Stone Sheep and Their Habitat in the Northern Rocky Mountain Foothills of British Columbia
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STONE SHEEP AND THEIR HABITAT IN THE NORTHERN ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOOTHILLS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA by ALAN JOHN LUCKHURST, B.Se.(Brit Col.) A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REOUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANT SCIENCE THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 1973 We accept this thesis as conforming to the required standard THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA FEBRUARY 1973 In presenting this thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for an advanced degree at the University of British Columbia, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for reference and study. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by the head of my department or his representative. It is understood that copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Department of Plant Science The University of British Columbia Vancouver 8, B.C. Date i Abstract Stone sheep (Oyis dalli stonei) and a representative, undisturbed habitat for this species were studied in the northern Rocky Mountain Foothills from May 1969 through May 1971. A highly descriptive and holistic approach was taken in this introductory study, with physiography, soils, climate, and vegetation and the native sheep all being assessed. The study was concerned primarily with the alpine sheep habitat with emphasis on the critical winter range. Vegetation in this northern environment, reflecting physiographic, climatic and edaphic diversity, presents a.complex, heterogeneous pattern locally to a degree seldom observed in more southern latitudes. Local variations in climate, on different slopes and aspects, have produced striking floristic differences within short distances. Moreover, soils developed over different bedrock formations and distrubed little by glaciation contributed considerably to diversity in the alpine habitat. Extremely acid soils characterized by impeded drainage and low temperatures limited forage production over much of the habitat. However, soils developed over calcareous parent materials on southern exposures had the favourable characteristics of moderately coarse texture, good drainage and an adequate nutrient status. These soils supported relatively productive plant communities and high quality forage for the sheep. The vegetation was also characterized by stability especially in the alpine zone; this zone is largely free of a fire history and is characterized by climax or long-term disclimax communities. Apparent deteriorating climate over long periods may be very significant, however, because in all likelihood they reduce favourable sheep habitat. ii Stone sheep were almost entirely dependent on the herbaceous alpine vegetation for their nutritional requirements. Even though plant succession proceeds slowly at these latitudes, serai grasslands tended to be invaded quite rapidly by shrubs which reduced the herbaceous cover and caused drifting snow to accumulate in winter. Grasses and sedges made up 95.6 percent of the winter diet and 78.5 percent of the fall diet of sheep collected in the Nevis Creek study area. Vegetative diversity contributed largely to a balanced habitat for the sheep and the fortuitous combinations of factors of climate, soils and vegetation provided critical winter range on largely snow-free slopes with southern exposures. Three plant communities provided winter forage but one, the Elymus - Agropyron community, provided almost 60 percent of the forage utilized by wintering sheep. About 80 percent of the standing crop in this community, which made up only about 20 percent of the winter range and four percent of the total productive habitat by area, was utilized by the sheep. Although productivity was typically low in this alpine ecosystem, forage quality was relatively high and was maintained in the cured stage by hard fall frosts and the persistent winter cold. Counts conducted in summer and winter over an extensive portion of the northern foothills and Rocky Mountains showed stone sheep populations averaged 35 percent mature ewes, 28 percent mature rams, 15 percent yearlings and 22 percent lambs (n = 981). Early summer counts for two seasons in the study area shewed an average ratio of 74 lambs per 100 ewes two years of age or older indicating a high birth rate and low mortality in the first few weeks of life. The lambs experienced almost 50 percent mortality by the end of their first year; however, most of it occurred early in the first winter. Classified counts of the ram segment of the population indicate a iii period of low mortality during adult life to age 8 or 10 years. Of course, intraspecific competition and malnutrition during severe winter conditions, disease and parasites, injury, predation