੗आغሧकغ ౸c DSLغሧकغਏྮ చࠋउმອ (LAN) ৹ࢨᇄ Internetĩלᇉࢷל చcDSLלᇉࢷלೆݘୡ҆ୃൔႬཐ঱ ౬ҙᄋၟ༳҈ᇫ࣍ྟҤቘd

చདܵ֩ථ଀҆൥ႬჃउმອႬ߀dउმອႬ߀ग़ୃႹࠦלᇉࢷלሹ႓ර྽€ე చႬ߀ಓלᇉࢷל చࠋ DSLלᇉࢷלཐచc࢐ߔࠓc੢Ⴒచࠋᆄ৹ࢨ๬֭ĩػཐ঱ ৷༦෴ૐ֩ອ઒ܹড়ჸػ҆ൢ ISPdۂႹᆇླྀഥХdउმອႬ߀ႏૄ ᅙتਏߦتࣁԒ చלᇉࢷלచ׌჻ཐc৹ࢨלᇉࢷלచ׌঱׿ၜ৹ࢨݾĩЋগלᇉࢷלಖ׫ෲႹ֩ ੢ႲވഌҰ२֩׌঱dࡣҴၟขອࠦཐచాވచלᇉࢷל׌଻֩׌঱ၟࠧ৹ࢨވ ׌჻dވచ֩׌঱৹ࢨ

౸ჹ࣓غሧकغ౸ĩӋܑ༬غሧकغঙחҠᅾޓྗ ᇖĩಚޮᄠऻٷచܵт࠯לᇉࢷלచĩ౬ࢀלᇉࢷלచࠋཐ঱לᇉࢷל ໎ DSLڳဵ ໎σڳచႹלᇉࢷלచ׌჻ཐdೆݘୡ֩לᇉࢷלగ෵dଚླྀ ISP ߺ๻࡭ୡϝ༳ ୪ĩୡग़ၟᄡᇛྑࢨೊ׌჻ᆱఱࠋᆱޮσ༳Ւσ୪d

PPPoE ੗आ לᇉࢷל׌჻ĩಚޮܵтވೆݘୡ҆ୃൔႬ PPPoE ৹ࢨᇄୡ֩ ISPĩ౬༹ࡣҴ׌঱ చႛࡵdלᇉࢷל໎ڳచѭᄠՕչऻ෵ĩၟՒ

ࣁԒq྄ໆᅉሤrඃሤ 1 ՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ Apple () > q༦๨ძᇆrd ׈σ qອ઒rd 2 ՚ qཅ൙r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ qອ઒؎५னᇆrd 3 ࢀqୁࡽၟขອrຄၑ֢ q؎५னᇆrਝњ֩቏ഌٞd 4 ՚ qཅ൙r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ qୁࡽၟขອrd 5 ׈σ qPPPoE rd 6 7 ࿎ᄸ q৹ࢨൔႬ PPPoErd ༓dྔ֩܆ุ ࡣҴ qᅯ߀଄ӯrধ໎ĩಖАୡၜ࣠ᆢಖൿೊਘ ISP 8 ೆݘୡ࿎ಀխԩ૥ખĩ౬ᄠՕࡳೊ૥ખၟಖАᆢಖd 9 ༓dྔ֩܆ุ ૯ϴᇓᆢಖൿೊਘႲ ISPۂ׈σ qT CP/IPrdಖ׫ᄡ 10 ׈σ qཇᄡႏႬrd 11

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་૰੗आ ׌଻ဵ܏ཞ၆۵ Internet ৹ࢨĩಖАୡ֩ອ઒ၜഥᇆᆢಖdୡأۻೆݘୡႹਊ෿ࠋ IP ֽᆺ ĥૈ෿׌଻၆۵Ħd ۵أ܆၆۵ IP ֽᆺĩߒൢุ܆ဵᆭ֥ୡ֩ ISP ൢุྷ

