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■-■’■Hr J, $ ■ fT I ■ ^ -1 / p a c k s i x t e b w MONDAY, .A ten g e Daily Net Prem RjML The Weethef - l i b . Far tha Wtmtf. WoMt Fonxisat af O. 8- Weathar ; A s m . 2 8 ,1 8 6 8 The^ management groOp of the Manchester Grange will hold a The Rotary Club will ifliMt to Showers , coatlniting toal|mi. V*' About Town , Connecticut Section, Atherican In setback party Wednesday at 8 morrow night at 6:30 aK the stitute of Electrical Ehgineers, p.m. in Orange Hall. The home Country, Club.- Eleven high scb ^ l Wietto Host 12,698 Low - 48-48. Wednesday elearhq;, will hear the story of the Helco- econoipice committee /will be In students will be guests of the ci little ehaage la temperatarc. High William Buckley, cJialrman of ’^m ber atitiia Ao4R it Connecticut Power Gk>. merger at charge. Refreshments will be and will present the program. Mb 88s. the Board of IfMucatlon and Hart Mraau af OtreAfttaa ford Public High School teacher.' its meeting Tuesday night at 8 served, and prizes awarded. The Sessio n s WEST MIDPLE THKNf IKE Mnncheaer—^A City of VUlafte Charm will talk on "Colonial Connecticut o’clock in the atiditorium of ' the affair Is open to. tlH^^ pulrflc. Aaron Cook Jr., son of Mr. Snd Hiatorj’" at the meeting of the Ki- Hartford Electric Light Co., Hart Mrs. Anron Cook, 562 E. Middle l/.S* . ^ CORNER DUKANT SI 7 - 1 wahis Cliib Thursday noon. ford. • Michael Leturetano', 21 View 8t.. Tpke., has beyin elected secre V y 1 Chdrifiher (ClaMlfled Advertlatng on Cage 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS is chairman of the membership of the Student Council a t B a b .\ i’ NEW LARGER QUARTERS VOL. LXXVII, NO. 178 (SIXTEEN PAGES) CHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1958 Leonora Smyth, 5. daughter of Members of the Women’s Club committee of the Technical Publi Institute of Business Administra John P. Wlet, executive vice PLENTY OF FRONT AND REAR PARKING M/. and Mrs. B. Burton Smyth, are reminded of the meeting to cations. Association of New Eng tion, Babson Park, {dass. p.rasident bf the Manchester Cham A land. The association will hold a 27 Hilltop Dr., has been chosen by night at 8 in thf South Methodist ber of Commerce, is acting as the Garden Club of Northfleld, N. Church, at which Mrs. Bettv Beat dinner meeting' at Tara Hall. A course in cooking out-of-doors AUTO G U SS INSTALLiD ^ J., to'be the rose'princess and to ty of Wellesley Hills, MaM.. will ThoffipsonvUie, Tuesday night at fo r . a ll. Girl Scout - leaders will be I. host for two sessions of the U.S. Mikoyan S ^a Cardinat’s crown the rose queen at Northfield spei^ oh flpwer arrangements and 6:3W. held Thursday from 9:30 a.m. tot Chamber of Commerce ' annual GLASS FURNITURE TOPS Ike Plan Not Vital on June 14. tricks With flowers. Me a officers 2:30 p.m. at Calnp Merrie-Wood.! meeting in Waahington.' D.C. Bonn Wariied v\-ili be elected. The annual dlimer Manchester Lodge' of Masons Registrations for thld course "Organize Right for Effective MIRRORS (Flr*pla«* ond Door) C on d ition A rummage sale will be conduct will be served in Woodruff Hall of will hold a special meeting tomor should be made at;the Girl Scout Action" is today’s topic which -will ed by Senior Girl Scout Troop 1 on Center Church Monday, May 26. row night at 7:30, pt Which time office by tomorrow. emphasize getting action from lo PICTURE FRAMING (oH typ*t) On Atom Arms May 7 from 6:80 to 0 p.m. at. the Checks-may ue mailed to Mrs. El members will witness the degree cal and state Chambers o f Com Community ■ Y. Anyone having mer Odpll, 512 E. Center 3t. No work of John- Mather Chapter, Or St.. Elizabeth’s Mo'thers Cirble merce, trade.and profeBsional or ^Excellent* articles to contribute and wishing reservations will be accepted after der of DeMolay. Following the de will m e « at the home of Mrs. ganizations. WINDOW oiMi PLATE GLASS Berlin, April 29 {^PJ— Anas rx to have them picked up may call gree work there will be a social James Glieeson, 228 School St., The importance of good teach tas I. Mikoyan told East Ger May 19. OO.VntACTURSi WE ^ V E tN STOCK Rome, April 29 (VP)— either Mrs. David Starrett, 26 hour with refreshments. Wednesday tjight at 8:15. Elec ing will be stressed at an "Educa mans tdday he had warned Ferndale Dr., .or Mrs. Donald Har tion of o f f i c ^ will be held. Co tion Luncheon" tomorrow. Static- uel Cardinal Stritch was re ' Degree MistYea. Ruth Beckwith hostess will 'ba.Mrs. John Schieb- MEDICINE CAIINETS and SHOWER DOORS Chancellor Konrad Adenauer rison, 45 Prances Dr. Members of XI Gamma Chapter displays of the latest equipment to ported in excellent condition of Sunset Rebekah Lodge has enpflug. Valedictorian of pie personally that West Ger- called a rehearsal for -.tonight sit of Beta Sigma Phi are reminded of ' -prove teaching will be featured. OPEN SATURDAYS--4IPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS Washington, April 29 (4P>—fthmt eome of the U n g ^ a today.'