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The Ledger and Times, May 16, 1955

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NIAY 14, 1955

. live Club to Heaven Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper. With Cathy skers Program : Gift Windows Largest Largest in's Family 1 Circulation In The Circulation In The ing Miss Marlowe s Falls City; Largest City; Largest ove Circulation In Circulation In of Mr. Sweeney Romance The County The County Show Doody n• Trent 'man United Press IN OUR 760 YEAR Murray, Ky., Monday Afternoon„ May 16, 1955 MURRAY POPULATION 8,000 Vol. LXXVI-No. 116 ill Hickok Serenade ieporter ihore 'aravan• Marx 7hree Llvee

'lay house LOCATION PLAN FOR VACCINE AGREED ON se of Stars RAN DOWN THE DRUG STORE Given To Secand Funeral Of Unity Of Germany Discussed; Polio Vaccine To Be 'P. J. Outland Age 5-9 Group In All States RIDAY Austria Now Free Nation on By MICHIAEL J. O'NEILL given to the states or used for Held Sunday By K. C. THALER Soviet Foreign Minister Vyae.he- United Press Staff Correspondent federal purchase of vaccine to be United Press Staff Correspondent slay M. 'Molotov made it clear WASHINGTON. May 16 als — sent to the states for the low VIENNA. Austria, May 16 afi Sunday that Russia wants the President Eisenhower today ap- income families. . n Memphis '.. The funeral of Purdorn Out- -- The Western foreign ministers neutralization of Germany on the proved a voluntary plan designed and. age 48, was held yesttrday Medical organitations werait ask- reached full agreement on a board pattern of the Austrian settlement, to assure fair allocation of the afternoon at 3-00 acto..k at the plan to counter and ed to `see' to it that doctors vec- European security that that was the price Salk polio vaccine, 8 lakinst Baptist Church. with Dr. cinete only children within he Russia's bid to neutralize Germany, the West would have to pay for a I The plan would be effective fol- s with Cathy -7. C. Chiles 'officiating. informed diplomatic quarters said unified Germany. priority age groups. lowing completion of the current ing Schooi Mr. Outland died suddenly Sat- today. A rearmed West Germany is a program of immunization being Detailed plan,s for maintenance urday monting at about 7:15. He keystone of Weetern policy in The Western ministers were on conducted by the National Foun- of vraccination records were out- ; at Home was teethed to the Murray Hospi- Europe. and the Allies believe it their way home today after signing dation for Infantile Paralysis fur part of the effort to as, how tal but vets dead on arrival. Mr. was this new strength that helped lined as an Austrian state treaty with first and second grade school chil- adherence-so the priority hrte Show Outland had been suffering with win the Austrian treaty. sure Soviet Russia that rolls back the dren_ Your Nest a herart condition for about two A high American official said plan. time and years. Iron Curtain for the first The report- prepared by Welfare however this was the first the Soviet withdraw' from Austria Under the plan approved by the, ews premises the long-awaited break Secretary Oveta Culp Hobby and time he had been stricken. marked a trend "which Is gaing state through In the cold war, experts of the Public Health Service President, each its Five ..Cluo . He was widely known as a to have a profound effect on the recommended that "for the time governor, will direct the distribu- to Heaven tobacco auctioneea and had been Diplomatic sources said Western rest of Europe" and -priedicted it being" the vaccine should be ad- tion of the vaccine within the inderbilt b aparkIng too on the ofece of experts will begin shortly preparing W.43 a "general moderation" of ministered only to children of the state A state agency. designaed with Cathy Hiram Tucker, local Yealtor. a joint Allied plan for the unifica- Soviet valley laWard.the slave na- most susceptible age group,. 5 thro- by he governor will advise Mrs. kens Program Still:wore include his wife tion of Germany within •a board tians under its thumb. ugh 9 years cad. Hobby's fice on the desired ship- Gift Kathleen Outland; his mother, European security system beard on Chancellor Julius Raab told a Once the federal voluntary pro- ment of the state's allocation, spe- Windows Mrs. Bun A. Outland who lives phased East - West disarmament. press conference today he "hoped gram goes into effect, Mrs. Hobby cifying how much yam:roe should l'S Family in his home: one daughter that the conclusion ef the Austrian Carole; will direct division Sod allocation go to commercial drug distribution ng MISS Kat10We two &eters, Mrs Garnet state treaty will help ease tension Morris states of the entire output channels and how much should be Falls Adenauer Wins in the cold war." among and Mrs. Boyce Jones of Paducah: distributed to public agencies. State John Foster of the vaccine an the basis of the ye four meets, Mrs_ Will F. Steely Secretary of Confidence Vote Dulles took off for Washington 5 through 9 population in each r Mr. Sweeney of Blue Mountain, Tennessee, Mrs. Mrs_ Hobby and her advisers Sunday night aboard President state. Romance George netcher of Columbus. 0.. MAINZ, Germany If' — Chan- said, "We emphasize that the safe- Eisenhower's plane, the New Shortage Continses pe Show * W's Etib.hlUi Johnson of Hopkins- Konrad Acieneuer won a shortage .of ty of the vaccine must always be Columbine. "There will be a Joady vale. and Miss Juanita Jones of resounding vote ,if confidence for several months," the first consideration — distribu- He will report immediately to the vaccine fur • Trent Paducah. and Gerrrsan re- her plan tion must be secondary to safety." his pro-Western Mr Eisenhower. Mrs. Hobby said as nan He wad a member of the First policies in Sunday's White House. armament Msletev May Step Down was announced at the PUS Checks Vaccine ig Person Baptist Church and president of Rhineland- AFTER GOING through a light and sideswiping four other autos, this car, driven by Mrs. Asenath voluntary plan election in the state- of Molotov flies today to Moscow, She said only a "The safety of the vaccine re- in Channel 3 the Berace Sunday School BIUKti, 56, wound up like this in a Detroit drug stiles Just outside, it picked up a pedestrian and distribution could cklas Palatinate, final returns .shawed leaving behind unconfirmed rumors of priorities and leased for use will continue to be Adventare of that church. He wee a took haili through the front window with it. injuring him slighUy. (biternotiunel Soundphote). "fast enough- to be veteran todey this might have been his last be mobilized the responsibility of the Public Serenade of World War II. effective during this temporary a His Christian Dernorrats won an major international conference arid Health Service . and is receiv- rporter Burial was in the Elm Grove period of shortage. deb...lute majority in the &tate that he would be succeeded as ing the constant and diligent at- cemetery. Oilers Out Of Visitors To Russia 'Children Watch "The program meets the Presi- sher Parkerloat This in torn boosted foreign minister by deputy Andrei tention of the Public Health Sat-- Pullbearers were dent's objective of getting all safe, :ravan Hiram Tucker. -conthatia-over the tedireal Bur4easenyko. Kitty Cellar Return Home After As Father Crashes trice." e n e - Tarry, vaccine to American children as tons Erg Nev.., Outand. dearat. upper house of pea I aarn en t, Frenah Foreign Minster Antoine _ — Lucy 4011 Waylon Rayburn,'Nat Ryan Hughes, "Successful" Trip rapidly as possible and assures that Meanwhile, the U. S. Public since the Bundesnit merribeas are Piney was flying to Copenhagen By UNITED PRESS TOGO. Minn -- The eight Pfeil Purdue, no child will be denied vaccination Genies Wallis and named by the state assembly. to join French President Rene Coty The Ow,1-o Oilers were out children of Harold M Thornberg, Health Serv,ce announced it had ous Robertson, Sr. NEW YORK, May 16 la — Nine becaue of inability to pay," she million neouneed Adeneuer 'a party bettered its al- who as paying a state visit there. of Attie Kitty League cellar and 40, watched in horror, Sunday as checked and cleared 2 Ho Sunday School World War II veterans returned said. e of pord clars set in ready sax-ire possatein in the Breash Foreign Secretary Harold making threatening motions tow- their father's light plane flew over *rots of vaccine prepared by the body at the funeral. Sunday from a 10-day trap to The