
••I Mill

la­ n.-r^u &) years, deeply regretted, Ofltee *frs. Thompson recently had, a terrlblt ^ Oorwm, of Westpslstown, Dublia. /. P. Mackey, Ennls, before a larga venerable Archdeacon Mangan, pa* and High Mass were held in Turin experience. Before her eyes her two- audience In the new school, Kllruah P|^#.0JPl " JuliA XJEL*J> Th- dw,th »f Mr. Richard MoCaba, •LT cf Kenmare, presided at a great Chapel, and were attended by a great year-old daughter fell down a well IX road, Ennls, on Oct. 13. Rev. Father 1L, Dullin Btieet, Balbrigganu, occurred :: eating of fanners who whan to be- number /of tbe townspeople; funeral feet deep. |fr«.. Thompson, with trua O'ConneH, vice-president, Diocesan X^m ¥WUtlI THE IRELAND. groun""* d^ at ° **. *Th" ^e cortej" a •+ The death occurred Oct. 13, at the from the owiier*, He delivered, a Very tion, scrambled down tbe well and ivas the largest seen fa Balbrigfcsn r/rauUne Convent, Blackrodt, CotkC of, ©fear address on the condttkwas which .eached the bottom in safety, which Mjtitom I* Bring OjjMie by the People at iistrict for some years, and fully teal*- 'Miss Katie O'Mahony, In religion. Sia- ought to guide tbe tenants* in their contained water to tbe depth of about Bed to tbe high esteem that the de­ Hanrif—Various Itwma From :er Isidore. The sad event took place dealings with tho land owner*. Fifteen based was held, not alone In Balbrl* five feet. She leiaedfifepi; child in tinif Mvtry Section of the Dn Tuesday, and on Thursday the years' purchase/he considered, enough to save it from a watery crave, and gan, but the generally. ANTRIM—Mr. Thomas Duffy, a Wtermect took place in the cemetery for land ,„ Kerry now Mr j^^ j managed most courageously to keep Emerald laie. Recent Death* In —KBI/LY"-- well known and respected citizen, ot 3f the convent, after high mass. Slater Sul,lyan ^en proposed the foflowing her own head and tbe child above tha Oct. 10, at the Hospice for the Dying, Belfast, met with a very serioue accid­ Isidore was tbe sister of Mrs. Julia water till assistance arrived. A num­ Harold's Cross, John Kelly, East resolution: "Resolved, That a commit- ent on Oct. 12. He waa cycling from Nagle, and sister-in-law to Mr. Thomaa ee representative of the several ei- ber Qf men were brought on the scene C_€>ririaiagh.t James' place. LAMBERT—Oct 11, his business premises to Divia street, Nagle. Moore street, Kllruah. uteg ta lbe parIsh be appoteted tot and with a rope mother and child in a John Lambert, of Milltown, aged 62 after he closed up, to his private resi­ CO£K—The people of Kanturk will the lurposeof communicating with the rhort time were extricated from their OALWAY—Rev. Michael J. MoHugh years. HAROLD—On Oct. 9, at 119 dence, Clanchattan street, Antrim present an address to Rev. M. Brew, landlords as to whether they would lierllous position. The child was not president St. Partath's College, bai Lower George's street, Kingstown, road, when be ran into a trench at as a mark of their esteem on his re- sell to their tenants under tbe Land .iurt or shocked. Mrs. Thompson ^Jtiem appointed P. P., Crossboyne. Louis Harold, aged 58 years. ROONEY Carlisle Circus, and sustained injuries moval to Youghal. Purchase Act, and if so, to state their escaped with slight injury. These changes were made recently ^Q^ ]B at 105 chapel street, Dublin, which necessitated his removal to the terms." Continuing, he said that fifteen DONEGAL—Mr. Hugh Law, member »»*ln the archdiocese: Father Heany, tc John j08eph Gerard. OROURKE— The remains of Mrs. Maurice Griffin hospital and detention there for some who dlPd at O'Brien street, Mallow, years' purchase is enough for the land of Parliament for West Dvision ol Aran Island, and Father Hughes tc Qct 4 &t 3 ,nn8 quay( Cornelius time. 1 ^onlsburgh; F*ather Qreany to Achill . i rran quay, aged 49 