EoP Axis Military Necessity Evacuation EoP Axis Applicants Correspondence [PDF] Sent Individually to Stan McChrystal [PDF] 01 PDF: 19 Sep 2015 – 21 May 2016 For correspondence sent Collectively to All EoP Axis Applicants [PDF] Re: 21 May 2016 Update: 10 May MB Hack Data blog provides a copy of all the 10 May 2016 EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations update data -- that had (a) been updated; or not yet updated; in MILED Clerk Notice or EoP Legal Submissions Case's PDF document; and (b) been updated but re-positioned on EoP v WiP NWO Neg: Comments Correspondence blog; including EoP Applicants: Tim McVeigh [PDF] & Stan McChrystal [PDF]-- when EoP Acting Clerk's computer was hacked and motherboard crashed; as detailed in 14 May 2016 correspondence to EoP Applicants. EoP Axis documentation is available at: EoP NWO social contract options→ EoP Axis Military Necessity Evacuation. GMC 4643-13 Applicant 17 Oct 2013 – 18 Sep 2015: Stan McChrystal [PDF] GMC 4643-13 documentation is available at: GMC 4643-13: Lara Johnstone et al v Brad Blanton et al. Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2015 4:05 PM Subject: RE: GMC 4643-13: RE: Stan McChrystal: Re: EoP PoW Axis MilNec Evac Notice From: MILED EoP-PoW Clerk: Andrea Muhrrteyn [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2015 4:05 PM To: 'Stan McChrystal' Cc: 'Cherylanne Anderson'; 'Timothy McVeigh' Subject: RE: GMC 4643-13: RE: Stan McChrystal: Re: EoP PoW Axis MilNec Evac Notice Stan McChrystal McChrystal Group CC: Cherylanne Anderson (
[email protected]) CC: Timothy McVeigh (
[email protected]) Stan: GMC 4643-13: RE: Stan McChrystal: Re: EoP PoW Axis MilNec Evac Notice You are still listed as a GMC 4643-13 applicant; consequently you are included with other applicants in the EoP Axis Military Necessity Evacuation: 26 September Lotto Notice [PDF].