and hunting all contributed to mortality to some degree. Stone sheep populations reflect the stability of their relatively undisturbed alpine habitat. Actinomycosis and lungworm were common in sheep at Nevis Creek but there is no record of large-scale enzootic die- offs in this or other stone sheep populations such as occur in bighorn populations due to lungworm-pneumonia disease. Stone sheep habitat, once remote, is rapidly becoming more accessible and subject to man's influence with development of the north. Interference in this northern environment by man must consider its sensitivity to abuse and its slew recovery. Any change or destruction of this northern sheep habitat, particularly the important and restricted elements such as the Elymus - Agropyron plant community on the Nevis Creek winter range, would unquestionably seriously reduce the sheep populations dependent upon it. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 The Study 2 2. AREA DESCRIPTION AND DISCUSSION 3 2.1 Physiography and soils 3 2.2 Climate 4 2.3 Economy and land use 4 2.4 Flora 4 2.5 Fauna 5 2.6 The study area 6 3. PHYSIOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AND SOILS 9 3.1 Background 9 3.2 Physiography 9 3.3 Geology 9 3.4 Soils 12 3.4.1. Soils below treeline 12 .3.4.2. Alpine soils 18 3.5. Discussion 23 4. CLIMATE 25 4.1 Methods 25 4.2 Observations and results 27 4.2.1. Air and soil temperatures 27 4.2.2. Precipitation and snow cover 31 4.2.3. Wind 33 4.3 Discussion 34 5. VEGETATION 39 5.1 Methods 39 5.1.1. Plant communities below treeline 39 5.1.2. Alpine plant communities 39 5.1.3. Importance of plant communities to sheep 40 5.1.4. Forage production and quality on the winter range 40 5.1.5. Forage utilization and wastage on the winter range 40 5.2 Observations and results " 41 5.2.1. Plant communities below treeline 41 (a) the Picea-Abies and north slope Picea-Abies communities 41 (b) the Populus community 45 (c) the Pinus-Salix community 46 (d) the Betula^Pinus and Betula-Abies communities 46 (e) the Betula-Salix community 47 (f) the Salix-Betula and Salix-Epilobium communities 47 (g) Valley meadow plant community 48 V 5.2.2. Alpine plant communities 48 (a) the Betula-Vaccinium uliginosum and Betula-Vaccinium yitis-idaia communities 48 (b) The Elymus-Agropyron community 50 (c) the Elymus-Festuca community 57 (d) the Dryas-Festuca community 59 (e) the Calamagrostis-Hierochloe community 59 (f) the Festuca-Dryas community 74 (g) the Silene-Calamagrostis community 75 (h) the Cryptogam-Salix community 75 5.2.3. Importance of plant communities to sheep 76 5.2.4. Forage production and quality on the winter range 77 (a) Productivity 77 (b) Forage quality 78 5.2.5. Forage utilization and wastage on the winter range 78 5.2.6. Discussion 80 6. STONE SHEEP 85 6.1 Methods 85 6.2 Results 85 6.2.1. Seasonal movements and distribution 86 6.2.2. Foods and minerals 87 6.2.3. Population structure .92 6.2.4. Productivity 96 6.2.5. Juvenile and adult mortality 99 6.2.6. Mortality factors 101 (a) competition for forage 101 (b) disease and parasites 102 (c) injury 104 (d) predation 104 (e) hunting 106 6.3. Discussion 106 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 113 8. LITERATURE CITED 118 9. APPENDICES' 123 Klan in pockef" LIST OF TABLES Table No. page 1 Some chemical and physical properties of forest and valley soils at Nevis Creek 19 2 Some chemical and physical properties of alpine soils at Nevis Creek 21 3 Mean and extreme monthly temperatures (°F) at the Nevis Creek valley station, 1970 28 4 Mean and extreme temperatures ( F) at Nevis Creek for the summer and winter of 1970/71 30 5 Precipitation totals at Nevis Creek and selected D.O.T. stations for the summer and winter of 1970/71 32 6 Mean wind velocities (miles per hour) during the winter of 1969/70 and the summer of 1970 at bothe Nevis Creek climatic stations and at two lowland stations 39 7 Padiation heat balance of selected surfaces at Nevis Creek on June 21, 1970 37 8 Plant communities studied below treeline at Nevis Creek 42 9 Relative abundance of major plants in classes 1-5 for four forest communities at Nevis Creek 43 10 Alpine plant communities at Nevis Creek 51 11a Major plant species coverage and frequency (C/F) for two sites in the Betula-Vaccinium uliginosium 53 lib Shrub measurements and ground surface components for two sites in the Betula-Vaccinium uliginosum community 54 12a Major plant species C/F for three sites in the Betula- Vaccinium vitis-idaea community 55 12b Shrub measurements and ground surface components for three sites in the Betula-Vaccinium vitis-idaea community 56 13a Major plant species C/F for three sites in the Elymus- Agropyron community 60 13b Shrub measurements and ground surface components for three sites in the Elymus-Agropyron community 61 14a Major plant species C/F for three sites in the Elymus- Festuca community vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure No.