Indian Water Works Association 47Th IWWA Annual Conven On, Kolkata
ENTI NV ON O 2 0 C 1 L 5 A , K U Indian Water Works O N L N K A A h T t A 7 Association 4 47th Annual Convention Kolkata 30th, 31st Jan & 1st Feb, 2015 Theme: ‘Sustainable Technology Soluons for Water Management’ Venue: Science City J.B.S Haldane Avenue Kolkata ‐ 700046, (West Bengal) Convention Hosted By IWWA Kolkata Centre INDIAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION 47th IWWA ANNUAL CONVENTION, KOLKATA Date : 30th, 31st January & 1st February, 2015 Venue : Science City, J.B.S Haldane Avenue, Kolkata ‐ 700046, West Bengal APPEAL Dear sir, The Indian Water Works Associaon (IWWA) is a voluntary body of professionals concerned and connected with water supply for rural, urban, industrial, agricultural uses and disposal of wastewater. IWWA focuses basically on the enre 'Water Cycle' encompassing the environmental, social, instuonal and financial issues in the area of water supply, wastewater treatment & disposal. IWWA was founded in the year 1968 with headquarters at Mumbai having 32 centers across the country with more than 9000 members from all professions around the world. The Kolkata Centre of IWWA in associaon with Public Health Engineering Department, Govt. of West Bengal along with others is organizing The 47th IWWA Convenon in Kolkata from 30th January to 1st February, 2015 at Science City, J.B.S Haldane Avenue, Kolkata ‐ 700046, West Bengal under the Theme 'Sustainable Technology Soluons for Water Management'. The professionals from all over the country and abroad will parcipate and present their technical papers in the three days convenon. The organizing commiee would like to showcase the Kolkata convenon in a very meaningful manner and make it a grand success and a memorable event to be cherished for a long me.
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