•MA'JIVWIll*.'Blt.W*' ' """ . ..'" "••••'a"- ':'-'. rr . —. : • - .-. a^aayaaa^rt^aa- &?^Jtot&wlv}^]X^Ili&u'Xmmfr: , ^^aaa.-a^w»a

OHIO STATE MUSEUU LI3RART riff OHIO 15TH & HIGH ST, . if COLUMBUS• OHIO SF^r/TS N A AGP Moves To Boost Negro Vote SENTINEL SATURDifY. FEBRUARY «, 1960 i '—• '—• Story On Page 3 Beatty Table Tennis Club Seeks Junior Talent ______B •'•",_ OHIO Beatty Table Tennis club, ln SPORTS GLEANINGS its ninth year at Beatty Center, !____-_ :tl, THE PEOPLE'S held a table tennis exhibition By BILL BELL • Sport. Editor during th« finals of the City Jr. CHAMPION Table Tennis tournament Wed­ _PTf4*__5 I nesday. *>» • OHIO STATE'S basketball team Is like old wine. The old* •%mW mM fei'"ii iH Hi I OB I HI Club president H. Farris an­ er lt gets, .the better it is. Over the weekend they crushed MlchU -. • ,.'-•.-.- • nounces appointment ot Barbara gan State, 111-79, and Michigan, 99-52, to put some punch in the • Oliver as membership chair­ Ohio song, "We Don't Give a D— for the Whole State of Michi­ man, Ruth Lawrence, social gan." VOL. 11. No. 85 chairman; Florence Trimble, The double victory gave the Bucka a 14-2 record for the sea­ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13. 1960 20 CENTS COLUMBUS, OHIO historian; Robert Stull, team captain, and Lawrence Gwynn, son and 6-0 for the conference. club parliamentarian, M I r t Saturday night the Bucks completely outclassed the Spartana Wood is tournament master. with the exception of Co-Capt. Horace Walker, who led both teama BILL JOHNSON, representing Pilgrim Recreation center, in scoring and rebounds. He had 27 points and 16 rebounds. recently won the Columbus Recreation Dept.'s Inter-CUy Check­ All activities are focused on er tourney for the fifth UmeT BUI has won championsbips ln both the coming annual national ta­ • OHIO'S CO-CAPT. Joe Roberts had nine points and seven rebounds against the Spartans Monday night. He hit for 10 points single and double badminton competition. He has been outstand­ ble tennis tournament sponsor­ . ' • ing In previous volleyball snd Softball championships that Pil­ ed by BTTC at the center in against Michigan. Mel Nowell racked up 15 points against Michi­ grim has won In the past three years. He is the son of Mr. and May. gan State and 19 against Michigan. Dave Barker got two points in each game. I • r • •\ Mrs. James W. Johnson, who reside at 148 Latta st. He has been Play sessions and membership participating In sports since he was 18 years old, playing on roles are open every Thursday Listening and talking to tha scouts and coaches af the game baseball and football teams of the late Tobe Morrison. we learned that Ohio is regarded throughout the country as one ol I at Beatty In the game room, 8-10 • p. m.. to anyone Interested ln tha truly great offensive teams in the nation. Also, when Ohio is * right, the only team in the conference that can match them In aseTues. becoming a member. • speed is Indiana. ; Hooks And Slices • ANOTHER THING that interested us Was that one coach Story On Page 2 I rated Joe Roberts next to Lucas and said that if Roberts was on By FINNIS BREEDLOVE stroke for balls out-of-bounds. another team he would be a high scorer. But here ia the catch, CC-MI will have a new look Tha same man did not think much of Larry Siegfried and did not • OTHER members of the for '60. Newly elected officers like Mel Nowell's style of play. Cincinnati delegation I met were are George Cartwright, presi­ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sims, Mr. . That gives one an Idea ot why we see players whom w« may dent; Nay Garris, first vice think are tope left off an all-star selection. and Mrs. John Harper and Gus- president; Charles Sims, second ate Turner . . . Rosebud Brown vice president; Marianne Laws, • OSCAR ROBERTSON scored 36 points Monday night will present her stylists at the against Drake to bring his three year* total to 2571 points. This secretary; Louise Holland, fi­ -.-liT: midwest convention of the Uni­ nancial secretary; Vogua D. wiped out Frank Selvy's old mark of 2538 points set in 1952-53-54... Story On Page 3 ted Golfers Ass'n which will be .- • __ Robinson, . corresponding secre­ The "Big O" needs only 17 points to wipe out Dick Hemric'a held Saturday night, Feb. 20, in tary; A. D. V. Crosby, treasur­ . the main ballroom of the Desh­ record of 2587 (set in 52-53-54-55). He should make it Saturday er, and Nathan (The Butcher) night when they play Houston on their home floor. «i ler Hilton hotel. Understand this Green, sergeant-at-arms. Researchers Render Great Service Show will equal the one Ebony • THE GUESSPERTS in The Ohio Sentinel basketball con- • Fashion Fair held in Columbus • COMMITTEE chairmtn test are having as bad a time trying to pick the winning scores as several months ago . . . Wonder are golf activities, Thomas Lar­ the rest of the conference trying to stop the Scarlet and Grey a If the fabulous Dorothy Cage ry and Eugene Calloway; social five. will be one of the models? __ __. _ and means, Nate Green and Jerry Lucas leads the Big Ten in scoring, with 405 points, for a Marianne Laws, who will re­ Pauline Johnson; grie v a n c e, 27 point average. Horace Walker of Michigan State is the high Charles Sims and Sammy Hop­ place the Old Divoter as public scoring sepia in the race. His 307 points in 14 games for.a 21.7. kins; public relations, Marianne relations director of CC-MI, will average gives him third place. He is followed by Walt Bellamy of Laws; building, Charles Sims play in the North-South tourna­ Indiana with 306 points in 15 games for a 20.5 average. Northwest- and Robert Robinson; screening, ment in Miami in February. arn Capt". Willie Jones is seventh with 276 points. . - Other players will be Virginia Thomas Larry and Willa M. ew McCammon, Virginia Parker Rosemond; constitutional and DAVE PARKER'S solitary • THE TRACK WORLD was worried for fear an accident and others. study, Roland James and Wodie basket of the evening against last winter had ended high jumper John Thomas' career. Satur­ Saunders; education, A. D. V. Michigan State gave Ohio a day night in the Milrose games. John gave the world the answer • RULE changes for the 1960 Crosby; sick, Asline Broadie new scoring record for SL by setting a new world indoor high jump mark ot 7 ft. 1% in. Thin golfing season will help the and Peggy Cummings; property. John's Arena. The Bucks won, broke his record set last year by V« ot an inch . . . Willie Maya duffers as there will be only one j Melton Rosemond. 111-78. signed his 1960 baseball contract for a reputed $85,000 which makes him the highest paid 'player in baseball as Stan Musial and Ted Williams took cuts after bad seasons . . . Vincent Walcutt, 19 year old son of ex-heavyweight Champion Jersey Joe Walcutt, has given Story Oi Page 3 Jets On 17-Gaine Exhibition Tour up the ring to enter the ministry. w' • CHARLIE DYSON'S career should be a lesson to all young athletes. Charlie was one of the better local ballplayers and play, Before Opening Here April 20 ed professionally from the time he was 20 years old until ha went into the Army. gestions Gen. Mgr. Harold M. Cooper, Pacific Coast League. The Bees ing the 1959 season. In 1949 Charlie was signed into organized baseball. He thought announced this week the Colum­ are Pittsburgh's other.AAA af­ Mobile of the Southern Ass'n he was on his way. However, he learned that fate was against bus Jets will play a 17 game ex­ filiate. and Austin (Texas League) are him. They felt he was too old to groom for the major league, then hibition schedule in preparation INTERNAT'L League rival the AA clubs on the Jets' exhibi­ his mother became ill and needed him home. to for the opening of the Internat'l Toronto, along with Charleston tion schedule. Mobile is a mem­ League season here against ber of the Cleveland organtza- • THIS WOULD have stopped most men, but not Charlie. H« of the American Ass'n, are the Six: w HISTORY WEEK brlags It* mind some of tbe great men and women of darker hue Montreal at 8 p. nv, Wednesday, other .AAA clubs on the Jets' Mon> wn',e Austin is a Milwaukee decided if he could not be a player he would become an umpire. April 20. The schedule Involves who h_Vi made outstfnding contributions to tbe building ot this nation but whose deeds have a*ek spring schedule. rfce Maple Brave affiliate. He studied hard with the result he became the first Negro umpire History been properly extolled. Pictured Is a team which bas done a remarkable Job of research aad three AAA and two AA clubs. in central Ohio. In 1959 he was moved up from the sandlots and Leafs, long an independent club, THE JETS break camp Sun- presentation in this direction. Left to right: Ernest Cricbiow. illustrator; Dorothy Sterling, au­ The Jets report for spring junior high games to the high school and tournament games. His will be working with Cleveland day, April 17, and will be feted thor of "Captain of the Planter," sttrrhtt, historical piece on a Negro hero, Robert Smalls, mrhm training Sunday, March 20, at next goal is to work Ohio college games. . Story On Page 9 Jacksonville, Fla., and open the for the first time this coming at'a noon luncheon sponsored by i Charlie still hopes to see a Dyson playing first base in the ma- I took over a battleship and outwitted the enemy in tbe civil war, delivering the prise to b<*> affl- exhibition season a week later season. Charleston joined the the Agonis club the following i jor league. He has dropped his mantle on Charles Jr., who waa \ cers. Sight is William Smalls, sou of tbe daring hero. •gainst Salt Lake City of the Washington organization follow- day. j born Jan. 25, 1960. ::^mm-m

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13. U160 THE OHIO SPaNTCNEE PAGES THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1960 PA<^ Will Dead Girl's Attackers GOP Walkout Termed Pay Penalty Equal To Grime? Insult To The Public ter charges. Bonds of $2500 Evidence in the New Year's Deerlick dr., south of*Renner were set for Greer, Hutt and By JOHN It. COMBS celed out Smith's presidency day mysterious death of Mary rd., between New Rome and Parsons, while Olney's bond was I which he held by virtue of Ann Anthony is to be presented Hilliard, by a motorist. Republican City Council mem­ fixed ot $1500 by the court. Junes" vote earlier this year. to a county grand jury next MARKS AND bruises about bers who bolted Monduy night's HANGING ON to that theory week. The Ohio Sentinel learned her body, head and face indicat­ THE manslaughter charges, council meeting, displayed a so dogmatically gives tho public Wednesday. ed that she had been brutally however, met with sharp disap­ brazen and umidultei uted "pub­ ihe Impression that Republicans beaten and two of her teeth had proval of the aroused community lic be damn" altitude, in the County Pros. Earl Allison said opinion of some observers. j are more concerned with play­ a string of witnesses, including been knocked out. Her clothing which obviously felt the charges Republicans refused to cnlei ing petty politics than they are the 17 year old dead girl's moth­ was found several feet from her should have been nothing less the City Council chambers until in solving the acute situation er and husband, have been sub- body, authorities said. than second degree murder. Robert H. Smith. Democrat, re­ which is tin-eating to jeopardize poencd to testify before the ; The following day, James As an expression of this strong linquished the president's seat, the city S governmental opera­ jury. 3"he mother, Mrs. Agnes Greer, 23 992 S. 22nd St.; Wil­ sentiment, and in an effort to which they claim he holds ille­ tions. UNVEILING CEREMONY at Central State college recently Jenkins, 383 N. Washington av., liam Olney, 20, 1218 Parkway soothe the soaring tension, a gally. honored Dr. Wilber A. Page, pastor ot Union Baptist church. and the husband, Phillip An­ blvd.; Carl Parsons, 19, 311 W. group of Eastslders launched a Republicans, It is pointed out, Cincinnati, for his outstanding service to the institution ami 25 thony, 1580 Granville st., would Park av., and Gary Howard petition signing campaign call­ Smith, on the other hand, instead of putting forth an ef­ years as a member of Board of Trustees. From left to right: WR1TF. IN FOR RIGHTS, launched last week by the Ameri­ be used to testify as to the back­ Hutt, 21, 794 S. Burgess av., ing for just and swift action in strongly defended the legality of fort to settle the critical state of Mrs. Page. Dr. Page and Dr. Charles II. Wesley, president of the affairs in an orderly manner, can Council on Human Rights, has the full support of Demo­ ground of Mrs. Anthony, Allison were arrested in connection the case. his position, and proceeded to college, view the plaque in new Page Hall named in Dr. Page's I have taken a position which can cratic Candidate Hubert EL Humphrey, right, and Labor States­ said. with the fiendish slaying. i conduct council affa.nl while the honor. man A. Philip Randolph, left. Aretha McKinley, center, execu­ As a result of this community- disgruntled Republicans hud­ only make bad matters worse. Others expected to testify in ACCORDING to authorities, tive director of ACHR, announced support from 500 significant jthe community-shocking case spirited action, Allison is now in dled in another city hall office. In other words, they are sug­ tne commumty-snocKmg "- ^e four hoods ciaimed that Mrs organizations in the Write-In campaign. These groups have are Dr. Robert Evans, county « possession of a large number of gesting that had Republicans at­ Anthony got into their car volun­ SMITH, WITH his two Demo- coroner; Sheriff Deputy Sgt. those petitions. tended Monday night's session, been asked to urge their members to write letters to their con­ tarily as they drove on W. Broad crut colleagues, opened the NAACP Moves To Boost NegrO Clyde Mann and a member of it is possible that an agreement gressmen in Washington for support of civil rights legislation. st. near the Hilltop. IN REGARDS to the petitions, meeting after receiving the Re­ the pathologist's staff of Univer­ Allison repeated his previous publicans ultimatum to give up could have been worked out with the Democrats which would en­ sity hospital. They admitted trying to have statement of, "You may rest as­ the presidency or we'll take our able them to perform the duties Vote In Ohio To A New High sex relations with her and to briefcases and go home. THE JURY action next week sured that we intend to nail av ...- a- I beating her when she resisted A ruling of the Ohio Supreme which they were elected to do. Ohio must have 150,000 new is in line with a nationwide cam Strong Voice in Government." Char.es P. Taft Speaker u,; them with the severest charges ' registered Negro voters for the will mark another major step to- """*» *- ______._ Court which upset the City AND WITH council made up paign in which NAACP branches evidence will permit us to file." 1!)«J0 general election! S decreed Theodore M. Berry, former "". . , . ____ _L ,„„„ their advances. However, they Council appointment of Rev. of three Republicans and three 0 in ull stales ure participating. M some 100 top clergymen, church­ vice mayor of Cincinnati and 1 ward bringing to justice the lour , , •• _ The statement has been rc- Russell M. Jones last week, pav­ Democrats, unless they attempt 1 at shc S men and churcitwomen, from 20 AaNOTHF.R milestone in the member of the NAACP nationut For Spring St. T Dinner brash youngsters who admitted ]****&and dragge * d to ™the spot ^wher^e garded by some observers as a ed the way for the mist of gloom to settle the controversy like cities and towns in the state und local campaign will be the slate- Board of Directors, will review to savagely beating Mrs. An- he*hre bodwasy dumpewas found frod m their car strong indication that Allison hovering over the city's legisla­ public spirited citizens, the city Spring St. YMCA annual meet­ representing 12 denominations, wide voter-education conference legislative programs for NAACP thony and dumping her nude tive body. I government could remain in a ing is scheduled for Tuesday. At a preliminary hearing in may seek to have the jury re­ at the religious leadership meet­ at the Deshler Hilton hotel Sat­ branches. John M. Brooks of .._: body beside a lonely country In unseating Jones, Republi­ chaotic state of affair* indefi­ Feb. 23, 6:30 p. m., at the Cen­ lay. municipal court, the suspects turn first or second degree mur­ ing recently held at Mt. Olivet urday, Feb. 13, When W. O. Richmond, Va., national director road to die early New Year's j can^ contend the comet also can­ nitely. tral Branch YMCA, 40 W. Long The frozen body of the East- were bound over to the grand der charges in their indictments I Baptist church, under auspices Walker, editor-publisher of the of thy voter registration pio- St. 'ide girl was f ound lying on jury on first degree manslaugh- next week. .of the Ohio Conference of Ceveland Call and Post, will de- gr.m, will give instruction on Speaker is Charles P. Taft of j NAACP Branches. j liver the keynote address from • techniques in voter registration Thousands Protest Cop Slaying* campaigning. Cincinnati. Mr. Taft is known The Ohio driva for new voters the subject,' "The Ballot• — A Ridgeway Home Has Is 'Sweet Daddy's' Cash Here! CINCINN.Vn.- Racial tension reached a hifth pe*ak here, last nationally for his leadership in OTIII.K program participants the fields of government, law NEW BEDFORD, Mass. — Columbus, O., is one of 40 cities week when more than 8000 persons turned out to view th bodies of -lection Of Officers across the country where a search will be made by lawyers em­ c will be Dr. James K. Levy, pre** community and civic affairs and Charles and Virgil Brady, ages 18 and 21, as they lay in stale, fob At the February Trustee ployed by the House of Prayer for All People cult, for hoards ot. , idem, Ohio NAACP; A. P. Bent­ the church. lowing sudden death of the two brothers from police bullets. More Tafenl Show Af Franklin Jr. Hi ley, president, Fireside Mutual Additional items on the annual oard meeting ot the Isabelle cash believed secreted in safety deposit boxes by the late Bishop than 2000 eroyv_ed into Zion Baptist church during funeral rites Franklin .Ir. High school's an--glee club, Insurance Co., and Mis_ Rosa meeting agenda, according to J; Ridgeway Home tor Aged the C. M. (Sweet Daddy) Grace, who was buried here recently. The nual talent show will be present-' Music ia under supervision and Moody, chairman, Ohio NAACP H. Thomas, chairman, will in­ blowing' officers were reelect­ decision to check each House of Prayer in the various cities was for the victims of what many call "the "unjustified and wanton ••d on Feb. 16, B p. m., in the direction of Helen Williams und Political Actions Committee. clude the statement of the Spring ed: reached after Att'y Roy F. Teixeira located a hoard amounting to - Slaying" by Patrolman Harold Williams, when he and his partner, I Att'y Webster S. Lyman Jr., Oak st. auditorium. 'Charles Cooper, music iustruc- St. "Y" board chairman, a pres­ $300,000 in bank deposit boxes here and in several neighboring Patrolman Donald Freese, both white, apprehended one of the j Editor Walker, who recently ,,r entation by some of the youth president; Dr. W. C. Anderson, towns. Teixeira revealed that when Daddy Grace died In Los An­ youths for an alleged traffic violation. The two brothers died In­ Prepared in cooperation with "-. [returned from a trip to Africa, members of the "Y", and a spe­ vice president; Mrs. Gladys geles Jan. 12, he was carrying on his person $80,000 In cash, none the local PTA. thc show will fea- Thi* interesting and enlertain- CHARLES P. TAFT stantly in a fusillade of five shots filed by Williams. Top clergy­ is nationally credited with being .; cial musical number. Fairrow, recording secretary; of which has been reported found. ture Franklin students in mis- ing performance »••• open to the men of the city called a public mass meeting for Friday, and ,"a stalwart spokesman for tho Mr. Thomas emphasizes in his through members of the Board Mrs. Anna *j?atton, correspond­ cellaneous acts, dancing, sing- public. Tickets are available • • • NAACP lenders met with City Mgr.. Harrei. and Other-municipal indcp udence of Afrit-.!.,.nations announcement that the program of Management, members of ing secretary; Dr. R. A. Bryce, mg, the school orchestra, and from members of the Student and for the freedom of all hidi- officials for a discussion on the issue of police brutality. will begin promptly at 6:30 p. m. the annual dinner committee, or treasurer, and Mrs. Jennie Col­ Says Negroes On TV 'Slur' Sooth the boys' glee club and girls' Council for 50 cents. [viduuls in America." Reservations may be made j at the branch offices. lins, chaplain. WASHINGTON.—Sen. Strom Thurmond (D, S. C.) has placed into the Congressional Record a protest that motion pictures and television are casting "slurs" on southern whites via programs and Firoside Mutual I films having race angles. Hc demanded an Investigation of the Elevates Veterans Elders Name Washington Man "race fix" in TV, claiming that "they are attempting to paint this Nab 2 Women In I nation as one where all Negroes are true and pure and many Fireside M u tu a 1 Insurance whites are rather nice, too, especially northern whites." . Company. aLjts annual meeting; 1 To Succeed Late 'Daddy' Grace Jan. 25, elevated several offi­ Store Meat Theft cers and manager.- who had ser­ A pair of female meat thieves WASHINGTON.—(Special). — he was the candidate who most Top among these problems is ved the company for the past I were caught redhanded by tbe The . nation's million-and-a-half resembled "Daddy" Grace in the matter of $6 million in liens THE OHIO SENTINEL 10 to _0 years ( 31 members ot the House of Prayer appearance. A total of 119 votes brought against the Grace es­ _, , . ",,. ,, „ ,.. . law loal week. Ruby L. Rovster, for All People cult now have a made him the permanent king­ tate by the Internal Revenue L,M. Shaw, General Manager; Edmund B. Paxton, President; Ralph W Findlcy, Cleveland, ' ' new "Daddy," and the group of pin of the $25 million sect Service, which claims that the Theodore L. Coleman, Editor-in-Chief; Annie R. Moore, Business was elected vice president and "'• ,012 Mi,<,i'*on *?. »'«» Jo»« followers here are especially The new leader, formerly a bishop owed income tax and Manager; Amos H. Lynch, Advertising-Promotion Manager; John secretary to succeed the lute: A. Gweiin, 21, 6» Huffman av., penalties dating from 1945 elated because Elder Walter Mc- dry cleaner-preacher, is report­ B. Combs, Managing Editor; Edward L. Moore Jr., Production j Reuben Black. „Mrs, Dm .thy ; w*-re nabbed for allegedly through 1956. This is not the only Cullough, a Washingtonian by ed in his 40s. He was born in N. Manager. Jefferson. Dayton, vice president' natching steaks from «,, E. litigation brought against the al­ adoption, was named Saturday Carolina and had been serving Established June 1, 1949. Published each week at 690 East and assistant secretary. «_ • leged multi-million dollar estate. by a poll of cult elders to suc­ as elder of the Washington head­ Long Street (P.O. Box 629) by The Ohio, Sentinel Publishing Co., »* _ un a-- i .- 'Main st super market, police r ceed the late Bishop C. M. quarters of the church. A Mrs. Jennie: Grace of N. Inc., Columbus 16, Ohio. Cincinnati Office: '3551 Reading Road. MB. Hill, Columbus, was • Subscription Rates: One Year, $6.50; Six Months, $3.50. (Sweet Daddy) Grace, from a elected vice president and treu- *"'"- ELDER Joshua Raynor, a York, who says she was married National advertising representative: Associated Publishers, [surer; Walt... R. Hill. Columbus.! According to officers. M««j slate of four candidates which Norfolk, Va., native, who for to the bishop many years ago Inc., 55 W. 42nd St., 38. N. Y., PEnnsylvania 6-0022; !.vice president .. _. included Elder Henry Price of many years was Bishop Grace's and is still legally his wife, de­ 166 W. Washington St., Chicago 2, I1L, ANdover 3-6343; Whaley- _.,..,. ... -.w«?nn was carting off steaks. N. York, Elders EL L. Green and Simpson Co., 770 Montgomery St., San Francisco 5, Calif., SUtter chauffeur, bookkeeper, rent-col­ mands "what's rightfully ours" Re-elected as chairman of the ' William "Rcvis, both of Los An­ lector and general all-around 1-4583; Whaley-Simpson Co., 6608 Selma Ave., Los Angeles 28, board ot trustees was Truman •>,lk «-'l>',P'*. }Ubc*i meat and it 'from the estate for herself and geles, and Elder Arthur Price of man and who had been named Calif., HOllywood 3-7157. FIRE TALK PREDOMINATED the evening's conversation at Merry Makers club last Tues­ K. Gibson Sr., of Chicago A P cartons of cigarets. valued at Newport News. as a likely prospect for his suc­ her daughter. Member Nat'l Newspaper Publishers Ass'n. day evening when veteran Hrefi-liters, chaired by Acting Lt. Harold Ward, assisted by Raymond B e n t 1 ey. Columbus, reelected 5-.70. The Roy. ter woman only cessor, reportedly asked that he •lone., honored recently appointed Battalion (.'hie f William M. Boyer with an , .nfotfmal get-together ELDER McCuUough had held COLUMBUS TELEPHONE: CLearbrook 3-7416 (president and general manager; iha(J ....^ Wld win (retired) aad hoaoree, Bayer, center, with Ass't Chief Herman Harrises, aise aa B th women p ead d guUty t9 because, in the opinion of a ma­ C (elected as a member of. the ... , that must be heard on the prob­ point to browse among the Entered as 2nd class, matter July 9, 194P, at Post Office, Columbus, Beooree, standing a. his left and Ward at bi, right. jority of the 219 elders who par­ generau _ l counsel* J . _t i» | peticourtt . larceny and each waa lems now facing the sect. [shelves of biography. Ohio, under act of March 9, 1879. ticipated in the secret balloting, board of trustees and Ray E. { Hughes, Columbus, reelected jfined *M and CO:iUi "* «»«Wci0« ;j..a,_ ***-,•_ -

SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1960 I.'..' THE omO SENTINEL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1?60 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE) 5 PAGE . NOW! * * - • . Lena Home MAKES HER MR. AND MRS. MARK EDWARDS, 159 Cleveland av., are pictured at the Nell House, where they were gr.ests of Wayne EXCLUSIVE BEAUTY SECRETS Brown, president of Biff Rear Stores, at a special reception and dinner for the cast of the New March of Dimes before the Tele­ thon last Saturday night. Mrs. Edwards was district chairman for the Eastside. . THE RECENT RELIGIOUS leadership meeting sponsored by the Ohio Conference of NAACP AVAILABLE TO YOU! Branches at Mt. Olivet Baptist church voted unanimously to support the Ass'n's Voter Reglstra* tion program aimed at registering 150,000 new registered Negro voters by the 1900 general elec­ tion. Left to right: Rev. George Lucas. Dayton, State NAACP church chairman; Miss Serena E. Shoplifters Gef Suspended Terms Davis, Columbus, field secretary NAACP; R*>v. Harry V. Richardson, president. Interdenomina­ Two Columbus women, arrest-1 Rosalie Lee Davis, 39. 381Ws S. tional Theological Center, Atlanta; Rev. L. L. DK-kerson, Woodland Av. Christian church, Colum­ ed on shoplifting charges last Washington av., and Joan Hat- bus, and Dr. H. Beecher. Hicks, pastor, Mt. Olivet Baptist church, Columbus. Dec., were given 30 day suspen-!cher, 30, 068 Wager st., pleaded ded sentences In municipal court'Rui,ty to Petit la"-«ny- They Negro Maid Slain With Employers —— last week. were nabbed while on a shoplift- ing spree in thc downtown area • NORTH BRUNSWICK, N. J —Mrs. Cora Thaddies. col­ -1 during the Christmas shopping ored, was one of the tour victims of the erased killer who enter­ St Clair rush. • ed the fashionable suburban home of Dr. and Mrs. Francis Clarke last week and shot four persons, including Mrs. Clarke. Heart Fund Drive Mrs. Thaddies had been employed as a maid in the borne a Pharmacy "Heart-Days for Business," a month ago. Each of the victims was tied and killed by a single special drive to give local busi­ shot through the left temple. An army of police, detectives and prescription '• A LETTER TO YOU FROM LENA HORNE... ness and professional men an FBI agents are still searching for the killer, described as "a nat­ opportunity to help tight heart tily dressed man In his 30s." delivery? j ray beauty preparations available to others. disease opened last week and Hi! Let's have a woman-to-woman talk! You will continue through?. Feb. 15. know, in my work in theatre „. . . movies . . . So here they are! They carry my name, and Close to 1000 volunteers will can­ television . . . nightclubs ... I have been exposed they hold every beauty secret 1 have learned. DON'T vass the commercial sections of to just about every kind of makeup there is— I hope you will use them . .. and if you do, I can the county during the two-week good and bad. cheap and expensive. But I have promise you . . . you will be a more beautiful 10SE YOUR period. . found that with my skin and hair I (like you) woman! HEAD Proceeds of the drive will be have special beauty problems. I (tike you) need added to the total collected here special kinds of beauty preparations. Over the Sincerely, Now! You can own a beau­ during thc month-long Heart years I have had many of these made to order tiful 3-bedroom ranch home Lena Home Fund campaign which js being for me. Recently, friends sug_.ei.ted that I make for only S71.50 Including conducted by the Franklin Coun­ taxes and Insurance. No ty Heart Council. The campaign Down Payment. Total cash will reach its peak on Heart only $200. Call or Come Sunday, Feb. 28, with a door-to- • CALL (L. 8-7200 Out! door canvass of the residential • LENA HORNE MAKEUP PRODUCTS areas We Filf Ail Prescriptions a Pearlescent Nail Polish Liquid Foundation Lipstick in Cold and White Case IDEAS GALORE Including: • Natural Tan o Jamaica Red 'ouXfyce&t • Desert Sun • Calypso Red • Passion Glow • White • V t_r«n. • Cocoa Tarn Need party ideas? Suggestions 0 • J-aaalaalra. T-B . • J-nui. a Red • Sharp R«d • Sparkling Wine • Sttver for party games, food, and fun • Wolf.ro • Opr. Red • Bed Raspberry • Capri Red •Gold HI. 3.448 for all ages can be obtained in • Industrial Pressed Powder Compact • Piak Ire • Stow Fire • Passion Glow o pink lee books at the public library. • Aid For Tho Afed • Desert San • Natural Taa • Spa rial-** ,,'uc • While o Sharp Krd • Aid For Dependent • Jamaica T_n • ( c< __ Taa | Chi!dro« • Desert Ta» - Creamy Eye Shadow Automatic Mascara Clearance SALE! • Tarqaaise • Violet • BU.k • Vielet • Gree" Lacquer Nail Polish • G*id • SHver Green EVERY­ FREE • Calypso **4 • Stow Fire • Green Eyebrow Pencil THING ALL PRICES REDUCED LOCAL • Red Raspberry REDUCED DELIVERY Certainly! Here's some­ You'll Do Better thing to keep in mind—a I FN A HORNE SKIN CARE PRODUCTS LENA HORNE HAIR CARE PRODUCTS LENA HORNE FRAGRANCES service that may be vital­ at SPICER'S ly important in an emer­ *; LENA HORNE BATH PRODUCTS gency: If you have pre­ • BIG SALE scriptions to be filled nnrt no one to bring them in, telephone us Our messen­ THILMA H. •PICER' WINSOME JUDY NEWMAN is the receptionist-demonstrator sricut ger will call for tbe pre­ , TOVE at the swank Lena Horne Beauty Salon, 80 E. Ga'y ft. Shown scriptions and return with a**nmp. here with a partial view of the 2Z piece line of top-notch cos­ LENA HORNE f FURNITURE t b e precisely prepared EASY LARGEST metics, Mrs. Newman comes to tbe salon with a background of medicines — There is no TERMS The Oldest and Largest Dealer STOCK experience with the F. and R. Lazarus Co. extra charge. UP TO- of Gas and Coal Heaters REPAIR NOW AT TWO LOCATIONS: 2 YEARS .;_"-_• in Columbus •;,• PARTS eat'.-.*.- lit TO PATC" Appliances, Carpets and Rugs WOMEN SEW. easy, ready- TOOTHACHE ter M« t*tt art- Cor. at IN OHIO M »Oa SI1T |tl U lilt a':, :.,!, taall»4 ' cut, wrap-around aprons home. itf.iu. va» ftrtt«-" « 993 .MT. VERNON'AVE. AT'l8TH ST. tor .ou is OSm-itt. fin ORA-JEL? $1. Clair & Leonard Open Mon. and Fri. Nights 'Til 8:30—Other Days 9-5:30 Net $17.40 profits on dozen. fixt.kti i* itco.J.. cosm — AND — Park on Mt. Vernon Ave. or 18th SL Sparctime profitable undertak­ Cor. of « Mt. Vernon Ave. Bus Stops At Our Corners •: •-' f COLUMBUS, OHIO ] ing. Write; ACC U R ATE CApital 4-3291 CL. 8-9543 Over50 Years on ML Vernon Are CL. 8-9544 80 E. GAY ST. MFGR*S, Freeport, N. Y. Oak St. & Milter Ave. ' "-- ..'T*5.s<*.-


•tiMUfe-M-*, •" * • ^**_*£**' *•

SATURDAY. FEBRUARY Id, 1960 PAGE 6 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1960 TIIE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 7 10 Free Sunday Excursions Greenway Ave. Kroger Super Hilltop Man Abducted, Market Opens Next Tuesday Set For Southgate Manor Robbed By Daring Trio Management of Sou t h g a t e Sunday, and from Beatty Rec­ Manor Apts., 2099 Alum Creek reation Center, 247 N. Ohio av., The reported abduction and after cashing his paycheck at dr., will offer two escorted tours at 3:15 p. m. robbery of a 42 year old Hilltop High st. and Buttles av. about of the southeastern residential •THIS IS A grand opportunity, man were being investigated by 2 p. m. Friday. development this Sunday, Feb. for many folks who have been Columbus and Grandview Hts. 14, The Sentinel learned Tues­ unable to see thc apartments to police this week. His abductors drove him to day. see and inspect them with no John L. Thompson, 355 S. Gladden rd. and Burr av.t and,' The Sunday excursions arc strings attached," Mgr. Betty Wheatland av., was identified as after taking $132 from him, open to the public. Southgate • Kicnle said. ; victim of the Jan. 28 unarmed dumped him from the car,, Manor's big 45-passenger bus robbery. Thompson reported. will provide "free" transporta­ "Since we have our own bus tion from Neighborhood House, transportation we thought we'd Thompson, according to He Informed Grandview offi­ enable families without cars to 800 Leonard av., at 1:30 p. m. L^___23_ j___M___3_ji-wir-in_rT Grandview authorities, said he cers of the robbery and they re­ come out and see us. In the SOUTHFIELD MODEL HOME, 30.0 Fairwood av., is open to the public for Inspection from was forced into a car by three layed the' complaint to local po­ event some person making the noon until 7 p. m. dally and Sunday, it was announced by the management this week. Pictured men as he stepped from a bank lice. trip should want to apply for above is a photographic glimpse of the model, typical of those scheduled for erection in the beau­ (khmm placement here our rental of­ tiful modern well planned community. fices win be open, but they're MM invited to make the trip under no obligation. We'll be happy to cally an invitation to active TB, have any and all who wish. to | warned the Society. visit." Mary was in the hospital for six months. Back home again, - ' ' ' she continued to rest, take her • Mar cellus Thurman By MARION LEWIS prescribed drugs, and eat pro­ perly. Mary is once again pretty HIGH COST OF FASHION and, while not yet plump, she To Devote Full Time Mary was pretty, plump and very interested in her new job. no longer has that high-fashion • She was also Interested in a good looking co-worker. So after her figure for which she paid so To Real Estate Firm dream man had made a few teasing references to her well-round­ costly a price. It's a safe bet ed curves, Mary decided to lose weight—in a hurry. Marcellus W. Thurman, well Mary will do any future reduc­ Without consulting anybody, ing under a doctor's guidance, known Columbus restaurateur Mary planned and real estate broker, this herself "A wisp at hay and half the TB Society concluded. week announced that he will now CONVENIENTLY LOCATED at 1731 Greenway av., Columbus' newest Kroger super mar­ an apple" pretty much descri­ dependability from a vending machine? 1 devote full time to the operation ket opens its doors at 9 a. m. Tuesday, Feb. 16. The new store employs the latest market devices bed Mary's menu for each When you select health supplies from dispensing of C. W. Thurman Realty Co., and techniques and offers shoppers an.increasingly valuable commodity—spaciousness inside and meal, according to the TB So­ 924 E. Long st., the firm found­ out ciety. Sure enough, after a Short Mind Gels machines or the supermarket shell", there's one very ed by his father, Clem W. Thur­ while, Mary was fashionably important thing that doesn't come with the package Color and convenience high-1 easier and more pleasant ments are refrigrated for prod­ ... dependability. man. The business has served uct freshness. slim. . ** tnr light the new Kroger supermar- __-.______- Man Long Time the Columbus community f r 14,500 Reflecting the growing popu­ But when you make medical" purchase*, from a over 38 years. ° 'ket 1731 Greenwa? av.. Colum-i WASTING * »«V She decided to expand her diet Forgelfulness "has cost a 28 bus, scheduled for opening nextj f?uarc feet of -popping area the larity of frozen foods, IJL ft. of ; a bit. But now she had no appe­ registered pharmacist, you get a full added measure Young Mr. Thurroan's busi­ ncnew foofoodd department store" fa freezer cases are provided for year old-Eastside man 90 days of that precious commodity... dependability. Your Tuesday, Feb. 16, at 9 a. m. 'cilitii's ar edeMrtmen among tht estore fines"t fa in- tite and didn't eat much more of his freedom and $300 In cash. ALSO ness interests include Trolley Planned "from the customer's frozen foods and prepared than before. Although she didn't neighborhood pharmacist Is a man professionally BOTTLED Restaurant, 815 Mt. Vernon av., Central Ohio. Calvin McGhee, 575 Hamilton point of view," it features many dishes, ice cream, seafoods and intend to, Mary lost more trained and fully qualified to provide you—and your IN BOND and Vernon Club, 970 Mt. Ver- Parking problems for shoppers av., encountered that costly ex­ of the latest developments of poultry. weight. She felt tired all the community—thc health supplies you need. meat mrauac eo. uuwim, n. >non av.—PD. ADV. ! are virtually eliminated by a, perience because he forgot to re­ science and industry prompted time, her legs would hardly take by sugge_Tion7 from "t*oppe__'huge black-topped parking lot! HOUSEWARES and health turn floor sanding machinery to her up the stairs at night. FREE INFOKMATION themselves I adjoining the building that pro-j beauty aids also are Included Reynelds Hardware, 916 Mt. 1 Conveniences range from vides space for more than 150.under the "one-_top shopping" Then Mary's mother took her Vernon av., from where he had 1 "magic carpet" door openers -ars. P*an to be featured by the new to the family doctor who took rented it last Dec. 23. • •'•, some chest X-rays. A couple of a 2-1181 Kroger McGhee, according to police, BAIL BONDS jfor bundl£laden shoppers to a | The air-conditioned, floures- supermarket, days later he had a laboratory said he forgot to return the ma­ "psychologically color-k e y e d" . cent lighted store is completely! New style "island floats" and Then you'll want to com­ test made:'Then he told them FOR DRUGS William J. Garrett - Licensed Profesaioaal BonOkman decorating scheme planned to self-service. Meat, dairy and lower shelving requested by chinery. His story however, fail­ y AND PRESCRIPTIONS pare values and 9 figures on . . . Mary had tuberculosis. Stanley J. Brua make the weekly shopping trip; fresh fruit and vegetable depart-' homemakers and designed by ed to impress the court which R. George Jackson Southfield 3-bedroom Stephen Joseph, Jr. ~ Kroger bring merchandise eas­ How did she get it? Well, like odeed him to serve 90 days in George McCIunf homes. No Down Payment. ily within shopper's reach. millions of other .Americans. the workhouse and pay a $300 Total cash only $200. Tuberculosis Society explained, Pharmacists Larger Kitchen Among Plus Even checking out has been fine after he pleadedu guilty to THRIFTY HI. 3-7448 Mary had carried TB germs in 20th St Mt. Vernon CL. 8-9527 made as pleasant as possible. charges of conversion of trust 1749 PARSONS AVE. Six of the latest type conveyor her lungs'for years. All that propety. Taylor St Long CL. 3-1914 time they were quiet and could Open Daily 9 to 6, Friday 9 to 8 Features At New Southfield checkout stands have been in­ *. stalled to speed customers have remained inactive for the FREE (ITYWIDE DELIVERY An enlarged kitchen with din- highway construction but may be rest of her life. But Mary's re­ Alphas' Dr. Bland •ill through • checkout lanes. These For Your Health's Sake ... SAVE ing space, big family size living purchased "without regard to new style stands cut checking ducing diet, lacking a doctor's room and improved arrange- race or color of the applicants." Buy Health Supplies From Professional Sources time in half. See Ad On Page 31 supervision, had brought on mal- On Housing Committee Men's and Boys' ment of closet space are among! __»«____. . _, , ' nutrition, a state that is practi­ S 1Ce m0d To complete the picture "ma­ Cupid Suggests Candy the many "plus" features in the L , u °" ?** * Dr. R. Earl Bland, president Reg. $1.79 69c to ew 0 fa FLANNEL SHIRTS new Southfield homes now under fr™ * *g * f -* <>** gic carpeta" open and close of .-\lpha Rho Lambda chapter m and Sun a fr m 12 as the sweetest way to say construction in southeast Colum- *?*> <* * ° . *<*» doors automatically, and a par­ of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, ($ ^ "I love you" ... the surest Reg. $19. 99c till 7 p. m. For additional in- cel pickup station saves custo­ lADIES' DUSTERS MM was elected to serve on the na­ way to win her heart! Make mr mers the inconveniences of load­ formation see the ad on Page 31 tional Housing Committee dur­ it Pangburn's Fine Gift- GLASS TUMBLERS Reg. *5e 10c ing packages in their cars. Two hundred and fifty homes or call Hi. 3-7448. GEORGE'S DYE SHOP ing the national conclave held in Wrapped Candies . . . exclu­ Cincinnati. This committee ap­ PLASTIC APRONS Keg. 39c 5c arc scheduled for construction sive on the Eastside at your this year on the site bordered on FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF OUR proves or disapproves aU appli­ TYLER DRUG STORES! 49c cations for loans to purchase LADIES' BLOUSES Reg. $1.19 the north by Watkins rd., and EYEGLASS HEARING AIDS CUSTOMERS AND TO INSURE BETTER fraternity homes throughout the on thc west by Fairwood av. country. PLASTIC PAHS attfatCe 49c SERVICE WE NOW HAVE ONLY TWO THESE NEW starts will bring AS 10W AS {IQQSO At present, Columbus is the CUP THIS COUPON AND SAVE the Southfield Subdivision home LOCATIONS ... only city where the frat house is total to 550 by the year's end. located on the campus grounds *\ Y // Y i.____— — - 123 E. Long St CA. 1-3091 The original 300 homes were Come in or Call for FREE HEARING TEST of a Big 10 ijniversity. —TEEMS AVAILABLE— THIS gobbled up in just nine months. IS W. State SL CA. 4-0560 It was also" announced that Al­ COUPON 'Constructed under the federal pha Phi Alpha fraternity will WORTH CA. 1-3482 hold Its 1960 convention in Wash­ 50c 50c government 221 plan they pro- AC0USTIC0M The Same Courteous, Efficient Services That Have ington, D. C; the 1961 confab in ON ANY PURCHASE OF $1.00 OR MORE \ L^, «,_!„-„ ___««*, t«x- /«..*_ Been Tradition With GEORGE'S DYE SHOPS WiB OF COLUMBUS 85 S. GRANT (Ground Floor) Louisville, and the 1962 conven­ LIMIT 1 COUPON TO A CUSTOMER gj »**!** ggg ** faro* Prevail. tion in Columbus. •'. ." iiT7i^N'-'--i''?r'ri7!L'-'-:^i --_»r iiiiv..i.y-'""'-T'- >"•' "j*»"•"" * nics seeking relocation due to STOP AT EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING - DYEING LEADING COLCMBUS res- SHOP AT taurautenrs are switching to TYLER'S Pl'Zol Home Made Breads. TYLER'S

irn-tjii_nn_MaM_pi.i.iii_j, M . .-.•• •\>a*.ii.',imm*iimtitmsimjiPmaawat »*9*Uft WkW ______•__• ______;^illg«lil^iife IS* ^^Z^~ mm

_Hnn SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18,1960 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1960 TgE Off IQ SENTINEL JPAOE 9 THE OHIO SENTINEL ,' - ' :••••• • • :/-..v. :,- PAGE 8 •••• " • TODAY AT Research Reveals Negroes In City Council SUM TV! The Negro Speaks By ANN B. WALKER bution made by each man to the ' was a clergyman, founder of Mt. Attention haa been drawn to political welfare of his brethren Vernon AME church. He corre­ America, down through the.years the annual celebration of Nat'l and ot the city: lated his religious efforts with I've given you blood, sweat and tears Negro History week this month. • JAMES POINDEXTER, tireless political efforts, bring­ I Helped make you what you are today Prominent mention is given to the first Negro to serve in Coun- ing dignity to thc race and com­ And never failed you on the way. past figures like Frederick jell from 1880-1854, was active manding respect. He served un­ Douglass, Booker T. Washing­ along civic fronts. Today, a der Mayqr Robert Jeffrey while From Boston Commons, Bunker Hill ton, Mary McLeod Bethune, housing project stands as a tcs- George K. Nash was governor. To Beachheads, far across the sea George Washington Carver, •timonial to his endeavors in and Ralph Bunche, and it is well ' making Columbus ar more desir­ • ARTHUR JOHNSON, a res­ I've fought for you courageously ident of Columbus when 20th st. I always have and always will. to be aware ot our heritage, of able place in which -to live. the contributions leaders have • ISAAC D. ROSS, clerk for was the end of Mt. Vernon, when • made toward the country's bet­ the Pennsylvania railroad, serv­ Negroes lived in an area bound­ Before Columbus found your shore terment. It is also well to know ed in a 38 man council during ed by 24th. st, now called Cham­ My presence in this land was known what history has been made by 1886-1889 tinder Mayor Philip pion -av., can share with you And growing with you, I have grown leaders within our community. Bruck while Joseph B. Foraker many instances of the deeds ot To love you—who could love you more? With attention riveted to the was governor. | these Negroes as well as many I others who played an active role . present political picture, it is e WILBUR KING, a council­ Un the history of our town. Mr. In ev'ry field that you can name well to review the history of Ne­ man from 18IH-1897, has long Johnson, following in his father's Although I had the slower start groes who have figured in the been recognized as the lawyer footsteps, George Johnson, serv­ I've played a most inspiring part councilmanic life of our city. who raised Negro representation ed as city clerk and council page And climbed to glory and fame. in Columbus courts far above The Directory of City Council for well over 43 years. dating back to the early 1S0Q _ the "Amos and Andy J. C. Cal­ "i :•: Most of these facts are new to you — reveals that Negroes used their houn*' stereotype. He served un­ History continues to be writ- The reason why, is plain to see; votes strategically from time to der Mayor George J. Kark when .ten. The ramifications of thc America, you have so few time and placed qualified Ne- William McKinley was governor. 'present council situation should Who know uty hidden history! | groes in Council. • JOSEPH J. LEE, in a 19 be thoroughly understood by — Andy Razaf We can be proud of the contri­ man council during 1902-1903, every Negro man and woman. ! . :

• . ;; Famous Names Suggested For Research And Stu

Some famous personalities, ate of Denver U. Music school. Evening Prayer" and others. recognized as one of the great­ 1954), Harvard grad, only Negro suggested for study in obsorv- est contraltos of aU times. Rhodes scholar, noted author; : ance of Negro fftstory. week: • RICHARD ALLEN, who, • WILLIAM C. HANDY .1873- encouraged "Negro Renais­ though born a slave, educated 1958), musician, generally ac­ 9 CARL DITON (born 188G), sance." • JOHN M. LANGSTON, himself and later became first knowledged as "Father of the musician, composer, conductor. Virginia-born, 1829, Howard U. bishop of the AME churches. Blues." Was great composer. Was first Negro pianist to tour • MARY CHURCH TER­ Law school dean, member of U. the U. S. RELL, famous educator, lectur­ S. Congress. • CHARLES DREW (190-1- • LUCY C. LANEY, bril- er and reformer, who fought ' , 1950), Who. was Howard Medical jliant Georgia, educator, who, • FRANCES E. W. HARPER, j tirelessly and bravely to educate O DORRIK MILLER, Who school teacher, authority in sur­ despite terrific social pressure, lecturer against slavery until the Negro. received Navy C**osa in 1942 for gical shock, fluid balance in sur­ founded Haines school of Augus­ 'her death in 1911. Waa first of heroism during Japanese attack gery and banked blood. ta. race to write a publishable • MARTIN L. KING, minis, on Pearl Harbor. short story. Authored the novel, ter, author, humanitarian. Best • rlHLLIS WHEAT LET, • MARIAN ANDERSON, "Lola Leroy." known for his non-violence code • MME. AZALIA HACKLET, slave girl and one of thc great­ Philadelphia bom, began sing­ In the fight for complete freedom Tcnnesseean, first Negro -gradu­ est poets of ber day. Write "An ing career in church choir, now • ALAINE L. LOCKE (1886- for the Negro.




PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR JESSE OWENS 0»1»), Track Star MILLS BROTHERS: Herbert (1912), Henry (1913>, Donald (1*15), late John Jr. (1911-1936) ' • t - 35th Celebration Of Negro History Week, Feb.7-14

*m* m*- - .

