Q.1 Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists- List-I (Year) List-II (Event) A. 1775 1. First Anglo-Burmese War B. 1780 2. First Anglo-Afghan War C. 1824 3. First Anglo-Maratha War D. 1838 4. Second Anglo-Mysore War Codes: a) A – 4; B – 3; C – 2; D – 1 b) A – 4; B – 3; C – 1; D – 2 c) A – 3; B – 4; C – 1; D – 2 d) A – 3; B – 4; C – 2; D – 1

Q.2 Which one of the following statements is NOT CORRECT - a) Ali Mardan Khan introduced the system of revenue farming in Bengal b) Maharaja Ranjit Singh set up modern foundries to manufacture cannons at Lahore c) Sawai Jai Singh of Amber had Euclid's Elements of Geometry' translated into Sanskrit d) Sultan Tipu of Mysore gave money for the construction of the idol of Goddess Sharda in the Shringeri temple

Q.3 Consider the following statements:- 1. In the Third Battle of Panipat, Ahmed Shah Abdali defeated Ibrahim Lodi 2. Tipu Sultan was killed in the Third Anglo-Mysore War 3. Mir Jafar entered in a conspiracy with the English for the defeat of Siraj-ud-Daulah in the Which of the statements given above is/are correct - a) 1, 2 and 3 b) 3 only c) 2 and 3 d) None

Q.4 Which one of the following is the correct chronological order of the battles fought in India in the 18th Century- a) Battle of Wandiwash–Battle of Buxar–Battle of Ambur–Battle of Plassey b) Battle of Ambur–Battle of Plassey–Battle of Wandiwash–Battle of Buxar c) Battle of Wandiwash–Battle of Plassey–Battle of Ambur–Battle of Buxar d) Battle of Ambur–Battle of Buxar–Battle of Wandiwash–Battle of Plassey

Q.5 Consider the following statements:- 1. was the first Governor-General of Bengal. 2. William Bentinck was the first Governor-General of India. Which of the statements given above is/are CORRECT- a) 1 only b) 2 only c) Both 1 and 2 d) Neither 1 nor 2

Q.6 What was the immediate reason for Ahmad Shah Abdali to invade India and fight the third battle of Panipat - a) He wanted to avenge the expulsion by Marathas of his viceroy Timur Shah from Lahore b) The frustrated governor of Jalandhar Adina Beg Khan invited him to invade Punjab c) He wanted to punish Mughal administration for non-payment of the revenues of the Chahar Mahal (Gujarat, Aurangabad, Sialkot and Pasrur) d) He wanted to annex the fertile plains of Punjab up to the borders of Delhi in his kingdom

Q.7 With reference to Pondicherry (now Puducherry), consider the following statements :- 1. The first European power to occupy Pondicherry were the Portuguese. 2. The second European power to occupy Pondicherry were the French. 3. The English never occupied Pondicherry. Which of the statements given above is/are CORRECT - a) 1 only b) 2 and 3 only c) 3 only d) 1, 2 and 3

Q.8 Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched-

a) Battle of Buxar—Mir Jafar vs. Clive b) Battle of Wandiwash—French vs. East India Company c) Battle of Chilianwala—Dalhousie vs. Marathas d) Battle of Kharda—Nizam vs. East India Company

Q.9 The 'Modi script' was employed in the documents of the:- a) Wodeyars b) Nizams c) Ranjit Singh d) Marathas


The places marked 1, 2, 3 and 4 were respectively the seats of powers of the:- a) Scindias, Holkars, Gaekwads and Bhonsles b) Holkars, Scindias, Gaekwads and Bhonsles c) Gaekwads, Bhonsles, Scindias and Holkars d) Scindias, Holkars, Bhonsles and Gaekwads

Q.11 Who among the following was the first European to initiate the policy of taking part in the quarrels of Indian princes with a view to acquire territories- a) Clive b) Dupleix c) Albuquerque d) Warren Hastings

Q.12 The Governor-General who followed a spirited "Forward" policy towards Afghanistan was:- a) Minto b) Dufferin c) Elgin d) Lytton

Q.13 At a time when empires in Europe were crumbling before the might of Napoleon, which one of the following Governors- General kept the British flag flying high in India - a) Warren Hastings b) Lord Cornwallis c) Lord Wellesley d) Lord Hastings

Q.14 Who among the following Indian rulers established embassies in foreign countries on modern lines - a) Haider Ali b) Mir Qasim c) Shah Alam II d) Tipu Sultan

Q.15 In the hey days of the Mughal empire after the 'Treaty of Allahabad', 1765 , the East India Company got diwani functions from the Emperor Shah Alam and the Nizamat functions from the Subahadar of Bengal The Governor of Bengal endeavoured to correct the abuses of the Company's civil and military services but his reforms were temporary expedients. The above description is best suited for which of the following Governors? a) Lord Cornwallis b) Lord Warren Hastings c) Lord Clive d) Lord Ripon

Q.16 Which of the Following statements about Bahadur Shah are true?

