PAGE 22 PETROIT EVENING TIME? fPHOS'K CHERRY A400) Monday, September 8, 1941 Brother Combination WANT AD RATES Trade Schools—Male j Female Help Wanted Grandes, GIRL i Whife • No cooking, no laundry| Scratches The Puentes national * DETROIT TIMES private room assist two children 4-4. Output 'ttccer champions of Cuba. lihs a LEARN WELDING Extra evening off; S*. Townsend 4-2435. Better 'Auto Cut AT TUISTI> HOWN Third Rata Aurebon M'e* San*amon r|r>u<t\ Ua> k f»«l Bander* halfback of brothers BODY COLLISION URN GIRL or young woman light housework. tVa*ihar combination Daily and Sunday mechanic*; work; good Thud Itaia War Wua, Biakaman ? •tilth Race Par!.-aj> Luis Minsal at light half, Jose Auto Dleael steady Assist one baby. Htay nights. Tovynarnl ? nth Rat a—Myaxei. Lad, Bt«*»hara Per Word Per Day pay, free employment h h7ui lil.l'ta Radio, (,a Hrae. a' center anil Marcello at lefl. MICHIGAN TRADE SCHOOL iiou». w<>rk . laundry; AT HAWTHORNE Ocleary, Ka GIKI. Genersl no clear, iratk, fa»l. Sixth Ra<e Cai»we#f». 3740 WOODWARD TE I HAST stay night*. Inquire Waathar. («al- ranjient 13127 West 7 Mila Health in Toledo S|r»l Fata Soira Ad l.adv Inflntv aultei Cantcrmaich Dorxal . T road. I Felt Haziqua, Rlek NEED W'todlord Halle, final • 1 »rt CASH CHARGE YOU TRAINING N« Honr« Saxenih I{a t a Haehx* Hale ilanait" ZDratlj Joh*. HOUSEWORK White No rooking D . Donadoy .Ailtrna. ilotites ftc 7c For National Defense Aircraft laundry Stay or go. 6'-. daya, $6 .Vi, By LOGAN CI.f.NI»K\IMi. M. assembly Saivmd t'aaourat Ma*i< V\ ni • Imt Dali K KlltandwWi. 1 Dm* TRAINING—NO HOOKS Auto plants face con- Rac# (Datiaiad r. PRACTICAL Tyler 7-I4 7U 6laap Along, Hugh Pla mono sam K , Eightll Race off IHlH'OV—Clara I. , age 59. of 4674 Eaat- 3 to ft lime* within one 1 AIRCRAFT woodward dorsn t hrjir> 10 tinued curtailment* in the coming luvyri. wife of . t*RK neiKtiig. laundry”; AN ARMY But al Trdd>. Park 04 1 htlnviil Walter L dear week 4r 4*je HoDMKW No no weeks, atvording to induced Al Ml I AH PAKh mother ut Ewivn 1. Conper of Loa Ah *tav. i*. 14127 Prtnreto* University fight battl»«i without realizing ship- Third Race Kam <a C itailt. major Kourtli Rare Al.luiyrtt Weather, 'laat. *t<knf gee* Cal Ml** Mildred 1 Dobaurt of I 7 or more conaeciittve Male Help Wanted MOOS it to or- ping schedule* received by l-i al r Hum)" Lovely Silt h very* noon that noedv Kifth Rata Wtlaaaha mri t.aai < a I Rat Detroit : dear aider of Reinhaxlt H Fuch»j lime* 4 e LADIES, *2*l a wees here i O's Ra«e Sprite Araatlal Good- 3'.e would extra tnlerert army depart- plants -Maltkup Bon Jouf Commaniat >i •>f Kx Funeral from the Van (Minimum ft w«ud»i you’ 'ou a car hours ganize an m«lical xx me !-(Mdle«H. Mands orit Juhw, (jibby ¦ ARRGEBBIVE MAN ll have and ihiee plants Sixth Rata Pakalk Piatna !>•¦* l.erherghe Funeral Home. 13340 Ka*' daily spare 4445, Looking hack on Most of the major parts Boutefeu Stanielan* Tuesday some sales experience (no peddlers*; lu wide Box B Detroit ment. Smacked a T'>rni<lo Watren. corner l.akexiew. after With here will rurtail production of Fourth Race Saily Saxon. Dr Holme*. at Lawn. Louis EXCEPTIONS neat local man with ear. may apply at Tunes America's wars, that became Seventh Race Pear V ankaa Nopal a noon 2. Interment. Forest Housekeeping 'i\th Sxxinx gut en Rose \ To Rent Room*. Woodward, Room Monday or experience, part* still more na' B. at (loldai Era Race K I lie- Ky.. |.aper* plea*e ropy '33k 204. NUKHE. doctor's office; sia'e the of con- fvassengcr car Ran H< Sax Tipt *n Sla*het, Mar- Room* Board anrf Room t hlldien to morning, 12, age. evident in first our Eigtith Eirtda . nth Rat t Tuesday between 10 and for weigh' aalan. etc. Addres* Bo* during of Rare Cantata r'tr O Mtt. Reptember at residence Home Aged Invalid, the remainder thisv Bid Au'tsiraph Eantun tha AKTV 7. Hoard. for feltua- interview. B 4474. Detroit Ttires flicts. At Lexington and On- 4’arlfcbad « • showed, many Eighth Ret. Bahv pnn<#*», l>ari 1461 Burlingame Ave . John Berchman*. linn* Wanted ;iijl>m» month a survey off • hand no medical but Ninth Rava Declared Holly. a Fogarlx CASH HHIRT ieni u for cord thetT Hiat Mi*<hial beloved husband of Ruth White CHARGE laundry. Bte.idy wuik. 1 1537 VV'iodward ot them will increase defense Vlso survived bv mother, one brother and 1 time .. 