•. \ ••... i;~ .•• ,~,::'; . .::.. :;'. ;::.:.;. " , ' .,

:H 8, 9,~ C,m.- Burtons of Banner' . Street. .'. . m~~:",.~...... ,~, ~ 12.45 p.m. -Fisherman's Forecast. PRESENTS 7,00 p.m.- Rainoow Riddle • HUGO W 0 l F Man. THE DAILY, NEWS al'ailable at 7.15 p.m.-Dr. Paul. Charles Hutton & Sons ~------~------~------~--~------Vol 63. No. 56 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLA~ID, FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1956 (Price 5 cents) shing Winter Storm Pounds!_SE_AT_o_M_ee_tin_9 _En_ds: , rough Ontario And QuebecAsian Powers. Pledge

---'~'-, \ . To Battle Communism , : JI' : ,! ,~ EAL: By &TANLEY PRIDULE prol'cd" the quality oC their sc, crcation of a separate Pushlu· " I Early A. ,M. 'Blaze At pattery KARACHIE, Pakislal, (Reutcrs) curity Corccs and .mol·cd ahead speaking state in the northwest. The eight South East Asia trcaty with other measurcs to rcduce (An Afghan statemcnt in New I. : powers Thursday emphasizcd thcir thrcats to dcmocratic govcrnment Dclhi Thursday said any SEATO I ., •' aim to impro\'c living standards and social progress. dccision on the disputc would be i ' N Record and methods of fighting Commu· In its communique L~e SEATO considercd worthless.) Ii nist subversion in the area. council of ministers: 3. Announced decisions to set u=, i. A 2,OOO·word communique at the 1. Callcd for an early settlement a permanent international secre· Traffic end of three days of Lalks by the of the Kashmir dispute tilfough thc tariat in Bangkok. Thailand and i SEATO foreign ministers said Rus· Unitcd Nations or by direct India· establish II rcscarch service cen· i sia's recent shift in tactics was Pakistan negotiations. It noted a tre in Bangkok to report on Com· Tangle not accompanied by "any con· Uniled Nations resolution calling munist activities. vincing evidence of intenL Lo aban· for a plebiscite in the muuntain John Foster D u I I e s, United E,~L (el'l-The winter's don efforts to subvert, weaken and state is still in force. States secretary of state, said . l~owlall Thurscla~' caused overthrow" olher systems. Pakistan, angered b~ the Soviet much had ben accomplished, of the worst ,traf~ic tangles In It deplored statements and inter· support for integration of Kashmir Earlier he had assured delegates ::1101)' of tlus hIlly old city. vents by Soviet leaders in recent with India, raised the issue Wcd that his government would not 12.ineh rail-with a total of months "designcd to increase ten· nesday. allow any rlliaxation in the mill· eXl1ected-all but para· sian and promote division in the India holds thal conditions arl? tary power of the region despite and was blaml'd for Asian communities and among not yet suitable for a plebiscite Russia's new "soft line" in Asia, deaths. On Decarie other nations of the free .·orld." Many dclegates fear the inclusion Behind the SEATO shield, he one 01 the city's main The foreign ministtrs attributed of reference to Kashmir mdY said, there must bea strategic 600 car 5 wer~ the "seeming shift" in SOI'iet taco arOUse Indian public opinion. The s~riking force. powcrful anC:' mo· ,'S stalled hUnlper·to.humper tics away from ,'Iolence in large Indians say Pakislan's member· bile enough to protect the area measure to the collectil'c security ship of SEATO has aggravated rc· from aggression. arrangements of the frce nations, lations ov~ Kashmir. Summing up the talk!', British FORCES DIPROVED BACK PAKISTA~ Foreign Secretary Selwyn IJoyd They noted that the SEATO 2. Backed another Pakistan plea said: "I think we car. claim, we members-the . Brit. by recognizIng the 1893 Durand' hal'e done ~ workmanlikc job." ain, France. Australia, New Zeal· line as the frontier betwecn Pal" Britain would consider carefully 6331 i::ml ,rnt their empl03'· a nd. Pakistan, the Philipines and istan and Afghanistan-in effect suggestion for strengthening tht earll' in an attempt to Thailand-had "significantly im· rejecting the Afghan demand for economic side or SEATO's work. ;'EY errnin; rll'h honr. when at a snail', pace at -HId. ! 01 times, The storm om a \\ide area, also hIt Fiscal Conference i. j'. Q~cbrr Cit)'. , It ~l' , cnr.l[alt \\'., reminiscent 01 ~ !i. .~ 9 I.; " Chri'tma, week storm. Flee I r(cord l~ inch's or ~now ,"' :~ llontrral. The cit), h:.~ tn· t'. !) I (omparalil'c1y easy winter Thu~bs Down On ":, ", Burning .. unt!! now. , l ,. '.• I~ .! ; ," " ,r;· . '. r- .. , ------_ ~< lizzarcl . o' ~ ; Senato r Baird 0b j ee ts To" Coffee Brea ks" their night atti" when a O1"A\vA {cPl - Tho 100"" ,ri';" ,I ili, I,dm' pI .. J '. . fierce blaze swept rapidly government docs not intend to ac Held up by a storm" Mr. Hicks i/ls Two cept any of the val'ious prol'incial cxpected to arrive about noon. But f ...:~ 'I th~'ough their dwelling in a plans so far disclosed for majur ~II'. St. Laurent's office said he ~, r' (CP)-IIigh winds, • . \ Says Was te, Of L' lltluckly COl g d l' f changes in it; tax·shal'ing olfer !'. would be the only absentee from 51ccI and snol\' t t ~,y Thursdal' in one o[ I the upper1 it ,"'as learned I' morning session of the meet· 0 19' Government Time ;:~er;eca~o~.;o ~~lIrs~l~o;'inccs, i~~. .~, .. .' storms of the' winter, Stu d"y ,-New" Me th d F ht eancer . two deaths were rc­ . ., ' this mornin Informants said the ccntral gov )leanwhile. the Canadian Cancer ,Oil .. OTTAWA (Cp)-rhc praetl~e of g. ernmcnl's l'iCII', on the cl'e of re Society hc~rd a prediction Wednes· !crcral pcrson5 were :; inj~rcd in hlghl\'a)' acci· I g d" T ¥,ol'Crnment er;;ploy~es t ~ kIn ~ The home was occupied b ; newal of the fcderal·prol'incial tis· 1 day nlFht that cert~in f~rms of can· -. , St arvIn Red Sollers 0 - coHee brcaks ~lIrJDg thclr work· .Tacob Newell, a dri\'er with th~ I cal conCcrence today, is that any cer will be contrOlled m the near and phone lines top­ . critiCIsming . ~~y cametoda\' m for scnatorIal Vi cto· ria T"aXI, an d h'IS f am il y. ilIr. I. proposals. .calling for serious rc· I future.______to\1 ns rond l'ilIagc$ · f'f Il Att dR· S to AI"· dB' d (L- Ncwell told the Daily News that Ic~nsldera.hon ~f thc federal plan , ~ e!cctricity, causing lsease LIe s en eunlon Ne\~'~:un~landct~~IJrtJle al~elrate's his mo'her, who Jived in an up. Will. ha\'e to ~RI'oll'e an e?lIreiy 1I~lorics and offices Ie D . 'tt th th ,stairs apartment first disco\'er. I nell conccpt stili not r.lade knOll n, f i. (APl-A group of I~anee dcomCt ml ee lIt be ~O!. cd the fire and' awakened the \' 'fhis appeared to knock out the ! GrInd rirer ol'ernol\'ed 1t.1 MO~TREAL (CPl-The newcst Russian veterans who mct Ameri· nm,g a~ a ethr~oo~, ClOt cc rte~'k.llsl other cigllt people I' tIle II u chance that fundamental change, i:I s!\'ml places near iL~ phase In cancer research, an er· can soldlcrs at the river aoff 'SCrIOUS40 minutcs mg.a dat •. " mus 'I "Exccpt for ',hat, wen would0 SC.all; ~ Ire~() I . 5u"".c,tedn - db·.~. 5C\~ra. I Pr<~I.. W,Efli * TUEll " ~n Lake Erie, tioodlng fort to star\'e the cancer cells to during ~he Second World War T J D t h ' t f th bc dead in our beds" h id IlIIcc,-ontarro, Bnhsh ColumbIa, ... low.ll'in~ ground. death, Is undergoing experimental have, accepted, an Invitation to t '. • beu sed' she.crhc ary °t. . e , e sa. NOl'a Scotia,' Albel'ta. Saskatche· Snow ehan"ing tu [rccz'''~ rain tests at the MeGIll University. II' t ru!h,hollr public·trans attend a reunion of the event In governmentrCllsnry oar spending, Ie saidscru itIDlzes was The fire Sl~. ~ pt .rapi'dl y.th roug I wan' and . . Nell' Brunswick -.would' • and to rain " about noon.w, A few \\we nlmost at Montreal General Hospital Rc· Wnshlngton April 25. someUling that had "crept m,' the frame dllellmg, whIch \l'as get. an~ \Iherc at the conferenc Ofi aftcrnoon snow flurries. High to· !I in Ottawa. While trat· search Institute. The Invlta1lon was extended by Industry had th same problcm totally destroyed by 3 a.m: gal ernment heads. . ,! day 36. Tcmperature 3 a.m.-23. I at ~ crawl from Tor· The new weapon employs the Joseph Polowsky, former Chicago ,e . But one federal authorlll' sallil T • • w.t.'1ern suburhs Into the prInciples upon which the anti. cali driver who Is secretary of and recogmzed It by laymg down . Firemen from thc C~ntral Sta, . the gOI'ernment·s proposal to share Nfld Sirles histamines and the suUa drugs the Amel'lcan Veterans of the rules to make coffee breaks or· ~lon under Capt. Caddlgan and parliamcntarv trcasurv rc\,enue,' • 1 Air Lines cancel· work, said Dr. J. H. Quastel In a Elbe Rll'er Linkup. derl:.y . the East End unde. S.gt. Wake·! with the provinces. spelled oul! FRIDAY, ;II.\RCH 9 . Poio'''sky and a group of other GOI crnment dcpartments I~erc ham faced great dIfficulties. I first in January and modified I Sunr"e 6 26 am Toronto to Ot· statemcnt Thursday. n doing th same thing layln" . I I...... ••. .. Ontario anel ~ront· "Since they paid off so well In American veterans of the mcet· FROM SAtllNG, Meny type, of d' ~I ti "h t Houses en eithcr side of the· slightly in tJIC provinccs' fal'or lasl Sunsct .. '"..,. 5.57 p.m. hEre a not her blizzard other fields It would be foolish to Ing went '.0 Moscow last year for odd enlles might be celled sky- /I\nb regku a ~nslda\to t,\;n cOri burnin~ building were no mere month. is not entirely on a take" lligh TIDES Low Ignorc theh In cancer research,' a reunion marking the 10th an. larking. The word comes to us ,~c rca s 5, OU ,. ~, a n an. than SIX fect aw~y, bu~ both it·or·leal'c·it basis. 15.22' a.m. 11.40 a.m. !:orm handicapped 1I'0rkers : JlJ:lr ~ald Dr. Quastcl, director uf the nil'crsary of the occasion. from salling where ~ me.ans of get them oler IIIth. But thele were saved by a heal'Y cOllcen· The federal attitude was that' 557 pm ••.. ,,,. institute. "Cancer research Is IIkc fun among UilOB w~s to chu~ was no gcncral govcrnment order tration of watcr, although thcy any brand nc\\' plan would gel con! -'-.:.-'-.------L'P I-A up flood damage in the warfare. You must constantly de, etch olher up the rigging. ..•.: about coffee breaks, receil'ed severe damage. sidcralion. But it would hal'e to: LONDON (Reuten) - Reports .. :::leo far Humber \'a1l~I's near loliolrinx hC3\~Y raIns I'etop nell' and more effecti\'e weal!' Committee chairman Charles. ' . , be something unhcard of up to; that Canadians aud Americans are roved ciriling , n:lht, orrd hI' .n 0] ons to fight tile enemy." Tal{es Veal'S Hawkins (L-,.1'>OV3 Scotia) said BI~ter cold and the dl.fflcul'Y of I' now-an unlikell' possibility. I drinking Russian I'udka at the ex· T,,,o 11 ~l 0;1), toeal PO',rer 'failllres were , Ing a car the hard way-piece by the coffce break was nothing movmg thc heal'Y equlpmcnt on PL,\:'\ A.~l. 'STI\RT pensc of Scotch whisk)" is a ST.\RVE CELLS piece ol'er a pcriod of two years. nell'. the narrow roa.ds Of. the area 1 Mcanwhilc, Prime 5t. "major diplomatic defeat" for . 'rrd b~' junior Fall" SI. Catharines T SIC ~Iinjster 'cree will be Brantlord areas. lIyrlru Financed largely by. funds pro. 0 tea ar The prosecutor said Adams, an He had bcen in thc lumbering addcd to the. firemen s troubles. Laurcnt's office announced th~ Scotland. thc Housc of Commons 1/:0 Ilere ClIt in 05hawa I'Jdcd through the unltcd cancer employee of a Birmingham ButO. buslncss for 50 yeal's and knew They ":erc s'lil on the scene at confcl'ence will ,;tart on schedule lI'as told Thursday. r:li~ ~pring. , ~:d\\'ay between Toronto campaign, Dr. Quastel and his col. BIRMINGHAM, England (APl- mobile plant, intercepled sparc many lumber mills that recog. prcss lime. at II a,m. AST in Parliament's Emrys Hughes, a Labour memo and many small lea~ues have been working on this Delemark Adams, 38, was scntene· part shipments intcndcd for export nized the morning and ait"l'IlOOII The home is locatcd on the Ccntre Block despite indications 01 ~cr of Parliament, told laughin. problem of literally starving the e_d_t_o_s_l_x_m_o_n_lh_s_ln...::..ja_lI_fo_r_s_te_a_I• ..:..::n:.:.nd::...::~t.:.0a::l..:·d.:.ed:..:.th::e::m::.....::u:::p..:l:::n..:h:l~::...:b:ar:.::n. "mug up" when emp:oyces took Upper Batlcry Road immediate Idelayed arr!l'al of L~beral Premicr membc!s this shOWed .the cOld. war cells to death. a brcak for coffee or tea. Iy above the U,S. Army Docks. Hicks of Nova Scolla, one of the was bemg lost "evcn In America," The experiments are describe C as "extremely tricky business" be, ISh t· cause any attempt to starve the oa u yen Ions Waterford Road mallgllant cells must be accomp- , Smash-Up.,. On J Jished. at the same time. without. ' R . starving normal body cells. RS (AP)-Patrolman e' I F ~ , rl Radlo·active amino acids m maIn . n orce I : I wears a full upper used In conjunction with the an , , . , .Ir Home partial lower one, put ( histamines and sulfas. The rijte of : OTTAWA (CPl-Federal subsl· tinue a special subsidy until a 1. t Plan .. a bUrglar smashed him Incorporation by the cancer· celli dies on the movement of coal to United l{Ingdom order for Nova Ilith a chisel and Is ,easured by gclger counter. Vat. market wilbe continued at their Scotia coal Is completed. " i~I : lown •• mO!t 01 his teeth. ious other chemicals are also used present levels through the 1956·57 Mines 11Iinister Prudham made a suspected thief shot and each tested. Those found. to,re· fiscal year. the announccmcnt following the " i to pay the mOllth. 111 : tard the ra~ of Incorporation of The cabinet Thursday acccpted cabinet's acUon, which means the ment hit the denIal plates, amino acid into the cell are then a recommendation of the Domin· subventions lI'ill stay in cfCect until \ t ; u In ,his mouth, cut 1I,l\'en the fuII test as "a competii· Ion Coal Board to extend the sub· March 31, 10:;t The govcrnmcnt ,, fell to the ground. h'e Inhibitor.", ventions and also decided \0 con· has placcd $9,210,000 in .ils annual ·(, estimatcs to cover the assistancc. , • 'd De' I The subl'cntions, officials estim· i aled. \l'lIl bc applied on abiRlt 3•• ·~.' Lea ISCUSS , ans 750,000 tons of coai. This is about i,l ers P the same as the total expected for ", , i', . \, - To Meet Israeli I,Offensive ~l~~~;f:: :s:::ear that ends I' (1\ Of tile Nova Scotia movement, .' . - The Arab long way toward, winning Jordan antiquities of the region." A sparc. 2,000,000 tons Is expected to go by l' eu~rsl t '. Incon crence Thursday over to the Egyptlan·led Arab time archaeologist, he Is writing a water to st. Lawrence river ports j emissary with a not.:! states and away from Iraq a book about, ancient Jericho. " at a top of $3 a ton, and 1,000,000 message for King Hus. member of the Western-backed . tons of this Amount would move the little Middle Baghdad Pact. Husein and .Iraq's (But within hours of his arrival, Inland by rail under another sub· Ih WI~ the' best fight. Klng Falsal are cousins. Kirkbrldge, 58 • year· old Arab· venti on of a $1.75.a.ton maximum. e lU'ab WOrld. (In London, a retired British speaking veteran' of the Midle These two subventions nrc based from Arab dip- diplomat who helped create Jor. East. met secretly with several on the dlCferenee between the laid· I that SYria's pre. dan under the 1948 Anglo-Jordan leading Jordanians Including Pre· down costs. of Nova Scotia and ~o ~haZZI, is' flying treaty arrived from a secret trip mler Sa!"!p Rlfal and Hussein. United States coal at Quebec and thc ~an, the Jordan he made to· Jordan after Lt..Gen. The Arab Big Three-Egyptian Ontario points. '. EgYPU~~age from. tJlC Sir John Glubb was dismissed a Premier Gamal Abelel Nasser, The all • rail movemcnt f!'Om i I I d ' Syrian and week ago as commander of JUl'· Saudi Arabian Klng Saud and Syr· NOVa ScoUa was estimated at ,r ' eha~rs. . dan's Arab Legion. Sir Alexander Ian ,'Presldent Shukrl· Kuwatly- 450,000 tons. Thi~ carries a sub· [ Je s~id that the Klrkbrldge gave Prime Minister whose armies are under a unified venti on of 45 per cent of the the c~nr or an may be Eden a personal report on the cpmmand, discussed defence plans freight rate with a $2.50 top, progre ~rence here Ir trip. to ,meet any Israeli spring offen· Another 200 000 tons of Nova 01 Ara~s fi~ama.de on the ON "PRIVATE" TRIP al~. \. . Scotia coal w~uld lir. for railway B ~~Ial aid to (He arrived in Amman 72 hour~. OIflcl:tl sources said they also consumption, carrying a maximum THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED to one of the cars involved in a three-car collision on Waterford Bridge Road at a Vear ~I sh ,rants alter G1ubb's dismissal b~ Hus· talked' about efforts of Canadian $4 suhventlon. . said . seln on what the foreign oIfice Maj.·Gen., E. L. M. Burns, chic! For New Brunswick, a subsid· 11 o'clock last night. One man is in hospital as a result of the smash, but is not seriously injured.· The IIUlseln a~in~htlng lie· later described as a priv~te visit. Palestine 'truce suo ized movement 01 some 35,000 ton~ car struck two othel's before leaving the road and crashing through a fence. The accident occurred on 1aVtl'llment Woul"d thfle A lpokesman explained Kirkbridge pervlsor, to eaSe tension on tile Is expected, calling for $60,000 ill 10, a ·w .. · "pursuing hIa interest.in the Ei1PUan.1sraeli frontier. subventions. - Caribou ,Hill.-(Daily News Photo by Dave Butler). . ' 2 THE- DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, MRACH 9, .... '. ", '. - I Wilson, Sr., South fiil'cr, will ht Iin training at, f:t. Claro's Huspital I W! . tI' 'B' C ° f S t ,,;iad to \;nnw he' is uoing as well 'l'cllI, :tl l!:ckh~l'dt ~\!Jls, Brigu> • n ea lef y nmpanson (} ugges s 'as can be m:peclcd !Iller nn opr.r ~lal'il!, Ruse and Danny III hUllle, : / ati(m at the Genet'al Hospital. Inlsu three hrothers" ~ohu ~Iorl'is, I COIllpal'los' on Pou1el' RatDC ilJlaflOtlomtls Clarke's Beach Notes ~II', ,105. Co\,cydllc({ of Clnr\;e'F !sey a' home. ReI'. I. M. MOrrI~' ; , ""'~ \., \. ,1!ruch hnd th~ m!,lurtu~e to lall scy, ,J.allau, Bm at Bus~on, and CIllCAGO {API-It was 104 de,: llALIFAX (CPI-I'ower ratcs;n HALIFAX «;I')-T ------,----- : nJ~d hl'cak In,. Inp, \lIS liMn) lone: slste:r i'll'", i\lury CUll1nlln!l~: gl'e~~ colder in West Yeilowstone thc Maritimes compares fal'Orablj I provinces impu t t h~ HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOC, Friday, ~la\'('h 9th, when educ.l· Thc lin.nces 01 thc church arc t (I'lenus wish hun a speed)' ,1'eCO\' al Bostoll, alsu ,a large nUmbl'r 01 I ~lont" tJlan in Miami Wed,lesday with ,those in uther provinces and: lheir fOod rlqu~ren~~1J I' FORMI::D IUonal movins picturcs will be / In a flourishing condition an,l cry" nephews 3ml lIIeccs~ a~ong will/in I as I'iolent !llarch weather hit tile New England s~3te" the pnwel whi~h could be produ n~, shown. gleat credil is due thc \'cctur tI'l I CongratulatIOns to MI'. and ~],. ure Sister :'.lal'Y Fldehs, l'rcscn, many ~cction5 of the United commIttee of the Atlani~ Pruv II Wllidden Ganon" ~~ Fr~da)' night, ~larcil. 2nd, R Ihis unceasing cHurls in Iht' hutld ('Inyton \Vm'ford of Springfield 011 tatiCl1 COllvenl, Carbonear, and StaIrs, inees Economic Council reportert N:B said \"edncsctnO, ,l l1Iee~lII~ wa~ cnlle~1 to diSCUSS Ihe ANNUAL. MEE'r ING HE.LD ing up nf thl' pa\'irh. Ilhe hillh 01 a son. on Februjl) i Sister St, William In .Iapalf, Tu Flooding rains, thunderstol'ms, a Wednesday, Th~ president ulS' [,easlbihty of [~rr!lIng a Home aU,,1 The am!ual pUI'lsh I~ectmg 'JI ' EDUCA'l'ION WEEK ACTIVI. : 15th. The mother IS the formrl I all of whom deepest sympathy is twist,er, sub-zero cold, snoll' nnd H. ~, Twcd~ale of the ~C.I I'l'ol'inces E C fJ n II ~~e e School ASSOCiation of .Clarke s All Sui~ts, Ang\l~an Church ,II 1 TIES AT AMALGAMATEO 1,lcan Muglord of Clnrl:e's Beach, I extended. ' bloll'lI1g dust topped off the clima· Brunswick Elect,l'le P('wer Com speaking 01 the ApCc· Beach School. The meetmg \I'a~ South Rn'cr WilS held on Mond,IY SCHOOL BIRHDAY GREETI NGS . tic mixture. mision said, bowel'er, Ihe com cJmmil\ce's "'ark ' !!eld In Ihe Principal's room amI el'eni~g the 27th of Febr~1Ury, Ir, 'fhursday. night, ~Iareh 81h, a! To]son Ralph, 7 years old ,I!! F 1, AI. . A surge of Arellc air sent the mitee, i~ "1'itaJly _ . i,~lerestcd IT, session he~e; said 2, ( .9 pare~ts attende~J. Rr.I'. Dam the C,E.A,A. Hnll. 8 p,m .. an cdueational program on March ~nd; Waltu)' Ralph, 13 yeal's a se al m Icmperature U! 32 degrees below lowerln~ p~wer, eu,ls. , .' b~ held soon in t~e 5t was chairman and :I1rs, GordlJll The Rector, Rev. H, W. racey, the theme of Educntion Weel; WIll old on ~larch 4th; CUI'l Bullel. ,zero at lVesl Yellow.tone this He said It wLlI be SIX to mghl ! vnlley area la dcterm: French acted a~ secretary. Mr. B,A" convened the meeting ~1 be held in' the Amalgamated I yenr old on March 1st; ~lr. lIal' • NEW YOR~ (APl-Police and !Il0rnlng while Miami lVas enjoy, rears befo!c atolnic powe~ will I' ibilily of a rannin~ ;~d Elmer, Davis, B.A" prIncipal of 8.45. Mr. F. C. Greenland was ap. Sellool at Clarke's Beach, wilh rls Butler, on March 11th; Jud' ,I :BI agents ,searched Ule Israeh IIlg a balmy 72. eom]>!;te With thermal pow~r 111 the plant ror vegetable the school ex~lalned the benefil" poInted secretary for the. meet the follOWIng Items. Snow on Mnreh 11lh; Evelyn B'I .onsula!e "ednesday, af!e~ an ~eavy raIns and melting snow ~Iarlh!lles but the committee be J. l. Dewar', ~uch an association would have tng: (1) A debate by senior pupils ten on ~]arch 12th: Doreen Hu. nonymous telephone warmn" th,nt sent ~reeks an~ some rivers out heves lmp.ro.veml'nts can, be madl! IPrince Edward lind the necessity of such an m· 'Ihe regular routine buslnc~s Resolved that pupils should re' sey on ~Iarch 13th; Jean Mugfom h bO~b ha~, b~en planted, A h\o- of their banks In New York state III produel1vlty and rates,. of agriculture, said ganlzaUon, ie the welfare of Lhf was disposed of, main In school unUi they gradu, on March 12th; Mrs. J. Andrew> I, ' our \\lI1 ISC osed none. Families were mar 00 ned and Ira P. Macnab of HahIale pre farm production is due children nnd the school in gen- 'fhe annual election of officers ate irom Graue XI. on ~Inreh 2nd; 1Iichael Connolly: I,t. wn~ thh seeO~d con~~~,te 10 roads and schools were closed. dleled tJle ~lIantic prol'ince~ will capital to e';panll ,'ral. Fa"ourablc commcnts were result~d In thc following bein;: (2) Spelling match belll'cell 1 year old on March 1st. receive sue a treat III III 21 The affected area extended from have atomic p,ower sooner than urged long term farm given by Mr. Abel Clarke, MI'$, slnted. ," grades '7' and 8 pupils CHRISTENING lO~rs. E I the lowlands In southeastern New most people believe al CGsts com, inl~rest not C\'er 3" ErIe Jerrell, Mrs, Claude West anll Rector's WlIrdcn - ~Ir. R, W (3)' A specinl speake~' wlll speak On Sunday, March 4th, at tll~ seB~~hed g4~!~~~ c:ft~u ate phw~~ York north through the Albany p~rable to thermal power or II Ralph Loomer of- • Mrs. A, Noel. It was I'csolvcd Sbepberd, on the' sub'ect of Education \Vcek C. of E, Church the lnrant son of 't' b' I' Y f .a 0 arCa and west to BUffalo. 'I c eaper.. . , S., said l':ova S~oli3 hal ,that the necessary steps be lalten Peoplc's Warden - Mr, FI'cJ I SIlPp~r ~'1II be sen'ed aILe I' II,,: Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Warford I' f~nd ut naIling SUS[, CIOUS was An Bel'ancing cold front that He d SJ:d the Mal'I~~e~ SSO~I~J,' acres of good farm lar.d toward thc (ormation of a gron;l Hllssl'Y. ro ram, " was christened b)' Rev. H, F8ce~, '. . !ouehed off destructIve tornad~s spen. e mone~ nee e. 0 e I· clllli\'alion. he , , ay that \l'lIl work for the Interest (If Select Vestry - ~Iessrs. ~Inc i p Ttere 11'11\ be Open House on The baby lVaS gll'en the namr I ' Th~ [s~aeh c?n~U,\~le ulS housert l~ parts 01 the midwest Tuesday I ,mi~e \r of Fundy tidal power 1 able uf producing gdueaUon in the home and: Andrews. Harry L, ShepherJ 1Wednc~da\' nfternoon ~Inrch 7th' Thomas Wa~·ne. I ~~t~WO ~Ixtore~ If II ~n,,~ on E~stllllght caused severc local thunder liS easl e. for dGtlble the pre,cnt School. It was, 81:rced thal a ILloyd .Husse~, Fred Ballen, WI, ; Irom 2,30' to 3,00 to'I:I\'e parrill; I OBITUARY : E ~a~eoifi~e·a merom IC,I storms in Kentucky :md Tennes" several InChes in parts of \viscu'l ,he said. yearly membrrslup fee o[ S1.00 lar~ "ells, ~ve;ett Moore, Angu> i an opporlunity 10 "isit eln~;ruom~ Pnssed peacefully away at St,l gyP. see. '. ' sin and 1011'3. Snow also fell :0', • T _ he colle~tcd. 29 sl~ned the mem ,SlllIt\1 and r, C. Greenland, 'and ~cri till' pupils at I\'urk IClare's Iicspltnl on December 1 ~IOSCOW (R t ) A R _ " The midwest tornadocs caused, cally In the Pacific northWest and LO:\\JON ([kiter.: hrrship roll anc! the lolloll'in" oJ'i Cemetery Committce - ~k;5rs I' . • 21st. 1955, Annie, belol'Cd wife I', , eu ers - II, sian one dea~h and left property dam· I Great Lakes region. I bassador ,Jacuh :,Jalik Heel'S II'cre rlre!ed: : n. ,I. Taylor, Ray Wells and JOhni PERSONALS of Toby O'Brien of North River,: ~,~lc~tB .ne~.~ fhi ~asLl1fro~ ag~ ;slimated beLween SI,OOO,OOO\ The cold front, aUI'Aneing 'lit the fnrcign nlfirc i"!' lilt n rre~idcnl! ~Ir. E. nal'i~. R.i\. i Boone. ~(l's. Gal'lield Ralph 01 ('\~I'kc'~ AI',hough being ill Cor quite I to Ctav~r t" k a ~Il! \lr6~ cge .. an 2,000,000. • • I strong northerly winds. Il'Hhrlt • '\\'edn~'.da\· on. ",'1""'''''" "ice·Prcsident - ~Irs, ~l'ic Jet" ~Ir. n, W. Shepherd was ap': Beach lelt 011 Wednesday, ['eh, 2~ 'some time. death came rather! Communis~ :~SS~, n~s~'i~ I' a~h 'i~ small Jorn~do rLPped mto th'l the southern tip of Texas Tile the VISit tn Rnl'lIl1 1'('11. ! pointed l\elegate to the S:;nod. ! for LCII'isplirte where she' lI'i1i ' .uddenlv and as quiLe a shoel; to: been installed a;a b'sh~ li~'R:s ~. a~e 0 am ~n m central West, winds kicked up cOllsid~rablc bioI\' :\ikitn [(hl'u~chc\' an'l Srcr('tilry-'In. Gnrdon French' ~!cs5allrs (If appreciation WCIC I ,'i.~jI hel' si~lr.r·in"ln\\"s family, ~lr, ,her faniily, Left to mOllrn bl!' isla Tb Soviet n~vs I a dric Ta~: Irgmla, sl!1 ashllll; three homes I ing dust in southern Texas. c, obi Bulganm, )"'1:;, Trcasurrr-:~lr, Robert Pellcy. ! extended I? ~II'~. n. W, Shephel d Iand ~ll's. lIarris Dall'e, for uhoul : ~idcs her h\l~band are two SOIl~; reported. that Rev. "ISIi~lav YVolo" i ~eie~one lI,nes were ,blown dO:1'rI1 p~cially in the. Rio Grande "~Ile~. the ~1, art!lTCS, III !If':, ' :\e.\1 mr.clllll: of Home and! ~lId ~Irs. I'. l. lJu;;scy. church or' 10 rla)'s, ' , 'and four daughters-llelen R,C ' sevlch I"as in

" '

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YOU CAN BE SURE IF IT'S WESTINGHOUSE! MAJESTIC .. SALES Limited w,. Ril DUCKWORTH ST. DIAL 8·0125 torture a ~ong c~ of freec

.... ,... '. .\, ...... ,~;~~,r.-f~;~~~; ··r';r'.;i:,"q~.!.'f~l~\~h'" \ >~, .' d" -.... /, d\'-:';\~~~,,;,\··· ... , . '. - . ,: ,. .... , . • ~ l " ~'.:".' f ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, .. . FklDAY, MARCH 9, 1956 :'.'!~'. : The . , - Daily News :~.: .