ೆݘᆾႹ၆۵ IP ֽᆺĩମઽୡхྺൔႬ၆۵ग़ၟ܏ཞ৹ࢨ֩੢ႲచĩွШӯຽອ ઒ֽᆺላߔ (NAT) ࠋqIP masqueradingrĥ ྸ୉ IPĦdႹܵഥᇆ֩ྔ༓ĩ౬Ҵᄋ੢ ෿׌أտ֩໗ۤࠋལࡽ৯ອ઒֩ಪჸሪ࿜dAirPort Extreme ࠒᅣग़ШႬჃᄡڼႲచ ଻ᆱ࡛܏ཞ၆۵ IP ֽᆺdႹܵൔႬ AirPort Extreme ࠒᅣ֩ྔ༓ĩ౬Ҵᄋ௤ଢϾᇽࠋ ٤ໝ Apple AirPort ອᅣ

ೆݘୡൔႬᆇླྀ҈ᇫߒൢ҆ୃࢷऩໝูĩ౬৷༦ୡ֩ ISPd

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ክԪ࣐؇ටݓ༻ທ D

D ܚૅ

ிᄗ༻ທૹļ ᇥ਼੻ս੶ PowerBook ࿯ᄊࠞाԪຖս ؇ටݓ༻ທd

Internet ੗आӤ஡ݟ኶dതߧඃሤ๓ļ చלᇉࢷל చc DSLלᇉࢷלInternet ৹ࢨႹ࠯ᇙ҆๡֩৏ྜd৬ೆĩୡग़ၟ๝ݚ ৹ࢨc໱ཐ AirPort ৹ࢨࠋၟขອ઒֭࣍ྟ৹ࢨdୡྷဵᄡ Mac OS X ᇓൿೊܵჃ৹ ഉࠋᆄອ઒֩ऒ฼ྔ༓dனᇆ৹ࢨֿ֩၆҈ൢ්ࠦୡ֩܆༄ุڟ ࢨ৏ྜc Internet னᇆୡ֩৹ࢨ৏ྜ֩ථ଀ĩ౬ҙމ৹ࢨ৏ྜෲྷ֩ྔ༓dဵҴᅷୡྷဵ֩ྔ༓ࠋೆ ੧ C q৹ࢨᇄ Internetrdୡ֩׌଻ഌ֩qഥᇆᇽড়rႏႬӵ࿁ွग़ၟڼᄋֿ 79 ှ ϾᇽୡຟӲ Internet ৹ࢨ֩ഥᇆdչऻ q༦๨ძᇆrѭ׈σ qອ઒rd׈σ qལ rσ୪ণչऻ qອ઒ഥᇆᇽড়rd֡

შࡱļ๓ᄲགྷ؇ PowerBook ࢻചૹļחതߧඃሤ տ֩ථ଀ণ৹ࢨչႊࠓѭρሑೌࡵdࢨ༳ণĩչऻ q༦๨ძᇆrĩڼ۸ऐչႊࠓ༹ ಚޮ׈σ qչႊეԲᆋr๱їdൔႬ qչႊეԲᆋr૯ϴণனᇆ PowerBook ၟ٤ ໝչႊࠓdୡग़ၟᄡ qM ac OS Ͼᇽrᇓᅷ֢պ਌ܵჃഥᇆչႊࠓ֩ྔ༓ ĥ්෰ qչႊࠓrĦdࠋҙᄋЫ൱Ҭᇓֿ֩ 28 ှ q৹ࢨչႊࠓrd չႊࠓ౾֩ྑۻቘĩୡग़ୃྷဵ٤ໝᇉᄳഉ֩ອᅣҴᅷ܁ೆݘչႊࠓ҆ୃσძ௽ ༳ᄟd܆ӵ࿁d๝ӌণࢇĩ׿Ⴙ቏ྑ֩չႊೌࡵग़ײ