Whiee House said that as a lighlights strongly. Catholer and coroervative MacMillan was flying to London tied the first division trackiy after their home arid crashed, killing Eli Lilly Co of Indianapolis It J H. the with "friendly result of the report, plans are be- Young Churdhill Funeral state in the first elections since to resume his election campaign. geating Shutout pitching in bath him instantly said an additional 1.600.000 shots .me a greeting" for President Eisenhower ing made to ask Congress for an -as In charge of arrange- It card AO at expense A high Western source said the doubleheader The youngsters, ranging in age of voceine prepared by Parke Davis suvereignty. ends of a Sunday from the soviet armed forces chief additional 2 million dollars for al e nts. Socialists tirne and place of the meeting of from 4 to 14, ran to the craft and Co ot Detroit were still available i,f the ann-reormament against Fulton of staff and Wegere Predictions the Big Four leaders would be found their father's body mangled the Health. Education from vaccine cleared last week. whn campaigned fur. a "neva ap- Arnold Briggs tossed six-hit ball during the next week or ten in the wreckage Devarement to conduct the vaccine pnaota to the problern of German set as the Oilers downed Fulton. The nine, who took part in the through diplomatic channels Some of the older children ran •pnigram, particularly for "vigor- The available vaccine will per- reunificratior days in the erst garne. and Joker Hoov- historic River linkup with Vienna and Berlin were reported a mile through the woods to tell ous enforcement" of laws prohib- mit first shots for youngsters in Illgarmagnent Support er shut out the Lookouts, 4-0, on Soviet troops, met in Moscow with TaltDAY Hospital News defmately out as far as the Ameri- their mother, who was at the farm iting sales of the vaccine outside Alabama, AricaTraS, California, The Chnstsan Democrats won SI five hits in the second game Russian veterans of the meeting, n & News cans were concerned, with some home of an uncle authorized channels of prescrip- Colorado, Florida. Georgia, Indi- out of 100 seats in the state par- The double loss dropped Fulton on the tenth anniversary of the lel 'McConnell ramplete record follows: city in Switzerland, or Stockholm. Henry Saart St. Louis County ticn drugs. ana, Louisiana, MISS13Sippr, Tennes- liament, a gain of 8 over their into last plate. occasion arc' Census 30 favored. deputy sheriff. said Thornberg, who Map State Aid Plan see. Texas, Virginia and West pr -sinus holdings. 'Prue means the Madisonville took the first game The men described their trip as the Soulniand Adult Beds 60 Austnans were still celebrating had been flying small planes about Legislation prepared by the de- steels four deputies to the federal of a twin bill from Mayfield, 5-2, "successful."- They were scheduled :ders Emergency Beds 10 their new-found freedom, as they eight years. had just gone up for partment also will ask Congress pi,1:1 ianien t from Rhineland-Pa - when Howie •Berchtald's triple to discuss it in detail tonight on The administration distribution nnounced Patients Admitted 9 began their first full day of inde- a ride fie went into a shallow for the program to go into effect ti nate will support him on vital the bases loaded sparked a the television program -Strike It program, mainly the work of the rh & Game Patients Dismissed 7 pendence. Many stayed up all Inight with dive when he was over his own following completion of the foun- rearmament !gestation. five-run fourth inning for the Rich" which financed part of their President's polio somrnittee, es- ate vs. Penn. New Citizens in a celebration that began when home where the children were astron's free immuniration. Had the Socialists won in this Miners. May-field bounced back trip. tabliehes a system of quotas and 'd (lent. admitted from Wednesday bells throughout Austria pealed the playing in the yard. Varcillitlans Assured election Adenauer would have last the second game for a 13-2 Marshal Vasily D. Sokolovsky, priorities for deciding how much Nineties n to Friday 4:30 P. M. news of the signing shortly before in He failed to pull out of the These federial funds would be the two-thirds mejority he now decision. with Clothier manager Soviet armed forces chief of staff, vaccine it made available to in- ane (feature) noon Suhday. dive and crashed into a clump used ta pay the cost of vaccine Mrs. Chauncey Freeman. Puryear. enjoys in the Minder-rat. He need, DaVP Garcia getting two doubles gave a lavish reception for the dividual states. roars of trees to the rear of his home for :children through the age of nn.; Mrs. Roy Bynum. Rt. 3. two-tar:rids majoraty to as ure and a single veterans during their stay in Mos- Meanwhile, Congress resumed e Margie a — 19 in low income females, ray, Ky ; Mrs. Thomas Anderson passage of conetitrIl101elt changes Union City and Paducah were cow. At the reception, a caviar its iniaeptigution of the itdministra- ued inside' This money either would be re. baby boy, Rt. 1. Benton.• Ky providing for rearmament. Mr. And Mrs. rained out of their biotite .for and vodka affair. Sokoraveky•was What's Happened trona handling of the vaccine prat). tr Charles Edwards, Rt. 1. The Sri iauiLa lot 2 of the 38 fiist place. asked by the veterans if he re- lem amid heavy Democratic criti- let To Your Weight The Ky; Mrs Willie Dixon seats they held in the last stale Tonaght's schedule will have called President Eisenhower cism, Republican praise, and some nd baby boy, Murray, Ky Mr. aesernbly. The Free Democrats., Lee Observe Mayfield at Madisonville. Paducah "Give him my friendly greetings Last Eight Weeks demands for compulsory federal A. Story, Rt 2. and best wishes," Sokolovsky said, Ellis Henson I i e 1 (1 1 Murray. Ky.: who are partners of the Christian at Union City and Fulton at Ow- controls. n Lonnie Nimmo, Rt. 4, Benton. "of course I remember him We Democrats in the federal govern- ensboro WAIT' HOW'S your WEIGHT^ Mrs. Hoteraa was summoned to v.. Mrs J. M. Venable. Rt. I, spent stx months on the control ment dropped 6 of their 19 seats. Weight Controllers Yes, testify at a pubic hearing of the S Anniversary 4 ay. Ky Miss Carolyn Pen- council." during these past weeks how Addresses Popular Vote Heavy have Senate Labor (1ommatitee this Kea Box 283. College Station. Of Sokolovsky was head of the So- The popular Vale W4iS SLISpriSing.. Body Beaten you been doing on controlling your afternoon. a ay, Ky.; Mts. Charles Edwards viet delegation to the Allied Con- ly heavy for an election which was' Mr. Mid hate (' R "Iterba---Etwe Correspondent To weight' - A t7n1ted Preen nationwide !sur- baby girl, Rt_ I, Benton. KY: trol Council for Germany in 1948. marked by oonsiderable voter observed their sixtieth •awedding, On Monday, May 23 at 8 PM Cadiz Class vey showed that 80 children in the s. William Bury, RI' 1, Buchanan, He stlked out of a council meeting apathy in its early anniversary on May 12, and re- Be Flown Home there will be an opportunity for and Hawaii now -an Mrs. Thomas stages. About Paschgll., Pur- ceived a suprise ,visit from their in March of 1948 after accusing everyone of all past classes to 76 per cent of the 4200,000 voters Ellis Henson, have come dawn with polio alter r, Tenn.: Mrs. Joe Benison, Rt. SINGAPORE, May 16 If' —St. the West of undermining the meet together at the Health Center director of field wlini to the polls, giving Achanauer children and grandchildren on rdeiving Salk inoculations. Five Benton, Ky.: Mr_ George Green. packed group services for Murray State College Snturckly. May *14. Andrew's Cathedral was with Miss Marjorie Murphy. Nutri- of them hove died. ,NCES 1, Hazel. Ky : Mr. Kelly Woods, 48.8 tter cent of the votes--iin in- Joseph Polowsky, , said addressed the members of the Mr. and Mn. Lee, who live at to carneity for a memorial service tionist, to discuss weight problems crease of 7.6 over the last elec- Trigg County High A breakdown' included 23 cases' Plar, Murray, Ky; Mrs. to United Press staff Correspon- the Americans were quartered at and ?ampere note Come and see School Junior tion in 1951. 902 Poplar in Murray. were mar- in Califoinia. 