• - •

tiava9mmmam9sya]mama9m#bm -— -» .W —..>'• SATURDAY. FEBRUARY IS. 1960 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1960 • - ••• - ••—-—•—-•—-•—. • I. -a- • - THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 10 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 11 SPEAKING Of PO-llCi Castro Welcomes Negro Tourists; EDITORIALS Negro GOPers Going Says They Are Part Of America By RUSSELL A. JACKSON • • • go to the people and tell them Castro dwelt at length on tha (Last In A Series Of Four) that to discriminate against "absolute necessity" that hia "History Will Absolve our brothers is not right and country "offer America its . Sour On Westlake Me." that it should not happen. The friendship." That is the title of • best people understood. They al­ But he plainly stated that hia By JOHN B. COMBS selling book in Cuba. Its ways do. And so, there is no government will not tolerate in- Did Judge Peck Take • author ia Premier Fidel Cas­ longer racial discrimination or terfcrence by outsiders in • MAYOR W. R. Westlake may not know it, or he may not tro. segregation in Cuba. This is Cuba's interna] affairs. even care, but a lot of his once loyal Negro Republicans are turn­ At a press conference with U. good. This is as it should be.". "We are a small country," The Easy Way Out? ing sour on him. They have not declared open war on him yet, S. newsmen on the first anniver­ Before the Batista government he said, "and are a people's but it's no secret that they are definitely miffed at him. • IN VOTING to oust _tev. Russell M. Jonfes from sary of the Cuban revolution di­ was ousted by the Fidelestas, gavernment, which is the rected by Castr the premier the prime minister pointed out, City Council last week, Ohio's Supreme Court Judge John Republican policymakers- appear to have 0 heart of the agrarian reform made plain that there is no "not one beach in all of Cuba F. Peck appears to have taken the easy way out. start, d Westlake off on the wrong foot with his movement. Remember, room for doubt that he continues was open to Negroes or poor Peck, a Cincinnati Democrat, was placed in a very Negro constituents by cirtually ignoring them at many countries are not run by to adhere to the sentiment ex­ people." the people but by small groups ticklish situation, in that he was the only member of the the mayor's inauguration last December. pressed in thc book's title. court who had not been privileged to vote on the William of special interests. This Is no Negroes attended the affair in large num­ The fiery, 33 year old head of "Now," he shouted, dramatic­ Hoermle ca.se which was identical to the Jones controversy. longer true of Cuba." bers, but they were not able to get in hand-shak­ the Cuban government under­ ally pounding a table for em­ In the Hoermle case the court voted 4-3 to remove him ing reach of his honor, the mayor. scored his confidence in thc fu­ phasis, "they are completely in­ ON THE SCORE of reports from his Council appointment. But since that time one Westlake's high-hat attitude was obviously ture of his country, and of him­ tegrated; the no longer belong abroad that in dealing out the judge who voted with the majority side died. resented by.this group, but for the sake of party self, in these words: only to the privileged classes." death penalty to his enemies, • PECK WAS appointed to succeed the deceased devotion, they decided to live with it until he "The only Improvements we the government is conducting a descended from "Cloud Nine." But, to their dis­ THERE IS no fear in the Cu­ judge on the seven-man tribunal. This meant that in the haven't made, and probably ban people resulting from his blood bath, Castro's answer was: may, six weeks later, he. was still sailing around won't, He in Fidel Castro's "We had to punish enemies Jones case. Peck, so to apeak, waa put on the spot, for to far above their reach. ascendency to power, Castro be consistent, hia six colleagues were forced to vote aa poor English." said, because "we deal only with of the revolutionary govern­ Then, to add insult to injury, Westlake jump­ ment. It was our obligation in they did in the Hoermle case. COMBS CUBA'S bearded strong man the people. If there is a problem ed over a Negro applicant in filling the vacancy we go to the people and they de­ order to bring happiness, This left Peck in the touchy position of having to on the Civil Service Commission two weeks ago. listed among the most pertinent cast the deciding vote in the Jones case which had be­ cide what is best. You too, or peace and freedom to our advancements made during country. Many did not tell the come a racial and political issue. • THE YOUNG NEGRO attorney is not only a staunch Re­ Cuba's first year under his re­ any American, can go from one side of our island to the other truth about Batista, and many Striving for his political survival, Peck obviously publican, but his qualifications for the post were unquestionable. gime the complete wiping out of are not now telling the truth took these issues under consideration before voting to His valuable attributes, however, apparently carried no weight racial discrimination. and talk with them and they will tell you this is true." about Cuba under the agarian oust the prominent Negro Democrat from Council. with the mayor who picked a politically unknown school principal '"Negroes used to net come reform movement." for the position. "Because of this, all facilities • HAD HE VOTED with his three Democratic col­ to our country, because tbey Castro said open elections felt they were not welcome," are open to you—tourism, excur­ have not been held since his leagues to sustain Jones' appointment, he undoubtedly Up to that time and until this writing, William (Bunk) Mann, Castro declared. "You are sions, hotels, everything. You forces overthrew the Batista re­ would have been accused of playing partisan politics. who was appointed to the non-salaried Wrestling Commission, is welcome now. Alt people are will find in our country the best gime because Cuba is presently But, on the other hand, Peck apparently figured that the only Negro employed by Westlake. The fact that Mann and legislation Enforcing Voting Rights Will Help Put Our House In Order welcome. No individual In all friendship and hospitality." solving its economic and social his vote to uphold the court's previous ruling would arm Westlake were high school classmates is said to have prompted him with a stronger political weapon, since he could logic­ of Cuba will be allowed to dis­ TURNING TO his country's problems, "then we will solve the mayor to make this appointment. criminate against his brother. ally insist that he merely voted to su.stain the court's inter­ plans for the future, Castro told our political problems." If fou da not believe this, Although Westlake has been in office a little more than a the newsmen, "In two years you H« maintained that the Cuban pretation of the law. come'.o.Cuba and meet our month, he has been a bitter disappointment to Columbus Negroes, will not know Cuba because we people can have an election any­ Expect Race Being of this opinion, it is our considered judgement people and see for yourself." but, in fairness to him, it should be pointed out that he is GIVING have just begun to build. We time they desire, "but they da HE ROUNDUP that the Jones case was not settled on its merits, but it waa Extending a "special Invita­ exactly what he promised during-the campaign—NOTHING. will spend the money for the not want an election." The writ­ decided by a judge who took the position that the easiest tion to the Negroes of America," Edited By O'Wendell Shaw It should be recalled that his major campaign plank was to people—and that will make Cuba er heard this sentiment express­ way out was the safest way of protecting his political fu­ the tireless orator emphasized "restore dignity to city hall" and to conduct the city affairs on a great. We will have better hous- ed by many Cuban citizens dur­ Issue Over ture. that "you (Negroes) are a "business-like basis." cojRing. medical facilities, natural ing his tour.) -~ YMCA (lub Drops Racial Barrier siderable part of the U. S. and • THIS IS NOT meant as a reflection on Judge - . . • resources, expanded tourist at­ • PHILADELPHIA.—Rev. Marshall L. Shepard, local Coun- Peck or on the court. It ia simply to point out the fallacy He made no reference to race in campaign talks, and on the if we are to have good relations tractions — everything tourists "PROBLEMS in the U. S. and cilman-at-large, has at last been admitted to membership in the Cong. Powell of our judiciary system of electing judges on non-parti­ basis of a recent interview with him, it is the opinion of this writer with your country then it is im­ will need." in Cuba are different," the pre­ health club of the Central Branch YMCA, after having resigned san ballots. that he isn't even thinking -about the Negro. j^,: perative that we have good re­ mier stated. "Here, nothing is from membership in the Metropolitan Board ot the YMCA a month WASHINGTON.—A race jssue lations with you." Asked if Cuba encourages for­ done against the will of public While our judges run on non-partisan tickets, tbey • THIS CONCLUSION IS based on the fact that in reply to a ago, protesting that club officials had refused to approve his mem­ will _•> made of any attempt by eigners to settle there as yet, opinion. "We will not use force are elected as Democrats and Republicans. question, Westlake bluntly said he was not considering Negroes PREMIER Castro went on to bership application because he is a Negro. The officers had re­ House Democrats to deny Rep. Castro said there is plenty of against our people. When they Adam Clayton Powell chariman- Yet, they are supposed to be above partisan politics for appointments. His appointees were all well qualified for their say that "one of the things we ported that his application was "deferred for consideration." As a living space and a population decide they want a free election, ship of the powerful Education in the performance of their duty. That, we submit, ia positions, he said, and he was sure they would work hard to make were fighting for in the agrarian member, Shepard is entitled to use of the club's facilities, such as hike from six million to 25 mil­ then they will have it." and Labor Committee, warned demanding too much of our judges when they must pre­ Columbus a better city. reform revolution was complete steam tables, sun lamps, handball courts, massage services, etc. lion could be accommodated This writer's capsule opinion tend to be non-partisan, yet they must rely upon the vot­ a . . . Rep. William H. Hayes of Ohio, equality in all of Cuba." easily." of Fidel Castro: Whatever his • • • GOP member of the committee. ers of the state to put them in office. Westlake also pointed out that he had abolished the post of "We solved the equality pro­ •"director" of Community Relations Commission as an "economy" He emphasized, however, that motives, he is a dedicated The Ohio Solon's warning fol­ • THUS, IT IS OUR candid opinion that regardless blem In very simple fashion," Speaker Rayburn Throws In Towel move. And, too, he said it appears to him that the commission had "the present need is mostly for man. He is part ef our time. • WASHINGTON.—(Special). — House Speaker Sam Ray- lowed announcement by Rep.-) of our judges' high integrity and unquestionable honesty, he continued. "We had only to technical people.** THE END Graham A. Barden (D., N. C), outlived its usefulness, since the State Civil Rights Commission bunt, badgered by the prospect of Republicans making "racial it is unconceivable that politics don't carry some weight had been setup. hay" al Democrats* reluctance to appoint Rep. Adam Clayton committee chairman since 1950, with them in reaching decisions in some cases. Powell to chairmanship of the powerful Bouse Education and that he would not seek reelection In other words, our State Supreme Court is made up of He knew nothing of the commission's report to former Mayor to the post, which he has held labor Committee next January, wearily "threw in the towel" politicians, and they are prone to act like politicians until Sensenbrenner, suggesting that Police Chief George Scholer as­ since 1950. last week, with assurances to Powell that "in all probability'' he our judiciary system is patterned after the U. S. Supreme sign Negro officers to the vice squad, ambulance duty, and to va­ Powell, who is entitled to the .Powell) would be named to head the committee—-provided the Court where the judges are appointed for life. rious other divisions manned by white officers only. post on seniority grounds, but Democrats retain control. Powell is senior member of the com­ But as long as the present system exists, there is cer­ has so afr been denied even a Westlake claimed that he had never heard of the report, but it mittee. tain to be other cases similar to the Jones issue in which • • • subcommittee chairmanship, de­ judges are apt to take the easy way out to feather their was his feeling that race distinction should not be considered in spite hia position as second rank­ own political nests. \ % making the assignments, he said. Douglass Boomed For Hall Of fame ing Democrat on the committee, served notice in N. York he However, if the mayor has any intentions of interferring with 0 N. TORR.—The Ass'n for the Study of Negro Life and His­ the chief's policy, he is keeping them to himself. tory has launched a national drive to get the late Frederick Doug­ would demand his right to suc­ lass, one of America's most brilliant Negro leaders, elected to the ceed to the chairmanship next COUPLE OF QUICK ONES • ALTHOUGH WESTLAKE'S administration is in its infancy, Hall of Fame for Great Americans, which enshrines only one Ne­ Jan., should the Democrats still Negroes have received the impression that their interest is no­ be in control of the bouse. gro member. Booker T. Washington, elected in 1945. The nation's Six scholarships worth up to $6000 each are being offered U. S. where in its plans. This negative attitude has not only been a bit­ Negroes, in particular, are urged to support the drive, by sending Democrats consigned Powell ter disappointment to Negro Republicans, it is also extremely em­ to the "dog house" after he bolt­ high school students this year by the AFL-CIO . . . Applicants in nominations to th* Hall of Fame, N. York University, N. York must take qualifying tests March 8 or 19 (whichever date is favor­ barrassing to them. * • •' ed the party in 1956 and support­ ed Pres. Eisenhower for reelec­ ed by the school principal) . . . For details write AFL-CIO Educa- To say that the mayor's Negro constituents are very much dis­ Big Talk Gels Him Jailed tion. Liberal Democrats on the tion Dept., 815 16th st., NW, Washington, D. C. pleased with the lack of interest he has shown toward them is not • LONDON.—"When my country starts to fight, I will help to committee oppose him with the • * * an exaggeration, but the fact that he has four more years in office destroy you. You are all criminals and scum. We have chased charge that he rarely attends Comedian Jack E. Leonard, who once weighed 3.0, now bovera must be even more painful to them. you out of India ar,*d Egypt and now watch you run from Africa. committee meetings and that his around 200 and is writing a book about his diet . . . The title: "I'm Your chests will be the final resting place of our swords and Afri­ major contribution to its activi­ a Little Shrinker." But the fact that a day of reckoning is sure to come should pro­ PRESNA LATINA, BASED AT HAVANA, b name of news agency which services newspa­ • • * ca your tomb." So declared Thaddeus Thomas, 47 year old W. In­ ties have been anti-segregation vide them with some consolation. And in the meantime, unless pers throughout Cuba In manner of U. S. wire services; Pkt.ir.d from Irlt during tour of Frcsaa dian, in a public speech about Britain's African policy, recently, amendments to pending legisla­ Some have asked whether the TV networks will advise their the mayor's attitude undergoes a sharp and swfft change, the sen­ Latina headquarters are Jorge Ricardo Masetti, 30 year old chief of tbe news network; Miguel and shortly afterward hc was jailed on the charge of "making an tion, thus jeooardjzing passage viewers that the 1960 Republican national convention will be a rig- timent of Negroes may well show up in the Republicans' won and Angel Cadenas, translator for Presna Latins; John H. Sengstarke, Chicago Defender; Russell A. Insulting public speech." ; . . of a number of school bills. ( ged show? lust columns in this all-important presidential election year. . Jackson, former editor of The Sentinel and writer el current series on Cuba. f?^;^;._. ?r^

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13,1960 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1960 THE OfflO SENTINEL THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE IS PAGE 12 lar meeting night, Feb. 9. Mem­ Sally PleZol Visits bers are Mrs. Leroy Caslin, Mrs. Fantasy In Fashion ACTIVITIES IN BRIEF John Francis, Mrs. Harry Bail­ Grocery. Open Brown's IGA Store ey, Mrs, Louis Minnis, Mrs. Jar- Sally PleZol will appear at • SIL-O-ETTES CLUB held ret Chavous, Mrs. Jack Curtis, Carl L, Brown's IGA Food Mrs. Donald Church and Mrs. Looms As A Thriller .. its first meeting of the y*** Under New Management Store. 1289 Mt. Vernon av.,. this FOR FOOD FLAVOR Jan. 11. Newly elected officers James Johnson. Mrs. Caslin is Thursday, Friday and Saturday. are Elaine Berry, president; president. After the show, Mrs. Feb. li, 12 and 13, sampling fa­ "Fantasy in Fashion**" has* MODELS will inhlude Pamela Curtis was hostess during a mous Pley.nl Home Made Cake* been chosen as theme for a di--j fb.tdeu. Tina Jones. Diane Hoi- Mary . Autry, vice president; l Betty Robinson, secretary; Hel- late buffet in ber home, 2130 and Pastries. A special Bale of , 'KhtfuI afternoon's entertain . ADV. SUNDAY, March 6 —- Annual -J • MRS. MARY DURUHAM, By ANN B. WALKER Women's .day tea will be served j Home Dressed president of the Eleanor Roose­ in the lower auditorium of the • PORK IS ONE of the plentiful and inexpensive meats dur­ Missionary Union Meets ! velt Club, announced that com­ Second Baptist church, from .1:30 to 6 p. m. This FRESH PICNICS lb. 33c a brand new and mittees have been set up to plan ing this period and should be included quite often in your weekly At Macedonia Sunday affair will be climuxed by a the installation tea scheduled menus. Many of the popular beliefs about pork have long been Second Baptist ohurch will ob­ baby contest, featuring infants All Meat Sliced Piece sparkling kind of Cherry Ice Cream for March 6, 4-6 p. m., in the dispelled so that pork is recognized as just good eating. Pork is, serve Men's day Sunday, Feb. Cily Missionary Union will Vicky Abbott, Rhonda Betton, home of Rev. and Mrs. Russell however, a source of infection with trichinosis and the only sure 14, with Dr. S. J. Wright, presi-.hold its monthly meeting at Ma- Michelle Jackson, Aaron Ha.p- At ill Jones. Functioning are. Mrs. prevention against infection is the thorough cooking. Eating raw denl of Fisk university, Nash- .-edoniu Baptist Sunday, Feb. 14, er and Mark Smith. BOLOGNA lb. 49c ib. 39c June Fowler, general chairman; or partially cooked pork can result in a widespread infection of vdie, Tenn., as guest speaker .at 3 p. m. The union is com- Friday! March 18 — Mother- Borden lee Cre.rn .during the 10:45 morning wor-1prised ot- Missionary Societies of arrangements and program, trichinosis without people fully realizing it daughter banquet) at 6:30 p. m.j CHARLES JOHNSON HEATS 1 Ann Walker, Marie Jones; invi­ Pork is cut into an infinite ship. A fellowship coffee hour Columbus Baptist churches. Mrs. Phole D. Hale, wife of lulm will conclude services. tations, Peggy Cooper, Abiaha variety of cuts and new cuts several pre-package orders. Meetings will be held each 'the pastor of Union Grove Bap-' EAST DOOR EAST MARKET STANDS NOS. 2-3 4 Sunday evening services at Gregory, Kathleen Gravely, Con­ are constantly being worked out SCRAPPLE second Sunday of the month at j *'st will be guest speaker on 7:.J0 will present "Men's Talent Cor. Mt. Vernon and Miami Ave*. — CL. 2-1700 nie Tinch and Mary Durham; V._ lb. lean pork various churches. Mrs. T. W. I ,h« Women's day program at to suit new trends in buying. in Music" with Robert C. Ander­ food, Estelle Tyler, Vivian Pull- Brown, president, urges all |ias- morning service, I' "BORDEN'S ICE CREAM Some of tht more common cuts !_ lb. pork liver son, music chairman, presiding ins and Connie Tinch; registra­ tors and members to attend and aro ham, shoulder, short rib, Water Committee includes Maurice CA. 1-5121 tion, Mary Ann Eady and Mrs. participate in the affairs. 1917 Joyce Ave. loin, fat back, rib back, spare- "_ lb. corn meal \ Crawley, general chairman; Wit­ Edward Dawkins. ribs, pigs' feet, cala or picinic 1 tb. salt her Crawley, presiding; We. ley Rev. R. L. Brantley is pastor hams, butt jowl, vadiety meats, H th. pepper Sawyer, speaker introduction; .)?-

•j»*. •*•-**.>*.•*»'. *-JI t»i -..v- ^JU-*V ;•- ^


•• oi.rMl-.rs DISTHICT COUNCIL of lntemaf| Free and Accepted Modern Masons, Inc.. officers and members of various committees pictured at a recent meet- in-. Seated Irft to rlRbt: Leola Foster Ella Johnson, Betty Lewis, LUtie M*e Gibson. WUliam Hill, president; Willie Mae Little. Ruby Snow, Virginia Minor. Sec­ ond row: Virginia Milner, Beatrice Green, William Bailey, Eddie Taylor, John Murphy, Allen Davis, Edward Polndeater, Rachael Bill, Grace Cleage. Third row. Odell ClodfeHer. Mary E. Watson. Leroy Snow, Otis Cobb. John Hale, Samuel K. Green. A number of officers and members were absent at Urne photo waa taken. Franklin PTA Stresses Jobs The first In a series, of meet­ Rev.-Robert Graeti, pastor, SL ings planned to inform students Philip's Lutheran church; Dr. and parents of the wide range of Wave Shaffer, Physics Dept., job opportunities was given by Ohio State university, and Dr. Franklin Jr. High PTA last Earl Sherard. pediatrician. 9.-00ft. M. TUESDAY Tuesday. A question and answer period Prefacing the panel discussion followed the discussion. was the showing of "You Can Be FEBRUARY 16 There," by Andrew Freeman, A SOCIAL hour was held in 1731 GREENWAY AVE. executive secretary, Colurvtbu** the school cafeteria with Mrs. Urban League. Orris Maya, hospitality chair­ • • • COLUMBUS A panel discussion of opportu­ man, and Franklin Y-Teens aa nities in social work, law, minis­ hostesses. try, 'science and medicine was Mrs. John Herd is teacher- i moderated by Mrs. Lmwuod sponsor of this group. LIFE .MEMBERSHIP in the NAACP has been obtained by the Jr. Leaguers of Columbus. WalkeVv. . A ' . .' . more comfort more frozen Mrs. Ruth Spurlock. president, is pictured presenting a $350 check to Att'y Jesse L. Dickerson, PANEL p ai ticipants were Usherettes were Franklin 'Fu­ STORE HOURS For easier, more conven­ N.-ACP branch president, as payment on the $500 membership. Others from left: Mrs: Robert Mrs.- Portia. Browning, medical ture Teachers of America mfnv. - space I r.rt-.v Mis. Robert Otey. Mrs. John Johnson and Mrs. Robert Redman. The presentation waa social; worker, University hos­ V ient shopping in a friendly, bers. \ cheerful atmosphere. r• --I. .: the NAACP public meeting at Bethany Presbyterian church Jan. 14.—Pierce Photo. pital; John Francis, attorney; Richmond Green is president A hugd variety of frozen Monday thru Wednesday foods ta suit your fancy. ' 9 A.M. lo 8 P.M. - more speed a • >!•• . more space Thursday. Friday & Saturday • Wide aisles, fast, efficient checkout lanes to service Plenty af Free parking- lor 9 A.M. lo 9 P.M. •; your shopping needs faster 240 cars. V- • and easier.

m aaam • '.'.' _•_! SAMSONITE MEN'S 2-SUITER — 7 book.. • Shop at Kroger's (plus Fed. Ex. Tax). newest store and get Top Value Stamps

For pleasure at homo, pick up Utile Kings

5n tho "Double Dozen" • • -

• . at your pony keg, deik*t*fte__ o-r aupormarkotl Enjoy littlo Kinga at - your favorite tavern, mm • bar or dinin« spot!


______< THE OHIO SENT1NI-L SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 18.1960 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1960 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 16 PAGE 17 Kelley-Penson Wedding Impressive


By ANN B. WALKER Civil Service Commission and if George and Charles Delaoache la , ,. so. how many? still on the very ill h_t. « A WHIRLWIND of activity jy j££ Qre 16 ^pjoyees • WHILE localitcs enjoyed kept one socially on the go over aUogether j^ fjVe 0f these 16 the mask ball here, Vincent Wal­ the weekend . . . many friends ___ Kegroes. Let me further ters, Watson and Juanita Walker and music lovers turned out for _tetc tbat tbe technician in made a flying trip on four the Philippa Schuyler concert charge o£ ^g testing program is wheels to Chicago to attend the . . . the women of St. Philip's _ Negro j^ the technician in Saracens mask ball which is a are to be enthusiastically con- chargc ^ ^e classification sec- top-drawer affair . . . Dr. and gratulated on their successful Uon ^ | Negro Mra. George Boston flew to Chi­ effort . . . when you think big, of Q . ^ you still a member of cago to attend a national dental course you act big ... and this |he ^^missionf conference . . . Dr. Howard LEARNING IS FUN could easily be the caption for this type of affair is to become, an was mted to a Giles is using part of his winter group of young debutantes who take a break during their educa­ annual part of our^jornmumty ^ wWch ^ 0JJ vacation to take a short course tional program to pose for photographers. Mrs. George De- ...n number of guests took ad- * ^ due ^ ^ in Cleveland . . - Chet and Car­ Loache, left standing, gave a talk on "Table Settings'*; Miss vantage of the opportunity to . administration, I was rie Green leave this week for LaNera Henderson, center, former debutante, gave a talk on meet Miss Schuyler personally WJ 2_____«__i Mexico City . . . and once again "Charm" and Mrs. A. P. Bentley, right, was hostess for the aft­ during the reception held in the ^^g"£^ gg tenure Marian Clark Johnson will be ernoon. Debutantes enjoying the session are seated: Janis Mad­ church soc.al room ... then off "J* * leaving Columbus, headed for ison, Gail Howard, "Miss High School for 1959," and Mae Martin. they hurri-d to the Silhouettes £ ^ _ ^ _ may California to live. annual n.ask ball held fa the progress made WHILE ENJOYING the hospitality of Mra. John White, Southern hotel . once *££££« the past administration, • AS WE NEAR the close of Philippa Schnyler shares with her and Mrs. Kenneth Higgln- th-s gala MardrGras type dance co^cSon, many of us this column, wc feel it necessary botham the excitement of having her book, "Adventures in Black NAACP Host To Ohio Ministers was a delaghtful success .the * to mention again that Negro His­ and White,'' published. tory week celebration begins Ohio NAACP church commit­ at the speaker's table were Rev. Ernest Washxngtons «mtodI. appointmeDt to the Corn- Feb. 14 . . . our youngsters re­ tee was host to ministers at­ lew fnends over for breakfast ^./^ five N c g r 0 e s A. J. Ruffin, Urbana,. Bishop ceive little If any information in tending Ohio Pastor's Confer­ afterwards. wouJd not faave ^^ consjdcred and Mrs. C. Leroy Hatcher, this area at school and perhaps COLUMBUS EVENTS CALENDAR ence during a luncheon at Mt. Rev. Hicks, Rev. A. L. Roach, • RUMORS FLY . . . have'for the position they hold today, -9***] less at home . . . Great Amcri-' Olivet Baptist church in the H. Toledo, Rev. L. L. Dickerson. and always will . . . but when a; He has fought every step of the can Negroes by Ben Richardson, Beecher Hicks auditorium. friend is involved you feel con- j way in their behalf, yet always FEB. 13—NAACP "Gct-Out-thc-Vote" Conference, Neil House. MR. AND MRS. FREDERICK EUGENE KELLEY The delicious luncheon was among other selections, is an in­ Dr. H, Richardson, president served by Mrs. .Anna Thompson, strained to sift truth from ru- insisting that a man be qualified 14—Second Baptist Men's day, Dr. S. J. Wright, Fisk presi­ Refuge Baptist church was the bridal corsage of orchids and teresting collection of biogra­ the groom was best man. of Gammon Theological school, Jean Mackey, Alma Reeves and mor, hence thc following inter- for the job first as well as be a dent, guest speaker. setting for the wedding of Wilma lily bells. phies that any student will en­ Ushers were Joseph Nesblll, Atlanta, was guest speaker. Rev. Ina White. Miss Serena Davis, view with Bill Brooks: Negro. Fellowship church, Broad St. Methodist church, 4 p. m. Jean Penson, daughter of Mr. Miss Beverly Barrett served joy becoming acquainted with Napoleon Kee, Marvin Hairston George Lucas, Dayton, served NAACP field secretary, was Q.: When were you appointed 16—Franklin Av. talent program, 8 p. m. and Mrs. Samuel Penson, 434 N. as maid of honor In a blue satin and Charles Mlnter. Nathaniel • CONNIE BANKS was host- . . . suggest that it be secured as master of ceremonies. Also chairman of the luncheon. to the Columbus Civil Service 'ess to the Jr. Leaguers Sunday for family reading . - . the 25—Blue Star Mother's annual banquet. Monroe av., and Mr. Frederick ballerina gown. Her veiled tia­ Baldwin was ring bearer. Commission? . . . social chit-chat flowed "ABC Picture Book of Eminent Eugene Kelley, son of Mr. and ra was trimmed in iridescent Mrs. Ola Penson, mother of A.: Feb. 1. 1954. above and around the pig with a NegToes Past and Present" cer­ Mrs. Rollin F. Kelley, 1093 Leo­ sequins an_ she carried a rose the bride, chose a two.piece en­ Q.: By whom were you ap­ I red apple in his mouth roosted tainly would help to make us Hilltop Womens Qub Officers nard av., recently. corsage, semble for j the wedding. Mrs. pointed? to perfection , . . dessert was a more conscious and appreciative The altar was beautifully de­ Kelley wore'royal blue lace. BRIDEMAIDS were B r e n da A.: The Honorable Maynard delicious cake frosted with thc of the significance of our great Hilltop Women's Civic club president; Marion Owens, secre­ corated with six white candle- NEW 'SWEET SULFUR-8 Sensenbrenner, former mayor. club colors and the names of history . . . Our office is becom­ held their monthly meeting Sa­ tary; Elizabeth Bell, assistant King, Alice" Kellum, Anita Host­ THE BRIDE is a graduate of labras rising behind baskets of St. Joseph academy, thc Metro­ Q : Just what were your du­ new members decorating the ing busier and busier as we all turday, 8 p m., in Hilltop Me­ secretary; Irene Blackwell, cor­ white chrysantheums and gla­ ing, Marva Jean Duff and they work toward making the second politan School of Music and has ties? " top . . . Leaguers are sponsoring thodist church. .After business responding secretary; Rosa dioli. Pews for the bridal party wore matching costumes. Seri- Home Show a boomerang suc­ attended Ohio State university. A.: I served along with two a gala first lighter program the following officers were un- were decorated with large bran­ ta Marshall was flower girl. BUILDS HAIR GLORY cess . . . make the dates March Trigg, treasurer; Mary Glascor, The groom rs a former student other members of the Commis­ early this sprfng . . . you won't anlmousyl reelected for the en­ ches of huckleberry and ferns 15, 16, 17 a must on your calen­ suing year: parliamentarian; Hattye Rcd- Rollin Kelley Jr., brother of at Bliss college. sion, each of whom had equal want to miss" being a part of tied with white satin bows. dar with plenty of space for mand, director of activities; status; and it was our responsi­ thc crowd for this affair . . . Mildred Terry, president; Al- everyone since this year's show bility to administer the opera­ The Alphas held a smoker over fie Ross, first vice president; Rosie Prater, membership GIVEN IN marriage by her will be held a. the Youth Center. tion of Civil Service for the 4000 the weekend for members . . . Virginia Harris, second vice chairman. father, Wilma Jean wore a bouf­ Deltas To Observe Founders Day employees of the city; to see sounds like the old days . . . fant gown fashioned of white that the positions were properly Jack and Jill members antici- nylon organza with a deeply Members of Columbus Alum there will be a program to pay classified and to administer cx-j--^ ^ £ ^ w"m"have. at embroidered hemline. Her fin­ nae Chapter of Delta Sigma tribute to founders of the sister­ aminotions to those applicants^., -j-^-,! sweetheart dinner gertip veil of illusion fell from Theta sorority have been busy hood. Following the program, who sought permanent status as | . Saturday with Myrna a pearl crown. She carried a all month preparing for its an tho evening will be concluded employees of the city. I MIGHT Beatty as hostess . . . farther nual Founders' Day observance with dancing. FURTHER STATE THAT ANY out, the Omega men will host This year the activities will ON SUNDAY, Feb. 28, at 9 OFFICIAL ACTION TAKEN BY their wives and sweethearts dur­ begin with a champagne sip and am, the sorors will have THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS­ ing their annual dinner party at dinner for Deltas and their es­ breakfast at the Novelty Food SION MUST BE .APPROVED Lockbourne. corts at Barnett's White House, Bar. Then the group will wor­ BY AT LEAST. TWO MEMBERS 4300 Indianola av. After dinner ship together at Bethany Pres­ • FOLLOWING a severe at­ OF THE COMMISSION; and as byterian church, 206 N. Garfield to the employment of any mem­ tack of Asian influenza, Miss THRIFTY av., at the 10:30 service. ber of thc Civil Service staff, Blanche M. Van Hook returned Lambda Zeta Chi this must be. approved by two Monday of this week to her po­ THOUGHT! Sorors in the city who have members of the Commission; sition of clerk in the Division of not made reservations should Elects Officers contact Chmn. Marlon Bannis­ i.e. no one member of the Com­ Water at city hall . . . She was During a recent meeting, Lam­ mission can employ or discharge confined to Mercy hospital ter, CI. 2-2972, or Treas. Ann Ty- bda Zeta Chi members elected er, CI. 2-6372,. immediately. a member of the staff, without throughout the holidays and re­ new officers for 1960. This group grets very much she was unable the concurrence of at least one is looking forward*to celebrating Others on the Founders' Day to send out her usual Christmas "Supersonic" Formula Works on Scalp; other member; i.e. several their twentieth anniversary in committee are Sorors Delores cards . . . She thanks sincerely names came up for appointment March. New cabinet members Ransom, Carolyn Parker, Edith all of her friends who did ao prior to the close of my term be­ are Mrs. Gcraldine Barnett, pre­ Pryor, Leza Gooden, Gladys Hair Looks Richer, Healthier, Longer many kind things to contribute fore one name was acceptable to A beautiful 3-bcdroom home sident; Mrs. Mary Milner, vice Brown and Jean Bolden. two members and thus that per­ toward her comfort and welfare i ENTHUSED ABOUT THIS YEAR'S production, Flair and Fashion, Kappa Gamma Rho com* Right now the famous hair and scalp treatment called Sulfur-8 for only $200 cash. All im­ president; Mrs. Martha Smith, son was appointed to the Com­ while she was recuperating . . . mittee members take time to look in the camera's eye. Left to right:. Mrs. Maeola Griffin, presi­ is actually greater than ever. With its scientific new improve­ provements la and paid for. secretary; Mrs, Mozelle Greene, mission. our.expression of condolences to dent; Mrs. Hattie Belcher, publicity chairman; Mrs. Martha Robinson, co-chairman ef show com­ Beatty*s Leisure Club ments, today's Sulfur-8 is as soft and fragrant as the finest No Down Payment Only corresponding secretary; Mrs. Q.: Are there any Negroes Paul Stark,, whose father died mittee, and Mrs. Jnantta Watkins, chairman of show committee. This year's production will be cosmetic hair beautifier, yet that advanced sulfur formula works $71.59 per month Including Ann Stokes, treasurer; Mrs. Beatty's Leisure Time club who are a part of the staff of the (last week . . the mother of held So-day, Feb. 28, at Valley Dale. like a marvelous medicine to benefit your scalp. taxes and Insurance. Venzie Lee Dansby, financial held election of officers. They re: A MAGNIFICENT HEAD OF HAIR ADVANCED MECICATION in modem secretary; Mrs. Catherine Jones, Sulfur-8 combats surface germs HI. 3-7418 Mrs. Gladys Pa_ks., president; ...longer and healthier looking parlimentarian; Mrs. W 11 d a ... silky-smooth, soft and lustrous. that often Infect scalp troubles.' White, sergeant-at-arms. Charles Bogle, vice president; The ugly dandruff scales disap­ Join Lincoln Health Center Now For Our Winter & Spring Program! A Price To Fit YouraU. • MIIUONS NOW KNOW thafS how Installation was held in the Mrs. Lata Brown, secretary; the famous Sulfur-8 "treatment" pear fast Just watch how your' home of Mrs. Geraldine Barnett. Harrison Davis, treasurer; H. helps to redeem the glory of scalp thrives on Sulfur-8! Budget! Now Open Sundays, 11-2 for Men, U for Women! 771 E. Long St CA. L9038! *ot*xt£e&t One of thc group's tnembers, H. Huff, chaplain; Mrs.' Mary E. even the. most measley parched ONtY SUiWM — in the jar with Nell Robinson married Mr. Her­ Harrington, program chairman. hair and reveal Its true full natu­ the big blue "8"—has this great •• man Scott during Dec. giving The group meets each Wednes­ ral length and beauty. secret deep-action formula that YOUR SCAIP IS "VITAUZED" to can do so much to beautify your the club a wonderful excuse for day at 1:30 p. m. and is open to See Ad On Page 31 feel more alive, healthy as tha balr as it benefits your scalp. extra frivolity. any person 50 years and over. m ' "w- n»nn •iir'''-'-^"'**'-' • • SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 13, I960 •qATTJBPAlY, FEBRUARY 18>. 1000 THE OHIO SENTINEL _____ OHIO SBaNTWEE 'PAGE 19 PAGE 18 . Deltas Launch Survey Of New 0ffieers Of | URBANA CALLING I XENIA • QREENE i Industrial Fed By Marion Couts • 315 E. Lawn Ave. • Phono: 3-3892 "* ___K College Student Status C1NC*INNATI. — Two new di­ t rectors were chosen at the an­ _fi Established to pilot the eur. COUNTY DIARY # URBANA. — Funeral rites mez and Jackie and Sandy Jor­ Delta Sigma Theta Sorority nual meeting of Industrial Fed­ i vey and recommend a program, for Mrs. Carrie Mao Hill, who dan. recently announced launching a eral Savings and Loan Ass'n,

