From The of Texas Tech University • General Condition Report - A report designed for a wide range of artifacts that uses a checklist plus remarks to record condition issues. • Condition Report for Fine Arts Objects - Specifically for fine arts. Uses a narrative style. • Originating/Ongoing Condition Report - Used to monitor the condition of an artifact while on loan for exhibit. Additional "Ongoing" pages can be added if the exhibit is travelling to multiple venues.

From the Museum Forms • Arizona State Museum - A general-purpose form that uses a checklist format. • Georgia Museum of Art - Specifically for two-dimensional artwork. Uses a more structured narrative format. • Virginia Museum of Natural History - Specific to taxidermy mounts. Includes a very specialized checklist/grid. • Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory - Specific to boats! Also includes space to note treatments. • Idaho State Historical Museum - Includes treatment and storage recommendations and specialized handling instructions. • University of Iowa Medical Museum - Used to evaluate suitability of artifacts for loan or exhibit.

From Museum Registration Method • MRM5 Museum - Specific to two-dimensional artwork. Uses a combination of checklist and narrative styles.

CIOOC 211 Condition Reports: Reporting Damage and Loss Lubbock, TX - July 1. 2011 tt _ catalog / accession /loan \



Artifact/Type: _ Purpose of Report: Photodocumentation (B&W /Color): . _ _ accession (dept. ) PROVENIENCE _ loan (from ) Continent & Country: _ _ (dept. ) State/ Province: _ other _ Site: Feature: _ Level/Strat: Date/Time Period: _ Previous Assigned If: _

DIMENSIONS MATERIALS Height(cm): _ Warp & Weft: _ Length/ _ Pile: Width/ Diameter(cm): _ Additional Elements: _

INDrvIDUAL COMPONENTS - General (Ceramic, Stone, Etc.) 1. 5. _ 9. _ 2. ~. _ 10. _ 3. 7. _ 11. _ 4. 8. _ 12. _

Description: Rough Sketch:

More information on reverse side

General Condition: Stability: r ri ori! y: Recommendation: Excellent Stable _ 1 (low) Inhouse Good Unstable 2 Conscrv ator Fair 3 Monitor Poor _ 4 (high) Ot/H'r _

OVFJ\ )})}»})})}) [


Type of Object: . _ Purpose of Report: Title: _ ____accession (dept. ) Artist/ Maker: ------_ loan (from ) Signature/ Date: _ YES NO Where? _ _ inventory (dept. ) Media/ Materials Used: ----.------other ------Support (type & materials used): _ ------Framed: Backing: Hangers~ G lazin~ YES YES _ WIRE YES NO NO 0- RIN GS NO ------


DescriptioI! ~ Rough Sketch:




More information on reverse side

General Condition: Stability: Priority: Recommendation: Excellent Stable 1 (low) Inhollse Cood Unst<1ble 2 Conserviltor F <1 ir J Monitor Poor 4 (high) Other _

l\l'IH)rl I~y: _ I )all'/ D<1lc Updated: . _ MUSEUM OF TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY


ARTIST/MAKER: Harold Van Schmidt MATERIAL: Oil on canvas, framed

DATE: 1948 DIMENSIONS: 39" x 45"


Canvas loose on stretcher. Minor crackling throughout. Concentric crackling radiating from top left corner. Stretcher mark around all edges, heaviest along bottom and lightest along top. Small black spots on left proper sleeve, on and around moon, and near cougar's head. Small spots of loss on stomach and near horses in right foreground. Very minor surface dust. FRAME: Minor chips, scratches, and wear throughout. Finish worn on all corners. Minor fraying to fabric. Minor dust. Some tarnish and smudges to brass plaque on reverse.

Reported by: Matt Renick Date: 4 Dee 2003 MUSEUM OF TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY


ill NUMBER: TTU1959-241 OBJECT: Yon Schmidt Legend of Pecos Bill







Cat. Ii ------Object: _ Recorder: _ Datc: _

Matenals (Generdl): _

Damagc (If Known) Due tl}- Phvsical- Biol~- __ Fire/SmokelWatcr- _ __ AbradedlWom- _ __ PastlPresent Insect Damage or Infestation" __ Displayllntcrpretivc Programs- _ __ BrinlelDry- _ __ PastlPrcscnt Mold- __ HandlinglShipping- _ Broken _ __ Other _ __ Storage _ __ BumedJCharre:d- _ __ Pesticide Use _ __ Othcr _ __ Crackcd _ __ Cut/SplitITcar4' _ Smell E\;dencc of- __ FoldcdJCreascd- _ __ Chemical _ __ PrehistoriclEthnographic Deposits- _ _ Hole _ _Moldy _ __ PrehistoriclEtlmographic U~ _ __ Discolorcd_. ~ __ Other _ _ Darkcncd _ __ PrehistoriclEthnographic R.cpairs- _ __ Drawing on back __ MinorlMajor Restoration - _ _Dye Blecding _ __ Minor /Major Repair- _ _ Fadcd _ Stability• Other ------_Staincd _ Stablc Modem Usc _ __ Distortcd _ __ UDstablc _ __ Bcnt ~ __ UDccrtain, _ Parts are• _ Crushcd _ N Detached ------_Warpcd _ Gencral Condition- 0 __ Missing _ __ FraycdJShrcddcd------__ E!Ccllcnt (pcrfect) __ Mo..;ng _ __ Shcdding, _ __ Good (Minimal. minor ddects) Loose __ Weave BreakagelLoss- _ __ Fair (Many defects, but __ Selvage BreakagelLoss- _ __ Poor (Might nced stabilization) Q£QQsits __ Warp Breakage 1Loss- _ __ CorrosionlTamish- _ __ Weft BreakagelLoss- _ Action. Complctcd-Datc __ Crystalline _ Wrinklcd _ __ Frozcn _ __ Encrustations _ __ Surface Damagcd _ __ Vacuumcd _ __ Marks _ __ Bucklcd1Liftcd Areas- _ Action Recommcndation• _ChippcdlFlakcd- _ -Dusty------__ Nonc __ GrcasylWa.xy- _ __ Cracklcd/Crazed- _ __ Monitor _ __ SOilcd _ __ Powdercd _ __ Finger Marks _ SCratchcd _ __ To Conscnation, _ __ Other Dcposits _ _ Spallcd _ __ Other _

Comments: _

Check conditIOns if thc:y apply, use space: at end of condition to clarify "wherc" and "what." "If used, cross out tt:nn that docs not apply. 11f20/% REI!

