ATcrage Daily Net Press Run The Weather ) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1960 Forecast of C. S. Weather B nren PAGE SIXTEEN For’ tlMi Week Ended ^anrbpstrr Suptiing iipralb Feb. IS, leeo eioady, ehance of aa occasional shower late tonight Sad Thnraday. Past; matrons o f . Temple Chap­ 13,077 Low tonight In SOs. High Thuraday ter, OES,- will meet at the home of Banker to JSpeak Junior Isabellas . Member of the Audit near 40. About Town Mrs. Winston Turklngton, 67 Ham­ Bureau of Circulation.. lin St., tomorrow at 8 p.m. Host­ On Market Trends Set Record Hop Manchester— A City of Village Charm Clumges*and new ideas in edu­ esses will be Mrs. Herman Ditt- cation will be discussed at a series J n l c i l V S Blocked meyer, and Mrs. James Lewis. James G. Wilson; vice pfesldent A committee meeting of the (Classified Advertising on Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS of four meetings, to be moderated of the Connecticut Bank and Trust Junior Daughters of Isabella to VOL. LXXIX, NO. 117 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1960 by Laveme Strong, Connecticut Co. In'thd municipal loans depart­ plan for a record hop to be held State Department of Education, ■ The mUitary whist party spon­ *By Factory Method sored by the Friendly Orcle, s c h o ­ ment, and financial advisor to Feb. 24 at the 'VPW Home will beginning Thursday at 956 Main Manches’Ier'- on bonds and short be held tonight at 6:45 at the OLD STYLE WIDE BRIM HATS St.. Hartford. The series will be oled for today, has been cancelled Brokenhearted because of Illness among many of term loans, will speak tomorrow home of Miss Linda Ellis, 47 Watch for Red Rockets House Group sponsored by the Service Bureau night at the high school on "Bonds Virginia Rd., president. Theme of * CUT DOWN TO ANY WIDTH. for Women’s jOrgariizations. the members. It will be resched­ uled, for the spring. and Current Market Trends.” the record hop will be “ Mardi HATS MADE SMALLER OR LARGER. Still Mourning His talk will be the last in a Gras.’ and half-masks w-ill be dis- Clears Bill on Hie Center Church Mothers’ Club series on investment, sponsored ’The Rev. Arnold W. Tozer, pas­ trlouted at the door. The dance Detroit, Feb. 17 tSb—An old will hold a potluck and auction to­ by the adult evening school, will be held from 7:30 to 11:30. on mongrel, which attracted wide morrow at 6:30 p.m. in the Rob­ tor of Second Congregational A native'of New Jersey, Wilson BritainW ill Get Chhrch, Manchester; the Rev. with unmasking to take, place at attention with a 6-day fast Civil Rights I bins room. Members are remimded was graduated from 11 O'clock. to bring donations, for the McCul- Wajme landau, Ellington, and the I O while grieving for the master University . with a bachelor of sci­ The Jmvior. Daughters of Isabel- HALE'S who never came, has a new lan family, a missionary family in Rev. J. William L. Graham, Leba­ ence degree In banking and in­ Washington, Feb. 17 (IP)— the South whom the club is spon­ non .are attending the 25th an­ la, at a recent meeting, also com- home. vestment. He also did graduate pleted plans for a cake sale to be "Old Brokenhehrted’’ has The House Rule.s Committee soring. For information, members nual pastors’ pre-Lenten study con­ work at the graduate school of Big Radar Eye may contact Mrs. Frank Findlay, ference of Congregational Chris-, held Feb. 27 at Hale’s Department SERVICE OEPT. been adopted by A fMi>(ly-in agreed informally today to businesEi administration of NYU, store; a bowling party for March nearby Birmingham.' 'ilie local 38 Chestnut St. tian and Evangelical and Re­ and at the -Wharton School of clear a stalemated civil rights formed ministers at Springfield, 20 at the East Hartford Bowling OAK ST. ENTRANCE— MANCHESTER - ' - humane society says the 8- business administration at the Burian-Moss Photo bill for House consideration. Mass., and a retreat for a weekend Wnshinirton Feb 17 IIP)__^♦United SUtes and $22 m'iUion for year-old ..og still is mourning Foritaal action sending the mea- The Tozer Group of"%econd Con- University of Pennsylvania. wasillllgiuil, reu. AI , <11 ..ninmanH for his master but seems to. be gnegational Church will meet to­ Engaged He began his banking career in Un April at the Convent of the Britain. 'The British \ ill command j sure to the House floor probably .■The FTiscilla Circle of Emanuel Engaged Immaculate Conception in Putnam. A super-power radar station and operate the station. in better spirits. He’s also eat­ night at 8 In the church parlors. The engagement of Miss Elaine 1934 at the Guarantee Tnist Co. will be taken tomoirow. The de- Mrs. C a^ Swanson and Mrs. Rob­ Lutheran Church Women will meet in New, York. The engagement of'M iss Mari­ able to spot Soviet missiles Fifty British and U.S. officers ing re^larly again^ A. Brezniak of Manchester to The dog refused to eat after ! cisioii to act was made at a hur- ert Weldlg ■will be hostesses. tomorrow at 8 p.m. at"the home of Wilson served in the Army dur­ lyn Jean Loyzim of Coventry to thousands of miles away will and men, plus 500 civilian techni­ I riedly called session this morning. Mrs. .Theodore Chambers. 41 White Donald F. Antonson of Webster, Lloyd John Schmidt, son of Mr. cians. will man the huge station. he was found at the side of a Airs Anger Mass., is announced by her par­ ing World War n as the chief in­ Sweetheart Ball be set up in England for U.S.- road, apparently having been ! 'The. House probably will consid- St. vestigator, 'criminal investigatibn and Mrs. Er\vln Schmidt of Apple- British defense, the State De­ Since operating costs are uncer­ j er the bill next month. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Brezniak, ton, Wls., is announced by her par­ tain, Washington and London have struck by a car. The Injuries 27 Waddell Rd. Her fiance is the di-Wslon in Yokohama. He .lolned Held by DeMolay partment announced today. weren’t serious, but the dog I Meanwhile, a. Democratic plan The. Lincoln School PTA ■will the Hartford Bank and 'Trust Co. in ents. Lt. Col. and Mrs. Stephen agreed that after five years there : for securing Negro voting righiui On Idea He meet tonight at 8 o'clock in the son of Andrew Antonson. Webster, 1951. w’htch later became the Con­ Loyzim bf .Merrow Rd., Coventry. The huge metal screen—bigger shall be a further, agreement on wouldn’t eat. Six days later he finally sur­ I was placed before the Senailc Rules school auditorium.' Guest speaker \iass. necticut Bank and Tnist. He Is,^ In Tlje brlde-cleet Is a graduate The eighth annual Sweetheart than a football field set on . its sharing the costa t^tween the tivo i Committee but consideration was l ECLERC will be Dr. Truman Esau, director Miss Brezniak is a graduate of charge of the bank’s inve.s'tmerits. cum laude of Harlt College, and Is Ball, sponsored by John Matlier side—is tp be built at a $120 mil­ governments. rendered to a 3-year-oId girl armed with a tempting morsel j deferred. FUNERAL HOME of_ the Child Guidance Clinic. There Manchester 'High School and St. 'The lecture Is open to th» nubile a meriiber of Mu Phi. Epsilon, hon­ Chapter, Order of DeMolay, was lion cost at Fylingdales Moor, Because the hl^li^^wer radar Chairman Thoma.s C. Hennings Misled U*S. will be a quc.ation and ans^ver peri­ Agnes’- Home, West Hartford. She without charge in room 208 at 7 orary music sorority. She is em­ held Saturday evening in the ball­ Yorkshire. This is midway up the puts out a great ambunt of heat of chicken. I Jr. (D-Mo), author of the measure, i.s employed as a nurse for Dr. p.m. room at the Masonic Temple. east coast of Britain, betw-een that is dangerous, the FyUngdales ; od and refreshments. ployed as supervisor of music in i sent word he was unable to be Washington, Feb. 17 (IP)— FUNERAL Thomas F. Murphy in Hartford. the Coventry public schools. A grand march was led by Rich­ London and Edinburgh. installation will be surroundfed-by a present because of illness. He re­ A rehearsal for the installation Mr. Antonson is a graduate of Her fiance, a Fulbright scholar in ard Kennedy, master councilor, Defense experts said this giant big fence, extending two mile quested that action • be put off. President Eisenhower will go SERVICE St. Louis High School, Webster, with Miss McLolighlin. Inatallation, plus two others now front of the metal screen and one- N- of officers of the World War 1 Vet­ Court Continues , received his bachelor of News I The Hennings bill, made public on nationwide television and ifalter N. erans’ Auxiliary will take place at and served in the U.S. Coast Guard music at Chicago Lou Gagnon’s orchestra; provided under construction In North Amer­ third mile to the ’•ear. for the first time, is modeled In radio Sunday evening to dis­ ' Leclerc, the VFW Home Thursday at 7 p.m. for four years. He is now employed Dr. Fancher Case Musical college’^ d his master of music for daricing. ica, will be able to' prove speedy ■The screen is expected to be 400 , large part on the Eisenhower ad­ cuss national defense and his Director by Pratt & Whitney Aircraft. music and PhD. "degrees at North­ Chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. detection over a large area of Uie feet long and 165 feet high. The ■ ministration’s , proposal for courl- Study Circle, WSCS, of South A May 21 wedding Is,planned at western UitiversitN-., Mr. Schmidt Stewart Kennedy and Mr. and northern hemisphere of any mlaaile fdrthcoming South American The income tax evasion case of total area of the Installation is t o ' n ai»pointed referees to prevent rac­ Call Ml 9-5869 Methodist, Church, has postponed the Church of the Assumption. is a member of Pht |Delta Kappa, Mrs. Albert Krause. Necklaces headed that way. b' four square miles. Radio Corp. ■ ial discritniPation in %'oting. tour. its meeting scheduled fo r Thursday Dr. Morris C. Fancher. 55, of 122 Phi Mu Alpha Sintoriia and Kappa with a cultured pedrl pendent The reported range of the hlgh- The President announced this at i s Main-Street,' Manchester E. Center St. has been continued of America has the building jot- New Haven, Feb>j“ y '\ ‘»«;'le>'e<3 by Hari» federal enrollment officers appoln.- And—in cold anger—Eisenhower rrieet 'Thursday at 11 a.m. In the no trial date has been set. education at the University of Con­ and punch were' provided by the called It despicable for anyone to ' Guild-room.' Members are to' bring The Manchester dentist pleaded across the Arctic to spot missiles some ballistic missile watchers al- Court Judge John H. Peck t ed by the President to oversee necticut, and is music dllfeptor at Mothers' Circle of John Mather launched from Russia.' suggest that he may have misled sandwiches.' Beverage and dessert innocent before Judge J. Joseph Chapter during the intermission. I ready set up in Turkey, will be the Army of go to jail*’ have be registration, voting, and vote- the new campus hl'rh schbol, The two other stations in the fed to defense control cehlera in the nation regarding Its defense will be provided by Mrs. David Smith in U.S. District Court in The wedding will take place Those ser\'ing \Vere Mrs. David turned down by the army. tx>unting in federal, state and local chain are now being built at England and the . ele^tiOTis. position. CUT MONTHLY Robinson, * Mrs. Martha Bell and Hartford yesterday morning to April 9. ______~'\ Hastings and Mrs. George Jessop. ■"rhe Army is not a correctional Eisenhower said that if anybody charges that he evaded more than 'Thule, Greenland, and Clear, Alas­ The Fylingdales station is iTot Votefa..who3e qualifications were, Mrs. Martha Leemon,-hostesses, » .u .u All n. A,. I Institution or a rehabilitation een- believes that he has misled the na-/' $23,000 in Income taxes from 1953 ka, for completion expected late ^ r t of the North Atlantic tef for those who have seriously challengecb-^fter being put on the to 1955. this year or in 1961. No estimate rolls by fedefalofficials would tlon on defense matters, he wouM .St. Ann’s Mothers’ Circle wnll (^ganization «y»tem as violated the law," an Army spokes- like to deny it to that person ■ meet tomorrow at J:30 p.m. at the Dr. Rancher w m indicted by a was given for the construction offlclaIs said It wil help NATO | permitted to vota^and have PAYMENTS? federal grand jury in New Haven time of the atatit^ -in Britain. 