•. \ ••... i;~ .•• ,~,::'; . .::.. :;'. ;::.:.;. " , ' ., :H 8, 9,~ C,m.- Burtons of Banner' . Street. .'. m~~:",.~........ ,~, ~ 12.45 p.m. -Fisherman's Forecast. PRESENTS 7,00 p.m.- Rainoow Riddle • HUGO W 0 l F Man. THE DAILY, NEWS al'ailable at 7.15 p.m.-Dr. Paul. Charles Hutton & Sons ~--------------~---------------------~--------~--~---------------Vol 63. No. 56 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLA~ID, FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1956 (Price 5 cents) shing Winter Storm Pounds!_SE_AT_o_M_ee_tin_9 _En_ds: , rough Ontario And QuebecAsian Powers. Pledge ---'~'-, \ . To Battle Communism , : JI' : ,! ,~ EAL: By &TANLEY PRIDULE prol'cd" the quality oC their sc, crcation of a separate Pushlu· " I Early A. ,M. 'Blaze At pattery KARACHIE, Pakislal, (Reutcrs) curity Corccs and .mol·cd ahead speaking state in the northwest. The eight South East Asia trcaty with other measurcs to rcduce (An Afghan statemcnt in New I. : powers Thursday emphasizcd thcir thrcats to dcmocratic govcrnment Dclhi Thursday said any SEATO I ., •' aim to impro\'c living standards and social progress. dccision on the disputc would be i ' N Record and methods of fighting Commu· In its communique L~e SEATO considercd worthless.) Ii nist subversion in the area. council of ministers: 3. Announced decisions to set u=, i. A 2,OOO·word communique at the 1. Callcd for an early settlement a permanent international secre· Traffic end of three days of Lalks by the of the Kashmir dispute tilfough thc tariat in Bangkok. Thailand and i SEATO foreign ministers said Rus· Unitcd Nations or by direct India· establish II rcscarch service cen· i sia's recent shift in tactics was Pakistan negotiations. It noted a tre in Bangkok to report on Com· Tangle not accompanied by "any con· Uniled Nations resolution calling munist activities. vincing evidence of intenL Lo aban· for a plebiscite in the muuntain John Foster D u I I e s, United E,~L (el'l-The winter's don efforts to subvert, weaken and state is still in force. States secretary of state, said . l~owlall Thurscla~' caused overthrow" olher systems. Pakistan, angered b~ the Soviet much had ben accomplished, of the worst ,traf~ic tangles In It deplored statements and inter· support for integration of Kashmir Earlier he had assured delegates ::1101)' of tlus hIlly old city. vents by Soviet leaders in recent with India, raised the issue Wcd that his government would not 12.ineh rail-with a total of months "designcd to increase ten· nesday. allow any rlliaxation in the mill· eXl1ected-all but para· sian and promote division in the India holds thal conditions arl? tary power of the region despite and was blaml'd for Asian communities and among not yet suitable for a plebiscite Russia's new "soft line" in Asia, deaths. On Decarie other nations of the free .·orld." Many dclegates fear the inclusion Behind the SEATO shield, he one 01 the city's main The foreign ministtrs attributed of reference to Kashmir mdY said, there must bea strategic 600 car 5 wer~ the "seeming shift" in SOI'iet taco arOUse Indian public opinion. The s~riking force. powcrful anC:' mo· ,'S stalled hUnlper·to.humper tics away from ,'Iolence in large Indians say Pakislan's member· bile enough to protect the area measure to the collectil'c security ship of SEATO has aggravated rc· from aggression. arrangements of the frce nations, lations ov~ Kashmir. Summing up the talk!', British FORCES DIPROVED BACK PAKISTA~ Foreign Secretary Selwyn IJoyd They noted that the SEATO 2. Backed another Pakistan plea said: "I think we car. claim, we members-the United States. Brit. by recognizIng the 1893 Durand' hal'e done ~ workmanlikc job." ain, France. Australia, New Zeal· line as the frontier betwecn Pal" Britain would consider carefully 6331 i::ml ,rnt their empl03'· a nd. Pakistan, the Philipines and istan and Afghanistan-in effect suggestion for strengthening tht earll' in an attempt to Thailand-had "significantly im· rejecting the Afghan demand for economic side or SEATO's work. ;'EY errnin; rll'h honr. when at a snail', pace at -HId. ! 01 times, The storm om a \\ide area, also hIt Fiscal Conference i. j'. Q~cbrr Cit)'. , It ~l' , cnr.l[alt \\'., reminiscent 01 ~ !i. .~ 9 I.; " Chri'tma, week storm. Flee I r(cord l~ inch's or ~now ,"' :~ llontrral. The cit), h:.~ tn· t'. !) I (omparalil'c1y easy winter Thu~bs Down On ":, ", Burning .. unt!! now. , l ,. '.