The Locus of Global Innovation

Photos courtesy of

New Orleans, LA USA June 27-30, 2016 Sheraton New Orleans

Program Chair: Charles Dhanaraj | IMD, Switzerland BOARD MEMBERS President’s Letter

Welcome to New Orleans for the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business

Dear Worldwide Members of the Academy of International Business, President President-Elect Rosalie Tung Mike Kotabe Like many of you, I look forward to our gathering in New Orleans in June. New Orleans has many nicknames – the most popular one is “The Big Easy” to characterize the gentler pace of life in the city. Other nicknames are the “Birthplace of Jazz” (our 2016 logo) and the “Mardi Gras City”. New Orleans is also a very multicultural city that represents the confluence of many cultures as reflected in the variety of cuisine, entertainment and languages spoken there. Taken together, Immediate Vice President this means that while we will have a jam-packed and intellectually Past President Program (2016) stimulating program, we must nonetheless take time to savor the Nakiye Boyacigiller Charles Dhanaraj sights, sounds and tastes of our host city.

A program of this magnitude and quality could only be accomplished through the concerted efforts of many. Our special appreciation to Charles Dhanaraj, Program Chair, and Sarianna Lundan, Pre-con- ference Program Coordinator, for their meticulous work in putting together the 2016 program. Thanks also to the track chairs for their Vice President Vice President hard work in processing submissions. Continuing with the wonderful Program-Elect (2017) Program-Past (2015) tradition of getting to know our host city, this year we have formalized Sarianna Lundan Ram Mudambi these activities as Community Engagement Initiatives. Thanks to Len Trevino and Mazhar Islam, AIB members from our host city, for arrang- ing several meaningful community engagement events, including an inspirational seminar by Lt. General Russel L. Honore. (Visit https:// for details and members of the 2016 Community Engagement Team). Kudos to Tunga Kiyak and the AIB Secretariat for their wonderful support in rendering the 2016 Conference a seamless whole. Last, but not least, a hearty Vice President Vice President applause to all members for submitting papers, panels, etc. to make Administration Administration Jeremy Clegg Sumit Kundu this a successful conference.

There are two new innovations for this year’s program. One is the AIB Chapters’ Leadership Workshop designed to improve the service that we provide to our members from around the world. Thanks to Matthew Mitchell and our 3 VPs Administration for putting together this daylong workshop. Another new feature is Townhall sessions to promote networking and dialog among ourselves. Thanks, Annique Un, Vice President Executive for organizing them. Administration Director Maria Alejandra G. Tomas M. Hult We will, of course, continue with our traditions of a New Members’ Gonzalez Perez Welcome (4:00–5:00 pm on June 27), the Presidential reception (7:30– INCOMING MEMBERS 9:00 pm on June 27), the Gala event at the beautiful National World (for 3-year term beginning August 1, 2016) War II Museum (7:30–10:30 pm on June 29), and the Farewell reception after the Awards Ceremony and Business Meeting on June 30.

I look forward to personally welcome all of you to the Big Easy. I trust that our upcoming gathering in New Orleans will engender as many fond memories for you as it will for me. President-Elect Vice President Vice President Rosalie L. Tung Lorraine Eden Program-Elect Administration AIB President (2018) Hadi Alhorr Jiatao Li Contents Welcomes AIB President’s Letter ...... IFC Letter from the Program Chair...... 2 Sponsors Conference Sponsors...... 4 Contributors 2016 Program Committee...... 5 AIB 2016 Reviewers...... 6 Conference Logistics General Conference Information...... 13 Sheraton Floor Maps ...... 14 AIB Awards AIB Fellows’ Executive of the Year...... 16 AIB Fellows’ Educator of the Year...... 17 AIB Fellows’ Eminent Scholar...... 18 2016 Program Awards...... 29 Conference Highlights Conference Theme Plenary...... 22 Community Engagement Day...... 23 Meet and Greet Networking Events/Townhalls...... 24 Research Methods Clinics...... 25 A Visual Insight into AIB 2016...... 26 AIB 2016 by the Numbers ...... 27 Conference Program AIB 2016 Program Overview...... 28 AIB 2016 Detailed Program...... 30 Program Contributor Index...... 88 Exhibitors 2016 Exhibitor Listing ...... 104 About AIB AIB Secretariat Staff...... 112 AIB Past Presidents...... 113 Past AIB Conference Locations...... 113 AIB Fellows...... 114 Institutional Members...... 115 AIB Chapters...... 116 Future AIB Conferences Upcoming AIB Conferences...... 117 AIB 2017 Call For Papers ...... 118

The locus of global innovation 1 From the 2016 Program Chair

Dear Colleague,

Welcome to New Orleans and the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Internation- al Business! I am sure you will enjoy the city with its rich cultural heritage, an interna- tional port, and its history, including the National World War II Museum, where we will hold this year’s Gala Event.

Memories of my first AIB conference at Banff, almost twenty years back, are still afresh. A warm and caring atmosphere characterized the meeting. Many senior schol- ars were intent on attending the sessions, providing feedback to new and aspiring scholars. Discovery was in the air. New relationships were established. New projects were conceived. I felt welcome. I felt inspired. Now, as program chair, my wish is that AIB 2016 will be one such for all of us! We, together, can nur- ture the spirit of camaraderie, discovery, and inspiration, as hallmarks of our AIB meetings.

Our theme is “The locus of global innovation.” You and other presenters are bringing in rich insights and ideas on how multinational enterprises are adopting new geographies, new networks and new models to innovate. You will also hear how new startups and emerging markets are rewriting the geography of innovation. Just browse through the titles of the presentations; you know you are in for a treat!

We are privileged to have three stellar award winners: Indra Nooyi, Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo for the Interna- tional Executive of the Year, Joseph Aoun, President of Northeastern University, for the International Educator of the Year, and Kathleen Eisenhardt, for the John Fayerweather Eminent Scholar. Nooyi will speak on “Leadership, purpose, and innovation in the changing global economy,” in the opening plenary. Aoun will be leading a panel of AIB fellows on the topic “Globalizing education: challenges, opportunities, and the AIB.” Eisenhardt will be joining along with three other leading scholars on global innovation, Yves Doz, Vijay Govindarajan, and George Yip for the conference plenary “Global innovation: The new frontier for international business.”

Thirty-two distinguished scholars chaired sixteen tracks, soliciting, promoting, reviewing and selecting papers for these tracks. They worked with over 1270 reviewers to bring together 40 panels, 327 competitive papers, and 383 interactive papers. I am deeply grateful to these track chairs for this great contribution. Our sincere appreciation goes to all these reviewers and the session chairs.

We have 14 showcase sessions, which set out new challenges, new ideas, and new debates. They include the JIBS Decade Award session and the Buckley and Casson Dissertation Award Finalists’ presentations. These are recorded and will be available later at AIB website as streamed videos. So, if in case you are unable to attend one, because of other session commitments, you will have an opportunity to view them after the conference.

There are some new session formats this year we are experimenting with. A Townhall is a multipurpose session for- mat for maximum interaction and minimum presentation! I am grateful to Annique Un, who chaired this new session format and has put together an impressive set of options for you. This year’s preconference included Research Workshops on multilevel models and structural equation models, organized by CARMA. I am grateful to Bo Nielsen and Catherine Welch for spearheading this initiative. We are also experimenting with Research Methods Clinics, to bring together methodological experts and individuals who are looking for solving some specific methodological problems in their research.

We have attempted to create as many ways as possible to enhance your networking opportunities. We begin with the New Members Welcome on Monday evening. If this is your first conference, we want you to get to know the AIB family! We have dedicated Wednesday evening as the Chapter/Special Interest Group Evening. It is possible that you may not have participated in a chapter event before. But, I hope you will get to know your chapter and see how you can add value to the chapter and also benefit from the chapter. I am grateful to Jeremy Clegg, Sumit Kundu, and Maria Alejandra Gonzalez Perez for orchestrating both these events.

2 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 John Cantwell and Petra Christmann lead the JIBS Paper Development Workshop. Jennifer Oetzel and Chang Hoon Oh chair the AIB/Sheth Doctoral Consortium, and Aya Chacar and Jiatao Li chair the Junior Faculty Con- sortium. For the first time, we have a full day Chapter Leadership Conference organized by Jeremy Clegg, Sumit Kundu, Maria Alejandra Gonzalez Perez. In all, we have over 100 faculty members contributing their time and efforts at the preconference events to build our members and I am grateful to them all.

Monday, June 27th will also be AIB Community Engagement Day. Len Trevino, Mazhar Islam and Stewart Miller co-chaired the Community Engagement Committee. Given the history of New Orleans, we start conference Mon- day with an early morning Inspirational Seminar by Lt. General Russel L. Honoré. Known as “Category 5 Gener- al,” he oversaw the recovery efforts in the aftermath of the hurricane that struck the Gulf Coast in the summer of 2005. In addition, there are two fascinating visits – one to the Port of New Orleans, and another to the social innovation lab in New Orleans, known as “Propeller.” We are also grateful to Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University for sponsoring the Community Engagement Day.

Don’t lose sight of the Fellows Café. It is an opportunity to meet an AIB Fellow to discuss a research topic in an informal manner. You do not need a prior booking needed for this. Just walk in. There are multiple sessions in parallel, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. You can pick your choice for each day. If this is your first time for AIB, you sure want to make time for this to get yourself connected.

On behalf of you all, our congratulations to the award winners and award nominees. We are grateful to the growing number of award sponsors, who make the conference an exciting experience for us all. This year, we are adding two new awards, one for the Best Paper in Research Methods, sponsored by University of Sydney, and one for the Best Paper in International Business Education, sponsored by the Council of Undergraduate Interna- tional Business Education (CUIBE).

It has been an adventure bringing this conference to you. I am grateful to my colleagues at the AIB board and past program chairs who gave valuable advice and timely support at several points. Sarianna Lundan, in par- ticular, provided a heavy lifting on all the preconference coordination and helpful insights in the conference planning. Above all, my sincere thanks goes to AIB Secretariat, Tunga Kiyak, Kathy Kiessling, and Irem Kiyak who worked tirelessly to make the myriad details come together, for us all to enjoy. I have been the beneficiary of their positive spirit and openness to make things happen.

I hope AIB 2016 will be a place of camaraderie, discovery, and inspiration to you!

Charles Dhanaraj AIB 2016 Program Chair and AIB Vice President Professor of Strategy and Global Leadership IMD Lausanne, Switzerland

The locus of global innovation 3 2016 AIB Conference Sponsors

PRE-CONFERENCE SPONSORS Doctoral Consortium JIBS Paper Development Workshop

Junior Faculty Consortium Award Winners’ Reunion Dinner – IMD


Community Engagement Day New Members Welcome

John Cook School of Business Boeing Institute of SLUCONFERENCEInternational Business AWARD AND EVENT SPONSORS SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY JIBS Decade Award and Farewell Reception Buckley-Casson Dissertation Award

Best Paper Award in Emerging Economies Research That’s Interesting Award

Best Paper Award in Research Methods CUIBE Award for Best Paper on IB Research Methods

WAIB Meet and Greet SPECIAL THANKS TO AIB Secretariat Institution

4 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 2016 Conference Program Committee

PROGRAM CHAIR Charles Dhanaraj - IMD, Switzerland TRACK CHAIRS Isabel Alvarez - Complutense University of Madrid, Spain Jing Li - Simon Fraser University, Canada Kazuhiro Asakawa - Keio University, Japan Vincent Mangematin - Grenoble Ecole de Management, France Christian Asmussen - Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Dana Minbaeva - Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Vassiliki (Vicky) Bamiatzi - University of Leeds, UK Surender Munjal - University of Leeds, UK Elitsa Banalieva - Northeastern University, USA Anand Nandkumar - Indian School of Business, India Allan Bird - Northeastern University, USA Bo Bernhard Nielsen - University of Sydney, Australia Prithwiraj (Raj) Choudhury - Harvard University, USA Lars Oxelheim - Lund University, Sweden and University of Agder, Norway Adamantios Diamantopoulos - University of Vienna, Austria Shameen Prashantham - CEIBS, Jonathan Doh - Villanova University, USA Mariko Sakakibara - University of California Los Angeles, USA Ajai Gaur - Rutgers University, USA Tobias Schoenherr - Michigan State University, USA Manpreet Hora - Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Ashok Som - ESSEC Business School, France Karuna Jain - NITIE, India Bernhard Swoboda - Trier University, Germany Nan Jia - University of Southern California, USA Laszlo Tihanyi - Texas A&M University, USA Amit Karna - Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India Tony Tong - University of Colorado, USA Minyoung Kim - University of Kansas, USA Catherine Welch - University of Sydney, Australia Derek Lehmberg - North Dakota State University, USA Minyuan - University of Pennsylvania, USA

PRE-CONFERENCE PROGRAM COORDINATOR Sarianna M. Lundan - University of Bremen, Germany DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM CHAIRS Jennifer Oetzel - American University, USA Chang Hoon Oh - Simon Fraser University, Canada JUNIOR FACULTY CONSORTIUM CHAIRS Aya Chacar - Florida International University, USA JT Li - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR-PRC AIB/JIBS PAPER DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP Petra Christmann - Rutgers University, USA John Cantwell - Rutgers University, USA Alexandra Vo - Rutgers University, USA COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT TEAM Len Trevino - Loyola University of New Orleans, USA Stewart Miller - University of Texas, San Antonio, USA Mazhar Islam - Tulane University, USA Susan Mudambi - Temple University, USA TOWNHALLS COORDINATOR Annique Un - Northeastern University, USA RESEARCH METHODS CLINICS COORDINATOR Catherine Welch - University of Sydney, Australia Bo Bernhard Nielsen - University of Sydney, Australia PLACEMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR Hadi Alhorr - Saint Louis University, USA BUCKLEY AND CASSON AIB DISSERTATION AWARD SELECTION COMMITTEE Anupama Phene - George Washington University, USA (Chair) Sumit Kundi - Florida International University, USA Rebecca Piekkari - Aalto University, Finland Shige Makino - Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC TEMPLE/AIB BEST PAPER SELECTION COMMITTEE Elizabeth Rose - University of Otago, New Zealand (Chair) Ivo Zander - Uppsala University, Sweden Aya Chacar - Florida International University, USA Davina Vora - SUNY, New Paltz, USA RUGMAN YOUNG SCHOLAR AWARD COMMITTEE Olli Kuivalainen - Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland (Chair) Klaus Meyer - China Europe International Business School, China Jennifer Oetzel - American University, USA Snejina Michailova, University of Auckland, New Zealand

The locus of global innovation 5 AIB 2016 Reviewers

We would like to thank the 1270 reviewers that helped make the 2016 conference a possibility. We would especially like to recognize the Best Reviewer Award winners listed below, in bold and in alphabetical order, as nominated by the AIB 2016 Track Chairs:

Alexander Alfred Assouad, Belmont University Dirk Morschett, University of Fribourg Maite Alves Bezerra, University of Reading Amalia C. Nilsson, Uppsala University Agnieszka Chidlow, University of Birmingham Luis Oliveira, University of São Paulo Jesper Edman, Hitotsubashi University Chinmay Pattnaik, The University of Sydney Guus Hendriks, RSM Erasmus University Grazia D. Santangelo, University of Catania Vanessa C. Hasse, Ivey Business School W. Travis Selmier II, Indiana University Yanbin Jiang, Southwest University Deeksha Singh, Rutgers University Sai Chittaranjan Kalubandi, IIM Ahmedabad Charles Edward Stevens, Lehigh University Liena L. Kano, University of Calgary Danchi Tan, National Chengchi University Lutz Kaufmann, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management Lu Wei, Aalto University Grigorios Livanis, Northeastern University Georg Wernicke, Copenhagen Business School Luisa Fernanda Melo, West Chester University of Pennsylvania Zander, Uppsala University

Majid Abdi, University of Melbourne Torben Andersen, University of Southern Denmark Kunal Banerji, Eastern Michigan University Asmat-Nizam Abdul-Talib, Universiti Utara Malaysia John Robert Anderson, University of Northern Iowa Patrick Barbro, Rowan University Amine Abi Aad, Lebanese American University Naoki Ando, Hosei University Helena Barnard, GIBS, University of Pretoria, Reza Aboutalebi, Royal Holloway, University of London, Josmar Andrade, Universidade de Sao Paulo Gianpaolo Baronchelli, University of Bergamo William John Achia, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Maike Andresen, University of Bamberg Tais Barreto, Florida Atlantic University Senay Acikgoz, Gazi University Fatima Annan-Diab, Kingston University London António Correia Barros, Politécnico do Porto Bulent Acma, Anadolu University Akbar Mohammad Ansari, IIM Lucknow Boris Bartikowski, Kedge Business School Kweku Adams, University of Calgary Christos Antoniou, University of Leeds Fabian Bartsch, University of Vienna Samuel Adams, Ghana Institute of Management and Syed Tariq Anwar, West Texas A&M University Maria Barulina, University of Texas at El Paso Public Administration Anil Yasin Ar, Southern New Hampshire University Cordula Barzantny, Toulouse Business School Adeoye Adegorite, University of Waterloo Rafiu Adewale Aregbeshola, University of South Africa Maja Basic, University of Zagreb Sadaf Afzal, Europa Universität Vaidrina and German Rameshwar Arora, IIM Indore Spiros Batas, University of Northampton Graduate School of Management and Law Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University Ralf Bebenroth, Kobe University Upasna A Agarwal, NITIE Enoch Asare, University of Dallas Javier Becerra, Universidad de Pamplona Shweta Aggarwal, MDI Jack Aschkenazi, Thomas Edison State College Izabela Bednarska-Wnuk, University of Lodz Ali Ahi, Lappeenranta University of Technology Christian Geisler Asmussen, Copenhagen Business Lawrence A. Beer, Arizona State University Muhammad Shakil Ahmad, COMSATS Institute of IT School Rian Beise-Zee, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Farhad Uddin Ahmed, Trinity College Dublin Alexander Alfred Assouad, Belmont University Elena Beleska-Spasova, Henley Business School Carolin Ahrens, Georg-August University Goettingen Ahmed Attia, Effat University Yacine Belghitar, Cranfield School of Management Faisal Ahsan, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow Samaa Taher Attia, Suez University Greg Bell, University of Dallas Mujtaba Ahsan, San Diego State University Erkko Autio, Imperial College Business School Michael Bembom, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf Anna Akhmedova, UIC Snehal Awate, Indian School of Business Mirko H. Benischke, Rotterdam School of Management Eren Akkan, IESE Business School Immanuel Azaad Moonesar, Mohammed Bin Rashid Gabriel R. G. Benito, BI Norwegian Business School Ahmed Al-Abdin, University of Liverpool School of Government Mamoun Benmamoun, Saint Louis University Filippo Albertoni, Politecnico di Milano Daniel Baack, University of Denver Robert Bennett, Delaware County Community College Joao Albino Pimentel, HEC Paris Imad Baalbaki, American University of Beirut Franziska Bergdolt, University of Bamberg Jorge Alcaraz, Tecnologico de Monterrey David Bach, Yale School of Management Paloma Bernal Turnes, Rey Juan Carlos University Hussain Alhejji, University of Limerick Vernon Bachor, Wichita State University Joseph Jayaraj Bernard, Loyola College Fawaz Baddar Alhussan, Université Catholique de Lille Anna Katharina Bader, Georg-August-University Susana Bernardino, Instituto Politécnico do Porto Murod Aliyev, Leeds University Goettingen Sue Claire Berning, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg Vinicio Almeida, Federal University of Rio Grande do Benjamin Bader, Leuphana University of Lüneburg Heather Berry, George Washington University Norte Tao Bai, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Olivier Bertrand, SKEMA Business School Tamar Almor, College of Management Academic Studies Wensong Bai, Uppsala University Dustin Ivan Bessette, Post University Akmaral Altaliyeva, Almaty Management University George Balabanis, City university Marie-Ann Betschinger, University of Fribourg Elisa Alvarez-Garrido, Georgia State University Krishna Kumar Balaraman, Indian Institute of Theresa Lucia Beyrle, University of Birmingham Gisela Maria Alves, University Lusiada Oporto Technology, Madras, Maite Alves Bezerra, University of Reading Mohamed Amal, Regional University of Blumenau Rico J. Baldegger, HES-SO/FR Krishna Bhandari, University of Vaasa Joseph Amankwah-Amoah, University of Bristol Luis Ballesteros, University of Pennsylvania Ramudu Bhanugopan, Charles Sturt University Rolv Petter Amdam, BI Norwegian Business School Vassiliki Bamiatzi, Leeds University Ashishkumar Bhatt, Parul University Bernardo Amezcua, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila Elitsa Banalieva, NU Sumon Kumar Bhaumik, University of Sheffield Lyn S. Amine, Saint Louis University Neelotpaul Banerjee, NIT, Durgapur, Constanza Bianchi, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez Christian Tabi Amponsah, Skyline University Saikat Banerjee, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Allan Bird, Northeastern University Young Hoon An, Yonsei University Somak Banerjee, Wayne State University Thomas A Birtch, University of Nottingham Yaprak Anadol, University of Dubai 6 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Alex Bitektine, HEC Montreal Kaushik Chaudhuri, Shiv Nadar University Management Bangalore Daniel Blake, IE Business School Amit Jain Chauradia, Indian School of Business Alfredo D’Angelo, Catholic University of Sacred Heart Joern Block, Universität Trier Charles Chen, University of Phoenix Akash Dania, Alcorn State University Katarina Blomkvist, Uppsala University Chien-Nan Chen, National Dong Hwa University Shirley J Daniel, University of Hawaii at Manoa Jean J. Boddewyn, Baruch College - CUNY I-Shuo Chen, University Izzet Sidki Darendeli, California State University East Dirk Michael Boehe, University of Adelaide Liang Chen, University of Sussex Bay Cheryl Boglarsky, Human Synergistics, Inc., Lu-Jui Chen, Ming Chuan University Diya Das, Bryant University Daniela Bolzani, Universityv of Bologna Shih-Fen S. Chen, Ivey Business School Monisha Das, University of Maryland Cathy Bonser-Neal, Indiana University Taotao Chen, Tsinghua University Prakash Das, University of Calgary Pattana Boonchoo, Thammasat University Victor Zitian Chen, University of North Carolina at Altan-Uya Dashdeleg, National Dong Hwa University Dirk Morschett, University of Fribourg Erik A. Borg, Sodertorn University Charlotte Angels Dasi, University of Valencia Amalia C. Nilsson, Uppsala University Moritz M. Botts, European University Viadrina Wang-Kun Chen, Jinwen University of Science and Luis Alfonso Dau, Northeastern University Technology Philip Boutin, Jr., Eastern Kentucky University, Dr. Govind B Dave, Charotar University of Science and Luis Oliveira, University of São Paulo Ying-Yu (Kerri) Chen, National Dong Hwa University Technology, Changa, Nakiye A. Boyacigiller, Sabanci University Chinmay Pattnaik, The University of Sydney Yong Chen, Old Dominion University Vasileios Davvetas, University of Vienna Konstantinos Bozos, Leeds University Dazhong Cheng, Fudan University Niraj Dawar, Ivey Business School Grazia D. Santangelo, University of Catania Kristin Brandl, Henley Business School Zheng Cheng, University of Kansas Dr. Debdeep De, Jaypee Institute of Information W. Travis Selmier II, Indiana University Katarina K Brant, Florida Atlantic University Ankita Chhabra, IIM Indore Technology Dannielle Melissa Dionne Brathwaite, University of the Bruno de Goes, Temple University Deeksha Singh, Rutgers University West Indies Chechao Chiang, Cheng Shiu University Jose R. de la Torre, Florida International University Charles Edward Stevens, Lehigh University Eric Braune, INSEEC Business School YunHwa Chiang, MingChuan University Sander De Raad, University of Groningen Barbara Brenner, Danube-University Krems Agnieszka Chidlow, University of Birmingham Danchi Tan, National Chengchi University Benoit Decreton, Vienna University of Economics and Wolfgang Breuer, RWTH Aachen University Asda Chintakananda, National Institute of Development Lu Wei, Aalto University Administration Business Laurent Broering, FGV-EAESP Natalia Chiryaeva, North-Eastern Federal University Uros Delevic, University Of Reading Georg Wernicke, Copenhagen Business School Keith Brouthers, King’s College London Candy H.Y. Chiu, National Chengchi University Andrew Delios, NUS Lena Zander, Uppsala University Nádia Campos Pereira Bruhn, UFG Chih-Fang Chiu, National Taiwan University Ping Deng, Cleveland State University Chuck Bryant, Florida Institute of Technology Hong-Jen Chiu, National Taiwan University Ziliang Deng, Renmin University of China Dominic Buccieri, Cleveland State University Hyejin Cho, Korea University Ehsan Derayati, Concordia University Marcelo Bucheli, University of Illinois at Urbana- Francesco Di Lorenzo, Copenhagen Business School Champaign Youngsam Cho, Korea University Francisco Diaz Hermelo, Universidad Austral Amanda Budde-Sung, University of Sydney Yunok Cho, Renmin University of China Desislava Dikova, Vienna University of Economics and Michal Budryk, Uppsala University Soonkyoo Choe, Yonsei University Business Joerg Sebastian Bueechl, Tuebingen University Jongmoo Jay Choi, Temple University John Raymond Dilyard, St. Francis College Ricardo Buitrago, La Salle University Wen-Chiung Chou, Kainan University Pavlos Dimitratos, University of Glasgow Serap Bulbul, Abdullah Gul University Prithwiraj Choudhury, Harvard Business School Nikolay Dimitriadi, Rostov State University of economics Amanda Bullough, University of Delaware Farzana Chowdhury, Indiana University Mihaela Dimitrova, Oakland University Yingdan Cai, University of the West of England Danai Christopoulou, University Of Bradford Longzhu Dong, University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee Niall Gerard Caldwell, Anglia Ruskin University Fu-Mei Chuang, ESC Rennes School of Business Róisín Donnelly, Bentley University Paula Caligiuri, Northeastern University Douglas Chun, University of La Verne June Borge Doornich, North University Carolyn Callahan, University of Louisville Wootae Chun, Saint Louis University Sinziana Dorobantu, New York University Vera L. Cançado, Fundação Pedro Leopoldo Luciano Ciravegna, King’s College Isabel Cristina Dos Santos, University of Sao Caetano Rachel Clapp-Smith, Purdue University Calumet Renata Canela, FACAMP do Sul Daniel Richard Clark, Indiana U. Kelley School Anthony Cannizzaro, The Catholic University of America Douglas Dow, University of Melbourne John Clarry, Rutgers University - Newark Marcelo Cano-Kollmann, Ohio University Nigel Driffield, Warwick University Joseph Clougherty, University of Illinois at Urbana- Nejat Capar, Meliksah University Rian Drogendijk, University of Groningen Champaign Pawel Capik, Keele University Clare D’Souza, La Trobe University Alain Coen, ESG-UQÀM Jorge Carneiro, PUC-Rio Helen Shanqing Du, KU Leuven Scott Cohen, University of Phoenix Bruno de Oliveira Carvalho, Fanor - Devry Brazil Juana Du, Royal Roads University Mark Cook, University of Wolverhampton Luísa Carvalho, Universidade Aberta Zhirong Duan, Tsinghua University Alexander James Corner, Georgia State University Maria Luiza Carvalho de Aguillar Pinho, PUC-Rio Jinglin Duanmu, University of Surrey Henrique Correa da Cunha, FURB - University of Sarah Castaldi, University of Groningen Blumenau A. Meral Dulger Taskin, Marmara University Nichole M Castater, Barry University Teresa Gomes da Costa, Polithecnic Instititute of Michael Gerald Dunne, Curtin University Davide Castellani, Henley Business School Setúbal Gary Dusek, Eastern Washington University Andres M Castro, Compensar Unipanamericana Daniel Joseph Costello, Costello InterCreative Ltd. Bernadine Dykes, University of Delaware Virginia Ilene Cathro, University of Otago Frank Cotae, Mount Royal University Alnoor Ebrahim, Harvard University Claude B. Cellich, International University in Geneva Dafnis N. Coudounaris, University of Vaasa Saneesh Edacherian, Indian Institute of Management Sokol Celo, Suffolk University Barbara Covarrubias Venegas, FHWien University of Ahmedabad Daniele Cerrato, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Applied Sciences Lorranie Eden, Texas A&M University Hongryol Cha, Temple University Giuseppe Criaco, Jönköping International Business Jesper Edman, Hitotsubashi University Brian Chabowski, University of Tulsa School Gwyneth Edward, HEC Montreal Subrata Chakrabarty, University of Texas at El Paso Claudia Beatriz Batschauer da Cruz, University of Vale Matthias Eggertsson, Keiser University do Itajai (UNIVALI) Suparna Chakraborty, University of San Francisco Mathew Eleojo Egu, University of South Africa Alvaro Cuervo-cazurra, Northeastern University Dwarka Chakravarty, Ivey Business School at Western Giovani Ehrhardt, ISEG Lisbon School of Economics & University Lin Cui, Australian National University Management Kimmy Wa Chan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University Douglas Cumming, York University Yousef Eiadat, University College Dublin Masud Chand, Wichita State University Louise Curran, Toulouse Business School B. Elango, Illinois State University Lakshman Chandrashekhar, Tongji University School of Ilya Cuypers, Singapore Management University Stefano Elia, Politecnico di Milano Economics & Management Madhavi Cvasanta, ORIGO Esi Elliot, Suffolk University Chin-Wen Chang, National Taiwan University Teresa da Silva Lopes, University of York Julie Ann Elston, Oregon State University Nai-Wen Chang, National Chi-Nan University Marina Dabic, University of Zagreb Franziska Engelhard, Friedrich-Alexander University Pawinee Changphao, University of Texas at Dallas Deepak Dahiya, Ansal University Erlangen-Nürnberg , D.R Chari, RPI, Li Dai, Ivey Business School Kent Eriksson, KTH Reccia Natasha Charles, St. Georges University Shailen Kumar Dalbehera, Indian Institute of Liubov Ermolaeva, St. Petersburg State University

The locus of global innovation 7 Mercy Escalante, Anhembi Morumbi University Marica Grego, University of Leeds Masahiro Ida, Hannan University Saul Estrin, lSE Gary Gregory, University of New South Wales Muhammad Imran, Emlyon Business School Jihyun Eun, The University of Texas at Dallas Andreas Friedrich Grein, Baruch College - CUNY Carlos Inoue, University of Toronto André M. Everett, University of Otago Nicholas Grigoriou, Monash University Malaysia Ebru Yesim Ipek, Simon Fraser University Frances Fabian, The University of Memphis Christoph Grimpe, Copenhagen Business School Adrienne A Isakovic, Walden University Stav Fainshmidt, Florida International Universitry Valerie Grissom, San Diego State University Md Daud Ismail, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Christian Daniel Falaster, Universidade Nove de Julho Birgitte Grogaard, University of Calgary Kiyohiko Ito, University of Hawaii at Manoa - Brazil Robert Grosse, American University of Sharjah Anastasiia Ivakina, St. Petersburg State University Mahmoud Ibrahim Fallatah, Umm Al-Qura University Verena Gruber, HEC Montreal Rajesh Iyer, Bradley University Di Fan, Deakin University Jinlong Gu, University of Sussex Anne Jacqueminet, Bocconi University Hong Fan, Saint Mary’s University Zhishuang Guan, Peking University Naveen Kumar Jain, Middlesex University Jiasi Fan, University of Groningen Wenxin Guo, University of North Georgia Vinod K Jain, University of Maryland Balazs Fazekas, Kyoto University Ying Guo, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University S. Hossein Jalali, University of Tehran Jing Betty Feng, Farmingdale State College, SUNY, Deepak Gupta, Amrita School of Business Mel Jameson, Universioty of Nevada, Las Vegas, Dr.Mark Fenton, University of WI-Stout Vineet Gupta, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade Srividya Jandhyala, ESSEC Singapore Stephanie Fernhaber, Butler University Natalia Guseva, National Research University Higher Miroslaw Jarosinski, Warsaw School of Economics Camila dos Anjos Ferraz, Fundação Getulio Vargas School of Economics Pavlina Jasovska, University of South Australia EAESP David Sapto Adi Guttormsen, University of Exeter Mohd Haniff Jedin, Universiti Utara Malaysia Manuel Portugal Ferreira, Instituto Politecnico de Leiria Business School Camilla Jensen, University of Southern Denmark Paulo Roberto Ferreira, IFRJ Birgit Hagen, University of Pavia Lars Matthias Jensen, TU Dortmund Michael Keith Fields, Eastern Oregon University Tilo F Halaszovich, University of Bremen Yujin Jeong, American University Catarina Figueira, Cranfield University Savita Hanspal, College of Saint Rose Fiona Xiaoying Ji, James Madison University Daniella Fjellstrom, University of Gavle Vasumathy , SRM University, , Nan Jia, Caroline Flammer, UWO Eko Budi Harjo, Henley Business School Chuandi Jiang, Saint Louis University Margaret Fletcher, University of Glasgow Shinji Hasegawa, Waseda University Chunyan Jiang, Afonso Fleury, University of Sao Paulo Ibne Hassan, King’s College London Fuming Jiang, Curtin University Clive Francis William Flynn, Baden-Wuerttemberg Vanessa C. Hasse, Ivey Business School Joy Ruihua Jiang, Oakland University Cooperative State University Melanie Hassett, University of Turku Yanbin Jiang, Southwest University Alejandro Fonseca Ramirez, Monterrey Tech Business Denitsa Hazarbassanova Blagoeva, CBS School Alfredo Jimenez, Kedge Business School Wei He, Purdue University North Central Luciano Fratocchi, University of L’Aquila Chuyue Jin, Seoul National University Bruce Allen Hearn, University Of Sussex Daniel Joseph Friel, Universidad de San Andrés Lu Jin, The University of Hong Kong Martin Heinberg, University of Duisburg-Essen Fabian Froese, University of Goettingen Arpita Joardar, Clark University Walid Hejazi, University of Toronto Dina Frutos-Bencze, Saint Anselm College Sofia Johan, York University Jini Heller, GIHE Mohammad Fuad, Indian Institute of Management Johny K. Johansson, Georgetown University Martin Hemmert, Korea University Lucknow William Johnson, Penn State- Erie Guus Hendriks, RSM Erasmus University Jeferson de Araujo Funchal, Federal Institution of the Chris Jones, Aston University Witold Henisz, University of Pennsylvania Rio Grande do Sul Danielle Renee Jones, University of Illinois at Urbana- Eddy Fung, British Columbia Institute of Technology Jean-Francois Hennart, Tilburg University Champaign Sarada Gadepalli, Indian Institute of Management Jorge Heredia, Universidad del Pacifico Geoffrey Jones, Harvard Business School Calcutta Zeke Hernandez, Wharton School Karsten Jonsen, IMD Kátia de Melo Galdino, Florida State University Kelly Hewett, University of Tennessee Rakesh Mohan Joshi, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade Tamara Galkina, Hanken School of Economics Mariano L.M. Heyden, University of Newcastle Young Hoon Jung, University of Texas at Dallas Roberto Gamarra, New School University Scott Hipsher, Naresuan University Amalendu Jyotishi, Amrita School of Business Naomi Gardberg, Baruch College - CUNY Johannes Hirschmann, Trier University Mukundhan K V, Indian Institute of Management Myropi Garri, University of Portsmouth Bersant Hobdari, Copenhagen Business School Tiruchirappalli Laura Gasiorowski, Temple University Joerg Hofstetter, University of St. Gallen Valtteri Kaartemo, University of Turku Gloria Ge, Griffith University Madison Holloway, Metropolitan State University of Zeynep Kacmaz, Soas Hamid Mahmood Gelaidan, Qatar University Denver Eldrede Kahiya, Lincoln University Ömer Faruk Genç, Abdullah Gül University Jacky Hong, University of Macau Tugba Kalafatoglu, ESADE Simona Gentile-Luedecke, Bremen University Jessica Hoppner, George Mason University Igor Kalinic, University of Leeds J Michael Geringer, Ohio University Haruo H. Horaguchi, Hosei University Komal Kiran Kalra, University of Victoria Guy Gessner, Canisius College Stuart Horsburgh, Manchester Metropolitan University Sai Chittaranjan Kalubandi, Indian Institute of Debjani Ghosh, Osaka University Wanrong Hou, University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley Management Ahmedabad Jaideep Ghosh, Shiv Nadar University Carol A. Howard, Oklahoma City University Shawkat , University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh Animesh Ghoshal, DePaul University Joerg Hruby, FH der Wirtschaft Patricia Kanashiro, Loyola University Maryland Claudio Giachetti, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Cheng-Chieh Hsiao, Shih Hsin University Hye Sun Kang, University of South Carolina Ioanna Giannoukou, TEI of Western Greece Linda Hsiu-yun Hsieh, SOAS, University of London, Michael Kang, Griffith University Edward Gillmore, Malardalen University Chia-Wen Hsu, National Chung Cheng University Chacko George Kannothra, University of Massachusetts Boston J. Greg Gimba, University of Phoenix Hsu-Wei Hsu, Shih Chien University Liena L. Kano, University of Calgary Elisa Giuliani, University of Pisa I-Chieh Hsu, National Changhua University of Education Pao Kao, Uppsala University Ian Vallis Gladding, Lewis University Chao-Chin Huang, National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism Ilias Kapareliotis, American College Of Greece Anthony Goerzen, Queen’s University Hsiu Ying Huang, Feng Chia University Jeffrey A Kappen, Drake University Kubilay Gok, Winona State University Kenneth Huang, National University of Singapore Philip Kappen, Uppsala University Paul Goldmann, University of Bamberg Lu-Feng Huang, National Pingtung University Masoud Karami, University of Otago Halit Gonenc, University of Groningen Ming-Chang Huang, Providence University Ilke Kardes, Georgia State University Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Universidad EAFIT Shengsheng Huang, University of Houston-Victoria Naghmeh Kargozar, Victoria University of Wellington John Goodell, University of Akron Yan Huang, University of Kansas Amit Karna, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Paul Gooderham, NHH The Norwegian School of Economics Monika L Hudson, University of San Francisco Bharanitharan Karunanithi, Australian National University Laurel Edwards Grassin-Drake, MIT Magnus Hultman, University of Leeds Tamiko Kasahara, University of Shizuoka Sidney Gray, University of Sydney Da Huo, Central University of Finance and Economics Marios Katsioloudes, Qatar University Oksana Grebinevych, EMLYON Business School Pia Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, University of Oulu Kate Hutchings, Griffith University Lutz Kaufmann, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of 8 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Management Ahreum Lee, Temple University Joan Marie Lofgren, Aalto University School of Azhar Kazmi, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Calvin Lee, Skyline University College Business Minerals Hyun-Jung Lee, London School of Economics and Danielle Lombard-Sims, Indiana Institute of Technology Dawn L. Keig, Whitworth University Political Science Ricardo Lopez, Universidad Autonoma de Occidente Yanick Kemayou, Paderborn University Jeoung Yul Lee, Hongik University/Leeds University Jiangyong Lu, Peking University Lena Elisabeth Kemper, University of Goettingen Jongmin Lee, Henley Business School Lung-Tan Lu, Fo Guang University Anita Kerai, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Keun Lee, Hofstra University Daniel W Lund, Nazarbayev University Mari Ketolainen, University of Turku Mina Lee, Xavier University Sarianna Lundan, University of Bremen Mohammad Ayub Khan, Tecnologico de Monterrey Seong-Bong Lee, Seoul Women’s University Jiao Luo, University of Minnesota Sujata Khandai, Amity University Kevin Lehnert, Grand Valley State University Nathaniel C. Lupton, University of Lethbridge Navjote Khara, Niagara College Miikka J. Lehtonen, The University of Tokyo Andrei Alexander Lux, University of Otago Violetta Khoreva, Hanken School of Economics Alexander Leinemann, University of St. Gallen Jagadeesha M, Dilla University Eunwoo Kim, University of Michigan Emilene Leite, Uppsala University Juan Ma, Harvard Business School Heejin Kim, Tohoku University Michal K. Lemanski, Nottingham University China Na Ma, Tsinghua University Hyun Gon Kim, Rutgers Business School Ezekiel Leo, Rochester Institute of Technology Marcelo André Machado, Universidade do Vale do Rio Jai Kim, SKKU Orly Levy, IMD dos Sinos-UNISINOS Jimi Kim, Temple University Yong Kyu Lew, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Tomohiro Machikita, Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO) Jinsil Kim, UTD Krista B. Lewellyn, University of Wyoming Jon Gordon MacKay, University of Oxford Jootae Kim, Dankook University Can Li, Peking University Kim MacKenzie, QUT Kowoon Kim, Florida International University Chengguang Li, University Paderborn Maria Laura Maclennan, Fea USP Kyun Kim, The University of Texas at Dallas Fangrong Li, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Sergio Madero, Tecnologico de Monterrey Minyoung Kim, University of Kansas Ji Li, Hong Kong Baptist University Shobhana Madhavan, Amrita School of Business Rebecca Chunghee Kim, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific Linjie Li, Birkbeck College, University of London, Coimbatore University Lydia Qianqian Li, University Giovanna Magnani, University of Pavia Soyeon Kim, Meiji University Minghua Li, Copenhagen business school Peter Magnusson, University of Alabama Tai Gyu Kim, Korea University Peng-Yu Li, Catholic Fu-Jen University Amro Maher, Qatar university Salman Kimiagari, Laval University Sali Li, University of South Carolina Shikha Maheshwari, Jaipur Engineering College & Suthikorn Kingkaew, Thammasat Business School Wen Li, University Research Centre Anton Klarin, University of New South Wales Xiaolin Li, Guangdong University of Finance and Rajdeepa Maity, EMLYON Business School Florian Klein, WU Vienna Economics Basma Majerbi, University of Victoria Patricia Renee Klopf, WU Vienna Xiaomei Li, University Kashef Majid, University of Mary Washington Jan Sebastian Knocke, University of Erlangen- Yuanyuan Li, Rutgers University Antonio Majocchi, University of Pavia Nuremberg Xueji Jessie Liang, Sun Yat-sen University Katerina Makri, Vienna University of Economics and Benno Koch, University of Munich Yung-Kuei Liang, Tatung University Business Bradley James Koch, Grand Valley State University Gen-Yih Liao, Chang Gung University Kirti Makwana, Charotar University of Science and Renata Kolodziej-Smith, University of Central Florida Chya-yi Liaw, City University of Hong Kong Technology, Changa, Palitha Konara, University of Huddersfield Marilyn Louise Liebrenz-Himes, George Washington Joel Malen, Hitotsubashi University Masaaki Kotabe, Temple University University Ashish Malik, University Of Newcastle Masahiro Kotosaka, Ritsumeikan University Gai Sin Liem, Ma Chung University Tariq H. Malik, Dongbei University of Finance & Constantina Kottaridi, University of Piraeus Peter Wayne Liesch, University of Queensland Economics Peter E Koveos, Syracuse University Carol Lin, National Chengchi University Mark Robert Mallon, Old Dominion University Alexei Koveshnikov, Aalto University School of Business Chieh-Yu Lin, Chang Jung Christian University Abdullah Al Mamun, The University of Newcastle, Narasimha Rao Kowtha, Solbridge International School Chih-Hua Lin, National Chengchi University Australia, of Business Chun-Chien Lin, National Chung Hsing University Abhijit Mandal, City University London Kenta Koyama, Tokyo Keizai University Jung-Ching Lin, National Taiwan University Timo Mandler, University of Hamburg Sorin M.S. Krammer, University of Groningen Long-Sheng Lin, Tainan University of Technology Stephan Manning, University of Massachusetts Boston Renate Kratochvil, Vienna University of Economics and Shu-Jou Lin, National Taiwan Normal University Valentina Marano, Northeastern University Business Te-Yi Lin, Tatung University Ismatilla T. Mardanov, Southeast Missouri State Abhisek Kuanr, XLRI University Tyrone T. Lin, National Dong Hwa University Olli Kuivalainen, Lappeenranta University of Lee Martin, UNSW Australia Xiaohua Lin, Ryerson University Technology Silvia Lozano Martin, California State University Frederick Lindahl, George Washington University Elena Kulchina, Duke University Felipe Martinez, University of Economics, Prague (VŠE), Olof Lindahl, Uppsala University Vikas Kumar, University of Sydney Nicholas Mathew, Cleveland State University Johan Paul Lindeque, Amsterdam Business School Vivek Kumar, XLRI Jamshedpur Ajeet Mathur, IIM Ahmedabad Thomas Lindner, WU Vienna Sumit Kumar Kundu, Florida International University Rafael Fabricio Matos-Cámara, Universidad La Salle Ana Catarina Cadima Lisboa, Polytechnic Institute of Kabiru Maitama Kura, Federal Polytechnic Kaura Cancún Leiria Namoda, Nigeria, Linda Matthews, UTRGV Romie Frederick Littrell, Auckland University of Yusuf Kurt, University of Manchester Technology Anna Matysek-Jedrych, Poznan University of Olga Kuznetsova, Manchester metropolitan University Economics Stefan Litz, StFX/Schwartz School of Business Jooyoung Kwak, Yonsei University Marleen McCormick, Butler University Bo Liu, University of Electronic Science and Technology Diana Kwok, Aix-Marseille Graduate School of of China Frank McDonald, University of Liverpool Management Chen Liu, Trinity Western University Jean McGuire, Louisiana State University Kimberly LaComba, Indiana Institute of Technology Chuanlan Liu, Louisiana State University John R McIntyre, Georgia Tech Charles K Lagat, MOI University Ge Liu, University of Edinburgh Kevin Lee McKouen, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Nandini Lahiri, Temple University Runjuan Liu, University of Alberta Rod B. McNaughton, University of Auckland Somnath Lahiri, Illinois State University Shihhao Liu, Saint Louis University Deirdre McQuillan, University of Bradford Asjeet Lamba, University of Melbourne Xiaohui Liu, Loughborough University Noor Un Nabi Md, Khulna University Olivier Lionel Bruno Lamotte, Paris School of Business Yang Liu, South China University of Technology Hsiao-Chen Mei, National Chi-Nan university Marta Lapiana, Yang Liu, University of Cambridge Renato Mello, Coppead Business School Marina Latukha, Saint Petersburg State University Grigorios Livanis, Northeastern University Luisa Fernanda Melo, West Chester University of Mila Lazarova, Simon Fraser University Pennsylvania Jasenko Ljubica, Technologico de Monterrey Son Thi Kim Le, Center for Research in Management Sreedharan Menon, University Of Mumbai Anna Ljung, Uppsala University (CRM) – University of Toulouse 1 Capitole Simone Meskelis, University of Dallas Sandra Loeb, King’s College The locus of global innovation 9 Klaus Meyer, CEIBS Bo Bernhard Nielsen, University of Sydney Manish Popli, Indian Institute of Management Indore Vincent Meyer, HEC Paris Amalia C. Nilsson, Uppsala University Vlad Popov, University of Greenwich Yuzhe Miao, Sungkyunkwan University Chao Niu, HKU Chanthika Pornpitakpan, University of Macau Irina Mihailova, Aalto University School of Business Sarath A. Nonis, Arkansas State University K. Skylar Powell, Western Washington University Alexey Milakhin, University of Kansas Niels Noorderhaven, Tilburg University Shameen Prashantham, China Europe International Stewart Miller, University of Texas - San Antonio Kenneth Norton, Claflin University Business School Kimberly Ann Millier, Grand Canyon University Niina Nummela, TSE/University of Turku Ursula Pregernig, WU Vienna Hyunjoo Min, University of South Carolina Moema Pereira Nunes, Pontifical Catholic University of John Ben Prince, Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship Ishva Minefee, University of Illinois at Urbana- Rio Grande do Sul State - PUCRS Champaign Nuruzzaman Nuruzzaman, Rutgers University Jairo Laser Procianoy, Unisinos Hafiz Mirza, Bradford Nila Firdausi Nuzula, Universitas Brawijaya Sarika Pruthi, San Jose State University Anuranjan Misra, Noida International University Daniel Edward O’Connell, University of Reading Katharina Maria Puchmüller, Johannes Kepler Universität Kuniko Mochimaru, Josai University Kate Odziemkowska, University of Pennsylvania Jonas Puck, UW Vienna Michael Mol, Copenhagen Business School Jana Oehmichen, Georg-August University Göttingen Markus Pudelko, University of Tübingen Andres Molina, Escuela de ingenieria de Antioquia Joan Lilian Ogendo, Catholic University for Eastern Francisco Puig, University of Valencia Sinead Monaghan, Rutgers Business School Africa Betty Jane Punnett, University of West Indies Arindam Mondal, IIM Calcutta Claudia Ogrean, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu Anish Purkayastha, Indian Institute of Management Felipe Monteiro, INSEAD Chang Hoon Oh, Simon Fraser University Ahmedabad Jon Moon, Korea University Luis Oliveira, University of São Paulo Lukasz Puslecki, Poznan University of Economics Dr Immanuel Azaad Moonesar, Mohammed Bin Rashid Igor Oliveira dos Santos, HEC Montreal Moritz Putzhammer, WU Vienna School of Government Josephine Olson, University of Pittsburgh Majdi Quttainah, Kuwait University Fiona Moore, Royal Holloway University of London Elizabeth Adaobi Oputa, University Utara Malaysia Linda Rademaker, BI Norwegian Business School Ricardo Morais, Católica Porto Business School Leyla Orudzheva, University of North Texas Salma Raheem, London School of Economics Francisco Moris, George Washignton University Joyce Osland, San José State University Manzur Rahman, University of San Diego Dirk Morschett, University of Fribourg Ursula F. Ott, Kingston University London Mohammad Mahfuzur Rahman, Shandong University Caterina Moschieri, IE Business School Erick Rading Outa, Strathmore Indu Ramachandran, Texas State University Annelie Moukaddem Baalbaki, Lebanese American Kostiantyn Ovsiannikov, University of Tsukuba Ravi Ramamurti, Northeastern U University Jaykumar Padmanabhan, Indian Institute Of Susan Mudambi, Temple University Management Bangalore Ramasamy, Chine Europe International Business School Katrin Muehlfeld, Trier University Ivar Padrón Hernández, Stockholm School of Economics Hussain Rammal, University of Technology Marc Mueller, University of St. Gallen Yongsun Paik, Loyola Marymount University Sydney Debmalya Mukherjee, The University of Akron Varina Paisley, UNSW Australia Miguel A. Ramos, The University of Texas at El Paso Alan Muller, University of Groningen Sarmistha Pal, Surrey Business School Arilova A. Randrianasolo, John Carroll University Maureen I. Muller-Kahle, Pennsylvania State University Alan Pan, University of North Texas Marc Steffen Rapp, Marburg Centre for Institutional Surender Munjal, Leeds University David Pan, Prince Sultan University Economics (MACIE) Virginia Munro, Griffith University Pavida Pananond, Thammasat University Matevz Raskovic, University of Ljubljana Aldo Musacchio, Brandeis International Business School Andrei Panibratov, Saint Petersburg University Mehdi Rasouli Ghahroudi, University of St. Gallen Phyu Phyu Aung Myint, The University of Texas Rio Nikolaos Papageorgiadis, University of Liverpool Elizabeth C. Ravlin, University of South Carolina Grande Valley Marina Papanastasiou, Middlesex University Pradeep Kanta Ray, University of New South Wales Naoto Nadayama, University of Otago Nikolaos Papazoglou, University of Piraeus Rama Krishna Reddy, The University of Memphis Swati Nagar, Auckland University of Technology Eunkyung Park, Aalborg University David M Reeb, National University of Singapore Yoko Naito, Tokai University Jeong-Yang Park, The University of Nottingham Michelle L. Reina, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Koichi Nakagawa, Osaka University Tomas Alexander Parks, Cleveland State University Patrick Reinmoeller, Cranfield U. H. Richard Nakamura, University of Gothenburg Sundar Parthasarathy, Indian Institute of Technology, Nuno Reis, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria George Nakos, Clayton State University Bombay, Satyanarayana Rentala, Sankara Institute of Jonghoon Nam, Loughborough University Parth Patel, Australian Institute of Business Management Science, Coimbatore, Anand Nandkumar, Indian School of Business Sanjay Patnaik, George Washington University Pedro Lucas Resende Melo, Universidade Paulista - Felix Adamu Nandonde, Aalborg University Swetketu Patnaik, Anglia Ruskin University Paulista University Sireesha Nanduri, IIM-B Chinmay Pattnaik, The University of Sydney Becky Reuber, University of Toronto Vijaya Narapareddy, University of Denver Justin Paul, University of Puerto Rico Nicholas D. Rhew, Coastal Carolina University Nazly Nardi, Nova Southeastern University Philipp Paulus, Trier University Eric Samuel Rhodes, University of Hawaii at Manoa Luciara Nardon, Carleton University Tanya Andrea Peacock, Baylor University Fernanda Ribeiro, Centro Universitário da FEI Lite Nartey, University of South Carolina Carine Peeters, Vlerick Business School José Cadima Ribeiro, University Of Minho Nayyer Naseem, Wayne State University Andre Anugerah Pekerti, The University of Queensland Michael Edward Ricco, Grand Valley State University Ajit Nayak, University of Exeter Business School Malika Richards, Penn State University Leah Z.B. Ndanga, University of Massachusetts Amherst Juan M Pellegrino, Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Marketa Rickley, University of Iowa Technology James Francis Nebus, Suffolk University Liesl Riddle, George Washington University Henry Penikas, National Research University Higher Zdenek Necas, Ivey Business School Petra Riefler, University of Vienna School of Economics Konstantin Nefedov, Saint Petersburg State University Rilana Riikkinen, Aalto University School of Business Catherine Maria Pereira, Universidad de La Sabana Philip Nell, UW Vienna Nina Rilla, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Vijay Edward Pereira, University of Portsmouth Camilla Nellemann, Rikkyo University Nattharika Rittippant, Thammasat University Christian Dana Perry, Ivey Business School Saugat Neupane, University of Southern Queensland Mat Robson, University of Leeds Robin Pesch, University of Bayreuth Aloysius Newenham-Kahindi, University of Tom Walter Roehl, Western Washington University Kishore Peshori, SMT Chandibai Himathmal Mansukhani Saskatchewan Hein Roelfsema, Utrecht University Bent Petersen, Copenhagen Business School Artie Ng, Hong Kong Polytechnic University Taewoo Roh, Soonchunhyang University Mikolaj Pindelski, Warsaw School of Economics Frank Ng, Hang Seng Management College Inna Romanova, University of Latvia Cláudia Frias Pinto, Fundação Getulio Vargas - EAESP Kim Soon Ng, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago Karen Pinto, University of São Paulo Vi Dung Ngo, Hanoi School of Business Daniel Rottig, Florida Gulf Coast University Niccolò Pisani, University of Amsterdam Michael Zisuh Ngoasong, Open University Jean-Paul Roy, Queen’s University Sharon Poczter, Cornell University Huy Nguyen, University of Texas at Dallas Huub Ruel, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences Maria Paola Podesta, Universidad EAFIT Quang Nguyen, Middlesex University Carlos Rufin, Suffolk University Wesley Pollitte, Southeasern Louisiana University Quyen Nguyen, University of Reading Huaichuan Rui, Royal Holloway, London University, Patchara Popaitoon, Chulalongkorn University Truc Nguyen, University of Kansas Rapeeporn Rungsithong, Srinakarinwirot University 10 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Ingrid Ruskowski, Universiteit Hasselt Ignatius Roni Setyawan, Tarumanagara Sui Sui, Ryerson University John D Russell, American University of Kuwait Mayank Sewak, University of Massachusetts Amherst Jennie Sumelius, University of Vaasa Suzana Leitão Russo, Universidade Federal de Sergipe Seyed Hooman Seyed Abootorabi, Old Dominion Defeng Sun, Kyoto University Saadat Saeed, University of Essex University Mariana Bassi Sutter, University of São Paulo Arsalan Safari, MIT Margaret Shaffer, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Pornlapas Suwannarat, Mahasarakham University Sreevas Sahasranamam, Indian Institute of Dhara Shah, Griffith University Anna Svirina, Kazan National Research Technical Management Kozhikode Noman Ahmed Shaheer, University of South Carolina University Santosh Kumar Sahu, Madras School of Economics, Farah Yasmine Shakir, IESE Business School Kayhan Tajeddini, Tokyo International Universityy Chennai, Mengmeng Shan, Shanghai University Yoshi Takahashi, Hiroshima University Muthuswamy Dayanidhi Saibaba, Dayananda Sagar Bo Shao, UNSW Australia Khaled Tamzini, University Of Sousse/IHEC Academy Of Technology And Management Siti Halijjah Shariff, Universiti Teknologi Danchi Tan, National Chengchi University Abrar Ali Mohammad Usman Saiyed, Indian Institute of Pamela Sharkey Scott, National University of Ireland, Joo-Seng Tan, NTU Management Maynooth, Jing’an Tang, Sacred Heart University Hideaki Sakawa, Nagoya City University Ayushi Sharma, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade Ryan Tang, University of South Australia Sut Sakchutchawarn, Lock Haven University Kamal Sharma, Indian Institute of Management Yinuo Tang, The University of Hong Kong Aidin Salamzadeh, University of Tehran Ahmedabad Vas Taras, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Sabrina Ferdous Saleh, University of South Carolina Kushal Sharma, ESSEC Business School Shlomo Tarba, University of Birmingham Manjula Salimath, University of North Texas Mikhail Shengeliya, Trinity College Dublin Florian Täube, Université libre de Bruxelles Jessica Salmon, Rutgers-Newark Lei Shi, The University of Hong Kong Markus Taussig, National University of Singapore Astrid Juliane Salzmann, RWTH Aachen University Yong Ju Shim, FGV-EAESP Ana Teresa Tavares-Lehmann, CEF.UP, FEP, U.Porto Ramanie Samaratunge, Monash University Duckjung Shin, Western University Mark Tayar, Macquarie University Rakesh B Sambharya, Rutgers University - Camden Vikrant Shirodkar, University of Sussex Glen Taylor, Cal State East Bay Saeed Samiee, University of Tulsa Waleed Shleha, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Hildy Jean Teegen, University of South Carolina Andre Sammartino, University of Melbourne Amir Shoham, Temple University Pard Teekasap, Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology Rocio Sanchez-Mangas, Universidad Autonoma de Dhirendra Mani Shukla, Indian Institute of Management Tien-chiang Teng, National Chung Hsing University Madrid Lucknow Joao Teodosio, Polytechnic Institute of Santarem Birgitta Sandberg, University of Turku Pallavi Shukla, Rutgers University Armindo Teodósio, Pontifical Catholic University of Susanne Sandberg, Linnaeus University Rashmi Shukla, IIM Indore Minas Gerais Grazia D. Santangelo, University of Catania Ekta Sikarwar, T.A. Pai Management Institute Shinichiro Terasaki, Kyushu University Fernando de Almeida Santos, Pontifícia Universidade Vitor Corado Simoes, ISEG Católica de São Paulo Jane Terpstra-Tong, Monash University Evis Sinani, Copenhagen Business School José Santos, Porto Polytechnic George Tesar, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Deeksha Singh, Rutgers University Umea University, Francisco Javier Santos Arteaga, Free University of Nivisha Singh, Indian Institute of Management Indore Bolzano Pooja Thakur-Wernz, Virginia Tech University Satwinder Singh, Brunel University London Almasa Sarabi, Georg-August-University Goettingen John Thanopoulos, University of Piraeus and IST Shubham Singh, IIM Raipur Ravi Sarathy, Northeastern University Htwe Htwe Thein, Curtin University Rudolf R Sinkovics, The University of Manchester John Sargent, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Marios Theodosiou, University if Cyprus Karin Sixl-Daniell, MCI Eminr Sarigollu, McGill University Gregory Theyel, California State University Dionysis Skarmeas, Athens University of Economics & Prabirjit Sarkar, Jadavpur University Janis Thiedemann, Cleveland State University Business Michael A. Sartor, Queen’s University Stanley Bruce Thomson, MacEwan University Leo Sleuwaegen, KU Leuven Innan Sasaki, University of Turku Amonrat Thoumrungroje, Assumption University Adam Smith, Arkansas State University Magdolna Sass, MTA KRTK Chengli Tien, National Taiwan Normal University Patricia Matisz Smith, North Carolina Wesleyan College Medha Satish Kumar, Simon Fraser University Silviu Horia Tierean, Erasmus University Rotterdam Simon M. S. So, University of Macau Heru Satyanugraha, Trisakti University Joachim Timlon, Linnaeus University Paulo Renato Soares Terra, FGV-EAESP Matt Sauber, Esther Tippmann, University College Dublin Joey L Soehardjojo, Warwick Business School Pathak Saurav, Kansas State University Ciska Tobing, University of Indonesia Mikael Soendergaard, Aarhus University Rajeev Sawant, Baruch College Tunde Togay, University of Reading Wolfgang Sofka, Copenhagen Business School Vittoria Giada Scalera, University of Amsterdam Yulia Tolstikov-Mast, Indiana Tech Abrahim Soleimani, Eastern Washington University Eduardo Schiehll, HEC Montreal Jurema Tomelin, FURB - Universidade Regional de Dieter Somers, KU Leuven Blumenau Ursula Schinzel, United Business Institutes Luxembourg Hemin Song, Beijing Normal University Jittima Tongurai, Kobe University Marina Schmitz, University of Goettingen Sangcheol Song, Saint Joseph’s University Lasse Torkkeli, Lappeenranta University of Technology Katja Schneider, Free University of Bolzano/Bozen Jayant Sonwalkar, University of Indore Jose Anibal Torres, Keuka College - China Hanna Schramm-Klein, University of Siegen Maritza Yvette Soto, University Of Puerto Rico Miguel Matos Torres, University of Leeds Jens Simon Schueler, University of Kaiserslautern Mayaguez Rui Torres de Oliveira, Manchester Business School Arnold Schuh, WU Vienna Riccardo Spinelli, University of Genoa Piotr Trapczynski, Poznan University of Economics Jacob Baylon Schumacher, SOAS, University of London, Gloria Sraha, Victoria University of Wellington Chloé Tricaud, FGV EASP Tassilo Schuster, University Erlangen-Nürnberg Rajesh Kumar Srivastava, Simsree, University of Frederick Lawrence Trilling, Wentworth Institute of Roland Schwald, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University Mumbai, Technology Hermann F Schwind, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Sylwia Starnawska, SUNY Empire State College Hanna Trojanowska, Siedlce University Veronica Scuotto, University of the West of Scotland Harm-Jan Steenhuis, Hawaii Pacific University Juanita Trusty, University of Memphis Simone Sehnem, UNOESC Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan, Karlshochschule Dimitrios Tsagdis, KEDGE Business School Jurgita Sekliuckiene, Kaunas University of Technology International University Tiffany Tsui, Erasmus University Jan Selmer, Aarhus University Brenda Sternquist, Michigan State University Wenjun Tu, University of Nottingham, China, W. Travis Selmier II, Indiana University Charles Edward Stevens, Lehigh University Rosalie Tung, Simon Fraser University Annabel Sels, KULeuven Sebastian Stoermer, University of Goettingen Fernando Ubeda, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Monica Semeniuk, Simon Fraser University Barbara Stoettinger, WU Vienna Nacasius Ujah, University of Nebraska at Kearney Alexey V Semenov, San Jose State University Pavel Strach, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria Barkat Ullah, Rhode Island College Holli Semetko, Emory University Jesper Strandskov, University of Southern Denmark Annique Un, Northeastern University Salil K Sen, Asian Development Bank Roger Strange, University of Sussex Esra Unluaslan Durgun, Bogazici University Sandro Serpa, University of the Azores Stephen Strombeck, California Baptist University Indrianawati Usman, Airlangga university Per Servais, University of Southern Denmark Weichieh Su, National Chengchi University Paul Vaaler, University of Minnesota Andrea Setti, University of Pavia Robert Suban, University of Malta Priit Vahter, University of Tartu Alexander Settles, Rutgers University Gabriele Suder, University of Melbourne Alfredo Valentino, Luiss University The locus of global innovation 11 Halia Valladares Montemayor, Mount Royal University Albert Wöcke, University of Pretoria Rodrigo Zeidan, Fundação Dom Cabral and NYU Ana Maria Vallina, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Bernard Martin Wolf, York University Shanghai Valparaiso Neesha Marie Wolf, National Taiwan University Yuping Zeng, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Andre van Hoorn, University of Groningen Heejin Woo, California State University Fullerton Feng Zhan, John Carroll University Jan Vang, Aalborg University Douglas Woodward, University of South Carolina Annie Zhang, University of Otago Sumati Varma, University of Delhi Alan Wright, Southern Arkansas University Cyndi Zhang, Singapore Management University Ashwani Varshney, Jaipuria Institute of Management Tyler Wry, Wharton School Huan Zhang, Sun Yat-Sen University Andres Velez-Calle, Universidad EAFIT Jay Wu, Thammasat University Jie Zhang, China Huarong Asset Management Co., Ltd., Sivakumar Venkataramany, Ashland University Jie Wu, University of Macau Jing Zhang, Old Dominion University Ramya Tarakad Venkateswaran, Indian Institute of Jun Wu, Savannah State University Lin Zhang, Peking University Management Calcutta Sibin Wu, University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley Man Zhang, Bowling Green State University Anna Veselova, St.Petersburg University Terry Wu, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Megan (Min) Zhang, University College Dublin Prama Vishnoi, Keshav Mahavidyalaya, University of Steffen Wuetz, University of St.Gallen Shuo Zhang, Cornell University Delhi, Tai Ming Wut, Hong Kong Polytechnic University Yanli Zhang, Montclair State University Tiia Vissak, University of Tartu Slawomir Wycislak, Jagiellonian University Yejun Zhang, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee Chaiporn Vithessonthi, Khon Kaen University Duarte Xara-Brasil, Instituto Politécnico de Setubal Yimai Zhang, Georgia State University Alexandra Vo, Rutgers Business School Wlamir Xavier, ENMU & UNISUL Yue (Kate) Zhang, Dongbei University of Finance and Davina Vora, SUNY New Paltz Economics Jun Xia, University of Texas at Dallas Hinrich Voss, Leeds University Zhu Zhang, Peking University Chengyong Xiao, University of Groningen George Vozikis, Chaminade University of Honolulu Jing Zhao, Renmin University of China Jianqiang Xiao, Renmin University of China Metin Onal Vural, IE Business School Shasha Zhao, Middlesex University Luqun Xie, The Hong Kong University of Science and Bindu J. Vyas, King’s College Technology Wanli Zhao, Southern Illinois University Robyn Carlea Walker, University of Southern California Zhenzhen Xie, Tsinghua University Yue Zhao, Florida International University John Walsh, Shinawatra University Adele Xing, Bijuan Zhong, Baruch College Feng Wan, University of East Anglia Jie Xiong, ESC Rennes Changhui Zhou, Peking University Guoguang Wan, Hong Kong University of Science and Weichu Xu, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania Yonglong Zhou, Peking University Technology XiaoJun Xu, Fudan University Anatoly Zhuplev, Loyola Marymount University Baolian Wang, Fordham University Xun Xu, California State University, Stanislaus, Ahmed Y. Zohny, Coppin State University Chengqi Wang, Nottingham University Yalan Xu, Chinese University of Hong Kong Meysam Zolfaghari, Autonomous University of Chenxi Wang, Renmin University of China Barcelona (UAB) Yueqiang Xu, University of Oulu Danqing Wang, University of Hong Kong Summer Elise Zwanziger Elsinger, Upper Iowa University Jiao Xue, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Gang Wang, Wuhan University Zach Yabs, DeVry University He Helen Wang, Renmin University of China Ramsin Yakob, Gothenburg University Hui Wen Wang, NSYSU Junichi Yamanoi, Waseda University I. Kim Wang, Suffolk University Yoshitaka Yamazaki, Bunkyo Jifa Wang, Shenyang University of Technology Chi-Lin Yang, Chung Yuan Christian University Joyce Wang, University of Texas, Dallas, Deli Yang, Trinity University Lingling Wang, Southern New Hampshire Univeristy Jing yu (Gracy) Yang, The University of Sydney Ming-Chao Wang, Yuan Ze University Yang Yang, Beijing Techonology & Business University Shan Huei Wang, National Taiwan University Yi Yang, Yonsei University Stephanie Wang, Indiana University Eyal Yaniv, Bar Ilan University Yanbo Wang, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business Fiona Kun Yao, UIUC Yimin Wang, Shandong University Attila Yaprak, Wayne State University Yu-Kai (Mike) Wang, Soochow University Naoki Yasuda, Rikkyo University Yumei Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Sai Yayavaram, Indian Institute of Management Zhan Wang, Saint Louis University Bangalore Zhennan Wang, York University Ching-Hsuan Yeh, National Changhua University of Zhi Wang, Manchester Metropolitan University Education Karl S.R. Warner, Edinburgh Napier University Ryh-song Yeh, Shantou University Aleksandra Wasowska, University of Warsaw Poh-Lin Yeoh, Bentley University Heidi Marie Wechtler, Macquarie University Ha-Chin Yi, Texas State University Lu Wei, Aalto University Jiangling Yi, Nanjing University Luan Ying Wei, Takming Technology and Science George S Yip, CEIBS University Hyungseok Yoon, Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci Tian Wei, Fudan University Hideki Yoshihara, Kobe University Wei Wei, Beijing Jiaotong U. Katsuhiko Yoshikawa, London School of Economics and Barbara Marga Weiss, St. Petersburg Institute of Political Science International Political Economy Martin Robert Young, Massey University Louis T. Wells, Harvard Business School Susan L Young, Seton Hall University Lucas Allen Wenger, Florida International University Chung-Long Yu, Tungnan University Georg Wernicke, Copenhagen Business School Pei-Li Yu, National Chung Cheng University Caroline Shaffer Westerhof, California National Shu Yu, National University of Singapore University for Advanced Students Yizhou Yuan, Xi’an International Studies University Mika Westerlund, Carleton University Dilek G. Yunlu, Northeastern Illinois University Stanford Westjohn, University of Toledo Agnieszka Zablocki, Vienna University of Economics and George White, Old Dominion University Business Clas Wihlborg, Chapman University Mahmood A Zaidi, University of Minnesota Nilupama Wijewardena, Monash University Salma Zaman, Rutgers Mira Wilkins, Florida International University Ivo Zander, Uppsala University Justin Williams, Niagara College Lena Zander, Uppsala University James Richard Wills, University of Hawaii Srdan Zdravkovic, Bryant University Natalie Victoria Wilmot, Sheffield Hallam University Michal Zdziarski, Warsaw University Michael Witt, Insead

12 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 General Conference Information

Badge Identification Local Artisans

Please check-in with the AIB Registration Desk to pick up your Come to the Rhino Contemporary Crafts booth at the Exhibit official name badge and conference materials. A participant Hall to learn about local arts and crafts, meet the artists, and name badge is required for admission to all conference sessions, buy your gifts without leaving the AIB conference! We will have a varying collection of artists every day at this booth. events, meals, receptions, and exhibit hall. Guest badges only provide access to the Presidential Reception and the Gala Event.

