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A Athenaeum , The , 129 Ackerman, Fredrick L., 40 athletics/sports, ix, 7, 9, 15–16, 26, Adorno, Theodor W., 5, 75–77, 115, 28, 44, 59, 70, 120, 129, 136, 117, 119, 122, 136, 178–9, 139, 140, 177 221–2, 224 Atwood, Margaret, 7, 105, 218 advertising, viii–ix, 43, 93, 128–9, Handmaid’s Tale , The , 8, 72, 132–7, 141 160–161 Agamben, Giorgio, 55 AIDS , 81 Albertus Magnus, 171 B Allen, Woody, Sleeper , 78 ‘Baby M’ 162 American Civil War, 20 Bacon, Francis, New Atlantis, Amis, Kingsley, Lucky Jim , 23 The , 53 Anderson, Sherwood, 129 Baker, Robert S., 2, 144 Angry Young Men, 23 Ballard, James Graham., 1, 7 Anthropocene, 170–177, 183–4 Barnes, Djuna, 129 apartheid, 169, 182 Basic Instinct , 81 Arab Spring, 83 behaviourism, 17, 24, 42, 54, 57, Arlen, Michael, Man’s Mortality , 47 120–121, 176, 217, 221, 223 . Arnold, Matthew, viii, 59, 174 See also conditioning Artaud, Antonin, Theater and Its Behind the Green Door , 79 Double, The , 82 Bellamy, Edward, 27 artifi cial reproduction/biotechnology, Looking Backward: 2000–1887 , 17, 20, 26, 112, 149, 150, 156 . 17–18, 20, 21, 24, 55 See also in vitro fertilization/ Belloc, Hillaire, 129 test-tube babies Bennett, Arnold, viii

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2016 245 J. Greenberg, N. Waddell (eds.), Brave New World: Contexts and Legacies, DOI 10.1057/978-1-137-44541-4 246 INDEX

Bentham, Jeremy, Introduction to Erewhon , 17–19, 55, 204, 213–15 Principles of Morals and Butts, Mary, 213 Legislation, An , 175–6 Benveniste, Michael and Ziehm, Howard, Flesh Gordon , 10, 79 C Berdiaeff, Nicolas, 184, 205 Cameron, James, Avatar , 115 Bernal, John Desmond, World, the Carey, John, 35, 116, 119, 122 Flesh, and the Devil, The , 178 Carey-Webb, Alan, 57 Betjeman, John, ‘Planster’s Vision, Carter, Angela, 10 The’ 17 central planning, 16, 33, 39, 56, 120, Birnbaum, Milton, 74 122, 198, 224 . See also birth control/contraception, 79, 84, managerialism, technocracy 90, 96–9, 101–2, 105, 112, 138, Cervantes, Miguel de, 177 141, 153, 154, 180, 197, 206 Charnos, Susie McKee Blake, William, 183 HOLDFAST series, 160 Bradshaw, David, 2, 32, Motherlines , 160 175, 223 Chatto and Windus, viii, 128, 203 Breakfast at Tiffany’s , 110 Cherryh, C.J. Cyteen , 158, 163 Brecht, Bertolt, 5, 77 Chesler, Phyllis, 162 Brittain, Vera, Halcyon ; or, The Future Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, ix, 129 of Monogamy , 152 Cixous, Hélène, 159 Brooke, Jocelyn, 75 cloning , 21, 25, 90, 149, 150, 154–6, Broom: An International Magazine of 163–4 the Arts , 32 Cobley, Evelyn, 31 Brown, Norman O., Life Against Cocteau, Jean, Antigone , 129 Death , 77 Coetzee, John Maxwell, 10 Buddhism , 98, 102, 174, 206 Committee on Technocracy, 40, 41 Buell, Lawrence, 176 , 120, 205 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, Coming Condé Nast Publications, 128, 129, Race, The , 17 132 Burdekin, Katherine conditioning, 6, 12, 22–5, 