15 in Idaho, five in Parlor" 126 Vet Village, Moscow's National Hotel during your and Senior Classes in their annual ried on May .21 1805 at Mrs. Lee's dent Gene Symonds today. friends and have a social Texas, four ih Pennsylvania, three ray. Ky.: Mrs. Lennis Ward. The Communist vote wa,d al- their stay. He said they were banquet held at Kenlake Hotel - mother& Mrs. Patty Stubblefield. Symonds Was beaten to death by bows together Whether you've eeich in Louisian-a. elephOne 587 all, Ryan Ave.. Murray. Ky. Mr. most negligible, but theFree Vatera treated well and had a "fine Friday night. May 13. Oregon and Ne- Coleman was the minister. a Communist-inspired mob last gained or lost, everyone Is interested I Starke, Rt. I. Alma Ky: Asenciestion won 45,000 on radical BrO In keeping with the banquet vada, two each in Georgia. Indi- week while covering disorders time in you and will be disappointed 11.11111.1. and rightist appeals and strong Mr. Lee is 86 and Masa Lee .is 85. theme, Mr Henson ana, West Virginia and HIN1111, ,Pearl Vaughn, 1612 Walnut bus Polowsky said the group visited not to see yell on this special addressed the These gathering Saturday were conno led with a Singapore and one each in Missouri, New Man, Ky. candidates, some of which were the Kremlin, the Lenin Museum, occasion sortie two hundred persons in at- Lee of Cleveland, strike. - -- former Nazi rifficials. Charlie H. Cgoio: a collective farm, a synagague tendance on the subject of "Luck". York, Colorado, Wyoming, Ohio, daughter. Lucy Meadows and Maar'lin MacDonald. Bei t ish The Socialists apparently were a and the plant of the newspaper Speaking in a humorous vein he Washington, Illinois. Michigart and Chattannaga, crimmiserioner general for South- hurt by the party to work together Mr. Meadows of "Pravda." He said, however, he More Vandalism called attention to a number of Conecticut. WEATHER east A-sua. and Gov Sir JOhn Ni- tn some districts with the party Tennessee; a grandson, George R. and 'his companions had no con- popular superstitions which have roll were represented at the aetv- Is Reported of fellowatravehng former Minis- Wilson of Dayton, Ohio; a grand- tact "with the people themselves." persisted for many years, and poin- rugl REPORT aides. $20, 1S6 is Paid To Fort tee by ter Gustav Heinernaen. daughter Frances Wilson of Marshal Sokolovsky suggested to OWENSBORO, May 16 ela — ted out that superstitions are caused The Rev. Craig Wilder mord Sy- r IT J Campbell: and a cousin Mrs. Lury the group. Polowsky said, that Southerra Bell Telephone Co. of- because of a lack of knowledge Calloway Residents monds gave his life to provide Conway of Murray. future reunions might include of- ficials in Kentucky reported new and enlightenment. In conclusion truth to his readers Arson Not Ruled The couple weria presented with ficers who took part in the Elbe instances of vandalism against com- he said that peonte, for the most Frankfort. Ky. — Remdt its of The Fervicc wad conducted by DOWN several gifts including an instal- meeting. pany property in western Kentucky part, make their own luck. He Calloway County reeived $20.156 in Out In Big Fire Rev. Robin Woods, archdeacon Live led television set. flowers were the In' addition to Polowsky, those today as a strike against_ the firm challenged the students to prepare April under Keniirky's three pubtic of Singapore. themselves, to Work PADUCAH May 16 de — Pollee sent by friends and neighbors. making the trip included, William entered its 10th week hard, to have assistance programs - old age at- Symond's body will be flown and be loyal. things, By uNrn I, PRESS said today they have not ruled The children and grandchildren Weisel, Cincinnati, Ohio and Fred A company spokesman said guy faith These sistance, aid to dependent children from Singapore Tuesday aboard a he end "make for good luck:. By iNrri.i) eitEss out the possibility of arson in the stayed Saturday and returned to W, Johnston. Bradford, Pa, wires were cut on two teleplione and aid to the nedy blind - Corn- Pen American Airways plane to reathweet Kentucky - Partly $400,000 clothing store fire here their homes on Sunday afternoon, poles south of Owensboro just misioner of Economic Security Vego San Francisco, en route to Dua-ton, .dy and mild with showers and Saturday night In which three Mr. Lee *aid that the entire cele- Deer Aid before and just after midnight E. Barnes reported today These Olhio, Dean Sparkman To tared thunderstorm-s this after- firemen were injured. bration was a supra's, to them. last night, catering the poles to payments were lieted 'fir the a, taillight- &tad tomorrow. High Fireman Teddy Reck received a ------EPHRATA, Wash. — (If"— The collapse with the result that Utica. Address Class county: mday .1 78 Low tonight 62 High severe hip injury when the errand ANNOUNCEMENT HOME WORK state game department will build Ky. and Calhoun, Ky. were belated _— Old age assistance. $17.748, aid Trirrow near 80 floor of the John Green store fell Chapter 50 of the Disabled Ameri- escape ramps from Columbia Basin from outside telephone communi- Dean J. Matt Sparkman of Mur- to dependent children. $2,297. and in while firemen were battling the cart Veterans will Meet at the RAN BEN4TO, Tek. — 401 — Irrigation project canals for deer cations for several hours. ray State College will deliver the aid to the needs blind. $113 ry Needs High Yesterday 72 blaze.. Two other men suffered Legion Home en Tuesday May 17 Burglars who broke into the city which accidentally fall in white Two guy wires were cut on a Commencement Address to the The \total outlas far the month tiOnv La-et Night injuries at 7:3k p.m. This is an important twill have two week ends' in a tow drinking water. Last year 57 deer pale about four miles south of graduating class at Western High was. $.4.256.965 for the three eate- Men Temp ______70 The fire gutted' the green build- meeting. and all niembers are urged baffled police by stealing nothing were known to have drowned in Owensboro at 11:50 pm, CDT. The School in Hickman County Thurs- gories of ,aid. with old age grants ch Hour Rat Hum 90a, ing in the downtown district. caus- to attend. Refreshments will be but adding imrichines. Four ma- the canals and another 14 escaped, 45-foot, pole snapped and fell across day night • of this week, and on accounting for $1.961.014: dependent Presoaa- 29.50 ing considerable damage to adjoin- ela-ved. Charles Jenkins is Cinn- Chines were taken, but nothing usually with human help, after the highway, impeding traffic as Friday night will redress the grad- children payments. 11.187.227. ard arl, 1 aaa ig from 2 to4 mph. Mg buildings as well. mander of the post. else was touched, falling in. well as phonts-service. uating class in Craftos. Ky. needy blind aid. $108.714. . -


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-AP tl is

••fliAV•6•••••'dd•Y••••da•••••••••• PAM TWO AFL . MONDA3 MAY 16, 1955 ' E IN THE LEDGER & TIMES Major League sAirriNd TOMATOES BLISHED BY LEDGER TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY, I. Huge quantities of tomato plants Zonsol.dat.on of the Murray Ledge', The Calloway Times. and Tne NEW YORK IP -- Pea:leas Fre- the lost is found' sell each spring to meet the demand Why scrap free c,ompotition? Octotser 2U. MAL : y's and the West January Standings facts and fist:a:es: Nut Misch Headway for the most popular and widely- 1942 grown home-garden Pooher Billy Joe Patton, the oitlorful crop. Gardeners Jim Hearn of the New often ask .letalIKS Caroimis amateur golfer who fin- how to know which are C. WILLIAMS, PUBLISH= York (}ants appears en route to the Rg DIM= MEM ished runnerup to Sawn Snead and best buys. Here are some one of the knew comebacks of the suggestions lie reserve the right to reject any Advertising. Le Ben Hogan in the 1954 from the U. S. Depart- itters to tbc Editor. baseball yeur and hi6 record of Mestere, ment Puhlic Voice items which us our .op.nion doe-nt -dank he'd of Aerie-wafture. - are not for the best five wire against one proves Ilialte much interest of our readers American League headway as a pro. Plants in top condition to set out the value of intelligent instruc- are well-rooted -As an Amateur I can get fired and fresh looking, NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES. tion and :wit-confidence. about 8 to 10 WALLACE WIT/LER CO., 13de W L Pet GB up for one tournament." he ex- inches tall, with allotooe, Memph.s. Teem.; 250 Park A 17 game winner in 1951, Hear leaves. Avoid those 1 Ave„ New York; 307 N Mictugan Cleveland 20 9 690 phens. -But if I had to do with spindly /Ate, ,:tucago; last season was a mere 8-8 this stems tition fie Bolyston St, Boston. Chicago per- 50 times and pale scant foliage or Co 18 9 667 1 a