'The ^ that both the Tilted States and ^ad given the votes counted. face. / home of Mis. Gordon Todd, .182 1 last week on three counts, one U.S.-Brltish agreement to build it Britain are NATO tnemebrs. youths the alternative of joining But ballots cast by'-ohalL^nged Eisenhower asserted th ^ Ahieri- McKee St. There \yill be a ,white ca’s defense is not only strung, but Let us show you how: say you now owe about $500 elephant sale. Co-hostesSes will be covering each year,involved. Come One! Coitie All! was only reached list Monday. ^'!the army or going to ,jaU on the voters would be impoumM and and the monthly instalment payments are t ^ n g too Mrs. Robert Shea and Mrs. Elwin .It charges tha?i' Dr. Fancher U.S. officials figure the con- United -States initiated the move ; i^^eir lawyers that all five could be thro-A-n out later if^the also awesome and respected else­ big a bite out of your pay check. Arrange an HFC Pay­ McAdam. earned a total of $89,248 in ,those ftructipn cost at $98 million for the to build the station in Britain. already had applied for enlistment. challenges were upheld/in a fed where. ment-Reducer Loan for that amount and pay off all years, an amount on which he ______^______:______He was cognizant of the Army’s eral court.' / The President’s Sunday evening would have had to pay $28,179 in An explanation givyn out by one talk will begrin at ,,6:15 p.m. H« your debts. Chances are you pay HFC much less per Our Lady of Victory Mothers’ ^ S A J L E «- ____ , stem ruling, he said, but with the taxes. M- ^ • “ST Y ® A 1 thought in mind of saving their j of Hennings aides id this proce- expects to talk for about 15 min- month than you’re paying now (see table). Besides Circle will meet tomorrow at 8:15 Instead, he.allegedly listed his pvercome ju- p.m. at the. home of Mrs. Thomas # ^ Jj m n Mg 1 I parents who are law-abiding oiU-1 dure w^s (lesigM^^ .utes. Major radio and television convenient services like'this, you also get speed and Income for the three years at , zens, he yielded to the pleas of i dicial delays might arise un- networks will cSrry the speech. Buccino, 49 Cedar St. Co-hostesses $22,831, and paid $4,486 in taxes. 40 DRESSES : courtesy at Household. If you want to reduce monthly will be Mrs. Ray Grasso and Mrs. their attorne.vs. der the admin tration's referee Elsenhower announced his plana payments or need a William Carroll. EACH The judge added that the youths, j for the talk-after a reporter re­ ConIi MONTI lY FAYN 'ENT SCI tEDUli Values to $10t9B->-Only a re; The relaW’ely mild House bill called tha^ "just before the Presi­ loan for any good pur­ Ym O«» who haven’t been identified, » IS 12 6 Queen of Peace Mothers’ Circle was cleared last August by the dent’s December tour to 11 nations pose, drop in or phone ptymU psrmti ptymtt pdjmli scheduled to face him again on will meet tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. For Fixing Prices Feb. 29 and at that time he will JudiciarjyCommittee but has been he went'bn nationwide TV-radiot to HFC; $ 6.72 $ 727 $10.05 $18.46 at the home of Mrs. Allyn Martin In Fine Whiskey.,. decide the penally for breaking bottled Mp in the rules group. A discusa tbat trip. 13.07 14.18 19.74 36.55 113 Bretton Rd. Mrs. Frank SKIRTS 2 " and entering and theft. The youths petition to force House action has The newsman a&ked 'whether the 19.25 20.91 29.27 54.48 Pearson will be co-hostess. Philadelphia, Feb. 17 (IP) —^States Equipment Corp., Hampton, have pleaded no contest. Police obtain^ about 209 of the required President planned another talk be­ 33.61 47.53 89.47 Wools, Novelties, Cottons. 30.83 Twelve electrical equipment man­ Ga. said the boys admitded breaking 219/votes. fore he leaver next Monday- for Life Insurnnce 36.41 89.74 56.48 106.80 Both Westinghouse and General Lakota Council, Degree qf Po­ FLEISCHMANN'S ufacturers including the nation’s into 11 place.s. e measure, substantially strip- South America —- and If so, was mvaHable on all loans Tkg scMuU *6ow U 001*4

- t . t MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CO N N .. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 17. . 1960 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER: CONN., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1960 . PAGE SEVEN PAGE SIX ralteved by Inauranca but It would Columbia - will make their house to house, thAt can b« »»ld fot Nahru. It e*ti be well for tfee automobile owntr 'Ct 'Ct 'Ct Hebron calls on Sunday. Feb. 28. ^ fllatuHratpr N* ••Id OtAt 'for him tfl dd inich a to aeek proptr advice regarding Principal’s Daughter Weds protection before Uking the wheel. Review Board Auditor Makes "The mapriag{ of Mias Sara Jane ihln* hitlTtltken more moral cour- SAVIMGS Lutz Junior t'Museum ' ijE u n ttiis au*, Vnot# coiirageotis belief In Seybblt, Mughter -of Principal and I- PUUl^USHi^U M< t'Hk. I v O J V l V Ups Crand List 4 Suijgestions Mrs. Carlton B. Seybolt, and Ed­ • • BCSKAtXl PRINTING CO INC. aomeUiins:. than it would take to ward W. Eisborn took place Satur­ *’ Ik Bluell Street iuue all the fateful'marchlnit and A Thought for Today •V S S o < I A I I <) NJ day in the F'irait. Congregational * Mencheitei Conn T o S5,8f 7,379 On.ToMTi Books MRi EVAN KULLGREN, MetalsinHIi ' ■ THOMAS r CkRUUSON attack ordera hie crltlca would con- Sponeored by the Mancheeter Church. Branford. :. . WALTKH R rKRGUSON CouBoil et Churcbee ■ In- Honor (irmip- . rublienere .■ aider more llttlnK to the occaaion. wawcaiaTas's atatsT riwAWstat iwstitutism, The Grand List announced by At the' ann- al meeting rif/'the Army Pvt. Gerald A, Dzlcck; Lecture— Demonstration—Coffee Hour .. Founaed October i ilfkt It can he aaid for Nehru that it ia The Risks of Owning an "‘Automobile the. Board of Asseasora as being ■ ^ Hand Made MetaLTtems For Sale Aj.. ---- 1------Board of Finance held this rtioKth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. . rubitebed l!;*er; ISTenina tsacept an amaiinp. atupendoua thing: for A book which deals magnificent­ tS,795,794 was increased $21,585 wilh'tovvn auditor H. N, AlexandM. Dricek, Rt. 1. Hebron, is a mem- ' ADULTS r>0c—CHILDREN 25e Blinder, and HoltoajillrfaTe Entered at th» the leader of a Rvent country to do The implications pf owrilng an aa ha can show one of the follow ly with the age-old hlitory of by'',the Board of Tax Review, who ber of the. unit recently named ! PMt Ofttce at ManchMler.y Mam Conn a. Florence, Italy, by means of Its firat selectman- WilIiam/E^ I.^eary, Museum Members, No Charge P.pj'irrt Cle», Mall MMatter f for once, aometi'inf:- more antorndbile in this age of mechani; completed its reviaion on Monday. honor company of the month "by j Froof of Insurance coverage for rich art and architectural treaa- U ) Our kom. mort9a s « • r . 0F*6N END m o r t g a o ^ k ic li Wilbur H. Smitli, chairman of and all board memljera hut one the 3rd Transportation Group at JOIN THE MUSEUM! subscription RATtCS what ia rea.sonabre in beihalf of a nation encompaas many aevere at leaat «20,000 personal injurlea urea. opens with the picture worse ' ' T . . * las* *4 ____ ....ble A at m a 4iituriitutura the Board of Tax Review' has an­ Pavable In Advance that under certain conditions it may be were preaent. ■" Fort Eiistis, Va. I .Ilk k<. chance of peaue. It can be aaid for to the jinw9 ary driver. The and 11,000 property damage. confounded of the 20th of century .J tio n i and improve- nounced the corrected list to be D^l«k, assigned to the group’s | p i , Yeai ...... 7 75 Judgment by a court that he ia cUy of Florence's traifflc. Midway i date to add to your mortgage to cover “ 15,817,379. The town will set its The auditor, who had been In.- Ptro Month, ...... Sj Iti ...... Nehru that ...... it is a .preciotta luxury ,.....jase of an automobile can in- going through title vite/1 tn attend in order tn dis- 329th Transportation Company at i Three Mnnllia ...... WI to have a leader who, in position of yolveX complicated legal trans- not at fault for the accident; in this chapter, the author pb-, ments without the necessity of a r “'“ tax rate on this liet March 4 at the Fort Eiistis, entered the Army; Ofth Month ...... 1 lie la released from reaponeibll- serves acidly: No Florentine wbuld : spring town meeting. Present rate cusa questions regarding the se­ [Ask About Our “Iiuckv 7 Club”] tVeekIv ...... I...... (» responsibility to a whole people, action. I*, you are signing a oon- lectmen's budget approved at the last Ju ly \n d received basic tra in -' Pinitle Copv ...... ity by all parties involved In the ever be willing to put himself 'In searches, etc. is 28 mills smith '.said his board annual town meeting ast June Ing at Forl\pix, N. J. darla follow a policy which can be .{jtional but. of sale (which almost accident. the other person's place!" . , had not been satisfied with the as-, always-occthi^ when you buy an; made the following recommenda- The 21-yMr-old soldier is 'a _ THU. ASSufl'ATKD PKiiSfc , interpreted as turning the other Unless and* imtll the operator What a judgment upon local (21 Our hom. mor(g.g.. , r . PEKfLTY-FREE sessments on six lists. Among tiona: 1956 -gradiiateXof Windham High cheek, or walking the extra mile. automobile on ime). you must bo, satisfy these requirements of character and religion! Yet al­ these were several houses and at 1. In the next fiac,al year the School and attended the Univer­ certain to read\he contract care I the Connecticut law, his right to though we give lip service to^ the m,ai.