Connecticut Leglslatjir^^O Act Immediately to Golve What He' Fhenu And
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'.N. - < . v \ ■■ "x -V MARCH 8,'1^B8 VpAOE TWELVE .M O Average Daily Net Press Run The Weath^ TT For the Weak Sniod Pofoeast of U. & Wes' . .MfNli .L'.’ITO- ■■ ■ \ CXearlag,. little chMge {S' Tha Rev. Jamaa O’ConnaU wUl Mrs. Cain Mahoney,, president, speak on "Madiocrlty" fit tha meet Mrs. ^ h n p . Cheney Jr., Mrs. :.|TaIk on M ake-up OENEDAL 12. peraturM tonigA^ Lgof 2A5S,> About Town ing of Glbbona Aaaembly, Catholic I ^ it Thorp and Mrs. Walter Gor Mostly fa lfr^ m lid ./W i^ iN W ' Member of the Audit ■N Ladies of Columbua, tomorrow man n^esented the Manchester YWCA Activity Hlgkeat ja m id ^ o eT / / D orou Society iminbera. will night at 8:15 at tha Knights of Co PuUjRS Health.NursIng Assn, at the TV SERVICE Bnraan'ot -Circnlatlon in Luth«r H&U of Emanuel lumbua Home. Mra. Wl^fsrd Begley Mtth.annual meeting b£ the t^ard Manche$t^r-^A City o f Village Charm Lutheran Church Wedne^ay at is-chairman of the meeting. Tick members organisation -of the Con A . titk and de*n<»wtratk>n of NIgbts Plus Farlb make-up Ki^hov* to i ^ 'l t will he X 8;15 , p.m., following the quiet ets fo f the family dinner will necticut Public' Health- Nursing ‘TBl, Ml 8-8482 ((ilaiatfflad Advorttatag on Fagn 14) h ^ . 'i^aocial hour will follow the available at thls.^neetlng Aasn.^ In Hartford yesterday. given at titeSiM^ng bf the YWCA V O L . LJH ^ViL N O . ISO (SIXTEEN PAGES) KfANCtaTER» CONN., TUESDAY. MARCH 4, 1956 PRICE FIVE CENTS bualneaa'aaaaion. Hoetessea aerving Homam'akera IIday group^ refreahmenta will be Mra. Louiae ' Tha Regliia^ d’ltal.ia »ty will Offleert and members o f. Wedneeday''mornhig at the Oom- I>n(taon, chairman; Mra. Lorraine meet tonight at 7:30^ ' s Italian Mather- 'Chapter- Order' Berggren, Mra. Edith E^in,. Mra. Amerlcan^ub. Motay, are requested to muntty Y. \ Mias Lorraine'Johnabn, a repre- OIL lURNER SERVICE Edith Sheni^ng. 14^ Frideborg at 7 o’clock tonight In 1 "24-HOUR SERVIOB ” sbntative of Beauty (jouna^Ior, will Thoren and Mrs. Evelyn Thyreen. W. Burke th,,^rector of-the Temple for a short .9 27 femn’ BxperteivMt A Lenten Offering will be taken. Greater Bridge .Aiithor- Ing before the 1 be^^fte apaaker. e All Work Guarahteedi; Ity, , wilK be •pelaker at the new officers. A\ooffee hour at 9:30 will Be. fol Red Terms ' Miss Evailne Pentland, 84 Ade meeUrig of Mancheater Llona lowed, by (he program. EARL VAN CAMP Baby Bitting aeiWice will be s' laide Rd. and Miss Gertrude Ud- Club tomor: at 6:30 at the 3J'a - The^ecui of the Wad PkoAe Ml 8-474f don. 48 Garden St., who toured the stauran^ He will diacuss tha deU PTA will meeting to- able for a amall. fee. British Isles and Europe last au work of y tlii authority and . the tbll night at lounge at the ^mer' will ahow alldea at the iaaue. Waddel ' gtam followrlng the h5th unfiver- Dodd to Elntortain ),000 EARS Wkshing^, March 4 </P)— sary'aupper of Dgughtera o f Liber exetfutive board of the Hol- ’SUc K evlew ^a, 2, WBA, will Washington, March 4 wb««mitteo:tao Skdiild ty. No. 12», LQLI, TjMftday eve 4r iPTA will meet tomorrow at tomorrow at 8^.m. in Odd O P W O R K . Indieato lU dealr# " Secretory <fi State Dulles said ning, March 11,' In/Orangb hall. t party Tonight House investigators whose p.m. In the school library. - ^ eU(^s hall. A social WIU follow Harria said -)m tptairproU the today Russia’s proposal for a Supper will be aefved at 7 fi.'m. the/bus Nearly 2J)(WW» people wear pdunding . brought the reaig- ualnese seasion. (Congressman Thomas J, rules of the Houi>IUM to provide that pre-summit foreign ministers’ .V Reservationa; which should be in Parenta of. sixth, seventh ..and hearitig aids toBay. But because natfoR- of Commissioner Rich a committee o f ofia branch may meetiiiB is unacceptable on •by Thuraday^^y be made through Dodd w llibe host to local Demo- they wear old-fasWoned. instru not ask membors of ahother to ap Worthy Mmresa Louise Copping. eighth grade students are urged to Miss Karolyn H. Ki, re, ments. moat of th m hear with ard A; Mack showed signs of forms the Russians laid down. attend the Barnard Junjor High' Center St., is oh the dei 1st for erata at a cot^tail party at Cavey'e indecision today or the. issue pear, but 'be said that of cooraS Dulles told a news conference tha 852 Vernon St. Those unable to be P T ^ meeting torriorr^ night at only one ear! So th’elK other ea,r any.SeW ora who wished to tOati- ni at the aupper will be wel- the flrat semester at fhtpl Unl- Restaurant frontxO to >8 p.m. to la "out of work," not pbjrihg its of seeking xtestlinttny from United Statee la in favUr of a sunv- attend tne entertainment 8 o’clock in the achoojl'a'udit(^um. verslty, Oxford, Ohip.