PAGE 22 PETROIT EVENING TIME? fPHOS'K CHERRY A400) Monday, September 8, 1941 Brother Combination WANT AD RATES Trade Schools—Male j Female Help Wanted Grandes, GIRL i Whife • No cooking, no laundry| Scratches The Puentes national * DETROIT TIMES private room assist two children 4-4. Output 'ttccer champions of Cuba. lihs a LEARN WELDING Extra evening off; S*. Townsend 4-2435. Better 'Auto Cut AT TUISTI> HOWN Third Rata Aurebon M'e* San*amon r|r>u k f»«l Bander* halfback of brothers BODY COLLISION URN GIRL or young woman light housework. tVa*ihar combination Daily and Sunday mechanic*; work; good Thud Itaia War Wua, Biakaman ? •tilth Race Par!.-aj> Luis Minsal at light half, Jose Auto Dleael steady Assist one baby. Htay nights. Tovynarnl ? nth Rat a—Myaxei. Lad, Bt«*»hara Per Word Per Day pay, free employment h h7ui lil.l'ta Radio, (,a Hrae. a' center anil Marcello at lefl. MICHIGAN TRADE SCHOOL iiou». w<>rk . laundry; AT HAWTHORNE Ocleary, Ka GIKI. Genersl no clear, iratk, fa»l. Sixth Ra 10 tinued curtailment* in the coming luvyri. wife of . t*RK neiKtiig. laundry”; AN ARMY But al Trdd>. Park 04 1 htlnviil Walter L dear week 4r 4*je HoDMKW No no weeks, atvording to induced Al Ml I AH PAKh mother ut Ewivn 1. Conper of Loa Ah *tav. i*. 14127 Prtnreto* University fight battl»«i without realizing ship- Third Race Kam i •>f Kx Funeral from the Van (Minimum ft w«ud»i you’ 'ou a car hours ganize an m«lical xx me !-(Mdle«H. Mands orit Juhw, (jibby ¦ ARRGEBBIVE MAN ll have and ihiee plants Sixth Rata Pakalk Piatna !>•¦* l.erherghe Funeral Home. 13340 Ka*' daily spare 4445, Looking hack on Most of the major parts Boutefeu Stanielan* Tuesday some sales experience (no peddlers*; lu wide Box B Detroit ment. Smacked a T'>rniari 1461 Burlingame Ave . John Berchman*. linn* Wanted ;iijl>m» month a survey off • hand no medical but Ninth Rava Declared Holly. a Fogarlx CASH HHIRT ieni u for cord thetT Hiat Mi** • everybody wa* evidently ’oo Waathai at Sovald HNineral Home, Woodward Axe 7 or more conxccuiive hTENOGRa Piirlß fm iiiautane* rifftr* Sa. a M*o lana AT ONCE i lat k Kitty-one mator Toledo plants, ond Rat Cnrdlt. Miaa a' Glxnn Court Funeral Wednesday, V :ji» time* e j good fuiurr .peili-nce tinnecessary. busy fighting to notice ihe S pul a w or;7, Detroit Times. w * of *24.- Third Rata Pavitt Pi*n accepted of it. Nl7 workers in the week ended Hi¦¦ a Adx«rn*em«nt* at anv AN EXPERIENCED VACUUM Fourth Rata Ara-Ornl* T"»n Expands N—September ft Florence, neighborhood UNUSUAL At Bunker Hill one of the Firm Mil.A helmed hundred* of convemeiil OPPORTUNITY Scptemlver tv a decrease of 1,18!! Kifth Roa Riat>anl sutxlur Jack and CLEANER SALESMAN, STORE a few most American surgeons. Saxanth Hare Nax>. mother of Allen Khoad* Want Ad Station* or at the Tim** For -il.Udie,. demonstration ex. noted Virginia Nolan, dear Main Office Square low peitence have c*r. . ver the preceding week, and com- .lame*. and Phvlis* Times at ; ¦ helt'ful fmu»t Phona Joseph Warren fell fight- •'.jugfiter of William Collin*. «l»ter of Mi* you max tele- SELLING NO CANVASSING; Norihlawn rt'Juh between 7 and 4 tonight Dr. ago. N AT, 4 F k' economy ca*h rate*. Or paring with 15.714 a year AT ANSI TT P F Fry of Ohm Kuneral at re*ldenre 9339 phone ing. as other Waathai tiaai traik your ad tu filer ry 661)0 and GOOD DRAW; MUST HAVE WANTED Ladles to do home demon- as well several the favt t'arleton. Tiie*dax at 1 45 »nd at Church The 31 plants which make have It iharged mating particulars given at interview; patriotic physicians hut v rat Rare \rniaa lie. Captain of Ea*t Varnor and I *Max a> 2:30 after • Chrl*i ordered hv telephone ac- APPLY weekly reporls. represent one- | Pimnaaa Ida Str m* AviationV* Work Ads and CAR. 