#AIB2016 on Twitter

Dress Code Share your thoughts and experiences with fellow AIB members and interact with other participants on Twitter using #AIB2016. Suggested dress code is “Smart Casual” for all conference Remember to follow @AIB_World for the latest updates. events including all receptions. Smart casual is typically more informal than business casual, but is still a neat attire appropri- ate for the weather conditions in New Orleans. Conference App

Remember to download “AIB Conferences” App on your mobile Registration Desk Hours device to access the AIB 2016 Program, get the latest updates, Location: Napoleon Ballroom Foyer, Third Floor interact with other participants, and to share your experiences. Available on iOS, Android, and mobile web platforms. The Hours: Monday, June 27: 7:00am – 5:00pm password to access the AIB 2016 Event will be emailed to you at your AIB email account. Tuesday, June 28: 8:00am – 5:00pm Wednesday, June 29: 8:00am – 5:00pm Thursday, June 30: 8:00am – 3:00pm

Placement Center Hours Location: Business Center

Hours: Sunday, June 28: 8:30am – 5:30pm Monday, June 29: 8:30am – 5:30pm WiFi Access Instructions

Tuesday, June 30: 8:30am – 4:00pm Your conference registration includes free access to basic WiFi at the Sheraton New Orleans conference facilities. Please select the “Sheraton Meeting Rooms” access point and enter the fol- Exhibit Hall Hours lowing passcode to login: AIB2016. Location: Royal Ballroom Please only use this complimentary wifi access to check email Hours: Sunday, June 28: 10:00am – 5:00pm and to access the AIB 2016 mobile conference app. As the Monday, June 29: 9:00am – 5:00pm bandwidth is limited, please refrain from using the conference connection for video streaming or other data intensive applica- Tuesday, June 30: 9:00am – 4:15pm tions to ensure optimal experience for all participants.

The locus of global innovation 13 Second Floor

Third Floor

Registration Desk

Plenary Room Exhibit Hall

14 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Fourth Floor

Placement Center

The locus of global innovation 15 2016 AIB Fellows Executive of the Year

Award Presentation and Keynote: Opening Plenary - June 27, 17:15-19:30, Napoleon AB

Indra K. Nooyi Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, PepsiCo

Indra Nooyi is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of PepsiCo. In its global food and beverage portfolio, PepsiCo has 22 brands that generate more than $1 billion each in annual retail sales. PepsiCo’s main businesses include Quaker, Tropicana, Gatorade, Frito-Lay and Pepsi-Cola. With more than $63 billion in annual net revenue, PepsiCo makes hundreds of enjoyable foods and beverages that are loved throughout the world.

Mrs. Nooyi is the chief architect of Performance with Purpose, PepsiCo’s promise to do what’s right for the business by doing what’s right for people and the planet. It’s the company’s commitment to sustained growth with a focus on Performance, Hu- man, Environmental and Talent Sustainability. In keeping with this commitment, Pepsi- Co is proud to be listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index and Dow Jones Sustainability World Index.

Mrs. Nooyi was named President and CEO on October 1, 2006 and assumed the role of Chairman on May 2, 2007. She has directed the company’s global strategy for more than a decade and led its restructuring, including the divestiture of its restaurants into the successful YUM! Brands, Inc., the acquisition of Tropicana and the merger with Quaker Oats that brought the vital Quaker and Gatorade businesses to PepsiCo, the merger with PepsiCo’s anchor bottlers, and the acquisi- tion of Wimm-Bill-Dann, the largest international acquisition in PepsiCo’s history.

Prior to becoming CEO, Mrs. Nooyi served as President and Chief Financial Officer beginning in 2001, when she was also named to PepsiCo’s Board of Directors. In this position, she was responsible for PepsiCo’s corporate functions, including finance, strategy, business process optimization, corporate platforms and innovation, procurement, investor relations and information technology. Between February 2000 and April 2001, Mrs. Nooyi was Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of PepsiCo. Mrs. Nooyi also served as PepsiCo’s Senior Vice President, Corporate Strategy and Development from 1996 until 2000, and as PepsiCo’s Senior Vice President, Strategic Planning from 1994 until 1996.

Before joining PepsiCo in 1994, Mrs. Nooyi spent four years as Senior Vice President of Strategy and Strategic Marketing for Asea Brown Boveri, a Zurich-based industrials company. She was part of the top management team responsible for the company’s U.S. business as well as its worldwide industrial businesses, representing about $10 billion of ABB’s $30 billion in global sales.

Between 1986 and 1990, Mrs. Nooyi worked for Motorola, where she was Vice President and Director of Corporate Strategy and Planning, having joined the company as the business development executive for its automotive and industrial electron- ic group. Prior to Motorola, she spent six years directing international corporate strategy projects at The Boston Consulting Group. Her clients ranged from textiles and consumer goods companies to retailers and specialty chemicals producers. Mrs. Nooyi began her career in India, where she held product manager positions at Johnson & Johnson and at Mettur Beardsell, Ltd., a textile firm.

In addition to being a member of the PepsiCo Board of Directors, Mrs. Nooyi serves as a member of the boards of U.S.-China Business Council, U.S.-India Business Council, The Consumer Goods Forum, Catalyst, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts and Tsinghua University. She is also a member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum, the American Acade- my of Arts & Sciences and was appointed to the U.S.-India CEO Forum by the Obama Administration.

She holds a B.S. from Madras Christian College, an M.B.A. from the Indian Institute of Management in Calcutta and a Master of Public and Private Management from Yale University. Mrs. Nooyi is married and has two daugh- ters.

16 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 2016 AIB Fellows Educator of the Year

Award Presentation: Opening Plenary - June 27, 17:15-19:30, Napoleon AB

Special Session: 1.1.1 - Globalizing Education: Challenges, Opportunities, and the AIB - June 28, 9:00-10:15, Napoleon AB

Dr. Joseph E. Aoun President, Northeastern University

Joseph E. Aoun, a leader in higher education policy and an internationally renowned schol- ar in linguistics, is the seventh President of Northeastern University.

A respected voice on the value of global and experiential education, President Aoun has enhanced Northeastern’s signature co-op program with opportunities around the world and additional flexibility. Students have worked, studied, and conducted research in 131 countries, on all seven continents.

President Aoun has strategically aligned the University’s research enterprise with three global imperatives—health, security, and sustainability. Northeastern is home to seven federally recognized research centers and institutes, including the Center for Awareness and Localization of Explosives-Related Threats, the Center for High-Rate Nanomanufacturing, the Center for Translational Cancer Nanomedicine, the Gordon Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems, and the Institute for Information Assurance. Northeastern’s faculty focus on interdisciplinary research, entrepreneurship, and on transforming research into commercial solutions that address the world’s most pressing problems.

Northeastern’s excellence in education, research, and urban and global engagement is attracting highly-talented applicants from throughout the U.S. and around the world. This year, it received more than 47,000 applications for freshman admis- sion— the highest in the University’s history. During Aoun’s presidency, Northeastern has also established a network of graduate campuses and has amassed one of the largest libraries of online and hybrid professional masters programs of any university in the U.S.

President Aoun came to Northeastern from the University of Southern California’s College of Letters, Arts & Sciences where he was the inaugural holder of the Anna H. Bing Dean’s Chair. He received his Ph.D. in linguistics and philosophy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and advanced degrees from the University of Paris (France) VIII and Saint Joseph University (Beirut, Lebanon).

President Aoun has published seven books and written more than 40 articles. In 2006 he was named a Chevalier dans l’Or- dre des Palmes Academiques (Knight of the Order of the Academic Palms) by the French government. In 2011, he received the Robert A. Muh Award from MIT’s School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. He is a member of the American Acad- emy of Arts and Sciences and is the immediate past Chair of the American Council on Education (ACE). In 2013, Northeastern University President Joseph E. Aoun was elected a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

The locus of global innovation 17 2016 Fellows 2016 Eminent Scholar

Award Presentation: Opening Plenary, June 27, 17:15-19:30, Napoleon AB

Special Session: 1.2 - The Locus of Global Innovation - June 28, 10:45-12:00, Napoleon AB

Kathleen M. Eisenhardt Stanford University

Kathleen Eisenhardt is the Stanford W. Ascherman M.D. Professor and Co-Director of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program. Her recent book (w/Don Sull) is “Simple Rules: How to Survive in a Complex World” (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) which explores how simplicity tames complexity in business, life, and nature. She is also co-author (w/ Shona Brown) of “Competing on the Edge: Strategy as Structured” Chaos (Harvard Business School Press), winner of the George R. Terry Book Award for outstanding contribution to management thinking and an Amazon Top 10 Annual Business and In- vesting book. Professor Eisenhardt is also author of over 100 articles in research and business journals, and the first author featured in Harvard Business Review’s OnPoint collection. She is a Distinguished Visiting Professor with Insead’s Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise area.

Professor Eisenhardt’s research focus is strategy and organization, especially in technology-based companies and high-velocity industries. She is currently studying the use of heuristics and other cognitive strategies, strategic inter- action in new markets and novel ecosystems, and strategy making by boards of directors. She has received the career Scholarly Contribution Award from the Academy of Management and the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research. She has been honored by many other awards including the Irwin Award for her contributions in strategy, the Distin- guished Scholar Award from the Organization Theory and Management (OMT) and Technology and Innovation Manage- ment (TIM) divisions, the ASQ Scholarly Contribution award for the most influential paper five years after publication, and Strategic Management Society’s Schendel Best Paper prize. She was recently noted as most cited research author in strategy and organization studies for the past 25 years. Professor Eisenhardt consults at senior levels with firms in industries ranging from Internet, telecommunications, software, and biotech to agribusiness, semiconductors, and clean tech.

Professor Eisenhardt was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Management and of the Strategic Management So- ciety, and is an INFORMS member. She has served on the editorial boards of ASQ, Organization Science, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal and Strategic Entrepreneur- ship Journal. She has been a Fellow of the World Economic Forum (Davos) and Clinton Global Initiative, a member of General Motors’ Science Advisory Committee, and a board member of MWH Global, an international engineering design and construction firm. She serves on the Advisory Board of Start-Up Chile. Eisenhardt received her B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (Brown University, cum laude and with honors). She holds an M.S. in computer science. Her Ph.D. is from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business. Professor Eisenhardt has several honorary degrees including from London Business School, Aalto University, and Chalmers University of Technology.

18 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 2016 Program Awards

Temple/AIB Best Paper Award “Black Swans and the Social Value of Corporate Disaster (Award Presentation on June 30, 16:15-17:45, Napoleon AB) Giving” by Luis Ballesteros, University of Pennsylvania; Sponsored by Temple University’s Fox School of Business Michael Useem, University of Pennsylvania The Temple/AIB Best Paper Award was created in 2002 through Presented: Session 3.2.8, June 30, 10:45 - 12:00, Oakley a generous endowment by Temple University’s Fox School “Corporate Governance Institutions and Investment-Cash Flow of Business. All papers accepted for competitive sessions are Sensitivity: An International Perspective” by Luiz Ricardo eligible for the award. One finalist from each track is nominated Kabbach de Castro, USP-EESC; Henrique Castro Martins, by the track chairs based on reviewer input and their own UFRGS-EA; Eduardo Schiehll, HEC Montréal; Paulo Renato assessments. An independent Best Paper Award Committee Soares Terra, FGV-EAESP reviews the finalists and chooses the winning manuscript. The authors of the winning manuscript receive a plaque and a cash Presented: Session 3.2.9, June 30, 10:45 - 12:00, Gallier A award. Nominees for this year’s award are as follows (in order of presentation): “Country-of-Origin Effects and Spatial Heterogeneity in Consumer Evaluation” by Minyoung Kim, University of “Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost: Selfinitiated Expatriate Kansas; Sunghoon Kim, Arizona State University; Jongkuk Success, Failure and Adjustment” by Heidi Wechtler, Lee, Ewha Womans University Macquarie University; Alexei Koveshnikov, Aalto University Presented: Session 3.3.6, June 30, 13:00 - 14:15, Bayside C Presented: Session 1.3.7, June 28, 13:00 - 14:15, Southdown

“Trans-Local Connectedness and Cluster Performance in Knowledge-Intensive Industries” by Ari Van Assche, HEC Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson AIB Dissertation Award Montréal; Ekaterina Turkina, HEC Montréal (Award Presentation on June 30, 16:15-17:45, Napoleon AB) Presented: Session 1.5.8, June 28, 16:15 - 17:30, Oakley Sponsored by Henley Business School, University of Reading and the Centre for International Business, “How to Integrate Target Firms in High-Technology Industries University of Leeds (CIBUL). in International Acquisitions: A Combined Role of Strategic Resources and Environment Dynamics” by Tian Wei, Fudan Eligibility for the 2016 “Buckley and Casson AIB Dissertation University; Jeremy Clegg, University of Leeds Award” for the best dissertation in international business was Presented: Session 2.2.5, June 29, 10:45 - 12:00, Nottoway all Ph.D. and D.B.A. students who successfully defended their dissertations between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015. “Does Shareholder Value Increase with Cross-Border Merger & The winner receives a plaque and a cash award. Furthermore, all Acquisition for Chinese Firms? The Influences of Domestic finalists receive a travel stipend to allow them to present their Political Ties and Subnational Institutional Quality” by research at the annual meeting. This year’s finalists will present Wenjun Tu, University of Nottingham Ningbo; Xiaolan their work at Session 3.3.1, June 30, 13:00-14:15, in Napoleon AB. Zheng, University of Nottingham Ningbo; Lei Li, University of Nottingham Ningbo “Influence of Institutional and Geographical Factors on the Openness and Dispersion of Knowledge-Sourcing Practices” Presented: Session 2.2.6, June 29, 10:45 - 12:00, Bayside C Marcelo Cano-Kollmann, Ohio University (Ph.D. Awarded by “Webs of Influence: National Stakeholder Networks and Temple University) Corporate Social Performance” by Kate Odziemkowska, University of Pennsylvania; Witold Jerzy Henisz, University “Heterogeneous Implementation of CSR in an MNE: the Role of of Pennsylvania Subsidiaries’ Institutional Contexts and Behaviors” Presented: Session 2.2.8, June 29, 10:45 - 12:00, Oakley Anne Jacqueminet, Bocconi University (Ph.D. Awarded by HEC Paris) “Exporting, Learning and Innovating among Emerging Market Firms: The Moderating Role of Institutional Development “Influences on Transfer Effectiveness: An Exploratory Study and Absorptive Capacity” by Zhenzhen Xie, Tsinghua of Headquarters Transfer of Capabilities to Subunits in the University; Jiatao Li, Hong Kong University of Science and Multinational Corporation” Technology Olof Lindahl, Uppsala University (Ph.D. Awarded by Uppsala Presented: Session 2.5.5, June 29, 16:15 - 17:30, Nottoway University) “Immigrants and Firm Performance: Effects on Foreign Subsidiaries versus Foreign Entrepreneurial Firms” by Elena “Language Strategies in Multinational Corporations. A Kulchina, Duke University; Exequiel Hernandez, University of Cross-Sector Study of Financial Service Companies and Pennsylvania Manufacturing Companies” Presented: Session 2.5.8, June 29, 16:15 - 17:30, Oakley Guro Refsum Sanden, Copenhagen Business School (Ph.D. Awarded by Copenhagen Business School)

The locus of global innovation 19 Alan M. Rugman Young Scholar Award AIB/Sheth Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Award (Award Presentation on June 30, 16:15-17:45, Napoleon AB) (Award Presentation on June 30, 16:15-17:45, Napoleon AB) Sponsored by the Sheth Foundation and AIB Foundation Given out under the Haynes Prize name until 2014, the award was renamed in 2015 to acknowledge not just the impact that The Dissertation Proposal Award is awarded in conjunction with Alan Rugman has had on our field, but his commitment to the the AIB/Sheth Doctoral Consortium. The proposals are judged engagement and development of junior scholars. The award based on the originality and theoretical foundations of the recognizes the best paper presented at the conference written work, the rigor and soundness of the proposed method, and the by an author or authors under 40 years of age. All papers potential contribution and impact of the proposal in advancing accepted for competitive sessions are eligible for the prize as the field. Winner(s) receive a plaque and receive a cash award. long as the age criterion is met. Finalists are nominated by the track chairs based on reviewer input and their own assessments. An independent Rugman Young Scholar Award Committee reviews the finalists and chooses the winning manuscript. The 2016 JIBS Decade Award authors of the winning manuscript receive a plaque and a cash (Award Presentation on June 30, 10:45-12:00, Napoleon AB) award. Nominees for this year’s award are as follows (in order of Sponsored by Palgrave Macmillan presentation): The award is designed to recognize the most influential paper “How Institutional and Transaction Cost Influences Affect published in the Journal of International Business Studies one MNEs After Entry” by Andre van Hoorn, University of decade before the Conference. In order to be considered for the Groningen 2016 award, a paper must have been included among the five Presented: Session 1.3.3, June 28, 13:00 - 14:15, Maurepas most cited papers published in the 2006 Volume of JIBS. The winner of the award will make a retrospective presentation of “The Power of Distance: Systemic Risk, Local Risk, and their work, as well as some comments on where the field has Geographic Distance in Interorganizational Partnerships” progressed and where it should go next, in the JIBS Decade by Sinziana Dorobantu, New York University; Jakob Müllner, Award Session, Session 3.2.1 WU Vienna Winner: “A quarter century of Culture’s Consequences: a Presented: Session 1.3.5, June 28, 13:00 - 14:15, Nottoway review of empirical research incorporating Hofstede’s cultural values framework” by Bradley L. Kirkman, Kevin B. “The Dispersed Multinational: Connectedness Across Spatial Lowe, and Cristina B. Gibson, JIBS, 37(3): 285-320. Dimensions and Technological Search” by Vittoria Giada Scalera, University of Amsterdam ; Thomas J. Hannigan, Temple University; Alessandra Perri, Ca’ Foscari University Presented: Session 1.5.8, June 28, 16:15 - 17:30, Oakley “Racing to the Bottom? Or to the Top? How Firm- Specific Capabilities for Pollution Reduction and Firm Multinationality Moderate the Effect of National Environmental Regulations on International Expansion Decisions” by Joel Malen, Hitotsubashi University; Junichi Yamanoi, Waseda University Presented: Session 2.5.5, June 29, 16:15 - 17:30, Nottoway

“Behavioral Consequences of Actual and Recalled Face Loss” by Martin Heinberg, University of Duisburg-Essen Presented: Session 2.5.10, June 29, 16:15 - 17:30, Gallier B

“The Role of Infrastructure Project Aid in the FDI Entry Decision in Developing and Emerging Economies: Firm- Level Evidence from Japan” by Olivier Bertrand, SKEMA Business School; Marie-Ann Betschinger, University of Fribourg

Presented: Session 3.1.7, June 30, 9:00 - 10:15, Southdown

20 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 OTHER AWARDS BEING PRESENTED AT THE AIB Best Paper Award in Research Methods CONFERENCE (Award Presentation on June 29, 17:45-18:15, Research Methods SIG Met and Greet at Maurepas) Best Paper Award in Emerging Economies Research Sponsored by Bryant University (Award Presentation on June 29, 10:15-10:45, Coffee Break Sponsored by the International Business program at Bryant at Napoleon CD) University, this award is given to the best paper (as selected by a Sponsored by Bryant University committee) accepted to a competitive session at the AIB Annual Sponsored by the International Business program at Bryant Meeting with a research focus on Emerging Economies. The University, this award is given to the best paper (as selected by a author(s) of the winning manuscript will receive a certificate and a committee) accepted to a competitive session at the AIB Annual cash award at a Coffee Break sponsored by Bryant University. Meeting with a research focus on Emerging Economies. The author(s) of the winning manuscript will receive a certificate and a cash award at a Coffee Break sponsored by Bryant University. CUIBE Award for Best Paper on International Business Education “That’s Interesting!” Award (Award Presentation on June 30, 10:15-10:45, Coffee Break (Award Presentation on June 29, 15:45-16:15, Coffee Break at Napoleon CD) at Napoleon CD) Sponsored by the Consortium for Undergraduate Sponsored by Aalto University School of Business International Business Education (CUIBE) Sponsored by Aalto University School of Business, this award Sponsored by the Consortium for Undergraduate International recognizes the conference paper that most effectively pushes Business Education (CUIBE), this award recognizes the best paper the boundaries of our existing knowledge in the field by crossing focused on undergraduate international business education being boundaries, challenging taken-for-granted assumptions in the presented at the AIB Annual Conference. To be eligible the papers field, denying old “truths”, attracting the reader’s attention, must have been submitted and accepted for presentation for and making an original argument. The author(s) of the winning the Special Track on Teaching International Business, and then manuscript will receive a plaque and a cash award at a Coffee shortlisted by the track chair as a nominee for the award. The Break sponsored by Aalto University School of Business at the winner receives a certificate and a cash award at a Coffee Break conference. sponsored by CUIBE.


Palgrave Macmillan congratulates the winners of the 2016 Palgrave Macmillan / JIBS Decade Award Bradley L. Kirkman, Kevin B. Lowe & Cristina B. Gibson

for their paper A quarter century of Culture’s Consequences: a review of empirical research incorporating Hofstede’s cultural values framework (JIBS Volume 37 • Issue 3)

Please join us for the Decade Award session 10:45am-12:00pm on Thursday, June 30, 2016 in Napoleon Ballroom AB

Visit to read this and past Decade Award-winning papers online

6431_2016 AIB program ad - JIBS Decade Award.indd 1 The locus of global innovation10/05/2016 15:03 21 AIB 2016 Conference Theme Plenary

Global Innovation: The Next FrontierAIB 2016 for Conference International Theme Business? Plenary June 28, 2016, 10:45–12:00,Global Innovation: Napoleon The AB Next Frontier for International Business? June 28 2016, 10:45 ‐ 12:00, Napoleon AB

Panelists: Yves Doz Solvay Chaired Professor of Technological Innovation, INSEAD Kathleen Eisenhardt Stanford W. Ascherman, M.D. Professor, Stanford Vijay Govindarajan Coxe Distinguished Professor at Tuck & Marvin Bower Fellow at Harvard George Yip Professor, CEIBS, China & Professor, Imperial College, London

Moderator: Charles Dhanaraj Professor of Strategy and Global Leadership, IMD Switzerland

AIB 2016 brings together four top scholars who have pioneered cutting edge research on innovation frontiers each from a unique vantage point. Together they cover the globe, bringing in data from USA, Europe, and Asia. Between them, they cover a wide range of questions from fundamentals of innovation process and methodological nuances to practices and coordination challenges of MNEs in Europe, US and Japan. They have explored new innovation approaches pursued by MNEs in the two mega markets, India and China, as well as the pursuits of the new multinationals in these markets. Between the four, they have published more than a dozen top selling books.

Global innovation is a 21st century phenomenon, having evolved over the decades through the dispersion of the innovation activities of the MNEs. IB scholars remember fondly Ray Vernon’s pioneering work on product life cycle theory. But, we stand at the threshold of potentially a techtonic shift in innovation frontiers, triggered by the intersection of globalization, technology, migration, and the new clout of emerging markets. On the one hand, some have dismissed the shift as an empirical anomaly, and on the other hand, some see it as an existential threat to the West, which has led the innovation frontiers for decades, if not centuries.

The panel will set in perspective truth and hype, sift facts from fiction. Is global innovation really happening? And if so, what is its dimensionality and implication to organizations and society at large? How can we as Academy advance new knowledge in this space.

22 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 AIB 2016 Community Engagement Initiatives at New Orleans

The Community Engagement Day is sponsored by Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University

As a community of international business scholars from around Community Engagement Event 2: Visit to the Port of New the world, we have been blessed in many different ways. Since Orleans 2010, AIB has established a rich tradition of giving back and/or engaging with the host city community. All too often, we fly into/ The Port of New Orleans is the sixth-largest port in the United out of a city and spend virtually all our time interacting with other States on volume of cargo handled. It has the longest wharf in the IB scholars from around the world and have minimal contact with world, 2.01 miles (3.4 km) long and can accommodate 15 vessels at our host societies. In 2015, the AIB Executive Board unanimous- one time. During the visit, a coordinator from the port will escort ly decided to include Community Engagement Initiatives as an the group and explain different operations of the port. integral part of the annual meeting. Community engagement not only allows us to contribute to the social development of the host Location: Port of New Orleans (Bus transportation provided) city but also the opportunities to connect with and learn from Date: Monday, June 27, 2016 and engage with peoples in these places. In short, we can create win-win situations with community engagement projects. Depend- Time: 12:30pm-3:00pm (Buses depart at 12:30 from ing on the location, we may do something different. This can be Sheraton) anything as simple as visits to local companies or NGOs to more Participation: Only preregistered participants. active engagement.

In the 2016 Meeting in New Orleans, June 27th has been designated as AIB Community Engagement Day. The 2016 Community En- gagement Team is pleased to offer three unique opportunities on Community Engagement Event 3: Visit to Social Innovation for our participants to gain first-hand experience in one or more of Lab “Propeller” the following projects. The members of the AIB 2016 Community Engagement Team are grateful to all these organizations and the Propeller is a New Orleans based nonprofit social entrepreneur- many members who were instrumental in orchestrating this. ship incubator and accelerator. They support startups in four sectors: Food security, Water Management, Healthcare and Educa- AIB 2016 Community Engagement Team tional Equity. Since 2011, the nonprofit supported 90 new ventures Len Trevino, Loyola University of New Orleans (Co-Chair) in these sectors. During the visit, the participants would be able Mazhar Islam, Tulane University, New Orleans (Co-Chair) to meet some of the startups and get to know about the overall Stewart Miller, University of Texas, San Antonio (Co-Chair) function of the organization. Nakiye Boyacigiller, Sabanci University (AIB Immediate Past Pres- ident) Location: Propeller, New Orleans (Bus transportation pro- vided) Rosalie Tung, Simon Fraser University (AIB President) Susan Mudambi, Temple University Date: Monday, June 27, 2016 Charles Dhanaraj, IMD (AIB 2016 Program Chair) Time: 12:30pm-3:00pm (Buses depart at 12:30)

Community Engagement Event 1: Participation: Only preregistered participants. Inspirational Seminar on New Orleans Remembering Post-Katrina Reconstruction of New Orle- ans Community: What can AIB Scholars Learn?

In this inspirational seminar, Lieutenant General Russel Hon- oré will discuss emergency preparedness as well as post disaster recovery. As leader of Task Force Katrina, Lt. General Honoré, also known as “Category 5 General” managed the recovery efforts in the aftermath of the hurricane that struck the Gulf Coast in the summer of 2005.

Location: Waterbury Ballroom, Sheraton New Orleans

Date: Monday, June 27, 2016

Time: 7:30am-8:45am

Participation: Open to all conference participants (please RSVP online – light breakfast will be provided)

The locus of global innovation 23 Meet and Greet Networking Events Wednesday, June 29 – 5:45pm–6:45pm

Meet your regional chapter or AIB’s Special Interest Groups to learn about their activities, and to meet and network with other participants with similar interests, while enjoying some coffee and light desserts.

Chapter Meet and Greet - Waterbury Ballroom

Research Methods SIG - Maurepas

Women in the AIB (WAIB) - Nottoway

Townhalls Wednesday, June 28 – 5:45pm-6:45pm A new multi-purpose session format introduced to empower participants to discuss and share topics and ideas with maximum interaction without formal presentations. AIB 2016 Townhalls include:

Meet the Expert: Building Research on Reverse Innovation

Meet the Expert: Building Case Research Expertise

Where does AIB Stand on Diversity and Inclusion?

The World is Your Classroom: Innovation in Experiential Learning

Best Practices of Incorporating the X-Culture Project in International Business Curriculum

How the AIB Community Can Best Contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals?

Integrating Macro-Micro Research on FDI, Trade, and GVCs to Understand Cross-Border Innovation and Connectivity

How Smart and Connected Products are Affecting IB

Liability of Localness

Teaching International Business through Experience

Beyond Bounded Rationality - Behavioral Strategy and IB

Pressures and Constraints in Building or Maintaining International Business Programs

Why do Internationalised Firms Die?

Creating a Diversity and Inclusion SIG at AIB

Please see pages 49–51 for descriptions and locations of these townhalls.

24 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 AIB2016 2016 AIB Research Research Methods Methods Clinics Clinics

Wednesday, June 29

The AIB Research Methods SIG will be piloting Research Methods Clinics sessions at the New Orleans conference. These sessions are organized around specific methodological experts who will be hosting a small group discussion and providing advice to specific problems of our members.

For the 2016 conference we are 14 clinics, spread over four sessions on Wednesday 29 June. The specific nature of the topics will be based on demand and supply. These clinics will be in a round table format, with limited participants per table. Each participant will be expected to bring a specific problem to the discussion.

The experts and their topics are listed below. All clinics will take place at Waterbury Ballroom. All sessions are limited to 8 participants each and require advance signup through

Session 1 (9:00 - 10:15, Wednesday, June 29)

Douglas Dow - Distance and Difference Scores / Logistic & Multiple Regression / Online Experiments

Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra - Mixed Method Research

Robert Vandenberg - Longitudinal Data / Multilevel / SEM /Research Design

Session 2 (10:45 - 12:00, Wednesday, June 29)

Elizabeth Rose - Categorical Data / Survey Design

Peter Liesch - Qualitative Research

Larry Willliams - Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

Stewart Miller - Multi-stage (Heckman) / Regression

Session 3 (13:00 - 14:15, Wednesday, June 29)

Niina Nummela - Mixed Method Research

Robert Vandenberg - Longitudinal Data / Multilevel / SEM /Research Design

David Reeb - Missing Data / Causality / Hypothesis Development / Interactions & Dummy Variables

Session 4 (14:30 - 15:45, Wednesday, June 29)

Shige Makino - Panel Data Analysis

Fiona Moore - Qualitative Research

Larry Willliams - Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

Andrew Delios - Multivariate Analysis / Covariate Effects / Model Specification and Model Building

The locus of global innovation 2527 A Visual Insight into AIB 2016 The word cloud below represents the most commonly used terms in the titles of works being presented at the AIB 2016 conference.

26 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 AIB 2016 in Numbers

AIB 2016 in numbers Program

Submissions Processed competitive 327papers submissions interactive 1043 383papers 1261 reviews received in from 1270 reviewers 2 plenary sessions Registered Participants 17 special sessions and Speakers: 40 panels competitive 88 paper sessions interactive 1041 61 paper sessions Countries Email Correspondence Represented: by Secretariat: Authorship: 71 6875 Reviewers: 76

Participants: 55

* data as of Jun 15, 2016. Email correspondence includes both sent and received email, but only personally through the Secretariat. Broadcast emails sent to authors and/or participants are not included in the count. Correspondence by the program committee is also not part of this count.

The locus of global innovation 29

AIBAIB 20162016 Program Overview Overview NewNew Orleans, Orleans, USA USA — - JuneJune 25-30, 2016 2016

Saturday, June 25 Sunday, June 26 Monday, June 27 8:00-8:15 -8:15 8:15-8:30 8:15-8:30 8.30-8.45 8.30-8.45 8.45-9.00 8.45-9.00 9.00-9.15 9.00-9.15 9.15-9.30 9.15-9.30 9.30-9.45 9.30-9.45

9.45-10.00 9:00-12:00 9.45-10.00 10.00-10.15 10.00-10.15 10.15-10.30 10.15-10.30

10.30-10.45 10.30-10.45 7:30-15:30

10.45-11.00 10.45-11.00 9:00-15:00 7:30-16:00 11.00-11.15 11.00-11.15 9:00-16:00

11.15-11.30 9:00-16:00 11.15-11.30 11.30-11.45 11.30-11.45 9:00-16:00

11.45-12.00 AJBS Annual Conference 11.45-12.00 12.00-12.15 12.00-12.15 12.15-12.30 12.15-12.30 9:00-17:00 9:00-17:00 12.30-12.45 12.30-12.45 9:00-18:00 12.45-13.00 12.45-13.00 13.00-13.15 13.00-13.15 13.15-13.30 13.15-13.30 13.30-13.45 13.30-13.45 AIB Chapter Leadership Workshop AIB Community Engagement Day

13.45-14.00 13.45-14.00 AIB/JIBS Paper Development Workshop AIB Board Meeting Meeting Board AIB AIB Board Meeting Meeting Board AIB 14.00-14.15 14.00-14.15 AIB Junior Faculty Consortium CARMA Research Methods Workshops

14.15-14.30 14.15-14.30 Consortium Student Doctoral AIB/Sheth 14.30-14.45 14.30-14.45

AJBS Annual Conference 14.45-15.00 14.45-15.00 15.00-15.15 15.00-15.15 15.15-15.30 15.15-15.30 15.30-15.45 15.30-15.45 15.45-16.00 15.45-16.00 16.00-16.15 16.00-16.15 New Member 16.15-16.30 16.15-16.30 Welcome 16.30-16.45 16.30-16.45 16:00-17:00 16.45-17.00 16.45-17.00 17.00-17.15 17.00-17.15 17.15-17.30 17.15-17.30 17.30-17.45 17.30-17.45 AIB 2016 17.45-18.00 17.45-18.00 Opening Plenary Keynote Speaker: 18.00-18.15 18.00-18.15 Indra K. Nooyi, 18.15-18.30 18.15-18.30 Chairperson and CEO, PepsiCo 18.30-18.45 18.30-18.45 17:15-19:30 18.45-19.00 18.45-19.00 19.00-19.30 19.00-19.30 19.30-20:00 19.30-20:00 Presidential Reception 20.00-20.30 20.00-20.30 19:30-21:00 20.30-21:00 20.30-21:00

28 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 AIBAIB 2016 2016 Program Overview Overview NewNew Orleans, Orleans, USA USA — - JuneJune 25-30, 2016 2016

Tuesday, June 28 Wednesday, June 29 Thursday, June 30 8:00-8:15 8:00-8:15 Fellows Café Fellows Café Fellows Café 8:15-8:30 8:15-8:30 8:00-8:45 8:00-8:45 8:00-8:45 8.30-8.45 8.30-8.45 8.45-9.00 8.45-9.00 9.00-9.15 9.00-9.15 1.1 9.15-9.30 2.1 9.15-9.30 3.1 Educator of the Year Session 9.30-9.45 Concurrent Sessions 9.30-9.45 Concurrent Sessions and Concurrent Sessions 9:00-10:15 9:00-10:15 9:00-10:15 9.45-10.00 9.45-10.00 10.00-10.15 10.00-10.15 10.15-10.30 10.15-10.30 COFFEE BREAK 10:15-10:45 COFFEE BREAK 10:15-10:45 COFFEE BREAK 10:15-10:45 10.30-10.45 10.30-10.45 10.45-11.00 10.45-11.00 1.2 3.2 11.00-11.15 2.2 11.00-11.15 Eminent Scholar JIBS Decade Award 11.15-11.30 Concurrent Sessions 11.15-11.30 Plenary on Global Innovation and Concurrent Sessions 10:45-12:00 10:45-12:00 11.30-11.45 11.30-11.45 10:45-12:00 11.45-12.00 11.45-12.00

JIBS 12.00-12.15 12.00-12.15 AIB Fellows LIGHT LUNCH Editorial 12.15-12.30 LIGHT LUNCH 12.15-12.30 LIGHT LUNCH Business 12:00-13:00 Board 12:00-13:00 12:00-13:00 12.30-12.45 Meeting 12.30-12.45 Meeting 12.45-13.00 12.45-13.00 13.00-13.15 13.00-13.15 3.3 1.3 13.15-13.30 2.3 13.15-13.30 Buckley-Casson Concurrent Sessions 13.30-13.45 Concurrent Sessions 13.30-13.45 Dissertation Award 13:00-14:15 13.45-14.00 13:00-14:15 13.45-14.00 and Concurrent Sessions 13:00-14:15 14.00-14.15 14.00-14.15 BREAK 14:15-14:30 14.15-14.30 BREAK 14:15-14:30 14.15-14.30 BREAK 14:15-14:30 14.30-14.45 14.30-14.45 1.4 14.45-15.00 2.4 14.45-15.00 3.4 Concurrent Sessions 15.00-15.15 Concurrent Sessions 15.00-15.15 Concurrent Sessions 14:30-15:45 15.15-15.30 14:30-15:45 15.15-15.30 14:30-15:45 15.30-15.45 15.30-15.45 15.45-16.00 15.45-16.00 COFFEE BREAK 15:45-16:15 COFFEE BREAK 15:45-16:15 COFFEE BREAK 15:45-16:15 16.00-16.15 16.00-16.15 16.15-16.30 16.15-16.30

1.5 16.30-16.45 2.5 16.30-16.45 3.5 Concurrent Sessions 16.45-17.00 Concurrent Sessions 16.45-17.00 AIB Awards Ceremony 16:15-17:30 17.00-17.15 16:15-17:30 17.00-17.15 and Business Meeting 16:15-17:45 17.15-17.30 17.15-17.30 17.30-17.45 17.30-17.45 17.45-18.00 17.45-18.00 Chapters and SIGs Townhalls 18.00-18.15 18.00-18.15 Meet and Greet AIB Farewell Reception 17:45-18:45 18.15-18.30 18.15-18.30 17:45-18:45 17:45-19:00 18.30-18.45 18.30-18.45 18.45-19.00 18.45-19.00 19.00-19.30 19.00-19.30 19.30-20:00 AIB Gala Event 19.30-20:00 National World War II Museum 20.00-20.30 19:30-22:30 20.00-20.30 20.30- 20.30-

The locus of global innovation 29 2016 AIB Conference Schedule of Sessions New Orleans, USA June 27-30, 2016

Legend for Symbols Used: Nominee for the Temple/AIB Best Paper Award Nominee for the Alan Rugman Young Scholar Award

SATURDAY, JUNE 25 SUNDAY, JUNE 26 - 9:00-12:00

Time: 9:00-12:00 SATURDAY, JUNE 25 - 9:00-17:00 Room: Bayside C AJBS 29th Annual Conference Time: 9:00-17:00 Room: Maurepas Annual conference of the Association of Japanese Business Studies. AJBS conference requires a separate registration AIB Board Meeting from the AIB conference.

AIB Executive Board Members only.

SATURDAY, JUNE 25 - 9:00-18:00 Time: 9:00-12:00 Room: Oak Alley Time: 9:00-18:00 Room: Bayside C CARMA Workshop: Intermediate SEM: Model Evaluation AJBS 29th Annual Conference Chair: Larry J. Williams, University of North Dakota

Annual conference of the Association of Japanese Business Studies. AJBS conference requires a separate registration Pre-registration is required for this free workshop. from the AIB conference.

SUNDAY, JUNE 26 - 13:00-16:00

SUNDAY, JUNE 26 Time: 13:00-16:00 Room: Oak Alley SUNDAY, JUNE 26 - 9:00-17:00 CARMA Workshop: An Introduction to Multi-level Analysis Chair: Robert J. Vandenberg, University of Georgia Time: 9:00-17:00 Room: Maurepas Pre-registration is required for this free workshop. AIB Board Meeting

AIB Executive Board Members only.

30 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 MONDAY, JUNE 27 MONDAY, JUNE 27 - 9:00-16:00

Session 0.3 - Pre-Conference Workshop Time: 9:00-16:00 MONDAY, JUNE 27 - 7:30-8:45 Room: Maurepas AIB/Sheth Doctoral Student Consortium Time: 7:30-8:45 Chairs: Jennifer Oetzel, American University and Chang Room: Waterbury Ballroom Hoon Oh, Simon Fraser University

Community Engagement Event 1: Inspirational Seminar on New Orleans Pre-admitted participants only. Lunch is provided.

Faculty Panel: Remembering Post-Katrina Reconstruction of New Ruth V. Aguilera, Northeastern University Orleans Community: What can AIB Scholars Learn? Farok Contractor, Rutgers University Lieutenant General Russel Honoré will discuss emergency Miguel A. Ramos, University of Texas at Dallas preparedness as well as post disaster recovery. As leader of Nan Jia, University of Southern California Task Force Katrina, Lt. General Honoré, also known as Seung-Hyun Lee, University of Texas at Dallas "Category 5 General" managed the recovery efforts in the Rajneesh Narula, University of Reading aftermath of the hurricane that struck the Gulf Coast in the Jennifer Oetzel, American University summer of 2005. Chang Hoon Oh, Simon Fraser University

Open to all AIB members, but an online RSVP is kindly Jonas F. Puck, WU Vienna requested. Carol Reade, San Jose State University Rudolf R. Sinkovics, University of Manchester Catherine Welch, University of Sydney ✪The Community Engagement Day is sponsored by the Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University.

✪The Doctoral Student Consortium is sponsored by the Madhuri and Jagdish N. Sheth Foundation. MONDAY, JUNE 27 - 9:00-15:00

Session 0.4 - Pre-Conference Workshop Time: 9:00-16:00 Session 0.2 - Pre-Conference Workshop Time: 9:00-15:00 Room: Borgne Room: Oak Alley AIB Junior Faculty Consortium JIBS/AIB Paper Development Workshop Chairs: Aya Chacar, Florida International University and Chairs: John Cantwell, Rutgers University and Petra Jiatao Li, Hong Kong University of Science and Christmann, Rutgers University Technology

Pre-admitted participants only. Lunch is provided. Pre-admitted participants only. Lunch is provided.

✪The JIBS/AIB Paper Development Workshop is sponsored Faculty Panel: by the D'Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University University. Elitsa Banalieva, Northeastern University Alvaro Cuervo Cazurra, Northeastern University Nandini Lahiri, Temple University Dan Li, Indiana University Marjorie A. Lyles, Indiana University Shige Makino, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Klaus Meyer, CEIBS Gongming Qian, Chinese University of Hong Kong Malika Richards, Penn State University - Berks Grazia D. Santangelo, University of Catania Michael A. Witt, INSEAD

✪The Junior Faculty Consortium is sponsored by the Boeing Institute at Saint Louis University.

The locus of global innovation 31 MONDAY, JUNE 27 - 7:30-15:30 MONDAY, JUNE 27 - 16:00-17:00

Session 0.5 - Pre-Conference Workshop Time: 7:30-15:30 Time: 16:00-17:00 Room: Nottoway New Members Welcome Event AIB Chapter Leadership Workshop

AIB would like to welcome all new AIB members into our AIB Executive Board Members, AIB Chapter Chairs and community. President Rosalie Tung, other Board members, designated representatives only. past presidents, and Fellows will be present to welcome and meet our new members.

MONDAY, JUNE 27 - 12:30-15:00 ✪The New Members Welcome event is sponsored by the Fox School of Business at Temple University. Time: 12:30-15:00 Community Engagement Event 2: Visit to the MONDAY, JUNE 27 - 17:15-19:30 Port of New Orleans Session 0.8 - Plenary Time: 17:15-19:30 The Port of New Orleans is the sixth-largest port in the United Room: Napoleon AB States on volume of cargo handled. It has the longest wharf in AIB 2016 Opening Plenary the world, 2.01 miles (3.4 km) long and can accommodate 15 Chair: Charles Dhanaraj, IMD vessels at one time. During the visit, a coordinator from the port will escort the group and explain different operations of the port. The tour will be for about one and half hours. The opening session of the AIB 2016 New Orleans meeting will begin with an official welcome, followed by presentations Pre-registration was required and the tour is now sold out. for the three Fellows' Awards: - International Educator of the Year: Joseph Aoun, President ✪ of Northeastern University The Community Engagement Day is sponsored by the - John Fayerweather Eminent Scholar Award: Kathleen M. Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University. Eisenhardt, Stanford University - International Executive of the Year: Indra K. Nooyi, Chairman and CEO, PepsiCo Time: 12:30-15:00

Community Engagement Event 3: Visit to Social Keynote Speaker: Innovation Lab "Propeller" Indra K. Nooyi, Chairperson and CEO, PepsiCo

Panel Discussion: "Propeller is a New Orleans based nonprofit social Ravi Ramamurti, Northeastern University entrepreneurship incubator and accelerator. They support Paul W. Beamish, Western University startups in four sectors: Food security, Water Management, Rosalie L. Tung, Simon Fraser University Healthcare and Educational Equity. Since 2011, the nonprofit Indra K. Nooyi, Chairperson and CEO, PepsiCo supported 90 new ventures in these sectors. During the visit, the participants would be able to meet some of the startups and get to know about the overall function of the organization. The tour will be for about one and half hours. Please visit MONDAY, JUNE 27 - 19:30-21:00 Propeller website for more information. Time: 19:30-21:00 Pre-registration is required. Please see AIB 2016 Community Room: Napoleon CD Engagement Iniatives for more information. Presidential Reception

✪The Community Engagement Day is sponsored by the Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University. The Presidential Reception, celebrating the opening of the 2016 AIB Conference will take place at the Napoleon CD. Smart casual attire is recommended.

32 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Session 1.1.2 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 TUESDAY, JUNE 28 Track: 9 - Emerging Markets Room: Borgne Governance Mechanisms in Emerging Economies TUESDAY, JUNE 28 - 8:00-8:45 Chair: Nan Jia, University of Southern California

Time: 8:00-8:45 Institutional Development and Family Firms in Emerging Markets Fellows Café I Luis Alfonso Dau, Northeastern University Saptarshi Purkayastha, IIM Kozhikode Start the day with a set of small group discussions hosted by Kimberly A. Eddleston, Northeastern University an AIB Fellow, focused on an IB topic of current and mutual interest. This event is open to all conference participants. Friends in the Right Places: Board Connections and Institutional Change Laura Gasiorowski, Temple University How Does a Multinational Company’s Home Country Matter? Susan Feinberg, Temple University (Room: Evergreen) Alvaro Cuervo Cazurra, Northeastern University Jun Ito, Temple University Can We Really Tell Public from Private Firms in Emerging Evolution at the Top: Multi-Dimensional Institutional Reforms Markets? (Room: Crescent) and Board Human and Social Capital in Emerging Markets Jean-Francois Hennart, Tilburg University Bersant Hobdari, Copenhagen Business School Victor Zitian Chen, University of North Carolina at International Growth in Family-Owned Firms: Where Do They Charlotte Differ and Why? (Room: Ellendale) Pei Sun, Fudan University Jose R. de la Torre, Florida International University Jerry Goodstein, Washington State University What is the Future of International Investment Agreements? The Impact of Institutions in Influencing IPO Firm Voluntary (Room: Edgewood A) Disclosure of CEO Salary Karl Sauvant, Columbia University Bruce Allen Hearn, University of Sussex Jean J. Boddewyn, Baruch College - CUNY Lars Oxelheim, Lund University On the Measurement of Culture (Room: Estherwood) Trond Randoy, University of Agder Timothy Devinney, University of Leeds Session 1.1.3 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 11 - Strategy, Alliances, Acquisitions Room: Maurepas TUESDAY, JUNE 28 - 9:00-10:15 Managing MNC-Subsidiary Relationships Chair: Gabriel R. G. Benito, BI Norwegian Business School Session 1.1.1 - Panel Time: 9:00-10:15 Special Session Room: Napoleon AB Does Subsidiary Embeddedness Determine Subsidiary Globalizing Education: Challenges, Strategy? Evidence from the Information and Communication Technology Industry Opportunities, and the AIB (AIB Fellows' Marina Papanastasiou, Middlesex University International Educator of the Year Special Shasha Zhao, Middlesex University Session) Ioanna Constantiou, Copenhagen Business School Chair: Raj Aggarwal, University of Akron Emma Ball, Middlesex University Zainab Kazim, Middlesex University Panelists: A Subsidiary Perspective on Organizing Costs in Multinational Joseph Aoun, President, Northeastern University; 2016 Corporations: The Roles of Distance, Coordination, and AIB Educator of the Year Relationship Atmosphere Raj Aggarwal, University of Akron Randi Lunnan, BI Norwegian Business School Sidney Gray, University of Sydney Sverre Tomassen, BI Norwegian Business School Robert Grosse, Thunderbird School of Global Ulf Andersson, Mälardalen University Management Gabriel R. G. Benito, BI Norwegian Business School Srilata Zaheer, University of Minnesota The Sequential Response Process to Institutional Duality in

MNC Subsidiaries Alison Holm, Vienna University of Economics and Business Phillip Nell, WU Vienna Patricia Renee Klopf, WU Vienna Benoit Decreton, Vienna University of Economics and Business

The locus of global innovation 33 Making Transfers Happen: Headquarters Transfer Management and Its Influence on Subunit Commitment and Session 1.1.6 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Assimilation Capacity Track: 10 - Operations and SCM Room: Bayside C Olof Lindahl, Uppsala University Henrik Dellestrand, Uppsala University Global Supply Management Chair: Anthony Goerzen, Queen's University

Session 1.1.4 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Oak Alley Bottom-Up Collaborative Capability Development: Dynamics of Inter-Organizational Routines in Emerging Market Sourcing Cultural Intelligence and Intercultural Lutz Kaufmann, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Competency Management Chair: David Ralston, Florida International University Felix Reimann, Korea University Tobias Kosmol, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Understanding the Role of Cultural Intelligence in Individual Management Creativity Relational Embeddedness and Supply Flexibility: The Dilek G. Yunlu, Northeastern Illinois University Moderating Role of Proactiveness and Culture Differences Rachel Clapp-Smith, Purdue University Calumet Matevz Raskovic, University of Ljubljana Margaret Shaffer, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Anuska Ferligoj, University of Ljubljana How Do Previous International Experiences Influence Future Davor Vuchkovski, University of Ljubljana International Careers? The Role of Global Identity Jan C. Fransoo, Eindhoven University of Technology Eren Akkan, IESE Business School Mediation between Organizational Aspirations for Adjusting Yih-Teen Lee, IESE Business School Compliance with a Minimum Social Standard: Evidence from B. Sebastian Reiche, IESE Business School Emerging Market Suppliers Leveraging Short-Term International Mobility for Intercultural Marc Mueller, University of St. Gallen Competence Development Joerg S. Hofstetter, University of St. Gallen Franziska Bergdolt, University of Bamberg Anthony Goerzen, Queen's University Determinants of Transnational Social Capital: Opportunity- Investment-Ability Perspective Session 1.1.7 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Orly Levy, IMD Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Southdown Maury Peiperl, Cranfield University Cyril Bouquet, IMD The Role of Social Ties in International Karsten Jonsen, IMD Entrepreneurship Chair: Spiros Batas, University of Northampton Session 1.1.5 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 1 - Innovation and the MNE Room: Nottoway Social Ties and Venture Creation by Transnational Entrepreneurs (TEs) Global Innovation and Emerging Market Sarika Pruthi, San Jose State University Multinationals Mike Wright, Imperial College London Chair: Dawn L. Keig, Whitworth University Exploring Guanxi Use by Internationalizing SMEs in China Man Zhang, Bowling Green State University Does Chinese FDI into Europe Facilitate Intangible Strategic Janet Hartley, Bowling Green State University Asset Creation? John Robert Anderson, University of Northern Iowa Qian Gao, Anhui University Dylan Sutherland, Durham University Zhengyu Huang, Laishang County Bank Sean Severe, Drake University Comprehending the Internationalization Process of INVs: the Role of Network Closure and Structure and Their Interrelation Leviathan as an Inventor: Leader or Laggard? Patenting with the Three Roles of Social Capital Intensity, Originality, and Impact in State-Owned Multinational Spiros Batas, University of Northampton Firms Felipe Monteiro, INSEAD Tanja Leppäaho, Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics Sergio Lazzarini, Insper Mahmoud Abdel Khalik, University of St. Andrews Luiz Mesquita, Arizona State University Aldo Musacchio, Brandeis University

Reverse Knowledge Transfer in Emerging Market MNEs: The Role of Multiple Embeddedness Maite Alves Bezerra, University of Reading Rajneesh Narula, University of Reading Felipe Mendes Borini, PMDGI/ESPM Export-Led Innovation: The Role of Export Destinations Claudio Fassio, CIRCLE, University of Lund

34 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Session 1.1.8 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Distinguishing Social Businesses: Three Dimensions of Social Track: 6 - Institutions and Innovation Room: Oakley Entrepreneurship Anna Svirina, Kazan National Research Technical Institution, Organization, Learning and University International Expansion Adela McMurray, RMIT University Chair: Li Dai, Western University Session 1.1.10 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Paradoxical Thinking, Top Management Team Job-Related Track: 7 - Governments, Non-market Strategies Room: Gallier B Diversity and Organizational Innovation Dealing with Corruption in Host Countries: New Guoguang Wan, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Challenges and New Perspectives Chair: Michael A. Sartor, Queen's University Jiatao Li, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Liangding Jia, Nanjing University Corporate Tax Compliance Decision in Transition Economies Dequan Jiang, Wuhan University Seung-Hyun Lee, University of Texas at Dallas Yongjian Shen, Nanjing University of Finance and Omer N. Gokalp, Suffolk University Economics Jinsil Kim, University of Texas at Dallas Exploration of Many Unknowns by Adventurous Foreign Direct Host Market Corruption and Foreign Subsidiary Investments in Investment Emerging Markets Michal Zdziarski, Warsaw University Michael A. Sartor, Queen's University Justyna Swiatowiec-Szczepanska, Poznan University of Economics Bribery Behavior of State Owned Enterprises Noman Ahmed Shaheer, University of South Carolina Lukasz Malys, Poznan University of Economics Sali Li, University of South Carolina Mike Troilo, University of Tulsa Jingtao Yi, Renmin University of China Quality of Governance and Inward FDI: Does Within-Country Heterogeneity Matter? Sovereign Wealth Funds' Internationalization Strategies: The Davide Castellani, Henley Business School Use of Investment Vehicles Vittoria Giada Scalera, University of Amsterdam Roberto Basile, Seconda Università di Napoli Samuele Murtinu, Catholic University of Milan Riccardo Crescenzi, London School of Economics Simona Iammarino, London School of Economics Session 1.1.11 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Liability of Foreignness in IPO firms: Duration, the 2008 Global Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Edgewood B Financial Crisis, and Mitigating Factors Christina H. Tupper, Old Dominion University Cultural Variation and Friction Orhun Guldiken, Old Dominion University Chair: Ramya Tarakad Venkateswaran, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Session 1.1.9 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Cross-Country and Cross-Industry Differences in Workplace Track: 4 - Social Innovation Room: Gallier A Practices Andre van Hoorn, University of Groningen Fostering Innovation and Poverty Alleviation at the Base of the Pyramid Cultural Friction in Foreign Entry through the Lens of Chair: Valentina Marano, Northeastern University Acculturation: A Multi-Level Study of Dimension Interactions Ramya Tarakad Venkateswaran, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta Assessing the Effectiveness of Microcredit for Poverty Oded Shenkar, Ohio State University Alleviation: An Alternative Approach to Avoid Research in a Vacuum A Comparative Analysis of Constitutions in View of Differences Frithjof Arp, Nottingham University Business School China in National Organizational Culture Eyal Yaniv, Bar Ilan University Alvin Ardisa, Nottingham University Business School

Shifting the Locus of Innovation to Stakeholders: Lessons from IFC Projects Session 1.1.12 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 Lite Nartey, University of South Carolina Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Evergreen Hildy Jean Teegen, University of South Carolina Boundary Spanning by Foreign Representatives to MNC as a Workplace Impoverished Regions: A Mixed Methods Quantitative and Chair: Romie Frederick Littrell, Auckland University of Qualitative Approach Technology Skylar Rolf, University of Nebraska - Lincoln Subrata Chakrabarty, University of Texas at El Paso Estimating the Determinants of Executive-Subsidiary Matches Marketa Rickley, University of Iowa

The locus of global innovation 35 The Success of a Cultural Misfit Relational and Knowledge Motives of Offshore Outsourcing Farah Yasmine Shakir, IESE Business School and Effectiveness of Value Creation Mikael Søndergaard, Aarhus University Debmalya Mukherjee, University of Akron Steven Ash, University of Akron MNE Employees' Perception and International Orientation as Predictors of Job Satisfaction The Global Expansion of Family Firms: Propositions Derived Kushal Sharma, ESSEC Business School from Eight Case Histories Jean-Luc Cerdin, ESSEC Business School Jose R. de la Torre, Florida International University Jon I. Martinez, Universidad de los Andes Exploring the Spirituality-Meaningfulness-Engagement Relationship: A Cross-cultural Analysis Simone Meskelis, University of Dallas Session 1.1.14 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 Sri Beldona, University of Dallas Track: 16 - Teaching IB Room: Ellendale J. Lee Whittington, University of Dallas Enriching IB Courses Organizational Cultural Convergence and Crossvergence for Chair: Andrew Delios, National University of Singapore the Subsidiary's Local Market Innovation: An Empirical Study of Japanese Subsidiaries in Emerging Markets Learning about Other Cultures: Let's Go to the Movies Koichi Nakagawa, Osaka University Alan Wright, Southern Arkansas University Kazumi Tada, Kindai University Hiroyuki Fukuchi, Toyo Gakuen University Integrating Reflection Assignments into Faculty-Led Study Tomomi Imagawa, Osaka University Abroad: Making the Most of Transformative Opportunities Michelle L. Reina, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor How We Do Things Around Here: The Relationship between Roger L. Russell, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Societal Values, Beliefs, and Ideal Organizational Culture Catherine Tina Kwantes, University of Windsor Enhancing the Global Mindset of College Students: Initial Cheryl Ann Boglarsky, Human Synergistics, Inc. Evidence from a First Course in International Sarath A. Nonis, Arkansas State University Job Satisfaction and Institutional Distance: Far from Eye Far Clint Relyea, University of Maine from Heart Gwyneth Edwards, HEC Montréal Using a Simulation in Integrative Learning: Insights from an Abdulrahman Chikhouni, Mount Royal University Undergraduate Capstone in International Business Joan Marie Lofgren, Aalto University Rick Molz, Concordia University Andres Ramirez, Bryant University

Session 1.1.13 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 The Game Track: 11 - Strategy, Alliances, Acquisitions Room: Estherwood Toon Larsson, Mälardalen University Angelina Sundström, Mälardalen University Multinational Firms and Global Strategy Teaching and Learning International Business through Global Chair: Hemant Merchant, University of South Florida St. Virtual Teams (GVTS): The Case of X-Culture Challenge Petersburg Bindu J. Vyas, King's College London

A Guiding Beacon or a Burning Torch: Role of Emerging- Session 1.1.15 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 Market Multinationals' Leadership Style in Organizational Track: 3 - Future of the MNE Room: Edgewood A Ambidexterity and Targets' Employee Psychological Safety in Global Acquisitions Internalizing Knowledge in Emerging Markets Rekha Rao-Nicholson, University of the West of England Chair: Roger Strange, University of Sussex Zaheer Khan, University of Sheffield Hemant Merchant, University of South Florida St. The Moderating Role of Group Affiliation on the Petersburg Internationalization of Firms from Latin America Shlomo Yedidia Tarba, University of Birmingham Cláudia Frias Pinto, Fundação Getulio Vargas - EAESP Pervaiz Akhtar, University of Hull Manuel Portugal Ferreira, Uninove - Universidade Nove de Julho & Instituto Politécnico de Leiria The Relationship between International Diversification and Performance and the Role of Firm Resources Maria Tereza Fleury, Fundação Getulio Vargas - EAESP Nejat Capar, Meliksah University Dan Li, Indiana University Multinationality and Performance: A Longitudinal Assessment Untangling the Link Between IFDI and OFDI - the Role of of S-Curve Theory Social Network and International Experience Seong-Bong Lee, Seoul Women's University Tao Bai, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Masaaki Kotabe, Temple University Jianwen Zheng, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Albert H. Yoon, US Bureau of Economic Analysis An Opportunity Based View of Internationalization - Evidence Managing Complex MNEs: Structural Attributes of the MNE from Gems and Jewelry Sector in an Emerging Market and Expatriation Strategies Venkatesh Kambla, IIM Bangalore Jongmin Lee, University of Reading S Raghunath, IIM Bangalore Sumit K. Kundu, Florida International University

36 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Reverse Knowledge Flow in Emerging Economy Multinationals - Role of Network Embeddedness and Absorptive Capacity TUESDAY, JUNE 28 - 13:00-14:15 Nivisha Singh, Indian Institute of Management, Indore Prashant Salwan, Indian Institute of Management, Indore Session 1.3.1 - Panel Time: 13:00-14:15 An Integration of Knowledge Transfer and Strategy in Track: 7 - Governments, Non-market Strategies Room: Napoleon AB Emerging Economy MNEs. Joan Lilian Ogendo, Catholic University of Eastern Africa The Future of Globalization and the Multinational Corporation Transfer of Tacit Knowledge in Multinational Service Firms Chair: Pankaj Ghemawat, IESE Pavlina Jasovska, University of South Australia Ying Guo, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Hussain Rammal, University of Technology Sydney Panelists: Pankaj Ghemawat, IESE Steven A. Altman, New York University TUESDAY, JUNE 28 - 10:15-10:45 Geoffrey Jones, Harvard Business School B. Sebastian Reiche, IESE Business School Time: 10:15-10:45 Room: Napoleon CD Session 1.3.2 - Panel Time: 13:00-14:15 Track: 3 - Future of the MNE Room: Borgne Coffee Break What Do We Know about Location of MNE Refreshments will be provided for conference participants at Headquarters? the Napoleon CD. Chair: Torben Pedersen, Bocconi University

Panelists: Alain Verbeke, University of Calgary TUESDAY, JUNE 28 - 10:45-12:00 Gabriel R. G. Benito, BI Norwegian Business School Klaus Meyer, CEIBS Session 1.2 - Plenary Time: 10:45-12:00 Christian Geisler Asmussen, Copenhagen Business Special Session Room: Napoleon AB School Steve Tallman, University of Richmond Conference Theme Plenary: The Locus of Global Innovation Session 1.3.3 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Chair: Charles Dhanaraj, IMD Track: 9 - Emerging Markets Room: Maurepas

Emerging Economies and Foreign Market Entry Panelists: Chair: Christos Antoniou, University of Leeds Kathleen M. Eisenhardt, Stanford University

Yves Doz, INSEAD Vijay Govindarajan, Dartmouth College How Institutional and Transaction Cost Influences Affect George S. Yip, CEIBS and Imperial College London MNEs After Entry Andre van Hoorn, University of Groningen The Partnership Strategy of IJVs in Europe - From the Institutional Perspective TUESDAY, JUNE 28 - 12:00-13:00 Yi Yang, Yonsei University Palitha Konara, University of Huddersfield Time: 12:00-13:00 How Adopting Competence-Creating Organizational Forms Room: Napoleon CD Abroad Affects MNE Innovation at Home: Indian EMNEs in the Lunch Biopharmaceutical Industry Pooja Thakur-Wernz, Virginia Tech University John Cantwell, Rutgers University A light lunch will be provided for conference participants at the Shantala Samant, Virginia Tech University Napoleon CD. When Does Culture Matter? A Multilevel Study on the Impact of Situational-Moderators and Influence of National Culture Time: 12:00-13:00 When Seeking Cross-Border Ownership Equity Room: Borgne Ramya Tarakad Venkateswaran, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta JIBS Editorial Board Meeting

JIBS Editorial Board Members Only.