-The tw" . llt Pearl: ment. "News" Pla,nt Film Council: ldlitCli Students Visit' ~ of St. day. IIf the Has New tl III ic I'I~C Reporot Increased at Club . . " . . . - "

Jla); ~I(ll"lin newly. President of the CommLinlity Work• '!", • . orgitill~ _Liuns Frerl: 0 \!l \ ,cC,PI c,ldcnt, Don I yroo Smc'ary and Ron 'furta, i ' . a y Hefferton Names Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary

Is 92 Today Park Commission ~~~~~~!, "~~~~i" c,~~~,~... "E1~~[,~.~, Min Ed The GO\'ernment has appointed I the whole area could not be used Ladles' Auxiliary of the Canadian five l'ear. wards was at her post, early in a Board of three members con· becausc some fWy families oc- Legion held Tuesday, ~larch 6, in Miss Edwards was made a liCe the morning, on Rawlins' Crosi, sisting of l\Ir. L. !Crummey, I cupied houses thercon, so it has their clubrooms, . Henry Street, member of the Auxiliary, present· selling poppies and forget·me·notS. Depu'.y Minister of Supply and' now been decided that a period ),Irs. Gordon Warren, President of ed with a twenty-fivc years service The writer extends hearty con· Secretary of the Housing Authori'l of ten years will be given In the Auxiliary, bestowed honours pin, and a stcrling silver bracelet gratulations to. Gwen on voluntary ty, l\Ir. W. F. Haynes, Assistant I which to relocate those settlers. to Miss Gwen Edwards, who has suitably engraved in appreciation service so well given to help those Deputy Minister of Resources Legisla'.ion will be introduced been an actlH. inember. on the oC' her work. in necd.-C.

And Mr. S. R. Godfrey, Assistant at the forthcoming session of the .' George Nightingale Deputy ~1inlster of Public Wel'!llouse of Assembly and funds lODE AI"ms :, \ released to the press a fare, WIth Mr, Crummey as ! allocated for this purpose. Special Edition Two Boys Are hi! !1I~gestion to the Chairman, to deal with the prob· ] which caused lem of establishing a National The newly· appointed Board ,,,I,·,,,,,,,·· in the Council Park on Signal Hill presented by wil) start work immediately. Furtber Education B. I. Examiner Injured; Driver t I." on \\'crlnc!dar. It reads the fac'. that the families now I Proper'y appraisement has al. Il living there will need to be reo ready been carried out by Mr. J. 'To further educatio~, one of tIie The lates~ edition o! The Belli I.l t d . ,.. ~: Island Examiner will be on sale ~ located on other areas, ' Healey. the Chief Assessor of the alms of lODE, last year "Caribou" I S llrres e· , ~ould like tn draw the at· Chapter adopted the Moral'ian at the Daily News office today, .' Last year an agreement was Deparlment oC MUnicipal Affairs, 01 the Tralfic Committee ~lisslon School at Hebron, Labra· The issue contains piclures of, .. An Outer CO\'e re$l~ent wa, - Ibl~nce of a ~o Parking rcached whereby the Federal and :llr. S. Pickett, Chief Plan· dor. Just prior to Christmas, pack­ th Champion Section B hockey I J~lled for drunken drhlng last I: the Long's Hill inter· Government agreed to our pro· t ning Officer, and this informa· e ..• ,naght after hb car struck uti agcs containing tOjl, novelties, t~am. and R. speCial a~llc1e, he I injured t,,·o boys: on EIII,',' , r.m O'Brien's store. This posal '0 create Signal Hill and lion wiU be passed on to ,',he gamcs, candy, etc.,' wen packed fIrSt 111 ft serICS, by Addison Bown. I B -dg R d the surrounding area into a Pilrk i Board. It Is hoped that the first mi;;ing for sOllie time. and through the kind co-operation SI. .John's citizens ca,n ge~ their i r~nee ot"U;e !toy., elght.ye;r; tl~ lame time I would also because of its historic part In the 1 decisl\'e action on the most ur· of the RCAF were flown by heli· cop~ here at The !'JCIIS OffIce. ,old Wayne WillIams of SlRamel t:,! lttention 01 the Com· early history of Newfoundiand. I gen~ removals can be carried out copter to th., Debro'n children; Street, recei\'ed head 'InJuntr I! increascd slowing up of When agreement was rcached during the next few weeks. with navIgation closed no other . n;~ going east at this In· and was in I coma when talleS:· means of transportation were pos­ Premier Leaves to hospUal in the· police 'IJI, phoned her at her mother', home sible. !f Ihe causcs is the con· to ,'eU her {he news, Nobody The other boy, Anthony Mae· House Destroyed At the regular monthly meeting Farlane. 10, of '23 CaIro Street, i~JLlrition around the park was at home when the fire start- held on March 1st Mn. G. Russell, For Ottawa 1m), ovcr courteous drlv· also 15 detained in hospital, '. Ore ed and Mrs, Harding had little Regent, reported that she had re­ Premier Smallwood left here' The accident occurred jast. the man on their left the By Fl idea of how the blaze got un· ceived letters of appreciation from " d way. oblivious to the fact yesterday aIlernoon for Ottawa: before 6 p.m. near the junction Tile home of ~lr. and Mrs .. i derway. . . . the Missionary. Rev. S. Heetasch, where he wiII take part in the I of King's Bridge Road and the Ir.!)' arc di!courlcous to the the teacher, Miss K. Hettasch, and il bthind them, Calvin Harding, Portugal Cove I ~!r. Hard!ng, \\ ho IS e~pI~y~d Dominion·Pro~incial tax ren'.al; BOllle\·arde. I Road was totally destroyed by With Am,:rlcan Basc. au ,horilles each pupil, Miss' Hettasch said agreement discussions. COrrect entrance for these fire yt)sterday morning and all, ~l Argentla was WD~klng at Col· "fort)··five bright eyed Eskimo il ri. Cookstwn Road Mr. Smallwood plans to return R HO R'" its con'ents were also destroyed I met yester~ay, but lias due home boys and girls had the best Christ· here Sunday, in time to open the: I s)'nchronizcd light was mas party In their lives during the eports It, un. I~r their hcndit. , In the blaze. Fortunately no lives late last night.. , . Regional Conference on South· I . . were lost and no injuries were Red Cross Dlsa~ .cr lerVlces past Yuletide Season. We intcnd· ern Newfoundland Affairs which: A hit and run aCCident was re­ , other eall!C is the entrance sustained. visited ~Irs. l:ardmg at Portu- ed the party to last two hours but is scheduled for Monday morning. ported on Waterford Bridge Road throll~h Carter's Hill Firemen arriving on the Icene gal Cove yestc;!day afternoon and it . was almost three and a hal! next about 9 o'clcck Jas night. Driver where drh'er~ hal'e a hourS'. We did not know where the . Som nussell of Burgess Bro~h· 01 plarin; their ,"chicles at minutes after the fire was reo !Ielpcd out WIth necessary cloth· pl}rl.e~ w.cre too late to save any mg. time went. All came off wonder· party. We thank you for the candr ers Cabs had stopped his car to In lIes in Iront of the first Shown above is the 'iGran~ Old Lady of ~oly­ fully well and never could there and cookies. When the helicopter let off passengers, when It was i n. lor thc light, causing part pf the house, which was well alight. Look for the College of Gener· have been this party if your.love came we were surprised and we sideswiped by a car l·.. hich did or a !Ct0nrl or 50. rood", Mrs. James Maloney, who is celebrating the Mrs. Harding and her young' al Practice of Canada' certificate had not been Ihowered on us from all ran out. The helicopfer almost 1I0t remain at the scene. The , th.t the Tramc Com· 92nd anniversary of her birth to-day_ the sky. I thank you for making went on the ground and he drop· cabbie got the license numbcr of . in tnr Hry ncar futurc child left homc yt)sterday morn· on your family doctor's wall. It At 92, Mrs, Maloney is still hale and hearty and is Ing shortly after tcn o'clock to signifies thai, he is still as devot­ m~' boys and girls 10 happy." ped the boxes. You are kind to the o'her car. !peed up the flo\\' of ea!t· One Eskimo pupil, in her letter send us presents for Christmas. tlalfie. and will eventually still c!lpable of attending to her household duties as visit her mo'.her, Mrs. Gordon cd to medical knowledge as when of thanks, .aid "Dear frlends,­ ~Iy friend is Sarah. ~Iy name is to Uie tlll\ lanes at pcak well as attending her church. Edwards at Portugal Cove, and he was a medical student. In· the lirst news she received of the deed, It, certifies he b still We thank you very mueh for the Selma Piercey. I am in grade four In his lit'.!e black bag, the for a continuous lIow for tha~ family doctor carries as': many fire w8s when a neighbour tele· keplng up wilh his studies. prelenll and for our Christmas and am 13 years old. We were Hill bound traffic, clCcept Hundreds of residents of St. John's who visited. happy at the Christmas party. tools as 1\ plumber, as many mate· n Lights .." Holyrood in "the old day~', when that community 1'hls was 0111' best Christmas." rials as a television repairman. ~i~htin;illr I.iu, "I consld· was held to be 50 remote from the city that the visit Cancer ~ociety: 'fo mark Education Week two He must know more branches. of - nell' Trail ic Committee un. framed pictures of Her Majesty science than an atomic scleritist. . leauer,hip of Sir Brian would occupy a week-end, will recall the warm wel­ the Queen and the Duke of Edin· for '.he human System Is consider· to he Hry capable and come thev received from Mrs. Maloney and her burge bas been fOI'warded to Ihe ably more COnlpl~x than th~ , halllC conditions in Re-electea President alom. nl',t future :lnd 11'111 al· late husband. ' 'w. A. Reid Jlebrun Scllllui. "e!cllmc ~lIggeslions lor Mr. W, Angus Reid wa~ re·eleel· ~(r. Gurdon Huller. 'l'he Society's th~)' ;.re worth, In the mC3n. As the sleek and shiny automobiles of tlie present cd President of the Newfoundland ~(edicai Advisory Commltlee will I am a ~te:lt hdicl'{'r of free day pass by her home every hour of the Clay, Mrs. Division of the Canadian Cancel' consist of Dr. J. F.. Josephson, Dr. -n'l Ircl'duill of the prcss I' Society at a meeting held In the G. 1II. Brownrigg, Dr, C. H. Poltle, Maloney no doubt recalls the days when she walked and Dr. H. B. Murphy as Chair· aUrellng lhe cilizens oC. the 30 miles from her home to John's for a day's Society's Board Room ycsterday . I st. afternoon. Mr, neld has served as man. NEWARRIVALS sl10pping in the City. That is a fcat which would - ' Presidenl for the past five years. Appoinled as members of the l;nJ:II' or)ctnr brings 2000' hardly be accomplishcd by thc young lassies of Other officers appointed were Executive CommIttee were Messr!. SHEER NYLON Mr, F. HaIlc)" Vice President, ,,;f Il'icnlilic discovery,! to-day. r. ,T. ~f. Alderdice, J. B, Angel, L, . e,r.' nf unil'crsity educat. I and Mr. J. B. Angel, Honorary M. Ayre, Gordon Butler, S. Clift, 'MEN'S ; riozell cr~ft5. trades and, The Daily Nr.ws cxtcnds congratulations to Mrs. Treasurer. T.• r. Dalton, P. F. Halley, J. B. OBLONGS i 'l'he Society'~ Education Pro­ )'Qur 11a\l~ for a small il'Iaiollcy on the occa~ion of her 92nd birthday lind Norri~. W. Angus Reid; Dr~. J. E. , lor this Icc he is pre· I IIram will be under thr direction Josephson. C. H. Pottle And H: B. COMBINATIONS Scarves in attractive colors. tr, II.)' 111'0 millule~ or '11'0 hopes that she will see many more anniversaries of Mr. T.• T. Dalton, RS Chairman, Murphy...... Se-conds-at a special price. " nc~e,!itl' rlcmandr.. I at bel' happy home in Holyrood. misted by Mr. J, B. Angel and ORIGINALLY $2.45 The Executive Commlltu has " approvl'd of • hudget of $60,000 ONLY 3ge for 1956, Half of this amount will NOW he required to meet the Society's Regular first quality' would . commitment towards the new can· cer dinic to be erected shortly on cost you 97c. the grounds of the General Hos· pital. The SocIety is presently ex, ploring the possibility of provid. s1.75 COTTON FILLED Ing a Cobalt Bomb for the new clinic as a part of its share of the cost of the cancer clinic. .Medium-weight Cotton. Short PILLOWS $, or long'sleeves, ankle I~nglh. Covered with Black and White . .- 'Striped ticking ...... :.. 97c Two Collisions Allslzes. Two collisions were reported to City Police yesterday. A car driven by William Quilty of Thcrnburn Rd. was in collisIon \cUh a van owned by the Nfld. Brewery, at the junc1jon of Fresh· water 'Rd. and. Empire Ave. o Damage was extensive. \ . MONDAY, THE DAi,"y NEWS will bring to its readers the graphic sto~y of The Very Revel'end About $240 damage was caus· tortll ·. RIgney, ~ Roma? Catholic Iyli5sion Pri!!st. who ~nder~ent more th~n foul' years of degradati.on ed when a van owned 'by H. Ii ·0125 1I1nrshall Ltd. was in collision his I UI C as ~ pl'lSoner In Commulllst China. For the fIrst time, Father RIgney tells the complete story wilh a truck nll'ncd by Steers o~~g, captivity in his own words ... aslark, revealing indictment of COI1~muni~m that e"cry bc­ Ltd. Thc accid'cn". , oceul'rcd ,t' Lecdom should have an opportunity to read: -(Daily News Photo). 6 p,/rl. . l. .. THE. DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, MRACH 9, jor Cartl cd Newfoundland lOI' a revision of these I '. Iterms. But it is clear that without favour­ Fro] !able revision, the problems .of Newfound­ News The Daily News pand must become more acute and more In The The DAIL\' f>\BWS Is a morning PUPCI i critical because we have still to do so many Wyf '. f'~tabllshed In 1894, and publisbed at tht of the things that Nova Scotia and New' By a arer News Building 35:i·359 Duckworth 8tm·l.. I Brunswiek have been able to do in ninety.• ' ______~--.--. ~~------St. John's, Newfoundland, by Robinson & , i \'eaI'S of Confederation and in more than NOTES' AND COl\ll1IENT . hand, pia~:ers dropped their , I Company. Limited. ", one hundred ~:eal's of orderly and organizecr sticks and went at one another .1 MEMBER OF THE' CANADIAN PRESS and assisted colonial go\'ernment be~ore It is a lIIt1e disturbing to hear with gloved hands. Today sticks At Ayre s II confederation. some of the things Ihat are be- arc raised high and an angry Th. CanadlaD Preu Is excluslvcly en ______ing 'said these da~'s about players may use them like a titled t, the lise for republication of all hockey.' A major controversy battle·axe. news dj,lpatches In this paper crcdited tt " secms to be shaping around the Ground floor It or to The Associated Press or Reuter, question of what cDnstitutes But it wa~ very rarely in Ihe A Taste For Fish' rDugh play and hDW much Df old days that we witnessed the and alao the local news published therein. this roughncss is necessary tD kihd of melces that seem 10 . ,I All Press ler\'ice and feature articles ill , We are always pleasantly intrigucd by. the game. And while there are .happen so often in present·day this paper lire copyright and tilcir' repro Dry Goods ! ! what the ladies of the Jubilee Guilds can people who contend that. mod· hockev. The game seems· to be ducUon Is plohihiled. . cia wiLb the pl'eparation of fish. crn hockey :is a body contact imposing too much strain on 5t2.00 per annul'll some emotional players. And Forel8D Countries Curiously enough, fish is not to e\'ery· game in which an elemen.t of , rou~bness Is unavoidablc. there while the desire 10 win is part Member Audit Bureau of ,one's taste. Sometimes the troublc may arc others who assert much more ~f the gnme, what is belnr: GREEN AND WHITE y pla~'ed In Newfoundland is I~_,~. Citcula'.lons I be that the cook does not mak.e it tasht strongly tJlat tbe mood in which f ,enough and it might well be that many w a many games arc played Is not. i~ amaleur hockey in which fi· • accordance with the best' Spirit . nancial bonuses and other re. TISSUE BEllS ...... 16c 22c ea. Authorized as second class mall I'osl profess a dislike for fisll in any form have of hockey. .' wards are not at stake. It is Office Department, ottawa. never been tempted by it in the righfform. fine to win but it is far better DAlLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES: We have heard of people denouncing Since we ha\'e not followed to play tbe game in a spirit GREEN AND WHITE Canada ...... ~ ..... ;.5 8.00 per annul\I ! canned codfish and e\'en canned salmon Ihe revl\'al o( hockcy in 5l. which. makes the game more im· John's \'cry closell', we would porlant than victory. United Kingdom and all : simply because it has always been served hesitnte to express a personal BUTTERFl YGARlANDS 22c ea. _----·,------:--:-==' to them in its most unpalatable form, opinion on this subject. But it It would be difficull, we l straight out or the can, plain, ungarnished is a fact that in the past gather, to imagine a game that and un appetising. But give these same hockey lost nothing from being lnvoh'ed so mucll tension as GREEN AND WHITE FRIDAY, MARCH 9.1956 cans of fish to a cook with modest skill and a game of finesse in which com· the recenl Senior B champion­ binatlon P I a y s, spectacular ship event between Bell Island ., P bl imagination and out come cod and salmon stick • band ling and smart and Grand Falls but we under· OVAL GARlANDS ...... ·.. ·...... ··12c ea. Our Financla ro ems ~oafs. kedgerees, souffles and other dishes el'asive tactics predominated. It stand it wos flnc, clean and . to please the most difficult palate. has been pointed, out that this spirited hockey all the way with 1n a wav the present confcrence on; There is nothing ver)' remarkable I tHe of play w~s re~caled b~ very litllc of the kind of rough­ the nU5sians In thIS rear s ness that has aroused criticism northern affairs, as did that : about the fish menus prepared fot· the 'I' ~n L~brad~r, Olympic hockey and. proved S?p· of other -I!amcs. That provcs that S1. PATRICK'S BONNETS 30e eDt illuminates some of the specml ~manclal i informal little annual luncheons of the erior to the more aggressive the spectators t:an have their problems which are plaguing the gO\'crn- ,Tubilee Guilds in the sense that master I thrills lI'ithout Ihe risk of 1 form of Can~dian hoekcy. The point is that good hockey ran he hroken heads or b r 0 ken men!. of i-lewfoundland. \ChefS are required 'to prepare thenl. Your· ...... 30e ea. What these conferences .sho\\': what chowdcl'. foJ' example. has pretty well. the \ played with a minilllulll of hody hones rOl' thr players. There HI . HATS contact and lhrr~ is no justili· i~ rnoul!h ri,k in hockey the coming South Coast meetl11g Will i same b clisinclinr.d to .,,')' 12e ea. ~nl'thillg abuut the roughncss bclween pl~~·ers. CREPE FLAT HATS ...... 7e land is large but the nature of sctti.emcJlt ol'dinal'? fish, a fel\' other simple ingl'edi· of' pla~' that has been seen i.n is such that. as one historian ha~ saId, ~he Ienls and a little imagillati\'e seasoning and some games this year wcre It As one old·timer said the not fur thc opinions \'oiced other da)'. these boys are not country is liKe an empty skin. E\'cryth~llg fish can become the most welcome item inl getting big salaries to put on a 12" FOil HORNS ...... 12c ea. is on outside. There is haL'dly anytillng the menU. . publicly by wcll·lnformed peo, th~ famil~ pIe who can speak with au·. gladiatorial battlc. They arc on the inside. 'I11e field workers of the Jubilee Guild5 thorlt)'. Whcn one of thcse 1,01's 11'110 nre or shuuld be pla~·· This distribution of population on the test their recipes and then try to create suggests that the danger of be· ing for the sheer fun of the (With Tassel) 13c ea. perimeter is true of Newfoundland and widespread interest in their use. How Ing hurt has now becomc so game. And hockey is a finc 12" FOil HORNS game,. onc in which lhe skills equally true of Labrador where. a far far thc~' have been successful is more than great that thcre al'e pla)'ers who go' on the ice with a feeling of of sknlin~, stick·handling, pass·· greater land mass has to be. cOl~sldel'ecl. we can say but there is .little doubt in the (car, then it Is time to bear ing. clear·thinking in cmer·· BADGE AND RIBBONS ...... 12c ea. But there, at any rate, populatIOn IS small. mind of . any who has been fortunate down on anything that may gencies, provide ail the op­ In Newfoundland itseH the peopl~ are the~c enough to be a guest at a Guilds' fish smack of excesslvc or uneees· portunities for spectator enjoy' sar)' roughness. Another experi· ment that could possibly be de· and services have to be supphed. It IS luncheon that success is deserved. sired. The Russians, of aU' peo· totally be\,ond the capacities of this pro\'­ enced observer . has said that SHAMROCKS ...... 2c ea. somebod~' will Je badly hurt if pIe, ha\'e pro\'ed that hockey ince to suppl~' them 011 the standard that play is not brought under con· can be played with classical skill , . should be regarded as the minimum that trol. Another. one of our bcst to win bnth the game and the hockey pla)'ers a scure ur ~'ears fascinated and excited interest . is not anI" desirable but is also acceptable. of spectators. Anti that is the We have latelY been looking at thl! ago. has rcmarked upon Ihe What Others Are Saying difference in thc apparent moods kind of hockey that ought 10 be provincial finances' of Nova Scotia where of playcrs then and noll'. In dC\'eloped in the training of our total expenditure al pl'o\'incial level is • hi! day, he s:Jid. hockey lI'as ~·oungstcrs. As for peuple whose about equal to the combination or current N~T DlSPRO''ED jllst a game. if ~omconc got ~ tempers name into violence al ·t 1 . ditur in Newfoundland (Calgary Herald) poke' by accident, he did nnt the sli~htest prol'ocation, the an d capl a :xpen e .' .' . . It I~ diffleult to prO\'e that hr.. ~s:ing ~cr\'ed a I tal:e it ~s a malicious attack to hest Ihill;: is to adl'ise them that ~ .' . , CompaL'lSons on an aclu,ll basl~ al. c pur(lOS~ in Britain. But !hat docs not mc .. n It h~s hockel' is not Iheir ;' war?e? better way . . . casier and '. ?>.nothel' is that No\'a ScolJa IS settled to the nDrth and west. Consequently it Is of much I\ing Hus_elO of J.ordan timl h· modern methods . . . 10 ac· '. I . N d h h' racl undoubtedly IS stronger nu· ~ throughout lis land mass w lereas ew· Interest!o nr.ture 10\'er5, sportsmen an ot m t a. mericalh' than Jordan which Is complish what they may ... At foundland is principally settled on the the species is showing· definite signs of a com; common knowledge." ' ful! o[ hope and aspirations oj ... youth is striving constant· 6000 mile perimeter of a great and deeply back. Because a few have always been known In Glubb Isslled a statemenl on hiS . 'd t d 'sland the territory It is not clear whether theadd~d dismissal last week as rommander ly . . . to acquire what it dream~ of . • . using failh In enN/ 1 St'. h th dvantage of population recently observed II due to the animals of Jordan's Arab Legion. l, ova co la as e a , coming down from the north or the natural Increase The Jordan Radio said last Sat· and industry . . . you\h is Ayre's \'igorous and buoyant . . . 1 radial comm~nicatiol\s wher~as .we have or existing herds. In any event ItII'ger numbers urday Glubb was dismissed be discontented as things are to supply perimeter commumcallons. are being reported to the Fish and Wild Life branch cauSe he defied. a royal d~mand : .. cvcr wain'ing to go higher N I ~ dl dId t -I ,t r· m . that he reorgamze the LegIOn W , I N ew!oun an l.a a s al . 10 of the Department of Lands and. Forests. Qlllie ~ m~rt a danger of attack from Is· ... al\,ays reaching for a scratch a few generations ago to bUIld up number have recently heen seen. on and about Lake ra~1 star ... some folks say that Men~s are in' its capital deficiencies whereas Nova Scotia Nipigon. Amoog them have been aome idcntifiecl TI;e radio as;ertrd that Glubo youth/is shiftless ... bllt I 10 the pas began accumulating capillli goods-spcnl,· as calve~ o( I;:':lt year. Herds as high as 30 Il3v~ main.taillcd the Legion \\'ould hOI'(' l'annot go Ruing •.• witll Lhe (male), lnsp ing here in the economic scnse-more than ueen rtported. The coming Mrason Is expected to In 1I'11l1lh'uw from 8 large par! of ()1l~S willi do nu wI'onll . . . of Co,ullrrat fur I well rememher when ... D~partmfnt "00' . rr produce more. 'rbe carlhou, like tile deer, van ! .the I~'cst bnn~ of ~~e ~lIrda.n. rl\W I ~ ~eals a..,o, . I' d' lord' to season and cir III e\cnt or an ISlaelt ait.uk. It I was jusl a kit! ... and so I 'fl It may be. a perfectlv valid critiCIsm the rice mg P ae~ ace mg : - . ~ s added Ihat the killg replied, "\I'~ ne\'er ridicule . . . '.he Oll~S Dept. that money has not always been used in cumstallces. At thiS season they fmd thedlr . u.tejn. will not gil'c liP one Inch o[ lam!.' who make their bid ... youth '. . d _ ance principally around lake shores r,n mars IY Glllbb's statelnt'nt said he never tries 011 many faces ... Ihat Ne:nfoundland to t~~ best 8n mo:>: lands which they cannot penetrate In the summer discussed Jordan's defences witn change with time alone ... efficient effect. But It 15 equally true tha. For the present it Is • matter of intercst only tn Arab leaders. and added: until at last 'he search Is we are so deficient in capital needs th~n the nature lovers as distinct from !he huntcrs, be· "All.hough. nearly ~ year ago through ... and each has it will take us many generations to catch calise there Is no open !ea!on. What may bt the king. stated hc II'lshed tv de.' found hi~ own. Up with the other Atlantic pl'ovin~es. Even done about that should the herds Ilro\~. to large ~an\~e ~:ry l~n~~d~~siT:~~lan~ub~e~ I NYLON .GABARDINE if we had the means at hand, It would proportions Is something for liter declSlon. quentlv he accepted this a~ im· P.E.I. l)remier take us years to build up our facilities to _:0:':'--;- practical.' I the minimum acceptable standards. But Glubb ~ai~: "Only 21 hours. be· I . h ., d 'tl t [ore I was mformed ot the ktng's Attends Tax '1 we have not got t e money an WI lOU 1 F T'd wi~hes I had enjoyed a ionl: and i recognition of' our needs by Ottawa, we Strengt 1 . or o· ay cordial Interview with him." \ may never have enough. Re,fming ~ a reporttd state· Coilference . And while on .the one side we have By EA!L 1.. DOUGL.to.SS ment that KlRg Hum.ill had eon· .• . Ununlly told him In elimInate tor· CHARLOTTETOWN (CP)- Pre· d £ mier Alex Mathe~on left Wednes· eoulcatillDal I .., i these enormous capital e lClenCles, ruption from the Arab Legion tlle day for Ott.awa to attend a fed· 'particularly in roads and public institu- BELIEF BELP. general saId the U!glon had for ele., !ho eral.provinclal fiscal conference. the Ch,n I' tions, to make good, we have to face on the years ~een famous'for Its incor· He 500k wiUI him a resolution Newloul other side the fact that our sources of 'T'he Belt Ple 111 the U.S.A." ruplibihly.. from the Prince Ed'~-ard Island Savings B . h That's whr.t It 3ild at the entrance of thll "In any case his majesty never legislature endorsing a proposal to Srown, navy, royal, re.venue are bemg tapped today to t e roadside restaurant. Now the pie was very II at any time' raIsed this question build an eight-mile caLSeway con· Street, S limit. eellent. but we ean be pretty sure that there Ire with me," his statem~nt added. neeting Prinr.e Edward Island willi the Coml Nova Scotia derives ~12Yz million 'from probahlya million olher places In the country that ',The Lej!lon's Integrity and loy. the mainland. fawn, black, teal and 24th day "'''' ,,' ( the gasolil1~ tax. We, with a highel' rate serve just as good pie as does this place. Docs this ~J~~IJ~,~ve been a by·word to the The rcsolution R~ks tbe federal ..... :;:o\'crnment 10 dctermine If there grey with self belts. 5 of tax. can look only to about one·quarter me~n, therefore, thllt the proprle(ors were conscious· Glubb .lcl'l'Nl .Jorrlon for 26 is enou/lh fill ncar Cape Tormen· MARKEr of that amount .. One reasOn. is the fact Iy lying? Not at IU. Their estimate of the de· years. 1Ir. welded the Arab Le· tinc, N.B., fOr such R causeway. that road services in Nova Scotia are ae. leclable quality of their pie was simply 1\ measure I!.ion. of 20.~OO men inlo Ihe be~t If such rill is fOund and Ihe pro­ Sizes 29·44 cessible to the entire population. Another of their enthusiasm and self·confidcnee. They might flghttn~ Unit In that part nf the ject feasibie, Ihe resolution calls is that Nova Scotia is 011 the mainland and not have the best pl~ in the U.S.A., bllt !hey thought world. on Ottawa to take Immediate ac­ supplies gasolin~ to thousands of cars and they had and they proceeded on the basis of that COULDN'T FACE coW! tion toward construction of he . d f th conIidence. . BERLIN (Reutel's)-Dolf Malll'er causeway. : truc'sk f rom 0 th el' provll1ces an rom 11 \Vh .. t W.t.i the result1 The result was that Ihey a former mcmbel' of tllc E3~1 Ger·. United Slates. conducted a very successful business. 'fhey might man Yolkskammer fLower HOllse '. RED GESERA!, OlES ., '. Nova Scotia has liquor profits amouht· have said it was because of the pie the), mved. h~s flcd to the west, the anti-Com· MOSCOW (AP) - Rer! Star reo to more than' $10 million. We This Is to be doubted. Their succe .. "'&5 munlst Information Bureau Wesl portcd ednesday the death of reo ing . . t f l'haVt~ Futly reported bere Wednesday. Maurer serve Maj.·Gen. Ivan M. Khokhlov. reac he d t h e satura \Ion pam 0 Iquor largely due to the eonfldence !hey had about the a Christian Democrat, told refuget a hero of the whose profits with one-third of that amount. Nova pie and about everything else In their establishment officials his conscience would nol decoration~ included two Orders of Scotia has highway revenues of more than and about their own utility to put ~hlngs acroll. allow hIm to confiscate .cattlu fr~m Lenin and four Orders of the Red $17 million.. We have hardly any high- llnve faith in yourself. if iou don'~, nObody farmers who failed to meet gov·nalmer. The army ne\\'~paner said ways from which to derive. revenues,' else will have any faith In you, We can do mo.t ernment quota~. he died after a sudden ilInes .. It . .. of ·the things we Ie! ouraelves to do If we 80 about fnd nol gl\'c the dale nor Khokh· It mLgh.t weB have been thought that.· our efforls. In I spirit of confident faUh. YOllr family doctor Is an ex- kov's age. $7. JOHN'I, ~ll thl!se thmgs would have beel'! the sub· . Believe .that 'Iou h.". the best pie In. the ofperienccd the dlsease~ specialist ~hat In affect85 per man·cent Dor~ you----- family n('cd ~ dol" WW'OUNIN.M& h ject or caref1JI' analysis w h en t e .Terms coun~ry, or that )'ou can run Ihe fastest race or kind. He kno~ enrlullh anut the I' tor~ A Cnnadian ~ur\'l'Y sliowed of Union were under consideration. The IITUe Ihe belt poem Ind you'll b.' 011 the way to othfr VI per. eent to summon the that 111'0 of eel'ry five Canadians safety valve .lIes in .the.opportunity afford-" doln, 10. . rlgbt mistanel. _ lee a doctor onee a year. ( , .. '!'