------~-~------l Georgia Museum of Art]


OVERALL CONDITION (check one): Excellent Good Fair Poor

FRAME: Losses: Abrasions/Scratches: Soiled/Stained: Miters: Other:

IMAGE: Abrasions/Rubs: Accretions:

Cracking: Folds:

Tears/Rips: Losses:

~pairs: Foxing: Scratches: Soiled/Stained:

Surface Distortions (i.e. buckling): Other:

118 .J [Virginia Museum of Natural History]


CATALOG NO. _ COMMON NAME _ PREPARATOR _ GENUSISPECIES _ PREP. NO. _ FAMILY _ NATIJRE OF SPECIMEN: _full mowlt head & shoulders __ cast other: _. _

NATIJRE OF BASE I SUPPORT: _ CONDmON of specimen _ Excellent Good Fair Poor Condition of base Excellent Good Fair Poor _ steady wobbles

IDENTIFYING MARKSILABELS (list initials, numbers, sketch; note location on specimen) ___ tag ___ tatoo ___ other ___ none

PREPARATION REPORTS: EVIDENCE OF PREVIOUS REPAIRS(rREATMENTS __ ~prior to mounting none ___ mounting/taxidenny records _ re-attached parts dale: _ other _ source: _

BIOLOGICAL DAMAGE CHEMICAL DAMAGE _ none none _ powdery deposits _ mold I mildew stains _ crystalline deposits insects _ active inactive _ faded (foxed) odorous type insects _ other _ PHYSICAL DAMAGE Broken I Cracked Loose Detached G~ Dirty I Dry Holes WaIJ:Z Worn Dis- Other Tom Dusty Damage spots colored Ears Antlerslhoms Eye openings Beaks I bills Nose region Mouth Wings Legs Fins Feet Tail Bcdy Feathers Hair Base I Support COMMENTS:



Accession Number: ------Name of Boat: ------

General Condition: o good o fair o unstable

o presence of dust/dirt o presence of mould

o visible insect activity [past or present] (identify the location(s) on diagram) o sample of fTass/insect obtained o insect identified

Additional problems:

o major damage to wood _

o corrosion ofmetal _

o loose components _

o inadequate support system/cradle _ o other

Treatment carried out:

o Dry cleaning- [] brush/vacuuming

o other

o Wet cleaning - o 30 water:70 ethanol + Terrie N9 detergent o other ------

o Fumigation - LJMeBr C Freezing C Other

Completed by: Date:

101 ARTIFACT CONDITION REPORT IDAHO STATE HISTORICAL MUSEUM Object Person reportin~2 _ Accession number Date of report~------Inventory location Photographs: BIW Neg# Site COlor Slide # ------Physical description of object(color; construction; materials; size--LxWxH inches/cm): _

Structure: glass Surface decoration/attachments ceramic ------metal wood Structural damage textile ------basket paper Areas of insecurity/weakness _ leather

Surface: unfinished Areas of loss varnished painted patina veneer Previous repairs/restorations _ glazed unglazed oiled Previous aItera tions/addi tions/modific.a tio ns other

Condition: Degree of damage (slight, moderate, major, extreme) _ __ dirt/grime worn abrasions Location of damage (draw sketch or diagram) stained corrosion tarnish __ warping __ Shrinking __ !laking -powdering holes tears scratches __ bulges cracked rotted __ insects/roden ts __ mold/mildew __ moisture damage __ embrittlement aa:retions delamination deformations other " 97 ------..--.q University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Medical Museum


Object Number: _ Report Date _ Object Name: _ Value ----- Borrower: ------Report completed by: _

Summary of Condition:

o Unsuitable for exhibition or loan o Requires Conservation Treatment" o Minor treabnent/ cleaning required before loan o Stable - suitable for exhibition or loan

General Description:

Dimensions: (I x w x h)

Structure com promised: o losses o crack(s)/split(s) o other _ o chipping/ dent(s) o loose eJement(s) o distortion(s) o embrittlement o fragmentary o tear(s) o restoration(s) / repair Surface damage: o accretion (incrustation) o foxing o restorations/ overpainting/ old adhesive o bleeding o mold, mildew o other _ o soiled o lifting paint/ coating o stained / discolored o insect/ pest damage o crumbly o abrasions/ minor damage Other: o auxiliary attachments o insect infestation (active) o former treatment: o other damage:

. C'1n.-;crvation Treatment should be pcrfonm.>d only by a profl'S-sional con.scrvator. Unk-s.s you are .1bs<1lutclycertain that treatment or cleaning can be perfonned with no damage to the artifact. always let a cons •.'rvator do the work. ~It."ctions ManaRement Handbook for RlJidelint.'S. 4/'fl 103 UH.I.EC liONS \1.\N.\<;E:\IENT



EX.\.\IISER [hrE Priority Key r\ IITIST Conservation Priority 1 = Object in Jeopardy 2 = Not exhibitable as is \IEIJIU.\1 3 = Needs minor repair or cleaning 4 = Needs further evaluation STRErUIER/I',\:-IEL SIZE 1-1 w 1:-1. 5 = Needs no work

SHEEr SIZE H w 1:-1. Curatorial Priority I.\I.\I;E SI ZE H w IN. 1 = Needed immediately for exhibit or loan 2 = Needed in future for exhibit or loan FR'\,\IE/~I;\'r SIZE H w IN, 3 = May have some need at some time SI<;.ID,HE (IIOW? WIIERE?) 4 = Object need never see light of day 5 = Potential deaccession .\L\RKS/I..\IIELS (WII,\T? WIIERE?) Conservation Priority 2 3 4 5 Curatorial Priority 2 3 4 5

\ hiler .J 1 il1nl .JI.J.J~.JJrllerA,\c"lic(P,dHrnk~n1i"ld1),,111HInt~·'l.llionIl1t~'s(,III'l(lKc..'v'I"'.H:hed,srtrn 111workdc'Illi"iJl\Ilossnl.llni,d, , <' I REMARKS.J::.JDEFECTS.J.J (;I,llin~SIf:!,:1I1~Disjoil1':\dhc"lr"dllanging lOudll'Sdcvi<:c's10 Iu,king i .J K~ys inr.ld .J Hulgc11,.1" S I 'I','r I.J.J(.J.J(;!.tss.JJrlllT)Iher('r,ldl.-\VoodIliusL.\\X/,I'HLlim'r"c·ulIl',II'l.Iil,\1.ltrnl1I,IcPlcxiUn{Llln~d1.1,0nilc'Xk~dIincdB ••,trd (.J.J)(Accrcrions:\or,lsionsfral11~JStrekhc'rIhhricmcum:DESCRIPTIONl1l'r .J I' ! .J SC'lllrnIJI'I,IIl'S I fRAME AUXILIARY SUPPORT SUPPORT I

.J .\1"ld I 1, h,'r


231 ( , II I 1( I'" '.' .\1 \ '. \1.1 \ II " I h"<:n scoop.:d '\lIt. CONDITION REPORTING GLOSSARY Fold: r\ turning m'lT of .lsurt:Ke 'i0 (hal it is in Th.: ~(,lIowing He ,om.: uf [he m~lny [.:rms us.:d [0 cOlHact with itsdf The line IIf tlexing m.IY or d.:s\.rihe conditions. may not be cre~lS.:d.