ෆᇄչႊࠓĩػ෵ૄႹչႊĩ౬๝ݚ׈σ Dock ഌ֩չႊࠓ๱كೆݘୡࢀչႊቘ၀ ๱їĩ౬չऻۂၜ๘ᆼࠋၜᄤ๘dĥೆݘ Dock ᇓૄႹཅ൙ڒїণҴॅչႊቘ၀ൢ qႏႬӵ࿁r / q൐Ⴌӵ࿁r໗ࡵࡇᇓ֩ qչႊࠓഥᇆ൐Ⴌӵ࿁rĩಚޮ৹σչႊ չႊࠓԷ५ཅ൙qቘ၀ၜ๘ᆼr ĩ౬׈σ qऻൗቘ၀rσ୪dۂࠓ֩଄ӯdೆݘ rণࡃ࿇չႊڳቘ၀଄ӯѭ׈σ q߯ۂೆݘቘ၀଄ӯஙьཅ൙ qᄤ๘rĩ౬׈σ ۂൢ࿎ᄸىಭ༄dೆݘչႊቘ၀ႲჃ࠳ඐմ༆ػ๘ᆼĩୡग़ၟ೻Ԧԟմ֩ቘ၀ĩٞ ቘ၀dۂቘ၀ѭ׈σ q೻Ԧrdಚޮୡग़ၟᄠՕӋ൯չႊ

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Mac OS X च୍වതߧݟ኶؇ļ ᆷྟฯ׫֩ಭ༄dܵჃ Mac OS X ྔ༓֩቏ݾራމMac OS X ֩ྑႬ߀ӌӌ҆ᆭ֥ೆ ೊ૎ୁ಼ĩᆇླྀྑႬ߀Ћগମ֩܆჻ൢ qM ac OS Ͼᇽrdୡग़ၟᅷ֢ຽྑႬ߀ุ Ҋ֩ר՚ Mac OS 9 ഺ࠭֩Ⴌ߀d՚௤ଢވ՚ Windows ׌଻ላߔݚণ֩Ⴌ߀ླྀ Finder Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀqϾᇽr >q Mac Ͼᇽrĩչऻ qM ac OS Ͼᇽrĩѭᄡఇᇓᛖ ࠒЫಭ༄׿ണࠧ Finderĩෲၟୡွأಃ֩ྼྚۏযෲਝԟ֩ྑႬ߀ೊ૎ྔ༓dႬ߀ ग़ၟ൯൯්෰Ⴙܵ qF inderrٞ૯֩ᇺูd

՟؇඲ᄊඪࢹļت തߧၞԫ PowerBook Ӎൌ࡛ޮ࣍ೊඨ૨ሕฃࠋൔཅ൙௤أୡग़ၟൔႬ qࢯୃచrძᇆ૯ϴᆻ׫׌଻ᄡ ёτĩၟՒࢯ഼׌ԁ׌਌dչऻ q༦๨ძᇆrѭ׈σ qࢯୃచr๱їd࿎ಀຽୡ చĦײൔႬ৏ྜػ࣍ྟ֩Ⴎ߈ഥᇆdൔႬທ຺ഥХĥೆ՚׌଻ࠊ֨׌჻֩ႛ஑౾֩ ڼઝܗွߺ෮؏׌ԁ֩ൔႬൌ࡛dୡग़ၟؒऻᆇླྀഥХၟࢯ഼׌ԁ׌਌dୡွग़ၟ ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋྔأۻߔ֢׌଻ᇓdႹܵࢯ഼׌ԁ׌਌֩ۻࡊ׌ԁၟѐᄡ׌਌ࢤֲൌ ှ q׌ԁࢯୃุ൙rd 54 ֿ ௯ව۰ޝ؃ჭdതߧላڳ௯ĩসවଢᄗഋߧޝ੶Ⴄᇈۄ௯೜ِ౸ሱޝᅿ ௯೜ِ౸ࢻചļޝᄲགྷ؇ చ࣋ᆪӿᆴࣩຽ 12 ৔ૠ֩ܿײσ༳ܿ஑๻ԟࡳ (C ) ๻ԟܿ஑dA pple ༏ೊ൘ܿ஑౾ ྔأۻచᇓൔႬdႹܵ٨їምܿ஑֩ײ஑౾ܿۂ஑d٨ჹྜྷ֩٨їምܿ஑҆ୃᄡ ༓ĩ౬Ҵᄋ ഌ֩ AppleCare Knowledge Baseĥ AppleCare ራ ਜॳĦd