> th.r. ii NO PENAtfY (»r making p.ym.nt •'’••J » least one business, Tlie major part ti 4 omi sHvnew, diapatche, credited le It w g-rievouslv this world needs Board of Education should report sity of Conneptictit. »JW.IUL fullv. The . proviWns’ 'k,of such a ; nperakeoperate an muLuiiiuuiicautomobile min the Slate schedule as‘is the c m with many other types of mortgages of the Increase, he said, was from nor etherwt,* credited lb ’hit^papei aomeone who da're.a put even one- Golden Rule, what a lot of per­ aoc^I securit.y'* deductions to the I MANCHIOTIR COHM* aM ,1,0.lh« local new, nubilaheo'here eoptract should be lutperstood fully euspend^. It should be sona amo'hg ourselves have still to the business. He said they had al­ town trcasiiifi'' rather than Til riBhl, ol republlcatlor "I «perl,' little iota of the Sermon on the by the purehaser. ' specifically noted that the abaolve- nowbein^offered^/^. t so, found It necessary to take some Manch'ester Evehlinc Herald d ® a lc h e , herein she alS" reeerred follow It out aa thelf mind and through the selectmen: TIShron correspondertlT^ise Susan A Serr ' Mount into actual practice! ’ When the owner driv« hia car', the m o n e t a r y debt practice. Ijick of It Is still the off the original, list.., including ex­ •erne, client M N B These are just a feyv^ the reasons why emptions for three servicemen, 2. Because of unantipipaled ren­ B. Pendleton, leliephoneXArBdMTiy. Tliere ia one, other final thing from the showroom, he r^ e s the Uhrough bankruptcy will be of no bane of our so-called civilised life. 8-3454. *®Saihl[,her, Repre»ent*llve,. I’b re.sponsihility of the vastTleld of "pj,e license remains aus- The increase of it would be the which had been overlooked. tal of the school auditorium this SHOE REPAIR SHOP that might be said for Nehru. It JaUtiv Mathew, Special Acenev - New liability. one which can carry with 1 pended. principal solvent of today’s prob­ YoiiVpHprtBT O# « “ .Sflt ing* Loan” Six persons appealed to the year a booklteeplng entry he made TwH' Vhlraao Deirntt and RnMnn with and Home l\tan! for $500 additional .in the auditori­ gEMBER AUTlIT FfREAlI Ok ia that, so long as he can hold to it the most serious consequences:' TTiese" are some of the risks of lems, our own and the public’s. Board of Review regarding their tlEATIONS______such actions and methods, it will The risk of liability for personal automobile ownership. The burden Rev. Philip M. Rose D.D. aase.saments but in these no ch|ing- um fees account offset by a like rederalion Plan? Thursday Only! Rucklngham Church es were made.. amcHint Added to the. town hall- Herald Ppnima Comitfin', tno be he who holds the real basic injury and property damage due! theAe risks may be aubstantially auditorium rent under indirect e, no rtnanciat rej,pnn,ibllltv iw to his negligence. This liability ean j Brotherhood Program MEN'S, LADIES and tiSepraphlcal error, amiearln. In fo- strength in tlie border situation An inter-faith brotherhood pro- j revenue. For Two Events raMieernent, and other readjnc rnatler with China and rTiou Rn-lai who is he extended ,'to the owner of the | ' 3. The town treasurer should in­ CHILDREN'S SHOES ear by the acts of anv member of > gram Is being pldinned for the sec- j Irw^Tie Manrhealer Erenin, Herald fared with, the kind of challenge ond consecutive year in this com- ' vest the reserve funfl for capital The Manchester Federation of his famifr-. or an emplove oh agent Tion-rocurring expenses in a sepa­ Olapia, adTerttslnr rioatnr hour,; which can push him back. operating his vehicle. The iiahillty SED MONDAYS tnunity. Democratic Women set dates for rW Mondar—t p m Fndav 3-5171 . O P E j ^ T O 5 :3 0 -THURSDAYS AND FRIDAYS TO 9 P.M. - C L A tty. Jay E. Yaffo of West Hal-t- rate account in a savings hank un­ two" coming events st a meeting INVISIBLE F® Ttieadav—1 p m Mowda, For the moment, anyway, It for damages may arise'aa to the foid \j-ill address a meeting which der authority of the general stat­ last night at the Manrhe.ater Shop­ REO. r® tVedoredav-i-l n m Tiiefdav jghapea us. as a fairly clear test driver of a ear with which he F® TTnradav—1 pm W,dpe,da». will be open to the public in Yeo­ utes. ping Parkade. lALF SOLES $ 2 .5 0 Fas Fridav—1 |> m Thuradav 'between might and right. I>et It might rollide. to a pedestrian, to mans Hail Feb. 24 at 8 p.m. Atty. '4. The town .treMurer ■ should Fee SamrHAr- the owner of property which the Plans were made for a card Sa',MfV-d dradilP'v s m /sch ghap.e ^ ,o.,t not one iota of his magnificent j ,,v the debtor ran ments during a social hour to fol­ Soracchi. for the remainder of the year. SALE Columbia Congregational Church St., took part tn the 92nd annual It is recommended by Supt. An­ ^oard. that of the Mary Che-1 t,)ent for a consistency and an In-1 attached and. after judgment, low Atty, Yaffo’s talk. calls for a rehearsal of the Chancel ON GRANTS Vacation Next Week' ! Choir at the church tonigHl ai: 7 .ManHiester Evening Herald f!o- meeting of the American Associa­ drew J. Manges that contracts be KEEP YOUR ney Institution has grow-n to such i consistency both sublime in their sold by the creditor. -Furthermore, - School closes Friday for a week ' liimbla correspondent Mrs. Donald tion of School Adrninistrators in offered to a'll others of the present wages can be levied upon for all o'clock; mce-ing of the Board of staff. an extent Ihst sn addition i.s an i way. vacation. It will reopen Febniarv Religious Education tomorrow at R. Tuttle, telephone .At'ademv 8- Atlantic City, N. J„ Monday. emergency n-casslly What better His main theme was. aa it often monies earned by the debtor ex-’ 29. .84.85. Manges also states that there reeding S25 per week. A diarharge 8 p.m. a f the home of Mrs. George He was one of three debatora will be a classroom available at news could there be. about life in is. the alarming dogree to which Blue and Ootd Banquet. Smith on Oollin.s yRd.: rehearsal of in bankruptcy in most instances Arrangements for the Ciib Scout on the question of using public lax .the Regional High School next M in fch ester? ! the "Karl Marx virus" hns worked the senior choir Friday at 8 p.m. year tn continue the special ...... — — can eliminate the debt tor the o Blue and Gold Banquet are being in the church; and the Friendship To ll Garapp Adflpfl money to assist private and paro­ So far, the response to this news jnto every level of pur life, does not have the fund completed. It will be'held in Yeo­ chial schools. for handicapped children. Circle meeting at 1:30 p.m. Friday ! Heart Fund B i S T B r n has been shabby When the .town jnoiuding the Eisenhower sdminis- pay such a judgment, hut mans Hall Feb. 25 at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Donald Tuttle. Frankfurt—Frankfurt is tackl­ PoWelK is a consultant tn the ing i,ts downtown parking prob­ public information department Of Mrs. Harry H. Kirkham. school fathers might have figured out sitratinn.. .! Connepriciit Fi- James Vincent, now scout oiecu- Valentine" Bab.v nurse, will head. the Heart Fund means of financing the addition by "Mnre leaders of the Christian the- tive for Natchaug Di*.rict will be lem by erecting a ring of tall mu­ the Connecticut State Department guest speaker, Arvid Anderson A Valentine girl, Sherry Lee, nicipal parking garages around of Education. He ia also. a.JDem- Drive again this year. Canva.ssers a seriea of direct appropriations, faiths,' he ssid, "need to realiae the owner or operatojvhn a motor ve­ Oiib master has announced. Among was born to .Mr, and Mrs: Frank the inner section of the city. The ()C,ratir Town Director, and has they chose instead to make *t, s , ,|itimale end of this infection hicle accident wneiein personal in- the guests will . be Mrs, Knute LaChappelle of Lakeview Park. city already has two such build-, ''completed a hook which wilt he bond issue proposition. When the] among us. jiirie.v. or prpjlerty damages in ex­ Barstrbm, president of the PTA, Feb. M. at Manchester Memorial ings in operation and two more, published In the summer, entitled fo rB A B tiS bond- . .Issue ___ was _placed i__*U^ hefora the "The_ real meaning and purpose . cess - of Fliro ^ are involved, will be sponsoring unit and Maurice Alex- Hospital. The baby is the .couples' are being built. "The Farthest North." and Tough as nails Discounts of 33% to 20% off \'oterstULtrtO forI'-i acs referendum,------1-.- it was . SUClA-iLOJll 5vas debated, thbre phy' involved. Whereas E^enhower designed to fit and protect. For mothers, every­ were inventive opponents who proclaims that ... those^^tnings the | The FAIR now features Charge thing It eaty-ute, easy care. And priced lew. yi^read the alarm Pl^5.*,^.people. csil themselves; WATKINS- had touches of luxury and extrava-...... should be . left .. loathe ,-X people but Accounts on the ''CHARGE ■““ I gance in them The result, when that some thjHgs that government , '. the. voters who did come out de­ can do bestd’o. them should be done ' WEST , PLATE" method. Stop by and rided whether this town s young by government, Hoover would have Funeral Service people shot^'have the room and the^p/ople forced,-by the. refusal of -6pen one at your convenience. s facilities they needed for study and gM'ernment. to accept the respon­ ORMOND .1. WEST. Director r-- ■ research, was sickening, hard to sibility of doing most things for.' , M2 EAST TENTER ST. MANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKADE f believe themselves, and by themselves. .Mitchell 9-7 m« The need, which should/have This ia s fine, upright old posi­ J I been met by this lime, hjnf grown tion. afid let there be no doubt, some more. _Alternat>Ve sugges­ either, that Hoover, if he-could live Manchester's Oldisst as seen on TV tions, for-the purchAse pf a a.epa in such s system, would be a leqder with Finest Facilities. rate building tp/hoiise, hooks forj In doling out charity to those.who, Ofl-Street Parking one age of ^ tro n , or for forcing j ,y„ fesl. and for ho discern- Established 1874 existing Mti^ns to go to the Whit- jf,),,. f„,ilf (,f their own, couldn't ‘BOUNCING BABY’ DIAPERS DAILY U9 . . en UlhrjrfA’ over North, are no an -1 quite take care of Iheiuselves. H e .Grants birdaey.e diapi:r.5,_fin,e.lextnxed cotiPBA,tetii___ siver^-As the town develrips. Whit op But the idea that all human be­ der to baby’s skin, absorbentenj, durable. Equal, if not ., will naturally have a full hiistnesA ings are entitled to something, just before .. and wonderful prices! better than those costing m^e; stock up. 27x27 in. Pock of d >'pf its own. becsiise the.v have )>een horn, that never so won but lots'mofe 4i- The Library- Board, as it pre­ would be Bomething else again: n o w , I sents Its need, and asks that some­ Where Hoover crosses into a comfortabl^ 'BOUNCIIiG BAB' MBED COTTON SNIRTS thing be done about it, is serving magnificent inconsistency is in his what should be con.sidered the best easy, glib judgment that hia way of brin^'^you Save 47c, nearly the price of Our slipovers; liiacbine end most vital iftterests of this life somehow constitutes a higher ' washable shape keepers. 1x1 rib knit fit. W^ter-rfepel- whole community. spiritual realm, free of the evil for Stearns & Foster^s Let's stop kicking tt around. dross of: "pure matefialisiri." Bruzers lent diaper tabs. Easy-on cap shoulders. 6 y« . Peg. 49c 3 JI — ...... rtTi LeVs'gel behind it and push. Jiiet a few years ago, he himself b u lo u s new fab ric made another speech on the'prog-j The Extra Mile ress of America. In which he hcfici'sits MACHINE WASHABLE RECEIVING BLANKETS , The Nehru code and the normal proved that one of our minority Extra Firm Ortho- Posture ' code are in' open clash agairr, this races had achieved status ip Amer­ time oecause Nehru has written to ican life hecr.-uae etat'ietics showed A p e m o n th STAY FLUFFY WARM Piemler Chou En-lai of Cominii that some of its members owned Washing dishat. Hera'i bedding for those who want, or need, extra firrh back sup- Large 30x40 in: No pilling, even after daily n*st China, milling him to come ' Cadillacs. That was. of- course, the port . with delightful sleeping luxury. Stearns & Foster makes the washings. Warm-weight colorfast cotton. Regular to New Delhi wiievc "you will be moat unimaginative and puiel.N is aasy today... Her m o n th 2 for $1:49 O’T honored fliest " in order to talk; inateriaHstic definition of the proh- mattresses with a 286 double-offset Innerspring untt, insulated with o’.'cr the border dispute between lem, pf tolerance ever given. exclusive..x^uilted Insulo. Quilted pre^built Seat Edges won't break Li.'lip. and China, We re afraid the difference he- down even after years of hard use. The matching box spring has 63 retty b ra This Chou is, of course, the gen- tween what Mr. Hoiiver would have tlpinan who ordered Chinese troops i and what we 'nave is not in ita coii- coils. Full or twin sizes; boj< spring or mat-tress, .