The locus of global innovation 37 Session 1.3.4 - Panel Time: 13:00-14:15 Special Session Room: Oak Alley Session 1.3.7 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Southdown How to Review and Why It's Good for You Chairs: Ilya Cuypers, Singapore Management University Self-Initiated Expatriation and Jesper Edman, Hitotsubashi University Chair: Saba Colakoglu, Berry College Discussant: Alvaro Cuervo Cazurra, Northeastern University "A Promise Made Is a Debt Unpaid": Self-Initiated Expatriates'

Psychological Contracts, Behaviors, and Cross-Cultural Panelists: Adjustment Ilya Cuypers, Singapore Management University Alexei Koveshnikov, Aalto University Jesper Edman, Hitotsubashi University Heidi Wechtler, Macquarie University Bo Bernhard Nielsen, University of Sydney Igor Kalinic, University of Leeds Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost: Selfinitiated Expatriate Success, Failure and Adjustment Session 1.3.5 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Heidi Wechtler, Macquarie University Track: 11 - Strategy, Alliances, Acquisitions Room: Nottoway Alexei Koveshnikov, Aalto University International Alliances and Contracts: Where Is the 'Initiative' in Research on Self-Initiated Multidisciplinary Perspectives Expatriates? Chair: Malika Richards, Penn State University - Berks Maike Andresen, University of Bamberg Thomas Hippler, University of Essex Choosing an Appropriate Alliance Governance Mode: The To Go or Not to Go: Insights Into Family, Societal and Career Role of Institutional, Cultural and Geographical Distance in Pressures on Indian Information Technology (It) Women Who International Research & Development (R&D) Collaborations Accept International Assignments Jeongho Choi, St. John Fisher College Dhara Shah, Griffith University Farok Contractor, Rutgers University Michelle Barker, Griffith University The Power of Distance: Systemic Risk, Local Risk, and Geographic Distance in Interorganizational Partnerships Session 1.3.8 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Sinziana Dorobantu, New York University Track: 5 - Governance and Policy Room: Oakley Jakob Müllner, WU Vienna The Relationship between Institutional Network Centrality, Prior Ties, Experience and Forming Environment and the Firm Alliances with Foreigners: Evidence from the Venture Capital Chair: Renate Kratochvil, Vienna University of Economics Industry in China and Business Jing Zhang, Old Dominion University

Strategic versus Conventional Contracting with Foreign Intermediaries: A Contingency Approach Institutional Constraints, Firm Resources and Bent Petersen, Copenhagen Business School Internationalization of Chinese Firms Fangrong Li, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Kim Oestergaard, University of Southern Denmark Institutions and Foreign Direct Investment: A Meta-Analytic Session 1.3.6 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Review Nicholas James Bailey, University of Northern Iowa Track: 2 - Geographic Scope and Innovation Room: Bayside C Who Eases Fiscal Downturn from Greenhouse Gas Global Innovation and Emerging Economies Emissions? The Moderating Role of Corporate Governance Chair: Jaeyong Song, Seoul National University Seonghoon Kim, Seoul National University

Tae Woo Roh, Soonchunhyang University R&D of Multinational Subsidiaries in Emerging Economies Jootae Kim, Dankook University Quyen Nguyen, University of Reading Private Equity in Clean Technology: An Exploratory Study of Catch-Up of Latecomer Firms from Emerging Economies - the the Finance-Innovation-Policy Nexus Role of Learning Florian Täube, Université libre de Bruxelles Sangeeta Ray, University of Sydney Florian Schock, PricewaterhouseCoopers AG Pradeep Kanta Ray, University of New South Wales Michael Migendt, TeamBank AG Vikas Kumar, University of Sydney Paschen von Flotow, Sustainable Business Institute Outward Foreign Direct Investment and Home Country Friedemann Polzin, Utrecht University Diversification: Evidence from Chinese Firms Shu Yu, National University of Singapore Capability Building and Innovation in the Offshore IT Services Industry in India Vinod K. Jain, University of Maryland (Former)

38 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30

Session 1.3.9 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Session 1.3.11 - Special Session Time: 13:00-14:15 Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Gallier A Special Session Room: Edgewood B Ownership Influences on International Special Session of AJBS Best Papers Entrepreneurship Chair: Tom Roehl, Western Washington University Chair: Antonio Majocchi, University of Pavia The Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS) travels The Impact of Private Equity Ownership and Institutions on with AIB and meets on the day before the AIB conference. Founder Retention as CEO at IPO in Emerging Economies This session includes the best papers presented at this year's Bruce Allen Hearn, University of Sussex AJBS conference, studying the Japanese business system Igor Filatotchev, Cass Business School and its economic, so Interaction between External Managers and Family Ownership in SME Internationalization Should Japanese Multinationals Change Their Original Alfredo D'Angelo, Catholic University of Sacred Heart Business Style in Emerging Markets? Antonio Majocchi, University of Pavia Koichi Nakagawa, Osaka University Trevor Buck, University of Glasgow Mitsuru Nakagawa, Japan University of Economics Hiroyuki Fukuchi, Toyo Gakuen University The Effect of CEO Compensation Structure on the Early Masato Sasaki, Hitotsubashi University Internationalization of Newly Public Firms Kazumi Tada, Kindai University Heejin Woo, California State University, Fullerton Localization, Economic Distance, and Subsidiary Performance Session 1.3.10 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Naoki Ando, Hosei University Track: 16 - Teaching IB Room: Gallier B Foreign Subsidiary Motive/Function as a Moderator in Cultural Distance and Foreign Subsidiary Ownership Structure Trends in IB Education Relationships Chair: Francis Daniel Nina, University of Puerto Rico K. Skylar Powell, Western Washington University Eunah Lim, ISCTE-IUL Chinese Students' Preferences for Postgraduate Programs in International Business Session 1.3.12 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Xia "Anna" Chen, Ningbo University Track: 13 - International Marketing Room: Evergreen Michal Lemanski, Nottingham University Business School China Management and Strategy Rajan Lamuel Gaikwad, Nottingham University Business Chair: Benjamin Bader, Leuphana University of Lüneburg School China Attributes that Might Increase Perceived Teaching Four Models for the Globalisation of Health Care: Alternative Effectiveness in Business Schools: an International Approaches to International Marketing Comparative Study Erik A. Borg, Sodertorn University Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Universidad EAFIT P.M. Rao, Long Island University, Post Campus Earl Simendinger, University of Tampa Conceptualizing Cross-Border Differences in MNC Apologies Abdul-Nasser El-Kassar, Lebanese American University as a Strategic Response to Culture John Crawford, Lipscomb University Eric Samuel Rhodes, University of Hawaii at Manoa Stephanie Thomason, University of Tampa The Study of Small Business Internet Commerce Judson Carter Edwards, Troy University Entrepreneurial Process—A Perspective of Entrepreneurial Philippe Reynet, Kedge Business School Marketing Björn Kjellander, Jönköping International Business School Wen-Chiung Chou, Kainan University U.S. Business Needs for International Expertise by Functional Ying-Yu (Kerri) Chen, National Dong Hwa University Business Discipline Export Pricing Decisions in SMEs: Theory and Practice Shirley J. Daniel, University of Hawaii at Manoa Andrea Setti, University of Pavia Ben L. Kedia, University of Memphis Birgit Hagen, University of Pavia Zhou Chen, University of Hawaii at Manoa Jorma Larimo, University of Vaasa Fujiao Xie, University of Hawaii at Manoa Global International Marketing Strategy and International Doing Business in - How to Bridge the Cultural Gap through Performance: The Roles of Positional Advantage, Business and Cultural Immersion: From Russia with Love Environmental Dynamism and Organizational Capabilities Alexander Settles, Rutgers University Dominic Buccieri, Cleveland State University Jieun Park, Cleveland State University

The locus of global innovation 39 Do Strategic Motives Affect Ownership Mode of Foreign Direct Good Old Fashioned Spectacles Are Not Enough for "Looking Investments (FDIs) in Emerging African Markets? Evidence at the Elephant" You Need Bifocals: Multi Methods or Single from Ghana Method in Empirical Cross Cultural Business Research in Samuel Bucklock Ato Dadzie, Ghana Institute of International Business Management and Public Administration Mikael Søndergaard, Aarhus University Key Account Managers' Competencies Critical for Effective The Portfolio Approach as an Alternative to MNE Performance in an Arab Context Headquarters-Based Measures Fawaz Baddar Alhussan, IÉSEG School of Management Dawn L. Keig, Whitworth University Faten Baddar Alhusan, Newcastle University London Lance Eliot Brouthers, Kennesaw State University Victor B. Marshall, Kennesaw State University Session 1.3.13 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Theoretical Issues in Cross-Cultural Research: Contributions, Track: 12 - Economics, Finance, Accounting Room: Estherwood Past Developments, and Future Directions Lars Matthias Jensen, Technical University of Dortmund Still Wondering about International Trade Tobias Schäfers, Technical University of Dortmund Chair: Jane Terpstra-Tong, Monash University Empirical Evidence for Response Set and Response Bias across Cultures Using Likert Scales: Data in Search of Theory Functional Upgrading in China's Export Processing Sector Romie Frederick Littrell, Auckland University of Ari Van Assche, HEC Montréal Technology Johannes Van Biesebroeck, KU Leuven Implications of Trade and Welfare in BIMSTEC: An Analytical Session 1.3.15 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Perspective Track: 7 - Governments, Non-market Strategies Room: Edgewood A Debdeep De, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology Rakesh Mohan Joshi, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade Governmental Ties: How do they Impact U.M Amin, Jamia Millia Islamia Strategy and Performance? Chair: Aldo Musacchio, Brandeis University Imports and the Survival of New Exporters in Colombia Dirk Michael Boehe, University of Adelaide Camila Souza Campus, Insper Liability of Foreignness in Public-Private Partnerships: The Naercio Naercio Menezes-Filho, Insper & University of Case of Project Finance Investments Sao Paulo Bernadine Dykes, University of Delaware Charles Edward Stevens, Lehigh University Cuba through the Looking Glass: A Study of Reform with Nandini Lahiri, Temple University Mirror Data Nichole M. Castater, Barry University Minority Government Ownership in Business Groups: Small Manuel J. Tejeda, Barry University Equity, Huge Results Wlamir Xavier, UNISUL & Eastern New Mexico University The "Lost" Trade: Ignored Factors in the EU-Japan Free Trade Rosilene Marcon, UNIVALI Agreement Negotiations H. Richard Nakamura, University of Gothenburg Political Connections and Outward Foreign Direct Investment: Claes-Göran Alvstam, University of Gothenburg A Political Pecking Order Perspective Ziliang Deng, Renmin University of China Session 1.3.14 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Jiayan Yan, Renmin University of China Track: 15 - Research Methodology in IB Room: Ellendale Public Support Incentives and Strategy of Internationalisation Miguel Matos Torres, University of Leeds Research Methods in IB Jeremy Clegg, University of Leeds Chair: Robert J. Vandenberg, University of Georgia MNEs and Corruption: The Role of Business and Political Ties on Sequential Investment Moving Towards Equivalent Data Collection Procedures in Soonkyoo Choe, Yonsei University Cross-National Research Kang Jihoon, Yonsei University Agnieszka Chidlow, University of Birmingham An Young Hoon, Yonsei University Pervez N. Ghauri, University of Birmingham Legitimacy Spillovers, Regional Political Strategies, and Beyond Mixed Methods: Toward a Better Understanding of Competitive Advantage: The Case of Chinese FDI in the East Cultural Context in Under-Researched Countries Using an African Community Emic-Etic-Emic Research Cycle Charles Edward Stevens, Lehigh University Betty Jane Punnett, University of West Indies Aloysius Newenham-Kahindi, University of Saskatchewan David Ford, University of Texas at Dallas Bella Galperin, University of Tampa Building Legitimacy in an Adverse Environment: The Case of Terri R Lituchy, CETYS Universidad Foreign Banks in India Paul Caussat, ESCP Europe

40 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Session 1.4.4 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 TUESDAY, JUNE 28 - 14:15-14:30 Track: 3 - Future of the MNE Room: Oak Alley

Time: 14:15-14:30 Ownership and Governance in Multinational Enterprises Break Chair: Geoffrey Jones, Harvard Business School

Short break to facilitate transition between sessions. No The Impact of Family Ownership on Establishment and refreshment service will be provided. Ownership Modes in Foreign Direct Investment Junichi Yamanoi, Waseda University Shigeru Asaba, Waseda University Family Firm Internationalization: Essence of Decision TUESDAY, JUNE 28 - 14:30-15:45 Liena L. Kano, University of Calgary Alain Verbeke, University of Calgary Session 1.4.1 - Panel Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 4 - Social Innovation Room: Napoleon AB When Less Family is More: Ownership in the Relationship between Internationalization and Trademarks Acquisition Social Innovation at the Base of the Pyramid: Birgit Hagen, University of Pavia Scaling Impact through Collaboration Stefano Denicolai, University of Pavia Chair: Jonathan Doh, Villanova School of Business Emilia Cubero Dudinskaya, University of Pavia Antonella Zucchella, University of Pavia Panelists: MNE Theory and the Importance of Corporate Governance Jonathan Doh, Villanova School of Business Roger Strange, University of Sussex Alnoor Ebrahim, Harvard University Ted London, University of Michigan Session 1.4.5 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Geoff Kistruck, York University Track: 9 - Emerging Markets Room: Nottoway Emerging Market Multinationals and the Drivers Session 1.4.2 - Panel Time: 14:30-15:45 of Internationalization Track: 7 - Governments, Non-market Strategies Room: Borgne Chair: William Newburry, Florida International University

FDI Spillovers & Development Chair: James Zhan, Investment and Enterprise, UNCTAD The Role of Innovativeness, Strategy, Firm Size and Context in the Multinationality-Performance Relationship: the Case of Russian MNEs Panelists: Desislava Dikova, Vienna University of Economics and Taotao Chen, Tsinghua University Business James Zhan, Investment and Enterprise, UNCTAD Anna Veselova, GSOM, St. Petersburg University Donald Lessard, MIT Do Family Ownership and Management Matter for Afonso Fleury, University of São Paulo Internationalization of Firms? Evidences from India Changqi Wu, Peking University Arindam Mondal, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta Maria Tereza Fleury, Fundação Getulio Vargas - EAESP Sougata Ray, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta Kavil Ramachandran, Indian School of Business, Session 1.4.3 - Panel Time: 14:30-15:45 Hyderabad Track: 11 - Strategy, Alliances, Acquisitions Room: Maurepas Sarada Gadepalli, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta Internationalization and Global Value Chains: The Foundations of International Business: Cross-Border Dynamics, Trends, Frontiers Investment Activity and the Presence of Both Market-Power Chair: Pavida Pananond, Thammasat University and Efficiency Effects Discussant: Alvaro Cuervo Cazurra, Northeastern Joseph Clougherty, University of Illinois at Urbana- University Champaign Jin Uk Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Panelists: Bradley Skousen, Ohio State University Pavida Pananond, Thammasat University Florian Szücs, WU Vienna University of Economics and Gary Gereffi, Duke University Business Axele Giroud, University of Manchester Emerging Market Multinational Companies and Ram Mudambi, Temple University Internationalization: The Role of Industry Internationalization Lucia Piscitello, Politechnico di Milano and Home Country Urbanization Bo Bernhard Nielsen, University of Sydney Sabina Nielsen, University of Sydney Saul Estrin, London School of Economics

The locus of global innovation 41 Session 1.4.6 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Session 1.4.8 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 15 - Research Methodology in IB Room: Bayside C Track: 6 - Institutions and Innovation Room: Oakley Holistic Approaches to Qualitative Research in Influence of Institutional Environments on IB Innovation and Knowledge Seeking Chair: Catherine Welch, University of Sydney Chair: Sinead Monaghan, Rutgers University

Institutional Capitalism and the Scope of Knowledge in the An Identity Perspective on "National Culture" in the Post- Vertical Transformation of Patented Science: University- Acquisition Organisation Fiona Moore, Royal Holloway University of London Sponsored Projects in the Biopharmaceutical Sector Tariq H. Malik, Dongbei University of Finance & International Business Research and Fuzzy Set Qualitative Economics Comparative Analysis Tao Xiang, Northeast University Ursula F. Ott, Kingston University Xiaolong Xue, Harbin Institute of Technology Rudolf R. Sinkovics, University of Manchester The Effect of Privatization on the Characteristics of Innovation Samia Ferdous Hoque, University of Manchester Marcelo Cano-Kollmann, Ohio University Breaking the Wall - Contextualization in International Business Hyacinthe Y. Somé, Université de Sherbrooke Research with a Mixed-Method Approach Niina Nummela, University of Turku A Springboard Perspective on the Political Embeddedness and Strategic Asset Seeking of a Privately Held Emerging Leila Hurmerinta, University of Turku Economy Firm: Geely's Acquisition of Volvo Cars Corporation Beyond Nation State Thinking in IB Research Bent Petersen, Copenhagen Business School Karsten Jonsen, IMD Inge Ivarsson, University of Gothenburg How Should We Judge the 'Quality' of Qualitative Research in Relational Financing and Innovation in Emerging Economies IB? A Re-Assessment of Current Criteria Sharon Poczter, Cornell University Catherine Welch, University of Sydney Aija Leiponen, Cornell University Rebecca Piekkari, Aalto University Session 1.4.9 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Session 1.4.7 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 12 - Economics, Finance, Accounting Room: Gallier A Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Southdown International Financial, Trade and Taxation Capabilities Perspective to International Issues Entrepreneurship Chair: Lars Oxelheim, Lund University Chair: Karl S.R. Warner, Edinburgh Napier University Drivers of Economic Value Added (EVA) - Based on Dynamic Capability in New Venture Internationalization: Micro- Performance of Top Global Market Value Added (MVA) Processes to Capture Value from Changes in Social Capital Corporate Deliverers Karl S.R. Warner, Edinburgh Napier University Sylwia E. Starnawska, SUNY Empire State College Marian V. Jones, University of Sheffield Bidding Behavior of Emerging Market Firms in Their Advanced Market Firm Acquisitions Business Modelling in the SME Internationalization Process Rama Krishna Reddy, University of Memphis Deirdre McQuillan, University of Bradford Ben L. Kedia, University of Memphis Pamela Sharkey Scott, National University of Ireland Vincent Mangematin, Grenoble School of Management Capital Investment, Internationalization, and Firm Performance: Evidence from Southeast Asian Countries Immigrant Share and Entrepreneurship Chaiporn Vithessonthi, Khon Kaen University Chengguang Li, University Paderborn Rodrigo Isidor, University Paderborn Network Analysis of International Trade Using Product-Level Luis Alfonso Dau, Northeastern University Lower Frequency Directed Data and Weighted Measures Yener Kandogan, University of Michigan-Flint Rudy Kabst, University Paderborn

Session 1.4.10 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Gallier B Expatriates and Cross-Cultural Adjustment Chair: Satwinder Singh, Brunel University

Cross-Cultural Adjustment and Expatriate Turnover Intentions - A Person-Environment Fit Perspective Sebastian Stoermer, University of Goettingen Albert Kräh, University of Bamberg Arno Haslberger, University of Bamberg

42 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Building Expatriate Managers' Cross-cultural Competence From Global Experiences to Global Careers: A Review and Model: Qualitative Study Based on Chinese Multinational Future Research Agenda Companies Kevin L. McKouen, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee XiaoJun Xu, Fudan University Margaret Shaffer, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee A Diary Study of Expatriate Adjustment: Collaborative B. Sebastian Reiche, IESE Business School Mechanisms of Social Support Global Talent Management: Theoretical and Empirical Secil Bayraktar, Ozyegin University Perspectives at the Micro and Meso Levels Antecedents and Outcomes of Social Network Building: An Tomas Alexander Parks, Cleveland State University Empirical Study of Western Expatriates in China Susan F. Storrud-Barnes, Cleveland State University Ying Guo, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Rajshekhar Javalgi, Cleveland State University Hussain Rammal, University of Technology Sydney Richard Reed, Cleveland State University Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago Doren Chadee, Deakin University

Session 1.4.11 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Session 1.4.13 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Edgewood B Track: 1 - Innovation and the MNE Room: Estherwood Perspectives on Internationalization Inter- and Intra-firm Knowledge Transfer Chair: Saeed Samiee, University of Tulsa Chair: Nandini Lahiri, Temple University

The Effect of New Venture Internationalization on Post-IPO Environmental Turbulence, Alliance Knowledge Transfer, and Investment Performance Innovation Performance of Emerging Multinationals Rod B. McNaughton, University of Auckland Ping Deng, Cleveland State University Fazli Wahid, University of Waterloo Yang Liu, South China University of Technology Lean Internationalization Ying Ying, Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics Erkko Autio, Imperial College London Jiang Wei, Zhejiang University Ivo Zander, Uppsala University Multidimensional Embeddedness and Global Knowledge Knowledge Cost and SME Internationalisation from a Sourcing by Overseas R&D Subsidiaries Developing Economy Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University Dimitrios Tsagdis, Kedge Business School YeonJin Park, Seoul National University Kais Mejri, IHEC Sousse Jaeyong Song, Seoul National University Jason Alexander MacVaugh, Kwansei Gakuin University SangJi Kim, Samsung Economic Research Institute The Impact of Government Equity Investment on The Impact of Relationship-Specific Investment on Innovation Internationalization: The Case of Brazil Performance of Developing Market OEM Suppliers Jean-Francois Hennart, Tilburg University Danchi Tan, National Chengchi University Hsia Hua Sheng, EAESP Jyh-Shen Chiou, National Chengchi University Jose marcos Carrera Jr., EAESP Globalizing Product Development and Knowledge Linkage: Case Study of Headquarter and Six Overseas Units of Denso Session 1.4.12 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Heejin Kim, Tohoku University Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Evergreen The Perceived Fairness of Credit and Its Implications for the Multicultural Leaders and Multinational Teams Transfer of Innovative Practices in Multinational Corporations. Chair: Davina Vora, State University of New York at New Three Case Studies from Central and Eastern Europe Paltz Michal Lemanski, Nottingham University Business School China A Conceptual Model of Multicultural Leaders in Multicultural EMNCs' Knowledge Transfer in Emerging Markets Teams Huaichuan Rui, Royal Holloway University of London Lee Martin, University of New South Wales Miao Zhang, Kingston University Bo (Jeff) Shao, RMIT University Alan Shipman, Open University Challenges and Coordination in Cross-Cultural Teams Yumei Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Ningyu Tang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Chen Zhuang, SVW

Multicultural Individuals: How They Enhance Team Creativity and Problem Solving through Engaging in Brokerage Activities Salma Raheem, London School of Economics

The Impact of Language on Team Effectiveness Ting Liu, Osaka University

Tomoki Sekiguchi, Osaka University

The locus of global innovation 43 Session 1.4.14 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Session 1.4.15 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 11 - Strategy, Alliances, Acquisitions Room: Ellendale Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Edgewood A Competitive and Corporate Strategies in an Technology Challenges of INVs from Emerging International Context Markets Chair: Peter Ping Li, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University Chair: Martina Musteen, San Diego State University

The Study of Antecedents and Consequences of Servitization The Internationalization of Small and Medium-Sized Capability: An Empirical Study of Top 1,000 Manufacturing Enterprises (SMEs) from Developing Economies Firms in Taiwan Everlyne Misati, Florida International University Ku-Ho Lin, National Chung Hsing University Fred O. Walumbwa, Florida International University Tsung-Piao Chou, National Chung Hsing University Somnath Lahiri, Illinois State University Wei-Kuo Tseng, National Chung Hsing University Sumit K. Kundu, Florida International University Chueh-Chu Ou, Corporate Synergy Development Center Emerging Differently: Empirical Examination of Entrepreneurial Sawing off Dead Branches: Proactive Divestiture and Optimism and Performance in Developing Countries Innovation Performance Shouming Chen, Tongji University Tae Woo Roh, Soonchunhyang University Arpita Joardar, Clark University Kyung Suk Lee, Seoul National University Wanrong Hou, University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley Dong Kee Rhee, Seoul National University Sibin Wu, University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley Dynamic Vision of the Implementation of Competitive The Convergence of Born Global Phenomenon with Brazilian Strategies and Their Impact in the Performance Enterprise: SME Cases: What Is the Role of National Export-Promotion Case of Study in the Agribusiness of Emerging Economies Programs? Jorge Antonio Heredia, Universidad del Pacifico Marcelo André Machado, Universidade do Vale do Rio Juan Alejandro Flores, Universidad del Pacifico dos Sinos - UNISINOS Walter Heredia, Universidad del Pacifico Diego Andrei Schuh, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS Organizational Slack and Post-Merger Performance: Evidence Diego Gaieski Lambiase, Universidade do Vale do Rio from Domestic and Cross-Border Takeovers dos Sinos - UNISINOS Konstantinos Bozos, University of Leeds Larissa Loureiro de Souza, Universidade do Vale do Rio Vassiliki Bamiatzi, University of Leeds dos Sinos - UNISINOS S. Tamer Cavusgil, Georgia State University Tomas Hult, Michigan State University High-Tech Start-Up Ecosystems in East Asian Agglomerations: Are They Different? Understanding Boundary Spanning in Information Technology Martin Hemmert, Korea University Outsourcing: An Emerging Economy Perspective Florian Kohlbacher, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Krishna Kumar Balaraman, Indian Institute of Technology, Masahiro Kotosaka, Keio University Madras Chang-Ti Loh, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Das, Indian Institute of Management, Tiruchirappalli Franz Waldenberger, DIJ Tokyo S Raghunath, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Predicting External Management Risks for China-Based Venkatesh Kambla, Indian Institute of Management, Family Businesses: An Exploratory Analysis Using the SVM Bangalore Technique Monika L. Hudson, University of San Francisco Foreign Market Selection through the PRISM of Differences Hailan Helen Yang, Shandong Jianzhu University Vinod K. Jain, University of Maryland (Former) Peixing Zhou, Shangong Jianzhu University An Exploratory Study of Factors in the Failure of an Indian Petrochemical Company Factors Leading to Early Internationalization of New Ventures Kubilay Gok, Winona State University from a Central-Eastern European Emerging Market Jurgita Sekliuckiene, Kaunas University of Technology Sameer Deshpande, University of Lethbridge Agne Matiusinaite, Kaunas University of Technology Nejat Capar, Meliksah University

Anant P. Deshpande, University of Lethbridge

Gordon Hunter, University of Lethbridge

Ozgur Demirtas, Inonu University

44 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Session 1.5.3 - Panel Time: 16:15-17:30 TUESDAY, JUNE 28 - 15:45-16:15 Track: 16 - Teaching IB Room: Maurepas

Time: 15:45-16:15 Teaching with Cases in the IB Discipline Chair: Vijaya Narapareddy, University of Denver Room: Napoleon CD

Coffee Break Panelists: Marilyn L. Taylor, University of Missouri-Kansas City Refreshments will be provided for conference participants at J. Kay Keels, Coastal Carolina University the Napoleon CD. Erica Berte, Texas Woman's University Mikael Søndergaard, Aarhus University Timothy Devinney, University of Leeds ✪This coffee break is sponsored by The University of Sydney in honor of the winner of the Best Paper Award in Research Methods. The award presentation will take place at the Session 1.5.4 - Panel Time: 16:15-17:30 Research Methods SIG Meeting, Wednesday June 29 at Special Session Room: Oak Alley 17:45-18:45 in Maurepas room. UNCTAD WIR Panel: Responsible Investment: Lessons Learnt from a Decade of Research in TUESDAY, JUNE 28 - 16:15-17:30 the Agriculture Sector Chair: Hafiz Mirza, Division on Investment and Enterprise, Session 1.5.1 - Panel Time: 16:15-17:30 UNCTAD Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Napoleon AB Panelists: AIB Women Fellows Panel Axele Giroud, University of Manchester Chair: Amanda Bullough, University of Delaware Marina Papanastasiou, Middlesex University

Heinz Tuselmann, Manchester Metropolitan University Panelists: Lorraine Eden, Texas A&M University Session 1.5.5 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Rosalie L. Tung, Simon Fraser University Track: 11 - Strategy, Alliances, Acquisitions Room: Nottoway Nakiye A. Boyacigiller, Sabanci University Patricia McDougall-Covin, Indiana University-Bloomington Cross-Border M&As: Buyers and Sellers' Marjorie A. Lyles, Indiana University Perspectives Mary Ann Von Glinow, Florida International University Chair: Benjamin Bader, Leuphana University of Lüneburg Eleanor Westney, York University Stefanie Lenway, University of St. Thomas Cross-Border M&As by Emerging Market Multinationals: A Srilata Zaheer, University of Minnesota Multiple Performance Measurement and Analysis Ruth V. Aguilera, Northeastern University Monica Yang, Adelphi University Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago Ping Deng, Cleveland State University Asset Augmentation and the Role of Recombinant Advantages Session 1.5.2 - Panel Time: 16:15-17:30 Rajneesh Narula, University of Reading Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Borgne Jongmin Lee, University of Reading Research Crowdsourcing, Data Sharing, and Post-Divestment Performance of Foreign Divested Firms Large-Scale Collaboration: Latest Palitha Konara, University of Huddersfield Developments and Opportunities in Panagiotis Ganotakis, University of Leeds International Business Studies Role of Sellers in Cross Border Acquisition Auctions Chair: Vasyl Taras, University of North Carolina at Noman Ahmed Shaheer, University of South Carolina Greensboro Yaqin Zheng, Nanjing University

Panelists: Session 1.5.6 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Vasyl Taras, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Track: 9 - Emerging Markets Room: Bayside C Charles Wankel, St. Jones University Location Choice of Emerging Market Firms Piers Steel, University of Calgary Chair: Rekha Krishnan, Simon Fraser University Ernesto Tavoletti, University of Macerata

Frank Bosco, Virginia Commonwealth University Maria Gil del Alcazar, University of North Carolina at Location Strategy of Chinese Multinationals: Path Dependence Greensboro and Home Country Institutions Soma Arora, IMT Ghaziabad Lin Li, Nottingham University Business School China Lei Li, University of Nottingham Ningbo

The locus of global innovation 45 How Does Agglomeration Affect the Entry Mode of The Dispersed Multinational: Connectedness Across Multinationals? Spatial Dimensions and Technological Search Shuna Ho, Simon Fraser University Vittoria Giada Scalera, University of Amsterdam Chang Hoon Oh, Simon Fraser University Thomas J. Hannigan, Temple University FDI-Based Entry Mode Strategies of Emerging Market Firms - Alessandra Perri, Ca’ Foscari University the Role of Host Market Contextual Conditions Does the Structural Hole Brokerage Really Dominate Mukundhan K V, Indian Institute of Management, Innovations in a Business Group Network? The Underlying Tiruchirappalli Mechanism of Internationalization and Time Effect Sreevas Sahasranamam, Indian Institute of Management, Ying-Yu (Kerri) Chen, National Dong Hwa University Kozhikode Thi Kieu Trang Do, National Dong Hwa University Emerging Markets in Central Asia: The State as Obstacle or Wei-Ren Yao, National Dong Hwa University Facilitator for Doing Business? Yung-Chih Lien, National Taiwan University Florian Täube, Université libre de Bruxelles Chin-jung Luan, National Dong Hwa University Manuel Stark, Bearing Point Wen-Chiung Chou, Kainan University Joachim Ahrens, PFH Goettingen Session 1.5.9 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Session 1.5.7 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Track: 7 - Governments, Non-market Strategies Room: Gallier A Track: 13 - International Marketing Room: Southdown Legal Institutions and International Expansion: Retailing and E-Commerce New Perspectives and New Contexts Chair: Saeed Samiee, University of Tulsa Chair: Keun Lee, Hofstra University

Private Versus Public Online Interactions and Their Impact on Effective European Antitrust: Does ED Merger Policy Generate Purchase Decisions in Different Cultures Deterrence? Agnieszka Zablocki, Vienna University of Economics and Joseph Clougherty, University of Illinois at Urbana- Business Champaign Bodo Schlegelmilch, Vienna University of Economics and Tomaso Duso, DIW Berlin and DICE, Heinrich-Heine Business University Miyu Lee, Humboldt University Berlin Influence Factors on the Market Selection of Online Retailers - Jo Seldeslachts, DIW Berlin, KU Leuven, and Univ. A Dynamic Perspective Amsterdam Matthias Schu, University of Fribourg Dirk Morschett, University of Fribourg Dealing with Institutional Entry Barriers: How Does Hanna Schramm-Klein, University of Siegen Antidumping Protection Impact the Scope of the Firm Lin Zhang, Peking University Motivators, Inhibitors and Moderators of Cross-Border Online Changqi Wu, Peking University Shopping Hanna Schramm-Klein, University of Siegen International Standards Certification and Exports from Gerhard Wagner, University of Siegen Developing Country Firms Leo Sleuwaegen, KU Leuven Matthias Schu, University of Fribourg Micheline Goedhuys, UNI/ International Transfer and Perception of Retail Formats. An Inter- and Intra-Format Comparison Study in Germany, France Institutional Origins of WOFs Formal Contracting: A Judicial and Romania Arbitrariness Perspective Lukas Morbe, Trier University George White, Old Dominion University Bernhard Swoboda, Trier University Thomas Weber, University of Southern Indiana Dan-Cristian Dabija, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca Kaveh Moghaddam, University of Houston-Victoria Thomas Hemphill, University of Michigan-Flint

Session 1.5.8 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Session 1.5.10 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Track: 2 - Geographic Scope and Innovation Room: Oakley Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Gallier B Connectivity and Global Innovation Chair: Grazia D. Santangelo, University of Catania Challenges of Internationalization Chair: Luciano Ciravegna, King's College London

Trans-Local Connectedness and Cluster Performance in Individual International Entrepreneurial Orientation: Construct Knowledge-Intensive Industries Definition and Measurement Ari Van Assche, HEC Montréal Daniel Richard Clark, Indiana University Ekaterina Turkina, HEC Montréal International Opportunity Recognition and Innovation: The Technological Focus and Connectivity: Evidence of Newly Role of Cultural Intelligence Industrialized Countries in East Asia Melanie Lorenz, University of Alabama Ahreum Lee, Temple University R. Glenn Richey, Auburn University Eunkyung Park, Aalborg University Jase Ramsey, Saint Louis University

46 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 What are the Antecedents of an Early Internationalization? When Returnees Meet Commitment-Based HRM and Power Olli Kuivalainen, Lappeenranta University of Technology Culture: How Do They Interactively Influence Organizational Sumit K. Kundu, Florida International University Innovation of Chinese MNEs? Luis E. Lopez, INCAE Xiaoxi Chang, Rey Juan Carlos University Chenxi Wang, Renmin University of China Session 1.5.12 - Interactive Time: 16:15-17:30 Yu Zhou, Renmin University of China Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Evergreen Carmen de Pablos Heredero, Rey Juan Carlos University Yufeng Zou, Utrecht University Global HRM The Fit between Organizational and Individual Drivers for Chair: Allan Bird, Northeastern University Knowledge Sharing: A Multilevel Approach Angels Dasi, University of Valencia The Anthropological Comparative Method as a Means of Torben Pedersen, Bocconi University Analysing and Solving Pressing Issues in Global HRM Paul Gooderham, Norwegian School of Economics, Fiona Moore, Royal Holloway University of London Bergen Mary Yoko Brannen, University of Victoria Boundary Spanners or Routines? -Toward a Comparative High Performance Work Systems and Organizational Perspective on Subsidiary Staffing Strategy Performance: Examining the Impact of Societal Culture in a Chun-Ping Yeh, National Taiwan University Cross-National Study Ali Dastmalchian, Simon Fraser University Session 1.5.13 - Interactive Time: 16:15-17:30 Nicholas Bacon, City University of London Track: 10 - Operations and SCM Room: Estherwood Paul Blyton, Cardiff University Secil Bayraktar, Ozyegin University Global Value Chains Claudia Steinke, University of Lethbridge Chair: Stephan Manning, University of Massachusetts Boston Pinar Imer, Kadir Has University

Nicola McNeil, La Trobe University Werner Auer-Rizzi, Johannes Kepler Universität The Impact of Operational Flexibility and Cultural Diversity on Tuheena Mukherjee, Indian Institute of Technology MNC Subsidiary Divestment Kharagpur Seung-Hyun Lee, University of Texas at Dallas Hayat Kabasakal, Bogazici University HoWook Shin, University of Texas at Dallas Jason Huang, National Sun Yat Sen University Jeoung Yul Lee, Hongik University/Leeds University Ayman Ismail, American U in Cairo Business School Mohammad Habibi, Industral Management Institute A Process-Based View of the Integration-Responsiveness Carlotta Meo Colombo, University of Pavis Framework Ali Ahmad Bodla, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Steffen Wuetz, University of St. Gallen Thi Nam Thang, CFVG Joerg S. Hofstetter, University of St. Gallen Tim Craig, Dishisha University Anthony Goerzen, Queen's University Ningyu Tang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University A Balance between Global Integration and Local Che Ruhana Binti Isa Ghazali Bin Musa, University of Responsiveness of Business Processes Malaya Steffen Wuetz, University of St. Gallen Sedigeh Moghavami, University of Malaya Joerg S. Hofstetter, University of St. Gallen Indigenization of Staffing in MNEs: The Case of Saudi Arabia Anthony Goerzen, Queen's University Satwinder Singh, Brunel University Biomedical Manufacturing Location: Assessing Offshoring and Tamer Darwish, University of Gloucestershire Reshoring Decisions Geoffrey Wood, University of Essex Gregory Theyel, California State University, East Bay Abdullah Alanezi, Institute of Public Administration On the Efficiency of Internationalisation: How Do Firms Recruitment and Training Strategies of US and German Perceive Barriers to Direct Investment Abroad? Subsidiaries Abroad - Evidence from Switzerland Miguel Matos Torres, University of Leeds Benno Koch, University of Munich Sustainable Supply Chain Management: A Network Based Samuel Muehlemann, University of Munich Empirical Analysis About the Multinationals Influence in Austria and Three CEE Bruno de Goes, Temple University Countries in the Field of Human Resource Management: An Jose-Mauricio Geleilate, Florida International University Exploratory Qualitative Study in Four Countries Ronaldo Parente, Florida International University Barbara Covarrubias Venegas, FHWien University of Applied Sciences Katharina Thill, FHWien University of Applied Sciences Julia Domnanovich, FHWien University of Applied Sciences

József Poór, Szent István University

The locus of global innovation 47 Session 1.5.14 - Interactive Time: 16:15-17:30 A Link between the Acculturation Process and Project Track: 12 - Economics, Finance, Accounting Room: Ellendale Management Maturity Model (PMMM) in a Cross-Border M&A: A Case Study of an Acquisition of a Brazilian Firm in the New Insights on International Corporate Automobile Industry Governance Bruno de Oliveira Carvalho, Fanor - Devry Brazil Chair: Agnieszka Chidlow, University of Birmingham Mario Henrique Ogasavara, ESPM Management Practices and Export Behavior in a Transnational Context: Cross Country Evidence From Large Countries Inter Linked or Not: A Case-Study Assessment of the Business Elena Beleska-Spasova, University of Reading Evaluation Process in M&As Agnieszka Chidlow, University of Birmingham James T. Walker, University of Reading Ibne Hassan, UHY Hassan Naeem & Co Knowledge-Sharing Network Intermediary: Explaining Ties Pervez N. Ghauri, University of Birmingham with Industry Associations and Firms' Export Behaviors in an Emerging Market Disaggregated CSR Measures, Time Preferences and Cost of Yonglong Zhou, Peking University Equity Astrid Juliane Salzmann, RWTH Aachen University An Institutional Approach to Reference Group Selection of Wolfgang Breuer, RWTH Aachen University Foreign Entrants in the Least Developed Countries David Johannes Rosenbach, RWTH Aachen University Jooyoung Kwak, Yonsei University Jisun Yu, Concordia University Market for Corporate Control, Global Integration, and In Sik Shin, Yonsei University Structuring the Board for Monitoring: A Multi-Country

Investigation Young Un Kim, University of Nottingham Ningbo Salih Zeki Ozdemir, University of South Wales Efficiency Analysis of 'Good' Governance Policies in Addressing the Principal-Principal Conflict Sabrina Ferdous Saleh, University of South Carolina Marc van Essen, University of St. Gallen Tatiana Kostova, University of South Carolina CEO Compensation, Asymmetry and Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Risk Taking Incentives Clas Wihlborg, Chapman University Jianhua Zhang, University of Goteborg Hsin_Hui Chiu, California State University, Northridge Lars Oxelheim, Lund University

Session 1.5.15 - Interactive Time: 16:15-17:30 Track: 9 - Emerging Markets Room: Edgewood A Acquisition, Alliance, and Exporting Practices in Emerging Markets Chair: Arvind Parkhe, Temple University

Minority Equity Alliances and Outcome Dynamics: A Study of Why and When Chinese Firms Increase Their Stakes Jie Wu, University of Macau Matthew John Robson, University of Leeds

Re-Using Uppsala Lens in Cross-Border M&As of Emerging Legend for Symbols Used: Market: Challenging the Springboard Perspective Manish Popli, Indian Institute of Management, Indore Nominee for the Temple/AIB Best Paper Award Francisco Lemos, Uppsala University

Prashant Salwan, Indian Institute of Management, Indore Nominee for the Alan Rugman Young Scholar Award Emerging Economy Firms and Speed of International

Venturing Vikas Kumar, University of Sydney Ajai Gaur, Rutgers University Manish Popli, Indian Institute of Management, Indore

48 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Moderated by: Rosalie L. Tung, Simon Fraser University

TOWNHALLS Masaaki Kotabe, Temple University Tomas Hult, Michigan State University TUESDAY, JUNE 28 - 17:45-18:45 Session 1.6.5 - Townhall Time: 17:45-18:45 Room: Nottoway Session 1.6.2 - Townhall Time: 17:45-18:45 Room: Borgne The World is Your Classroom: Innovation in Meet the Expert: Building Research on Reverse Experiential Learning

Innovation Experiential learning is not a new topic, but the demand for courses that provide international experiences has increased This townhall provides an opportunity for scholars pursuing globally—and the faculty time required for shaping these research on innovation in emerging markets and tracking the innovative programs even more so. As institutions move innovation trajectories from emerging markets to developed towards providing more opportunities to work in cross-cultural markets. It is an opportunity for informal interactions with teams and with diverse clients in far-flung locations, Professor Govindarajan, who will share about his journey into administrators and faculty still need to outline clear learning Reverse Innovation. The interactions will focus on building objectives, rely on strong international partnerships and create some new ideas to advance the paradigm and integrate it to evaluation mechanisms that ensure that students are still scholarship on MNE innovation. learning and not just “doing”. This townhall will allow participants to learn about new innovative models that Moderated by: incorporate experiential learning in curricula, and through Vijay Govindarajan, Dartmouth College small group discussions participants will share what Ravi Ramamurti, Northeastern University pedagogical tools they found to be most effective. Participants will learn more about the role of experiential learning at mainstream Session 1.6.3 - Townhall Time: 17:45-18:45 business schools, the diverse ways institutions are working with the private sector, and the new challenges in developing a Room: Maurepas pedagogy where the process is just as (if not more) important Meet the Expert: Building Case Research as the outcome. Expertise Moderated by: Page Schindler Buchanan, COO, Global Business School This townhall provides an opportunity for informal interactions Network with a renowned case methodologist, Professor Kathy Eisenhardt. Kathy will share about his journey into case Stacey Kole, University of Chicago research and her insights on the changing nature of case Robert Sicina, American University research and its relevance for advancing the new problems that are emerging in international business. The townhall will Session 1.6.6 - Townhall Time: 17:45-18:45 be an interesting forum to gather Kathy’s insights on the Room: Bayside C growing sophistication in case research and how scholars can build their repertoire in this field. Best Practices of Incorporating the X-Culture Project in International Business Curriculum Moderated by: Kathleen M. Eisenhardt, Stanford University Catherine Welch, University of Sydney X-Culture (, launched in 2010, is gaining popularity: over 100 International Business professors from 40 countries take part in this international collaboration project Session 1.6.4 - Townhall Time: 17:45-18:45 with their 4,000 students every semester. The students from Room: Oak Alley different countries work in GVTs and complete an International Business project, learning in the process the challenges and Where does AIB Stand on Diversity and best practices of global cross-cultural collaboration. While the Inclusion? concept of X-Culture is very simple, some instructors have difficulties finding optimal ways to integrate the project in their course, devising an effective grading systems, and helping In this townhall, select AIB leaders will join with AIB members- students to fully utilize the opportunities offered by the project. at-large to examine and discuss the results of the diversity The purpose of this session is to bring together academics survey that AIB conducted in late 2015. The focal aim of the with rich X-Culture experience and those who may only be survey was to gauge the extent to which AIB members feel considering adding this experiential learning project to their included in AIB, the Organization and/or AIB Chapters to course so that they could share insights, ideas, concerns, and which they belong; their perception of barriers to full best practices and collectively develop ways to optimize the participation and contribution to the Organization or Chapters; use of experiential learning projects, including X-Culture, in and suggestions for improvement. Our goal is to seek their IB courses. feedback and suggestions on how to engender greeter inclusivity in our organization.

The locus of global innovation 49 Moderated by: Moderated by: Dawn L. Keig, Whitworth University Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, University of Groningen Alexander Assouad, Belmont University Francisco Moris, George Washington University Ernesto Tavoletti, University of Macerata Ram Mudambi, Temple University Daniel Rottig, Florida Gulf Coast University Ari Van Assche, HEC Montréal Carri Tolmie, Elon University Ramya Tarakad Venkateswaran, Indian Institute of Session 1.6.9 - Townhall Time: 17:45-18:45 Management, Calcutta Room: Gallier A Srdan Zdravkovic, Bryant University Maria Gil del Alcazar, University of North Carolina at How Smart and Connected Products are Greensboro Affecting IB Anna Svirina, Kazan National Research Technical University The current integration of the physical and digital value chain Secil Bayraktar, Ozyegin University is in many ways revolutionizing products and processes. New smart and connected products that create entirely new ways of Session 1.6.7 - Townhall Time: 17:45-18:45 serving existing needs and significantly disrupt existing Room: Southdown industry value chains are appearing. On the demand side we will see more transparency and pressure for individualized How the AIB Community Can Best Contribute products. This is made possible by simultaneous progress in to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals? many technologies like robotics, data analytics, 3-D printing, the Internet of things.

This Townhall meeting will be an open-ended discussion about Moderated by: how the multidisciplinary theoretical, research and practitioner- Torben Pedersen, Bocconi University oriented work of the AIB community can contribute to the Lucia Piscitello, Politechnico di Milano implementation and realization of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Of particular interest is how the Steve Tallman, University of Richmond AIB community can provide insight into the proper role of the private sector - particularly MNEs - in the successful Session 1.6.10 - Townhall Time: 17:45-18:45 achievement of the SDGs. Issues such as value chains, Room: Gallier B supply chains, corporate governance, knowledge transfer, human resource practices, public-private partnerships, Liability of Localness economic development and poverty alleviation all have relevance in this discussion. A vast array of cross-disciplinary scholarship is an anticipated outcome. This Townhall meeting seeks to identify the extent of the liability of localness concept. To that end, we will explore if the concept may be used in both micro and macro levels of Moderated by: analysis. Moreover, the concept has been targeted at John Raymond Dilyard, St. Francis College explaining emergent market phenomena. There is a need to Yasir Fadol, Qatar University evaluate if the concept also "travels" to developed markets. Hafiz Mirza, Division on Investment and Enterprise, UNCTAD Moderated by: Caroline Witte, Erasmus University Rotterdam Petra Christmann, Rutgers University William Newburry, Florida International University Session 1.6.8 - Townhall Time: 17:45-18:45 Luis A. Perez-Batres, Central Michigan University Room: Oakley Integrating Macro-Micro Research on FDI, Session 1.6.11 - Townhall Time: 17:45-18:45 Trade, and GVCs to Understand Cross-Border Room: Edgewood B Innovation and Connectivity Teaching International Business through Experience Recent macro research has incorporated MNEs, intra-firm trade in 'tasks' (intermediate services or intangibles), and Experiential learning is a “hot” topic in International Business outsourcing to understand cross-border innovation (Grossman and Cross-Cultural Management (IB-CCM) Education, but the & Rossi-Hansberg 2012; Keller & Yeaple 2013). Related data use of this approach is limited due to a lack of information and development efforts address GVCs, ‘world input-output’ tables understanding on what tools are available and how to (Sturgeon 2013; Timmer et al. 2014), and official statistics incorporate them in the curriculum. The proposed panel will guidance (new “R&D Globalization” chapter in OECD 2015). bring together academics who have developed and The relationship of these developments with policy (Van successfully used various experiential learning (EL) projects in Assche 2012) and IB research on micro strategy, innovation, IB education programs. The goals of the panel are to share and connectivity (Cano-Kollmann et al. 2016) have yet to be information about the existing EL projects, share experiences, discussed broadly. The Town Hall meeting seeks to address discuss challenges and best practices of using EL to improve this gap by promoting macro-micro research on global IB-CCM education, provide a networking opportunity for production and innovation networks.

50 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 academics interested in the EL approach, and discuss how Moderated by: this panel can contribute to further discussion on the role of EL Mark Ballam, San Diego State University in IB education, possibly through special issues on EL in David Sprott, Washington State University academic journals, targeted conferences and seminars, and Len Trevino, Loyola University New Orleans better research on the issue.

Session 1.6.14 - Townhall Time: 17:45-18:45 Moderated by: Room: Ellendale Douglas Chun, University of La Verne Julio Cesar Botero, Universidad de LaSalle Why do Internationalised Firms Die? Susan Forquer Gupta, Monmouth University Marc Idelson, Nottingham University In this Townhall meeting we aim to explore the contemporary Miroslaw Jarosinski, Warsaw School of Economics causes and effects of corporate cross-border insolvency Betty Jane Punnett, University of West Indies (CCBI). In the realms of international business, CCBI could be Vasyl Taras, University of North Carolina at Greensboro mediated by events experienced during the internationalization Andres Velez-Calle, Universidad EAFIT / Rutgers of the firm, which may encompass a loss of capital, loss of University revenue and loss of credit. Problems experienced that ‘drag on’ and are exacerbated by a tangled web of interconnected occurrences, like credit problems resulting from waiting for Session 1.6.12 - Townhall Time: 17:45-18:45 promised payments that never happen, accumulating unpaid Room: Evergreen bills and the accrual of situations that reduce the firm’s credit at home and abroad. The potential for small events to Beyond Bounded Rationality - Behavioral compound and morph in firms that control and manage Strategy and IB production establishments located in two (or more) countries is greater than the same potential for those that keep a domestic profile (Teece, 1985; UNCITRAL, 2014). If unaddressed, these This Townhall meeting raises the provocative question of ‘business, as usual’ issues reach a point where a viable whether we have adequately modeled the individual within IB. organisation is transformed into a dead firm… In particular, we want to explore the roles of managerial cognition, judgment and expertise in shaping the strategic direction of MNEs. There are possible intersections with firm- Moderated by: level constructs, like absorptive capacity and strategic Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Universidad EAFIT flexibility, and the cross-cultural overlay makes for very rich Miguel Matos Torres, University of Leeds research settings. We hope to trigger cross-pollination from currently disparate conversations and excite IB scholars about the possibility of making early and impactful contributions to Session 1.6.15 - Townhall Time: 17:45-18:45 the emergent behavioral strategy literature. Room: Edgewood A Creating a Diversity and Inclusion SIG at AIB Moderated by: Ilya Cuypers, Singapore Management University The goal of this townhall meeting will be to discuss the Jean-Francois Hennart, Tilburg University creation of a discuss the creation of the Diversity and Inclusion Dana Minbaeva, Copenhagen Business School Special Interest Group at AIB, with a purpose to unite the Andre Sammartino, University of Melbourne diverse range of individuals in the AIB to create opportunities work towards social justice, and to better understand diversity Session 1.6.13 - Townhall Time: 17:45-18:45 and inclusion issues in International Business through rigorous Room: Estherwood scholarship. We had a lot of support at last year’s conference gaining more than the required 30 signatures to create the Pressures and Constraints in Building or group. We hope to use this townhall to discuss what you would like to see from this SIG, to outline what we are working on so Maintaining International Business Programs far (a special issue will be our first activity, one the group is formally approved) and to move forward in the formalisation In an effort to facilitate students graduating on time, process. Please come along and be heard! undergraduate international business programs are currently experiencing pressures to reduce the number of units required Moderated by: to complete a bachelor’s degree in IB. More specifically, there Varina Paisley, University of New South Wales are pressures to remove study abroad programs, a long- standing differentiator of international business programs. Additional constraints include pressures to remove a second language requirement and international internships. These pressures have also increased the need for additional sources of funds for international business activities. We hope to evoke a discussion about how schools are handling these constraints and share this knowledge with interested colleges and universities.