෌ࡱ੗आሢ PowerBookļتതߧࣞྣභ౸ࡩ ӌأ൥னచĩୡग़ၟ๝ݚ෵ૐণ৹ࢨྼވտਘທҊཅ൙చ؎५ڼ ୡ֩ PowerBook ؎൮௘ཅ൙చdೆݘഥХࢨ๬ე PowerBook ഌ֩ທҊཅ൙చވႬ֩ཅ൙చc׌൮ࠓ ५҆๡ĩମઽୡྷဵρሑ၆۵൥னచࢀഥХ৹ࢨᇄ PowerBook ທҊཅ൙చ؎५dဵ أۻఇ෴ഥХ֩ވտ֩൥னచĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 5 ှdႹܵ৹ࢨཅ൙చڼ Ҵॅ PowerBook S-VideoĦrd ވ ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 45 ှ qທҊ൮௘ᆪӿĥ DVIc VGAྔ ༏੶ୃ૴dതߧሹඃୃ૴ļ ׌଻dqρሑӵ࿁rչऻޮĩײ஑గܿڳ߯ވտ֩ೌࡵρሑڼဵᇛഥ૥ખĩ՚׌଻ ౬՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ qρሑӵ࿁r > qᇛഥ૥ખrd σᅺ௤ଢᆻ൙࣍ྟҤቘd

D ቏ӌࡲ֩൉۵ໝู ૅܚ 96 Page 97 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

ൣ؇ඔოӋಱ PowerBook ฝࠎຍһກdᇥවሀԪྥ࿂ૹļۦ؀າ അӿ࿇ᄒላАӿڈಧཏ؋ୁdكࢀስപ຿ӿᄡ၆۵ρಊ֩ܘPowerBook ᄒྟൌĩୃ ೟ۆPowerBook ᄡᆢӌ໕؋༳ᄒྟd PowerBook ּҊग़ୃߺёಧĩၽຽྷဵ՚ּ ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 74 ှ qൔႬ PowerBookrdྔأۻಧdᆇൢᆢӌ֩dႹܵ

ჭᄊՓဟࡩ Mac OS X Ӥ஡ሀԪᅰ࿽dပ႓ሹ࿯Пቯ Mac OS X ૹļ ഷᄡฯ׫֩ႏႬӵكሽൢڒࢷऩໝู֩ݚӵᇓୡྷဵಖ׫၆ླྀ൝౪ĩеೆໝูൢ ൢႲჃଚ۵Ⴙໝู֩ႛࡵႈఓdρሑᆱڒეҤቘ༦๨དܵࠋᆄൢڒ࿁ᇓcໝูൢ ༉ໝูd Apple ߒᄡ AppleCareٷఱĩ౬༹ҙᄋֿ 63 ှ qၔସࢷշrϾᇽୡ ࡽވႬჃࢷऩໝู֩࠳ඐථ଀أਘྼ܆Knowledge Base ĥA ppleCare ራਜॳĦഌุ ၴdဵ٤ໝ Web ഌ֩ራਜॳĩ౬٤ໝອᅣೆݘୡಖ׫х տ֩ೌࡵrᇓᅷ֢དܵڼᇛྑρሑ Mac OS Xĩୡग़ၟᄡֿ 67 ှqᇛྑρሑ׌଻ྺ ථ଀d

