P&St at Baytoh

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P&St at Baytoh :-THursday, September 29, 1977 Ih caie of emergency reports tppics Dfoveti with careers dhd cbllfege call seen imi••T- : .., • '..'.. EVE.^ : '(Education(Education,, Thjhoe f«fe»e whli>tiwhich' InriurleIncludess . K«aKean College-Is:thCollene—Is the in- 376-0400 for Police Department Governor Brendan • Byrne: said this VocafioT^EmploymenO a vocational Interest testing structor. ThV.course will .1- or First Aid Squad The Early Childhood Department at week that thethances for congressional community service of fa S40,-- .' ' ' run on four Thursday^ 376^7670 for Fire Depart The Zip Code in-Union-will offer — —PrlpAa^fSam^Ky-i-nnBiinlBrg-fofegoods^: ^stock-.reported^a^0.7-percent rise~in±: Kean College^6f—New— "Get—-Ready—^For evenings " Sixty-Plus referral service for Springfield is workshops fprr teachers and other in- and services, iijr the "New York-' residential rents, computed bimonthly, \vdlte water treatment facilities, which Jersey, Union"Union,; Ta"s Collegel" ii a-four-sesslon ^beginning OcfTOTieTeels 07081 terested adults, Saturday, Oct. 15. -Northeastern NewJersey area rose .4 as Veil as higher prices. for,r could meaa-roore-than $500 million for scheduled, wprkshop for workshop geared to help $20. ___. ,• , . tj\.»_. I A . i. il housekeeping supplies and services. New Jersey over thtjnext; two-years,^ individuals who . are l h li t 8:30 a.m. in Willis Hall on the college -*ei«i . greatlfireatlvy inwove*iinprovedr—" v . • planning to cnange was reported by Herbert Bienstock, The fuel and utilities Index was up 0.5, 1 •campus. The workshops will end at regional, commissioner.of the U.S. percent with increases reported for fuel The Governor said he received the careers or go to college, or 12:45 p.m. ' - "•• ' Department "of" Labors . Bureau of oil and electricity. ^ "'.' .: v^• information, -from1 • Enviromenial both. • -•.-;• •;•-. ••organizin• g time, reading tWry Thursday by Yrumor Publitlung Co'p. Workshops on lhai\atology,' geron- . Labor Statistics. \ Food prices, which typically edge up Protection Commissioner Roccb Rjcci. Beginning Wednesday quickly and efficiently,, ilWounlain uv«., Sp.inglidd, H.). 0708.1 - "SB4-7700 tology, child abuse, mainstrearning,'" Roughly half the increase reflected' In August, rose 0.4 percent since July, Ricci' met' recently _wlth; Congressman evening, a shf-session. coping with written .p ^ : hyperaciivlly, kindergarten reading, _higher_ apparel prices with, the-ini- reflecting higher grocery prices as well Robert Roe, who will serve as a House workshop? "assignments P.O. Bo. 49, Springll.ld, N.J. 070BI SPRINGFIELD, N.J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1977 . 3 SECTIONS . 25 Cents Per Copy T h c 0 d Time Ar d and - the. use of college social studies, learning disabilities, troductlpri of new fall lines. Increases as increases for .restaurant meals Conferee during the House-Senate . J ,^ . " ,°"? ,n moral education and other topics will '•'. were also reported for a variety\)f fresh menis and snacks. The meats,' poultry " conference to be held next-week on the *>'! meet from 7:30 to 9:30 resources. Mary SJaVitt of be available for a $5 registration fee. fruits and meats, residential Vents,'. and fish-index was up 0.7 percent, with - water pollutiop n legislationg . ' P-m- This ^orkshofr is Millburn, coordinator jof. Other, workshops, will focus on in^Jousekeeping.suppliesanjlsejyiceWnd_ _ increases reported for a number of pork "Th"Thii s liltlegislatioi n is criticaliti ' tt>- New. designed for working cei'tlfication and "a tellectually gifted young chTiaFenT" ' restaurant meals. Over the year endjng and beef—items. -..-; ... JerseyTThlffikTrto-Tle^^ -member-pf-the faculty at ' parenting, alternative learning ap- in August 1977, the area Consume^ ; ghip I believe we are much closer to to redefine theit r . Th'e health and recreation component vocational goals JBarbara proaches, science, teaching basic skills^ Price Index (CPI) rose 5.4 percent. edged down 0.1 percent, between July ' reaching an qgreement-Bndsecuring through music, movement education," -' On a seasonally adjusted basis, the\ and August with- sharp declines.™ new construction funds for our state's' Ma.ner of, -Berkeley LIMITED TIME infant'education at home and in school_ ^_indeX2Kise_:,3^P£rceiit"in-August after jJg^ ^-reported-forbeerrrTtm transportation . Good only » BooKd BirD'c.""''.1 " and nutrition. • ' ••"" • remaining unchanged in July; Bien- index Inched up 0.1 percent as lower . Governor. :.