't I E 'z :. PROPOSED SYLLABUS FOR M.asrnn oF ARTS (tttsronv) PATNA UNIVERSITY, PATNA Apprtc,eBLE To yEMESTER yYSTEM FROM SESSION _ Hz,no DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY PATNA UNIVERSITY, PATNA. ,i1 I { '.p M.A. Hlstory Department of History, Patna University, Patna' fl SEMESTER-1 7 I 1 3 4 f, 6 -B End Semester Total ic Course Name of the C.I.A. Exam. Code Credit Marks Component Course Marks ,$ Historiography 70 100 t* His-M l0l Core & History of 5 30 Ideas \e History of Early 30 70 r00 \il,' His-M 102 Core Civilization 5 \ and Medieval 'r World Early Medieval 100 Core 5 30 70 His-M 103 lndia(600- P 1200 A.D.) ls Science & 30 70 100 His-M 104 Core Technology in 5 ;E India Snuzsrzn- II :C 7 I 1 3 4 5 6 \s End Semester Total Course Name of the C.I.A. Exam. .h$ Code Credit Marks Component Course -'uS Marks History of I 30 70 100 His-M 201 Core Europe 5 l9l9-2000 f*I History of Bihar (From {* 30 70 100 J His-M 202 Core the Earliest 5 Time to 1* 1947 A.D.) I Society and Be Economy in 70 100 Core 5 30 $ His-M 203 Indian Historv Project I* Work on 100 70 Core 5 30 rc His-M 204 Heritage & Qj:.t Tourism etc. t -n \, ,r/: / '-)\-' t. U?/ \N<'' .,\.. $ . -*fi*(, \- -- ' \'\ ,'- .r'' ' I tJ Y^',.%/*>(\' J _ 11,.ff-r-,1',' ,\) cx ,70 )'.\;-- ,6 9.7 2d1J - 4 fr," .o H 1b 1-l -'i\ Y,tt: ( >1rr Jf (> 'J r V' s & $ SEMESTER.III A I 2 3 4 5 6 7 ?' End ,& Semester Course Name of the C.I.A. q. Code - Credit Exam. Total Component Course Marks Marks e Indian i His-M 301 Core Historians 5 30 70 100 South Asia t His-M 302 Core 1950 5 30 70 100 onwards $ United -{ States of His-M 303 Core 5 30 70 3V America 100 E l 860- l 990 ,h National His-M 304 Core Movemenl 5 30 70 100 ,B in India w:. SEMESTER.IV e Choice Based Groups (Special papers) Group A- Ancient rndia, Group B- Medieval rndia, Group C-Modern India, s Grouprou D- International Relation. Grou E- Early Peninsular India ) I 3 4 5 6 7 e End Semester Course Name of the C.T.A. Total Code Credit Exam. s Component Course Marks Marks Group e His-M 401 Elective '70 ABCDE 5 30 100 Group o His-M 402 Elective ABCDE 5 30 70 100 Group His-M 403 Elective il ABCDE 5 30 70 100 Dissertation {t His-M 404 Elective and Viva- 5 30 70 100 Voce ? i ) \--*>/ .., i< i.- -fl s \'I , ,^--1s-+J \(- l/- Head, Dept. dt' Hiitory * () Patna Univcrsity, Patna. i. _)T * \* r( 't' tj I ,, I P (i?r\ f\-,--> t b rO , .', -' .'- 1 /\ \,r2 r !-.'\ , ,l \;- l rd Luy6.\ \r1,\\ \L (5,.\- -1) SpvrEsrnR- I Hrs - M 101 HISToRroGRAprry & HrSronv or lorls UNI'[ f Definition & Meaning of History Meaning - - & Nature of History. - History as Narrative. - Sources, Use and Misuse of History - Objectivity and Subjectivity in History. UNIT- II Theories of History Speculative and Critical Philosophy Cyclical and Linear History Orientalist, Nationalist Marxist and Neo - Marxist UNIT lll New Approaches Annales - - - Structuralism & Post-modernist - Feminist UNIT - lY Hktory of ldeas, Ancient and ltfedieval Plato: Ideal state --- Kautilya : Saptanga Theory of State - St. Augustine : State UNIT-Y Modernldeus - Machiavelli - State - ft6u55s3u - General Will - Jeremy Bentham - Utilitarianism - M.K. Gandhi - State - B.R. Ambedkar - Social Justice Suggested Readings: l. E.H. Carr, What is History (also in Hindi) 2. Arthur Marwick, Nature of History. J. R.G. Collingwood, The Idea ofPast 4. B. Sheik Ali, 'History'.Its Theory and Methods p 5. E. Shridharan, lndian Historiography 6. Lal Bahadur Verm4 Understanding History , 7. Lal Bahadur Verm4 yfrErfr + eTt it * 8. Irfan Habib, Interpreting Indian History f 9. D.D. Kosambi, History and Society. 6 10. Ranjit Guh4 Subaltern Studies Volumes. : 11. gq u-6lrl. EFreTq <r1r qil 12. trR-<q-qqitq, qfutrfrsscwft€r< r E 13. srr€-sdrn, EFrgrs qih .t t4. q-{qrfiE {H-6. EfrErs s+{ 'f, 15. John. Tosh, The Pursuit of History. 16. G.H Sabine, A History of Political theory rTril -17. fro to ar, rye v-wftfuo ft-<-o, z t . r\ 18. rmr<d ftrqTfr. qn-qsq Trurftfr'o ft;ilfi 6I EPilflH, z qrit t le. K.P. Karunakaran, New Perspective on \..r4.,-)iL-d" Gandhi. <-' 20. Dhananjay Keer, Dr. B.R Ambedekar: Life and Mission. ' 21. R.S. Sharm4 Aspects of Political Ideas and Institrfions in Ancient India. \o \t 22. Edward Said, Orientalism. \u\. \D \'\ {L-/ ''v i .1 ^ l'r r ,p&;_1,*- .LL l 4 1o ,r,t L. .+ -Pf,'u CH 1b \i\t{\,]\ \ L t' alw , ,$// -Xfl--$ Y ,r\.{ \ l/- '/'\ \ \ 1'j,1 \ r -\ 1.2 t)!''ir\\ 2l\ I Hrs - M 102 WORT.O HISTORY OF EARLY CNTLZ.q.ilONS AND MTUTVA,I Soilrces for ttie study of ancient Egyptian history' f E gPtian Civilization ilNrr - = The Dynasties of ancient Egypt-An Oulline' - Old Kingdom-With reference to Pyramid Age' - The tUiaAte Kingdom and New Kingdom-Main features - with special reference to thutmose III and Religious Tourfifor ttle Study of the Mesopotamian history' UNrr ll M6;, otamian Civilizution - - The Semites and the achievements of Sargon of Akkad' - Hammurabi and his Law Code' - Rise and decline of thr 419y4q:* - of the tturappan Civilization m*Wan Civilization ffiorigin ffi -ltt Geographical extent of the civilization with special - reference to some of the important sites- Mohenjodaro' Rakhigarhi, Lothal & Dholavira Harappa,tfeahtres Kalibangan, Main oi the civilization- economy, society' - town-Planning & religion Decline of the civilization - and growth of feudalism' UNIT-Medieval EuroPe ffi Features and decline of Feudalism Crusades - causes and effects* Revival of urban centres' nise of lslam in the 7- Century Umr - V Medieval Islam (A.D' 600-1200 A'D') - Origin & Development of Catiphate (632-661 A'D') tAail features ofihe Umayyad Caliphate (661-750 A'D') s Caliphate nature & significance' ;i Abbasid - s Cultural and Literary contributlenl elthg 4rabs SuEiested Readines: a A History of EgYPt -: l..J.H. Breasted, that was EgyPt' 2. M. Munay, lhe S-plendour ttrt most An'iient East- (also in Hindi) B 3. V. Gorden Childe New iigtit on Ancient ;: 4. Georges Roux, Iraq' y .