
TEEN COURT PROGRAM Twentieth Judicial Circuit of Florida Collier County Courthouse 3315 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 506 Naples, Florida 34112 Attention: Carol Fritsch, Teen Coordinator Telephone: (239) 252-2756

Alcohol & Drug Education Workbook

Read & follow the instructions on each page. Incomplete work will not receive credit & your case may be returned to the State Attorney’s Office

Name:______Case#:______Date Due:______

1400 word essay is required. See instructions on the next page for instructions.

Write an essay of 200 words or more on each of the 7 subjects from this workbook for a total of 1400 words or more.

Your essay is to include the following:

* How are any of these things harmful or proactive for you and your life?

* Why do you use them and how does it make you feel?

* Are there any changes you intend to make after reading this workbook and why do you feel it may be necessary to make any changes in your life at all?

* What did you learn from reading the subject you are writing about?

If you do not have access to a computer then it must be legibly handwritten in pen. DO NOT USE PENCIL (pencil does not scan well).

This paper along with the workbook must be brought in to my office or mailed by the due date to address on the first page of the workbook.



1. Is addicting 2. Damages your heart 3. Damages your lungs 4. Over time, can cause: * death * lung diseases * cancer * heart disease


1. Addicting

Nicotine, is a substance found in cigarettes & is highly addicting. Even a few cigarettes every day for a week may make your body crave cigarettes. Symptoms of are: jitters, headaches, dizziness, depression, irritability & feeling anxious.

More than a third of all kids who ever tried smoking a cigarette will become a regular, daily smoker before leaving high school.

Cigarette smoke is a collection of over 4,000 chemicals including: nail polish remover, cyanide, formaldehyde (chemical preservative), 400 poisons, at least 60 distinct cancer causing chemicals, contains tar, a conglomeration of solid particles that form a sticky brown substance that can stain teeth & clog lungs.

2. Damages to the heart

If you smoke only one or two cigarettes, you will experience an increase in heart rate. Your blood pressure will rise, blood vessels will constrict, & the bloodstream level of carbon monoxide increases. Can cause: Heart Disease – the risk of heart attack is more than two times that of non-smokers, are more likely to die suddenly from that heart attack – within an hour – than non-smokers. Scientists have found no evidence that smoking low-tar and cigarettes reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.

3. Damages to the lungs

Each cigarette you smoke break downs the lung tissue and diminishes lung capacity. Even if you are a moderate smoker (less than a pack a day), your ability to breathe in deeply without hurting your lungs is greatly diminished. Can cause:

Lung Disease - more likely to get pneumonia, chronic bronchitis & emphysema.

Cancer – Over 85% of lung cancers are caused by smoking, & each year over 150,000 people die from lung cancer. It is associated with cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, pancreas, uterus, cervix, kidney, stomach, bladder and some leukemia’s.

Tobacco is the single biggest cause of cancer and accounts for more than half of all cancer deaths in smokers.

4. Laws

All states have laws prohibiting the sale of to youth under the age of 18 years of age. Smoking at school violates school rules on most campuses.


Smoking has immediate effects on your body: increases your pulse rate, makes your blood pressure rise, lowers skin temperature & lowers physical endurance.

Smokers’ babies weigh less and more of them die

Smoking during pregnancy accounts for an estimated 20-30% of low birth weight babies, up to 14% of pre-term deliveries, & 10% of all infant deaths.

Healthy, full term babies of smokers have been found to be born with narrowed airways and decreased lung function.

Smokers’ become disabled more often than non-smokers

Smokers become ill more often and lose more days from work than non-smokers & are likely to suffer from chronic conditions that limit their activity.

The tobacco industry spends billions to get you to smoke

Reports show that the tobacco industry annually spends on marketing its products nationwide $15.4 billion or over $42 million each day. Additionally, annual tobacco industry contributions to federal candidates, political parties and PACs total over $3 million with another $20 million spent annually, to lobby Congress.

Smokers who quit get immediate health benefits

The carbon monoxide level in the blood stream declines within 12 hours. Headaches and stomach aches caused by smoking disappear. Stamina and vigor improve. Food tastes and smells better.

Benefits of not smoking

Giving up cigarettes reduces the excess risk of dying prematurely. Twenty (20) years after stopping, the ex-smoker’s risk of dying prematurely from lung cancer is close to that of someone who has never smoked. Three (3) years after quitting, the risk of death from a heart attack is about the same as someone who has never smoked.



