JUNE 11, 2019 BLUE VALLEY TIMES COMMUNITY LISTINGS PAGE 13 NOTICE 10:45am Worship; Wed- 7pm Prayer/ 610-588-4648 Website) NOTICE included in the price. This is open to 19 from 10 AM to noon at Bryant Park, 4:00-?? at Weona Park, Rt 512, Pen To obtain a registration form ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE Bible Study. Rev. Jay VanHorn, Pastor www.flicksvilleucc.com Saturday 4 PM Sunday 8:30 AM St. Luke’s U.C.C. Belfast ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE all the public, including students. For 717 Bryant Street, Stroudsburg. Argyl. Please bring a finger food to please call (610) 759-7036, email Summer Worship at 10 a.m. Holy Days (See Church Website) EMAILED ONLY TO (610) 588-3966, 471 Belfast Rd., Nazareth (Belfast) EMAILED ONLY TO more information, please call Mary Lou In concert on July 2, 7:30 PM at the share, your own beverage and lawn
[email protected], or visit www. www.crossroadbaptistbangor.org All are welcome! Saturday Confessions 3:25-3:45 PM SS 9am, Worship 10:30am. Rev. Frank DeRea-Lohman at 610-863-4846 or Pocono Mountain West High School chair. Listen and dance to the “Oldies” gbfcnaz.org.
[email protected] [email protected] Gassler. 610-759-0244. 610-844-4630.” on Route 940, the concert is free to the and meet with friends. Everyone is BY FRIDAYS NOON BY FRIDAYS NOON The Lady’s Guild of Our Lady of Vic- God’s Missionary Church Portland Baptist Church www.stlukesuccbelfast.com public. welcome...RAIN OR SHINE ! Rummage Sale tory R.C.