w«rP interred on Oct 11 In St. Joseph's In the district, Mr. John T. Ouihan, so­ Donegal, at the opening of the new 0 Roorke( ate of A ..On Saturday, Oct. 3, the remains ,4H»d Father OToole to Mulltown; cemetery, the funeral being large and licitor, seconded the resolution, which session of theDungloe Debating club, year*. HKJGINS-Oct. 14, at Phibs- cf the late Mrs Eliza McNally, of Father Mack en has been transferred representative of every class. The was adopted. delivered an instructive and interest­ i5oro' road, Mary Higglns. McDON« Islandreagh, Antrim, were interred in '** "p^£*om Kllkerrin to St. Jarlath's college mourners were John, William and M. On Oct. 14 a conference was held in ing lecture entitled, "New Ireland." NELL—Oct. 10. at &5 (Jreenville Ter the family burying ground, St Corn- fJriffin, sons. Ardfert Abbey between Mr. Llndsey Mr. John Sweeney, the Castle, pre­ Miss Madge Conway, daughter ol race, Dublin, Patrick McDonnell, late gall's Antrim. The cortege, which re­ Talbot-Crosbie, high sheriff of Kerry sided. -Mr. Thomas Conway, Ball!, Count) of . KBI.LY-Oct. 10, at Michael J. Lehane, 158 Blarney at, presented all classes of the community and the tenants on his estate with ref­ DOWN—On Oct 12, a sealed bottle allied Oct. 10, at tbe residence of hei tbe Adelaide Hospital, Lawrence Kelly, Cork, has been missing since Sept. 26. testified to the respect entertained for erence to the purchase of their hold­ was found on Bailinnahattan Shore, »->, nncle, Rev. Walter Conway, pastor ol son of Andrew Kelly, formerly of Naaa He was Mil collector at the Queen's the deceased and her family. Rev. ings under the new Land Act. All the Kllkeel, by Mr. Hugh Morgan. Oo - -Glenamaddy. County. . ('AKROIJ-r—Oct. 11, Old Castle, and was aged 50 years. Father O'Callaghan officiated at the tenants, numbering 300, were present breaking the battle a paper waa found LEITRIM—A young man named at the Hospire for the Dying, Harolds- The mystery surrounding the disap­ Interment. I James Devlns, while bringlnb boxes tc cross, Marion Carroll, 46 Townsend pearance Is deepened by the fact that Mr. M. J. Flavin, M. #., the Rev. J. K on which was writtea with a lead pen­ BaUlnful Dairy, near Manorhamllton street, aged 5G y«ars. DOYLE—Oct his accounts were square. He has a Fitzgerald. Ardfert, and the Rev ARMAGH—A meeting of the cil: 'Lost off Island—Jack was killed by bis own horse, which ran 13, at St Joseph'B place, Dorset street, wire and six children, whjo are much Father Cremins, A'I* 'y.lorney, were Armagh branch of the United Irish Jenkins. George Handy, J. S. Finiey away. The wheel of the cart passed Mkhatl Doyle DUKKKY—Oct. 13. at disturbed at his disappearance. also present. Mr. Talbot-Crosbie waa League was held in the Foresters' hall an^ ail Hands. Good by. R, L P." accompanied by his jon. I-leutenant M. on Oct. 11 The chair was occupied An accident of a ^ery serious nature .over him. 30 Fitzwilliain place, Dublin, Sir Mary Sullivan, native of Mlllstreet, George Frederick Duffey, M D, ex- Talbot-Crosbie. recently returned tc by Mr Patrick MeKenna. A large occurred on Oct. 9 to Hugh Brennan, t ROSCOMMON—A thoroughly Irish was interred In the Mlllstreet cem«- Ardfert, and by Mr Oeo.-pe F. Trench, number of new members joined the of Kernan, near Banbridge. He waa program was gone through In Atb president Royal College of Physicians, te y on October 11 She had reached Ireland McCABK--Oct. 14, at DutSfin agent The meeting wa« called on the branch. The following resolution engaged in excavating a Quarry be- league on Oct. 11 under the auspieei the age of 96. On Oct. 4 Mrs. Hanorla street, Balbrtggan, Richard MrCabe. following circular: "Estates Office, was proposed by Mr. T Hughes, sec­ ior.g'ng to Mr James Woods, of Bally- «of tbe Atbleague Branrh uf the Gaelic Dennehy died In Cullen and had at­ ajcManuB—Oct 3, at 10 Westmoreland Ardfert, Oct. 5. 