42, 52, 54, Proud Man , 8 56–8, 60, 62, 89, 100, 120, Swastika Night , 8, 72 134–5, 150, 153, 155, 160, 163, Burgess, Anthony, Clockwork Orange , 176, 194, 217, 219 . See also A , 8 behaviourism Burns, J.H., Vision of Education , Conrad, Joseph, 1 A , 53 , 5, 10, 34, 44, 51, 55, Burroughs, Edgar Rice, Tarzan of the 83, 120, 127–8, 132–8, 140–141, Apes , 115 143–4 Burroughs, William, 78 Corea, Gena, 161 Burrows, Alice, 39 Cross, Gene, Nude in Orbit , 79 Butler, Samuel, 99 Crowninshield, Frank, 129, 130 INDEX 247

Crutzen, Paul, 171 exile, 33, 36, 46, 60, 117, 123, 139, ‘culture industry’ 51, 69, 119, 136 . 140, 190–192, 195–7 See also Adorno, Theodor W.; Frankfurt School cyberpunk, 82, 155, 165 F Faludi, Susan, 162 Farquhar, J.D., 56 D fascism, 9, 41, 76–7, 119, 170 Dada, 136 feminism, 78, 80–81, 111, 150–155, Daily Express , 81 160–161, 165 Daily Mail , ix Fields, W.C., 41 Daily Mirror , ix, 139 Fifty Shades of Grey , 84 Dalton Plan, 62 Firbank, Ronald, 11 Dartington Hall School, 62 Firchow, Peter, 110, 177 Darwin, Charles, 174, 176, 204 Firestone, Shulamith, 10, 161 de Beauvoir, Simone, 155, 164 Dialectic of Sex, The , 155–7 de Biran, Maine, 215, Journal Intime , First World War, 8, 170, 178, 213 223 Fletcher, Joseph, 161 Deery, June, 5, 75, 81, 111, 179 Fonda, Jane, 79 Derbyshire, John, 51 Ford Motor Company, 31, 134 Dewey, John, 7, 54–5, 62–3 Ford, Derek, Girl from Starship Venus, Diken, Bülent, 123 The , 79 disability, 116 Ford, Ford Madox, 41, 213 Disney, Walt, 110 Ford, Henry Douglas, George, 129 (historical fi gure), 75, 115, 123, Dreiser, Theodore, 40 132, 175, 192, 196 dysgenics, 21–2, 57, 116 (as invoked in Brave New World ) , 19, 72, 142, 152, 190, 194 , 33, 34, 37, 38, 132, 141, E 189, 196–7 . See also mass Eastman, Max, 96 production, standardization ectogenesis, 80, 151–3, 178–9 . See also Forster, Edward Morgan,‘The artifi cial reproduction/ Machine Stops’ 17 biotechnology Foucault, Michel, 78, 121, 123 Eliot, Thomas Stearns, 19, 213 ‘Frankfurt School’ 5, 6 . See also , 25, 26, 59, 63, 111, Adorno, Theodor W., 114 Horkheimer, Max eugenics, 2, 9, 19–22, 33–4, 45, 53, Freeman-Moir, John, 52 90–93, 95, 101–2, 113–14, 116, Freidan, Betty, Feminine Mystique 118, 150, 151, 154, 156, 169, The , 110 175, 193, 206 Freud, Sigmund, 75, 156, 196, 197 euthanasia, x, 12, 19, 20, 22 Civilization and Its Discontents , 76 248 INDEX

Friday, Nancy, My Secret Garden , 78 Hanna, William, and Barbera, Joseph, Fromm, Erich, Escape from Freedom , 110 77 Haraway, Donna, 10, 164, 165 Frost, Laura, 118–19, 136, 143 ‘Anthropocene, Capitolocene, Frye, Northrop, 52 Plantationocene, Chthulucene: Fuss, Diana, 164 Making Kin’ 176 Modest_Witness@Second_ Millennium.FemaleMan_Meets_ G OncoMouse , 164 Galton, Francis, 21, 174 Hardy, Thomas, Jude the Obscure , 100 Kantsaywhere , 21 Harper’s , 139 Gamergate, 84 Hays Code, 79 Gantt, Henry Laurence, 39 Heard, Gerald, vii Gaugin, Paul, 129 /pleasure, ix, 10–11, 51, 59, Gearhart, Sally