f^r- wim'miammammmiaaim- o>»^.«^^» _.*•;•. *»is-.i)>~ .1^,-, • _ , V SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1960 , SATURDAY, .FEBRUARY 13, I960 PAGE 20 THE OHIO SENTINEL , a THE OHIO SENTINEL !H,i PAGE 21 •' a i a • TIPS TO THE LITTLE GIRLS—There is nothing great­ er than « woman's love for a PILLOW TO TOST man . . . She can make him or CINCY TEMPO By Sam Pillow break him . . . The smart wom­ By Mary Randolph WILLIAM (. BROWN • an knows her man and devotes many hours to finding out how • CINCINNATI.—Mrs. AUene Miles of Cov­ • CINCINNATI.-People ore.rallying to the{to ,ead him to success and mak- ington, Ky., invited a few friends in to lunch Inst .support of the.NAACP because they, believe that ing him ^j,,,, ^ did it aione. Monday afternoon—for no special reason at all HOW MUCH IS for once they are making an investigation before except that she just wanted."the gala" in for a they throw charges all over thc place. bit of gayety and relaxation. We're told she's a A FATHER WORTH? We were talking to ATT'Y WEBSTER PO­ very gracious and clever hostess, and exception­ SEY and he lamented the lack ot public support ally talented In an artistic sort of way—like mak­ • CINCINNATI.—While the NAACP is busily sifting evidence the organization got from the public during their ing her own hooked rugs (large as well as small), and the Police Dept. remains adamant in its stand and the public ; investigation of the SAVAGE CASE when he was doing her own Interior decorating with a profes­ (white and Negro) seem divided in their beliefs, everybody has' president of the NAACP. Hc said that if the pub­ sional touch, designing and making her own seemingly forgotten a little child; little Elctha Brady, baby of lic had shown the volunteer and spontaneous in- clothes—and added to all that she's a wonderful Charles Brady who was sluin by errant police bullets. terest that is now shown there would have been 'THE BAPTIST MINISTERS CONFERENCE of GinclnnaU and vicinity beld installation ser­ cook. •-.- - This child will probability of a greater and more thorough in­ vices at 1st New Shiloh Baptist church, 736 W. 1th st., with the president of Ohio Baptist GcnT Her guests were Mesdames Almeda Gibson, 'r vestigation. Ass'n, Rev. Wllber A. Page, officiating. Officers are*. Revs. M. J. Mangham, president; S. W. Loretta Marshall, Emma Stokes, Ruth Smith, fun of a father You would be surprised at thc many citizens White, second vice president; J. P. Wilkins, secretary; D. S. Glenn, treasurer; George Q. Brown, MARY Irene Robbins. Isabel Jackson and Catherine bouncing her on SAM PILLOW of all colors and creeds that are quietly making assistant secretary; P. M. Maupins, financial secretary; J. W. Adams, lecturer; Mack Brown, RA.NDOLPH Gentry. Mrs. Martha Lilly and Mrs. Blanche his knee or feel investigations to find out the budget chairman; T. L. Barron, Wallace Peebles, C. E. Armstrong, R. II. Sledge. Not present [Jennings were unable to be pre­ the loving cm- facts of the case and you would brace of a fa­ were C. C. Cartwright, C. D. Morrow, J. H. Sharpe, B. A. Herrlngton, W. M. Smith, J. M. Stephen, J QUICKIES — Ran into sent, and were very much miss­ make her debut at this show). Ora Brown, chaplain. Rev. R. D. Wess is president of Ohio Ministers Conference.—Scott Photo. wonder »-hy so many people are J^^y JOHNSON who tells us ed. ' Each year the Vogue-Ettes give ther's arms or talking about the situation in at . . . . , , Mrs. Sallie Winfrey, who lives kiss. Perhaps 6 , , _., , , . . • she is having much pleasure re- a money-making project for the with her daughter and son-in- purpose of sending worthy boys there will be a sane and logical tone, showtng decorati fae_ home Bro_ j law, the Madison Gentrya on to YMCA camp. What better substitute, but tao signs of vindication but want-, LERQY WALK£R begt Wabash av., was honoree at a reasons than these two could we she, for e v e r- CINCINNATI INSIDE AND OUT... B, _«._,., inn to know the facts that will . " ,. .__-•_ more, will won­ . , _. . . , ; known realtor, was giving her a family dinner party given by the possibly have for attending this Gentrys Saturday on the occa­ show—and in the meantime say* der about her help them come to a fair conclu- •, ... ______? I dad. She has . few hints and suggestions . . . sion of her 83rd birthday. She ing "thank you" to Shillito's for • CINCINNATI. —Friendship gro, thc blonde and the Cadillac, common cold U> getting everyone Won was thrilled beyond words at all giving us so many nice breaks. been issued into is a fluid thing, as Reuben Muh- who got whupped down south be­ you come in contact with re-. " (RONaALD WELLS tells us hc this world of • WE CAN remember the old;can't get enough SENTINELS on the fuss being made over her— No tickets will be sold at the dy, thc playboy barber, can at­ cause of the woman, may have ccntly. William Brown is a per­ MRS. MARY ANDREWS, sound and fury days at the Y MCA on 9th st. the weekends . . . This little and we, too, wish her many hap­ door but may be obtained by test. It seems that one of his a local flavor. Rumor has it ennial sufferer. Ray Vinegar is businesswoman and civic only to be be­ when characters and personal.- "COOL DADDY" tells us he will py returns! calling Mrs. Sarah Hale, Un. customers hod been treating all that the gal is actually one of down on his back. leader, Is currently working in reft of one of ties were being rnolden by men bring you a paper each week if 1-2388, or Mrs. Barbara Poole, day when an attempt was made those high yaller gals of our Coming events include the an­ behalf of the 9th St. YMCA • FUNERAL services were 1 i f e*s delights like Messrs. OVERTON, BER-{you will let him know . . . JEFF Tw. 1-3891. See you there. to steal 50 cents. The customer race, a member of a family of nual Potentate's ball at Music membership .campaign. She held in Cincinnati Saturday for before she RY. WEATHERLY and LOVE-[YOUNG will be bringing you a knocked the thief down, but the very pretty and well known lo- hall Friday evening, Feb. 12, 10 has devoted ber time to the J Mrs. Jeanette Triplett Jones, a reaches under­ LACE . . . They devoted their 'picture of his ultra-modern bond- • ON SUNDAY, Feb. 14, Cir­ angered suspect went home and calites. p. m. It is given by the Nobles "Y" for a number of years in retired schoolteacher of Chica- standing. time and energy to better our ing office next week if the con- cle No. 3 of Women's Society ot came back with his shotgun. Re­ of Sinai Temple No. 59, Oasis of addition to managing her own 'go, a most prominent member The Negro press is miffed at minds and bodies to make us' tractor will hurry his job a lit- Christian Service of Mt. Zion sult: two barbers and one wor­ Cincinnati. business, the Andrews Funeral of Delta Sigma Theta sorority Mrs. Oscar Robertson to be. better men of tomorrow. jtlc . . . "CUTIE PIE" JONES Methodist church will give a • WE ASK, ried salesman. All those inside Home, Reading rd., Cincin­ nationally, and a former Cincin­ Seems the daily press scooped • CELEBRATION of Natl We can still remember the | is ready to do his landscaping Valentine tea at the Donald then, how the shop hoped the guy wouldn't nati. "Y" general chairman natian. them on a story they had be­ Beauty Salon week is underway late DR. NELSON as he would'• work for the year and tells us he Spencers' fabulous home, 940 much is a fa­ blast through the window. and will climax Sunday, Feb. 14, Adolphus Ward reports 39 per­ cause she refused to verify talk to us about the "BIRDS'has jobs as far as southern Ken- In her usual gracious, charm­ Lexington av., from 4-7 p. m. ther worth? Is at Poro School of Beauty Art. cent of the mcrobeship goal Thc guy who has practically same—and we were scooped. AND BEES'* and thc raving of j tucky , . . MARY JONES, who ing and clever manner, Mrs. Lou The public is invited. Sh-h-h-h, his net M__»rth That glamorous Dutches Mahan, has been reached. left his wife and is now spend­ Walton entertained the Moroccos it's been whispered that Mrs. MRS. BRADY AND ELETHA measured in • Tin: GIRLS on Freeman Russell Phillips and other beau­ MR. JONES as v»c took advan-! played thc role of "pistol pack- ing all his time over on Fairfax ardent supporter of the present girl who was a waitress at LU- at her home in Madisonville last Louise Sandipher will have her money? Is it measured in his av. had better quit laughing ot ticians will make you "a lovelier tage of the recreational room. ing mama" last week when she av.. has made the first step for *"YAl"l thescampaigne things s becausmake eu s wane CILLE'shot ALICS CAFE JONESE . ., .i s "TOOTS'the sam*e Thursday. After a luncheon that "fingers in this pie" so we just earning capacity? Is It meas­ self in this instance and call for the way their customers eat or you" in '60. know what the organization did a return. He went back to work BECRAFT of the GREY EAGLE was truly a gourmet's dream, know it will be tops in every ured In a wife's longing" desire a complete investigation of the the boss is going to lose some The reactivated chapter of the for us and know .they are still Malone Resigns last week nnd now hopes to get really had bad luck . . . His co- they ployed bridge. Club prizes way. for her mate, or can It be deaths of Charles and Virgil clientele. — Frontiers of America is holding trying to make better men for back in his spouse's good graces. manager, EDDIE YOUNG, left LINCOLN HTS.—The resigna­ went to Mesdames Wilhelmina measured In the cold, realistic Brady. Seems as though the old bug. its annual election of officers tomorrow. • INVITATIONS are in the town allegedly with some funds tions tendered by Mr. and Mrs. Butler, Gertie Grey and Gertie fieures of tbe welfare rolls? • THAT STORY of the Ne­ flu, diphtheria, grippe or just a Feb. 25 at Manse hotel. mail to the OMEGAS' annual • IT WOULD therefore seem Floyd Black, candidate for the and he walked too close to an Theodore J. Malone, superinten­ Wrcnn. Guest prizes went to The city has adequately pro­ State Legislature, tells us he is dent and teacher in thc public Mrs. Pearl Greene. MARD1 GRAS BALL at Topper tected itself against liability in appropo that the city bestir it- alley and some hoodlums re­ starting his campaign now, be­ schools, was ac­ Oops, we erred . . . Last week ballroom Friday, Feb. 26. If most cases, but in some in­ For as long as there is some cause he thinks that it will take lieved him of what money he cepted ^by the wc told you that Mrs. Sampson you've ever attended one you'll stances the overpowering effect doubt as 'to the Tightness of their him these many months to meet had in his pocket ... By the Board of Edu­ was home from the hospital. not miss this one—and those of of the morale Issues makes cve'h deaths, there will be unseen fin­ WALKER'S REALTY SERVICE gers of accusation pointing at a most of the people who will vote way, CARL THOMAS is no long­ cation during a This was planned, but at the you who have not attended one cold and calculating men some­ city and the city fathers for their for him. er at the spot. . meeting Tues­ very last moment her doctor de­ should make preparations to be times bend their stiff laws to day evening. F. sense of justice. Avondale North Ml. Auburn Lincoln Heights cided she was not quite ready to among those present. In addi­ suit a particular circumstance. R. Cannon, for- l-FAMILY BRICK with go home—so she is still in the tion to dancing to the tunes ot We believe little Eletha Brady If this cloud cannot be lifted, YOUNG ST. Comer lot. I mer high school hospital meets that circumstance. G R E E N W OOD AVE. 5 rooms and enclosed principal, was one of America's top recording if truth cannot overpower false­ For the family that Oh so clean is this 1- porch, furnace, 1-car named act i n g • THE CURISTMAJS social bands, there will be judging of At present the death of her fa­ hood or if the facts cannot be wishes spacious living. family .stucco with a built-in garage. Priced the best costumes, selection and brought to light, then the city 25-ft. living room, with superintendent. calendar was so chock full of ther ig shrouded in mystery. Inspect this beautiful at a sacrifice. $1000 MALONE Voters t r i g- things that the Canasta Club de­ crowning ot the queen, awarding has a moral obligation toward buff brick 1-f a m i 1 y fireplace, large dining down payment. Elctha Brady and her mother. room, ultra modern kit­ GREY EAGLE CAFE gered the end of the controver­ cided not to have their usual of scholarships—and all manner • THERE IS NO more valid home situated on a lot Xmas party—so the party was of interesting things going on. reason for believing the police She should be able to live in 50x50 ft. On the first chen and room size sial superintendent last Novem­ solarium that is well ber when they elected a new held last Monday at Mrs. Ann You just CAN'T miss HI You officers' story than there is for splendor with all of the so-called floor, an 'impressive re­ Avondale 6th & Elm Sis. Cincinnati. Ohio TuU's beautiful home on Rock­ believing other stories of those luxuries of life. ception hall, large liv­ heated, 3 extra large HICKORY ;iT. l-family qualified and youthful school know, of course, that this fabu­ bedrooms, 1 equipped board. Also playing a part in dale. Hear tell they ate, drank lous affair is for the benefit of involved. In fact,, the past per­ ing room, dining room wire cut brick, living formance of the Police Dept. in She can look upon these things with a kitchenette, cer­ the forced and accepted resigna­ and made merry until way into their charity and scholarship and modern kitchen, room, solarium, din­ the night. And they're so glad similar cases clouds any story as heritages from her father's second floor, 3 large amic tile bath on sec­ ing room and kitchen Where Good folk Meet tions was former teacher Melvin fund. Mark your calendar now-*- death; a city's attempt to show ond floor, a new gas Barber and Mrs. Gustine Spears. they waited. they might give out. The feeling bedrooms with walk-in on first floor, 3 large Friday, Feb. 26. its sorrow over his untimely Jay Price Hood, who retired of esprit de corp means they will closets, tile bath, and forced air furnace, bedrooms and tile DURING THE campaign Ma- from the Post Office Dcpt. Feb. be protected by their top offi- passing. additional 2 spacious shower and toilet in bath on second floor, lone issued a statement to the • YOU MARKED your cal­ basement, 1-car built- GOOD DRINKS GOOD FOOD 1, is behaving just like a retired cers. • AS LONG as she lives little bedrooms on the third large basement, oil Valley press saying he would re­ endar last week but there's noth­ in garage, concrete person should — relaxing and Eletha will hear the stories of floor. Gas furnace, am­ furnace, garage. This sign if old board members Lu­ Therefore, the validity of little rear porch with metal having fun at home and now off ing like a little reminder . . • her father's slaying. She will ple laundry facilities, home has been very More & More Customers Each Week ther T. Lyles and Arthur Ben­ Eletha's father is open to ques­ . awning. Owner is to Florida for a bit of fishing THE inimitable Josh White will develop feelings and expressions concrete porches in well mai n t a i n e d, nett were defeated. tion. And it is upon this premise ready to vacate. Al­ and swimming . . . His beloved present a concert of ballads and that later society will not under­ front and rear. For owner needs more The tw were retired by the that we base our feelings. Again most immediate occu­ They Stop To And From Town 0 Camille will join him on an in­ blues Feb. 28 (that's a Sunday) stand. She can only be protected your children the rear room and will sell at voters and there wds indication we ask, "how much is a father pancy. See this one and teresting trip shortly after he by being given the finest educa­ yard is fenced in. The a sacrifice. ' that Malone would serve until at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at worth?" make an offer. returns there. tion and life possible. price is right. Watch For Our Big Grand Opening his contract expired in June. Walnut Hills High school audi­ • THE VOGUE-ETTES will torium. Tickets may be had by While his worth cannot be ac­ We don't expect those who rule AVONDALE, NORTH J1MMIE MAE YOUNG, Hoateaa on these things to look with fa INCOME TAX HELP welcome your patronage at their calling Fellowship House, Ca. tually measured in money the EAST MITCHELL AVE. intangibles to his wife and vor on this proposal, but we feel I No Minora Please — Ladies St Gentlemen Invited Need another set of income tea and fashion show at Shilli­ 1-4261. And after the concert yon y^_*v! STATELY tax returns? X°ur nearest pub­ to's. Tea Room Saturday, Feb. daughter are worth more than that a gift of .100,000 would do 2—Family Brick. 5-5-2. Stereo Music will be given an opportunity to something toward restoring that lic library can supply the forms 13. 3:30 p. m. All Shillito's mod­ any one of us could conceive; REALTY SERVICI modern, 2 gaa fumacea, 2- Open ~7A. M. 2:30 A. M. GA 1-9792 * meet and chat with Mr. White «t which was lost to this wife and you need. There, too, you'll find els will be used (and we're .told family life, companionship and Sales Rentals Insurance Home Maintenance ear garage. Down pay- CARL THOMAS and EDDIE YOUNG, Co-Manager* Fellowship House at OPEN daughter. many booklets and pamphlets to they now have a Negro model many other relationships are 3551 Reading Rd. AV- 1-7756 Cincinnati "ment $4000. help you figure Out your income who is thoroughly charming— HOUSE -. refreshments, etc., the foundationatone of our i^mer- How much is your father tax. • and good to look at—who will etc., «tc. kan heritage. worth? • .

w..a.j lilllH.l.ul >mii> ill tests.-, > .; & few'