'ai cv.eniial; no r >’i.-r-to-house Wrlta cepted from in Bunker Hill it became evident employment 1 Second Ka< r Hv c.ani Parfai* Amour. jierson* listed the Box 4753. Detroit Times third of the industrial Anal Trip Victory telephone book or citx' directory on that some organization must be Bound. Funeral Directors charge COI/IRKD beauty operators wanted; here. t Third Rata Taroh' NEW YORK. Sops R Kurfhor memorandum only In return -teady large of for ex- Sears-Roebuck Co. work. Brown's Beauty Bh»p, formed. The numlier j fourth Rare Potnna. Huntin* Home J SUTTON * son thi* ixtunesy th* advertiser i* 2442 Madison. showed the need for Spaadx Joaia Mnallna cxpannion in the aviation industry 4117 TRUMBULL AVE TEMPLE 2 3100 pected to remit promptly wounded Kata Stepa'-.ilii box number t* desired, 2566 E. GRAND BLVD. hospitals and shortly Dividends 1 to*hth B"nn.a Vixen by the Chicago If estimate military T’|i,rl Pova Pruro Sx tka VV arrin* Pneumatic Toof five Word* additional 9 AND II Situation* Wanted—Mate at tieneral Outdoor Advertising Wltrh Sax me tirara Bauer Half. H,*h Monuments The Time* reserve* the right to BETWEEN one was established Cam- I I’ornpciny i* by acqui- Couple, apartment • markcrl Ihe |CARET\KKR building a div idend of An h Knight Si \ ela*»ify ad* under appropriate bridge. Company declared head- man i r .. < Ninth Rata Hattie Tina Senega Hilly sition the Garfield, J., plant REDFORD GRANITE WORKS ing* xiensu• $2 on accumulations on the cla«s of N. experience T\ ler ri-HI 10. Raa Khimr Opposite Giand Lawn Cemetery All rlaim* for adjustment* and re> IN RKYOIXTIO\AR\ TIMES to Tenth -Darlaied off. of HI CARETAKI-T;. Jaml experl. A Mock. payable September 23 Rata tlic Champlain Corporation, 2543 ft Grand Rlv« i RKd rd 04.31 find* mn*t tie made within ID daxs HOYH MUST Hi; 14 OR 19 WITH i I xlen.-ive ¦ tier expiration of ad CYCLES. FOR EVENING WORK JUST erne, excellent local retnences Depend- During Revolutionary War stock ot record Septenilier 13. itccording to announcement handy. Cherry the ATI IVIONII 4f made Error.* should he reported Immedi- THE IOH FOR AMBITIOUS HOYS WHO able. 9747 disgraceful Ohio Manufacturing Company today Jackson, Lost and Found ately no ARK A there were several VVaathar, clear; by H A. president. The Time* a**unie* respon- NOT CARRYING HEAVY PRO CHEF Expei lenced excellent geneial C'»ia- tra*k. fa-' sibility for IN SCHOOL THIS KALI. SEE quarrels among men a dividend of 30 cents, Tut Rata t.ittle Suznnnr One Klap used errors alier the first GRAM tng, travel anywhere. A-1 reference*. the medical 'declared Full facilities will be for BOSTON TOT BULL, female .nelghtax insertion MR SWARTHOUT, ROOM 204, 534 Mtzroy lf«u3. of rec- Slat, Vir*ima Girl, Tot am I.llx * at the top. but an effort was payable October 1 to stock Partin* t lie* manufacture of hydraulic hood Sexen-Mlle roadl Child |»ei Re- To Insure publication in the • SHELBY. War lea ward Sunils DEPENDABLE young man. elevator oper- like amount Urflverslty 1-9260 in the made by Washington and even ord September 20. A Satond Rata Cnmaon Lancai VVinurcl equipment used on military and paper, copx mu«t he Time* ator chauffeur at re clerk, work ar>F office by 11:30 a m Saturday To put such mat- July 1 last. Pharlar. naval all The KINDER of beaded bag plcane cad again. kind Towr.send H-7392 General Gates to iwas paid planes of types. insure insertion in every edition of the Third Rare Nutnaijr Prank*. War Liberal reward Townsend 9-1363 BOYS, 14 to IS with buy lies, who are EDL’CATED. exprnemed desire* vsaiter, on a nonpersonal, non- t'harm factory, a modern building of over week-day paper, copy must be In the this Fall, for ters Port. Korazt PURSE, not returning to school Ipprcnt ' , rxi el. 1. B. Klelnert Rublter Company Mardt LOST hv widow containing con 1 Times office by 6 pm. the day before work, good pay. steady political basis Fourth Race Graa Meadow- 90,000 square foot, is bt»ing money, key*, rosary healthfifl outdoor lent references Madison 9249 a of 30 cents Alaalada, Pu*tx Dunlin Grneral slderahle (| publication vacations pay. Mr Swarth 'declared dividend Gold. or work: with See EXPERIENCED i' '.red man Supplies and cart* of all kinds adapted to the new production as hood Oak wood-Allen. Erore Henry Ruffi WHEN CANCELING adverli*emeni* .134 Shelby, 9 a. m to wmlr-s woik. on the common, payable Septem- Hax-. Tantrum out. Room 204. 12 di.viiig r TEmp.e were naturally crude compared Fifth Rata Rlahlah rapidly as possible, but th« pro- roadl; leward Vlnewood 1 3993 advertiser* must secure a KILL NUM-. truck mechanic. 30 to stock of Septem- RFR from the telephone rlerk 2-Hoix record -- ber Sixth Race Chn-anna Skv II .»!<¦.« gram vvill require LOST WALLET, near Moritgomerx to ours. Some of the wounds substantial 1 Without the nornbet satisfactory ad GAH -tat inn aM mtiint tirr nattery man| ber Twenty cents was paid Mi*« Mud, Odenathu*. P.uata Ship tiur Ward*. Schaefer. Muhisan Keep part DRIVERS WANTED characteristic of frontier fighi- 13 additions in both equipment gnd ju*tmerit prrfeis stauon-caf Taddx. money. Return - badly."! making driving i ..isuline xxallei. Needed etior. Me do not guM-ant*e to discon- Good money uppoitunity K'ne«t Mihone ing in June 30. Saxanth Baca 4i-:ox» Raaron gua, n. pel Mtunel. tiregon driving lul l.alavetle 1431 as describe! the case 9556 tinue • • orrier unle** •« Checker Cab*. An outdoor l"l> a Wnrthownm*. Srullcrx Maid, Ovaitall cancellation intelligent boy, m ihe oftu-e hes *t. a p m .pleasure car H>-althlul profitable and .NI-'VT roluied want* records make frightful reading. Crystal Sugar Com- OMviln. Champlain Corporation activi- LOST Ma’e beagle With leather collar.: receivsd the Job; good American pieiedifig Age to Apply chauffeur houeetnan - refer- -i Parker Jelferaon, Y•r. ' rlax the n.-x' Insertion: II 111 steady 2t 14. 2 l.’H lrum I find, incidentally, the case of a of 30 Eighth Rare Wink n* Mivm Art ties will br transferred to a plant n*ar Reward ¦ m. m ence Tv lei 4 34 30 Ipany declared dividend Vark»a l.ari Town toy u.-ai7 z-wturday for Sunday edition*. hitj II after it c who Cat. Mintron. Hiooka of the parent PORTER Handyman caietaker, depend- a man was completely Vents on the common, payable Herod. Inter-Chemical scalped, recovered, and was Corporation in New York ('ity. WRIST WATCH Ladle* while gi Id xxitn MAIN (111 |lf able, stemlv worker, experienced, refer. September 30 to stock of record diamaid The Pneumatic Tool Reward Townsend 7 2766, after sno IX7« ( AVI AAKNIr EXPERIENCED MEN SALVATION ARMY Dependable menT 1 it Waailiar. tlear; track. la»t 12957 Woodxxard . covet ing even hough Company, manufacturer of air .Steady. part time wurk. CriKker. Cadll. cranial 23 rents July 1 Kata Epernax Chailax R», »\. *i With arultiy on finished aircraii enein* Kir«t tools, A I TEA!I aq| 4HE Ia« 229.'' did not consist of hair. Paasat* I'raxxn. Porn* Jullh The ChII compressors, pneumatic part*, also Acme Cndlev opera'nrs Must. Bias* Bottle Crut-ms Mattaia* l.:*hi Trade Schools—Male WALL WASHING po’lei houeework gen" Diesel engines and rock drills, r.e Thorough * experienced Pr'»>f of t S INJURIES FROM PROPELLERS Sar»>nd Kara Raima N‘irth Swe|it CHFRKY HXOO I 1 e'iil hmdvtnan der.endable, experienced; Marine News Ftaa Tima. Fri»inan maintains large manufacturing 'itirenship necessary. VY rite Box H uMi' rt feimi Townsend 7 K.'i34 1 l>e| Every conflict has. Mip|*>se. m.TKoi Third Race Kutcaclotie Hadxlark plants at Detroit, Cleveland and roil Times. COf.ORED i iH'PLK want* J"t> exchange r Fourth Race Co|*n>. Pitchblende AUTO WORKERS wile s eervlci sot apt. its peculiar forms of wounds. Kink Alpena R Franklin. Pa. unfurnished I IT AVidener, arrived Teddy Haslam Pluto. Be Working* Start Training Now Trade Schools—Male Townsend ». 21-2 thing 1 !R Richardson cleared, 9 a m. tundi); Mayot Panabud, The most ghastly saw- Seventh Rata Bart ¦ l ' . 'I - 1 C f>i.ile listings :H"b*on iu:43, S»m Mnr»* 10 .'»0; Sylxam* Matab, BunatU. ACETYLENE, ARC PLUMBKRS PREPARE FOR YOUR EXPERIENCED sandwich man Apply uN.'l'l ¦ i f! 1 were the American Ifttrtlware Corpora- WELDING in \\ am in World War in- [ Weat arrived. 12:10 p. m B F. June/* , KTATK JOURNEYMAN OK M ASTEK.H Wm B'leskv Restaurant, 10330 Dexle; i"e lug bundsy Times Ad INSPECTION st • 'oiling juries to airplane pilots or 12 20 Sonoma arrived. 12 30 J. C. Allen. tion declared an extra cents and a regular TOOL-DIE MAKING. MACHINIST MICHIGAN’ PLUMBING HCMOOL, :.JIM ground men from flying Diamond Alkali armed. 1:45; W P. Craw Waathai tiark slow Lathe Milling Machine, Shape' ¦ UNSDALE FIVE MEN Trumpal. ada*. quarterly of cents, TYLER 5-M4RO Situations Wanted—Female ford HI s< biller, 213 Watt 2:20, E'lrsl Rate Husar Ca.v dividend ‘JS Blueprint Reading H-idy Kendei Repair no genuine pellet's. I VTxahstain We have shortage of «to< k A Green Inland rleared, Mexnll arrived, B H both payable 1 to stock ;LEARN MODERN BARHKRING Phone. eound «al.» connecti >n now open for ,7 in- BUNDI E wa-fii'ig Ironing *i>e< laluing Civil War the medical Second Race Siaweep, Halloa, Right- October WOLVERINE SCHOOL wnte for In the Taylor arrived 2 3.5; Crudoil, 3:20; Mor- particular*. Moler College. 57.1, telligent men interested in sales w.irk Car shirts, i irtatns stretched, railed, d«* fool. Happy Seth 'of record September W Michigan department lor the od an efficient • arrived, Humrick l-miiee 62" t»emio. PIN BOYH 19 oi steady w "rg special u"rig shirt*. islled delivered. system of collecting and shel- arrived, vver. 6.30; Saruolitr 7 13- Fanoit Grand Central Recreation 19.41 Krrr, J.sfuvplte 7ae.2 tering and rapidly giving fust s• .ti * Hrltawnro t:N Km* ar Tark rived, 0 30 Cadwell. 0 33: Robbins. 12:23 Bi'NDl.k Lu wa*h"ig expert *h r? aid treatment to large masses a m Moadav (’lty Kington arrived, 1:03 f -. •[ * its m> hornr Townsend M> Kurd rleared 1 40. Barkhamxteart PLUMBERS 7 ell of wounded. Crescent City Licensed first men ex- 4'onallmtlnn armed. I.V: Journeymete class h.\l' CD . i I i * r.- ¦ Wo"'*ii We he* our Civil War. too ether Kuias, perienced .n nrw house <’ In - arrived, 3 40; Clxde :i 43 3:50. Vfoecfiyuj fwork. '"i -J dav» w e ' ..ent laundress cleaner. and the blessed benefits of Shire* 3 33. pogt, 3 ,'h); j*te*ltnn, 6 :13 -leady work lor right men. Call Davison Tyuer 5 2Y7 by of Klnn*' h2ii' Hilling*. 7:30 Karr, 7:33. ffehulce Plumbing and Heating Mau-um 1413 anesthesia means ether Pfln lite 7 33; fmnnacona 7 43 * FA C I DNCKD co ued -I! wishes rta't. were first made known. Hut piUVN Rammarhrr, 0 10 a. m Sunday AND BUYER'S GUIDE SALESMEN i ean tig lav. 'irv, } 70 rarfate Town* wav vet Blown Beaxer 9 13. Fttfel li'irman ar- G'*»d opportunity f«.r i2i young m-n i>e .'end 4-4749 surgical asepsis not por- p2O Emperor. P 43: C>P ages med Willard <1 61 Al tween the 24 and 34 to make pe.rTm- N( --el yirl » *»he« d*v», gangrene, .agenda. I EIRNA4F EASING, REPAIRING IKESNFW RENOVATED LIKE N EVV R iimi mi: \ii > KXPKRIk r.D ¦>. fected and hospital as I’hPbyv *an arrived, 10:23; I 10:45; nent connection with national organized u i | I -'• , • A, t Campbeil. II: Laonard. 11:25; Tranx- CARLSON STI'tHOS Adxertiaing displax* ALL type* pooling, ln*iil»ti4|| y..A>T Jelferaon Hea'iny Hutnaee • leitn- xjuality 3la>- photographic studio, no ex|ienenie non .*-4094 fnr.l 1 25 H R Jnne*. 1 30; Wolf 1:45; AIR HEATING k «nio. hi r (ik >i k\ i in*. repaitin*. jiarta, hit conditioning tres* ('ompanx. TOxxnsend 6-7562 ii pital corps. Si ackhnuse 23; Curhlng- •ary. salaiy arid commission Apply NCI t. i,l. girl »isn< « day i. Britanv il. 2 :05. 2 GASCONAIRK COMPANY C.asconaire EXP 7 RIF « Barge* and 142. Zenith Citv, Mtirtax- 0451 A BON V F IDE tiuar.intee—Mattn sc* ren- A-1 HKRVIUr Radio*, a*her.-, none'*, ham. 3613 W >odw-ard. Room 14 ami•- No 137 2:33 furnace on hasemant E.iizatiaih- new, rt ' me iaur • . • el’sr f O' • :35; VV C cailin**. irpmnui guaian* ovated like 53; 4-hoin eervit-e; tree 'iiuuc machine* (Gusiantee.i». i.*ii- TYPHOID AND MALARIA 2 South Park Resolute. 2 Third Cadillac 1014 FURNACE CLEANING delivery. SERVICE attendant wanted, luhrtiat 3 10: Stephengon-Manlla. xxotkmanah'.p, Pill-.xx* renovated. Cleveland niHie* Lenox sft.Vi Rirhairtson 3:45 teesr .1 c;*v tres* Co.. 12335-37 Hamilton '" . LXI’V.CJLk.NGy.I.I «*W r -»"*k \ To. s-1136. • Spanish-American S T. Pamant 4 40; Barlow Krugeltty ar- I t11.1.|» lit phone Temtil* 1-3.561 . lllllMi • The War AITO WERVHE an.xtinif Kl MIJ F. »• VWtNi' Mi TuuiiWlff'. Tchirsr' BrorflFr*. 'nr f.itJi's r'i atier 2 Tfinltv 1-7394 rivad 3 35. Walter*. 5 30; Waul claarad tHjr.MIK r-EAI. fffnufffk E'\i.erTc.-at, ni: Iti/xULKURSEs renovated like new 63; Harr>et was principally noted for the K>ndrOk. 6• Schoonmakar. 7:20V. Mex.oil WAT C-' a-'t positively guat anteed. Star Matuef-. BFAUTIFORM EFFORTLESS exrei.t«*r KA.MILY IRD.NING d n my D'.im spe* repairing; guaiariteed. Trinity t*o*s. mutt » ’i Taylor rlaarad. Jeffaraort—Expait xxurkmanship Tox»n- 1-1 Hogarth .',66h. f*r reducing Halnn, STRONG un» to iea'n . -h Us . piece* »;>eC:» f t‘srt Lynch R H nt Lillian ,Y»nk.e 13 phofd v accine after 3:3ll p. with good f.ppoitunlty salaiy. Ap k I fact that t.x was \\ . d. A 35; VVhitnay Saahoard 90 claarad send 9-3322 #3.4)0- RENOVATED; East Grand Rivet and priced r 2491 .MATTRESS da. !• * 7 phoistenng Company ID i •' » tis Damn jr, |;IS DUMmhI Alkali READ Time* Want Ad* lor profit u»e Mattie**, "urnier l ,!RI C r. I « ».»k v* at 'l* not used and typhoid fever and H4RRM.4. H4(t*—4 O'IPI.EI 1 <*T4MK them for result*' service Miller 99us Keuhevul Hi t RIGFR4TIIK *1K\ l( I Har;>er rlaarad. 11 20: Janie* -Maids rlaarad, 11 2ft Lenox 7991 . nt , n ne ; ght* »ie: enr» s Trinity c » Thompson 1:33 a m M«nd*' : Car Companx. Ma li- malaria did far more damage PFRRY RARHEI.-Hau 711 EIKNiriRK. K AGIOS. APPLI ANCES VJ MATTRESS reive ated it*x service ALL MARKS SERVICED Parts tslwr r. nt..n 2 50: Schneider. 3:33: Har\a< son. Paid ’ .n THE ERNST wy y Pam '-HiKhast Pricav CAdiliac (,'hixa rrantred Townsend j-2010 or T.ier KERN CO w i»he* davs • cl«*e. 25; Wlndsollte. 4'30: Hagarlx 4:50 Mor Northxx extern Maittes*. 7136 k o. 4 KF.I.fAHLF than all the Spaniards and 4 4«P3 DANTO FURNITURE MART. 6453 Michi- Hogarth Mod * an place three neat, smutm us i.ien w i.ffletfert, eve.|»nt r. fetenres. 6.10; Marlp«»a-Maia, 6 40: U. S 491 I 'ns* van gan Frigid*lie*. u>t*hrrs, electrical ap- liave cars .Sales experience required I 441 : Gypsum, Trinilv Emilio Aguinaldo combined. 7 25: Sullivan Bros . 5:23. HI. AI 14 xHtll'i p'lgnce* 41*70 KtMIFIVI. ANII *' l.Alaxeite MINtRAI. 11 AI I K IOK IO.AIIII Apply y.mH'Vment OfTwe : v ' . ea.s ' vaccination intro- sVI STE. NPKII'. 1 i *Iv 1 i Typhoid wav I.T VIAKIK (Harriet ic*;,|c 'M 'PERRY SHOPPES Perrx i Ra GAR AGE HI 11.01 K A FACTORY lepic-entative will . . hi . i i m a a Sunday , ' SKOAL" NATURAL muieral vxat -t ben> ' ;*ui 10 A. M. Sharp, Tuesday Onl\ ¦» duced by the English physician. t'P Prtnrafon. 2 m. RriC‘d- dticlng catunats. 1720 VVaet Warren Txler L'lxJi.vA hou-e wuh buck •>r »t«ne I b'lroefl Windsor I 7*-*777 . dm 2 30. Angslinr 3. lo; M C Smith, H , r*-:.i3i A tjARAGE by Re*tm:k mean* tlie he*t id* lUrum itiMn. arthnti* neunti- MAdi- •tvle »irting including m-ulitton WANTED R'.vs J 4 17 1* lor r ntlngent Wright, tentatively in tor ytit'N''; i o|. girl v -hes wmh *Mev Almoth W. Iloaford. 4 J. H Shnadla, 5. Sultana, tuiill nt a fan price. No down pax men'. *oo ~h34. "Dellxetx ’ 'log I'.mplfir, inter »nd hue work in Hinders Last yiidr and Wot •ed material R.«if • .<• f 'i. I. ne •' e Temp * IW4, its present KMwnod, 6.30; C Millar, BARBER <4l PPMEW—4 04IPI.ETE I.INE 3 - l‘>r > k an ¦ hut not in per- i>. Arrturu*. 7. J. xear 1 to pax. Restock Lumber HO 2121 v|OK TGAGEs «*inf house .y»u No down pay- "r; stores Apply Uni Dakman Rlvd . near k J I.atiKhloi. 6:3»i. Saturn. P; J. C. j>pe a rna**HKeg nip- mem. ret month >r«t Hamilton Ha ui lo |1 jiii m any day 1-1312 fected form until 10 years later, RAZORS shear* e-11 r SI MUNI Verm K-VStOP. Wallace, in, M Gallagher, II J H. Read. per*. strop*, lather binshae. Voniar*. .111 GASOLINE STATION. ZING INVESTORS LAND and Mortga.e Com- except Saturday XI i 'l.Oi' Fll ui' i 1 dni, and it was first introduced in J J H Brown. P M Clamaon. 11:30; Gratiot KOO r S rep*" ed ’' New roof* low an vrt ,V(, • 11. JOHN'S SHELL SERVICE 3600 Gra'mt pany 517 Penobscot Huiidin„ Irtiorma- Cherry 4Hj. Evening* Tylei WANTED R Uhh 'a'pente. Call evening* K T. Wan P. il Karr, noon. Vandoc, * term*. the in the in I Ellery t. Goody eai lire*. Batteries. tion Cadillac fJv> 111. Vinewood 1-2426 A124 i-niton 1 0.Y73 field Boer War the 3o p m 1; ROWLING rt-lth! I 12 Swadan. Aaainibota. Ivanhoe 9777 COLOR ’ w • • k laund'e*#, British Army. Hokartv i- Lamiit lie. Marquatla. 2, E \V. 4101 N fI.NG SERA II I k.D FIT ELLIOTT RECREATION Bowling HEAD Tune* Want Ad* lor profit -as* . e»o s|wi :H lin*' Sh ttS. I'.instns. 2:30; 3; Nnronlc, * YOUNG MAN Every’ also ha« it* l’at»:n> J K MrAlplna bar Jimmy Trope*, proprietor. G A*Ol,lM. STATION Companx them fur u«ult*' Trinity war own i: Oalairna mpany--«Juarantced. Stanehury. Mbhuan «.»s» CO • P. V Amazon 1953 Wm Jeners.iii (Hurkei C 15472 >f.H I It 4 1.l t.MM, Thursday ¦ Temtde 1-1942 typhoid and malaria. In World Wm Notlintham 10. baila, 137. K, Vermont Kritxv Can i>at«a io.>;ik 7-5675. prob- <• 0.30, (iary. Verona, HI II.DIM. AND 4lltGl K.NI/INI. Kit.A Ml* A SON Service. Schoolcraft modern, War I we had solved tin* Hartwell. i f.. H. for profit MttfT complete. icmovr* ail Employment Agencies 11 panmark. a m • Pinehurst) —Shell gasoline. batteries, READ Time* Want Ad* u*c vaccine 3". I>. O. Milla. 12 30 COMPLETE MODERNIZING SERVICE tor re r<" i, jks.-f tmm sewer. ABC Sewer Special Notices lem of typhoid by and >!• nda\ , Nattlaton, E accessories. hern uits! A-1 Baavarlon. K. (Jilleapie Back, HO 6120, Electric Temple Kilii, **n>l l nt •- OFFICE POSITIONS OPEN water J"hn*un, 1 30 !• V. Maaaay. 2; 1177 P Clovcrdale. ran • -x of dysentery by sterilized Th >a. LA.NCSRII.I, Service slobllg&*. Oil. PIMPING STOPPED OFFICE BUYS STOCI BOYS BOWLIN' \l.' FY.4 lesruc*. J I- I'pnon. 4: your xve'll SUPER IM’IKISUM Mi MN\l(| -e Aril.on 12 milk, the I.amoni. 3. JoPat. E. C FIX home pay carpenter. Pax tirea, batteries, DETROIT SELECT SERVICE BUREAU Te rpt 97 Inqu'eg and pasteurized but i"o|» ;pi k'lj.i-'aai a* accessories. 17uu Last «e« compretxuin, >2.95 manager J 6: Wm Ikianborn, xou can. Iteatrlck l.umbei HO 2121 Kight-M i’OVVLK SEAI. Re 42u-21-22 TRANSPORTATION BLDG problem of acute infections lie ißlopelleß inatalled, guaianteed. Cas* Cad- A-1 SKWINQ machine vacuum wi»sher 7. KUKma Thomu* Voun*».town. 2121 ¦> K"*tilm*. 4 ARPENTERw AND lONI l IIRv illac repair free estimates, Lenox JoNF.H EmpK-ment 4114 Beaut i"n DR; : .M KIN'. > C ’ lamp shades 7 .Hi, J. p. M'ii*an Jr , c. L. Hulchin- RAI 7.377 #l. 8030 (' pneumonia and influenza nearly v LOVING A JOHNSON Service 140J0 12th Central Ferenc. tt int* Day Workers; .Uples porters East I t B(»n, A H BENSON Com|tan> t’arpentei mg. iLa belle i Mobilga.-, oil. battene-, wash- Maids. Waitresses Columbia TEm pie 1-2MI drove us to distraction. To *.ty I.K4VVN Sullivan Bro» Samian, guaranteed PAIKAGE DEI.IV ERA SERA HE 1010. lam repairing alteration* prompt ings MOU REPAIRS, •*w p machine* sunda> , J pH\id»nn j; C. M Schwati, Univernty Leasing In RIVARD EMPLOYMENT tApene' . d nothing of spinal meningitis. aervire 1-S7t>2 SHAFER Service —617 Howard \a> uutn* in home* Free e k- x B a • P l» Blot k —hervtee, ritxu tima'es Ni colored maids rooks laundte- -i HOSPITALIZATION vlt 4an tdi MT ELLIOTT-BYLVKSTEK si t'hcrrx 7914 for prompt delivery iiceit nia. hit.e» cheap Vlnevvood carpet i l-.iOTo , • v , f.-i ent re family 3 it". Pioneei, >.3n Ishpemins. i.mmmi Mt Elliott Sunucu gasoline 2 » hour Rivard TKrrar* 2-91*'! i.. i i AND ANSWERS * QUESTIONS ,1 •• lord, 6, battery charges PAINTING AND DR , \ %« fate i"iliidic-g "urreon tulle 7. H anionic. Keewaim. Sonora RALSTON Rug Cleaner * V oil! hoinf, DEI ATI.NI* "MAIM. I I A| II.MMKe Urn Mather. !* J. MaeNaughtun 9.30, apartments hut •vis. Covers ess and if* "I have hrrn in- 6808 Chailevoix ( Wondering - A AMERICAN pet removing, paper- Help .. Th Britt pi 30 Or, O. M Poe. Hat Olive K274 PARHAMS STANDARD SERVIO tvitu I Pa ANY make serviced ihice estimate*, t \s r Female Wanted . • at ¦ viist- arr'es A 1 o"A __ batteriea, hanging door aandmg, formed that in ihm's of iin- xe*ie- 12 3o p in Gov Miller Stanton. Chalmers. Tirea lubrication painting refill- fell. rent, exchange, reconditioned: snn e.tti l».-nef it w> e .nmlilf'mfnl 'ptlnnal. " rh»e« women arceesnrle*. Niagara iH2ti |."hlh» T' lei 6 k.lkfc neve machine., Tyler 6-7 AN UNUSUAL fippwrtunltv. \\ Identieal twins, if one of them 2 T 4 Hollow ax. 3: Captain C D. Se- RUO CLEANING—"In \ t i I Rets* II Rutlei machine*, reasonable, " Grand River d for *cll your friends sod t* ird survey'.r rra-' ahie TY ler A.| (A, informed. ontad •< Connelly, ii Townsend 5-404 111111. 11l v|H\l( I *1 I! L Ireland Wm jLafavette m Wondw ard i l.athmp > >IGN. IM.IMIKIMi neighbors snd earn eo‘r profit tymi C.M.lldge. midnight Superior 135 ¦>• RUM MA'ii SAl.k: 5 R 2 a m PAINTING, nrtlv A* v.u Faultless Rubber ( oinpany de- HI'TTKP, Servpc station BKTTKR decorating vv'irs- TOOL I>KfllGN and Engineering Service furnished free p»v • a Mondax Berry ton. 2 ;to Beaumont Tark". I f IMIIR*». INK | IIAI I.IMi Hindi Gritlit big season manship, matenais guaranteed, liee esti- ¦*•>l2 Woodv.ard Intoi mat Telephone HUM now for Rusal Crown, || Wednesday |O, 11, t-arge C , 3, Smith. J. • llarperi Sinclair h »*; hibncattons. ion. a m Heplemner clared a regulai quarterlv divi- F P K Davidson matcv 4!M)2 Temple IX ,Y? 7 Woodward 3" H A. Sod opportunity Apply 1 to stock of 12. Wind northwest fre»h clear. j I I I tMRs-im Will! IH I l\l Kll« St flair tWattrni—Stanrtaid ga*. oil, equipped for butt work Painting "Esti- KNr'.N’KKRIN(j - A41(1 Michigan Beauty Culture Schools lubrications mates Reasonable. Kitzroy OIK.) COOK I'nmpitm De*Jgn- era. I«><>|», special machinery, COLLEGE TAILORS Gleaner* ..*>7j . proeese Hr CULTURE - Complete VV.A RGNIKRS Service INSIDF OUTSIDE deeorating, paperhang engineering AI'TY course. expert wmV. manxhip, Temple _- Twentv-fifth, pick STANDARD and mg. workmanship 1-1040. 