year I'd lose my eager- former who seemed on his way those that New York. ness." He'd look weak ortwilted. Also 17 11 607 21 out. As a lust also lose that $25,000 et/BSCRIPTION Detroit measure, he was avoid any that show .sigiss of insects RATES. By Carrier in Murray. per vi eek 15c. per 16 14 533 411 I turned a year he makes in the lumber Satoh over Mae spring to pitch- sr disease. Plants grown 3 to 4 eche In Calloway and adjoining counties, per year /3.50; els3- Boston 14 18 438 7,1 business. ing coach Frank Shellentrack, inches apart can be removed from ci where, $5.50. Washington 11 17 493 82 Along with prices, people, too, "Jim wasn't following through the plant bed or flat with more •h Kansas City 11 18 379 9 are going up. A survey reveala 2:altered at the Post Office. Murray. on his change up and he was so roots and soil than those grown A Kentucky, for transmission as Baltimore 9 20 310 11 that the average major league deoperate that he was pitching in close together: thus they stand al Secohd Class Matter baseball player of today cs one five or six different styles," Shel- transplanting better. Srmettrnes fa Yesterday's Games inch taller than the average Serves lenback recalls. -The result was Play- tomato plants sell in individual 0 MONDAY, er of 1929. The tallest of all time MAY 16, 1955 that he lost Ass edectivene,s and containers. These may cost more Kansa, City 4 New York was Johnny Gee, who stood six kr 3 lat. his ,- ,ofielence." Well, apparently but often are worth the extra New York 8 Kan:as City 4. hod. feet, nine and one-half inches. price. Ciliate° It'll never happen, 3 Washington 0, 1st, but wrestler The right variety is most impor- Chase° 5 Antonio Rocco has challenged Five Years Ago Today Wanton 4, 2nd, Plot' Victim? the tant; hence it is necessary to buy U winner of Monday Baltimore 4 Cleveland I. 1st. night.8 world from a dealer who can identify the 7 Ledger and Tmes heavyweight File Cleveland 5 Baltimore 0, 2nd. boxing bout between plants he sells. John S. Gardner, May Rocky 16, 1950 Boston 10 Detroit 4, 1st. Marcano and Don Cockell field agent in horticulture at the Dotcht 9 Boston 3, 2nd to meet him in a mixed raider University of Kentucky. recom- Gaylon H. Windsor'. Paris real estate agent and forrt- vs. boxer match this surtoner. mends the Valiaot tomato as being er legislator. died Saturday morning at 4:30 o'clock at Today's Games Aches And Pains an early sort that may be ready Three a Noble's Hospital, in Paris, Tennessee after suffering_ a former Marquette football for picking by June 15. It is also heart attack. he wi:.s 59. Ni Games Scheduled. stars, Ted Nord. John Scanlon and resistant to the soil -disease, wilt. Jim Tobias aren't through hand- Other recommended early varieties The Petite Beauty Shop opened today Tomorrow's for business, Games ing out aches and pains. They'll re for Kentucky gardeners are Break according fo Jean Weeks, owner. iceis•e dental degrees at June com- O'Day and Pritchard. Rutgers and The new shop Chicago is located at 1110 West Main Street, at New York, night mencement. Marglobe are wilt-resistant late Best and has been Kansas City at completely. redecorated': Wurshinetion. night. Eddie Ar.aro reealla one race varieties. It often pays to buy at Detroit at Elattarreore. A red and white Taylorcraft plane crashed this after- night. in which, as he drew even with least two worieties for early and Cleveland A .on at 1:30 in a popcorn field belonging to Buddy Boston. • front running rival, the other late crops of tomatoes. In the production Ryan on 12th and Chestnut, injuring two occupants. : jockey leaned over and fetched Wait to buy plants until all of Natural Gas danger of One man was iderltified as Wallace Holloway of National League Arcraire's mount a lldh d boff on the frost is past and weather beezeir is warm enough for them 'Vingo. the other man was unidentified. One was taken with his whip that Eddie'a to thrive. or any other product W Sometimes plants come the Clinic and the other to L. Pet. GB horse stopped dead. on markets Murray Hospital. ! Brooklyn too early, and Authorities 25 5 .833 Arcaro made hurried inquiries enthuslantic garden- later identified the second man as Rich- New Yoik ers who buy Millions uf hoincs like yours have natural gas 15 13 536 9 as to the rider's flume and was then lose the lot in . rd Taylor. also of Wingo. one night's because Isfila-atdeee 16 14 533 9 asked why he wanted to know. frost. Or cold spring more man S,000 producers compete at It was announced Saturday that at. estimated $1,800 weather delays Chf.sgo 16 15 .516 914 "I want to take runs to dinner their growth for gnat financial risk to find it and get it from the !,ad been collected for a fund to be given to the ' St. Louis weeks. Tomatoes are warm Melvin 12 13 480 104 tonight." quoth Euderdo. -That's weather ground. The producers also Lawrence family plants, easily compete to sell-it to Of Murray Route Six. Fettsourgh 11 17 393 13 the hungriest jockey I eve! saw. killed by frost. Those Lawrence planted when weather the pipelines who bring it to your local gas was the driver of the car that crashed into Cinc.nnati 10 18 3g7 14 He a-asn't gonna let us pas, if we is too cool are not likely to produce company. a sand truck on April 29th. killing four persons. Phaeidelphia 9 19 321 15 went four times around this Mark fruit any earlier than Lawrence, his wife and a daughter were all taken ety-blank track.- those planted later Now,over the opposition of responsible groups when the weather to a 'hospital in Paducah following Yesterday's Games has warmed and authorities. Federal the crash. up. price-fixing threatens your long-term gas supply and the very principle Blooklyn 7 Cincinnati I. lit Almost three hundred years ago the first hospital Italbm songhetti. Frech, of free competinse production. retrenmnart 11 Brooklyn 4, 2nd. was established bread. It what was to Swiss salad and Dutch apple Dick Donovan May Be The Ch.('3 I CO 5 New York 2. 1st. become the United cake Read what these representative groups and in- States Since were served at art international New York 9 Chicago 4, 2nd. then the list has dividnals sav: grown to seven thousand 4-H cooperative dinner in Warren Milwaukee 6 Phikidelptua 5. 1st. hospitals . • . The number has changed, county I! Man Philadelphia 9 lifilwaultee I, 2nd. but the FEDERST POWER COMMISSION To Help The '4 'lite Sox basic purpose of horpttals hat St Lou:: 7 Pittsburgh 1 not. JEROME K. IWYKENDALL, CHAIRMAN Now as ever, 'the hospitil in our community is dedicated to Its 'RED hOWN h.• o• cpeocr Turley Today's Games HAROLD provide . "He believe that no sound fuel policy can be erecteu JOHNSON is carried ithe best in health care But United Press noon.. %Artier tus wookeout total to 119-t ms . from the ring it upon such discrimination as preerntls exists against on • stretcher in takes Many skilled workers Dick Donovan put seven years the majors—while Shantz tecorded Poo ourgO. at St Louts. night. Philadelphia after to 95 Drive-In , satural gas and Ii favor of other competieve a second make the modern hospital fuels 1 if bine; fruv-^ation behind h:m his th.rd wan On:y Game Scheduled round technical operate knockout by successfully The ! Congress should sot duee oat natural gas as the only soda, ind he 'tat could be the Harvey Kuenn's four hits paced Julio ldederos, Cuban heavy- week of May I THEATRE Tomorrow's Games thro,ugn May 14 Is National one among those fuels over which an artificial ceding frOlew wee-.'ll enable the Chicago the Detroit Tigers to a 0-3 victory weight. A nationwide TV eudi- Hospital 8110W STARTS AT 7:31 %Meek .Mational Hospital should be placed," March 22, 1955. White Scx to end their crwr. frus- after the Boston Red Sox pound- ante saw Johnson almost col- Week Pittsburgh , focuses attention on tranng. 