•••HalQHHaStfiai^a1 THE OHIO SENTINEL FAGB28 PAGE 22 THE OniO SENTINEL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY UL9,19C0 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1960 Ciney Talentsvilie, U.S.A. Contest TIPS ON TEEN TALK By Anstell Kccd • FOR OUR meditation this week, let us notice the following Beckons Students For Tryouts • CINCINNATI.—Taft juniors are on the scriptures and their contexts. There are at least five that must be CINCINNATI. — High school Saturday at 7 p. m. until 8 p. m. ball. They gave a way out Carnation ball Friday taken into consideration: students with theatrical talent; An entries In the •'Cincin­ night. They crowned the queen of the junior • THE ENTAIL OF EVIL: j = are being sought for the big nati" contest- will be audition­ class, Rebel Helton. Teens seen having a good ••What hust thou doneu the voice j • DANGER IN EXCESS OF Talentsvilie, U.S.A. contest, now ed aad judged, and IS final­ time were Shileln Whitfield with her date, Leroy of thy brothcr'a blood crieth un-' PLEASURES: "Love not the being conducted throughout the ists will be selected for the Cure. She was dressed In black and white acces­ to thee from the ground. Gene- world, neither thee things that Greater Cincinnati area. Cincinnati finals which will be sories. Fred Suggs appeared with Ida Kelly, a sis 4:10-14. j are in the world, if any man love Deadline for entry in the mas­ -eld Saturday, April t, at Cin­ senior at Hughe3. Dorothy Burns was there with • A WHOLE LIFE: "Where- the wor,d lhc ,ove of the Father sive talent search is Saturday, cinnati's Shubert theatre. her date, Ronald Smith. She wore a balloon withal shall a young'man dense ,s not ta him" l John 2:15-17- March 12. Talentsvilie prizes Parents, schoolteachers and ANSTELL dress which was very stunning. Claudia McKin- 1 BEED ney was attractive In a black straight dress. Her his way? by taking heed thereto « OUR P R A Y E B ETER- are topped by $5000 scholarships, nusic teachers are urged to re­ according to Thy word." Pslams NAL GOD, help us not to over- mind talented children of the guaranteed record releases, and date was Sidney Roland, Mr. Jordan was there with his wonder­ 119:9. jlove the world, not to forget Talentsvilie^ project. Entry ful wife and two children. He sponsored the dance. ALL TEENAGE CLUBS at Poindexter Center had their installation of officers Feb. 4. Entire many other honors. • WITHOUT OFFENSE- *^r*ee» not *° spend our ives usc- blanks can be obtained at most The curtains have fallen for service was conducted by candlelight. AU'y William Brooks installed the presidents, vice presi­ SPONSOR for Talentsvilie, "Give none offense, neither to ess,y; and not to »«nnfully dents, secretaries, treasurers, aergeants-ot-arms and chaplains of the various organisations. To schools, or by writing WSAI. Pal Turpeau and Virginia May- a girl friend. I wonder why? wronfi a ni ln U.S.A. is the Coca-Cola Bottling the Jews, nor to the Gentiles'. ^ - J™?K __SB enrich the serviee still further, Lucy Hlnes, Melzia Flowers and Ruth Coleman, members of the field. Wonder who will be Vir­ Could it be that he's afraid of ay Amen.—REV. L. 8IMM- Works Co. The talent search is THE TOP winner in tbe Cin­ nor to th church of God." Even ^Pf *—*« »- « - ginia's next steady? girls or just hasn't time for Paristennes Club, sang a lovely rendition of "Now the Day Is Over.'* being conducted over WSAI on cinnati finals will receive an all- as I please aU men in all things, them? the weekly Hi-Fi Club, also expenses paid trip to the area • I WONDER why Eddie not seeking mine own profit, but sponsored by the Coca-Cola Bot­ finals. Second place winners Mayfield visits W. Virginia State Why is it that Robert Knox the profit of many, that they tling Co. WSAl's "Wild Child" (all prizes are duplicate if an so often? Could doesn't come to Ciney any may be saveed." 1st Corenthians CHurch Is Man's Last Hope Mrs. Haley's Birthday —Dave Steere—conducts the ac­ act has more than one person) it be that Jen­ more? 10:32-33. tivities ot th Hi-Fi Club each DATE (WILD CHILD) STEERE \ will- receive portable four-speed nie M o b 1 y Is The Home Dept. of the Oak­ j well, Ruth Rice, Maude Wea­ Of Preventing Self-Destruction ver, Mary Seals, Rose Pettis, record players. Third place win­ . .ere or could Tcrrah Stanton, a certain • WORKING AGAINST, ley Av. Baptist church Sunday Jennie Allen, Pearl Ford, Ada ners will receive five-tube Mo­ it be love? young lady attending Walnut SHIPWRECK OF ONE'sl Area, which Includes Central school held its regular monthly Hills High school asked me to LIFE: "That thou mightcst war' The Christian Church repre­ meeting last Sunday afternoon Miller, Hazel Brunson, Mary torola clock radios. Who was thc and Southern Congo, delivered 1 sents thc last hope to save man Saunders,' Cecllc Toler, Florence HAPPENINGS WITH YOUTH Every contestant who com­ young lady that tell you that If you think you're a good warfare; Holding faith, two addresses to the convention. from 4-0, at the home of Mrs. from self-destruction, delegates Slaughter, Lillian Kelley, Nel­ petes will receive a special sou­ called Sandy stuck up you should see the pole and a good conscienec; which {Frances Haley, 356 Highland av. By Alona Collins to the Ohio Pastor's Convention IN ONE address he said that lie Money, Miss Harriett Haley, venir award. Carroll while outside of her house. some having put away concern­ .Mrs. Mary Seals, superinten­ ing faith have made shipwreck*' were told here by Rev. Dr. Har­ whether or not the people' of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Green, An­ Talentsvilie, U.S.A. is open to bis girl friend dent, presided. The Collins brothers have I Timothy 1:18-19. ry V. Richardson, president of Africa are ready, they are going drew Holey, Mrs. Fryer, and • CINCINNATI. — Hi! How has life been all boys and girls who arc in was there? Following a review of the cur­ quite a lot of clothes. I also hear the Interdenominational Theolo­ to have independence. the honored guest, Mrs. Haley. treating all of you wonderful people? All has grades 9 through 12. They need Could it have rent lesson by the pastor, Rev. that a certain Covington girl is gical Center, Atlanta. NEXT meeting will be held at been going fine for me, so far. only to be members of the Hi-Fi been B. G. ? "In some countries, there are Jacob Ashburn, those present VIRGINIA head over heels in love with Pe­ In the second of two addrees- the home of Mrs. Thomas Pettis, That party given by Leonard Matthews Fri­ Club. Drop down? MAYFIELD Council Post Coes a great many trained leaders. participated in the celebration ter, but his feelings are not •s before thc convention, at­ of Mrs. Haley's birthday. 248 S. Wheatland av. day night turned out to be a way out affair. quite the same. In others very few. Even without Among the large crowd seen having a real nice Who was the young man Betty tended by more than 2000 pas­ Smith met on the train in the To Rev: Nelson tors, in Veterans Memorial, the the background of university THE BIRTHDAY cake, beauti­ time were'Lois Grant, Ronnie Ward, .Ann Shine, • RALPH BATS is now education, the people have thc fully decorated, was made by Annual Tea Sponsored Frankie Futch, Peaches Brown, Barb Thurman, African 'Prince' Army suit? I hear he was the Negro leader In Interracial re­ known as the hest dancer in Cin­ Rev. Dr. Clarence T. R. Nel­ common sense and determina­ 'Mrs. Ada Miller and presented Donald Mason, Walt Walker, Joan Cooper, Clyde most, to say the least. conciliation, outlined four points Ezckiel Lodge F-AAY Masons ey. He dances better than his son, superintendent of thc Co­ to develop as he spoke. tion for their freedom" he as­ jto the guest of honor. In addi- Wilkinson, Raymond Clark and many others. will sponsor their anual tea on ALONA • KENNY JONES still hasn't teacher. ' . lumbus District of the Lexing­ serted. {tion, many beautiful cards and j "THE GIRLS," a name adopted by 10 Avon- Fades Out Quietly Sunday, Feb. 28, 3 to 6 p m., COLLINS ton Conference of The Methodist THE CHURCH, Dr.? Richard­ "Freedom will bring the pro­ handkerchiefs were given to her.' dale girls, arc throwing a terrible gig Saturday night. The party TOLEDO.—Several Toledo mi­ son said, must teach man "to 863 Mt. Vernon av. proceeds Church, is Ihe new recording se­ blem of .living together—there will be held from 9 until. nisters and hospital officials are recognize the necessity of the Those present were Mesda­ from their affair will go to the cretary of the Ohio Council of are 200 tribes in the Congo, for lodge charity fund. J H. Coles All of you who were invited, I yet in a dither, after a recent phenomenon of love in human re­ mes Edna Ferguson, Mary! COMMENTS ON THE NEWS Churches. He succeeds Rev. Dr. example. And education is very Washington, Marguerite Col-; is chairman. don't forget to come. You will the way he walks and carries brush with a stanger who styled lations" and must study ways clearly the biggest need in sol­ himself an African prince, heir J. Dallas Jenkins, pastor of in which it can be cultivated, be entertained by a tough com- his books? By Ray Paul Caldwell Temple AME Zion ving the problem" he said. bo. No party crashers will be Seems like Phyliss Williams to the throne of Upper Volta in transmitted and applied. French West aAfrica. church. BISHOP BOOTH pointed out allowed. is the main attraction every Bishop Newell S. Booth, a Me­ Services In Columbus Churches where she goes. The boys are The "prince," who introduced Dr. Nelson was chairman of that the church has provided • A MESSAGE to a certain • CINCINNATI. — We find ourselves in a thodist missionary in Africa for most of the eeducation so far Gay Street Baptist wondering what she eats, to get himself as Mujuba Catawayo, very unique position. For years we have been the Comity Committee of Uie many years, told the convention feroup of teenage boys and girls all of that I 24, arrived here from Miami by Columbus Area Council of Chur­ and the main intent ot the chur­ who try to be above themselves: lambasting the GOP for ignoring Negro's needs' that all of .Africa is on the move ch's program is providing the The doors always swing on welcome hinges at THE GAY A certain young lady sure was plane, penniless and minus cre­ ches in 1959. He was succeeded toward freedom. Bishop Booth, *'Thcre are better ways of gett­ glad to see Horace Clark come and constant manipulation of his votes. But now foundation for leadership." STREET BAPTIST CHURCH, 496 E. Gay St. (Corner Gay and dentials to prove his claim, but we find ourselves-wholeheartedly behind one of by Rev. Dr. I. Benjamin Pear- who Is the episcopal head of the Washington). U. G. Campbell, minister. Morning Worship— ing' up in the world than hitting to Hughes for this semester. She said h • was to enroll at the the ceiliny." their candidates. ce, a presiding elder of the AME d c n o m ination's Elizabethville 10:35 A. M.; Sunday Churcb School—9 A. M.; Communion and really digs him I University of Toledo. He com­ Zion church. A certain girl at Hughes has It is for this reason wc will not work as a Baptismal Service—(First Sunday Only) 3:30 P. M.; Special • ESSE QUAM Viderlans are plained of being In pain, so was Mrs. Elizabeth Shaw, a mem­ Sunday Evening Services as announced. a crush on Arnold Bray .of Ken­ giving a skatlngg party at the precinct executive this year. While we intend to Union Grove Baptist Hit Gospel Sing nedy Hts., but she'd better get rushed to Maumcc Valley hospi­ ber of the Hilltop Methodist Lincoln Hts. skating rink Feb. tal and later to St. Vincent's hos­ support Democratic candidates our support of church, is secretary of the Pub­ Caldwell Temple AME Zion rid of it before her boy friend Mrs. Cleo I. Hale will be 12. from 11:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. pital, where he passed a kidney the State Legislature will go to Att'y Floyd lic Affairs Committee of the finds out about it, and it'll be Black, who recently announced for that post. , guest, speaker on the program For Psalmaneers Worship and fellowship with purpose at Caldwell Temple AME It you haven't made other plans stone. Ohio Council of Churches. Zion, 524 E. Long st. J. Dallas Jenkins, minister. Churcb all over for her. personal relationship observing the senior choir's for that night, please try to go. Onr sixth anniversary at Union By JOHN S. WALKER school, 9:30 a m Morning worship, Ham. Christian Endea­ it is love, or Infatuation? Che- All. the Wyoming teeens really Mujuba disappeared from the with Black has little to do with mon-likc decisions in matters rle Roberts just can't decide hospital thc next day, but not *•*.".Grove- Baptis—r—Lt , church Sunda,., y" , at I On Jan. 31, the Psalmaneers, vor, 6:30 p. m Evening worship, 8 p. m. Midweek Praise. balled at that record hop Friday oar decision. of importance and the fact that Wednesday. 8 p. m. The Capital City's Temple of Methodism what her feelings are about night; especially some ot the before contacting several minis­ We have felt that Negroes he is both diplomatic while still Virginia Ashburn 7:30 p. m. Program will also'..^ George. ters, -one of whom, Rev. Ray­ feature several singing groups, d ^ gg ^j-^ pre. Mt. Olivet Baptist girls. They flirt, meddle, and should get behind one candi­ being a politico. 1 everything else, so I hear. mond K. Beals, gave him $10. date regardless of party affi­ from other local chuches. The sentation of- 1960 at ._...Caldwell, Visit next Sunday at Mt Olivet Baptist, 428 E Main st. "N« • THEY SAY the boy who re­ public is invited to attend. Hen­ cently came here from Colum­ Oh well I guess, this Is all for another promised to ask his liation and give that candidate • MR. BLACK'S background Plan Annual Tea AME Zion church. Creed But Christ." H Beecher Hicks, minister The Churcb at ry Tucker is chairman and Rev. bus', thinks he's about the cool­ now. Join mc next week for church to pay for the hospital unanimous support. We shall also qualifies him as an able Study, 9 am. The Church at Worship, 10:45 a. m. Baptist treatment. personality. He has always Mrs. Viola Jones, 330 High­ Phale D. Hale is pastor. The musicale featured selec­ est thing out. Have you noticed more of the latest haps. work unstlntingly to see that tions by the septet and also in­ Trunin, Union, 6pm The Churcb at Worship, 7:30 p. m. Rev. Beals contacted the Black gets that support. been associated with those of. land av., was hostess to the Vir­ h cluded readings by Mrs. Geor­ Second Baptist French consulate In N. York us who failed to reaeh the. ginia Ashburn Circle of Oakley Corrint ian Baptist • WHILE THERE are other highest level of the social _ Ira- • Av. Baptist Church, recently. gia Brandon and Miss Rhodell You're always welcome at 2nd Baptist, 186 N. 1 rth st C. F and was informed that a man in. ;;I(HII. ui..__•..->, ,.._._, —. Members of Corinthian Bap- [Edwards; Guest soloist on the'; Jenkins, minister. Church school, 9:15 a. m. Morning worship. Jns 1 what yoar doctor ordered..; had been traveling about the candidates seeking this office ta (the common man, if you The group discussed plans for we feel that the two Negroes, please, has been over used. observance of the annual Geor-J tist cnurch will be guests of program was soprano Patricia 10:45 a. m. Evening worship, 7 p. m. country representing himself as __k _a . _»-.!.;_.„__ _. Trlnllu Dantlel Black is eminently more quali­ The fact he had a burning . ge Washington tea, to be held Springhill Baptist church, 518 E Robinson of Trinity Baptist Shiloh Baptist African royalty and exploiting church. Prescriptions gullible Americans, even Cana­ fied by reason of background, ambition to become an attor­ Sunday, Feb. 21, 4-6:30 p m, at Long st., Sunday, Feb. 14, at 3 Come to Shiloh Baptist, Hamilton at Mt. Vernon avs. James W dians. close association with politics, ney, attended evening school the chyrch, corner of S. Oakley p. m. Rev. F. L. Jordan, the THE PSALMANEERS are Un­ Parrish, minister. Radio broadcast (WBNS), 8:15 a. m .• an attorney with the know-bow j and still provided for his fa­ av. nnd Sheridan st. pastor, will speak. der management and direction! Churcb school (children may be left with competent mothers The Toronto consulate report­ In legislative matters. ed that a man of the "prince's" mily, adds weight to the COMMITTEE chairmen are, The public is invited to at- , „ _ _, . _•_•-__ during worship), 9 am. Church at worship, 11 a. m. Contin Here your prescription We do not know the other Bcrnard thought that he is both aggres decorations, Mrs. Vivian By­ tend this service. The bus willj^ UPsnaw^pianist, ued Church school for small children, 11 a. m. Baptist Training description had been arrested candidate and for this reason are I Members of the Psalmaneers is filled with Profes­ there, but that his act had been sive and resourceful. num; hostesses, Mrs. Margue­ leave from in front of 2100 Alum include Elnora Smith, Harriet Union, 6 p. m. Evening worship, 7:30 p. m. Music by five choirs not in position to speak on his We can imagine thc shrieks rite Colwell and Mrs. Ruth Shel­ sional Precision. so fascinating that thc Univer­ attributes. Creek dr. Mrs. Artella Ferrell Jackson, Corrie Warner, Annet- Union Grove Baptist of our Democratic friends when ton; program. Mrs. .Ann Brown; Come to worship at Union Grove Baptist. 266 N. Champion Ave. sity of Toronto invited him. to As the camapigns wax war­ is reporter. ta McKennev. Mary Williams WO. 1-0535 give a lecture to students on how they read this and also thc cries menu, Mrs. Luella Skelton, Mrs. and Jerry M-wtalns. Phale D.. Hale, minister. Church school for all ages. 9 a. m mer we shall, of course have of betrayal. But we have always' Helen Green and Miss Harriett Present to enjoy a delicious Church at worship 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Nursery for ba­ to be an imposter. The consulate much to say in behalf of Black, Remarks were rendered by FREE DELIVERY suggested that he might actually followed the dictates of our con­ Haley; invitations, Mary Saun- repast were Marguente Colwell, bies and pre-school children while you worship.. Jr. churcb with but presently we can say wc science. m * I Vivia_.• • n Bynum__..«...•_. , HeleM_-t.I_*.l*n- Greenf»r*>***Tl , Revs. J Dallas Jenkins and planned worship on the level of children through age of 12 at ba the Philadelphia truck driver ders. have liked his easy-going and In this instance we feel that Ruth Skelton, Sidney Solomon, Leonard Coffin. The program 10:45 a. m. BTU for all ages, 9 p. m. Personal and family who was reported traversing this The group will meet next counseling by appointment CUFFS PHARMACY effective manner ot doing things. Floyd Black would sincerely LucUa Skelton and Mary Saun-'was officiated by Bishop RE continent Impersonating. Afri­ As an officer in the Masonic month at the home 6f Mrs. Vi­ | 3339 Montgomery Rd. Cincinnati, O. cans. make our best representative in ders. iGreen, order, we have noted his solo-;the State assembly. dian Bynum, 405 Clardon ay.

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§) THE BIBLE states—There Is a time to dance. To everything there is a season, nnd a time to every purpose under the Heaven. There is a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance. (Eccles. 3:4.) To dance is to move merrily SEE INSPECT in time with music. Anyone mon in private entertainments. i who likes music would naturally The "feast unto the Lord," like rhythm of dancing. Rhythm which Moses proposed to Phar- is a itlovement with a regular oah to hold, was really a dance. repetition of a beat, or accent. Women, among the Hebrew, Dancing is certainly not sinful made the dance their special I unless immoral actions, and means of expressing their feel­ thoughts, are connected with It. FIRST ANNIVERSARY of Union Grove Baptist church credit onion was celebrated last Sun­ ings, and so welcomed their hus­ . msm* ^^^^^mm -^-* . 0 day with election of officers for the year. Pictured from left: Prentiss Hill, Curtis Lewis, Orchid Personally, I like clean dancing bands or friends on their return Hale. Standing: Ike Burton, George Davis. Mattie Hughes, Arthlla Logan, James Hensley, John because I like music, which from battle. D. Cowans. Coffee hour In the lower auditorium of the church followed installation. — Carter gives, me great pleasure to .lis­ Photo. ten to, and put into effect. • FROM THE mention of "damsels," "timbrel" nnd • DANCE IS spoken of in Southgate Manor countries and political subdivi­ "dances" (Ps. 68:25; 149:3; Holy Scripture universally as 150:4) as elements of religious Seventh Day Adventists Conference sions listed by the United Na­ symbolical of some rejoicing, tions, Seventh Day Adventists worship, it may perhaps be in­ and Is often coupled for the sake ferred that David's feeling led are working in 189, only 24 small of contrast with mourning, as in Reports Membership Progress territories—such as Afghanistan, him to incorporate in its rites (Ps. 30:11; Matt 11:17.) Thou that popular mode of festive FREE ROUND-TRIPS SCHEDULED FOR SUNDAY VISITORS Andorra, Timor, and Yeman— has turned for me my mourning WASHINGTON.—According to 46,346 during 1958 to a grand to­ being as yet unentered. celebration. David's advice was ' into dancing: thou hast put off —"Praise God in dance, sing latest statistics published by the tal of 1,149,256. my sack cloth, and girded me Gen'i Conference of the Seventh These members, according to BELIEVING that medical mis­ praises unto Him, with timbrel sionary work should accom­ with gladness. Jesus said in His and harp. Praise God with all Day Adventist church, the deno­ church officials, are to be found testimony concerning John—We minational membership rose by all around the globe. Of the 213 pany the preaching of the word, kinds of instruments. Praise Adventists now operate 107 hos­ have piped unto you, and ye Him in His sanctuary, with the pitals and sanitariums, also 114 have not danced; we have sound of the trumpet, with the dispensaries and clinics, valued mourned unto you, and ye have timbrel and dance, with stringed at approximately $60,000,000.00. not lamented. instruments and organs." In these institutions are 421 phy­ In the earlier period, dancing sicians and 11,561 nurses and is found combined with some David danced before the Lord other workers. song or refrain, and with the with all his might, and he was tambourine "timbrel." girded with a-linen ephod (1 Forty-four publishing houses Sam. 6:14.) Issue literature in 218 languages • AND MIBIAM, the prophet. to a total value in excess of ess, took a timbrel in her hand, • IN THE earlier period of $20,000,000.00 annually. and all the women went out aft­ the Judges the dances of the vir­ gins in Shiloh were certainly ilDVENTIST colleeges and se­ er her with timbrel and with part of a religious festivity. condary schools number 324, dances. (Exod. 15:20.) And the servants of Achish said, unto If the daughters of Shiloh with 3142 teachers and an enroll­ him, "Is not this David, the come out to dance, then come ye ment of 46,423. Their elemen­ king of the land? Did they not out of the vineyards, and catch tary schools total 4568 with 8650 sing one another of him In you every man his wife etc. The management of Southgate Manor Apartments cordially invite you and your friends to a "free" round-trip visit to this wonderful subur­ teachers and 226,719 pupils—the dances?" (1 Sam. 21:11.) (Judge 21:19-23.) . ban residential center this SUNDAY, FEB. 14. Two trips are scheduled from the noar-Eastsid e: 1 P. M. from Neighborhood House, and" entire educational program be­ 3*15 P M from Beatty Recreation Center. No strin_j_ attached I Just bundle up the family and board our bus at one of these locations. Dancing formed.a part of thc Dancing also had its place ing carried on without state or among merely festive amuse­ Join us on a free escorted tour of SOUTHGATE MANOR APARTMENTS and see for yourself what wonderful luxuries await newcomers to religious ceremonies of the our growing community. The entire trip takes less than 2 hours. DON'T MISS IT! • federal help. Egyptians, and was also com­ ments apart from any> religious character. In Jesus* parable of the Lost Son—The elder son was in the SUNDAY, FEB. 14 - BUS ARRIVES 12:30 P. H. SUNDAY, FEB. 14 -- BUS ARRIVES 2:45 P. M. J field; and as he came and drew Pierce *> Son nigh to the house, he heard mu­ NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE - 800 LEONARD AYE. BEATTY RECREATION (ENTER - 247 N. OHIO AVE. sic and dancing. (Luke 15:25.) DEPARTS -1 P. M. RETURNS - 2:30 P. H. DEPARTS - 3:15 P. M. RETURNS • 4:45 P. M. O virgin of Israel: thou shalt again be adorned with thy tab- Florist & Photo Studio rets, and shalt go forth in the dances of them that make mer­ __ ' ry. Then shall the virgin rejoice 823 E. Long St CL. 8-3533 in the dance, both young men Serving Columbus & Central Ohio For 14 Years and old together: for I will turn "A WONDERFUL PLACE UP A FAMILY..." Brides! Here's Your One-Stop Center For Wedding Invita­ their mourning into joy, and will downtown Columbus* "Broad and High." SOUTHGATE MANOR APARTMENTS comfort them, and make them Of course—you want the very best for your tions, Floral Arrangements, Bouquets, Corsages, Bouton- Here's luxurious living for ALL . . . whether and solely for the convenience of our resi­ rejoice from their sorrow. (Jer. family. That's why you should visit Luxurious nieres and Photographs With Savings Up to 25% you own a car or not. SOUTHGATE MANOR dents. This truly is the ideal place to bring 31:4.13.) . SOUTHGATE MANOR APARTMENTS. Choose from one, two and three-bedroom APARTMENTS NOW operate our own FREE up a family ... modern equipped playgrounds PHOTOGRAPHY IN YOUB HOME OR suites with large living room, compact kitch­ Bus Service to key Columbus Transit Lines away from the dangers of traffic-jammed en and comfortable bedrooms. Enjoy subur­ PLUS regularly scheduled, round trips to the streets . . . FREE bus transportation to and IN OUR STUDIO NOTICE Miracle Mile Shopping Center. This is just from school for ALL school-age children . . . I ban living just a few minutes away from good shopping facilities and 18 minutes from another of many PLUS features exclusive at the lowest rental rates in the city, See Oar Large Assortment LUCY DEAN ••Sirs of Funeral Sprays and Special Arrangements Play School RENT TILL MARCH f • i l-Bedr—in unf urn. W-99 336 Wilson Ave. 2-Bedroom uaiurn. $T7.5» Funeral Sprays announces a 6-day week AU RENTALS INCLUDE at-Bedrooizk U-turn. WJS* Nursery and Kindergar­ See oar mode! apartment fur­ ten Pickup starting at 6 nished by GUelr.'s. Completely a. ;nl. Delivery starting furnished 2-bedroom apart­ OFFICE OPEN ment (available on short term at 4 p. m. Ag*s2_ to l-l. FREE HEAT! Rates on family basis. 2099 ALUM (REEK DRIVE DAILY 9 TO 9 CL 8-8444 lease). .,:,. Free Citywide Delivery CL. 9-1115 CL. 3-2230 , Hannah Barnett, Directress j Hubert Barnett, Manager -i.il r - • •AT11RDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1060 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 27 PAGE 26 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, I960