People who smoke cigars regularly get serious diseases and die from them. Long term cigar smoking doubles your chance of dying from heart diseases, lung cancer and death from cancer of the esophagus is 2-5 times high in cigar smokers than in non- smokers; death from cancer of the oral cavity is 3 to 8 times more likely; & the risk of death from cancer of the larynx is 10 times higher.

The smoke contains more carbon monoxide, ammonia and nitrogen oxides than cigarette smoke. A cigar has as much nicotine as several cigarettes (Nicotine, a drug in tobacco that causes addiction). When cigar smokers inhale, nicotine is absorbed as rapidly as it is with cigarettes. For those who don’t inhale, it is absorbed more rapidly through the lining of the mouth.

Cigars are a major source of second hand smoke & because of the kind of tobacco and the manufacturing process of cigars, many of the concentrations or carcinogens are higher than for cigarette smoke.

It can take as long as 45 minutes to an hour to smoke a cigar, compared with just a few minutes for a cigarette. The exposure to second hand smoke both for the smoker and those around the smoker becomes very significant.

Second hand smoke

Second hand tobacco smoke, comes from two (2) places; smoke breathed out by the person who smokes, and smoke from the end of a burning cigarette, cigar or pipe.

Non-smokers exposed to second hand smoke absorb all of these chemicals just as smokers do. Because they are unfiltered, the concentration of carcinogens in second hand smoke are up to 100 times higher than in smoke inhaled directly through cigarettes and cigars which causes over 3,000 deaths from lung cancer among non-smokers in the United States each year, & is linked to as many as 60,000 fatal heart attacks annually.

While separating smokers and non-smokers within the same air space may reduce, but does not eliminate, non-smokers’ exposure to second hand smoke.

Smokeless tobacco

Smokeless tobacco is chewed or sucked on. The four (4) primary forms are: plug tobacco, loose leaf tobacco, twist tobacco and snuff. Users face an increased risk of cancers of the mouth, esophagus, lung, liver and pancreas. All forms of smokeless tobacco are addictive.

The physiological and psychological processes that determine nicotine additions are similar to those that determine addiction to such drugs as heroin or . Smoke tobacco products are not a safe alternative to cigarettes.

Smokeless tobacco users experience higher rates of such dental problems as receding gums, tooth enamel erosion and discoloration, tooth decay, and loss of both the senses of taste & smell.

Smoke tobacco manufacturers are actively and aggressively promoting starter products that feature pouches and cherry flavoring, in order to expand the use of, & addiction to, products that used to be used only by older men. (Monitoring the Future, 2005 reported that 10.1% of eighth graders) have used smokeless tobacco.

Herbal cigarettes & smoking blends

Alternatives to cigarettes have become popular among teens and adults who are trying to quit cigarettes.

Herbal cigarettes have been marketed since 1997 and are gaining in sales. Instead of tobacco and nicotine they contain catnip, wild lettuce, damiana, passion flower & marshmallow.

They are often promoted as a safe alternative to tobacco smoking. However, a 2000 ruling by the Federal Trade Commission required makers of tobacco free herbal cigarettes to stop making claims that “no additives” means a safer cigarette unless they had scientific proof that it was true. Manufacturers are required to prominently disclose on packages and ads that: “Herbal cigarettes are dangerous to your health, they produce tar & carbon monoxide”.

Bidis are unfiltered, flavored (strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, cherry, raspberry & mango) cigarettes from India. They look like marijuana joints & contain higher levels of tar, nicotine & carbon monoxide than regular cigarettes. Bidis are hand rolled by women & children & according to a report by Human Rights Watch of New York, Indian bidi manufacturers employ several hundred thousand children as underpaid “bondage slaves”, some earning as little as 15 cents a day to roll 1,000 bidis.

Kreteks are Indonesian cigarettes containing approximately 60% tobacco & 40% shredded clove buds. Exposure to tar, nicotine & carbon monoxide is higher from clove cigarettes than from regular cigarettes. Eugenol, the major active ingredient in cloves, has been used as a dental anesthetic for years. It has been associates with severe illnesses of the lungs and symptoms related to the respiratory tract. Because the backs of smokers’ throats may be anesthetized by eugenol, smokers may inhale more deeply & may not feel the harshness.