$38.95 each. tnto the disputed regions, who has lent ..of "pure rnaterialism, hut refused to move them mil. who j merely in the question of how our. maint^ns that the disputed terri'-*! materialistic resource shall be torv^c^e hiB. It is psM of .N(thru'f j managed and ahare.l. That old niR- lettfr to him. in fact, that Nehru ged individualist is not necesaarilj 0 . disputes alt hia claims-and labels ■ more spiritual and CKi-istian than them all-imaccifptaWOand warnSTth* iVidoWwho happeni to live-on S 5 Stearns & Foster^s Now von Can spp on T\^ how actual tests that, if Chou'bblda-t'’ them, there ' social security rather than charity, of Good Houspkpeping In.slitutp confii'm is no. basis for discussion with him. :. ■ . .. . i . ■ ------■ that this new bra hold.s il.« shapi’ month >’ei'crtheless, wl^ere a good leal of .' to*Y hom« heating after month. lt’.s a speciat btend'nf cot­ Indian public opinion. Tepresenling . DR. GKRSllANOFF, our wqy!^ - Su^r Posture-Flex. ton and dacron* created for the new t-ie normal rode for the conduct of OPTOMFT^IST - ■ ‘ Playtex Cotton-Pretlv Bra . . . nations . in siii-h . iiialt'cr.s, favors You get- premibin 'quality after machine washings, it won’t' be­ ■sending Indian force to ertet—f8ii-, , Will Rr Awav From . Mobilheat with.RTa88_. ._^tbe. come limp, shrunken or shapeless. An neae force, Nehru writes a 1ett(*i, Hi.8 Office.,()n Occasions meet completely effective fuel For those who want luxurious'bedding combined with real firm sup­ all new Playtex Cotton-Rrettv bra Id.sts oil additive in And hopes he arid (Tiou ran still ftml ; Diie To P'urther Stud.t you get premium service.'Au­ port, we recommenei Super Posture-Flex with its 282-coil extra firm longej-—smooth without iriSning-^soflcr aoini basis for talk, and offeis the Of Uontact Lensc.s tomatic deliveries . ... s bal­ m ■ —absorbs like cotton. Voii’ll wear it HIS AND HER HAND EMBROIDERED rough invader the slatils of hon-^ anced payment plan abd many i^e-offset innerspring mattress,'and 80-coil extra firm box spring, longer—yon’ll love it longer—tlian anv bred guest In the capital of the Paticnl.s Are therefore other extrai designed to make ^ed'Insulo insulation, quilted cottoff. upholstery, and exclusive Specwl purchase bra you ever wore.'W hite oniv. S‘2A< DIAPER SUITS WITH DRESS DEMGHTS country he has invaded. • Asked To Tall First home heating rrn/lv rosy. > 4or. JACK ALDERMAN . . i t Edges insure trim, neat, comfortable beds for years. Full or t f-, .*/ WATERPROOF PANTS s4.WASH’N WEAR . Doing this,. Nehru has put him­ Before (’omiiVg In FAMOUS self'in perhaps the most vulnei^- Tel. MI 3-:603b -- M obilheat •twin sizes, box springs or mattresses are only $48.95 each. * 2 . 5 0 .Mrhdldennan Says: able, position of his career. He is ■ 44 ■ 44 MKo clooo-ocNoa. Little boys are hard on shoes, being labeled an appeaser. He . Is ( ^ 1 •Du Pont trademark for its polyester fiber hut Kdwards' Bruzers a/e biillt failing to defend the honor of hi,s • • to take It. Top romfnrt and Peg. L98 ■ » , ' gag. 1.98 ■ Simitjons Hide- a- Beds extra rugged . quality—the' country. He is: speajrihg the lan- RANG! w ards'team that, outlasts the .Our drip dry C0tt‘bh“ eWsy' f^^^ " "^ftchiire 'TVH shliWe -cotton hax ~d atfity guage of softness Slid 'decency to a ; S lim line-^"€etf€h€$- — m o m s M T ’THijs special ^rchase from the co'uhtty's biggest most energetic roughnecks, have a wardrobeof fresh pressed suits. • haiiijl embroidery gs in expensive styles. foe who lindepstands nollangiiage. |frlng your boys In soon. GREBN.STAMPS X Girl'babies wear frills, boyjf wear he- Carefully made^^many delicious^^trimg. Other than that Ot;hnite force. He rUEL OIL Smart a.s can be with its maker of convertible sbfas makesjt possible to own a '(<-«— ------— man styles. Plastic lined partts,9-24 mos.' ',4-in. hems, pastels, white. 9,13H^»08. Is honoring'the sffgresaor, and not], GASOLINE Danish st.vlinfr and com­ regular $249.00 Hide-a-Bed for only $199. Discontin­ merely an aggresBor. but, an “ig - ' fortable, too, thank's to ued covers account for the saving.. There are three **<•**■ gressor against-his own country. - MORIARTY Polyfoam ; cushion^ and styles, two of which are shown, here. Simnnbns has CHILDREN’S Use (i/iy OMc of G ninls 3 ' Chargc It Plans It is all pretty unspeakable ami BANTLY OIL bolsters. Use it as aii ex­ achieved regulation sofa luxury in Hide-a-Beds by spineless and dtalwhorable and' BROTHERS tra iruest .bed at night.' Wal­ \ i T T weak. That will be thp theme of the- I ,1ML' VM . IM . « • nut finished hardwood frames; use. of Beautyrest cushions. Innersp.ring mattresses as­ • • BOOTERY ^ I f ijJ i . cjiticism ,and Hi« criticism, you; - • *1 V'\ I It! 1.1 Choice of covers. Reg. $89.50, sure ni^ht-time comfort. Hide-a-Ped's convert to beidji can be aure, 7»-iy he well nigh i- MANCHESTER 813 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKADE J TEL Mitchell 9 4S9S mV 3 -5 1 3 5 . V . for two in a jiffy. Choose, yours from a groqp» of HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6fp.m.; Wed., Thurs., Fri., 10


*n- rear end damage. Hehvy dhmhffc elected: Ur. and Mrs. Roy Krause, nient and adding firs resLitant to Uie Prior car resulted and it Holy Name Group Coventry door*. , on stairwells, along'^'writh Swim Canceled One Driver Held South Windsor president; Mr. and Mrs, -Richard was towed away. StR^liich^ vice president; Mr. and othiri flret>roofing work. , Hears Professor Sfrs;,d[tobert Crawford, secretary; The Recreation Department’s In 3-Car Crash 824-828 MAIN ST. Town Meeting' The selectmen Seek 'approval of family swim period at Manches­ and Mr. and Mrs. Casper Mitchu- 33,500 for counsel fees Tor a double Trinity Singers Dr. William M. Walton, profes­ Public Hears lat, treasurer. , ter' High School has been can­ Kenneth L. Prior, 40, of 49 MANCHCSTER Slated Tuesday fatality case the town won In Tol­ celed tonight and next Wednes­ sor of philosophy at St. Joseph Col­ 1 The evening's entertainment waf land County Superior Court In Buckland St.,' was an-ested by day, Rec officials announced. Entertain Cluh lege, West Hartford, will be guest M l 3-5141 PBC Explain headed by Mr. and Mrs.. Albert On Two Funds January. The town was sued for ■ronlght’s cancellation' Is due Manchester police as'the result of WARDS Petersen and Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ 3115,000 by Robert Pehowdy of to use of the pool by the school, a 3-car accident on Hartford Rd' The Woman’* Club of Manches­ speaker at a meeting of the St. r/. ONTOOMEBY WARD ward Kuehn. Square dancing and Wlllimantfc, crippled for life in an near Prospect St. -at 7:20 this James* Holy Name Society on Townspeople will be asked Tues­ and next Wedneeday’a cancella­ ter will be sfitertalned by the Trin­ GREAT ' School Plans a show, "What's My Line?" were accident March 9, 1956 at South tion la due to the school vaca­ morning. Prior was charged with ity Oles Club, undfr the direction Monday, March 7, at 8:80 p.m. held. Mrs. Ralph Runde.and Mrs. day night at Coventry Grammar and Cross Sts. Viptlms of the following to> closely, and Is slated Dr. Walton is national vice presi­ School to approve expenditure of a tion. of Clarence H. Barber of Hartford, Dean Miller were in charge of re­ crash were Richard Tlbbets, 16, The swim period will resume to appear Iri court Saturday. dent . of the American Catholjc ‘ A wide variety of questions on total of 33,530 for repairs to the on Monday, at 8 p.m. at. the Second freshments. and Frederick Meyer, 15. both of normal schedule March 2. , Other cars Involvea in the ac­ Congregational Church. Philosophical Assn. He lectures plans for the proposed new high PTA to Meet Center School an(J lawyer's fees of 'Wlllimantlc. Pehowdy claimed the regularly at the University of BChoof werf- fir^ at a panel made a court case. cident were driven by William F. A chorus of 25 male voices, a Doors open 9:00 sharp! The Union School PTA will town was negligent in that it fail­ Wagoner, 30, of 76 Wells St., and section of the larger glee club, will Connecticut, and has been a visit­ up of the Board of Education and meet tomorrow night at 7:45 p.m. The Board of Finance wants to ed to sand an icy patch on South want the town to ccept two- THURSDAY, FRIDAY^ tenth of a mile of road near Brig­ William P. Nevve, 20, of 16 Church present a varied program for mem­ ing lecturer at Wesleyan, Trinity, Com* gtraight to W ards.. .whopping big Public Building Commission at a at the Union School cafeteria. transfer 32.030 to the Board o f St. even though it had prior knowl­ Boston College and Fallifteld Uni­ PTU Council meeting held in the ham'Tavern Rd., and Bamsbee Rd. St. bers and guesU. The director stud­ Ellsworth High School Principal Education budget from two exist­ edge of the condition. savings oil thru the store! Many unodver- Union School last night. The meeting begrina at 8 One passenger in the Newe car, ied at the Paris Conservatoire of versity. ------1 Henry J. Adams will talk about ing funds for repairs fo the Center The town will also be asked to Madelain Reynolds, 16, of '60 Music and received his BA, MA A native of Canada, Prof. Wal. and SATURDAY ^ Differences of opinion arose School, ordered by the State .Fire renew a leas’- with tbe Town of tisod spocials...shcyp early and SAVE I concerning details which may still the proposed high school. The Courtland S t, complained of a and PhD. degrees at Harvard ton received his dojtorate In phi­ eighth, grade mothers will serve Marshal. Mansfield for the Reynolds School Manchester Evening Herald Cov­ losophy from the Unfverslty of To­ be amended, but general senti­ e n !^ correspondent F. Pauline pain in her necK and was taken to University. ^ , refreshments. - . The job was put out to bid by in that town. Coventry sends two 'Mahehestej' Memorial Hospital Mrs. William Hannah will be In ronto. His teaching career began ment seemed to ftiVor the prelim­ classes there. The rental fee is iuttls, telephone Pilgrim X-6ZS1. inary plans as a reasonable com- Supt. Royal O. Fisher and a>varded whqj-e she' was treated and dle- charge of program arrahgementa. at Yale University In 1947 as In- 31,000. ^ stnictor In philosophy. He Joined • promise between desired educa Manchester Evening Herald to O. V. Erlandson of BOlton. thev charged. ' Co-chairmen of the hostesses will South Windsor correspondent, El­ lowest of six bidders. The work in­ j A request by the selectmen for The population of Ontario has be Mrs. Charles Brame and Mrs. the faculty atBt. Joseph College In o . tional facilities and the town's Increased 50 per cent since the,end Wagner’s car was undamaged, more G. Burnham, telephone cludes putting up a fireproof parti­ approval of two roads Is also on Lee Kane. 1951. present financial position. the rneeting call. The selectmen of World War II. while the Newe car received light PTA Council President Glenn MItcheU 4-0674. tion around the boiler in the base- Roberts in opening the meeting said measures have been taken to provide high school parent and teacher represerjtation on the CORDUROY council. Since only the grammar 824-828 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER-Ml 3-5161 Blousettes schools have PTA groups, there! Was no high school representation! FEBRUARY on the council as originally es­ Siies 32 to 36 tablished. PINWALE G. Martin Kraus, public build­ ing commission chairman, stated HOME ASSORTED COLORS that with good luck plans may ASSORTED COLORS be put out for bid in November or December for the 800-pupil school. Construction would re- • quire two years. The building, FURNISHING to bp' located adjacent to the Wapping School, would be ex­ / pandable to handle 1,200 pupils. Twin fitted or 72x108^" ' School Superintendent Merle Woodmansee said the projected yd. cotton muslin sheets enrollment for 19B3 is 941 pupils. Too Costly Now . sturdy 133-count muslin for The question was posed: Why VmU a 1,200-pupil school being J long wear. planned now? In reply Kra\is and | Flat 81x108 or full fitted. Mrs. Dorothy Hull, Board of Edu- : R E G . 