General Terms Indusion: P.mide .Iccid.:ntally bonded !II Ihe ,urfKe of.1I1 ohj.:ct during nl.lnuhcrure It'.g .. Abrasion: A wearing :IW.I)' of [he sllrfac.: clus.:d C':LII11ic, pLI~t ic, l.1 st meLl1. p.1p.:r). hy 'icraping. ruhbing. grinding. ur fridion; Loss: \Iissing .Irea or hole. oft.:nsu p.:r fici.d. Mildew: S.:t' mold. Accretion: Any .:x[ernalm~H.:rial dq)mit.:d on a SllrI:K':; often n:'iliits from huri.1I conditions Missing element: I.IISS of.ln ilH<:gLd componenr ol~ or .In .lddition or .IPfJl·nd,l~e [() or an:id':lHal,kpO'iits. 'iud, .Is'plashes. drips . .In objc(t k.g .. handle, Llssd). tlyspeLks . .:tC, (d. indusion). Mold: Biologic.d in nat u re. l\1old or mildew Adhesive residue: \lay he from glu~. paste. or can he in the t~Jfln of 1(lxing; of colored. rllfr,\·. pr.:ssure-st'nsitin: [apes. or \\'eb-I ikesu rI:tce \.'xcrescenc.:.s; :Ind lor of Bleeding: The 'iuffusion of ~Icolor into mllsey odor. .ldjac':lH mat.:ria Is: oft.:n caused hy water or ot her soln'nts. Patina: A colored 'iurflce layer. eith~T .Ipplil'd or n.ltllrally occllrrin~. Chip: A dd--=ct in .1 surt:lc,: charad.:riz.:d hy Ihe Pest damage: Sud:tce Ims. ClInnding. h ••k·s. hr.:aking .Iway of m,lI.:ria\. Crack: A surl:lce fr.lcwre or fissure .lcrO'iS fly specks. eec .. obviously callsnl by in,.:ces or ot her peses. or Ihrollgh a m.H.:rial. .:ith.:r s[raigh[-line or Scratch: I.inear surflct' loss Jue [() :lbrasion branching in form: no Ims is implied. A crack with a sharp poinr. may be described as hlind when it 'itops part Sheen: A polish produ(ed hy handling: often way. as hairline wh.:n it is a tiny fissure. and ~IS OCUlrs on frelllll'nrly [ollched locllions. open when i[ is .1 large fissu re. Crease: A line of crushed or broken fib.:rs. Soil: r\ general t.:rl11 denoting ~Iny I1Llteri:d that dirties. sullies. or sl11irch~'s :111ohje(!. Dust g.:nerally made by 1()lding. A dog-car is a is loose mil gel1eLllly ,li'irrihured on 'lirflC\.·s; d i.lg0!ul crease .ICro" [he corn.:r of.1 p.lper. gri m.: is ,oi I tenKiollsly h\.·ld 1111'1If1:ICl''i; :1 p~lrchnll·!H. texlile. \.·IC, , .Ind ,I fingerprilH .Ire (~'pes ,,,"Ioul grim.:. Delamination: :\ separation of I.lyns; splitti ng . Dent: A d\.·ku in the surf.lce cillsed Iw.1 hlow; .-\'p.l[[er or run is the result of drinl,lropkt, or 'pLl'ihes of foreign nl.ll\.'ri~l\. .1 simple \.IlI1cavity. Stain: ..\ color ,h.lngc .IS.I rl'sllit I)f ,0ilil1g. Discoloration: A p.mi,d IIr o\'<:f.1I1chang.: in .Idh\.·,i\'e,. pOI roidll<:. t;,od. oik C{C, :\ ditYII,,' \.lIlor Llu,nl b~' ,Iging. lighl. or \.hemiul .lgel1[s. 'Llin is withou[ .I,fistinu hOlll1d.II'\': .1 di'lTl'[e '1\·lIowing .Ind dafk.:ning \.,In 1I\.·cur. ,dong \\ ilh ,l.lin di'lind h"lIl1d.II'\':.1 liqllid 'Llil1 h.1s hk.l\.hing. [he li~llI<:ning IIf '1IIor .. 1111.1flding .. 1 .1 di'\.r<:tl' hound.If\' or lid.:-lin,· rh.1f i, ,Llrk~T 1m, IIf cllior or ,I \.h.lng<: in hu\.·. r!Lln Ihl' g"lwLd .lrl':II'" Ih.: ,uin; .1 "'1\[''1'''.1 Disjoin: .\ p.lrri.d or \.IlInpk[<: ,\.· IIf 'Llil1 h.Is.1 d.lrkl'f ••r l11••r.: il1ll'n,,·h- , ••I••rl'd .1 joint h.:[\\'<:<:n (WII m<:mhers ot".ln ohit'cl. .IS \.<:I1I\'r wilhin if' gl'l1l·r.d .1f\'.1 (.f. t;"ing), ,Iislingllish.·d frllm.! (f.lck. (,·.Ir.• h<:ck, IIr ,plil. In I11l'Ldlic sLlinil1g .. ldi.l.cl1I n1.l1l'ri.tI, ,Irl' Distortion: .\ w.lrping IIr mis,luping IIf rh.: ,Ij,ullofl'd .), .1 rnliit I)t' 111"Ld l ••rnhi"l1. ofigin.d ,Iup<:: ,hrink.lg'· nl.l~' o,dlr. Tear: ,\ hrl"lk In flhfi., p.lper. Ilf IId"'r ,11l','{ Embriulcmcnt: :\ III" Ilf tll'\lhili[\ •. llI,ing 111.1t<:fi,d.1' .1 fl"ld( lit' 1"ll,j"l1 ••f II)r,i. '11. r!w l11.lfl'ri.d I",g .. 1"I1'\.·r. f,.lrd,I11,'nl. !.-.Ifh.·r) III '.X'c,tr: "lId:I,,· .'[')'11111, lI'ILdk ,It ",IS"" ,hi,' [II hf< IIf ,li,illl\.·gr.If\.· \\I1"n h,'11[ IIf .1Ir1",\, f''P''.IIl'l1 h.lndling. Gouge::\ dd~·\.1 in Ih,· ',· \\ h"f" In.lfni.d

227 Painting 'Ir ,[fain.:r. In papcr .. 1 ,ofr. con('I\'e/(l1l1\'ex 1'.timillg I..lyas r~lndom dis[()[[ ilm. . Ground: Layer(s) of m.Herial applied to prepare Chalking: Loss of a paine or .:mulsion laycr hy .1surflCe r(Jr lJ.\inring; usu.dly a pigmelH in a powdcring off. ~ binding medium. Check: Splining of wood .dong rhe grain, I Paint layer: l.aycr(s) of colorcd pigment .lIld from rhe edge of a hoard or pand t~)[a parr of j binder us.:d [0 make rhe Jesign. irs lengrh. Checking is usually in rcsponse [0 Varnish: A clear resinous film applied ()\'er rhe n:peared dimensional change broughr on by paint layer ti)r prorccrion and ro sarurare rhe tlucruJrions of [.:mperarure and humidiry (d~ lolors. 'plir).