Miller, Wanderground, 70–85, 98, 122, 127, 130, 133, The , 160 135–7, 139–43, 169, 179, Gee, Maggie, 10 217–19 Gibson, William, Neuromancer , 82 Heidegger, Martin, 171–4 Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, Heinlein, Robert A., Stranger in a Herland , 8 Strange Land , 79 Godwin, William, 58, 59 Hepburn, Audrey, 110 Enquirer, The , 55 Hitchcock, Dal, 40 Goebbels, Joseph, 121 Hitler, Adolph, 6 Great Depression, 7, 38, 39, 120 Holland, Leslie, viii Greville, Fulke, 105 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., vii Grosz, Elizabeth, 179 Holocaust, 2 Horan, Thomas, 61 Horkheimer, Max, 5, 77, 136 H Houellebecq, Michel, 105 Haeckel, Ernst, Stammbaum des House and Garden , 128 Menchen , 171 Hubbert, M. King, 32, 33, 40 Hägglund, Martin, 123–4 humanism , 12, 170, 177–8, 182, 184 Haire, Norman, Birth-Control Hunger Games, The , 120 Methods , 96 Huxley, Aldous Haldane, Charlotte, ix, 112, 152–3, Adonis and the Alphabet , 95 161, 165 After Many a Summer , 224 Man’s World , 8, 117, 152 Ape and Essence , 7, 101, 103, 178 Motherhood and Its Enemies , 153–4 ‘Appendix’ 97 Haldane, J.B.S., 149, 152, 154 Beyond the Mexique Bay , 61, 197 Daedalus; or, Science and the Future , ‘Boundaries of Utopia’ 59 151, 153, 178 Brave New World Revisited , 27, 93, Haldeman, Joe, Forever War, The , 9 95, 113, 120, 121, 205 INDEX 249

‘Can We Be Well-Educated?’ 61 ‘Philosopher’s Songs, The’ 103 Crome Yellow , 4, 11, 90, 92, 100, ‘Pleasures’ 130, 135 178 Point Counter Point , 12, 41, 76, ‘Discipline’ 64 93–5, 98, 101, 105 Do What You Will , 33 ‘Politics and Religion’ 55 ‘Double Crisis, The’ 92 Proper Studies , 54, 91, 193, 224 ‘Education’ 54, 57, 58, 62, 64 ‘Psychology of Suggestion, The’ ‘Education of an Amphibian, The’ 136 61, 63 ‘Reading, the New Vice’ 59 Encyclopaedia of Pacifi sm , 27, 182 ‘Recreations’ 130, 136, 139 Ends and Means , 63, 213, 224 ‘Science and Civilization’ 33, 34, 92 Eyeless in Gaza , 100, 103 ‘Science, Liberty, and Peace’ 55 ‘Fashions in Love’ 130, 138, 144 ‘Silence is Golden’ 37, 132 ‘Foreword’ to Brave New World Themes and Variations , 92, 224 (1946), 7, 52–3, 72, 76, 135, ‘This Community Business’ 134 144 Tomorrow and Tomorrow and ‘Future of the Past, The’ 59 Tomorrow , 96, 97 ‘How Modern Inventions and ‘Too Many Books’ 61 Distractions May Assist in ‘Utopias, Positive and Negative’ 7 Inducing Mental Decay’ 133 ‘Variations on a Philosopher’ 215, ‘How Should Men Be Educated?’ 224 62 ‘Varieties of Intelligence’ 55, 58 ‘Idea of Equality, The’ 53 ‘Victory of Art over Humanity, Island , 7, 27, 59, 90, 97–102, 183, The’ 38 190, 196–206 ‘Vulgarity in Literature’ 13 Jesting Pilate , 137, 140, 223 ‘What Is Happening to Our Leda , 103 Population?’ 