": $

HONORS WENT TO TWO ot the oldest active real estate brokers in Ohio at the Columbus Ass'n of Real Estate Brokers THESE MEMBERS OF THE YOUTH committee of Union Grove Baptist church observed annual dinner meeting and Installation recently. Pictured are Tooth week at the church Jan. 31, through Feb. 6. They are, left to right: Amos White, advisor; the honorees, left to right: J. W. Williams, S. D. Hooker, hold in.. Ronald Stinson, Doris Lewis, Jeannette Staggers. Phale D. Hale Jr., Cheryl Lytle, Audrey Nor­ citations, and Mrs. Amnion Brown, member of the board, ona man, James Toll.ver and Mrs. Vivian Bradley, advisor. Hetty Layne is general chairman and of the mainstays of the croup. Rev. Phale D. Hale is pastor. BLESSINGS John Stan- Start I960 Right! Will Your Child 1 to 3 Day Special Blessings Available. Private Readings You Are Neva. Helped — • . Unless You Try. - * Be Born Normal? Far Information write to: • THE CHANCES are 15 to 1 fects. Research and patient aid P.O. Box 1922 that every child borri in the U.S. supported by the March of Di­ Cleveland 6, Ohio will be born normal and healthy. mes is battling against the odds SW. 1-9GM But despite these tremendous toward this, America's greatest John Starr odds in their favor, 250,000 ba­ unmet childhood need. BLESSINGS bies per year (685 per day) are born with significant birth de- Birth defects (known medical­ ly as congenita] malformations) refers to those malformations •^v^wSw^wSwtv which are caused before birth and not injuries, produced In the AU FABRICS 10VE act ot birth Itself. • THE TWO general causes of birth defects are flaws In the germ cell Itself (heredi­ tary) and factors acting on the young embryo in the mo­ FABRI-SHEEN ther's body (envlroment). Known factor* affecting the — unborn cbUd are virus attacks. Infections, excessive X-rays, certain powerful drugs and "THE TWO ON THE END ARE FREE." explains Coca-Cola chemicals. To find the speci­ driver-salesman Steve Kyle as he presents an eight bottle carton - fic causes of the 600 or more of tbe "Pause That Refreshes" to Mrs. Norris Thompson Jr., known birth defects will take manager of Nn-Way Carryout, 1085. Mt. Vernon av. The "free'' the next fifty years and many . bottles are offered for a limited time only In the big 12 ox. bot­ SWAN CLEANERS millions of dollars. tles, eight for the price of six at most food stores and carryouts In Columbus. In 1959 grants to nine medical Exclusive Dry (leaning schools and hospitals end one st.it. department marked the be­ Heart Treatment COLUMBUS Woolens, miracle fabrics, rayons, silks, cot­ ginning of research in congenita] FUNERAL DIRECTORY tons — all fabrics love the special beauty malformations suppor ted by The year 1960 will witness the : clean . that Swan's exclusive Fabri-Sheen March.of Dimes funds. development of new life-saving Plus gives them! Pamper your wardrobe— methods of preventing and treat­ - -BROOKS insist on the special treatment .of Fabri- BUT TOMORROW'S re­ ing heart disease and strokes, it FUNERAL HOME INC Sheen Plus that does so much more than search is too late for those al­ was predicted by Dr. Paul Dud­ 1108 E Long St. just clean your garments! ready born. To them the new ley White, dean of American CL. 3-1411 March of Dimes offers new hope cardiologists and national hon­ I a through new methods and ope­ orary co-chairman of the cur­ CROSBY FUNERAL •9> Sun. Feb. 14th, Chan. 6, WTVN-TV, 2 P. M. rations developed at a series of rent 1960 Heart Fund campaign. HOME "THE BEST OF PRO-FOOTBALL" experimental treatment centers 'Tho House of Friendly to be located around the town- Service" Washington Redskins vs. New York Giants I try in the tradition of the fami­ CONTAINS EVERYTHING 1072 £. Long St liar polio rehabilitation centers. "Love is a short word but It CL. 2-1555 • REALIZING that many fa­ contains everything." ... WILLIAMS St McNABB milies will not be able to afford MORTUARY, INC the expensive treatment and FUNERAL HOME equipment often needed by the AHfrimiSi 818 E. Long St {patient*. The National Founda­ I have been wonderfully blessed CL. 8-9521 tion will "offer patient aid to in being able to return U> active children \B and under with cer­ life after suffering from head to C D. WHITE St SONS tain defects of the spin, and foot Willi muscular soreness and FUNERAL HOME • skull as soon as money becomes pain.' Most all joints seemed af­ 1217 Mt. Vernon Ave. available. fected. According to medical CL. 8-1514 diagnosis, I had Rheumatoid You, can help by giving until MRS. D. A. WHITTAKE* YOU CAN HAVE THE 0M0 SENTINEL MAILED TO YOUR HOME WEEKLY Ni it hurts. Arthritis, Rheumatism and Bur­ sitis, For free information write: AND SONS, INC. If you do not regularly receive The Ohio Sentinel and would like to be­ FUNERAL HOME Address come a weekly subscriber you may do ao !?^^^fM^^^__«_S INCH A MONTH MRS. LELA S. WIER 720 E. Long St- 2*05 Arbor Hills Drive - 391 and mailing it to the Circulation Department, The Ohio Sentinel, 690 K. Loai-St. Hai. on the ..._._• grows .it the i CL. 8-9549 CHy P. O. Box 2695 The Above List Includes (Rumbus fol Ohio. Your check or money order for .6.50 will cover payment rate of about three-quarter of an II STORES AU OVER TOWN Jackson, Mississippi Members Of The Columbus for one year. J inch a month. Funeral Ass'o J

- sis^&sps^^


To reserve IN THE JAZZ IDIOM Ming's Chop Suey dates for • Parlies »? Resfauranl • Dances "Jazz and Narcotics • Banquets Fin_st Cantonese and • Weddings American Dishes • Receptions By JOHN S. WALKER Legal Beverages Amusements Special Price — Carryout CALL To List Your Attraction or Service Telephone CLearbrook 3-7416 • THROUGH A FEW unfortunate happenings in the past Open llaM A. M. Harnett's there seems to be oil overwhelming attempt to place jo" musi­ Till t:*M A. M. White House, VILLAGE TAVERN cians and lovers in the same category as pertaining to the socio, Inc. FREE PARKING. IZ19 MT. VERNON -VS. evil—narcotics. A.M. S-S153 Sarah Vaughan Heals AVAILABLE Calameaa, O. Wl.il--: it is true that some ot HU. t-9305 Serving tha People m and thc household ot jazz who suc­ Because of economic and so­ CL. 9-StAi •MM Around Poindexter Village cumb to the weakness o£ their cial dangers Negro jazzmen 31 N. Nelson Rd. Indianola Ave. tlEKR, WINE GOOD FOOD have fallen victims to these All Star Show For OSU Opeo 1AM.. Claa* IP. M. wills have been indulgent in this at E. Long SL CHKS1IX. E. WHIT*., Opr. evil, it should not be used as practices mostly as a matter of Patronize Sc.il»n«.l Advertisers' S.....1. Vaughan, the "Divine • 's Apollo theatre to take circumstances. Surah" of the popular musical. part in an amateur show and a springboard to condemn fal­ sely the musicians and followers It's to be expected when men world, wiU be the featured per-j walked off with her fir.st profes- are not permitted to express former at the I960 Otiio Slate : sional job and an open avenue to PUBUC of bop as a whole. Meet Your Friends A t Greek week show ot Mershon . stardom. -. There are many problems so­ themselves except in galleries auditorium Feb. 12, al 8 p. m. j Since 1947, Miss Vaughan has I NOTICE cial, mental and spiritual that and bistros that a- c contamina­ One of the most recorded ; been acknowledged as one of the j cause men to submit to practi­ ted with sensualism. Due to pressing demand* voices available to the pop mu-, world's all-time great jazz sing- • ces of self-destruction. Only a firm belief in God, and in Other area* I have re­ COLU.MBUS BRANCH NAACP Is "favorite service organization" of Miss Rhenetta Davis, sic connoisseur, Miss Vaughan ers. It has only been during thc j Jazz • is an abstraction. The that He alone can raise us over is consistent in quality and de-jlast seven years, though, that' linquished all my inter­ men who dedicate their lives to the weak. January winner of "Miss Blue Ribbon" citation Riven by Scioto Beverages Co., Columbus are* lightfully unpredictable in style, j.she has started receiving rave] ests in ownership and jazz also live with un overwhel­ distributor of Old Original Pabst Bloc Ribbon Beer. A |M savings bond "for the charity or ser­ management of • AS ONE who has expe­ vice organization of the winner's own choice" and a plaque are the awards to be received month­ REVIEW LOUNGE (-.quipped with a remarkable [ notices as a topflight commcr- ming sense of social inferiority rienced the evils of drugs and range, her voice has been favor- [clal pop singer. To this field she ly by "Miss Blue Ribbon" honorees. Miss Davis is shown here presenting the bond to Mrs. L. P. DOWNTOWN COLUMBUS AT its effects, it can be done with ably compared to everything has brought the new sound of CLUB REGAL • HENCE, WHEN sot enga­ Henderson, I960 NAACP Freedom Fund chairman, with Crone Chenaault, national sales represen­ love. from an organ to a full choir. her dynamic vocal instrument, .72'. E. Long St. ged in musical communication, tative for Pabst, looking on from left and Dick Kendall, special representative of Scioto Beverages It seems strange that those without peer in the industry. ColunibiM, Ohio remain in the most part alone, Co., holding plaque. Miss Davis is employed at Sanford Roan's Rosy Korner Lounge, 320 Taylor 165 E. LONG ST. COR. OF 4TH AT IS, SHE walked self-con­ who condemn jazz as being evil Effective Feb. S, Its* gathering with others only in av. "Miss Blae Ribbon" is to be selected monthly from barmaids and waitresses employed by sciously into the spotlight at A .CONSISTENT popularity are the ones who accept evils, Mrs. Frances B. Thurman places which transmit a jazz at­ firms selling Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer.—Pierce Photo. poll winner as the nation's top J PLENTY OF FREE PARKING mosphere. such as adultery, birth limita­ • j -__ - - . asm -• —-. .. Open For Business feminine vocalist, the name of Often in the mannerisms of a tion and cuthenasla, as. modem j Sarah Vaughan is synonymous jazzman, his clothes, his habits, living. On The Job PYTHIAN GRILL LIQUOR • BEER QUALITY FOOD BAR (with inspired singing. As wit- such .as shades etc.. will in, With full view of the weak­ "Jitney Roy" Langdon et The "Biggest Utile Grill Specializing in Home jness to her incredible popularity, most cases, be,a badge of mem­ ness of man and his gross inhu­ Io Columbus" Cooked Food she ia in constant demand for bership to readily distinguish manities I can see why we fail. GOOD EATS SHOP PRICES ARE LOW HERE Beer _. Wine To Carryout return appearances wherever WINE* FOOD Open Daily 11:» to 1 A. M. himself from other societies of With my experience, both in The Best In Home-Cooked Food ^^^ S60 ML Vernon Ave. she has played. OPEN DAILY 7:..0 *.:..•) A. M. SUNDAY It-.:*.• A. M. James V. Anthony, Prop. the world which lock soul and the Korean war amongst hos­ 337 N. 20th St. I _ CL.3-OOW 663 MT. VERNON AVE. . Sharing the spotlight with Miss tilities and in peace amongst "Jitney Roy" Langdon. Prop. Vaughan for the Greek week who do not understand these re­ at LEXINGTON the jungle dwellers of hypocrisy POPULAR PRICES (13 Yrs. at Present" Location) show will be the Kai Winding luct antness of the average jazz­ ROYAL GRIU KITCHEN septet. The Winding group, man to accept society. and commercialism, I have WE'VE A FINE REPUTATION made up of four trombones and In jazz you must call a spade seen very little of the love that FOB FINE FOOD ft SERVICE thlee rhythm instruments, rep­ a spade. Christ spoke of long ago. SKYLINE BAR •TOPS" ALLISON, Prop. resents "Trombone Sound" at • GREAT MUSICIANS in Serving 752 E. Long St. CL. 24177 Relax and Refresh in the Intim its peak. WE bop, such as Gene Ammons, Tickets for tti. show, in a va­ mm 1 Chorlie Parker, Fats Navarro, S. American Tour riety of price ranges, are avail­ LIQUOR - BEER Liquor, Beer, Food Wardell Gray and James Moody, Doily 10 A. M. to 2:30 A. M. BURKES PLACE able at tiie Mershon auditorium CHAMPAGNE are a few examples of men who 1157 NOKTM 4th ST. Free Parking Ia Bear ticket office, 15th av. and High could not stand the pressures of For Clara Ward Cor. Long & Hamilton CL. 2-0228 Cola-abas, O. Atmosphere of the st. Closed Sunday tho world. Impressed with Clara Ward's WHISKEY When these pressures of social sensational tour of Europe last BEES, WINE. FOOD year, S. America is beckoning 21 SHRIMP and emotional turmoil attack a Singles — Doubles man he seeks a type of release. to the world-famous gospel sin HUDSON CARRY OUT IN A BASKET The strong will find a. har- ger to bring her fire-brand spi CL. 8-0056 LIQUOR 198 Miller Ave. TURNER'S HICKORY Beer • Wine Ibor but those who are weak suc- ritual music for a series of con­ NOW FEATURING fccumb to practices of aelf-des- certs that will cover a major n RESTAURANT OR Fish • French Fries portion of thc continent. Cnbe Steaks nctlon to ease his mind "ERMANDO'S PIZZA IS2H E. Lang St. When Clara Ward launches CABBY-OUT OB DELTVEB- 6RIU Food Beet Ta Carrjroat When drinking fails him he 9% Beer - Wine - Whiskey seeks other ways to rid his soul her S. American tour with a • Beer • Wine • Champagne • Party Snacks HOME COOKED FOODS Champion ft aft. Veraoa CL. 2 93H BAY REDMAN. Prop of his bitterness. Usually, as a grand opening celebration in • Groceries • Lunch Meats BAR t» CA 4-0SS8 **W—7 [result, he turns to narcotics. Rio de Janiero on Easter Sun­ Emotional pressure is one of day, it will mark the first time AIL LEGAL BEVERAGES [ the tragic things that can ever in history that a gospel singing KATE'S Old Trail Barbecue The Coldest Beer in Town' be leveled at a man. group has traveled to the huge Fine Home-Cooked Food When people around the jazz­ contnent. Excellent Food • 971 Mt. Vernon Ave. CL. 2-0631 • man cannot understand his pro­ Called "The Little Giant of Daily 6 A. M. to 9 P. M. blems, his desire to find peace Gospel Music" in a national ma- OASIS Reasonable Prices TAVERN Kate Earl - Prop. within himself, he remains a no­ ezine article a few weeks ago, "11 Years on The Avenue" • madic romaticist comforting and Miss Ward is rapidly becom­ CIRCLE BAR & GRILL mm destroying himself through the ing one of thc most sought after LIQUOR • BEER * WINE particular social evils of our American entertainers abroad. • Served In A Congenial Atmosphere MICKEY'S (.«*UX day. 941 MT. VERNON AVE. IMS N. Fourth St. • PARKER, Navarro and Cor. First Ave. Gray ended up destroying them­ Sarah Vaughan Coming Our New Cocktail Lounge Will Be Open Soon Everyone is Welcome at The Sarah Vaughan trio and Beer, Wine. Whiskey . selves. Others like Moody, .Am Home Cooked Foods mons and Sonn_y, Rollins have Kai Winding Septet will replace WE SPECIALIZE IN been able to find out the folly of Johnny Mathis at Mershon au- RED HOT CHIU ditorium on Feb. 12. L-B: Loaise Jackson, Mer.; Rose Lynch, Prop.; sclf-destructin habits. HICKORY BAR Daisy Palmer and Betty Scraecs. Barmaids a < I Newly Decorated • Southern Tea 'In The Heart of the Hilltop* TRY OUR "WONDERBURGERS," WOW! CHANCE CARRY-OUT BEER St WINE Room — WHISKEY M THIRD FLOOR ASSEMBLY HALL UQUOR # BEER • FOOD PIZZA 2369 W. BROAD ST. BR. 4-0432 With Divided Area Meet Vou, Friend* Mac. Rose Lynch, Mgr. Loaise Jackson. Prop. DANCING AND MUSIC Chicken Dinner a Every To Accommodate Small or Large Groups BY DOC PAYNE COMBO Sunday Home Fried Pie. 0P« DAILY j A. M.-2:30 k. M. SUNDAY II A. M. - 2:30 A. M. 401 CLEVELAND AVE, CA. 1-0219 I Ideal For Parties & Dances 618 E. LONG ST. Daily. Weekly Or Monthly Rates Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday Kite Home Cooked Ptea oJLMf»»h< ,ffc_..i « Office Rooms Available Also Plate Lunches, CA. 1-9038 1478 OAK ST. at MILLER AVE. CL. 2-0287 Saodwichea . >%*\ • - • «».. I

• • PAGE8L PAGE SO THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1960 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, I960 THE OHIOSENTINKL _ ' • ' TELEVISION-RADIO SERVICE 1 COLUMBUS AREA DEATHS IF YOU CAN AFFORD TO RENT.., (ENTER • ANDEBSON, George, 1014 av., Jan. 26. Survived by sisters, Lynch, Detroit, brothers, sis­ SPECIALIZING IN Market at Interment Eastlawn Rebecca Taylor, River Rouge, ters, other relatives. Interment * RADIOS . TV — STEREO — HI-FI SETS by Brooks. Mich., Ruth Harris, Eqsie Pur Eastlawn by Williams and Mc­ die; aunt, Hilda Carpenter; son, Nabb. PICK UP and DELIVERY • BATTLE, Clarence, 541 Franklin Taylor; uncle, Robert DAILY Hamilton av., Jan. 29, Survived Carpenter. Interment Eastlawn • PHELPS, Myrtle WiUiama, YOU CAN OWN A HOME IN 9 A. M. To 9 P. M. by wife, Ramona M.; son, Amos by Whittaker. 70 N. Garfield av., Jan. 28. Sur­ 1043 ST. CLAIR AVE. Miller; mother, Mattie Parks, vived by sister, Gertrude Crews; brothers, sisters, sisters-in-law, • BROWN, John L., 222 S. brother, Fred Givens; cousins, brothers-in-law, other relatives. Wheatland av., Jan. 25. Survived • • • AX. 9-8137 Lucy McGlnnis, Stella Clark. •• • Interment Griffin, Ga., arrange­ by wife, Florence; daughters, Interment Green Lawn by Whit­ ments by Williams and McNabb. Victoria Brown, Dorothy Gas- taker. kins, Juanita Steward; son, . • BELL, Mary Lou, 527 John D.; sister, Flossie Bailey; • SMITH, Viola M., 99 N. Boone st., Jan. 22. Survived by brothers. Earl and Emanuel; LOCKE'S BARBER SHOP husband, Joseph, other relatives. daughter-in-law, Mercedes; Grant av.. Grove City. Survived Interment Eastlawn by Williams sons-in-law. Earl Brown, Na- by daughters, Betty J. Blakely, Expert Tonsorial Service —Creator* of Process Styles and McNabb. th..H.i_l Steward, grandchildren, Cora L. Willard, Urbancrest; sons, Richard D. Finney, Brook­ . i Wilbur Locke, Prop. nephews, other relatives. Inter­ ft BR ANNUM, Forest J., ment Union by Whittaker. lyn, N. Y., Jack Carter, Chica­ Frank Ludaway—Robert Young—-Cheater Crumpler 801 *_ Mt. Vernon av., Jan. 27. go, Theophilus Smith, grand­ i Survived by wife, Mildred; nep­ • DAVIDSON, Vinnie, 317 S. children, great-grandchil dren. hew, Milton Winslow; sister-in- Interment St. Joseph by Brooks. and it's the best Oakley av., Jan. 28. Survived by EXPERT WATCH & JEWELRY REPAIR law, Thelma Taylor; uncle, Al­ wife, Luvada; sister, Gertrude • STARKS, George, 298 E. bert Fukway, other relatives. Lewis; brothers, Vivian (Buck) 4th av., Jan. 29. Survived by Interment Green Lawn by Whit­ and Emanuel, nieces, nephews, sons, Paul C. and Madison H., 917 HI. Vernon Ave. taker. other relatives. Interment sol­ grandchildren, great-grandchil­ Open Daily 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. —• Closed On Monday • BROWN. Cennie, 534 W. 1st diers section Green Lawn by dren, other relatives, close Whittaker. friend, Bessie Pannell. Inter­ ment Union by Williams and • DEARING, Addie Mae, 662 McNabb. Mt. Vernon aav., Jan. 27. Surviv­ ed by husband, Thomas; sons, . • WATSON, Carl H., 544 Hut- Gola, Raymond and Claude Han­ ton pi., Jan. 27. Survived by dy , daughter, Dora Brookins; wife, Glenna; sons,. James E. EXCLUSIVE | HIGH-POWER sisters, Catherine Boyd, Annie and Sp/4C Aaron H., in Ger­ Poindexter; brother, Frank many; niece, Jean Seabright, Boyd, grandchildren. Interment Cleveland; uncle, George Wat­ OFFER! FLASHLIGHT Green Lawn by Whittaker. son, other relatives. Interment Union by Williams and McNabb. with red warning blinker • DEVINE, Delia R . 1619 Pembroke av., Jan. 24. Survived • WILSON, Buddy, 443 N. ' by sisters, Alma Jackson, Em­ Monroe av., Jan. 29. Survived by ONLY AA. WITH AN ma Salee, Sandusky, O.; broth­ wife, Lizzie; sister, aunts, Lula er, Rollie Reed. Harrodsburg, Wilson, Daisy Lowry, other rela­ • • MJi OIL CHANGE Ky., nieces, nephews, grand- tives. Interment Eastlawn by less nieces, grand-nephews, other Williams and McNabb. •ATTtlltS relatives. Interment Green Lawn by White. • WILSON, Florence Crump, 71 Winner av. Survived by sis­ DON'T MISS THIS LOW COST. ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME • GIVENS, Charlie Henry, ters, Lula SmothersnMrs. Willi© 589 Woodland av., Jan. 28. Sur­ Smith; nephew, Lawrence vived by wife, Hattie; brother, James, Chicago; cousin J.se- HOME BUYING OPPORTUNITY! James; sister, Willa Bell Taylor, phine Ray, Akron. Interment sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, Green Lawn by Brooks. ' other relatives. Interment Car­ For less than the price of rent, you can now own a modem six-room ranch style lisle, S. C, arrangements by home in Southfield. Spacious homes, landscaped yards, all city improvements Williams and McNabb. and" utilities. Only 250 Southfield homes will be available—get your reservation HOWELL, Rufus P., 231 Taylor av., Jan. 22. Survived by in now. No down payment required. Only $71.50 a month. The only require- wife, Roma; sons, Carl and Mer­ rill; stepdaughter, Alberta Nap­ .T.ei.tR: A steady job, satisfactory credit rating, and only $200 cash to cover per Whiting; stepson, Harvey closing costs. Harris; brother, Wesley; grand­ daughters, Margcrite F o u 1 I z, r| KIT COIN Check these fine features: tLIVINn G ROOM Los Angeles, Jeanette Hodge, lO'-TMl'-O" | i • 3 Large Bedrooms • Big Living Room other relatives. Interment Green i*14'' - 8" * !2'-0" • Modern Bathroom Lawn by Whittaker. let lis Help • Beautiful Kitchen • Automatic Gaa Heat • Garbage Diapostl • perfect for auto and homo use taChn-Ji _ a red blinker starts after short warm-up • JACKSON, Louisa, 2263 • Laundry Room • Asphalt Tile Floors o operates on four standard o unconditionally guaranteed against Martha st., Jan. 31. Survived by Safe Course • Copper Plumbing • 5 Large Clo.et* flashlight batteries factory defects daughter, Valerie Warren; moth­ With property values FLOOR PLAN features step-savin* design, maximum Hiring er, Mary Johnson; stepfather, and building costs on OFFER GOOD UNTIL MARCH 31" Leonard Johnson; brother, Odes- the rise, the safest area including big famUy-slie living room, hi* kitchen with ter Harris; son-in-law, Henry course is to make sure dining space. Warren, grandchildren, other your fire insurance fully relatives. Interment Green Lawn protects your home. by Whittaker. Check with us now. AND YOU PAY: PEYTON'S ) STATIONS • JOHNSON, Sarah, 1567 E. Long st., Jan. 25, Survived by niece. Interment Eastlawn by "FOUR STATIONS TO SERVE YOU" NO DOWN PAYMENT! I White. Earl Hood Monroe & Long. Taylor & Long • RICHARDSON, Eugene, Insurance Agency 218 Briar at.. Jan. 24.. Survived MONTH by wile, Mattie; sisters, Pearl 976 E. Long CL, 2-4-1 2Mb & Leonard $1. (lair & Mt: Vernon 'Member $7150Lo*w monthly payments includes Martin, Ada Jameson. Interment ML Vernon Ave. District Eastlawn by Whittaker. tnxes and insurance. ATLAS TIRES, BATTERIES AND ACCESSORIES Improvement Aasoetatles • RUSSELL, Cloyd, 531 Don­ 7 aldson st., Jan. 26. Survived by VISIT OUR OPEN HOUSE, 3090 Fairwood Ave. — FOR ROAD SERVICE CAU CL. 8-1440 LEADING COLUMBUS res- Daily — from 12 Noon to 7 P. M. Go south on High Nina Russell, stepson, Roscelle taurantenrs are twitching to Preston; stepdaughter, Helena to Livingston, east on Livingston to Lockbourne Road, Families Relocated Due To Highway Construction Hav* Priority .'kZol Home Made Breads. aouth on Lockbourne to Southfield, Watch for signs.