The locus of global innovation 51

Session 2.1.3 - Panel Time: 9:00-10:15 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 Track: 15 - Research Methodology in IB Room: Maurepas How to Generate an Interesting Research Question WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 - 8:00-8:45 Chair: Susan Mudambi, Temple University

Time: 8:00-8:45 Panelists: Fellows Café II Susan Mudambi, Temple University David M. Reeb, National University of Singapore Adamantios Diamantopoulos, University of Vienna Start the day with a set of small group discussions hosted by an AIB Fellow, focused on an IB topic of current and mutual Cheryl Nakata, University of Illinois at Chicago interest. This event is open to all conference participants. Session 2.1.4 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Internationalization in the Service Sector: What is Distinct... Track: 13 - International Marketing Room: Oak Alley and What is Not? (Room: Ellendale) Ethnocentrism and Animosity Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago Chair: Vinod K. Jain, University of Maryland (Former) Exploring the Impact of Competitors on Firm International Strategy and Performance (Room: Evergreen) Keith D. Brouthers, King's College London The Contingent Role of Culture: Consumer Ethnocentrism in China and the U.S. TPP and TIPP: Sovereignty at Bay in the 21st Century? Jie Yang, Saint Louis University (Room: Estherwood) Jieqiong Ma, Saint Louis University Klaus Meyer, CEIBS How Can the Negative Impact of Consumer Ethnocentrism on Future Directions for Global Strategy Studies (Room: the Patronage Behaviour at Foreign Retailers be Reduced? Edgewood B) Marta Keane, University of Fribourg Steve Tallman, University of Richmond Dirk Morschett, University of Fribourg Consumer Animosity and Product Localization - A Cross- Country Study WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 - 9:00-10:15 Hui Wen Wang, National Sun Yat-sen University

Cher Min Fong, National Sun Yat-sen University Session 2.1.1 - Panel Time: 9:00-10:15 Yun Zhou Du, Anhui University of Finance & Economics Track: 3 - Future of the MNE Room: Napoleon AB Hsiao Hui Ho, Tajen University Theory of Internalization - Past, Present and Ming Ching Huang, National Sun Yat-sen University Future Vicarious Animosity: Taking Sides on Provocative Issues Chair: Sumit K. Kundu, Florida International University Peter Magnusson, University of Alabama Stanford A. Westjohn, University of Toledo Panelists: Srdan Zdravkovic, Bryant University Peter J. Buckley, University of Leeds Christos Pitelis, Brunel University Session 2.1.5 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Jean-Francois Hennart, Tilburg University Track: 11 - Strategy, Alliances, Acquisitions Room: Nottoway Alain Verbeke, University of Calgary Institutional Environment and Firm Strategies Chair: Arjen Slangen, RSM Erasmus University Session 2.1.2 - Panel Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Borgne The Double-Edged Sword of Host-Country Institutional GLOBE Project’s CEO Study of Leadership Improvement in International Expansion Behaviour Across Societies: Reactions, Moritz Putzhammer, WU Vienna Questions of Interest, Practical Applications Arjen Slangen, RSM Erasmus University and Next Steps Jonas F. Puck, WU Vienna Chair: Ali Dastmalchian, Simon Fraser University Thomas Lindner, WU Vienna The Legacy of 9/11 in International Business Research: A 15 Year Review and an Outlook Panelists: Gabriele Suder, University of Melbourne Peter Dorfman, New Mexico State University Benjamin Bader, Leuphana University of Lüneburg Mansour Javidan, Arizona State University Paul Hanges, University of Maryland Mary Sully de Luque, Arizona State University

52 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Home Market Importance, Domestic Uncertainty and Attention Allocated to International Expansion: Explaining Added Session 2.1.8 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Cultural Distance Track: 1 - Innovation and the MNE Room: Oakley Guus Hendriks, RSM Erasmus University Pursey Heugens, RSM Erasmus University Global Innovation in Emerging Markets Chair: Robert Salomon, New York University Arjen Slangen, RSM Erasmus University

Session 2.1.6 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 The Evolution of MNCs' R&D Activities in China: A Dynamic Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Bayside C Capabilities Perspective George S. Yip, CEIBS and Imperial College London Intercultural Competency and Cultural Self- Bruce McKern, University of Oxford Awareness Dominique Jolly, Webster University Chair: Toru Yoshikawa, Singapore Management University Foreign Ownership and External Knowledge Acquisition: International Subsidiaries Versus Local Firms in China Tian Wei, Fudan University Establishing a Factor Structure for Cultural Self-Awareness Zhi Yang, Huazhong University of Science and Rachel Clapp-Smith, Purdue University Calumet Technology Dilek G. Yunlu, Northeastern Illinois University Access to Local Knowledge and R&D by MNE subsidiaries in Cross-Cultural Competence and Immigrant Job Growth: A Emerging Markets Paradox of Embeddedness Anurag Sharma, University of Massachusetts Amherst Medha Satish Kumar, Simon Fraser University Mayank Sewak, University of Massachusetts Amherst Rajiv Kozhikode, Simon Fraser University Mila Lazarova, Simon Fraser University Learning Orientations and Subsidiary Mandates: An Institutional Distance Perspective How Are Migrant Employees Managed? An Integrated Indu Ramachandran, Texas State University Analysis Kim Clark, St. Mary's University Andre van Hoorn, University of Groningen Directors' Monitoring and Resource Provision: A Cross- Session 2.1.9 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 National Analysis of the Impact of Interpersonal Justice Track: 12 - Economics, Finance, Accounting Room: Gallier A Toru Yoshikawa, Singapore Management University Esther Del Brio, University of Salamanca Banking and International Financial Rosa Hernández Maestro, University of Salamanca Architecture Chair: Suparna Chakraborty, University of San Francisco Session 2.1.7 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 7 - Governments, Non-market Strategies Room: Southdown Liquidity Withdrawal and the Strategic Hoarding of Private Information: The Role of Bank Lending in International Mutual Dealing with Challenging Institutional Fund Investing Environments: Are Relationships the Key? Suparna Chakraborty, University of San Francisco Chair: Rishikesha T. Krishnan, IIM Indore Linda Allen, Baruch College - CUNY

Sonali Hazarika, Baruch College - CUNY Do MNCs Follow Flags and Products? Comparing the Role of Chih Hui (Debbie) Su, University of Saint Thomas Networks in MNC-Subsidiary Strategy in Normal and Challenging Times The Consequences of Bank Loan Growth: Evidence from Asia Chang Hoon Oh, Simon Fraser University Chaiporn Vithessonthi, Khon Kaen University Jennifer Oetzel, American University Determinants of Expected Returns at US Public Defined Better Together: Network Strategies during Economic and Benefit Pension Plans Political Transitions - Evidence from Chile Raj Aggarwal, University of Akron Marcelo Bucheli, University of Illinois at Urbana- John W. Goodell, University of Akron Champaign Erica Salvaj, Universidad del Desarrollo Session 2.1.10 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Minyoung Kim, University of Kansas Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Gallier B The Legacy of the Past: Multiple Historic Events and the Performance Implications of INV Distributions of Contemporary Inward FDI in Chinese Cities 1842-2011 Internationalization Jiangling Yi, Nanjing University Chair: Adeoye Adegorite, University of Waterloo Chenjian Zhang, University of Bath Varieties of Capitalism and Institutional Comparative Internationalization Breadth, Depth and Speed and the Advantage: A Test and Reinterpretation Renewal Capability of the Firm: a Multilevel Analysis Michael A. Witt, INSEAD Monica Riviere, ISC Business School Gregory Jackson, Free University Berlin

The locus of global innovation 53 Internet as a Risk-Coping Mechanism in SME Salary Over-Invoicing: How Much Is Really Going to Internationalisation Employee's Pocket? Jonas Eduardsen, Aalborg University Arif Mahmood, Hong Kong Baptist University Xin Yang, Hang Seng Management College Do Technology INVs Benefit from Their Pre-IPO Internationalization? The Impact of Culture and Institutions on the Selection of Fiona Xiaoying Ji, James Madison University Female CEOs: a Study of Emerging Markets Qian Mao, Kean University B. Elango, Illinois State University Hui Sono, James Madison University Designing the Board Composition and Corporate Leadership Exploring International Growth of Swiss SMEs: The Role of Structure in the Era of China's Post-Institutional Transitions Product Knowledge and Network Yong Kyu Lew, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Fiona Xiaoying Ji, James Madison University Jing Yu, China Development Bank Philipp Bubenzer, University of Applied Sciences Western Analysis of Corporate Governance Disclosure: a Study Switzerland Through BRICs Countries Rico Baldegger, University of Applied Sciences Western Marcelle Colares Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Ceará Switzerland Domenico Ceglia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Bill Wales, State University of New York at Albany do Sul Fernando Antônio da Silva Moraes Filho, M. Dias Branco Session 2.1.11 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 Sovereign Wealth Funds: Enabling the Global Factory Track: 2 - Geographic Scope and Innovation Room: Edgewood B Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan, Karlshochschule Innovation and Emerging Markets International University Chair: Nandini Lahiri, Temple University Immanuel Azaad Moonesar, Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government Bilateral FDI between Unequally-Developed Regions and Institutional Changes and Stakeholder Management: Socially Competence Convergence: A Path Dependence Logic Adaptive Strategies for Multinationals in China Yuanyuan Li, Rutgers University Meng Zhao, Rennmin University of China Seung Ho Park, CEIBS The Internationalization of Innovation to Emerging Economies: The Case of China Can Voluntary Information Disclosure Mediate the Interactive Shasha Zhao, Middlesex University Effect of Firm Performance and Policy on Foreign Institutional Hui Tan, Royal Holloway, University of London Investment? Marina Papanastasiou, Middlesex University Chin-jung Luan, National Dong Hwa University Chengli Tien, National Taiwan Normal University Engaged Learning of Emerging Multinationals: A Fuzzy-Set Ni-yun Chen, National Dong Hwa University Analysis of Chinese Firms in the European Union Liang Chen, University of Sussex Hong-yi Jiang, National Dong Hwa University

Di Fan, Curtin University Yi Li, CEIBS Session 2.1.13 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Estherwood Chinese Foreign Acquisitions Aimed for Innovation Upgrading: The Case of Geely and Volvo Cars Global Managerial Competencies Ramsin Yakob, University of Gothenburg Chair: Aya Chacar, Florida International University H. Richard Nakamura, University of Gothenburg Patrik Ström, University of Gothenburg Competencies Needed by Asian Managers in Japanese MNEs Yoshitaka Yamazaki, Bunkyo University Innovation of MNC Subsidiaries in Developing Countries Nuruzzaman Nuruzzaman, Rutgers University Sense of Power: An Underlying Psychological Source of Deeksha Singh, Rutgers University Cultural Intelligence? A Cross-Cultural Comparison of CQ Antecedents in the US and China

Jing Betty Feng, Farmingdale State College (SUNY) Session 2.1.12 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 AJ Corner, Georgia State University Track: 9 - Emerging Markets Room: Evergreen Ulf Richter, Nottingham University Business School China Management and Governance in Emerging Making the Connection: Cross-Cultural Management Course Markets and Cultural Intelligence Chair: Desislava Dikova, Vienna University of Economics Kowoon Kim, Florida International University and Business Chen Wang, Florida International University Mary Ann Von Glinow, Florida International University The Effects of Gender Match between Auditor and CFO on The Influence of Intracultural Diversity on Self-Efficacy Beliefs: Audit Price: Evidence from China The Role of Cultural Dimensions and Religion Jie Zhang, China Huarong Asset Management Co., Ltd. Franziska Engelhard, Friedrich-Alexander University Xiyou Liu, China’s National Development and Reform Erlangen-Nürnberg, School of Business & Economics Commission Ritam Garg, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen- Jiawen Yang, George Washington University Nürnberg, School of Business & Economics

54 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Beauty Is in the Eye of Beholder: Intra-cultural and How Does Social Environment Influence Radical Innovation in Transcultural Heterogeneity of Individuals Supply Chain Contexts? Evidence from Chinese Private Kamal Fatehi, Kennesaw State University Manufacturing Firms Jennifer L. Priestley, Kennesaw State University Xiaomei Li, Tianjin University Mengxin Wu, Tianjin University Blurred Lines: Cultural Differences in Boundary Management Between Work and Non-Work How Hybrids Manage Growth and Strategic Tensions in Global Katarina K. Brant, Florida Atlantic University Production Networks: The Case of Impact Sourcing Service Providers What Do Managers Look for in Candidates for International Chacko George Kannothra, University of Massachusetts Assignments? Boston Yener Kandogan, University of Michigan-Flint Stephan Manning, University of Massachusetts Boston

Nardia Haigh, University of Massachusetts Boston Session 2.1.14 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 7 - Governments, Non-market Strategies Room: Ellendale Global Integration without Ownership: Designing Organizational and Governance Structures in International Sustainability Issues in Foreign Direct NGOs Investment Alnoor Ebrahim, Harvard University Chair: Sarianna M. Lundan, Bremen University L. David Brown, Harvard University Srilatha Batliwala, independent researcher Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis and U.S. Majority- Towards the Institutionalization of Screening and Measuring Owned Foreign Affiliates in the E.U. for Social Impact: Implications for Islamic Finance Miguel Matos Torres, University of Leeds Jeffrey Allen Kappen, Drake University João Paulo Bento, University of Aveiro Kavilash Chawla, Baton Global Matthew Mitchell, Drake University The Impact of In-House Certifications on Farmer's Environmental and Social Conduct: Insights from the Coffee Industry Elisa Giuliani, University of Pisa WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 - 10:15-10:45 Luciano Ciravegna, King's College London Andrea Vezzulli, University of Pisa Time: 10:15-10:45 Room: Napoleon CD What Makes MNCs Sustainable? -Institutional Pressures as Drivers of Operational Sustainability Coffee Break Rilana Riikkinen, Aalto University Asta Salmi, Lappeenranta School of Technology Refreshments will be provided for conference participants at When Sustainability Takes the Back Seat: How the Global the Napoleon CD. Push for Deregulation Paves Way to Local Catastrophes Alex Bitektine, HEC Montréal ✪ Linda Bensalah, HEC Montréal This coffee break is sponsored by Bryant University in honor of the winner of the Best Paper Award in Emerging Economies Perceived Legal System Voids and Wholly Owned Foreign Research. The award presentation will take place at the Subsidiary Performance in Southeast Asia Exhibit Hall during the coffee break. George White, Old Dominion University Thomas Hemphill, University of Michigan-Flint Roberto Galang, Ateneo de Manila University WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 - 10:45-12:00 Tazeeb Rajwani, Cranfield University Information Security in Multinational Enterprise Subsidiaries: Session 2.2.1 - Panel Time: 10:45-12:00 The Role of the Host-Country Legal Environment Track: 2 - Geographic Scope and Innovation Room: Napoleon AB Yong Chen, Old Dominion University Hong Chen, Old Dominion University Managing Global and Local Innovation Chair: Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University Discussant: Minyoung Kim, University of Kansas Session 2.1.15 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 4 - Social Innovation Room: Edgewood A Panelists: Managing Socially-Oriented Business across Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University Borders Yves Doz, INSEAD Chair: Amit Karna, Indian Institute of Management, Felipe Monteiro, INSEAD Ahmedabad Ram Mudambi, Temple University

Jaeyong Song, Seoul National University Bridging Institutional Voids at the Urban Base of the Pyramid Carlos Rufin, Suffolk University

The locus of global innovation 55 Session 2.2.2 - Panel Time: 10:45-12:00 The Canon Acquisition of Océ: A Qualitative Analysis of a Track: 3 - Future of the MNE Room: Borgne Successful Socio-Cultural Integration Daniel Rottig, Florida Gulf Coast University New Insights on Innovation by Firms in Jane Schappert, Barry University Emerging Economies: Implications for Eytan Starkman, Bank Hapoalim International International Business Theory and Practice How to Integrate Target Firms in High-Technology Chair: Somnath Lahiri, Illinois State University Industries in International Acquisitions: A Combined Role of Strategic Resources and Environment Dynamics Panelists: Tian Wei, Fudan University Robert Grosse, Thunderbird School of Global Jeremy Clegg, University of Leeds Management Stakeholder Management in Cross-Border Mergers Anju Seth, Virginia Tech Niels Noorderhaven, Tilburg University S Raghunath, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Mikael Søndergaard, Aarhus University Hussain Rammal, University of Technology Sydney Session 2.2.6 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 Track: 9 - Emerging Markets Room: Bayside C Session 2.2.3 - Panel Time: 10:45-12:00 Track: 2 - Geographic Scope and Innovation Room: Maurepas Institutional Variety in Emerging Markets Chair: Sylwia E. Starnawska, SUNY Empire State College Comparing Innovation In and From China and India Does Shareholder Value Increase with Cross-Border Chair: Torben Pedersen, Bocconi University Merger & Acquisition for Chinese Firms? The Influences of Domestic Political Ties and Subnational Institutional Quality Wenjun Tu, University of Nottingham Ningbo Panelists: Xiaolan Zheng, University of Nottingham Ningbo George S. Yip, CEIBS and Imperial College London Lei Li, University of Nottingham Ningbo Rishikesha T. Krishnan, IIM Indore Mark Greeven, Zhejiang University State-Owned Enterprises and Outward Foreign Direct Shameen Prashantham, CEIBS Investment Activities: The Moderating Role of Home Institutions Jing Li, Simon Fraser University

Jun Xia, University of Texas at Dallas Session 2.2.4 - Panel Time: 10:45-12:00 Daniel Shapiro, Simon Fraser University Special Session Room: Oak Alley Zhouyu Lin, Fuzhou University UNCTAD WIR panel : Ownership and Control in Varieties of Institutional Systems: A Contextual Taxonomy for MNEs: Implications for National Policy the Understudied Regions of the Global Economy Chair: James Zhan, Investment and Enterprise, UNCTAD Stav Fainshmidt, Florida International University Discussants: Peter J. Buckley, University of Leeds and William Q. Judge, Old Dominion University Jean-Francois Hennart, Tilburg University Ruth V. Aguilera, Northeastern University Adam Smith, Arkansas State University Panelists: Functional Convergence in Emerging Market Firms Gary Gereffi, Duke University Luisa Fernanda Melo, Bentley University Hemant Merchant, University of South Florida St. Petersburg Session 2.2.7 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 Hafiz Mirza, Division on Investment and Enterprise, Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Southdown UNCTAD Opportunity Identification in International Entrepreneurship Session 2.2.5 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 Chair: Pavlos Dimitratos, University of Glasgow Track: 11 - Strategy, Alliances, Acquisitions Room: Nottoway Reconceptualizing International Entrepreneurship: An M&A Integration and Value Creation Opportunity Based Perspective Chair: Nathaniel C. Lupton, University of Lethbridge Mujtaba Ahsan, San Diego State University Stephanie A. Fernhaber, Butler University Domestic M&As between Multinational Enterprises: Creating A Social Cognitive Approach to International Opportunity Value by Expanding and Integrating International Assets Identification: The Case of Chinese MNEs Junichi Yamanoi, Waseda University Shuang Ren, Deakin University Akie Iriyama, Waseda University Di Fan, Curtin University Shige Makino, Chinese University of Hong Kong Zijie Li, University of International Business and Economics

56 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Accelerated Multinationalization: Capturing Global Session 2.2.11 - Interactive Time: 10:45-12:00 Opportunities Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Edgewood B Sinead Monaghan, Rutgers University Esther Tippmann, University College Dublin Drivers of International Entrepreneurship: Entreprenurial Opportunity Exploitation: A National Level Opportunity Recognition, Rents, Growth Social Capital Contingency Perspective Chair: Nicole Coviello, Wilfred Laurier University Seyed Hooman Seyed Abootorabi, Old Dominion University The Pursuit of International Opportunity: A Planned Behavior Amirmahmood Amini Sedeh, Old Dominion University Model Daniel Richard Clark, Indiana University Session 2.2.8 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 How Organisational Identity Stories Lead to International Track: 7 - Governments, Non-market Strategies Room: Oakley Opportunities Revisiting Corporate Socially Responsible Pavlina Jasovska, University of South Australia Activities: Diverse Drivers and Diverse A Transaction Cost Approach to International Contexts Entrepreneurship Chair: Tailan Chi, University of Kansas Susan L. Young, Seton Hall University Christopher Welter, Xavier University To Acquire or Not: How Maturing Born Globals Survive over Time Horizon and Corporate Social Responsibility: Multi- Time Layered Evidence from around the World Tamar Almor, College of Management Jongmoo Jay Choi, Temple University Stine Oyna, University of Agder Jimi Kim, Temple University Shlomo Yedidia Tarba, University of Birmingham Oded Shenkar, Ohio State University Mohammad F. Ahammad, Sheffield Hallam University Markets as Clubs: A Study of the Role of Firm-Market Economic Reliance in the Corporate Provision of Collective What Influences the Internationalization Speed of Online Goods Retailers? A Dynamic Perspective Luis Ballesteros, University of Pennsylvania Matthias Schu, University of Fribourg Dirk Morschett, University of Fribourg Webs of Influence: National Stakeholder Networks and Hanna Schramm-Klein, University of Siegen Corporate Social Performance Kate Odziemkowska, University of Pennsylvania Do Venture Capitalists Affect the Internationalization of Small Witold Jerzy Henisz, University of Pennsylvania Firms? Antonio Amaral Moreira, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro Session 2.2.9 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 Jorge Carneiro, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Track: 16 - Teaching IB Room: Gallier A Janeiro Innovative Ideas in IB Instruction International New Venture Performance: Leveraging Marketing Chair: Joan Marie Lofgren, Aalto University Capabilities Silvia Lozano Martin, California State University, Los Angeles Global Pitch Project: Social Entrepreneurship and the Rajshekhar Javalgi, Cleveland State University Teaching of Ethics in International Business Madan Annavarjua, Bryant University Diya Das, Bryant University Session 2.2.12 - Interactive Time: 10:45-12:00 Track: 12 - Economics, Finance, Accounting Room: Evergreen Develop Intercultural Effectiveness in the Classroom: An Application of Reflective Learning Issues on FDI Jing Betty Feng, Farmingdale State College (SUNY) Chair: Isabel Alvarez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Irish-Dutch Sandwiches, Corporate Inversions, and Arm's

Length Transactions: Teaching International Tax in Your IB Course MNE Transparency and Country-Level Risk Disclosure James Francis Nebus, Suffolk University Sidney Gray, University of Sydney Case Studies and Teaching Cases as a Teaching-Learning Helen Kang, University of New South Wales Strategy in Teaching International Logistics Distance Matters for Portfolio Investment - But What Kind of Moema Pereira Nunes, Universidade Feevale Distance? Brian Lucey, Trinity College Dublin Raj Aggarwal, University of Akron Colm Kearney, Monash University Sam Vignes, Trinity College Dublin

The locus of global innovation 57 Capital Market Development and Inflow of Foreign Direct The Institutionalization of Innovation Projects in 15 Countries Investment to Africa - Is There Any Relationship? through Varieties of Discursive Devices for the Technology Rafiu Adewale Aregbeshola, University of South Africa Diffusion Tariq H. Malik, Dongbei University of Finance & Recover in Post-Conflict Affected Countries: The Unintended Economics Effects of Foreign Aid on Foreign Direct Investment Sander De Raad, University of Groningen Innovation in Emerging Economies: The Brazilian Case Vincent Kunst, University of Groningen Karen Esteves Fernandes Pinto, University of São Paulo Paulo Roberto Feldmann, University of São Paulo Spillovers of Cross-Border Strategic Alliances on Rivals' Values in Emerging Economies When Too Little or Too Much Hurts: The Moderating Effect of Pawinee Changphao, University of Texas at Dallas Institutional Misalignment Yousef Eiadat, University College Dublin Evaluating the Impact of Labor Flexibility on FDI into Europe Mikhail Shengeliya, Trinity College Dublin Alejandro M. Fernandez Castro, CESUGA Louis Brennan, Trinity College Dublin Institutionalizing EMS Adoption in Developing Countries Yousef Eiadat, University College Dublin Session 2.2.13 - Interactive Time: 10:45-12:00 Alejandro M. Fernandez Castro, CESUGA Track: 11 - Strategy, Alliances, Acquisitions Room: Estherwood Session 2.2.15 - Interactive Time: 10:45-12:00 Role of Culture and Institutions in Global Track: 4 - Social Innovation Room: Edgewood A Strategy Chair: Marjorie A. Lyles, Indiana University MNCs and Social Responsibility: Responding to Local Issues and Challenges Chair: Christian Geisler Asmussen, Copenhagen Home Is Where It Starts: The Influence of Home Culture Business School Institutions on MNE Global Strategies

Brian Roy Tan, B.R.I.T. Management Consulting Asda Chintakananda, National Institute of Development Emerging Market Multinationals and CSR Administration Bindu Arya, University of Missouri-St. Louis Jane Salk, University of Texas at Dallas Who Are Those Good to Do Together during Institutional Upheaval?: The Effect of Organizational Network Diversity in Rana Plaza Collapse: Are CSR Compliance Pressures Chinese Film Industry after WTO Accession Effective? Hyunjoo Min, University of South Carolina Noemi Sinkovics, University of Manchester How to Create Trust in Multinational Corporations? Cross- Samia Ferdous Hoque, University of Manchester Cultural Contingencies in Fair Strategy Process Rudolf R. Sinkovics, University of Manchester Carine Peeters, Vlerick Business School Local CSR for Global Value: A U.S. MNE in China & Australia Koen Tackx, Vlerick Business School Virginia Munro, Griffith University Institutional Environment and Cross-Border M&A Premiums Denni Arli, Griffith University Zhu Zhang, Peking University Sharyn Rundle-Thiele, Griffith University Marjorie A. Lyles, Indiana University Board International Experience and Corporate Social Changqi Wu, Peking University Responsibility in Emerging Economies: Evidence from Market Reaction to Cross-Border Acquisition Announcements: Malaysia, Pakistan, and Philippines The Effect of Added Cultural Distance Abdullah Al Mamun, University of Newcastle Hyun Gon Kim, Rutgers University Mariano L.M. Heyden, University of Newcastle Michael Seamer, University of Newcastle Do Institutional Pressures Affect Divisional/regional HQs Qaiser Rafique Yasser, University of Malaysia Sarawak Relocation? An Empirical Study on Isomorphic, Coercive and Normative Effects Guido Rojer Jr., University of Curacao Alfredo Valentino, Luiss University Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation: Challenges for the Mining Industry in Brazil Session 2.2.14 - Interactive Time: 10:45-12:00 Fatima Annan-Diab, Kingston University Track: 6 - Institutions and Innovation Room: Ellendale Carolina Molinari, Kingston University Influence of Institutions on Innovation, Institutional Level Antecedents and Corporate Social Responsibility Adoption Interactions: Insights from Emerging Adoption and Development Economies Chair: Charles E. Bryant, Florida Institute of Technology Abdullah Al Mamun, University of Newcastle Michael Seamer, University of Newcastle Evolution of Technological Trajectories at MNEs: Dynamics in Mariano L.M. Heyden, University of Newcastle Japanese Big 3 Automakers Qaiser Rafique Yasser, University of Malaysia Sarawak Hye Sun Kang, University of South Carolina Guido Rojer Jr., University of Curacao

58 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Assessments of Multinational's Payments for Ecosystem Mental Models and the Multinational - Performance Services and Disclosure in CSR Reports: A Research Based Relationship: Attention, Complexity and Fit on Fortune 500 Alexander Leinemann, University of St. Gallen Zhan Wang, Saint Louis University Bjoern Ambos, University of St. Gallen Nitish Singh, Saint Louis University Dynamic Effects of Learning by FDI on the Innovative Outputs and Productivity of Spanish MNE Firms Francisco Javier Santos Arteaga, Free University of WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 - 12:00-13:00 Bolzano Celia Torrecillas, Universidad Europea de Madrid Time: 12:00-13:00 Room: Napoleon CD Session 2.3.3 - Panel Time: 13:00-14:15 Lunch Track: 2 - Geographic Scope and Innovation Room: Maurepas Better Together? Current Research and A light lunch will be provided for conference participants at the Practice in Strategy, Policy and the Economics Napoleon CD. of Clusters for Building and Sustaining Global Competitiveness Chair: Hildy Jean Teegen, University of South Carolina Time: 12:00-13:00 Room: Borgne Panelists: Robin Barnes, Greater New Orleans, Inc. AIB Fellows' Business Meeting Sali Li, University of South Carolina Ann Marie Stieritz, South Carolina Council on AIB Fellows only. Competitiveness Douglas P Woodward, University of South Carolina

Session 2.3.4 - Panel Time: 13:00-14:15 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 - 13:00-14:15 Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Oak Alley Gender in International Business Research: Session 2.3.1 - Panel Time: 13:00-14:15 Addressing the Importance and Overcoming Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Napoleon AB the Obstacles Global Innovation and International Chairs: Amanda Budde-Sung, University of Sydney and Everlyne Misati, Florida International University Entrepreneurship Chairs: Shameen Prashantham, CEIBS and Vassiliki Bamiatzi, University of Leeds Panelists: Amanda Bullough, University of Delaware Amon Chizema, University of Birmingham Panelists: Peter J. Buckley, University of Leeds Fabian Jintae Froese, Georg-August-University Göttingen Gary Knight, Willamette University William Newburry, Florida International University Nicole Coviello, Wilfred Laurier University Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Universidad EAFIT Alain Verbeke, University of Calgary Amir Shoham, Temple University

Session 2.3.5 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Session 2.3.2 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Track: 9 - Emerging Markets Room: Nottoway Track: 3 - Future of the MNE Room: Borgne Overcoming Institutional Voids in Africa Antecedents of Multinational Enterprise Chair: Joan Lilian Ogendo, Catholic University of Eastern Africa Performance: Modes, Motives and Models Chair: Christos Antoniou, University of Leeds Human Capital Voids, Upgrading Mechanisms, and Firm Performance Entry Mode Diversity: An Anomaly or a Reality Stephanie Wang, Indiana University Elena Beleska-Spasova, University of Reading Alvaro Cuervo Cazurra, Northeastern University Dynamic Effects of the Liability of Foreignness Does Political Instability Hinder Innovation? Evidence from Yunok Cho, Renmin University of China African Firms Robert Salomon, New York University Sorin M.S. Krammer, University of Groningen

The locus of global innovation 59 How Political Hazards Influence Entry Mode Choice in Africa? Is Group Affiliation Profitable for MNE Subsidiaries in The Contingent Role of Host Country Experience and Foreign Emerging Markets? Aid Mayank Sewak, University of Massachusetts Amherst Wen Li, Zhejiang University Anurag Sharma, University of Massachusetts Amherst Jane Lu, University of Melbourne Aiqi Wu, Zhejiang University Session 2.3.8 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Xueli Huang, RMIT University Track: 5 - Governance and Policy Room: Oakley The Internationalization Process of African Banks: The Emergence of a New Banking Model? Collaborative Innovation in Technology Simona Gentile-Luedecke, Bremen University Industries Tilo Halaszovich, Bremen University Chair: Esther Tippmann, University College Dublin Sarianna M. Lundan, Bremen University Supranational Institutions, Grand Challenges and Session 2.3.6 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Collaborative Search - How Advocacy Groups Can Make a Track: 11 - Strategy, Alliances, Acquisitions Room: Bayside C Difference in Search Consortia Wolfgang Sofka, Copenhagen Business School Foreign Entry Decision and Entry Mode Choice Anders Ording Olsen, Copenhagen Business School Chair: W. Travis Selmier II, Indiana University Christoph Grimpe, Copenhagen Business School

Technological Uncertainty and Ambidexterity: The Use of Entry Timing in International Markets: Looking Back and Coordination Mechanisms and Entrepreneurial Orientation in Ahead for Opportunities High-Tech Industry Bernadine Dykes, University of Delaware Pei-Li Yu, National Chung Cheng University Kalin Kolev, Marquette University Value Creation versus Value Capture in Public-Private Effects of Experiential and Interorganizational Learning on Collaboration: An Emerging Market Perspective Entry Mode Choices: A Study of Indian Firms Emilene Leite, Uppsala University Dhirendra Mani Shukla, Indian Institute of Management, Anna Bengtson, Uppsala University Lucknow China: From Imitator to Innovator? Ashutosh Kumar Sinha, Indian Institute of Management, Juliane Proelss, Concordia University Lucknow Denis Schweizer, Concordia University Repeated Entry Modes and Growth Perspectives: Mindful or Feng Zhan, John Carroll University Inertial Learning? Filippo Albertoni, Politechnico di Milano Session 2.3.9 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Stefano Elia, Politechnico di Milano Track: 10 - Operations and SCM Room: Gallier A Lucia Piscitello, Politechnico di Milano A Real Option Model of the Firm's International Investment Internationalization Decisions in Supply Chains Ali Ahi, Lappeenranta University of Technology Chair: Carine Peeters, Vlerick Business School Olli Kuivalainen, Lappeenranta University of Technology Internationalization Speed and Performance: The Service Session 2.3.7 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Firms' Context Track: 12 - Economics, Finance, Accounting Room: Southdown Naveen Jain, Middlesex University Sokol Celo, Suffolk University Aspects on Foreign Direct Investment Vikas Kumar, University of Sydney Chair: Raj Aggarwal, University of Akron Reshoring: A Strategic Renewal of Luxury Clothing Supply Chains The Impact of Foreign Firms and Competition on Domestic Pamela Robinson, University of Birmingham Firm Survival Linda Hsiu-yun Hsieh, SOAS, University of London Evis Sinani, Copenhagen Business School Barriers and Enablers in the Learning Process of Offshore Klaus Meyer, CEIBS Team Members: The Role of International Assignees Bersant Hobdari, Copenhagen Business School Carine Peeters, Vlerick Business School Knowledge Transfer from Multinationals through Labour Florence Duvivier, Neoma Business School Mobility: Learning from Export Experience A Network View of Foreign Investments Determinants and the Priit Vahter, Warwick University Role of Country Connectedness Jaan Masso, University of Tartu Sokol Celo, Suffolk University Tax Haven Networks and the Role of the Big 4 Accountancy Aya Chacar, Florida International University Firms Yannick Thams, Suffolk University Chris Jones, Aston University Yama Temouri, Aston University Alex Cobham, Tax Justice Network

60 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Session 2.3.10 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Session 2.3.12 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Track: 7 - Governments, Non-market Strategies Room: Gallier B Track: 9 - Emerging Markets Room: Evergreen Being Accountable and Create Value in Local Political and Economic Ties in Emerging Markets: How Multinational Enterprises Engage Economies Local Stakeholders Chair: Jennifer Oetzel, American University Chair: Bernie Wolf, Schulich School of Business Firm Strategic Orientation and Performance in Sub-Saharan Legitimizing Resistance to Global Activism: Royal African Countries: The Moderating Effect of Institutional Dutch/Shell's Response to Anti-Apartheid Divestment Development Level and Foreign Firm Ownership Pressure, 1986-1990 Soonkyoo Choe, Yonsei University Ishva Minefee, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Young Hoon An, Yonsei University Jihoon Kang, Yonsei University Multilatinas' legitimacy at a Crossroads: Accounting for Their Social Irresponsibility across Different Institutional The Political Motivations of Diaspora Investors: Expanding Environments Existing Models of Multidimensional Diaspora Investment Elisa Giuliani, University of Pisa Drivers Federica Nieri, University of Pisa Liesl Riddle, George Washington University Davide Fiaschi, University of Pisa Tjai M. Nielsen, High Point University Valuing Stakeholder Governance: Property Rights, Autonomy, Regime Structure, Institutional Stability and Pro-Market and Collective Action Reforms: Deepening the Inter-Disciplinary Connection Kate Odziemkowska, University of Pennsylvania Luis Alfonso Dau, Northeastern University Sinziana Dorobantu, New York University Elizabeth M. Moore, Northeastern University Catherine Bradley, Lieberman Research Worldwide Session 2.3.11 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 A Theoretical Approach to the Internationalization of a Trade Track: 7 - Governments, Non-market Strategies Room: Edgewood B Block: Pacific Alliance Case Andres Mauricio Castro Figueroa, Compensar MNE Corporate Governance and International Unipanamericana Investment Performance Dalsy Yolima Farfan Buitrago, Pontificia Universidad Chair: Alexander Settles, Rutgers University Javeriana Luis E. Torres, Georgia Gwinnett College The Study on the Speed of Asian Firms' Changing Corporate The Influence of Relative Institutional Challenge on Ownership Governance after 2008 Financial Crisis Structure Hyunjoo Min, University of South Carolina Ehsan Derayati, Concordia University Board Dissent: The Director Primacy Perspective Gwyneth Edwards, HEC Montréal Sunny (Li) Sun, University of Missouri-Kansas City Navigating Institutional Clusters within Sub-Saharan Africa: Jianqiang Xiao, Renmin University of China Small and Medium-Sized Oil Enterprises Kangtao Ye, Renmin University of China Daniel Rottig, Florida Gulf Coast University Beth Anderson, Florida Atlantic University Trojan Horses or Local Allies: The Effect of LBMs in Foreign Subsidiaries Ray Crespo, Florida Atlantic University Jakob Müllner, WU Vienna Daniel Diemont, Florida Atlantic University Patricia Renee Klopf, WU Vienna Franchesca Martinez, Florida Atlantic University Outward FDI and Firm-Level Performance Direct and Bilateral Effects of Political-Economic Freedom Walid Hejazi, University of Toronto Indices and Country Economic Variables Jianmin Tang, Government of Canada Ismatilla T. Mardanov, Southeast Missouri State University The Odyssey of South African MNCs and their Impact on the SADC Regional Determinants of FDI in Brazil: An Economic, Mathew Eleojo Egu, University of South Africa Institutional and Political Perspective Claudia Beatriz Batschauer da Cruz, University of Vale do Rafiu Adewale Aregbeshola, University of South Africa Itajai

Dinorá Eliete Floriani, University of Vale do Itajai

Mohamed Amal, Columbia University and PPGAD/FURB

The locus of global innovation 61 Session 2.3.13 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Effectuation and Internationalization: A Review and Agenda for Track: 11 - Strategy, Alliances, Acquisitions Room: Estherwood Future Research Masoud Karami, University of Otago Alliances, Joint Ventures, and Networks Sylvie Chetty, University of Otago/Uppsala University Chair: Rakesh Sambharya, Rutgers University Oscar Martín Martín, Public University of Navarre/ Uppsala University Cognitive Conflicts among Strangers: the Role of The "Hidden" Stages of Internationalization of Western Small Organizational Cultural Intelligence and Socialization Practices and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Emerging Markets: The Role in International Alliances of Experience, Feedback and Institutional Voids Robin Pesch, University of Bayreuth Desislava Dikova, Vienna University of Economics and Ricarda B. Bouncken, University of Bayreuth Business Development of Alliance Capability in Emerging Country Yusaf Akbar, CEU Business School Multinational Enterprises: Insights from a Rapidly Growing Bernardo Balboni, University of Trieste Indian Bio-Pharmaceutical Company Guido Bortoluzzi, University of Trieste Swetketu Patnaik, Anglia Ruskin University Andrea Tracogna, University of Trieste Ram Baliga, Wake Forest University Factors Affecting Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: A Mo Roohanifar, Manchester Metropolitan University Case of Dubai Do Local IJV Partners' Political Connections Always Create Christian Tabi Amponsah, Skyline University Shareholder Value for Foreign Partners? Gouher Ahmed, Skyline University Yu-Kai (Mike) Wang, Soochow University Resource Allocation Decisions in SME Internationalization: A Jianfeng Wu, University of International Business and Portfolio Theory Perspective Economics Adeoye Adegorite, University of Waterloo Knowledge and Learning in IJV Management: A Process Rod B. McNaughton, University of Auckland Understanding of a Highly Successful International Joint Venture Session 2.3.15 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Jeong-Yang Park, University of Nottingham Track: 1 - Innovation and the MNE Room: Edgewood A Simon Harris, University of Edinburgh The Formation of Equity Joint Ventures: An Empirical Adaptation and the Role of Industry/Business Examination of the "Hybrid" and "Asset Bundling" Views in Context Transaction Cost Economics Chair: Dan Li, Indiana University Zheng Cheng, University of Kansas Tailan Chi, University of Kansas Determinants of Innovation in Emerging Market Firms: International Portfolio Restructuring: The Role of Performance Evidence from India Feedback and Home Market Dependence in Adjusting Extant Mohammad Fuad, Indian Institute of Management, Network Diversity Lucknow Guus Hendriks, RSM Erasmus University Arun Kumar Jain, Indian Institute of Management, Pursey Heugens, RSM Erasmus University Lucknow Arjen Slangen, RSM Erasmus University Do Institutional Voids Promote Local Adaptation? Explorative Fairness Perception, Contractual Complexity and Learning in Adaptation and Classical Adaptation Inter-Organizational Exchanges Defeng Sun, Kyoto University Cheng-Min Chuang, National Taiwan University Yasuo Sugiyama, Kyoto University Chih-Pin Lin, Aletheia University Tatsuya Kikutani, Kyoto University Chih-Fang Chiu, National Taiwan University The Differential Impact of Open Innovation on the Efficiency of Firms Session 2.3.14 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Isabel Alvarez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Ellendale Cipriano Quirós, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Internationalization Process of SMEs National Context and the Organization of Early Phases in Chair: Ivo Zander, Uppsala University Innovation Projects Roman Bartnik, University of Duisburg-Essen

The Influence of the Entrepreneur's Network on the

Internationalization during the Financial Crisis: Evidence from Turkey Tugba Kalafatoglu, ESADE Business School/NEOMA Business School Xavier Mendoza, ESADE Business School

Decisive Inaction in the Internationalization Process Peter Wayne Liesch, University of Queensland James Clarke, University of Queensland

62 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Session 2.4.4 - Panel Time: 14:30-15:45 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 - 14:15-14:30 Special Session Room: Oak Alley

Time: 14:15-14:30 AIB-CEE Chapter Panel: Research, Collaboration and Innovation in Emerging Break Markets: Forecast of Research Agenda for the CEE Short break to facilitate transition between sessions. No Chair: Lukasz Puslecki, Poznan University of Economics refreshment service will be provided. and Business Discussant: Miroslaw Jarosinski, Warsaw School of Economics

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 - 14:30-15:45 Panelists: Andreja Jaklic, University of Ljubljana Session 2.4.1 - Panel Time: 14:30-15:45 Marian Gorynia, Poznan University of Economics and Track: 10 - Operations and SCM Room: Napoleon AB Business International Business Challenges in Global Andrei Panibratov, St. Petersburg University Value Chains: A Multidisciplinary View Krzysztof Wach, Cracow University of Economics Chair: Manpreet Hora, Georgia Institute of Technology Michal Zdziarski, Warsaw University

Panelists: Session 2.4.5 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Manpreet Hora, Georgia Institute of Technology Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Nottoway Tomas Hult, Michigan State University Masaaki Kotabe, Temple University Cross-Cultural Influences and Attributions Janet Y. Murray, University of Missouri-St. Louis Chair: Marcelo André Machado, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS

Session 2.4.2 - Panel Time: 14:30-15:45 A Cross-Cultural Study of an Integrative Model of Track: 7 - Governments, Non-market Strategies Room: Borgne Meaningfulness and Employee Engagement Simone Meskelis, University of Dallas State Owned Multinationals Sri Beldona, University of Dallas Chair: Felipe Monteiro, INSEAD J. Lee Whittington, University of Dallas

Timothy Galpin, Colorado State University Panelists: A Cross-Cultural Analysis on Moral Emotion Experiences: The Felipe Monteiro, INSEAD Case of Korea and the United States Aldo Musacchio, Brandeis University Tai Gyu Kim, Korea University Alvaro Cuervo Cazurra, Northeastern University Young Kyun Chang, Sogang University Klaus Meyer, CEIBS Juan Ma, INSEAD Attributional Complexity and Isomorphic Attributions: Empirical Evidence for Cognitive vs. Affective Factors Sinziana Dorobantu, New York University Lakshman Chandrashekhar, Tongji University School of Economics & Management Linh-Chi Vo, Normandy Business School Session 2.4.3 - Panel Time: 14:30-15:45 Does Multiculturalism Influence Salary Negotiation Strategy? Track: 2 - Geographic Scope and Innovation Room: Maurepas An Examination of Hispanic-American Multiculturals and Creating and Orchestrating Heterarchical American Monoculturals Davina Vora, State University of New York at New Paltz Advantage in the Global and Local Context Chairs: Kiyohiko Ito, University of Hawaii at Manoa and Napatsorn Jiraporn, State University of New York at Tanya A. Peacock, Baylor University Oswego Wendy Casper, University of Texas at Arlington

Panelists: Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University Yves Doz, INSEAD Tanya A. Peacock, Baylor University Eleanor Westney, York University Ivo Zander, Uppsala University

The locus of global innovation 63 Session 2.4.6 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Session 2.4.8 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 15 - Research Methodology in IB Room: Bayside C Track: 4 - Social Innovation Room: Oakley Rules of Engagement: Methods and Measures Governance, CSR and the Role of MNEs in IB Chair: Bindu Arya, University of Missouri-St. Louis Chair: Stewart Miller, University of Texas - San Antonio Corporate Governance and CSR Approaches of Multinational Measuring Innovation Around the World Companies: An Integrated Perspective David M. Reeb, National University of Singapore Igor Filatotchev, Cass Business School Ping-Sheng Koh, Hong Kong University of Science and Günter K. Stahl, WU Vienna Technology Does Internationalization of Emerging Multinationals Lead to a Elvira Sojli, Erasmus University Good Corporate Citizenship in the Home Market?: The Wing Wah Tham, Erasmus University Stakeholder-Theory Approach Eunwoo Kim, University of Michigan MNC Internal and External Complexity and Effects on Performance: Insights from NKC-Methodology Jooyoung Kwak, Yonsei University Sokol Celo, Suffolk University Soonkyoo Choe, Yonsei University James Francis Nebus, Suffolk University Internationalization and Financial Performance: The I. Kim Wang, Suffolk University Moderating Role of Corporate Social Performance Xueji Jessie Liang, Sun Yat-sen University Decomposing the Benefits from Foreign Direct Investment: A New Methodological Framework Jane Lu, University of Melbourne Randolph Luca Bruno, University College London Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility in Multinational Nauro F Campos, Brunel University Enterprises Saul Estrin, London School of Economics Christian Geisler Asmussen, Copenhagen Business School Scale Integrity: An Evaluation of Four Individualism Scales in Andrea Fosfuri, Bocconi University International Business Somak Banerjee, Wayne State University Ahmet Koksal, Wayne State University Session 2.4.9 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Aaron Johnson, Wayne State University Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Gallier A Attila Yaprak, Wayne State University Global Talent Management Chair: Paula Caligiuri, Northeastern University Session 2.4.7 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Southdown Retaining Diverse Employee Talent Through Greater The Learning Process of International Organizational Embeddedness Entrepreneurship Debjani Ghosh, Osaka University Chair: Patricia McDougall-Covin, Indiana University- Tomoki Sekiguchi, Osaka University Bloomington Talent Development and Its Role in Shaping Emerging Market Firms' Results: The Case of Russia Marina Latukha, Saint-Petersburg State University Learning Through Experience: The Impact on SME Entry Mode Choice Omission of Talent Pools?: Challenges in Japanese Lina Hollender, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf Companies' Global Talent Management Christian Schwens, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf Tamiko Kasahara, University of Shizuoka Keith D. Brouthers, King's College London Fostering Local Managerial Capacity in China: HRM, Matched- Entrepreneurship Learning and Creativity of New Ventures Pairs, and Knowledge-Collectivities Fu-Mei Chuang, ESC Rennes School of Business Ramsin Yakob, University of Gothenburg

Response to Performance and Preparation in Internationalization Learning Session 2.4.10 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Margaret Fletcher, University of Glasgow Track: 12 - Economics, Finance, Accounting Room: Gallier B Simon Harris, University of Edinburgh International Corporate Governance and the Founders' Prior Shared Experience and the Survival of Born Role of Institutions Global Firms Chair: Ursula F. Ott, Kingston University Giuseppe Criaco, Jönköping International Business School The Influence of Institutions on the Proportion of Social Elites on Boards of Business Group IPO Firms in Emerging Economies Bruce Allen Hearn, University of Sussex

64 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Linking Governance Quality and Derivatives Use: Insights from Session 2.4.12 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Firms' Hedging Behavior Track: 9 - Emerging Markets Room: Evergreen Quang Nguyen, Middlesex University Trang Kim, Middlesex University International Expansion and Firm Capabilities Marina Papanastasiou, Middlesex University in Emerging Markets Chair: George S. Yip, CEIBS and Imperial College A Global Compensation Analysis: Linking the Incentive London Component and Incentive Theory with Performance- Orientation of the Globe Study Ursula F. Ott, Kingston University What Drives International Expansion for Emerging Market Firms? A Dynamic Managerial Capability Perspective Session 2.4.11 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Amit Karna, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad Track: 3 - Future of the MNE Room: Edgewood B Anish Purkayastha, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad Ownership, Entry and Internationalization Sunil Sharma, Indian Institute of Management, Chair: Somnath Lahiri, Illinois State University Ahmedabad Dhiman Bhadra, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad The Effects of Added Cultural Distance on Ownership Decision in Cross-Border Acquisitions Is There an Advantage of Emergingness? Longitudinal Hyun Gon Kim, Rutgers University Evidence from 43 Emerging Economies Ajai Gaur, Rutgers University Mark Mallon, Old Dominion University Orhun Guldiken, Old Dominion University Perceptions vs. Actualities: Examining the Effects of Perception of Liability of Foreignness and Cultural Intelligence Mirko H. Benischke, Rotterdam School of Management on the MNEs Mode of Entry Feng Dong, Old Dominion University Alexey V. Semenov, San Jose State University Trung Nguyen, Old Dominion University Hadi S. Alhorr, Saint Louis University Linking Innovation and Business Performance in Latin International Entrepreneurship in MNEs' Technology America. An Application to the Manufacturing Sector in Chile Commercialization: A Case of Finnish Dairy Manufacturer and Peru Naoto Nadayama, University of Otago Jorge Antonio Heredia, Universidad del Pacifico Christian Kenyo, Universidad del pacifico Expertise and International Strategy Cristian Geldes Gonzalez, Universidad de la serena Elizabeth Maitland, University of New South Wales Juan Alejandro Flores, Universidad del Pacifico Andre Sammartino, University of Melbourne The Multinationality-Performance Relationship: Evidence from Cosmopolitanism and Cosmobusiness: A Common Path Emerging Economy Multinational Enterprises Nikolaos Papazoglou, University of Piraeus Jinlong Gu, University of Sussex Going International - Micro-Multinational: The Impact of Yong Yang, University of Sussex Business Group Affiliation and Foreign Ownership in Roger Strange, University of Sussex Internationalization Process Tugba Kalafatoglu, ESADE Business School/NEOMA Performance Determinants of Brazilian MNCs Business School Henrique Correa da Cunha, FURB - University of Joonho Shin, ESADE Business School Blumenau Xavier Mendoza, ESADE Business School Mohamed Amal, Columbia University and PPGAD/FURB Dinorá Eliete Floriani, University of Vale do Itajai The Role of Patent Systems in Determining Foreign Direct Maria Tereza Fleury, Fundação Getulio Vargas - EAESP Investment Horizontal Spillovers: A Meta-Analysis Danai Christopoulou, University of Bradford The Determinants of Export Performance in BRIC Countries: Nikolaos Papageorgiadis, University of Liverpool The Role of Firm Resources and the Institutional Environment Chengang Wang, Bradford University Sorin M.S. Krammer, University of Groningen Frank Aanstoot, Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs Roger Strange, University of Sussex Configurations of Productive Efficiency in Sub-Saharan Africa: Internationalization, Weak Rule of Law and Basic Human Capital Yanick Kemayou, Paderborn University Martin R. Schneider, Paderborn University

The locus of global innovation 65 Session 2.4.13 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Session 2.4.14 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 13 - International Marketing Room: Estherwood Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Ellendale Branding Expatriate Management Chair: Susan Mudambi, Temple University Chair: Mila Lazarova, Simon Fraser University

Brand Loyalty Viewed from a Service-Dominant Logic: Brand The Double-Edged Experiences of Boundary Spanning, Experience, Customer Engagement and Brand Community Creative, Stereotypically Unconstrained Individuals': Attachment Successful Acculturation Experiences of Expatriates and N- Chao-Chin Huang, National Kaohsiung University of Culturals in MNEs Hospitality and Tourism Andre Anugerah Pekerti, University of Queensland Quan Hoang Vuong, University of Brussels Incorporating Country-of-Origin Image into International Nancy K Napier, Boise State University Branding: Evidence from the Cosmetic Industry in Brazil Mariana Bassi Sutter, University of São Paulo Hassle Factor, Expatriates, and Subsidiary Performance Maria Laura MacLennan, University of São Paulo Dwarka Chakravarty, Western University Janaina de Moura Giraldi, University of São Paulo Andreas Schotter, Western University Edson Crescitelli, University of São Paulo Paul W. Beamish, Western University Edison Polo, University of São Paulo Applying COR Theory to Expatriates' Turnover Intention - The Can Global Expansion be a Defensive Strategy for Local Role of Sensory Processing Sensitivity Brands? The Moderating Effect of Country Favorableness Maike Andresen, University of Bamberg Hsiu Ying Huang, Feng Chia University Paul Goldmann, University of Bamberg Chen-Yu Lin, Feng Chia University Affective Networks, Informal Ties, and the Limits of Expatriate Entering a Hostile Foreign Market: The Interplay between Effectiveness Consumer Animosity, Customer Citizenship Behavior, and Sven Horak, St. John's University Product Purchase Intention Inju Yang, EDC Paris Business School Wootae Chun, Saint Louis University Study of Work-Place Exchanges and Expatriate Adjustment: Mamoun Benmamoun, Saint Louis University Role of Supervisor's Nationality Seung H. Kim, Saint Louis University Vineet Gupta, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade Morris Kalliny, Eastern Washington University Rakesh Mohan Joshi, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade Brand Origin, Brand Fit, and the Dynamics of Brand Personality Traits, Mentoring, and Psychological Well-Being: Architecture: An Integrative Cross-Disciplinary Review An Investigation of International Assignments Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan, Karlshochschule Judith Ambrosius, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg International University Benjamin Bader, Leuphana University of Lüneburg Leila Hamzaoui-Essoussi, University of Ottawa Increasing or Decreasing PCNs in a Subsidiary: The Nicolas Papadopoulos, Carleton University Implications for Subsidiary Performance From Counterfeit to Luxury: The Effects of China's Growing Naoki Ando, Hosei University Middle Class on Genuine Luxury Products Jennifer Pope, Grand Valley State University Session 2.4.15 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Bradley James Koch, Grand Valley State University Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Edgewood A Pamela Tremain Koch, Grand Valley State University Global Brand Management: Marketing Capabilities and Early Internationalization Strategies of INVs Performance in Three Regions from Emerging Markets Andreas Friedrich Grein, Baruch College - CUNY Chair: Rebecca Reuber, University of Toronto

C. Samuel Craig, New York University Bahriye Goren-Gulek, Baruch College - CUNY Hub Internationalization - How Born Globals Conquer Southeast Asia by Building Local Bridgeheads When Should the Foreign Chain Allow the Local Owner to Markus Hammer, unIQue swiss GmbH Cobrand an International Franchised Hotel? A Principal-Agent Patrick Schueffel, Hochschule für Wirtschaft Fribourg View and Empirical Evidence Chya-Yi Emily Liaw, City University of Hong Kong Rico Baldegger, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland Shih-Fen S. Chen, Ivey Business School Early Internationalisation of New and Small Indian Firms: an Exploratory Study Pratik Arte, University of Vaasa Andrew Barron, Toulouse Business School Internationalization and Firm Performance- A Study of Indian Born Global Firms Mohammad Fuad, IIM Lucknow Mohammad Akbar, IIM Lucknow

66 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Drivers of Early Internationalisation - A Study of the Indian IT Boundary Spanners and Intra-MNC Knowledge Sharing: The Industry Role of Controlled Motivation and Immediate Organizational Sumati Varma, University of Delhi Context Rishika Nayyar, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade Grazia D. Santangelo, University of Catania Vishakha Bansal, Bahadur Shastri Institute of Dana Minbaeva, Copenhagen Business School Management Inter-Organizational Knowledge Transfer across Borders: The Internationalization of Micromultinationals - Comparative Skilled Returnees as Knowledge Brokers Moderating Cultural Perspectives From a Developed and an Emerging Economy Distance Luciano Ciravegna, King's College London Leah Z. B. Ndanga, University of Massachusetts Amherst Christian Felzensztein, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez Temporalities in Synchronous Communication: Effects of Time Heini Vanninen, Lappeenranta University of Technology Zones on Knowledge Transfer and Subsidiary Voice Francesco Rattalino, ESCP Europe Laurel Edwards Grassin-Drake, MIT

Session 2.5.3 - Panel Time: 16:15-17:30 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 - 15:45-16:15 Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Maurepas

Time: 15:45-16:15 Women in Business: Evidence from around the Room: Napoleon CD World Chairs: Janet Y. Murray, University of Missouri-St. Louis Coffee Break and Malika Richards, Penn State University - Berks

Refreshments will be provided for conference participants at Panelists: the Napoleon CD. Nakiye A. Boyacigiller, Sabanci University Beth Colón, The Weinman Colón Cook Group, Morgan Stanley ✪This coffee break is sponsored by Aalto University School of Mari Iizuka, Doshisha University Business in honor of the winner of the "That's Interesting!" Award. The award presentation will take place at the Exhibit Ann R. Tuennerman, Tales of the Cocktail Hall during the coffee break. Rosalie L. Tung, Simon Fraser University

Session 2.5.4 - Panel Time: 16:15-17:30 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 - 16:15-17:30 Special Session Room: Oak Alley

The Locus of Acting Local while Thinking Session 2.5.1 - Panel Time: 16:15-17:30 Special Session Room: Napoleon AB Global: Innovation and Best Practices at AIB Chapters AIB-SAMS Session on "Regional Strategy View: Chairs: Daniel Rottig, Florida Gulf Coast University and A Debate" Sumit K. Kundu, Florida International University Chair: Igor Filatotchev, Cass Business School Panelists: Panelists: Sergio Garcia Agreda, Universidad Privada Boliviana Alain Verbeke, University of Calgary Gary Knight, Willamette University Ram Mudambi, Temple University Stephan Manning, University of Massachusetts Boston Christian Geisler Asmussen, Copenhagen Business Immanuel Azaad Moonesar, Mohammed Bin Rashid School School of Government Jonas F. Puck, WU Vienna William Newburry, Florida International University Lukasz Puslecki, Poznan University of Economics and Session 2.5.2 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Business Track: 2 - Geographic Scope and Innovation Room: Borgne Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan, Karlshochschule Knowledge Mobilization, Individual, and International University Organization Nila Wiese, University of Puget Sound Chair: Marcelo Cano-Kollmann, Ohio University

A Model of Subsidiary Manager Communication with HQ

Almasa Sarabi, Georg-August-University Goettingen

Soo Min Toh, University of Toronto

The locus of global innovation 67 Session 2.5.5 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Session 2.5.7 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Track: 6 - Institutions and Innovation Room: Nottoway Track: 16 - Teaching IB Room: Southdown Institution, Firm Capabilities and International Teaching in Today's IB Classroom Expansion Chair: Keun Lee, Hofstra University Chair: Joseph Clougherty, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign Multiple Choice Exams in Global Business Classrooms: Worth Another Look? Amanda Budde-Sung, University of Sydney Exporting, Learning and Innovating among Emerging Market Firms: The Moderating Role of Institutional Sandra Seno-Alday, University of Sydney Development and Absorptive Capacity Teaching a Multicultural Class: Benefits, Challenges and Zhenzhen Xie, Tsinghua University Solutions Jiatao Li, Hong Kong University of Science and Jane Terpstra-Tong, Monash University Technology Experiential Learning: Integrating Simulations into International Racing to the Bottom? Or to the Top? How Firm-Specific Business Curricula Capabilities for Pollution Reduction and Firm Multinationality Frank Cotae, Mount Royal University Moderate the Effect of National Environmental Regulations on Halia M. Valladares, Mount Royal University International Expansion Decisions Joel Malen, Hitotsubashi University Teaching International Business in "Mega"-Classes: Active Learning and Team-Building Junichi Yamanoi, Waseda University John Thanopoulos, IST The Impact of Home Market Institutional Conditions on Market Nikolaos Papazoglou, University of Piraeus Entry Strategies of Firms from Emerging Markets Kelly Hewett, University of Tennessee Session 2.5.8 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Alexander Krasnikov, Loyola University of Chicago Track: 3 - Future of the MNE Room: Oakley Adam Hepworth, University of Tennessee Relative Mode Advantage in Local Market Penetration: Human Capital and the Future of Multinational Evidence from the Chemical Industries in China Enterprise Changhui Zhou, Peking University Chair: Vijay Pereira, University of Portsmouth Danxue Gao, Peking University

Immigrants and Firm Performance: Effects on Foreign Session 2.5.6 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Subsidiaries versus Foreign Entrepreneurial Firms Track: 9 - Emerging Markets Room: Bayside C Elena Kulchina, Duke University Exequiel Hernandez, University of Pennsylvania Innovation and Knowledge Sourcing in Emerging Markets Utilizing Diverse Knowledge for Problem Solving in the MNC: Chair: Vikas Kumar, University of Sydney A Network Mobilization Perspective Esther Tippmann, University College Dublin Andrew Parker, Grenoble Ecole de Management Sourcing Technology from Home: Does Emerging Firms Always Benefit from Inward Licensing? The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment in the Host Country: Stefano Elia, Politechnico di Milano Trademark and British Expatriate Entrepreneurs in Brazil Teresa da Silva Lopes, University of York Surender Munjal, University of Leeds Carlos Gabriel Guimaraes, Universidade Federal Vittoria Giada Scalera, University of Amsterdam Fluminense The Global Diffusion of Knowledge to Weak Institutional Alexandre Saes, Universidade de Sao Paulo Contexts Luiz Fernando Saraiva, Universidade Federal Fluminense Heather Berry, George Washington University Organizational Adjustment in Internationalized Enterprises: A Chinese Expatriate Management in Emerging Markets: A Dynamic Capabilities Re-Configuring Process Competitive Advantage Perspective Myropi Garri, University of Portsmouth Huaichuan Rui, Royal Holloway University of London Nikolaos Konstantopoulos, University of the Aegean Miao Zhang, Kingston University Rhetorical Discourse in Mitigating Cultural Asymmetries in The Tortoise and the Hare: Catching up Process in the International Business Negotiation Chinese Hypermarket Industry from 1992 to 2011 Tariq H. Malik, Dongbei University of Finance & Jie Xiong, ESC Rennes School of Business Economics Philippe Monin, EMLYON Business School

68 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Session 2.5.9 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Foreign Subsidiary Motive/Function as a Moderator in Cultural Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Gallier A Distance and Foreign Subsidiary Ownership Structure Relationships Competitive Pressures on internationalization K. Skylar Powell, Western Washington University Chair: Olli Kuivalainen, Lappeenranta University of Eunah Lim, ISCTE-IUL Technology Subsidiary Initiative in Foreign Countries: The Roles of Business Distance and Boundary Spanners on the Corporate The Peer Effect: Home-Peer Entry Density, Internationalization Immune System Strategies and the Export Market Exit of SMEs Janis Thiedemann, Cleveland State University Sui Sui, Ryerson University Jieun Park, Cleveland State University Matthias Baum, University of Kaiserslautern Factors Behind Temporal and Permanent Success of EMNC Shavin Malhotra, University of Waterloo Subsidiaries: Evidence from Indian Multinationals Competitor Influences on the Evolution of a Population of Arindam Mondal, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta Rapidly Internationalizing SMEs Perception Gaps in Headquarter-Subsidiary Relationships: Denis Odlin, University of Auckland Comparing the Role of Subsidiary Managers in China, Brazil International Entrepreneurship in Emerging Industry: The Case and USA of Renewable Energy Industry in Spain Inger Beate Pettersen, Bergen University College Meysam Zolfaghari, Autonomous University of Barcelona Rolv Petter Amdam, BI Norwegain Business School Alex Rialp, Autonomous University of Barcelona Anita Ellen Tobiassen, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences New Venture Internationalization via MNE-Orchestrated Global Ecosystems: The Attention-Attracting Imperative Going Against the Grain: The Impact of Mandate Loss on Shameen Prashantham, CEIBS Subsidiary Evolutionary Trajectories Edward Gillmore, Mälardalen University

Session 2.5.10 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Track: 13 - International Marketing Room: Gallier B Session 2.5.12 - Interactive Time: 16:15-17:30 Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Evergreen Consumer Behavior Chair: Peter Magnusson, University of Alabama The Institutional Context and International Entrepreneurship Chair: Rod B. McNaughton, University of Auckland Slice-of-Life versus Slice-of-Death Advertising Anshu Arora, Savannah State University Amit Arora, Savannah State University Impact of Corruption, Regulations on International Entrepreneurship Behavioral Consequences of Actual and Recalled Face Farzana Chowdhury, Indiana University Loss David Audretsch, Indiana University Martin Heinberg, University of Duisburg-Essen Maksim Belitski, University of Reading Perceptions of Luxury Value and Consumer Purchase Sameeksha Desai, Indiana University Intention: A Global Identity Perspective Re-Embedding the Internationalization of the Firm in Jie Yang, Saint Louis University Temporality: Paces in Internationalization Processes Jieqiong Ma, Saint Louis University Kátia de Melo Galdino, Florida State University Fighting Fakes: Consumer Co-Creation of Counterfeit Risk Sérgio Fernando Loureiro Rezende, Pontifícia Reduction Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais Susan Mudambi, Temple University Bruce T. Lamont, Florida State University Ni (Nina) Huang, Temple University High-Growth Firms and Public Policy Rongrong (Joyce) Xu, Temple University John Sargent, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Linda Matthews, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Session 2.5.11 - Interactive Time: 16:15-17:30 Theory of Born-Global Entrepreneurship: Strategizing Track: 11 - Strategy, Alliances, Acquisitions Room: Edgewood B Asymmetrical Symbiosis of Business Ecosystem Parent-Subsidiary Relationships in MNEs Haruo H. Horaguchi, Hosei University Chair: Deeksha Singh, Rutgers University Longing to Belong or Pieces of Ourselves All over the World? How Multiple Identities and Institutional Contexts Affect Entrepreneurial Opportunities by Members of Diasporas MNE Headquarters' Role in Subsidiary Influence: The Florian Täube, Université libre de Bruxelles Perspectives of Rationality and Radical Uncertainty Lakshmi Ramarajan, Harvard Business School Lu-Jui Chen, Ming Chuan University

Hsien-Che Lai, National University of Tainan

The locus of global innovation 69 Session 2.5.13 - Interactive Time: 16:15-17:30 Session 2.5.15 - Interactive Time: 16:15-17:30 Track: 7 - Governments, Non-market Strategies Room: Estherwood Track: 5 - Governance and Policy Room: Edgewood A Corporate Socially Responsible Activities: New Frontiers in Policy Research for When do they matter? Innovation Chair: Witold Jerzy Henisz, University of Pennsylvania Chair: Vincent Mangematin, Grenoble School of Management

Can Corporate Social Performance Really Reduce the Liability of Foreignness? Evidence from Cross-Border Acquisitions The Humanization of Corporations Jiyoung Shin, Korea University Joan Mileski, Texas A&M University at Galveston Jon Jungbien Moon, Korea University Carter Franklin, Texas A&M University at Galveston Jingoo Kang, Nayang Technological University Relational and Cognitive Dimensions of Social Capital as the Conformity Dynamics within MNEs: The Case of CSR Issues Main Driver for Internationalization, when Challenged by Anne Jacqueminet, Bocconi University Institutional Friction June Borge Doornich, North University How Does Strategic Risk Taking Drive Corporate Social Performance? Building the Business Model through Simple Rules Huy "Will" Nguyen, University of Texas at Dallas Sunny (Li) Sun, University of Missouri-Kansas City Zhiang "John" Lin, University of Texas at Dallas Yanli Zhang, Montclair State University Mike Peng, University of Texas at Dallas Jianqiang Xiao, Renmin University of China Do Korean Business Groups Spend Much on Corporate Excessive Risk Taking as a Function of Aspirations, on a Philanthropy? Sample of Global Investment Banks Youngshin Woo, University of Adelaide Elzotbek Rustambekov, Bryant University Jonghoon Nam, Loughborough University Innovation for Economic Competitiveness: The Role of Smart Dirk Michael Boehe, University of Adelaide Specialization in Less Developed Countries Insik Min, Kyung Hee University Sorin M.S. Krammer, University of Groningen Internationalization and Financial Performance: The National Intellectual Capital and National Culture Moderating Effect of Stakeholder Management Te-Yi Lin, Tatung University Alan Muller, University of Groningen I-chen Lee, Chang Gung University Carol, Yeh-Yun Lin, National Chengchi University Session 2.5.14 - Interactive Time: 16:15-17:30 Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Ellendale

Global Leadership Chair: Mansour Javidan, Arizona State University

Exploring the Meanings of Global Followership and Global Leader-Follower Partnership Yulia V. Tolstikov-Mast, Indiana Institute of Technology Trust Formation and Development between Chinese Subordinates and Their German Supervisors Joerg Sebastian Bueechl, Tuebingen University Markus Pudelko, Tuebingen University Transformational Leadership Behaviors and Organizational Commitment: The Moderating Role of Individual Cultural Values Soyeon Kim, Meiji University Legend for Symbols Used:

Mannsoo Shin, Korea University Nominee for the Temple/AIB Best Paper Award Comparison of Managerial Leadership Behavior Preferences Across Nationalities, Industries, and Gender Romie Frederick Littrell, Auckland University of Nominee for the Alan Rugman Young Scholar Award Technology Inga Minelgaite Snaebjornsson, University of Iceland Employee Commitment to Foreign Firms in China: The Role of Cosmopolitanism and Yin Yang Leadership Hyun-Jung Lee, London School of Economics and Political Science Carol Reade, San Jose State University

70 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 MEET AND GREETS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 - 19:30-22:30

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 - 17:45-18:45 Time: 19:30-22:30 AIB Gala Event Time: 17:45-18:45 Room: Maurepas The Gala Event will take place at the National World War II Research Methods SIG - Meet and Greet Museum on Magazine St. The museum is 0.6 miles (less than 1km) from the conference venue. A limited shuttle service will

be available from the venue for those participants that do not Come and visit with the brand new Research Methods Special wish to walk the distance. Please remember to have your Interest Group (SIG) for networking, award announcements, name badges with you. Smart casual attire is recommended. coffee and light desserts. Learn about upcoming activities and plans for the next year including workshops and more. The winner of the Best Paper Award in Research Methods will be announced at the meeting.