1.00 REG/1.00 Yd. cation chairman, said this had been | Reg. 2.29 ...... 1.96 Reg. *.0» , done originally but that a cutback was made necessary, by informa- | Hon received from the Board of Finance that the towm could not Buy now otHlowest prices of season! Many unodvertised specials also on sole! meet the cost of such a structure. Kraus estimated cost of the 34- Women's room 800 pupil school at 31,832,003 for the building and exterior work with about ah addiUonel 3100,000 NEW! 1960 SEA-KING Plastic-protected blond woodgrain table, top ^ ^ PILLOWS .needed for equipment. - In reply to a question by John J Fdmham concerning the tax bill resists stains, mars— even boiling water! CHICKEN FEATHERS HOUSE which the. owmer of a 315,000 home , m otors, tioilers would pay each jx;ar until the P 4 8 ' tabu extends to 6 0 ' with leaf. Plastic top wipes cost of educational facility was $5 down amortized, the answer was given || clean with damp cloth. 6 comfortably padded chairs. COnON TICKING r u g g e d 5HP M O TO R that it would amotint to a 3 mill ______tax assessmenit or about 346. Rcngei imootWy from a gsnti* 1 ’/* DRESSES '-J 20" x 26 Two changes are quiite sure to to all-out 12-mph. Full gsorihift, auto­ Save «15l SIGNATURE be made in the present plans be­ matic rewind starter, slip-dutch pro­ 35HP SEA-KING ASSORTED SIZES fore they are finally approved. One wxmld increase a 24 by 30-foot peller, remote 6-gol. fuel tank. Speeds from 1 Vi to 33 console sewing machine general science classroom to 30 mph. Remote 6-gol. fuel by 30 so that M could qualify ns a 12" ALUMINUM BOAT tank automatic rewind Sews forward, bock- iL088 \ laboratory w-hen needed. Miss Ann Post and sporty model constructed of starter with full gear­ word; mends, dams. Duffy, science teacher at the high Menl Elk-toiiiied upper, heavy-gauge non-corroding' alloys. shift control. c ^ e Beautiful hordwoad school, pointed out that the pres­ Has dorlock sockets, lifting handles. 7 pa CHROME DINEHE 6 9 x rugged Nylon cord soles ent trend In science la to have all F.O.B. $5 D O W N ... cabinet. 20-yr. guar. _ 36x48x60 ^ ^ \ science rooms equipped to handle Styrofoam flotation, 3 varnished seots. |5 HOL.DS IT d 1B p 1 a yjs and demonstmtiohs Husky groin leather, rather than to have some as purely 'nail-free, flexiblel 99 lecture rooms. ! tomfort-curve top, rip- A second change will relocate a music room next to the stage and proof back. Bro>m. R E G . 1 .Y 8 REG. 2.79 to 2.98 audi-tdrium. The stage in the pro- I Beg. 6.99 posed building is designed ns such. | unlike the cafeteria area converted | to such use in several of the g^am- j mar schools. i Exercise Shed j Garden Mark IRONING PAD SET FEBRUARY SPECIAL Concerning the double gymnasi- I um it was stated that an exercise ! SALE! $159 TRAILER shed can be added when athletic 1 900-lb. capacity. "A ” - ELECTRIC DRYER REFRIGERATORS facilities are expanded to include Reinforced 1,200 pupils. The architect inform­ frame with tipper bed 1 5 ^ ’ holds 18’ boat—keeps ed the PBC that cost would be ! Cover, Colton considerably 'e?s.than incorporat-| etter control. ^ O N L Y A Q A g g “ Ing a third g>'m section in the pres­ ^ l O N L Y *7*797 Twill, Won’t ent plans. I 1959 MODELS Snowx^hrower Mrs. Hull thanked members for j >LQOR MODEL M M " Slip. A / f ' l ' / the time they have spent durirtg 30 Only $5 Down meetings on the subject of the high ' school. 1959 MOOfL ■ FLOOR MODELS - M l R S Joseph Miles, csimcil vice presi­ I dent, presided during the panel dis­ REG. 429.95 MODEL 1389 R i ' « e r s i d e cussion and introduced members of SALE! N«w vinyl REG. 119.95 > MODEL No. 7218 99 the. Board and commission. SALEl Ladies’ . -Board' of Question members in­ asbestos floor tile TYRtX TIRES cluded: Dr. Irving Freedman, Mrs. luggage set • R. Chase Lasburj’ and' Cornelius Newest ’"decorating M Nicholson. PBC members in addi­ REO. tion to Kraus are Charles Momm, ■Idea—vinyl asbeatoe. i o y 2 ‘ ELECTRIC DRYERS GAS COOK STOVE $5 D O W N , $5 A M O N T H Carlo Prestileo. Albert Karkowski 16.95 1 2 “ * N o w t ^ i i l y I ■ ■ 4.70-16 and Jean Heath secretary. I • Kxtra-poWPrfiil S h.p. engine blatk, liibad Plan Theater Group ! <:ie«rH wide 15" path Includes 2 5 ' Pull­ N** •xclf* lax and lrad*-ln Sir* Those/interested in formation of ^ caMw&lnoN, 4 I" Q 9 9 e^Thrown snow left or rl;^t man, 21' Week­ a little theater group here are in- ; e Convenient recoil starter end, 1 2' Train case Rugged Tyrex cord guards against vited to attend a meeting tomor- , 1959 MODELS 1 ■ 0 0 9 9 In blue or tan. dangerous road impacts. "Sure- It'« tSrrific! Mpves a ton of .snow In ,2 min­ row at 8 pm. at the Pleasant | i ' o n l Y . I •Plus 1 0 % F.E.Tax Grip” tread design. Valley Clubhouse, Ellington Rd. I utes, Savea hours of 'back-breaking snow Thomas Hill, past president of ; R.OOR MODEL J L 1959 M ODELS ■ ^ | ^ ■ shoveling, this beauty do your work TYREX* a toHmefivt In d tm a rk o f TyroM ■ the Connecticut General Theater; FLOOR MODEL iB i this wintfr! Inc. f * ' vi'fceaa fire yorn ernW corOTS OR 5 GALIX)N CANS MOTOR OIL SPARK PLUGS and Mrs. Club of Our Savior Lu­ RLOOR MODELS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ A M Ward'iRaguiarly 2.89 1 5,000 miiai of Mrv- fram any angle. Reg. 64.9S theran *Churdh rhet last Saturday, 1 H.P. Automatic M M M M SAVE 1.71 A GALLON IN 'Tim*l«i(«d lc«IR*g.S5c. - at the home of Mr., arid .Mrs. Al- lO.qt. can - 2.15 3 phigi only. l.wV " b erf Petersen, ' Demihg St. REG, 154.95 ' MODEL 7618 REG. 20t.9!iV MODEL No. 5169 C A S E L O T S The following officers werd:

MANCHESTER AND BELMONT CUT*23IAuto- ! T ! i- RUG CLEANING CO. mcrtic wbsher 15 H ANN AW AY ST. SALE! 53-pc. ironstone^ $S$1 Special! 3-pc. white bath Save *43! Deluxe 21"" TV SALEl TRU'COLD “ power- 'T 7' . DOWN ^ ^ defrost” refrigerator For those who cate ssmi-porceloin sets fbr S SALE! Full-sterto console 126 outfit with 5" steel tub and 6-tronsistor radio Savd another ^23 13.5 cu. ft. ibodel.^^% A M for their rugs. - . SavR 30% ! Six under- f ^ Nothing. eloe. to buy! Set includes^ recessed BtSsdvingsiWards 8 8 / each .year on de­ 63-tb. freezer. glaze patterns— de- S sound systems — 4 tub, china la v a to ry best-value TV and TEL. Ml 3-0012 tergent, watpr. Gen­ button-defrott. Adjust­ M tprgent.proof. Open speakers. Power — J8 139 and wash down'toilet, handy pocket radio. “ tle thorough octiotv PICK CP AND DELfVERT dratts. N ^ o g .’ flniih. able shelve*. 610.D09N stock guaranteed; ■iO. 3140 $5 DOWN Regulaf SH9[9S^ W 'lh fitting*...... $99 liss mrwof Both fdf .thit price! $10 DOWN S0% CASH AND CARRY V -t'- .

/I: - t

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, i960 PAGE E^LEVEN MANdHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER._COn£ . WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARr 17. 1960 PAGE TEN ^^»K.entry Coventry Palm eF^Is SBQ School Board Explain THE ike Talks on Defense CAP Cruiser Involved Goveiiti’y High School Plans Dimes Drive In Minor Cra^h For Cadet Exchange In About 100 Coventry ,entsf>al auditorium, In addition to the A Coventry Police Patrol cruiser turned out lait night tor the cafeteria-study. In Sunday;^ Broadcast Dance Slated wa* in a minor accident with an- .of two public meetings ,, on CUssroom equipment and fixed Cadet 2nd Et. Kurt A. Eigen- A bench war'rant was issued o'UjCT car about 10:30 last night on posaU for a 700-pupll junlor-ien-’ u i p m e n t, site davalopment, brod, 17. a senior at Manchester Tolland County Superior Court plied the decision wa» unanimous. ior high school. and engine^ng fees, (ConHmi«» froni^iiB' Onr) Friday Night High School, is one of three Con­ Rty«. Palmer slumped noticeably in his • The School Building Committee legal'Tecs, and contingmey fund necticut young men .who will visit this afternoon, charging Richard S t » e Trooper George Berube scat when Superior Court a e rk " .called lu t nlght'i meeting at the are all Alluded in the $1,230,000, Nn.lrar Test. B an -H c said A wind-up of the Coventry New a...... foreign country, this summer as a Palmer, 39. with the mur.ders of said the cruiser was tmning John Yeomans read tha indict- R o b e r^ n School and will hold SBC Chairtean Bertron Hunt told 'Rnvirt rninn'i" latest proKramy around in hTcirth Coventry to head his two ice fishing companions in M.rch DIn,,, ments. _ , , another meeting tonight at the the meeting. . ipnUmR toward suspension of nii- ^ back toward South Coventry when Hebron Jan. 19. Why Not'Two Story T rlear weapons tests seems to (fel W ill be hiphliphted with a dance Eipcnbi.od and Cadet 2nd Lt. Judge Alva P. Loiselle Issued the His lawyer, George C. Lessner of • Coventry Grammar , School at 8 it stalled on the road. A car driven Manchester, asked the judge to - o’clock. - After Russell mtkilMd, Richard nwav from the rompictely rtRid jnd entertainment program at 8:30 David S. Kellie Jr. of Stratford and by Ronald DeCandla, IP. of Ireland warrant, requested by State s Ally. poll the members individually, but The meeting opened with an ex­ Gronbaek asked if s ikstory plan position the Russians have main- Cadet 2nd Lt. John F. Kyle of br., Coventry, ran intr the stopped Joel Reed II. It was served on p.m- Friday at the Cove Restau­ the judge turned him down. planation of the curriculum for the would be ■ iheaper to ^ H d and lalneri previously. The ■VVaterbury were chrisen by staff cruiser’s lef' rear light. Palmer in the courtroom by State proposal eertalnly .is RoinR to he rant. Seconcl Selectman Berlion A. officers of the Connecticut Wing, Trooper D ew in Anthony. Lessner e-rlier asked that the ' proposed aohool, given by School maintain. Hunt will be friaste.r of ceremonies. The operate, of the crtilser. Con­ records show there was confusion Russell said the School Building studied hv this-roiintry, the Tresi- Civil Air Patrol, A grand jury reluihcd two n- - Board- Chairman Mrs. Alma C. \| This will he the llth anpual fund stable Fred G. Driscoll, said he 'dl'ctments of first degree murder and dissension among the grand Heckler. She told the meeting that Committee and his firm considered ftent went on, ■ The Manchester cadet had the backed out into the highway and However. Eisenhower hit at one raising program, according to Mrs. jury members, This was a result of ■the curriculum has been approved both and found 1-story cheaper in highest score. In the competition. when the car stalled he tumeil'on sspert of the new Russian plan- Herbert 'W. Love, chairman. Mrs. a delay in the hearing when the ' by Dr. John Champlin, director- of both respects. He said a 2-atory T'he country the cadets will visit the red light on the cruiser's roof. that rallinc for a limited """ther Harold .1. Crane will he gerifral grand jury first asked that a slate * Elementary and Secondary Educa­ plan based on the School Board’s has' not been determined, but all Trooper Berube said DeCandia of insneetions to determine wheth- chairman of the affair with Mrs. toxicologist, /hr) examined Palmer, tion of the State Department of requirements would measure 68,- three will visit tlift'same one, In attempted • to avoid hitting the proximately 100 persons got th'eir first look at the pre­ ei- any nuclear power was eheal- Love assisting. ^ i be called. Early' In the afternoon Education. 000 square feet in comparison to Archi^BQt James Russell uses pointer to explain the lay­ late July or early cruiser, but .v’aa unable to. He was The Collegians Band of New | .Eigenbrod is the son of Mr. and- the foreman vas tall ing with the the 66,000 square feet for a 1-story out of thegproposed junior-senior,high school, while his liminary plans. Another hearing is scheduled tonight. warned f 'r speeding and driving a ^ ' Only a feiw. questions arose on *"'\Vhen you Rct into the business England will filay music for rianc- Mrs. Kurt Eigenbrcd, 7 Lydall St. judge on this subject, while the school. (Herald Satemis) ______car with defective brakes. * the course ot study before the pre­ partner, m irr& y. Gibson operates the projector. Ap- of limiting: in.«peetions. Eisenhow­ ing. He has been in the Civil Air Pa­ rest of the grand jury remained in Before deciding to . turn back to liminary piaris were unveiled and He said heat loss is more in a 2- Entertainment will be furnished trol for two and a h.alf years, and the hearing .-oom. However, they er said, vou at the same time pet South Coventry. Driscoll had pur­ the meeting settled into a 2-story story plan because there would be houses, teas, picnics, and entertain­ .into a lone arpument because you by the following: Diana and Don­ is a flight leader. At Manchester sent word to O’Connell and the could mean between $1