.: , i . :1 : " -. 5 , DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, MRACH 9, 1956 tbe forthcoming skilting parly for Commission Fellowship Club 'hc.gro!lp, and a report wa~ .. iven ajor Carter 011 the club's recent succt:s!>ful sale of home cooking. The meet­ .~ Concludes· Fashion Show period conducted hy Mrs. George ! ks From . , . ing opened with a devotional 'I'llb A t~a and c~llldren ~ fash~on Ccmrie assisted hy Mrs. lYan Heal flS sho~' IS to be .he maIn sprmg lIIaunder Two new memben liamcnt Hill project of the Wednesday Fel'l . . . The Royal Commission on Can· I w h' Club f Cochrane Street' were welcomed to the growln@ t\rnill~-i\S this i~ the t1da's Economic l!'uture, which Jni~e:r Church. Plans for the i c1u.b by the pr~siden', :III'S. ~avid portllllity I hal'c had to has been sWing periodically show, to be held April 11 in Ihe: Baird: T~e girls were. re~lnded . CtP "011 on this programme, o P l' • since last fall, and has heard well League Room of the church. I to brmg In used clot~mg at tht the' openins. of ar mmen • over two hundred briefs from were discussed plclon and ships and it is IInlillCly that Ihis size, which would be small the Throne and the Debate 011 grams just aftcr the Es'.imates Ihal reason we ha\'e to Ihink in I SWEETHEARTS ;r.dl\l~ . were ('\eared shipping problem can be correct· enough to get lnlo the larger Ihe Budget arc the only two oc· were tablcd, and I feci that a terms of priority based on ~r'l • . "a,f;;rllOl1 of all c~n. ed to any grca'. extent in the next olltpol'ls ami specially equipped casions when a mcmber can word of explanation is necessary. Igellcy of need and that explains: \ ' .\1'0 0101.)' "on"trllctl\'C 111'0 yrnrs, consequcntly in ordcr to be able to unload herself mec· talk about almost anything or The fact that your hreakwn'er why some work have been defer· : SISTER - BROTHER • ~' 1111! forward a~ to I 10 a\'oid another coal shortage hanlcally. about any nllmhcr o[ different was nut menlioned in the Esti.· rcd from year to year. I hope: " .. ((.1 ;:'uatlOI1 rould be" lIP-lit .\·eal· 11·.s!lel·lncll I\'ollle! lIn. I Such R ,;hlp would h"I'~ to bc things. On all othl'r occasion.s the I '11 I tand from ,"hat I' AUNT- UNCLE r " mates docs Hot mean tha~ It has . ~·ou 1\'1 . tllle ers ': • ..• , . .. ,: well advi~cd tn start getling theil' I specially designed ~l1d buil'. and :lIembcl' mllst confine Ius rc· bcen left out. Thc ollly works I have saul'.hat the number of; (... rrI'n(r plmrd. lJP~lll\d 'coal ill during lale slimmer' 01" its r:onstruction wOlld involve the marks"o whatcl'er is before jhe that arc listed lieparately in 1hc works lInd~r S15,000 that can be I ~. WlFE - HUSBAND ! •.I~".\ of rinuhl. Ihat thr.1 eRl'l~' fall. . in\'estmcnt of a large sum of House: nnd the House considcrs ES'.I·nlatcs ",I'C tlloSC co"tl'ng SI5,. done ill. any "eRr dcpends upon tl;'! nf Ihr ,hol'la~c flf, ., I d' d I t I I . t t' rt - .. 0 • !j!-r,. r"',11 i~ la('k 01 1'0.1 Ilcgardlllg the pnce of coal it moncy. It. s un. Clsto~ t 1U som.c en y one t .nng a a Ime .. may 000 and ovcr. If YOllr wharf or how big II sharI! we can get of CHILDREN I ~ : . I I p ,was brought out ill tho confer· 'houghl IS hem!: given to tlus he lhe subJ1:ct o[ a ilesolutlon, or hreakwater is under $15,000, the General Grant and ho~ far • : \f: th S, \ II~Y cO~i cr· cnee that thr. pricc of North Cyd. vcntur(', bUI whether anything the Principle' of a Bill. It may be thcn it would not he listed supar. that am~unt can .be stre .ched·1 pa ,e !i ir.~I:l·1 r~;,. I~I r .y ~ ney is $11.25 PCI' ton. Freight will come of it, Is impossible 10 a clau5e in a Bill or an Ilcm in atety in the Estimates. Works Perhaps m IjlY .next talk I shall LOVED ONES !;:!', .. el~~ ~\";h~~ Ial~~ ~::~1. a\·~rnges. !Il'fJund $i.OO pel' ton ~ay a~ th~ pl'esent lime. One the Estimates, but whatevcr it under $15,000 Are all lUOlped .'.0- be able to explain it a lWle more i! i! %r~drrl into uniform which bnngs the cost to $18.25 .illng IS ro ella.IIl, II sp.!f.tlnloaeling i~ the memher Olusl' speak on get her and financed out oC the fully. Thank you. RELIGIOUS It' It' h per ton ThclI to lila', musl be add. coal camel' 15 not likely to be ' ~::=:::::~~-~':;:-:-::::~~:::::::;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;~I- 1\" ~ el!!11 me td! ed slIch Items as InslIrance 25c. al'ailable within ,the next year III II ne \'Pry c ean 8n •• tl ttl d'lI I I c~!t lree. Bllt you can get per ton: cost of rll~harging which or two 50 la Ie con I onR nex. e REV. FATHER run~ from 75c. to $1.00 per ton. fall will prohably be the same as Provincial sales tax .or around' those experienced last Y1!ar, For 6Oc. per .ton; and in some cases YOllr own protection, ,I.herelore, • SISTERS harbour dues of 25c. per ton and yotl should endeavour to secure lown taxes of 50e. per ton. This your coal as early In the slimmer • MINISTERS brings the landed cost up to and Fall as your elrcumslfi,nees around $21.50 or $22.50 per ton. wlll permit. . In some cases, of course, cartage On account of this Coa\ Can· and Many Others! or Iluekagc or an extra freight feronce I arrived at Ott.awa four must. be added to tllat figure days after Parliament opened. My making the landed cost stili high· first act was to read the Speech In fact folks, whatever your taste may be In cr. The Newfoundland outport from the Throne to find ou\ what coal denlcr makes I'ery little pro- legislation the Governmen~ plan· Easter Cards you'll find them all at Tooton's, fit on coal except what he makes ned to bring beCore Parhament un '.he freight. And that is not this Session. I was disappolnt.ed, for we have the biggest selection ever to are inl'i~rd fnr ap- . very milch becnnse u 200 ton \'cs· as 1 am sUI'e you all were, to fmd 10 th~ l'''~t .. r (jUicer, sd costs amlln« $100 pel' clay 10 'hat thel'l! was no mention of ~n. choose from. Im)('.,. hl>I'C(·\(II'. ill the opt'I",t" whit'll WUl'ks nul to clI1\lulYlllcnt Insurance fur Fish· \ 01 l''''''III'r .Iin, allli Sn· arulIlIll 50l'. pCI' tOil 11,,1' d:IY. If CI'III('II. The Debule 011 the Ad· rl'~.rlll1l·1I1 01 Fishl'ril's' thc trill I:lsl,; 14 days 'he ollel·at· 11I'!'ss in reply til the Sllee('!1 from 1.. 'i'1!~ ;,,1:11 r !ur \ illl( I'usts a 111011 11 I tn S7.01l ller tllll th(' 'fhl'ollt' was alrcady 10 full j . "I1~:;~(\~~1t~;~;::~u.un, ~~I_~he_\~~llIle__ cnrninlls .. CI'O!II_~~~\'~lg ..!1~~I_.~~_~.(~:·'I~~t.l~e of ,..-- SIMPlE SALMON PRICED F'ROM ,11IIulll 11111 hI' h'~~ I . ,I Hhl' \.-('al':'o ur nltr. A '_.' ...... ,',' .,...... • ...... '.' ... ~...•.. ,-:,.~ '.'...... t: ... "'....• ~ •. :,.•. -._~:~.,. ... ~ •. :df.'" ~'''.!' ~~~~~N LOAF !. --- ~ -', r[)d/(J/ot.ls· .. &i.5:Y to Ina/:e wit!, ~ • "'''''-''. '" .... -;1, -.," , ," r. 11: 6t '('('JllI\lil1~ (lrineil)I~~ : , ...... ,...... ,~ ..,/,. "·····0,:·,·4 I I I': (M_k .. " I. 6 1I,.lng.' I J TO . 1.1 I•• u •• _Imo. f2 SIJlRLAC I 1~~~Jl~i~~r:rr i~sse~:~~\: \:'·> .. EuttersOOtch~pec~riC6ok~§:;:i··; I ,"p.' : . 1,2 cup. c.ok.d, flokod .. Im.n I • 5 1.00 , , I in SI. .~(;~~~~a~;11 \~~I:I ~~ \ :...... ,·2t·;'L, ~":';>"'<"'i\:;>';;">~\{"';~'<';;;,), ·.~2h'\lG 2 ,up' .011 bllod crum". ! I I~ Iral'rl rxtcllsi\'ely ; I I ogg, WIll b ..I,. I 1', cup .otmo. liquid Ihr rro\inrr. 1 Grcn£c cookie ~hccts. Preheat oven to 350' (moderate). I I Try Simple Salmon Loaf soon. Pick up your Easter Cards now while the ., ! .\ , . !1 I ;.pplicanl will: Mix Rnd sift twice 2~:i c. once·sifted pastry flour (or 3 tb.p •. 51_01., pow"" Starlac's milk-sweet flavour adds I 2 t •• p•• mIn,"." ,a,lI.y I I 10 fllrni!h the l1a1l1r~ I ZH c. once·sifted all·purpose flour). 2 tsps. Magic BaJ[· f ! . ~mplo,en anrl two I 1 I.p. 1.lt I 60 much to all "made·with·milk" selection is complete I ing Powder and !'2 lsp. salt. Cream %c. butter or lnIIr· 2 lb., •• mln •• d onlo" • ! " . ~nd 10 undergo I . l. natifln. gRrine Rnd gradually blend in 1 n c. lightly.packed Few .,nln, coV"'"' P'"p.' I reCIpes. "HII,,.·;,,.,.,, in writinll, stat. brown sugar; ndd 2 well· beaten eggs part at a time. I 2 Ibl,l. m.It.1I lIuller I '··'."u,n;l\ qllalifications, beating well after each addition; mix in ~ tsp. vllnilla I 2'b',I. 11m," lui.. I elc., &hould be ad. lind % c. chopped pecans. Add flour mix· I Drain lalmon, reservlnll liquid. Remove I ABOUT 10 the t:h'i! Serl'ice Com. ·ture to creamed mixture part at a time, I Ikin from salmOJl' then flake, add crumb. I o! Xell'foundlr.nd Ncw. combining thoroughly after each addition. I and weil be olen ellg. To Yz cup .almon TOOTON'S Sal'ings Bank B~i1dlng, Drop dough by spoonfuls, well apart, on liquId add Slarlae and mIx, add to I Street, SI. John's, 80 prepared cookie sheets; flatten with the I lalmon mIdura, wllh remainIng Ingre' I ¢ the Commission on or floured tines of afork. Bake in pre· heated I die nil. Turn Inlo buttered loaf pan I 24th day of March, oven 10 to 12 minutes. Remove from pan aboul 7 Yz" II 3 Yz N II 3", smoothing lop. I Place In pan of flot wale, and bake in I Limited CONTAINING immediately. Yield-6 dozen cookies. I moderate oven (37SoF.\ for 040 minI. I . ; SHOULD BE L ______Distributor for STANLEY Greeting Cards ~[AnKED "n·F & C. ;." ",,' .. ,',', c·'·'· . " -, ,. I ... A QUART! Always Depelldable in Newfoundland Ii, J. C.'RTER, :.. :' . '" ,', .. :;,- -- .. :.;;,:;:: .,' ('hairm~n, CUTS MIILK BILLS IN HALF! Smlce Commlulon. 7


\ NEWS, THE DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY,· ~RACH ~~~~------::::::::::::::::::::::====~==~======~ I I The Angry HiU5-~~ . • ":.:'':,::' '.;:;..IM!.imATI ~~~, Leon M, ~rls 'CHIT -CHA.T - - - • '.' i':":-,.. ~..-11!4111 o 1955 b, I.Hft M. Uris, Ule •• , .,ra ..... " CONVALESCING Ithe wonderful sholl's wh' '"" ",ad.. HR1ISI,lnc,Diltlib.'.~ ., HE.\. The many friends or )Irs, Wm, prcsented weekly b)' this I~b Melpo's vege'able gardcn and uut Burton will be glad to know she Enjoy shows over the THE STORY: Mike Morrl· thc gate, has bccn dischargcd from, hospital on TV? Once you get to son.n Am.lcln hn b•. ,n C1ulht by the German InYal, Out in the main squal'c, he was \ and is' now convalcscing at her live theatre these other Ion of Grec'ce In 1941. He mcbhed with welhvishers, 1\1oth. i homc, 57 Lc~larchant Road. seem only second rate, has m.morlud a co:led IIIl of ers and daughters arrivcd [rom ' , ( ~Iutiny Court ~Iartial" Und.rground I.ad'n the Ger, their collage.>, and mcn drupped' gN ROUTE 1l0~1E for ncxt week. The mini want, He was captured, Weir p~ws and came ~um ~c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! DI~. Reginald ~ Godden II'ho authentic and fields. has been on a business trip to hundreds of dullars, ';0 bu~ 'Icap.d from I prisoner of WI r train. Inlured, h. Michael'Morl'isoll, the cynic, The F -I C -I New York and 1I1ontreal L, nuw in to book ),our scats for thi! IWlkens In a house own.d by the scoffer at sentiment, was Toronto, and will be rcturning to and next. deeply moved by It all. am' I Y' ,0u-n'c l' the city next weck. Christos Yllourls. The ,'l11age of I'aleaehora lay I - LEI'"T .. OR XIU peaccfully on the slope of a hill l,m'T FOR BER"IUDA Mr, and ~Irs, ,Joc within sight of the island.do'ted Mr. and ~Irs. Cecil Duff, 22 Itustellan Road, le!t herc b) "MANY of you Englczos sold It len jumped of! Ihe prison Il'ain," Aegean Sea. was much like' Falkland Street, left here hy TCA Wednesday ,on a hUEin!!S Chrlstol said, "The people knew any o'her village in the province WedQesday to spend a holiday in pleasure trip to ~luntrcll it would Ire only a matter uf a Mike and, EleCtheria would *EDITOR'S NOTE: The Family Council consists of a judge, Bermuda. New York, day beforc the Gcrmans searched walk hand in hand past the • psychiatrist, a newspaper editor, a wom.en's page editor and HANCE TOllilGllT AT GRACE, Ihe place. 1II0st c! '.he other Brit· Chnrch of the Prophet Elias to a stream which flowed past a clear. two newspaper writers. These oansult with clergymen all The regular ~'riday night dances Her many friends I\ill h! Ish soldiers movcd into the hills." of Ing thick with pine needles, In faiths and denominations, All leiters are held ·in -complete con· at the YWCA, which were I'esumed 10 learn that ~Irs. Allan - "Go on, pleasc." last weck by popular request, will Elizabeth lll'enue. u "Fortunately, a member of my ihe peace and sercnlty of the udence. . continue tonight. Music' will be operation at the pas'oral sCCne he often found it crew happened to be visiting the • • supplied by recordings. All young ~Irs, Johnston is nu"' leclillh\I' house in Naup\lon when you difficult to concentrate on his people jn the city are welcome at bettcr and is con\'alescin' came. You were unconscious and Greek lessons. She would throw lVIRS. B.-Our daughter makes im­ her head back and laush at Ilis these dances, . whieh arC' under " unable to move, You were put theauspiees of Ihe senior clubs FRO~I GARNISIl I cfforls to pronoullce the Sand aboard my boa'.. broughl you , poss,ible demands. oC the YWCA, The dance will be Mr. Caleb ~Iarsh Qf here." . Ihe Z wllh proper sof'.ness. Mike , held at the recreation ruoms on at present viSiting the "You are a fisherman then." would suddenly find hlmsclr pat· Harvey Road. . business. He came over "I, Christo!, am sole owner of ting her olive check, or, when THE COUNCIL-The family has climbed he put bls arm about her waist, by car from Garnish this the mill in Paleachora," I1C an· RETURNED I'RO~I ENGLAND nuounced with much pride. "I he noticcd that her childlike face too far. lIequired a sleepy feminine look, Mrs, Olga Embleton who was SPORTS WEAR kccp the boat for-cr-Irading visiting her daughter, ~Irs. J. K. The girls a! the 'i·te(~ -and other purposes," Christos 'l'hey would be silent for long Burrell in England, returned to will model sports wcar winked slyly to indicate his boa', pcrlods. of' all the' strain and tension the 1 fIll t I . SI. John's Wednesday by IUI.S. fashion show which ii was engaged In some sort of busl. • • • MRS, lU. T, B.-1'IIy husband and ler ee 1a S Ie is an outcast unless N r I" ncss not gcncrally accepted as HE had li'lle occasion 10 say girl puts me under. h ' cw ound anu and is livin!: with, at Pitts Memurial 11.11 on more than "hello" to the tll'O I are at OUI' wits' en~ because our ~ e can demonstrate by costly Jiv- her daughler and sun,in·law, ~Ir. 22nd. Tickets rna)' he hal leglstimR\e practice by the law. cannol send hcl' to a boarding lllg that she is up to her new en. and Wickford Collins at 11 YWCA. ..\t the end of '.he week a doctor British cseapees in Paleachora . ~'oul~gest daughtel' is making ,im· 1 ~Irs. came from Dadi. nnwrapped Ihe i\llke studiously al'oided the tran· pOSSible demands on us. We have ;chool because I ctll1'l afford the \'Ironment.' This is dangerous now Beech Place. LEFT FOR TORO:"\T() bandages,. eXilmineel \lUkc's in· sicnts wbo hid oul in the church. had 110 such problem with the old, tuilion and boarding fees, Ipt alone to the parenls, bUl it will ARRIYED THURSDAY Dr, J. A. Walsh 01 He did get. trapped into sevcral juries and declared him a lUcky 'he further demands she is sure be dangerous to Celia all hcr Dr, and ~Irs, John BlII'kc or: hcre by TCA \\'cdnc,d,,' young man. con\'Crsations \\'ilh an Australian er children, but Celia, aged 15, i~ With Eleflhcrla's hclp he wob· who callcd himself Blncy. Bluey nevel' satisfied with what we do to mal,e. 1 think the trouble is life. unless she is cured of this in. Grand Bank arrived in the city by I meetings o[ the (anadiaJ . thal m.Y wife did not [JUl her foot car from Grand Bank on Thurs- i Association. bled from the cottage dressed In sta~'ed with a family just a fcw for her and doesn't seem to l!ar(' security. An abnormal drive to day. They I'epurt IImt the road is ----__ • corse SCI of peasant's clothcs, coUages away from Christos', at all when \\'e tell hel' tha t we lawn 500n enough. spend money for social· reasons in exccllent condition and the ~relpo supplied him wi'h a heavy Bluey aside from repeating the s'.ory of his escape [rom the Sla. would ruin ourselves if we ga\,£' • $. e'\ 'I 'II I I h dril'ing \\'as pleasant. Dr, Burke I.OSG DIST,\~'(E t'ane. With the hclp o[ the cane 'II~ C I al11 y IVI not le p er to get is here for the conference on thc SASKATOON ((PI -\~':'JI~~~~~~~ -and one arm around Eleflheria, lag of Cornllh, did reveal some· her half of what she demanded. CI ~ ., 11-1'vly par 2nls ne\'Cl' do alon.g \vell with a sll'ub"gll' no" 11US' ,\Irs, George Shep'.lcrd, ... thing of Interesl to Mike. It seem· . f I f - South West Coast, which opens on he made his way from the cot· tried hard to appease her m~' 111l11g or me wit lout irst band, ~[ondal'. They are registercd at physcis exhibition at the . tage Inlo Ihe sunnghl, Ihrough ed that many wealthy' Greek I have families in Athens had provided buying her more clothes than we fightillg about· it. They have Sendin!!" Cell' a to a boal'dl'll" the Newfoundland lIotel, sonof Saskatchewan, at Ihe Unil'ersih' boa's for British soldiers to es· can afford, but nothing seems to never gh'en me any pleasant sur· schOOl wiII not be worth the fillan~ MUSICAl, AlIiD TEA OVer the telctype,1h~ l'ape to North Africa, \lUke flied prises such as ,the other girls arc cial strain, since she will have the The Macdonald rellol\'ship Club I messag.es. came 111 a, 1111 Two-Ways Smart It as all ace in thc hole shOUld any· satisfy her, Every concession we thing go wrong in his attempt to make seems to lead to more de· always telling me about. We moved same problem of keeping up with or the YWCt\ will hold an after.llransml~slon or prob.er.,1 . l 'ghb h d t I noon musical and tea I'n the re'I' ele.ctro~le calculaUir at t.".1 ., contact Dr. Harry Thaekcry. mands, Rec~nlly, she suggested 111 0 a lleW nel. or 00 wo years .t le Joneses tllere. Cell-,~" be]ollg.".'creation rooms at the YWCA on umvers II'~. When !lUke inquired as '.0 how ,. -10 Bluey would get to Athens, Blucy that' she would like to' go to a ago and I had to go a new school. In an atmosphere where she is ob. St. Patrick's Dar. An excellent ------I <4 .- didn't quite know. Every train boarding school. My husband ob· but my parents don't seem lo real· viously as well off as the other girls program o[ music is planned and HONORED cmm 1. It. was loaded with Inspeelors. jects because he can't afford it. ize that r llave to keep lip with the It was a mistake for this family to the afternoon promises to be mosl PRINCE RUPERT, B. ( \~ Travel passes were needed to • 10 but I feel that I will go off my othel' girls 01' feel lik~ an outcast. l11~ke an abrupt change from a poor intercsting, ;~~!~ Tth:'J~~~~~i~harnbtr ~ .. I} budge an Inch Itl Ihe coun'ry. • "Know something," Jay? You mind if we don't get her out of the [ do feel that way now, and that', neighborhood to a neighborhood of LEFT WEDNESDAY . merce Alcx Hunler '110 talk like t.hose Yanks I seen In house. why I would like lo go to a board· well-to.do people. Dr. W. Grobin, Church Hill, left/ Prince Rupert's 'n" hool I I '11 l I ,here by TCA Wedncsda.v on a husi· for 195j. Alex Hunter 'I' the fllcks." 1 "sc ,W lere WI no lave We do not ad"I'se' co,~n equall," ness trip to Ottawa, New York the Prince Rupert Dailr That, \lUke explained, was be· • • • I I cause he worked for a shipping 10 meet llese gil's any more, abrupt retreat, but it seems urgent- and Toronlo. company in San Francisco Cor 14 1\1. T. B.-1 thought I was doing • *. Jy necessary that Celia be brought TO VISIT years. well in life Ul1ti1 OUr girl bel gall THE COUNCIL: The root of thi~ down (0 a lower spending plane by "'SITING CITY is~~~~~~~\!i~fs{;Eh;! . After dinner, Christo! shooed F ·~4 f.J" Melpo and Elefthcria from· the growing up. '01' a man wit lout problem is the abrupt ehant;e this being (allen to a medium neighbor. . ~Irs., A. Foote .arril'ed in the proval for a European • ~~ ~ . (01111al education, I prided myself r hood and a different SCllooI. city ) estcrday hy S. S, Burgeo I bl' British Columbia'; 11 room and the ',wo seltled back. . tl I t II 1 I I d b runily made in mO\'ing into a new. from Granrl. Bank, and ,will spend '.: ttiade up of school~.ir1s . "Christos. I'll put it straight i.& l~ ,1.• on le ac 1a la eC0111e one anc1 ric IleI' nClg. 1I bOl·hood. Celia. at Tlll'S kl'lld of sl'tua11'on 1'5 not tin. a ~ Ilor t I10! I d ay here 1I'Ith friends I ages or 12 and 18, Tile I've got to get to Athens." "You do not. like It here?" of the executives of a local indus· tbe formative age of 1:3, was throwli common among people who start at hefore leal'lng .lor ,the United: sing in France. Gcrrna"' "I like it here very much." try. I wanted to do 11101'e for 111\ , the bOttOITI of th" economt'c ladder States for a hohday III the South. ' Engiand, Scotland ~r.d i · h d bl 1I1to competition with appal'elltJ~" I' , "Then why you want to leave? youngest t h an I a been a e to over.privileged children. and rise far al;ove. It can make LONDON THEATRE FOR :\tILK O~1Y , . You'll be picked up for sure." do for' the others, but I am reach· . for lasting unhappiness fOl' all con. Bookings {or "Fair and Warm· I LIVERPOOL Er.da~i "You know why, Christol. I ing the point where I may not be She e\'identIy has a strong feel· d I er" have been fairly good at the Britain's milk' marketing endanger the whole village. They t h Id d . b b 'f . . d h cerne , un ess wisely and cour· London Theatrc this week but ~oing 10 open some burned a village yesterday Cor abI e 0 0 own my]o ecaus: __~:~ a Illsecul'lty, an _ t is makes ageously corrected. there is still room for more' peo- of its own, becaiI