Biggest Dangers with Marijuana

Using Marijuana

1. Increases risk of accidents. 2. Causes loss of control, judgment & coordination. 3. Makes it hard to concentrate, learn & remember. 4. Interferes with your ability to experiences or cope with emotions. 5. Interferes with communication. 6. Over time, it can cause:

* physical & * immune system damage * reproductive system problems * loss of interest in activities except drug use * lung damage

Using Marijuana

1. Increases risk of accidents

Because marijuana impairs both your judgment, reaction time & your coordination, using marijuana increases the likelihood that you will get into an accident or cause one and cause a fire.

(Teenagers who are high on marijuana have drowned, died in automobile crashes & bicycle crashes, & accidentally set things on fire).

2. Causes loss of control (judgment, coordination)

3. Makes it hard to concentrate, learn & remember

4. Interferes with your ability to experience or cope with emotions

5. Interferes with communication

6. Regular use of marijuana over time can cause the following:

* Physical & psychological dependence * Immune system damage * Reproductive system problems * Lung Damage

7. Legal problems with marijuana

Marijuana can get you into legal trouble. In all states it is illegal for minors to possess or sell any amount of marijuana.



1. Increases risk or death or injury from accidents, homicide or suicide. 2. Causes loss of judgment 3. Causes loss of coordination 4. Interferes with your ability to cope with emotions 5. Over time, can cause:

* dependence * liver damage * brain damage * death from brain or liver damage or heart attack


1. Increases risk of death or injury from accidents, homicide or suicide.

(Alcohol is a factor in three (3) leading causes of teenage deaths: motor vehicle crashes, homicide & suicide)

2. Causes loss of judgment after one (1) or two (2) drinks, you might agree to do something you normally would not agree to. Alcohol reduces the important skills necessary to drive safely such as: judgment, reaction time, vision, slows reflexes, reduces your awareness, judging distance, speed and movement of other vehicles. Over time, can cause dependence, liver damage, brain damage & death.

You can get into legal trouble when you drink. In all 50 states it is illegal to buy alcohol for someone under the age of 21 years old. Most states are lowering the blood alcohol limit for drivers and increasing the penalties for exceeding it. Some states have adopted zero tolerance laws for blood alcohol content for drivers under 21 years of age. Drinking can contribute to medical conditions (e.g., ulcers, gastritis, throat & mouth cancer, heart attack, criminal behavior & suicide).

DUI (Driving under the Influence) (SWFL SAFETY COUNCIL - 7/16)

You can be charged with DUI if you are found to be driving or in actual physical control of a motor vehicle under the influence of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances (prescription drugs, depressant, , narcotics, & model glue or other ).

At the time of your arrest, your license will be administratively suspended if you a breath or blood alcohol level (BAL) of .08 or above, or refuse to submit to a breath/blood alcohol test.

Implied Consent Law

You will be asked to take a blood, urine or breath test if an officer has reasonable cause to believe that you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs while driving. By law, you have agreed by signing your driver license to take these tests if asked. If you refuse to take the tests when asked, your license will automatically be suspended for one (1) year. A second refusal will result in an 18 month suspension and a first degree misdemeanor.

In DUI cases involving death or serious injury, you will be required to take the blood test without your consent. The blood must drawn by a physician, nurse or other health professional. Blood may be drawn if you are unconscious.

Penalties for DUI

First DUI Conviction

*Fine $500 - $1000 (BAL .15 or higher or minor in the vehicle, not less than $1000 or more than $2000) *Community Service 50 hours. *Probation up to one (1) year. *Imprisonment not more than six (6) months (if BAL .15 or higher or minor in the vehicle, not more than nine (9) months) *License Revocation minimum 180 days. *DUI School 12 hours. *Evaluation conducted to determine need for treatment for addition. *Ignition Interlock Device if court ordered (if BAL .15 or higher, or minor in the vehicle, at least six (6) continuous months)

Second DUI Offense/Conviction

*Fine $1000 - $2000 (BAL .15 or higher or minor in the vehicle, not less than $2000 or more than $4000) *Imprisonment not more than nine (9) months. *License Revocation minimum 180 days. *DUI School 21 hours. *Evaluation conducted to determine need for treatment for addition. *Ignition Interlock Device at least one (1) continuous year.