PAGE THIRTEEN MANCHESTER EVENmO HERALD. MANCHES'^feR. CONN.. WEDNEgDAY. FEBtlU.ARy 17, 19fl0 OtaMnrara for 8 Oalj 814.88 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,'MANCHESTER, CONN^WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 196(K Tlir«8-ln-On8 Bet a pretty table for your p a g e t w e l v e family and for your apring enter­ DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE taining. The SALE of Seml- Elastic SUckii^t OUR BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR ROOPLE Poreelain DINNERWARB at t sM88wm m m 88M»i8a taaftaw * BUGGS BUNNY Fim sMlky msmIms. Itg 8aa MONTGOMERY WARD COM­ [ B i n s Mfias arlM ritMt^Modliagl P A N Y will int'ereet you. Thla Mku imwid* tna, comfort* colorful, imported .tableware is! AnEwtr t » Prtvlom. tbi* iuppon — ti ■ a«« gCTTCI?TAiy»/-Ati>«ng Listed by first quality. Exquisite deaigna; !• « afkrjrM 'P''j»e» IW* ‘h'' A 16-piece set is $4.44 (reg. $5.95). TRAVEL AOENOY 9 Persian faliF wear. .Fgahlbned of "Galey and i jackets, snowsuiis. ski pants. Buy " * Birthday Sale. Shower the bride with s set. R e­ 14 Writes 10 Finishes 35 So be it! 41 DevH ^•1 t ^ 1- a 1 ail ^ AlHinMain rtireei,Street, lOIfor a LIUII,trim, liaLLRiniAflattering IS .\sylum St., Hartford 15 Sesame . 38 Property Item 43 Wound ^ Amel, they j-h a i r c UT bv anv one of the tal- now t(T finish pul the season. Buy place your nicked, everyday set 11 Essential neatly finished inside and out. A gold silk velvet beret worn 16 Shephffdt being 37 Evergreen protaetion ented stylists here. Call- M ltc h e lj' now foisiicxl (all and winter. The this thrifty way. Tel. CHapel 7-5857. Some with roll-up sleeves, all are well on the back of the head is 18 Spring and 17 Doctor 28 Burden 43 Spanish Jar ' 3-8951 for an appointment or be a | shop specializes In clothing and Authorized ARents For All one'way- to make your dark win­ HauMage, Oyster, Macaroni HAMLIN fall . 19 Florentine 20 Former 44 Den carefully detailed to keep you welcomed "walk-in,'' if you ,pre-1 gift items for ‘the INFANT TO ALLEY OOP 30 Feminine 48 Roster ter coat look new again. Caaaerole •Rail, Air and Steamship painter' 31 Mistakes' looking fresh and feminine around fer. Whether you are 8. 18 or 80 i SIZE 6X. NO, ITS TOO late FOR ap^llatlon 47 Uncovered the cIocK. R'egular and half sizes. 3 cups uncobked macaroni Lines 33 Infection 33 Stories ■ an up-to-date hairstyle will be | Try It Sometime ME NOW...rrS EOT ME 31 Sailor 38 Attest 48 Horae's gait Buy several for now through sum­ When you're buying lipstick, be ■ . 1 Ib. pork 34 Man’s adapted to frame your fentures at- Good addition to macaroni salad: SBuaage CORMERH>...BUT NO 33 Egg-shaped 40 Throws SO Edge sure to look at the manufacturer's ' Manchester Agfent USE ITSETTIMS nickname mer. • - tractively. Here they know how-to A garnish of deviled eggs. cup chopped onion 34 Two chart if you're choosing a kind dif- 2 cans ( 10 ', oz.) cream of mush­ HAROLD EELLS BOTW OF US/ 36 Indigo shape, how to thin and coax the : Pork bopa with Totnatn-:Ollve ferent from what you've used. | room S O )ip 37 Small hair Into, a smart halo. It's the Clearance of DreNses Tel. Ml 9-7442 SaAire You'll find a wide variety of 1 I 'i teaspoons salt explosion thing to do before you go shop- BECK'S, 846 M ain.'Street, has Ingredients; 4 rib pork ohqps shades that are labeled bright. , - teaapoon pepper lODliplars pihg for a new spring bonnet. | cut the price.a on dresses arid coata EACH I V'inch thickl. 1 tablespoon flour, medium, dark and ao oh. It's best Dash cayenne pepper feeling 'tel to make room for apring merchan­ ITEM t* teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons p„„.^ ,Christmas per- to check first. 1 dise. Mrs. B eck ' is leaving for a 1 cup rich milk 33 Ere part ______v-*.. i S4Singera butter or margarine, 1 can iSifume for a special occasion or you Florida vacation knd buying trip. 1 cup chopped piarsley 38 Another ounces I .tomato sauce, » cup j yourself faced with only Spray New Color Into Faded | One GROUP OF DRESSES YARD 1 pint small oysters and liquid .. planet wflter, Clip nnftiy dicea celer>’, ^ bottle when you plan to use Fabrics |A ll H A T S $2 (values up to $5.98). Cook macaroni in boiling salted; 34TJrpe . cup <24 small) slir.ed pi ‘ it. The best w ay to prevent evaj>6-1 .lOHNSON PAINT CO. 723 ; water ))ntil tender. Drain and j measures miento-stuffed .fgreen olives, 1-4 ration keep the bottle tightly Main St. has another brand new When you're wearing rhine­ keep hot. Make the sausage liito ST Communists teaspoon ssit. In teaspoon ^pepper. sealed when not in uae. and placed product for you. It's "TALBOT'S stone jewelry, hold the glitter small patties and fry slowly until SSBidure Method: Gut excess from in a cool, dark apot. But wear It F A B R IC COLOR in a spray can down. It's fine to own a complete lightly browned. Remove and pour j CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER 40 Dove’s homo chops. Mix flour and teaspoon that lets you put fresh new color set bill don't wear all pieces at o ff ail the fat but abo)it 4 ta b le-, 41 Month (ab.) everj- cha.>'e you get,. salt; rub into flat/ surfaces of into faded upholstered furniture, once. Rotate them to avoid too 8400 spoons, Add the onion and rook 43 Pertaining to t chops. Heat b u t^ r in 10-irich Party Airs for W’aahlngton's auto interiors, draperies, scatter i much razzle-dazzle. noai. ..3 yrv slow-lv in the fat until golden theaun , ruga- also fabiie shoea. .lust the | ______. „ 4501ft skillet; add c^dps and brown Birthday A darling three piece outfit for'[brown. Add so)ip. seasonings, mijle BY AL VERMEER .lightly on boU/sidea.Mix tomato What an avalanche of cherries I touch.of a finger can beautify and Cruise'fashions this year'stress your IKlle cherub dreas. slip ' and parsley. Cook, stirringoefta- PRISCII.LA’S POP 49 School part renew dingy, drab cloth. FABRIC njjg p„p| p„,g| colors. 81 Pronoun sauce, w atei/ celery, olives, 1-4 ' have been fallin g ever sinc.e Georg^ _ Favorites »nd romper all in this practical , sionally until thoroughlxyheated. N O AND HOLLYHOCK! , i G a r \ {^WHY A R E YOU, 63 Landed teaspooh salt and pepper; add to | vVashlnglon chopped dow-n that COLOR drie^ in. 90 minutes and blue, parfalt pink, mint pattern. - | Add the oysters and hajuthe sau- W O N D E R . 53 PrapoeltioB skillet. ^Over end. simmer until > cherry tree PINE PASTRY comes in 1.5 inviting colors. Sounds lembn yellow- and ' lilac, No. 8400 with Patl-O-Rama is | sage patties. In a S.-q't. casserole O F F I C E R ^ 9 6 IN ^ MX VOU SO S A D rhops ate cooked (whifel through | r h OP. 658 Center Street, hss too good to be true, but it is. -Black-and-white comb'in,ations are | in sizes 6 moa., 1, 2, 3 years, Size | make siternate ^ x 'y e rx of th» DUNN.' ^SPELLING 64Japencee '^CERTAINLY It plant — about 1 hour. .Skim off fat. fragrantlagrt CHERRY PIES with rich important, too, 1 year, dress. I'l yards, rqmper ' cooked macarqiTl and oyster-sau-, , LOOK SSEelopa Makes 4 servings. ; juice bubbling up through the! Fine-textured hair can be prob­ t______Ti yard, slip ' j yard, 35-inch. i sage sauce^/fop w-ith the iemain-'| ,^HAPPY 86 Intend . flaky crust. Chop out birthday lem hair, or it can have the soft,« of Italian Glaaa 81 To order, send 35c in coins to :-,Z in g sausp^fes. Rake in a 350-dc-. I PRISCILLA RT P I»M un-silk look everyone admires! SCANDINAVIAN C R A F T Sue Burnett, The Mancheater : gree pYen for about 30 to 40 min-. u R« for Mothera During .School greetings with HATCHET COOK- t acation , lE.S. and LOG C A K E ROLL.S ^en- Worqen with this type of hair SH O P on the main floor of W a t­ Evening Herald, 11.50 .W E . OF \ite.*;' Serve very hot. Serves 8. must Tihampoo it often, because ContendlnJj with boundless en- erou.sly filled with whipped cream p a n e l 16.20 in c h e s kins, helps your g ift dollar biiy AMBRIC.AS, NEW YORK 36, N.Y. ergies of grade-schoolers during These serve an an eye-catching clean hahUglyes the impre.ssion of quality and good taste. Chaiming For Ist-claaa mailing add 10c for .An. Investment 5’lelding over 5% EmT»tx>idered for a lifetin)e of their winter vacation next week centerpiece and how they please greater biim, TVhen baby-fine hair prize for bridge is the hand-blown each pattern. Print Name, Address, , "W e suggest the purchase of a BY FRANK O’NEAL beauty. This handsome , panel will SHORT RIBS calls for strategy Provide abaorb- the taste. - is kept shinmg (Tean. it doesn't Italian Glass vase $1, smoke and with Zone, Style No. and Size. ' UTILITY HOLDING COMPANY receive com'plitnents galore when ^ chance uiNlevelop that limp, tng interests for them, IPTNE- ruby. Center your spring table Send 35c today for your copy ol ' stock. Detailed information re- fam ily and frleiids see it, plasicred-down lool I,ENOX PHARMACY, 299 East If the windovs-s In a loom don't with ARTIFICIAL ETTUITS that Ihe Sprifig * Siimmejvlaaue of our ! garding this company may be had Pattern No. .5936':h,as hot*i)on Center Street, has all manner of ^ niat< h and you'd like thism to, you actually exude a fresh fruit aroma. complete paltem^ (Tagazine Basic bv w riting or catling C O B U R N , transfer; color chart- sbtoh illu.s-| For That ImporUnlbMlJealone GAME.S that hold the key to fun ' can make them - Seem the same For That lmpnrtanMa.t TTie giift-paoket at $1 inoludea 25,J Fashion AND MIDDLEBROOK. INC, 82P irations. • I M ain'STreet, M itchell 3-1105." ,j(0 and learning. Right on the box it i with skillful .use of draperies and , Pure white COMMTiNION each paper N A P K IN S and riiatch- To order, send 25c in ooins''tq;=— i DRESSES also veils and w; tells VOU for which age group the i valances, building up the smaller Ing (TOASTERS in gay spring de­ ReOoet Taate and Beauty Anne Cabot. The Manchester. ^asories ire displayed at MAI Roliei]'.,^iuidu ichea game'' la platted. Arm vourself ones or paring down the larger. signs. This weeks' tableaetttng in- W^-fKINS Semi-Annual fumi- BY A L CAPP and BOB LUBBERS Evening Herald. 1150 .WE. OF MAD'S. 891 Main SL Of organdy'' Xh^idea "ROYAL COPENHAGEN" If you want, ionise pumpernickel without LONG SAM with enough .STORY BO'OK.S at ’ —----- ^ AMERK'.A.S. NEW YORK S6-, N.Y, tpre Sale ia in progiess. Prac­ bread for rolled santhyiches. have l.Nc each, and with ab.sorbing -A Style Hairciil. 81.75 or nylon,-Sweetened with lace, the DKifNERWARE, gleaming crystal .eurrrs IMALPAVEY.... THBTES ONE ' For Lst-claaa mailing add.lOc fiir ^eep hemh take her through_ many and^xTa.saic S T A IN L E S S P’L A J V tically everything on all four the loaf sliced very ihiTh^To pre­ ~7 1PWU PONT REAUy ^ MORE LTL ITEM PT'ZZI.E.'