11 o w." liv n ' fteftor . ups; tintage kjo3 t Seneca» H'irst-class Reason- 154# Clyde deliverlc* Tctei Mack Tele able " * l-k»HK Trinity 2-<>ti7ft < t.KAIIIK* AMI ROAD IRAXLI 1 ' IIAI UN «KI 111 l LEITHAt.'SER For tietter painting pater SALESWOMEN bug mm. vi ani i %< n Kir. CHRIST LARSEN Diesel (lowered graders urv Complete service reasonable, Prepare for a Belter Position | ' coal UN CREDIT " Ler,ox * t me nr bait tifne position* "pen 1 ago dump funks .'lofi Ca«jv Northvill* "REFERENCES 31«« Pt'KiTAN Tool, and Manufacturing Foil BORIN. 11210 W elite MO t«722 4''im- w .rren who has* had several yeai* e* »fcok V ps n> . inanufactuiera. and Promotion Som | I A I NEVA METHOD I Colt P vn 7d17 Puritan. Tout peneni e, t OAI ,xA\ I.R. RAVI. !ft TO 30', ON I UAI. HO*I*l —Expert wallpapering, painting, rea- t'nivei.utv 2-3945 in Michi*an’a l argest Bueiness , sonable estimate* Lafayette ST MARY'S Hospital. An'oine 3311 APPLY ATH FLOOR AMERICAN COAL >avrr Cum pan' itoi 1120 \ 1.M11M4 s| k V II |. and Secretarial School. Enroll i'ie.,i i. Infoi mnMori leiepbune REPAIR planter aoei hanging psinttm Grand River L*:aft cuntrul Iniotmati .n Gratiot i now. Day or Evening. r\ ler 4-Plk! Cadillac i nil mteiioi and ex'ertor; pi'-miit service M H.Ri'H A NDISK Vending Serv ice—Candle., f Madison 3131 cigalettas, wholesale stock, piompt & | 1 AAA X* AMI GAKIILS* aerv Frank Seder THE BUSINESS INSTITUTE I til.A Allll I' •OR HAlt*. Mil V I AIN* WILL DECOKATI sidewall*, celling paper ice I.enox ,'i224 I i are LIGHTA ACKKS- top included), complete room, $4. jo HO Schools conducted at ORDER MARVEL COLA term fiorr. Keniuikv Uiue re.t \ IN I. IIIV HI IMIS (VAN YOU «ew st home In vour spa’* garth Bldg , manufacturer. Cadillac 41*. iLieliveiv timothy, delivered. laid. Twinbruok s.Virt can help you mane ad |i Michigan 1 heater 220 ? time We It '* Michigan Iki3 RAI PH BROTHKR.S Venetian Hhnd 4*om- line, rot I PI AXU *( HIHIL—AI)\ AXfFI). Ht.t.lXß* ilonai m >n« Attractive new of Fall ! Bagley, Detroit;- at 5040 Joy > panv Specialising ‘'flexihle ateel < * Hind." dres-es on onaignment |l|.*l(iMMi IIISI, 'I At HIM. HHII 'IH.R*.—IIFAKIHIKN *u(iplted Hell and road, near Grand River; —at AMI I M.IM I CARL HKt'TKI. Michigan chairman Na Townsend ,V2k.»4 altei a> your leiaute. Mias Mey era, 527 'io,ial I’iano Gratiot, at Mack; —and MONARCH PATTERN and Engineering LF M.AIRF TOOL and Manufru turing Guild Teacher* 2H7# West AAAI.I, AMI UIMIDIV II.MMMI W'-odward latnrei ij .1240 Companv tcails. Grand boulevard Company Engineering designing, special Manulacturers machine Madlaon n92X in Pontiac. \ Inhumation, fteaitiorn lu7o. MICHIGAN MASTER 1 mi' nmer\ Madison "*2t I*l AXl)—*lt 1110 HUAI) fl Cleaner*—Decorat- OK ing Industrial Spray Painting In- Experienced Graduates Are Assisted AM I, A| ARKFT* l.lillßK AL Al’l’l.l KII’AIN* NORMAN RKAl'MK—Formerly with De- sured • Cadillac aimi.i to Good Positions AMERA RADIO APPLIANCE -Washing JOHN s MaRKKT Groceries troit Conservatory of Music. DUo3 WASHING -‘ ~ ii MACHINE REPAIR Phone RAndnlph 45.34 for inlormatien machine* radio* tefrige rstnr* 12042 meats beeis. wines. 3'.ati Williams Greenlaw t'nlversllv 3-2247 Dress Salesladies Tv let 4-ss >2 repairing, Specializing Green- l K7b2 guaranteed. s(>t3 Grand River Phone Frank Seder Industrial service, University 2-422'k lawn I’ntveraitv 2-M4K AR(*HEH rebuilt; lathing plastering, roves. T>ier A-.'tliio ¦CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH” GAHKIKLS MARlcKT—Utiaenr- quality repairing. (workmanship guaianteedi EXPERIENCED northwest lienby Recreation. Whittier, nr. Kelly rd. I ARHH sPM lAt I*l meats, SHORTY’S WASHER-Itefrigrrator Salvage; Housework. beer*, wines MMMl Kenheval Estimates Vermont 5-3