உ਼؀ܠᅿ PowerBook ൪Пቯ੶ႤݓჭᄊՓဟĩ׮ව๓ฝࠎӤ஡ᅰ࿽dჭ ျ೒ќቛļ ࠊ֨ᆪމտ֩໗ۤࠋҴ࿜ႏႬӵ࿁ᇉᄳഉ֩ອᅣĩਘࢷႹܵೆڼ౬ҴᄋႏႬӵ࿁ ࢷऩ܆ӿ֩ථ଀d๝ӌĩᇉ ᄳഉ׿ᆭ֥෴ૐ֩ೌࡵग़ୃߺԟཇ֩ӌࡲໝูĩѭߺุ dೆݘୡ֩ӵ࿁҆ൢ Apple Ӆ௚ĩମઽୡྷဵᆴࢨ৷༦ྑۻग़ၟᆴࢨൔႬ֩ވٞχ ᇉᄳഉၟࠊ֨቏ݾ֩ᆪӿd

D ቏ӌࡲ֩൉۵ໝู 97 ૅܚ Page 98 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM Page 99 Friday, February 18, 2005 3:45 PM

Communications Regulation Information FCC Compliance Statement This product has demonstrated EMC compliance This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. under conditions that included the use of compliant Operation is subject to the following two peripheral devices and shielded cables between conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful system components. It is important that you use interference, and (2) this device must accept any compliant peripheral devices and shielded cables interference received, including interference that between system components to reduce the may cause undesired operation. See instructions if possibility of causing interference to radios, interference to radio or television reception is television sets, and other electronic devices. suspected. Responsible party (contact for FCC matters Radio and Television Interference only): Apple Computer, Inc. Product Compliance, 1 This computer equipment generates, uses, and can Infinite Loop M/S 26-A, Cupertino, CA 95014-2084, radiate radio-frequency energy. If it is not installed 408-974-2000. and used properly—that is, in strict accordance with Bluetooth Information Apple’s instructions—it may cause interference with FCC Bluetooth Wireless Compliance radio and television reception. The antenna used with this transmitter must not be This equipment has been tested and found to colocated or operated in conjunction with any other comply with the limits for a Class B digital device in antenna or transmitter subject to the conditions of accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of FCC the FCC Grant. rules. These specifications are designed to provide Bluetooth Industry Canada Statement reasonable protection against such interference in a This Class B device meets all requirements of the residential installation. However, there is no Canadian interference-causing equipment guarantee that interference will not occur in a regulations. particular installation. Cet appareil numérique de la Class B respecte toutes You can determine whether your computer system is les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur causing interference by turning it off. If the du Canada. interference stops, it was probably caused by the computer or one of the peripheral devices. Bluetooth Europe–EU Declaration of Conformity This wireless device complies with the specifications If your computer system does cause interference to radio or television reception, try to correct the EN 300 328, EN 301-489, and EN 60950 following the provisions of the R&TTE Directive. interference by using one or more of the following measures: Industry Canada Statement  Turn the television or radio antenna until the Complies with the Canadian ICES-003 Class B interference stops. specifications. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B  Move the computer to one side or the other of the est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada. television or radio. VCCI Class B Statement  Move the computer farther away from the television or radio.  Plug the computer into an outlet that is on a different circuit from the television or radio. (That is, make certain the computer and the television or radio are on circuits controlled by different circuit breakers or fuses.) If necessary, consult an Apple-authorized service provider or Apple. See the service and support Europe - EU Declaration of Conformity information that came with your Apple product. Or, Complies with European Directives consult an experienced radio/television technician 72/23/EEC, 89/336/EEC, 1999/5/EC for additional suggestions. See Important: Changes or modifications to this product not authorized by Apple Computer, Inc., could void the EMC compliance and negate your authority to operate the product.