35 year quest of an Am- ed out 12 hats for a 10-4 triumph. at CO QC: meat:, night. lapse in his .corner after out- the many SUNDAY New boxing career opportunities available and MONDAY YEE PRESIDENT'S ADAISORA COMMITTEE erican League Pennant There were 41 Pate in the double York at Milwaukee. night. the Cuban in the err in "MA AND Brorklyn a• St round. The Pennsylvania hospitals. Have you considered an PA KETTLE ON ENERGY St PPLIES AND RESOURCES POLICY Donavan. who started patching herder including homers by Jim LOUW, might. Ath- Pluladelph.a at anicago. letic Commission and Philo5d- interesting career in nursing. die- AT HOME" beck in 1847 and never won a DeLong. Ferris Fain and Eddie "In tke interest of a sound fuel pont-, and the protection phis police at. working to *t- tetics. pharmacy or any of the with Marjorie Main and gone •ri four prey:ores mayor lea- Joan.. The loss .sn.apped five of the national ravel the Case of the -Good other interesting hoepital depart- Percy defense and consumer Interests. . . we gue tr.s..s. ;:irr.ed in no n.rd g.rne Red Sox aerning Older 4-H club members tis Kilbride hrehk. Luck" Orange, • bizarre Mot ments/ Thousands of opportunities believe the Federal Government should not control the rtratent shutout Sonchy when the The Brooklyn Dodgers Fayette, Clark and Bourbon vain- 1 allegedly • • • New contrived to drta light l ate available Like so many met) )production. asthetimi, promoting 're sale ties are plar.r.,z TUESDAY of natural gas Whrte Sot scored 3-0 and 5-4 vic- 1,1.5 n.s 500 MtiWsURre 1, v-stt several heavyweight contender & WLDN'DAY —.stat..• Johnson and women already in hospital prior to its entrY Into an Interstate tories WET the Wasrengton Si, s- vos an epOt heir Nat.onal League onor to the fight.(leterriations1), "THE IRON GLOVE" trassasissioa lias.1 work, you'll find for yourself great In TE( feensary 26, 1955. toi.s. Th. .w.ep moved the White cloubleheradein whAe the St. Louis MINI( 01.0R satisfaction in performing this kind starring Robert Sox t w.thio. a game of the dant defeated Stack the Pittsburgh' of service Contact Murray Hosp.* FLORIDA LE4CUE OF host piece Cleveland In&ans -.nd Pirates and Ursula Thiess hilUNICIPALTTIES 5-1 in a and. contest. during National Hospital .Weew put "kern a game aed a ha4f ahead "The extension Newcombe Ulm TWO get more detailed information. of Federal regulation to commend., of the thord place New York Ted Kluszewste drove ln five producers of raw products—whether such raw products Yankees — both of %tem •plit run., aoth his ninth hmher a'- be mound gas or some other product-, and the assign- Sunday's d.eibieheaciers three crelete al the Redlegs r ing of • regulated utility status to the producers of The White S.-a rnade it ax wins ad the Dodgers. 11-4. after T, such product., is a policy contrary to the true krneri- in the,- las: seven games when Newcombe gained his fifth TO BUILDERS strateh can politic-al plalowphy." Novelistic/ Sandy C-.n.uesera's eine re:ief nor. with a 7-1 decision for Brook 23, 1954. Fretting helped them pull out the lyr fa the opener Duke Snider!, n.ghtcap tree TO 'AMERICAN NATIONAL CATTLE:Nit N'S • George Kell doubled 11th PROSPECTIVE ii..BUYERS homer andi, G:: Hodges' 111.111 NSSOCIAT1ON — home Neatan Pox Ifl the ninth ot- were the big isiows rang to so. p a 4-4 e t and roe Warren Ha Arra seven hitter BIG BOOK OF PLANS FOR \ "Gas is an important product of ranch and farm fano, Coneuestra — whose era is a produced si 50 a 5-2 r for the halls This decision . mar well be the beginning of lila, 10 Jenne 113 — his th,rd straight but the Giants came back Inet a regulate all industries in this counno, including the won. Kell and Fox also drove in is hit ,apeck and ., 9-4 triumph. New Dimension Ucestock ledwitrs." Jammers 12„ 1955. 'hot inning rune in the opener to Dun Mueller hit wifely in both Living" give Donovan all the runs he was games and t.ed the resod of 24 A.MERICAN ',ARM BLREAl FEDERATION to need WITH ;straight games establish Yd for the Orielles-Ingians Split club by Fred Linciatrom in "Mixt the field price of natural gas is adegtaitely regu- 1930 PRESIDENT LAUNCHES PROGI.AM—A neeion-wide campa.,... i, Jar. and Ray mo,e col- Sal NkigLe won the nightcap eaike lated by competition we fa yor legislation prosiding al: dentists in support of a program to rehabilitate dental educanan sad Aiinnemp that laborated Ed Mathews .t. a five hoter as the hit two hcomprs dental health sersices in war-ravaged South' Korea was 'torridly sponsored field prices of natural gas shall not be regulated he tha Baltimore Onoles beat the Braves YEAR 'ROUND AIR CONDITIONING Bob Lemon who handed the Phila- by the Atnerkan-Koresa Foundation and the American Dental Association. Federal Power( °remission." December 16, 1954, arid the Indiana 4-1. tn their op-' delphia Ph:4'ot' a 13th straight c.oripsign was formally launched recentb President Eisenhower at (-tier The Inchant. hoevever re- loss. 6-5, but Rotor. Roberts stop- I • White Hoots luniheon. Guests at the luncheon included bp *dicers a TEN7sESSEE NIA -,t FAc-rt. RF:RS ASSOCIATION the A.D.A. and the A.K.F.. bounded behir.d Mike Garcia's ped the team orie shut of Its A.; St tteewing the Arta gilt left ti, right. Dr. 11,mard A. Rash, A.K.F. rhairmant "Regulation of the price of natural ses.en hatter I, 1: ke the nightcap tale los.nte streak rnerk with a ' gas ... constitutes President 1/aieht fowl:hewer; arid Maj. Gen, Charles W. Cluisteulasells a serious holier/el of established 5-0. Lemon's i liar' hut rien.,,ed seven twitter and a 9-1 decteion Ifiestslou of the States' rights too while Grarrar's victory was his the ceiond gome It ,seras Roberts' _ ominous to disregard he ant business Of industry even third fourth win for a teem that has though not affeeted in the first Instance." January 26, N‘,ren'a grand -slam homer scored only nine va•tories. IT'S A GOLD-PLATED SHOVEL t955. and bob Turiey's 12 at keouts te.- tuo_id an 8-4 Yankee troimph after Eight farmers in Menifee county Lttle obbv Shantz Latched the wilt ! 1247-12 ar, COy Athledcs to a 4-3 r et. :etre en thelr corn , GET 'HIS .1114 ROOK NOW Protect the Public Interest • SEE NOW YOU CAP. F()11 SATE •••• 2.66J••• • HAVE THE HEALTH- Through free Competition SHAWNEE STEAM PLANT CAMP FUL COMFORT Cr BUILDINGS and CONTENTS "NEW DIMENSION Located Near Paducah. Ky. LIVING" IN ANY OF ITS 50 Consisting Of — POPULAR HOME DESICNS .Nine wood frame dormitories; cafeteria building; 4 1'4 ATURAL community butte/mg; wash house; GAS thirty-seven thrilling It's a "New Thmension son planning to build or buy house trailers; beds bedding, cafeteria kitchen of Modern a Living"— in the new borne -come In your. equipment, china, glassware, and silverware. healthful comfort for KENTUCKY NATURAL of Airtemp FREEcopy now If you own a GA Inspection may Year'Round Atr Condi boning be made on Monday by borne at present. chances are we AND OIL through Friday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., Chrysler. And now Antemp Shows can show you a home of RESOURCES how simply similar upon arrangements with and economically it design in this hook with a E. F. F ree- can be built me- CONINIITTEE man, Chief right into 50 differ- chanical layout for year 'round Storekeeper,. at the Pro- ent popular home designs ins Mg air moditionmg that can he ject. honk of "Air Conditoned W. G. Blades, Chairman ilomes cagily adapted to voor needs But Sealed bids will be received Chattanooga, for Nw I )imenuon 725 N. at Ten- loving." stop in won our supply of 5th Street, Paducah, Kentucky It thew nessee until 1 p.m. EST. June 2. 1955. Bidding you are a builder. or a pet- Airtemp plan books is linutedl documents may Made up of indy.iduals be obtained at the project or and comeaniet concerned with from below. natural gas and the the office listed broader basic issues ofa free economy. Thif Committee helle‘es Freed Cotham that into, a is place the LNNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY fart, before the ,fmrticon people, WITH FORMER PRESIDENT Harry Truman watching, that they may form * litra Truman SHEET jadritta of theme (p.m free DISPOSAL SECTION turns a shovelful of earth at ground-breaking ceremonies for the METAL Truman library In Independence. Mo. More • al 111II I IIt= 1010 Georgia Avenue. Chattanooga, 1 ennesser than 7.000 persona 675 Maple turned out for the event, held on Truman's list birthday. Mrs. Phone 661 k!.• Truman Uses a gold-plated 'leave!. n ternattortai Soundpno(o)


COP/ F-40 g - copy 111111111111111ibm ••••••-•14•1814. MAY 16, 1955 xn LEDGER AND TIME, MURICA ILENTUE.C.,.... peieemeweee..weerieL feemesesewelleleialWasommoweeme, Misguided Missiles by Chon Day Annual Armed WANT Forces Day