^- sqdrd 6l qrcrdr*I fr s. dqr*r-a cT6-6. ftYs A srfr{ - F cdHft-s F o.r6offo\'{o fufl, fl 7. fficfrcprgq, ffiql f India-I rg. Walter A. Fairservis, Jr., The Roots of Ancient 9. f6-qur sp6[zlrf,, ft-,g sqil Civilization' 10. Allchin & Allchin, Birth of-Indian ii. [.N. Nandi, Aryans Revisited' ' to Medieval Europe (300-1500 AD) 12. Thompson and Johnson, ari!1rii"93.i1on il. Si.pti"ton and Lyod, MedievalHistory 14. Martin Scott, Medieval Eurooe Brief History of the Western World 15. S.C ' Easton, A 16. John Bowle, History of EuroPe of MedievalEurope 17. M. Keen, A Pelitan History it. q1qft ql+q, q*4eld-{ {tc qq+rd-q 19. fro trit.s, {tq 20. Thomas Amold, The Legacy qf.I{am rr-, arid.Development of Islam- 121. -p.ri.Asgharaii engine.,- rhe orrtin -- ,,\-<r\' ii. uitti, History o-f the Arabs Arabs in History. rr.l (1-i. a.\- 23. Bemard Lewis, -^ ^ - \ \.2 24. M.A. Islamic History (600-750 AD) ' Shaban, qlt r. \t.\ 25. K.P. Sahu iEI *),*u<qq *rqqrrtt \ -Viv. Sahu . -Yqnc r \ i.u *, , 6y{:;t-,{'h-F1* G1 \ti \ ilr'' (ts'----- i) tl il''t Hrs-M 103 EARLY Mp,ornval INDIA (600 - 1200 A.D.) Untf -l Approaches to Early Medieval Indfun History Transition from Ancient to Early Medieval - Indian. Harshavardhan- Sources, Extent of Empire & - Estimate - The Palas - Cultural contributions UNIT- ll The Raiputs Origin of the Rajputs, - Political history of - a. The Gurjara Pratiharas b. Chandellas & c. Chauhans history ot Pallavas, the UNIT - lllAscendancY of the South Political 'the - Rashtrakutas & the Cholas Society, Economy & Administration. a UNIT - lY India & the Arubs - Political contact - Cultural contact UNIT - Y Regional Styles of Art & Architecture Temple Architecture Sculpture Sussested Readinss: 1. Ram Sharan Sharma, Early Medieval Indian SociefY, 2. rrc YRUI Yrqi, ldqq-or&q sqS sqro olr{ B'q.fu 3. R.S Tripathi, History of Kanauj 4. D Devahuti, Harsha- A Political Study 5. R.C Mazumdar, History of Bengal,Vol.l 6. C.Minakshi, The Pallavas of Kanchi 7. K.A.N Shastri, A History of South India (in Hindi also) ' 8. K.A.N Shastri, The Cholas 9. N.RRay, History of the Bengali PeoPle 10. T Watters, On Yuan Chwang's travels I l. Q. Ahmad (ed) India of Alberuni 12. Burton Stein, Essays on South Indian History 13. R Champaklakshmi, Trade , Ideology and Urbanisation: South India 300 BC -AD 1300 14. Awadh Kishore Prasad, qel IRIlitFT TE VrtlvT 15. Om Prakash Prasad, Decay and Revival of urban centers in Early South India(6001200AD) 16. B.P Mazumdar, Socio-Economic History of Northern India of early Medieval India 17. B.D ChattopadhYaYa, " The Making 18. R.S Sharma, Indian Feudalism ,'19. S.C Roy, Dynastic History of Northem India ,t:20. B.N.S Yadav, Society and Culture in North India in the l2th century N--/ <) 21. H.R Hall, Trade and State Craft in the age of the Cholas i\lr ,t-J I \ \ \)' 22. Prasanta Gaurav Xfutzrfidr'ffq( .-.-.,, \ \!\ !- \i\ - -.., l. ll" A, '1J-Yt I ir/ \tu i i,\ ,i -. I e"*6 l7'Y' Li -/' ' 1 tA I ) I i --- I)' liu' I1 L\ s'.- / .
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