Third DUI Offense/Conviction

*Fine $2000 - $5000 (BAL .15 or higher or minor in the vehicle, not less than $4000) *Imprisonment not more than 12 months. *License Revocation minimum 180 days. *DUI School 21 hours. *Evaluation conducted to determine need for treatment for addiction. *Ignition Interlock Device at least two (2) continuous years.

Zero Tolerance

*Any driver under 21 years of age who is stopped by law enforcement and has a breath or blood alcohol level of .02 or higher will automatically have their driving privilege suspended for six (6) months.

*Any driver under 21 with a breath or blood alcohol level of .05 or higher is required to attend a course.


Alcohol is addictive & damaging

Alcohol abuse contributes to 100,000 annually, making it the third leading cause of preventable death after tobacco & diet/activity patterns in the United States.

Alcohol is addictive. Alcoholics are psychologically & physically addicted to alcohol, cannot control their drinking & depend on alcohol to function. If you use alcohol before the age of 15, you are more likely to have problems with heavy alcohol & other drug use later in life than someone who doesn’t.

Alcohol is lethal. It can be permanently harm & eventually kill brain cells.

Drinking & driving is dangerous

Drinking impairs your judgment & slow your reflexes. If you drink & drive, you are at risk of getting into a motor vehicle accident.

Alcohol related car crashes are the number one killer of teens. Alcohol use is also associated with homicides, suicides & drownings – the next three (3) leading causes of death among youth.

Alcohol abuse is one of our most serious social & health problems

The cost of alcohol abuse to the nation is estimated at over $175 billion a year.

It could result in traffic accidents, violent crimes, burns, drowning, suicide attempts, fetal alcohol syndrome, alcohol poisonings & treatment. Use of alcohol at an early age is an indicator of future alcohol or drug problems

If a pregnant woman drinks, her fetus is drinking also. Many babies born to mothers who drink frequently or heavily have lower birth weights. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is one of the top three (3) causes of birth defects & a major cause of mental retardation.



1. Involves a high risk of becoming addicted 2. A single, heavy dose may cause

* heart attack * stroke * seizure 3. For people who are addicted, there is a greater risk of

* severe mental & emotional confusion * physical deterioration of the body * fear of being without cocaine * paranoia * hallucinations * violent behavior * convulsions, tremors & seizures * injury to lungs * severe financial strain


Involves a high risk of becoming addicted

Cocaine is highly addictive. Addiction to cocaine can make you lose control over your life. Cocaine becomes more important than food, sleep, health, sex, school performance, family, friends & work. Many addicts resort to stealing, drug dealing & prostitution to get money for this drug.

Adolescents who use cocaine regularly may experience inability to copy with emotions & with the routine demands of daily life. (e.g.; taking cocaine before you go out of the house, cocaine before a party or social function, school function, before any social encounter with someone of the opposite sex, feeling depressed & fearful when no cocaine is available, addiction to cocaine may exhibit the following behaviors; doing poorly in school, dropping out of school, becoming violent or paranoid, attempting suicide, becoming a cocaine dealer & resorting to stealing from family, friends, or employers to pay for cocaine).

A single heavy dose may overload the heart, respiratory system & nervous system within minutes.

Even in healthy teenagers, a single dose can cause a heart attack, stroke, seizure or death, severe mental & emotional confusion, physical deterioration of the body, fear of being without cocaine, paranoia, hallucinations, violent behavior, convulsions, tremors, seizures, injury to lungs, several financial strain & injury to nasal tissue & nasal septum.

Other dangers from cocaine

Mixing cocaine and other drugs is very dangerous & may cause coma or death. The user can become psychologically or physically addicted to the other drugs as well.

It is a risk to pregnant woman & newborns which may cause miscarriages, stillbirths & premature labor (cocaine exposed babies may be irritable, unresponsive, & hard to nurse.


Distinguishing between cocaine & crack

Cocaine is derived from the coca plant, which is grown in South America & Crack is chemically derived from cocaine, crack cocaine is a refined purer form of the same chemical as powder cocaine. Cocaine & crack are both addictive. Cocaine & crack affect brain & body chemistry. Crack produces a more immediate intense high. While cocaine is usually sold as a crystalline white powder. Crack is freebase cocaine that has been processed & is ready to smoke. It is usually sold in chips or tiny “rocks” that look like grayish-white slivers of soap. Cocaine is typically inhaled or intravenously injected. Cocaine & crack both damage the heart, liver, brain, (cocaine specifically) damages the nasal cavity & sinus areas, crack (or cocaine when smoked) specifically damages the throat & lungs. Cocaine high lasts about thirty (30) minutes & a crack high lasts about ten (1) to twenty (20) minutes.