45, 92, 116 Literature and Science , 175 ‘Where Do You Live?’ 54 ‘Machinery, Psychology, and Huxley, Julian, 109 Politics’ 33, 34, 43 ‘Transhumanism’ 174–5 ‘Measurable and Unmeasurable’ 54 Huxley, Thomas Henry, 174 ‘New Comfort, The’ 133 hypnopaedia, 6, 24, 25, 56–8, 60, 62, ‘Next 25 Years, The’ 81 93, 113, 121, 176, 182 ‘Note on Eugenics, A’ 91–2, 193, 224 ‘Note on Ideals, A’ 224 I ‘On Grace’ 54 in vitro fertilization/test-tube babies, ‘On Making Things Too Easy’ 133 1, 90, 110, 117, 149, 150, 159, ‘Outlook for American Culture, 161, 163 . See also artifi cial The’ 34, 38, 39, 45, 137 reproduction/biotechnology ‘Pascal’ 33 Industrial Workers of the World Perennial Philosophy, The , 175 (‘Wobblies’), 39 250 INDEX

Institute for Social Research, 5, 77 Lawrence, David Herbert, vii, 95, 130, International House , 41 139, 179, 196, 213 Ishiguro, Kazuo, 10 Man Who Died, The , 101 Plumed Serpent, The , 97 Women in Love , 213 J Leach, Gerald, 161 Jacob, Max, 129 Leboyer, Frederik, Birth without James, Phyllis Dorothy, Children of Violence , 161–2 Men, The , 9 Lenin, Vladimir Ilich, 212 James, William, 27 Lepore, Jill, 79 Varieties of , 27, Lewis, Wyndham, viii, 11, 212 223 Caliph’s Design, The , 215, 219 Jameson, Fredric, 6, 8 Llull, Ramon, 171 Jefferies, Richard, After London , 213 Locke, John, 54, 121 Jetsons, The , 110 Loeb, Harold, 32–4, 39, 41–7 Johnson, Virginia E., 78 Life in a Technocracy: What It Might Jong, Erica, Fear of Flying , 78 Be Like , 32, 33, 42–6 Jonze, Spike, Her , 84 Loos, Anita, 130 Joyce, James, 130 Lorde, Audre, ‘Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power’ 78 Luckhurst, Roger, 42 K Ludovici, Anthony, Lysistrata; or, Kerouac, Jack, On the Road , 78 Woman’s Future and Future Keyser, Catherine, 130 Woman , 151 movement, 100, 156 Kipling, Rudyard, 24 ‘Gods of the Copybook Heading, M The,’ vii Macaulay, Rose Kitzinger, Sheila, 161 What Not , 8 Knight, G. Wilson, 46 Mad Men , 110 Kracauer, Siegfried, 74 Man Ray (Radnitzky, Emmanuel), Kumar, Krishan, 25, Utopia and 129 Anti-Utopia in Modern managerialism, 33, 39 . See also central Times , 15 planning, technocracy Manchester Guardian, The, 41 Mannheim, Karl, Ideology and Utopia , L 63 Lamont, Charles, Techno-Crazy , 41 Mannin, Ethel, vii Lancaster, Joseph, 54 Marchand, Roland, 134 Larkin, Philip, ‘This Be the Marcuse, Herbert, 5, 77 Verse’ 100 Eros and Civilization , 77 Laski, Harold, vii–viii One-Dimensional Man , 77 INDEX 251

Marx, Karl, 155, 184 N mass culture/mass entertainment/ Nabokov, Vladimir, 109 popular culture , 3, 5, 6, 10, 21, Nation , the, 128 34, 36, 53, 62, 70, 73–5, 78, 81, Neoplatonism, 221 83, 114, 118–20, 133, 135–6, New Yorker, The , 129 139–40, 142–4 . See also ‘culture Newman, John Henry, 18, 20, 153 industry’ Parochial and Plain Sermons , 223 mass production, 111, 132, 139, 189, Niemeyer, Oscar, 121 191 . See also Fordism, Nietzsche, Friedrich, 220 standardization Noyes, John Humphrey, 97 Masters, William H., 78 Matisse, Henri, 129 Matrix, The , 120 O McCarthy, Cormac, 10 Olsson, Mark, 53 McLuhan, Marshall, 62 Oneida Community, 97, 206 Mead, Margaret, Coming of Age in Orwell, George, 4, 6, 15, 26, 52 Samoa , 190 Nineteen Eighty-Four , 4, 6, 18, 19, Meckier, Jerome, 