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Laser Information Display Disposal Information Warning: Making adjustments or performing The backlight lamp in this product contains mercury. procedures other than those specified in your Dispose according to local, state, and federal laws. ՟֋਺࿲ཱت equipment’s manual may result in hazardous radiation exposure. ౬σᅺֽ֖֩ߐА݃׫ԭড়ൔႬݚ֩׌ԁd Do not attempt to disassemble the cabinet Nederlands: Gebruikte batterijen kunnen worden containing the laser. The laser beam used in this ingeleverd bij de chemokar of in een speciale product is harmful to the eyes. The use of optical batterijcontainer voor klein chemisch afval (kca) instruments, such as magnifying lenses, with this worden gedeponeerd. product increases the potential hazard to your eyes. For your safety, have this equipment serviced only by an Apple-authorized service provider. Taiwan: Because of the in your computer, your computer is a Class 1 laser product. The Class 1 label, located in a user-accessible area, indicates that the drive meets minimum safety requirements. A ౸࿲ཱغሧकغ ࠧߦت service warning label is located in a service- Apple 56K ࠧݦตت؇؛״accessible area. The labels on your product may ົላ చࢨೊ෴לᇉࢷלභဵ౴ĩ֖फ़߀ࢀ܈differ slightly from the ones shown here. Ⴙླྀ׌߉ ૐ֩ཐ੢ൌĩхྺุఱ๝ᆭֽ֖֩ϻ൝ԭd Information You Need in the United States The internal modem complies with Part 6B of the FCC rules. On the back of this equipment is a label Class 1 label Service warning label that contains, among other information, the FCC registration number and ringer equivalence number Exposure to Radio Frequency Energy (REN). If requested, provide this information to your The radiated output power of the optional AirPort telephone company. Extreme Card is far below the FCC radio frequency  Ringer equivalence number (REN): 0.1B The REN is exposure limits. Nevertheless, it is advised to use the useful to determine the quantity of devices you wireless equipment in such a manner that the may connect to your telephone lines and still have potential for human contact during normal all those devices ring when your telephone operation is minimized. number is called. In most, but not all areas, the Mouse and Keyboard Information sum of the RENs of all devices connected to one The Apple optical mouse is a Class 1 LED product. line should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of This product complies with the requirements of the number of devices you may connect to your European Directives 72/23/EEC and 89/336/EEC. line, as determined by the REN, you should contact your local telephone company to determine the It also complies with the Canadian ICES-003 Class B maximum REN for your calling area. Specification.  Telephone jack type: USOC, RJ-11 An FCC-compliant ༔ྤࡥِी݃ telephone cord and modular plug are providedܼ ሑᇆcݸ० with this equipment. This equipment is designedކЫ׌଻༦๨ѭ٨ຽၟ༳ഥ࠽ൔႬķᄡ ݸc๝࿣༦๨cݸ०३ᇉࠓచ֭ഥХᇓൔႬĩࠋ to be connected to the telephone network or֡ ᅴग़ୃߺ֡ᇅඹຫcಪപഈݡࠋ࿼ premises wiring using a compatible modular jackܧᆄ׌଻༦๨ that complies with Part 68 rules. See the ᇛߐࣦ௩ߎ֩౪ই༳ൔႬd installation instructions for details. ENERGY STAR® Compliance As an ENERGY STAR® partner, Apple has determined that standard configurations of this product meet the ENERGY STAR® guidelines for energy efficiency. The ENERGY STAR® program is a partnership with office product equipment manufacturers to promote energy-efficiency. Reducing energy consumption of office products saves money and reduces pollution by eliminating wasted energy.

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Telephone Line Problems acceptable method of connection to install the If your telephone doesn’t work, there may be a equipment. In some cases, you may extend the problem with your telephone line. Disconnect the company’s internal wiring for single-line individual modem to see if the problem goes away. If it doesn’t, service by means of a certified telephone extension report the problem either to your local telephone cord. Be aware, however, that compliance with these company or to your company’s telecommunications conditions may not prevent degradation of service people. in some situations. If disconnecting the modem eliminates the problem, Repairs to certified equipment should be made by the modem itself may need service. See the service an authorized Canadian maintenance facility and support information that came with your Apple designated by the supplier. Any equipment product for instructions on how to contact Apple or malfunctions or repairs or alterations that you make an Apple-authorized service provider for assistance. to this equipment may cause the telecommunications company to request that you If you do not disconnect your modem when it is disconnect the equipment. adversely affecting the telephone line, the telephone company has the right to disconnect your service In Canada, contact Apple at: 7495 Birchmount Road, temporarily until you correct the problem. The Markham, Ontario, L3R 5G2, 800-263-3394 telephone company will notify you as soon as possible. Also, you will be informed of your right to Warning: Users should ensure for their own file a complaint with the FCC. protection that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines, and internal The telephone company may make changes in its metallic water pipe system, if present, are facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures that connected together. This precaution may be could affect the operation of your equipment. If this particularly important in rural areas. happens, the telephone company will provide advance notice in order for you to make the Users should not attempt to make such connections necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted themselves, but should contact the appropriate service. electric inspection authority or electrician.  Load number: 0.1 The load number (LN) assigned The internal modem will not work with party lines, to each terminal device denotes the percentage of cannot be connected to a coin-operated telephone, the total load to be connected to the telephone and may not work with a private branch exchange loop that is used by the device, to prevent (PBX). overloading. The termination of a loop may consist Telephone Consumer Protection Act of any combination of devices, subject only to the The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 requirement that the sum of the load numbers of makes it unlawful for any person to use a computer all devices does not exceed 100. or other electronic device to send any message via a  Telephone jack type: CA-11 telephone fax machine unless such message clearly Informations Destinées aux Utilisateurs Canadiens contains, in a margin at the top or bottom of each L’étiquette d’Industrie Canada identifie un matériel transmitted page or on the first page of the homologué. Cette étiquette certifie que le matériel transmission, the date and time it was sent and an est conforme à certaines normes de protection, identification of the business or other entity, or d’exploitation et de sécurité des réseaux de individual sending the message and the telephone télécommunications. Le Ministère n’assure toutefois number of the sending machine of such business, pas que le matériel fonctionnera à la satisfaction de entity, or individual. l’utilisateur. Information You Need in Canada Avant d’installer ce matériel, l’utilisateur doit The Industry Canada (IC) label identifies certified s’assurer qu’il est permis de la raccorder au réseau de equipment. This certification means that the l’enterprise locale de télécommunication. Le matériel equipment meets certain telecommunications doit également être installé en suivant une méthode network protective, operational, and safety acceptée de raccordement. Dans certains cas, le requirements. The Department does not guarantee câblage appartenant à l’enterprise utilisé pour un the equipment will operate to a user’s satisfaction. service individuel à ligne unique peut être prolongé Before installing this equipment, make sure that you au moyen d’un dispositif homologué de are permitted to connect to the facilities of the local raccordement (cordon prolongateur téléphonique). telecommunications company. Be sure you use an

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L’abonné ne doit pas oublier qu’il est possible que la  Autoanswer facility conformité aux conditions énoncées ci-dessus  DTMF signaling n’empêche pas la dégradation du service dans Operation in the absence of proceed indication or certaines situations. De fait, les enterprises de upon detection of proceed indication télécommunication ne permettent pas que l’on raccorde un matériel aux prises d’abonnés, sauf dans This product is in conformity with relevant les cas précis prévus par les terifs particuliers de ces regulatory standards following the provisions of enterprises. European Council Directives 73/23/EEC (Low Voltage Directive) and 89/336/EEC amended by 92/31/EEC Les réparations de matériel homologué doivent être (EMC Directive). effectuées par un centre d’entretien canadien autorisé désigné par la fournisseur. La compagnie de Informationen fur Deutschland télécommunications peut demander à l’utilisateur de Diese Modem-Karte ist als Endeinrichtung débrancher un appareil suite à des réparations ou à vorgesehen und muss an ein TAE mit F-Kodierung des modifications effectuées par l’utilisateur ou en angeschlossen werden. Diese Endeinrichtung ist in raison d’un mauvais fonctionnement. Konformität gemäss Niederspannungsrichtlinie 73 / 23 / EWG sowie EMC-Richtlinien 89 / 336 / EWG und Veuillez contacter Apple pour des informations 92 / 31 / EWG. supplémentaires: Informations pour la France Apple Canada, Inc. Ce matériel est conforme aux normes applicables de 7495 Birchmount Road sécurité éléctrique d’après la directive 73 / 23 / CEE Markham, Ontario et aux normes applicables de comptabilité Canada L3R 5G2 éléctromagnétique d’après la directive 89 / 336 / Service à la clientèle d’Apple Canada: 800-263-3394 CEE, modifié par la directive 92 / 31 / CEE.

Avertissement : Pour sa propre protection, Information You Need in Australia l’utilisateur doit s’assurer que tout les fils de mise à All telecommunications devices are required to be la terre du secteur, des lignes téléphoniques et les labelled as complying to the Australian canalisations d’eau métalliques, s’il y en a, soient telecommunications standards, ensuring the health raccordés ensemble. Cette précaution est and safety of the operator and the integrity of the particulièrement importante dans les régions Australian telecommunications network. To provide rurales. compliance with the Australian Communications Authority’s technical standards, please ensure that L’utilisateur ne doit pas tenter de faire ces the following AT commands are maintained: raccordements lui-même; il doit avoir recours à une  ATB0 (ITU/CCITT operation) service d’inspection des installations électriques ou à  AT&G0 (no guard tone) un électricien, selon le cas.  AT&P1 (33/66 pulse dial make/break ratio)  Numéro de charge: 0.1 L’indice de charge (IC)  ATS0 = 0 or ATS0 = 1 (no answer or answer greater assigné à chaque dispositif terminal indique, pour than one ring) éviter toute surcharge, le pourcentage de la  ATS6 = 95 (DTMF period between 70–255 ms) charge totale qui sera raccordée à un circuit  ATS11 = 95 (DTMF period between 70–255 ms) téléphonique bouclé utilisé par ce dispositif. La For calls that are automatically generated, a total of terminaison du circuit bouclé peut être constituée three call attempts are allowed to a telephone de n’importe quelle combinaison de dispositifs number, with a minimum period between calls of 2 pourvu que la somme des indices de charge de seconds. If the call does not connect after three l’ensemble des dispositifs ne dépasse pas 100. attempts, 30 minutes must expire before automatic  Type de prise téléphonique: CA-11 redialing may be initiated. Failure to set the modem Information You Need in the United Kingdom (and any associated communications software) to This terminal equipment is intended for direct the above settings may result in the modem being connection to the analogue Public Switched non-compliant with Australian telecommunications Telecommunications Network and is approved for standards. Under these circumstances a user could use within the United Kingdom with the following be subject to significant penalties under the features: Telecommunications Act 1997.  Modem facility  Autocalling facility

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This modem must be properly secured in order for number within any 30 minute period with a you to use it. Telecommunications network voltages minimum period between calls of 30 seconds. exist inside the computer and the Failure to adhere to these standards may result in telecommunications line connection must be the modem being non-compliant with New Zealand removed before opening the computer. Telecom standards. Under these circumstances a Information You Need in New Zealand user could be subject to significant penalties. This modem is fully approved to operate on the New Important: The grant of a Telepermit for any item of Zealand telecommunications network under terminal equipment indicates that only Telecom has Telepermit number PTC 211/04/002. All accepted that the item complies with minimum telecommunications devices are required to hold a conditions for connection to its network. It indicates Telepermit and be labelled accordingly with the no endorsement of the product by Telecom, nor approved Telepermit number to comply with the does it provide any sort of warranty. Above all, it New Zealand telecommunications standards, provides no assurance that any item will work ensuring the health and safety of the operator and correctly in all respects with another item of the integrity of the New Zealand Telepermitted equipment of a different make or telecommunications network. To ensure compliance, model, nor does it imply that any product is all calls that are automatically generated should not compatible with all of Telecom’s network services. make more than 10 call attempts to the same

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