- night. • way^ robbing -them of hW their mit meeting andai;)d wants -prepara--prepare. Dodd, who la a candidate for the Senators mentioned in the 8 p.m. Raymond Stinchfield. aMiatant precious hearing. tlona for It that will lead to .Ub- Governor Disi superintendent of.-dchoolx will ex ''^The exeotftivg board meeting Of party's Senatorial nomragtlon, has • FCC inquiry. would violate A rule Ijy ex u n d H .,-.i.i.itahtial achievements__________ _ for peace.. been making > vigorous OHort to Thors was a brief but sharp ing an invitation The claas in hallroom dancing plain "The Role/dif the Jiinior High, the ^ th aigH ale PTA, scheduled it'this country, he said, W’anta in the Totgl Educational Pro for-tOnlgm-kaa been portponed un line up. support throughout tjie H E A R W IT H eUaslbn in open aeaslon of whethtr Rep, Jiseeph O'Hara fR-Mlnn) no of ^ny fraud dr hoax which for fifth and sixth grade boya and gram." State. Several. town commlttwa and how taaUmiSfiy may b naked whether Col. Moore would be. ^ I s , offered by the TWCA, will til Monday evening next week. lO T H E A R S woultTnierely fool people. 91,000 Unen^lbyed haVe already endorsed his can^ from Senators and fromGor given an opportunity to appepr or DulleaNwld the great danger li) begin thla Thursday evening and The Women’8 /Home Leagi£^^l 't'dldacy. don Moore, brother ln./lw of Mrs. will be held, from 7 to 8 o’clock I^a different now! No longer need to imnd a letter to the committee, the pretentNltoat,-Wcst debate over the Salvation griuy has set Mari^ -Lady Roberta JLodge will meet Biaenhowef. and W)iether elmilar c'oneiderstion and not from 8 to 9 as previously tomorrow night at 7:30 at the “Igay” **ra, **®.®ut o f^ o r k a summit 'm ae^g is that the So 20 for its IrhUl Sale and Tea. Com:-- ,uae for the first time a Chairman Haftit jD-ArkH»f th« would be afforded “other persona viets want to sub^tqte the fiction f^Hartford, March 4 (/P>^ov, Ribicoff today urged the stated. Registrations may be made mitteea wiH be splinted ang^a home of Mra. Daisy Potterton, 34 whose namee, were draggied in." . by catling the TWCA olhce. Wllllaiti.St. /■ hearlhg. aid haa been engineleered. special OomMOroa subcommittee that the Cold WaK )iaa. ended for Connecticut Leglslatjir^^o act immediately to golve what he' fhenu and. other details planned aapeciall^to allow hard-M-hear- cut off th*'tsik by announcing a Harria. said the House rulei he the reality of the Col'dsWar. called the state’s ‘^developing and grave” unemployment at the \ye6kly meeUng-^f the ing personate hear with both" elosad aadsion would be held later cited did not apply in the case of DuBes declared flatly th a f’ af The monthly meeting of the leagie. tomorrow-at 2 pni. at the ' The ^ckingham Ladies Aid So Moore, who 1|) not a member of problem. / . British Anierican Club will be held ears! ^ “ day to discuss further pro present he knows of no fnajor la- , Hostesses will be Mra. ciety ./Will meet at the church Congreaa. and that the committee sues Which In the light oflcnown - He delivered-ffh l8-minuie address at a-special sesBidlt of ■ tomorrow- at- 8 p.m. at the-club Mmrgaret Therrietn;' Mrs. Annie W^hesday at 8 p.m. The guest should decide In >xecutlve aeaslon house, 75 M&ple St, brief oxcRange. Rep. Soviet and -tt’eatern positionl^^q the General Assembly, asking 6410 million conatructim pro Nlcklen and Mi^.' Minnie Motriaon. speaker will be the Rev, Roger S. T hat Interpret Ti>e StEREOrtiONIC Wotvoftm (R-NJ) skid it was hia whether and how It hMffht want to fered any likelihood of agreemei gram and more liberal unemployment compensatiiHL benefits. Nicholson, minister of the South opinion mat the fluaation w h a ^ r hear from him. ' x . at a aqinmlt oonfifrence. These, he said, would help the state’s economy^through in Members of- Sunset Robefcah Congregational Church, Eaat Hart ^isheeOfThePamily HEARI Senators appear W o re the au^ Mack, crushed but protesting he ford. , But. Dulles continued, this does creased spending and help care for thej^atoteA unemployed, Lodge, will meet At the Holmes Scout Cookies?* Whon you hear With Commlttos snhuid not "raet entir«\ baa dpna no nrong.