✪The Meet and Greet is sponsored by The University of Sydney in honor of the winner of the Best Paper Award in RESEARCH METHOD CLINICS Research Methods. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 Time: 17:45-18:45 Room: Nottoway The AIB Research Methods SIG is piloting Research Methods Clinics sessions at the New Orleans conference. These sessions Women in the AIB (WAIB) - Meet and Greet are organized around specific methodological experts who will be hosting a small group discussion and providing advice to Join the Women in the AIB (WAIB) for networking, WAIB specific problems of our members. The experts and their topics business, award announcements, coffee and light desserts. are listed below. All clinics will take place at Waterbury Come to learn about how WAIB can help your career, and also Ballroom. All sessions are limited to 8 participants each and how you can contribute to WAIB and its members. require advance signup.

✪The Meet and Greet is sponsored by the E. Desmond Lee Session 1 (9:00 - 10:15) Professorship for Developing Women and Entrepreneurs in Douglas Dow - Distance and Difference Scores / Logistic & International Business, College of Business Administration, Multiple Regression / Online Experiments University of Missouri-St. Louis. Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra - Mixed Method Research Robert Vandenberg - Longitudinal Data / Multilevel / SEM /Research Design Time: 17:45-18:45 Room: Waterbury Ballroom Session 2 (10:45 - 12:00) AIB Chapters - Meet and Greet Elizabeth Rose - Categorical Data / Survey Design Peter Liesch - Qualitative Research A social event to allow AIB members to network with their local Larry Willliams - Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Chapters and other members from the same region, and to Stewart Miller - Multi-stage (Heckman) / Regression learn about local AIB activities and events.

The following Chapters have confirmed their participation: Session 3 (13:00 - 14:15) (1) Australia-New Zealand Niina Nummela - Mixed Method Research (2) Bolivia Robert Vandenberg -Longitudinal Data / Multilevel / SEM (3) Canada /Research Design (4) Central and Eastern Europe David Reeb - Missing Data / Causality / Hypothesis (5) China Development / Interactions & Dummy Variables (6) India (7) Japan (8) Korea Session 4 (14:30 - 15:45) (9) Latin America Shige Makino - Panel Data Analysis (10) Middle East and North Africa Fiona Moore - Qualitative Research (11) Sub-Saharan Africa Larry Willliams - Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) (12) United Kingdom - Ireland Andrew Delios - Multivariate Analysis / Covariate Effects / (13) US Midwest Model Specification and Model Building (14) US Northeast (15) US Southeast (16) US West

The locus of global innovation 71 Session 3.1.3 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 THURSDAY, JUNE 30 Track: 2 - Geographic Scope and Innovation Room: Maurepas Managing Subsidiary, HQ, and Organization Chair: Asda Chintakananda, National Institute of THURSDAY, JUNE 30 - 8:00-8:45 Development Administration

Time: 8:00-8:45 Dual Headquarters Involvement in Subsidiary Innovation Activities Fellows Café III Henrik Dellestrand, Uppsala University

Philip Kappen, Uppsala University Start the day with a set of small group discussions hosted by Phillip Nell, WU Vienna an AIB Fellow, focused on an IB topic of current and mutual interest. This event is open to all conference participants. Subsidiary Role, Relational Embeddedness, and Capability: The Determinants of Overseas Subsidiaries' Knowledge Sourcing from MNC-Headquarters Transfer Pricing: So Much in the News, so Little in Our IB Chuyue Jin, Seoul National University Research (Room: Evergreen) Najoung Lim, Seoul National University Lorraine Eden, Texas A&M University Return to Sender / Address Unknown: The Challenge of Research at the Intersection of International Corporate Subunit Innovation Networks for Headquarters Transfer of Governance and Global Corporate Responsibility (Room: Capabilities in the MNC Estherwood) Olof Lindahl, Uppsala University Ruth V. Aguilera, Northeastern University Session 3.1.4 - Panel Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 16 - Teaching IB Room: Oak Alley THURSDAY, JUNE 30 - 9:00-10:15 Sequencing and Structure in IB Curricula and Session 3.1.1 - Panel Time: 9:00-10:15 Programs: Learning Objectives, Study Abroad, Track: 15 - Research Methodology in IB Room: Napoleon AB and Other Experiential Learning Chair: Liesl Riddle, George Washington University Myth-Busting and Institutional Change: How to Achieve a More Innovative Future for Research Methodology in IB Panelists: Liesl Riddle, George Washington University Chair: Bo Bernhard Nielsen, University of Sydney Stacie Berdan, rklD3

Gary Knight, Willamette University Panelists: Catherine Welch, University of Sydney Session 3.1.5 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Bo Bernhard Nielsen, University of Sydney Track: 9 - Emerging Markets Room: Nottoway Larry J. Williams, University of North Dakota Robert J. Vandenberg, University of Georgia Business-Government Interactions in Emerging Markets Session 3.1.2 - Panel Time: 9:00-10:15 Chair: Chuandi Jiang, Saint Louis University Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Borgne Developing Global Leaders through MNE Ownership, Subsidiary Survival, and Economic Liberalization Experiential Learning Megan (Min) Zhang, University College Dublin Chair: Lena Zander, Uppsala University Paul W. Beamish, Western University

The Influence of Dynamism on Macroenvironmental Risk and Panelists: Firms' Risk Management Activities Allan Bird, Northeastern University Martin Weiss, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Paula Caligiuri, Northeastern University Florian Klein, WU Vienna Will Lovely, Northeastern University Jonas F. Puck, WU Vienna

From Shadow to Light: The Impact of Informal Economy on

the Export Propensity of Emerging Economy Firms Olivier Lamotte, Paris School of Business Octavio Escobar, Paris School of Business Ana Colovic, NEOMA Business School Pierre-Xavier Meschi, IAE Aix-en-Provence, CERGAM Aix-Marseille University & Skema Business School

72 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Session 3.1.6 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Session 3.1.8 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 13 - International Marketing Room: Bayside C Track: 6 - Institutions and Innovation Room: Oakley Management and Strategy Effect of Institutional Distance on Firm Chair: Dirk Morschett, University of Fribourg Decisions and Performance Chair: Halia M. Valladares, Mount Royal University Service Excellence in the Light of Cultural Diversity: The Impact of Metacognitive Cultural Intelligence Cross-National Distance and Foreign Market Entry: Entry Melanie Lorenz, University of Alabama Strategies for Chinese Multinationals Jase Ramsey, Saint Louis University Jie Wu, University of Macau Dan Morrell, Middle Tennessee State University Nan Zhou, China Minsheng Bank Ayesha Tariq, University of Alabama Seung Ho Park, CEIBS Social Media Marketing, Customer Relationship and Firm Institutional Distance and Subsidiary Performance: Climbing Performance: Dynamic Capibility Perspective up the Ladder vs. Climbing down the Ladder Zhan Wang, Saint Louis University Vikrant Shirodkar, University of Sussex Hyun Gon Kim, Rutgers University Firm-Specific Institutional Distance and Locational Decisions: Ambidexterity, New Product Advantage and Export Incorporating Host Market Context & Knowledge Intensity Performance: Degree of Internationalization and Turbulence Róisín Donnelly, Bentley University Moderating Effects Ana Catarina Cadima Lisboa, Polytechnic Institute of Session 3.1.9 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Leiria Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Gallier A Dionysis Skarmeas, Athens University of Economics and Business Terrorism, Risk and Expatriation The Role of Distance and Supplier's Reputation in Chair: Carol Reade, San Jose State University International Purchasing Silviu Horia Tierean, Erasmus University Rotterdam Terrorism and Expatriates' Withdrawal Cognitions: Differential Guido Berens, Erasmus University Rotterdam Role in the Work and Non-Work Domains Cees van Riel, Erasmus University Rotterdam Anna Katharina Bader, Georg-August-University Goettingen Session 3.1.7 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Carol Reade, San Jose State University Track: 7 - Governments, Non-market Strategies Room: Southdown The Influence of Family Characteristics on Cross-Cultural Adjustment and Expatriate Performance in Dangerous Revisiting Foreign Direct Investment: Influence Locations: A Conceptual Framework of Macro Institutional Environment Philipp Paulus, Trier University Chair: Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Universidad Katrin Muehlfeld, Trier University EAFIT Expatriate Social Networks and Social Support in Low vs. High Risk Countries: An Empirical Analysis The Role of Infrastructure Project Aid in the FDI Entry Benjamin Bader, Leuphana University of Lüneburg Decision in Developing and Emerging Economies: Firm-Level Tassilo Schuster, University Erlangen-Nürnberg Evidence from Japan Olivier Bertrand, SKEMA Business School The Effect of Host Country Threats on MNEs' Global Integration Effort via Subsidiary Staffing Marie-Ann Betschinger, University of Fribourg Kun (Fiona) Yao, University of Illinois at Urbana- Institutional Role of Inter-State Relations on Foreign Champaign Investment: Trade Agreements and Investment Treaties Jing yu (Gracy) Yang, University of Sydney Lei Shi, University of Hong Kong Song Chang, Hong Kong Baptist University Man Kuen Christine Chan, University of Hong Kong Andrew Delios, National University of Singapore The Role of Experience in FDI Location Choice: Endogenous Risk, Exogenous Risk and High-Level Government Visits Session 3.1.10 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Peter J. Buckley, University of Leeds Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Gallier B Liang Chen, University of Sussex Hinrich Voss, University of Leeds Cultural Influences in IHRM Chair: Justin Williams, Charles Sturt University

When in Rome, do as the Romans do? Evidence from Taiwan and Canada Te-Yi Lin, Tatung University Carol, Yeh-Yun Lin, National Chengchi University

The locus of global innovation 73 Localisation of Human Resources: The Interactive Effects of Accelerate or Delay? The Consequences of Big Step Work Values and Organisational Commitment Internationalization Justin Williams, Charles Sturt University Shu Yu, National University of Singapore Ramudu Bhanugopan, Charles Sturt University Internationalization Pace: Competition, Experiential Learning Brian D'Netto, Curtin University and New Market Complexity Us and Them: Disentangling Forms of Identification in MNCs Naomi Gardberg, Baruch College - CUNY Jennie Sumelius, University of Vaasa Xiaoli Yin, Baruch College - CUNY Sofia John, Hanken School of Economics Jing Liu, Baruch College - CUNY Kristiina Mäkelä, Aalto University The Influences of Institutional Distance on the Foreign Davina Vora, State University of New York at New Paltz Ownership Strategy of Emerging Economy Multinationals Yang Yang, Beijing Techonology & Business University Strategic Flexibility and Strategic Human Resource Management on The Strategic Orientation-Firm Performance Xiaohua Yang, University of San Francisco Relation: The Case of Chinese Enterprises Jonathan P. Allen, University of San Francisco Yan Gao, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics The Effect of Bank Regulatory Distance on Acquirer Zhao Zhou, Shanghai University of Finance and Ownership Interest in a Cross-Border Bank Merger and Economics Acquisition: A Transaction Cost and Real Options Analysis Longzeng Wu, Xiameng University Danielle Renee Jones, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign Session 3.1.11 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 Nan Zhang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Edgewood B Session 3.1.13 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 Constraints and Challenges of Track: 12 - Economics, Finance, Accounting Room: Estherwood Internationalization Chair: Stephanie A. Fernhaber, Butler University "Emerging" International Economics Chair: Jeremy Clegg, University of Leeds

Managerial Resources and International Expansion: The Moderating Role of Middle Managers' Size An Investigation of Stability Structures of Capital Investments Peng-Yu Li, Fu-Jen Catholic University in an Interlock Network of Firms: A Dynamical Perspective Jaideep Ghosh, Shiv Nadar University SME Internationalization and Resource Allocation Decisions: Empirical Evidences from Case Studies Avinash Kshitij, NISTADS Adeoye Adegorite, University of Waterloo Family Ownership and Exchange Rate Exposure: New Rod B. McNaughton, University of Auckland Evidence from an Emerging Market Ekta Sikarwar, T.A. Pai Management Institute Gender and Fear of Failure: A Study of Entrepreneurship in China Empirical Analysis of Association between Derivatives Use Maureen I. Muller-Kahle, Pennsylvania State University and Exposures Krista B. Lewellyn, University of Wyoming Quang Nguyen, Middlesex University Enping Jiang, Pennsylvania State University Trang Kim, Middlesex University Drivers for Traveler-Generated Content Does Shareholder Protection Promote Stock Market Camila dos Anjos Ferraz, Fundação Getulio Vargas - Development EAESP Prabirjit Sarkar, Jadavpur University Luis Henrique Pereira, Fundação Getulio Vargas - EAESP Seeking Debt in Foreign Capital Markets: The Farther You Are, the More You Pay Session 3.1.12 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 Jenny Gu, University of Dallas Track: 11 - Strategy, Alliances, Acquisitions Room: Evergreen Igor Filatotchev, Cass Business School Greg Bell, University of Dallas Market Entry and Internationalization: Abdul Rasheed, University of Texas at Arlington Investment Mode and Ownership Strategies Chair: Timothy Devinney, University of Leeds Session 3.1.14 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15

Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Ellendale Advertising Investment and Stock Return: Evidence from Cross-Listings Non-Expatriates: Repatriates, Self-Initiated and Chi-Lin Yang, Chung Yuan Christian University Non-Traditionals Chien-Wei Chen, National Chengchi University Chair: Nakiye A. Boyacigiller, Sabanci University Min-Hsien Chiang, National Cheng Kung University Industry Context and Modes of Entry: South African Financial Burden or Blessing? A Taxonomy of Repatriation Patterns: Services MNEs in Africa Evidence from a Longitudinal Study Albert Wocke, GIBS Business School Jan Sebastian Knocke, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Takura Mudekunye, GIBS Business School Werner Widuckel, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg

74 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Revisiting the Repatriate Knowledge Transfer Model: A Multinationality-Performance Relationship: An Assessment of Qualitative Confirmation Past Research and Suggestions for the Future Joyce Osland, San José State University Amit Karna, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad Betina Szkudlarek, University of Sydney Sunil Sharma, Indian Institute of Management, Gary Oddou, California State University, San Marcos Ahmedabad Jürgen Deller, Leuphana University of Lueneburg Anish Purkayastha, Indian Institute of Management, Norihito Furuya, The Institute of Global Business Ahmedabad Roger Blakeney, University of Houston A Perspective of International Repatriation: Using the Data of THURSDAY, JUNE 30 - 10:15-10:45 Repatriates in Japanese Organizations

Yoko Naito, Tokai University Time: 10:15-10:45 Unpacking Differences in Psychological Contracts of Room: Napoleon CD Organizational Expatriates and Self-Initiated Expatriates in China Coffee Break Kate Yue Zhang, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Bart Rienties, Open University UK Refreshments will be provided for conference participants at the Napoleon CD. Dancing between Illusion and Reality: Self-Initiated Expatriation of Foreign-Born Bicultural Nationals to Their Country of Origin ✪This coffee break is sponsored by the Consortium for Ebru Ipek, Simon Fraser University Undergraduate International Business Education (CUIBE) in honor of the winner of the CUIBE Award for Best Paper on Identity Work as a Process for Palliating Acculturation International Business Education. The award presentation will Cognitive Dissonance: Voluntary Expats in SMEs in Germany take place at the Exhibit Hall during the coffee break. Clive Francis William Flynn, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Non-Traditional Managers in International Assignments: A Qualitative Case Study THURSDAY, JUNE 30 - 10:45-12:00 Kowoon Kim, Florida International University Mary Ann Von Glinow, Florida International University Session 3.2.1 - Special Session Time: 10:45-12:00 Special Session Room: Napoleon AB Session 3.1.15 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 3 - Future of the MNE Room: Edgewood A 2016 JIBS Decade Award Chair: John Cantwell, Rutgers University International Diversification and Expansion Trajectories The 2016 JIBS Decade Award honors the most influential Chair: Andre Sammartino, University of Melbourne paper published in the 2006 volume of the Journal of International Business Studies. Paths and Determinants of Firm International Expansion: How does Industry Matter? A Retrospective on their article by the winners of this year's Chang Hoon Oh, Simon Fraser University JIBS Decade Award - Reconsidering the issues raised in their Minyoung Kim, University of Kansas 2006 JIBS paper on "A quarter century of Culture's Extent, Breadth and Home Region Orientation: Unbundling Consequences: a review of empirical research incorporating International Strategy in Family versus Nonfamily Firms Hofstede's cultural values framework" Daniele Cerrato, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Bradley L. Kirkman, North Carolina State University Todd Alessandri, Northeastern University Kevin B. Lowe, University of Auckland Kimberly A. Eddleston, Northeastern University Cristina B. Gibson, University of Western Australia Economic Status, Social Status, and International Discussants and Commentators: Diversification in US Law Firms Kendall Roth, Uniersity of South Carolina K. Skylar Powell, Western Washington University Timothy Devinney, University of Leeds Mooweon Rhee, Yonsei University ✪The JIBS Decade Award is sponsored by Palgrave How Important Is Regional vs. Global Strategy? An Examination of U.S. Multinationals Macmillan, the publishers of JIBS. Yujin Jeong, American University Jordan Siegel, University of Michigan

The Influence of Owner Identify on Firm Internationalization Jesper Strandskov, University of Southern Denmark

Tage Koed Madsen, University of Southern Denmark

Bent Petersen, Copenhagen Business School

The locus of global innovation 75

Session 3.2.2 - Panel Time: 10:45-12:00 Session 3.2.5 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 Track: 16 - Teaching IB Room: Borgne Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Nottoway Is Executive Education Creating Positive Knowledge-Sharing and Knowledge Transfer K.A.S.H. Flow? Exploring and Exploiting the Chair: Dana Minbaeva, Copenhagen Business School Shifting Environment of Executive Education Chair: Ashok Som, ESSEC Knowledge Absorptive Capacity and Work Motivation: A Study on Project Performance in MNCs Automotive in Thailand Panelists: Patchara Popaitoon, Chulalongkorn University Ashok Som, ESSEC Sujinda Popaitoon, Mahasarakham University Derek Lehmberg, North Dakota State University Miroslaw Jarosinski, Warsaw School of Economics Inpatriates as Knowledge Transfer Agents: Abilities, Stephane Justin Gilbert Girod, University of Reading Motivation, and Opportunities Philip Powell, Indiana University Tassilo Schuster, University Erlangen-Nürnberg Mary Teagarden, Thunderbird School of Global Dirk Holtbrügge, University Erlangen-Nürnberg Management Franziska Engelhard, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, School of Business & Economics Session 3.2.3 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 The Effects of Trust on Information Sharing Across Nations Track: 11 - Strategy, Alliances, Acquisitions Room: Maurepas Yung-Kuei Liang, Tatung University Internationalization and MNEs: New The Transnational Transfer of HRM Practices in MNC: A Perspectives Sociomaterial Framework Based on the Investigation of Chair: Victor Zitian Chen, University of North Carolina at Performance Management in China Charlotte Vincent Meyer, HEC Paris

Family Firm Internationalization: Not Just about the Family Session 3.2.6 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 Victor Zitian Chen, University of North Carolina at Track: 11 - Strategy, Alliances, Acquisitions Room: Bayside C Charlotte Anne Sluhan, Copenhagen Business School Strategies of Emerging Market Firms Chair: Yongsun Paik, Loyola Marymount University Bersant Hobdari, Copenhagen Business School Franz Kellermanns, University of North Carolina at Charlotte The Link Between Advandtage and Equity in Overseas M&A: The Internationalization of Emerging Economy Firms: From the Perspective of Emerging Multinational Enterprises Substitution and Location Choice Peter Ping Li, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University Linda Rademaker, BI Norwegian Business School Xianming Wu, Wuhan University Xavier Martin, Tilburg University Weiyun Xie, Wuhan University Top Management Team Internationalization and Firm-Level Cross-Listing and Emerging Economy Firms: Creating Value Internationalization: The Moderating Effects of Global Focus from Cross-Border Acquisitions and Home Region Institutional Diversity Yinuo Tang, University of Hong Kong Niccolò Pisani, University of Amsterdam Anupama Phene, George Washington University Alan Muller, University of Groningen Reid Click, George Washington University Paula Roxana Bogatan, University of Amsterdam Ravi Madhavan, University of Pittsburgh Semi-Global Strategies of Service MNEs: an Empirical Case of City-Based Market Potential Analysis to Capture Middle Class International Retail Industry Consumers in Emerging Markets Oksana Grebinevych, EMLYON Business School Ilke Kardes, Georgia State University Jean-Luc Arregle, EMLYON Business School From Servant to Master: Power Repositioning of Emerging-

Market Companies in Global Value Chains Session 3.2.4 - Panel Time: 10:45-12:00 Pavida Pananond, Thammasat University Track: 16 - Teaching IB Room: Oak Alley Innovative Approaches to Teaching International Business Online: A View from an Institutional First Mover Chair: Ronaldo Parente, Florida International University

Panelists: David Wernick, Florida International University Ronaldo Parente, Florida International University Marc Weinstein, Florida International University Jerry Haar, Florida International University

76 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Session 3.2.7 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 Session 3.2.9 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Southdown Track: 12 - Economics, Finance, Accounting Room: Gallier A Global Teams and Virtuality International Corporate Governance and Cash Chair: Peter Magnusson, University of Alabama Issues Chair: Stewart Miller, University of Texas - San Antonio

Free-Riding in Global Virtual Teams: An Experimental Study of Antecedents and Strategies to Minimize the Problem Corporate Governance Institutions and Investment-Cash Vasyl Taras, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Flow Sensitivity: An International Perspective William Tullar, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Luiz Ricardo Kabbach de Castro, USP-EESC Piers Steel, University of Calgary Henrique Castro Martins, UFRGS-EA Thomas O'Neil, University of Calgary Eduardo Schiehll, HEC Montréal Matt McLarnon, University of Calgary Paulo Renato Soares Terra, FGV-EAESP Communication Competence for Global Virtual Teams: The Effects of Country and Firm-Level Governance on Cash Lessons from Collaboration in a Virtual World Management Luciara Nardon, Carleton University Halit Gonenc, University of Groningen Kathryn Aten, Naval Postgraduate School Bruce Seifert, Old Dominion University Taryn Stanko, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Excess Control Rights and the Choice of Subsidiary Location Not All Diversity Is the Same: A Comparative Study of the Dirk Michael Boehe, University of Adelaide Effects of Diversity in Global Virtual Teams Yishu Fu, Southwestern University of Finance and Vasyl Taras, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Economics Daniel W. Baack, Denver University Ron McIver, University of South Australia Dan Caprar, University of New South Wales Ralf Zurbruegg, University of Adelaide Douglas Dow, University of Melbourne Dividend Catering, Investor Protection, and Sentiment: A Fabian Jintae Froese, Georg-August-University Göttingen Cross-Country Analysis Peter Magnusson, University of Alabama Kihun Kim, Miami University Alfredo Jiménez, Kedge Business School Jinho Byun, Ewha Womens University

Toward a Process Model of Virtual Acculturation: Examining Session 3.2.11 - Interactive Time: 10:45-12:00 Identity Mandates in Indian International Call Centers Track: 13 - International Marketing Room: Edgewood B Diya Das, Bryant University Prithviraja Chattopadhyay, Hong Kong University of Consumer Behavior Science and Technology Chair: Hanna Schramm-Klein, University of Siegen Ravi Dharwadkar, Syracuse University Does Social Media Really Affect Materialism and Consumer Session 3.2.8 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 Spending Behavior? A US-Korea Comparison Track: 4 - Social Innovation Room: Oakley Amonrat Thoumrungroje, Assumption University National Identification and Perceptions of National Identity: A Disaster Relief, Social Innovation and the Conceptual and Empirical Investigation Global Commons Arilova A. Randrianasolo, John Carroll University Chair: Jonathan Doh, Villanova School of Business Alexey V. Semenov, San Jose State University

A Cross-Cultural Examination of the Impact of Transformation Black Swans and the Social Value of Corporate Disaster Expectations on Impulse Buying and Conspicuous Giving Consumption Luis Ballesteros, University of Pennsylvania Pattana Boonchoo, Thammasat University Michael Useem, University of Pennsylvania Amonrat Thoumrungroje, Assumption University Resource Bricolage and Growth of Product and Market Scope A Cross-Border Examination of Consumer Differences in in Social Enterprises Online Reviewing Behavior Misagh Tasavori, University of Essex Patrick Barbro, Rowan University Caleb Kwong, University of Essex Susan Mudambi, Temple University Sarika Pruthi, San Jose State University David Schuff, Temple University Business and Global Commons: Towards a Polycentric Examining the Impact of Customer Equity on Customer Collective Strategy Loyalty Intentions: Corporate Reputation as the Mediator and Laura Albareda, Deusto Business School Customer Hedonism as the Moderator Ruth V. Aguilera, Northeastern University Gen-Yih Liao, Chang Gung University I-Chieh Hsu, National Changhua University of Education James Oliver Stanworth, National Changhua University of Education

Hawjeng Chiou, National Taiwan Normal University

The locus of global innovation 77 The Other Side of the Coin: Examining Influence of Determinants and Impact of Foreign Invested Firms' Choice of Cosmopolitanism and Acculturation on Expat Consumer's Bribery: An Interactive Approach from Institutional and Propensity to Buy Local Brands Resource-Based Perspectives Srdan Zdravkovic, Bryant University Linjie Li, Birkbeck College, University of London Dario Miocevic, University of Split Xiaming Liu, Birkbeck College, University of London Dong Yuan, Peking University Influences of Loyalty Program Design on Preferences and Motives for Reward Pursuit: A Cross Cultural Comparison Political Risks and MNCs' Reference Point on Asset Xin Yang, Hang Seng Management College Procurements Arif Mahmood, Hong Kong Baptist University Naoki Yasuda, Rikkyo University Yu Yang, Hang Seng Management College Sanctions and Signals: Home Country Subnational Tie Strength, Green Expertise, and Interpersonal Influences on Governments and MNE Divestment from Politically Risky Green Purchase Behavior: The Case of Organic Food Countries Consumption in an Emerging Market Ishva Minefee, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Sheng-Hsiung Chang, Tamkang University Nathan Jensen, George Washington University

Dynamic Bargaining Analysis: Applications to Internet Governance Session 3.2.12 - Interactive Time: 10:45-12:00 James Francis Nebus, Suffolk University Track: 2 - Geographic Scope and Innovation Room: Evergreen Carlos Rufin, Suffolk University Global and Local Knowledge for Innovation Globalization of Markets for Political Power: The Case of Legal Chair: Annique Un, Northeastern University Drafting Glen Stirling Taylor, California State University, East Bay Sandy Luong, California State University, East Bay Subsidiary Strategies for Local Knowledge Sourcing and Protection: The Role of Partner Heterogeneity Japanese Bank Expansion in the US in the 1980s - Lessons to Paul Ryan, Trinity College Dublin Draw about Chinese Bank Globalization and Politics W. Travis Selmier II, Indiana University Ulf Andersson, Mälardalen University Alessandra Perri, Ca’ Foscari University MNC-Host Government Relationship: Current Theories, Majella Giblin, Trinity College Dublin Research, and Future Directions Emilene Leite, Uppsala University Past, Present and Future of Location Choice Research Hammad ul Haq, Uppsala University Naveen Jain, Middlesex University

Tanvi Kothari, San Jose State University

Global Innovation Perspective: Innovating Overseas for Disruption Session 3.2.14 - Interactive Time: 10:45-12:00 Muhammad Imran, EMLYON Business School Track: 9 - Emerging Markets Room: Ellendale Gianpaolo Baronchelli, University of Bergamo Connectivity South of the Río Grande: USPTO Patenting and Business Models and Industries in Emerging Innovation Patterns in Latin America Markets Marcelo Cano-Kollmann, Ohio University Chair: Heather Berry, George Washington University

Leveraging Serendipitous Personal Ties in the Process of Industry Emergence The Effects of Perceived Stakeholder Pressure In Upstream Sinead Monaghan, Rutgers University Oil and Gas Companies: Evidence from Indonesia Ahreum Lee, Temple University Ciska Tobing, University of Indonesia Firmanzah Firmanzah, University of Indonesia Tengku E Balqiah, University of Indonesia Session 3.2.13 - Interactive Time: 10:45-12:00 Albert Widjaja, University of Indonesia Track: 7 - Governments, Non-market Strategies Room: Estherwood Analysis of Business Models' Innovation - A Multiple Case Study in Brazilian Industrial Companies Business-Government Interactions: Extending Moema Pereira Nunes, Universidade Feevale the Bargaining Perspective Ana Paola Russo, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Chair: Nan Jia, University of Southern California Grande do Sul State - PUCRS

Mobile Money Around the World: International Business Why Governments Expropriate Foreign Property: A View from Models, Institutional Voids, and Spillovers Business History Saul Estrin, London School of Economics Marcelo Bucheli, University of Illinois at Urbana- Susanna Khavul, University of Texas at Arlington Champaign Adeline Pelletier, IE Business School Stephanie Decker, Aston Business School

78 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Hybrid Models as Strategic Opportunity? The Global Anglo-Saxon Imperialism Revisited: An Integrated Model of Challenge of Business Service Providers in Africa UK Higher Education Internationalisation Stephan Manning, University of Massachusetts Boston Christos Antoniou, University of Leeds Chacko George Kannothra, University of Massachusetts Victoria Lindsay, British University of Egypt Boston Nichole K Wissman-Weber, University of Massachusetts Boston THURSDAY, JUNE 30 - 12:00-13:00 Competitiveness of South African Firms - New Theory or New Application? Time: 12:00-13:00 Robert Grosse, Thunderbird School of Global Room: Napoleon CD Management Albert Wocke, GIBS Business School Lunch

The Corporate Reputation Signal in the High Risk Setting of Emerging Markets: How Does It Lead to Product Brand Equity A light lunch will be provided for conference participants at the and How Can We Enhance Its Strength? Napoleon CD. Martin Heinberg, University of Duisburg-Essen H. Erkan Ozkaya, Cal Poly Pomona Markus Taube, University of Duisburg-Essen THURSDAY, JUNE 30 - 13:00-14:15 The Heterogeneity of Emerging Countries: Dual Economies and MNE Activity Session 3.3.1 - Special Session Time: 13:00-14:15 Rajneesh Narula, University of Reading Special Session Room: Napoleon AB Kristin Brandl, University of Reading The Effect of Industry Concentration on the Relationship Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson AIB between Institutions and Firm Performance Dissertation Award Presentations David Kallas, INSPER Chair: Sumit K. Kundu, Florida International University Wlamir Xavier, UNISUL & Eastern New Mexico University Carlos Caldeira, INSPER & FGV/EAESP Presentations by the 2016 Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson Rodrigo Bandeira de Mello, FGV-EAESP AIB Dissertation Award Finalists. The finalists are listed alphabeticall. Session 3.2.15 - Interactive Time: 10:45-12:00 Track: 6 - Institutions and Innovation Room: Edgewood A Influence of Institutional and Geographical Factors on the Institution, Internationalization and Integration Openness and Dispersion of Knowledge-Sourcing Practices Chair: Heechun Kim, Georgia State University (Ph.D. Awarded by Temple University) Marcelo Cano-Kollmann, Ohio University

Heterogeneous Implementation of CSR in an MNE: the Role of Substitutive or Synergistic? Inward and Outward Subsidiaries’ Institutional Contexts and Behaviors (Ph.D. Internationalization in Emerging Market Firms Awarded by HEC Paris) Jianxun Chen, University of International Business and Anne Jacqueminet, Bocconi University Economics Jing yu (Gracy) Yang, University of Sydney Influences on Transfer Effectiveness: An Exploratory Study of Headquarters Transfer of Capabilities to Subunits in the Entrepreneurial Activity and Global Economic Integration: Multinational Corporation (Ph.D. Awarded by Uppsala Propositions and Future Research University) Charles E. Bryant, Florida Institute of Technology Olof Lindahl, Uppsala University Rajshekhar Javalgi, Cleveland State University Language Strategies in Multinational Corporations. A Cross- How Do Manufacturing Firms in Emerging Economies become Sector Study of Financial Service Companies and Exporters? Manufacturing Companies (Ph.D. Awarded by Copenhagen Yong Ju Shim, FGV-EAESP Business School) Paulo Roberto Arvate, FGV-EAESP Guro Refsum Sanden, Copenhagen Business School External Environment, Firm Capability and Cross-Border Collaboration ✪ The Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson AIB Dissertation Na Ma, Tsinghua University Award is being sponsored by Henley Business School, Rui Wu, Tsinghua University University of Reading and the Centre for International Donghong Li, Tsinghua University Business, University of Leeds (CIBUL). Weiku Wu, Tsinghua University Capability, Process, and Involvement: The C-P-I Paradigm of International Diversification Chuandi Jiang, Saint Louis University

Nitish Singh, Saint Louis University

The locus of global innovation 79 Session 3.3.2 - Panel Time: 13:00-14:15 Competing and Cooperating Globally: How Firms' Multimarket Track: 3 - Future of the MNE Room: Borgne Contact Relates to Joint Price Elevation in Coopetition Networks Innovative Organizational Forms in Yu-Ching Chiao, National Chung Hsing University Multinational Business: Are They the Future of Chun-Chien Lin, National Chung Hsing University the MNE? Yu-Chen Liu, National Chung Hsing University Chair: Geoffrey Jones, Harvard Business School Discussant: Peter J. Buckley, University of Leeds Session 3.3.6 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Track: 13 - International Marketing Room: Bayside C Panelists: Globalness and Country of Origin Jean-Francois Hennart, Tilburg University Chair: Bernhard Swoboda, Trier University Teresa da Silva Lopes, University of York Karl Sauvant, Columbia University Country-of-Origin Effects and Spatial Heterogeneity in Consumer Evaluation Session 3.3.3 - Panel Time: 13:00-14:15 Minyoung Kim, University of Kansas Track: 15 - Research Methodology in IB Room: Maurepas Sunghoon Kim, Arizona State University Quantitative Analysis in IB: Doing It Well Jongkuk Lee, Ewha Womans University Chair: Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago The Country Image Literature: Mapping Its Intellectual Basis and Research Directions Brian Chabowski, University of Tulsa Panelists: Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago Saeed Samiee, University of Tulsa Alvaro Cuervo Cazurra, Northeastern University Global Brands and Drivers of Consumers' Purchase Behavior: Timothy Devinney, University of Leeds A Multi-Dimensional Perspective Rebecca Reuber, University of Toronto Nayyer Naseem, Wayne State University Attila Yaprak, Wayne State University Session 3.3.4 - Panel Time: 13:00-14:15 Is Brand Globalness in the Eye of the Beholder? Revisiting the Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Oak Alley Interplay between Perceived Brand Globalness and Consumer Characteristics on Brand Responses An Expat Is an Expat Is an Expat? Exploring the Adamantios Diamantopoulos, University of Vienna Diversity of Global Work Experiences Maja Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, University of Sarajevo Chairs: Mila Lazarova, Simon Fraser University and Vasileios Davvetas, University of Vienna Mihaela Dimitrova, Oakland University Discussant: Margaret Shaffer, University of Wisconsin, Session 3.3.7 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Milwaukee Track: 2 - Geographic Scope and Innovation Room: Southdown

Panelists: Patterns of Global Innovation Maike Andresen, University of Bamberg Chair: Karuna Jain, NITIE Ebru Ipek, Simon Fraser University Fabian Jintae Froese, Georg-August-University Göttingen Is the Innovative Entrepreneurship Environment Infectious? A B. Sebastian Reiche, IESE Business School Spatial Clustering Perspective Yi-Dan Huang, STPI, NARLabs Session 3.3.5 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Hsu-Wei Hsu, Shih Chien University Track: 11 - Strategy, Alliances, Acquisitions Room: Nottoway Dual Embeddedness and Subsidiary-Originated Innovation: The Case of MNCs in China Foreign Ownership Decision Jacky Hong, University of Macau Chair: Ilya Cuypers, Singapore Management University Robin Snell, Lingnan University Carry Mak, University of Macau Getting It Right: Experience, Vicarious Learning and The Global Family Patents of Multinational Corporations Ownership (Mis)Alignment Heather Berry, George Washington University Ilya Cuypers, Singapore Management University

Xavier Martin, Tilburg University

The Context of Learning from Experience: A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship between International Experience and Ownership Strategy Ryan Tang, University of South Australia

80 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Session 3.3.8 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Does Concentrated Ownership in Parent Trigger Ownership Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Oakley Concentration in the Foreign Subsidiary? A Study of Brazilian Firms The Institutional Context and International Yingdan Cai, University of the West of England Entrepreneurship Sathyajit Gubbi, University of Groningen Chair: Shameen Prashantham, CEIBS Kees van Veen, University of Groningen Hans van Ees, University of Groningen Entrepreneurship under Adverse Conditions: Global Study of Overcoming Institutional Voids: The Complementary Individual Resilience and Self-Efficacy Advantages of Business Groups and Multinationals Amanda Bullough, University of Delaware Ajai Gaur, Rutgers University Maija Renko, University of Illinois at Chicago Chinmay Pattnaik, University of Sydney Saadat Saeed, University of Essex Jeoung Yul Lee, Hongik University/Leeds University Business School Pack Your Bags Early: What Kind(s) of National Business Deeksha Singh, Rutgers University Systems Facilitate International New Venture Creation? Adam Smith, Arkansas State University When and Where Does Business Group Affiliation Improve Stav Fainshmidt, Florida International University Foreign Subsidiary Performance? Sarah Castaldi, University of Groningen Internationalization, Geographic Location and Entrepreneurial Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, University of Groningen Intention Sathyajit Gubbi, University of Groningen Julie Ann Elston, Oregon State University Vincent Kunst, University of Groningen Alois Konrad Weidinger, Higher Colleges of Technology

Session 3.3.11 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Session 3.3.9 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Edgewood B Track: 7 - Governments, Non-market Strategies Room: Gallier A Diversity Governing International Business: State Chair: Vasyl Taras, University of North Carolina at Ownership, Shareholders, and Boards Greensboro Chair: Rudolf R. Sinkovics, University of Manchester

LGBT Diversity Program Localization: An Institutional Paradox State-Owned Enterprises' Internationalization and the Perspective Reduction of State Ownership Mark Tayar, University of Sydney Joyce (Congying) Wang, University of Texas at Dallas Varina Paisley, University of New South Wales Sunny (Li) Sun, University of Missouri-Kansas City Raymond Chow, Macquarie University Mixed Ownership and Cross-Border Acquisitions: Gender Diversity Management in Foreign Subsidiaries: A Government-Private Shareholder Conflicts Comparative Study of Germany and Japan Victor Zitian Chen, University of North Carolina at Anna Katharina Bader, Georg-August-University Charlotte Goettingen Aldo Musacchio, Brandeis University Sali Li, University of South Carolina Firm Financial Performance and Board Gender Diversity Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Universidad EAFIT The Effectiveness of Boards of Directors around the Carolina Herrera-Cano, Universidad EAFIT World:The Role of National Business System Dimensions Krista B. Lewellyn, University of Wyoming When Different Attitudes toward Women Collide: The Case of Maureen I. Muller-Kahle, Pennsylvania State University Scandinavian Subsidiaries in Japan Lena Elisabeth Kemper, Georg-August-University Does Diplomacy Foster MNE Transparency? The Moderating Goettingen Role of Geopolitical Capital Anna Katharina Bader, Georg-August-University Anthony Paul Cannizzaro, Catholic University of America Goettingen

Encouraging Environmental Sustainability Through Gender: A Session 3.3.10 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Micro-Foundational Approach Using Linguistic Gender Track: 9 - Emerging Markets Room: Gallier B Marking Amir Shoham, Temple University Business Groups in Emerging Markets Chair: Manish Popli, Indian Institute of Management, Tamar Almor, College of Management Indore Sang Mook Lee, Pennsylvania State University Great Valley Mohammad F. Ahammad, Sheffield Hallam University What Drives Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting Quality of Business Groups in an Emerging Economy? Support Issues for Female International Business Travelers in Weichieh Su, National Chengchi University Dual-Career Families Katharina Maria Puchmüller, Johannes Kepler Universität Danchi Tan, National Chengchi University

The locus of global innovation 81 Working to Have a Voice: Institutional Work by Marginalized Session 3.3.13 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Actors in Foreign Subsidiaries Track: 4 - Social Innovation Room: Estherwood Mark Tayar, University of Sydney Varina Paisley, University of New South Wales Addressing Environmental and Social Issues in a Global Context Session 3.3.12 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Chair: John Raymond Dilyard, St. Francis College Track: 11 - Strategy, Alliances, Acquisitions Room: Evergreen Cross-Border M&As Internationalization and Motives for Keeping Green Chair: Chang Hoon Oh, Simon Fraser University : An Empirical Study in an Emerging Economy Yi-Hui Ho, Chang Jung Christian University

Chieh-Yu Lin, Chang Jung Christian University To Divide or Not to Divide: How Top Management Team Corporate Sustainability in Global Value Chains: A Conceptual Faultline Strength Affect Cross-Border Acquisition Frequency Framework and Performance Navjote Khara, Niagara College Jing'an Tang, Sacred Heart University Jianzu Wu, Lanzhou University Institutional Pressure on Sustainability Disclosure Liling Chen, Lanzhou University Domenico Ceglia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Subsidiary Role Experience of Target Firm in Cross-Border Marcelle Colares Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Ceará M&As Hyejin Cho, Korea University Fostering Sustainability and Resilience in the Global Cocoa Kheehong Song, Korea University Supply Chains - A System Dynamics Approach to Inclusive Jaiho Chung, Korea University Growth at Base of the Pyramid Tiffany Tsui, Erasmus University The Impact of Politician's Risk-Aversion Motivation on Cross- Ulf Richter, Nottingham University Business School China Border M&A Activity Around Political Turnover Jing Zhao, Renmin University of China The New Breed of Business-NGO Partnerships: Market Focus Limin Zhu, Renmin University of China vs. CSR Focus Juanita Trusty, University of Memphis Shubo Zhang, Renmin University of China Frances Fabian, University of Memphis Is There a Home Bias in Mergers and Acquisitions? And Does It Depend on the Type of Acquirer and on Its Home Country? André Cardoso, Universidade do Porto Session 3.3.14 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Ana Teresa Tavares-Lehmann, Universidade do Porto Track: 12 - Economics, Finance, Accounting Room: Ellendale Frederick N. Lehmann, Porto Business School Banking and International Transparency: What Identification to Oneself and to the Others: Employees' Else? Perceptions After a Merger Chair: Bruce Allen Hearn, University of Sussex Ralf Bebenroth, Kobe University Kai Oliver Thiele, Hamburg University of Technology Home- and Host-Market Uncertainty: The Performance of Early Movers in M&A Waves - A Study of Indian Firms International Seasoned Equity Offerings Mohammad Fuad, Indian Institute of Management, Stewart Miller, University of Texas - San Antonio Lucknow Daniel Indro, Penn State University - Great Valley Ashutosh Kumar Sinha, Indian Institute of Management, Malika Richards, Penn State University - Berks Lucknow Bruce Rudy, University of Texas - San Antonio The Cost of Knowledge: Research Intensity and Principal-Agent Transactions: The Moderating Influence of Environmental Effects on Cross-Border Acquisition Premiums Culture on Financing Contacts Tais Barreto, Florida Atlantic University Enoch Asare, University of Dallas Organizational Identity Change in Shaping Integration Sri Beldona, University of Dallas Approaches in Acquisitions: Managing Small and Large Target Basel Regulation: A Dangerous Obsession Firms Mariia Dmitrievna Ermolova, National Research University Tian Wei, Fudan University Higher School of Economics Henry Penikas, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Debt Heterogeneity, Agency Costs and Business Risk of Multinational Corporations Martin Robert Young, Massey University Karren Lee-Hwei Khaw, Universiti Utara Malaysia

Jonathan A. Batten, Monash University

82 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Reporting Bias in Private Equity: Reporting Frequency, Endowments, and Governance THURSDAY, JUNE 30 - 14:30-15:45 Minjie Zhang, York University Sofia Johan, York University Session 3.4.1 - Panel Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Napoleon AB Session 3.3.15 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Track: 9 - Emerging Markets Room: Edgewood A SME Internationalization - the Role of Public Policy in Stimulating International Informal and Formal Institutions in Emerging Entrepreneurship Markets Chairs: Igor Kalinic, University of Leeds and Jeremy Chair: Jing Li, Simon Fraser University Clegg, University of Leeds

Friends and Families: Family Ownership and Inter-Corporate Panelists: Networks Keith D. Brouthers, King's College London Jean McGuire, Louisiana State University Lance Eliot Brouthers, Kennesaw State University An Interaction Model to Explain Firm Performance in Emerging Igor Filatotchev, Cass Business School Economies: The Case of the Pacific Alliance Marian V. Jones, University of Sheffield Jorge Antonio Heredia, Universidad del Pacifico Gary Knight, Willamette University Juan Alejandro Flores, Universidad del Pacifico Rebecca Reuber, University of Toronto Maria Alejandra Barrientos, Universidad del Pacifico Miguel Matos Torres, University of Leeds The Effects of Formal and Informal Institutional Distances on the Performance of Multinational Subsidiaries in Brazil Session 3.4.2 - Panel Time: 14:30-15:45 Henrique Correa da Cunha, FURB - University of Track: 5 - Governance and Policy Room: Borgne Blumenau Mohamed Amal, Columbia University and PPGAD/FURB Time, Speed and Pace of Multinational Activity Marianne Hoeltgebaum, PPGAD/FURB University of Chairs: Sinead Monaghan, Rutgers University and Esther Blumenau Tippmann, University College Dublin William Newburry, Florida International University Business Entertainment as Gray Social Capital in Emerging Panelists: Economies Philip Kappen, Uppsala University Huan Zhang, Sun Yat-Sen University Peter Wayne Liesch, University of Queensland Garry D. Bruton, Texas Christian University Vincent Mangematin, Grenoble School of Management Yadong Luo, University of Miami Ram Mudambi, Temple University Kehan Xu, University of Wollongong Vladislav Maksimov, University of North Carolina at Session 3.4.3 - Panel Time: 14:30-15:45 Greensboro Track: 11 - Strategy, Alliances, Acquisitions Room: Maurepas THE Bright Side of Wasta Fawaz Baddar Alhussan, IÉSEG School of Management Supply Chains, Sustainability and Local Faten Baddar Alhusan, Newcastle University London Development Chair: John Raymond Dilyard, St. Francis College Join in or Opt Out? A Normative-Ethical Analysis of Affective Ties and Networks in South Korea Sven Horak, St. John's University Panelists: John Raymond Dilyard, St. Francis College What Determines Debt Structure in Emerging Markets: Amar Nayak, Xavier University, Bhubaneswar Transaction Costs or Public Monitoring? John W. Goodell, University of Akron John Lambert, University of Southern Mississippi Abhinav Goyal, University of Liverpool Dannielle Brathwaite, University of West Indies, Open Campus Kate Hughes, University of Greenwich THURSDAY, JUNE 30 - 14:15-14:30

Time: 14:15-14:30


Short break to facilitate transition between sessions. No refreshment service will be provided.

The locus of global innovation 83 Session 3.4.4 - Panel Time: 14:30-15:45 Session 3.4.6 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 9 - Emerging Markets Room: Oak Alley Track: 12 - Economics, Finance, Accounting Room: Bayside C Middle East North Africa Rising: Misconception Understanding Outward Foreign Direct and Myths Investment Chair: Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan, Karlshochschule Chair: Ben L. Kedia, University of Memphis International University

Institutions and Intellectual Property Rights: the Effects on Panelists: Foreign Direct Investment Robert Grosse, Thunderbird School of Global Nikolaos Papageorgiadis, University of Liverpool Management Frank McDonald, University of Liverpool Immanuel Azaad Moonesar, Mohammed Bin Rashid Chengang Wang, Bradford University School of Government Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan, Karlshochschule Understanding Outward Foreign Direct Investments from International University Emerging Markets: A Country of Origin Perspective Ben L. Kedia, University of Memphis

Rama Krishna Reddy, University of Memphis FDI in Cultural Space: The Role of Spatial Culture Clusters in FDI Expansion Suparna Chakraborty, University of San Francisco Miao Wang, Marquette University M.C. Sunny Wong, University of San Francisco

Session 3.4.7 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 14 - Leadership and HR Room: Southdown

Choice and Adaptation in Migration and Session 3.4.5 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Expatriation Track: 11 - Strategy, Alliances, Acquisitions Room: Nottoway Chair: Surender Munjal, University of Leeds

How Country Location Matters Won't Localize or Can't Localize?: Emotional and Rational Chair: Adamantios Diamantopoulos, University of Vienna Explanations for MNE Ethnocentric Staffing Practices Hyun-Jung Lee, London School of Economics and Income Inequality and MNE Location Choice Political Science Nathaniel C. Lupton, University of Lethbridge Katsuhiko Yoshikawa, London School of Economics and Frank Guoliang Jiang, Dalhousie University Political Science Luis Fernando Escobar, University of Lethbridge Anne-Wil Harzing, Middlesex University Impact of Environmental Performance on the Location Choice Cross-Culture Adaptation Norms and Mechanism, Expatriation of Cross-Border M&As: The Role of Industry Characteristics, and Repatriation Governance Effectiveness and Civic Environmentalism Zhi Wang, Manchester Metropolitan University Gunae Choi, Rutgers University Stuart Horsburgh, Manchester Metropolitan University Chinmay Pattnaik, University of Sydney Xiao Qian Ye, Wuhan University Country Of Origin Reputation And IPO Performance Effects of Individual Outcomes on Repatriates' Satisfaction: A Ilya Cuypers, Singapore Management University Longitudinal Study Matteo Prato, Universita’ della Svizzera Italiana Jan Sebastian Knocke, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Gokhan Ertug, Singapore Management University Ebru Ipek, Simon Fraser University

The Tone at the Top: How CEO Compensation Affects MNC Responses to Host Country Uncertainty and Risk Mirko H. Benischke, Rotterdam School of Management Orhun Guldiken, Old Dominion University Geoffrey Martin, University of Melbourne Jonathan Doh, Villanova School of Business

84 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30

Session 3.4.8 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Procedural Rationality in the Decision-Making of Track: 3 - Future of the MNE Room: Oakley Internationalizing SMEs Linda Hsiu-yun Hsieh, SOAS, University of London Internationalization and Emerging Markets: Said Elbanna, Qatar University Resources or Institutions? Rose Narooz, Coventry University Chair: Swetketu Patnaik, Anglia Ruskin University Pushyarag Puthusserry, Queen’s University Belfast Joanna Karmowska, Oxford Brookes University Svetla Marinova, Aalborg University Resource Dependence and Foreign Direct Investment Entry Lulu Zhang, China Europe International Business School into Subnational Regions in an Emerging Economy: The Moderating Role of Cultural Distance Russian SMEs under the Sanctions Regime: The Interplay of Jiatao Li, Hong Kong University of Science and Effectuation and Causation in Decision-Making on Technology International Suppliers Kun (Fiona) Yao, University of Illinois at Urbana- Tamara Galkina, Hanken School of Economics Champaign Igor Laine, Lappeenranta University of Technology Luqun Xie, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Session 3.4.11 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Behind Emerging-Economy Multinationals' International M&As Track: 9 - Emerging Markets Room: Edgewood B Joyce (Congying) Wang, University of Texas at Dallas Mike Peng, University of Texas at Dallas FDI and Host Country Institutions in Emerging Markets Converging to Maturity but Not Quite There: Chair: Vikas Kumar, University of Sydney Internationalization of Petroleum EMNEs in the Context of the

Two Wave Approach Luisa Fernanda Melo, Bentley University Understanding the Internationalization of Latin American Enterprises Jorge Alcaraz, Tecnologico de Monterrey Session 3.4.9 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Johanan Zamilpa, Universidad de Guanajuato Track: 7 - Governments, Non-market Strategies Room: Gallier A Luis E. Torres, Georgia Gwinnett College Cross-Border Politics: Multinational Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder: Host Country Factors Enterprises' Political Activities in Host That Attract Inward Financial Sector Foreign Direct Investment Countries in African Nations Danielle Renee Jones, University of Illinois at Urbana- Chair: Jonas F. Puck, WU Vienna Champaign

Impact of TMT Socio-Demographic Faultlines on Speed of FDI Home Institutional Imprinting, R&D Intensity and Lobbying Expansion: An Emerging Market Perspective Expenditure of Foreign Firms in the U.S. Ankita Chhabra, Indian Institute of Management, Indore Vikrant Shirodkar, University of Sussex Manish Popli, Indian Institute of Management, Indore Steven McGuire, University of Sussex Palitha Konara, University of Huddersfield Dynamics of Comparative Ownership Advantage: The Interplay of Domestic and International Sphere Political Risk and MNCs' Asset Investments -From Momentum Monica Ren, Macquarie University and Deceleration Views- Stephan Manning, University of Massachusetts Boston Naoki Yasuda, Rikkyo University The Influence of Institutional Voids in Emerging Markets on The Multi-Faceted Role of Experience Dealing with Policy Entrant Firms' Resource Commitment Risk: The Impact of Intensity and Diversity Claudio Giachetti, Ca' Foscari University of Venice Alfredo Jiménez, Kedge Business School Augustine Awuah Peprah, Ca' Foscari University of Diana Benito-Osorio, Rey Juan Carlos University Venice Patricia Renee Klopf, WU Vienna Institutions in Transition: Is the EU Integration Process Relevant for Inward FDI in European Transition Economies? Session 3.4.10 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Uros Delevic, University of Reading Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Gallier B Irina Heim, University of Reading

Decision-making in Internationalization Chair: Linda Hsiu-yun Hsieh, SOAS, University of London

Familiarity In Entrepreneurial Internationalization Decisions Daniel Richard Clark, Indiana University

The locus of global innovation 85 Session 3.4.12 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Opening the Blackbox of the International Diversification - Firm Track: 7 - Governments, Non-market Strategies Room: Evergreen Performance Relationship: A Meta-Analytical Path Analysis Thomas-Dawid Jaskolka, University of Kaiserslautern Antecedents and Consequences of Corporate Jens Simon Schueler, University of Kaiserslautern Political Strategy: New Perspectives and New Matthias Baum, University of Kaiserslautern Contexts Degree of Multinationalization and Dynamics of Technological Chair: Lorraine Eden, Texas A&M University Trajectories Hye Sun Kang, University of South Carolina Political Market Competition in Transition Economies: A The Economics of MNE Network: A Microstructure Perspective Resource Dependence Approach Bo Liu, University of Electronic Science and Technology Jinsil Kim, University of Texas at Dallas of China

Political Connections and Speed in Large Projects Joao Albino Pimentel, HEC Paris Session 3.4.14 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Paul Vaaler, University of Minnesota Track: 10 - Operations and SCM Room: Ellendale Lead, Follow, or Abstain: When and How Non-Market Strategy Global Sourcing Pays Off Chair: Manpreet Hora, Georgia Institute of Technology Luis Ballesteros, University of Pennsylvania With or Without You: Corporate Lobbying for Antidumping and Supply Network Collaboration: Exploring the Management of the Byrd Amendment Power and Trust Orthogonality Paradox Young Hoon Jung, University of Texas at Dallas Sven Horak, St. John's University Seung-Hyun Lee, University of Texas at Dallas Roman Bartnik, University of Duisburg-Essen Local Isomorphism in Political Strategy Analysis of the Purchasing Internationalization Process in Jihyun Eun, University of Texas at Dallas Brazilian Industrial Companies Moema Pereira Nunes, Universidade Feevale Integrating Social and Political Strategies as Forms of Márcio Costa Moreno, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Reciprocal Exchange into the Analysis of Corporate Grande do Sul State - PUCRS Governance Grace Vieira Becker, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Jean J. Boddewyn, Baruch College - CUNY Grande do Sul State - PUCRS Peter J. Buckley, University of Leeds Capability Deepening and Widening for OEM Suppliers in Frame or Get Framed: The Critical Role of Issue Framing in Global Value Chains: Exploring the Influences of Product Nonmarket Management Modularity and Electronic Integration David Bach, Yale School of Management Cheng-Chieh Hsiao, Shih Hsin University Daniel Blake, IE Business School Danchi Tan, National Chengchi University Jyh-Shen Chiou, National Chengchi University Session 3.4.13 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Challenging the Leader: How Suppliers Change the Balance of Track: 2 - Geographic Scope and Innovation Room: Estherwood Power in Supply Chains of Fast Clockspeed Industries Internationalization, Network, and Knowledge Luis Oliveira, University of São Paulo Orchastration Afonso Fleury, University of São Paulo Chair: Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University Supplier Engagement Strategies in China: Case Studies, Theorizing and Tests Intangible Asset Holdings and Investments of Multinational Changhui Zhou, Peking University Subsidiaries Chunfen Wang, Peking University Quyen Nguyen, University of Reading A Study of Modularization and Complexity The Effect of Corporate Governance on Response to Yue Zhao, Florida International University Technological Discontinuities: A Study of the Global Mobile Ronaldo Parente, Florida International University Telecommunications Industry Jimi Kim, Temple University Session 3.4.15 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Mitrabarun Sarkar, Temple University Track: 8 - Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Born Globals Room: Edgewood A Anu Wadhwa, Imperial College London Do General Purpose Technologies (GPTs) Support the New The Role of Social Ties in International Competence Creating Activities in MNC Host Countries? Entrepreneurship John Cantwell, Rutgers University Chair: Sylvie Chetty, University of Otago/Uppsala Ranfeng Qiu, California State University, San Bernardino University

Local Supplier's Technological Upgrading and Linkages with Foreign Customers: The Moderating Effect of Resource Analyzing Networks in International Business Orchestration Activities Kent Eriksson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Yoo Jung Ha, University of York Angelika Lindstrand, Stockholm School of Economics

86 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Entrepreneurial Network Ties, Resource Management, and New Venture Growth: Evidence from China's Emerging Market THURSDAY, JUNE 30 - 17:45-19:00 Gang Wang, Wuhan University Xufei Ma, Chinese University of Hong Kong Time: 17:45-19:00 Xu Jiang, Xi'an Jiaotong University Room: Waterbury Ballroom The Influence of Structural Holes and Network Closure in the Internationalization Process of Rapid Internationalizing Firms AIB Awards/Farewell Reception Spiros Batas, University of Northampton Tanja Leppäaho, Jyväskylä University School of Business The 2016 AIB Annual Meeting will come to a close with a and Economics reception immediately following the AIB General Business Comprehending the Internationalization Process of INVs: the Meeting. The reception will take place at the Waterbury Role of Network Closure and Structure and Their Interrelation Ballroom on the Second Floor with the Three Roles of Social Capital Spiros Batas, University of Northampton ✪The Awards/Farewell Reception is sponsored by Palgrave Tanja Leppäaho, Jyväskylä University School of Business Macmillan, publishers of JIBS, in honor of all the winners of and Economics awards being given out at AIB. Mahmoud Abdel Khalik, University of St. Andrews

The Effects of Industrial Environment, Domestic Network and Localization on the Performance of Taiwanese SMEs Ku-Ho Lin, National Chung Hsing University Tsung-Piao Chou, National Chung Hsing University Chueh-Chu Ou, Corporate Synergy Development Center Wei-Kuo Tseng, National Chung Hsing University External Networks and Entrepreneurial Orientation Jiao Xue, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Pengji Wang, James Cook University - Singapore Xufei Ma, Chinese University of Hong Kong Yunfeng Peng, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univerisity

THURSDAY, JUNE 30 - 15:45-16:15

Time: 15:45-16:15 Room: Napoleon CD

Coffee Break

Refreshments will be provided for conference participants at the Napoleon CD.