1903. Dear Sir—As the onded by Mr B. Downey: "That we \arii}, -when a large portion of the League. It was owms to the efforts ol tained the age of 104 Aj a Soanaohie street, Mrs Ellen McManus Irjsh Land Act will soon be in active tender our heartiest congratulations to &.a\el fell upon him, fracturing hia J. Healy, J. Carty, (J DifTiy, P. KUlian she was much honored In her nelgh- fippratlim. it seems desirable that all Mr. John E. Redmond and the Irish uikie bone. *M. Brennan and J. Keegan that the KILDARE—Thomas WaUhe, aged birhood. and ter ancient tales were k parties interested should consider the Parliamentary partv on the decisive concert was a success 60 years, of street, Monaster- listened to with ajmreelation around A shocking affair took place in the new relationships In which they will victory gained over factionism in James Brennan, -' 3t. John's parish evan, while helping to shunt a wagon the turf Are. A man named Daly, of Newtownards Hosiery Company's es­ be involved by this-import ant measure, South Meath by the election of Mr. Roscommon, died recently In Brooklyn at the local railway Htatlon, on Oct. 7, Roerastip. Knoci\nign-p. was also tablishment, Court street, Newtown- and with this object Mr Talbot-Crosbie Sheehy, who was opposed by Mr. John ¥'''-*f •where he had lived for the past 40 nv crushed between a wall and the buried the same w*»k in Cullen grave- ards, Oct. 12. At about 8:15 o'clock, iS*:-. :•}• wagon. The Injuries proved fatal. proposes to meet his tenants at Sack- H. Parnell, brother of the late Mr. wncii all hands were at work, an ex- >'*..•;£; * . yeara. A wife and four sons survivl yarrt He had r:&• ^ - The Elphln Branch of the FoX'hlll. was superintending the mak­ day. 14th Inst, at 12 o'clock, when you On Get. 5. a rr ^?tirrj of the tenants parmie:>t One of the large steam Qaelk MfS. Mlcfiacl Don*> . dn, Knock roe, $• SsLeagBe having secured the services ol ing of the grave for his brother, the are requested to attend Yours faith­ of the Wilson estate In Divernagh and preo^>ob had burst, and had (Jreadfully f: np-u Sklbben-en. was found drowned _a native Irish-speaking teacher, tha late Mr. James Orford, at fully, 0 F Trench " Mr Crosble offer­ Rathcabery. was 1-eld to consider the scalded the two men In charge. Henry at Skrhanore I* urit en Oct. 12. She ^people of Elphln and district are cemetery, a tombBtone fell on him and ed to Bell at twenty-slx and twenty- landlords' proposals to sell to them Watson and Matthpw Dennett. On tha had 1 c»n misiiru hl:n-t» Saturday night broke a leg. He was attended by Doc­ three years' purchase of their rents. floor above the rfnlshingn department .afforded an excellent apportunlty o) pre\lut.s. and nci trace or tidings had their holdings at twenty-three years' tors Kenna. BalUtore and O'Neill, This arrangement the tenants did not :s the knitting department, in which jicuairing a colloquial knowledge oJ l>r->r teen or heard if Iier beyond the pin chase on the nrst term rents and their national languagp. Sympathy IB felt for Mr. Orford, accept, but business was not finally 1 "te wor: lng fifty girls. The heavy 4 flndhi ; ^f a fur w i u h t.he wore, found twenty-six years' purchase on the who Is a member of Kildare County decided 1 1. es of th" iron from below burst •^ lir. Thomas Quoenan, of Cloona In "« Maish Klwr The night waa second term r-^ts Mr Edward Har­ Council. i...iiugh the flixir Fortunately there V.^raocby, Boyle, died Oca 5, deeply re w--: ji.-i sdiriny «tioi she U-ft the town LIMERICK.—The residence of Mr. ris, solicitor, a :• nant. presided. After -vns only Minnie McCutcheon In the arreted. The funeral took place Oct. 7, —The death of Mr. lor !ui-i' and it" |!

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