*, 49e. -A flattering H A IR C U T is often , ■ floors is offered at a saving to ...... nagging mean PAVEYTNEPf£AHER THE ONLY ONE ANYTHIN' pattern. Print Name. Address months of ''grow-ing. SPRING vent the slices fi-om breaking, roll •iPUMieHTSE ______the magic ingredient that .can'^' WARBt\Answer that ahower^nd' CAN PREAM AHEAP— HES eor. INTERESTIN' wi;h"Zcme and Pab'.ern Number. j cOATS she'll adore are watting to wedding hn-itation the. SCANDI- you. A V IC T O R IA N O V A L M IR- ja d , one with a rolling pin hisfore •BOUT WHAT5 eCMNETD SHOOSHtr 60NNA INTERESTED N The neglect of elbows, knees and ; make you feel younger, look pret- Have ^ U ^ e '60 Album contain- t^ied- on at M A R I-M A D S . ROR. S9.98, reg. $10.95. with a jri^ing the filling, NAMELY-ONE lieels' can eaally detract from an : tier. SAX,’ L L E V IN I5 F.ASHION.S f-^AviAN c: FT SHOB way. HAPPEN TDMOUHOW ? ^ HRS UESr HAPPEN^ ing many loVely designs and free Favorite r a w with cri.sp. J-^e- gold-finished frame, adds a dls- backache ccwiiH'ouror TOMORRY? OF US-IN otherwise altracUve appearance. I < formerly Blair's 1 Invile.s, you to lihctivV' arid/jaee6i‘at1Ve“ toiich' to xiedfclns spilled on the bstlrroom ■ Now! You can get the fast relief yon* ------^ THIS H0U6E- patterns? Only 2!Yc a copy! . I tachable overcoUar. also '--neat Sw eetN lliw NEVER MISSES. HBPREAM— Very often they will develop a dry - "CHEZ-ELLE" BE.AUTY .SALOJx' any^wall. jwsahbowl or toilet should be need from nagging backache, headacb* IS60NNA ' Y ' ~ , checks, fresh grays and red.» are'in^ Ingredients; ** (Hjf undiluted •TAINT MUCH and flak y look, and sometimea b e -w h e re a style H A IR C U T . Jl.7.5 ——;— ■' I washed off right away with loap;., and muscular aches and pains that often NOTHM'MUCH. SEPEAD Use .Apple Cider i rich woftl worsted, tailored to per- evaporated jnUk. 1 3 up- cider OFATALEHT- WANTAKNOW come discolored. To prevent this! will be available, February 19 cause restless nights and misemble DMORRY. You can Substitute' apple cider ' faction. Do see the WASHABLE vinegar, L''cup sugar. easpoon' Plano Key* ' or detergent. lired-oul feelings. When these dKcom- WHPE60NNA apply s generous smount of night ' through school vacation week until ...... ___ ^ ^ - for half the water called '’ ^ r . X A V Y S U IT with pleated skirl, preparptf^mu-stard. teaspoon salt Plastic keys on pianos may he forts come on with os er-c\eftion or WIN .THE MS cream 'o theae areas after your . Saluiday Feb. 27. The professional when making up a package of , $12,98 in size 14. Like spring tulips- >* tgdspoon Tracked black pepper, i cleaned by rubbing with a damp, Mutual Fund* stress and strait) — you svafft relief — I RACE? hsth. then massage witli a aponge staff will anip ar.d create an arl- For maximum safety, income lemon gelatin. Dis.solve fhe gela-j in • sU row,, pick a bouquet o f L 'teaspoon paprika. 4 cups finq^ cloth. W ater should never be want it fast! Another diytfirbancFmay Instead of the fingers The sponge fully individual H.AIRCUT for you and growth, you should check .tJie he mild bladder irritition following tin in the boiling'hxater, then stir,'.qpRlXG DRESSES for youi -to<1;>'^"1tILL AND COMPANY. 913 (o ease torment of nagging hacklcbs, array of stvles and size#7 , tard, salt, pepper and paprika to- lowed ka,^ “ Don’t try to t«ll Her crying won’t help! She knows _____ . gether until blended. Toss with esb- Main Street. Mitchell 3-1571. headaches, muscular aches and pains, 2. by soothing effect on bladder irrita­ BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD ' perfectly well how you got your fur coat!” Moxiciui Wedding Cake* "'\^bage Serve at ohce. Makes 6 MUDD SAXON If you like tfKw'ear white gloves Try Chive* , tion'. 3. by mild diuretic action tending Ingredients;, ! cup butter or marU-A^x’inSS. in the -.vinter, kee~p them spanking to increase output of the I .1 miles of BUT HE HAS A WARPED APPROACH Add lots of minced chive* to garine. h yu'p confectioners-' sugar, — clean. Whether they .are leather or mayonnaise vot) sre going to kidney tubes. IN ATTAINING HIS ENP5.' IT IS tea-spoon, vanillaA.2. cups flour. .1------u\E«p«>cl*lly wben ___ Enfpx* good night's sleep and the BAgnN ariNPiivE i3 a povverful NOT ENOUGH TO SUCCEED ^ • cotKsn: They -ahmild be anow.v.------bse wbFh inaTtinr ^ THROUGH-WEALTH AND EOWERr-^ BY ROUSON ;P24-MR" Tel. Ml 3-5161 cup finely chopped walnuts extra T oil'** Hniiae-Bound same happy relief millibni 'Tiave for MAN IN EJROCFAS FINANiSAL ' LITTLE SPORTS That's wiheh^/mpei'feo.ion's a)e Viches. ; over 86 years. New. large size save* CIRC-EE M'SIElj SAXON. HE 15 HB CAN ONLY enjoy V1CTC5RY confectioners' sugar. Store Baked .Apple* \ BY DEVIOUSLY OUTWITTING HIS 0AC K "ZTTT Manchester magnified. Freshen,.your home -in money, (jet Doan’s Pills today! REEPECTED-- HE IS rETESTEP. — t h e c h a m p ^-~^ — Awo A^Afff! AUun St. WARDS Method: Cream butter, 84 cup B*ked apples may he kept in\the j ADVERSARY.,.OR BY HUMILIATING -HEX ".ei'NTGOMEPV WAHU one day by 'taking down duatV' HE'IS FEARED- HE IS fiooKS H/M ---- ME confertioneiti' sugar and vanilla.! freezer for four month*. *ppieaai)Ni.| , SOUGHT AFTER... HINA.' , / P O W ft- draperies, aoiled slipcover*, grrimy The Inquirer i AOAiH~a .Wt{^h a spoon gradually blend in for a* long as a year. |X Doan's flour. M ix in w-alnuts. Shape into soattei- n )g * and bring them to s^-inch balls, rolling in palms. .MAR'riNTZING. the ONE HOL'R Place about ’ 3,-inch apart on un-. DRY CLEANING plan-, at 20 East greased cookie sheet. Bake in. filow Center St! In a short time. yoi)r 325 degrees) oven 30 minutes; oi'der will be i-aady, aparkling cookies should be crea)ny color, ' dean. coloi>-Jjrightenad. fabrid re­ Cm>, -us,, Remove to w iie rack uhtil just vitalized to givV ^u r living room ry.WBfW warm; ioll in a little of the extra a .stimulating lift>-,All work i* onfectioner*' sugar; cool enti)fiy;! BY JOHNNY H-^'IT guaranteed, and it cwrHrno more B. C. roll agai)l*in a little of the confec­ to enjoy the coiivenience trfsuch tioners' sugatT Makes 3's dozen. prompt! service. TWO Ht>U[R A WISBNHEIAAER Store in tightly oovered container. SHIRT SERVICE at 299 \ A > .0 . . . anil you can open a CHeck- BUZZ SAWYER . BY ROY CRANE » ALWAYS RTfUBP 9 T Cookies will be rounded shape with -Middle Poke, (near the Parkade) HIS OWN coNFioeNcer. flat bottom.*. launders and J)-ons .«hirt* in rec- remember Maater account wit,h any aniov A CAT MEOWING? NONSENSE, W y! POYOU WEtt, I SUPPOSE HIREITIS! ,ord tlrrie^See. Ihe pieaaant reac­ of-m on^ you-^ooae. Sounds Uke WIVE SEARCHED EVERY DR8TT70 HAVJ-AN- -THERE IS CNE.t . IN THE"aOSgT OP 4 -- ~ IntftMlUcing...: tion your man gets when the wears C.I3SET AND DRAWER IN THIS HOUSE, ATTIC, YOUR BEPROOM.,, LYNN POULTRY FARMS a c-nap. poli.^^ shirt done up the a pretty good arrangement, doesn’t , AO'MIRAI? TRAP POOR AND STORE in the Pai-kade feat))res MARTINIZING 3 LA.Y. Dry clean­ e j ’T U P T U R K E Y PARTS now. it? it is. ALADPER.‘ MINP S' ing and shirts nTaybe left at either \thls... Buy exactly the antioiint you need, S u IP 1 TAKE OUT Certainly ' plant, but (or maximum speedy no more 01 lea*, and get all white Here’s another point you’ll like: THESE CLOTHES, NOT, BUT IT'S service bring dry cleaning to tlie meat 0) 'all dark meat q* your fam­ !^ 5lR? A WASTE center and jriirts to Middle Tpke. you pay only 10 cents per check OP TIME ily prefers. Made espedally. for I.,ynn Pouliry Faim* Store. tiy used—and you pay this as you use fLOOR their new line of PiCKT.ES al*o Barbecued' Steak .Strip* ^yovu checks; you don’t have t<). buy 1^ ■/ e.*)i friiit PRE.SERVFS tPeach, One pound beef round steak, 1 Pineapple, Ahricot. C)'abapple, table.spoon oil. '3 cu-p tomato cat- a wKble Jx)ok in advance. ST 8 i m j ! Rfl.*nberrvi ranging from 32K to 4.5c- Jnip, 1 teaapooiY muamuatard.- i » , tes;_ a .12,oz. jar. ’ .' chili pobdi^r. 1 teaspoon ""7*irhere’B a 25 cent monthly service BY DICK C A V ALLI WorceAlershire .sauce. 1 teaknoon charge^ on your ChedkMaster ac- MORTY Mi2EKl,E I f the skin around your rose I* ms:ant miiiced onion, '-3/ cup C ali­ AND MORTY PRIEG THBA T HAVEN'T D-O^l ender and sensitive due to * head fornia Burgundy wine. -c o u n t... b u t. ITHOUGHTUPA a O T MV F)M?T NEW6VGTEM FOR AND PUPS THEM AWAY. / rol’d. (s'pnly snotliin? rnoisturizing Chit beefsteak into thin atripa WELL, LETij GET FK3UREP theae iFew pennies DOING THEM.Y0UWA«4 Brown in heated oiT. Add all re- MICKEY FINN ______BY LANK LKDNARD GTARTEO ON THE o u r YET. lotion before using make-up SUPPER DI<5HE<3. AND »e4;»sUi las — AND I'M NOT IT WOULD BE ( I THINK ^ E WOULD GO,/' a red-rimmed look that often ac- cook slowly about 1 .hour, .or un- ular M O N T H L Y THINKING OF A FEW TOO OBVIOUS, > MARGARET-IF YOU)? ompanie* a cold,• . . use «•both *. eve ' Lsstil Atender,_____ . 1 - 1 : ______adding a '* little WSMJSsfAmoi:e \ HEALTH REQUIRED IT' fM HEALTHTI OH, IF ONLY HE HAD WELL, SUPPOSE /MONTHS IN FLORIDA! HECTOR! SHE'D 'in »r and. eye shadow to cover it. wine I or walerl aa needed. When minimum statement of your SIMPLY GONE T0.5T. LOUIS — w e -reV erse t h e : MEAN EUROPE-" ____ steak IS tender, -nance ahopld be AND Placed a l l PROCEDURE— a n d AT l e a s t a Y'EARJ REFUSE TO GO] ■Add, a bright, clear red linstlck. CheckMaster account ao THOSE IVIILES HAVE NANCV BE THE and though vou mav not' feel fine. fairly thick. .Makejt„f«ur'#erving.«. betw een t h e m ! one who must leave! s'ou’11 look fine. | „ that you know right Knit for Him. m, -VAr»lty Cardigan where it stands, every Exhibit Y'oiir Own Menejerle .For that masculine apple-ol- TTbu'll fall in love with each de^ .vmir eye. size 2-I{l make a V A R ­ month. That’s not true of lightful persioniilifv at HARRL S IT Y C A R D IG A N the-quick and ■ accounts- that send you ITATfiTlTATAVaTATVAT, .FOif'S 849 .Ytain Street We mean easy way. YOUR VAR.N .S H U P. the lovable, little .STUFFED ANT- SO-Couage Stiee.t; has in,stock the a sta'tement only every t h r j e b MAIjS bv "S leiff " direct fi'Oifi G er­ Fak with all the directions and months. You want CheckMastw’g i 1f<0 by WtA. many. Of soft mohair. "Peri-’’ the material* you need for lompleting 2-/7 aquirrel will win your heart a* will a hand.*ome sweater. He'll pilze required in your monthly statement, and you’lL BY LESLIE TURNER l.'SDObfej-!!!., . the; . French,. Pofidje. tlTis- addition-fo his wardrobe, ^e'll CAPTAIN EASY There are kitten. IHddies.-. Upera. , have it! HEH-HEHI YOU'LL THINK I BELIEOEAI .' tl lAV -STARS AUP BDOV. EASY I COUtP BE PUMA, OR A PACK OF GIANT TIMIER WOtUESl OR HE WISHTME BROUGHT FWRV-TALES. WT I KEEP THINKING OF I f you don’t have a CheckMaster WHAT SORT OF EUQTIC 8EAST5 HIS REFERENCE TO THE A 8 0 M M A 8 ^ 'IK; /i- •"-“ S MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIOOEWAY 6A1V15 GOT PROWLING IN A COUPLE OF KflPIAK B£AW! THEY'RE tailed theae„,*re--Jasting toys . to CheckMaeter checking account now—give your­ (Suite an- awesome susht, i 'M AROUND ON HIS ISLAND SHOW MAM I ^ rWIN^NBP TO 'tickle the (aney of the crib-to-eol- - 'u d 1 - - - -AND DANGEROUS 1 im m i CANT UNDERSTAND g am e pre serve? PUT THE SNOW lege set. Another shipment ia ex- .Avoid Bargain* self this time saving convenience! voces* // WHERE I SOTTHIS M8N IN THE SAME pect“ d wilh.pricea up to $20 a pet. Avoid bargain.* when bu.ytng an- Pay your bills by mail in the com- ratffWiy ry. TERRIBLE HEAD COLD.' CATEGORY AS : . liques. the experts say. Make FLViN'saucers; (W k in g IJnky Sausage* 7 . .