tWpil. laj^i-T«)^a.iWi>1g|iaIg,-rfM-IMg^ l !WW»)><>»W»t»»«l|l»i>l«ll>l|>W>l|^l|llMMl*_—Wll«ll»a«»»aMII II III! l'lHJ^"3U"_y;J.'..'. ..r:r~:' ' '' ---MaKlS WMU - * «•.';* PAgE8f PAGE 32 x THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13.1960 SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 13; 1.60 THE OHIO SENTINEL PUBLIC NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE APTS., ROOMS FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT I , I « I • I i . 1 I •—i-* mm ADS OOMMON PLEAS COURT, Melvin Scott, whose last add­ UNFURNISHED 3-room apart­ OFFICE for rent. Ideal for busi­ Grocers, Beer and Wine Carryouis MISC. SERVICES TAH TOWN TOPICS FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO. ress is unknown, will take notice ment. Strictly private, heat, ness or professional mon or ABE EASY TO PLACE No. 206256-John L. and Ger­ that on Dec. 31, 1959, Hortense electric, water furnished. CL. woman. Inquire Charles Por­ DISCOUNT TV. More service, trude Bowles, Plaintiffs, vs. A. Scott filed her petition in the 2-0431. $15 week. ter. 50 Hamilton Pk., CA. less cost CL. 2-8483. JUST DIAL 8-4815. ST. CLAIR CARRY OUT Russell Brown, et. al., Defen­ Common Pleas Court of Frank­ LOVELY, modern, furnished, 3- dants. lin County, Ohio, Division of Do­ 505 SL Clair Ave. Columbus. O. CL. 2-0232 PAPERHANGING, plaster re­ 0. 3-7416 bedroom apartment %with tile MISC. SERVICES Groceries, Meats, Confectionery, Ice Cream pairs. Work guaranteed. Call A Courteous Want Ad Taker Russell Brown, whose last mestic Relations, in Cause No bath on third floor. Modern known address is 505 Armstrong Wine and Beer to Carry Out AM. 8-7361 after 6 p. rn. Will Help You Word 98895, praying for a divorce from I kitchen. Also a 3-room apart­ St., Columbus, Ohio, is hereby COLUMBUS LAUNDRY him on the grounds of wilful ab­ ment on 22nd St. near Long Joe Moore, Prop. Your Ad. notified that on Oct. 17, 1959, St DRY CLEANING STOP AT Want Ad Readers, sence for more than one year I with shared bath. CL. 8-5645. John L. and Gertrude Bowles last past and gross neglect of 906 Mt. Vernon Ave., Col's., O. JEFFS POOL ROOM Per Line •*» filed a petition as plaintiffs in ' FURNISHED apart m c n t s. 1 MAYHUGH and SON (Count Five Words Per Line) duty, and asks temporary and 818 MT. VEBNON AVE. CL. 3-2021 1218 MT. VEBNON AVE. the Common Pleas Court of permanent custody of their mi­ room and kitchen, married Family and Bachelor Bundles Cigars, Candles and Ice Cold MINIMUM CHARGE :. .75 Franklin County, Ohio, in Cause couples only, close to bus, pri­ Drapes, Blankets, Repairs ft HOURS DAILY 7 A. M. TO 6 P. M. Display Want Ads, nor children. Chart Bonita, age Beer and Wine To Carryout Soft Drinks No. 206356, praying for cancel­ 9 years, and Tanda Marl, age 5 vate parking. AM. 2-0582. Alterations Per Inch 8L48 lation of a land contract entered The Store With The Friendly Atmosphere DEADLINES years. Said cause will be for 2-ROOM apartment, unfurnish­ FLORINS RAMSEY, Mgr. SAM'S into on the 9th day of August, hearing on or after Feb. 20, 1960 Quality Meats and Oroeerlea — Miles M. Mayhugh, Prop. Readers: Wednesday Noon. 1955, between the plaintiff-sell­ ed, 475 ML Vernon av. $15.per C. L. RAMSEY, Prop. Free City-Wide Delivery SHINE PARLOR —Webster S. Lyman, Jr., Att'y week. AX. 0-5826. Display: Tuesday 5 P. M. ers and the defendant-buyer. 1-9, 16;~_3, 30; 2-6, 13, 1960. 838 N. Mtb SL, Columbus. O. Prop.. SAMUEL PENSON The plaintiff-sellers allege HOUSE FOR RENT LONG & GRANT PUBLIC NOTICE that the contract has been INFORMATION Used Clothing Store SMITH'S GOODWIN'S jig »«) HALF DOUBLE house, 2 bed­ breached by the defendant-buy­ Cor. Long ft Grant ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF ALLA BABA SHRINE TEMPLE rooms, newly decorated, chil­ Fresh Fruits, Vegetables KRESGE i l SEAL ESTATE er and that the contract should We bay and seU ladle* and CONFECTIONERY be vacated, set aside and held will sponsor a city,vide paper, dren accepted. 1230 Wager st. Groceries A* Meats PLUMBING CO. 331 GALLOWAY AVENUE magazine and rag collection, mtn'i used •let-lag. 1476 Granville SL CL. 3-130) 467 E. Main St. for naught, and that the defen­ inquire 529 Mlthoff St., HI. Groceries, Meats, Confections Probate Court, Saturday, Feb. 20. Please 4-9833. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Repairing and Remodeling Franklin County, Ohio dant-buyer be divested of all in­ 678 E. Long SL CL. 2-0639 terests in or claims thereto of bring papers, etc., to the Tem­ Dally 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Res.: BE. 1-1062 No. 182563—Frank C. Shearer, ple, 988 E. Long St., or call FARM FOR RENT 932 BUY DEN BD. Home and 8 A. M. to 11:36 P. M. • Office: CA. 4-1338 the property. office. Center hall, easy to du­ ELIZABETH RANSOM and Administrator, etc.. Plaintiff, CL. 3-3435 for pickup. Proceeds FARMER, Sportsman, Organi­ 7 Days A Week vs. Samuel Wimberly, et. al., Being Lot# No. 40 of Norfolk plex, all brick, 9 rooms, 1V_ ALMA DEWS, Props. ADDIE & JOSEPH Addition to the City of Colum­ go to t he Shrine charities. zation! Large farm, southeast, " FRIENOS/ONiy THE%H|U: ©TO BE BURIED, Defendants. James Burton; Illustrious Po­ baths, tile roof, corner lot. bus, Ohio (vacant land). 45 miles. 8-room house, big Ideal for an attorney, physi­ BURKS In pursuance of an order of tentate; Harry T. Collins, Pro­ barn, other fair buildings, 50 L— ThtW^gS DEPARTED/J^ sale from said Court to me di­ Russell Brown, defendant-buy­ cian, dentist or other profes­ FEATHERSTONE'S MKT UNDER NEW SHINE PARLOR motional Committee Chair­ acres tillable, electricity, tele­ rected, I will offer for sale at er, is further notified that he is sionals. Only $14,500. Call 45S N. 18TH ST. CL. 8-8035 MANAGEMENT man. phone, fish pond, free gos DELUXE public auction at the door of the required to answer said petition Jerry Walters, evenings—TU. VEGETABLES, MEATS on or before March 12, I960,, or available, on good gravel road. DYEING * SHINING Apis., Rooming Houses Apts., R*3omi^Hww$ Court House in the City of Co­ HELP WANTED 5-7260. GROCERIES ERNIE'S MARKET 959 MT. VEBNON AVE. ; lumbus, Franklin County, Ohio, judgement may be rendered as Rate: $40 per month, up to 4- prayed for therein. EASTER CLOTHES for your ycar lease, one-fourth cash. EASTGATE. 166 Linfield PL 322 Taylor Ave. CL. 2-8192 on Saturday, the children? Easter will be here Beautiful slory-and-a-half, 2- Beer k Wine To Carry Out BROOKS' AUTO FRANK C. SHEARER, Att'y CL. 3-5196. Weekdays 8 A. M. - 10 P. M. New Stock. Complete Line 27TI1 DAY OF FEBRUARY, before you know lt. Start bedroom single. Breakfast of Groceries. Quality Meats i 1-30, 2-6, 13, 20, 27, 3-5, 1960.' Sundays 9 A. M. - 2 P. M. ELECTRIC SERVICE Open Sat. Afternoon Open Sun. 2 lo 5 AaD., 196* NOW! Earn money with Avon. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY nook, screened . porch, side Party Supplies — Domestic and Vegetables i LEGAL NOTICES CA. 1-3379. drive, 1-car garage. | Some & Imported Champagnes Hrs: 7:30 A. M.-9 P. M. Repairing Generators, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., the fol­ Joan Martin, a minor, by her terms. Shown by appointment Monday through Saturday Regulators, Starters BEAUTY SALON WE DELIVER CA. 4-5654 24 How Sendee lowing described real estate, sit­ next friend and father, Eli Gib­ Ernest Holland, Prop. DON'T BE SATISFIED WITH LESS uated in the County of Franklin, son, whose last known address YOUNG LADIES FOR SALE FOSTER O. NEWLIN Bear 466 S. Washington Arc, State of Ohio, and in the City of is 1840 Front SL, Ashland, Ky., Fully Equipped - Good Location JIMMY'S MARKET THAN THE BEST Columbus, and further described Tour New York, New BROKER MODERN MARKET will take notice that on Jan. 25, Orleans, Houston, El CL. 8-7623 672 MT. VERNON AVE. as follows: 1960, Terry Martin filed his peti­ 1646 E. Long St. DICK'S Being Lot Number Seventeen Paso, San Diego, Los MISC FOR SALE CL. 2-6274 183 N. 20th SL CL. 2-8594 tion in the Common Pleas Court Angeles, San Francisco CL. 3-1345 CL. t-4763 (17) of the Pan Handle Addition of Franklin County, O., Division '•a., t. - — — FOOD MARKET Columbus. Obi* BEAUTIFUL to Columbus, Ohio, as the same and other major cities •specialising tn Choice * BEER * WINE of Domestic Relations, in Cause for fashion publication. BACK ON MARKET 852 St. Clair Ave. CL. 8-1261 is numbered and delineated upon No. 99144, praying for a divorce Meats and Groceries TO CARRY OUT the recorded plat thereof, of rec­ New cars furnished. One of the' nicest brick homes Complete Line Of Hrs.: Mon. thru Thurs. — from her on the grounds of gross Travel with select FLOYD'S 8 a. m. • 7 p. m. ord in Plat Book No. 2, Pages neglect of duty. Said cause will for the price. 6 rooms with fin­ Quality Meats - Vegetables EASTGATE group. Expenses ad­ Confections Fri. - SaL: 8 a. m. • 8 p. m. 226 and 227, Recorder's Office, be for hearing of. or after March USED CLOTHING ished third. Side hall saves wear Sun.: 8 a. m. - 1:30 p. m. (HANDLER Franklin County, Ohio. vanced. Transportation and tear on living quarters. Open DaUy 8 AM. to 8 P.M. 12, 1960. -- William H. Brooks, furnished. If selected Complete Line of Men's, Improved with a five-room Att'y. 1-30, 2-6, 13, 20, 27, 3-5, ] Women's and Children's Country style kitchen: Large' lot Sunday 8 A.M. to 12 Noon Prop. JAMES H. FLOOD Shoe Repair Shop must be able to leave and 2-car garage.. Near bus, St-. "' "i 789 ML Vernon Kvm. APARTMENTS and bath, insulbrick dwelling 1960. immediately. Contact Used Clothing and three-room frame insulbrick Daily 10 A. M. 'til 6 P. M., schools, churches and shopping. CL. 8-5196 Henrietie Harris, whose last MR. O'DONNELL not 812 Berkeley Rd. Call for more . Complete Shoe Service dwelling in rear known as 3C1 later than Sunday. Ho­ Saturday 9 A. M. 'til 6 P. M. Galloway Avenue. known address is 28 Ann St., details. Edna Moreland, CL. Dyed «* Repaired With Top tel Jefferson. 17 E. 474 E. Main SL Grade Materials Appraised at $3500. Kingston, N. Y., will take notice 2-4785. NEAR EASTGATE SCHOOL. Free summer swim­ that on Jan. 16, 1960, Charles A. Spring St. Floyd Moras, Prop. Special Service On Terms of Sale: To be sold for Cinderella Heels k Purses ming pool, very neat and clean, 3 bedrooms, attrac­ not les_ than two-thirds of the Harris filed his petition in the R. G. DENMEAD & CO. THOMPSON BARBER SHOP Common Pleas Court of Frank­ CA. 4-9295 Realtors CA. 4-4249 Per Delivery Service tive bath and shower, garbage disposal, gas forced- appraised value. $100 at time of SITUATIONS WANTED Call Between 3-8 P. M. sale, balance on confirmation of lin County, Ohio, in Cause No. | Samuel D. Hooker 964 MT. VEBNON AVE., Near 18th SL air heat, paved parking at your rear door. Rental 99055, praying for a divorce HIGH SCHOOL SENIOft (Boy) E. 12TH AVE. 2-bedroom, new Open Dally sale. desires part-time employment Seal Estate 2-car garage. Low down pay­ SEVEN CHAIR SHOP Complete Barber Service office corner N. Nelson Rd. and Maryland Ave. from her on the grounds of wil­ 768 Mt Vernon Av*. FR.*aNK C. SHEARER, Axl- evenings after school. Retail ment. 310,500. Mac McManus, Men. Women and Children's Hair Cutting and Styling Open weekdays 9 to 7 p. m. minlstrator of the Estate of ful absence for more than one year last past. Said cause will be sales experience, . references. CL. 34331 Cot's CL. 3-353) CA. 8-2453'. * Ladies Hair Bobbing, Scalp Treatment, Deluxe Facials Luevailue Wimberly, Deceased. CL. 8-2896. A Specialty GO STEREO! FRANK C. SHEARER, Attorney for h__ring on or after March 5, MISC. SERVICES DUPLEX. 8 rooms, private bath, 19C3.—Wm. A. Toler, Att'y. 1-23, Barbers: Isaiah Hamilton, Damon Lynch, Benny FUher, That's right, get on the 2-6, 13, 20. 27. 1960. OSU STUDENT wants part-time separate utilities, .13,000. Wade Sober, Leonard Thomas, O. Moore; John Thompson, Prop. soundswsgon. Have your 30, 2-6. 13, 20. 27, 1960. employment in doctor's . or 3975 WYNDING DRIVE 1 HA 221. 7 rooms, bath, gas present phono or combina­ LEGAL NOTICES John W. Lott, whose last real estate office, afternoons tion radio-phono converted THE HAWKINS In Indian Springs heat, on bus. $10,500. to hi-fi or stereo. yivian Tucketf" whose last known address is 598 V. St. Clair and evenings. BE. 1-4217 after WHALEY SUG'S 1 p. m. Lovely, 3-bedrooms. two • livii.il 1590. 6 rooms, bath. 65 N. MONROE AVE. CL. 3-4815 kn6wn address is 1217 Norfolk Ave., Columbus, Ohio, will take BARBER SHOP CeUtalaOi. Okte rooms, wood-burning fireplace BARBER SHOP St., Bluefield, W. Va., will take . jtice that on January 22, 1960,MATUR E WOMAN desires job RANK LIN PK. 3 deluxe apart­ 614 E. LONG ST. (all Cl. 2-7181 We Welcome Old and Now Patron. in one living room and recrea ments. Private baths. Might 675 E. LONG ST. notice that 0n Jan. 25, 1960, Mor­ Isabel Lott f'lcd her petition in babysitting. CL. 8-3896. Complete Barber Service Transient Guest Welcomed I the Common Pleas Court of tipn room. Wall-to-wall carpet- trade. Complete Barber Service For Free Estimate ris Tucker filed his petition in Barbers t Barbers: Sag Holman, W« Continue to Render the Same E_clu«i-e, the Common Pleas Court of ! Franklin County, O., Division of APTS., ROOMS FOR RENT ing, exquisite drapes, forced air g?s heating. Beautifully land­ CaU Jim Green—BE. S4898 Irene Turner * Both Jones William E. Stewart, Efficient Servic* Franklin County, O., Division of ! Domestic Relations in Cause No. CHOICE *-_ DOUBLE, Newly George Jones Domestic Relations, in Cause '99123, praying for a divorce scaped front and bad;. Back DELUXE FACIALS decorated. Vicinity of 5.t. An­ yard fenced in. For appoint­ M. A.GIRE&CO. WILLIS WHALEY, Prop. Weil furnished, cleaa with No. 99143; praying for a divorce from him on the grounds of wil­ thony's Hospital. Adults only. OLDITMEB ful absence for a period more ment to see call 41 E. Bread St. CA. 8-2453 New Ford Hotel Ho. 2 very modern hotel facilities. from her on the grounds of ,No pets. $90 per month. Write gross neglect of duty. Said cause than one year , last past. Said 452a. E. Lent SL CA. 4-8421 Known from coast ta coast for Box 629. Columbus 16, O. PIERCE'S Haley's Barber Shop Transient and Permanent homelike atmosphere. will be for hearing on or after cause will be for hearing on or Foster 0. Newiin TRY SOME OF THE CHILI Guests Welcome March 12, 1960. — William H. after March 19, 1960. — Wm.i-ROO M unfurnished apartment', Broker BEX MAKES AT CLUB BARBER SHOP 1502 ML Vernon Ave. Ford Hotel No. 1 Still COOPER'S TOURIS T Brooks. Att'y. 1-30, 2-6, 13, 20,Toler , Atty. 2-6, 13, 20, 27, 3-5, second floor, employed couple 1016 E. Long SL TROCAVEBLV 892 MT. Complete Tonsorial Service Operated at 179 N. 6th St 259 N. l?th SL CL. 8-5118 12 1960. Complete Barber Service 27. 3-5. 1960. or senior citizens. CL. 2-9173. CL. 3-1315 CL. 24703 VEBNON AVENUE. Eugene Haley, Prop. um Mrs B H. Ford. Proprietress JAMES COOPER, Mgr. 834 E. LONG ST. William Reynolds, Barber ' CA. 1-3588 Lena Home Cosmetics have an opportunity for women to enter into a dignified profession. Right now a small number of openings are BELL TELEVISIO *N BROGSDALE'S MISC. FOR Sill MIK. FOR SAIE available for women, full or part time, to be trained as Lena Home Cosmetics Consultants. If you feel qualified and are looking for a JOHNSONS 1068 MT. VERNON AVE. BARBER SHOP (1 Door East of good income and promising future.call or'come in to Lena Home Cosmetics Center, 80 E. Gay St., Columbus. Ohio, CApital 4-3291. BARBER SHOP Cameo Theatre) MILLER'S FURNITURE STORE 821 E. LONG ST. 824 E. 8th Ave. Complete Line of Used Furniture and Rugs Complete Barber Service Men Women and Children's . Dependable and flanges. Refrigerators, Washers, Sewing Macmncs Balr CuttWg I Facials and Scalp Treatments Guaranteed Television CA 4-9680 Columbus, O. 189 E. MAIN ST. A Specialty Hours: 7:30 A-M. 7:30 P.M. EAS_ TERMS WE BC_ AND SELL FREE DELIVER! David A. WHUams, Barber Sat 7:38 A. ML To 8 P. »L Service Beanie Drogsdaie, Prop. CLOSED WEDNESDAI

..•aim,.re._-..„,„, ...,,„.. _,.,, , , • '_,,_,-. , , . „in.n..ii. .-i. I"L r -*M>iaMMA_^-M_Mt*__M^0g(f^j(g£n *¥^^MiPiwiMUi>oawg^Wl|^|^,it rma-11%11 •»• •' »H»fca^»aUa»liMi*-^a."«,, , _.i. j 11 [l|IIU«g_ »!fl»<__,'.- SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1S60 THE OHIO 8ENT-NEL PAGE 35 PAGE 34 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY IS. 1960

9U*»** Excellent Service At Mooney Chinese Hand Laundry & SENTINEL RECOMMENDED BEAUTY SALONS Eastsider Is Winner Electric Co. Home Economist Directs To list in this directory call CLearbrook 3-7416. Deadline for new listings, copy Dry Cleaning .__ changes, is Saturday, 12 noon. . One-Stop Laundry A Dry Cleaning Of Basketball Contest Sentinel Home Service Cooking School Store No. 1 Store No. t Jim Hahn, 80 E. Gay st., and F. CLASSIC To list in this directory V Iowa's loss to Indiana on Sat­ Mrs. Bernice Ballard, Home thc Monsanto Chemical Co. and 983 Mt. Vernon Ave. 918 E. Long St. loria's Beauty Shop Hcarns, 258 Detroit av., was de­ BEAUTY SAIX>N urday, 87-74, and Northwestcrn's Service director, Columbus and directed a research and develop­ B A. M. • . P, M. Mon, thru SaL call CLearbrook 3-7416. 302 Carpenter SL cided in favor of Hearns on the ment testing unit for the Col­ - CL. 3-4898 . 025 Mt Vernon CL. 3-3070 G return to tbe victory column nt Southern Ohio Electric Co., will Deadline for new listings, expense ol Minnesota on Mon­ basis of his "high team score" supervise all Cooking School ac­ gate, Palmolive, Pcct Co. Complete Beaoty Service a 2-8985 guess of "101" points. The high Charlie Mae Logan. Prop. day's Big 10 action, proved the tivities during The Ohio Senti­ SHE PRESENTLY supervises copy changes, is Saturday, scoring Buckeyes of Ohio State Operators: Gloria ft Joyce biggest stumbling blocks lor nel's 1960 Home Service Exposi­ all activities in the Electric Co.'s Operators: Lovella Davie a. again led the field in the con­ ™ DRIVE-IN CLEANERS Specializing In Hair Cutting, guessperts in Tbe Sentinel's Bas­ tion ot the Ohio State Youth Cen­ Home Service Dept., Home Leona Wade,-Millie Allen, 12 noon. Tinting, Styliiig, Manicuring tested games with their 106-69 ketball Contest last week. ter, 700 E. 17th av., Columbus, Lighting Dcpt. and test kitchens Complete Dry Cleaning Service. Alterations k Repair Travis Jackson, Boxie and Facials walloping of Wisconsin in Mon­ Drapes & Household Articles Our Specialty Russell. Winifred Wallace, Samuel Webster, 89 Lexington March 15-16-17. in addition to directing similar Introducing A Brand New day's slate of games. 1 • Day Service Pick-Cp & Delivery Mamie Sidell HOUSE of CLAMOUR av. colled these and nine other activities in the company's Reconditioning: Treatment Hearns. receives $5 worth of Four Cooking School demon­ 822 E. Fifth Ave. at Fourth St. AX. 1-9201 698 ML Vernon Ave. CL. S-5311 games "right" and his 11 for 14 southern Ohio offices in Chilli- Charles Collins, Prop. stereo records from Fisher Mu­ strations will be offered during STYLETTE BEAUTY SALON Complete Beaaty Serviee • job earned him the king's roost cothc, Athens and Hiltsboro. Hair Styling—Balr Catting DORA'S CLASSIC sic Co., 3430 Indianola av. This the three day expositoin, one of THE COLUMBUS HOME LAUNDRY 1281 Mt. Vernon Ave. and a $10 bill for guesspcrting the year's outstanding events Prop Mattie Warren Turner last weekend's hardcourt con­ week three prizes arc offered in AND DRY CLEANERS (Cor. Champion) CL. 8-138*8 Operators: Clara Caldwell. Beauty Salon for all homemakcrs. Cieaners and Launder __ of Quality and DisMnrtion Complete beauty service Complete Beaaty Serviee tests. the contest appearing on Pages Eleanor Willis, Mary Frances 36 and 37. A One Stop Cleaning Service Specializing in Hair Cutting 134 N. 170. at. CL. 3-5132 A TIE FOR second between IN .'RESENTING the cooking Bnssell, Annie Kate Jackson, schools, Mrs. Ballard will fea­ All Work Done At Our Plant and Styling Dora Phillips Bnssell. Prop. 628 E. LONG ST. Columbus. O. CL 3-5415 Evenings by appointment ture the latest in tasty, economi­ Willie Mae Stanley, Warnle Gladycc R. Moore, Opr. ELAUM BEAUTY SHOP Dental Health Week Features Kiddie Show cal meals prepared the simple, Ida Mae Griffin and Dorothy Hensley, Maybe Digbie, Columbus Children's Dental Steve Kirk ol Radio-WCOL as efficient all-electric way. Bryant, Owners Operators MRS. BERNICE BALLARD SERVICE SHOE SHINE & REPAIR 172 Lexington Ave. Health week will be opened with master of ceremonies. "Flippo In addition, she will also dem­ CL. 3-1023 CA M158 onstrate the futuristic electronic Repaired Shoes Can Be Picked Up On Sunday UTTLE a free show in Central High the Clown" will appear. There nomics graduate of Ohio State William R. Starr, Prop. Complete Beauty Service BEAUTY HEIGHT school auditorium Feb. 14, Dr. will be a magic act and several range during each program. U. and has undertaken post 894 ML Vernon Ave. Open 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. HOUSE of BEAUTY Hattie Elaum. Prop. Ben S. Hoagland, president of cartoons will be shown. Mrs. Ballard is a home eco- graduate studies both at OSU 807 ML Vernon av. Hair-Sty ling a Specialty Cornelia Giles, Operator the Columbus Dental Society, and Rutgers U. CL. 2-1111 . CL. 3-5873 048 Mt. Vernon CL. 3-8213 announced. .Allied professional The first 1000 children to ap­ READING FAYS DIVIDENDS Prior t her present affilia­ pear will be given free tooth­ For recreation that pays big 0 Vendetta Wright, Margaret organizations wilt participate. tion, she was home economist of GEORGE'S GARAGE TILLEEN'S Complete Beaoty Service brushes and balloons, Dr. Hoag­ dividends, READ LIBRARY Long, Louise Smith, Oprs. Children, accompanied by an Complete Service On All Makes of Car- Be auto Shoppe No Appointment Necessary land said. Columbus Children's BOOKS. Yes, you'll never re­ Anna Bosetnan, rrop. Operators: Mable Brown, adult, are invited to attend free. Expert Automatic Transmission Service 947 ML Vernon Ave. CL. 9-44*4 Starting at 2 p. m., the enter­ Dental Health week will be ob­ gret the time you use to read a Poindexter (enter George Branson. Prop. 20 Years Experience Sara Boyd, Aimeda Scott, served Feb. 14 through Feb. 20. good book. The Poindexter Golden Age, Lucy Ward, tainment will be handled by 567 N. 20th SL CL. 3-1195 JUST A MERE Open Monday thro Saturday club is getting ready for its Val-! Melvon Glvens, Bhea Brows Clara Bogeys, Manager • Daily 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. entine's day party Feb. 12. A! Beauty Salon Wright, Jessie Vinson, Reducing Massages on Oar king and que_n will be chosen. 345 N. 20th St. - CL --3X.0 Operators Figaranu Table Mrs. Marie McMorris, presi­ The PAUL PETERSON Complete Beanty Service dent; Mrs. Victoria Wyms, vice Sally Nolan, Anna Flenard, president; Mrs. Ophelia Gaston, COMPANY . • ..•.•• ','.'*.*.v...•,*.' IMA'S BEAUTY SHOP Grade McCoy, Zorado White, Oemflete Beaoty Sendee flair Styling aad Scalp Treatment secretary; Mrs. Mary Davis, 950 DUBUN RD. . ,...;.•••. Operators treasurer, and Mrs. Nellie Jones, Elgetha Carrloclon, Owner Prop. Una Johnson, Opts. Virginia (Ma, HU. 6-4373 :: ^..vavav..: 3% St. Clair Ave. CL. 3-6083 Open DaUy 9 A. M. to • P. M. .' program chairman, are planning to attend the Golden Age work­ ranV,Vf/Wk BONNIE'S FASHIONETTA BEAUTY BAR shop for officers and leaders, 177 E. LONG ST. CA. 8-4444 sponsored by the Columbus Rec-. WOOD FENCE '?*^$& BEAUTY SALON reation Dcpt, Fob. 19, to be held Complete Beauty Service Complete Beaoty Service Free Eshmotcs • Time Poyments Oprs: Gertrude McEIrej, Katherine OnnneD, at the new Thompson recreation 793 Mt. Vernon Art, center. Eileen Stamps, Herbert Sellers, Gladys Lucille Beeves •2.88 PW Dora Good The club's advisor is Mrs. Q MISC. SERVICES Misc. Services CL. 3-221- 11 % fmeti s*. 5. un** ofc_. QriaM BOOTH FOR RENT E. MitcheU. WILLIAM I. BELL Used Cars For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used (an For Sale Why Buy Contractor BR. 4-7621 £»• Remodeling and repairing Is • Repossesed oar specialty. Whatever your ' KEYS TO A NEW '66 Dodge station wagon are presented toTaol M. Smith, general manager MUSIC CITY • CA. 18101 job .-, . boUd, repair or re­ • • . , T> of E. and S, Furniture and Appliances, 1172 Mt. Vernon av., Columbus, by Art Bogen, president model , . . office, home or 1) C CTATI. CT 5 Doors From High St. of Bogen Heating and Air Conditioning Corp., 331 E. Livingston av. Looking on from right is Damaged garage, call as for the best TOO MUCH PRESSURE- _ J I.. J! MIL -.I. 0pcn 9 p M Mo_ & Hjjyg. price for quality work and Bogen Sales Mgr. John Hensel. Car is first of 15 to be given as prizes in competitive sales for material. franchised Chrysler Air-Temp Air Conditioning equipment dealers in the 27-county Ohio area of Our Extra Special .. Choose From The Or NO DOWN PAYMENT which the Bogen firm ks the product supplier. The line Includes room units, whole house and See Our Best Serviee Is To Play 3. YEARS TO PAY —HOT ENOUGH PLEASURE commercial conditioners.—-Heree Photo. . . Largest STEREO Any Album Oar All Work Guaranteed Selling POPULAR k MONUBAL Returns References Available Customers Wish IN CAR BUYING THESE DAYS WE THINK... Slated For Role SINGLES By AU Selections To Hear Before Screen star Dorothy Dandrid­ The Top Artists In Town Baying When You Can ge is reported slated for the role The world is full of pressure and we don't want to add to it. We have a fine selec­ FREE FIREWOOD of the late famed singer Billy Buy Hew MASON'S tion of A-1 used cars and you'll find us E.AJS.Y to do business with ... Holiday, in the projected film of OPTOMETRISTS and the singer's life. 3-DAY DISCOUNT SPECIALS • .a. For Less JEWELERS '55 FORD. Light green finiish. Tailor-, '57 BUICK. R&H, dyna., p. b., p. s. $1495 COME AND GB II FROM made seat covers $595 Fri. Sat. and Mon. Feb. 12-13 and IS EYES EXAMINED '58 PLYM. Suburban 4-Dr. R&H, standard 5 Complete GLASSES FITTED '59 FOBD Custom '300* Demonstrator. trans. $1695 HOUSES BEING WRECKED ECHENRODE WATCH REPAIRING R&H. F.O.M. Only $1895 SAVE $069 I Reg. Re&sonable Prices '53 FOBD Ranch Wagon, VA Heater $445 '49 OLDS 2-Dr. *76\ 6-cyL Hydra., extra IN THE LEONARD-ST. CLAIR $U9 O $4.98 3 Rooms Satisfaction Guaranteed '57 FOBD Cust. 2-Dr. R&H. F.O.M. $1095 nice cond .' $195 EXCHANGE 773 E. LONO ST. CA 4-2811 '58 FOBD Convt. R&H, F.O.M., p. s., '56 MERCURY Hdtp. 2-Dr., R&H, M.O.M. AVE. AREA! BRING YOUR PRESTIGE — BLUE NOTE — SAVOY LABELS Brand Hew p. b. Immaculate '..j.... $1595 Immaculate .... $995 '58 CADILLAC Convertible. ft&H, full STORE EDWARD P. ZIPF '54 DE SOTO Coronado 4-Dr. R&H, auto, 95 power. Jet black with black; top $3495 TRUCKS OR TRAILERS! 326 S. HIGH ST. trans., p. s. and p. b., wire wheels. L.P. (Monural) AKBUMS Bicycle rires and Supplies •59 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. R&H 5145 . (First Bldg. So. of mi • Sharpening of La wnmowers, '58 FOBD Fairlane '500* Victoria. Excel­ • Sharp $395 SEE THE SUPERINTENDENT . Southern Hotel) • MUes Davis • lames Moody No Down Payment Scissors and Knives lent condition throughout/ F.O.M., - • The 3 Sounds • Jimmy Smith '57 FOBD Country Sedan. R&H, F.O.M., AT Table it « Chairs $12 • Milt Jackson All Kinds ot Keys Made R&H, p. s. ..L... $1795 Gas Ra*".).r .14 • Gene Ammons Papents As low As Bicycles for Kent 2-tone coral and white finish $1495 • X-elonios Monk • John Coil-train 945 CURTIS AVE. Bunk B-eds '.Complete) .. $25 • Cannonbali Adderly CL. 3-35C0 . __ S. OHIO AVE Sola $35 Horace Silver ALSO OTHER MODEL S TO CHOOSE FROM • Eddie (Lockjaw) Davis k Many Others *3» Per Week 3-Pc. Walnut Bedroom Ope__ n Toda..,y, 'T._.«-._U 6 P.. ___M. j— Opervjn;u,i M« on..uu,, ' Wedi. uu.. Fir. t Evenings.'XU 9P.M. CUYAHOGA WRECKING (0. Suite $45 Biggest Selection of SP1RITU.A_LS in Town!!! TIP-TOP CLEANKi.S 12$ S. High St. CA. 1-1991 LUCKY 770 W. BROAD ONE DAY SERVICE w.r* Swni -757" FURNITURE 171 MT. VEBNON AVE. BEASLEY FORD 1S71 PARSONS AVE. Pir"