1) He Fought a War of succession with his brothers before he became the emperor

2) After becoming the emperor, he assumed the title of Shah Alam I

3) His reign lasted from 1700 to 1712

4) His reign witnessed the outbreak of the Maratha civil war between Shahu and Tara Bai

Select the answer from the codes given below:

a) 1 and 2 b) 2,3 and 4 c) 1,2 and 4 d) 3 and 4

Q.17 Which of the following statements about Jahandar shah is/are NOT TRUE?

1. He succeeded in the war of succession after the death of Bahadur shah due to the support given to him by Zulfiqar Khan.

2. He was the grandson of Bahadur Shah.

3. His reign lasted between 1713 and 1719.

4. The Practice of Mughal nobles acting as King Makers began with his reign.

Select the answer from the codes given below: a) 1 and 2 b) Only 2 c) 3 only d) 2 and 3

Q.18 Which of the following statements about the Sayyid brothers are CORRECT?

1. The Played a decisive role in the succession of Farukh Siyar as the emperor.

2. They are Known in Indian history as king makers.

3. Abdullah Khan, the elder of the elder of the two brothers, was made the Mir Bakhsi by Farukh Siyar

4. They were murdered in 1720 by their opponents.

Choose the answer from the codes given below: a) 1, 2 and 4 b) 2, 3 and 4 c) 1, 2 and 3 d) All of the Above

Q.19 Which is the Correct chronological sequence of the Following events?

1. Ahmad shah Abdali’s First invasion of India.

2. Revolt of the Sikhs under Banda Bahadur.

3. Nadir Shah’s invasion of India.

4. Capture of delhi By the British

Choose the answer from the Codes given below: a) 3 ,1,2 and 4 b) 2,3,1 and 4 c) 3,2,1 and 4 d) 2,3,4 and 1

Q.20 Match List I with List II and Select the answer from the Codes given below:

List I List II

(1) Mughal emperor who spent his (a)

Initial Years as a wanderer due to his fear of the wazir.

(2) Last Mughal emperor (b) Ahmad Shah

(3) Mughal Emperor in whose reign Nadir Shah Invaded (c) Shah Alam II

(4) First invasion of Ahmad Shah Abdali (d) Bahadur Shah II a) 1-B, 2-A, 3-D, 4-C b) 1-C, 2-D, 3-B, 4-A c) 1-C,2-D, 3-A, 4-B d) 1-B,2-C, 3-A, 4-D

Q.21 Tipu Sultan

1. Attempted to introduce modern industries in Mysore by inviting foreign experts.

2. Sent embassies to France, Turkey, Iran and Pegu to develop foreign trade.

3. Attempted to set up a state trading company on the European lines.

4. Introduced a new System of coinage, new scales of weights and measures, and a new calendar.

5. Established a modern arsenal at Dindigul with French help.

Choose the answer from the codes given below; a) 1,3,4 and 5 b) 1,2,3 and 4 c) 2,3,4 and 5 d) 1,2,4 and 5

Q.22 Match the Following:

List I List II

(1) Death of Haider (a) 1780

(2) Death of Tipu (b) 1782

(3) Treaty of Seringapatam (c) 1792

(4) Treaty of Mangalore (d) 1799 a) 1-B, 2-C, 3-A, 4-D b) 1-A,2-C, 3-D, 4-B c) 1-B,2-D, 3-C, 4-A d) 1-A,2-D, 3-C, 4-B

Q.23 Who was the Governor-General during the Second Anglo-Mysore War - a) Warren Hastings b) Lord Cornwallis c) Sir John Shore d) Lord Wellesley

Q.24 From which of the Following countries did Tipu seek help to expel t British from India?

1. France 2.Arabia 3. Afghanistan 4. Russia 5. Turkey

Choose the answer from the codes given below: a) 1,2 and 4 b) 2,3 and 4 c) 1,2,3 and 5 d) 1,2,3 and 4

Q.25 Which of the Following statements ARE CORRECT about the Fourth Anglo-Mysore War?

1. The immediate cause of this war was the Landing of a small French force at Mangalore in April 1798.

2. Lord Wellesley was the Governor- General during this war.

3. Tipu sultan was successively defeated at Sedaseer and Malvelley by the British

4. Tipu was captured and executed by the British after this war.

5. Arthur Wellesley, the future duke of Wellington and the Person who later defeated Napoleon in the Battle of Waterloo, Participated in this war.

a) 1,2,3 and 4 b) 1,2,3,4 and 5 c) 1,2,3 and 4 d) 1,3,4 and 5

Q.26 Which of the following statements about the state of Mysore are NOT TRUE?

