
Human impact on the oceans Brielle Arnold Human impact on the oceans ‐ Glacial melting ‐ Fertilizer run-off ‐ Pesticides ‐

‐ Dumping Toxic Waste plastic-pollution.org epa.gov nbcnews.com nytimes.com overview

- 8 million metric tons of plastic entered the ocean in 2010 alone (NOAA). - Possibly 150 million metric tons of in marine environments (Kollar)

bbc.com National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Garbage Patches - Vortexes of "plastic waste and debris

broken down into smaller particles by

the ocean" (National Geographic) (National Geographic) - 5 major gyres - North Atlantic, South Atlantic,

Indian, North Pacific, South Pacific

- Caused by global wind patterns

and forces created by Earth's rotation National Geographic The great pacific garbage patch

- Located between & - 7.7 million square mi: twice the size of Texas - Warm water from South Pacific and cool

water from Arctic (Kornan) (www.MarineDebris.noaa.gov)

- Two sections: Eastern & Western Garbage Patches - 54% of garbage from N. America & - 20% from boaters, offshore oil rigs, and cargo ships

(National Geographic, on the NOAA) The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, (forbes.com) Impact on oceanic ecosystems - Ghost-fishing - Plastic consumption: - 60% of all sea birds - Fish ingest 12,000 to 24,000 tons of

Plastic each year (Nat'l Geographic) National Geographic, above and below - Transportation of

National Geographic Microplastic - - "More than 5.2 trillion particles were swirling in

the planet's oceans, and, in time,much of it would

be ingested by ocean dwellers and creatures

National Geographic that eat fish, including people" (Kormann).

- Microplastic ingestion is transferred up the - ¼ of fish in California markets contain (National Geographic). - 83% of tap water samples contain microplastics; the rate in the USA is 94% (Kormann). New challenges - COVID-19 PPE production - 129 billion face masks and

65 billion gloves are being used ft.org each month (Giuliani-Hoffman)

- Cut the straps on face masks (RSPAC)

Seagull, BBC News Peregrine Falcon, BBC News Dumping toxic waste - Nonpoint source: run-off

- Point source: Oil Spills

- Largest : politicalgrafitti.wordpress.com

- BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of

nationalgeographic.com National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Mexico in April, 2010

- 4 million barrels of oil spilled

- Finally stopped the spill in July, 2010

(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) How did this spill, and others, impact aquatic animals? - Ridley turtles, which are under the Endangered Species Act, were hard-hit. Up to 20% of the turtles present during the spill died from oil

Exposure (NOAA). National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Louisiana bottleneck dolphins: experienced a 50% population decline - Oil can… - Destroy insulating/water repellency - Impact lung function & reproduction - Poison animals if ingested - Reduce growth, lead to changes in heart and respiration rates, fin erosion, etc.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fertilizer - Fertilizer: "a substance (such as manure or

a chemical mixture) used to make soil

more fertile" (Merriam-Webster).

- Contains: Nitrogen and Phosphorus - How does it end up in our waters? (EPA) thelawninstitute.org - Precipitation: rain, snow - Leaches into ground water - Gases (Nitrogen Oxide, Ammonia, etc.) are

deposited onto the surface of water

almanac.com Harmful Algal Blooms


(Harmful Algal Blooms, EPA). Red Tide, nytimes.com Algal Blooms, livescience.com Red Tide, nytimes.com Brown Tide

- Aureococcus anophagefferens = Brown Tide Algae - Studied impact of glucose, urea (which contains

Organic nitrogen, and is common in fertilizer), and Brown Tide, seagrant.sunysb.edu Nitrate (inorganic nitrogen)

- Results: net increase in population growth is the greatest in the presence of organic nitrogen (as is found in fertilizers) but not inorganic nitrogen What is ? oceanservice.noaa.gov earthhow.com - An overabundance of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) in bodies of water, increasing the amount of plant and algae growth - Chain Reaction: (NOAA) - Excess algae and plant matter decompose - Large amounts of CO₂ are produced - Lowers the pH of the water = Ocean Acidification eniscuola.net - Growth of fish & shellfish is stunted; shell formation can be prevented in bivalve mollusks (scallops, oysters, clams) How does this impact the oceanic ecosystem? - Bivalve mollusks (Maryland Dep't of Resources) - Help maintain equilibrium with filter-feeding

- Regulating species population decreases phys.org - Less nitrogen and phosphorus filtered out; algae can grow even more - Coral Reefs (EPA, Effect of Ocean…) - Important habitats for ¼ of sea life - Calcium carbonate skeletons

Scientific - Anoxia (NOAA) American .com - Low-oxygen environments become unliveable nature.com

pesticides - Two main kinds: - 1.) Pyrethoids food.ndtv.com target.com - Less toxic to humans, but still harmful to aquatic organisms - 2.) Organophosphates - Target nervous system - Malathion, acephate, disulfoton: toxic threat to aquatic life - Highly water soluble

((University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources)

homedepot.com (Pesticides and Drinking Water) domyown.com Table of Aquatic Impact on Organisms

(https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-science-and-assessing-pesticide-risks/aquatic-life-benchmarks-a nd-ecological-risk) How Do Pesticides Enter Our Waterways and Oceans?

- Pyrethoids: attach to soil particles, washed into waterways on sediment (Pesticides & Water Quality) - Washed down storm drains or sewer pipes - Sewage treatment plants do not filter out pesticides - To Learn More about Pesticides:


(Celeste Rusconi = artist, Pesticides and Water Quality) If none of this worried you, maybe its impact on humans will

- Pesticides: can contaminate surface and groundwater, which are critical sources of drinking water (US Geological Survey) - Eutrophication: has been financially detrimental to Long Island based commercial shellfisheries since 1985 - Without intervention, by 2030, ⅔ of the Long Island Sound could lack enough oxygen for fish to survive (NOAA). Besides Reduce, REuse, REcycle, What can you do to help? formplastics. - Cut the loops/handles of plastic carrier bags, elastic com bands, balloons, disposable gloves and mask straps change.org - Clean and empty containers after use and pinch cans shut or cut containers in half before recycling (RSPAC)

- Research the best times and ways to use fertilizer George Waldenberger, a Florida meteorologist - Properly dispose of pesticides at your local Household Hazardous Waste site thebocavoice.com - 1-800-CLEANUP to find a Disposal site in your area Works cited Chichester, F. W. (1977). Effects of Increased Fertilizer Rates on Nitrogen Content of Runoff and Percolate From Monolith Lysimeters.

Journal of Environmental Quality, 6(2), 211-217. doi:10.2134/jeq1977.00472425000600020023x

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Ocean Plastics Pollution. www.biologicaldiversity.org/campaigns/ocean_plastics/.

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Thomson, Peter. “Preserving Ocean Life Is Essential to Preserving Human Life.” TIME Magazine, vol. 194, no. 11/12, Sept. 2019, p. 66.

EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=138582370&site=ehost-live&scope=site.

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Turtles, 2 Feb. 2017, oceanservice.noaa.gov/news/apr17/dwh-protected-species.html. Waters, R., Faulkowski, P. G., Nuzzi, R., Wyman, K., Wallace, D. W., & LaRoche, J. (1997, October). Brown tide blooms in Long Island's

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"What is Eutrophication?" National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (2019, April 02). What is eutrophication? Retrieved October

04, 2020, from https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/eutrophication.html