Ill Marasman Mes So I Iwaiii
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From Cxs TrtzCszat T Trnyo Mara. Feb. 1. For Can JC - Franc lacs: r f t V7 i v Sierra, Jul 10. ; I'tV' From Vancouver? ill Niagara. Teh. 21. For Vancouver : Erenlng BuIleUn, EL 1S82, N'a UH PAGES HONOLULU, TEBBITOBY OF HAWAII,' TUESDAY, JANUABY 30, 1917. 14 FIVE CENTS Hawaiian Star, VoL XXIV, No. 7737 U PAGES PRICE it nnnnnI I M !l(Sifii1R'fiiMA; ! - mm i : hi ,, II n . - H III' 3 nnn? ri h Oirector Batocki Indicates in Speech That Further Care Must I . V f P ill ail IM I II1RI I Be Used Naval Battle in Adriatic Land Fighting Has marasman mes so WAiii police oelisje ;J Few Features Today' ; " i i mi mm ? :'" Wlnteaa) STARTS RUSH v ! (iHMtitK rM ferric r rtoil ;a "SM'cftef" VITH . AM8TERDAM, Holland, Jan. 30. The lkrlin Vorwaerts, thft Is ratlirai newnpaper, declarei tha.t Adolph Ilatocki, president of (he nm I l III! I nnnnm rrnn i ifmj I Pood Halation Board, and common.lj known aa the "food dictator Governor Pinkham Approves Finding of Summary Court Mar- 5 In a mi-D-t speech Indicated that the supply, of proviiona forfupring tial By Militia Authorities George Keawe, Absent From STflAtM SERIES OF IKS! ' ficantj and will require careful distribution and economical oae. ? Drill, Refuses to Pay Fine, High Sheriff to Prison wi quoiea an KLjuig npiiner poiaincn nor inrnijm rauwi w TakesJiim lie inai ; At Luncheon - Held This Noon . lined an animal fodder, and that there are 2,000,0m. ton less wheat ..:, I Puzzle Begins on Last Trip of Great Northern Pretty Slip of " "As governor of the territory, t was called, on to got over the findings and potatoes than last rearv v , - - '; Treasurer Announces Gifts ' of the regimental summary court, and I have approved the findings, which Femininity Declared By Detectives to Be Smooth VL!c::" sentenced the national guardsman to a fine or two dayt at hard labor. I of More Than $3000 approve the actldn taken and stand with the national guard authorities. Sought Funds of Y. W. k A., Telling Conflicting Stcri:s-r-Famo-us That Is all I have to say." Governor Pinkham. Disappearance Case of Dorothy "Arnold of Ficv Verdun ;Fielk; Again Scene of Stpifa; National guardsmen who absent themselves from drill without proper : - Revivers-S- ; excuse wiU find themselves in trouble with the militaryi authorities of the 4- Mrs. Irwin Shepherd, treasurer York he Does Not Answer Description C. ' V";;: PARIS, Jan. 30. A Cerman on 304, in the territory and In extreme cases may be given jail sentences for repeated ab- 4 of the Y. W. A, announced at 4 f 7.V Pran, attack Hill 4-- luncheon held today 11 held., s sences without leave. This morning Governor Plnkhajn, commander-in-chie-f the at the "Dorcthy Arnold" from Saturday night to this morning was sectors-wa- as Verdun repulsed today vlth considerable losses for the - $3037 al-- of the National Guard of Hawaii,- called upon the high sheriff to association that had at the city police station. carry out a court martial sentence of two days' confinement at hard labor ready been contributed toward The name that six years sgo was flashed over the worldJn the great , in the case of George Keawe, a member of Company A, 1st Hawaiian Infan- --f the budget for 1917. Can-- est disappearance mystery of the decade and the pretty, brown-eye- d c'rl"; - acknowledged pzila.-tha- T BERLIN, German Jan. 30. Four French attacks were made try, recently convicted of absence without leave on several occasions. tributions were who used It In Honolulu fer two weeks st least form the basis of a t M. Cooke . j, '. Tinder nreaent rorTiilsHtna from the Charles 4 baffles the police. Y. W. C A. officials who know part of the story and today on 301, Verdun sector, but, all were unsuccessful. , Quiet rl Estate, $1000; Mary Castle Trust, qirl : mil pay of the entire force of national even the attorneys for the herself has prevailed, for the 24 noun "on Russian and Rumanian $720; C Brewer Co $500; The release of the girl this morning followed the arrival of thefGreat last the guardsmen is dependent on the aver- " r. " RQ itESllLTS YET Castle & Cooke, $300; Hawaiian ship detective a They were .'fronts. v':' age attendance drills of the organi- Northern, which brought a and stewardess. the at Trust Company, $100, and an In- - first Involved In a startling series of Incidents movlmj along just under the There are only scouting - sation to which they belong, for ': ; operation In the.Czerna river bend anl- the $100. 