9 11. Is FOR SA41.16- THOROUGHBRED Planned 05111.4B,Y I F9R SALE Cocker Spaniel puppies. Small FOR RENT size, 3 bleindes, I blaiak, 1 blonde NOTICE On eley 10th as the evening FORT CAHPBELL, KY., -Sixth I. . . am.* and white. itieserstable. (keen O. ahedcws began to fall the death annual Armed Forces Day at Fort ta ipr.„ SOITTHERN FOR REIN'''. I FURNISHED BED Wilson. Phone 1201, MIW THEE IS r;u angel visited our community and Campbele announced for Sunday, toe plant. Limited Dir4t, cOOESS room, 207 S. 5th St., ph. 1328xJ. deemed for Its May 22, will be a litanber• ond's Mal, Second when its p easy to know that victim a dear normal school M.17C mother, day for some 40e students and Pun. MlOC FOR--SAL:E: PUERT) RICAN Special Motor Work come to Call- Mrs Mary Dalton. enrolled the sweet potiecie plants. .Twenty five oway's eldest, and only At FOR RENT: SyeEPING ROOMS in bask course at the Airborne She was born, Sept, 16th., School, 11th Airborne rents per hundred, Machine Shop where speeiral work and kitchen privileges if desired. Division. Sall*: APT. SIZE MEC- Terry Buck- 1111X, departed this life #11,!sy 10. inghem. Max Mince Form, Baker la by the owner persenally. Tru- Modern conveniences, 313 N. 6th 1•••. UM rano. 6 mc Ohs old. Can be 1955. Age 88 years, 7 mord)" end The school area, 18th Street west eressareada. 1,1130. man Turner's S'7op, Coldveater, St. Phone 1829 before 11 aen. or seen at 11)Z7 Farmeo Murray, 24 der of Missouri Avenue. will be an Kentuleky. 71[19N'C Meer 10 p. m. &116C Kentucky. MI6P official station of the post-wide FOR SALE: WESTINGHOUSE She was married to Jehn Dal- Armed Forces Day tour. FOR RENT: FOUR ROOM UP- refrigenator. In good condition. zeOPMI: SENT!? ton on November 24, 1904, who stairs apt. Couple or elederly lady. Unpeooled, the area, stands starks SALE GIRL SIZE 5, BLUE $25.00. Arvin electric heater, like Murray Martie hnd granite preceded her in death January, works. Cheap. Mrs.' Vester y formel with stip. leerndon, 117 24, 1917 To with the skeletal Ai -kerne training • Worn new. $25.00. See Helen Dimas. apt. Builders of fine memorials for tees union was born E. Mein. M19C devices. In this state it is mean- Call 1039-W. M16C 102, Vet Village. MAR over half century. Porter White, three children, one elquatter and — ingless to the average visitor. Manager. Phone la/. 14.25C FOR RENT: OFFICE SPACE ON two eons, iettio survive. Answer to Yesterday's Putsle second floor now occupied by Dr. But once activated, the entire Aunt biary pro:eased faith in OSSWORD PUZZLE Tneworth. J. N. 'Buddy" Ryan. - acene makes sudden sense as stu- ENVELOPES, ENVELOPES, EN. Christ in early life and united NUU MIT= 000 M18C dent paratrooper pace the trainers Age10$111 14-Stan's name ';elopes, up to 10 x 25 Brown with Locost Grove Baptist Church, 36-Abounds UtIU MOOR UNOW of mock dour. 34-foot tower, awing- I-Trance:1117 26-Symbol for clasp envelopes of any nee. If later tranaterred her membership NiA3MUM Ii00 FOR RENT: 2 UNFURNISkIED land parachute landing fall rs 4-Jointer,.orth sodium you need clasp enveopes eall trainer, DUEI TO the Sinitinge Springs Church 11 of games 37-in music, high ono am three room apts. Hot and cold suspended harness, and parachute 1 lintituj 36-System of A00121 001d 0003 It the Ledger and Times office where 1 principles -water and bath. Phone 1936 after many years she was a de- landing fall' platform. OU4 0E10 miRCI 'Supply S11.) department Perfect for 500 p. m. voted and faathful member until UR ORDOURRI MI8C Visitors to the Airborne School 39-High 0121 mailing. tier death. but for Muuntain 3010 13971 on Armed Forces Day will witness 40-Note of vale tIL FOR RENT: GARAGE APT. UlUal ARL Dee 41-Having teas ARM MONUMENTS SOLID GR &NIrS. Her "Operation. Normal- - normal oper- color Vinson, 414. South Itt I t. St. 2418P afflictions lasted many raur3 dam large selection styles, sizes. Call ation- of a normal Airborne charac- 42-Turkish rlm A011 A303(211 years but in it all she reneuned regiment es. See at Calloway Monument teristic; Determination. n loved 43-Walk idly DOIOR RO3 cheerful and bore ner suffering eus 45-Cornmission WOW 1410 DOR work. Vester Orr. owner. West Busines. in a true chriatian ree Travelers Safety Service - 2).W/ea • trunk 47-Goes by water Main St. Near College. M30C its to 43-Chopped up Opportunities We are sure she was like the THIS DESTROYER finely e-Great Lake STOPSI S--Thrre-toed great Apostle Paul She was in Ishes NOTICE: ItLeClieNE SHOP SER- UNHEARD ear DOWN sloths OF PROFITS FOR ral Gas 4-Symbol for vice. Portable crank shaft grind- you a straight betwixt Is. ring a .estanr dernese cerium in- owning a Frostop Rout per part of 1-Punettuttion ing. Merrily Auto Parts, to depart and be with Clued, ttb.plitle mark 13-Pletis Maple Beer Drive In. Don't work for rtletharld St., 15. , who'll is !Su betters or live on MONK, 7-bar 3221C nothing when annum:lel aadePend- FORMER COP, '"AYS V.51' with Fiti INSPICTIONI / $ 8- 'Th ence $5,C00 to $!3e00i aer eyed ones here. .. Sao Ytt: " net i ace.. . exclusive', :eaves to mourn her dee ural gas a -1-- all .. a, one deughter, M1S3 may Suiter Termite ae,•:arati CAI es . e. ',lied Root npete at Ab Dalton. two sons. Frank 11--1 I13h have .1 . 'The Ln r ,ye Beer Disie aSable on • 11-..‘ • irnal Control Company 'corn the dr prate:tett e • ', v, and Leslie Deltoil, three step- 0,P•stires at liereien a Service .itation, John investment For 16-1't - ptlan of about $3.1e e even profits deughters, Mrs. Alm Scarbrough, seileat to ,7.,.. sacred bull Grogon, gpr. J18C by 12-Paetebnards owning neer te available Fran- Mrs. Toy Sperm and Mrs Charlie FREE /cal gal — inspection 20-Wanders - chises. Let Irvin and 'one step-son, Tony r3-•respe FOR YOUR 'TOBACCO HAIL our represennitive dis- CALL 1395 COLLECT 23-Coneeerat• cuss it with you. Write for detaile Dalton Also four grand-children, 2:.-Ancient • ' insistence, call or aee Wayne Wil- Mayfield, Ky. groups at ten step - grand - children, three Ili1 r. Spartan son. Tel 331-2(fice or 68I/R4-home. once. P.O. Box 45, Vincennes, — Licensed and Insured — 26-Juncturell Indiana. sheers, Mrs. Ellen Gough, Mrs. hreatens 1 21 hi-swerved Peoples Bank Building. Me2IC 1418P 2S-Adorns Liza Gunter and Mrs. Eunice 1 oneself mita-. I.uter, two L:c.thers, •Mr. Bud 30-Flays Si-dire hp Taylor and Mr. Ticei Taylor, many ,,- 22-Intel-tor DON'T Card of Tháks MISS THIS!! other and Ina 1 --Savory The family relatives mad fri'ends who ,..71. Your watch cleaned, oiled and if Mrs. ktary Dalton Murray „ with will mee her but love ones weep ' .f* eypas eteee: grateful ap- Whale!, promptly. not for her .8 for theme who have as .•rgt Pittira r eeire the kindness, .a -7,4, 5 Me 4 ' wn41,111 ONLY 1245 offer 'limited 3 7ei 4.0z Fool eeak sy , iggircr,944..49\koved Murray', Oldest - Since 1$96 -.egraiasse..talkii- *sr' Drive-in 43-Part iyela wo d thiat he geve his o Si • S illness and death of our mother. 44-Sun 7 Parker's Jewelry Store begotten son that 44-Jape: • for the beautiful flowers, Miller who...Dever be- SHOW STARTS AT 7:38 ! lieverh in Van should !Tetley Funeral Home for their kindness not perish, but have everlasting - against of service, to Bro. Ralph McCon- lee". This SUNDAY and MONDAY lime did mar,y yeare ago and fuels I nell and Bro. M. M. Hampton for now "A STAR IS BORN" her spirit has gone back to God the only • their consoling words and to the in CtnemascOpe who gave it to dwell eternally. with Judy Garland and ceding choir for their singing She cannot come back We ask Gode blessings ea eacti to ycki. James Mason MY but you can go to her. ahe PLACE of you. The Family • • • TUESDAY & May the Lord help you to be WEDN'DAY 8, FRANCES SARAH MOORE in POLICY Lost & Found submissive to his will. SupercineColor SIM111161•1•11. "RACING BLOOD" •otection LOST ONE DOOR KEY e. S.eep on dear moaner and take CleAPTER TWENTY-FIVE promised me your book, re- able, however, was felt to be II Starring Bill Williams, Jean Kaiser oat key on chain Finder thy rest, we love you, yes we THU RAPHAEL once a policemen in Detroit, visits his old member." vital service to uie public. The Porter and Jimmy Boyd ONE week left In April; May, please notify Ledger Inspector Clayton Nowlin 'trot the a'l araweea't forgotten ... Its al- men whose names be would read & Times and loved you clairly. but God loved = Brother Raphael was Stanley ei June, July . .. Calup before joining the most lunch time. Can I drive you In a moment were at the Evacua- receive dollar reword 1TP you best. Capuchins, (international Soundpeotee teal gas Kay Ireland, 41, "Hello!". called home?" tion nospitai in Seoul, and would is bas." corning along behind torn and As naturally as the offer was be flown to a military hospital NANCY "isn't the spring sun- $y Earai• catching up. made she accepted It, and they tor treatment at Kure. Japan. light lovely?" crossed over to Erie's car. He put "There are," no said. "IT men" "Hello." said Eric. And, "Yes, tier