" V% -Twin Falls, Maho^Hio/92Nd Year
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s 7 ; ' ; : = j = c V.' T h leT i n < " V% -Twin Falls, Maho^hio/92nd year. No. 14C T u esd ay ,^ay2o!799^^" ] 50 ccnt;:nts G o o d m o r ] R M N G 1 3 I w i l l \ ■V W e a t h e r v ' i e f o c o i Tf i m i s ss i o n e ir s e a t =TW ay:-M osl36rsmmy^^-this mbmin g - —BylirWr Wright---------------------------- -- ^ Reputlica'ican supporter ’ ’ Coircctioiions. becoming partly doud]idy by after- VmtHnlimwrttdf _________ ^ who campimpaigned for Thirty-tjr-two prcdnct members, aa relare noon. Southwest windid I5 to 15 tw inIN FALLS - Local Republiciilicans ^ Chuck WirWinder, one of tively larjirge number, showed up 10te casta mph. Highs near 75 deidegrees. Mondayay night voted for last-minutete <can- h W M H S ; ^ Gov. Phillil B att's 1994 their vote:tes. Batt is cxpected 10 appoinloint a subcrnatoatorial oppo. Twin Fallills County commissioner withwithin Lows near 40 degrees.!s. PageA2 i Carla Reed as their flrst choiooiceto nents, stc ® nilan.ea.empty seat on the Twin1 FallsF( state schools 15 days of receiving the committee's;'s rcc-n Countyy CCommission. Superintciitcndent Anne ommendaladons. - r i- odiers. For theileir second and third choices,cs, thet M a g i c V a l l ePV y Blanchnching briefly with surpris,.R Ri eed ' R eed is ; .leth^jtr jaw drop, closed it wim her•hand, ha is one of five Twin FallsF County Republici>lican smilinglg before1 a roomftd of her fell candidates'es vying to take Committeitec picked John Robins, aiBuhl Bu -GOP mei £?!!55L:--------- DartlMcCUn---------- Carta ^ - --John Jol floMrts— a commissicssion ficat-vacat-'- • real estateate agent,-and-David McClain; cd by Brentent Reinke, who Buhl'farmm er a i^ county emcrgcncy::y dis-d J a little surprised and very,f, very'v Reed, 53, Is a corporatecc secretary for wasv appointed by Batt am pleased,’Ki,” shc later said. and now heiftls p. Canyon Springs InjInn and a longtime local thec Idaho DepartmentIt ofi Juvenile Please see COMMISSIONER, Page.’ageA2 Al l- C< L E A R — — T IP rriu rd eisr 9 'Designer niriofT: Rece<ceding Big ' Wood looks good to dis;lisaster coor- H b triaal set to dinator. Page C l b q^gin toda^ Fossil fete: Hagerman’Sn^ Fossil evolves into biggeger event | ^ R H | By Kent M(McCleary M B S B B Tlm»»New»ir» writer________________________ Page C l TWINF.FALLS - The small white cross,cros a wreathh across its shoulders, stancrands S p o r t s alongside:e a wire fence skirting Orchaichard J a 2 S y fiS iy S S L Drive, mmarking the spot where:re a Jazz go off: jT C T ffagSP Castlefordrd icen.ager died. nHie i Utah The cros■oss is weathered and dirty no\ ' For two.yi.years, it’s remained silently wwaited, a testimonyly to Ryan unbeaten at Wiggins, home in the afteter p la y o f shot in th e chest when they with a sa sholgiin. started their Wednesesday was Western . the sccondid anniver- Conference----- ---- -W iggins’— Finals series against Today, the man no III Houston. wilh killingng him will begin, ; Page B l- ro Trevino HI, 23,' faces a first-firs degree mimurder'charge. A pool of 818 rer 'ill fill the Twin Falls Count>unty Court courtroom today. 1 imin lan uhusu* ■ ' y. as attom ey Monte Carlson, TwiTwin : hoiL playoffs, FaUs Counmty Prosecutor Rich Sevannand an Deputy PrProsecutor Grant Loebs, stai : wh PageB3 ury. ***n»w-------------- '“SS- ng arguments will most likelikely . , sta During anfl ew« examlnatloft, 4ireaMld Oebrdiordan E}eShWds tells re]^ered1 numn pei^e Parrish he hat mer nei^ys Iri hla ean. PeShlelda,I, whowl hai au^ Please sec TREVINO, Page/i3geA2 We ferwl<«fiourioiit aar (nfactloru'In the past, race■ecdved a deanblll ^ h ^ Monlofiday durhi2 a trip to a free wellnellnesa screening offered at thee FirstFI Chrlitim _Coj Church InnBuhl. B . FirJtate Board —------ ’ S t u dJy: Seconciary It to tum "V T- y gay history, ^ ^r*S smol'ike hikes h eara r t *' ationwideep o ta tb jglut force:es fafmc] PageAS Aralanche snowed undei risk i;i n w o m e n Colorado Snds Itself in ( al position ih the NHL p toedum p stoDcks; dispG)Osal pos<jes probleG m S nieAiwclatiatedP resa___________________ down t ^ games to one. how the SSAMcdf __________ _ DALLAS\S — Regular expostire to> sec-sC' ondhand smokeSl appears to almost dot T h e . s p u dI g{ l u t : dou- tier FORT]T FAIRFIELD, Maine — Aflw ter V:;- ’; ■' : ^5 blo the rislisk of hean disease in womeomen e Hollister five badi yearsy cf potatci farming oii rod who don'tt smoke,s a study of 32,000 nurs-nur ri«tatMwtthb(ffloni^po^mdi haivastod In 1996, bOOoRsMts of. , . cs found. O p i n i o n PageB4 ar the Canadian border, Ch ith finally harvested a beautil «k May 1 and stodo » a pern»rcentageofhaivsst . That's higherhi than previous studicjdics have foundid, and at least one expertcsaid sai •Common sense: The.sta crop of taswtas baldng russets. .' iu ' 0.130. '9 / !oragixi . 