12-Inch Double-Sided Black Label, 66

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12-Inch Double-Sided Black Label, 66 Vocalists :-Beatrice Miranda, Nellie Walker, Robert Radford and Chorus 12-inch Double-sidedBlack Label, 66 Wotan overtakes Brünnhilde-Act 3 Wagner I (" The Valkyrie ") .. .. .. D. 929 Vocalists :Gladys Ancrum, Nellie Walker, Robert Radford and Chorus Wotan's sentence-Act 3 Wagner (" The Valkyrie ") .. .. .. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Conducted by ALBERT COATES The first of these records is from the earlier part of Act III. of The Valkyrie." As the war-maidens are sheltering their sister Brünnhilde upon the Valkyrie's rock the voice of Wotan is heard in the distance threatening the " rebellious one," as he terms the disobedient Brünnhilde. The Valkyries gather in a terrified group and seek to assuage Wotan's wrath. But the angry god strides into their midst and demands that Brünnhilde come forward and tell how she dared disobey his command not to aid Siegmund. Brinnhilde emerges falteringly and is confronted by Wotan. In the second record we hear how Wotan intends to deal with Brünnhilde for her disobedient act. The Valkyrie throws herself in penitence at his feet. She reminds him that he himself had wished to succour Siegmund. Wonder- fully the orchestra makes play with the two n¢otifs-Wotan's wrath and Brünnhilde's pleading-but the latter triumphs. Wotan pro- nounces Briinnhilde's fate-she is to be left on the Valkyrie's rock wrapped in slumber, to succumb to the first man who shall wake her. "His Master's Voice" New Operatic Records Vocalists Robert Radford and Chorus 12-inch Double-sided Black Label, 6 6 Hagan summons the Vassals, Part 1, Scene 3 Wagner D. 930 Hagan Vassals, Part 2 Wagner summons the .. .. .. (" Twilight of the Gods ") SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Conducted by ALBERT COATES Here we have one of the most dramatic scenes in " Götterdäm- merung," taken from the second Act. Siegfried has returned with Brünnhilde as a bride for Gunther, in order himself to wed Gutrune. As he calls together the Gibichung vassals and bids them make merry for the wedding, there is grim irony in Hagen's voice. For he knows that the wedding feast is but another step in his crafty plot, the slaying of Siegfried and the subsequent gaining of the Ring for himself. His sinister cry " Hoi-ho " (sung to a falling semitone) dominates the opening of this scene. Presently the Gutrune motif is heard, then the Gibichungs appear, and in chorus demand of Hagen what is asked of them. The serfdom motif, in the orchestra, accompanies their cries. Hagen now tells them of the coming marriage of Gunther to Brünnhilde and Siegfried to Gutrune, and gives directions for the due celebration of the nuptials. The vassals greet his announcement with incredulous laughter. Hagen, the grim one, turned wedding herald ! " they cry. But they prepare to play their part, and after a boisterous greeting to Hagen assemble on the bank of the Rhine to welcome the boat which is now approaching, bringing Gunther, Siegfried and Brünnhilde. 12-inch Double-sidedBlack Label, 66 Introduction-Act 3 (" Lohengrin ") Wagner D. 937 .. .. .. (Wedding Procession Music-Act 2 (" Lohengrin ").. Wagner SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Conducted by ALBERT COATES The poetical meaning of the Introduction to Act III. has been made clear by Wagner himself. It was intended, so he has told us in his writings, to convey a general impression of the festivities " His Master's Voice" New Operatic Records following the wedding of Elsa and Lohengrin (with which the previous Act closes). The music commences with a brilliant soaring theme on the full orchestra. This is followed by a superb melody that the horns, bassoons and other instruments play to a throbbing, pulsating rhythm on the violins and upper wood-wind. This is repeated by the full brass. A quieter section brings an exquisite theme which is perhaps intended to portray the lovers amid all the festal throng. Then the first part is repeated, bringing the Prelude to an exhilarating close.The Wedding Procession music accompanies the final scene of Act II. It is Elsa's wedding morning. From the Kemanate emerges a procession of ladies. In their midst is Elsa. Pages precede this wedding train on its way to the Minster, and as Elsa passes through the throng the nobles greet her, asking Heaven's blessings upon her marriage. The procession begins to an exquisite theme solemnly chanted by the wood-wind. A new graceful theme is added by oboe and echoed by the clarinet, and a little later a third melody of long- drawn-out sweetness is announced on the flute. The " epilogue " begins with a reintroduction of the opening theme. Then we hear a melody as an " inner voice," of descending notes, which gradually dominates the whole of the musical fabric, appearing finally in the full splendour of the brass. Vocalists :-Florence Austral, Tudor Davies 12-inch Double-sided Black Label, 6/6 (Love Duet-Part 1 (" Lohengrin ") Act 3 Wagner .. .. Tudor D. 931 -II Vocalists Florence Austral, Davies `Love Duet-Part 2 (" Lohengrin ") Act 3 Wagner .. .. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Conductedby PERCY PITT This is the famous love-scene of the third Act following the nuptials of Elsa and Lohengrin. The processions of nobles and ladies have retired. Elsa is alone with her newly-wedded husband, the unknown champion of her cause. Lohengrin turns to Elsa ; he would know if her happiness is as complete as his own. Elsa His Master's Voice" New Operatic Records answers in the same blissful mood, yet, a moment later, when the Knight tenderly breathes her name, she regrets that his name cannot be upon her own lips. Lohengrin tries to dispel the faint shadow of distrust her words imply. Gently drawing Elsa to the casement window, he begs her to drink in the beauty of the night. The mystery of its moonlight splendour he compares to the mysterious force of love that binds them together. Then Lohengrin reminds Elsa how, knowing nothing of her, he yet became her champion. Thus he trusted her then ; now she must trust him. But Elsa's doubtings cannot be stilled. Again she questions her lord ; perhaps some dangerous secret lies hidden in his name and origin. If so, he can safely reveal it to her ; her life shall be forfeit sooner than her loyalty. Lohengrin's reply is again a plea for trust in himself. He begs Elsa to give him her whole-hearted love and devotion without question. Much has to be given up for her sake ; he has come from regions of " blest delight." A cry of anguish comes from Elsa. Mistaking the true import of the Knight's words, she imagines him to be regretting some trivial earthly pleasures of a former life. Her woman's jealousy is aroused. How does she know that Lohengrin will remain faithful to her ? Gradually reaching a pitch of emotional frenzy, Elsa, in spite of Lohengrin's pleadings, insists on asking the fateful question : " Declare thy name, thy lineage, thy home ! " Maartje Offers (Contralto) With Orchestral Accompaniment 12-inch Double-sided Red Label, 8/6 Gerechter Gott-Adriano's aria, Part I (" Rienzi ") Act 3 Wagner DB. 758 In seiner Blüthe bleicht mein leben-Adriano's aria, Wagner Part 2 (" Rienzi ") Act 3 This is one of the finest arias in Wagner's early opera " Rienzi." The youth Adriano, son of the Roman patrician Stephen Colonna, is in love with Irene, sister of the tribune Rienzi, who has led the insurrection of the people against the nobles. The aria (the role of Adriano is always allotted to a contralto) occurs in Act III. Adriano is in despair, for his father's people are the sworn enemies of Rienzi, the brother of his beloved. He laments the passing of the hopes and ambitions that a youth such as he had cherished. Only one thing remains, which he prays to the Almighty he may be able to accomplish, the healing of the feud between the nobles and Rienzi. Although written in the style of the older school of opera, the music is wonderfully effective and offers great opportunities to a singer of dramatic gifts. "His Master's Voice" New Operatic Records Dmitri Smirnoff (Tenor) With Orchestral Accompaniment 12-inch Double-sidedRed Label, 816 i Pourquoi mon triste taut Moussorgsky (" La Foire de Sorötchintsi ") .. .. : DB. 753 Dmitri Smirnoff and Maria Davidoff Oh ! Tsarevitch, I implore thee Moussorgs/ey (" Boris Godounov ") .. .. La Foire de Sorotchintsi " is one of the unfinished operas left by lloussorgsky, the creator of " Boris Godounov." This charming air is one of several vocal numbers which were completed before \loussorgsky's death. The love-duet " Oh ! Tsarevitch, I implore thee," from " Boris Godounov," is taken from the third act. Diinitri, the pretended Tsarevitch, is in love with Marina, a Polish princess, who is the tool of those plotting to overthrow Boris. Marina tells Dimitri his love will be in vain unless he can win the throne of Russia. Yielding to the spell of her beauty and her ardent words, Disnitri declares he will win the Tsardom. In this fine love-duet the two lovers pledge their affection. Dmitri Smirnoff (Tenor) With Orchestral Accompaniment 10-inchDouble-sided Red Label, 6- (Forgive bright Tchaikovsky me, celestial vision .. .. DA. 569 Pique Dame ") i What is life ? (" Pique Dame ") Tchaikovsky our .. .. Although unfamiliar to many opera-goers, Tchaikovsky's " Pique Dame " (which had a production at the London Opera House in 1915) contains some very delightful music, the two airs here recorded being among the best in the opera. Both are sung by Herman, a young officer whose vice is gambling ; the first is an impassioned love song to his inamorata Lisa, whom he asks to conceal him so that he can approach her grandmother, a notorious lucky gambler, and endeavour to obtain the secret of her success.
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