in, walked around and got be- He began to read. ,‘, It is a fine day." ktIll tone bekt the wheeL She had the radio Eric was never quite sure meet've hind YOU'RE NEW AROUND the surprise of sudden awarenems. turned on before he started the whether or not some lamer enlight- GRACE wodIJC to HERE ---WHAT'S She shout( her need at tarn in motor. "Do you mind?" the sulked, ment appraisal aim oeforetisad YOUR ))) ',Alen- duigently. -Lost in your inner lifting her face to him. She went that tie would hear the name tit NAME ? it, keel World! Convenually oblivious! You on fiddling with the dials. Lieut. Jarvis Ireland. Hearing profes- Eric reached over "You'd bet- he was not surprised. It wee as If emeri- are the type-cast college \Ow Nor, after elL" ter tune in the local station. All a fanned-out prescience had pin- though whatever he had "Oh, now." He grinned. "I don't you'll get anywhere else is 1101311. pointed. whatever under- wear glasses, and my tweeds are This set is old and temperamen- of rationalism. he nad of life was lost good, ano I do a eery carefree taL Maggie jiggles wires and standing S spiral of mystery and metes- mamba Once se • while I even things. out I just tune in the local In a awe ... and then he Mew, teel almost aurnan:- station." lief end ni lance She sat back. "I try not to and pure joy swelled up thrtiugli "'You're remarkably alive-look- lee. to listen. I try not to go near a him. More for the girl beside him Ina. ts.a C faculty member," she radio-since the news started com- than for himself. orgies ing the agreed, illelemnly, and they were ing through from Freedom village "Kay," be said. Softly. And hots Wove by • worn of metre e )) and Panmunjom. But It draws me. again, "Kay." Oci:tr.3, Meat. I had to get out of the house this With a little gasp she straight- 0.210 F inally, "Were those thoughts I couldn't bear ened and turned her face to him, /L 5,sea,- 60S. 01:;80 morning. I watceeng Itiaar-14 barged tat on worth more than a glued to her her eyes searching his beseech- Me- Mother Ireland penny? Or are they incorrununic- with such an alight look on her ingly. ng LIL' ABNER that able at any price?" Kay asked face." "Yes, yes. yea," he said to her. By Al Capp I by tb• bun. Waiting; waiting fer her son's He took tier icy angers and held 0 "I was thinking about Maggie- name to be hated among the war them. "I heard it, too. We both 54. ONLY REASON AM STEPPED THET BRAIN 0'MINE /S 0.7-11E'S GO/NG TO 77.eExPENSE and my book-and convocation." prisoners freed from behind Com- heard it." MIGHTY Ce4 YORE TOES WAS,MAH • BUSY,MA'M - THINKIN'0' WHUT OP 7RAtIVELL/N6 Al4LFACROSS 771C "Why, It's today - the univer- munist stockades. What was the The long breath she drew BRAINS WARN'T PAY I N'NO SMART BUSINESS MAN AH IS,T'GO COUNTRY TO RETURN sity's 100th birthday, isn't It?" source of so profound and positive In shuddered through her. "We A/WOW? ATTENSHUN TO MAN T' WASH I N ditutet She had fallen into step teeside a faith? lntuition? A imintual In- iouldn't - both hear something . TON,r RETURN Ai f.'—NE Alu.57 LicROLLING /A/ its too him, slim in a tweed skirt and a sight stronger than logic, making that was not there LO hear, Could FEET.'?'- NICKEL TO A COUGH.f.7-V WONDER IF see?" 7 even Mather ben and a yellow cash- illogical the official pronounce- 14. PUFFICK THEY SERVE CHAMPAGNE ment of Jarvis Ireland's death? "No." wy 26, mere cardigan. -And It is your STRANGER If HERE ?- big day." Kay saki, "I am afraid to be- "But . .. casualty lists 'aren't He opened his mouth to tell her lieve idol I'm afraid not to be- wrong. They're never wrong!" believe bow he had spent half the night: lieve. 1 neard someone say that She couldn't it yet. must have to but leSqUe it tor her. Then, ab- about God, once. . . . I eave told "The casualty eat ruptly, he changed his mind. Mag- myself over and over that she is been wrong lark saki. And think- gie first; before it lost the keen -ill. That she is in the grip of ing it through for Ray, reasoning rigs of comedy. He said. "What an obsession. But if that were it through step by step, ne saw brought you to the park today?" true she would be pltible, wouldn't what could have happened. "Jarvis "What takes everyone outdoors she? And she is not Far from it should nave been listed as missing In /tither she countered. began I can't imagine anyone less In In a. tom not dead. His plane thinking about the farm I grew up need of pity than Mother Ireland." could have bcen Mt. He could have on. Did you Know that Jarvis and She turned tier face to tom, tier ci ah-landee in enemy territory. 1 were going to buy a farm when lips tremulous. "It she knows be Working his way back te Ms base, the MU was oyez ?" is r borne Imittvv I •dge, hang- he cotad nave been captured, sent Erie v. as me red ulous. "For pendeil. h: - ,o, user her -to a erison temp His identity Fete's saee, cat trnagine him e-oi,e name It / ;le I me? Why lest in a welter of rceore.i." •••1•M•h.•.. OW- .4•14. 41•11.1e Literal:a stridine e'en 79 pastures don't 1 know, t, - "Yee. Yes .. lake me home in AF-11E &re SCATS and mending f rocs and melting "I (Wee linos, Wit- By Itaebuni Burma COWS." T"-en, unforecastetee alwey IMAGINE - HIRING OUT 14.1_ TO TOP -.4 Her smile wee sad. "He often a evirsai oudetai COMO through. town . . clew o• Lac eat iV"..11:iRPIECE beside Sim t feet were braced BOAT FOR A CENT THE FIRST DAY OF FINANE, PE HAS TO DO HER talked to me about his [timid! After donee of Similar on Omit WE_ '5, YOU'RE NO music, but it their." glop eer body horn DOUBLED EVERY DAY... UNTIL NIBS A FAVOR BEFORE here. You, among ahem. He said a cleavage in a passage of FINANC ee- CeENIUS -THAT'S FOR you posh- introductory words were form- tremblirg. No woncer, with a tre- THIRTY DAYS ARE OVER... HE COLLECTS EVEN he never could picture the SURE... EJT YOU'RE LOVABLE, AND chalk across s blackboard and ulized and familiar. We interrupt mendous thing lege this happening AND THEM... THAT CHICKEN ing THAT OUGHT TO BE ENOUGH FOR correcting themes and passing this program of recorded music to to her. He had thought at first A SIMPLE GAL sugar and cream at the dean's bring you a special bulletin from that she Might Caine or cry, but he utce ME teaa all your life." The small, Panmun knew now that sbe we bane- A haunting smile came again. "You Beside him, Kay's drooping body red light held him bp at an Inter- never can tell about people, can went totem. Erie pulled over to the section. He glanced at Kay, then you? What they are really like curb and stopped the car. with a tender hand he turned her Inside. what they are thinking.* She looked at him, tormentedly. face to his and kissed her. "Things "No, you never can." be agreed. "I have to listen." will be better for you now. Won't "And the funny thing is, that's "Yes," he Mid. they. Kay?" what really counts-what's In- Ordinarily, said the announcer, She did not *newer. He didn't side." the names of Allied prisoners expect her to. Onee out of traffic They walked on in a compan- freed in the Korean war's prison- and in the residential' district he ionable silence; at the paths end er exchange would be held pending drove swiftly to tete Irelands' big eee,o they stopped, stood a moment fac- notiffeatIon of next-of-kin. Mak- old log each other. Kay raid, "You Me the natnes Untrediatelv avail- (70 Re Cootie erd

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MA Gr. CWO THE LEDGFA.iimqn •lam MTTHR A W _