THURSDAY, JUNE 30 - 16:15-17:45

Session 3.5.1 - Plenary Time: 16:15-17:45 Special Session Room: Napoleon AB

AIB Awards Ceremony and Business Meeting

The session will start with the announcement of the winners Legend for Symbols Used: for the various conference awards including the Buckley and Casson Dissertation Award, AIB/Temple Best Paper Award, and the Rugman Most Promising Scholar Prize. Nominee for the Temple/AIB Best Paper Award

The business meeting will be next, featuring a presentation for Nominee for the Alan Rugman Young Scholar Award the 2017 AIB Meeting in Dubai and a review of the state of AIB and JIBS.

The floor will then be open for questions and comments from the membership.

The locus of global innovation 87 2016 Program Contributor Index

Allen, Linda, Baruch College - CUNY, Aregbeshola, Rafiu Adewale, Univer- Bach, David, Yale School of Man- A USA, ([email protected]. sity of South Africa, South Africa, agement, USA, (david.bach@yale. Aanstoot, Frank, Dutch Ministry of edu), 2.1.9 ([email protected]), 2.2.12, 2.3.11 edu), 3.4.12 Economic Affairs, Netherlands, Almor, Tamar, College of Manage- Arli, Denni, Griffith University, Aus- Bacon, Nicholas, City University of ([email protected]), 2.4.12 ment, Israel, ([email protected]), tralia, ([email protected]), 2.2.15 London, United Kingdom, (nick. Adegorite, Adeoye, University of 2.2.11, 3.3.11 Arora, Amit, Savannah State Univer- [email protected]), 1.5.12 Waterloo, Canada, (aiadegor@ Altman, Steven A., New York Univer- sity, USA, (aroraam@savannah- Baddar Alhussan, Fawaz, IÉSEG, 2.1.10, 2.3.14, 3.1.11 sity, USA, ([email protected]., 2.5.10 School of Management, France, Aggarwal, Raj, University of Akron, edu), 1.3.1 Arora, Anshu, Savannah State Uni- ([email protected]), 1.3.12, 3.3.15 USA, ([email protected]), 1.1.1, Alvarez, Isabel, Universidad Com- versity, USA, (aroraa@savannah- Bader, Anna Katharina, Georg-Au- 2.1.9, 2.2.12, 2.3.7 plutense de Madrid, Spain, (isabel., 2.5.10 gust-University Goettingen, Aguilera, Ruth V., Northeastern [email protected]), 2.2.12, 2.3.15 Arora, Soma, IMT Ghaziabad, India, Germany, (katharina.bader@wiwi. University, USA, (r.aguilera@neu. Alvstam, Claes-Göran, University ([email protected]), 1.5.2, 3.1.9, 3.3.11 edu), 0.3, 1.5.1, 2.2.6, 3.05, 3.2.8 of Gothenburg, Sweden, (claes. Arp, Frithjof, Nottingham University Bader, Benjamin, Leuphana Uni- Ahammad, Mohammad F., Shef- [email protected]), 1.3.13 Business School China, China, versity of Lüneburg, Germany, field Hallam University, United Amal, Mohamed, Columbia Univer- ([email protected]. ([email protected]), Kingdom, ([email protected]), sity and PPGAD/FURB, Brazil, cn), 1.1.9 1.3.12, 1.5.5, 2.1.5, 2.4.14, 3.1.9 2.2.11, 3.3.11 ([email protected]), Arregle, Jean-Luc, EMLYON Business Bai, Tao, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool Ahi, Ali, Lappeenranta University of 2.3.12, 2.4.12, 3.3.15 School, France, (arregle@em-lyon. University, China, (tao.bai@xjtlu. Technology, Finland, (ali.ahi@lut. Ambos, Bjoern, University of St. Gal- com), 3.2.3, 1.1.15 fi), 2.3.6 len, Switzerland, (bjoern.ambos@ Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, Maja, Uni- Bailey, Nicholas James, University of Ahmed, Gouher, Skyline University,, 2.3.2 versity of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Northern Iowa, USA, (nick.bailey@ United Arab Emirates, (gouher@ Ambrosius, Judith, University of Er- Herzegovina, (maja.arslanagic@, 1.3.8, 2.3.14 langen-Nürnberg, Germany, (judith., 3.3.6 Balaraman, Krishna Kumar, Indian Ahrens, Joachim, PFH Goettingen, [email protected]), 2.4.14 Arte, Pratik, University of Vaasa, Institute of Technology, Madras, Germany, ([email protected]), 1.5.6 Amdam, Rolv Petter, BI Norwe- Finland, ([email protected]), 2.4.15 India, ([email protected]), 1.4.14 Ahsan, Mujtaba, San Diego State gain Business School, Norway, Arvate, Paulo Roberto, FGV-EAESP, Balboni, Bernardo, University of University, USA, (mahsan@mail. ([email protected]), 2.5.11 Brazil, ([email protected]), Trieste, Italy, (bernardo.balboni@, 2.2.7 Amin, U.M, Jamia Millia Islamia, India, 3.2.15, 2.3.14 Akbar, Mohammad, Indian Institute ([email protected]), 1.3.13 Arya, Bindu, University of Missou- Baldegger, Rico, University of of Management, Lucknow, India, Amini Sedeh, Amirmahmood, Old Do- ri-St. Louis, USA, (bindua@umsl. Applied Sciences Western Switzer- ([email protected]), 2.4.15 minion University, USA, (aaminise@ edu), 2.2.15, 2.4.8 land, Switzerland, (rico.baldeg- Akbar, Yusaf, CEU Business School, [email protected]), 2.1.10, 2.4.15, 2.2.7 Asaba, Shigeru, Waseda University, Hungary, ([email protected]. Amponsah, Christian Tabi, Skyline Japan, ([email protected]), Baliga, Ram, Wake Forest University, edu), 2.3.14 University, United Arab Emirates, 1.4.4 USA, ([email protected]), 2.3.13 Akhtar, Pervaiz, University of Hull, ([email protected]), 2.3.14 Asakawa, Kazuhiro, Keio University, Ball, Emma, Middlesex University, United Kingdom, (pervaiz.akhtar@ An, Young Hoon, Yonsei University, Japan, ([email protected]), United Kingdom, (e.ball@mdx., 1.1.13 Korea, South, ([email protected]. 0.4, 1.4.13, 2.2.1, 2.4.3, 3.4.13, 1.1.3 Akkan, Eren, IESE Business School, edu), 2.3.12 Asare, Enoch, University of Dallas, Ballam, Mark, San Diego State Spain, ([email protected]), 1.1.4 Anderson, Beth, Florida Atlantic USA, ([email protected]), 3.3.14 University, USA, (mballam@mail. Al Mamun, Abdullah, University of, 1.6.13 University, USA, (eander27@fau. Ash, Steven, University of Akron, Newcastle, Australia, (abdullahal. edu), 2.3.12 USA, ([email protected]), 1.1.13 Ballesteros, Luis, University of [email protected]), 2.2.15 Pennsylvania, USA, (luisf@whar- Anderson, John Robert, University Asmussen, Christian Geisler, Copen- Alanezi, Abdullah, Institute of Public, 2.2.8, 3.2.8, 3.4.12 of Northern Iowa, USA, ( hagen Business School, Denmark, Administration, Saudi Arabia, (ane- [email protected]), 1.1.5 ([email protected]), 1.3.2, 2.2.15, Balqiah, Tengku E, University of [email protected]), 1.5.12 Andersson, Ulf, Mälardalen Universi- 2.4.8, 2.5.1 Indonesia, Indonesia, (tebalqiah@ Albareda, Laura, Deusto Business, 3.2.14 ty, Sweden, (ulf.r.andersson@mdh. Assouad, Alexander, Belmont Uni- School, Spain, (laura.albareda@ se), 1.1.3, 3.2.12 versity, USA, (alexander.assouad@ Bamiatzi, Vassiliki, University of, 3.2.8 Ando, Naoki, Hosei University, Japan,, 1.6.6 Leeds, United Kingdom, (v.bamiat- Albertoni, Filippo, Politechnico di [email protected]), 1.4.14, 2.3.1 ([email protected]), 1.3.11, 2.4.14 Aten, Kathryn, Naval Postgraduate Milano, Italy, (filippo.albertoni@ Andresen, Maike, University of Bam- School, USA, ([email protected]), Banalieva, Elitsa, Northeastern, 2.3.6 berg, Germany, (maike.andresen@ 3.2.7 University, USA, (e.banalieva@ Albino Pimentel, Joao, HEC Paris,, 0.4, 1.3.7, 2.4.14, 3.3.4 Audretsch, David, Indiana University, France, (joao.albino-pimentel@ Annan-Diab, Fatima, Kingston Uni- USA, ([email protected]), 2.5.12 Bandeira de Mello, Rodrigo, FGV-, 3.4.12 EAESP, Brazil, (rodrigo.bandeira. versity, United Kingdom, (f.diab@ Auer-Rizzi, Werner, Johannes Kepler Alcaraz, Jorge, Tecnologico de Mon- [email protected]), 3.2.14, 2.2.15 Universität, Austria, (werner. terrey, Mexico, (jlalcaraz@itesm. Annavarjua, Madan, Bryant Univer- [email protected]), 1.5.12 Banerjee, Somak, Wayne State mx), 3.4.11 University, USA, (fk4418@wayne. sity, USA, ([email protected]), Autio, Erkko, Imperial College Alessandri, Todd, Northeastern edu), 2.4.6 2.2.9 London, United Kingdom, (erkko. University, USA, (t.alessandri@neu. Antoniou, Christos, University of [email protected]), 1.4.11 Bansal, Vishakha, Lal Bahadur Shas- edu), 3.1.15 tri Institute of Management, India, Leeds, United Kingdom, (ca@lubs. Azaad Moonesar, Immanuel, Alhorr, Hadi S., Saint Louis Universi- ([email protected]), 2.4.15, 1.3.3, 2.3.2, 3.2.15 Mohammed Bin Rashid School of ty, USA, ([email protected]), 2.4.11 Aoun, Joseph, President, Northeast- Government, United Arab Emirates, Barbro, Patrick, Rowan University, Alhusan, Faten Baddar, Newcastle ern University, USA, 1.1.1 (immanuel.moonesar@mbrsg. USA, ([email protected]), 3.2.11 University London, United King- Ardisa, Alvin, Nottingham University, 2.1.12, 2.5.4, 3.4.4 Barker, Michelle, Griffith University, dom, (faten.baddar-alhusan@ncl. Business School, Indonesia, (alvin. Australia, ([email protected]., 1.3.12, 3.3.15 [email protected]), 1.1.9 B au), 1.3.7 Allen, Jonathan P., University of San Baack, Daniel W., Denver University, Barnes, Robin, Greater New Orleans, Francisco, USA, (jpallen@usfca. USA, ([email protected]), 3.2.7 Inc., USA, ([email protected]), edu), 3.1.12 2.3.3 88 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Baronchelli, Gianpaolo, University Bento, João Paulo, University of Bosco, Frank, Virginia Commonwealth Buck, Trevor, University of Glasgow, of Bergamo, Italy, ( Aveiro, Portugal, ([email protected]), University, USA, (fabosco@vcu. Italy, ([email protected]), [email protected]), 3.2.12 2.1.14 edu), 1.5.2 1.3.9 Barreto, Tais, Florida Atlantic Univer- Berdan, Stacie, rklD3, USA, (stacieber- Botero, Julio Cesar, Universidad de Buckley, Peter J., University of Leeds, sity, USA, ([email protected]), 3.3.12 [email protected]), 3.1.4 LaSalle, Colombia, (juliocbotero@ United Kingdom, ([email protected]. Barrientos, Maria Alejandra, Uni- Berens, Guido, Erasmus University, 1.6.11, 2.1.1, 2.2.4, 2.3.1, 3.1.7, 3.3.2, versidad del Pacifico, Peru, (ma. Rotterdam, Netherlands, (gber- Bouncken, Ricarda B., University of 3.4.12 [email protected]), 3.3.15 [email protected]), 3.1.6 Bayreuth, Germany, (bouncken@ Budde-Sung, Amanda, University Barron, Andrew, Toulouse Business Bergdolt, Franziska, University of, 2.3.13 of Sydney, Australia, (amanda. School, France, (a.barron@tbs-edu- Bamberg, Germany, (franziska.berg- Bouquet, Cyril, IMD, Switzerland, (cyril. [email protected]), 2.3.4,, 2.4.15 [email protected]), 1.1.4 [email protected]), 1.1.4 2.5.7 Bartnik, Roman, University of Berry, Heather, George Washington Boyacigiller, Nakiye A., Sabanci Uni- Bueechl, Joerg Sebastian, Tuebin- Duisburg-Essen, Germany, (roman. University, USA, ([email protected]), versity, Turkey, (nakiye@sabanci- gen University, Germany, (joerg. [email protected]), 2.3.15, 3.4.14 2.5.6, 3.2.14, 3.3.7, 1.5.1, 2.5.3, 3.1.14 [email protected]), 2.5.14 Basile, Roberto, Seconda Università Berte, Erica, Texas Woman’s Universi- Bozos, Konstantinos, University of Bullough, Amanda, University of di Napoli, Italy, (robertogiovanni. ty, USA, ([email protected]), 1.5.3 Leeds, United Kingdom, (kb@lubs. Delaware, USA, (bullough@udel. edu), 1.5.1, 2.3.4, 3.3.8 [email protected]), 1.1.8 Bertrand, Olivier, SKEMA Business, 1.4.14 Batas, Spiros, University of School, France, (olivier.bertrand@ Bradley, Catherine, Lieberman Re- Byun, Jinho, Ewha Womens Univer- Northampton, United Kingdom,, 3.1.7 search Worldwide, USA, (cbradley@ sity, Korea, South, (jbyun@ewha., 3.2.9 ([email protected]), Betschinger, Marie-Ann, University of, 2.3.12 1.1.7, 3.4.15 Fribourg, Switzerland, (marie-ann. Brandl, Kristin, University of Reading, Batliwala, Srilatha, independent [email protected]), 3.1.7 United Kingdom, (k.brandl@henley. C researcher, India, (sribatli@gmail. Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd, University of, 3.2.14 Cai, Yingdan, University of the West com), 2.1.15 Groningen, Netherlands, (s.beugels- Brannen, Mary Yoko, University of of England, United Kingdom, (cath- Batten, Jonathan A., Monash Universi- [email protected]), 1.6.8, 3.3.10 Victoria, Canada, (maryyoko@uvic. [email protected]), 3.3.10 ty, Australia, (jonathan.batten@ Bezerra, Maite Alves, University of ca), 1.5.12 Caldeira, Carlos, INSPER & FGV/, 3.3.14 Reading, United Kingdom, (m.alves- Brant, Katarina K., Florida Atlantic EAESP, Brazil, (carlos_caldeira@ Baum, Matthias, University of [email protected]), 1.1.5 University, USA, (kknutsen2013@, 3.2.14 Kaiserslautern, Germany, (matthias. Bhadra, Dhiman, Indian Institute of, 2.1.13 Caligiuri, Paula, Northeastern Uni- [email protected]), 2.5.9, 3.4.13 Management, Ahmedabad, India, Brathwaite, Dannielle, University of versity, USA, ([email protected]), Bayraktar, Secil, Ozyegin University, ([email protected]), 2.4.12 West Indies, Open Campus, Barba- 2.4.9, 3.1.2 Turkey, (secil.bayraktar@ozyegin. Bhanugopan, Ramudu, Charles Sturt dos, (danniellebrathwaite@outlook. Campos, Nauro F, Brunel University,, 1.4.10, 1.5.12, 1.6.6 University, Australia, (bramudu@ com), 3.4.3 United Kingdom, (nauro.campos@ Beamish, Paul W., Western Univer-, 3.1.10 Brennan, Louis, Trinity College, 2.4.6 sity, Canada, ([email protected]. Bird, Allan, Northeastern University, Dublin, Ireland, (brennaml@tcd. Cannizzaro, Anthony Paul, Catholic ca), 0.8, 2.4.14, 3.1.5 USA, ([email protected]), 1.5.12, 3.1.2 ie), 2.2.12 University of America, USA, (canniz- [email protected]), 3.3.9 Bebenroth, Ralf, Kobe University, Bitektine, Alex, HEC Montréal, Canada, Breuer, Wolfgang, RWTH Aachen Jordan, ([email protected]), ([email protected]), 2.1.14 University, Germany, (wolfgang. Cano-Kollmann, Marcelo, Ohio Univer- 3.3.12 [email protected]), 1.5.14 sity, USA, ([email protected]), 1.4.8, Blake, Daniel, IE Business School, 2.5.2, 3.2.12, 3.3.1 Becker, Grace Vieira, Pontifical Spain, ([email protected]), 3.4.12 Brouthers, Keith D., King’s College Catholic University of Rio Grande London, United Kingdom, (keith. Cantwell, John, Rutgers University, do Sul State - PUCRS, Brazil, (grace. Blakeney, Roger, University of Hous- [email protected]), 2.05, 2.4.7, USA, ([email protected]. [email protected]), 3.4.14 ton, USA, ([email protected]), 3.1.14 3.4.1 edu), 0.2, 1.3.3, 3.2.1, 3.4.13 Beldona, Sri, University of Dallas, Blyton, Paul, Cardiff University, Brouthers, Lance Eliot, Kennesaw Capar, Nejat, Meliksah University, USA, ([email protected]), 1.1.12, United Kingdom, (blyton@cardiff. State University, USA, (lbrouthe@ Turkey, ([email protected]), 2.4.5, 3.3.14, 1.5.12, 1.3.14, 3.4.1 1.1.13, 1.4.14 Beleska-Spasova, Elena, Universi- Boddewyn, Jean J., Baruch College Brown, L. David, Harvard University, Caprar, Dan, University of New South ty of Reading, United Kingdom, - CUNY, USA, (jean.boddewyn@ USA, ([email protected]), Wales, Australia, (dan.caprar@ ([email protected]),, 1.05, 3.4.12 2.1.15, 3.2.7 1.5.15, 2.3.2 Bodla, Ali Ahmad, Shanghai Jiao Tong Bruno, Randolph Luca, University Cardoso, André, Universidade do Belitski, Maksim, University of Read- University, China, (alibodla22@ College London, United Kingdom, Porto, Portugal, (100401197@fep. ing, United Kingdom, (m.belitski@, 1.5.12 ([email protected]), 2.4.6, 3.3.12, 2.5.12 Boehe, Dirk Michael, University of Bruton, Garry D., Texas Christian Carneiro, Jorge, Pontifical Catholic Bell, Greg, University of Dallas, USA, Adelaide, Australia, (dirk.boehe@ University, USA, (g.bruton@tcu. University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, ([email protected]), 3.1.13, 1.3.13, 2.5.13, 3.2.9 edu), 3.3.15 ([email protected]), 2.2.11 Bengtson, Anna, Uppsala University, Bogatan, Paula Roxana, University Bryant, Charles E., Florida Institute Carrera Jr., Jose marcos, EAESP, Bra- Sweden, (anna.bengtson@fek. of Amsterdam, Netherlands, (boga- of Technology, USA, (chuckbryant@ zil, ([email protected]), 1.4.11 [email protected]), 3.2.3, 2.3.8, 2.2.14, 3.2.15 Carvalho, Bruno de Oliveira, Fanor - Benischke, Mirko H., Rotterdam Boglarsky, Cheryl Ann, Human Bubenzer, Philipp, University of Ap- Devry Brazil, Brazil, (brunodeolivei- School of Management, Nether- Synergistics, Inc., USA, (cheryl. plied Sciences Western Switzerland, [email protected]), 1.5.15 lands, ([email protected]), 2.4.12, boglarsky@humansynergistics. Switzerland, (philipp.bubenzer@ com), 1.1.12 Casper, Wendy, University of Texas 3.4.5, 2.1.10 at Arlington, USA, (wjcasper@uta. Benito, Gabriel R. G., BI Norwegian Boonchoo, Pattana, Thammasat Buccieri, Dominic, Cleveland State edu), 2.4.5 Business School, Norway, (gabri- University, Thailand, (pattana@tbs. University, USA, (dombuccieri@, 3.2.11 Castaldi, Sarah, University of Gronin- [email protected]), 1.1.3, 1.3.2, 1.3.12 gen, Netherlands, (s.castaldi@rug. Benito-Osorio, Diana, Rey Juan Carlos Borg, Erik A., Sodertorn University, Buchanan, Page Schindler, COO, nl), 3.3.10 Sweden, ([email protected]), 1.3.12 University, Spain, (diana.benito@ Global Business School Network, Castater, Nichole M., Barry University,, 3.4.9 Borini, Felipe Mendes, PMDGI/ESPM, USA, ([email protected]), 1.6.5 USA, ([email protected]), 1.3.13 Brazil, ([email protected]), 1.1.5 Benmamoun, Mamoun, Saint Louis Bucheli, Marcelo, University of Illinois Castellani, Davide, Henley Business University, USA, (benmamm@slu. Bortoluzzi, Guido, University of at Urbana-Champaign, USA, (mbu- School, United Kingdom, (d.castel- edu), 2.4.13 Trieste, Italy, (guido.bortoluzzi@ [email protected]), 2.1.7, 3.2.13 [email protected]), 1.1.8 Bensalah, Linda, HEC Montréal, Cana-, 2.3.14 da, ([email protected]), 2.1.14 The locus of global innovation 89 Castro Figueroa, Andres Mauricio, Chen, Jianxun, University of Inter- Chiu, Chih-Fang, National Taiwan Uni- Clegg, Jeremy, University of Leeds, Compensar Unipanamericana, national Business and Economics, versity, Taiwan, (juju0802@gmail. United Kingdom, (l.j.clegg@lubs. Colombia, (amcastrof@unipanamer- China, ([email protected]), 3.2.15 com), 2.3.13, 1.3.15, 2.2.5, 3.1.13, 3.4.1, 2.3.12 Chen, Liang, University of Sussex, Chiu, Hsin_Hui, California State Click, Reid, George Washington Uni- Caussat, Paul, ESCP Europe, France, United Kingdom, (leopold.chen- University, Northridge, USA, (hsinhui. versity, USA, ([email protected]), 3.2.6 ([email protected]. [email protected]), 2.1.11, 3.1.7 [email protected]), 1.5.14 Clougherty, Joseph, University of eu), 1.3.15 Chen, Liling, Lanzhou University, Chizema, Amon, University of Bir- Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, Cavusgil, S. Tamer, Georgia State China, ([email protected]), mingham, United Kingdom, (amon. ([email protected]), 1.4.5, 1.5.9, University, USA, (stcavusgil@gsu. 3.3.12 [email protected]), 2.3.4 2.5.5 edu), 1.4.14 Chen, Lu-Jui, Ming Chuan University, Cho, Hyejin, Korea University, Korea, Cobham, Alex, Tax Justice Network, Ceglia, Domenico, Universidade Taiwan, ([email protected]. South, ([email protected]), United Kingdom, (alex@taxjustice. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, tw), 2.5.11 3.3.12 net), 2.3.7 ([email protected]), 2.1.12, 3.3.13 Chen, Ni-yun, National Dong Hwa Cho, Yunok, Renmin University of Colakoglu, Saba, Berry College, USA, Celo, Sokol, Suffolk University, USA, University, Taiwan, (nychen@mail. China, China, (yunok.cho@gmail. ([email protected]), 1.3.7 ([email protected]), 2.3.9, 2.4.6, 2.1.12 com), 2.3.2 Colón, Beth, The Weinman Colón Cook Cerdin, Jean-Luc, ESSEC Business Chen, Shih-Fen S., Ivey Business Choe, Soonkyoo, Yonsei University, Group, Morgan Stanley, USA, (beth. School, France, ([email protected]), School, Canada, ([email protected]. Korea, South, (skychoe@hotmail. [email protected]), 2.5.3 1.1.12 ca), 2.4.13, 1.3.15, 2.3.12, 2.4.8 Colovic, Ana, NEOMA Business School, Cerrato, Daniele, Università Cattolica Chen, Shouming, Tongji University, Choi, Gunae, Rutgers University, USA, France, (ana.colovic@neoma-bs. del Sacro Cuore, Italy, (daniele. China, ([email protected]), 1.4.15 ([email protected]), fr), 3.1.5 [email protected]), 3.1.15 Chen, Taotao, Tsinghua University, 3.4.5 Constantiou, Ioanna, Copenhagen Chabowski, Brian, University of Tulsa, China, ([email protected]. Choi, Jeongho, St. John Fisher Col- Business School, Denmark, (ic.itm@ USA, ([email protected]), cn), 1.4.2 lege, USA, ([email protected]), 1.3.5, 1.1.3 3.3.6 Chen, Victor Zitian, University of Choi, Jongmoo Jay, Temple University, Contractor, Farok, Rutgers University, Chacar, Aya, Florida International North Carolina at Charlotte, USA, USA, ([email protected]), 2.2.8 USA, ([email protected]. University, USA, ([email protected]), ([email protected]), 1.1.2, 3.2.3, Chou, Tsung-Piao, National Chung Hs- edu), 0.3, 1.3.5 0.4, 2.1.13, 2.3.9 3.3.9 ing University, Taiwan, (ns1199729@ Corner, AJ, Georgia State University, Chadee, Doren, Deakin University, Chen, Xia “Anna”, Ningbo University,, 1.4.14, 3.4.15 USA, ([email protected]), 2.1.13 Australia, (doren.chadee@deakin. China, ([email protected]. Chou, Wen-Chiung, Kainan University, Correa da Cunha, Henrique, FURB, 1.4.12 cn), 1.3.10 Taiwan, ([email protected]), - University of Blumenau, Brazil, Chakrabarty, Subrata, Univer- Chen, Ying-Yu, (Kerri), National Dong 1.3.12, 1.5.8 (henriquecorreadacunha@gmail. sity of Texas at El Paso, USA, Hwa University, Taiwan, (kc615486@ Chow, Raymond, Macquarie Univer- com), 2.4.12, 3.3.15 ([email protected]), 1.1.9, 1.3.12, 1.5.8 sity, Australia, (raymond.chow@ Cotae, Frank, Mount Royal University, Chakraborty, Suparna, Univer- Chen, Yong, Old Dominion University,, 3.3.11 Canada, ([email protected]), 2.5.7 sity of San Francisco, USA, USA, ([email protected]), 2.1.14 Chowdhury, Farzana, Indiana Univer- Covarrubias Venegas, Barbara, ([email protected]), 2.1.9, Chen, Zhou, University of Hawaii at sity, USA, ([email protected]), FHWien University of Applied 3.4.6 Manoa, USA, (zhouchen@hawaii. 2.5.12 Sciences, Austria, (barbara.covarru- Chakravarty, Dwarka, Western edu), 1.3.10 Christmann, Petra, Rutgers Universi- [email protected]), 1.5.12 University, Canada, (dchakravarty. Cheng, Zheng, University of Kansas, ty, USA, ([email protected]. Coviello, Nicole, Wilfred Laurier [email protected]), 2.4.14 USA, ([email protected]), 2.3.13 edu), 0.2, 1.6.10 University, Canada, (ncoviello@wlu. Chan, Man Kuen Christine, University Chetty, Sylvie, University of Otago/ Christopoulou, Danai, University of ca), 2.2.11, 2.3.1 of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC, Uppsala University, New Zealand, Bradford, United Kingdom, (d.chris- Craig, C. Samuel, New York University, ([email protected]), 3.1.7 ([email protected]), 2.3.14, [email protected]), USA, ([email protected]), 2.4.13 Chandrashekhar, Lakshman, Tongji 3.4.15 2.4.11 Craig, Tim, Dishisha University, Japan, University School of Economics Chhabra, Ankita, Indian Institute of Chuang, Cheng-Min, National Taiwan ([email protected]), 1.5.12 & Management, China, (claksh- Management, Indore, India, (f13anki- University, Taiwan, (cmchuang@ntu. [email protected]), 2.4.5 Crawford, John, Lipscomb University, [email protected]), 3.4.11, 2.3.13 USA, (john.crawford@lipscomb. Chang, Sheng-Hsiung, Tamkang Chi, Tailan, University of Kansas, USA, Chuang, Fu-Mei, ESC Rennes School edu), 1.3.10 University, Taiwan, (shchang@mail. ([email protected]), 2.2.8, 2.3.13 of Business, France, (, 3.2.11 Crescenzi, Riccardo, London School Chiang, Min-Hsien, National Cheng [email protected]), 2.4.7 of Economics, United Kingdom, Chang, Song, Hong Kong Baptist Kung University, Taiwan, (mchiang@ Chun, Douglas, University of La Verne, ([email protected]), 1.1.8 University, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC,, 3.1.12 USA, ([email protected]), 1.6.11 ([email protected]), 3.1.9 Crescitelli, Edson, University of São Chiao, Yu-Ching, National Chung Hsing Chun, Wootae, Saint Louis University, Paulo, Brazil, ([email protected]), Chang, Xiaoxi, Rey Juan Carlos Univer- University, Taiwan, (chiaoy@dragon. USA, ([email protected]), 2.4.13 2.4.13 sity, Spain, ([email protected]., 3.3.5 es), 1.5.12 Chung, Jaiho, Korea University, Korea, Crespo, Ray, Florida Atlantic Univer- Chidlow, Agnieszka, University of South, ([email protected]), sity, USA, ([email protected]), Chang, Young Kyun, Sogang Universi- Birmingham, United Kingdom, 3.3.12 2.3.12 ty, Korea, South, (changy@sogang. ([email protected]), 1.3.14, 1.5.14, 2.4.5 Ciravegna, Luciano, King’s College Criaco, Giuseppe, Jönköping Inter- Chikhouni, Abdulrahman, Mount Roy- London, United Kingdom, (luciano. national Business School, Sweden, Changphao, Pawinee, University al University, Canada, (achikhouni@ [email protected]), 1.5.10, 2.1.14, ([email protected]), 2.4.7 of Texas at Dallas, USA, (pchang-, 1.1.12 2.4.15 [email protected]), 2.2.12 Cruz, Claudia Beatriz Batschauer da, Chintakananda, Asda, National Insti- Clapp-Smith, Rachel, Purdue Univer- University of Vale do Itajai, Brazil, Chattopadhyay, Prithviraja, Hong tute of Development Administration, sity Calumet, USA, (rachel.smith@ ([email protected]), 2.3.12 Kong University of Science and Thailand, ([email protected]),, 1.1.4, 2.1.6 Cubero Dudinskaya, Emilia, University Technology, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC, 2.2.13, 3.1.3 ([email protected]), 3.2.7 Clark, Daniel Richard, Indiana Univer- of Pavia, Italy, (emilia.cuberodudins- Chiou, Hawjeng, National Taiwan Nor- sity, USA, ([email protected]), 1.5.10, [email protected]), 1.4.4 Chawla, Kavilash, Baton Global, USA, mal University, Taiwan, (hawjeng@ 2.2.11, 3.4.10 ([email protected]), 2.1.15 Cuervo Cazurra, Alvaro, Northeastern, 3.2.11 Clark, Kim, St. Mary’s University, USA, University, USA, (a.cuervocazurra@ Chen, Chien-Wei, National Chengchi Chiou, Jyh-Shen, National Chengchi ([email protected]), 2.1.8, 0.4, 1.05, 1.3.4, 1.4.3, 2.3.5, University, Taiwan, (cweichen@nccu. University, Taiwan, (jschiou@nccu. 2.4.2, 3.3.3, 3.1.12 Clarke, James, University of, 1.4.13, 3.4.14 Queensland, Australia, (jclarke@ Chen, Hong, Old Dominion University,, 2.3.14 USA, ([email protected]), 2.1.14 90 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Cuypers, Ilya, Singapore Manage- Deller, Jürgen, Leuphana University Donnelly, Róisín, Bentley University, Elston, Julie Ann, Oregon State ment University, Singapore, (ily- of Lueneburg, Germany, (deller@ USA, ([email protected]), 3.1.8 University, USA, (julie.elston@ [email protected]), 1.3.4, 1.6.12,, 3.1.14 Doornich, June Borge, North Universi-, 3.3.8 3.3.5, 3.4.5 Dellestrand, Henrik, Uppsala Univer- ty, Norway, ([email protected]), 2.5.15 Engelhard, Franziska, Friedrich-Al- sity, Sweden, (henrik.dellestrand@ Dorfman, Peter, New Mexico State exander University Erlangen-Nürn- D, 1.1.3, 3.1.3 University, USA, (pdorfman@nmsu. berg, School of Business & da Silva Lopes, Teresa, University Demirtas, Ozgur, Inonu University, edu), 2.1.2 Economics, Germany, (franziska. [email protected]), 2.1.13, 3.2.5 of York, United Kingdom, (teresa. Turkey, ([email protected]. Dorobantu, Sinziana, New York Uni- [email protected]), 2.5.8, 3.3.2 tr), 1.4.14 versity, USA, (sinziana.dorobantu@ Eriksson, Kent, KTH Royal Institute Dabija, Dan-Cristian, Babes-Bolyai Deng, Ping, Cleveland State Univer-, 1.3.5, 2.3.10, 2.4.2 of Technology, Sweden, (kent.eriks- [email protected]), 3.4.15 University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, sity, USA, ([email protected]), Dow, Douglas, University of Mel- ([email protected]), 1.5.7 1.4.13, 1.5.5 bourne, Australia, (d.dow@mbs. Ermolova, Mariia Dmitrievna, National Dadzie, Samuel Bucklock Ato, Ghana Deng, Ziliang, Renmin University of edu), 3.2.7 Research University Higher School Institute of Management and Public China, China, ([email protected]. of Economics, Russia, (m.d.ermolo- Doz, Yves, INSEAD, France, (yves. [email protected]), 3.3.14 Administration, Ghana, (sdadzie@ cn), 1.3.15 [email protected]), 1.2, 2.2.1, 2.4.3, 1.3.12 Ertug, Gokhan, Singapore Manage- Denicolai, Stefano, University of Du, Yun Zhou, Anhui University of Dai, Li, Western University, Canada, Pavia, Italy, (stefano.denicolai@ ment University, Singapore, (gokha- Finance & Economics, China, (duyun- [email protected]), 3.4.5 ([email protected]), 1.1.8, 1.4.4 [email protected]), 2.1.4 Escobar, Luis Fernando, University of D’Angelo, Alfredo, Catholic University Derayati, Ehsan, Concordia Univer- Duso, Tomaso, DIW Berlin and DICE, of Sacred Heart, Italy, (alfredo. sity, Canada, (ehsan.derayati@ Lethbridge, Canada, (luis.escobar@ Heinrich-Heine University, Germany,, 3.4.5 [email protected]), 1.3.9, 2.3.12 ([email protected]), 1.5.9 Escobar, Octavio, Paris School of Daniel, Shirley J., University of Hawaii Desai, Sameeksha, Indiana University, Duvivier, Florence, Neoma Business at Manoa, USA, (sdaniel@hawaii. USA, ([email protected]), 2.5.12 Business, France, (octaescobar@ School, France, (florence.duvivier@, 3.1.5 edu), 1.3.10 Deshpande, Anant P., University of, 2.3.9 Esteves Fernandes Pinto, Karen, Darwish, Tamer, University of Lethbridge, Canada, (apd1942@ Dykes, Bernadine, University of Gloucestershire, United Kingdom,, 1.4.14 University of São Paulo, Brazil, Delaware, USA, ([email protected]), ([email protected]), 2.2.14 ([email protected]), 1.5.12 Deshpande, Sameer, University of 1.3.15, 2.3.6 Das, Diya, Bryant University, USA, Lethbridge, Canada, (sameer.desh- Estrin, Saul, London School of ([email protected]), 2.2.9, 3.2.7 [email protected]), 1.4.14 Economics, Australia, (s.estrin@lse. E, 1.4.5, 2.4.6, 3.2.14 Das, Madhu, Indian Institute of Devinney, Timothy, University of Ebrahim, Alnoor, Harvard University, Management, Tiruchirappalli, India, Leeds, United Kingdom, (t.devin- Eun, Jihyun, University of Texas at USA, ([email protected]), 1.4.1, Dallas, USA, ([email protected]), ([email protected]), 1.4.14 [email protected]), 1.05, 1.5.3, 3.1.12, 2.1.15 3.2.1, 3.3.3 3.4.12 Dasi, Angels, University of Valencia, Eddleston, Kimberly A., Northeastern Spain, ([email protected]), 1.5.12 Dhanaraj, Charles, IMD, Switzerland, University, USA, (k.eddleston@neu. Dastmalchian, Ali, Simon Fraser ([email protected]), 0.8, 1.2 edu), 1.1.2, 3.1.15 F Fabian, Frances, University of University, Canada, (dastmalc@sfu. Dharwadkar, Ravi, Syracuse Universi- Eden, Lorraine, Texas A&M University, ca), 1.5.12, 2.1.2 ty, USA, ([email protected]), 3.2.7 Memphis, USA, (ffabian@memphis. USA, ([email protected]), 1.5.1, 3.05, edu), 3.3.13 Dau, Luis Alfonso, Northeastern Diamantopoulos, Adamantios, Univer- 3.4.12 University, USA, ([email protected]), sity of Vienna, Austria, (adamantios. Fadol, Yasir, Qatar University, Qatar, Edman, Jesper, Hitotsubashi Univer- ([email protected]), 1.6.7, 1.1.2, 1.4.7, 2.3.12 [email protected]), 2.1.3, sity, Japan, ([email protected]. Davvetas, Vasileios, University of Vi- 3.3.6, 3.4.5, 1.3.4 Fainshmidt, Stav, Florida Internation- enna, Austria, (vasileios.davvetas@ Diemont, Daniel, Florida Atlantic al University, USA, (sfainshm@fiu. Eduardsen, Jonas, Aalborg University, edu), 2.2.6, 3.3.8, 3.3.6 University, USA, (ddiemont@fau. Denmark, ([email protected]), De, Debdeep, Jaypee Institute of edu), 2.3.12 2.1.10 Fan, Di, Curtin University, Australia, ([email protected]), 2.1.11, 2.2.7 Information Technology, India, (deb- Dikova, Desislava, Vienna University Edwards, Gwyneth, HEC Montréal, [email protected]), 1.3.13 of Economics and Business, Austria, Canada, (gwyneth.edwards@hec. Farfan Buitrago, Dalsy Yolima, de Goes, Bruno, Temple University, ([email protected]), 1.4.5, ca), 1.1.12, 2.3.12 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, USA, ([email protected]), 2.1.12, 2.3.14 Colombia, (farfandalsy@javeriana. Edwards, Judson Carter, Troy, 2.3.12 1.5.13 Dilyard, John Raymond, St. Francis University, USA, (scobdean@troy. de la Torre, Jose R., Florida Interna- College, USA, ([email protected]), edu), 1.3.10 Fassio, Claudio, CIRCLE, University tional University, USA, (delatorrejo- 1.6.7, 3.3.13, 3.4.3 of Lund, Sweden, (claudio.fassio@ Egu, Mathew Eleojo, University, 1.1.5 [email protected]), 1.05, 1.1.13 Dimitratos, Pavlos, University of of South Africa, South Africa, De Raad, Sander, University of Gron- Glasgow, United Kingdom, (Pavlos. ([email protected]), Fatehi, Kamal, Kennesaw State Uni- , Netherlands, ( [email protected]), 2.2.7 2.3.11 versity, USA, (kfatehi@kennesaw. edu), 2.1.13, 2.2.12 Dimitrova, Mihaela, Oakland Univer- Eiadat, Yousef, University College Decker, Stephanie, Aston Business sity, USA, ([email protected]), Dublin, Ireland, (yousef.husein@ Feinberg, Susan, Temple University, School, United Kingdom, (s.decker@ 3.3.4, 2.2.14 USA, ([email protected]), 1.1.2, 3.2.13 D’Netto, Brian, Curtin University, Eisenhardt, Kathleen M., Stanford Feldmann, Paulo Roberto, University Decreton, Benoit, Vienna University Australia, ([email protected]. University, USA, (kme@stanford. of São Paulo, Brazil, (feldmann@ of Economics and Business, Austria, au), 3.1.10 edu), 1.2, 1.6.3, 2.2.14 ([email protected]), 1.1.3 Do, Thi Kieu Trang, National Dong Elango, B., Illinois State University, Felzensztein, Christian, Universidad Del Brio, Esther, University of Hwa University, Vietnam, (trang- USA, ([email protected]), 2.1.12 Adolfo Ibanez, Chile, (c.felzensz- [email protected]), 1.5.8 [email protected]), 2.4.15 Salamanca, Spain, (estherdelbrio@ Elbanna, Said, Qatar University, Qa-, 2.1.6 Doh, Jonathan, Villanova School of tar, ([email protected]), 3.4.10 Feng, Jing Betty, Farmingdale State Delevic, Uros, University of Reading, Business, USA, (jonathan.doh@ College, (SUNY), USA, (fengj@, 1.4.1, 3.2.8, 3.4.5 Elia, Stefano, Politechnico di Milano,, 2.1.13, 2.2.9 United Kingdom, (u.delevic@pgr. Italy, ([email protected]), 2.3.6,, 3.4.11 Domnanovich, Julia, FHWien Univer- 2.5.6 Ferligoj, Anuska, University of Lju- sity of Applied Sciences, Austria, bljana, Slovenia, (anuska.ferligoj@ Delios, Andrew, National University El-Kassar, Abdul-Nasser, Lebanese of Singapore, Singapore, (andrew@ ([email protected]),, 1.1.6 1.5.12 American University, Lebanon, (ab-, 1.1.14, 3.1.9 [email protected]), 1.3.10 Fernandez Castro, Alejandro M., CE- Dong, Feng, Old Dominion University, SUGA, Spain, (afernandez@cesuga. USA, ([email protected]), 2.4.12 com), 2.2.14

The locus of global innovation 91 Fernhaber, Stephanie A., Butler Ghosh, Debjani, Osaka University, Grassin-Drake, Laurel Edwards, MIT, University, USA, (sfernhab@butler. G Japan, (debjani.ghosh79@gmail. USA, ([email protected]), 2.5.2 Gadepalli, Sarada, Indian Institute of edu), 2.2.7, 3.1.11 com), 2.4.9 Gray, Sidney, University of Sydney, Management, Calcutta, India, (sara- Ferraz, Camila dos Anjos, Fundação Ghosh, Jaideep, Shiv Nadar University, Australia, ([email protected]), [email protected]), 1.4.5 Getulio Vargas - EAESP, Brazil, India, ([email protected]), 1.1.1, 2.2.12 Gaikwad, Rajan Lamuel, Nottingham ([email protected]), 3.1.13 Grebinevych, Oksana, EMLYON Busi- University Business School China, 3.1.11 Giachetti, Claudio, Ca’ Foscari ness School, France, (grebinevych@ China, (rajan-lamuel.gaikwad@ Ferreira, Manuel Portugal, Uninove University of Venice, Italy, (claudio., 3.2.3, 1.3.10 - Universidade Nove de Julho & [email protected]), 3.4.11 Greeven, Mark, Zhejiang University, Galang, Roberto, Ateneo de Manila Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Brazil, Giblin, Majella, Trinity College Dublin, China, ([email protected]), 2.2.3 University, Philippines, (roberto- (manuel.portugal.ferreira@gmail. Ireland, ([email protected]), 3.2.12 com), 1.1.15 [email protected]), 2.1.14 Grein, Andreas Friedrich, Baruch Col- Gibson, Cristina B., University of West- lege - CUNY, USA, (andreas.grein@ Galdino, Kátia de Melo, Florida State Fiaschi, Davide, University of Pisa, ern Australia, Australia, (cristina., 2.4.13 University, USA, ([email protected]. Italy, ([email protected]), 2.3.10 [email protected]), 3.2.1 edu), 2.5.12 Grimpe, Christoph, Copenhagen Filatotchev, Igor, Cass Business Gil del Alcazar, Maria, University of Business School, Denmark, (cg.ino@ Galkina, Tamara, Hanken School of School, United Kingdom, (igor. North Carolina at Greensboro, USA,, 2.3.8 Economics, Finland, (tamara.galki- [email protected]), 1.3.9, 2.4.8, ([email protected]), 1.5.2, 1.6.6 2.5.1, 3.1.13, 3.4.1 [email protected]), 3.4.10 Grosse, Robert, Thunderbird School Gillmore, Edward, Mälardalen Univer- of Global Management, USA, (gross- Galperin, Bella, University of Tampa, Firmanzah, Firmanzah, University of sity, Sweden, (edward.gillmore@ [email protected]), 1.1.1, 2.2.2, USA, ([email protected]), 1.3.14 Indonesia, Indonesia, (fizfirmanzah@, 2.5.11 3.2.14, 3.4.4, 3.2.14 Galpin, Timothy, Colorado State Uni- Giraldi, Janaina de Moura, University Gu, Jenny, University of Dallas, USA, versity, USA, (tim.galpin@colostate. Fletcher, Margaret, University of of São Paulo, Brazil, (jgiraldi@usp. ([email protected]), 3.1.13 Glasgow, United Kingdom, (marga- edu), 2.4.5 br), 2.4.13 Gu, Jinlong, University of Sussex, Unit- [email protected]), 2.4.7 Ganotakis, Panagiotis, University of Girod, Stephane Justin Gilbert, Uni- ed Kingdom, ( Leeds, United Kingdom, (p.gano- Fleury, Afonso, University of São versity of Reading, United Kingdom,, 2.4.12 Paulo, Brazil, ([email protected]), [email protected]), 1.5.5 ([email protected]), 3.2.2 Gubbi, Sathyajit, University of Gron- 1.4.2, 3.4.14, Gao, Danxue, Peking University, China, Giroud, Axele, University of Manches- ingen, Netherlands, (s.r.gubbi@rug. ([email protected]), 2.5.5 Fleury, Maria Tereza, Fundação Getu- ter, United Kingdom, (axele.giroud@ nl), 3.3.10 lio Vargas - EAESP, Brazil, (mtereza. Gao, Qian, Anhui University, China,, 1.4.3, 1.5.4 Guimaraes, Carlos Gabriel, Universi- [email protected]), 1.1.15, 1.4.2, 2.4.12 ([email protected]), 1.1.7 Giuliani, Elisa, University of Pisa, Italy, dade Federal Fluminense, Brazil, Flores, Juan Alejandro, Universidad Gao, Yan, Shanghai University of ([email protected]), ([email protected]), 2.5.8 del Pacifico, Peru, (flores_ja@ Finance and Economics, China, (yan- 2.1.14, 2.3.10 Guldiken, Orhun, Old Dominion Univer-, 1.4.14, 2.4.12, 3.3.15 [email protected]), 3.1.10 Goedhuys, Micheline, UNI/MERIT, sity, USA, ([email protected]), 1.1.8, Floriani, Dinorá Eliete, University Garcia Agreda, Sergio, Universidad Belgium, (micheline.goedhuys@ 2.4.12, 3.4.5 of Vale do Itajai, Brazil, (dinora@ Privada Boliviana, Bolivia, (sergio., 1.5.9 Guo, Ying, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool, 2.3.12, 2.4.12 [email protected]), 2.5.4 Goerzen, Anthony, Queen’s Univer- University, China, (ying.guo@xjtlu. Flynn, Clive Francis William, Gardberg, Naomi, Baruch College sity, Canada, (anthony.goerzen@, 1.1.15, 1.4.10 Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative - CUNY, USA, (naomi.gardberg@, 1.1.6, 1.5.13 Gupta, Susan Forquer, Monmouth State University, Germany, (clive., 3.1.12 [email protected]), 3.1.14 Gok, Kubilay, Winona State University, University, USA, (sgupta@mon- Garg, Ritam, Friedrich-Alexander Uni- USA, ([email protected]), 1.4.14, 1.6.11 Fong, Cher Min, National Sun Yat-sen versity Erlangen-Nürnberg, School Gokalp, Omer N., Suffolk University, Gupta, Vineet, Indian Institute of For- University, Taiwan, (cmfong@ of Business & Economics, Germany, USA, ([email protected]), 1.1.10 eign Trade, India, (shrivineetgupta@, 2.1.4 ([email protected]), 2.1.13 Goldmann, Paul, University of Bam-, 2.4.14 Ford, David, University of Texas at Garri, Myropi, University of Ports- berg, Germany, (paul.goldmann@ Dallas, USA, ([email protected]), mouth, United Kingdom, (myropi., 2.4.14 1.3.14 [email protected]), 2.5.8 H Gonenc, Halit, University of Gronin- Ha, Yoo Jung, University of York, Fosfuri, Andrea, Bocconi University, Gasiorowski, Laura, Temple Univer- gen, Netherlands, (h.gonenc@rug. United Kingdom, (yoojung.ha@york. Italy, (andrea.fosfuri@unibocconi. sity, USA, ([email protected]), nl), 3.2.9, 3.4.13 it), 2.4.8 1.1.2 Gonzalez-Perez, Maria Alejandra, Haar, Jerry, Florida International Uni- Franklin, Carter, Texas A&M University Gaur, Ajai, Rutgers University, USA, Universidad EAFIT, Colombia, versity, USA, ([email protected]), 3.2.4 at Galveston, USA, (franklic@tamug. ([email protected]), 1.5.15, ([email protected]), 1.3.10, edu), 2.5.15 2.4.11, 3.3.10 Habibi, Mohammad, Industral Man- 1.6.14, 2.3.4, 3.1.7, 3.3.11 agement Institute, Iran, (habibi@imi. Fransoo, Jan C., Eindhoven Univer- Geldes Gonzalez, Cristian, Universi- Goodell, John W., University of Akron, ir), 1.5.12 sity of Technology, Netherlands, dad de la serena, Chile, (cgeldes@ USA, ([email protected]), 2.1.9, ([email protected]), 1.1.6, 2.4.12 Hagen, Birgit, University of Pavia, 3.3.15 Italy, ([email protected]), 1.3.12, Froese, Fabian Jintae, Georg-Au- Geleilate, Jose-Mauricio, Florida Inter- Gooderham, Paul, Norwegian School 1.4.4 gust-University Göttingen, Germany, national University, USA, (jgeleila@ of Economics, Bergen, Norway, (paul. ([email protected]), 2.3.4,, 1.5.13 Haigh, Nardia, University of Mas- 3.2.7, 3.3.4 [email protected]), 1.5.12 sachusetts Boston, USA, (nardia. Gentile-Luedecke, Simona, Bremen Goodstein, Jerry, Washington State [email protected]), 2.1.15 Fu, Yishu, Southwestern University University, Germany, (simona.gen- University, USA, (jgoodstein@ of Finance and Economics, China, [email protected]), 2.3.5 Halaszovich, Tilo, Bremen University, ([email protected]), 3.2.9, 1.1.2 Germany, (tilo.halaszovich@uni-bre- Gereffi, Gary, Duke University, USA, Goren-Gulek, Bahriye, Baruch College, 2.3.5 Fuad, Mohammad, Indian Institute ([email protected]), 1.4.3, 2.2.4 of Management, Lucknow, India, - CUNY, USA, (bgoren@artofbrand- Hammer, Markus, unIQue swiss GmbH, Ghauri, Pervez N., University of Bir- ([email protected]), 2.3.15, 2.4.15,, 2.4.13 Switzerland, (markus.hammer@ mingham, United Kingdom, (p.ghau- 3.3.12 Gorynia, Marian, Poznan University, 2.4.15 [email protected]), 1.3.14, 1.5.14 Fukuchi, Hiroyuki, Toyo Gakuen Uni- of Economics and Business, Poland, Hamzaoui-Essoussi, Leila, University Ghazali Bin Musa, Che Ruhana Binti versity, Japan, (hiroyuki.fukuchi@ ([email protected]), 2.4.4 of Ottawa, Canada, (hamzaoui@ Isa, University of Malaya, Malaysia,, 1.1.12, 1.3.11 Govindarajan, Vijay, Dartmouth, 2.4.13 ([email protected]), 1.5.12 Furuya, Norihito, The Institute of College, USA, ([email protected]), Hanges, Paul, University of Maryland, Ghemawat, Pankaj, IESE, Spain, (pghe- Global Business, Japan, (nori@ 1.2, 1.6.2 USA, ([email protected]), 2.1.2 [email protected]), 1.3.1, 3.1.14 Goyal, Abhinav, University of Liver- pool, United Kingdom, (a.goyal@, 3.3.15 92 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Hannigan, Thomas J., Temple Uni- Hewett, Kelly, University of Tennes- Huang, Hsiu Ying, Feng Chia Univer- Ivarsson, Inge, University of Gothen- versity, USA, (tj.hannigan@temple. see, USA, ([email protected]), 2.5.5 sity, Taiwan, ([email protected]. burg, Sweden, (inge.ivarsson@ edu), 1.5.8 Heyden, Mariano L.M., University of tw), 2.4.13, 1.4.8 Harris, Simon, University of Edin- Newcastle, Australia, (mariano.hey- Huang, Jason, National Sun Yat burgh, United Kingdom, (simon. [email protected]), 2.2.15 Sen University, Taiwan, (jhuang@ J [email protected]), 2.3.13, 2.4.7 Hippler, Thomas, University of Essex,, 1.5.12 Jackson, Gregory, Free University Hartley, Janet, Bowling Green State United Kingdom, (thippler@essex. Huang, Ming Ching, National Sun Yat- Berlin, Germany, (gregory.jackson@ University, USA, (jhartle@bgsu., 1.3.7 sen University, Taiwan, (mohasko@, 2.1.7 edu), 1.1.7 Ho, Hsiao Hui, Tajen University,, 2.1.4 Jacqueminet, Anne, Bocconi Univer- Harzing, Anne-Wil, Middlesex Uni- Taiwan, ([email protected]), Huang, Ni, (Nina), Temple University, sity, Italy, (anne.jacqueminet@ versity, United Kingdom, (anne@ 2.1.4 USA, ([email protected]),, 2.5.13, 3.3.1, 3.4.7 Ho, Shuna, Simon Fraser University, 2.5.10 Jain, Arun Kumar, Indian Institute of Haslberger, Arno, University of Bam- Canada, ([email protected]), 1.5.6 Huang, Xueli, RMIT University, Austra- Management, Lucknow, India, (arun- berg, Germany, 1.4.10 Ho, Yi-Hui, Chang Jung Christian lia, ([email protected]), [email protected]), 2.3.15 Hassan, Ibne, UHY Hassan Naeem & University, Taiwan, ([email protected]. 2.3.5 Jain, Karuna, NITIE, India, (nitie.direc- Co, Pakistan, (ibnehassan@uhy-hn-, 3.3.13 Huang, Yi-Dan, STPI, NARLabs, [email protected]), 3.3.7, 1.5.14 Hobdari, Bersant, Copenhagen Busi- Taiwan, ([email protected]. Jain, Naveen, Middlesex University, Hazarika, Sonali, Baruch College ness School, Denmark, ( tw), 3.3.7 United Arab Emirates, (n.jain@mdx. - CUNY, USA, (sonali.hazarika@ dk), 1.1.2, 2.3.7, 3.2.3 Huang, Zhengyu, Laishang County ac), 2.3.9, 3.2.12, 2.1.9 Hoeltgebaum, Marianne, PPGAD/ Bank, China, 1.1.7 Jain, Vinod K., University of Maryland, Hearn, Bruce Allen, University of Sus- FURB University of Blumenau, Hudson, Monika L., University of San (Former), USA, (vinod.jain@india-us. sex, United Kingdom, (b.a.hearn@ Brazil, ([email protected]), Francisco, USA, (mhudson@usfca. org), 1.3.6, 1.4.14, 2.1.4, 1.1.2, 1.3.9, 2.4.10, 3.3.14 3.3.15 edu), 1.4.15 Jaklic, Andreja, University of Ljublja- Heim, Irina, University of Reading, Hofstetter, Joerg S., University of St. Hughes, Kate, University of na, Slovenia, (andreja.jaklic@fdv. United Kingdom, (i.v.heim@pgr. Gallen, Switzerland, (joerg.hofstet- Greenwich, United Kingdom, (kate., 2.4.4, 3.4.11 [email protected]), 1.1.6, 1.5.13 [email protected]), 3.4.3 Jarosinski, Miroslaw, Warsaw School Heinberg, Martin, University of Hollender, Lina, Heinrich Heine Uni- Hult, Tomas, Michigan State Univer- of Economics, Poland, (mjaros@ Duisburg-Essen, Germany, (martin. versity Düsseldorf, Germany, (lina. sity, USA, ([email protected]), 1.4.14,, 1.6.11, 2.4.4, 3.2.2 [email protected]), 2.5.10, 3.2.14, [email protected]), 2.4.7 1.6.4, 2.4.1 Jaskolka, Thomas-Dawid, Univer- Hejazi, Walid, University of Toronto, Holm, Alison, Vienna University of Hunter, Gordon, University of Leth- sity of Kaiserslautern, Germany, Canada, ([email protected]. Economics and Business, Austria, bridge, Canada, (ghunter@uleth. (thomas.jaskolka@googlemail. ca), 2.3.11 ([email protected]), 1.1.3 ca), 1.4.14 com), 3.4.13 Hemmert, Martin, Korea University, Holtbrügge, Dirk, University Er- Hurmerinta, Leila, University of Turku, Jasovska, Pavlina, University of Korea, South, (mhemmert@korea. langen-Nürnberg, Germany, (dirk. Finland, ([email protected]), South Australia, Australia, (pavlina., 1.4.15 [email protected]), 3.2.5 1.4.6 [email protected]), Hemphill, Thomas, University of Hong, Jacky, University of Macau, 1.1.15, 2.2.11 Michigan-Flint, USA, (thomashe@ Macau, ([email protected]), 3.3.7 I Javalgi, Rajshekhar, Cleveland State, 1.5.9, 2.1.14 Hoque, Samia Ferdous, University Iammarino, Simona, London School University, USA, (r.javalgi@csuohio. Hendriks, Guus, RSM Erasmus Univer- of Manchester, United Kingdom, of Economics, United Kingdom, edu), 1.4.12, 2.2.11, 3.2.15 sity, Netherlands, (hendriks@rsm. ([email protected]), ([email protected]), 1.1.8 Javidan, Mansour, Arizona State nl), 2.1.5, 2.3.13 1.4.6, 2.2.15 Idelson, Marc, Nottingham University, University, USA, (mansour.javidan@ Henisz, Witold Jerzy, University of Hora, Manpreet, Georgia Institute of China, ([email protected]), 1.6.11, 2.1.2, 2.5.14 Pennsylvania, USA, (henisz@whar- Technology, USA, (manpreet.hora@ Iizuka, Mari, Doshisha University, Jensen, Lars Matthias, Technical, 2.2.8, 2.5.13, 2.4.1, 3.4.14 Japan, ([email protected]. University of Dortmund, Germany, Hennart, Jean-Francois, Tilburg Horaguchi, Haruo H., Hosei University,, 2.5.3 ([email protected]), 1.3.14 University, Netherlands, (j.f.hen- Japan, ([email protected]), Imagawa, Tomomi, Osaka University, [email protected]), 1.05, 1.4.11, 1.6.12, 2.1.1, 2.5.12 Japan, ([email protected]), Jensen, Nathan, George Washington 2.2.4, 3.3.2 Horak, Sven, St. John’s University, 1.1.12 University, USA, (natemjensen@, 3.2.13 Hepworth, Adam, University of USA, ([email protected]), 2.4.14, Imer, Pinar, Kadir Has University, Tur- Tennessee, USA, (ahepwort@vols. 3.3.15, 3.4.14 key, ([email protected]), 1.5.12 Jeong, Yujin, American University,, 2.5.5 USA, ([email protected]), 3.1.15 Horsburgh, Stuart, Manchester Imran, Muhammad, EMLYON Business Heredero, Carmen de Pablos, Rey Metropolitan University, United School, France, (imran@em-lyon. Ji, Fiona Xiaoying, James Madison Juan Carlos University, Spain, (car- Kingdom, (s.horsburgh@mmu. com), 3.2.12 University, USA, (fiona.jixy@gmail. [email protected]), 1.5.12, 3.4.7 com), 2.1.10 Indro, Daniel, Penn State University Heredia, Jorge Antonio, Universidad Hou, Wanrong, University of - Great Valley, USA, ([email protected]), Jia, Liangding, Nanjing University, del Pacifico, Peru, (ja.herediap@ Texas-Rio Grande Valley, USA, (wan- 3.3.14 China, ([email protected]), 1.1.8, 1.4.14, 2.4.12, 3.3.15 [email protected]), 1.4.15 Ipek, Ebru, Simon Fraser University, Jia, Nan, University of Southern Heredia, Walter, Universidad del Hsiao, Cheng-Chieh, Shih Hsin Univer- Canada, ([email protected]), 3.1.14, 3.3.4, California, USA, (nan.jia@marshall. Pacifico, Peru, ([email protected]. sity, Taiwan, (jerrycchsiao@gmail. 3.4.7, 0.3, 1.1.2, 3.2.13 pe), 1.4.14 com), 3.4.14 Iriyama, Akie, Waseda University, Jiang, Chuandi, Saint Louis University, Hernandez, Exequiel, University of Hsieh, Linda Hsiu-yun, SOAS, Univer- Japan, ([email protected]), 2.2.5 USA, ([email protected]), 3.1.5, Pennsylvania, USA, (exequiel@ sity of London, United Kingdom, 3.2.15, 2.5.8 ([email protected]), 2.3.9, 3.4.10 Isidor, Rodrigo, University Paderborn, Germany, ([email protected]), Jiang, Dequan, Wuhan University, Hernández Maestro, Rosa, University Hsu, Hsu-Wei, Shih Chien University, 1.4.7 China, ([email protected]), 1.1.8 of Salamanca, Spain, (rosahm@usal. Taiwan, ([email protected]), Jiang, Enping, Pennsylvania State es), 2.1.6 3.3.7 Ismail, Ayman, American U in Cairo, Egypt, ([email protected]), University, USA, (eqj5073@psu. Herrera-Cano, Carolina, Universidad Hsu, I-Chieh, National Changhua 1.5.12 edu), 3.1.11 EAFIT, Colombia, (cherre16@eafit. University of Education, Taiwan, Jiang, Frank Guoliang, Dalhousie, 3.3.11 ([email protected]), 3.2.11 Ito, Jun, Temple University, USA, (jun. [email protected]), 1.1.2 University, Canada, (frank.jiang@ Heugens, Pursey, RSM Erasmus Uni- Huang, Chao-Chin, National Kaohsi-, 3.4.5 versity, Netherlands, (pheugens@ ung University of Hospitality and Ito, Kiyohiko, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA, ([email protected]), 2.4.3 Jiang, Hong-yi, National Dong Hwa, 2.1.5, 2.3.13 Tourism, Taiwan, (charlie2007.iim@ University, Taiwan, (m9733001@, 2.4.13, 2.1.12 The locus of global innovation 93 Jiang, Xu, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Kalliny, Morris, Eastern Washington Kemayou, Yanick, Paderborn Universi- Kim, Trang, Middlesex University, China, ([email protected]), 3.4.15 University, USA, (mkalliny@ewu. ty, Germany, (yanick.kemayou@upb. United Kingdom, (kimhuongtrang@ Jihoon, Kang, Yonsei University, edu), 2.4.13 de), 2.4.12, 2.4.10, 3.1.13 Korea, South, (lyon0725@hanmail. Kambla, Venkatesh, Indian Institute Kemper, Lena Elisabeth, Georg-Au- Kim, Young Un, University of Notting- net), 1.3.15 of Management, Bangalore, India, gust-University Goettingen, Germa- ham Ningbo, China, ( Jiménez, Alfredo, Kedge Business ([email protected]), 1.1.15, 1.4.14 ny, ([email protected], 1.5.14 School, France, (alfredo.jimenez@ Kandogan, Yener, University of Michi-, 3.3.11 Kirkman, Bradley L., North Carolina, 3.2.7, 3.4.9 gan-Flint, USA, ([email protected]), Kenyo, Christian, Universidad del State University, USA, (blkirkma@ Jin, Chuyue, Seoul National University, 1.4.9, 2.1.13 pacifico, Peru, ([email protected]., 3.2.1 Korea, South, (chuyuej@hotmail. Kang, Helen, University of New South pe), 2.4.12 Kistruck, Geoff, York University, com), 3.1.3 Wales, Australia, (helen.kang@ Khalik, Mahmoud Abdel, University of Canada, ([email protected]. Jiraporn, Napatsorn, State University, 2.2.12 St. Andrews, United Kingdom, (ma- ca), 1.4.1 of New York at Oswego, USA, (napat- Kang, Hye Sun, University of South [email protected]), 1.1.7, 3.4.15 Kjellander, Björn, Jönköping Inter- [email protected]), 2.4.5 Carolina, USA, (hyesun.kang@grad. Khan, Zaheer, University of Sheffield, national Business School, Sweden, Joardar, Arpita, Clark University, USA,, 2.2.14, 3.4.13 United Kingdom, (z.khan@sheffield. ([email protected]), 1.3.10 ([email protected]), 1.4.15 Kang, Jihoon, Yonsei University,, 1.1.13 Klein, Florian, WU Vienna, Austria, Johan, Sofia, York University, Canada, Korea, South, (lyon0725@daum. Khara, Navjote, Niagara College, ([email protected]), 3.1.5 ([email protected]), 3.3.14 net), 2.3.12 Canada, (navjote_khara@yahoo. Klopf, Patricia Renee, WU Vienna, com), 3.3.13 John, Sofia, Hanken School of Kang, Jingoo, Nayang Technological Austria, ([email protected]), 1.1.3, Economics, Finland, (sofia.john@ University, Singapore, (jingoo@ntu. Khavul, Susanna, University of Texas 2.3.11, 3.4.9, 3.1.10, 2.5.13 at Arlington, USA, (skhavul@uta. Knight, Gary, Willamette University, edu), 3.2.14 Johnson, Aaron, Wayne State Univer- Kannothra, Chacko George, University USA, ([email protected]), sity, USA, ([email protected]), 2.4.6 of Massachusetts Boston, USA, Khaw, Karren Lee-Hwei, Universiti 2.3.1, 2.5.4, 3.1.4, 3.4.1 ([email protected]), 2.1.15, Utara Malaysia, Malaysia, (lhkhaw@ Knocke, Jan Sebastian, University of Jolly, Dominique, Webster University, 3.2.14, 3.3.14 Switzerland, ([email protected]), Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, (jan. 2.1.8 Kano, Liena L., University of Calgary, Kikutani, Tatsuya, Kyoto University, [email protected]), 3.1.14, 3.4.7 Canada, (liena.kano@haskayne. Japan, ([email protected]), Koch, Benno, University of Munich, Jones, Chris, Aston University, United, 1.4.4 2.3.15 Kingdom, ([email protected]), Germany, ([email protected]), 1.5.12 2.3.7 Kappen, Jeffrey Allen, Drake Univer- Kim, Eunwoo, University of Michigan, Koch, Bradley James, Grand Valley sity, USA, (jeffrey.kappen@drake. USA, ([email protected]), 2.4.8 State University, USA, (kochb@gvsu. Jones, Danielle Renee, University of edu), 2.1.15 Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, Kim, Heechun, Georgia State Univer- edu), 2.4.13 ([email protected]), 3.1.12, 3.4.11 Kappen, Philip, Uppsala University, sity, USA, ([email protected]), Koch, Pamela Tremain, Grand Valley Sweden, ([email protected]), 3.2.15 State University, USA, (kochp@gvsu. Jones, Geoffrey, Harvard Business 3.1.3, 3.4.2 School, USA, ([email protected]), 1.3.1, Kim, Heejin, Tohoku University, Japan, edu), 2.4.13 1.4.4, 3.3.2 Karami, Masoud, University of Otago, ([email protected]), 1.4.13 Koh, Ping-Sheng, Hong Kong Uni- New Zealand, (masoud.karami@ Kim, Hyun Gon, Rutgers University, versity of Science and Technology, Jones, Marian V., University of Shef-, 2.3.14 field, United Kingdom, (m.v.jones@ USA, ([email protected]), Hong Kong, SAR-PRC, (ackoh@ust., 1.4.7, 3.4.1 Kardes, Ilke, Georgia State University, 2.2.13, 2.4.11, 3.1.6 hk), 2.4.6 USA, ([email protected]), 3.2.6 Jonsen, Karsten, IMD, Switzerland, Kim, Jimi, Temple University, USA, (jimi. Kohlbacher, Florian, Xi’an Ji- ([email protected]), 1.1.4, 1.4.6 Karmowska, Joanna, Oxford Brookes [email protected]), 2.2.8, 3.4.13 aotong-Liverpool University, China, University, United Kingdom, (jkar- Kim, Jin Uk, University of Illinois at ([email protected]), Joshi, Rakesh Mohan, Indian Institute [email protected]), 3.4.10 1.4.15 of Foreign Trade, India, (rakeshmo- Urbana-Champaign, USA, 1.4.5 [email protected]), 1.3.13, 2.4.14 Karna, Amit, Indian Institute of Kim, Jinsil, University of Texas at Koksal, Ahmet, Wayne State Universi- Management, Ahmedabad, India, Dallas, USA, (jxk132030@utdallas. ty, USA, ([email protected]), 2.4.6 Judge, William Q., Old Dominion ([email protected]), 2.1.15, 2.4.12, 3.1.15 University, USA, ([email protected]), edu), 1.1.10, 3.4.12 Kole, Stacey, University of Chicago, 2.2.6 Kasahara, Tamiko, University of Kim, Jootae, Dankook University, USA, (stacey.kole@chicagobooth. Shizuoka, Japan, (kasahara@u-shi- Korea, South, ([email protected]), edu), 1.6.5 Jung, Young Hoon, University of Texas, 2.4.9 at Dallas, USA, (younghoon.jung@ 1.3.8 Kolev, Kalin, Marquette University,, 3.4.12 Kaufmann, Lutz, WHU - Otto Beisheim Kim, Kihun, Miami University, USA, USA, ([email protected]), School of Management, Germany, ([email protected]), 3.2.9 2.3.6 ([email protected]), 1.1.6 Kim, Kowoon, Florida International Konara, Palitha, University of Hud- K Kazim, Zainab, Middlesex University, dersfield, United Kingdom, (palitha. K V, Mukundhan, Indian Institute of University, USA, ([email protected]), United Kingdom, (z.kazim@mdx. 2.1.13, 3.1.14 [email protected]), 1.3.3, 1.5.5, 3.4.9 Management, Tiruchirappalli, India,, 1.1.3 ([email protected]), 1.5.6 Kim, Minyoung, University of Kansas, Konstantopoulos, Nikolaos, University Keane, Marta, University of Fribourg, of the Aegean, Greece, (nkonsta@ Kabasakal, Hayat, Bogazici University, USA, ([email protected]), 2.1.7, 2.2.1, Switzerland, (marta.keane@unifr. 3.1.15, 3.3.6, 2.5.8 Turkey, ([email protected]), ch), 2.1.4 1.5.12 Kim, SangJi, Samsung Economic Kosmol, Tobias, WHU - Otto Beisheim Kearney, Colm, Monash University, School of Management, Germany, Kabbach de Castro, Luiz Ricardo, Research Institute, Korea, South, Australia, (colm.kearney@monash. ([email protected]), 1.4.13 ([email protected]), 1.1.6 USP-EESC, Brazil, (luiz.kabbach@ edu), 2.2.12, 3.2.9 Kim, Seonghoon, Seoul National Uni- Kostova, Tatiana, University of South Kedia, Ben L., University of Memphis, versity, Korea, South, (wkdrldpv@ Carolina, USA, ([email protected]), Kabst, Rudy, University Paderborn, USA, ([email protected]), 1.3.10, 1.5.14 Germany, ([email protected]), 1.4.7, 1.3.8 1.4.9, 3.4.6 Kotabe, Masaaki, Temple University, Kalafatoglu, Tugba, ESADE Business Kim, Seung H., Saint Louis University, Keels, J. Kay, Coastal Carolina Univer- USA, ([email protected]), 2.4.13 USA, ([email protected]), 1.1.13, School/NEOMA Business School, sity, USA, ([email protected]), 1.5.3 1.6.4, 2.4.1 Spain, (tugba.kalafatoglu@esade. Kim, Soyeon, Meiji University, Japan, edu), 2.3.14, 2.4.11 Keig, Dawn L., Whitworth University, ([email protected]), 2.5.14 Kothari, Tanvi, San Jose State Uni- USA, ([email protected]), 1.1.5, versity, USA, ([email protected]), Kalinic, Igor, University of Leeds, 1.3.14, 1.6.6 Kim, Sunghoon, Arizona State Univer- 3.2.12 United Kingdom, (i.kalinic@leeds. sity, USA, ([email protected]), 3.3.6, 1.3.7, 3.4.1 Kellermanns, Franz, University of Kotosaka, Masahiro, Keio University, North Carolina at Charlotte, USA, Kim, Tai Gyu, Korea University, Korea, Japan, (masahiro.kotosaka@merton. Kallas, David, INSPER, Brazil, (david. ([email protected]), 3.2.3 South, ([email protected]), 2.4.5, 1.4.15 [email protected]), 3.2.14