Iii t If .you are worried where to get yout many smart styles in .' I . i PIEA~ Weari~g Apparel for yo~r. family, why a wide array of colors make ,h. " FROM Wercon,e Wagon not try our excellent Budget PJan. Paid Hostess Will Knock on Your Door p~rt down -a~d'the balance ~o suit your ILl with Gifts and Greetings •• from F, iendly Business own conveni~~e •• weekly, fortnightly or Neighbors ana Your Civic and Social ~onthly. ' Welfare Leaders On fhe occasion 01: • FI The Birth of e Baby PROMINENT STYLE SHOP Arrivels·of Newcomers to THE 'PREMIER"GARMENT co. LTD.' City •• 282 WATER ST. . WATER ·ST. DrAl 6161 I 'Phone 3031 'I .. ~ '. .. 1" • l ' DAILY NEW~I FRIDAY, MRACH 9, 1956 " . ~is Shamrock Cake Is American Menu HaU:Size Style USE FROZEN SIIRIMP AND FISH STICKS ON 'nDBlT TRAY t. Patrick's pay Delicacy BY GAYNOR llADDOX . A MA.IOR sea·food packer in St, ~ which this Simons Island, 'Georgie, sent us several packages of his shrimp he radio and fish sticks. The fish slicks t tu enjo~ are frozen ra IV instead of pre· ncr showl cooked. This results in a fresher t~. "The flavor. ,I" is the The shrimp are both Ule quick. · custumes cook trpc and breaded. They are Illentally both f1ash·frozen individually and · so don't Df courSe cleancd, peeled and de· [O!' this New Hats Put Limelight on, Hair veined. We just deep fried tile breaded shrimp and raw fish sticks, and boiled the quick·cook shrimp brief Iy according to directions. The dip was a subtle mixture but easy to prepare. • $'~ & Cheese and Sour Cream DIp (Makes 1 cup) A:t~~ 4 One and one·quarter.ounce pac· kage blue cheese, 3-ollnce package cream cheese with chives, 1,':1 cup sour cream, ~ teaspoon salt, ~ l!On~n ror St. ~atrlck'5 Day I~ this shamrock cakt, shaded teaspoon monosodium glutamate. · ,rrrn wilh a vanllla·llme 'rosting. Let cheeses stand at room tem· pera ture to soften, tilen hlend to· ~t C;.\\':\on ~1.\1I110X I in p;ms. Turn out on wire cake getiler until smooh. Whip In sour , II I racks to finish cooling. cream Bnd seasDnings. Chill over­ _ drlirztr ~r~cn. al'or I Spread Crcamy Vanllla·Llme " night In refrigerator to mellow. • ~f' II .:' !;r.j I:mr. h~re",a J:.rc~I·1 frosting between layers and on lop ,11 or GJrni;~ ;:,:.n~-:,nd 5t. I alrlCk- anti sides of cake. Place an open· Here's a delicious 8hrlmp dish g the city tilat mar .be used for many types " ~~ff, I;:h. i top shamrock cookie culler In cen· ~ c (l\'rr the of meals, but is especially good on !ish this . .~nll· ~hal11r~ck Cake • tel' of cake into which sprinkle 11'le"l: IZ srnin.J:.s) 'green granulated stlgar. Remov~ the buffet table: . "1 h'fc:rl'r tll'u·tJllrds cu~; cookie cutter. Shrimp DiU Amber Rice (8 to B . I'" rl~p;; 5ullar Crcamy "anllla.1.lme Frosting servings) , purr I'amlla extract (Yield; Sufficient for tops and r. tr"i)Jons graled f~'esh . shIes of 2 rount1 8·lnch layers) Two 8·ounce packages quick· r.:o J. Bral \11 4 e~g :I'hlles, Combine!i cup sugar and :! cook shrimp, ne·lhird cup hutter I: ! time. !lI1'nd I~ .~ lea-, t.1hlespoons cornslarch in a sauce· or margarine, 1 can, (10~~·ounce) pr~ I'e,rt:,ble ca,oring. Ipan. Add I~ cup milk and cook conden salt, dill seed, rice and Jiquid., Send order to A~'NE A DAM S, , :0 spring. Certainly, the coiffure nell' home pcrmanent. It has' ing. it can he coaxed intn the proper ~!ix. wcll. 1 care of ST, JOHN S DAILY NEW. j' I It. needs refurblshing,too. lanolin in the waving lotion in th~ Also nc\\' i~ a shampoo. It I, shape for Ulat new hat. A dan· .~ PaUcrn Dept, 60 FRONT STREE1 druff lotion and a cream dressing Bring mixlure to a boil, cover I WEST, TORONTO, ONT. ,1 II , • Just In time lor tills coil· con· end papers and in Ole neutralizer designed to take only Dne suds· ." , sclous seaSDn is a new series of It a1so comes in a pin.curl model ing to get the hair clean. It has to tuck in wisps are also new. tightly and simmer about 10 min· ',1: ~oj : ' ". -..:..------. a spedal ingredient that Ihe mak· Tlle shampoo, cream rinse, dan· utes, or unlil rice is lender. Ad· FAST·DRYING . I~ !! , , druff lotion and crea m dressing U ' er~ M,'1ke er claims works on dull hail'. II just seasonings, if necessnry, and Nylon yarns dry fast bccaus, ~I . '/b 14 iUann - n has a nonalkaline formula. are available in one small kit, In add shrimp 10 mixlure. Heat ano · their chemical composition is re ,~~ l A cream rtnse that goc~ on small bottles. serve immediately. sistant to moisture absorption. '17 Friends :1 .\ ~ 3 ,~ 'I' • , t} ,to NEEDLESS honking of an au· 1 I t', tomboUe horn is simply bad man· NEWFOUNDLAND'S LARGEST AND I~~ i~. ners. The car ahead· of \'011 wlil I :r start up when the light 'changc5! .:1 11 , • I without any reminder from your 'I' horn. And blowing a horn at a MOST M'ODERN BAKERY-! .'l , ~~ il. Day after day we tak!! for grail· pedestrian who Is trying tu !l~l! ted tile fact that tilcre wil b~ across a crowdeu street may con· I J food on OUr table. The food has fuse him and make him slep back I alway. been there, or if tilere has into the patil or another car. i IIn.K OSI.1 been' a break In tile continuity It Go easy on the horn-for good, '. En;:;and has been of short duration. We' manners. for noise control, and: for a delicious marketin~ are pl"OZIe to forget tilat the growth for safety. I some ,I I I of meat and v e get a b I es Is a • I. ,~cau;e It ! ml r a c 1 e 0( nature beyond the I 'arin" the mechanical abUities 01 man. We, H.OUS el 1old flInt II forget that the processes of nature; ENRICIIED are ordered by a pow~r that IS: T sl.or lace wrap it in waxed, bigger thaD we are. tl : nup~r and put' it· in a cool, dry; i The Power \\'ho orders Ie IInl· . lace I U · q'.:ick and look what I! verse and aU ils natural proccssc." . I I · br my!cl!'" ~aid Samm)'j' is God. We st~nd in aWe of a FAVORln: DRI:-iK I U:'f 1o see it. too, man·made tele;,lSlon set. or. all.. Inhabitants of Tihet are said ta I WHITE n u mher e d dots 10· "atom-smasher, but It IS Go J i have a habit of drinking mOoi'i Illan . with 1\01 number who creates the materials and Ule I 30 cups of lea el'ery dar. t elj:n~ \I illt dot number processes that we undersland 111 r I: il I'rr)' ~Clod. Xo won· part and use onl~' sllg~ltly. . I SAINT JOHN. N. 11. (CPl-A 1,- ! 11!1 prt,l:d or II. Color GOd Is awe-Inspiring If II'E! ~I en, SOD.pound buH mOOlle WAS IIhJpped BREAD j painl; or crnyuns. Button,on magic! Simple IUD. casuallY consider nature '!·lth i~s from here aboard the llner Beaver· , cause and effect relationships. brook for the London Zoologtcal So. j style becomes a dainty party·go· But !lIore Inspiring are Ihe hu· clctv The moos. camt from t'l~ " ~OIlET (,O)IPUISS Ing dress, when YOIl button on the I tI hi hi h manat .. lItUe coli arcHeI Lovely' lon~ prill' man re a ons ps w c e . e Quebec City zoological gardens b) IReulersl-Russia has from a persona] God Who created rall MAKE SURE nT'S III Ir"n protesting tile cess lines above a flaring s irt - man In His own Image yet with __. ______the dqlllt\' Sol'iet mil· most bee 0 min g fashion for a Individual dif1erences. No two In Tehran, It was dis· ymmg figure, sew·vcry·easyt people In the world have tile sam\! own thinking and acting but we lI'ednl·sdar. The SOl'iet Pattern 472j: Teenage Sizes 10, physical fe a t u res, mental can be happicr people and live p~bli!hed th~ note as the 12, 14, 16. SIZe 12 dress takes 4~' characteristics, e mot Ion a I reo more satisfactorily If We seck to '. ~Iaj. ,\nntoli Kuznetsol', yards 35·lnch fabric; ~ yard can· actions, nDr spiritual attributes. follow the pattern of life outlined to'lle home. He was ar· trast for collarette. With the freedom of c hoi c e by God through tile religions lea· Iranian ;Hurill' officers This pattern easy to use, simple which we have We can order our ders of history. if.d ~l'Cll'I'd (,f ~pying. to SCII', I~ tested for fit. Has com· .::.:=:.....:.:..:...:.:.::.:.=-::..:....:..:::.:.....::.:.:.:.:.....:::.:::.....:..:...:.:...:.--~------plele lllustrotcd instructions. Send TlIlRTY·FIVE CENTS (3j cents) in coins (stamps cannot be accepled 1 for this pattern. Print STEP PRETTI 1...""'" p[alnly SIZE. N A ~l E, ADDRESS int.o t.he STYLE NUMBER.~· Send order to ANNE A DAM S. care of ST. JOliN'S DAILY NEWS SPRING Pattern Dept, 60 FRONT STREE'.t' WEST, TOIONTO, O~T, . SEASON! LO:-iDO~, On!. (CPl-An electric train and a cat collided herr. Po· , lice constable Roy Heath took the ; model train apart to relcase the The Sprilll Pa:ade's Jus\ 1 entangled fclinc. ahead I Step Into It In our AND IF YOU/R'E HAVNG A PARTY Imarter.tlt,n.e\'tr "LATTIIS for Sprln,! !lee thell excltlnJ plaia and try the . ..• fOR AliGHT SMOKE faney versions of the n.w In with a SprinJ .tyle and comfDrt. :THIN SLICED i PLEASING TASTE 3.95 '.' make friends with SANDWICH. , • SUEDE • CALF IliP MORRIS •. PATENT • RED , .I, .IROWN • TAN • ,VANILLA • NAVY LOAF! ·ILACK MADE FROM THE WORLD'S FINEST TOBACCOS NEWFOUNDLAND'S LARGEST AND MOST M,ODERN BAKERY! TOAST OF THE TOWN m7,8(1I) THE lJAIL Y NE:WS, FRllJA Y, MRACH 9 , ' With MAJOR , (3AH! GET Up, Yo!..! 051:;51!'O5/ ALL YOIJ Steamship Movem 'DID I..;A6 CRACK Report YOUR <;;KUL.L6 Latest Stock Market FURNESS WARReN '-INE !Sailing Mar. 22. Cent iO(ilSTHEI<. -­ NO "DAMAGe:.! Newluundland due Halifax ~Iar. Bedford II IM\'ing 13. due St. John's lIar. 17, due i 20 due SI Joh' ' .lIrad"ay ::.1800 no m IZ!! ; 2 ,Sulll"n 400 ~.o $3) 540 + 111 S~. John's Mar. 10. Sailing for I lng ~Iar. 23. n S liar. ToaONTO CLOSI:oI ,Jock Waitt !8oo 36 33 3 .1\,: ,Upp Can aaoo 100 1\.1 lOll 1:1 .AI,om ...... 60 77~ 77. 7il ,.Inyo I:,pl 87~1IO 110 100 103 • ~ \'cnlu,o, 3~'5 40 39!~ 3!11,~ - 1/2 pool April 6. , N.B., Jl!ar. 13, 2S0J 29 '27 ~8 -I xAm L"rder 1[.00 18\J 18~~ IS": !\:.lellnttte 21' 3 32 3.' -2 :\ VleOllr :!O():!73 25 :!1 - :; Newfoundland Ica\'ing Liverpool S1. John's lIar. xAl1IandJi :6400 ~3 ;;u .\l ; 1 );.J,.lIIro~ 1M 11 1, 11'~ It~~ • 'j~ xVolnmac li:i U\'o: 141~ H'':t "Am :-;eph.1 1.5 162 13 xJobnrlle liO I I - J Wnlte AIll April 4, due SI. John's April 10. North Pioncer I• .,'; •.. · 1Z~1) t61.~ 'I :.!OlO 23 :!l 23~1· b x.\naeon. :U 3Zl 313 320 -5 x.Jolet 171"0 ~·:s 120 1~' I' xWni !\tatar 21101 23,1 273 273 Leal'ing for Halifax and Boston N.B., Mar. 20, x.~n, nou~. 200 153 130 IlJ ,:l ,.Io",lI1l1h 101n~ 40 39 39 -I 0 ,Wl1lroy 1 "AptX' Ru ~OO 19 ISI.-i 19 .. ; .. ~"e-n\·111., 101)1))1\ fU: !'H, - I;: xWlhe~' ~~o 13~~ 13 ,2 13'. - I,,. April 11. due Halifax April 13 and S1. John's ~Iar. 26 .Ar.. 500 48 46 I -I K.rr Add IS3 171, 17 1;' m. - I, .Wlnche.tcr 13000 II 10!' 11 Boston April 16. Leaving Boston North Coasler • .Arjon 49100 37 3! 3 .. I .Kr,·boycon 17000 12 II 1\ - '.' ,II'r lI.rg 930 191 -191 191 - 4 1000 4B 47 47 +~ April 17 and Halilax April 21, due N.B., Mar. 27, xA'tOI 13~ 41'.;' 40\, lUI; - ': .lie)'m.1 lllO n 69 n .4 ,\'alr L.Rd 2Hmo I Il', I +3 ••\Uat \11 23300 24 ~3\' :'1 .1 xl{llomh. :::'0 m 410 Al ,Vollore, s~. John's April 23. Sailing for St, John's Apr. 2. ,AUln.Rul 4000 I~ 13 13 ,Kllomb. ,,1, 2300 2~0 ~B1 2ft\ .l .Vk Dear 1~10 m ~o 23~ 300 I~ 1m 1111 - " Llvcrpool April 24. A \'essel Ical'ing xAubell. "2700 ~3\\ 18 19 _I .Klrk lI11d I:~' S~ 7fi 62 -3 ,Vuk.no 21700 50 4 4B -2 , x.\um ..ho 79392 3 60 63 _~ .Klrk Lak. IllIO II ,:, 44 -'l ,ZenMRc N~\'a Scotia leaving Liverpool 11, due SI. John's Apr I " xAUmlque 1:!3(){'1 - l.abrlldor 2i 1r.;. I1'J. Curb ~3'~ ~ ~2'1 ~~ 1!'~t. 29~J 40 1, 33 4DI,1 3 >, + April 21. due SI. John's April 27. Apr. 18. . ~ "A,'lIIabo.. 8300 IZ Ill, tI', _ .Klrk Town 2300 31 31 31 - '. GOIP. Cop 100 15 Il I~ l;Ba.lmac SJOO I:!', 1:? 1:!~. _ \. L"bradar I'll Jr1. If.'. 1!'~, xPalD Lea~ing for Hal!lax and Boston NOI'aport leal'ing .Ba.ke.o 1Il0 33'. 33!' 331, _~\, ~L.k. CInch 3300 273 23 !!1D -10 OILS xB.nkOold 1100 111': 11\. Ill" _ \, .L Duloull 13110 m 230 :1\ -4 Apnl 28, due Hailfax April 30 and 21, due S1. John's A IBlrnl1 11200 ~2 90 !'O _I xLakr ).Ing :I,n 15 13 13 -', Boston May 3. Leaving Boston May ing Apr. 28. pro .Ba,,'u. i2013n 133 133 -2 .1. Sordlo 16121.1 ZOl 210 + 10 ,AJax lJUO 7~ 70 iO IB:lr)'mln 3000 ZlO :18 :!30 i:: sL Otru .1(" 2ft 2'\ ~B xAlber ".. 2iOl) I Ill.': I 4 and Halifav 1I1ay 8, dllc SI. John's ,Ba" ll.11 51118 93 !\ol 9.1 _I xL Shore 211:10 ,m lO • 10 xAP Con. 10:\0 31 31 31 .2 ~Iay "Buka %1000 4 -\.1 ":i~4 -1',4 )iLa L\ll 3ao 41\l -1110 ~O:i "t~ ",\111 Leduc ::3 8l 8:! l~' 10. Sailing again same day for .B.Duq ~2m 2:0 ~15 218 _~ ,Lam,que 11m 310 3~e 3'0 ,Amul.x 210700 700 700 ,20 Liverpool . Firm xDuuca.e 310 2".'9 221 2-"9 _ J xLeltch ~'OO 72 ;0 j2 ,\nj;llo·A11I F;xp 11100 ].I" 14 UU + ~ .. Advan~1 • Bol.h.r 20100 Ill:? 1:1,\ III -3 ILonc.url 1711()Q 21 ~ 21 -I ,llano)' sel A 3000 101, 10\1 10l, + Ii HE. $HOULtotJ'T DO Newfoundland leaving Liverpool xBola Gam OM 13\\ ,12\. 131; + \0 ....'Indn 7,100 271;' ~6 27'.'. ',~ Baley Sol pr 705 ::11. 27 27 IT, 1 KNCl W" SUi. ~Iay 9, due SI. John's llay 15. ,no",on 2928 18 4B 48 x). L LI. WM 212 ~IO 21~ -3 dlnnll 1310 193 IB9 189 -3 MISTER TART, IT'S ,Blbl. 3000 12'.> 12l; I~\' + " .Lor.do 2121 1,10 141 III -2 ,Rata 13000 15 14~ I~ ·1 ONL'I A CHILD'S Leaving for Halifax and Boston At Toronto .lIerolt 5030210 210 210 -10 .Lau,,!cOUrl 3nCO 35 33 31 .1 xllrll"lI. 3100290 %lI5 290 CAP PISTOL. HE May 16, due Halifax, May 18 and .Blerolt .. 11 ft;O 150 1:10 no ~IO xLo",r~. 1M 11 101, 11 -1 ,C.I.lIa Pelo 12::00 82 31 82 +2 POIIJTEDAT Boston May 21. Leaving Boston TORONTO (ep) - .nldlon '.\h.k... H3'0 48 4 46 -I xdn Ad all 2100 5 53 53 FURNESS RED CROSS tcmational Nickel li~ou'(,l'Id £I'8~O 31 32 3:! _:: ,,:\'aC'Lf!nd 1100: lltl 1:!7 110 .. 3 xC BrU Enlp 400 3 1 2 +2 xno)'mar 4000 U 1% 1:1.& _ ~. ~~l;\d!lien \l.iO:'l 2:3\ ~3; -3 C Colllrrr.!I 31315 13'. 13'" 13~, + 1. Fo~t Avalon due SI. John's Mar. $2;50 to 587.75, and f. xBrilund 43S0' 195 180 191 t R ,~la~ •• t 10M 19 13 I~ • I xCdn De\' Pote 925 405 390 10 + 15 9, salling Mar. 12 (Comer Brook 11'lth a S3 gain at xnroul n •• 1 93Ga l1J 173 173 -2 x~"lotti. 2,100 ~Il 211 211 -I xC 1I0me.td 2139 222 215 21~ -8 nd N v k) speculatives w're aCrl" ; .S",nhu"t 4100 I~I' lJI' 13 +1'. x~lanr •• 1 U 311'!O 3·' 3! !! .1 .Cdn OG neo 13120 48 43 48 +3 .Urun.man 10000 m. 1~ 12 _ I, .~l"rru, ~oo 10'. 10'. In'. ~ I) ,Cdn PL Pele 790 300 ~'90 300 5 " ew. or . Consolidated Halliwell'~ "J .n",",lon 33300 27 21 21': + 1. ,~\arllm. Z/910 ~31 !10 37:1 -l C Pm.pecl 100 4·3l 420 420 -10 Fort Hamilton leaving Halifax ) I'nur\:'lp~ 11~,~.1\ 4~ ~Mar A wls 4n~o ~20 ~H' 215 ~ ~ xC"n~o 011 121 ::-~ 220 220 + 15 M~~. 9, due St. John's Mar. 11, $2.50 on 1.188,000 ' ., .Buff"l!.on 1I!f.o 11 1\ 11 x~'ar n \\15 117.0 210 215 23n ,C.nl Expl 100 SID ~5 535 -10 salitng lIlar. 13 {Halifax). ~!ining jumped 70 cent t' .Buff Ank 1000 7~ 13 a +~ ,~I",lIn 13e0!!7 21 ~6 ,1 .C.nl L.. 1tlc 109,10:.'90' 230 200 ,. Copper Cliff gained 49 I sBulf ('dn 13300 22',; 20 20 -4 Mcln''''' 0 021, 9m ~~" - I, ,.Com I'ole :00 480 4BO 480 .Bull RI. 12';0? Il'; 1~1" 13 • I ,~!o~!a"nlr 1>120 Iii', 1 17' .CIIBrler 011 12:IC-l 205 m 20.1 .5 ~I Fort!! Hamilton leaving Halifax Temagami 35. Xew ~~. 1 ,Bulldn, 10000 161: Ill. IS .. !. x~!.W.lt." 8"00 ~I '8 ~O ,Ch.mb.rlln 700 33 !3 1 33 . ,due S1. John's lIar, 21, B Sh . I~ ~Dun"rr 11111 ~OOO 19 18 18 -1 x~'~ntor new iO~ £12 !':! P2 ... 2 xCnnro :JOG 39 37 4 ~1~. - ~4 salilng Mar. 23 (Halifax and New s:X, t'f' cmtt. Vp~!mll;k, ,Y .C.lln.n mOO 3~ 2!1 30 -I .~l.rrm 11:1' 3RI 3~3 370 -5 .c ,\n,nhre 3!00 J71.. JI" '17 -I York) len I IC ('ilmp (hib Jl2 248, :!;tli ~1~. _ t~ s:\(cta \:ran ]4jl)O~!) 21'1~!l xC Cord .. ",un 3000 28 2,\ 27 '. xedn A~ttJril 30iO 3'! 31s.. ~2 + I: :\llntne Corp 16 :1,:1, 2'~: 2\1: :\C Ilral:on POOO 4] 4'1: ~~'.1';" II.r . t A . I Late bUl'ing in xl' ~f:llart 10)0 J.\ '1 ~~ x:\lo:ul ::!10 310 :.'