PAGE SIX THE LEDGER AND TIMIllb; MURRAY, KENTUCKY MONDAY, MAT 16, 1955 AIM JEER 11•-a•••••• - • The J. N. Williams of the Club will inert with Mis, Sam SOCIAL United Daughters of the Con- IMiceuteheon at one-thirty o'clock. CALENDAR federecy will meet at the home • • • . Club News Activities of Mrs. A. F. Doran with Mrs. WOMEN'S Saturday. May 21 . PAGE • • • • Neva Waters and .Mrs. W. S. mendleY. May 16 Capta ai Wendell Oury Swann as cohostesaes at two- The . Jo Burkeen, Editor ... Phone 694-M-4-0 or 1150-W Weddings Locals Circle V of WSCS of Pine The Doroas Claw of the First chapter of the DAR will meet4 M4.•-tliortsz Church will meet in Baptist Church wi I meet at the thirty 01,4ock. "Wernen of the W. P. Wil- South in War Times" will at the home of Mrs. the hall of the church at home of Mrs. Charles Caldwell be Greenaeres Drive, Paris, di::cossed by the members. liams, 1 e•ei..thirty o'clock. at seven-thirty o'clock. Group two-thirty o'clock. Those Hazel PTA Ilas Tenn., at New Swim Fashion Engagement Announced • • • • VII. Mrs. Hunter Love. captain • • • • plahnalg to attend ale asked to Last Regular will be in charge. Meet The ilenny Homemakers Club Thursday. May 19 cull Ms D. F. 34..Conneli. For School l'efkr will Meet with Mrs. Richard Arm- • • • • The Mime Depaehment of the - - - strong at ten o'clock_ Ctir le Murray Woman's Club will hzive The H.ozel Hoch Number Four of the Sch Parent- WSCS of the First a breakList iii Kentake Hotel at Testher Association met at the • • • • Methochat Church will meet at 2:30 with nine 04.1ock. For tranaportati .41 school recently Mr Carmen Parks . T h e Murray Manufacturing Mrs. J. call Mrs.- 0. C. Wells or leave the devotion. W.ves Club hold its monthly din- N. Waggoner, 200 Olive Street with Rev. G. B. Sectt. A style ehow was given ner meeting at the guest house .v David Meyer by the I guest speaker. home economics class under the at 61X o'clock. The Advisory Council of Home- direction of Mrs Houck • • • . The Kiri' • • • • maker; Clubs will meet at the modeled the clothes they had The Christian Women's Fellow- Tuesday. May 17 County Extension Office at one- made in class this year, iihip of the Circle Number Four 44 the First Christian Church thirty o'clock. will hold its • • . • New officers were in- tailedby WSCS of the First Methodist grate al meeting at the church at two-etcrty o'clock. !1‘,: Mr. Carmen Perks. Oltcent are Church will meet :.-st 2'30 with Friday, May 1141 Mrs. Art Lavenckir prewdent: Mrs. J. N Waggoner. 200 01:ve • • • • The New C,yr leord Hi,rnernokers Mrs Ellis Paschall. v.ce-president; Street with Rev. David Meyer The Foundatival Claw of the Mrs Her Brown, treasurer., and guest 'speaker. Forst Biaptast Church will meat I what could Mrs. Calvin Key. secretary. • • • • at the home of Mrs. Edgar Shirley at seventiirty o'clock. Note Mrs. Elhs Paschall. ret:ing pre- The Mair.:e Taylor and Seethe change of date from original this trip y-dent, expres.sed her thanks for Smith Circles of the Woman's announce- keepsake ment the splendsd coopjeratIon given .Missioricry Society of the Memor- 'her during the past year. ail Baptist Church well meet at • • • • cost you? the home of Mrs. H. T Danner The Woman's Missionary Projects (sponsored by Society In thepast 10 years, the cast the PTA it .,even-thirty o'clock. of the Finn this year were. dollars Etaptist Chu-ch will of building and furnishing a to have its each elementary teacher for lib- general meeting at the house has just about doubled. church -at :three o'clu.k. rwry books: cleaning the cafeteria DAR Chapter Meet • • • • has your Fire I nsu ranee Pro- at opening of school. purchase of t. tection kept pace? Look over school lunch cook book and cof- To Re Held At Home Circle III of WSCS of First your present fire coverage Methockat Church fee maker; pub4ie ahool music will meet with now and see. If you need Of Williams Mrs. J. B. Farrii at twodurty teacher. purchase of dart shades additional protection let me o'clock. Mrs. laoula Gatlin will for the study hall. paint-41g in- The Captain Wendell Oury ielp be the program chairman. you plan it. Call or stop terior of -school building: alumni chapter of the Datiphters of the • • • • in today. banquet. baekettall Warn mien; American Revolution will meet in Mule Number II of the WSCS style dhow: and Sunday School the home of Mrs. W. P. Williams, CLEMSON $250.00 It pays to hew year attendance aw.c - °Ternaries Drive. Paris. Tenn. on of' the First Methodist Church STATE FARM Agent Wedding Ring $125.00 Saturday°. may 21. as two-thirty will meet it two-thsrty o'clock cecicck in the afternoon. with Mrs. Calle Junes. 1106 W. Main Street with CAROLYN WYNNE, New York "Patriotism In Music" will be Mrs. Jack Fr,ot Wayne Wilson professional model and former the theme of the program to be speaker. Mm. Etha James and CAPITOL National Swim for Health Queen, presented by Mn, Hciward 01,fa, Mrs. 0. C. Wrather w,ill be co- Furehes Insurance Agency models a ruffled-akart, sharsad aoloist•-. acid 8111. Richard Farrell. ,hautlulkel . • • • • Ends Wednesday mid-riff, cotton print swim suit the met at at ,. 'IOU JEWELRY STORE 500 Main — Ph. 321 designed by Mary Haggard. piar11 those planning to attend are The Murk - Depertment of the 113 S. Sib St. rborie 1933 Murray Three of the Year's Miss Shirley Ann Craw asked to call Mrs. D F. lifcCon Woman's Club will meet ••• •••••• • ammo ea Finest Scre-n. nen. at the club house at seven-thirty Fourteen McCracken county far ; Announcement has been made of the engagement • • • • o'clock. Mrs. Howard Ohla wil. PerforBissacNica.e•! -.eri having TVA -test demonstra- of Miss Shirley--Ann Cross. dantyhter of (firm: the program by guer. .ams are iism.g 136.400 ts: .r.ds of Mrs. J. E. Cross .1Irs. Thurman of Murray and the late Mr. Cross of Benton, to Opens artists. alcnim meta phosphate Pfc. • • • • CROSBY James H. Boone, son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Boone, Sr., Home For Meeting _ MAX H. CHURCHILL GRACE of Murray. The Kirksey Homemakers Club Of Circle II 1111S will meet at the City Park at FUNERAL HOME KELLY Miss 'Cross, granddaughter of Judge and Mrs. H. H. Mrs. J If Thurman was hostess ten o'clock. WILLIAM Evergreens, Shrubs Lovett, Sr.. of Benton, • • • • Superior Ambulance Service is a ograduate of Murray Training de:" the of Circle II of dr HOLDEN School Equipped With Oxygen and Azaleas in the class of 1952; and is now a junior majoring Use Womon'.., Missionary Society Wednesday, May 1$ in home economics at Murray State of the First Baptist Church heed The East Hazel Hormsruskers TI-1E Large Stock College: She was 311 N. 4th St., Murray, Ky.—Phone 98 chosen this year as Miss Murray State. Miss Body Beau- Tuesday. May 10. at three o'clock Club will meet %%Ali Mrs. Lea- COUNTRY tiful. and sponsor of theROT(' First Battalion. in tn. afternoon land Alton at one o'clock. 'IEIE FRIEND( Y FUNERAL BOkilr The. program chairman Pfc. Borme, for the GIRL grandson of Mrs. R. A. Allbritten and afternoon was Mrs. Jesse Roberts the late PeAma MlaAhll MLA= it SHrIC Mr. Allbritten of Murray, graduated from Mur- who Nave the devotion and led Ihirm ta 'man sal Sandal dr ray High School in the class of 1952; RCup in the daaoussion MOM MIMI 15th at Poplar — Call 479 and attended Mur- the of ass Sa lo gar WS ray State College two years prior to entering the Royal Service program. 'Tho Best For the service. Less" He is now stationed at Ft_ Hood, Texas. Ma. °mote ' awn. presided at the rneetrne. R.s4rsornr were served by EX-GODFREY SINGER A BRIDE Mrs Thurman to eleven members TUESDAY and two vuritars. Mrs. 0 C. Wells aid Mrs. A. M. -Hawley. and WED. Casts Salk Blame

JUPITER'S j7DARLING*, NO ESTHER st'"41 HOWARD PERSPIRATION WILLIAMS • KEEL MARGE it GOWER GEORGE CHAMPION • SANDERS wt. halfi 1111111. Rinse 91111III SO CINENAScOlog RIGHT... NOT A SPOT LAST TIMES TONIGHT MRS. OVET A cuu. Hoerr, s. - retary of health. education and welfare, has been extremely negligent in her handling of the Balk anti-polio vaccine 'Rua- MARION MARI.Ovl, NI, singer recently fired by Arthur Uon and her conduct warrants 1r t Godfrey 'hoe.% and TV j.roducer Lairy Puck. 57. 0-re dismisaal, Rep._Ernanuel Caller ' at LativardisFiela,'New York, fdr a 10-(laY (f)). New York, chairman of They were ir.irried In St. 1,0u.. the House judiciary committee, 1 ,ed by Artitur Godfrey. (.1.0.• wherein declare. in Ail interview In Washington.. (international) ANNOUNCING AGREE ON BIG FOUR MEETING ON AUSTRIA TREATY LOOKS Kathryn Cain AND FEELS Beauty Shop LIKE NEW! NOW OPEN FOR , BUSINESS Best from MONDAY THRU FRIDAY every angle ••• • OPENING SPECIALS ON PERMANENTS Sanitone DRY CLEANING (Good For May Only end us just one garment and restores that fresh new look in $ 6.50 for S 5.00 you, too, will join this chorus every detail. And never a hint of praise for Sanitorie Dry Clean- of tell-tale dry cleaning odor! S 7.50 for S 6.00 mg. You'll find that it not only Better press lasts longer too. gets out ALL the dirt but also Try us aid see! 510.00 for S 7.50 $15.00 for .. S10.00 Everyone is invited to visit me in my new shop. BOONE Your patronage will be appreciated. FOLLOWING THE RIO THREE meeting In Parts, West German Chancellor Conrad Adenauer (left), TELEPHONE 709 204 SO. 12th ST. French Foreign h"..r,oster Antoine Piney, British Foreign Secretary Harold MacMillan and U. S. Sec- retary of /Kate John Foster Dulles leave the conference room, They agreed to • Big Four meeting Laundry Cleaners ‘.. In Vienna on the Austrian peace treek,F. (international Boundphoto)