Dangerous w Christina Peer, Esq. Rhonda Porter, Esq. Walter I Haverfietd LLP In-House Legal Counsel The Tower at Erieview Akron Public Schools 1301 East 9th Street, Ste 3500 70 N. Broadway Cleveland, OH 44114 Akron, OH 44308 (216) 928-2918 (330) 761-2912
[email protected] [email protected] Walter I Haverfield LIP ATTORNEYS AT LAW Akron Public Schools ,CJ Capital Conference 2015 Dangeroms Facebook is still around but. Chrixtma Peer, Esq. Rhondt* Porter, Esq. Wdtt;r|[-!.n<;rfK-ldLI.P tn-HuuseUtiaIOiunwi ThfTo^TulRrifvu-M Al,mnPuhliL.Sch<x>i< ];(nt F-i-.t <)th StrA-t, ^- ;tf,oc 7" N. Unodivay ncwLml.OI! 44114 Akmn, 011 44'^ (li!())^^)!8 Ctio) W-WS Walter I Haverfielda,. Akron Public Schools Mom and Dad are on Facebook Rachel^ My son te on a data and he's convinced she's coming home with him tonight. I've covered his room h Ajsth Sieber posters..,,Now we wait: D LW'f: ':orarn?nt Share 11 hc.'jr-; iuo r^.ai (:l'-.^F!'<^n E:.5j , 'jj-eri;!^-: it tS • '-' andISothtrsttelhB. Kate; '_:• You are ev> Rachel. I love tl 11 hou' s sao via meb^e -1*'£ - iS 1 Venetta .- .TbaUsGOlDIH i) ho'jis 3.30 via mcfeie' i.i'£ Mlssb . ••:\- LOVE IT ^) 11 hOU(3600-lji£ NAME THAT APP... we win start with an easy one Snapchat © Capital Conference 2015 Snapchat Intended use: NAME THAT APP... • Allows people to capture an image or video and make it available to the recipient only for a SPECIFIC TIME, then automatically DISAPPEARS FOREVER How it is misused: • This App makes kids feel much more comfortable "sextmg" with others.