I'.timing Supports: l'all(l. Fabric. Board Cleavage: A ~cp.trarion bcrween [he painr layers Cradle: On a panel. a sysrem of wooJ or .lIld rhe supporr producing reming (gable-like mcral ribs flS[cned par.lllel [() [he graih. wirh ridges) or cupping (concavc thke~). Caused by perpendicular sliding m.:mbers; us.:d in .In rhe comracrion lIf rhe supporr, tiJrcing rhe painr layer up lI!"f[he surfal:e . .Irrempr [0 prevent warping Crackle: A nerwork lIf fine cracks tiJUnd in a Lining: The .IJdirion of a new layer of marerial to rhe reVt'rse of rhe original, using one of a variery of objecrs including painrings, lactjuers, inlays. and ceramics. The crevice has a narrow numher uf adhesives SlIch as wax-resin. glue. pasre, or syntheric resins. aperrure and ofren p.:nerrares more rhan one Strainer: A fixcd-joint, non-eXpandable, laycr; rhe rifr has a rdarively wide aperrure wouden framc auxiliary supporr for t~lhric. .Ind penerrares only a single layer. A (racrion Stretcher: An auxiliary wooden-frame crackle has an ".tll igarored" parrern of complex supporr ti)r fabric rhar has one of scveral ryp.:s branching, wirh wide, disfiguring apcrrures. of cxp.lI1dable joints to permir dimensional Mechanical cral:ks resulring from a blow or pressure [0 rhe revcrse. l:an cause ~Itear her-like enlargcmenr. Stretcher keys: Wonden wedges uscd in rhe or radiaring crackle parrern (bulls-eye or spider slors of rhe joines of some s[ferchers rhem web) or rhe bcnding or creasing ofa canvas mechan ieilly. (e.g., along [hc inner edge,s of ~rrerchcr bars). Tacking edge: The edge of a rlbric painting Crazing: A fine sysrem uf crackling in a supporr [har is rurneJ over and anach.:d [0 varnish layer. usually found in .Iged films in rhe s[fercher or s[faincr. usu.dly wirh r.ILks or [hcir tlnal srages lIf drying .Ind embrirrkmenr. SLlplcs. Cupping: See cleange. Dishing: A detecr in (h.: srrt'rcher CllISed hy Painting Terms rhe rorque lIf.1 drawn t:lbric. If [hc ,rrcrcher

Blanching: Irregular. ohrrusive. or milky m.:mbers arc rwi,sred Ou[ of .1common plane .. 1 .lrCIS in painr or varnish; nor .1,upafici.d ,ha IIl1w,jihed ra I .lIlgle is t; Irmcd .H rhe corners. defeu likc hloom hur .1 ,carrering of lighr frolll Di,hing is .1common CIUSCof corncr wrinkles l11icroporo,i[i\."\ or ~r.lnularion in .Igcd films. in ,rrcrl:hed c.rn\'.hCS ref. dr.l\v).

Blister: :\ ,epara[ ion he[ wccn Llyt'rs .Ippe.lri ng Draw: A 10c.tI ,!i,rorrilln .1£ the corncr of.1 .IS .In cnclosed. hubbled .lrca. p.linring. marked h~' di.lgonal cOlkling from Bloom: r\ whiri,h, doudy .lppt·.ILlnce in rhc [he corncr [O\qrd [he celHer of [hc moulH (ct: \' Irni,h Llya dlhed by expo,urc [0 moisrure dishing). ,Ir rt..,ulring from wax-h.lst'll medi.1. SOlllerimes Fill: rhe 1l1.Hni.d lhed [0 rcpLlcc .IrC.ISof 1m,; \.dlnl \·(tlon,·'lcIKe. [h.: fill i, rhcn in-p.lilHed. Buckling: \V.\\'\."\ or I.lrge hulges in .1\.In\'.\.S Flaki ng: I.if[ ing .llld ,omcri IIlC' I"" of /11£ from 111111-unit~ml1[erhion .lround [he ,[rt'rlher .Irc.'" of (he ,urt:ICC I.I\'er.

. ,..! , I II I I t I It I '." \ 1\'. \ t ,I \ Ii'. I

Impa.Ho: I hickly .IPI,linl p.lin£. "t'lc'll Ililh Photography Terms prulhHIIlU:d hru,ll\\·"rk. Ilrl'll .1 (ruuhk '11()[ Ferrot)'ping: t ;Io,,~' 1'.II~hl·' li,ull,loll rhc' h~\.'.lus~ 'If ck.IV.I~~ or tl.lIll'1lill~ durill~ lillill~. ,"rflcl: of plwlm; rc,"llillg t'roll1 lel1~II1\' : \kw .lrl'.IS of p.lil1l [0 rl'Swn: (OIlULI wirh .1 ,nllHHh-'"rt:lc.:d 'IOLI~,: d~sigll or (olm ulIHilluiry; rl'qrklnl II) .lrl'.1\ "f \'IlCIO'lIrl:. '"ch .IS plll~'l'''cr or ~I.I", Ims. Frilling: S\' .llld lif'lill~ lit' Ii1\' Overpainting: i\rC'a, ,>I'rl'p;lil1lill~ OVl'r I'IW!lIgr.lphil cmlll,ioll t'rlllll Ihl' l'd~I:' of [hl' l'XiSlillg origin.1I surfl(~, ,uppor£. Split: A ruplurl: rUllllillg .1I01lg rhl' gr.lill of.1 Silvering: ShillY IIr mirrllr-likc ,Ii'lolor.niull pi~(e: of wood froml'nd ro l'lld, usu.lIh· GIlI'l'd ill [hI: ,Iudo\\' ,Irl'.I' 0t'.1 pholo~r"l'h iL i1ll.1~1· by l'xrnior 11l1'Lh.llli(.d srr~" kf. dll'Lk), (.III,,'d b~'(hl' .lgillg lIf'l''(ll·"jl''· Il',idu.d ,ih-IT Stretcher crease: :\ lr~.I\~ ur lillC uf Cr.ILb ill cOl1lpuullds. lh~ ~roulld and p;lilll Lly~rs uf.1 l>;Iimillg Oil Plastic Terms fIbriL. ii)llowing Ih~ in,idl' c'dgl's ut srrl'rcha Bubbly areas::\ [\'Pl' ofd\'(l'rillr.llioll li'lllld III I11l'l11bl'rs or IhI: nlg~' uf Lross-I11l'l1lhl'rs, (dlulo,\' llirLtlc' .Ind .ILl'(.I(I'. Cause:d hy Ihe: tl~xillg uf Ih~ t;lhriL .lg.linsr Ih~ Odor: Smdl of ,"It'ur. C.lll1pllOr. I ill\'~ar, ,'Ie l'dges of rh~sl: 111~l11b~rs, Producl',1 by Ihc' dl'gLld.tI iOIl ,jf L.:llulo,,' 11i[1.11.: Tenting: S~~ dl';lv;lgl:, or , pro,IIILls. Srroll~ Ijdur illdiclll'S Warp: 111.1 1'.1111.:1.rh~ pLIII;lr ddi'rl1Lllillll of Ihl' ,cvCfl'dcgr;td.llioll. ,uppor! \.'.Ill'l'd hy changl's ill rdatil'l' hUl11idilY, Oozing: Sl'\' 'IW.tlillg, Wrinkling: Sl11all ri,lgl:s ;Ind furrows Il Sweating:.-\ or ,Iclio\\' uilv liqllid tilllllli crawlillg p;lilll or v;lrni,h Glu,~d h~' illlpropl'r Oil Ihl' 'IIrfKc of.1 dl'(ITior.llnlc-cllulm\' llilr.1I1' 111~lhoJ, or IlLilnials; usually rdalnllo .1 Ilon• or .ILCLtlc· ohjcc!. dryillg IlIl:diul1l .lI1d 1m, of voluml' ill lhc film Ihrough cv.lporarioll, Textile Terms