94 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Koveshnikov, Alexei, Aalto University,, 2.5.12 Lemanski, Michal, Nottingham Univer- University, China, ([email protected]. Finland, (alexei.koveshnikov@aalto. Lamotte, Olivier, Paris School of sity Business School China, China, edu), 2.4.8 fi), 1.3.7 Business, France, (olamotte@ ([email protected]. Liang, Yung-Kuei, Tatung University, Kozhikode, Rajiv, Simon Fraser, 3.1.5 cn), 1.3.10, 1.4.13 Taiwan, ([email protected]), 3.2.5 University, Canada, (rkozhiko@sfu. Larimo, Jorma, University of Vaasa, Lemos, Francisco, Uppsala Universi- Liao, Gen-Yih, Chang Gung University, ca), 2.1.6 Finland, ([email protected]), ty, Sweden, (francisco.lemos@fek. Taiwan, ([email protected]), 3.2.11, 1.5.15 Kräh, Albert, University of Bamberg, 1.3.12 Liaw, Chya-Yi Emily, City University Germany, (albert.kraeh@uni-bam- Larsson, Toon, Mälardalen University, Lenway, Stefanie, University of St. of Hong Kong, China, (cyliaw@cityu., 1.4.10 Sweden, ([email protected]), Thomas, USA, (stefanie.lenway@, 2.4.13, 1.5.1 Krammer, Sorin M.S., Universi- 1.1.14 Lien, Yung-Chih, National Taiwan ty of Groningen, Netherlands, Latukha, Marina, Saint-Petersburg Leppäaho, Tanja, Jyväskylä Universi- University, Taiwan, ([email protected]. ([email protected]), 2.3.5, State University, Russia, (marina. ty School of Business and Econom- tw), 1.5.8 2.4.12, 2.5.15 [email protected]), 2.4.9 ics, Finland, (tanja.c.leppaaho@jyu. fi), 1.1.7, 3.4.15 Liesch, Peter Wayne, University of Krasnikov, Alexander, Loyola Univer- Lazarova, Mila, Simon Fraser Univer- Queensland, Australia, (p.liesch@ sity of Chicago, USA, (akrasnikov@ sity, Canada, ([email protected]), 2.1.6, Lessard, Donald, MIT, USA,, 2.3.14, 3.4.2, 2.5.5 ([email protected]), 1.4.2 2.4.14, 3.3.4 Lim, Eunah, ISCTE-IUL, Portugal, Kratochvil, Renate, Vienna University Lazzarini, Sergio, Insper, Brazil, (ser- Levy, Orly, IMD, Switzerland, (orly. ([email protected]), 1.3.11, 2.5.11 of Economics and Business, Austria, [email protected]), 1.1.5 [email protected]), 1.1.4 ([email protected]), 1.3.8 Lim, Najoung, Seoul National Univer- Lee, Ahreum, Temple University, USA, Lew, Yong Kyu, Hankuk University sity, Korea, South, (njlim89@gmail. Krishnan, Rekha, Simon Fraser ([email protected]), 1.5.8, of Foreign Studies, Korea, South, com), 3.1.3 University, Canada, (rekhak@sfu. 3.2.12 ([email protected]), 2.1.12 ca), 1.5.6 Lin, Carol, Yeh-Yun, National Chengchi Lee, Hyun-Jung, London School of Lewellyn, Krista B., University of University, Taiwan, (yehyunln@ Krishnan, Rishikesha T., IIM Indore, Economics and Political Science, Wyoming, USA, (klewelly@uwyo., 2.5.15, 3.1.10 India, ([email protected]), 2.1.7, 2.2.3 edu), 3.1.11, 3.3.9 United Kingdom, ([email protected]), Lin, Chen-Yu, Feng Chia University, Kshitij, Avinash, NISTADS, India, 2.5.14, 3.4.7 Li, Chengguang, University Pader- Taiwan, ([email protected]), ([email protected]), 3.1.13 Lee, I-chen, Chang Gung University, born, Germany, ( 2.4.13, 1.4.7 Kuivalainen, Olli, Lappeenranta Uni- Taiwan, ([email protected]), Lin, Chieh-Yu, Chang Jung Christian versity of Technology, Finland, (olli. 2.5.15 Li, Dan, Indiana University, USA, (lid@ University, Taiwan, ([email protected]. [email protected]), 1.5.10, 2.3.6, 2.5.9 Lee, Jeoung Yul, Hongik University/, 0.4, 1.1.15, 2.3.15, 3.3.13 Kulchina, Elena, Duke University, USA, Leeds University Business School, Li, Donghong, Tsinghua University, Lin, Chih-Pin, Aletheia University, Tai- ([email protected]), 2.5.8 Korea, South, (7consensus@gmail. China, ([email protected]), wan, ([email protected]), 2.3.13 com), 1.5.13, 3.3.10 3.2.15 Kumar, Vikas, University of Sydney, Lin, Chun-Chien, National Chung Hs- Australia, (vikas.kumar@sydney. Lee, Jongkuk, Ewha Womans Univer- Li, Fangrong, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool ing University, Taiwan, (alittleken@, 1.3.6, 1.5.15, 2.3.9, 2.5.6, 3.4.11 sity, Korea, South, (jongkuk@ewha. University, China, (fangronli2@, 3.3.5, 3.3.6, 1.3.8 Kundu, Sumit K., Florida International Lin, Ku-Ho, National Chung Hsing University, USA, ([email protected]), Lee, Jongmin, University of Reading, Li, Jiatao, Hong Kong University of University, Taiwan, (link@dragon. 1.1.15, 1.4.15, 1.5.10, 2.1.1, 2.5.4, 3.3.1 United Kingdom, (j.m.lee@pgr. Science and Technology, Hong, 1.4.14, 3.4.15 Kunst, Vincent, University of Gronin-, 1.1.13, 1.5.5 Kong, SAR-PRC, ([email protected]), 0.4, 1.1.8, 2.5.5, 3.4.8 Lin, Te-Yi, Tatung University, Taiwan, gen, Netherlands, (v.e.kunst@rug. Lee, Keun, Hofstra University, USA, ([email protected]), 2.5.15, 3.1.10 nl), 2.2.12, 3.3.10 ([email protected]), 1.5.9, 2.5.7 Li, Jing, Simon Fraser University, Can- ada, ([email protected]), 2.2.6, 3.3.15 Lin, Zhiang “John”, University of Tex- Kwak, Jooyoung, Yonsei University, Lee, Kyung Suk, Seoul National as at Dallas, USA, (zlin@utdallas. Korea, South, (jooyoung.kwak@ University, Korea, South, (kxl5060@ Li, Lei, University of Nottingham edu), 2.5.13, 1.5.15, 2.4.8, 1.4.14 Ningbo, China, (, 1.5.6, 2.2.6 Lin, Zhouyu, Fuzhou University, China, Kwantes, Catherine Tina, University Lee, Miyu, Humboldt University ([email protected]), 2.2.6 of Windsor, Canada, (catherine. Berlin, Germany, (miyu.lee1@gmail. Li, Lin, Nottingham University Busi- [email protected]), 1.1.12 com), 1.5.9 ness School China, China, ( Lindahl, Olof, Uppsala University,, 1.5.6 Sweden, ([email protected]), Kwong, Caleb, University of Essex, Lee, Sang Mook, Pennsylvania State 1.1.3, 3.1.3, 3.3.1 United Kingdom, (ckwong@essex. University Great Valley, USA, Li, Linjie, Birkbeck College, University, 3.2.8 ([email protected]), 3.3.11 of London, United Kingdom, (lli06@ Lindner, Thomas, WU Vienna, Austria, ([email protected]), 2.1.5 Lee, Seong-Bong, Seoul Women’s, 3.2.13 L University, Korea, South, (sblee@ Li, Peng-Yu, Fu-Jen Catholic Univer- Lindsay, Victoria, British University of, 1.1.13 sity, Taiwan, ([email protected]), Egypt, Egypt, (victoria.lindsay@bue. Lahiri, Nandini, Temple University,, 3.2.15 USA, ([email protected]), 0.4, Lee, Seung-Hyun, University of Texas 3.1.11 1.3.15, 1.4.13, 2.1.11, at Dallas, USA, (lee.1085@utdallas. Li, Peter Ping, Xian Jiaotong-Liver- Lindstrand, Angelika, Stockholm edu), 0.3, 1.1.10, 1.5.13, 3.4.12 pool University, China, ( School of Economics, Sweden, (an- Lahiri, Somnath, Illinois State Univer- [email protected]), 3.4.15 sity, USA, ([email protected]), 1.4.15, Lee, Yih-Teen, IESE Business School,, 1.4.14, 3.2.6 2.2.2, 2.4.11 Spain, ([email protected]), 1.1.4 Li, Sali, University of South Carolina, Lisboa, Ana Catarina Cadima, Poly- USA, ([email protected]), 1.1.10, technic Institute of Leiria, Portugal, Lai, Hsien-Che, National University Lehmann, Frederick N., Porto Busi- ([email protected]), 3.1.6 of Tainan, Taiwan, ([email protected]. ness School, Portugal, (flehmann@ 2.3.3, 3.3.9, 2.5.11, 3.3.12 Li, Wen, Zhejiang University, China, Littrell, Romie Frederick, Auckland ([email protected]), 2.3.5 University of Technology, New Laine, Igor, Lappeenranta University Lehmberg, Derek, North Dakota State Zealand, ([email protected]), of Technology, Finland, (igor.laine@ University, USA, (derek.lehmberg@ Li, Xiaomei, Tianjin University, China, 1.1.12, 1.3.14, 2.5.14, 3.4.10, 3.2.2 ([email protected]), 2.1.15 Lituchy, Terri R, CETYS Universidad, Lambert, John, University of Leinemann, Alexander, University of Li, Yi, CEIBS, China, ([email protected]. USA, ([email protected]), Southern Mississippi, USA, (john. St. Gallen, Switzerland, (alexander. au), 2.1.11 1.3.14 [email protected]), 3.4.3 [email protected]), 2.3.2 Li, Yuanyuan, Rutgers University, Liu, Bo, University of Electronic Lambiase, Diego Gaieski, Universi- Leiponen, Aija, Cornell University, USA, ([email protected]), Science and Technology of China, dade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - USA, ([email protected]), 2.1.11 China, ([email protected]), UNISINOS, Brazil, (diego.lambiase@ 1.4.8 Li, Zijie, University of International 3.4.13, 1.4.15 Leite, Emilene, Uppsala University, Business and Economics, China, Liu, Jing, Baruch College - CUNY, USA, Lamont, Bruce T., Florida State Uni- Sweden, ([email protected]), ([email protected]), 2.2.7 ([email protected]), 3.1.12 versity, USA, (blamont@business. 2.3.8, 3.2.13 Liang, Xueji Jessie, Sun Yat-sen Liu, Ting, Osaka University, Japan, The locus of global innovation 95 ([email protected]), 1.4.12 MacLennan, Maria Laura, University University, USA, (vmarsha6@ Melo, Luisa Fernanda, Bentley Univer- Liu, Xiaming, Birkbeck College, Uni- of São Paulo, Brazil, (ferranty@, 1.3.14 sity, USA, ([email protected]), versity of London, United Kingdom,, 2.4.13 Martin, Geoffrey, University of Mel- 2.2.6, 3.4.8 ([email protected]), 3.2.13 MacVaugh, Jason Alexander, bourne, Australia, (g.martin@mbs. Mendoza, Xavier, ESADE Business Liu, Xiyou, China’s National Devel- Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan, edu), 3.4.5 School, Spain, (xavier.mendoza@ opment and Reform Commission, ([email protected]), 1.4.11 Martin, Lee, University of New South, 2.3.14, 2.4.11 China, ([email protected]), 2.1.12 Madhavan, Ravi, University of Pitts- Wales, Australia, (lee.martin@ Meo Colombo, Carlotta, University of Liu, Yang, South China University of burgh, USA, ([email protected]., 1.4.12 Pavis, Italy, (c.meocolombo@eco. Technology, China, (liuyang.zju@ edu), 3.2.6 Martin, Silvia Lozano, California State, 1.5.12, 1.4.13 Madsen, Tage Koed, University of University, Los Angeles, USA, (sylvie. Merchant, Hemant, University of Liu, Yu-Chen, National Chung Hsing Southern Denmark, Denmark, [email protected]), 2.2.11 South Florida St. Petersburg, USA, University, Taiwan, (feather0824@ ([email protected]), 3.1.15 Martin, Xavier, Tilburg University, ([email protected]), 1.1.13,, 3.3.5 Magnusson, Peter, University of Netherlands, ([email protected]), 2.2.4 Lofgren, Joan Marie, Aalto University, Alabama, USA, (pmagnusson@cba. 3.2.3, 3.3.5 Meschi, Pierre-Xavier, IAE Aix-en- Finland, ([email protected]),, 2.1.4, 2.5.10, 3.2.7 Martín, Oscar Martín, Public Universi- Provence, CERGAM Aix-Marseille 1.1.14, 2.2.9 Mahmood, Arif, Hong Kong Baptist ty of Navarre/ Uppsala University, University & Skema Business University, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC, Spain, ([email protected]), School, France, (pierre-xavier.mes- Loh, Chang-Ti, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liver- [email protected]), 3.1.5 pool University, China, (chang-ti. ([email protected]), 2.3.14 [email protected]), 1.4.15 2.1.12, 3.2.11 Martinez, Franchesca, Florida Atlantic Meskelis, Simone, University of Dal- Maitland, Elizabeth, University of New University, USA, (fmartinez2014@ las, USA, ([email protected]), London, Ted, University of Michigan, 1.1.12, 2.4.5 USA, ([email protected]), 1.4.1 South Wales, Australia, (e.mait-, 2.3.12 [email protected]), 2.4.11 Martinez, Jon I., Universidad de los An- Mesquita, Luiz, Arizona State Universi- Lopez, Luis E., INCAE, Costa Rica, (luis. ty, USA, ([email protected]), 1.1.5 [email protected]), 1.5.10 Majocchi, Antonio, University of Pavia, des, Chile, (jmartinez.ese@uandes. Italy, ([email protected]), cl), 1.1.13 Meyer, Klaus, CEIBS, China, (kmeyer@ Lorenz, Melanie, University of 1.3.9, 0.4, 1.3.2, 2.05, 2.3.7, 2.4.2 Alabama, USA, (mplorenz@crimson. Martins, Henrique Castro, UFRGS-EA,, 1.5.10, 3.1.6 Mak, Carry, University of Macau, Ma- Brazil, ([email protected]), 3.2.9 Meyer, Vincent, HEC Paris, France, cau, ([email protected]), 3.3.7 ([email protected]), 3.2.5 Lovely, Will, Northeastern University, Masso, Jaan, University of Tartu, USA, ([email protected]), 3.1.2 Mäkelä, Kristiina, Aalto University, Estonia, ([email protected]), 2.3.7 Migendt, Michael, TeamBank AG, Ger- Finland, (kristiina.makela@aalto. Matiusinaite, Agne, Kaunas University many, ([email protected]), 1.3.8 Lowe, Kevin B., University of Auckland, fi), 3.1.10 New Zealand, (k.lowe@auckland. of Technology, Lithuania, (agne. Mileski, Joan, Texas A&M University at, 3.2.1 Makino, Shige, Chinese University of [email protected]), 1.4.15 Galveston, USA, (mileskij@tamug. Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC, Matthews, Linda, University of Texas edu), 2.5.15 Lu, Jane, University of Melbourne, ([email protected]), 0.4, 2.2.5 Australia, ([email protected]), Rio Grande Valley, USA, (linda.mat- Miller, Stewart, University of Texas - 2.3.5, 2.4.8 Maksimov, Vladislav, University of [email protected]), 2.5.12 San Antonio, USA, (stewart.miller@ North Carolina at Greensboro, USA, McDonald, Frank, University of, 2.4.6, 3.2.9, 3.3.14 Luan, Chin-jung, National Dong Hwa ([email protected]), 3.3.15 University, Taiwan, (cjluan@mail. Liverpool, United Kingdom, (frank. Min, Hyunjoo, University of South, 1.5.8, 2.1.12 Malen, Joel, Hitotsubashi University, [email protected]), 3.4.6 Carolina, USA, (hyunjoo.min@grad. Japan, ([email protected]), 2.5.5, 2.2.13, 2.3.11 Lucey, Brian, Trinity College Dublin, McDougall-Covin, Patricia, Indiana Ireland, ([email protected]), 2.2.12 Malhotra, Shavin, University of Wa- University-Bloomington, USA, (mc- Min, Insik, Kyung Hee University, Ko- terloo, Canada, (shavin.malhotra@ [email protected]), 1.5.1, 2.4.7 rea, South, ([email protected]), 2.5.13, Lundan, Sarianna M., Bremen Univer-, 2.5.9 sity, Germany, (lundan@uni-bremen. McGuire, Jean, Louisiana State Univer- Minbaeva, Dana, Copenhagen Busi- de), 2.1.14, 2.3.5 Malik, Tariq H., Dongbei University of sity, USA, ([email protected]), 3.3.15 ness School, Denmark, (dm.smg@ Finance & Economics, China, (tma- McGuire, Steven, University of Sussex,, 1.6.12, 2.5.2, 3.2.5 Lunnan, Randi, BI Norwegian Business [email protected]), 1.4.8, 2.2.14, 2.5.8 School, Norway, (randi.lunnan@ United Kingdom, (s.mcguire@ Minefee, Ishva, University of Illinois at, 1.1.3 Mallon, Mark, Old Dominion Univer-, 3.4.9 Urbana-Champaign, USA, (mine- sity, USA, ([email protected]), McIver, Ron, University of South Aus- [email protected]), 2.3.10, 3.2.13 Luo, Yadong, University of Miami, USA, 2.4.12 ([email protected]), 3.3.15 tralia, Australia, (ronald.mciver@ Miocevic, Dario, University of Split, Malys, Lukasz, Poznan University of, 3.2.9 Croatia, ([email protected]), 3.2.11 Luong, Sandy, California State Univer- Economics, Poland, (lukasz.malys@ McKern, Bruce, University of Oxford, Mirza, Hafiz, Division on Investment sity, East Bay, USA, (sandy.luong@, 1.1.8, 3.2.13 United Kingdom, (bruce.mckern@ and Enterprise, UNCTAD, Switzer- Mangematin, Vincent, Grenoble, 2.1.8 land, ([email protected]), 1.5.4, Lupton, Nathaniel C., University of School of Management, France, (vin- McKouen, Kevin L., University of 1.6.7, 2.2.4 Lethbridge, Canada, (nathaniel. cent.mangematin@grenoble-em. [email protected]), 2.2.5, 3.4.5 Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA, (kmck- Misati, Everlyne, Florida International com), 1.4.7, 2.5.15, 3.4.2 [email protected]), 1.4.12 University, USA, ([email protected]), Lyles, Marjorie A., Indiana University, Manning, Stephan, University of Mas- McLarnon, Matt, University of 1.4.15, 2.3.4 USA, ([email protected]), 0.4, 1.5.1, sachusetts Boston, USA, (stephan. 2.2.13 Calgary, Canada, (mattmclarnon@ Mitchell, Matthew, Drake University, [email protected]), 1.5.13, 2.1.15,, 3.2.7 USA, (matthew.mitchell@drake. 2.5.4, 3.2.14, 3.4.11 McMurray, Adela, RMIT University, edu), 2.1.15 M Mao, Qian, Kean University, USA, Australia, (adela.mcmurray@rmit. Moghaddam, Kaveh, University of Ma, Jieqiong, Saint Louis University, ([email protected]), 2.1.10, 1.1.9 Houston-Victoria, USA, (moghadd- USA, ([email protected]), 2.1.4, 2.5.10, Marano, Valentina, Northeastern McNaughton, Rod B., University of [email protected]), 1.5.9 Ma, Juan, INSEAD, France, (jma@hbs. University, USA, (v.marano@neu. Auckland, New Zealand, (r.mcnaugh- Moghavami, Sedigeh, University edu), 2.4.2 edu), 1.1.9 [email protected]), 1.4.11, 2.3.14, of Malaya, Malaysia, (moghavve- Ma, Na, Tsinghua University, China, Marcon, Rosilene, UNIVALI, Brazil, 2.5.12, 3.1.11 [email protected]), 1.5.12 ([email protected]), ([email protected]), 1.3.15 McNeil, Nicola, La Trobe University, Molinari, Carolina, Kingston Univer- 3.2.15 Mardanov, Ismatilla T., Southeast Australia, ([email protected]. sity, Brazil, (carolmolinari@gmail. Ma, Xufei, Chinese University of Hong Missouri State University, USA, au), 1.5.12 com), 2.2.15 Kong, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC, (xufei@ ([email protected]), 2.3.12 McQuillan, Deirdre, University of Molz, Rick, Concordia University, Can-, 3.4.15 Marinova, Svetla, Aalborg University, Bradford, United Kingdom, ( ada, ([email protected]), 1.1.12 Machado, Marcelo André, Univer- Denmark, ([email protected]. [email protected]), 1.4.7 Monaghan, Sinead, Rutgers Univer- sidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos dk), 3.4.10 Mejri, Kais, IHEC Sousse, Tunisia, (kais. sity, USA, (smonaghan@business. - UNISINOS, Brazil, (mmachado@ Marshall, Victor B., Kennesaw State [email protected]), 1.4.11, 1.4.8, 2.2.7, 3.2.12, 3.4.2, 1.4.15, 2.4.5 96 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Mondal, Arindam, Indian Institute of Müllner, Jakob, WU Vienna, Austria, Nayyar, Rishika, Indian Institute of Oestergaard, Kim, University of Management, Calcutta, India, (arin- ([email protected]), 1.3.5, Foreign Trade, India, (rishikadse@ Southern Denmark, Denmark, [email protected]), 1.4.5, 2.5.11 2.3.11, 2.4.15 ([email protected]), 1.3.5 Monin, Philippe, EMLYON Business Munjal, Surender, University of Leeds, Ndanga, Leah Z. B., University of Oetzel, Jennifer, American University, School, France, (monin@em-lyon. United Kingdom, (s.munjal@lubs. Massachusetts Amherst, USA, USA, ([email protected]), 0.3, com), 2.5.6, 2.5.6, 3.4.7 ([email protected]), 2.5.2 2.1.7, 2.3.12 Monteiro, Felipe, INSEAD, France, Munro, Virginia, Griffith University, Nebus, James Francis, Suffolk Uni- Ogasavara, Mario Henrique, ESPM, ([email protected]), 1.1.5, Australia, (virginia.munro@grif- versity, USA, ([email protected]), Brazil, (mario.ogasavara@espm. 2.2.1, 2.4.2, 2.2.15 2.2.9, 2.4.6, 3.2.13 br), 1.5.15 Moon, Jon Jungbien, Korea University, Murray, Janet Y., University of Mis- Nell, Phillip, WU Vienna, Austria, Ogendo, Joan Lilian, Catholic Univer- Korea, South, (jonjmoon@korea. souri-St. Louis, USA, (murrayjan@ ([email protected]), 1.1.3, 3.1.3 sity of Eastern Africa, Kenya, (joan_, 2.5.13, 2.4.1, 2.5.3 Newburry, William, Florida Interna- [email protected]), 1.1.15, 2.3.5 Moore, Elizabeth M., Northeastern Murtinu, Samuele, Catholic University tional University, USA, (newburry@ Oh, Chang Hoon, Simon Fraser Uni- University, USA, (moore.el@husky. of Milan, Italy, (samuele.murtinu@, 1.4.5, 1.6.10, 2.3.4, 2.5.4, 3.3.15 versity, Canada, ([email protected]), 0.3,, 2.3.12, 1.1.10 Newenham-Kahindi, Aloysius, Uni- 1.5.6, 2.1.7, 3.1.15, 3.3.12 Moore, Fiona, Royal Holloway Uni- Musacchio, Aldo, Brandeis University, versity of Saskatchewan, Canada, Oliveira, Luis, University of São Paulo, versity of London, United Kingdom, USA, ([email protected]), 1.1.5, (newenham-kahindi@edwards. Brazil, ([email protected]), 3.4.14 ([email protected]), 1.4.6, 1.5.12 1.3.15, 2.4.2, 3.3.9, 1.3.15 Oliveira, Marcelle Colares, Univer- Moraes Filho, Fernando Antônio da Musteen, Martina, San Diego State Nguyen, Huy “Will”, University of sidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil, Silva, M. Dias Branco, Brazil, (fernan- University, USA, (mmusteen@mail. Texas at Dallas, USA, (hxn130630@ ([email protected]), [email protected]), 2.1.12, 1.4.15, 2.5.13 2.1.12, 3.3.13 Morbe, Lukas, Trier University, Ger- Nguyen, Quang, Middlesex University, O’Neil, Thomas, University of Calgary, many, ([email protected]), 1.5.7 N United Kingdom, (quangn@gmail. Canada, ([email protected]), 3.2.7 Moreira, Antonio Amaral, Pontifi- Nadayama, Naoto, University of com), 2.4.10, 3.1.13 Ording Olsen, Anders, Copenhagen cal Catholic University of Rio de Otago, New Zealand, (naoto.nadaya- Nguyen, Quyen, University of Read- Business School, Denmark, (aoo. Janeiro, Brazil, (tunight@globo. [email protected]), 2.4.11 ing, United Kingdom, (t.k.q.nguyen@ [email protected]), 2.3.8 com), 2.2.11 Naercio Menezes-Filho, Naercio,, 1.3.6, 3.4.13 Osland, Joyce, San José State Uni- Moreno, Márcio Costa, Pontifical Insper & University of Sao Paulo, Nguyen, Trung, Old Dominion versity, USA, (joyce.osland@sjsu. Catholic University of Rio Grande Brazil, ([email protected]. University, USA, (tnguy067@odu. edu), 3.1.14 do Sul State - PUCRS, Brazil, (m_c_ br), 1.3.13 edu), 2.4.12 Ott, Ursula F., Kingston University, [email protected]), 3.4.14 Naito, Yoko, Tokai University, Japan, Nielsen, Bo Bernhard, University of United Kingdom, ( Moris, Francisco, George Washington ([email protected]), 3.1.14 Sydney, Australia, (bo.nielsen@, 1.4.6, 2.4.10 University, USA, ([email protected]), Nakagawa, Koichi, Osaka University,, 1.3.4, 1.4.5, 3.1.1 Ou, Chueh-Chu, Corporate Synergy 1.6.8 Japan, ([email protected]. Nielsen, Sabina, University of Sydney, Development Center, Taiwan, Morrell, Dan, Middle Tennessee State, 1.1.12, 1.3.11 Australia, (sabina.nielsen@sydney. ([email protected]), University, USA, (dan.morrell@ Nakagawa, Mitsuru, Japan University, 1.4.5 1.4.14, 3.4.15, 3.1.6 of Economics, Japan, (nakagawa@ Nielsen, Tjai M., High Point University, Oxelheim, Lars, Lund University, Morschett, Dirk, University of, 1.3.11 USA, ([email protected]), Sweden, ([email protected]), 1.1.2, Fribourg, Switzerland, (dirk. Nakamura, H. Richard, University 2.3.12 1.4.9, 1.5.14 [email protected]), 1.5.7, 2.1.4, of Gothenburg, Sweden, (richard. Nieri, Federica, University of Pisa, Ita- Oyna, Stine, University of Agder, Nor- 2.2.11, 3.1.6 [email protected]), 1.3.13, 2.1.11 ly, ([email protected]), 2.3.10 way, ([email protected]), 2.2.11 Mudambi, Ram, Temple University, Nakata, Cheryl, University of Illinois Nina, Francis Daniel, University of Ozdemir, Salih Zeki, University USA, ([email protected]), at Chicago, USA, ([email protected]), Puerto Rico, USA, (francis.nina@upr. of South Wales, Australia, (sz. 1.4.3, 1.6.8, 2.2.1, 2.5.1, 3.4.2 2.1.3 edu), 1.3.10 [email protected]), 1.5.14 Mudambi, Susan, Temple University, Nam, Jonghoon, Loughborough Uni- Nonis, Sarath A., Arkansas State Ozkaya, H. Erkan, Cal Poly Pomona, USA, ([email protected]), versity, United Kingdom, (j.h.nam@ University, USA, (snonis@astate. USA, ([email protected]), 3.2.14 2.1.3, 2.4.13, 2.5.10, 3.2.11, 2.5.13 edu), 1.1.14 Mudekunye, Takura, GIBS Business Napier, Nancy K, Boise State Univer- Noorderhaven, Niels, Tilburg Univer- P School, South Africa, (447442@ sity, USA, ([email protected]), sity, Belgium, (n.g.noorderhaven@, 3.1.12 Paik, Yongsun, Loyola Marymount 2.4.14, 2.2.5 University, USA, ([email protected]), Muehlemann, Samuel, University of Narapareddy, Vijaya, University of Nooyi, Indra K., Chairperson and CEO, 3.2.6 Munich, Germany, (muehlemann@ Denver, USA, (vnarapareddy@gmail. PepsiCo, USA, 0.8, 1.5.12 Paisley, Varina, University of New com), 1.5.3 Nummela, Niina, University of Turku, South Wales, Australia, (v.paisley@ Muehlfeld, Katrin, Trier University, Nardon, Luciara, Carleton University, Finland, ([email protected]),, 1.6.15, 3.3.11 Germany, (muehlfeld@uni-trier. Canada, (luciara.nardon@carleton. 1.4.6 de), 3.1.9 Pananond, Pavida, Thammasat Uni- ca), 3.2.7 Nunes, Moema Pereira, Universidade versity, Thailand, ([email protected]. Mueller, Marc, University of St. Gal- Narooz, Rose, Coventry University, Feevale, Brazil, (moemanunes@ th), 1.4.3, 3.2.6 len, Switzerland, (marc.mueller@ United Kingdom, (rose.narooz@, 2.2.9, 3.2.14, 3.4.14, 1.1.6 Panibratov, Andrei, St. Petersburg, 3.4.10 Nuruzzaman, Nuruzzaman, Rutgers University, Russia, (panibratov@ Mukherjee, Debmalya, University Nartey, Lite, University of South University, USA, (n.nuruzzaman@, 2.4.4 of Akron, USA, (dmukher@uakron. Carolina, USA, (lite.nartey@moore., 2.1.11 edu), 1.1.13 Papadopoulos, Nicolas, Carleton, 1.1.9 University, Canada, (nicolas.papado- Mukherjee, Tuheena, Indian Institute Narula, Rajneesh, University of Read- [email protected]), 2.4.13 of Technology Kharagpur, India, O ing, United Kingdom, (r.narula@ Oddou, Gary, California State Univer- Papageorgiadis, Nikolaos, Universi- ([email protected]),, 0.3, 1.1.5, 1.5.5, 3.2.14 1.5.12 sity, San Marcos, USA, (goddou@ ty of Liverpool, United Kingdom, Naseem, Nayyer, Wayne State, 3.1.14 ([email protected]), Muller, Alan, University of Groningen, University, USA, (nayyer@wayne. Odlin, Denis, University of Auckland, 2.4.11, 3.4.6 Netherlands, ([email protected]), edu), 3.3.6 2.5.13, 3.2.3 New Zealand, (d.odlin@auckland. Papanastasiou, Marina, Middlesex Nayak, Amar, Xavier University,, 2.5.9 University, United Kingdom, ( Muller-Kahle, Maureen I., Pennsylva- Bhubaneswar, India, (amar@ximb. Odziemkowska, Kate, University of [email protected]), 1.1.3, 1.5.4, nia State University, USA, (mim10@, 3.4.3 2.1.11, 2.4.10, 3.1.11, 3.3.9 Pennsylvania, USA, (kodzi@wharton., 2.2.8, 2.3.10 The locus of global innovation 97 Papazoglou, Nikolaos, University of Perez-Batres, Luis A., Central Mich- Pruthi, Sarika, San Jose State Univer- Ramarajan, Lakshmi, Harvard Busi- Piraeus, Greece, (papazoglounick@ igan University, USA, (perez1la@ sity, USA, ([email protected]), ness School, USA, (lramarajan@, 2.4.11, 2.5.7, 1.6.10 1.1.7, 3.2.8, 2.5.12 Parente, Ronaldo, Florida Interna- Perri, Alessandra, Ca’ Foscari Univer- Puchmüller, Katharina Maria, Jo- Ramirez, Andres, Bryant University, tional University, USA, (rcparent@ sity, Italy, (alessandra.perri@unive. hannes Kepler Universität, Austria, USA, ([email protected]), 1.1.14, 1.5.13, 3.2.4, 3.4.14 it), 1.5.8, 3.2.12 ([email protected]), Rammal, Hussain, University of Park, Eunkyung, Aalborg University, Pesch, Robin, University of Bayreuth, 3.3.11 Technology Sydney, Australia, Denmark, ([email protected]. Germany, (robin.pesch@uni- Puck, Jonas F., WU Vienna, Austria, ([email protected]), 1.1.15, dk), 1.5.8, 2.3.13 ([email protected]), 0.3, 2.1.5, 1.4.10, 2.2.2 Park, Jeong-Yang, University of Petersen, Bent, Copenhagen Busi- 2.5.1, 3.1.5, 3.4.9 Ramos, Miguel A., University of Texas Nottingham, United Kingdom, ness School, Denmark, (bp.smg@ Pudelko, Markus, Tuebingen Univer- at Dallas, USA, (maramosgonza- (jeongyang.park@nottingham., 1.3.5, 1.4.8, 3.1.15 sity, Germany, (markus.pudelko@ [email protected]), 0.3, 2.3.13 Pettersen, Inger Beate, Bergen, 2.5.14 Ramsey, Jase, Saint Louis University, Park, Jieun, Cleveland State Univer- University College, Norway, (inger. Punnett, Betty Jane, University of USA, ([email protected]), 1.5.10, 3.1.6 sity, USA, ([email protected]), [email protected]), 2.5.11 West Indies, Barbados, (eureka@ Randoy, Trond, University of Agder, 1.3.12, 2.5.11 Phene, Anupama, George Washington, 1.3.14, 1.6.11 Norway, ([email protected]), 1.1.2 Park, Seung Ho, CEIBS, China, University, USA, (anuphene@gwu. Purkayastha, Anish, Indian Institute Randrianasolo, Arilova A., John ([email protected]), 2.1.12, 3.1.8 edu), 3.2.6 of Management, Ahmedabad, India, Carroll University, USA, (arandriana- Park, YeonJin, Seoul National Univer- Piekkari, Rebecca, Aalto University, ([email protected]), 2.4.12, [email protected]), 3.2.11 3.1.15 sity, Korea, South, (chris81@snu. Finland, (rebecca.piekkari@aalto. Rao, P.M., Long Island University,, 1.4.13 fi), 1.4.6 Purkayastha, Saptarshi, Indian Post Campus, USA, (pmrao@liu. Parker, Andrew, Grenoble Ecole de Pinto, Cláudia Frias, Fundação Getulio Institute of Management Kozhikode, edu), 1.3.12 India, ([email protected]), 1.1.2 Management, France, (andrew.park- Vargas - EAESP, Brazil, (claudia.frias. Rao-Nicholson, Rekha, University [email protected]), 2.5.8 [email protected]), 1.1.15 Puslecki, Lukasz, Poznan University of the West of England, United Parkhe, Arvind, Temple University, Pisani, Niccolò, University of Amster- of Economics and Business, Poland, Kingdom, (rekha.nicholson@uwe. USA, ([email protected]), 1.5.15 dam, Netherlands, (n.pisani@uva. ([email protected]),, 1.1.13 2.4.4, 2.5.4 Parks, Tomas Alexander, Cleveland nl), 3.2.3 Rasheed, Abdul, University of Texas State University, USA, (t.a.parks@ Piscitello, Lucia, Politechnico di Mila- Puthusserry, Pushyarag, Queen’s at Arlington, USA, ([email protected]),, 1.4.12 no, Italy, ([email protected]), University Belfast, United Kingdom, 3.1.13 ([email protected]), 3.4.10 Patnaik, Swetketu, Anglia Ruskin Uni- 1.4.3, 1.6.9, 2.3.6 Raskovic, Matevz, University of Lju- versity, United Kingdom, (swetketu. Pitelis, Christos, Brunel University, Putzhammer, Moritz, WU Vienna, bljana, Slovenia, (matevz.raskovic@ [email protected]), 2.3.13, 3.4.8 United Kingdom, (chris.pitelis@ Austria, (moritz.putzhammer@, 1.1.6, 2.1.5 Pattnaik, Chinmay, University of Syd-, 2.1.1 Rattalino, Francesco, ESCP Europe, ney, Australia, (chinmay.pattnaik@ Poczter, Sharon, Cornell University, Italy, ([email protected]),, 3.3.10, 3.4.5 USA, ([email protected]), Q 2.4.15 Paulus, Philipp, Trier University, Ger- 1.4.8 Qian, Gongming, Chinese University Ray, Pradeep Kanta, University of many, ([email protected]), 3.1.9 Polo, Edison, University of São Paulo, of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC, New South Wales, Australia, (pray@ ([email protected]), 0.4 Peacock, Tanya A., Baylor University, Brazil, ([email protected]), 2.4.13, 1.3.6 USA, ([email protected]), 2.4.3 Polzin, Friedemann, Utrecht Univer- Qiu, Ranfeng, California State Univer- Ray, Sangeeta, University of Sydney, sity, Netherlands, (f.h.j.polzin@ sity, San Bernardino, USA, (rqiu@ Australia, ([email protected]. Pedersen, Torben, Bocconi University,, 3.4.13 Italy, (torben.pedersen@unibocconi., 1.3.8 au), 1.3.6 it), 1.3.2, 1.5.12, 1.6.9, 2.2.3 Poór, József, Szent István University, Quirós, Cipriano, Universidad Ray, Sougata, Indian Institute of Man- Hungary, ([email protected]), 1.5.12 Complutense de Madrid, Spain, agement, Calcutta, India, (sougata@ Peeters, Carine, Vlerick Business ([email protected]), 2.3.15 School, Belgium, (carine.peeters@ Popaitoon, Patchara, Chulalongkorn, 1.4.5, 2.2.13, 2.3.9 University, Thailand, (patchara.p@ Reade, Carol, San Jose State Universi- Peiperl, Maury, Cranfield University,, 3.2.5 R ty, USA, ([email protected]), 0.3, United Kingdom, (maury.peiperl@ Popaitoon, Sujinda, Mahasarakham Rademaker, Linda, BI Norwegian 2.5.14, 3.1.9, 1.1.4 University, Thailand, (sujinda.popai- Business School, Norway, (linda. Reddy, Rama Krishna, University of [email protected]), 3.2.3 Pekerti, Andre Anugerah, University [email protected]), 3.2.5 Memphis, USA, (rreddy1@memphis. of Queensland, Australia, (a.peker- Pope, Jennifer, Grand Valley State Raghunath, S, Indian Institute of edu), 1.4.9, 3.4.6 [email protected]), 2.4.14 University, USA, ([email protected]), Management Bangalore, India, Reeb, David M., National University 2.4.13 ([email protected]), 1.1.15, of Singapore, Singapore, (dmreeb@ Pelletier, Adeline, IE Business School, 1.4.14, 2.2.2 Spain, (pelletieradeline@gmail. Popli, Manish, Indian Institute of Man-, 2.1.3, 2.4.6 com), 3.2.14 agement, Indore, India, (manishp@ Raheem, Salma, London School of Reed, Richard, Cleveland State, 1.5.15, 3.3.10, 3.4.11 Economics, United Kingdom, (s.ra- University, USA, (r.reed68@csuohio. Peng, Mike, University of Texas at [email protected]), 1.4.12 Dallas, USA, (mikepeng@utdallas. Powell, K. Skylar, Western Wash- edu), 1.4.12 edu), 2.5.13, 3.4.8 ington University, USA, (skylar. Rajwani, Tazeeb, Cranfield University, Reiche, B. Sebastian, IESE Business [email protected]), 1.3.11, 2.5.11, 3.1.15 United Kingdom, (tazeeb.rajwani@ School, Spain, ([email protected]), Peng, Yunfeng, Shanghai Jiao Tong, 2.1.14 Univerisity, China, (pengyf@sjtu. Powell, Philip, Indiana University, 1.1.4, 1.3.1, 1.4.12, 3.3.4, 3.4.15 USA, ([email protected]), 3.2.2 Ralston, David, Florida International Reimann, Felix, Korea University, University, USA, (ralstond@fiu. Korea, South, (reimann@korea. Penikas, Henry, National Research Prashantham, Shameen, CEIBS, China, edu), 1.1.4 University Higher School of ([email protected]), 2.2.3,, 1.1.6 Economics, Russia, (penikas@hse. 2.3.1, 2.5.9, 3.3.8 Ramachandran, Indu, Texas State Reina, Michelle L., University of Mary ru), 3.3.14 University, USA, (i_r38@txstate. Hardin-Baylor, USA, (mreina@umhb. Prato, Matteo, Universita’ della edu), 2.1.8 Peprah, Augustine Awuah, Ca’ Foscari Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland, (mat- edu), 1.1.14 University of Venice, Italy, (augus- [email protected]), 3.4.5 Ramachandran, Kavil, Indian School Relyea, Clint, University of Maine, [email protected]), 3.4.11 of Business, Hyderabad, India, (k_ra- USA, ([email protected]), 1.1.14 Priestley, Jennifer L., Kennesaw [email protected]), 1.4.5 Pereira, Luis Henrique, Fundação State University, USA, (jpriestl@ Ren, Monica, Macquarie University, Getulio Vargas - EAESP, Brazil, (luis., 2.1.13 Ramamurti, Ravi, Northeastern Australia, ([email protected]), [email protected]), 3.1.11 University, USA, (r.ramamurti@neu. 3.4.11 Proelss, Juliane, Concordia Univer- edu), 0.8, 1.6.2 Pereira, Vijay, University of Ports- sity, Canada, (juliane.proelss@ Ren, Shuang, Deakin University, mouth, United Kingdom, (vijay., 2.3.8 Australia, ([email protected]. [email protected]), 2.5.8 au), 2.2.7 98 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Renko, Maija, University of Illinois at Rosenbach, David Johannes, RWTH Sambharya, Rakesh, Rutgers Uni- Schu, Matthias, University of Chicago, USA, ([email protected]), 3.3.8 Aachen University, Germany, (david. versity, USA, (sambhary@camden. Fribourg, Switzerland, (matthias. Reuber, Rebecca, University of [email protected]),, 2.3.13 [email protected]), 1.5.7, 2.2.11 Toronto, Canada, (reuber@rotman. 1.5.14 Samiee, Saeed, University of Tulsa, Schueffel, Patrick, Hochschule für, 2.4.15, 3.3.3, 3.4.1 Roth, Kendall, Uniersity of South USA, ([email protected]), 1.4.11, Wirtschaft Fribourg, Switzerland, Reynet, Philippe, Kedge Business Carolina, USA, (kroth@moore. 1.5.7, 3.3.6 ([email protected]), 2.4.15 School, France, (philippe.reynet@, 3.2.1 Sammartino, Andre, University of Schueler, Jens Simon, University of, 1.3.10 Rottig, Daniel, Florida Gulf Coast Melbourne, Australia, (samma@ Kaiserslautern, Germany, (jens. Rezende, Sérgio Fernando Loureiro, University, USA, ([email protected]),, 1.6.12, 2.4.11, 3.1.15 [email protected]), 3.4.13 Pontifícia Universidade Católica de 1.6.6, 2.2.5, 2.3.12, 2.5.4 Sanden, Guro Refsum, Copenhagen Schuff, David, Temple University, USA, Minas Gerais, Brazil, (srezende@ Rudy, Bruce, University of Texas - San Business School, Denmark, (grs. ([email protected]), 3.2.11, 2.5.12 Antonio, USA, (bruce.rudy@utsa. [email protected]), 3.3.1 Schuh, Diego Andrei, Universidade do Rhee, Dong Kee, Seoul National Uni- edu), 3.3.14 Santangelo, Grazia D., University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS, versity, Korea, South, (rheedong@ Rufin, Carlos, Suffolk University, USA, Catania, Italy, ([email protected]), 0.4, Brazil, ([email protected]),, 1.4.14 ([email protected]), 2.1.15, 3.2.13 1.5.8, 2.5.2 1.4.15 Rhee, Mooweon, Yonsei University, Rui, Huaichuan, Royal Holloway Uni- Santos Arteaga, Francisco Javier, Schuster, Tassilo, University Erlan- Korea, South, (mooweon@yonsei. versity of London, United Kingdom, Free University of Bolzano, Italy, gen-Nürnberg, Germany, (tassilo., 3.1.15 ([email protected]), 1.4.13, ([email protected]), 2.3.2 [email protected]), 3.1.9, 3.2.5 Rhodes, Eric Samuel, University of 2.5.6 Sarabi, Almasa, Georg-August-Univer- Schweizer, Denis, Concordia Univer- Hawaii at Manoa, USA, (esrhodes@ Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn, Griffith Uni- sity Goettingen, Germany, (asara- sity, Canada, (denis.schweizer@, 1.3.12 versity, Australia, (s.rundle-thiele@ [email protected]), 2.5.2, 2.3.8 Rialp, Alex, Autonomous University of, 2.2.15 Saraiva, Luiz Fernando, Universidade Schwens, Christian, Heinrich Heine Barcelona, Spain, (alex.rialp@uab. Russell, Roger L., University of Mary Federal Fluminense, Brazil, (sara- University Düsseldorf, Germany, cat), 2.5.9 Hardin-Baylor, USA, (rogerlrus- [email protected]), 2.5.8 ([email protected]), 2.4.7 Richards, Malika, Penn State Univer- [email protected]), 1.1.14 Sargent, John, University of Texas Rio Seamer, Michael, University of New- sity - Berks, USA, ([email protected]), Russo, Ana Paola, Pontifical Catholic Grande Valley, USA, (john.sargent@ castle, Australia, (michael.seamer@ 0.4, 1.3.5, 2.5.3, 3.3.14 University of Rio Grande do Sul, 2.5.12, 2.2.15 Richey, R. Glenn, Auburn University, State - PUCRS, Brazil, (anapaolarus- Sarkar, Mitrabarun, Temple Univer- Seifert, Bruce, Old Dominion Universi- USA, ([email protected]), [email protected]), 3.2.14 sity, USA, ([email protected]), ty, USA, ([email protected]), 3.2.9 1.5.10 Rustambekov, Elzotbek, Bryant 3.4.13 Sekiguchi, Tomoki, Osaka University, Richter, Ulf, Nottingham University University, USA, (erustambekov@ Sarkar, Prabirjit, Jadavpur University, Japan, ([email protected]), Business School China, China, (ulf., 2.5.15 India, ([email protected]), 3.1.13 1.4.12, 2.4.9 [email protected]), 2.1.13, Ryan, Paul, Trinity College Dublin, Sartor, Michael A., Queen’s University, Sekliuckiene, Jurgita, Kaunas Uni- 3.3.13 Ireland, ([email protected]), 3.2.12 Canada, (michael.sartor@queensu. versity of Technology, Lithuania, Rickley, Marketa, University of Iowa, ca), 1.1.10 ([email protected]), 1.4.15 USA, ([email protected]), S Sasaki, Masato, Hitotsubashi Univer- Seldeslachts, Jo, DIW Berlin, KU Leu- 1.1.12 Saeed, Saadat, University of Essex, sity, Japan, ([email protected]. ven, and Univ. Amsterdam, Germany, Riddle, Liesl, George Washington United Kingdom, (ssaeeda@essex., 1.3.11 ([email protected]), 1.5.9 University, USA, ([email protected]),, 3.3.8 Satish Kumar, Medha, Simon Fraser Selmier II, W. Travis, Indiana Univer- 2.3.12, 3.1.4 Saes, Alexandre, Universidade de Sao University, Canada, (msatishk@sfu. sity, USA, ([email protected]), Rienties, Bart, Open University UK, Paulo, Brazil, (alexandre.saes@usp. ca), 2.1.6 2.3.6, 3.2.13 United Kingdom, (bart.rienties@ br), 2.5.8 Sauvant, Karl, Columbia University, Semenov, Alexey V., San Jose State, 3.1.14 Sahasranamam, Sreevas, Indian USA, ([email protected]), University, USA, (alexey.semenov@ Riikkinen, Rilana, Aalto University, Fin- Institute of Management, Kozhikode, 1.05, 3.3.2, 2.4.11, 3.2.11 land, ([email protected]), 2.1.14 India, ([email protected]), Scalera, Vittoria Giada, University of Seno-Alday, Sandra, University of Riviere, Monica, ISC Business School, 1.5.6 Amsterdam, Netherlands, (vittoria- Sydney, Australia, (sandra.seno-al- France, ([email protected]), Saleh, Sabrina Ferdous, University [email protected]), 1.1.10, 1.5.8, [email protected]), 2.5.7 2.1.10 of South Carolina, USA, (sabrina. 2.5.6 Seth, Anju, Virginia Tech, USA, Robinson, Pamela, University of [email protected]), 1.5.14 Schäfers, Tobias, Technical University ([email protected]), 2.2.2 Birmingham, United Kingdom, Salk, Jane, University of Texas at of Dortmund, Germany, (tobias. Setti, Andrea, University of Pavia, ([email protected]), 2.3.9 Dallas, USA, (jane.salk@utdallas. [email protected]), 1.3.14 Italy, (andrea.setti01@universitadi- Robson, Matthew John, University of edu), 2.2.15 Schappert, Jane, Barry University,, 1.3.12 Leeds, United Kingdom, (mjro@lubs. Salmi, Asta, Lappeenranta School of USA, ([email protected]), Settles, Alexander, Rutgers Uni-, 1.5.15 Technology, Finland, (asta.salmi@ 2.2.5 versity, USA, (asettles@business. Roehl, Tom, Western Washington, 2.1.14 Schiehll, Eduardo, HEC Montréal,, 1.3.10, 2.3.11 University, USA, (tom.roehl@wwu. Salomon, Robert, New York Universi- Canada, (eduardo.schiehll@hec. Severe, Sean, Drake University, USA, edu), 1.3.11 ty, USA, ([email protected]), ca), 3.2.9 ([email protected]), 1.1.5 2.1.8, 2.3.2 Roh, Tae Woo, Soonchunhyang Schlegelmilch, Bodo, Vienna Univer- Sewak, Mayank, University of Massa- University, Korea, South, (troh@sch. Salvaj, Erica, Universidad del Desar- sity of Economics and Business, chusetts Amherst, USA, (msewak@, 1.3.8, 1.4.14 rollo, Chile, ([email protected]), Austria, (bodo.schlegelmilch@, 2.1.8, 2.3.7 2.1.7, 1.5.7 Rojer Jr., Guido, University of Curacao, Seyed Abootorabi, Seyed Hooman, Netherlands, ([email protected]), Salwan, Prashant, Indian Institute of Schneider, Martin R., Paderborn Old Dominion University, USA, 2.2.15 Management, Indore, India, (psal- University, Germany, (martin.schnei- ([email protected]), 2.2.7 [email protected]), 1.1.15, 1.5.15 [email protected]), 2.4.12 Rolf, Skylar, University of Nebraska Shaffer, Margaret, University of Wis- - Lincoln, USA, (skylar.rolf@gmail. Salzmann, Astrid Juliane, RWTH Schock, Florian, PricewaterhouseCoo- consin, Milwaukee, USA, (shafferm@ com), 1.1.9 Aachen University, Germany, (astrid. pers AG, Germany, (florian.schock@, 1.1.4, 1.4.12, 3.3.4 Roohanifar, Mo, Manchester Metro- [email protected]),, 1.3.8 1.5.14 Shah, Dhara, Griffith University, Aus- politan University, United Kingdom, Schotter, Andreas, Western Univer- tralia, ([email protected]), 1.3.7, ([email protected]), 2.3.13 Samant, Shantala, Virginia Tech sity, Canada, ([email protected]. Shaheer, Noman Ahmed, University Rose, Elizabeth, University of Otago, University, USA, ([email protected]), ca), 2.4.14 1.3.3 of South Carolina, USA, (noman.sha- New Zealand, (elizabeth.rose@ Schramm-Klein, Hanna, University of [email protected]), 1.1.10, 1.5.5, 1.3.4, 1.4.10, 1.5.1, 2.05, Siegen, Germany, (hsk@marketing. 2.5.4, 3.3.3, 1.5.7, 2.2.11, 3.2.11 The locus of global innovation 99 Shakir, Farah Yasmine, IESE Business Sinani, Evis, Copenhagen Business Souza, Larissa Loureiro de, Univer- Sully de Luque, Mary, Arizona School, Spain, ([email protected]), School, Denmark, ([email protected]), sidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - State University, USA, (mary. 1.1.12 2.3.7 UNISINOS, Brazil, (larissaloureiro@ [email protected]. Shao, Bo, (Jeff), RMIT University, Singh, Deeksha, Rutgers University,, 1.4.15 edu), 2.1.2 Australia, ([email protected]), USA, ([email protected]), Souza Campus, Camila, Insper, Brazil, Sumelius, Jennie, University of Vaasa, 1.4.12 2.1.11, 2.5.11, 3.3.10 ([email protected]), 1.3.13 Finland, ([email protected]), Shapiro, Daniel, Simon Fraser Singh, Nitish, Saint Louis University, Sprott, David, Washington State 3.1.10 University, Canada, (dshapiro@sfu. USA, ([email protected]), 2.2.15, University, USA, (dsprott@wsu. Sun, Defeng, Kyoto University, Japan, ca), 2.2.6 3.2.15 edu), 1.6.13 ([email protected]), 2.3.15 Sharkey Scott, Pamela, National Uni- Singh, Nivisha, Indian Institute of Stahl, Günter K., WU Vienna, Austria, Sun, Pei, Fudan University, China, versity of Ireland, Ireland, (pamela. Management, Indore, India, (f12nivi- ([email protected]), 2.4.8 ([email protected]), 1.1.2 [email protected]), 1.4.7 [email protected]), 1.1.15 Stanko, Taryn, Cal Poly San Luis Sun, Sunny, (Li), University of Missou- Sharma, Anurag, University of Massa- Singh, Satwinder, Brunel University, Obispo, USA, (tstanko@calpoly. ri-Kansas City, USA, (sunsli@umkc. chusetts Amherst, USA, (sharma@ United Kingdom, (satwinder.singh@ edu), 3.2.7 edu), 2.3.11, 2.5.15, 3.3.9, 2.1.8, 2.3.7, 1.4.10, 1.5.12 Stanworth, James Oliver, National Sundström, Angelina, Mälardalen Sharma, Kushal, ESSEC Business Sinha, Ashutosh Kumar, Indian Insti- Changhua University of Education, University, Sweden, (angelina.sund- School, France, (kushal.sharma@ tute of Management, Lucknow, India, Taiwan, (jamesstanworth@btinter- [email protected]), 1.1.14, 1.1.12 ([email protected]), 2.3.6, 3.3.12, 3.2.11 Sutherland, Dylan, Durham Uni- Sharma, Sunil, Indian Institute of Sinkovics, Noemi, University of Man- Stark, Manuel, Bearing Point, Germa- versity, United Kingdom, (dylan. Management, Ahmedabad, India, chester, United Kingdom, (noemi. ny, ([email protected]), 1.5.6 [email protected]), 1.1.5 ([email protected]), [email protected]), 2.2.15 Starkman, Eytan, Bank Hapoalim In- Sutter, Mariana Bassi, University 2.4.12, 3.1.15 Sinkovics, Rudolf R., University of ternational, USA, (eytanstarkman@ of São Paulo, Brazil, (mbsutter@ Shen, Yongjian, Nanjing University Manchester, United Kingdom, (ru-, 2.2.5, 2.4.13 of Finance and Economics, China, [email protected]), Starnawska, Sylwia E., SUNY Empire Svirina, Anna, Kazan National Re- ([email protected]), 1.1.8 0.3, 1.4.6, 2.2.15, 3.3.9 State College, USA, (sylwiastar- search Technical University, Russia, Sheng, Hsia Hua, EAESP, Brazil, (hsia. Skarmeas, Dionysis, Athens Univer- [email protected]), 1.4.9, 2.2.6 ([email protected]), 1.1.9, [email protected]), 1.4.11 sity of Economics and Business, Steel, Piers, University of Calgary, 1.6.6 Shengeliya, Mikhail, Trinity College Greece, ([email protected]), 3.1.6 Canada, (piers.steel@haskayne. Swiatowiec-Szczepanska, Justyna, Dublin, Ireland, (shengelm@tcd. Skousen, Bradley, Ohio State Univer-, 1.5.2, 3.2.7 Poznan University of Economics, ie), 2.2.12 sity, USA, ([email protected]), 1.4.5 Steinke, Claudia, University of Leth- Poland, (justyna.swiatowiec-szcze- Shenkar, Oded, Ohio State University, Slangen, Arjen, RSM Erasmus Univer- bridge, Canada, (claudia.steinke@ [email protected]), 1.1.8 USA, ([email protected]), 1.1.11, 2.2.8 sity, Netherlands, (aslangen@rsm., 1.5.12 Swoboda, Bernhard, Trier University, Shi, Lei, University of Hong Kong, Chi- nl), 2.1.5, 2.3.13 Stephens Balakrishnan, Melodena, Germany, ([email protected]), na, ([email protected]), 3.1.7 Sleuwaegen, Leo, KU Leuven, Bel- Karlshochschule International Uni- 1.5.7, 3.3.6 Shim, Yong Ju, FGV-EAESP, Brazil, gium, (leo.sleuwaegen@kuleuven. versity, Germany, (mstephensb@ Szkudlarek, Betina, University of ([email protected]), 3.2.15 be), 1.5.9, 2.1.12, 2.4.13, Sydney, Australia, (b.szkudlarek@ 2.5.4, 3.4.4, 3.1.14 Shin, HoWook, University of Texas at Sluhan, Anne, Copenhagen Business Dallas, USA, (hxs123530@utdallas. School, Denmark, ([email protected]), Stevens, Charles Edward, Lehigh Szücs, Florian, WU Vienna University edu), 1.5.13 3.2.3 University, USA, (ces213@lehigh. of Economics and Business, Austria, edu), 1.3.15 ([email protected]), 1.4.5 Shin, In Sik, Yonsei University, Korea, Smith, Adam, Arkansas State Univer- South, ([email protected]), 1.5.15 sity, USA, ([email protected]), Stieritz, Ann Marie, South Carolina 2.2.6, 3.3.8 Council on Competitiveness, USA, T Shin, Jiyoung, Korea University, ([email protected]), 2.3.3 Korea, South, (j.jiyoung.shin@gmail. Snaebjornsson, Inga Minelgaite, Tackx, Koen, Vlerick Business School, com), 2.5.13 University of Iceland, Iceland, (inga. Stoermer, Sebastian, University of Belgium, ([email protected]), [email protected]), 2.5.14 Goettingen, Germany, (sebastian. 2.2.13 Shin, Joonho, ESADE Business Snell, Robin, Lingnan University, [email protected]. Tada, Kazumi, Kindai University, School, Spain, (joonho.shin@esade. de), 1.4.10 edu), 2.4.11 Hong Kong, SAR-PRC, (robin@ Japan, ([email protected]),, 3.3.7 Storrud-Barnes, Susan F., Cleveland 1.1.12, 1.3.11 Shin, Mannsoo, Korea University, Soares Terra, Paulo Renato, FGV- State University, USA, (s.f.barnes@ Tallman, Steve, University of Rich- Korea, South, ([email protected]),, 1.4.12 2.5.14 EAESP, Brazil, (paulo.terra@fgv. mond, USA, (stallman@richmond. br), 3.2.9 Strandskov, Jesper, University of edu), 1.3.2, 1.6.9, 2.05 Shipman, Alan, Open University, Unit- Southern Denmark, Denmark, (jst@ ed Kingdom, ([email protected]), 1.4.13 Sofka, Wolfgang, Copenhagen Busi- Tan, Brian Roy, B.R.I.T. Management ness School, Denmark, (ws.smg@, 3.1.15 Consulting, Singapore, (contact. Shirodkar, Vikrant, University of Sus-, 2.3.8 Strange, Roger, University of Sussex, [email protected]), 2.2.13 sex, United Kingdom, (v.shirodkar@ United Kingdom, (r.n.strange@, 3.1.8, 3.4.9 Sojli, Elvira, Erasmus University, Tan, Danchi, National Chengchi Uni- Netherlands, ([email protected]), 2.4.6, 1.1.15, 1.4.4, 2.4.12 versity, Taiwan, ([email protected]. Shoham, Amir, Temple University, Ström, Patrik, University of Gothen- tw), 1.4.13, 3.3.10, 3.4.14 USA, ([email protected]), 2.3.4, Som, Ashok, ESSEC, France, (som@, 3.2.2 burg, Sweden, (patrik.strom@ Tan, Hui, Royal Holloway, University 3.3.11, 2.1.11 Somé, Hyacinthe Y., Université de of London, United Kingdom, (hui. Shukla, Dhirendra Mani, Indian Insti- Su, Chih Hui, (Debbie), University of [email protected]), 2.1.11 tute of Management, Lucknow, India, Sherbrooke, Canada, (yirlier.hyacin- [email protected]), 1.4.8 Saint Thomas, USA, (csu@stthom. Tang, Jianmin, Government of Canada, ([email protected]), 2.3.6 edu), 2.1. Søndergaard, Mikael, Aarhus Univer- Canada, ([email protected]), Sicina, Robert, American University, Su, Weichieh, National Chengchi 2.3.11 USA, ([email protected]), 1.6.5 sity, Denmark, (msoendergaard@, 1.1.12, 1.3.14, 1.5.3, 2.2.5 University, Taiwan, (weichieh@nccu. Tang, Jing’an, Sacred Heart Univer- Siegel, Jordan, University of Michigan,, 3.3.10 Song, Jaeyong, Seoul National Uni- sity, USA, (tangj3@sacredheart. USA, ([email protected]), Suder, Gabriele, University of Mel- edu), 3.3.12 3.1.15 versity, Korea, South, (jsong@snu., 1.3.6, 1.4.13, 2.2.1 bourne, Australia, (gabriele.suder@ Tang, Ningyu, Shanghai Jiao Tong Sikarwar, Ekta, T.A. Pai Management, 2.1.5 Song, Kheehong, Korea University, University, China, ([email protected]. Institute, India, ([email protected]. Sugiyama, Yasuo, Kyoto University, cn), 1.4.12, 1.5.12 in), 3.1.13 Korea, South, (kheehong01@gmail. com), 3.3.12 Japan, ([email protected]. Tang, Ryan, University of South Aus- Simendinger, Earl, University of, 2.3.15 tralia, Australia, (ryan.tang@unisa. Tampa, USA, (esimendinger@ Sono, Hui, James Madison University, USA, ([email protected]), 2.1.10 Sui, Sui, Ryerson University, Canada,, 3.3.5, 1.3.10 ([email protected]), 2.5.9 100 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Tang, Yinuo, University of Hong Kong, Thill, Katharina, FHWien University of Tullar, William, University of North Venkateswaran, Ramya Tarakad, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC, (tangyn04@ Applied Sciences, Austria, (katharina. Carolina at Greensboro, USA, (wltul- Indian Institute of Management,, 3.2.6 [email protected]), 1.5.12 [email protected]), 3.2.7 Calcutta, India, (ramyatv@iimcal. Taras, Vasyl, University of North Thomason, Stephanie, University of Tung, Rosalie L., Simon Fraser Uni-, 1.1.11, 1.3.3, 1.6.6 Carolina at Greensboro, USA, Tampa, USA, ([email protected]), versity, Canada, ([email protected]), 0.8, Verbeke, Alain, University of Calgary, ([email protected]), 1.5.2, 1.6.11, 1.3.10 1.5.1, 1.6.4, 2.5.3 Canada, (alain.verbeke@haskayne. 3.2.7, 3.3.11 Thoumrungroje, Amonrat, Assump- Tupper, Christina H., Old Dominion, 1.3.2, 1.4.4, 2.1.1, 2.3.1, Tarba, Shlomo Yedidia, University of tion University, Thailand, (amonrat- University, USA, (ctupp001@odu. 2.5.1 Birmingham, United Kingdom, (s.tar- [email protected]), 3.2.11 edu), 1.1.8 Veselova, Anna, GSOM, St. Petersburg [email protected]), 1.1.13, 2.2.11 Tien, Chengli, National Taiwan Normal Turkina, Ekaterina, HEC Montréal, University, Russia, (a.s.veselova@ Tariq, Ayesha, University of Alabama, University, Taiwan, (cltien@ntnu. Canada, (ekaterina.turkina@hec., 1.4.5 USA, ([email protected]), 3.1.6, 2.1.12 ca), 1.5.8 Vezzulli, Andrea, University of Pisa, Tasavori, Misagh, University of Essex, Tierean, Silviu Horia, Erasmus Tuselmann, Heinz, Manchester Metro- Italy, ([email protected]), United Kingdom, (tasavori@essex. University Rotterdam, Netherlands, politan University, United Kingdom, 2.1.14, 3.2.8 ([email protected]), 3.1.6 ([email protected]), 1.5.4 Vignes, Sam, Trinity College Dublin, Taube, Markus, University of Duis- Tippmann, Esther, University College Ireland, ([email protected]), 2.2.12 burg-Essen, Germany, (markus. Dublin, Ireland, (esther.tippmann@ U Vithessonthi, Chaiporn, Khon Kaen [email protected]), 3.2.14, 2.2.7, 2.3.8, 2.5.8, 3.4.2 ul Haq, Hammad, Uppsala University, University, Thailand, (chaiporn@ Täube, Florian, Université libre de Tobiassen, Anita Ellen, Oslo and Sweden, ([email protected]),, 1.4.9, 2.1.9 Bruxelles, Belgium, (ftaube@ulb. Akershus University College of Ap- 3.2.13 Vo, Linh-Chi, Normandy Business, 1.3.8, 1.5.6, 2.5.12 plied Sciences, Norway, (anita-ellen. Un, Annique, Northeastern University, School, France, (lvo@em-nor- Tavares-Lehmann, Ana Teresa, [email protected]), 2.5.11 USA, ([email protected]), 3.2.12, 2.4.5 Universidade do Porto, Portugal, Tobing, Ciska, University of Indonesia, Useem, Michael, University of Penn- von Flotow, Paschen, Sustainable ([email protected]), 3.3.12 Indonesia, (ciskatobing@yahoo. sylvania, USA, (useem@wharton. Business Institute, Germany, (flo- Tavoletti, Ernesto, University of com), 3.2.14, 3.2.8 [email protected]), 1.3.8 Macerata, Italy, (ernesto.tavoletti@ Toh, Soo Min, University of Toronto, Von Glinow, Mary Ann, Florida Inter-, 1.5.2, 1.6.6 Canada, (soomin.toh@utoronto. national University, USA, (vongli- ca), 2.5.2 V [email protected]), 1.5.1, 2.1.13, 3.1.14 Tayar, Mark, University of Sydney, Vaaler, Paul, University of Minnesota, Australia, ([email protected]. Tolmie, Carri, Elon University, USA, USA, ([email protected]), 3.4.12 Vora, Davina, State University of New au), 3.3.11 ([email protected]), 1.6.6 York at New Paltz, USA, (vorad@ Vahter, Priit, Warwick University,, 1.4.12, 2.4.5, 3.1.10 Taylor, Glen Stirling, California State Tolstikov-Mast, Yulia V., Indiana Insti- United Kingdom, (Priit.Vahter@wbs. University, East Bay, USA, (glen. tute of Technology, USA, (yvmast@, 2.3.7 Voss, Hinrich, University of Leeds, [email protected]), 3.2.13, 2.5.14 United Kingdom, ([email protected]. Valentino, Alfredo, Luiss University,, 3.1.7 Taylor, Marilyn L., University of Mis- Tomassen, Sverre, BI Norwegian Italy, ([email protected]), 2.2.13 souri-Kansas City, USA, (taylorm@ Business School, Norway, (sverre. Vuchkovski, Davor, University of Lju-, 1.5.3 [email protected]), 1.1.3 Valladares, Halia M., Mount Royal bljana, Slovenia, (davor.vuchkovs- University, Canada, (hvalladares@ [email protected]), 1.1.6 Teagarden, Mary, Thunderbird School Torrecillas, Celia, Universidad, 2.5.7, 3.1.8 of Global Management, USA, (mary. Europea de Madrid, Spain, (celia. Vuong, Quan Hoang, University of [email protected]), 3.2.2 torrecillas@universidadeuropea. Van Assche, Ari, HEC Montréal, Cana- Brussels, Belgium, (qvuong@ulb. es), 2.3.2 da, ([email protected]), 1.3.13,, 2.4.14 Teegen, Hildy Jean, University of 1.5.8, 1.6.8 South Carolina, USA, (teegen@ Torres, Luis E., Georgia Gwinnett Vyas, Bindu J., King’s College London,, 1.1.9, 2.3.3 College, USA, ([email protected]), Van Biesebroeck, Johannes, KU Leu- USA, ([email protected]), 1.1.14 2.3.12, 3.4.11 ven, Belgium, (jo.vanbiesebroeck@ Tejeda, Manuel J., Barry University,, 1.3.13 USA, ([email protected]), 1.3.13 Torres, Miguel Matos, University of van Ees, Hans, University of Gronin- W Temouri, Yama, Aston University, Leeds, United Kingdom, (busmto@ Wach, Krzysztof, Cracow University, 1.3.15, 1.5.13, 1.6.14, 2.1.14, gen, Netherlands, (h.van.ees@rug. United Kingdom, (y.temouri1@aston. nl), 3.3.10 of Economics, Poland, (wachk@uek., 2.3.7 3.4.1, 2.4.4 van Essen, Marc, University of St. Gal- Terpstra-Tong, Jane, Monash Univer- Tracogna, Andrea, University of Wadhwa, Anu, Imperial College Lon- Trieste, Italy, (andrea.tracogna@ len, Switzerland, (marc.vanessen@ sity, Malaysia, (jane.tong@monash., 1.5.14 don, United Kingdom, (a.wadhwa@ edu), 1.3.13, 2.5.7, 2.3.14, 3.4.13 van Hoorn, Andre, University of Gron- Thakur-Wernz, Pooja, Virginia Tech Trevino, Len, Loyola University New Wagner, Gerhard, University of Sie- Orleans, USA, ([email protected]), ingen, Netherlands, (vanhoorn@ University, USA, ([email protected]),, 1.1.11, 1.3.3, 2.1.6 gen, Germany, (wagner@marketing. 1.3.3 1.6.13, 1.5.7 van Riel, Cees, Erasmus University Tham, Wing Wah, Erasmus Univer- Troilo, Mike, University of Tulsa, USA, Wahid, Fazli, University of Waterloo, ([email protected]), 1.1.8 Rotterdam, Netherlands, (criel@ sity, Netherlands, ([email protected]., 3.1.6 Canada, ([email protected]), nl), 2.4.6 Trusty, Juanita, University of Mem- 1.4.11 van Veen, Kees, University of Gronin- Thams, Yannick, Suffolk University, phis, USA, ([email protected]), Waldenberger, Franz, DIJ Tokyo, 3.3.13 gen, Netherlands, (k.van.veen@rug. USA, ([email protected]), 2.3.9 nl), 3.3.10 Japan, (waldenberger@dijtokyo. Tsagdis, Dimitrios, Kedge Business org), 1.4.15 Thang, Thi Nam, CFVG, Vietnam, Vandenberg, Robert J., University of ([email protected]), 1.5.12 School, France, (dimitrios.tsagdis@ Wales, Bill, State University of New, 1.4.11 Georgia, USA, ([email protected]), Thanopoulos, John, IST, Greece, 0.06.4, 1.3.14, 3.1.1 York at Albany, USA, ( Tseng, Wei-Kuo, National Chung Hs-, 2.1.10 ([email protected]), 2.5.7 Vanninen, Heini, Lappeenranta Univer- ing University, Taiwan, (weikuo.t@ Walker, James T., University of Read- Theyel, Gregory, California State, 1.4.14, 3.4.15 sity of Technology, Finland, (heini. University, East Bay, USA, (gregory. [email protected]), 2.4.15 ing, United Kingdom, (j.t.walker@ Tsui, Tiffany, Erasmus University,, 1.5.15 [email protected]), 1.5.13 Varma, Sumati, University of Delhi, Netherlands, (tiffany.tsui@matrion. Walumbwa, Fred O., Florida Thiedemann, Janis, Cleveland State nl), 3.3.13 India, ([email protected]), University, USA, (jlthiedemann@aol. 2.4.15 International University, USA, (ow- Tu, Wenjun, University of Nottingham [email protected]), 1.4.15 com), 2.5.11 Velez-Calle, Andres, Universidad Ningbo, China, (wenjun.tu@notting- Wan, Guoguang, Hong Kong Universi- Thiele, Kai Oliver, Hamburg University, 2.2.6 EAFIT / Rutgers University, USA, of Technology, Germany, (k.thiele@ ([email protected]), ty of Science and Technology, Hong, 3.3.12 Tuennerman, Ann R., Tales of the 1.6.11 Kong, SAR-PRC, (wanguoguang@ Cocktail, USA, (ann@talesofthe-, 1.1.8, 2.5.3 The locus of global innovation 101 Wang, Chen, Florida International Welter, Christopher, Xavier Universi- Wu, Changqi, Peking University, University, USA, (cwang035@fiu. ty, USA, ([email protected]), 2.2.11 China, ([email protected]), Y Yakob, Ramsin, University of Go- edu), 2.1.13 Wernick, David, Florida International 1.4.2, 1.5.9, 2.2.13 thenburg, Sweden, (ramsin.yakob@ Wang, Chengang, Bradford Univer- University, USA, ([email protected]), Wu, Jianfeng, University of Interna-, 2.1.11, 2.4.9 sity, United Kingdom, (c.wang9@ 3.2.4 tional Business and Economics, Yamanoi, Junichi, Waseda University,, 2.4.11, 3.4.6 Westjohn, Stanford A., University of China, ([email protected]), 2.3.13 Japan, ([email protected]), 1.4.4, Wang, Chenxi, Renmin University of Toledo, USA, (stanford.westjohn@ Wu, Jianzu, Lanzhou University, China, 2.2.5, 2.5.5 China, China, ([email protected]., 2.1.4 ([email protected]), 3.3.12 Yamazaki, Yoshitaka, Bunkyo Uni- cn), 1.5.12 Westney, Eleanor, York University, Wu, Jie, University of Macau, Macau, versity, Japan, (yyama@shonan. Wang, Chunfen, Peking University, Canada, ([email protected]. ([email protected]), 1.5.15, 3.1.8, 2.1.13 China, ([email protected]. ca), 1.5.1, 2.4.3 Wu, Longzeng, Xiameng University, Yan, Jiayan, Renmin University of cn), 3.4.14 White, George, Old Dominion Univer- China, ([email protected]), China, China, (yanjiayan1991@126. Wang, Gang, Wuhan University, China, sity, USA, ([email protected]), 1.5.9, 3.1.10 com), 1.3.15 ([email protected]), 3.4.15 2.1.14 Wu, Mengxin, Tianjin University, Chi- Yang, Chi-Lin, Chung Yuan Christian Wang, Hui Wen, National Sun Yat-sen Whittington, J. Lee, University of na, ([email protected]), 2.1.15 University, Taiwan, (clyang@cycu. University, Taiwan, (d984010008@ Dallas, USA, ([email protected]), Wu, Rui, Tsinghua University, China,, 3.1.12, 2.1.4 1.1.12, 2.4.5 ([email protected]), 3.2.15 Yang, Hailan Helen, Shandong Jian- Wang, I. Kim, Suffolk University, USA, Widjaja, Albert, University of Indo- Wu, Sibin, University of Texas-Rio zhu University, China, (zw6392@ ([email protected]), 2.4.6 nesia, Indonesia, (aljaya8@gmail. Grande Valley, USA, (sibin.wu@, 1.4.15 Wang, Joyce, (Congying), University of com), 3.2.14, 1.4.15 Yang, Inju, EDC Paris Business Texas at Dallas, USA, (cxw141430@ Widuckel, Werner, University of Wu, Weiku, Tsinghua University, School, France, (iyang@edcparis., 3.3.9, 3.4.8 Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, (jan. China, ([email protected]. edu), 2.4.14 Wang, Miao, Marquette University, [email protected]), 3.1.14 cn), 3.2.15 Yang, Jiawen, George Washington USA, ([email protected]), Wiese, Nila, University of Puget Wu, Xianming, Wuhan University, University, USA, (jwyang@gwu. 3.4.6 Sound, USA, (nwiese@pugetsound. China, ([email protected]. edu), 2.1.12 Wang, Pengji, James Cook Universi- edu), 2.5.4 cn), 3.2.6 Yang, Jie, Saint Louis University, USA, ty - Singapore, Singapore, (pengji. Wihlborg, Clas, Chapman University, Wuetz, Steffen, University of St. Gal- ([email protected]), 2.1.4, 2.5.10 [email protected]), 3.4.15 USA, ([email protected]), len, Switzerland, (steffen.wuetz@ Yang, Jing yu, (Gracy), University of Wang, Stephanie, Indiana University, 1.5.14, 1.5.13 Sydney, Australia, (gracy.yang@ USA, ([email protected]), 2.3.5 Williams, Justin, Charles Sturt, 3.1.9, 3.2.15 Wang, Yu-Kai, (Mike), Soochow Univer- University, Australia, (justinshale@ X Yang, Monica, Adelphi University, USA, sity, Taiwan, ([email protected]., 3.1.10 Xavier, Wlamir, UNISUL & East- ([email protected]), 1.5.5 tw), 2.3.13 Williams, Larry J., University of North ern New Mexico University, USA, Yang, Xiaohua, University of San Wang, Yumei, Shanghai Jiao Tong Uni- Dakota, USA, (larry.williams@und. ([email protected]), 1.3.15, Francisco, USA, (xyang14@usfca. versity, China, (wangyu_188@163. edu), 0.05.4, 3.1.1 3.2.14 edu), 3.1.12 com), 1.4.12 Wissman-Weber, Nichole K, Univer- Xia, Jun, University of Texas at Dallas, Yang, Xin, Hang Seng Management Wang, Zhan, Saint Louis University, sity of Massachusetts Boston, USA, USA, ([email protected]), 2.2.6 College, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC, (mor- USA, ([email protected]), 2.2.15, ([email protected]), 3.2.14 Xiang, Tao, Northeast University, Chi- [email protected]), 2.1.12, 3.2.11 3.1.6 Witt, Michael A., INSEAD, Singapore, na, ([email protected]), 1.4.8 Yang, Yang, Beijing Techonology & Wang, Zhi, Manchester Metropolitan ([email protected]), 0.4, 2.1.7 Xiao, Jianqiang, Renmin University of Business University, China, (yang- University, United Kingdom, (zhi. Witte, Caroline, Erasmus University China, China, ([email protected]. [email protected]), 3.1.12 [email protected]), 3.4.7 Rotterdam, Netherlands, (witte@ cn), 2.3.11, 2.5.15 Yang, Yi, Yonsei University, Korea, Wankel, Charles, St. Jones University,, 1.6.7 Xie, Fujiao, University of Hawaii at Ma- South, ([email protected]), USA, ([email protected]), 1.5.2 Wocke, Albert, GIBS Business School, noa, USA, ([email protected]), 1.3.10 1.3.3 Warner, Karl S.R., Edinburgh Napier South Africa, ([email protected]), Xie, Luqun, Hong Kong University Yang, Yong, University of Sussex, University, United Kingdom, (k.war- 3.1.12, 3.2.14 of Science and Technology, Hong United Kingdom, (yong.yang@ [email protected]), 1.4.7 Wolf, Bernie, Schulich School of Kong, SAR-PRC, ([email protected]),, 2.4.12 Weber, Thomas, University of South- Business, Canada, (bwolf@schulich. 3.4.8 Yang, Yu, Hang Seng Management ern Indiana, USA, (, 2.3.10 Xie, Weiyun, Wuhan University, China, College, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC,, 1.5.9 Wong, M.C. Sunny, University of San 3.2.6 ([email protected]), 3.2.11 Wechtler, Heidi, Macquarie University, Francisco, USA, (mwong11@usfca. Xie, Zhenzhen, Tsinghua University, Yang, Zhi, Huazhong University of Australia, (heidiwechtler@gmail. edu), 3.4.6 China, ([email protected]. Science and Technology, China, com), 1.3.7 Woo, Heejin, California State Universi- cn), 2.5.5 ([email protected]), 2.1.8 Wei, Jiang, Zhejiang University, China, ty, Fullerton, USA, (hwoo@fullerton. Xiong, Jie, ESC Rennes School of Yaniv, Eyal, Bar Ilan University, Israel, ([email protected]), 1.4.13 edu), 1.3.9 Business, France, (jie.xiong@esc- ([email protected]), 1.1.11 Wei, Tian, Fudan University, China, Woo, Youngshin, University of, 2.5.6 Yao, Kun, (Fiona), University of Illinois ([email protected]), 2.1.8, 2.2.5, Adelaide, Australia, (woo.jamie.ys@ Xu, Kehan, University of Wollongong, at Urbana-Champaign, USA, (fion- 3.3.12, 2.5.13 Australia, ([email protected]), [email protected]), 3.1.9, 3.4.8 Weidinger, Alois Konrad, Higher Col- Wood, Geoffrey, University of 3.3.15 Yao, Wei-Ren, National Dong Hwa leges of Technology, United Arab Essex, United Kingdom, (geoffrey- Xu, Rongrong, (Joyce), Temple University, Taiwan, (acct041093@ Emirates, (aweidinger@deschute- [email protected]), 1.5.12 University, USA, (joyce.xu@temple., 1.5.8, 3.3.8 Woodward, Douglas P, University edu), 2.5.10 Yaprak, Attila, Wayne State Universi- Weinstein, Marc, Florida International of South Carolina, USA, (douglasp- Xu, XiaoJun, Fudan University, China, ty, USA, ([email protected]), University, USA, ([email protected]), [email protected]), 2.3.3 ([email protected]), 1.4.10 2.4.6, 3.3.6 3.2.4 Wright, Alan, Southern Arkansas Uni- Xue, Jiao, Shanghai Jiao Tong Uni- Yasser, Qaiser Rafique, University of Weiss, Martin, University of Erlan- versity, USA, (adwright@saumag. versity, China, ([email protected]. Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia, (qais- gen-Nürnberg, Germany, (martin. edu), 1.1.14 cn), 3.4.15 [email protected]), 2.2.15 [email protected]), 3.1.5 Wright, Mike, Imperial College Lon- Xue, Xiaolong, Harbin Institute of Yasuda, Naoki, Rikkyo University, Welch, Catherine, University of Syd- don, United Kingdom, (mike.wright@ Technology, China, ([email protected]. Japan, ([email protected]), ney, Australia, (catherine.welch@, 1.1.7 cn), 1.4.8 3.2.13, 3.4.9, 0.3, 1.4.6, 1.6.3, 3.1.1 Wu, Aiqi, Zhejiang University, China, ([email protected]), 2.3.5 102 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Ye, Kangtao, Renmin University of Zander, Lena, Uppsala University, Zhang, Nan, University of Illinois Zhu, Limin, Renmin University of China, China, ([email protected]. Sweden, ([email protected]), at Urbana-Champaign, USA, China, China, ([email protected]. cn), 2.3.11 3.1.2 ([email protected]), 3.1.12 cn), 3.3.12 Ye, Xiao Qian, Wuhan University, Zdravkovic, Srdan, Bryant University, Zhang, Shubo, Renmin University Zhuang, Chen, SVW, China, China, ([email protected]), 3.4.7 USA, ([email protected]), 1.6.6, of China, China, (zhangshubomon- ([email protected]), 1.4.12 Yeh, Chun-Ping, National Taiwan 2.1.4, 3.2.11 [email protected]), 3.3.12 Zolfaghari, Meysam, Autonomous University, Taiwan, (d01724007@ Zdziarski, Michal, Warsaw University, Zhang, Yanli, Montclair State Univer- University of Barcelona, Spain,, 1.5.12 Poland, ([email protected]), sity, USA, ([email protected]. ([email protected]), 2.5.9 Yi, Jiangling, Nanjing University, Chi- 1.1.8, 2.4.4 edu), 2.5.15 Zou, Yufeng, Utrecht University, na, ([email protected]), 2.1.7 Zhan, Feng, John Carroll University, Zhang, Zhu, Peking University, China, Netherlands, ([email protected]), 1.5.12 Yi, Jingtao, Renmin University of USA, ([email protected]), 2.3.8 ([email protected]), Zucchella, Antonella, University of China, China, ([email protected]. Zhan, James, Investment and 2.2.13 Pavia, Italy, (antonella.zucchella@ cn), 1.1.10 Enterprise, UNCTAD, China,, (james. Zhao, Jing, Renmin University of, 1.4.4 Yin, Xiaoli, Baruch College - CUNY, [email protected]), 1.4.2, 2.2.4 China, China, ([email protected]. Zurbruegg, Ralf, University of USA, ([email protected]), Zhang, Chenjian, University of Bath, cn), 3.3.12 Adelaide, Australia, (ralf.zurbrugg@ 3.1.12 United Kingdom, (c.zhang2@bath. Zhao, Meng, Rennmin University, 3.2.9 Ying, Ying, Zhejiang University of, 2.1.7 of China, China, (mengzhao521@ Finance & Economics, China, (yingy- Zhang, Huan, Sun Yat-Sen University,, 2.1.12 [email protected]), 1.4.13 China, ([email protected]), Zhao, Shasha, Middlesex University, Yip, George S., CEIBS and Imperial Col- 3.3.15 United Kingdom, (s.zhao@mdx. lege London, China, (g.yip@imperial. Zhang, Jianhua, University of Gote-, 1.1.3, 2.1.11, 1.2, 2.1.8, 2.2.3, 2.4.12 borg, Sweden, (jianhua.zhang@ Zhao, Yue, Florida International Yoon, Albert H., US Bureau of Eco-, 1.5.14 University, USA, (yzhao028@fiu. nomic Analysis, USA, (albert.yoon@ Zhang, Jie, China Huarong Asset Man- edu), 3.4.14, 1.1.13 agement Co., Ltd., China, (jacqueline- Zheng, Jianwen, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liver- Yoshikawa, Katsuhiko, London School [email protected]), 2.1.12 pool University, China, (j.zheng13@ of Economics and Political Science, Zhang, Jing, Old Dominion University,, 1.1.15 United Kingdom, (k.yoshikawa@lse. USA, ([email protected]), 1.3.5 Zheng, Xiaolan, University of Notting-, 3.4.7 Zhang, Kate Yue, Dongbei University ham Ningbo, China, (xiaolan.zheng@ Yoshikawa, Toru, Singapore Manage- of Finance and Economics, China,, 2.2.6 ment University, Singapore, (toru@ ([email protected]), 3.1.14 Zheng, Yaqin, Nanjing University,, 2.1.6 Zhang, Lin, Peking University, China, China, ([email protected]), 1.5.5 Young, Martin Robert, Massey Uni- ([email protected]), 1.5.9 Zhou, Changhui, Peking University, versity, New Zealand, (m.young@ Zhang, Lulu, China Europe Inter- China, ([email protected]),, 3.3.14 national Business School, China, 2.5.5, 3.4.14 Young, Susan L., Seton Hall Univer- ([email protected]), 3.4.10 Zhou, Nan, China Minsheng Bank, Chi- sity, USA, ([email protected]), Zhang, Man, Bowling Green State na, ([email protected]), 3.1.8 2.2.11 University, USA, (mzhang@bgsu. Zhou, Peixing, Shangong Jianzhu Young Hoon, An, Yonsei University, edu), 1.1.7 University, China, (zhoupx@sdjzu. Korea, South, (danysville@yonsei. Zhang, Megan, (Min), University Col-, 1.4.15, 1.3.15 lege Dublin, Ireland, (meganzhang- Zhou, Yonglong, Peking University, Yu, Jing, China Development Bank, [email protected]), 3.1.5 China, ([email protected]. China, ([email protected]), 2.1.12 Zhang, Miao, Kingston University, cn), 1.5.15 Yu, Jisun, Concordia University, Cana- United Kingdom, (miao.zhang@ Zhou, Yu, Renmin University of China, da, ([email protected]), 1.5.15, 1.4.13, 2.5.6 China, ([email protected]), 1.5.12 Yu, Pei-Li, National Chung Cheng Zhang, Minjie, York University, Zhou, Zhao, Shanghai University University, Taiwan, (h4584933@ Canada, ([email protected]. of Finance and Economics, China,, 2.3.8 ca), 3.3.14 ([email protected]), Yu, Shu, National University of Sin- 3.1.10 gapore, Singapore, ([email protected]. edu), 1.3.6, 3.1.12 Yuan, Dong, Peking University, China, ([email protected]), 3.2.13 Yunlu, Dilek G., Northeastern Illinois University, USA, ([email protected]), 1.1.4, 2.1.6 Z Zablocki, Agnieszka, Vienna Univer- sity of Economics and Business, Austria, ([email protected]. at), 1.5.7 Zaheer, Srilata, University of Min- nesota, USA, ([email protected]), 1.1.1, 1.5.1 Zamilpa, Johanan, Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico, (johanan.zamil- [email protected]), 3.4.11 Zander, Ivo, Uppsala University, Swe- den, ([email protected]), 1.4.11, 2.3.14, 2.4.3