!l:i 310 ~ HI ;.;:C t~n't Crtd 2U i3 11 72 +1 r or valon leavmg New York them up from the' ~. .Cano.. 3eo 131 Il:l 131 ''''''!;.' ~",ql ~II 203 ~ln -1.1 ,Can lll. ~Inc 1717:)91 ~'!l0 29~ ;:3[il 22, John, N.B., 24, Labine was a 23,icnl ,Can "et 145\1 VI ~IO ~ll ,~lu'U·~ln 30)0 113 11:0 I'~ -10 ,ron I'e.k noo 13 12 I~ Jt. ~Iar. I "CMbit)o .,fIO II Bl Rl + 1 S~Rt l-:slll l.':tl'XJ~!l fl1 !I~. :,,;Con Pe~'k ~M lJ 12 12 a ax 1 a:•. 27, due SI. John's S2.18 and Blue Rock ,.Ca'!.t1e tOO "~l Hl 4':'1 "~e,, 1.nhlnt' -1J,n :!18 lao ~IR 12J xC W('~t Pete ioo 9'20 900 f120 "" 20 lIar. 29, sallmg liar. 31 (Corner I cent' at $4 6- ,Cen, Pal ~iO 121 m 1~1 .. 1 ,Se\\' Allrr IICO 30 30 30 • I ,nel nln 89M ID~ IB7 19S .7 l.Chen\ nl:s HmO 3!1:\ 3jO ~jO -:0 s'StW ;\Ih"nl ~~(,Ul 8"1 j:J Ai1 • ,I x[)ome Expl ROO 1.l~f t!1~i l~V~ + \. Brook and t:!ew York). I Pa~ilic p;i :~. :lthe~'k'rk 1.\000 111:' 11 11'.1 + 1'1 x~rw R\d ~r')(IO 28 ~'4 ~~ 11 ~n11\'r'( 33:,0 3l 34 3~ .Fort Hamll~on leaving New York western oils, ~Ierri" ' I' ,Co"lenllo SOOO 39 3D 3~ -I xS.w nolh 3711'1101 101 101 ,~· ..~n 2!10 220 2M 217 H .1 ,r:hlh Ko)' 2~lOO 113 101M -6 ,S.", D~ekrn I"~ lD~ Iftl Ir1 ,G.n \,,1. 900 .IM .17.1 ~R" .10 ~tar. 30, Haltfax Apr. 3, due SI. Home A I.. Call'"n );Chlb 11'.0 Ili .. 6MO 2 :1:\ A 00 aiO ... 1.5 John's A 5 ')' Ill' " \. l~~pl ).i~ J-n to ~'S fortune :!. ~Gtn f1ctr ~8:i ~8~ I '.. "Cobalt ~3(1O i7 13 i7 ., 1 x~ Ita,.ric:,,"a j~!l 30 M ;'1'1 -1 Or Plain!! De\- 110j H~~ 43 4:; -3 (Halif 'J pro ,sal mg Apr. 7 ahead .at 55.90. Sopph:re.' :\1'oln l.a};e :3~r:n I.i 1t n "' 1 ~~f'W Jo'Iru1et 13·(IIl U "'2 1t sWal, ()',. ... t :0 31 34 ~~ ax • AtlantiC and Dome t ,.CCold.tr~m. 1:1:759 17 110 13 -1 x"f'\\' .In'on 3 l"nR 41 3" :'11 -2 xllh:t1\\·I't~d 11100 21 !.!'~ 1 :2 1 .. 2 Fort ryAvalon leaving .. ell' York IWestcrn tarked on 2. );Colnmp.c :t:m,\:!:J 1:.!'l:1 xS Kf'!lnrl" .tSI'\(I ~;\3. 2".2 ,,1'2 -1 Hnme 01 l\ 4.1 01Pl: 1:1 4 11 1 .... '.1 xC Bf'\lC"l.tnG 13l\1 2 ':6 '2 ,,~ t."c\t('r~ 781:'i1'1 1Ali I~ U ~.1 It01n(" Oil B Ii.') 14 13~. 1:t~. Ap~. 1~, St. John, N.B" Apr. 14, _ xel';n C C~d ~coo ~!: 22 :~J .. 1 ~~ ~h Jl'lma 17NI ·11'1'l:! 1!'1 1!t1'J - I,: xHutl:.," :'2\ 11 10'8 ln~, .. 1\ Hahfax Apr. 17, due SI. .Iohn's fl 1\,. ",I' Ot'lnbnn 138 !'1'\ Mi !liD :o.:~ :\11f1da 3 1:.n 4l .0 4:1 • I ~lIu!oI,~' wts . ji,; 00 !ii.i 1 SRO "'t 30 "C Orn wU 71~D 3j,j 3ill :liD -In s~ ;\1:ulnn ;\,.,·0 1 1; "'1 - I, sl1~··Chflfc 38iOO 1:1 10 ; 11 Apr. 19. sailing Apr. 21 (Corner i llJarkets At "U:l!rO\Cl"y 4000 ll:i 3311 3~j +!i x~tl\"no"lh :!tlr.o 12"4 12'~ J~"l :'\t~roy on :\'1:\(\1'\ Ii.'" 11 14 -1 Brook and New York). I • xC l'f'nlnlOrc 1~1 I~:; 10 111 .. Jf) x~e\\' nOIl~ n ~~1J, 2:1 21 2"':1. ~ ~I~ xLhera Pete 9100 310 3()f,1 :310 4-IlS );(~on GlUu S:Wo 1H~ H 11 ~~ nO.'":'lI.n r,p.I') .'''~ ,,0 .'!l1l l~; xU PC'tr ~~OO 12'; 12 12~:""~ NFLD. CAN. STEAMSHtPS i.l 1 Dollar GI )Of GU"Yllnll :;00 30 3tJ 30 x~ Se-n"tnr 70'H\ 1:1 1''', '~'. - I': x;\lnrl~olrt .,~o 3,jl 3.\ 3' -I U.S. Belle 1M 11 le~\"-" : II ance xC H~IIl"en 118SJ81:!.l1 211 ~j() x~rw T~\;u ,inO '::T Zi '..'7 .. ~I M,.rrll Pele 11jJ 18 :!i IR +~. 1'ATERFRONT Dividends MONTREAL (CP)- The U.S xf'.,n lh)\,,.~, tilf1 "'0 4~O .\11 s~ ... \\' Thlt1b j[)!l!l', '.." 2S 1,;'" I~ \:.'ll£l('on 4,\2M 91 Ri Ri l!~r; 10, due St. John's ~Iar. 12 Ry THE C.\~.\DJ.\~ "c !\hrbennr ~:'Irl 13 i2 i:1 s:O\lh \,,.110 1t"", 12 ,n I'! I I I!':~111I CH' H:!!t1:'12 :13 :\2 -1 B.. C. Telephone Co. 50 c.nt.<; dollar closed Thursday a t a dis· salitng ' C:"n, :\1 find S :lll2 3;1.• 1.1:'~ :l x'\!t'k"l Rill1 11\":1')11 2";; Z2[) '1'2'\ ·3 x~at Prt", tf}{l 41() 410 410 ~Ial·. I~. Toronto: Stocks April I, record ~Iarch 16 count of \-& per cent in terms of "'.: ~lD1rl'on !, ..v) 73 " ji .1 xSn!lllll'nr: in;vi '1"1\ ':!R' !;Inn. S).: nrl ... tol 13:182 1.).' l:iO D~ DIRECTORY Bedford 11 leal'ing Halifax .\1 ur metals, western oil, ~l'I:," SeJ:lI. 30 :a.. :11 ~1 -2 x~l~to 1!J2~'10 ~I UI IQI,.~ 5 I xXc,," n lJnm 1100 ZH :U ~Z\i -, "0;''''':'_ Imperial Bank oC ,C·anada. 35 Canadian funds, u eha god. It 12, due St. John's ~13r. 14, sai1ifl~ )iCon ~lcl,ol !\S:')n l8 33 38 _~ Sn'"nnlt~ ~ew 81 ~i:'4 :\~~. :\j:l~ • :I., I ~~ Continent ~::oo 7!l il j~ 11 :\cw Yor\;: Stocks hiii~I;I::'?~r:·~S~~~fi¥~~ ",t' Surt:lland 23017 ttl lJf1 Il3 -7 x~arJ:old 1ti t1 0:l:1:\!t ~o, -3" "~niwl",, ~jOO:!:t :!1I., 22. -1 c~nt.\ Ma~' I, record ~larch 31. took 991" cents Canadian to buy ~1 liar. 15. cial issues stron~. ... 'j ",C:an OrlaH: ';310{l 1'1'. 16 ":"'~" x~·nrl .. rtlr !OI"O 1';:'1, _':I', _ :'I~ ...... \~ (iM l~sp1 t:mxl 1~' 171 lR' ",10 nORWOOD LU~IBER CO. In,IernatlOnal llilling Co., pfd. $1, American. Pound 'sterling $2.80; •. !\C rop n n j:n ,." I:n "" I on :.!CH) B.' 7:t n Belle Isle II leal'ing Halifax n~d 1~!I7l ~~ :,:~orm('tal ~~~n ~.~ortl'll'Ind -~ M.V, Thom'lls ana Robert ha~ lIontrcal: SIochs ""."'r1W\p_!T ~C' s,nnorm l:iOO 1i~. I:. 1~1 -1~'": :\Xorr1l" 4~'Rj i':! jB 71. -I. I:";~ SI1I1('r1or 2~18 2;0 2~)9 2' -+5 Aprtl 15, record ~Iarch 31. up la. lIar. 19, due SI. John's Mar. ,21, trials ahead . :\I.'on !ii\ld 1:.!~S() 520 J10 j~1 • l s,"or InrI' '~;;M 1.1 t1 1~\:J" I'll. ~~C 01~ 1000 ,'\10 :iM ~OO been .successfully refloaled and ,I'on Thor "1\1 10 :,0 j~ _I ,S n.nkl. 101'n 101 1'3 In, -I I ,SC Oil. w" 10(1 ZOO 2011 2(10 -lR Mcintyre Porcupine ~lines Ltd • CoP'" Cliff 73194 '80 m lAO +10 x~ol1h Trn lllO II II 11 ',011 ~.Ioel Imo 17 I~ P•• 1'. will e\'entually have further re­ 50 cents .Tune 1, record May 1. ., ,.Copper (AlP 7.~Ol 2;-3 1]\ 2~~ .,.:; :,,:Solrtl1 Cnn ~~OO 5 It' ~ I ~Ol\alt;\ 1j:;0 :1' r.!{) 2~,i -10 "Coulee 4,00 UO 13i j;\,"j _-I X~\ldlllft1d1 1211'10 71 ~R fi8 -4 rnc PC'te H.itl tlt~ H~' n!~ .. 1 pairs. xcou!'nor :Htl~",~' ~~ _:.. xO'Brl("ft 7~O 72 j2 7:! -2 "Pan \\'c ... t 1ROO 31 31 :12. t 1 ~I.V. Grace Bochner and Pay PROFITABLE The EAST,ERN "l'rolnor 2'):::D 3l :It :U t] 'iO.ama ::1100 lh 15 11';'; 212 ~Pathflnd,.r 8:0 R9 liB PIll )"Cl'Q\\pat 11373 3 :;7~' xOb:\!lka :\00 1:1 11 1:\ xPf'iWt' RI\'er 3:i0 ~:.!~ Mj 119~ -5 Off nrc moored up fol' the sea· Canadian Dollar AND POPULAR in a series ( xCUtr('o 1;1:\6 33 31) :t::! -1 x{lim ntlre i.'no P:\ !'In' £I~ .. 1 xPtnl\' OUI 1:\:'Hl 30S :!95 ~~~ -10 son. SAVINGS and LOAN hislory of the sei :)ODt.\rOlgon 13~ao ~ 3' ~l -7 xo·Lt-:lr~· l:!IM 40 3~1, 37 -1 xtJ",trol 800 130 1:" 1~7 -2.1 NEW YORK (CPJ-The Cana· ' glows red, wI ,;De (our Itin. Hi IU M -3 xOmnltrnn :'!'OOO 7 ~': 1l~1 - 1~ 'lrondr.r 11100 11.\ R3 U 4- CANADA PACKERS LTD. ,.0,. COllr "\5 1210() 31 3t 3'! :;4 xopeml"'~a 33'0 9~\ 910 SI~i .... 2() sPralrlp 01 :!\n~ 4~)O 4t~ 44\ +~" dian dollar was unchanged at n TRUSTEE INV ESTMENTS COMPANY D skln·boots trea! "O'Etdon~ 816 21 20 ~,1~1"'!l xOrenrda 3lC'l::l2 30 31 J.:.! xRcer Ptte 11:\00 H~~ '14 H', .1-1', Tl'cpasscy Is having a general premium of 1,8 per cent in ·term~ • the gleami xne"monL ~il(1 U RI 81 _~ xOrmthy :!.iOO 8 6 R "-2 xnlo Palmer ~72~ 18.i 1j8 114 ""4 overhaul, as is also the ~Iarl'id, xll.1l1 111111:9 I~ 19', _ \; ,o.l,ko ~e~ 491, 4ft 49'; - ',1 'Ro"""~ 2ilf10 I~ I~ I! of U.S. funds Thursday. Pound "'.~'I.rn C.n.d. 81\·ln .. and L.. C 'barrel we "skun' 00'0' 110 Il~. 1m I:I~. 1'1'1'" El'l ~IIO Il 13'\ 14 ',I Ro\'.lIIo 539 14\\ 141, 1l~1 - I~ NAVAL DOCK, SOUTHSIDE sterling 5·3Z, higher at S2.80'Al. el lb. Company for Ih. pa,t 6R )'urs hU onlPJn\ wu utahlishrd In 1&81 .tnd th .. rrr"r!1 ,D A.h •• I.. £tll 21 "3 23 _I ,Pa.rl 42:00 14S I~; m • 3 xSol'phlrr ~!l930 ~90 ~70 ~30 ... :!5 Whaler Olaf of Olsen is moor· The assets of thp Comp~ny for 195:' \A,:ern\O~~419:~.3!U51i(led thf' Cnr~51J:hl DC It .. Coundfln, be rUD, ).O:adf'1n 1<99 36 "::I 3 _:! ~r;U'~maq 7000 H 12 1 2'iI- n. S:lphre d~bl 52000 lSl 15'.!~~ 1!\~ ... ~ ,lind .t 12.978,53UO. .f • .0,00 Ind CIP,I.I .nd nos." .. now Labrador cur "Donalda 31S{)'') j{l''.I 5i ';9 .. 3 "Pnbec 000 IS 1117 1411: )I;!'it'urry.n H1IOt'l 23~ 22S ~l.' +5 cd up for the Vocational purils rials rose 90 cents to a p'ak and ,.n;JUR 21~)I) 2'0 217 :35 ~ ,,;"'~,"rl~e ROO 1:11 1:.'1 lZ' -.' "Secur l"ree 3700 :':89 21\.1 .. R:\ _5 to Inspect. utilities edged olf 10 cents. I INTUEST PAYABLE SEMI'.HHU~IIY [rG.m1!iticl~s we spring to ,U."'. ~;"10 IG II~ 1:10 • I~ ,1'.I.r 6110 131 130 13~ -7 ,50111'1, IjOO 3B 3B 3ft -2 The Debentures offered are Issued In any amounts swing. .r: ;'ml)hl 3:tO 12 lm 11\~ -If ,l'm'ln ~OOO 31 30\; 3BI: -\!7 xS.ulh U all, 3~OO 62 2 1 BOWRING BROS. LTD, Canadian Issucs were mostly , uUr ship il xF."t M.I.rI 3JlO ~20 210 210 -10 ~l'lck Crow 20:0 130 1:,0 IlO ,Spoon... 110<1') m;, ].11. 3 ... 1,\ (Solltli,lidc Premises) higher. A111millium Ltd. was up of $100.00 or over, In bearer form, registered as t; "F.\",t Sull ~O, 0 30 ~O ~P!n"(('r .'00 Ii' liG Ii -4 >;~urcl\' on" 930 11 l~~ 12 -:z principal only, or fully registered. 1 AND 2 YEARS. • • ,.£:5\ "~b 400 13~ 131 I:H -1 xPlteh·Ore 20.\00 1:\1. 1.\ t.\Ii. ~Tc~ ClllCiUY :UOO H5 112 1U -1-1 lIr.V. Terra NOI'a sailed on 3\02, International Nickel gained ,,~:\ .. \ ~1c:1.1 ~~O 88 83 8 -1 Pln('t'r ntW :!OO 12'" 1!!~, 12;" x1raM Cnn 3~OO 'ZOo; 2M !OS -~ Thursday. 21~, Hudson Bay ~lining added lfl, All debentures are trustee Investments In New­ .};',Ir'ch Ilt'O 101 1~1 ICO -3 ,Pronl Bord 13300 12 10 IZ '2', xTran<.Emp 52110 210 201 .07 1 3 AND 4 YEARS ,,£1 Sol ~o..'\O Ul,t l~ 1'" + 1:.1 NJ'rMton 12'2.' 700 ~'\ fi~l -Z() xiran- Era :tlO 3t 3;1''': :\.3 .': - l~ BAINE JOHNSTON & CO., LTD. Canadian Pacific and Dome Mines foundland, Nova Scotia, P. E. I., and New Brunswick, • • xEm Glaelrr 1000 2:i 2.,\ 2.1 ~ 1 xpronto 1100 a~o 81'i 811'1 -10 xTr~nn Pete 7::00 1~.:1'1'~ n - I~ both gained % and Granby Mining PREPAI d:u,.ko W\I :o "hi.!: z.!~ \" 1~ 16'~ + '. . 5.S. Orilia is discharging 1500 D SI.oI 470 19~i 19'.' 1111..1 - ~~ Unchanged ...... ' .. ,..... 241 28 ,liranduc fInO ::'0 7ttl 7~O xShtrrltt aol~ 820 B(}(I 8:!O t+::3 16 ,Gre~ha\\k 1~9l Pt fI:! R'\ X~~ii1ll1a nno 19 1jl';: 19 ... I.,. Nor Slar 300 I 1~\2 mahogany sticks on lIat cars 10 be Sll11p~on!l 433~ 20~" 17~~ 20 + I, ,Gu'rh 2(1iOO 1211 1tO 110 -10 \.. '1'Ih'r 1!'11 11~ It\ 11~ "' 1 74'~ ... ,: Iranslerrcd to the birch plant at ,(iull Lead 1001):- I I~ .Sll ~I.nd 1000 II 41 4\ -R "',lk.I" :101 7411 74 E""hangc. :lunnat :''903 17;\~ P' lj _ ~l v' -:~'(lt' :!f\ln i~ 9 71 'rot~1 "ale~ nn 'I'oronto S\Ol'" Donovan'r.. iunnar wls 41'2:0 Ill. 101 It)l" -1 I "SlocRn \'n 7noo ~7 '2 '. -2 :\lan'h H: f1,4U.OOO ,,111m"!!. Codroy, Burin and Daphne and ~(h'I1Um ('100 1P4 u,J 14,r + J~ •. ,..,.. , "In tOO 210 2~O 2~O -20 SEll' l'OIlK CLOSI;-;I' SlOCKS 'liard nock 200v.l 16'. I', 1\ . \' I xSladacona 10100 43 41 47 • I n.ll; SI ••1 """ ...... , .. .Ij3~! Phyllis are under repairs. ,11~r ~lIner 11:1!lOO 11A ··n~· JO, • .,. _ "Suu'rntt 1100 t41~ 11', '11l i - !\~ ell .. and Ohio .. , ...... :19 • S.S. Kyle is moored up lor the II I ••••••• ••• •• .. lJau;:R :000 lR'l;. 181ft :' I: Stup Rock 3140 1!1~4 lRh l~h - h Coni Ed!!ion .•••• , ••••••• 49'. oil ul La~.. 1000 15' IS I! I' ,SlIor ••on 330 71 72 71 ~ I EI huto L ...... ~ .... I ...... • .. • !\9~' season. , ..., .Sud Cont 1410 19', 19 19 - II (i.cneral t-:lcdric ••• "'0'" 11 .... 0 ••. 60~' A. H. &: GenC'.rnl :'ttotors ...... " ...... , 4~!~ MURRAY CO. Gl !lior Ry ...... 4.. ·" The Sealer Arctic Prowler ~al1· For one young lady, Kennecott . " ., .. ' ...... , ••. ,13~':' ed at noon on Tuesday, March 6th UECUTOU ANO TRUSTEES P~R OIlU HALP II CENTURY U !\lontlomery Ward ...... 0" 91~ ... r-;.V Central ...... 44\. lor the icelields. ' RadiI) Corp .... ' ...... 11 ••• , ...... 4:;~a ~t.nd ..d 01 N,J ...... ; ... 15B Glenwood, Frampton, master 11 Vanadium ...... 4t1~ having engine repairs. I for one year ... if W.st Un Tol...... 2:11; W.. UnRhoU50 ...... • 61 Agnes 1I1cGlashen is moored up GROU IIIAmf,lun Zinc .. , ...... " 13\1 for the season. you do not CROSBIE &: CO. Even this pictUre doesn't show all the children's LeA Industrials Higlt M.V. :llaneco, which finished clothes you have to buy. And then there arc have a the Portugal Cove·Bell Island lie· things like birthdays, and bicycles, and the dentist Montreal kle servicc, 15 now up for sale. :: ; It's no picnic, handling the purse.strings DIAL 543 will At for a growing family. MONTREAL (CP) - Industrial Another Record But it's a 10[ easier if you can just keep ahtad your property may not be divided Issues held' higher ground Thurs, day at the close of moderatclY of your shopping Iisc, instead of behind ic. as you would wish, to m~el Ihe active trading on the Montreal and ~rk And the practical way to do that is to deposit a Higb At N. Y reg~lar amount, each month,. in a Royal Bank needs of those you would prolect. Canadian sloek exchanges. Aluminium and International NEW YORK (AP)-A strong savings account. As your savmgs build up you can showing by rallroads and a wide Nickel climbed 211.: polnls each to go ahead and buy things as you need them.:: cros~.scclion of individual· issues leur! Ihe upswing in the base pay mh if you want ••. pick up bargains, too; THE A,~ 'er ou, metals, Stc1eo added JI,,, poin\!'. earned Ihe slock market Thursday Ib•• kl.1 "r,.eti,., Shllwlnlgall gained \'2 In a steady to its third record high within a You can get started, at aIlY branch utilities see\lon. week. of the Royal Bank: ROYAL T R US T Hj.r'.n~~.n.j.,1 Gains went to 'around " to 5 COM P ... N Y rOUt wIn. ' Great Lakes and BC Forest added IfJ each In a higher paper points and losses were held to around a pOint. ·group. CPR gailled I;" in the THE ROYAL BANK Electl WATER ST' I ST. JOHN'S • TELEPHONE 5196 23~ carriers and beverages were firm. The Associated Press average of M. J. PRATT, MANAGER NO\'a Scotia, Commerce and Mont· 60 stocks rose 70 cents to a record ~OF CANADA real advaneed fraeUons in the high of $183.40, topping by 40 cents a peak which had been established Monday. The first recent break· Furness, Withy,.& Company Ltd.- ba~~:iningup n~. and oilsInternational showod ImperialPctrol· through took place last Friday eum a point while McColl sUpped whon the average pushed over tha I aU·time high set last September L verpool St. John'l Boslon Halifll St. John'~ IV, points. Trans Mountain moved 23 before President Eisenhower's St. toJohn's to Bostonnfl. "to Hilt' t0 to \~ higher In the· plpcUnes. In the a as St. John's Liverpool mlsccllnneous section, Ford drop, henrt aUack. The day's volume was 2,500 000 "Newfoundland" Mar. 13 p,d 21f.1 points. shares, compared \viUt 2,380:000 "No\'8 ScoUa" . Mar. 17 Mar. 24 Mar. 30 Mar. 17 Mar. 20' Penny'mlnes Improved In active shares Wednesday when the AI' "Newfoundland" Apr. 4' Apr. 11 Apr. '3 Apr. 6. dealings, Copper Cliff and New average closed unchanged. C~"'L. "Nova Scotia" Apr. 21 Apr. 28 Apr. 17' 'Apr. 21 Apr. 24 Royran lIalned 2!i cents each, and There wert' 65 highs for 1955·5& "Newfoundland" l'Ilay D l'Il 16 1IIay 4 May 8 May 10 Quebec Chlb 15 cents. Smaller wins and four lows. "Nova Scotia" l'Ilay 23 I'll:: 30 ~lay 2; l\lay 26 May 28 were made by Bouzan, ArcadIa The railroad component of the "PAINl Persons co t J II ne. Jne. 9 Jne. 11 Nickel, Cleveland copper, Virglnta AP average climbed $1.30, Indust· Nell In ad,.. anc~ emp a ng passage to Europe should make booking· and New Formaque. Western oil~ Air Passa~es arranged by B.O.A.C. _ K.L.M _ Scandinavia Al were stronger as' Pacific Petrol· IIshed for the year. SUPER lines-Pan ,American Airways _ T. W.i... and connectinng Alrr. eum added a point and Calgary The stock exchange's closing ,lines. " ' . and Edmr,nton lfl. average~ s~ow banks up 0.21 at Consult UI fegardlng your travel problems. shares and mines 1.250,90. Of the 52.GB, ubUttes up 0.3 at 134.8, in· .FURNESS . TRAVEL OFFICE 276 issuts traded, 107 were up, 72 dustrials up 1.,7 a 304.8. combined NEWFOUNDLAND. DOtEL . down and 97 unchanged, with 47 up 1.3 at 248.2, paper~ up 0.22 at 'PHONE 5623 ,new highs and 15 new lows estab· 1416.76 and golds up 1.11 at 81.19. ,