1. After the Fourth Anglo-Mysore war, a major part of Mysore was annexed by the British

2. A small portion of it was restored to a minor son of Tipu Sultan.

3. A Subsidiary treaty was signed by the British with the new ruler of Mysore

4. In 1849 Lord Dalhouise took over the administration of Mysore because of misgovernment by is its ruler.

5. In 1881 Lord Ripon restored Mysore to its ruler.

Select the answer from the codes given below: a) 1 and 3 b) 2 and 4 c) 2 and 3 d) 3 and 5

Q.27 Arrange the following events in the reign of Ranjit Singh in Chronological sequence:

1. Acquisition of the Kohinoor by Ranjit from Shah Shuja of Afghanistan.

2. Assumption of the title of Maharaja of Lahore by Ranjit

3. Meeting between Ranjit Singh and William Bentinck

4. Mission of Metcalfe to Ranjit Singh.

5. Occupation of Kashmir by Ranjit Singh.

Select the answer from the Codes given below:- a) 3,1,4, 5 and 2 b) 1,3,4,2 and 5 c) 4,2,1,5 and 3 d) 2,4,1,5 and 3

Q.28 Which of the following statements is CORRECT? a )Shahu was released and given the authority to collect Sardeshmukhi from the Deccan but not the Chauth by Bahadur Shah I. b) Shahu was recognized as the Maratha sovereign by Bahadur Shah I. c) Shahu received a warm welcome from Tarabai when he returned after being released from mughal captivity. d) None of the above.

Q.29 Which later Mughal ruler abolished the infamous tax called Jaziya? a) Shah Alam I b) Jahandar Shah c) Farrukhsiyar d) Muhammad Shah

Q.30 The Delhi Durbar witnessed the reign of how many Mughal emperors during the period 1707 A.D. to 1759 A.D.- a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8

Q. 31 Who succeded Saadat Khan Burhan-ul-Mulk as the independent ruler (Nawab) of Awadh and was also appointed the wazir of the Mughal Empire, hence started the hierarchial tradition of the Nawab-Wazirs? a) Shuja-ud-daula b) Asaf-ud-Daula c) Safdar Jung d) Wajid Ali Shah

Q.32 Which one of the following statements is NOT correct - a) Ali Mardan Khan introduced the i system of revenue farming in Bengal b) Maharaja Ranjit Singh set up modern foundries to manufacture cannons at Lahore c) Sawai Jai Singh of Amber had Euclid's 'Elements of Geometry' translated into Sanskrit d) Sultan Tipu of Mysore gave money for the construction of the idol of Goddess Sarda in the Shringeri temple

Q.33 Assertion (A): Marathas emerged as the strongest native power in India after the decline of Mughal empire. Reason (R): Marathas were the first to have clear concept of a united Indian nation. a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A c) A is true but R is false d) A is false but R is true

Q.34 Consider the following statements about Sikh Gurus:- 1. Banda Bahadur was appointed as the military leader of the Sikhs by Guru Tegh Bahadur. 2. Guru Arjan Dev became the Sikh Guru after Guru Ram Das. 3. Guru Arjan Dev gave to Sikhs their own script—Gurumukhi. Which one of the statements given above is/are CORRECT? a) 1 only b) 2 and 3 c) 1 and 3 d) 1 and 2

Q.35 The terms of the Treaty of Bhairowal included -

1. Setting up of a council of Regency for Punjab

2. The Council of regency was to consist of Elight Sikh sardar s as members, and was to be presided over by Rani Jindan.

3. Stationing of a British force at Lahore in return for the Payment of Rs 22 Lakh by the Sikhs.

4. Power of the governor –general to take and garrison any fort in Punjab

5. Annexation of a Part of Punjab by the British

Choose the answer from the codes given below:- a) 1,2 and 3 b) 1,2 and 4 c) 3,4 and 5 d) 1,3 and 4

Q.36 Which of the Following statements about Nizamul Mulk are true?