53, 127 23–5, 31, 69, 101, 123, 205 Mencken, Henry Louis, vii, 41, 115, Road to Wigan Pier, The , 213 128 Osmond, Humphry, 206 middlebrow, 119, 129 Our Bodies Ourselves , 78 Miéville, China, 10 overpopulation, 90, 92–3, 95–7, 101, Mill, John Stuart, 175 154 On Liberty , 215–16 Milton, John Paradise Lost , 177, 204, 212 P Mitchell, David, 10 Packard, Vance, Hidden Persuaders, Mitchison, Naomi, 154 The , 121 Memoirs of a Spacewoman , 154 Paris Review , 98 Solution Three , 154–5 Parker, Dorothy, 130 We Have Been Warned , 8 Parrinder, Patrick, 177 Mond, Alfred, 196 Parsons, Ian, 203 More, Thomas, 7, 23, 99, 190, 212 parthenogenesis, 156, 160, 163 . See Utopia , 21, 52, 53, 198–206 also cloning Morrell, Ottoline, 80, 213 Pavlov, Ivan, 196 Morris, William, News from Nowhere , Conditioned Refl exes , 57 35, 53, 60, 204, 213 , 27 Morton, Timothy, 176, 182 Peters, Michael, 52 Moylan, Tom, 156 Pfaelzer, Jean, 159 Murray, Nicholas, 128 pharmacology/pharmaceuticals, 21, music , 35, 37–8, 43, 62, 80, 105, 28, 81, 93, 112, 153, 169 . See 118–19, 129, 133, 139 also soma 252 INDEX

Phillips, Gordon, ‘Abracadabra’ 41, 47 S Picasso, Pablo, 129 Said, Edward, 4 Piercy, Marge Samurai, viii, 4, 197, 198, 206 . See also He, She and It (also published as Wells, Herbert George, A Modern Body of Glass ) , 10, 158–9 Utopia Woman on the Edge of Time , 10, Sanger, Margaret, 79 157–8, 160, 164 Sargent, Pamela, Shore of Women, The , Pinker, Steven, 121 160 Plato , 221 Saturday Evening Post , the, 129 Republic , 21, 24, 53, 60, 100 Schiller, Friedrich von, ‘On the pornography, 9, 10, 20, 28, 74, 79, Sublime’ 219–20 81, 83–4, 142, 160, 180 Schmitt, Carl, 181 Posner, Richard, 120 Schneiderman, Harold, 63 Postman, Neil, 62 Schopenhauer, Arthur, 221 Priestly, Joseph, 53 Schuyler, George, Black No Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The , 123 More , 117 psychoanalysis, 10, 76, 138 . See also Scott, Howard, 32–3, 39–43, 45, 47 Freud, Sigmund; Reich, Wilhelm Second World War, 2–3, 8, 92 Seed, David, 121 Segal, Howard, 52 R Self, Will, Great Apes , 9 Rananim, 213 . See also Lawrence, Sex and the City , 84 David Herbert Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band , Rautenstrauch, Walter, 40 10 Reich, Wilhelm, 10, 76–8, 81 Shaft , 79 Function of the Orgasm, The , 76 Shakespeare, William, 23–5, 37, 60, Mass Psychology of Fascism, The , 76 70, 113, 136, 177, 189, 196 Sexual Revolution, The , 76 , 177, 190 reproduction, 10, 18, 45, 89–105, , 139 149–65, 177–80 . See also artifi cial , 135, 139, 142, 143, 218 reproduction , 24, 74, 142 Richardson, Dorothy, 129 Tempest, The , vii, 9, 52, 57–62, 142, Roosevelt, Theodore, 113, 202 149 Rosenfeld, Isaac, 73 Shaw, George Bernard, 90 Russ, Joanna, Female Man, The , 10, Sheldon, William Herbert, 113, 206 157 Shelley, Mary, 150 Russell, Bertrand, 178, 213 Frankenstein , 159 Icarus ; or, The Future of Science , 151 Shteyngart, Gary, Super Sad True Love Russell, Dora Story , 9 Hypatia; or, Women and Knowledge , Sifton, Anne Harriet (‘Fish’), 130 151 Sion, Ronald T., 45 Right to Be Happy, The , 151 Sisk, David W., 61 INDEX 253