, I I! Centreville The, Daily N·ews Centreville THE DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, MRACH 9, 1956 . ... ' o es a S a a eals ery ~al'ing Sl [ax ~lar. sailing FAMOUS CAPTAINS ~a\'ing OLD-TIMERS fax ~Iar . sailing '.. ~a\'ing fax ~I sailing : ~Ionlrell Apr. 16,

-, ance o , . , t ·1 "

LEFT-Capt. John Norman. RIGHT-Capt. James Norman; two sealing cap­ tains of the old days. Both were residents of ·Brigus.

At It. Our ancestors went all out in passed a number of rcsolutions a big showing. Besldcs rum was their enthusiasm for the sealflsh· plcdging themselves to the udull' plentiful in those times and it was •, cry and talked "swlles" irom day· tion of every constitutional means not wise for the merchants to hold light tllJ dark. Where our modern to defend their rights, to refrain out to long. I flay more for water youngsters dream of becoming from entering upon the voyagc un· now lhan I did for rum in those Hopalong Cassidys or Space ~Ien, til the merchants should consent days. You could get it at O'Jlara's the lads of long ago had as their to reduce thc berth money from lthen, the primest Jamaica, for heroes the rough, slneway scalers £3 105. per man to £2 for com· three shillings a gallun. That year who thronged the strcets of St. mon or ordinary hands, called Purcell in lhe Rachcl and Ellen Jolm's every spring and manned batsmen' £1 for after gunners and came in on March 6th. witb 6,()()() the scores of vessels that cleared bow gu;mers frec, and to this seals, 1I10stly 'cats', the young ones The famous barque "Queen", under full sail, from here for the Northern floes. they added a resolution plcdging ,were down below, and the larger It is interesting to compare thc cn· themselves not to usc any ooercive ones that they killed later, wcre in a series of articles O'er the blood·rcd road the sculps thusiasm shown then among a11 means for the operation of their Ion top.· T'was just like a barrel h:;toQ' 01 the scalfishery}. are towcd classes to the apathy that preVails object." of applcs .you'll. buy null'. The ice glows red, where our By the Scalers of Newfoundland. today with regard to our scalers. Speaking of thc above~ the Rev. s~andard. f!gure m thos.e days was . !kin·boots tread, And speaking of the boys they Philip Tozque, in his History of [Ive slulhngs a sll'lle, largc, tt:~50n the glcamin~ flQes. Back In thc old days in St. tried their best to emulate their Newfoundland, says: "The mecting medium, or small. Bland and bmd we "skun" till our John's and Harbour Grace and heroes In the 'strenuous and dan· of the sealcrs referred to in the 'robin owned the ship and ad· ~t'orl! be fun. Bona\'lsta and. In fact, in all the gerous sport· of~opylng, or jump. preceding article by Mr. Nugent, vertiscd thc Iat for sale. Bcnnett TOP-Capt. Abraham Kean. LOWER LEFT-Capt. William Bartlett· LOWER 11"u. now Labrador cllrrent goes. ports from which scalers lcft for Ing trom pan to pan, on the Ice took place in st. John's on the anll ~lorgan, who werc located : ·.I·e spring 10 the pans the icc, there was a wonderful in· that blocked the harbor of St. 18th. of March 1842. The bcrth whcre Clouston's tinsmith shop RIGHT-Capt. George Whiteley. .ANNUALLY r.ling. tercst taken In the' annual hunt John's practically evcry spring in money that year had been raised noll' is, bought the cargo and sign· vUr ship is manned. and in el'erything pertaining to the days of long ago. by the merchants and owners of cd an agreement to that effect. I And this great interest in thc vessels to three pounds, and threc When Ihe 'cals' began to come lout prominently in the proces· Bank of ~[onlrcal building. The .------, scal hunt was oftcn demonstratcd p'ounds ten shillings curren~)' for out, nnd they say they had a bad sion. On this banner was inscrib· last I'crsc of the song reads: In an amusing way. There is a batmen and one pound for bow 'spec' they tried to get out of their cd the following verse: I I. PREPARE YOUR CAR NOW story told or a Mr, Hutchings who or chief gunner who had hitherto bargain, offering £.200 to be re· A ringing cheer the scalers guvc" owned a premises In the Wcst gone free. Some of the parties leascd, but T~bin held them to i~. "The tral'eller heeds not the With hearts both light and guy. . , . End and had one vessel going to commitled a triflil1g breach of the Aftci the ship was unloaded . .It weary mile. And three more cheers lhey gal'r: WITH the sealflshery. Her name was the peacc and were imprisoned [or a was .round. that an ol~ seal, a big As he comes to bask in the angel's :lIorine I 'j '•. 4 ~" 'James". She was commanded by short time. The berth mone)', how· fellow winch they. killed oil the smile. The man who \\'on the day. , i a mnn named Kent, a native of ever was lowered to two pounds port and brought In on deck, bad LolV tending to earth his heavenly With happ)' hearts they fctchcd i 'prestln taliv" Bell Island. One spring, the bat~en, one pound ten' shillings nut been transferl'ed lo B~nne.tt brow thcir bags I J' "James" arrived on a Sunday with for after gunner, and the bow and ~Iorgan. They to uk actIOn !n As he pledgcs his faith in that I As lightly they did trip I 6.WE a large cargo of seals, As she came gunner went tree as hefore." COlll't for the seal, but lost It, holy vow." With hox and bags and baking I BUILDING 'up the harbor, an old Irishman, This wns the first sealers' strike. because Tobin brought up all the pans employed as a watchman by Hut· The new scale of prices fur berths skippers, who pr0v,ed thal it was The last big sealer's strike took To go on board their ship." PRESTONE chings, became frantic with . de- was suggested by Richard Walsh. a custom of the hshery '10 leal'e I place in ~Iarch, 1902, and on that , I ~ light. He rushcd up to his mas· known as "Natil'e" Walsh, a well· ?ne se~l in the vcsscl to .be rU1l1 occasion the scalers were cham· IIEFLECTIO!llS 0:01 TilE DAYS ter's residence on Watcr Street, known merchant of his day. "The mln 011 for her u.e dUl'lne the pioned by that 'stormy petrcl 01 or TIlE SAILI~G VESSELS . I. and almost battered In thc door, strike was organized by Henry summer." INewfounrlland politics, Ihe late To show the vast changes lhal ; I shouting all the while. "Blast yer 5;lpplc, a m~n of supe:ior cduca· In Febrllar\', 1843, another great Sir. Alfred B. ~Iorine, K.C:. The hal'e taken .place in the scaling in blood and damn yer hides, get tlOn, but a flshermnn hl;e mY5c!f,. bl' o[ 'sealers \\'as seen on 1stnke began on ~!arch 8th. and dustr)' dunng the past une hun· I up! Don't you sec the 'James" is with whom I worked for many i\ssen~ ~ ens l:hcy' h'ld gathered ended on the 12th. when thc de· Idred years, and the tremendous I eomln' In wid a load o'swiles?" years, "says David King, and old tile. ~rr take into donsideration mands of the men were granted, d~cline in thc number of ships, SEAI,ERS' STRIKES resident of thc strike. in an tllel ~ ,on 10 obtain rcdress for A song that wenl the rounds of and men taking pari in the an·: Strikes were fairl)' common article in th~ press man~. years v~~iou~.l I~rongs. 'Thev marched SI. John's a~ that till1~ has this 11ual hunt let us go back to the I AVAILABLE AT among the scalers In the days of IIgo. "The object of t.he s~nk~ ~vas through the lown lI'iih banners to say regardmg the strike: ~'car 1857 'yhcn the pr.lI~ecution I DELICIOUS the old salling vcssels. Writing on to secure a reducllon 'In herth f1 'il1" and with a drummer and a I . of the sealflshery by sailing ves· the subject In 1842, John Valen· money. The scalers assembled at ri ~i' d'ng fC The" cheered for "They halted Just before the Bank sels was at its height. In that tine Nugent, one time Member of the head of ~ing's Roa~, and wilh Qu~eneavictol~a' and Sir John Whcn all ha~ds. fell in line. year nearly 15,0~0 men and ncar· the Housc of Assembly, said, "The Bradley the hudler, a fder, and" a Ilarvey, the then Guvcrnor of They went Inside to stale Iheir Iy 400 vessels sailed fro 111 various question of the amount of berth drummer, t~~y marched throuoh Newfoundlanrl. Another large scal. case. pa~ts of the Island in search of money has agitated the scaling the tuwn. ':ISIUng all .the wharves, ers' meeting took place at Brigus Before A. B. ~!orIne. . whiteeouts. The following list population for many years, and and ~eareillng the S~IPS [or those in 1845. This meeting was organiz. He got the terms to ~U1t the men sholl'S the number of vessels and GROUCHY'S LTD. sUII has lis tendency rather to not' In sympathy wllh them an.d ed by Capt. Henry Supple who And from th~ van did c~l1 men from each place. FISH Increase than diminish, but at s~ch men 11D~ to fly for thClr had led the first realers strike That he recclved three fifty Vessels ]\Ien length the sealers determined to bves. The st!lkers were masters three years previous. On the 20th. And free berths for one and ail." st. John's.. .• 81 3,319 LeMARCHANT ROAD rocure a reduction of the chorgc of the situation, and the mer· [F I d t tl'on of se"l BI'I'gIIS R7 3,500 P ~O 0 e lruary, a cpu a " . .. " .. for berths, and in order to erfeet ch an ts re du~e. d tl Ie ra t es t 0 ~, el'o\ from the South Shore caJled At that time, Sir Alfrcd (then Hr. Grace .• •• 57 3,362 DIAL 5433 P.O. BOX 448 this, they, on Monday last, hcld 10, and 5 ShIllings. Th: .t~wn was on Capl. Supple at his residence ~[r.) ~Iorine had his office in the (Continuerl on page 16) a• ;;;m;;.;c;;c;;t1;;n, ::;g;;0;;n;;;;;th;;e;;;;;;;B;;ar;;l';;en;;s;;;;;3;;n;;d;;;;s;;II1;;RI;;1 ;;t;;h;;e n;;;;a;;nd;;;;;t;;he;;;;;st;;;;r;;lk;;:c;;:rs;;;;;lI1;;:a~d c in SI. John's an d com plai ned of the ---- l,- oppressil'e charges for outfits and · bel·th money. Capt. Supple agrecd MEALS I to champion their cause, and, ac· cordingly he left for Chapel's Covc where he was met b)' hun· , to In Stock ••• dreds of pcuple of that place and surrounding arca. From Chapel's Cove he was drawn by the seal· EVER POPULAR CLASSIC AT· ers in a sleigh to Harbor ~Iain. PENNY LOAFER' ••• Hc bore in his hand a flag made SERVED AT of white silk trimmed with green Smoolh, rich loolh" in salin, ornamented with a red salin CHERRYTONE shad •• St. George's cross, and he entered Raised mocca$in vamp Harbour Main to lhe strains' of wilh rugged hornlll Electric Utilities • BANANAS Itltching and .Iylith music discoursed br the tempeI" kicker. Long wea,ing \ LIMITED • RED an.d GREEN GRAPES ance band of that settlement. A "DURAtiTE" 101 •• meeting was soon convened and Sin. , 109. • HONEY DEW. MELON. , Capt. Supple was called to the ATER ROAD •• chair, and ~Irs. John Gorman was DIAL 2860 • PEARS appointed secrlltary. Cheers were • GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES called for Queen Victoria and ,the mceting was' adjourned to be I, GENERAL HARDWARE' • BROCCOLI held at Brigus. All the senlers • CAULIFLOWER from Harbour I\Ilnin, Salmon Cove, OBTAINABLE FROST'S Cat's Cove, Collier's, . and other • PARSNIPS placcs, assembled on Brigus Pond C.I.L. AND MATCHLESS • SPINACH where the big meeting was held. IN It is said that nearly 3,000 seal· • PARSLEY ers were therc. They marched to COLOURS OF RESTAURANT PAINTS., Cupids and hapl( again. The music .. ~. - • SWEET. , POTATOES.. was composct> of a drum,' 'fife, CHERRYTONE, clarionet, 'and two violins" while ·RED or BLACK HARVEY ROAD SUPER FLAME FLOOR ,,' 'McDONALD'S FRUIT STORE the British ensign occupied a \. foremost place in the procession. ~[any· banners were carried n.v DIAL 5815 HARVEY· ROAD MILITARY . ROAD. I the scalers. One of them bore the RNACES &SPACE HEATERS' inscriptiun, "With the Divine as· TOPSAIL ROAD ~istance I pledge royself." A green silk (jag with a white cross stood

'." If> ; ,

10 . THE DAilY NEWS, FRIDAY, MRACH 9 , THE DAILY NEW! Congratulations arc exlended' S' R' k Ores Ltd. 10 I\1r, imd Mrs, I'; Baker 011 Ihe . teep .qc Dr. McCaM also declined to say 4-H Chief, , " birth ot a son at Buchans Hos- • whether he has Information about Narrow ". ·:·····t·. ":~,' ":, '. pitai on Fcbruary 29th, and ·tu Under Fire similar transactions between Sleep SASKATOON (CP)-D. C. Fo.;. EARTIIIOUTH, N,S. iince- 0 , I Mr: and Mrs. Tom Loder on the " . Rock and George E. Allen. Such ler of WiMipeg, Manitoba . govern· year-old Judy Sobcral ·al'rlval of. a daughter on March OTI'AWA (CP)-Rcvenue. Minis. infor~atlon would break seLrecYI ment representative, was elected sand hopper at a :Is'. !\Ir. andlllrs. Lcn WIIIl;er ter ~ieCan!l declined Wednesday IprOVISIons of the Income Tax Act, prcsident of the Canadian CounCil plant Wednesuay and GracI oe,s of Buchans Alrp~rt are also re- kI say whether he has' Information he said. . .. I on 4.H eiubs Wednesday. . frantic rescuers Could dig DC 10 oC Wales .College ans joiclpg in the birth of a baby about reported transactions involv.1 Those were hiS replies par·1 The executive committee will Dartmouth Fire Chief , " . girl born recently at the Buch· in" the sal of stock In Sic Rocl; Iiamentary returns for Stanley 'nclude J E Dube Quebe C't Patterson wijs partly blanked a vlsit}ng t THINKING DAY munity where he had f(tled In su turned to' Bue~ans by car the 'InS Hospital Iron Mine e Ltd' t PI' mi~P Iron Knowles (CCF - W'nnipeg North 1 S . l' . 'tie' h' e .,y. eave·in While tryin_ to Grace JUnior A BUCllANS, March 6- Girl well both on nnd off the,job, and same e,v,enlng .. They were U(" ' Dr. F. Ro~c uone s eciallst cf s. 0 "m Centre), who asked whether Ihn pe~Ja comml e e airmen I~' girl but he g~t out sifph yesterday afternoon Guides of Buehans three Compan. he wished him every success In c~mpamedby ,·1\1rs. E. Perkins.. ' p . I . reported transactions were studied elude: Home economics, Mrs. !I,. ,Police said Judy I\:is ies lIathered at the Lady Walwyn his .luture undertaklng·s.. R,C. Scl100l Inspector Mcinnis C.OJ ncr Brook paid a professional of Public Worils, visited Buchuns by his d£lllartment Manmng, Charlottctown and lead, atop the hopper whe b)' cramming all thl a third period outb Girl Guide Hut at 4.15 p,m. on l\lr. Hancock . leaves fer Mon .. arrh'cd a't Buehans On March 1st, I \,l~~ I B~~hf~l!1 la~; weekend, f last ~veck while nlaking an In· I ~Ir. Knowles ask~d also whethcJ' ership, J.E. Bremner, Frederic· gave wa),: burying her n J Harbour Grace sq~ Sunday, l"cbruary 26th, (or Ihe treal on Murcb. 9tb und plans: to for hi5 annun.1 inspection. During I'. 'n' • a e~, ,an,age,~., 0 speclJon of the .new britl~e o\'~r the department has :nfol'mation to~. I or four tons of it. She . stiff fight ivtih the t annual celebra'jon of Thinking return to. his nallve ~ngland latcl' his visit he was a guest at the s\V~rad"ue & IIen\lood Inc'l' \lSI ed i\Jary :\Jarch RIver. Durmg illS II about the United States internai lI'hen shol'eUers freed her t' I 111 s d l 'S' seniors bolstered. by }}ay I n comemorat Ion o( the birth· In t h e year. , . Compann, , S· afO' f HO\1se, ". sor11 d 0111\I oturG ay' wI< lere f IeI i st ay IIt! II a a gI les t 0 f 'I,Ie, G en· reVenue department's position ,on trialist Cyrus Eaton. But therc had i uI es Ia t er, of a forward ~tn~g days or Lord and Lady Baden. BIR1"~DAY CELERRA1\IONS .Con·gralultl· ''', consu e . r. corge ee e, 0 ; cral ~Ianager of'Buchans l\Immg I the reported transactions. ' been no intervention. I ----- Powell. Several members or the On February 22nd, Blair,' son t~ lIlrs No;-:n~~s 1\1~11 .extcndlcd ~}IC D~Pt. fo~, l\~unl~lpal b:~fal!S Co,. Ltd., at luncheon' in the Dr. McCann said las Fcb. 24 The tax apPl!al is against Pre i TEXTILE line from the JUnior Local Asscclation were also' of Rev. ~nd I\I.r~., F. W. Bradbury, eelebr~(ed her birlh:;; nson I~'l~ erma y 0 U(! ailS on s ne s Staff. House. The Hon. !\Ir. Speno he requested postponement' Ilf a mlum Iron Ores, a Canadian com· I Formerly ~ote~ lor They missed out [ celebrated hiS (ourlh, birthday 28th. Feb .. his , ll1nister eel' accompanied by "'11'. Ken U.S. tax case Involving more than pany nnd selling agency lOr thrl of shawls, Paisley In ies to scole in t pre~ent. Iy~n [o~1 ~omlan~ II~S periods howeve Five Guides from each Com. with R party at the United Church ~ on. ., pencer, Goodyear. $1,500,000 against Cleveland Indus. Steep Rock company. ! is a large producer of and CliCf Hann 511a pany were selected to take part !lIansc 1.0 willch twelve Ilttle . Hann filling the in a program appropriate 1.0 the friends wei'e invited, Games occasion. After an interesting were played during the afternoon in the third period. and entertaining playlet the and refreshments served, to the \'isitors played a sur Guides placed their pennie's In enjoyment ot all present'. game in the big P'II the Trefoil for tho World Friend, A party to celebrate~he slxtli the fact thai ship Fund, and ·\he program con· birthday of their daughter Elea; their first g eluded with the plBylnll o! nor was given by Mr. and !ill's: of the PI' "Taps," \ , . Eric Swanson 'cn Friday, March was done iJ VISITS BUCHANS 2nd. Some young friends, con· third peril 1\IIS5 Ruth Tillman, Field' Sec· fined to their home with chick: Eric WinsOi . retar)' 01 Christian Education en pox and' whooping' cough; of goalie Don : with the Newfoundland Confer. were unablc 10 be present, bu' e~lce of th~ United Church of those Who att~nded had a ga~ Canada, mlted . Buchans las'. time celebrating the happy event. week. On Tuesday- evenini a "Iajor C, Thompson, S.A. cele· URLIN meeting was arranged with the brated his birthday on Wcdnes· JunlOl' and Scnior groups of the day, February 29'h. At the con· ." .~ COLUM C.G.I.T. and in an inlel'csljng and elusion of the wcekly meetmg of arc informative talk on Ihe work of the Women's Hume League 01 the Ihe C,G,I.T •. was gh'en by ".he Salvation' Army on \Vednesday, Intertown pla~'offs I bitor. At the conclusion of the Ihe ladles im'lted thc Major to last night with II pl'ogram the girls serl'ed refresh· JoIn them at sup,pel'.Thc Major being knocked out. teams will play l11(,l1t~. WRS taken completely by surprise, • ()n Wednesday aftcl'nuon "liss I and expressed gratitude for the, 7 to 9 p.m. as Tillman met the ~;xplorer group i kindness sholl'n him in thus hon. i 1'5. Hickman \'5. 01111 eJctightcd 'he yuung peuillc! (luring the eceaslon which unl'or· II Hall. 1IIIh hel' introduction 01 • SCI'ius : tunalely" as he said, comes only o! uew scngs and Rlll11es, and I' ollce in c\'ery four years, 'fhe I urnl ure SAVE el'Cr~'Ol1C prescnt thoroughly ell· delicious supper sel'l'cd by Ihe! .H.yed the afternoon. Tile dis·' ladies' cOJilmitlcc was indeed . a 11Ilguislwd \'Isitor lell Buchans i very festive and happy affair. h;,- 'rain on february 29th for' PERSONALS Meet the Newest and Best in Just-Arrived Furnishings! lira11l1 Falls. I 1\Irs, G\laJor) ,}'hoI1111S011 lef',; HOSPITALIZED IN NEW for St.John's last .week on a I 'Have Them MONEY YORK business lrlp. Before ,re'turnlng for Your Own at Fabulous March Savings! ~ .Ilis many lI'iends at Buchans to Buchans, "Irs, !rhompson.plan, ( . and elSell'llCrC In the l'ruvlnce to enter Grace Hospital for. a H IliIi be, sOI'l'y to iearn that C, E. medical checkup. . :':chon was suddenly taken 111 :'tUsses Dawn and Doreen Cour· on Saturday morning, Februar)' age, daughters of :'tlr. and I\1n;. :mh, and two days la'er under· C. L. Courabc, went to SI., John's went an operaticll for the reo on Thursday last wehere they at· mOl'al of a duodenal ulcer. AI. tended the Buchans·St. Bon's though his condition Is consider. hockey·semi-flnals on Friday and cd to bc favourable, It Is anll· Saturday. Durlna their extend· clpatcd he wlll be absenl, from cd visil. they wllJ be guests of hIS office at 120 Broadway, New their aunt and unel~, Mr, and York, for sC\'eral weeks. Best :\Irs, E. C. Smith. ' wishes for his speedy and full JIIrs, Heman Pretty left by recol'cry are extended. Thursday's eXpress for St, John's ReSIGNS POSI'l'ION to visit her husband at the Vet, Tre\'cr J.' Hancock recently reo 'eran's Hospital,. wllere he' has signed his position with the Bueh· been a patient for the past two INNER SPRING ans Mining Company, Trevor has months. 111eilardirlg the transport been residing at Huchans since iIlr. R. Sirong visited his broth· MATTRESS Falls, members sho July 1954 when he came from er Constable C, Strong and family Faiconbrldge, Ontario, to join ,I,he Iduring the past week. Re~, $32,50. J. Lush instead engineering staft'. 1\'Irs. Fred Sanger of Grand IIfPgham not later thar Un Friday e\'ening, Mnl'ch i ~'RIJS, accompanied by hcr twin $24,50 2nd, a surpl'ise .Iag pDrly-ul": daughters, Koren and Kerry, is f - ·... m' in the Saturda\' ganized by his eng.llecl'ing 8S',' spending a week asgite'~t of her I arc as follows: ~udates Georgc Nea:'Y and I.c!>. parents :'.11'. and Mrs. Albert Pin.' no morning sess ~lontgomery-\\'a~ gilcn a\ thc· sen', wllile hel' husband Is taking I IDl1Ionc game for the nig St'n[r lJouse in his honou), tu part in IhcSeulol' B hockey cham· entirely to the r whil'11 his Iriellds and co·work·: Ilionship g~llles at St. Jobn's. enough intcre CI'S were iJlI'i'cd. It was an even· I Fred drol'e Ilis. lamity to Buch· Portrait of Beauty on a names on th iug to be rClllcmbcr4id in lOnny, al15 on III~rch 2nd ancl returned WilY~. Ilcll'eshmcnts lVere al'all·1 to thc PilPCI- t.CII'Il the following ~Qlr: sing·songs wel'e enjoyed by, dny. ntan~', others played cards, while I :'Ilr. ann ~Irs. Shamu~ IItcln," ~c'!~I'Ii.;".~.~~'1~~: Budget ... a Stunning Suite hf,ckcy enthusiasts gathered I nis l11~tured from Gl;and Fails: 10 PIECES al'ollnd Ihe radiu perjodically to Oil :llnrrh 2nd, to pay a 1'lsH to : SfC how Buchans )I1ncl's were Pauline's parents, :'Ilr. and "Irs. 1 ~ Proof that you needn't have a million to own a bedrom suile with dbinR at theSt. John's S',adium. Anthony Walsh. " Mr5. 10n behalf c~ the gathering, 1I1r. D. C, Campbell. represcnting I a million-dollar look! You get the big double dresser, bookcase S 1iJl ••"h .. 199.50 .... ~Ir! J; R. Hart, 1IIIIle SuperIntendent, Gl'innell Co. of Canada, Ltd., BEAUTIFUL· LAMPS YOU MAY HAVE THIS SUITE headboard bed, spring, spring mattress, 2 pillows - 2 pillow i madc a presentation of a set of paid a two day visit to Buchans cases, bedspread and chest of drawers ... ell 10 pieces for H ~ .. ",pes .Ina an engineer's wa'ch last week, returning to the Marl· Mrl .1 the guest of honour, and in a limes by' T.C,A. from Gander on' $9.25 each DELIVERED FOR JUST $20 DOWN this tiny sum during aur March Sale! :1 to ,\ ,'cry fluent and slncerc manner March 2nd. ' J. ,( ~pressed:' regret that Trcvor IIIr, and Mrs. J. J. Bell .spent Contemporary 'and pijrlorl de, Mrs. ~. i should decide to leave the com· Saturday at Grand Falls and ,reo Rigns, newly arrived and ex, W• .\ ceptionnUysmart. 'See them! H_ F REG. 12.S();:·· , ;1J :: C. :~ Mrs. I .::i, I, STURDY Mr~. ;~'1 MEN'S E. '. WORK , M 'Work-day eomfor'. in ' rugged.leathers at prl. SHOES Mrs. ( I ces to please the work· inll man I ~ ~Irs. ! OIL RESISTING WORK SHOES 1. ( Strled by Goodyear Rubber Co, Mr , Check Ihese, features: . '1 ~I (1) 'Goodyear "AlrIoa~" T.V, ·CHAIRS ' Super Cushioning. Mrs. (2) Solid Leather Insoli. .$45.00 each , _ J. " , (1o;I~~~arter '.00-9.00 (3) Leathi!r. COI'cr wrap· Be sure (0 see this line collee· Save up to ped around il\sole. . tlon of smartly st"led new 3-PIECE DECORATOR SUITE '1 ,chairs, - , (4) Extra qualit~' . Fitting! G ; , ~", .t; REG. $59,50, Expertly detailed with diamond-tufted arms, 2.button ~ Mrs. • Irs, ~ut1l\r; F. . '-$7~SO backs, brass ferruled legs: Rugged metallic twel!d 5229.50 Black or cavers, na·sag construction. Reg. $259.50,, 1!row~ .. Up 'to 300 .. l GENT'S WORK BQOT,S. roc ; .. USE 'THE FRIENDL YS-L.S CREDIT PLAN StrDnlC, Serviceable Styles that , ":

. "'ill alve montI's 0 and months of wear, Features 'leather 1D1n . ~ RIId rubber' heels. FOR ALL YOUR PURCHASES-

o $6.~0, _ $6.95 .. ~ . ~ . Feature. rubber sole RUGS and iron heels. Axminlstera .. . CONVENIENT THRIFTY $6.50 - $7.50 Brockton. COMPLETE BED OUTFIT 9x9t09xlZ • Ind iron heels. . ,REG. $142.50. . Full or twin size! Full panel metal bed, innerspring $6.50 ~ $7.50 ~llS',OO Up mattress and Hi-riser spring. Regul~r $82.50 value! 67 .John White English work boots-with .Jeathersoles and rubber' heels . o Hundreds More March SaJ~ Values Now cit S-L-S 1 See Them All I . $7~50 SIMON LEVITZ & SON' LTD. FRIENDLY CREDIT SHOP 11 . THE DAilY NEWS, fRIDAY, MRACH 9, 1956 .------. rince Of Wa.les Blank St. Pat's Reach Finals, Grace Juniors 3-0 Win Third In '~igh School , o( w~lr, cullege huckc\'· at 7.30 oj the final frame. rr;nl(c krd a \"lsiting teRm of Junior league centre Bob Bad· Hockey Playoff Round b,a" Gr,lcr Junior AU·Stars cock made it 2·0 (or Prince 01 I(,tcrda)' allernoon at the Wales at 12.15 and senidr dcfcnc~~ St, Pat's won their third game forwards: Rudy Baird'. Ed Wool~ • 'b' mmming all their scor, man Larry Whelan fired tbe tblrd In the Higb School Hockey Len· gar, Pete Squires, Tom Hoyle., , l third period outburst. goal at 14.45. Only four penalties gue's qualifying round yesterday Ray Smith, Bob Kennedy. J. Mar· Ij alIarho ur G,rare squatI pu t were called by relel'ees Ralph Col· Inernoon with a 3·1 victory over tin, C. Hollett, Bill Brake. .Iil( Ii~ht II'lih the team 01 ycr and Charlie Pope, two to each S!. Micbael's that assures them o( . I'or' bol'tered by the ad· team. 1 "bertb in the championship finalS • d d '.rn ( a '(1lrward string. an e- PRINCE OF WALES - Goal: The Patricians scored twice III o ., II High Fliers , linc (rom the Jutllor co eg~ Davc' Barrcll. Cliff Hnnn: defencl:: the second period and once In the Thr\' mi~;ed out on grea, Charlie Warr. Larry Whelan, EriC third against a strong defence . to ~corc In the fint Winsor. Brooks Alley, Geoff Pet· minded St. Michael's squad. 5t. Bowling ,League., , ond prriod; hOll'crer. Dave ers. Gerry Winsor; forwards: Ron lilike's made their biggest offen· SECTION A let and elill lIann ~harcd the Osmond, Gerry King. Tom Hallett. sive 'punch in the second period E. Dymond ...... ' .. .. '707 lIann filling the PWC Dave King. Barry Crane, Cyril \I'hen they dosed the gap to 2·] M. Burgess ...... 732 '. thr third period. Thornhill. Fred Purchase. Bob 10 force the decision down to thc SECTION B I" d,itW playr