Wa—waaailil.lrtW.'HMaa.WlaMIMHUin ny...fir,n . .i' t,nmmmtmammmmmtmmm MMHMM S£'.irt-_!i- PAGE 37 PAGE 36 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1960 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13,1960 THE OHIO SENTINEL himself, was a member of the | semester-examinations and won Watkins Ace Scorer On Novelty Bar Five t< ..in. is a bard fast bat*>kete_r an uphill battle, from W. Vir­ Althea Gibson To Appear On TV who is moving every moment WRECKING ginia State college, 72-71. . Seau Jack Picks Watklns. ^ Ohio State One of the top players on the A watcher never sees him loaf­ Tennis star Althea Gibson will Now a professional. Miss Glb- Walter Stovall came into the Novelty Bur .earn which is hold­ Clarence, a brother of Romie ing but pushing himself Into be Ben Alexander's special json plays exhibition matches be- game and scored the winning ing down first place in the Bcot- of East High school's champion- JMH5 lavaa... ..--a r ~ r _ every pluy. guest on "About Faces" Friday, ' tween halves of basketball basket with 31 seconds remain­ I Contest Winners 150 HOUSES ty Adult League '« Clarence j«hip team of 1031 fume and who, Clarence is averaging 18 Feb. 12 (ABC-TV, Monday games played by the touring ing. W. Virginia led 42-39 at the Mel Nowell. c-2. Beau Jack,, ex-lightweight points u game and that is pretty through Friday, 1-1:30 p. rn-).- j Harlem Globetrotters. half. 174. 20, sopho­ '***? She replaces former actress more • . • from champion of the world, now do. good for any team. Hp led the LEONARD - ST. CLAIR AREA The game was close all the Columbus . . . an Colleen Townsend, previously ing public relations for Esquire league the first period of piny i way, and the score was tied six especially gifted announced tor that date. player blessed shoe polish, was given the honor JJHCl but it looks like Kenny (Fats) times before Central State could with speed, quick­ llll Miss Gibson vv-Ul recall a glit­ Central State Wins &et to- blow- Granger has picked up on him ALL SALVAGE FOR SALE I manage to take the load. Tur- ness and unusual of selecting 320 winners from A thus far this period. His highest tering highlight of her amateur WILBERFORCE. — The Cen­ coordination . . . iner Russell paced the Central hat in Nat'l Sweepstakes Contest Lumber —- Bricks — Concrete Block career — receiving the Wimble­ tral State college hardwood quin­ holds the scoring score in a game was 27 points. ; State college Marauders wiih 20 record In the City Doors — Windows — Fencing don championship trophy from tet went back into action follow- firm sponsored exclusively for He hits the basket from any spot points and William LeFevre League while at­ OLDJQE Britain's Queen Elhcabeth 11. jing a 12 day layoff due to first tending East nigh professional bootblacks. .on the floor rather than relying took the scoring honors with 31 ... his highest on tip-ins. GOOD BUYS ON COMPLETE HOUSES points for the W. Virginia Yel­ •coring effort wu Beau, who now works as a , OP­ INIO Better Bottled-in-Bond Salesman On Job Daily ••DAVE" Handler "CHARLIE" Margulfs low Jackets. 44 points against Mansfield. bootblack in the swank Fontaine- At Any Price... Central State lost to Indiana bleau hotel, Miami Beach, pick­ Deadeye Dick Central, 89-83. Turner Russell CUYAHOGA WRECKING CO. Buckeye ed the entry blank of Anthony CHARCOAL M«'| Noweii connected on eight ^ BAIL BOND Agency scored 20 points to lead the Ma­ Arnold Boyd who scored 22 out of 11 shots from the floor to] Cambrini of Brooklyn, N. Y., as FILTERED AX. 4-2323 AX. 9-0262 CL. 3-2621 rauders. Taking high point hon­ points each. The Murauders' aid Ohio State in swamping Wis­ 945 CURTIS AVE. On Night Calls Dial BE. 1-3609 ors for the night were two In­ record now stands at eight wins first prize winner. He wins a W0 ftOOf MNTVCtn J, 1 ".AHH! SOUttM lOltUO ST 01S tOt Pl.TIUUY CO. lmiw...iK« consin. 106-C9. diana players. Jack Tindell and and five losses. complete Drexel bedroom set. RULES • 14 basketball games WEEKLY PRIZES! Ihi.v weekend are plac­ The OHIO SENTINEL'S ed, one in each ad on these pages. Indicate • winner by writing in the name of team op­ posite the advertiser's Not ONE But FOUR Locations To Servo You ENTRY BLANK | name in the Entry. GLADYS FORE' HAWKINS- Name Winner Of Game J Blank. No scares. TIRES In Ada On These Page* Just pick winners. EAST MARKET RESTAURANT CLEARY & DEAL ISC. It.MKllis PEYTON'S Inside Southeast Entrance To Market • Pick a number which Nil Way I l SOHIO SERVICE STATIONS Fine Home Cooked Meals Wheel Alignment you think will be high­ Herb Baltoa Mrats est number of points EAT HERE or CARRYOUT scored by any one ANY East Market Restaurant team oa these pages \r : i Atlas Premen Michigan State vs. Ohio State $•¥50 Chesapeake j and place the number (AR in the space provided ONE WEEK Tires Motor ba Sully's Loan |; A in Entry Blank. This MONTE CASINO ONLY ONLY will be used to break R Batteries .SOHIO Boron With LOAN CO. PREMIUM WINE Scioto Beverage _. vf.' 1063 MT. VERNON AVE. . 100% PURE Here** What Ton Gel: , ties. Accessories Ice Gard SULLY'S CALIFORNIA • Adjust toe-in and toe-out Novelty Food Bar .' I Largest Used Clothing Stock in City GRAPE WINE • Castor and camber Peyton's I • One entry only to each SUITS EXCELIO • Adjust steering contestant. Entries MONROE k LONG TAYLOR k LONG JACKETS $795 Excello Wine \ fg$F* must be brought to WINE CO. the office of this news­ ST. CLAIR A MT. VERNON S0TH * LEONARD I OVERCOATS I UP U. S. ROYAL TIRE CENTER B. Davis, Jr | 476 E. Fifth Ave. paper or postmarked i 122 Cleveland Ave. CA. 1-6611 MAD SERVICE CL 8-1440 1063 MT. VERNON AVE. I CL. 2-0336 AX. 1-4679. **- ' • * Fisher Music. j! >« no later than next West Virginia vs. Pittsburgh Dayton vs.-Louisville Dartmouth vs. Penn i Tuesday noon. West vs. South Big Bear { •

.• .. • . Cleary A Deal S W DAILY 11 A. M. To 4 A. M. HANNA PAINTS* ' Name * Vvl - 24-Hour • SEAFOOD • CHICKEN Laundry HUNTING - FISHING - ATHLETIC EQUIP. Highest Team Score Pts. • HOMEMADE PIES • CHOPS THE FISHER NU-WAY Serviee SNACK BAR, CARRYOUT, CATERING SERVICE Address ' I REYNELDS HARDWARE CHESAPEAKE SNACK BAR Fbone ' CARRYOUT and LAUNDROMAT 914 MT. VERNON AVE. CL. 3-4227 1085 MT. VERNON AVE. at 20TH ST. 926 MT. VERNON AVE. CL. 2-0215 Illinois vs. Wisconsin DUAN THOMPSON, Mgr. CL. 8-6206 Utah v*. New Mexico WEEKLY PRIZES Indiana vs. .Iowa This week three priaes are offered. First pri«e win* Your Hometown Supermarkets will take first choice of prises. $10 in cash You'll sec yom particular 3-Month Gift Membership Lincoln Health Center, 771 E. Long St. friends here WATER HEATER .Wheel Alignment on Any Passenger Car Whether your hot water Cleary St Deal Tires, Inc., 222 Cleveland Ave. You'll be sure to find here That good old-time flavor is back! needs are large or small ... you can depend on folk* like yourself, who arc O-VIGINiVL Kheem . . . the BIG particular about food. Our • , ..name in water heaters. The Fishe. Custom I In to IM HERB BALLOU MEATS cuisine is the finest, our price* Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer Modern 4W.50 Provincial 499.54 Just Inside West Entrance To East Market , reasonable. 1- ti».» *m.,,r*.»**m*+~*.'i.iii**mnx.s*iili.ta ii.'>imm.lm**m» STORE HOURS EASY CREDIT 1039 MT. VERNON AVE. at MIAMI Mon. Tuos. Weds. 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. SCIOTO BEVERAGE COMPANY . Lean, Flavorful NOVELTY FOOD BAR Thurj. Fri. Sat. 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. R. DAVIS. JR. FISHER MUSIC CO. GROUND BEEF lb. 45c CA. 1-7651 SHOPPING CENTER STORES . , . InsureInsuredd Formerly ANTHONY'S Steree Center 741 E. LONG ST. at HAMILTON Mon. thru Sat. 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. CA. 4-tUS Cincinnati vs. Houston (L. 2-5502-551 3 3430 INDIANOLA AVE. AM. 8-1788 Made Fresh Dally Aquinas vs..Linden M7 N. HIGH ST. * CA. 4*7686 Here's food for every mood! Eastmoof vs. North Kentucky vs. Auburn Miami (O.l vs. Toledo East vs. Central


_.-j(,imu..ii.)u»M i j ii,,! in,,, •4. ^,*.lm.i**m.*mr.-mm •*. • 1IJ1W...... I..PI m ilaU »lS1-WlO-W PAGE 39 SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1968 THE OHIO SENTINEL PACK 38 THE OHIO S_2_rnN___ qATURPAY; FEBRUARY 13, 1960 versary with a buffet style chic­ ken dinner at the home of the Stevens president, Mrs. Aquilla Polley, Franklin Still Undefeated Team Style Show To Highlight Golfers Event By YOUR LONDON Jan. 19. Members and friends The- Franklin Jn High basket- victim, dropping their first Dorothy By I'IN'MS Bit I lin.ovi: is in store in ndvonce. So plan tu­ present were- Mr. and Mrs. kctball picture appeared even Same by 30 points, 222 Wood St. SEE-CALL • "IF ANY of the delegate*, be there and see one of tha Charles Locklear, Mr. and Mra. brighter this week as the sorap-; A TIIRIUJNG ,irst quarl,.r eon go back and report to their greatest ever in your All-Amor. CORRESPONDENT ULrick 2-1731 Bernard Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. py quintet vaulted the highest saw the tlushy visitors jump to hurdle of the season thus far. 'clubs that the midwest meeting ica Ci iy. Roy McNeal, Mr. and Mrs. Leon­ 70 N. GARFIELD AVE. Groom brick with furnace and an early lead. However, the ard McNeal, Mr. and Mrs. Har­ .• A previously undefeated West was. a dull affair, we will have • LONDON.— Negro History funcralized Jan. 20, arc: Hus­ large lot on rear. $12,000. sharp shooting of the starting! • TICKETS may be purchas­ vey McNeal, Mr. and Mrs. Jr. high team became the latent to sa v wack will be observed at First band, O. Thackcr; daughter, Franklin five soon overcame | - __*•*&• •« »»«iii-tliing wrong ed from any member of the Lewis Whitelow, Wilbur Casell, this deficit and the home team with" all concerned CC-MI club or call Mrs. Rosebud Baptist church Sunday with a Mrs. Odessa Smith, and a num­ 645 MILKY AVE. 5 room frame with gas furnace and ga- Those were the words of Nate program featuring members of ber of nephews and nieces. Lon­ Mesdames Robert P. Wilson, remained ahead through the re­ Brown at Ct. 3-135.) after S p. m. John T. Wright. Pauline McNeal, . rage. Asking $11,000. Will seU on land contract for $1600 mainder of the contest. (The Butcher) Green and Paul­ First Baptist and St. Paul AME doners who attended were Mrs. down. YM Thursday Club ine (Gourmet) Johnson of the Lady models will be: Rose Cox, Mrs. Rose Lewis, Wanda Cain, William Wicker, Don Griffin's eight held shots churches, beginning at 7 p. m. social and means committee as Clothing, Irene Booker, Ji>,«n Mrs. Viola Walker, Mrs. Cath­ Abernla Townsend. Bridge was und one free throw headed the The program will also include 402 N.' CHAMPION AVE. 5-room single f'ame house. Most they described the program out­ Thornton, Theresa Ann Gordon, erine Whitelow, Harold Price. played. Franklin efforts, with Mlk( two foreign students ol Ohio be sold to settle an estate. Asking $3000 cash. Full price. To Hear CCC Head lined for the district meeting to Ruth Ann Steptoe. I Charles Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. Hammond assisting with a IS Wcsleyan U., one from Tangan­ • MRS. ELIZABETH BYRD be held in Columbus Feb. 20-21. Charles Winslow of Springfield. Delmar Starkey. executive point total. Huts Winifred Beard, Lillie yika and the other from and Leonard Wilson were united 1086 LEONARD AVE. 4-room single frame. Most be sold te aecretary, Ohio Chamber of CC-MI club of Columbus is in Africa. Rev. Clifton H. Brown in marriage at thc home of his Williams (courtesy ml dlapeaux • MISSIONARY Society of settle an estate. Asking price $1500 cash. Full price. Comnx.ee, will b_ principal FINAL score of 73-43 left hosting the meeting for thc sec­ of Marysville Is program choir- brother-in-law and sister, Mr. by Dor Jo). First Baptist met at the home speaker at Spring St. YMCA Franklin as lone undefeated lea­ ond straight year and it is of the man. and Mrs. Roscoe Compton, Ga- ot Mrs. Edith Wicker, who was Thursday club luncheon Feb. 11. der of the Jr. High South Divi­ opinion that the location of the Hairstyle, Wilma Sharpe. Survivors of Mrs. Mary P. hanna, Jan. 30. His brother, assisted by Misses Lillie and Tl.e group heard RusaeU Cjr- sion. site is fair to all concerned. Male models: Thackcr, who died in University Rev. Robert P. Wilson, officiat­ Lottie Howard, Mesdames Rob­ t*r, former municipul judge of In the Starling-Franklin game Knowing that any convention Louis Stiles and Floyd Biown hospital in Columbus and was ed. Among the guests were Mr. ert P. Wilson and Harold Harga, thc week before, Franklin defea­ can become a dull affair, the (courtesy of DunhiU's) and Sam, and Mrs. E. Wilson and family, Dayton, last week. He is now last Thursday afternoon. Others ted the Starling team 53 24. program is designed to Afford Pegram (courtesy of the Union). Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hoosier and budget director for the state of | attending were Mesdames Alvin Hammond and Griffin were hi^li pleasure and entertainment to family, Mr. and Mrs. Hcrschel Ohio. He guve an interesting Other models may be .added Wood, Stella Whitelow, Floyd scorers that evening with 17 and d»'legates and citizens of the Take Your Choice Byrd and family, Mrs. Joyce talk on the duties of his office by the time the spectacle cornea Howard Sr., Stella Bowdry, 12 points, respectively. city alike. Hoosier and daughter, Miss Car­ and Uie importance of that de­ off. ' Commentary will be han­ of these fine whiskies from 1 Pearl McNeal, Charles Hamil­ BROOKS olyn Simmons and Joseph Wil­ partment of the slate. • WITH THE theme, "From dled by Mrs. Brown und Ernes. ton, Harvey McNeal, Roy Mc­ SENTINEL sun-crip tion son, all of London. From Co­ Tee to Green to 19th Hole," tine Canslcr. Neal and Joseph Brody. ft was announced by Daylon lumbus were Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ rates are one year, $6 50; Rosebud Brown and her models Erby, chairman of the .Thursday • BESIDES the style show The Modernistic Matrons club ter Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor six months, $3.50. Mail will give one of the most excit­ REALTY CO. CA. 4-5770 club, thai Gov. DiSalle U ex­ and dance, several special met at the home of Mrs. Hubert Fields and Jackson Wilson. pected on a panel in the near fu­ subscriptions SENT ANY­ ing fashion and style shows the awards arc to be presented ta McDaniel last Wednesday eve­ 830-832 E. STARR AVE. Doable, frame house with € rooms That's all for this week. ture. WHERE. city has ever seen. Highlighting those who have contributed so ning. The Camp Fire Girls ap-| on each side, with furnaces. Asking price $10,000. ROSEBUD BROWN much to the game of golf. Tha peared in a candlelight cere­ mony. Among those present the convention. Rosebud outlined Old Divoter will expect to sea 595 STAMBAUGH AVE. 4-room frame house with bath. were Mesdames Bcrnell Hair­ Swan Cleaners Sponsor all details to the Old Divoter a you there. Read the next issue Asking $3500 cash. ston, Robert Stevens, Robert few days ago (hc was as lost as of The Ohio Sentinel for further Pro Football Telecasts Cunningham, O. Freeman,- a needle in a haystack) but information 562 N. CHAMPION AVE. S-bedroom, 1-floor plan with full 1 i - Misses Flora Simmons and '"The Best of Pro Football," a from the detailed information, it basement. Can be bought with no down payment by an BECAUSE STROH'S Carylyn Townsend. newly created television scries, will be a spectacle such as Co­ TRY SOME OF THE CHIM eligible 221 Buyer. CaU CL. 8-7590. Ask for Ed Brooks. lumbus has never witnessed. REX MAKE.S AT CLUB is seen Sundays from 2 to 3 • AMERICAN Legion Auxili­ p. m. on WTVN-TV, Channel 6. The main ballroom of Deshler TROCAVERIA* 852 MT. ary met at the home of Misses Sponsor is Swan Super Cleaners, 1359 RIVER ST. 4-room single dwelling house. Asking $1000 Hilton hotel will be the site ot VERNON AVENUE. Lottie and Lillie Howard last with 32 stores located through­ in cash. Must be sold to settle an estate. IS FIRE-BREWED, the style show and dance. Be­ 'Tuesday. Patgsent were Mes­ out Columbus. This week's tele­ ginning at 9 p. m. Mrs. Brown dames Elizabeth Victors, Aquil- cast features highlights from the has outlined the show from be­ BOTTIED IN BOND la Polley, Imogene Simmons, Washington Redskins vs. New ginning to end and from the LEWIS 66'IS 1886 $ 31 Edith Wilson, Ann Meadows, York Giants thriller of the re­ schedule, I am of the opinion the Helen Cunningham, Emma An­ cent Nat'l Football League FOR BETTER applause will upset her plans. .71 4 rm. 4/SQUAtr derson, Rose Core, Misses lone championship season. NO OTHER Holloway and Elizabeth Evans. • ASKED ..BOUT outfits for PREMIUM IM nOOf STMtCKT BOUMO*. WHISKEY the models, she said, *'Duc to YWC club of First Baptist the fact that so many of the church celebrated its 30th anni­ American Woodmen To downtown merchants hove seen the light and were more than WHISKEY Hold Special Dinner AMERICAN BEER willing to display their merchan­ American Woodmen, Camp dise to the delegates and friends No. 6, will give a chicken, fish •*.. «st ie> «•*- of the midwest district of' the ARROW HOMES FOR LESS M I and chitterling dinner Saturday, UGA, I was- forced td'withdraw Shirts andmTlaa Feb. 13, at 183 N. 22nd st., be­ 658 DEMOREST RD. 5-room single frame dwelling. 1-floor the names of these people at this Thanks—€ N. High ginning at 11:30 a. m. The pub­ plan. Asking $6000. Most be sold to settle aa estate. TASTES LIKE STROH'S time, but all will be mentioned lic is invited and members arc 2175 BANCROFT ST. 5-room, 1-floor plan, less than 2 years during the show." Ed Baihy urged to attend. old. Lovely little bungalow. Can be bought for about Th* Uttte ••<"• •• '**• Watt" $1600 down. AH an explanatory note, there 3-FIFT«H Ceasisam. oam Cordelia Jones is chair- Were so many trying to get the 158 N. n TH ST. 6-room single frame house with furnace. ladies to model outfits until it WtpiFT* SUPERB BIEND Asking $6000. would huve taken an entire eve­ lighter ning to have displayed all of WE WILL BUILD YOU A 3-BEDROOM RANCH-TYPE them. ^smoother $2.36 *3* HOUSE WITH A FULL BASEMENT AND V. • BATHS. With sports in mind, scenes FOR FULL DETAILS CALL ED BROOKS CL. 8-7590 cover the time a "lazy doctor *< x richer gets -out of bed until he is dress­ 921 DUPONT ST. Single lot 34.5x84 ft. $750 full price. Can ed for an affair in Uie evening" be bought on terms of one-half down and the balance in and on the distaff side, it would, •'•_£_£__*_ 6 months. CaU George Davis CL. 2-8053. ruin your evening to know what 1114 OHLEN AVE. 5-room single frame house. Can be man* bought on land contract for $400 down. EXCELLENT DOCTOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. The boiling action you aea going on In. the YOU'LL LIKE brew kettle above is caused by direct fire We have listed for sale a SMALL RESTAURANT, dealing playing on the kettle bottom. This extreme mostly in short orders, located near the corner of the bus­ X-2K's iest intersections on the Eastside. An excellent opportunity heat bring* forth the finest flavor of the for a very good income for one who is interested. Owner i_ finest ingredients ... making Stroh's lighter ADDITION: '•0eW i 454 652 192 selling only because he desires to enter another type of and smoother. Enjoy the refreshing difference 332 186 343 1 business: CaU W. H. Brooks CA. 4-5770. •• .. of America's only fire-brewed beer, today! SUBTRACTION: j 631 741 956 i WE HAVE A WAI1IHG LIST FOR RENTALS 742 210 356 tia T. S. IfcWWfS SMI it. rtaeffcerg. Kiel.. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US NOW AT POPULAR PRICES ADDITION: 786, 91%, MS Distributed By Hi-State Beverages Distributing Co. — AX. 4-4435 SUBTRACTION: 089, SSI, 999 «***».». rut. *-.,«-*. •»..* *w_ **taj ••" • ""• •» ammmtmn • •» i i