'i V-'- : half-yea- dividual contribution of surface here for many days past A' : r period. Is pos- i the Struma region.; Jt therefore George Davis and George had already been en- sible for chronic slackers, as they are Attorneys 3.Curry how by gaged by the girl. They have been following the series of events and when, termed th national guard, morning they ready to flie hv federal court pull she was released this were the andJiabltual absentees, to down Campaign workers In the Y. W. C. a suit for $5000 damages, baaing the Suit on the search of the girl enT Ai::uian Dsatroyer the attendance of a. company to such ";- 'x ' ' ; ; A. program for raising the budget for board the Great Northern. .'" an extent that no snember could re- the year 1917 met at the association Briefly, the search was made, because the girl Was said by a steward--, ceive pay for his services, even lunch. Thfjr toured the mysterious s indicating waa a f -- lliSsE today for hint she ROME, .Italy, 30. The newspaper though ess to have let drop that enisle Jan. Tribuna sars that the he might hsjre attended every building and. after this program waa crook oni who had Just pulled off s big diamond swindle sr. theft 3 any In- Austrian destroyer 1 lunar was put out of action in a naral engage-- i drill. It Is to prefent such carried out full , instructions were The diamonda .were not found, the girl was released, cams to Honolulu ment in the Adriatic y ..fcrday or today, battling destroy- justice from now on? that the governor given to the Workers who will; begin on the Mauna Kea, dropped out of a ight for s few days and something mors with Italian Emissary to Washington is has taken prompt ajctlon. d Campaign on Wednesday morning. Y. C. She ton-e- v the than a week ago applied to the W. A. authorities for funds. wzj ers. The Huxzar woa hit several times and set on fire, and then - ' 5" Both territorial knd federal laws . : suspicion.1. Though, ' Back But Says He Has Not The various teams organized for the taken in and cared for, but her actions aroused fha vip:IrkY:C provide ample, means for enforcing at- campaign will begin work tomorrow posed as a young runaway girl, several things, they sayr made them sus- Anything to Report tendance, by providing for courts mar- morning and will report at 12:30 on pect she waa deceiving them, and their suspicions' were conveyed t t'le tial and for the execution proper A booking 1 -- fiEW YORK STOCK 'of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. detective bureau Then followed the arrest of the girl, her Satur ; "will ' ,f What, success' if any, 'attend sentences by tho same. According to . will be 'served at'-- O'clock day until the Great Northern arrived, ; r. ;r- - ; ; luncheon t night and tha wslt ; HARKET,T0DAY the proposed.' project, to. secure legis- territorial law it Is the duty of the In the gymnasium ' to all campahjn At 12 o'clock she left the police station and' the detectives admit that 50,000 high , - lation to permit the entrance of sheriff to carry out the sentences workers. Reports will be received of she 'Is a complete mystery.- vl"v ' Following, art the closing prices of alien Chinese Jnto Hawaii for .planta- of courts martiaL. and under the Na- Individual contributions ; and funds v GIVES VARIOUS. NAME$ NiHORTi TIME ' . to-a- y, v - t : Iht. Nwyrk marktt tion labor has' not yet bees definitely tional Defense Act;, the laws of a state raised by the Various teams; girl's me Is now givnlas. Dawn Moore, She Is' called bawa J tli&tn : The ; :.!.': o, " sent by the AwociaUd press 0vtr determined by W. H. Hindis-wh- with or territory, as to iprocesses' and sen- The. campaign planned tp ralae ifoore in tha legal papers filed ftoda y But she1 gave' her name to; the Y.. - l, ' the Federal Wlffltsu A1 ? Farm I.CortuW" local Chtoese" interpre-terr- f tences by court martial, remain in $17,000 for the budget tMs year and to ' W. C. A. authorities aaDorothv Arnold.' -- ,6' '1 T H;rT'v';;' ; - ....VYesterw tarpedJto r.Hon9luhf-,in'- . the foree. 'A-- '1 clear, the Indehtedness.on the building. She told a stewardess, the stewardess says,'tr'"'',that the was the' missing5 .?lX)NDOX,Tr: ? .r,,',- -v .rToaay , oay.-Alaska;- GreaVRorthern from a trip to the" nV haVejanTIfflfrer: of trials Theraptalna of the various teams ars - Dorothy Arnold Yrk, in the search- - for, whom" hundreds : of thou- Jan.: 30, :A -- - Cold ..'. ; I Z : Vi Uonal by summary court the- Mrs. Johii'Erdman;,,chTet spent - - "- l- tRentrr's d: ; .;( Constant!-- , capital.":;' imtfttaln 1st as follows: sands of dollars have been : .h frcra American Shelter A;,.;ricSH?106fi rv-The- is nothing absolutely noth- Infantry durlns the psartew rweks of captain; Mrs.