FACTS ABOUT LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide)

Commonly referred to as “acid” this drug is sold on the street in tablets, capsules & occasionally, liquid form. Often LSD is added to blotter paper & divided into small decorated squares with each square representing one dose. It is odorless, colorless, & has a slightly bitter taste. It is usually taken by mouth.

1. The effects are unpredictable.

It depends on the dose taken; the user’s personality, mood and expectations; the surroundings in which the drug is taken. The effects are usually felt 30-90 minutes after taking the drug & can last up to 12 hours. The LSD experience is called a “trip” & acute adverse reactions are called a “bad trip”.

2. It can cause hallucinations, panic attacks & flashbacks up to a year.


1. How are cocaine & methamphetamine the same?

Both are addictive, if they are smoked, injected, snorted, a stimulants & they produce similar effects.

2. Can using cocaine or meth hurt you if you use it just once?

Yes, teens have died after using the first time, just one use can result in a stroke, heart stopping & panic attacks. 3. What happens to people who keep using cocaine or meth?

They can become addicted. Also, the following problems can occur: death, seizure, stroke, the heart can stop, confused, paranoid, behave violently , lack of sleep, malnutrition, confused, delusional (false beliefs), contract sores on their skin (from picking), nasal lining damage (from snorting) & get sick more often because of reduced defense against illness (immune system damage).

4. Do cocaine and meth effect the brain?

Yes in different ways. Cocaine activates the brain’s pleasure center but eventually reduces pleasure by interfering with important brain chemicals & methamphetamine may damage nerve cells that produce important brain chemicals.

5. What do cocaine & meth have in common with other street drugs?

All of them are produced & distributed illegally. There is no regulation of what is in them. Street drugs are not what they are advertised to be – the can be mixed with other drugs or toxic substances like rat poison.


1. Aren’t drugs that are prescribed by a doctor safe for anyone?

Drugs are usually safe when they are used by the person they were prescribed for & taken according to the doctor’s instructions but that doesn’t make the drugs safe for someone else to take.

But when you take a medicine prescribed for someone else, you have no idea how your body & brain will react. You could be taking many times the amount that a doctor would prescribe for you. Or you might be taking something that a doctor would never prescribe for you because it would cause you more harm than good.

2. Can’t uppers – prescription stimulants like Dexedrine, Ritalin, or Adderall help you stay awake & study better?

These powerful drugs change the way your body’s control center (central nervous system) works. They speed it up which is a very dangerous thing. These drugs can cause sleeplessness, twitching, fast heartbeat, severe weight loss, high blood pressure & panic.

They are also very addicting – it’s easy to get hooked & the more you use them, the more your body gets used to having them, so you need to take more & more to get the same effect. You might start taking one of these drugs to stay awake, but you might end up not being able to sleep when you want to.

3. Is it dangerous to mix downers like Xanax & Valium & other drugs?

It’s always dangerous to mix drugs. It is especially dangerous to mix downers () with alcohol. The combination slows the body down so much that you can become unconscious. You won’t know what’s happening to you & you lose control of body. You could actually choke on your own vomit.

4. Why are uppers & downers both so dangerous?

Uppers & downers are dangerous because they change the basic way your body & brain work. They affect your central nervous system – that’s the control center for everything you do. Like the central controls for other complex things like computers or spaces shuttles, your central controls are a delicate system, tuned for just one purpose, to make your brain in your body do all the things you need it to do to keep you going & keep you healthy. 5. Someone told me I should always watch my glass or drink at a party, why is that?

It is a good idea to do this so that no one can secretly put anything in your drink. Some drugs (especially one called GHB) have no smell & no taste. They can be slipped into a drink without your knowing it. These drugs can make you unconscious or so dopey that you can’t defend yourself from any kind of attack.

6. What is wrong with using prescription painkillers such as OxyContin (unless they are prescribed for you)?

The most important reason is that these drugs can kill you. Even one dose. You just stop breathing. These drugs come in many different forms & many different doses. You don’t know what dose might be too much for you.