Skinner, Burrhus Frederic, Walden Swift, Jonathan, Gulliver’s Travels , 8, Two , 57 53, 99, 100 Smart Set, The , 129 Smith, George H., Those Sexy Saucer People , 79 T Snowden, Edward, 69 Tagore, Rabindranath, 62 Snyder, Carey, 63, 114 Tantra , 74, 97–9, 101 , 33, 155 Taylor, Fredrick, 39 Socialist Society for Sex-Counseling Technical Alliance, 39 and Sex-Research , 77 technocracy, 3, 31–9, 41–7, 58, 174, Soddy, Frederick, Wealth, Virtual 197, 221 . See also central Wealth, and Debt , 41 planning, managerialism ‘soma’ 1, 6, 21–2, 53, 56, 62, 70, 74, Technocracy Movement, 7 75, 80, 81, 92, 98, 110, 122, Technocracy, Inc., 41 124, 133, 135, 139–41, 177, Technocracy: Some Questions Answered , 190, 194, 219 . See also 32 pharmacology/pharmaceuticals Test-Tube Women: What Future for Spiller, Elizabeth, 62 Motherhood? , 162 St. Vincent Millay, Edna, 129 Thomas à Kempis, Imitation of Christ, Stalin, Joseph, 6, 25, 121, 122 The , 223 standardization, 5–7, 34–5, 38–9, Times Literary Supplement , 73 133–6, 143, 217, 222 . See also ‘To-day and To-morrow’ (pamphlet Fordism, mass production series), 10, 149, 178 state power, x, 2, 4, 6, 11, 12, 46, totalitarianism, 6, 25, 31, 64, 72, 76, 52, 56–8, 111–12, 120–123, 90, 92, 93, 96, 121, 135, 160, 211–24 198, 200, 221–2 Statesman , the, 128 Tzara, Tristan, 130 Stein, Gertrude, 130 Steinmetz, Charles, 39 Stephenson, Neal, Snow Crash , 82 U sterilization, 91–2, 96, 116, 153, 175, utilitarianism, 4, 12, 18–19, 34, 37, 179, 222 47, 72, 175, 216, 221 Stock Market Crash of 1929, 34, 40 Stoddard, Lothrop, 113 Stoermer, Eugene, 171 V Stopes, Marie, 154 Vadim, Roger, Barbarella: Queen of the Strachey, John St. Loe, 33 Galaxy , 10, 79–80 sublime, the, 12, 183, 218–20 Van Gogh, Vincent, 129 Sullivan, John William Navin, vii Vanity Fair (magazine), 11, Summerhill School, 156 127–44 Sundance Film Festival, 82 Veblen, Thorstien, 39 Surry, D.W., 56 , 97, 206 254 INDEX

Vietnam War, 9 West, Nathanael, Cool Million , A , 117 Vogue , 128 West, Rebecca, ix WikiLeaks, 83 Williams, Raymond, 136, 140 W Wilson, Edmund, 129 war, 20, 27, 93, 95, 96, 182 Wodehouse, Pelham Grenville, viii Wark, McKenzie, 184 Woiak, Joanne, 117 Warnock Commission, 161 Wollstonecraft, Mary, 58 Watson, James, Double Helix , The , 154 Wonder Woman, 79 Waugh, Evelyn, 11 Woodcock, George, 183 Black Mischief , 105 Woolf, Virginia, To the Lighthouse , 4 Vile Bodies , 11, 105 Wright, Austin Tappan, Islandia , 198, Weldon, Fay 200–206 Cloning of Joanna May, The , 163–4 Wright, Sylvia, 203 Praxis , 163 Wells, Herbert George, vii, viii, 2, 3, 15, 27, 57, 90, 92, 124, 151, Y 193, 196, 197 Yeats, William Butler, 213 ‘Fiction About the Future,’ viii Men Like Gods , 72, 150, 211 Modern Utopia , A , 4, 17, 18, Z 196–206, 211 Zamyatin, Yevgeny, We , 6, 17, 18, Shape of Things to Come, The , 32 23–6