• t I" THE DAilY NEWS, FRIDAY, MRACH 9 • 12 SI_tUI 'practiced In the South ------,...---- are notbinl short of Shintoism, CAPITOL PARAMOUNT the form of anceitor wonhlp nat· _----.....,;-----STAR ______. _ .• _ Ive to Japan. It I. thf)refore doub- --...:.------/ I "foday Iyshoekln, when the crux of the To-mOrr01C i. l~ow Playing my.I.ery tum. on a dark lecret . ! about the famedauthor'l ancel' ------_.- -_.. ---_.__ .- ---_.-.- !YIlONE POWER IN "THE VIEW·FROM trrit Is of luch .Ironll Itory el~ HUMPHU'f IOGART, IN "RAWHIDE" POMPEY'S HEAD," WITH ments as thell' that ''The View "THE DESPERATE HOURS" "Rawhide" adds powerful stat RICHARD EG.AN f~m Pompey'. Head" II con· The page -;;;;ted to "tough 'NOW PLAYING-- appeal and perfOrmanN!. from. s~cted.· Sc~en",lIter Dunne, IIUYs" In any future hlsln'"""of th~ •. Tyrone Power, Susan Hayward One of the most Important pro- who allo functioned al director •• - In his role of roles as the and several olllers; an orlllln31 perties of the' past year, l.he best· and producer, a trlple.threat moUoo picture wlll undoubted~: story approach and lilting din· semng novel "Thl View· from rarity even in Hollywood where Ibound In references to Hump . lost island trader from BURT 101u~ Ind luspenseful, colorful Pompey's Head,' emerges now IS nothlni la uncommon, fllured rey Bogart. For althDugh J30gle I. Savannah. Ga., who be­ direction to tbe leneral Iincs III a ClnemaScope film production, tbat it WIS the .. daring, orfbea~ bas played I such diverse roles as , came ruler of 10,000 bar- I.he outdoor drama to achlevc cx. opening tomorrow at the Para· and forceful nature of "Tbe Wl1ll Stree. banker, lreasur seek· .LANCASTER citmen! and romance of a hlllh mount Theatre. A romantic drama View' tbat had made It I popu. er and African river boatman, barous warriors! II The order. The new Twentieth Cr.n. suspense. "The View" take lar book In the flnt place and no actor has typified the callous tury.FOlC film, which opens to- New York publisher's emissall tha~ was what Twentieth' C.n. product of the American u~der. I morrow at the Star Thea're, tells back to his old home town, ·Pom· tury.Fox production chief Dar. world - prison·bound, In·prlson'l IN I continuously moun'lng IItOry of pey's Head. In the deep South to ryl Zanuck wanted on thl screen jUst-out-of, and between·lrlp- 'I whit befalls a forlorn fronticr unravel a strange situation which . b hi th t as ~houghly IS he. Yet It may weI! outpost when It is left Imguarde,I surrounds a world·famous writ. when he oUI e I!ropery y. be thnt as Glenn Griffin, tbe most I exeep' .fo. r .. a. ma. n. ' ..wo. man and cr. The Irlp to Old Pompey, as Relylnl on the matjurlt and viciously Intelligent criminal eV!'r I (NEA Telephoto) i , . good la'Ste of his udgement. I I I B I I 5 . I child and faJls prey to a g3n!! the n~tlvcs call it, takes on double Dunne proceeded to do an hon. put to rim, t ~~ ro e og e .p ay ADDRESSES STUDEN1'S-Addressing an overflow crowd o[ 15,000 I of outlaws 'and killer~. connu!t when the man from New did t kif rth ~Ith such bnfiance In WIlliam· .... r Adl' St i "HIS MAJESTY The setting of Rawhide 51:1111111 York falls in. love all over again ~st. aut an ou spa en.y 0 .' Wyler', "The Desperate Hours." students at the Unlverstty of J,i.m.ne50t~ m ~Imneapo IS, al eyen·! lonely and. .cu't, off fl;om help. Is with the gil'l had lefl. behind f:: Ihe suspenseful drama, son the curb on. Amerl;an h.berlles IS well. ! l h~ I~:1I1~h::ea~i~~~ f~~e t;;rl~~~ vlole~ilY .criticlz~ ~s ~cpubh~an the ~cene of charged aild suspen.1 many years bel ore-even though af~er he saW hrm In "Vlolen~ that he will best be remembend. foreIgn polley. Stevenson 15 touring Mm~eso~a In a IIX d~y campaIgn i ~eful advcnt\1rr.. In. th~.. new film I no\\' hoth arc separately malTicd. Sfttllrday." 'Dlck gave I most len. I~ plnying Grltfh,l Bog~rt bas::o capture tbe presidential primary nommahon. O'KEEFE" Tyrone Powcr .i.~ seer to fine cf· In the kry roles are three of stil'e movin' erlormance,' a acluc\'ed th.e heart ~ deSire. of I .___ -'- ______...:.....----- ... fert as the {'Ilified young mail, the ~trongcst ncw pcrsonalitic$ w ndorful aet!r a~ wen as I hand. years of patIent waltmg; to find a . . le[t tn cope' ,i'llh' R problcm an Illf filmdom. Hkllal'd Egan as 'lie ~ Ir rl,lued looking man II. criminal role at once so torece!ul with him Is Fredric h!arch In the I lIF.crs STAGE RIOT . : With JOAN RICE Hperlenced rali~cr might find i pllblisher ~ man. darkly beauU· i ~~n~e has cDm~ented Of Da~a and Impres!!ve I.hat be could be slory of Ihe forty·eight hours of DAKAR, French West Africa. Ulliurpassable. Su~an Hayward. fill Dana Wyntcr as tile soutilerll : W nter a ladv like b~aut who sure of topplnl his tamed captivity of an e\,eryday familY i (Reutcrs)-O~e. person was kiled i ,eemlnjlly more beautiful and! gi!'1. and Call1erlln ~lilchcll as the' . Y di~covered in Londo~ and char~(terization in "The PetriCied held as hostage by a lrio DE bru·, and Acveral tn.lllred ~d ~oo hdutsy 'j' Also-UP. TO-THE-MINUTE NEWS talented with el'ery pi(.ture. I,!i\'c~ 'gc~.rich.qllick bOl' she crossed lias film via Ihe Broadway Forest." For unti! Griffin came tal escapcd conl'iets. 1I1arch con·' b~rned down In das es ues. a . ~ ~plemlid account of hCI',elf as. Suu!hern {'astr Unes to marry. came to . 5 aid "D 111 I 'ust .leng. Duke l\lantcc was the yard- i sidcl's his rr,le ~s the falher!ac.: l1I!!h~ between mem~er5 of rival. TIMES OF SHOWS: the IOl't.ly 11'.110 challccs on : Fol' t.he \'icwpoin' frum which the be stick by which all film hoodlums i with the most fcarful ! sects at kTII'ouane, aeta, ~'oung !::~~~~I~nu~e t pr~dlct !he~l1J ~d situati~n rchgl~us F.YF.~ING snows: 7.l5-U5 ~ ric~pcrate !I'uatlon. . 'lIallJllton B3SS0 best·sellcl' ~'as II b'g t! I' 'n the film firma' were measured. from nolV 0.11, In ! possible for the head o[ II family I fill miles from Da ar. i 1\1 AT1NEE.S: MONDA 1'-TUESDA l'-WEDNiSDAT. SPECiAl ••\DDEII .\TTR,\CTJO:'ti I' rX!ll'rs.;ed. prcse.rred In Pllllip n::nl~ ~~~e; ~ ;aw her-the Ila. th~. light of .the .extraordmarr Ihe responsibility [01' the lives of I I Dtrmot W.hh In Dunlle s ~crecll t1entmcllt. Is that tb 'wit the lntellilence the crttical acclAim given Bogie S RU of them as the most outstand· . THURSDAI-FUDAI' loll wondel' whe) "The FloaUng Dutchman" the tribal rituals of family and m::;on~it 'and the tale~t-l !tint In "The D~sperate Hours," lng he has'played in thirty yca~s i FRANKFURT (AP) -:- The West I' knew she ywas it. ' Cam Mitchell, Grlff~n, for p~lre sal',agery and of professional acting. And hiS I G;-rman cent~al ban~g ct~n~ll SATURDA1' % O'CLOCK Ihc third star Is of course already cunnmlC foreoCity. pills Duke In notices corrohol'ate tha~. and !BY I "ednesday raISed tile den an· "'ho c~n an~ ~ known 'qua~tity the fine youne I.he shade, and Bogart's wait has what;a mcdest man cannot; that !nfl.ltt tlbY one trperdceThnt t~ Ctellrb an will have a PrE • t I! d . . h f' t j b I a onary en. e ra was on United Stales actor who' was recently seen In come ~ an n. . It IS one of t e Illes 0 s ever I d fr 3'h U! ~~ t in the next d~c "Love Me Ilr Leave MI" and BOlart'! Griffin, however Is but accomplished In II mol,lon picture. ~~~e~e It ~~e hl he!! l!v~ ~f:c~ NEXT ATTRACTION HARILYN MONROE-JOSEPIf COTTEN In "NIAG!IA"~ has just turned ;, "The Tdl Men" one of the superb I'GI'trayah In Along with Bogart and March J g g 1953 g are ahead. : .Veteran. M~rjorie lIambeRu Mr. Wyler's masterpiece of. terror are Arthur Kennedy, Mutha anuary_, __.___ _ SU5PENSE-THRILL.s-EXCITE~JENT. ~i possible that in 19 and Sidney Blackmer' fill other and relentless tension. S ~rring Scotl, DewIY Martin, Gil Young FREE POLICIES president of thl t Impel'llnt Ipota In "The View and Mary Murphy, all in co-star. LONDON (CPl-Among e~lbits or Ex·President, , '. f.rom Pltmpey'. Head,' with ~.wo with Jerry Paris ;and Ruby Good· ring roles. No film cast before at an Earls Court exhIbition were . for the presidcnc , lovely younl Itarlets, Dorothy win. The picture hu been phD- has achieved a greater press than tins of "non·slip" floor po1i~h. They back in the U.S NOW PLAYING' Patrlek ad Da ... l, and ROlemarle tographed In color by De Luxe I.his !IIperb group and ill clnem· carried tree Iccldent Insurance Vice Presidel ~ BOWl In lupportln' rlllel, alan, and lar.ely ahot In the Sou~h. allc genious dIrector. policies. of Kentucky. ~ might be out 0 He might be .~ " \ a .JUStiCI ~. •. •. ~~ I ! e• •• Programmes On The Air Today. Or hc I r i IIdIllHialarleo, bIg bush i I .,~ Il.1O-Edllorlai or Comment • .,.. 9.43-Burtons oI Banner Sl. II.OO-CBC Newl and Weatber. • • • 1l.1~},Juslcal Clock. ~ 8.15-Echofl from Yesterday. IO.DO-News. NlWfOUNDLAND'S FRIENDLY TKIATU ,. 8.30-What'. Your Beel (Let- 1O.05-A Date with Denys. D.OO-Morninl DevotlolJj, most intcrc~tinl CJON U5-Program Preview. ---.....•... _---_.- _.--_ ..... _.. _.. _.... , .. - all 'his 5peeulatiol • FIlIDAY, Mareh • ters). IO.30-Adopted Son . --- .~ 8.35-Folk Song Tim. (LOCll­ 10.55-Ncws. 9.20-Piano Playtime. Xix on himself ha ~ Burl Ive. Etc.). 11.00-Cluh SliD, . Newi. I 9.30-Records at Random. idea where he 1 12.05-Muslcal Menu. ;, New. '1"lnt-Mer.lllt Edition 1I.40-Party Line. IIO.OO-Hlt of the Day.· TO-MORROW from noll'. AI , S.45-Moments for Meditation 12.30-Newl. . lD.I5-lris Power• .. .. ______• __ .. ______•• ',IJ'U'" he can do abo , ".M. d. ... Ind Joyful Hour. (a) 12.35-Muslcal Menu. .' 7.DO-Nfld. New. an po, ... lO.25-CBC New!. ,L.' 705-Local Weather. I poems, (b) Hymn, (el 12.45-Flshermen's Forecast. 10.30-Triple Trea:rtll't. ':l5-Canadlan Newl and. Sports. Prayer, Etc. 12.50-Musical Menu • .-..-; lU5-BBC Variety. '.30-Round the World New •. 9.0D-General Prol'lnclal Newi. 1.l5-Sportscast. l1.15-School Broadcasts. TENSE!TAUTtTREMINDOUSI \~: 7,35-CompletIWeather Round· 9.05-Album of Favourites. 1.30-News. 1l.45-Regina McBride . ., . up • 9.20-Thls II Your Tow. (Com· 1.45-Ramblln' WlIh Re,an. PO.,.",,,,,,,", ,...... I, Special Added Attraction 1:!.OO-Announcera Choice. ,. 7.45-Good New •. . munlty Salute). . 2.55-Newl. 12.30-Farm Broadcast. HUMPHREY FREDRIC •• 8.IlO-NOd. New •. D.30-Fish and Farm FutulIl. 3.00-Dollara on Paradt. 12.45-Mid Day Serenade. "'1; 8.05-Provlnclll Welther. 9.35-Hoedown Time.' 4.00-News. BOGART... MARCH ~1 lOO-Doyle Bulletin. lit '. lI.l~ewl Commentary. 4.05-Sam's Cora!. :~ 1I.~Doseo News. 1.15-Laura Llntited. WILLIAM WYLER'S '~" Who 8.20-Sblpplnl Report. " Rldlo Playhnus. '-55-News. 1.30-CBC News and Weather. ProductiOllo' ;t B.25-Klddles Cornlr•. !lO.OO-Through the Sports Glass. 5.0O-Junior Jamborel. 1.45-Aunt Lucy. :~ threw 1I.30-Nnd. New •. llound. IO.15-That Hammer Guy. 5.30-Melody Man, 2.00-Your Good Neighbour . THE DESPERATE '~t •. 35-Cllmplltt Weather 6.00-Newa and Weather. '.~ IM5-Barry Wood Show. 2.I5-Words with Mu~ic. HOURS :'~~. the .' UP. New. Pageant.-Lde Edition S.l5-Sportscast. 2.30-A tIantic School. • • ..ufPt., 1.45-Womell'. New •. ArthurI'amous Serip.~. , I Seasoning inche5 have he"n .s\\'ilJJmin~ in an . Il tlul». . Wh: "THE CAINE MUTINY COURT MAim'AL" 7.30-New5: : 2 Toward tilt "pen pool fed by a nearby artesian' . . . N.f1l'loundland Alrpanae \ sheltered SIOll ...... -;;.,a,,"""' ..... well. . a.o~Summary National News . • DAilY NEWS, FRIDAY, MRACH 9, 1956 13

This Page Is Presented, , J . • .-._--- with the G .. Complime~ts Of I The Great Eastern ,Oil Co!mpany Limited

.cal Closeup By the Chief NEA's Washington Bureau of t1u~ Next To Eisenhower

I First or 1'11'0 Dispatcllcs) ried the hod for the Republicans Stevenson, Steve 'l\Iitchell and in the mid·term elections. Presl· others, Sen. Olin Johnston (D.·SC) - Ih PETER EDSON dent Eisenhower held himself qU:lted Civil Service Chairman :\ ~:" St~ff COrL'espondt'nt Illoof from local contests, excep' Young to the ereect tha', nol one \1';\SIIl:\GT(l~-'1 NEA l-Lookillg at Vice President for a la~t minutc, whirlwind ~ir· Commilllist had been found. plane tour of half a dozen cities. The big IsslIe of the campaign ~111hom ~jxon the othel' day, a I'cplJrlcl' remark· It was a futile effort to prevent became, not ideological differ· the R('rubli ' I 4.T3 I committee chairman. said mcm· -1G0~~iiiiiliiiliiiii~ijil , I ' . 1 'AKHH ; hmhlp fil'm,~ in APEC ~houlrl be == • I UH : :1.000 but was actually only abou: ~ ~ ( " , 31)(1. iii )., 'hY. e.. co I "'lither !idp \'UI. The reoort. of SE'cretarl'·Treas· !I nrer Alplionesp. Arsenault ~hn\l'rd "'elt North ENt 14 24 I th~ counciJ hari _ surplns nf $6.23r I r, after the first ytar's operation, I Pall p~u Pass . 'r'J!1iYNGt! ! l- lead-'K 1oVIiEJIE'r1 . 'llJ60J Teacher Jailed, Qt4~ !S05Hl . settle an argument " BERLIN (AP) - A est Berlin I ?lJlwaukce fon, "Whidh I high schoo] teache~ wa~ ~entenccd :::) ~lles !iulIllI the be~t : to ]8 m.onths In prISOn Wedncsday " .hls rr'ntract'.' : for taklllg nearly 6,000 nudc pic. tne h.nd \\'~s actuaJly' harcs of gil'ls. bet~'ecn 12 and IS , 11011 the fil'st tri'k ' ycars of age III hiS apartment. With 'he aec of spall C I Dr. Gustav Roesslzr, 41, \old the rOUnds or tru es, I COII!'t he had taken the photograph~ "·"""nl'," Iwi"e tl \ .mldls, only to Illustrate a scIentific 1V0rk -NOVELTY .,. ,I~ .11' s bl ii' It' :t j he odll\ were 3 t on sex pro cms n ar~c c leg. 0 \1("lld have ~'The 1!ourt, howevcl', held a con, ':<'''' ;;c hi£h di'IJIlo' Illne °d siderable part of tile work was Oh' .<-t ~_9.0n ~ood • enon s, all "cene. It said ,It could see no sci· s:! . ugh for cntinc purpose in pictures or girls l . () :t It turn!!1 Ollt E I d' \\,e:lring nothing bUllop hats, neck.'1 m THE OFFICE ISAN6 () m Ihe top rtia;lIo~~rt, la I i ties and walkinjt sUcks. " :;00:: TOOK UPA GAGEMENT, ~ tis. ant '. ' -----­ ~ r-m COLLECTION \~, t Iree rliamonds !.lUstif the raise except posses· < 106ETYOOTHI5 Y ~ LVREN ...... JJI UnIUIl'h"a"s Soulh wrong slon of hoth high diamonds? 1= NICE BASl

-. 3m

14 THE DAILY NEWS, fRIDAY, MRACH 9 ._------.------' r~ported a ~lIllht Increase In material and urged them to do 'not consume nor thieves break case of Dr. Templeton (2) 'Our~ ',' Your family dortor is auxiliary membership and a 5ub· more reading, Just mere reading through and sleal. . denomination, is not the only t------o Illlan but he oJleratrs on stanUal Incrcasc In auxiliary Slv. will. not suddenly transform our Each generation has had to face denomination talking and thinkltlg 'round·the·clock ba~i; Ings, Highlight of the ),car's actlv· lives, but Increased serious read· nelV problems and new prcss!ircs, about EI'angelistic Missions (3) liepartment. And Ihere W.M.S. Holds lUes. was the Autumn Rally, hav· ing and the knowledge gaIned each generation has had to make There is an in~ecurily in our age SERVICE siderably more sirk ing as a' speclnl guest Miss MIlU· thereby will mold our lives and their cholcc in building their Jives, -a fcar that Ihe world isn't such. ,s·well·as self Service .. fires '0 call him OUI in cent Howse, Missionary on fur· 11'111 help us 10 mold the lives o( choosing bciween values that werc a solid place II'C' thought it. We - At- lough from Angola. Her \elk on those under our care. How we worthwhilc and lasting and v~lues live in a world of insecurity. hcr work 11'1\1 long be remember· mold that material detcrmines without foundations which qUIckly There is a great turning 10 The· Annual Meeting cd by all who attended. holV. the world will gruw. As in· fadc. We must make our choice ology and a great emphasis on lItrs, W, Parsons, Secrctary o( dlviduals we influcnce our com· today and by our choice we pro· faith-people arc doing a lot Ilf u'KEEFE'S' "Changing Patterns Challenge Ilunc. The Slmc applies 10 a natiun. afllliated C.G.I.T. Groups, ·report. munities and as conmiunlties wc vide a basis (or thc judgments of rea'ding aboul our faith, . The Church", theme of SI. John's, liS 10 a person. May we .endeavour cd a very menningful India year influencc our nation, generations to follow us. Right I Wh~t arc the implications tn i Presbyterial annual meeting of to mect the challenge with God's in C,G,l.T. with emphasis on well At the social hour. Rev. Isanc standards will not dcvelop auto· us \V.M.S. members? We must try CORNER Woman's Missionary Soeiet)'. guidance," attended speciai C.G.l.T, serv~ces: DavIs brought ,greetings from the matically. The concern of . thc to be beller Christians. We haw Thc 31st annual mceting of the Mrs, J, Crummey, President or World Day or Prayer services, SI. John's Presb)'tery, in the abo church is with the value of thmgs our part to ·play. We must con· 51. John's FIRST Self 51. John's St. John's Presbyterial of the thc Weslcy W,:\I.S" then wclcomed Vesper scrvices, AHiliqtion SCI" sence of thc President, Rcv. R, N. that money cannot buy-faith in sider what we can mean to our Service Slore offers- Newfoundland Conference Branch thc delegates and members pres· Vices, Particular mention was Rowsell. Mr, Davis fclt that the God discipleship to Christ, high Church. What is God calling m of the Woman's ;\lissionary Society ent and Mrs. E, Richnrds of the made of a World Friendship Rally Woman's Missionary' Society gIves quaiity o[ character, unselfishness to do. What contribution docs God NEW IN FOODS La! was held In Wesley United Church I Cupids Auxiliary repllcd. at which 81 girls from eight dif· thc ministers and their boards the of life, Inner resourccs of . power. want us to make. He said, "Repent Raisin Pudding February 20 and 21 with tho The Corresponding Secrelnry, ferent churches enjo),ed a da)"s greatest challenge that they can These treasures-not (or salc-we for the Kingdom of God is al (self·sauclng) :2 for S9C.~. President, Mrs, H, R: Luscombe, Mrs. H. D. Pike, called the roll get·together, This is the fortieth have in (1) devotion that knows would get for ourselves and hand hand." Repent is the key 1V0rd !o , taking the opening worship ser· and was anslVered by some 57 year or ·C,G.l.T. In Newfoundland, no bounds, that looks be)'ond thcir on to our ch'lldren. These arc the our Christianity. Repentance i~:' Jell·o NEW Puddings ! Short ( (lemon) :2 for .. ." 27t. , ,'Ice with Mrs. Cheswy King, delegates from societies from Bay Mrs, I. Dal'ls, with many years OIi'n activities to larger fieids in things that can be sought, not not only turninll from but it is '~ short Course President o( the Baullne Afrniated Roberts, Brigus, Cupids, Pouch 1 experience as a leader o[ Explor. tile Whole widc world; (2) that the bought. I a tmning to a life of faith an'l IJ Maple Leaf Cheese .30c. pkg .~ SocIety, assIsting. 1Ilrs, Luscombe COl'e, Bauline, Fort Amherst and. er Groups, told us of her little W.1\I.S. budget ahead-this is a As Chriistians, are II'C accel~ti."g : trust. Out o[ the sins from II'hicll Margcne, 3 Ibs...... 79c. ~. be held in St. apoke on the theme. "Changing the fll'c city churches, ~roup of clsllt which she nolV has gOod example tu the men's work thc chalicnge? Arc we cxerCl5111g: lI'e turn, come our con\'iction~. I Snowflake Lard . 25c, Ib, 1 at 8 p.m., in Patterns Challenge Thc Church," Thc hIghlights or the P~5t )'ear's at Clarke's Bea.ch. Shc sa)'s they in the church, Thc biggcst chal· our ability to establish 1'~IIICS and 1What aboul the Bible? What are 'I She said, "We need to consider work were presentcd by depart· arc eager and 1I1ter~ted and she lenge to the W.~I.S, arc Ihc groups. daily choose between fight and Iwe doing about it? Has it got 1l; , Klik ... 49c. Kam 40c. can the paltern o{ our U\'es-3 flaw mental secretaries, Mrs. D. W. K. rinds that girls make much belter bell~ecn the Baby Ban.ds nnd the wrong? Ways are' ch::ngin:l hut the' ptaee in our li\'es? Are lI'e pra)· .! Evall!lcllne Fresh I Lecturers: MI in one piece of a paltern spoils Dawc, 1st Vice Presidcnt, I'~portcd C,G.I.T. members if they have AUXIliaries as Ihcy ~I'I!I. h~ve to I destination is the same. We havc ! ing for Iho~e who need our pra:,· .• Egg$ ...... 7Sc. dOl. S.:ALED TF.:\Dcn!o! ;Id1r~~:!! undf'rl:jf'led. :I"" rnl1".,(~ Research for I the whole garment· so it is in our that there arc seven acllvc a[· been Explorers, . take over .the responSIbIlIty In the! OUr guide. Jesus left 115 a con~·. ers. The study o[ the Bible an,1 ' Evangcline Fowl ... 49c. lb. FOil \vIIAnF. nU);,\\'I'l.\. smiTH mSTnlCT, ~Fl.n ". Canada; and. oll'n Iil'es, We ne~d the guidance filir.ted societics. two of which arc Mrs. Gordon Monis, ~aby Band ycars to come. Thereforc, wc 1 pass that Is as truc today a.s It: Prayer-arc wc doing an)'thin;,: Evange line Buller 69c. lb. ccivtd in the cHit... lif of Jesus in liI'ing according to the new-North Harbour and Pouch Secretary, reported hl'e Baby ~ust accept the chalicngc ~~d Iwas 2000 )'ears ago. ~Iat~rial tll1~gs 1 nbout It: what Is the puropsc of . until :LO;) p.m. (C.S.T.I. tative in Newf pattern set for us in our highest Cove. Bands at St, John's and one ut gIve of our best to the groups m have a ri"htlul place In our life ollr stud" o[ the word'! Whet I .. \PRIL ~. 19Sii. PI.lOs and !,p~cirlr"li()": ('ior, ~ of Unions Iplrltual moments, ~Iany of us :llrs. n, D. l'ike, with (our Brigus, with seven hundred home be~\\'een." This· is a giorious I but let th~ st3ndn~d.s o[ our lives 'doe~ the 'Bihle mean 10 us today? forJnIllli of ttnd~r oht(l.in~d 11 :'! th~ Chic! Em;lncrr. Drp:Iorllrf!'l asked to 'PHOt take our cue from what others do, year's' of valuable scrvlce as cor· visits madc byleaders and help,:rs. pr1Vileg~. . be govcrncd by sl'mt,wl I·allles. I A sludy group may be Ihe anSWCl' Worl,!;, ottawa. OnlflrirJ, but this is where II'C get out of I responding secretary behind her, After a very beautiful solo, He Greetmgs werc also exlended I The memorial service on Tucs· . 10 our needs. This is a must al O'KEEFE'S the Dilitrict En;:in('('r. of their Unio Lives", sl1ng by \\Irs. E. Richards by ~Irs, A. J. Barreli, President day a!ternoon was Ie-I by .\11',. W. ·this stagc, Let liS not forget th~1 . 11.239. nulldlng ~9, Bu"", John·~. ~fld .• and Puhhc of Cupids, ~Irs. H, M, Butt. pre,· I of the Newfoundland C?nference J, Morris. During the past year: an El'angelical Church depends 1I11 1 ford Row. Halifax. :.:. 'i, a-.d . l ~lrs, OUiets. at Corner BrMk ented thc need for cancl.l ::!"<. Branch, W, J. Morns, a past nine of our memhers wcrc cailc.d Ithe Evangelistic, CORNER 1'.11" Nlld. INSURANCE There arc 44 workcrs needed [or Prcsident of Branch, and hy to higher service. Mrs. ~Iorns: Vaiues of Ihe ~lis5ionary ~Ionth .. 70 be conslderfld f'3f!, I~r.~~ d Dial 3320 accompanif'd by a 5f'['ur.I~· ir. ol'erseas ami the need tor \\'(11':,: I :llrs. Lewis Bartlett, Prcsident 5t. brought us a message of Hope: Iy anrl World Friends were PT!'; a ('(>rUfltd cheC'Jue- or Ocr.d. at home is just as urgcnt. In \'ICIV I John's Presbytery' Womcn's As· based on the Resurrection of our I senled in a playlet form. The5~ I 51. JG:,n's FIRST Self. in the Corm of tender 3n1 AGENCIES o[ thc urgency of the need, Do· I sociation. ~lr5. Bartlell said that Lord, The Resurrection of Jesus boo!;s arc sleps to the doorway accnrdlnl% tn thp!;.p IQrms . i Service Store anee with the ('OnditifJn~ c~t Steers minion Board Is asking that we as a missionary project they have unslI'ers our doubts regarding the of the world church. The steps The Deparment. II,Hl'Jd: Eng:necr', oUlce IH. ar.Q n.'. concentrate on c~nvassinc among formed a cO'operating committee future-His Resurrection is the. conlained· therein arc shown hy the nndersigned. or thro\l:;::h young women tramed in such pro· to work towards a scholarship promise of a glorious fulure, an. The Covers. Ncighhour!y Ncll's. the District EnJ;:il'lt'tr M ~t il>nd lIalifax. N,S •• \\111 I fesssions as teachin,C, nursing. etc., fund to help student, get their inheritance incorruptible and un· i A.WJ!'S. Guide, direct share In ;tnd 5peclfcation of thr . with a view to gcttlng thc~ IDtcr· !irst year university so thaI the), defiled and that fndeth not away. : the church nnd n wider \'iew 01 Newfoundland a ~lIm of ~2J,M in the T1f1ED ban~ chrtlue fI\ cst cd in full lImc work III the may be eligible (0 cnler the Christ's l'ictol'Y ovcr death, ,inee: the world church, No mailer ho\v Able tn thl! ordr-r nr the church.. .. ' United Church Training School at He summed up the wholc of' many copies there aTC if they qrc Services ,GE~ERAI. OF C,\:-;\P.\'