7. Can just trying once Vicodin or OxyContin make you want more?

Yes, you can become addicted to these drugs instantly – it’s not safe to experiment. Being addicted changes you & your brain – forever. It messes up your memory & makes you depressed. The things that you used to enjoy stop mattering because the drug is always the most important thing.

8. Can you get “high” on cough syrup? The kind you can buy over the counter?

If you follow the instructions on the bottle, taking cough syrup will just help you stop coughing. But taking too much cough syrup, or taking a lot of cold medicine in pill or gel can form, can cause hallucinations & make you violent & crazy acting. You will look freaked out & spend a lot of time throwing up.

Cold medicines usually have a lot of other things in them, so taking more than the recommended dose can damage your liver & kidneys. High doses can also make you lose control of your body – people can do anything to you & you won’t be able to stop them.




Circle the right answer for each question. If you think more than one answer is correct, circle all that apply.

1. Teenagers who start smoking are highly likely to smoke as adults.

True False

2. More than half the teenagers who attempt or commit suicide are involved with alcohol or other drugs.

True False

3. Marijuana smoke contains the same cancer causing agents as cigarettes smoke.

True False

4. Cocaine slows you down.

True False

5. Its more dangerous to drive when you’re drink than when you’re high on marijuana.

True False

6. If someone offers you marijuana & you don’t want it, a good response is to

a. say, “No thanks”. b. make a scene & put him or her down for smoking marijuana. c. say, “I don’t like how it makes me feel”. d. say, “Thanks a lot” & take a hit.

7. Cocaine is almost never mixed (laced) with other dangerous substances.

True False

8. Losing control when you are drunk or high means you may do something you wouldn’t do if you were not drunk or high.

True False

9. Which are true about the ways methamphetamine can harm the body?

a. increases heart rate. b. increases blood pressure. c. causes brain damage. d. all of the above. e. a & b only.

10. Methamphetamine is highly addictive.

True False

11. Crack

a. is a crystallized form of cocaine. b. isn’t addicting c. may cause paranoia, , irritability & depression. d. may cause death.

12. Mixing alcohol with other drugs is less dangerous than drinking alcohol by itself?

True False

13. If a pregnant woman smokes, drinks or uses crack, her unborn baby is using drugs too.

True False

14. High doses of cough syrup with DXM can cause you to:

a. see things that aren’t there. b. damage your liver. c. want to dance all night. d. feel like your mind is separated from your body.

15. People who smoke don’t become addicted to cigarettes until a year or two after they start smoking.

True False

16. Having a bad trip on marijuana means you might feel anxious, scared, uptight or even terrified.

True False

17. Almost any drug, if used a long time, causes physical or mental dependency.

True False

18. The main reason most teenagers continue to smoke cigarettes once they start is:

a. they think it makes them look cool. b. they like spending so much money on cigarettes each week. c. they are addicted. d. they like the way their breath smells.

19. They leading cause of death among sixteen to twenty-three year olds is

a. suicide, b. cancer. c. car crashes.

20. You can’t tell by looking if marijuana is mixed with other drugs.

True False

21. Secondhand smoke is more of an annoyance than anything else.

True False

22. The way to sober up if you are drunk is to:

a. take a cold shower. b. wait until the alcohol has passed through your system. c. drink lots of black coffee. d. eat some food.

23. If you’re high on marijuana, you’re least likely to remember:

a. the answers on your history test. b. your birthday.

24. Most methamphetamine users get the drug through illegal prescriptions at pharmacies.

True False

25. Teenagers start using drugs because of

a. pressure from other teenagers. b. pressure from ads on television & radio. c. pressure from themselves. d. curiosity.

26. Smokeless tobacco products are a safe substitute for cigarettes.

True False

27. If you drink to cover uncomfortable feelings, you may

a. become dependent on alcohol to feel good. b. escape from your problems. c. not learn how to cope with your problems.

28. Besides the problems of bad health & addiction, people who inject drugs risk getting HIV/AIDS.

True False

29. People who smoke cigarettes for many years are more likely to develop:

a. bronchitis. b. lung cancer. c. heart disease. d. cancer of the mouth, larynx, esophagus & bladder.

30. Mixing any two (2) drugs can be dangerous. Which combination below is the most dangerous?

a. cigarettes & alcohol. b. alcohol & sleeping pills or painkillers. c. marijuana & cigarettes.

31. It is safe to take Oxycontin (a prescription painkiller) that was prescribed for someone else.

True False