Session S2D The Designing Strategy of RGP Game-Learning Under the Instruction of Multiple Intelligence Theory Zuo Mingzhang 1, Wang Yi feng 2, Yu Yan 3, Lulu Chen Center China Normal University,
[email protected] Abstract- Multiple Intelligence Theory has innovated and RPG game-learning under the instruction of Multiple improved the Previous Intelligence Theory. It stressed the Intelligence theory. multiplity, development, collaboration, diversity and construction of intelligence development. 1 THE EDUCATION SUPERIORITY OF RPG GAME-LEARNING This new perspective of intelligence brings us new At present we have too many computer game products for inspiration for our designing of game-learning. This paper choosing, and we are sure about one thing that the Role- has analyzed the education superiority of role playing playing game is one of the most popular games. In order to game-learning, and discussed its design flow from the explain the education superiority of RPG game-learning, let perspective of multi-dimensional intelligence theory. us identify its definition first. Combing the design flow and the characteristics of role A role-playing game (RPG, often role playing game) is a playing game, aiming at constructing an education game game in which players take the roles of characters and act out environment which can promote the development of fantastical adventures, and the outcomes of which are partially Multiple intelligence, We find some designing strategy, determined by chance, as by the roll of dice. In those games such as, the multiplity of people character, the drawing participants determine the actions of their roles based on their close to lives of game background,the multi-dimension of characterization, and the success and failure of actions game content, the multiplity of game behavior pattern, the conform to a formal system of rules and guidelines.