3.1 . ; loubleble IS, he cannot sell them befcelore . •.> ' Studyly represents some of theth of Education was right t • ' - cnp Minnesota 25 0.650. 26 . Penn., 0.4 ( f. strongest e'evidence yet of a link betwee down a g r ^ t to s tu ^ g£ iheyrott. - • . ■ - . Montana ’ :0.32. 0.02'0. 7 .: .Washir«ton. 9 5 - ; n’t they pretty,” Beckwith said,sai : V • 6i46' Oj0.11. 24 Netnska - OA NAW NA : Wlttomh 3.1 “ H1 H heart disei:easc and other people’s ciga-cigt tpde^s ieditorial s ^ . VtAbacksa : up a big, smooth potato from D.98 ;.34- , .NewYoric -. :03: .0.016-2..0. ,T e« '. \4U.:t aOA: 23 ke. irth abor- i6-foot pue.pi "You. can’t sell t^em, ar iA'- ZT. KDakota . 23-r-Q.- 0 « : 23^= Mnn«—lan • “They'n're startling in.terpis .cJf OibOi <PageA2. • youcM’tjI’t give them away." a^«;25,'.-0W p-0J3; • WNA' NA ' • u* *»w w•DipMMt N strength of the assodation,” said Ichirchiro ^ Beckwitwith and farmers across Americerica . Kawachi, aiassistant professor of mcKlicinlicine I at Harvarard Mcdical School andI theth< produoediid a record 44.1 billion pounds i On the 150th ohn[iniversaiy of the Irish th< CoiyiM UNlTY|! potatoes:s ]last fall, flooding, the mark them because wc ^ ’t procescess them." study’s leadad author. 1 : irlcet pbtato famine, farmimers arc tiying to sell, But] farmers need to be: carefulca about . in a majo idiiw the price of pomtoes douBown give away or dispose ijor study published last Augusligiisl, Club profile: Hiid out hoi tse of the leftover pota- howho they gee rid of their crop.■op. nonsmokitcing spouses of smokers ballha] ECTION ier hundred pounds, compareared toes before they rot>t andi tvun into a stink- Left] to decompose in open: Hollister Parent Teachei vnth$8oror $9 last year. cn fields, pom- about a 20!0 percent higher rate of he'arleart ^ . ing pUe of black goo.» . toeito< becbome a breeding grotpx)und for dts- disease deileaths than nonsmokcrs whOsihOse Organization helps the I (luc lias some Maine farmei “You can't stored! them like com or soy- ca tIonC pt. Nationally, more than 10 bi case, induding blight thatIt canc destroy spouses didlid not smoke. The latest sturfitudy School. “ ■"I- beans,-said Duanene Preston, an extcn- thetht ncixc crop. Dumped Mtatctatoes also can — publishcbed Tuesday in the Americjuricsm : Valley ..1-3 Jo n i» iiinmds of potatoes were in stora{>nige gion agent with thet; universities of contaminatecoi the ground wat according td the Agricultui water by emit* Heart Asso«sodadon journal CircuIadon~rin— aries.......... 2 Minnesota and Noirorth Dakota. “We're tingtin a thick black liquid as they break looked at; ltotal exTOsure to secondhahi menc going to have to haullul them out and dump down.do hahd N a t i o n ■ Abby........4 ■■ ■■.■ • smoke at hchome ana at work. Surprise move: The AM/...........5 | g l | H bill banning partial-birdnotices ...5 tions. , H | So)urces: A^rj Force; secretany s ^ s ■ i; lot will sttand trial1 fdr frateim izatiori1 " S e c t i o n by se c............. .pil' aifunds...2> tleiTlroet_______ ^ ^ drcumsiistancc like this.” ^ Itwouldbeextnxtrrm dsm n er offidals, in interviews with Section A Sectio WASH5HINGT0N — The Air Foret )s Angeles Times, implied that preparec•ed to proceed -with a courtjrt- foran honorable.^bkdtsdmrgp Flinn a:and her advisers may havelavc ’Weather......... 2 . Magic Vc manialI ofc its first woman B-S2 piloi ayed their hand by insistinggon on Nation ..:.......S6 Obituarl( . • i R I On aduliiltery charges, apparent!)Itly • tobe^ixninddi^ d m . m m n a norable discharge. These offi-offi' Worid..’...........7' DearAbl v'-'' gcX reluctanimt to give First Lt. Kelly J ills; ■ dais saiaid the Air Forcc might havelavc . Flinn thi± e honorable discharge shc'Ji approveved a general scparadon, the Movies.,’.........7* Peopie;. i ’ sought in a last-minute effort to head“ d »• f-> , military'ry’s second.bcst discharge and B pffatrialial cxpected to be embarrassass- - A i r F orces» spokesman far benttter than the dishonorable dclb ^ Opinion...........8 l^gai no ing bothh toI the servicc and the defen:en- ----------- :--------- ^ : often given to personnel con-con^ •Idaho.,;....:.....9 ■ Classffie dant Secretary Sheila WidnallWi “has no violinin court.martial proceedings,55- West.:........