Adverse Reactions to Hallucinogenic Drugs. 1Rnstttutton National Test
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 034 696 SE 007 743 AUTROP Meyer, Roger E. , Fd. TITLE Adverse Reactions to Hallucinogenic Drugs. 1rNSTTTUTTON National Test. of Mental Health (DHEW), Bethesda, Md. PUB DATP Sep 67 NOTE 118p.; Conference held at the National Institute of Mental Health, Chevy Chase, Maryland, September 29, 1967 AVATLABLE FROM Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402 ($1.25). FDPS PRICE FDPS Price MFc0.50 HC Not Available from EDRS. DESCPTPTOPS Conference Reports, *Drug Abuse, Health Education, *Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, *Medical Research, *Mental Health IDENTIFIEPS Hallucinogenic Drugs ABSTPACT This reports a conference of psychologists, psychiatrists, geneticists and others concerned with the biological and psychological effects of lysergic acid diethylamide and other hallucinogenic drugs. Clinical data are presented on adverse drug reactions. The difficulty of determining the causes of adverse reactions is discussed, as are different methods of therapy. Data are also presented on the psychological and physiolcgical effects of L.S.D. given as a treatment under controlled medical conditions. Possible genetic effects of L.S.D. and other drugs are discussed on the basis of data from laboratory animals and humans. Also discussed are needs for futher research. The necessity to aviod scare techniques in disseminating information about drugs is emphasized. An aprentlix includes seven background papers reprinted from professional journals, and a bibliography of current articles on the possible genetic effects of drugs. (EB) National Clearinghouse for Mental Health Information VA-w. Alb alb !bAm I.S. MOMS Of NAM MON tMAN IONE Of NMI 105 NUNN NU IN WINES UAWAS RCM NIN 01 NUN N ONMININI 01011110 0.
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