Alter the Sll1glD~ of the theme I Toronto. I humanity in His own persoll be·, nol used they arc of no valuc. 1 will he rrlo ..r.d on PASSEN"'ERV NOTICES prinl(' find ~peclficatilJn"'urn 'n h)'mn, a highlight on finance WHS I ReI'. A. S. Bull, D.D., led thc' comes our perpetual herilage, if i Aftcr Ihe singing of the themc I wjth!n a mnnth frnOl t'l(' I tlon .r tend ..·,. 11 "t gll'en by the 'l'reasurcr, Miss I worship at the el'ening serVice,! we fully realize our oneness wilh I hymn Mrs. Warren Norman gave' SOUTH COAST SERVICE , th;\t p~riod the depOSIt >'111 Elinor ~Iaddock, who congrlltulat· spcaking 011 "A Christian witnesscs Him To die is an experience II'c! Ihe report of thc Courle~y Com· I The Im.. ·c!t or any tcnr!~r FOR ALL cd all. the organi~ations ?n Ihe tn God in his daily 1V0rk and so· I ali have to fRee and endurc, hut! millee and ~Irs. W. ,I. ~Iorris the 8.S, nUnfif:O : tlcccplcd. Ihe' nORF.nT splendId amount raIsed durmg the cial contacts." Christ's last words, in Christ we live again, with un·: report of the Re.lolulions COlD. S.s. Bur~co "flcr~ting nn • C'1l!rr of Adrnini .. tr"r" .YOUR year, and that an amount of $916.· "And ye shllll be my wItnesses", I'eiled e\'cs wc sec His face, we, millec. With the Benediction hy Soulh Coast Sen'icc will ~atl :lnd S"crt1ilrQ. m' n,.partmrnt of Public \\nr~', 77 was raised ol'er and above the i carried a great significance. Wit. hear the' music of His voice as lI'e ; ~Ii.ls Siella BllI'ry, lhe Preshyter. rrom Dock Coas'al Wharf 5 P• • ottawa. rf!bru;lr:r :;~. 1... ·' . dlocation . Mrs. R, N. Rowsell,l nessing is essential to the propa· arc led' throunh thc gates into I iill ~essions werc concluded fo~ to·morro\l·, Saturday. Se~rel:!ry o( Christlan Steward· gating of the Christian faith, To· (he Cily o[ .Et~rnai Rest. I another year. , GUARD~ slup, prescnted the allocation for day there is a lack of witnesses, • Aftcr Mrs. Arch Badcock read! The Presbyterial officers for the CAl, ...... ~ 1956 which was un~nimously ac· pcrsonal witness is the most e[· the minutes of thc prcvious day' coming year, 1956, arc: : l!I'IOM!i!!!lII&AB~!!!!I~._ cepted. Our surpl~s was then fcctivc but the most difficult to ~Irs. L, Tuck again drelV our at· I PRESBYTERIAL OFFICERS : NIII!S!!!I . TONIGI voted to bc diVIded between get. The Christian's witness is ten lion to the service that we rna), H P . I t ~I A G b'; Ii "'ION 'Il Y scholarships for home and over· two.fold: what hc is and what he give as lI'e in'crease our reading P O~t ;esl~ fn t~~r S ~o I~. Aci. AM seas students and a home for p~e· 1 says. Our witness will leave its of good books. Shc encouraged all wo~;is res I( en .~, ,. , ______.__ school children in Neemuch, IndIa .. mark, There is always some soil members to read the study books P "d t FOR THE 3 GREATEST : SEALED TE:-;Ol:ns .~d·,,"~ The Literature Secretary, Mrs. : read)' to reccive the seed. To go prcscribed for this )'car on Indian 1 resl. en -M~~. H. R. Luscnmbc. , "nd.nloned an.! .n oore repor ca. Associate ~Ieillbers' Seeretan'- abl~ ('hara te' d I h·i·I' II ' Tilt lo • .,,"or an,' l.nl.I( ": CRY? should have an expanding church. 1 al1 auxiliaries :Ind other groups ~[1'< D \,. K Dawf . t· C • \ a~ s a I I ~, ale· .cr-ept.d. ! The time has come f~r us to In.ok 1 contributed as allocated to supply i' S~ppiy Sec;.c\drl'':'' )11'5. Chln l ' t~/I~~~r~~~Cl: • rm,y ~et.sts. ff'~Sk Chi. I ~t~~~·r.i;;7,~·~;R. : 10 our task of cxtendll1g our mm· "lIld relief work with o\'er one 'I • • . a my recrul Ing 0 ICC 'nd S~",r:,,: I • I .'.\ oorc. for delal]s .. nrpartm~nt of Puhh' '\r'lM, ] Istry t~ these sub~rbs, The Church I thousand pounds o[ c\othmg ~nd. Community Friend,hip Secrelan' Canadla~ A V R '1' ' : Olla,,'o, F.hrunry 2~. :"!; : ExtellSlOn Comnllttce has hcen 'I bedding to our credit. I 'Irs J C .• • ' SI rt~ ecrul lI,g I ._.... ,,, . thO kl b t It d [ . -.> . . rumme\'. a lon, m ng a ou an a survey 0 I Mr.. A, J. Barrelt. Branch Liter t 5 t' 431 W t 5 I 1 'd" t b hI t' f: a ure cere ary - Mrs. L. a er Iree, I , 1he areas has becn madc ,reSIThe P en, roug gree 1I1gs rom' ~I T k St J h' N f dl d United Church has acquired tll'O the Newfoundland Con[erencc ,. . . u~ . . 0 n~, ew oun an. I fine pieces of property, one 011' Branch and from Dominion Board. ~hsslonary Monthly an!1 Wo.rld i ~ .:'Ial 8·0294 Elizabcth AI'enue and another at She' congratulated all organiz3': Friends Secretary - )1155 ElIza· q.~~~I;,l (,2~,23,24mar7,8,9,14,16,21.1 I ;\lount Pearl. Mount Pearl has an tions on their excellent reports' beth Burgcss. .. . _~~_'_,_9_.3_0_.3_1 ______I" active committee working on a, anti their endeal'ours through the! ~ecretary of Chnstlan CItizen· . plan to get a church for that area. I past \·ear. She said, "Wc hal'c tn: slllp--Mrs. C. I,. Bartlctt. /'!~:...... :.;:Ji'?r.::-··~ SEAI.EIl .. ,,'<., wn For some lime therc has been a: renliie that there must be a re· Press Secretary-~Irs. W. Pal" p""'!\ i n)J!'""rr~~~·~ ,,'v'ln Sunday School ther~ and an oc·: Ihinkina in our missionary work. 'on;. . ;~. N74I!W '-'71 '}. .CLhl11(E'S II Ann" ,. caslonal church ser\'lce has been, 15 onr Missionary Society Ihe kinrl Camhdate Secrelary - Mrs. D. ;,.,~~F!1f!IA _ ':',' i ~f?I~;T~;, I~;'S ~~,~'d;~,~: I. held, We hope 10 cneuurage peo· I that encourages young people to I Evely. 2 ..,.. i (~:.S.T.), IVEO:-;ESIl'\, .. pIc in the Elizabeth Avenuc area I make a decision for [ull time work S I AffT t I : . , : i Ilo~~."'or"~~nd~:'·~~~~:~;~" to come together to sec what they,· th h h' I II' t' f ecre arl' I Ia C( Explorcrs- ii,' 150·X i ,.J Ihe Chief ~:nglnecr. Il.~,rt"'~' in e cure. n liS line 0 ~Irs W lIawe I I Work,. 011011 •• On'ono. " I" n1nY do: .~n[ortunately, we havcn't l 'Changing Patterns' ma~' the worlc I' ... I "'r!]'------.: .. \ . Ihe DI'lrlet Eo_lnrer. I'.,b" the (acllItIes in our flne~churches o[ the Presbyterial .ply blue.prinl> an.! ."""f,{!I'B-ll arc particularly affected, Hence, )[rs, C. L. Bartlett. lIlrs. II. n.· stumbling o\'C.r a chIld s Il'lcyc1e, IO.day mon.)·back gll."nl •• o(/t./I . ,,"ork on deposit of a'''''' we have seasonal unemployment in Luscombe welcomed an lIlisslon would apprecwle .n ligl.I' o.n the' wi,raction. let •• lting for on.· ~~~~~~,n~r3orc~~~:~~~;::,t,: Cr nt por 1 t I I lourlh Ihr pricc orman), compaf.1blc I' Ncwfoun dl an.d On Iy b y gOl'ern· I Circle girls to the evening servicl' a c 1 0 gUI( e urn m. . :lids. So 'malt. so li"hl il c.n' b. : m:CJ-;IVCIl m:M:Il.\I. t th 'l d . t t ' D i dl!Posit "ill hI" rl"ll'.l,t'li lIn. ttentio men au or! y an prJva c en cr.!' and particularly the Wesley Group h,~d.n b.hind a man', neckti.... I blu •. pdnl, and .ped" .""" , prise can we hope to solve this occupying the choir who later in ·orn in J worn,,', h'II! Opec, I.. 'diUon >l'lIlti" n month " lor only about lOt a \.\cr1.o. 'recl'},llon of Il"fld<'r" and .... pro bl em, I the service brought us a messag~ The family dector's fcc is of· ",tldn that petlod II' "p' f...... specltlC I ;\Irs. E, F, Peters dealt with 1 in song, "Near to the Heart of ten considerably less than the' STEE RS fO~~:I~~;,·.. 1 0; an! t'"':" r,:,t~:!ll:ler Newfound Immigration: Newfoundland is God." cost of 'he drugs .he may prcs· I a",pled. t· h hungry {or people. The policy or Cochrane SI. Circle wer.' scribe; about a third of the cost' RODEnT 1'1' 5 In t e Bo ~lission I Chief 01 J\dnum our government is to encourage presentcd with the Book Award of one day in hospital he rna I I and ,,,,,,ar~ If immigration. Economic conditions for this year and were congratu.' prcvcnt; and no more than an ap'I' Radio, Appliance. Furniture Dept. O.pa~ltn.n' of Public \\~!'" lese may be When' human beings are suffering, when hu.man lives are in peril, have improved in Europc and lated on their splendid record and! pliance repairman might ehargc St. John's, Water St., steers LId. =O=tt="=I3=,====::=:::::::... premi'es during manpower has been sifted out and on their servicc to the communit~ i to fix any gadge\ in your house I mar9,13,20,27 T neither language, nor race, nor creed, nor color, matters' one whit. ~herefore lVe have not so man), Wesley Circle have been reorgan. I' enders close c The Red Cross of compassion encompasses al1 who are in need Immigrants, ized and arc doing well. Gawel! of its humane services,' People arc Canada's most vital Strcet Circle arc doing som CLOTHES make the man it CHAfE Import. In the ycars 1951·54, 1I'0rthwhile community service al : 1,523 immigrants were rcported. Blackhead Road, . makes the clothes The Europeans particularly .were lIIiss Grace Reynold's gavc an' ,WII,nyou highly edueat~d and t~e ,Chl,n~se, excellent report on action in' make good cillzens. It IS I er~ 1m· Youth Discussion __ the possibl!. WM. L. CH~FE, Tailor portant that these ncwcomers help ities for service by Mission Circl~ to build the Christian "church. In girls in the suburbs of this tOlVn 4 HOlDSWORTH ST. lIVE 10 Ille '" CIIOSS thc:,words o[ St, P~ul, Be not for· arc unlimited. Much is bcing dont your donation represents YOU, personally helping 10 ~lIevial. gctf~l to entcrlnm strange~~, as but much' more to be done human suffering and distress thraugh the many Red eraSl the) may be ans.el.s unaware. Churches and Sunday Schools arc ~Ir~, R." E. Hal ~ answers the crowded-more I'ocation school$ 1954 HIL services maintained throughout the nalion. questIOn, . As ChrIStians, are om' greatly needed .­ ~Iectrical Appliance Repairs standards and our lives differ· Miss NIna Osmond Mission Heater an ent?" Through all the. gruwLI I. • I Band Secrctary, reports' instances If, you have an Electrical Toaster, Flat Iron, THE CALLER WEARING THIS BADGE has gIven up hIs' changes that are taking place III of good stewardship in her ei ht or her spare lime, warklng wllhool pay, unselfishly devoled the world around Us arc we stOll' croups-four of which are in gs' Kettl,e, in fact any Electrical Appliance, you Winterized ping to think our way through john's •. 10 the' task of helping others. Please greet tour'Red Cross these new and changing situations' . will be advised to give it to tanyasser accordingly, or arc we. giving in to the pres- The special speaker for the REGULA 1 • sures and speeds of our day and evcning, ~tiss Stella Burry, took $lOOC choosing. the line of least resist· for her subject· "Evangelism." We DONATIONS MAY ALSO IE SENT DIRECTLY TO . (LOCAL ADDRESS) ance. are now about to embark on a .ANTLE'S Change, progrcss and success are National EVangelistic l\Iission, arc too often defined only in terms of we In the spirit of preparation~ econol)1ic Improvement and rna· What is Evangelism and why a 142 VVATER STREET EAST terialistic bettermcnt. The spiritual stage of preparation? 'rhere aru (Right next to Crane the Je:\'nlller) CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY values of life are pushed aside special times and' seasons' which NEWFOUNDLAND'DIVISION and this Is not only true of today. should be, set aside to consider Where you will find absolute dependable Long ago Jesus pleaded for. the the expansion or evangclism (t) service. A trial will convince you. . 55 DUCKWORTH STREET EAST unpurehaseable treasures of the heeause the:e special mlSSlom DIAL 7031·7032 ST, JOHN'S NFLD, spirit that moths and rust can· havc provcd eHective as in the JPHONE 2397 A (any time) .. THE DAilY NEWS, FRIDAY, MRACH 9, 1956 13 ------~,~

, 'i' I

St. John's District Trades and Wanted WANTED - An 'elperlenced Cheel( Your Tickets housemaid, references requlr. labour Council ed, other help kept. .\pply .Furnace Oil NINE CONTESTS STILL l!NCLAIMED Mrs. C. A. Pippy, 26 Wa~er· '. ford Bridge Road, 'Phone 4966 CLUB OPEN WORTH $200.00 EACH for appointment. nlar7,8,9 Short Course Schoo,ls WANTED TO BUV-Comlc. 5 P.M. pocket books. nlen's slightly stove Oil THE MODEL SWEEP 1~! short Course Labour Schools for Union members worn clothes and footwear. ,,;;lI be held in St. John's on March 13th • 14th and John D. Snow. II New Gower TO·DAY , \ Street. lan4,1m 'PHONE 5782 ~ 151h at B p.m., in Ihe Cathedral Parish H~II, Queen's NOW BEING ~ !:od, Ven.tian Blinds Lecturers: MR. TOM WARD, DIrector of Political DISTRIBUTED BY THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE ' .. Research for the Trades and Labour Congress of )NL V COMPLITE. BLIND :1 ServIce, Manufaeture, Laun· 1 Canada; and MR. FR~NK CHAFE, T.L.C. Represen. dry Repair Worl! lIuaranteed. .,, i' tative in Newfoundland. . One day ~ervtee. Frep quota., CARD St. John's Chapter " tiona. Kearneys LImited. NFLD. COAL & OIL CO., LTD. q .I',embers of Unions who propose attending these schools Manufacturers. 454 Wat,r St. OF THE I olked to 'PHONE 2351 and leave their names,. and 441 WATER ST. DR. W. , rame of their Union. Miscellaneous '. Assn. of Registered Nurses·~; -I 'PHONE 6077 - 5586 - 5863 .\ Fce-S3.GO per member. ~LL WOOL MATTR'USES Ire pIcked. re-covered: sprIng. GROBIN s. GARLAND, Secret,!ry' da;, beds rewired:. Inner of Newfoundland sprmlt mattresses feeondtUon. WILL BE OUT OF TOWN ed. Write, Phone 3891. wire Will be held TO·NIGHT (Friday) March 9th, at S: 1.5 H. J. Keata. 16 Mount Royal FOR ABCUT 2 WEEKS Avenue. p.m. in the Nurses Residence, General Hospital. m7,:ii GET THE FACTS! Wrlti In'lr. Business: To elect a Delegate to attend the Canadian •national .Correspondence TO LET Nurses Association Biennial Convention in Winnipeg. STADIUM Schools. Canatllan Ltd., 2011 Argyle St .. SydneY. N.S. SUITE OF HEATED OFFICES ON WATER ST. (Siged) GLENNA ROWSELL, Secretory Immediate possession. NOTICE Barber Shop I, Charlie Wing. of Scotici SENIOR HOCKEY Apply fHI CENTRAL BARBER 'Ridge, Bell Island, Grocer,! SHOP-Fast efficient sanl· shall not ba responsible, after I tlQ' ••rvlce. All modern SEMI FINALS eqUipment, fIve barbers. The EASTERN TRUST CO. this dote, for any debts con- i WANTED. least (lolalble waiting, 24 New traeled by my wife. • • • . GciIVer Street. opp. Adelaide DIAL 2027 Moton Ltd.' .. mar7,B.9 Dated at Bell Island the 7th: GUARDS vs FEILDIANS ======: day of March, 1956. I. .Active Boy Insurance (Signed) CHARLIE WING I FOR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT ~·· INSURANCE-Iowrln. 'rDth­ ;. \ TONIGHT 8.30 P. M. Ir Limited InllJrance Depart· For Sale .. .. mint-Fire, I\utomoblle. Mar· PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT ...... 75c Bleachers ...... 60c Ille lind all Cllualt, Un ... I" Telephone 3131. General ...... SOc CONTACT A. I. HICKMAN M. s. "MANECO" Co. Ltd. Iosur.nci Agent., Club Open 'Phonl\s '132-3+(1.8 P .O.B. AS IS AND ,WHERE IS. RecDrded Music s~. Raserved ticl~et holders usc King's Bridge liB., for your insurance re- No Cover Charge nee. Ticl

'li~tr ... lh,. Clnt.et STAN POWLlR, RI­ "f'crf'tal", nout bulldln" for Fire Auto­ OIL BURNER EQUIPMENT 1-----­ will be sold to members only. Music 11;r \\'nt· ". ., !~. :~·s;.. mobile and Plate Glan Insur· I The Daily News Ince. Claim. promptl, settl. I '~I'.' I ed. 'Phone 5~31...;P.O. DOl for this Dance will be supplied by .I' 13. i' SALESMAN I "Lao Micha~ls Orchestra". Tickets PU~NISS WITHY INSUR. ANCE Department offerinl dependable insurance-Auto. Remuneration: Salary and Commission. are $5.00 double. DIAL 90069 for mobile. Fire, Burglal'l', Plate Glap, Tourist . Blggage, reservations. VETERANS CLUB TONIGHT Tral1lPortation. Travel Aee!. Apply 1952 dent, Liabllit,. Phone 2073. ,j , JAZZ TRIO from Fort Pepperrell will AUSTIN SEDAN \. Musi~al Inltruments NFLD. COAL & OIL CO., LTD. i, . members and their guests at the Club 00 ) PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING 650. , and Repairing Single TUning .' 441 WATER ST. :i Six Dollars. Phone 2819-L. W. . m7,9 Hopley, 10 Cornation Street. , :'" TO·NIGHT COMMENCING AT' 8.30 mar~,lm. Baird Motors Ltd :I '. Tenders for Gander MERRYMEETING ROAD , GIBSON GUITARS - Horn.r Tenders for St. Joseph's .i ). : •• Button Stop AccordeDns and DIAL 80378·9 . ,. Harmonicas, Richmond Saxo­ Amalgamated School BINGO , . School, Gander, r'i phones, Boosey Clarlnets.­ Gander, Newfoundland cuntlcr 3uspices Little and Pony Baseball Leagues) ndland Board of' Trade Cllarll!!l HuttDn '" Sons. P,C). Ceb3.eod •• Newfoundland Preliminary GAIETY AUDITORIUM EXTENSION OF TIME Announcement CASH PAID DIlUEDIATELY:_ EXTENSION OF TIME . TO·N/GHT AT 9.15 O'CLOCK For comics, magr.zines, pocket TENDERS WILL BE The Memorial Uiversity ttention Co'ntractors books, men's slightly used TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO Dramatic Society clothes, bootS, ~hoe!. John and speciiiCCllons for St. Joseph's School, D. Snow, 9 New Gower Street. RECEIVED UP TO APRIL 6th, 1956 will present GAME No. 30 WORTH $400.00 Newfoundland, have been lodged by tha mar9,lmth APRIL 6th, 1956 Scaled tenders marked on the The Monkey's Paw 30 GAMES CARDS $1.00 in the Boord of Trade Rooms. . Sealed tenders marked on tile outside "T\lndcr for Gander CANADIAN NATIONAL outside "Tender (or st. Joseph's Amalgamated School" will be re­ by W. W. Jacobs Door Admission 5c These. may be examlOe. db'y 10 t ereste d'·parltes on School" will be received by the ceived by the archi~ects at their and (Tel) premises during business hours •. RAILWAYS architects a~ their H,.1Iiax o[flce Halifax o[flce up to Noon A.S.T. up to Noon, A.S.T. April 6th, April 6th, 1956, for f.he construc· Tenders close 01 noon on March 26th, 1956. The Puppet Show ATlANTIC REGION 1956, for the construction of the tion of the above named school. CHANGE OF ADDRESS above named school. Tender Tender forms, Instructions to Bid· by Sidney Box .H. T. RENOUF, Monager. D.molition and R.moval [otm., Instructions to Bidders, and ders, and copies of pl&ns and copies of plans and specifications. specifications may be obtained Tuesday and Wednesday, NEWFOUNDLAND. BOARD. OF f B Id' may be ob!ained after. March 5th, after March 12:h, 1958, at the April 3rd and 4th INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS o ui mgl and 1958, at the oUlce! of the archl· offices of the architect by ·respon· at B.30 p.m. in the University 'teets by responsible general can· sible general ~ontiactors upon de. WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEIR .Structures on Gas Works tractors upon deposit of $100.00 posit of $100.00 for each Bet of Annex. , Property. t(\oor each set of plans and specificn plans and specifications. Ploos NEW ADDRESS AS OF MARCH 8th, 1956 will be .. ns. Plans may be seen at the m~y. be seen at the Builders' Ex· IF YOUR CHmNEY'S DIRTY CENTRE BUILDING, CHURCH HILL 'S Builders' Exchange, Wa!er street, change, Water Street, St. John'., take no time to weep. Just 5T • JOHN , NFLD. st. John's, Newfoundland; at the Newfoundland; at the Builders' call Edward Carberry, famous ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND SEALED TENDERS, muted on the out Builders' Exchangc, 59 Spring Exchange, 59 Spring Garden Road, Chimney Sweep. Dial 5893. P.O. Box 2082 ' Te/ephones~ 8·0030 - 8·0039 1954 HILLMAN 4 DOOR SEDAN Ilde "ConlldenUII-lIlmo.. 1 01 BuUu Garden Road, Hro1l£alC c/o Rev. P. Halifax; c/o Mr. Rex TlI1ey, Ch&tr~ mr.r6,lmth mdrB,9 ~~:"·~~4~:~:':~c~ a~~ ~g~:~I:~~ J. McCarthy, st. Joseph's Parish,' man Gander Amalgamated School Heater and defroster; good tyres; 'II'Il1 b. r••• I.ed up \0 U'OO o·.loek DOOr Gander, Newfoundland, and at the Board, Gander, and at the offices ., SaturdlJ, Mlrcla 1"b, lta. offices of the architects: of the architects. KIPPERED HERRING Winterized; privately driven.' . PIa., apt.ul.auo., 'OnD 0' ..nlrlct, In A certlfleil check on a charter A certified check on a chartered . 1t:u.Uona \0 bidder., ml, b. I ..n lilt • (Bbxes) ! '0",,·01 "nller oblltnt~~~~Io~. ES:~!:,r'N~~adlln NaUo",,' ten percent of the amount of the percent of the amount of the SALT SPLIT HERRING. Plan Ind OIllOCltlcoUo. will lie 101n.d tender and made payable to the tender and made payable to the AN EXPERIENCED OIL FURNACE SERVICEMAN \0 bonl lid. ..nlucle,. on tilt dopalll oj Ltd $1000.00 .0 .c.~d billo: cla'qui midi plfablo arc hi tects' must accompany ten ders. arc hi tCCLli mus accompany ten ers. (Barrels) to Can.,.,nN.tlon.1 Kalh•• , Com!>ln) The lowes! or any tender not The lowes~ or any tender not Apply D NFLD. TINNED SALMON ::iM ~:1rtI!1JI.. :..It!:-..,t~~J' w~~:'~; neeessarily accepted. necessarily accepted. GORDON ASH ~~~:,~'~I'.lloD ar, '1t~ In I~ ~ LESLIE R. FAIRN.& ASSOCIATES LESLIE R. FAIRN & ASSOCIATES l's . f . ARCHITECTS, ARCHITECTS,' T,IIdtIt will l1li1 .. bi eOlllldarod unit.. '32 M'ln Street, Wolfville, 432 Main Street, Wolfville, iubrllitled on' lilt IoMII I1IppUed by tM, .. ~ NFLD. TINNED SEAL JI.uWlf .nd .. Ic•• rdan .. Wllh the la. Nova Scolla. Nova Scotia. Great .Eastern. Oil Co., -Ltd. • ll'UtIlOIll 10 bI401er'' 1 S t Ilf 41 1St Ilf Th' lit",.. or' IDJ tladar Dot DK... U Argy e tree, HI al, Argy e irec, HI aI, F. McNamara Ltd . Gilbert Street ~f. John'J urll1 .et;'J~. . Nova Scotl.. Nova Scotia. . 1:. ~i,m.~' mar9,12 mar9,12 11 'Phones: 5143 . 5144 marB,9


• ,- ',.' ,.

• j.

16 THE DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, For 'e,ter .Sui l~OO p.m.-W

r . 'Re 6.15 :p:m"::::'GI EGGS ••... CHEESE •••• BUTTER • ··Stc 'S·.30 .p.m.':"' Stl THE I TRIPLET CHEESE-average weight 30 Ibs. each. 9.00p.mr M • BLACK DIAMOND and BLACK WATCH CHEESE, 5's, ___tiN ·.OK: I Ws • ASBESTOS SHINGLES GILT EDGE FIRST GRADE CANADIAN CREAMERY BUTTER Island in the Sun GRADE 'A' LARGE and GRADE 'A' MEDIUM EGGS • ASBESTOS SIDINGS Alec Waugh ...... 3,50 ~ chI Ii.MS. Ulysses . Also • ASPHALT SHINGLES Alistair Maclean ...... 2.25 The Gentleman NEW SHIPMENT ST. MARTIN'S PURE ENGLISH JAMS • B.C. FIR LUMBER Edison 'Marshall .. ,...... 3,95 . ypru The Wine of Youth I • BIRCH FLOORING Robert Wilder ...... 4.00 I Britain Hal The TreClsure of I Uw • B.C. PLYWOODS Pleasant Valley i Frank Yerby ...... 4.00 i • CEDAR CLAPBOARD Something of Value I Robert Ruark ...... 3.50 • CEDAR LUMBER Arctic Submarine TAKES YOWS-Boyce Brown, Alaistair Mars ...... 2.25 'PHONES 5143 - 5144 • INSULATING BOARDS once rated the union's ho((es~ man Gift From the Sea QUEEN 5T. CHESTER DAWE 'on an alto sax, has given up the jworld of jazz for a lifetime in a Anne Morrow Lindbergh 3,00

• WOOD MOULDINGS 'I Catholic monastery. Brown, 45, Memories the long array of vessels ranged heard shouting upon the Limited ,look his vows as a lay brother of Ropes· And Gaffs­ in an ice channel in the harbour before daylight, during Ilhe Service Fathers, Order of !he Ethel Barrymore .. ,;, .. 4.00 of St. John's on a fine sunny day. teams of yelping !logs to • PLAST~R BOARD SHAW ST. TOPSAIL ROAD ! Servants o[ st. M&ry at the mono The Ultimate Viking with a strong westerly breeze of try for fuel. I have lo!! I astcry ncar Granville, Wis. "Ii .• I 00 Saga Of The wind blowing, their flags gayly fly· companions, the froSI DIAL B0161 DIAL BOJJS 'isn't a gloomy life," he says. "To Ene Link ater ...... 4. • WALLBOARDS ing, whil3t working their way which used to lick the (5 lines) (2 lines) I me, It's more exciting than music John A. MacDonald down the channel towards their ter nights awa~' in my i was." He'll .play his sax only on Th Old C·h· ft . Sealfislterv exit from the port, with their walls. The cookin~ slave • SPRUCE LUMBER 'special occasIOns. I e Ie a In (Contin~ed i;om Page 9) cheerful and happy skippers and cn the place of the dog' + AMPLE PARI{ING SPACE ON Donald Creighton ...... 5.75 Carbon ear •• ••• 38 1,497 crews on board. Even to those on I no longer behold the I ELTHMl, England (CP )-Build· • Greenspond ,. ••• 30 984 shore, from the highcst to the cherry blaze of the yule TOPSAIL ROAD and SHAW ST. 'ers' ovcrseer Joe ~'riday, 28, feU I The Sane Society Trinity South ... 28 1,096 lowest, it uscd to be a most thc light of whieh ! 60 feel while inspecting sleel Erich Fron'm ...... 5,00 Catalina •• •• •• 22 742 pleasing scene for in those days stories were told thai , fra mework in tltis Kent tOll'n. He • d • Trinity ...... 20 861 all scemcd to feel a personal in· make us tremble as U'e . DE~IO:'l'STR.o\TIO: . , . Igot up and walked to hospital for WII Amenca Hr. Main ...... ' 7 293 was apprehende terest in the scaHishcry;. a liner bchind in the dark portioQ as he preparcd Il . treatment 01 a fl'actured foot and Roger Tory peterson or more healthier body of the room. Then the jolly gooj ·· I In closed sessions lI'ith Stale Sec., clnratlon f~vorlng. a s. eu!eme,nt .o! head culs. h 550 370 14,655 for AIb"ns, I!'here Res 1 tape P0 1 lCles . retary Dulles ami Forclgn sccrc·lllle. long,slmmermg In

really little more than snack ~ars. EMBARRASSING ADDRESS ANDOVER, England (CP)-The single resident of Drul!ken Tree road in this Hampshire town wants the name changed. He says it IS "sometimes embarrassing." NEWBURN.ON.TYNE, England (CP)-There's n family reunion every week for eight Stuart broth· • II your beard black al pitch and hard as nalll, or blond as hay ers and sisters-aged 78 to .85. They and nearly al light? • II your skin leather-tough or tender all gD to the post office in this , Legi( Durham town for the!r pensions. Jordan (AP) ala chlld'l? J~me it ••• and get the Gillette 'Super-Speed wlio repl; -~~-- HALIFAX (CP) - The Halifax Bagot Glul Razor that'l matched to your face I What a difference in playgrounds and recreation com· ItAlegion's chief ,Frid; misslun has called tender~ for can· RAINBOW TEA lI\sliemi!o'n . in I the Ihavel you gel ••• easy, refreshing! I And they look and .lll'uclion of two $7,000 wading pools .of certain feel cle.n I Choose yo;;;:•• the Light, Regula~ or Heavy Gillette for children. Radl Alnnab ,------CANADIAN CHEESE Conference to Super-Speed Razor ••• only $1.29 and guaranteed to give BIRTHS you shovel that ••• ~ell, lust try it, that's all. W ARREX-Born on lIIarch Bth, , P.E.I. POTATOES 1956, at SI. Clarc's Mercy Has· pital, to Mr. and 1Ilrs. Francis CIAI,i.t. witllllis,.nm It sU,.I·lI11 SiM,tt, YOUI $129. Warren, 12 Bonaventure Avenue, PINEAPPLE CUBES ;III II.Us, '.1 ~'Illltl.. t S~nltl traYlI case. (HOI(E a son. DUCEY-Born to Ambrose and Jonn Ducey, at St. Clare's l\I1)rcy CRUSHED PINEAPPf.. E· Hospital on March 7\h, .a son. CANNED TOMATOE~S 8IW1D'NIW WAY .-....;.... - -- WHITE PEA·· BEANS 70 GET SHAVES THAT! ENGLISH UJfJK ANIJ FEEl. LIKE A CAMPBELL'S SOUPS ---·MILLIONI NOW A RAZOR CURTAIN N·SIDI @RIGHT£bGEANGU . LACES ORANGE JUICE @ RIGllr Etx:E IKP«I/Ii£ 39: yard, 4ge yard, 55e yard and up to @ RiGI(fWIIGIIT fOR . 89c yard. YOUR FAC£ AND BiARD SAn, hanlly com pari minI on back of IIlIpln,,, holdl Uled bladlS. ,GEORGE NEAL LIMIT ·TELEPHONE 2264 - 3420' -44(D •

• j