1. His original name was Chinquilich khan.

2. He served his first term as the Viceroy of the Deccan between 1713-15

3. He was the wazir of the Mughal empire between 1715 -20

4. He served his second term as the Wazir of the Mughal Empire between 1720-26

5. Nizam-ul Mulk and Khan i-dauran were the titles given to him by Emperor Farukh Siyar

Choose the answer from the codes given below:- a) 1,2 and 3 b) 2,3 and 4 c) 2,3 and 5 d) 1,2 and 5

Q.37 Who was the Nizam who signed the subsidiary treaty with Lord Wellesley? a) Salabat Jung b) Nizam Ali c) Muzaffar jung d) Sikandar jha

Q.38 Match List I with List II and Select the answer using the codes given below

List I List II

(i) Treaty of Faizabad (a) 1765

(ii)Treaty of Allahabad (b) 1773

(iii)Subsidiary Treaty (c) 1775

(iv)Treaty of Benaras (d) 1801 a) i-C, ii-A, iii-D, iv-B b) i-B, ii-C, iii-D, iv-A c) i-D, ii-B , iii-C, iv-A d) i-C, ii-D, iii-B, iv-A

Q.39 Which of the Correct chronological order of the Following of Awadh?

1. Shuja-ud-daula 2. Saadat Khan Burhan-ul Mulk 4. Asaf-ud-daula 5.Safdar Jung

Choose the answer from the Codes given below: a) iv, ii, iii and I b) ii, i, iv and iii c) iv, I, ii and iii d) ii, iv, i and iii

Q.40 Who was the founder of the autonomous state of the Carnatic? a) Safdar Ali b) Dost Ali c) Saadutullah Khan d) Anwar-ud-din

Q.41 Who was he Governor-General of India when Sind was annexed? a) Lord Auckland b) Lord Ellenborough c) Lord Dalhousie d) Lord Hardinge

Q.42 Which of the Following statements about Alivardi khan are true? i) He paid rupees two crore to the Mughal emperor and received a farman in 1740 confirming his position as the governor of Bengal Bihar and Orissa.

ii) He refused to pay nay tribute to the mughal emperor When the latter demanded it in 1748 through a farman. iii) He favoured and chose Shaukhat jung one of his sons, as his successor iv) He prohibited the English and the French from fortifying their factories at Calcutta and Chandranagore.

Choose the answer from the codes given below: a) I, ii and iii b) ii and iii c) I, iii and iv d) I, ii and iv

Q.43 Among the folldwoing Britishh governors of Calcutta in the chronological order-

1. Vansittart 2. Verelst 3. Drake 4. Warren Hastings 5. Cartier

Select the answer from the Codes given below:

(a) iii, I, ii, v and iv b) i, iii, v, ii and iv c) i, iii, I, v and iv d) iii, I, iv, ii and v

Q.44 Arrange the Following events in the correct chronological order:

(i) Death of Mir Jafar (ii) Battle of Buxar (iii) Black Hole Tragedy (iv) Treaty of Allahabad

(v) Departure of Clive to England after his first term as Governor of Calcutta.

Choose the answer from the codes given below: a) I, ii, V , III and iv b) iii, ii, iv, I c) iii, v, ii, I and iv d) I,iv,v, iii and ii

Q.45 Who among the following governor-generals created the covenanted civil service of India, Which came to be known as the Indian civil service from 1861 onwards? a) William Bentinck b) Wellesly c)Cornwallis d) Warren Hastings

Q.46 Lord Cornwallis has been criticised for not destroying Tipu Sultan when he had the chance to do so after the third Anglo-Mysore war. Which one of the following consideration was not a factor taken into account by Cornwallis in taking his decision? a) Sickness spread among the English troops b) War with France, and the consequent alliance between Tipu and the French, were apprehended c) The territory was too large to be administered with any d) Cornwallis was ill-disposed towards the court of Directors who were advising full annexation

Q.47 Indicate the importance of the treaty of Amritsar (1809) signed between Ranjit Singh and the English? a) It marked the beginning of an era of peace and prosperity in the Punjab b) It helped Ranjit Singh in realising his ambition of conquering Multan, Kashmir, Ladakh and Peshawar c) It recognised the power of the British as the political limit of Ranjit Singh’s policy of expansion d) It made him the undisputed master of all the Sikhs

Q 48. List I LIST II A. Hector Munro 1. The first Nawab of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa.

B. Siraj-ud-daula 2. Battle of Plassey

C. Robert Clive 3. Battle of Buxar

D. Shaja-ud-din 4. The last Nawab of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa.

CODES - a) A-4, B-2, C-1, D-3 b) A-1, B-3, C-4, D-2 c) A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1 d) A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4

Q.49 Which one among the following was the immediate cause of attack by Nawab Siraj-ud-Daula on Calcutta in 1756? a) Refusal of the English Company to pay the overdue trade tax b) The English conspired against the Nawab with a view to depose him from the Throne c) Siraj-ud-Daula wanted to drive out the English from Bengal d) Refusal of the English to demolish the fortification of Calcutta

Q.50 Which one among the following was the result of the First Anglo-Maratha War of 1775–1982? a) The British won the war b) The Marathas won the war c) There was no victory for either side d) It helped Haider Ali to gather strength because the British and Marathas were engaged in a mutual war