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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-74386-0 - The Cambridge Introduction to Thomas Mann Todd Kontje Index More information Index A Man and his Dog 61–62 Role of Eroticism in Male Society, A Miserable Man (Ein Elender)46 The 60 Adorno, Theodor 101, 105 Brecht, Bertolt 2, 124 Philosophy of Modern Music 106 Broch, Hermann “Against Stupidity” (“Gegen Sleepwalkers, The 71 Dickfelligkeit”) 82 “Bruder Hitler” (“That Man is My “An Appeal to Reason” 73 Brother”) 78 Andersen, Hans Christian 16 Buddenbrooks 1, 3, 9, 14, 24–32, 33, 34, Andrews, Julie 108 35, 38, 39, 40, 46, 56, 63, 68, 71, Aschheim, Steven E. 17 88, 90, 106, 116, 117 Bab, Julius 16 Carter, Howard 79 Bachofen, Johann Jakob 74, 81, Cervantes, Miguel de 97, 116 Dialogue of the Dogs 61 Baeumler, Alfred 74 Don Quixote 16, 75 Bahr, Hermann 15, 19 Chamberlain, Houston Stewart Baker, Josephine 88 23, 58 Bang, Herman 16 Chamberlain, Neville 85 Bartels, Adolf 28 Chaplin, Charlie 4 Bartok, Bela 108 Chekov, Anton 16, 19 Baudelaire, Charles Cocteau, Jean 96 Les Fleurs du mal 32 Coleridge, Samuel T. 6 Beethoven, Ludwig van 78, 107 Confessions of Felix Krull 8, 34, 107, Ninth Symphony 109 118, 120–23 Benjamin, Walter 89 Cooper, James Fenimore Bermann-Fischer, Gottfried 75 Last of the Mohicans, The 15 Bertram, Ernst 56, 58, 60 Cosmopolitanism 16 Bildungsroman 64, 68, 80, 102, 121 “Bilse and I” 79 Dante 66 Bismarck, Otto von 17, 57, 105 Divine Comedy, The 16 Black Swan, The (Die Betrogene) Darwin, Charles 23 117–20 Das Wunderkind 24, 121 Blake, William 106 Death in Venice 1, 7, 11, 33, 34, 40, Blue
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