The locus of global innovation 103 2016 Exhibitor Listing

The exhibits are located in Napoleon Ballroom CD and are open June 28 through June 30. AIB would like to thank all of our exhibitors for participating at this year’s conference (in alphabetical order):

AIB 2017 Dubai Dubai welcomes AIB in 2017! Join Dubai Business Events to learn more about the destination for next year’s AIB conference. Get your questions answered and discover all the exciting opportunities Dubai presents for global business professionals as well as leisure tourists. Discover all that’s possible in Dubai at

Austral Group Austral Group is an educational services firm with local offices in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Panama and the USA. Austral Group designs and organizes customized international study trips to the most vibrant business locations in the Americas. Austral Group also specializes in setting up student consulting projects in collaboration with local businesses.

Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press’ publishing in books and journals combines state-of-the-art content with the highest standards of scholarship, writing and production. Visit our stand to browse new titles, available at 20% discount, and to pick up sample copies of our journals. Visit our website to find out more about what we

Capsim Capsim is a global leader in web-based business simulation technology and services. Over 1 million participants in academic institutions and Fortune 500 companies around the world have developed their business acumen, teamwork and critical thinking skills through our engaging sim- ulations. We can tailor a program to fit the learning goals of your program, and offer unmatched support.

The Case Centre The Case Centre is dedicated to advancing the case method worldwide, sharing knowledge, wis- dom and experience to inspire and transform business education across the globe. Visit our stand at the AIB 2016 Annual Meeting and find out more about our world-leading collection, plus case method competitions, scholarships, workshops and much more.

Edward Elgar Publishing EEP is a leading international publisher specializing in research monographs, reference books and textbooks. As an independent, family business, we are proud of our author-cen- tered, personal approach to publishing. Our IB list is one of the broadest in academic pub- lishing and we are pleased to publish many the top scholars.

Emerald Group Publishing Emerald is a global publisher linking research and practice to the benefit of society. Founded in 1967, Emerald today manages a range of digital products, a portfolio of nearly 300 journals, more than 2,500 books and over 450 teaching cases.

104 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 The Heritage Foundation Founded in 1973, The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institution—a think tank—whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.

Interpretive Simulations Interpretive Simulations offers realistic business experiences for the undergraduate and gradu- ate business school classroom. Our simulations compliment the concepts taught in marketing, strategy, and management classes. All of our simulations are fully administered--we take care of all technical support and set up. Learn more about our simulations at

Ivey Publishing Ivey Publishing is a leader in providing business cases with a global perspective. Clear, concise, and current, Ivey cases are lauded by the academic community by responding to the changing needs of business and society. Meet one of our case experts on publishing and integrating world-class cases into your curriculum.

McGraw-Hill Education At McGraw-Hill Education, we believe that our contribution to unlocking that brighter future lies with the applica- tion of our deep understanding of how learning happens and how the mind develops. It exists where the science of learning meets the art of teaching.

Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan publishes journals, monographs and reference books across the humanities, social sciences and business. We are established as an authoritative and acclaimed publisher in Business and Man- agement, and are proud to publish the Journal of International Business Studies and several book series on behalf of the Academy of International Business.

RHINO Contemporary Craft Company RHINO Contemporary Craft Company, a non-profit cooperative of local artists and craftmakers, will present 8 of its members with their work. There will be 4 jewelers, 1 glass artist, a knitter, a dollmaker and a mixed media sculptor. RHINO is located in The Shops at Canal Place, 2nd floor and at .

Routledge Routledge is the world’s leading academic publisher in the Humanities and Social Sciences. We publish thousands of books and journals each year, serving scholars, instructors, and profes- sional communities worldwide. Routledge is a member of Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business.

Springer Founded in 1842, Springer is part of Springer Nature, the world’s largest academic book publisher, pub- lisher of the world’s most influential journals and a pioneer in the field of open research. The company numbers almost 13,000 staff in over 50 countries and has a turnover of approximately €1.5 billion. See

WAIB Women in the AIB (WAIB), celebrating its 15th year, is an organization dedicated to networking & mentoring for women in the AIB, and research on gender-related issues in international business. Join us at the AIB Annual Meeting for networking and to learn about how WAIB can help your career.

The locus of global innovation 105 The MIT Press

CHINA’S NEXT STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE THE DISRUPTION DILEMMA From Imitation to Innovation Joshua Gans George S. Yip and Bruce McKern “This important and thought-provoking book has been a source “. . . an eye-opening book about the startling growth of innova- of fresh, new insights for me. Even when Gans disagrees with tion in Chinese companies. Using hundreds of cases, they leave my work, it has given me a chance to improve what the theory no doubt that China is now a major force in innovation with an needs to say.” increasing global reach. The case that engagement with the —Clayton M. Christensen, author of The Innovator’s Dilemma Chinese system is essential for business success in the coming decades is compelling.” —A. Michael Spence, Nobel Laureate in Economics, 2001 Expand your classroom experience...

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case centre

Make your classroom come alive

Exhilarate and inspire your students: discover the case method at The Case Centre: • Challenge assumptions and overcome prejudices • Test theories and debate solutions • Develop work and life skills and enhance employability Visit our stand at the AIB 2016 Annual Meeting and find out more about our world-leading collection, plus case method competitions, scholarships, workshops and much more. Ask us about becoming a member organisation!

Lessons remembered for life

The Case Centre is dedicated to advancing the case method worldwide, sharing knowledge, wisdom and experience to inspire and transform business education across the globe.

Do you want a new outlet for your research?

Talk to Emerald about: • Publishing opportunities • Becoming a reviewer • Joining an Editorial Advisory Board • Authoring a book • Editing a book volume • Accessing complimentary articles • Signing up to receive alerts and newsletters.

Visit the Emerald stand to receive a 30% discount on our books Emerald

108 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 In partnership with


For over two decades, the Index of Economic Freedom has measured the impact of liberty and free markets around the globe, and the 2016 Index confirms the formidable relationship between economic freedom and progress. The 2016 Index includes: • Economic freedom and macroeconomic data for 186 economies • Cross-country comparisons that highlight why economic freedom matters • Three informative chapters that explore topics of particular relevance to today’s policy debates • Online tools, like customized comparison charts and an interactive heat map


The Heritage Foundation | The Wall Street Journal |

The locus of global innovation 109 GO GLOBAL. Publishing a case study with Ivey is making the choice to align your research and teaching. You’ll foster business education by providing students everywhere with the means to improve one another as managers.

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110 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 New Titles in International Business from Routledge Visit the Routledge stand for 20% off all titles on display and to request complimentary exam copies!

Learn more and browse our business titles at

The locus of global innovation 111 The AIB Secretariat

The Academy of International Business Secretariat is located at the International Business Center (IBC) of The Eli Broad College of Business at Michigan State University. AIB thanks the International Business Center and The Eli Broad College of Business at Michigan State University for hosting the Secretariat. Additional contact information is available at

Dr. G. Tomas M. Hult Dr. Tunga Kiyak Executive Director Managing Director [email protected] [email protected]

Dr. Irem Kiyak Kathy Kiessling Treasurer Member Services Coordinator [email protected] [email protected]

Anne Hoekman Ronda Bunnell JIBS Managing Editor IBC Program Coordinator [email protected] [email protected]

Jamie Rytlewski IBC Systems Analyst [email protected]

112 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Past Presidents of the Academy of International Business

2014–2015 Nakiye Boyacigiller 1987–1988 John Dunning 2012–2014 Robert Grosse 1985–1986 Duane Kujawa 2010–2012 Mary Ann Von Glinow 1983–1984 Robert Hawkins 2008–2010 Yves Doz 1981–1982 Franklin Root 2006–2008 Stefanie Ann Lenway 1979–1980 Robert Stobaugh 2004–2006 Alan M. Rugman 1977–1978 Richard Farmer 2002–2004 Peter J. Buckley 1975–1976 Phillip Grub 2001–2002 Stephen J. Kobrin 1973–1974 Lee Nehrt 1999–2000 José de la Torre 1971–1972 Vern Terpstra 1997–1998 Jeffrey Arpan 1969–1970 Richard Robinson 1995–1996 Donald R. Lessard 1967–1968 Jack Behrman 1993–1994 Jean Boddewyn 1965–1966 James Hart 1991–1992 Art Stonehill 1962–1964 Roland Kramer 1989–1990 John Daniels 1960–1961 John Fayerweather

Past AIB Conference Locations

2015: Bengaluru, India 1986: London, United Kingdom 2014: Vancouver, Canada 1985: New York City, New York, USA 2013: Istanbul, Turkey 1984: Cleveland, Ohio, USA 2012: Washington, DC, USA 1983: San Francisco, California, USA 2011: Nagoya, Japan 1982: Washington, D.C., USA 2010: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1981: Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2009: San Diego, California, USA 1980: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 2008: Milan, Italy 1979: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 2007: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA 1978: Chicago, Illinois, USA 2006: Beijing, China 1977: Orlando, Florida, USA 2005: Québec City, Canada 1976: New York City, New York, USA 2004: Stockholm, Sweden 1975: Dallas, Texas, USA 2003: Monterey, California, USA 1974: San Francisco, California, USA 2002: San Juan, Puerto Rico 1973: New York City, New York, USA 2001: Sydney, Australia 1972: Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2000: Phoenix, Arizona, USA 1971: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 1999: Charleston, South Carolina, USA 1970: Detroit, Michigan, USA 1998: Vienna, Austria 1969: New York City, New York, USA 1997: Monterrey, Mexico 1968: Chicago, Illinois, USA 1996: Banff, Alberta, Canada 1967: Washington, D.C., USA 1995: Seoul, Korea 1966: San Francisco, California, USA 1994: Boston, Massachusetts, USA 1965: New York City, New York, USA 1993: Hawaii, USA 1964: Chicago, Illinois, USA 1992: Brussels, Belgium 1963: Boston, Massachusetts, USA 1991: Miami, Florida, USA 1962: New York City, New York, USA 1990: Toronto, Ontario, Canada 1961: New York City, New York, USA 1989: Singapore 1960: New York City, New York, USA 1988: San Diego, California, USA 1959: Washington, D.C., USA 1987: Chicago, Illinois, USA

The locus of global innovation 113 AIB Fellows

The AIB Fellows consist of distinguished AIB members recog- Johansson, Johny – Georgetown University nized for their contributions to the scholarly development of the Jones, Geoffrey – Harvard Business School field of international business. The AIB Fellows participate in the Khanna, Tarun – Harvard Business School Kobayashi, Noritake – Keio University activities of the AIB by choosing the International Executive of Kobrin, Stephen J. – University of Pennsylvania the Year and the International Educator of the Year. They also Kogut, Bruce M. – Columbia University organize one or more panel sessions at the AIB annual meeting Kostova, Tatiana – University of South Carolina each year — often the first Plenary Panel. Kotabe, Masaaki – Temple University Kujawa, Duane – University of Miami Lenway, Stefanie – University of St. Thomas Dean of the Fellows: Lessard, Donald R. – M.I.T. Paul Beamish, Ivey School of Business Lewin, Arie Y. – Duke University Li, JT – Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Secretary/Treasurer of the Fellows: Luo, Yadong – University of Miami Shige Makino, Chinese University of Hong Kong Lyles, Marjorie A. – Indiana University Macharzina, Klaus – Universitaet Hohenheim Participating (Active) Fellows: Makino, Shige – Chinese University of Hong Kong Adler, Nancy J. – McGill University McDougall–Covin, Patricia P. – Indiana University Aggarwal, Raj – University of Akron Meyer, Klaus – China Europe International Business School Aguilera, Ruth V. – Northeastern University Mudambi, Ram – Temple University Aharoni, Yair – Tel Aviv University Park, Seung Ho – China Europe International Business School Andersson, Ulf – Mälardalen University Pedersen, Torben – Bocconi University Asakawa, Kazuhiro – Keio University Peng, Mike – University of Texas at Dallas Bartlett, Christopher A. – Harvard Business School Radebaugh, Lee – Brigham Young University Beamish, Paul W. – Ivey School of Business Ralston, David A. – Florida International University Behrman, Jack N. – University of North Carolina Ramamurti, Ravi – Northeastern University Benito, Gabriel R.G. – BI Norwegian Business School Reeb, David – National University of Singapore Birkinshaw, Julian – London Business School Ricks, David A. – University of Missouri – St. Louis Boddewyn, Jean J. – Baruch College – CUNY Rose, Elizabeth – University of Otago Boyacigiller, Nakiye A. – Sabanci University Roth, Kendall – University of South Carolina Brannen, Mary Yoko – University of Victoria Sauvant, Karl – Columbia University Brouthers, Keith D. – King’s College London Shenkar, Oded – Ohio State University Buckley, Peter J. – University of Leeds Simmonds, Kenneth – London Business School Cantwell, John A. – Rutgers University Stobaugh, Robert B. – Harvard Business School Casson, Mark Christopher – University of Reading Stonehill, Arthur I. – Oregon State University Cavusgil, S. Tamer – Georgia State University Tallman, Stephen B. – University of Richmond Chi, Tailan – University of Kansas Tsui, Anne – Arizona State University Child, John – University of Birmingham Tung, Rosalie L. – Simon Fraser University Cho, Dong–Sung – Seoul National University Vahlne, Jan Erik – University of Gothenburg Contractor, Farok J. – Rutgers Business School Verbeke, Alain C. – University of Calgary Cuervo–Cazurra, Alvaro – Northeastern University Vernon, Ivan R. – Cleveland State University Daniels, John D. – University of Miami Von Glinow, Mary Ann – Florida International University de la Torre, José – Florida International University Walter, Ingo – New York University Delios, Andrew – National University of Singapore Wells, Jr., Louis T. – Harvard Business School Devinney, Timothy M. – University of Leeds Westney, D Eleanor – York University Doh, Jonathan – Villanova University Wilkins, Mira – Florida International University Doz, Yves L. – INSEAD Wills, James R. – University of Hawaii Eden, Lorraine – Texas A&M University Yeung, Bernard – National University of Singapore Business Ghauri, Pervez N. – King’s College London School Ghemawat, Pankaj – IESE Yip, George S. – China Europe International Business School Goodnow, James D. – Bradley Univ. / Univ. of North Texas Zaheer, Srilata – University of Minnesota Gray, Sidney J. – University of Sydney Zander, Udo B. – Stockholm School of Economics Green, Robert T. – Thammasat University Grosse, Robert – Thunderbird School of Management Gupta, Anil K. – University of Maryland To see a complete list of AIB Fellows including Honorary Henisz, Witold Jerzy – University of Pennsylvania Fellows, and to access the bios of the Fellows, please Hennart, Jean–Francois – Tilburg University visit the AIB Fellows page on AIB’s website at Hult, G. Tomas M. – Michigan State University Johanson, Jan – Uppsala University

114 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 AIB Institutional Members

We thank the following organizations for their support of the Academy of International Business and the field of international business.

Florida International University, USA

George Washington University, USA

Georgia State University, USA

GITAM School of International Business, India

Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, India

Indiana University, USA

Michigan State University, USA

National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), Thailand

Peking University, China

Poznan University of Economics, Poland

Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand

Universidad Autonoma de Occidente, Colombia

Universidad del la Salle, Colombia

Universidad del Pacifico, Peru

Universidad EAFIT, Colombia

Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia

University of Agder, Norway

University of Auckland, New Zealand

University of Pittsburgh, USA

University of Reading, United Kingdom

University of San Francisco, USA

University of South Carolina, USA

York University, Canada

Learn More about Becoming an Institutional Member Your school can join the prestigious schools above by becoming an institutional member of the AIB. Additional information on the benefits of becoming an institutional member and instructions on how to become one can be found on our website at .

The locus of global innovation 115 AIB Chapters

AIB currently has 18 chapters established around the world. With the goal of to facilitate networking as well as the exchange of knowledge at a more local level, these chapters engage in a variety of activities from organizing region- al conferences to publishing journals or book series. To learn more about our chapters, please visit the AIB Chapters Meet and Greet on June 29th, 17:45-18:45 in Waterbury Ballroom or contact your regional chapter chair. AIB would like to thank the chapter chairs listed below for their hard work and their institutions for the support they provide to the chapters.

Chapters in Asia and the Pacific Chapters in the Middle East and Africa Australia - New Zealand Middle East and North Africa Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago Melodena Balakrishnan, Karlshochschule International University [email protected] [email protected]

China Sub-Saharan Africa Changqi Wu, Peking University Abel Kinoti, Riara University [email protected] [email protected]

India S. Raghunath, IIM Bangalore Chapters in the Americas [email protected] Canada Anthony Goerzen, Queen’s University Japan [email protected] Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University [email protected] Latin America William Newburry, Florida International University Korea [email protected] Jaeyong Song, Seoul National University [email protected] Bolivia Sergio Garcia, Universidad Privada Boliviana Southeast Asia [email protected] Geng Cui, Lingnan University [email protected] US Midwest Man Zhang, Bowling Green State University [email protected] Chapters in Europe United Kingdom and Ireland US Northeast Heinz Tuselmann, Manchester Metropolitan University Bertrand Guillotin, Temple University [email protected] [email protected]

Western Europe US Southeast José Pla-Barber, University of Valencia Anshu Arora, Savannah State University [email protected] [email protected]

Central & Eastern Europe US West Lukasz Puslecki, Poznan University of Economics Gary Knight, Willamette University [email protected] [email protected]

116 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 Upcoming Chapter Meetings

The list below includes all chapter meetings and special conferences that were announced by the time the conference program went to press. For our continuously updated Calendar of AIB Events or to learn more about these meetings, please visit

AIB Sub-Saharan Africa Chapter Conference AIB Australia and New Zealand Chapter Meeting August 17-19, 2016 November 11-12, 2016 Lagos, Nigeria, Africa Sydney, Australia

AIB Central and Eastern Europe Chapter Conference AIB Southeast Asia Chapter Conference September 29-October, 1, 2016 December 2-4, 2016 Prague, Czech Republic Guangzhou, China

AIB US-Northeast Chapter Meeting AIB Latin America Chapter Conference October 26-29, 2016 March 8-10, 2017 Philadelphia, PA, USA Lima, Peru

AIB US-Southeast Annual Conference AIB UK-Ireland Chapter Meeting November 10-14, 2016 April 6-8, 2017 Cruise: Tampa, Florida, USA to Cozumel, Mexico Reading, United Kingdom

AIB 2017 Annual Meeting July 2-5, 2017 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Introducing the new JIBS Editor-in-Chief

We are pleased to introduce Dr. Alain Verbeke (University of Calgary, Canada) as the next Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of International Business Studies. Dr. Verbeke will serve as the JIBS Editor-in-Chief from January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2019. His editorial team will process new manuscripts for the journal from June 16th, 2016.

Following the successful term of former JIBS Editor-in-Chief Dr. John Cantwell, Dr. Verbeke will continue on the journal’s path of promoting rigorous interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research. His team of Editors will focus especially on new ‘grand ideas’, where the IB fi eld can provide unique and highly impactful, intellectual value added and can highlight when and how internationally operating fi rms contribute to global prosperity.

Please visit to read the press release and see the full Editorial Team.

The locus of global innovation 117 Call for Papers

The Contribution of MNEs to Building Sustainable Societies

Program Chair: Sarianna Lundan, University of Bremen, Germany ([email protected])

Submission Deadline: November 15, 2016

***Please note that this is earlier than in previous years***

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) drafted by the United Nations and adopted by the global community in 2015 contain 17 goals that correspond to 169 measures to be implemented by developed and developing countries alike. 1

Multinational enterprises (MNEs) are instrumental in providing the technical expertise, management skills and invest- ment necessary to meet these goals. According to estimates made by UNCTAD, the annual investment required to meet the SDGs amounts to $5 to $7 trillion globally in the period 2015-2030. The developing country share of this amount is estimated to be about $3.9 trillion annually. The current MNE investment in the relevant sectors such as transportation and communication infrastructure and water and energy utilities amounts to about $1.4 trillion annu- ally, and if this proportion of private to public investment were to continue (the ‘business as usual’ scenario), the MNE contribution could rise to $2.3 trillion, or nearly 60% of the required amount.2 Potentially, the contribution of private investment might rise even further, if MNEs were effectively incentivized to undertake investments in the least devel- oped countries (LDCs).

Building sustainable societies is thus no longer the sole domain of governments, but rather a question of partner- ships and dialogue between governments, firms and civil society. The scholarship in International Business (IB) has approached these challenges from three main perspectives. First, the IB field has accumulated a substantial body of knowledge on how the costs of distance in general, and particularly the costs of distance that arise from missing or poorly functioning institutions, influence how multinational firms conduct business across borders. A second strand of the literature has examined the conditions under which firms are motivated to proactively go beyond regulation to

1 2 UNCTAD World Investment Report 2014, p.145.

118 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30 improve their environmental and social performance. Third, the IB literature has a long tradition of examining the negoti- ating process between firms and governments, particularly in connection with natural resource related investments.

The goal of this year’s conference is to shift the focus of the analysis from the motivations and consequences for the firm, to looking at the impact of the activities of MNEs on their home and host countries. In order for governments to effectively partner with multinational firms, they need to understand the motivations, capabilities and vulnerabilities of multinational firms as both economic and social actors. They also need to evaluate the limits of this engagement, and to understand the appropriate forms of governance for it. This calls for scholarship where the perspective of the firm is complemented by a policy-making viewpoint, that to date has not been considered as often in IB scholarship.

The effectiveness of the multinational firm as a change agent is limited by the technical and human systems they embody. While multinational firms are highly adaptable, they are not infinitely adaptable, and deviations from the societal and market structures that prevail in the developed world cause considerable difficulties for established MNEs to overcome. At the same time, the solutions the multinationals might prefer are not necessarily the solutions that governments would prefer, in part because governments are accountable to the citizenship as a whole, while multina- tional firms are responsive to specific stakeholder groups. Governments and MNEs have intersecting but not overlapping responsibilities.

With the AIB 2017 conference, we want to examine what IB scholarship and our fine-grained understanding of the strat- egies and behavior of MNEs can contribute towards crafting better public policy in light of the challenges posed by the SDGs. See you in Dubai!


1. Developments In Theory And Research Methods

2. The Internationalization Process And International Entrepreneurship

3. Managing The Value Chain

4. Marketing And Consumer Research

5. Innovation And Knowledge Management

6. Organization Strategy And Management

7. Human Resource Management

8. Corporate Governance And Financial Management

9. Political Economy

10. Teaching IB

11. Conference Track: The Contribution Of MNEs To Building Sustainable Societies

The locus of global innovation 119 Notes

120 2016 AIB Conference New Orleans, LA June 27-30



John Cook School of Business Boeing Institute of SLU International Business SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY

• •

The 58th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business New Orleans, LA (USA) June 27-30, 2016 ©2016 Academy of International Business

For information, please contact: AIB Executive Secretariat G. Tomas M. Hult, Executive Director, or Tunga Kiyak, Managing Director Eppley Center 645 N Shaw Lane Rm 7 East Lansing, MI 48824, USA Phone: +1 (517) 432-1452 • Fax +1 (517) 432-1009 E-mail: [email protected] • Web: