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,i1 I { '.p M.A. Hlstory Department of History, Patna University, Patna'

fl SEMESTER-1 7 I 1 3 4 f, 6 -B End Semester Total ic Course Name of the C.I.A. Exam. Code Credit Marks Component Course Marks ,$ 70 100 t* His-M l0l Core & History of 5 30 Ideas \e History of Early 30 70 r00 \il,' His-M 102 Core Civilization 5 \ and Medieval 'r World Early Medieval 100 Core 5 30 70 His-M 103 lndia(600- P 1200 A.D.) ls Science & 30 70 100 His-M 104 Core Technology in 5 ;E

Snuzsrzn- II :C 7 I 1 3 4 5 6 \s End Semester Total Course Name of the C.I.A. Exam. .h$ Code Credit Marks Component Course -'uS Marks History of I 30 70 100 His-M 201 Core 5 l9l9-2000 f*I History of (From {* 30 70 100 J His-M 202 Core the Earliest 5 Time to 1* 1947 A.D.) I Society and Be Economy in 70 100 Core 5 30 $ His-M 203 Indian Historv Project I* Work on 100 70 Core 5 30 rc His-M 204 Heritage & Qj:.t Tourism etc. t -n \, ,r/: / '-)\-' t. U?/ \N<'' .,\.. $ . -*fi*(, \- -- ' \'\ ,'- .r'' ' I tJ Y^',.%/*>(\' J _ 11,.ff-r-,1',' ,\) cx ,70 )'.\;-- ,6 9.7 2d1J - 4 fr," .o H 1b 1-l

-'i\ Y,tt: ( >1rr Jf (> 'J r V' s & $ SEMESTER.III A I 2 3 4 5 6 7 ?' End ,& Semester Course Name of the C.I.A. q. Code - Credit Exam. Total Component Course Marks Marks e Indian i His-M 301 Core Historians 5 30 70 100 t His-M 302 Core 1950 5 30 70 100 onwards $ United -{ States of His-M 303 Core 5 30 70 3V America 100 E l 860- l 990 ,h National His-M 304 Core Movemenl 5 30 70 100 ,B in India w:. SEMESTER.IV e Choice Based Groups (Special papers) Group A- Ancient rndia, Group B- Medieval rndia, Group C-Modern India, s Grouprou D- International Relation. Grou E- Early Peninsular India ) I 3 4 5 6 7 e End Semester Course Name of the C.T.A. Total Code Credit Exam. s Component Course Marks Marks Group e His-M 401 Elective '70 ABCDE 5 30 100 Group o His-M 402 Elective ABCDE 5 30 70 100 Group His-M 403 Elective il ABCDE 5 30 70 100 Dissertation {t His-M 404 Elective and Viva- 5 30 70 100 Voce ? i ) \--*>/ .., i< i.- -fl s \'I , ,^--1s-+J \(- l/- Head, Dept. dt' Hiitory * () Patna Univcrsity, Patna.

i. _)T * \* r( 't' tj I ,, I P (i?r\ f\-,--> t b rO , .', -' .'- 1 /\ \,r2 r !-.'\ , ,l \;- l rd Luy6.\ \r1,\\ \L

(5,.\- -1) SpvrEsrnR- I Hrs - M 101 HISToRroGRAprry & HrSronv or lorls

UNI'[ f Definition & Meaning of History Meaning - - & Nature of History. - History as Narrative. - Sources, Use and Misuse of History - Objectivity and Subjectivity in History. UNIT- II Theories of History Speculative and Critical Philosophy Cyclical and Linear History Orientalist, Nationalist Marxist and Neo - Marxist

UNIT lll New Approaches Annales - - - Structuralism & Post-modernist - Feminist UNIT - lY Hktory of ldeas, Ancient and ltfedieval Plato: Ideal state --- Kautilya : Saptanga Theory of State - St. Augustine : State UNIT-Y Modernldeus - Machiavelli - State - ft6u55s3u - General Will - Jeremy Bentham - Utilitarianism - M.K. Gandhi - State - B.R. Ambedkar - Social Justice Suggested Readings:

l. E.H. Carr, What is History (also in ) 2. Arthur Marwick, Nature of History. J. R.G. Collingwood, The Idea ofPast 4. B. Sheik Ali, 'History'.Its Theory and Methods p 5. E. Shridharan, lndian Historiography 6. Lal Bahadur Verm4 Understanding History , 7. Lal Bahadur Verm4 yfrErfr + eTt it * 8. , Interpreting Indian History f 9. D.D. , History and Society. 6 10. Ranjit Guh4 Subaltern Studies Volumes. : 11. gq u-6lrl. EFreTq

{L-/ ''v i .1 ^ l'r r ,p&;_1,*- .LL l 4 1o ,r,t L. .+ -Pf,'u CH 1b \i\t{\,]\ \ L t' alw , ,$// -Xfl--$ Y ,r\.{ \ l/- '/'\ \ \ 1'j,1 \ r -\ 1.2 t)!''ir\\ 2l\ I Hrs - M 102 WORT.O HISTORY OF EARLY CNTLZ.q.ilONS AND MTUTVA,I

Soilrces for ttie study of ancient Egyptian history' f E gPtian Civilization ilNrr - = The of ancient Egypt-An Oulline' - Old Kingdom-With reference to Pyramid Age' - The tUiaAte Kingdom and New Kingdom-Main features - with special reference to thutmose III and Religious

Tourfifor ttle Study of the Mesopotamian history' UNrr ll M6;, otamian Civilizution - - The Semites and the achievements of Sargon of Akkad' - Hammurabi and his Law Code' - Rise and decline of thr 419y4q:* - of the tturappan Civilization m*Wan Civilization ffiorigin ffi -ltt Geographical extent of the civilization with special - reference to some of the important sites- Mohenjodaro' Rakhigarhi, Lothal & Dholavira Harappa,tfeahtres Kalibangan, Main oi the civilization- economy, society' - town-Planning & religion Decline of the civilization - and growth of feudalism' UNIT-Medieval EuroPe ffi Features and decline of Feudalism Crusades - causes and effects* Revival of urban centres' nise of lslam in the 7- Century Umr - V Medieval Islam (A.D' 600-1200 A'D') - Origin & Development of Catiphate (632-661 A'D') tAail features ofihe (661-750 A'D') s Caliphate nature & significance' ;i Abbasid - s Cultural and Literary contributlenl elthg 4rabs

SuEiested Readines: a A History of EgYPt -: l..J.H. Breasted, that was EgyPt' 2. M. Munay, lhe S-plendour ttrt most An'iient East- (also in Hindi) B 3. V. Gorden Childe New iigtit on Ancient ;: 4. Georges Roux, Iraq' y .^- sqdrd 6l qrcrdr*I fr s. dqr*r-a cT6-6. ftYs A srfr{ - F cdHft-s F o.r6offo\'{o fufl, fl 7. fficfrcprgq, ffiql f India-I rg. Walter A. Fairservis, Jr., The Roots of Ancient 9. f6-qur sp6[zlrf,, ft-,g sqil Civilization' 10. Allchin & Allchin, Birth of-Indian ii. [.N. Nandi, Revisited' ' to Medieval Europe (300-1500 AD) 12. Thompson and Johnson, ari!1rii"93.i1on il. Si.pti"ton and Lyod, MedievalHistory 14. Martin Scott, Medieval Eurooe Brief History of the Western World 15. S.C ' Easton, A 16. John Bowle, History of EuroPe of MedievalEurope 17. M. Keen, A Pelitan History it. q1qft ql+q, q*4eld-{ {tc qq+rd-q 19. fro trit.s, {tq 20. Thomas Amold, The Legacy qf.I{am rr-, arid.Development of Islam- 121. -p.ri.Asgharaii engine.,- rhe orrtin -- ,,\-

Untf -l Approaches to Early Medieval Indfun History Transition from Ancient to Early Medieval - Indian. Harshavardhan- Sources, Extent of & - Estimate - The Palas - Cultural contributions UNIT- ll The Raiputs Origin of the , - Political history of - a. The Gurjara Pratiharas b. Chandellas & c. Chauhans history ot Pallavas, the UNIT - lllAscendancY of the South Political 'the - Rashtrakutas & the Cholas Society, Economy & Administration. a UNIT - lY India & the Arubs - Political contact - Cultural contact UNIT - Y Regional Styles of Art & Architecture Temple Architecture

Sussested Readinss: 1. , Early Medieval Indian SociefY, 2. rrc YRUI Yrqi, ldqq-or&q sqS sqro olr{ B'q.fu 3. R.S Tripathi, History of Kanauj 4. D Devahuti, - A Political Study 5. R.C Mazumdar, History of ,Vol.l 6. C.Minakshi, The Pallavas of Kanchi 7. K.A.N Shastri, A History of (in Hindi also) ' 8. K.A.N Shastri, The Cholas 9. N.RRay, History of the Bengali PeoPle 10. T Watters, On Yuan Chwang's travels I l. Q. Ahmad (ed) India of Alberuni 12. Burton Stein, Essays on South Indian History 13. R Champaklakshmi, Trade , Ideology and Urbanisation: South India 300 BC -AD 1300 14. Awadh Kishore Prasad, qel IRIlitFT TE VrtlvT 15. Om Prakash Prasad, Decay and Revival of urban centers in Early South India(6001200AD) 16. B.P Mazumdar, Socio-Economic History of Northern India of early 17. B.D ChattopadhYaYa, " The Making 18. R.S Sharma, ,'19. S.C Roy, Dynastic History of Northem India ,t:20. B.N.S Yadav, Society and Culture in in the l2th century N--/ <) 21. H.R Hall, Trade and State Craft in the age of the Cholas i\lr ,t-J I \ \ \)' 22. Prasanta Gaurav Xfutzrfidr'ffq( .-.-.,, \

\!\ !- \i\ - -.., l. ll" A, '1J-Yt I ir/ \tu i i,\ ,i -. I e"*6 l7'Y' Li -/' ' 1 tA I ) I i --- I)' liu' I1 L\ s'.- / . A,J, n-'t-u .Y rF - i^r")' ' r t\l- t-" /' 4: -t o'\f \\2

Kt-'::I'l,i-t\' ", \ii I Hrs - M 104

Scmxcr AND TECITNoLocY Ix lxotn'

UNtf | Science tnd Technologt in Ancient India Iron Technology as an Agent of Change - Agriculture: Soil, Technology, Tools, Irrieational Measure. Activities during Sultanate Period UNIT - U Progless of Sc. und Tech. during Medieval Scientific Period Devices and technology during Mughal Period

Scientific and Technological Umf tU Indian Perception and Interpretation of Growth of - - Education lYestern Science and Technologt growth of Progress of science hnd technology in - modem India-Transport, Communication & Environment & Irrigation.

[ndustry and UNIT-Major Scientific achievements in contemporary Agriculture, Space, India. Telecommunications Biruni, Abul UNIT- Y Some Indian Scientists Jivak, Charak, Aryabhatta, Al - Fazl, J.C. Bose, C.V. Raman

Sussested Readings: 1. Arnold David, Science, Technolory and Medicine in ' 2. D.P ChattoPadhYaYa, History of Science in India in 2 vols. 3. V.K' Thakur(ed), Science, Technolory and Medicine in Indian History' qrftqwq{r 4. SGI IF'I{I ffifift-oT-{41 r 5. s-6r+'.triE, $*{ qrdit ft-sn 6. O.P Jaggi, Science and Technolory in Medieval India .7. Irfan Habib(ed.) sro-** etrn-orrftq qrro 8. Irfan Habib, Science and Technology during Mugai Period' 9. A. Rahman, qtro ii Gf,tq oilr ilr'fi-d Yqfr 10. A. Rahman, urgf+o wrci q-6nffio, ll. A.K. Biswas, Science in India 12. DharmaPal, Indian Science and Technolory in the 13. Anil K'rmar, Disease and Medicine in India ; A Historical Overview 14. GYan Prakash, Another Reason: Science and the lmagination 15. S.N Sen, Scientific and Technical Education in India 16. R.S. Anderson, Building Scientific Institutions in India. Indian Expertence I z / 17. S. Sangwan, Science, Technolory and Colonization: ',*J .o'" ...,-'7. -> o , _}. \> !t r\* - \<- \\i \'\ I " - i-q*fi ,_vilt"tl-^*-L @,; i \.i(-.l.,ts \ *.u y\^ tl*- aJ aa,\5 )w-1) r9 rltDt! r/ '?r{t SBMgsrnn.II IIrs-"M 201

History of Europe 1919-2000

UNIT - | Post ll/orld lYar I Developments

UNIT - II Rise of Totalitarianism in Europe,

UNIT-III History of Russia till 1945

USSR. unCei Stalirr UNIT - lY lVorld Vlar II and its Aftermath Causcs. lmpact u.N.o. UNIT - Y Cold ll/ur und NAII Origin and manifestation of Cold War Disintegration of the Soviet Union Non-Aligned L{ovenrent - Origin, Llonceol and Relevance.

Retdinss: . $gggsted

l. F. I-ee Benns, Europe since 1914. 2. A.J.P. Taylor, Origins of the Second World War. 3. E.M. Barns, Westeru Civilization, vol-3. 4. E.H. Carr, International Relations between the Two World Wars- 1919, i939. 5. Norman Lowe, Mastering Modem World History

6. c.N{.S. Hardy, Short History of lnternational Affairs 1920,-1939 . '7. ' S.N. Dhar, International Relations and Worid Politics since 1919. ti. Partha Sarthi , qtv or Efr-a'*, m.r-z 9. flTd s6r$Tqi {iH ol Efu6rw, qT T-z 10. ti< ft-6+6r{. tnq-o.rd-{ qtv, mr-2. i1. C. Woodroff, Modern World. 12. M. Ivlarriot, International Relations between the Two WcrlC Wars. /' ,,1 f\-- , ,1, [. -.\> lt$:::'T--- \s'" l) G-t'\' 'L/1. *"* \r'- \', \ \ ' \-/ ,t \r v\.- f,' \ 2 r!- \o' \> '

'\, i'){ w Hrs-lNI202

r HrsroRy oF BrHAR (Fnou rur EanlrEsr TIME To 1947 A.D.) - I - 6008C to 600AD State fbrmation in Bihar r - Growth of the Kingdom of Magadh from 6 -UNIT - Century BC - 200 BC P - Archaeology & History of - Bihar - , Vikramshila. tc mIT - 1l History of Bihar under the Sultunute und - Educational centres of early Medieval Bihar Mughals - Contributions of Afghans & Mughals. - Karnatas of tr.f, - Sufism and its impact on Bihar - Vidyapati - Patna - as Socio-cultural Centre tr UXIT - lll Beginning of Modern Bihar Early European Trading Companies in - Bihar. Impact of Permanent Settlement of 1793. - Revolt of 1857 - Role of Veer Kunwar - Sinsh F -UNIT -lY Creation of Modern Bihar (1912) - Role of Bihari Press Makers of Modern Bihar with Special - refereirce to Sachchidanand Sinha, Mahesh F Narayan and Ali Imam UNIT - Y National Movemenl in Bihar. Movement F,tF - Non-CooperationMovement - Civil Disobedience Movement. - . - Movement th - Kisan Sabha & *lhl Sussesled Readinps: l. B.P. Sinha(ed.) Comprehensive History of Bihar vol.1, Part I-II ffi AE 2. D.R. Patil, Antiquarian Remains in Bihar ",&t 3. R.R Diwakar, Bihar Through the Ages tr 4. Q. Ahmad, Patna Through the Ages .$r-Ek 5. R.K Chaudhary, History of Bihar , 6. R.K. Chaudhary, University of Vikramshila € -f . 7. YogendraMishra AnEarlyHistoryofVaishali r$$ 8. R.S Sharma The State and Formation in the Mis-Ganga Piains(also in Hindi) 9. S.H Askari and Qeyamuddin Ahmad(ed.), Comprehensive History of Bihar, vol-Il, Part-l & II ,5 10. K.K Dutta and V.A. Narain(ed.), Comprehensive History of Bihar vol.l[, Parts I & II I l. V.K. Thakur, Urbanization in Ancient India. 12. s}rErq-< Ers vi gtrq stqt<. E-ilr: vfr.tm rni qFqfr' , 13. Amamath Singtr, History of GaYa r$' 14. Upendra Thakur History of Mithila 15. K.K. Datta" Biography of ard Amar Singh. 16. J.N. Sarkar, Glimpses of Medieval Bihar Economy .,r 17. S. Gopal, Patna in the l9th century ,Br 18. K.K. Datta History of Freedom Movement in Bihar (also in Hindi)' 19. S.N. Arya Some Aspects of Socio-Economic significance of the pilgrimage of Gaya in the early ;E* Medieval Period- An inscriptional survey. Ranjan Aspects ol Society and Economyof Bihar ( 1765- 1856 ) E \ .4520. Sinh4 in Nationarist Movement (tet2-tw)'/ ^ dt .\ '' 22.11 t(,J.R.S.f:*lY^u,i*, SharmaJnarma cq:,::tlyY':,:y'.r{ cner4 i'r {rrclrJr {lrr;:\11,,'-; Tirfir, ^ / E \J\ "". --. \) , s^ f- -l '.1. .,<; b,,21 \'' .,,,."" / - ,.az:--'-\A,-'' , lruYKro\t'-a/r,,\ l),t+f,,^j*= i,r.'t . *- l,LA?:4=7 ..tT(+ri, \, . V-- -. t\''- \ o^'\b >*-L) -"-')' t;',o-\b [: \YI ?,),,-)-[-t- t> -----'\\>lll )la b \\u' \(\ \ I r \1 1 kI &. dgtr .qG Hrs - M 203 SoCIETY AND ECoNoMY Ix IxuTaN HISTORY r UNIT-l Society: Artisan classes in Ancient & Medieval India - Sudras in Ancient lndia P - Women throush the Aees UNIT II Arl and Architecture - Mauryan Art b* - - - Temple structure - Mughal Art and Architecture - Modern Art and Architecture r UNIT III Trade snd Commerce Trade and Trading centres in Ancient & Medieval - - h period G - History of Currency in India p Bankine in Modern lndia UNIT-Measunts - Agriculture in Ancient period - Agrarian Relations in the Medieval period - Peasant movements in the Modern period && - -g UNIT - V Foreign Truveler's Accounts Megasthenes Hiuen Tsang Alberuni F Bernier w Buchanan

,b Sussesled Readines: ri 1. R.C. Majumdar Corporate Life in Ancient India & 2. R.Champakalakshni, Trade, Ideology and Urbanization 3. V. Ramaswamy Textiles and Weavers in Medieval South India 4. R.S Sharma Indian Feud4lism 5. tftq-srqre\crqrq drfirqf, 6. J.N Sarkar Mughal Economy 7. D. Kumar The Cambridge Economic 8. rqftcrc

*--\) \2 t( ,-' L1F1...... / n /\ \i \)r l-.i ali\t i, -i. , \ \r'- Hrs-M 204

I tS [ ,. orEcr woRK oN Hnrurtcn & Tourusruor -* rIHAR w I trl


I i*: I,1 ,' , frl-r-:i lllttA r',''r ul,LY- , f ,ot') \*/, '" I ' ;.1 i{ ./ r)

'.1 ! ,i ( ( r..i." ' \r

)l Spvrr,srgn - III Hrs - M 301 Ixprax HrsroRra,Ns

UNIT - | Early l{istorians of India Banbhatta Kalhana fc UNIT- II Nationulist Historians ,18[* Liberak I UNIT - lll ,rc S.H. Askari K.K. Dutta Sarvapalli (i C I uNm -tY Msrxists --- ---- RP Dutta rs D.D. Kosa:nbi - R.S. Sharrna I - ?il - Md. I{abib/irfarr Habib f UFIIT - Y l-cminists - Vir::r Mazr:mdar s -- IJnra Chakarvarti }ti - Kuntllg$3gqgg Sussested_Eeadin'!s:

l. V.S. Pathak, Ancient Historians of lndia. 2. Shankar Goyal, Recent Historiography in Ancient India (also in Hindi). 3. A.li.. WarCer, Introduction of Indirur I{istoriograohy. 4. R.K. N'lazumdar and A.r.,-. Slrrivastava.llistcriographl' -s. ]1.N. Puri, Historicgr.phy of rt.ncieni india. 6. . Bharli S. Kumar Historiography an cl Histolian s of !- u i te:rat; i'erir-itl. i. K.A. Nil-liantha Shastri, A Historv oliSouih India. .4qrc) S. X. -clreedharan, ln C ian H i s toricgra-trl r y (ifd-dn eE - ii:=i 9. Jacjrureth Sa;kar, History ofAurangzeh, Vols-l to 5. 10. K.ri. Nizanri, On History and l{istrrians of MeCieval India. 11. Mohibul I{asa,r (ed). Historians of Ivledieval lndia. qC 12. Satish Chandra, qqsr-{fr-{ qro'r5T Efrar€ du.t, eii r{r,q l 13. Harbans Mukhia, Historians anC Historiography duling the Reign of . 14. Jagdish Narayan Sarkar, History of History writing in lledieval tndia. 15. Kiran Parvar, Jaduu3th Sarkal: A Profrle. i6. S.i.i. Ivftrkherjee, Cilizen Historiatt. -srqzfr 17. ils, &air d eqrla Fftr5rfl+T{ atr u+q;r eju'i 1E. Sairyasachi }Shatta.charya and lLomila Thapar (eds.), Situating Indiar: I lirlrrri : ['or Sarv aipalii Gopal 19. 'l'nrachar;d, It4aterial and idc'ological Factors in In.clian.FJistory. 20. Ii.A. l'{ilkanth Shastri and H.S. Ramama, Hi-"torical Method in Relaticn to ittdian I'listory. 21. S.P Sen (ecl.) lr.lodern l {istoriography 22. S.P.Sen(ed ) Dictionary of ].Ialional Biographl' (-t \ols.) --(r ,- i\ , \; t.-- "t \ GJ: / 1c ,{- _:;a{"\\ / \ ?" -i, .\r.,1_,-a- f-'r . lr \---)',," t9\ s; rl J --)" 'YJl19 1o\ B: )--rl{^ .."7 ,. '\\',uii ,,1', ffia\ c.!'l ---rilt e q * q I Hts M 302 4.. - s SOUTH ASIA 1950 ONWARDS i G -J tatus and its Politicsl India # Pakistan process. 6, s G SriLanka $, Origin UNIT - II SAARC - Achievement c * - *, - Assessment confrict with special Pakistan I @t - c - Sri s - India {q _- * act on the societY and Women to Cinema economy of South Asia with specitl reference a - Broadcasting. -Media * - Agriculture C - ConcePt of DiasPora T Indian DiasPora tlNWf -Y Categories Indian DiasPora C. - India's PolicY towards Dias 1) - !a il, sueserled-re!4lw- C | l.sugataBoseandAyeshaJalal-,ModemSouthAsia:Historv.Culrure'PoliticalEconomy. l, **il#H"rtr*i.i,#lix##"T##;rym['fii'i;ilTrnurndiaandrndependenceSouth Asia' 4. s"uriJ[L"f i'i';;'r;b; r'o'# 9r9"9*r.P"]ltl::li and Historical Perspective' € and Authoritariu"i't.in iouttt Asia : A Comparative t 5. Ayesha Jalal, - - PgTg?T.v Nationa i]uildins in South Asia' Mushirul Hasan and Nariaki rylfl#'tl GoJiril"'qli'li;hJagtnou'''"1;';;;;[-etti"itti'and Politicised Religion in South ' patri-cia Amrita e;u Appropriating'C.iE c - i. Jeffery and tesi)- conflics and bollective violence in South Asia' p g: Stanley J. Tambiat, I-eveling crowds : Ethnolnationalist orits Foreign Poricv ifll,t*ffi,,o,probrems, Limits and successes ^ ?a illi!''"f Pil"'iti''riit""tli"ti"" *a Conflit Reiolution in South Asia' i) Raavir Samadar and Helmot *lii'lit'ttii'l:'P;;A; l1' ^:fn't-l;,?ln'"' in South Asia Beyond victimhod to Agency' i 12. Rita lvlanchanda (ed)- wonl"r,, w;**Jizu". cllg':andPubricrnterest * ., \i^. #IffikyfffiHbY*',H:S,Hi.Y;il'e'Jbiltl;'Sadcasting,itr. iolitics of Spacein the south Asian Diaspora' 15. peter varide veer ted), Natioir'aii laie;i""-, tii o'"up. : South Asia and the Diaspora. i;' L;l; i;i;ch1;d)' 11. q1n-di"! '}F The Kirma o[ Brown Folk' 17. v,j;Y P;;;J, Photos' 18' ariritava Kumar' lasspgrt -^^.o- Ewrcnrlino the Sub-Continent'Sub-( C pdi;;ei,,.jstr, ' p^.tiii""a,l;,h; South Asian Diaspora- Extending- D 19. i"'Di;p"t" South Asian Scholars and the West' ' 20. Jackie Assayaag urO v.roniq,l'#:#i(il;;:iI;;; zr. sranllv woipti' A New Historl of India' r Since Independence' /i. eii'chandra, Ingiu ltir India Since Independence' (a ^ u--€r -4 ii.23. l'iitv.-rvi'ttitfttaOltva Uuttrerjee Independence' A b.. - 24' il;f;"Mutrrer'1ee IndiaSincelndependence' ,-12 $ tfit'o'i' \. Cu"r' )/thxl:-t);*;,-'- t'(',1'- : - r' \" \ *it,,\:,.';ff\)\ I { '- '' -'t ;7-l ,i i ,*-'*-( - ,



-r\u* rL \il! *\' .G*,r 3 Hrs M 303 -t,5 - I Uxrrnu Surns oF AMERTcA 1860-1990 I p UNIT - I The American Civil War Causes Impact- Reconstruction and radical I - reconstruction. it Assessment Y :i - - Role of Abraham Lincan. tr UNIT - II Post Civil War Period Industrial growth and transformation in the $ - post reconstruction period. n The progressive era. T) - Role of Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow I - Wilson in the progressive. p UNIT - III Emergence of USA as a World Power. Overseas Expansion - China, Pacific & i - Caribbean. 3 - Relation with Japan. i U.S.A. in the First World War and the Paris I - Peace Conference. T. UNIT - lV Economic Depression and II World War. -- Causes and consequences of economic i depression of 1929. 'i5 New Deal Policy of F.D. Roosevelt. i - U.S.A. in the II World War and the U.N.O. t - p - The U.S.A. as a World Power. UNIT - V People's Movements Civil Rights Movement. Labour Movement. s Populist Movement. Feminist Movement. pi Sugsested Readinss: i l. J.S. Allen, Reconskuction, the Battle of , 1865-1876. 2. H.K. Beale, Theodore Roosevelt and the Rise of America World Power. 'oI 3. K.M. Stampp, The Era of reconstruction. 4. J.H. Timberlave, Prohibition and the Progressive Movement, 1900-1920. r 5.. A. Tocqueville, Democracy in America. 6. N.J, Ware, The Labour Movement in the United States. r* 7. Henry Bamford Parkes, A History of United States of America. 8. +d{-fl rrq, 3ilgFrs. 3rtffir s. fsrq qrdR, qrgfi-s. eriRq.r s.r {ft'6rq F 10. s-{KS rsm sdqr, orqFro s{ifc+.r or Eftmrs 11. {qr{{ fqry, *ertrs qq+{ *dr+ilq qq itrq, ornlrsr fi gfrdrs 12. T. Harry William, American History:A Survey ,-'N=Z( 13. w$ oro sui riU< qq edksr rr gk6rs Y).s" \:, )ri , \r .r i \(r *'- .\ -_ cu *I- --4 1 -.v-/ }-r ,., ,[( ),\r l t-. / l.t 4: '\q 1u> \ o 6)-.-^- \-!z_---- r1\ ^ P) Y\\ '-ulif' 1\>\r-.- r'-\,u\P '"'' ,.'* .L". {\ -z'(s,--\" (\" '' v\\,\t ' \-' Hrs - M 304 Nl.rtoNAL MovrmBNr tN Ixorl,

UXlf I Beginning of Indian Nutionalisrru Features of - (Stages/Types of Indian Nationalism) Anti-Colonial Movements Pre-1857 - Movements, Wahabi, F arazi, Santhal Congress = Moderates and Extremists. - Partition of Bengal and the Swadeshi -. Movement Ideolory : A Critique UNIT - ll Gandhian ldeologt and Movements Gandhian Non-Cooperation Movement. Civil Disobedience Movement Quit India Movement Movenients. UNlf-nf Revolutionaries and Left wing Movemenl Revolutionary Peasant Movements. - Working class Movements. - Left wing ideologies and Movements - - Communists and the Congress Socialists. Indian Councils Acts of 1861, 1892 and UNITT lY Constitutional Changes snd Nationalist Response I 909. Government of India Act of 1919, - Swarajists, Simon Commission, Nehru Report, Communal Award' Government.of India Act, 1935, working of - Congress Ministries, Cripps Mission, Mission Consciousness. UNIT-V Commtnal Politics and Psrtilion Emergence of Communal - Muslim League and Demand for Pakistan. Hindu Mahasabha and R.S.S. - demand, Partition. - Reactions to Pakistan, Sussested Readings: t. , Modem India (also in Hindi). (also z. eipun chan

(Special Papers)


1 n,L-.:-tb \* _ ,\, \>

,n I\, ft L--- t), l Yif= --'-n ;i'5 if/' .Lu -\ ,r ?fu^o' \t' \ .4' \ ,-r' D Hrs - 1\{ 401A { p Polrrrcar, axoAND ApurNrsrRATrvEADMINTSTRATTvE Hrsronv oroF AxcrnNrANCTENT IxoraINDrA (6(600 BC-600 A.D.) UNIT I Sources Historiographicaltrends - - htt UNIT- II Theories of the origin of State Elements af State-Stat Saptanga t_ | I - theory- P I I - rhepre-MauryarThe Pre-Mauryan monarchies and . UNIT Ill Mauryas of Mauryas - - Origin the i- - Political HistoryHistor - Chandragupta lv{aurya & ,* r I -l:li:fi1Ashoka. P I i - AshokanAshokanEdicts< Edicts & Dhamma I I I - Administration - Central, Local & Military 1} I I Administration.Adminisrration. I I I FeaturesFearuresofAsho of 's administration. I , I I - Decline of the MMauryas UNIT lY Post Mauryan Origin of the F - - - Sungas- Pushyamitra r I :FJ:ilTJ:Ti[t- Origin of the Kushanas -Kanishka I | - Feafures of Kushana Polity P t I AchievementsAchievementsor of Menander UNIT V Guptas - Origin and original i* - - home of the Guptas It' I I I_ I I ChandraguptstlChandragupts II il I I Decline of the GuptasGr , - Gupta Polity Main Features, I | --GuptaPolity- - Central and S Provincial AdministrationAdmir i Sussested Readings: il ilg.C. Raychaudhuri, Political History of Ancient India. I 2. R.K. Mookherjee, and His Times. il 3. K.A.N. Sastri, Age of the Nandas and Mauryas. l- 4. K.A.N. Sastri (ed), The Comprehensive History of India- Vol. II. b '5. B.P. Sinha, The Comprehensive History of Bihar, Vol. I, ft. I. l= 6. R.K. Mookerjee, Asoka lL 7. D.R. Bhandarkar, Asoka f 8. B.M. Baruq Asoka and His Inscriptions. l- 9. Romila Thapar, Asoka and Decline of the Mauryas l5 10. Yogendra Mishra, Asoka: Itihasa Evam Abhilettra lHinai; i- I L S. Chattopadhyaya, The Early History of North India. i- 12. A.K. Narain, The Indo-Greeks. L 13. B.N. Puri, India Under the Kassanas. P 14. S.R. Goyal, The History of the Imperial Guptas. i- n1 .. 15. R.C. Majumdar & A.S. Altekar (ed.), The Vakataka-Gupta Age. ,I) 'fl.Y( 16. Tej Ram Sharma, politicalHistory of Imperial Guptas. i , 9" 17. Upendra Thakur, The Hunas in India. p 18. P.L. Gupta, The Imperial Guptas 2 Vols. \ y{l-d rks, y'r*{ | - 19. *Itil1:_qnd / , A P.r:,:.r'0,',., , W 6\" ( ) i 'i') t ., 1 ., { ,\.\'\L F il*-fJ- a i;'Y-"T ,,b (T).^ Di\^\ pL\] (tf"-%,-l'i \r, t--ftt t -#--t) a _--- Hrs - M 402A

Socto-Curruntt Hrcronv or ANcrcxr INDa (g00 BC ro 600 AD)

_. UNIT - I Historiography and Sources Historiography of Ancient Indian Society geulss5 for the Study of Socio-Cultural History of - Ancient India. UNIT- II Varna and Cusle Concept of Varna and Caste. .,trc - Comparative study of the Four Varnas - Disabilities of the Sudras. t - Concept of the untouchability - Concept of Kaliyuga in the p - Slaverv in Ancient India. - UNIT - lll Position of lVomen- Forms and Features of Marrtage forms of Marriage. h - Approved and unapproved l System. Widows io - Stridhana Meanins and Scooe ! - - Marn teatures ot valsnavrsm and Salvlsm UNIT - Maisnuvism und Ssivism - UNIT - V Art and Architecture Mauryan Art and Architecture i- - Art I - Art - Gupta Art and Architecture $ - i p Suesested Readings: I L P.V. Kane, History of Dharmashastras (relevant vols). r, 2, S.A. Dange, India from Primimitive Communism to Slavery. t 3. N.K. Dutt, Origin and Growth of Caste in India. 4. Suvira jaiswal, "Studies in Early Indian Social History: Trends and Possibilities", The Indian Historical

FrI I Review, VI (1979-80), pp. l-63. |, 5. J.Jolly, Hindu Law and Custom 6. P.H. Prabhu, Hindu Social Organization. 7. R.B. Panday, Hindu Sanskaras (Hindi). l. 8. A.S. Altekar, Position of Women in Hindu Civilization I 9. A.S. Altekar, Ancient lndian Education. iil I 0. B.R. Ambedkar,The Untouchables. I I l. R.S. Sharma, The Sudras in Ancient lndia (also in HindD p 12. R.S. Sharma, Material Culture and Social Formation. \ 13. R.S. Sharma, Some Economic Aspects of the Caste System in Ancient India. 14. Suvira Jaiswal, The Origin and Development of Vaisnavism. F 15. J. Gonda, Aspects of Early Vaisnavism. I p 16. R.G. Bhandarkar, Vaisnavism, Saivism and other Minor Religious System. 17. U.N. Ayyar, Origi n and Early History of Saivism. \ I 18. A.L. Basham, The Wonder That was India. t 19. V.S. Agarwal, . ,,f r\ 20. History of lndian and Indonesian Art. \-1 rs A.K. Coomaraswami, , ,'.-;., t - . 21. Nihar Ranjan Ray, The Maurya and Sunga Art. \.\ 22.3Tiq FFTYI y*{K, q.fdgrr { Efrrtrs +1 n-omt

23: etq FFI{I v{rn sft nslid drq, qr+{ qrd 61 s,iqlfufi qs 3ff}t6 EVII I

, \_ "\ ,1 \) \ \i t o - I --j* Y:'i, 's (fi,'-% Hrs - M 403A

Ecoxonarc Htsronv or AxcrBNr INprE (600 BC - 550 A.D)

Indian Economic UNIT | Sources and Stages Sources of Ancient - - History - Stages in Ancient Indian Economy. UNIT- ll Pre-Mauryan EconomY Second Urbanisation Urban & Rural Economy

UNIT - IllMauryan EconomY Mauryan state conffol of economY. - Agriculture, Trade and Industries under the - Mauryas.

crafu in the UNIT lY Post-Mauryan EconomY Jq\/n5, urban occupations and - - Kaushana period. The Indo-Roman Trade - South-East Asian Trade. -_- under the Guptas UNIT-Y GuptaEconomY Land System Industries and Industrial organization under - the Guptas

Sussested Readinss:

L D.A. Lal and haward Brasted, Freedom , Trauma, Continuities : North India and Indepnd 2. A.N. Bose, Social and Rural Economy of North India 3. U.N. Ghoshal, Contributions of Hindu Revenue System 4. D.N. Jha, Revenue System in Post-Maurya and Gupta Times' 5. D.N. Jha, Studies in Early Indian Economic History 6. R.K. Choudhary, Economic History of Ancient India' 7. R.E.M. Wheeler, Rome Beyond Imperial Frontiers' 8. A.K. Singh, lnto-Romatr Trade : An Archaeological Perspective' 9. H.P. Chakrabarty, Trade and Commerce in Ancient India' 10. K.D. Bajpai, Bharliya Vyapar Ka Itihas (Hind, I l. s.K. Marty, Economic Life in Northem India in the Gupta Period. 12. R.S. Sharma, Indian Feudalism (in Hindi) (in Hindi also) 13. R.S. Sharma, Perspectives in Social and Economic History of Early India 14. R..S. Sharma, The Urban Decey (in Hindi) 15. V.K. Thakur, Urbanization in Ancient India. 16. Kameshwar Prasad, Citiei, Crafts and Commerce under the Kusanas. Rai, The Rural-urban Economy and Social changes in Ancient Inida. 17. Jaimal \-i 18. Himanshu Prabha Ray, Monastry and Guild : Commerce under Satavahanas' Y.Y, 19. Xinru Liu, Religious Exchanges (A.D. 1-600). qnt 20. EqT{ 3rqf<, Uu-€rft e1 lt*ul 3rd-6T+lqr \i 1r ri, '^ (5 lt41;!7(\ " ,^.\ tu<=! I F\*) - ,{ \. / J.r., * t \--9P.' ' .i.--' \ nLT-,i,ll) i: Trrj r tr. d .'Ji I d' \Y- IIrs - M 4018 PoI,trtc.lr, aNo Ao*ITNISTRATryB HrsroRy or MBornvnr, INpu (1200-1700)

UNIT-I Sourcbs pslsisn, European and Regional The Nature of State - Sultanate - Was it is - - theocracy or Military State. Under Mughals - was it Segmentary or Gunpowder State. Theory of Kingship - Under the Turks, Afghans F - and the Mushals. Stute under Alauddin Khilji, tc UNIT - trI Exp ansion and Policies of the Medievul - Imperialism t , Akbar. Relations with the Rajputs- Akbar to . - Religious Policy under Akbar (Suleh K'ul) and P - Aurangzeb. pessan Khilji, Akbar, It - Policy - Under Alauddin Shahjahan, Aurangzebl ie I 'UNIT in Medictul Indis. t - IIL4 dminislrstion -ana Mughals P Provincial aCniltistration in lviedievzrl India '- E Turko-Afghau & Mughal re Military Organization - (a) Khalji - Tughluqs Ir{ushals (c) lvlansabdari t UNIT - IV.La nd Assigrunents & Revenue Syslenr Land Reveuue Under Khaljis, Surs ti Mughals r Iqtadari - Nature, merits and demerits. Jagirdari- Nature, Jagirdari crisis and its inipact F Zamindari Marathas, Rise of , Expansion anC Untr - V ifa rathus and the decline of - The \ i' Administration. 7 h - Debate on the Decline of lv{gg!alpqgire.____ Succrs't'nD ll tilntncs f . Satistr Ctrrarara lvledieval Iudian History: From Sultanate fo lr{trghal Er,rpire Vols. I and b il. h, Z. Satistr Chandra, Historiography, Religion and Stete in l'{edieval Inclia. li qrYfr glEatq I qq6r6t{ d {fu6m ag<. s{ I 3.1{abib andNizami The Delhi Sultanate (Compreheasive History of India, Vol. V.) fnYyh lYrur F (fgUnh esa ) 4. Aniruddha Ray, Mughal Administration' 5 5. Ishwar Topa, Politics in Pre-Mughal Times. 6. Muzaffar Alam, Crisis of Empire in Mughal North India. 7. Satish chandra, Mughal Religious Policies : Rajputs and the Deccan. 8. I{erman Kulke (ed), The State in India 100G 1700. iI 9. Jotu F. fuchards, ' The New cambridge History of India, The Muglral Ernpire. F 10. Irfan Habitr (ed), Akbar and his India. I 1. l]tetvart Gcldon, The Marathas Q.{evr Cam}rridge History of India). 12. R.P. Tripathi, Rise and Fall of thc Mughal Empire, Vol. I & Il (also in [{indi) 13. e,ftnr-< sqt, qErordq qrra rds r rs z 14. Eftiifr thsrfi:rl, rrsq-+Titc lrvrrs{ 13.

\r \r, \\ ,1 t t-, ( o' t \ / .'')'---Ij'+t \ .-- ,J tt,iilelii m'--1-'t" \ \tJ ..r'At ,,' ,)a -Gl----l\ {t''o Hrs - M 4028 Social and Economic History of Medieval India ( 1200-1700)

@hy-PersianandNon Nature of lndian SocieW towards the - beginning of l3d Century and Indian Society at the enii of 17* Centurv. and UNHI Socro, srructure af Indian Society E - Social Stratification - (Classes and Groups) t Royalty, Nobility, Tiaders, Artisans, Peasants p' Women in Medieval India - Social status of - Hindu and Muslim women in Sultanate and E t Mughal lndia. Note of dissent patriarchy Razia and - - r Meerabai Customs, practices, Court etiquettes norrns G of composite societY l* UNIT_UI Dietary habits I - i - Dress and ornaments is - Festivities. UNIT-Iv-Economic i Technological changes and impact. - Third Urbanization - Factors and Growth fl,t I - Irrigation t Agrarian Conditions, t - p Towns, Economic Life under the Pre- Agricultural crops, icrafts-- @ - Trade, Maritime trade with Indiar t Colonisl Indis. Internal - Ocean countries. s Banking SYstem , - Currency and ui t SIIGGESTED READTNGS in Medieval India' 1. Dilbagh Singlt, Structure of Rural Society 2. Rekha Misra, Women in Mughal India r India English translation by Edward C Sachau, ed' By 3. Alberuni, QeyamuddinAhmad(HindiVersion)q-€eFfr.6Ia]tf(y.flqHfqqFr. Hindustan (in Hindi also). l- '4. K.M. Ashraf, Life and condition of the people of p FgrtrrFrdiqr rfrfi dh 3T+1qRfu{frzf 3rJqrffi d.qq.de t qna qt ! History of India" Vol-ll 5. Chopra Das & Puri, The Social, Culture and Economic F qrqTk6, qTfito dr qiq,til+ Efrdrq t {".t=td 6l €rqifso oik anilto Efilorq * 6. Radheshyam, 7. M.A. Ansari, The Court life of the Mughals' $" of Delhi' t 8. SBP Nigam, Nobility under the Sultans Historian' F 9. S.H. Askari, Amir Khusrau As a Social Historiars of Medieval India' I 10. Mohibul liasan (ed'), ll.qgwers,qqord-rqRT6lRTqrrq-fiefusTrf.t63ffi€{r Indian Society and Culture' $ 12. K.A. Nizami, Stuclies in Medieval (also in Hindi)' 13. W.H. Moreland, India at the Death of Akbar j* Mughal India' 14. Irfan Habib, The Agrarian System of I 15.H.K.Naqvi,UrbanizationarrdUrbancentresinMughallndia. s 16. J.F. Richards, The ImperialMonetary System' qifrq o*t 17. Irfan Habib, {fildq d vrfa 5rr of lndia vol' - I 18. Irfan Habib & Tapan Ray Choudhary, cambridge Economic History 1166 eryqt 19. Habans Mukhiya" qqfldq 3 aQ qt4-6rd-{ qKd efif'Qh qs{-dqror l5 20. yrcnn rfre, 6I fd-drs qeeir 21. qrEa tnret, er+-qr+rci,q sniiio qqr6rd-{ .Trd q1 qrqrfufi afu g{rFt6 3l-d€{r \i -'I' 22. agw er6, \K ' j iL".. \u \l' ^.,r ,t\ ,l \ '\ , t-

s\ \")D G'" rb Hrs-M4038 I CULTURAL llrsroRy oF MEDIEVaI Ixrre ( 1200-1700)

UNIT - I Sources on Lultural rTtslory and Nature ot Sources of Cultural History - a b.ief surrey - Composite Culture Growth of r Composite Culture - factors and nature _ a General Survey. Impact of Islam on Indian culture and Vice Versa. r UNIT II movement and its impacl- - ^Sali Origin and development, impaci.f viii,ols )s - thoughts with special $ reference to Vedanta. - Expansion of Sufism in India - a comparative study of Suhrawardi and Chisti order and causes lt of the popularity E of Chistis. Impact of Sufism on Indian Society and Culture. F UNIT III Br, akti movement in Norlhern lndia - Its origin and spread factors responsible I - - for the - growttr of Bhakti movement. Varakari movement - Namdev, Tukaram - r - Signifi cance of Dharma. ;e Nirgunpanth - and its exponents - Kabir & - Nanak. $ Conformists - (a) Krishnite cult with special # - reference to Vallabhacharya and Chaitanya (b) I Ramaite cult with , special reference to ;s Ramanand an . I UNIT lV Matn L:ultural Dtmenswn of llTecueval lndru. Origin and growth of Urdu. I - -: Growth of and literature r under the paffonage of Muslim Sultans and i Vaishnava saints. r* - Painting under the Mughals - Akbar & Jahangir. Growth of Hindustani Music l4d' to 17d' i - - century - A Brief Survey. NIT- V (;towllt ol'Indo-Islunic orch . - Factors and features. Imperial style - l, Sultanate period - Mamluk, - Khalji & Tughluq Provincial styles; Bengal, . - Muehal Architecture under Akbar & Shahiahan Succnsrno Rr.q.orxcs: -


19. Ramdhari Singh Dinkar, rqrt si€Fftro sfr-dr (,o" 'r- ,1"14"-'-*L--'- ' ,r^-)---"<-' $v (1-'to'r\ -_( ---{a W---)-' \ 4 i.i i) r 5- ,-| -,: \(r- 'l c-' .. I \ b ()l ,/ v 2,.\o

) J,Q"*/:;l,\* ..\-t.i--l -\ , L .1 li, b! iL M. .. \, 'i\I .r Hrs - M 401C


Inte ii*"r-r llndontnndino Modern India - Approaches and structure and *olution oJ Warren Hastings. @;ati* Lord Comwallis the English East Indiu ComPanY William Benjiark Dalhousie Kegulalmgt\Ll, rtt). Uxn tti Mechunics of Imperial legislations - - Pitt's India Act, 1784. - Charter Acts, of 1793, 1813, 1833 and 1853. - The Government of India. - Indian Councils Acts of 1861, 1892 and 1909. - 11r. Government of India Act 1919- Dyarchy. UNIT Mo w ards responsible administrution' - - The Government of India Act, 1935- Federation - and Provincial AutonomY Nationalitt t.sponte to l.gislutiont - Indian Civil Service 9r ig in and D evelopment of Mo dern ffiy - Judicial Administration admin istr at iv e SY s lem. - - Local-Self-Govemment.


3 Vols, 1. A.C. Banerjee, Indian constitutional documents, India 4 Vols' 2. D.D. Basu, Commentary on the constitution of 3. A.B. Keith, A Constitutional History of India. 4. B. Punniah, Constitutional History of India. 5. B.B. Mishra, Administrative History of India National Development. 6. G.N. Singh, Landmarks in India constitutional and 7. qf{€ q< qr-S, qKa 6-t t*{IFr4, Elildrs, 1600-1858 qrcd q*Trt{6 8. guv et<1, 6t fq-6rs 9. Edward Blunt, The Indian Civil Service. in Practice ,10. A. Appadorai, Dyarchy Autonomy 1 l. Bisheswar Prasad, The origins of Provincial Self-Govemment in India and Pakistan. 12.Hugh Tinker, The Foundations of Local i,1 17 r-.--- ,lj .'b, I 5'\o \vv A 11 --:\i \,

. ,- l-4- -/')' $,-'-- .l € \, lo

/ I -t .- ',---1 -aL\"i r/'\ \ I*t'*'{q,1* t,"\\ \\, Hrs - M 403C

CoNrBmpoRARy INora

UNIT The A,ftermath partition - I of the ond i* kgrcy Interpretations of Partition Making of Indian Constitution of Princely States into Indian Uni< UNIT-II State and Nation in tt e Context oJ Sictat Cnong;e - Linguistic State re-organization h) -- Linguistic debates C T Tribal Politics. - Ethnic and Resion UNIT-III Social snd - Political dynamics of Democracy : Challenges to Indian Democracy r - Caste - and politics in Contemporary India. Dal Politics in Conternporary India UNIT-IV Gender und Politics in Contemporary Indlq r - Feminist Movements Wor4en's search for political power F UNIT-V Agriculturol tnd Industrial Development - t Land Reforms - Agrarian struggles _-- Economic Reforms *!. T P Suseested ReadinES; I l' D'A. Lal and Howard Brasted, Freedom, Trauma, Continuities : North India and Independence. ll 2 Bipon chandra etc, Indian After Independence (also in Hindi) 3. Ramchandra Guha, India After Gandhi 4' Mushirul Ii, Hasan, Legacy of a Divided Nation : India's Muslims since Independence. I 5. Ranbir Samadar, A Biography of the Indian Nation. P 6. Romila Thapar, Another iv{illenium t 7 ' Paul Brass, The Language and Politics of India since Independence 8. A.R. Desai, Agrarian Struggles in India after Independence 9. Kumkum Sangari r and Suresh Vaid (eds), Recasting Women 10. Nirja Gopal Jayal (ed) Democracy in India 1l' Sugata Bose and Ayesha r Jalal (eds), Nationalism, Democracy and Development : State and Politics in India. F 12. Sunil Khilnani, The Idea of India 13. D.D. Basu, The Constitution of India. F 14. Mushirul Hasan Nariki Nakazato (eds), The Unfinished Agenda: Nation Building in South {. Asia. 15. Ram Chandra Guha India After Nehru. i I6. Radha Kumar The History of Doing. r 17. q+d k

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@nsofRecognition UXtf - II Recognition Theories - Kinds of Recognition - Methods of Recognitions - tr4eaning and Definitions of Extradition Mxrr -III Extradition - Necessity of Extradition - DeveloPment of Extradition - Conditions of Extradition - Extradition Treaties - Land, Sea, Air Frof warfare Nature, Definition & Effects of War. Blockade and Contraband (i) Definitions of Blockade (ii; Ct *u.t"ristics of Blockade Contraband (i) Meaning and Definiations iil Development oI*rgrqltrgbgnd of the Concept of Neutrality UNIT - V NeutralitY --D-eveiopmentKinds of neutralitY' P - duties of Neutral States' - fughts and P

]' SuseestelLWlluf 1.. C.G.Fenwick International Law L.OpPenheim lnternational Law r 2. to Intematlonal Law J.G.Starke An tntroduction 3. Law M.P.Tandon Public-International International 4. and Human Riglts r S.K.KaPoor Law 5. and Human fughts H.O.Agarwal, tnie.nationat Law 6. Viddhi '7. Raghavendra Singh AntorrasthiYa qmffiq m.m 8. K.K.Ghai --r .1 lnternational Law 9. Malcolm N.Shaw, q- \5t t \ \r S'., \g \o t.*''t' \\ a\ ra'l lv=:L * (i--.\ ,lt,V-'/ -n" --T)_.-l lJ .r_t4--_-rr\ )l) t$"' ' Hrs - M 402D . INtrRNarroNAL ORc aNrzATtoN t

: UNIT_ I U.N.O. Origin, q objectives and Pri Main Organs of the U.N.O. Secretary General. I Revision of the U.N. Chafter. UNIT - II Specialised Agencies of the U.N.O. UN UNICEF [: I.L.O. w.H.o. UNIT - III Peace Makins Efforts of the U.N.O. Disarmament r Issue r Palestine Issue p UNIT - M.N.O. and Human Rights Meaning and Concept of Human Rights. a Universal Declaration of Human Rights. a & Important International Conventions on Human fughts. (i) International Convention of the r Elimination of all Forms of Racial .9 Discrimination. Convention of the Elimination of all E Forms of Discrimination Against P Women (CEDAW) fi E Convention on the Rights of Child P CRC I UNIT V Regional Organizations : : - ASEAN - European Union Itl _-- APEC Asia * Pacific Economic Co- t - I ration I F Sugsested Readinss : I l. R. Basu, United Nations. 2. Baikunth Nath Singh, srddqq RrT-dl rt 3. B.L. Fadia, ft$qq €,rdr qs trSq m'r1l hf 4. Prem Arora & Prakash Chandra, Comparative Politics and Intemational Relations g 5. S.K. Kapoor, International Law and Human fughts. - r'1 fl'_ ,c'l- L 6. H.U. Agrawal International law and Human RighJs \) \ i 7. si.\tr. fr. w, sffiq g,i-dl t,I

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I ')- . ,K- "\\ -- \/\- t IIrs -M 403D


Origin and Determining Factors UNn - i India's Foreign PolicY' ffi47-1990 with II Indo U.S. Relations Umf - - special ref. to Pakistan and NAM' War tnOo - U.S. relations in the Post - Cold period. - ussR Indo Russia Relations ffitnaia UNIT JII - relations between 1947 -1990. r Indo - Russia relations in the Post Cold - War Period. E, neighbouring countries' ffihmirissue& UNm - Mrrdfind her terror$m r iangladesh - India's role in its creations: - lssu6s in Indo-Ban gladesh relations' Neoal - India relation with Nepal, India's r - i.iition with Nepals Post Meadival period- uo to date.(I947-2007) iii r-*tu - Major issues and problem' r China - A brief review from 1947 up to P - Jut. with reference to the Chinese pr aggression 1962' f Indmr and the Indian Ocean I I"dta irlhe present global scenario UNmf WTO- general aim & principles' India's - role on the issue of climate change' IaI t

Sugsesled Readinss : 6't r(q 1. Bimal Prasad w( H1 frt{r ffi i qrm a1 fdkl ffi ?. V.P. Dutt {

{ Q. , t'.\ YM" -1t;-r/: tU $\i\t'' 'tv; /t i,t4"i ' . i ,; {-" \*-} tfi-'--' r' \ li \ " ! ,2/ '\. ' { ---1

1 , * Hrs - M 401E llrsronY or Sourn INola' t Sources UNn-I Sour"es of the Political Literary i - ArchaeologicalSources p - I *& UNIT_U Origin and Original home of the Satavahanas *r - Gautamiputre Satakami. E - & - -sataahanaConflict. L ljaoaml (urlgln r UNIT-IU - Chalulryas or p Pulakesin II - Vikramditya I \ E E - ra - Chalukya-PallavaConflict B Pallavas {i UNTT-IV - The p Origin. - Mahendra Verman I E - Nandivarman Pallavamalla - Contributions. P - Cultural n UNIT-V ffi j Cholabureaucracy Local self Govt. )iD -_- Maritime Activities under the Cholas F a - Chola Architecture. Le 4' Sugsesled Readings : (Also Hindi) p 1. A.S. Altekar, The Rashtrakutas and their times in 2. R.G. Bhandarkar, Early History of the Deccan. 3. J.D.M. Derret The Hoysalas b . 4. R. Gopalan, The Pallavas of Kanchi 5. T.V. Mahaligam, South Indian PolitY the Pallavas' ft 6. C. Minakshi, Administration and Social Life under 7. K.A. Nilakanta Sastri' A History of South India (Also in Hindi) t 8. K.A. Nilkanta Shastri, The Cholas (Also in Hindi) ts 9. D.C. Sircar, Successors of the Satavahanas. (also in Hindi) 10. G. Yazdani (ed.), The Early History of the Deccan L poliiical South India : AD 700- 11. Kesavan Veluthat, The Structure in Early Medieval 1 300. I .-) I L 12. Noboru Karashima, South Indian History and SocietY. - I-o'l) P ,tl; ''

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Social and Economic History of Early Peninsular India Social Hktory

of the Megalithic Culture in the Tamil UNIT - I Socisl Structure of the Early Times Features - region. Pre- features of the (The cattle reiding - stagge) influence and caste division. - Aryan Land Grants and Emergence of the Brahmanas as UNIT - II Social Change - Land ownership in early medival Karnatka' Castes of the left Hand and the Right Hand - Origin - and features. Medieval background of the origin of the Uxm-lII Dev adasi SYstem Earty - System Obstacles to weed out the practice. - in UNIT.IV TruON AND URBANISATION Early Urbanization - Indo-Roman Trade in the early centuries of the - Christian era. Revival of Urban centres in Karnataka. UNIT.V URBANISATION - Decay and

Suggested Readinss : l. V. Kanaksabhi, The Tamils : Eighteen Hundred Years ago. c.A.D. 1000-1300" (Ph.D" 2. Sister M. Liceria A.C., "social and Economic , Thesis, P.U. 1973) C'A'D' 600-1000 3. R.N. Randi, Social and Religious Developments in the Deccan, (Ph.D. Thesis, P.U. 1970) 4. K.K. Pillay, A Social History of Tamils, Part-I. 5. K.A. Nilkath Sastri, Foreigrr Notices of South India. 6. R.S. Sharma, lndian Fecudalism (Also in HindD . 7. N. SubrahmanYam, Sangam Polity. 8. Awadh K. Prasad, Devadasi System in A.ncient India. 9. Awadh Kishore Prasad, Chola Prasasan Aur Samaj, (Also in HindD 10. G.L. AdhYa, Early Indian Economics , 1000-1500, Vols. I & II. 11. A. Appadorai, Economic conditions in southern India A.D. 12. Deepakranjan Das, Economic History of Deccatr, Delhi, 1969' Karnataka' 13. O mprakash Prasad, Decay and Revival of Urban Centres in Medieval the Pallavas' 14" C. Mina kshi, Administration and Social Life under 15. K.A. Nila kanta Sastri, A History of South India (Also in Hindi) 16. K.A. Nila kanta Sastri, To Colas (Also in Hindi) 17. Morti mer Wheeler, Rome Beyond ImPerial Frontiers. World' 18. H.G. Ra wlinson, lntercourse Between India and the Westem Perspective' 19. A.K. Si ngh Indo-Roman Trade : An Archaeological and India' 20. E.H. Warmi ngtan Commerce Between the 21. G. Yazdani (ed.) The Early History of Deccan, Vol.I (Also in Hin{) __ ..?-**. ,.- ( I' \, ,,1'lq <: \ /\-l -,> d.,n" '' ..-, q { Yt-'- '-i* .\\) / ,j''' \b '\., .\5- rrK- V -----r>s?.iJ D nJ v;-' I f .fli \ ' --i --- \)l"l(/- l"l'rl - v'\ -l ^.t i ' ir "l ;L t?:'".. .JI ,'l i E--

? Hry- M 4038

I Uxrr - I Religion During the Sangam Age Pre-Aryan religions beliefs and practices Non-Aryan deities in Aryan fold. e UNrr - II History of Bhakti Movement in south India The Alvars - The Nayanars p Sreevaishanism with special reference to e Ramanuiacharya. UNIT - III in South India Origin q Feat'rres E Expansion p UNIT-Maiva Monasteries in Early Medieval Deccan - Evolurion e .I? Regiona! distributions and influence - Virasaiva Sect- Uxrr-V Movement of Protest and Dissent - Q Sources, Crigin and development, Social order, Rituals and features p Tantricism- e t Origin. Early Tantric literature & Rituals. e r p Suppested Readinss : Bridget and Raymond Allchins- The Birth of Indian Civilization. C I l. p 2. J. Carpenter, Theism in Medieval India. q 3. S.B. Deo, History of Jaina Monarchism. . n. P.B. Desai, Jainism in South India and Some Jaina Epigraphs. b 5" J.N. Farquhar, Outline of the Religious Literature of India. I India (Also in HindD G r 6. D.H. Gordon, Pre-Historic 7. Nicol Monico, lndia Theism. 8. R.N. Nandi, Religious [nstitutions and Cults in the Deccan. g. S.R. Sharma, Jainism and Karnataka Culture, M. Wheeler, Early India and Pakistan. 10. Ra mbhushan Prasad Singh-Jainism in Kamataka. I l. R.N. Nandi, Social Roots of Religion in Ancient (Also in Hindi) ' ' 12. K.A.N. Sa stri (a) A History of South India. (Also in HindD ft) Sangam Age : lts Cults and Cultures ' 13. R.G. Bhankarkar, Vaishnavism, Saivism and Minor Religious Systems. ^L z .t.1,- /AL-*-+1; bl/- " . ( \ / \ '( ('\s- ,-l I-1r I ()t {/ t! , l'. ,\A-e'-<- F'\-; (v. f|.-- \o t{ . \-b 1i;. \i ffitj

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