Crocking: Ruhhillg Ot'fOfLOlor, rnlillillg ill Paper Terms Ih~ loss ofdYl"lutfhlll 11tHIIffihl'l', Buckling: A ,ofl. (OIlGIVc/u)JIVI'X r.lndul11 diswrrillll, Fraying: R.I\,t'lnl or WUI'll 'pIli illdic.tlnll1\' Ihe' 'l'p.ILtlioll IIf Ihrl'.I,Is. C"I'\'1 i.d'," 1111Ihc' l'dgc' ,jf Cockling: :\ "Iff. CUIlC;II'l'/U)J1VCXdj,lorriull .1 t:.hrie ,har.I(ll'ri/nl hy pH.lIkl. rq1l'.II,·d rippks. u,u.d Iv c'il ha 11lIriII )J1I.1Iur I ,'rr iul. Tendering::\ ,!cI.:ri'jLtli'j(1 ,,f IhrLI,1s. 11111\' uII11mOIl in ,ilk, \lI.dll ,.Il",'d hI' lighl. h,',If. Dimpling: :\ III\.d ,Iio;rorlioll, II,u.dlv ill IiII' l lI,'CS lit' ,.dl l11ord.IIH', ,'\I"1\lIr,' IlIl'l'I"piLlli'lll. lornl'r. 1l1.lrknll1\'.1, di,rinllll- ' ,lI'h.lIl· .lrl'.I: IIr.1 ,Oll1hil1.111111llit' Ih",c', u'u.1I11-,nll1\' !",.d .1,lh,·,i,)JI "I' IIll' '"I'P"rt (0111\.' 'l·\' '"I'pllrL Wood Terms Draw::\ \lI1.d dj,,"rri"Il.1I IhI' ,1)rn,T. 1I1.1rkni Allig.Horing: '1"ri,', IIfh.llllilll' ,1'.1.1" ill ,,1.1 I1\' di.lgon.1I Lod..ling tl'llll1 Ii1\' c"rI1n 1"" 11',1 I.Hlli,h. Lrl'.lIil1~ till' .IPI"·,II,lnu· lIt .dli~.lIlIr Ihl' Cl'iHn IIf [h~ 111"11111. hi,le',

Drumming::\ ("I'l' of 111.lIling lI'hl'rl' Ih~ Checking: '1lighl ~.IPl'll1g ht(lIc"'ll 11,,,,.1 ,,·11, 'UPP"rl j, ,1,lh,Tnl IHI .dl nlgc" III Ih" II IIhl,,\\' Ih,lI ,ll'.tln.1 ,1ll',kcd"j.llllllk"I,.II[dl1. 1011111,1

IlLII: dU'l" prllhk-nh 11 [ht' r,-I.lIilc' hllll1idl!l '.\hlTl' \\tHh.i j, ",lU ..•( h..flh' dll' ~1.111l t,'I l'c'cIII11l" 'I'" It)\\,. ,Irl 111~.,",h .1' 111.11'.lil .11111,,1.111I.",!. Foxing: '1111.dlIl'lIoII. hl'l'I' n. fIr Inl,!i,h hl'llll n Dnl rot: 1),',.1\ Ilf ,,·.I"'I1,·,llIllIh<'l, 111,,,1

'po" "n 1"!f'l'r: c.llhnll" 111,,1,1lIr 0' 1.IIII"n "t h\ t'lIl1~i (h.if •.ttl1"1l11h (h":\.I...:IIII~ht·ld·\\,II~li. ir"n f'.lrri,k, In (hI' f,,!f'lT, "'.11 il1g ,I ",I( ,k"kt.'11 il1.It l' 1,I,IiI, 1"101,,,1101

\X'rinkling: \n clll,hnl .Iiqlllflllll, pIJ\"lllT ,'29 MUSEUM REC(STR,\ nON \tETHO()S I 'i fll EDITION

Shrinkage: A loss of mass or size in response to from incompatible metal contact. dry relative humidity conditions. Pitting: Small, irregular, shallow pinhole-sized losses scat-tered over the surface of metal c.lused Ceramic, Glass, and Stone Terms by acid conditions or resulting from the casting Crizzling: Fine network of cracks on glass process. caused by hydration of the salts in the glass. Tarnish: A dullness or blackening of a bright Resulting from the leaching out of the excess metal surface .• alkali (cf. devirrification. weeping). Devitrification: Loss of transparency in glass caused by the crystallization of the original ingredients (cf. crizzling). Effiorescence: Powdery or crystalline crusts on the surface of stone, plaster, ceramics, etc. Formed when transmigrating water'reacts with an object's chemical makeup or extraneous deposits from burial. Iridescence: Color effect in glass or pottery due to the partial decomposition of the surface and the formation of innumerable thin scales. resulting in an uneven, tlaky surface. Powdering: A stone surface that is crumbling or pulverized. SpaJling: Shallow losses or flaking from the surface of stone or ceramic. Sugaring: Erosion of the surface of marble creating a very granulated or "sugary" surface Jppearance. Weeping: A wet, dripping surface on glass. C;J.used by a reaction between water and formic acid.

Leather Terms Hair loss: Area of loose or missing fur in objects and garments made of pelts; often due to pest .1ctivity or improper processing of the hide. Red rot: Powdery red subsrance found upon vegetable-tanned leather objects resulting from a chemical reaction with pollutants in the air. Metal Terms rh,lIIks to: .1IIthors ,{Basic ConJirion Reponing: Corrosion: The chemical alteration of a metal A Handbook (Jrd rdition. Southr,lJ{rrr/ Rrgistrars Association. /998): Sharon Brnnrtr. P,wlq S. Cuo . .\/ary surface caused by agents in the environment or r;ilt's. P,ltti A. H.lgt'r. H..lrn B. ll/g,z/ls. f:'1isr V I.tComptt'. by reagents applied purposely. Corrosion may Allyn I.ord. Dougl.lJ .\/cC'ush. M.mha Timissm .\/'lybrrry. only affect an object's color and texture without Annr E. .Hotlry. Ilnd Stacry Slll'lltsky. r",wks ,z/so to .1ltering the form (bronze disease) or it may add Richllrd D. Buc~ . .I,fargllrrt Holbrn E!1is.. 1IId to R,d.t'l to the form. producing hard nodules nr GustS v'lrgas ,znd thr Str,ws Crntrr for c,ms/'rr'lltiol/. lI.zn·,/rd (rust). Bimerallic (or galvanic) corrosion results UI/ivrrsity Art .~/ust'ums. jar ,ulditio11'llglnss.lry tams.

230 ( I 'I I I I I I' I '." \ 1\ '. I' ,I \ 1I 's I

h,ts hl'C'n ,uH'pl'd I!IIt. CONDITION REI'ORTINC GLOSSARY Fold: r\ Ilirtling t!\'lT 01',1 ,lIrt:ICC ,0 [h,11 it "in Tht' t~llIowing art' ,oml' uf rhe n1.lnl' rerms usnl ro lllllt.llf wirh il'l,lt: Tht' linl' of flt'\ing 111,1\'or de,crihl' cond ir i(!I1S, n1.I\' nor Iw crt'asn!. Inclusion: II,Hlicle .lcLidl'llt,tlh- hondnl tll rhl' General Terms ,urt:ICl' of ,In ohjt'u during n1.lnUt',ILlure k,g .. Abrasion: ;\ we;lring aW,IY of till' ,urflle clu"nl Cl'Llmic. pl.lslic. L,I,I mCLd. p.lPlT), h~' sCLlping, ruhhing, grinding. or friuion; Loss: ,\ Iissing ,Ht'.1 or hille, oftt'n superfici.tI, Mildew: SCl' mold, Accretion; Any t'xrern;tll11,Heri;d dl'f)(),itt'd on a surbce; oftcn rcsltlrs from hurial condilions Missing clement: 1,1ISSIIf ,In i IHl'gr.d comfHIIlt'1H 01: or an .Iddili"n or .ll'l'l'ndagt' to or ;Iccidt'nul dt'posits. ,uch ;IS splasht's. drips. ,\n objcu k,g,. handlt'. t.ISSl'I), tlyspt'ck,. ctC, (d', inclusion), Mold: Biologil.ll in n;H IIrl'. mold or m iIdnl' Adhesive residue: ~Ia~' ht' from glu~, pastt'o or c;ln bt' in Ihl' t~Hll1 (It(lxing; of Lolol'nl. t"urr,I', pressure-scnsitil'c rapl", or weh-likl' SUrt:llt' eXCrl'SCeI1Cl"; ,ll1d/or ot' Bleeding: Tht' ,utTusion 01';1 color ilHO nlUS[\, odor. adjact'IH mart'rials; often cllIsnl b~' w.Ht'r or other solvl'lus, Patina: t\ Lolllrni su rt:ICt' LI~'l'l'. l'il hl'!' ,Ippl inl ur l1.ltULdly occurril1g, Chip: A dd~ct in a sUrl:ICt' ch.ILIlfcrill'd by Iht' Pest damage: Su rt:ICl' Ims. IunnL" ing. hole,. brt';lking .IW;IYof m,lterial. Crack: A surl~ICt' fLluurt' or fissure ,lcrosS t'I~' ,pl'cks. elc .. oh\'iousl~' L;lusn! h~' inst'l! SOl' (IthL'!' Pt'sts. or Ihrough ;1 marerial. t'ither straighl-linc or Scratch: l.i nl'a r su rt:ICt' loss Jut' 10 ,Ihr.lsion hranching in f()[Ill; no loss is implit'd, A crack with a sharp poil1£. may ht' dt'scribt'd as blind wht'n it qOPS p;lrt Sheen: r\ pol ish produLcJ hy ha I1dIill:':; ot'rl'n wa\'. ;IS hairline when it is a tiny fj",ure. and as OlUlrs Oil frl'qut'l1t1y touched IOl,1t ions, opt'n when it is a large fissurt', Crease: :\ lint' of cruslll'd or hrokt'n fihers. Soil: r\ gC'I1t'r.tI [lTm dCl10l ing .In\' malcri.tI {h.1t dirties .... ullies. or smirches ,Ill ohjcl!, Duo.,{ gt'ner;tlly made by f~llding, r\ dog-ear is a is lome "Ii I gl'I1L'LIII~' d i,t rihutnl olt ,It 1{ICl"; d i;lgona I crt'ase ;ICro", Ihe u .rtler of ,I p.lper. grime is soil IL'I1.ICjoll"~' Itc'kl Oil 'UI'LlleS; ,I p,lrchnll'llI. textile. t'tC ,ml"lr .lIld ,I t'il1gt'!'prilll ,Irl' rl pl'S ofloL,l1 grimL', Delamination: ;\,t'p.ILltion ofl.lYlTs; ,plitting, Dent: :\ dct'cu in I hc ,urflcl' c,llISnl hI' ,I hlow; .\ 'pallt'!' or rUIl i...tltc rnull of drinl droplel' or 'pl.l,hl's ,.r I( .rL'igll 11l,ltc'l'ia I. ,I ,imple UII1L,II'ilY, Stain: A c'llor Lh,lngl' ;1' ,I re,ull lIt" ,,,iling. Discoloration:;\ p.trti.tI III' t!\'t'LllIlh,lngl' in .Idhe ...i\'l'" pnl r,',idul'. t(H.d. oils. L'lc, :\ diffu'l' u.lor'nl bl' ,Iging. light. or Lhl'mictl ,lgl'lHs, 'Llin i, wilhollt ,I di,lin,! houl1d.II'\'; ,1,lj'c'l'l'll' 't'l'llowing ,Ind d,trh'ning l,ln Ol'ellL ,dong with 'Llil1 h.l' a di'linll hound.II'\';.1 liquid 'Llil1 11.1' hk.ILhing. lht' li~h(t'ning of color, ,Ind flding. ,I .1,li'Lrt'le hOlllld.II'\' or lide-lil1l' Ih.1t i, d.lrkcr 10" of CilloI' or.1 Lh,lngl' in hue, I h,111rhe gl'lll'l',tI ,lre,1 ot" Ihl' '!.IiI1; ,I cC'lltc'l'nl Disjoin: ;\ 1'.1rr i.d or ullnf'letl' 'l'f',ILHion of ,!.tin h,I' ,\ cl.lrklT "I' mllre illll'l1'l'l\ ,,,I,,red .1 join! 11L'I\\l'l'n {I\(I nll'mhel's 'If.\n Ohjl'll, .1.' LellllT \\'jlhin ir, gt'nt'!'.tI ,lrl',1 !ct', t(1\ingJ. di,ringui,hl'd fruill ,1lf',ILk, le,lt. ,hl'lk, or 'I'I it. In llleLtilic 'Llining. ,leli,lCl'llI m,II,'ri,d, ,Irl' Distortion: ,\ I\,lrl'ing or Illi"h.lping ot' the ,li'L,ojl1rl'd .Is .1 rnull 'It" 111,,(.tIL"rrll,jOI1, origin,tI ,11.If'e; ,hrink.lgl' n1.I\' 'IUUr. Tear: ..\ hre,l kin t:lhric, p,lplT, lOrI IIhL'!' ,hn'l Embrittlemcnt: ;\ 1,1" ot' tlnd'ilil\ c,lIl,ing 1ll.1t,'ri,tI ,I' ,I rl',ult I,t' Ic'll,i"ll ',I' [(,r,i,,,!. Ihl' In,Heri,tI (c',g.. f',ll'er. 1'.lrdlnh'IH, Ie,Hhc'l') 10 \'Year: "Urt:ICl' LT",il1Il, u'lI,tlh ,II L',I~c", cille I" hred, III' di,i'llq.:r,Hl' 1\ hl'n hl'llI IIr curled, rq'c',ltnl h,llhlllllg, Gouge: ,\ dd~'lI in Ihl' 'lIrt:lle 1\ hlTe 111,HlTi,d

227 Painting IIr '(L\lIl~r. 111p;lp~T,.1 ,oft. U>lIC.IV~·/COI1\'~X j',{il/ting /.,{yas LI ndlJln d iswrt ion. Ground: L,lycr(s) of mar~rial ,Ippli~d (() pr~par~ Chalking: Lu.,s of a p;linr or emulsion Ia:'er hy a surl~lce li)r paillling: usually ,I pigmenr ill ;1 po\\'deri ng oIl hinding medium. Check: Splilting of wood .dong rhe gLlin, Paint layer: Llyer(s) of colored pigmenr and from [he edge ofa hoard or panel tiH a parr of binder us~'d (0 make rhe de.,ign. its lengrh. Checking is usually in response (() Varnish: r\ dear resinous film ,Ipplinl m'er rhe r~pea[ed dimensional change hroughr on by p;linr l.1)'er li)r prureLrion ,lIId (() ',lIl1Llle rhe tlucruarions of remptT,l!ll!e ,Ind Illllllidir:' (cf colors. 'plir). Cleavage: A s~paLl!ion b~r\\'een [hc painr Ia)'~r, j',{il/ting Supports: j'(//I/'/, /-;tlJrir, Hoard and rhe supporr producing reming (gahle-like Cradle: On a panel. ,I sysrem of wood or ridges) nr cuppi ng (concave tla k~.,). Clusnl hy metal rihs Lisrenni paLdlel w [he graih, with [he cnlltracrion of rhe SUpPO((. li,rcing rhe paim perp~ndicular .,Iiding memhers: used in ,In layer up nl'f the su rElce. ,J[tempr ro prevelll warpi ng Crackle: A ner work of fi ne c('lLks tiHlnd in a Lining: The .Iddirion of.1 new layer of l11arerial variery of objecrs including pail1!ings. lacquer~, ro [he rev~r'>t' of rhe original. u.,ing on~ of a inlays. and ceramics. The cr~vice has :I narrow Ilumber of ,Idhesiv~s sIKh as wax-resin, glue, aperture ,Ind often p~n~rLHes Illore dun one pasre. or synrheric resins. layer: [he rifr has a rclarivcl:' wide aperture Strainer: t\ fixed-joinr, non.expandable, .Ind penetrares only a single layer. A rracrion wooden frame .luxili,l!Y supporr li)r t:lhric. Stretcher: r\n auxiliarv wooden-frame crackle has an "alligator~d" pattern of COllipie x hranching. wirh wide. disfiguring apertures. ,upporr li)r f;lbric rhar has one of s~veral ryp~s i\.1cchanicd cLI~'ks r~sulting frolll a blow or of exp.lnd.lhle joi illS [0 penn ir di mensional pressure to [he r~Vl'!se. can cause a tearher-like en la rgem~nr. St retcher keys: \Vooden wedges usnl in rhe or radiating cLlckle pa[t~rn (hulls-eye or spider sims of rhe ;oinrs of some srrerchers rh~1!1 w~b) or [he hl'nding or creasing of a canvas kg .. ,dong rhe innl'! l'llges of srrerchl'! bar~). mechanically. Crazing: A fine sys[elll ofnackling in a Tacking edge: The edge of a t:lhric pailHing varnish layer, usually tiHlnd in .Ig~d films in ,upporr rh,lI is [urned over .Ind a[(ached ro rhe s[rcrdler or .,[raill~r, usu,dh- wjrh racks or rh~'ir final \lages ofdr:'ing ,Ind ~llIhrir[lelllent. Cupping: S~'e clea\,;Jg~. 'LI pies. Dishing: t\ dct~'cr in th~ \lre[chcr L.llIsed hy Painting Terms rh~ [orque of.1 drawn f.lhri~-. If [he \lr~tcher Blanching: Irregul,lr. ohrrusive, or milky 1ll~'llIbl'!s .Ir~ twi\ll·d tlut of.1 UHnlllon pl.lne .. 1 ,lre,IS ill p,lim or varni,h: Ilor ,I ,uperfici.d ,h.dlow dih~dr;J1 ,Ingle is ti!l'llIcd .11 [he cornl'!'. ddeu like hloom hur ,I ,ca[(ering of'lighr from [)ishing is ,I Cl1ll1lllnn ,.IUS~ of ~tlrncr wrinkles miLroporo,irie, (Ir grallu!arion ill aged films. in ,trcrched l'.IIl\';h~' kf. dr.lw). Blister: :\ ,epar,uion herweell Ia:er., .Ippearing Draw: :\ 10~'.d diswr! il1n .I[ [h~ COrlll'! ,)f.1 .IS all ellclosed. hub hied .lr~,1. p.linting. nl.lrknllw diagon.d co,kling frnlll Bloom: r\ whiri,h. Lloudy .lpp~.Ir.ln(~ ill rh~' (h~ ll1rnlT [()\\ ,Ird Ih~ L~ll[er ()( [h~ IllI1UIl! (cf. \',llIli,h 1.1:·erL.lll,,'d by expo'ure ro moi,r\lr~ di,hing).

or r"ulrillg frum w.lx-ba.,~d mnli,1. \olll~rim~, Fi II: Th~ 1l1.Hl'!i.d u ,~'d [() rl-pL!cc .1 r~·.1s o( In,,: ,.tlled ~nl()rc"~Il,e, [h~ rill i, [hl'n in-p;lin[ed. Buckling: \X'.I\·~' or I.trg~ hlllg~' ill a ,.IIl\'a., Flaking: I i(ling ,lllll ,olll~rillll'S 10" I1f !'rom Ilon-uniti'rm [~n,ioll .Iroulld {h~·"rerLlll'r .lre.I' of the 'Urt:I~~ !.n'cr .

..:8 « t II ! I t ii, I'.....\1 \'. \t.1 \ 11 " J

Il1lpa~to: I hilkl,l ,Ipplil'd p,lill!. ,,(IVII \I ilh Photography Terms prolloulIL.:d bru,h\l'ork, o([l'n .1(rlIuhk 'IHH Ferrotyping: (;1,,,,1' p,uLhl" t;lllnd IIn [hI' hCL,IlISL',I!' Lk,I\':I~': or tlUICllill~ dllrill~ lillill~, ,Ud:ll': ofpho[o" r':'lIl£ill:': "I't)ll1 kll~lhl' Inpainting: \:,'w .Irl"IS o( p,lill( (01'':'[01'': UlilLIL[ \lith.l Sl110'Hh-'lIrt:IL,'d '[01,1:':" d.:,igll or Lolor LOlltillUity; rl'S[riLll,d (0.11'1"1'01 l'IILlo,urc, 'lI,h ,I' l'oIt'I'stt:!' or :.:1.1", I( ISS, Frilling: 'il'p,lr.uioll ,llId liftillg "I' Ihl' Overpainting: ,\rC:I' of rq',lilHin:.: o\t:!' ph,'t( 'gr.'ph iL l'llllll,ioll fl" 1111t hI' 1,.1:':1"of [hI' .:xi,[in~ .)ri:.:ill.tI 'lId:IL':' 'UPPOIt. Split: :\ rllp[urc rulliling ,dOIl~ thc ~r.lill 01'.1 Silvering: ,>hin\' or mirr"r-likL' di'lllloLUioll piCLCof \\'.)od frof11cnd to 1'1111.U'll.llh- L:lu,nl in Ihc ,h.lllow ,Ill"" 01',1f,hlllogr'lf,hil if11,lg" hy CX(ITior f111',h.lnil'.tI Slrcs' kt'. Lhl'Lk), "Iu,nlln' [hL' ,Igill~ ••t'I'\'l'S,ill' Il',idll.r\ ,ihLT Stretcher crease: r\ dl'.I'" or lillc of d,ILks ill I'Hllp"unds, (hc ~rou lid :\IId 1'.1i11!1.1:'t:!', 111'.11':1i11liII~ 1111 Plastic Terms f;jhric. t;llIowin~ thl' ill,idL' l'd~l" of SlrL'tLhl'r Bubbly areas: ,\ I\'fIL' ot' dl'I,Till!';1I i"l1 I; III11,1ill f11l'l11he:rsor {hL'nl:.:c, 'If nll"-f111'lllhns, Ll'IIIII ••,1' Ili[r.!!l' ,111.1,ILI'LIII', (:.Iuscd h:' IhL' flc,illg of the: flhriL .lg.lillSl thl' Odor: '>Illdl ••I' 'li It'u1',L.llllph ••r, \ i11":':,11',1'[L, e:d~csof [hl'SI' I11Cl11hl'rS, Ilro,ItIL'I'd h:' thI' llq.~r,ld,1IiOIl lit' L.:IIIII••", 11il I,1(1' Tenting: Sn.' Lka\',lgL', ••I' :ILI'LIII' l'r ••duLr" 'slr••IIS ,"I••r illdiL,ltl" Warp: III a pancl. Ihe:1'1.111.11'dd;ll'Il1,ui'llIlIf (hI' "'\Trl' dcgrad:Hi"Il, 'lippon L.llISL,dh:' LlLllIgC' ill re:I.It ill' hllf11jdj(\', Oozing: SI'L'sw.:,Hill:':, \X'rinkling: Sm.dl ridgc, ;llId furrow, III' Sweating: A LIe,lr or IL'II••w ••iI<,liqllid 1;'1111.1 lr;j\\'lillg paill! or \'arni,h L,IU'I,d h: illlprllpcr 1111thl' ,lIr(IL" ••1',1dl'tLTi"r,IfL'llll,IItr\"'I' lli,r,1I1' me:lhllds or nLut.'ri,d,; lIsu,dh- rcLunl (0,1 11011• ••I' ,ILl'Llfl' "hiL'LI. dr:'ing I11cdium .llId Ims.1!' \olum.: in [hc filf11 ,hrou~h e:vapora(ion, Tcxtill: Tl:rms

Papef Tefms Crocking: Ruhhillg ,,1'f ••t'L,.!••r, rnliitillg ill I h.: I.IS' •I!'lh-l"!ldf hUI Illli "I'filwL Buck ling: r\ ,oft. LIIIICII'dLIII1\'I'\ r.llldoll1 d i"11'1,1""1c'd I illlhli ,11.'c '1'''[' IIn 1',lplT: "llhVd hI 111,,1,111111\1,1.1111111.>1 h\ t'1I11~i£11.11,,111'11111,£Ill' "lllIi"", "1, ..•,,,,1. iroll 1',lnick, III [hI' p,q'n, ,,",1\illS ,I ",tl ,k"kl"11 [h,1I I' ,,',1,111

Shrinkage: A loss of mass or size in response to from incompatible metal contact. dry rdative humidity conditions. Pitting: Small. irregular, shallow pinhole-sized losses scat-tered over the surface of metal caused Ceramic, Glass, and Stone Terms by acid conditions or resulting from the casting Crizzling: Fine netwotk of cracks on glass process. caused by hydration of the salts in the glass. Tarnish: A dullness or bhll.:kening of a bright Resulting from the leaching out of the excess metal surface .• alkali (cf. dcvitrificHion, weeping). Devitrification: Loss of rransparency in glass caused by the crystallization of the original ingredients (cf. crizzling). Efflorescence: Powdery or crystalline crusts on the surface of stone, plaster. ceramics, ete. Formed when transmigrating water'reacts with an object's chemical makeup or extraneous deposits from burial. Iridescence: Color effect in glass or pottery due to the panial decomposition of the surface and the formation of innumerable thin scales, resulting in an UI1l:ven, flaky surface. Powdering: A stone surface that is crumbling or pulverized. Spalling: Shallow losses or ~laking from the surface of stone or ceramic. Sugaring: Erosion of the surface of marble creating a very granulated or "sugary" surface appearance. Weeping: A wet, dripping surface on glass. Caused by a reaction between water and ~()rmic acid. Leather Terms Hair loss: Area of loose or missing fur in objects and garments made of pelts; often due to pest activity or improper processing of the hide. Red rot: Powdery red substance found upon vegetable-tanned leather objects resulting from a chemical re~lCtion with pollutanrs in the air. Metal Terms r/',wk, to: duthorJ 1~/B;lSic Condition RqJOrting: Corrosion: The chemical ;dteration of a metal A HanJbook {3rd (ditioll. South(tlJt(n/ R(giJtrtlrJ I"IHoriatioll, /998): ShtlrOll Bt'lII/Nt. I'dislq S. CUO.• \ftlr] 'illrface caused by .lgenrs in the environment or (;&s, P.ttti 1"1, f-Itlga. Helm H. II/g.dls. !:iise V l.eCompte. by reagents applied purposely. Corrosion may I"II(YllI.0 rd. Douglas j\fcCtsh. J!ilrtha Ji.l1/i.,sm.\!il),b(Y~v. only affect an object's color .lI1d texture without .~lIl1e E. j\fotley. tllld Sttlcq S.II'iwky. JIltll/k,- .dso to .dtering the form (bronze disease) or it may .Hld Richard D. Buck . .\!argtlret Holbm Elli, .. /fld to Ra,-/I(I I [0 the form. producing hard nodules or (rusts \'-;l1gtlS,1IId Ihe StrtlllJ Co/ta jor C01/Je'rVtltitJlI.H"rI'.lrd J (rust). Bimetallic (or galvanic) corrosion results Cl/iI'ersi~y Art .\1usc'lm/J. jor .IfldiritJI/.d gl();,-,,~vtam,-. I 230 I J DEFINITIONS

Condition Report - An accurate and informative account of an object's state of preservation at a particular moment in time. It provides a verbal and/or visual description of the nature, location, and extent of each defect in a clear, consistent manner. (from Museum Registration Methods)

Object Condition Checking and Technical Assessment - The management and documentation of information about the make-up and condition of an object, and recommendations for its use, treatment, and surrounding environment (from Spectrum)


Demeroukas, Marie, "Condition Reporting," (eds.) Rebecca A. Buck and Jean Allman Gilmore in Museum Registration Methods Sth Edition, (Washington DC:AAM Press, 2010), p. 223-232.

McKenna, Gordon and Efthymia Patsatzi (eds.), SPECTRUM: The UK Museum Documentation Standard, Version 3.2, (Cambridge: Collections Trust, 2009).

Perry, Kenneth D. (ed.), The Museum Forms Book, Third Edition, (Austin: Texas Association of , 1999).

And please feel free to contact me: Matt Renick Registrar, Museum of Texas Tech University ma [email protected] 806-742-2442

CIOOC 211 Condition Reports: Reporting Damage and Loss Lubbock, TX - July 1, 2011