• I~ .! ; ," " ,r;· . '. r- .. , ---------_ ~< lizzarcl . o' ~ ; Senato r Baird 0b j ee ts To" Coffee Brea ks" their night atti" when a O1"A\vA {cPl - Tho 100"" ,ri';" ,I ili, I,dm' pI .. J '. fierce blaze swept rapidly government docs not intend to ac Held up by a storm" Mr. Hicks i/ls Two cept any of the val'ious prol'incial cxpected to arrive about noon. But f ...:~ 'I th~'ough their dwelling in a plans so far disclosed for majur ~II'. St. Laurent's office said he ~, r' (CP)-IIigh winds, • . \ Says Was te, Of L' lltluckly COl g d l' f changes in it; tax·shal'ing olfer !'. would be the only absentee from 51ccI and snol\' t t ~,y Thursdal' in one o[ I the upper1 it ,"'as learned I' morning session of the meet· 0 19' Government Time ;:~er;eca~o~.;o ~~lIrs~l~o;'inccs, i~~. .~, .. .' storms of the' winter, Stu d"y ,-New" Me th d F ht eancer . two deaths were rc­ . ., ' this mornin Informants said the ccntral gov )leanwhile. the Canadian Cancer ,Oil .. OTTAWA (Cp)-rhc praetl~e of g. ernmcnl's l'iCII', on the cl'e of re Society hc~rd a prediction Wednes· !crcral pcrson5 were :; inj~rcd in hlghl\'a)' acci· I g d" T ¥,ol'Crnment er;;ploy~es t ~ kIn ~ The home was occupied b ; newal of the fcderal·prol'incial tis· 1 day nlFht that cert~in f~rms of can· -. , St arvIn Red Sollers 0 - coHee brcaks ~lIrJDg thclr work· .Tacob Newell, a dri\'er with th~ I cal conCcrence today, is that any cer will be contrOlled m the near and phone lines top­ . critiCIsming . ~~y cametoda\' m for scnatorIal Vi cto· ria T"aXI, an d h'IS f am ily. ilIr. I. proposals. .calling for serious rc· I future.______ _ to\1 ns rond l'ilIagc$ · f'f Il Att dR· S to AI"· dB' d (L- Ncwell told the Daily News that Ic~nsldera.hon ~f thc federal plan , ~ e!cctricity, causing lsease LIe s en eunlon Ne\~'~:un~landct~~IJrtJle al~elrate's his mo'her, who Jived in an up. Will. ha\'e to ~RI'oll'e an e?lIreiy 1I~lorics and offices Ie D . 'tt th th ,stairs apartment first disco\'er. I nell conccpt stili not r.lade knOll n, f i. CHICAGO (APl-A group of I~anee dcomCt ml ee lIt be ~O!. cd the fire and' awakened the \' 'fhis appeared to knock out the ! GrInd rirer ol'ernol\'ed 1t.1 MO~TREAL (CPl-The newcst Russian veterans who mct Ameri· nm,g a~ a ethr~oo~, ClOt cc rte~'k.llsl other cigllt people I' tIle II u chance that fundamental change, i:I s!\'ml places near iL~ phase In cancer research, an er· can soldlcrs at the Elbe river aoff 'SCrIOUS40 minutcs mg.a dat •. " mus 'I "Exccpt for ',hat, wen would0 SC.all; ~ Ire~() I . 5u"".c,tedn - db·.~. 5C\~ra. I Pr<~I.. W,Efli * TUEll " ~n Lake Erie, tioodlng fort to star\'e the cancer cells to during ~he Second World War T J D t h ' t f th bc dead in our beds" h id IlIIcc,-ontarro, Bnhsh ColumbIa, ... low.ll'in~ ground. death, Is undergoing experimental have, accepted, an Invitation to t '. • beu sed' she.crhc ary °t. e , e sa. NOl'a Scotia,' Albel'ta. Saskatche· Snow ehan"ing tu [rccz'''~ rain tests at the MeGIll University. II' t ru!h,hollr public·trans attend a reunion of the event In governmentrCllsnry oar spending, Ie saidscru itIDlzes was The fire Sl~. ~ pt .rapi'dl y.th roug I wan' and. Nell' Brunswick -.would' • and to rain " about noon.w, A few \\we nlmost at Montreal General Hospital Rc· Wnshlngton April 25. someUling that had "crept m,' the frame dllellmg, whIch \l'as get. an~ \Iherc at the conferenc Ofi aftcrnoon snow flurries. High to· !I in Ottawa. While trat· search Institute. The Invlta1lon was extended by Industry had th same problcm totally destroyed by 3 a.m: gal ernment heads. ,! day 36. Tcmperature 3 a.m.-23. I at ~ crawl from Tor· The new weapon employs the Joseph Polowsky, former Chicago ,e . But one federal authorlll' sallil T • • w.t.'1ern suburhs Into the prInciples upon which the anti. cali driver who Is secretary of and recogmzed It by laymg down . Firemen from thc C~ntral Sta, . the gOI'ernment·s proposal to share Nfld Sirles histamines and the suUa drugs the Amel'lcan Veterans of the rules to make coffee breaks or· ~lon under Capt. Caddlgan and parliamcntarv trcasurv rc\,enue,' • 1 Air Lines cancel· work, said Dr. J. H. Quastel In a Elbe Rll'er Linkup. derl:.y . the East End unde. S.gt. Wake·! with the provinces. spelled oul! FRIDAY, ;II.\RCH 9 . Poio'''sky and a group of other GOI crnment dcpartments I~erc ham faced great dIfficulties. I first in January and modified I Sunr"e 6 26 am Toronto to Ot· statemcnt Thursday. n doing th same thing layln" . I I... .. .. ••. .. Ontario anel ~ront· "Since they paid off so well In American veterans of the mcet· FROM SAtllNG, Meny type, of d' ~I ti "h t Houses en eithcr side of the· slightly in tJIC provinccs' fal'or lasl Sunsct .
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