.,,Jle had a good night Advertisement Edwin C. Lynn, who graduates potential of television as s merg- ‘ many faces ' "extraordinary 7:30 in^ Odd FelloVs Hall of all the founder's day dinner Wednes “ ESTIMATES OLADLl' GIVEN O n. Nathan F. Tinning t o l d ' horrthu followtfig the amputation of day night at 7 r’clo'Tk at* the Cor A rummage sale Will be held by In June. from Syracuse Univer medium of broadening the Influ ere" of parts of'the forces, far he-< if it accepts atomic officers *and members taking part the Wome -s MlsaioWrj Society sity, Syracuse,- N. Y., has been Congress today some UiS. his right arm. e- Hubbard HW-Day Camp, Glas in the tableaux.>, also re ner House, Farmington. ence \of expert teachers will be tonbury ope.ns July 7 for boys and oif the Emanuel Lutheran Church named valedictorian of his grad shownNthroug{i a live Bemonstra- forces are , ready now— with-,w in -, The private physician of Pope ; minded to bring ' rtlcles for the Friday morning at 9 ^elock in th fS ^ tto n t a k e r s S ^ creU rt^ ! The Soviet I*'** Plus XJI, Prof. Riccardo Galeazzi*; girls, ages 3 to 13. For further in The Community BapUst Church uating class in the School of Ar tlon orv closed-circuit television out the legislationn a s i ^ by runimage s£le tomorrow in the Luther hall Donations may be left chitecture. of Defense McBlroy last weeV that “ I meeting In East Ber- List, who witnessed the. operation | Says issue formation call MEMford 3-2040 or hall. ulll hold its mother-daughter -din teaching, ^ o w TV lessons moti “President Eisenhowejlo w ^ — to lln’s Sports Arens thst he brought R ed Blasts write Mrs. Richard O'Dell,' 388 at. the hall 'ITiursday . evening. For this honor"he received the vate student Interest and study the Pentagon and the committee 'SO he could 'report to the Pbpe, ner In.Woodrliff hall of the Ceil- strike back within 3 6 ^ in u te s could get together on a redrafting this out during a talk with Ade visited Cardinal Stritch early today Hubbifrd Street, Glastonbury. ter Church Friday night at .6:30. Those dealring picktip of articles schoql medal'of the Institute of ■Will also be ^ow n.. nauer In Bonn list Saturday on the The- Connecticut Department. ma.V contact Mrs. Harold McIn of attack. ot the President’e propoMls. Dur-, for another report: "He found the Daughters of Veterans of the Civil Reservations for the dinner, which Architects. • Dr. H oward^. Bevla. chairman dangers of a third world war. Cardinal had no fever'and was Stiould Go tosh. of the President's committe on Houea Armed, Serylcee Commit big the weekend ho^ Eisenhower Arctic Plan War. are holding their annual con close Wednesday, may be made Lynn, who has teen on "the tee eritica of Eteetihower'a defense and McElroy issued^dUtemertts em 'Those who want a unified Gerr sleeping well. | vention today and tomorrow in with Mrs. John Shorrock or Mrs. dean's list every semester, is a scientists and engWers, will make phasizing they were not conceding many must necessarily oppose Specialist l.C. and Mrp, Law introdu<!tory comments on- "A reorganization prppoeale promptly atomic armament In Germany,' The Pope received in special | Us* ^ ew Haven. Mrs. Emma Swanson, •Rpbert Johns.. Girl Scout,Trnop 1 member of the Syracuse Ohlver- aatZM on the i^temOTt .by Twin- any substantial fa t t e r in the htll. will serve a turkey dinner. rence Decker Jr. • and daughter, Soientific Approach Ibq Learning.’’ ; Mikoyan' declared. audience the two Chicago doctors' As Publicity To Summit Your 30 Hudson St., who is' convei ion e Deborah Ann, have returned from sity Honor Society. Phi Kappa lag. chairman qf the Joint Chl«" however. , / m^'Ho flew to Rome Sunday ^or con- secretary ant several of the other Germany. He was recently dis Phi and the architects’ honorary, Staff. Cooiidge alio diaclored that one I He ruled out reunifleation on sultation. They are Cardinal Ciiorg* Plan members left early this morning Members of the 8th District Fire Sigma Upiilon Alpha, of which X feature of the bill whlcb has been any except those proposed by the By MAX HARRELSON ^ Department will meet at the fire charged from the Armed Forces in Rep.