- • " ' .. selor, is .Further information may be obtained stock pointed out that the experience of- ' automobile prices were morejhan.. "Water pollution"' legislation^ has +-+ + irir~k * * ~k from Dr. Lifyan Peters, 527-?556, or pr-... the last two months compared ;et by increases 'for auto-insurance. brought $1.35 billion to New Jersey". The'Ultimate in on full fee .Michael Knight, 527^2559; or by writing favorably with increases averaging .7 With the Index at 187.2 (1967-100) in 'since 1972and could mean $240.5 million T & MUUCLO _/V_q'ung Children. Drs, Peters or KniRht, —percent-'a-month in the first-half of 1977.- _in-^the_nexLfiscaLi'iiar_and_$28at6rr: ; -Augustr-the—area—consumer--had-to— : " F Early Childhood Department^ Kean-" The apparel, and upkeep component million In the pne after-that," said- For —Springfleld=r-elementary ---school^ Association (NJEA-)(--rep'resenting-the - ^board-majority-of-creatlng^"hardship- College, Union 07083. _. —=-—• which typically rises in August, was.up spcnd518.72 to buy what $10.00could in , Television teachors • will ask the state Public teachers, announced Tuesday he would • for—staffmembers and chaos foVfthe the 1967'base period. The purchasing .Governor Byrne....: ... —' '.'.' " *• edding r sharply, by 2.3 percent over the m'ohthr , —.-."This mean's a large number of jol .- Fashion wdivesr isn't legal Employment -Re.latlons"Commisslon^" ~ask-PERC-to~lhterv ene. ThTiriaiir extra-curricular activities program" Bienstock-pointerj out that the increase power oX the dollar was 53.4". cents in Commercials Photograjphy by (PERC| to appoint'a factflnder to try controversy centers on the insurance through a. controversial shakeup Hi ' Lunch, fashion show . 1967 dollars and 44.9 cents in 19^7-59 and a significant additional eponomlc Township Attorney Edward Fanning to break through the impasse on faculty largely reflected the Introduction of ; : ^-boostfoivNew-JerseyrWeintend'toglve- •v_:—Shows_ package. .' ' - athletic departments at all four.'cam^ The annual luncheon and -fashion new fall clothing lines into the index. dollars. \ ' i * this Week stuck to his sUnd that, contract negotiations, a spokesman In.the high school-district, angry puses. ••'-•'. Bdb Roe our full support: and will place Advertising LORSTAN despite any lease- provision for fee show for Deborah Hospital Foundation ..Men's and Boys' apparel prices were up Among the five areas for which . all the resources of state government at said this week. ' teachers Wednesday, published a -Mean!fVhile;-4he.highschDo1 ^BSafffT"" .svijl be held at the Mayfair Farms, West •' 3.1 percent with notable hikes reported consumer price data ate available on a his disposal in working out this com- Apply ThlrWeek waivers, the. municipal .government . Teachers In the-Union County ;resolution, signed by about 90.percent . monthly basis, 'ivlew York's 0.4 percent •• V. should charge the full building-permit administrators were recruiting more, Orange, and attendance of 400 guests is- .ifor sportswear Uemsr Women's and promise, he said. -•'-. 1-5P.M. Regional High School District, whose of the faculty, accusing the school ,—./ : " (Continued on page 5). : riste compared with a 0.5 percent rise in fee, "estimated at f 11,780, for the $4.9 'anticipated. .... '. girls' clothing prices' were up 1.9 per- The Governor-said-tliat-New. " Includes; Bridal Album, . four campuses -Include Jonathan • - All proceeds from this affair will go to . cent^-iargely reflecting Increases for Chicago and increases of 0.1 percent in ..as-one, of the best effective records-in Two Parent Albums,. million senior citizens' housing project Dayton- at Springfield, had -already help support the activities of Deborah 'women's dresses and coats as well as" DetrbitrLos Angeles andTJiiladelpHia.—- Professionals 11 x M Pprirait, getting started -this month .ln< called in PERC. The state commission the nation in implementing the water larjie selection of Previews. Hospital "orBrowns Mills. This" is an The 5,4 perce'nt pvbrVthe year-increase pollution legislation and in actually (Suite 404) Sprlngffeld. • '•• • this week 'appointed Dr. Joan- institution for the "correction of girls' coats. The footwear component for New York-Northeastern 'New J225 West 57th Street! By appointnu-ni only. *T ' The 137-apartment housing project Weitzriian," a professor at Rutgers 0 4 0 _getting-jvater-pollutlon funds Into the operable hearl defect" and^orHhe—-t ^ - percent based on highefprices Jersey was below increases of v.o economy. ' ,. will be built on township-owned land, University, to act as factflnder there. iroatmenrofalMung'dlsfeasesrWIthout—-for-women-s-stteet-sboes ... -percent—in—Detroit-r—6$—percent—in—= J^Hew York City J 686^5600._,_; the so-called Leone tract, north of Ruby Neither school district would, be any restrictions- of raceor religion or The housing index rose:0;4percent Philadelphia and 6.4 percent in Chicago 'TEEN-AGERS, find |obs by running Want •- )sf .(212) 5B6-355B% 4" 10S1 Stuyvesant Ave,,Unlon street In the S... Springfield-Mountain legally' bound by a factflnder's
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