5c 5e organization and aypuiie. § department AT AgiEPITT two aiatera. all of Auburn. N Y Remain* 3 time* within one week 3c S'-jC work. rlem iratk fa>* • everybody wa* evidently ’oo Waathai at Sovald HNineral Home, Woodward Axe 7 or more conxccuiive hTENOGRa Piirlß fm iiiautane* rifftr* Sa. a M*o lana AT ONCE i lat k Kitty-one mator Toledo plants, ond Rat Cnrdlt. Miaa a' Glxnn Court Funeral Wednesday, V :ji» time* e j good fuiurr .peili-nce tinnecessary. busy fighting to notice ihe S pul a w o<td <3lr I 2 3c mainly automotive reported and Visitation Chunh at in.tut ( M murium 11 woidm Addres* ir>r;7, Detroit Times. w * of *24.- Third Rata Pavitt Pi*n accepted of it. Nl7 workers in the week ended Hi¦¦ a Adx«rn*em«nt* at anv AN EXPERIENCED VACUUM Fourth Rata Ara-Ornl* T"»n Expands N—September ft Florence, neighborhood UNUSUAL At Bunker Hill one of the Firm Mil.A helmed hundred* of convemeiil OPPORTUNITY Scptemlver tv a decrease of 1,18!! Kifth Roa Riat>anl sutxlur Jack and CLEANER SALESMAN, STORE a few most American surgeons. Saxanth Hare Nax>. mother of Allen Khoad* Want Ad Station* or at the Tim** For -il.Udie,. demonstration ex. noted Virginia Nolan, dear Main Office Square low peitence have c*r. ver the preceding week, and com- .lame*. and Phvlis* Times at ; ¦ helt'ful fmu»t Phona Joseph Warren fell fight- •'.jugfiter of William Collin*. «l»ter of Mi* you max tele- SELLING NO CANVASSING; Norihlawn rt'Juh between 7 and 4 tonight Dr. ago. N AT, 4 F k' economy ca*h rate*. Or paring with 15.714 a year AT ANSI TT P F Fry of Ohm Kuneral at re*ldenre 9339 phone ing. as other Waathai tiaai traik your ad tu filer ry 661)0 and GOOD DRAW; MUST HAVE WANTED Ladles to do home demon- as well several the favt t'arleton. Tiie*dax at 1 45 »nd at Church The 31 plants which make have It iharged mating particulars given at interview; patriotic physicians hut v rat Rare \rniaa lie. Captain of Ea*t Varnor and I *Max a> 2:30 after • Chrl*i ordered hv telephone ac- APPLY weekly reporls. represent one- | Pimnaaa Ida Str m* AviationV* Work Ads and CAR. 'ai cv.eniial; no r >’i.-r-to-house Wrlta cepted from in Bunker Hill it became evident employment 1 Second Ka< r Hv c.ani Parfai* Amour. jierson* listed the Box 4753. Detroit Times third of the industrial Anal Trip Victory telephone book or citx' directory on that some organization must be Bound. Funeral Directors charge COI/IRKD beauty operators wanted; here. t Third Rata Taroh' NEW YORK. Sops R Kurfhor memorandum only In return -teady large of for ex- Sears-Roebuck Co. work. Brown's Beauty Bh»p, formed. The numlier j fourth Rare Potnna. Huntin* Home J SUTTON * son thi* ixtunesy th* advertiser i* 2442 Madison. showed the need for Spaadx Joaia Mnallna cxpannion in the aviation industry 4117 TRUMBULL AVE TEMPLE 2 3100 pected to remit promptly wounded Kata Stepa'-.ilii box number t* desired, 2566 E. GRAND BLVD. hospitals and shortly Dividends 1 to*hth B"nn.a Vixen by the Chicago If estimate military T’|i,rl Pova Pruro Sx tka VV arrin* Pneumatic Toof five Word* additional 9 AND II Situation* Wanted—Mate at tieneral Outdoor Advertising Wltrh Sax me tirara Bauer Half. H,*h Monuments The Time* reserve* the right to BETWEEN one was established Cam- I I’ornpciny i* by acqui- Couple, apartment • markcrl Ihe |CARET\KKR building a div idend of An h Knight Si \ ela*»ify ad* under appropriate bridge. Company declared head- man i r .. < Ninth Rata Hattie Tina Senega Hilly sition the Garfield, J., plant REDFORD GRANITE WORKS ing* xiensu• $2 on accumulations on the cla«s of N. experience T\ ler ri-HI 10. Raa Khimr Opposite Giand Lawn Cemetery All rlaim* for adjustment* and re> IN RKYOIXTIO\AR\ TIMES to Tenth -Darlaied off. of HI CARETAKI-T;. Jaml experl. A Mock. payable September 23 Rata tlic Champlain Corporation, 2543 ft Grand Rlv« i RKd rd 04.31 find* mn*t tie made within ID daxs HOYH MUST Hi; 14 OR 19 WITH i I xlen.-ive ¦ tier expiration of ad CYCLES. FOR EVENING WORK JUST erne, excellent local retnences Depend- During Revolutionary War stock ot record Septenilier 13. itccording to announcement handy. Cherry the ATI IVIONII 4f made Error.* should he reported Immedi- THE IOH FOR AMBITIOUS HOYS WHO able. 9747 disgraceful Ohio Manufacturing Company today Jackson, Lost and Found ately no ARK A there were several VVaathar, clear; by H A. president. The Time* a**unie* respon- NOT CARRYING HEAVY PRO CHEF Expei lenced excellent geneial C'»ia- tra*k.
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