*iire the piece .vnii buy is nseftll checking ,fort of your own home-n-let the Nei^t time .you are cooking pork . And that there ia a place for it 'll .* i^ u a a g e ' jinks fo r a weekend ' ^ the Japfiie, postman do your: walking for you. bninjh. save the drippings, and You can arrange for your ChCbk- In i 960, watch for a new' terry ‘\Vi rdbjt ,*ottte applf. «lioM (n (them. Master uT*a matter of minutea at V 't Sprinitl* th.e apples with a little knit which • is both opaque and account! G"; sugar and a dash of salt as they lightweight. It's knitted of a syn­ any of our 28 offices. ■ Shimmering highlights can't we$r off, wish off, off — they^locKed-for-life under solid thetic and has a soft texture. Sandran scrubless vinyl! ■ Scrubles|! Damp sponge mop keeps Spun^Spirkle Sandran sparkling are brow-pIng. clean L B Exclusive Sandran patented Hi-Density Vinyl Process gives you more vinyl per spuare Belter Brownlea . Uxl'l Hraided Kiig, $49.50 To mi'ake brow-ries extra lus- Firmly braided and tightly sew-n inch, more wear per square yard, more Value per doltar! B Seamless! No dirt catching cracks (ioua. ghelt sw-eet chocplate and for exti-ii thickness and long w-ear. to mar smooth wall-to-wall beauty! B Won't spot, can't absorb water, dirt, stains. . . opt even spread'over t'le top, theii sprinkle the mellow colors of a BRAIDKU The Conneetieuf Bank BY PETE HOFFMAN lye, grease, jet-black ink! B ONLY SM IfItAN MMtES NEW SPUN SPM KLE! w-rth nuts. , 1-. RUG can enliven any room, Sec JEFF COBB , the compFete'line on display now AND TRUST COMPANV PLEASE ^ BUT I’LL BE BACK Gel Set for Spring , ' at MA.N'CHE.STF.R CARP FT GBTOirrOF FOR LITTLE MISS CHEOC in for A fashionable , CENTF.R. 311 Main Street. TOf HERE! MONEYBAGS gpriht when you .wear anv one o f. imported wool blends___p r I c e (j/ Snr('ing^O(-onneEtiEii1-4^0m m ;um 4i«^ BEFOREI- I the. two-piece with neat. $49..50 foi 9xl2' and '$'29..50, for LEAVE/' brief .lacket, to take ydu an>-w-here (jx9, -these B R A ID E D RUG.S ai e snjai'tly. Browns, blacks, na\-y, i reversible for twice the weai'. so -WIDROSE DRESS SHOP, 801 Main, pi-acticat and decorative! especial- MEMBER FED'ERAL DEPOSIT WSURANCE CORPORATION '• MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTOl. Slreet. has sizes 9-15 and 10-20. For harmonv with an' Ea rl v yolir place In the sufi this Sum.meT., American or ‘ Provincial setting, 6 Ft. Width* buijd a unified waijdi'O^ fm BRAIDED RUG caq endow a Al«ip Available in harmonizing PUAYCX^^ the ^ m with a.,WArirUh and homi'- 9 ft. aner 15 ft.-widtha shorta: pedal puijhera. skirts a n d _ _ . . nea* that i.* sincerely inviting. ilackets in sizes 8-15 also 17, Stay While vou are at the MANCHES­ fregh and attcactiv'e around the a r p e t c e n t e r clock In a Madras PUAtD (TOTt o n TER (C , do look, d r . . . that drip* dry with Juit.the at the HOOKED RUGS. They k lN o(,-4ui Iwm n»«ded. wi|/ enhinee any decor. 1: ' » f


PAGE FOURTEEN THE l.AtV- J Herald Angle l-Cf By j r '' E A R L Y O S T Sports Kdltor Platnvitte Too Strorig,

by one, 113-112, with 16 »er- New York, Feb. 17 (/t^ — Hastern Division till Minneapolis, onds to play when Rodgers I Note# Taken from the Little Black Book Have haekets become cheap tn Tops Rockville,' 65-42 in UiiKArst garni of a hit hia Charity tosses. Phil 1 Leadinjt'fiKures behind the move to finance construction ihe National Basketball Aasn. ? .Iordan led Cincy with '22 header u k ,N»\v yor^C New of a new .‘t2-hed 10-pin howling establishment in C oli^bia Veteran Bill Sherman ot th* York b eac^yraciiS 'e in the points' while .Jack T w y m a n laie three Manche.«ter businessmen, Orlando Annulli, Willia “Beat team ive’ve played season,” commented RoekwUe World Champion Boeton Cel- nightcap, 1 score.d 20 seven shy of the r i u nipksinski and Paul Phillips. Annulli is a contractor. 01ek#m- High Coach John CanavaTi^fter Plainville High has s c o ^ an lira thinka an. The PhiladeMfliia^'amors 2.000 m ark for the seaeon. New York came from a 63- impreBsive 65-42 win over the Rams last night in Rwkville. "Lefa face it," Sharman powered bv'W ilf Chamber; S T ? , ™ ? pf W int. S.e»l, IIPU- ,nd P h ^ lam 's AJoinif, edged r3in- 44 halftime deficit \vtth a hot 'ates Personalized Floors. The loral men are offircis in the Plainville, defending State Class B champions, were said. "A basket has become »o H third period in which they out- By MORRIS SIMONQELLI ' ...... —«— :------*-6>by Ted Davies , who hooped 37 cheap nowadaya that the fans rinnatiyn7-U2. and St, Loiiis^ Kastern EnlerpH.'e.a. which*— ' won >iwer D etroit IM-lOd. In scored Syracuse 22-P tn the Although the CCIL race has been dedded for a week now, ' -r" points.2^ V J ai vO i The J. a a xe defeat **waa th# w .fifth, - ^ . having nothing left to cheer '''first five minutes. Dick Gar- ' will liaiiclle the project. . Legal fees „uoh » Job," W ebster Straight and ninth in the last 10 about. It muat get boring to ait, othuef NBA action. for Gcoi ge Krause, chief lifeguard ' you couldn’t prove it to any of the record sftMon turnout of Bussell was the only nm k^r's 33 points paced New RHAM G am s games for the Rams. PlainvUl# and watch 'two learns pour at Globe Hi>Up-w. wlio was-cleared^ -1 might be. " Brown said, "but 2,051 screaming fans at the Arena last nightuj^e way the now sports a 17-2 record. , .- ■fcg.ilar to play nio.'it of the York^wid Dolph Schayes led I of all cliarge>-in the iiiiich puhh- ^ j 4 jki nn hour tesch- that hall through the basket the Nat.s'with 26. Indians tore into Windham High in the final 16 nrinutes to , Boasting an all veteran Bfuad, all n-.ght. There's really noth­ game for Boston and his nine I rized inr ident ’•bf 'inr school 1" straight points midway in the The HaWkS oulacoi ed Detroit local pool, amniirited to .>410. * win, 74-63. ^ ^ N inth Victory C?oach P a t. R i e r a ’ a club • led ing for the fans tn get exclt^ 34-lg in ftie third period after throughout including period mar­ about until the final two mjav second period proved to be the ' was found iniiocbtil of slap­ Down by three points, at half­ 7-6, .but then Jumped to th^tvfl th^tvflve trailing at halftime and ping a youtJi who was Cjiug'hCsIeal- |.'p^ lig h ts H om e gins of 20-12, 35-26 and 47-84. It iites of a rinse game R>o if clincher, Rlgin feaylor of Min­ time .32-29, the Red and White point advantage before the period^ neapolis threw in 40 points to made the splurge stand up. ihg money from Kj-n'ise's pants m _ ^er how manv nights A cr.nie on strong in the second half, ended. ^ In 19 Starts was a Central 'Valley Leagu# at* the leam.s scored onhrTtO or They hit 14 of 2S shots during traction.- fiO points a game, then a bas­ lead all scorers. the Globe Honovv bathhouse. . . f;),;^™ ^basehall pl.yer ha. scoring 45 points to clinch second, ' 1 10 ,091 Wheaton dropped in 11. The win was the second of the Rock-ville closes out it# 'aeaaon Bolton Tops Shy-Aim, in blue for (he small fry g am es: f.,,,,,.n Feb, 26 and Oct 2 heesu-st .000 Friday night in Glaatonburj^ iJ. S pr^pSin' or ,l,o ..pcninp Tl,ur«l«, nf Ihr Wmlor. Obrpp.r;-. H.» Bristol Eastern ... .. 0 11 Following intermission both season for HebrorK against the during the summer uionths. . . i ^f the h»avy ntghl gsme schedule P fatt ...... 0 11 .000 teams started slowly, Manchester Sum m ary: ra is e rs and Ue^ for pmtertion apainat the plare from the Hank' Wittke is a weekend em-|„ng trips during »he sessow home club last nlght\ RHAM led finally typing the score 34r34 with at the half. 26-18. '\ Plainville (U) on tl e snow-^vered vallrv (AF rhotofax) ploye at the Rarkade Laiies WitI- y^e ave’-age Oriole jp 1960. The victory was sweet revenge 5:10 left. The lead changed hands p B. First Place lie Broken I ke did an outstanding job as West points oiii. will trsvel bet- Summary; \ . '3 Fanlola ...... 1 for Coach Elgin Zetursky's tour­ a number of times until at the 1:12 BAHA.M («4) \ ___ 1 David ,. it Sirie Is'ague publicist before mov- ,nan 20.000 miles from the tiro# nament bound quintet as it hung mark, Saimond drove In for a lay­ B \F Pta. 2 Dalke .. 3 ^ ” . 1 - . i f. £t • ri 1 ^4Ue.ii I inff ovpr to thp... 10 pin* and u th r F for Miami to spring tram- up Its 12th loop win against three up to put Manchester out front. Ponchak ...... 9 i Jackdin . a Gacnon ...... v 0 Hard!" .3 -^irtiTTrAri r ■ thp two-wav tie for fir>;t-^plarp m the Rer Senior Basketball | vhich m helped , ' Ing until He goes home si the end setbacks, and handed the visiting 43-41. At this point the Zeemen put Horn* ...... 0 n Zftdnlk 1 Games lo Start Tomorrow of the year; root* if h» makes th# Whippets their second loss to go on a terrific spurt id, give them Frankpl ...... -7 .1 Andei-’on , 1 ;gh schooy ,,am . Also, he \vill sleep D. Taylor ...... ’...... 9 I'.raney .; . 2 with 14 wins in league play. Back a 50-41 lead ait the three-quarter Walmsioy ...... 9. Iloyl . 1 iS . ! ;L , .o pun ■ .,m i.,. um . t „ p , : t * . In January W’indham pinned the mark. Saimpnd's 11 points paced Coveil ...... Lasher n — tel reservations and has leceiyeri 1 rams, planes, boats snd buses dur­ first defeat of the sea-son on M an­ the Indian assault. Preatrldge ...... : ---- I jy-Kata Without China, hidi^ntries second place IZ^tanel Boland Oil AR-4046-40 were______ontacored____ t h<» floo! 25-23 • ^.oin^ ------theyiooi -—: ^ Ui'.rkeis for alf games in the, .New T#>-lor ...... , : ...... _0 Rlidka ing the sessnn. chester. all but running the Red Top Officiating s m ith Nas-biff's. led by Rich, McMiil , hut made . good...... on' ..17 of 27 al- luiiiute hid to puli out the viclm;,Wj Ragland schoolboy hoop louiney at .Salaries for ball playeis begin and White off The court at Willi- Following the game both offi­ Tolata-...... J2 lin.s, .leff Morhardt. Mike Barry i ,^n,pts from.the foul line Tlie 26 i(M4 U Bolton l egroiiped its fni-r e.v-and ' the- . -Boston . ftarden.- . ' The - ,—local------man (ill Ihe opening day of a season and manlic. cials, Fred Post and 3uy SetUno, Bneky Hill (JS) ] 8 Tolada - , r o h f Kp I-i vternationat Olympic Commitle^own on, the slalom and giant sla- and Ray Villa, got off to an early . .uiv-Ano'rooio phy-Ann-COiild doon was oru, 9 n for...... 16, dtiviiig aUai'k managed to F, PI*. • ...1_ _ - > Cos* f1 combines hu.siness will, pleasure stops on the last day of the sched-. Tables Turned said they were unable to hear any­ Warr#*n ...... cQUfl^ ” ' , t)tp question- of allowing Taiwajrs loni course first. lead lean ann and iook took «a 23-12 . halftim...... e 1 ^-ne gamegHin,- wa.s wp.-, by u> far...... the hardest nff ' sh v-A nn', bid as Skip . 'o P- ■ r. pu. "'i__.U- VAilhni- tpam ___ . ■ _ each vear diiilng the scholastic ii|e. During spring training a play­ Last night the tables were turn­ thing- over the dfn of the crowd Weldl 2 10 B Arrkivy 17 (/P)—The a 1 .« S P II 5 1 0 nieug Hung 1X10/ IpIn With India and China out. there ,d-go. Boland's put on a last haJL-foiighl of the year. Nejlhcr lea Miknleil and Fortin hit with tinic- round hall madness, er will get his loom and board, during those last few minutes of Bedlack ...... 4 ,,...... 7 ‘ o 1 Fahy ...... plagued eighth M inter Olyin- -- — ------m*iie — o. — ,— — — ._<.o »...... n i..., f„,,K rwicnis on,- nuartei- t ed. and It was Windham that was ------— -- — Demauro ...... ^ ■, compete There seemed id t 11 e are 31 nations here represented by prive that fell just foiir^^Inls asked nor gave any quarter. The 1\- baskets' to--pnIl oiit the hard V K n plus *2,5 weekly ftom the einh. o ‘ 4 fi T,afari'lere ja s t foiii m inutes were the run off the court, scoring, but nine the third period. However, they Kurto ...... 2 I : r Olnnder ... pic Games will open tomorrow | rhance he would be Ift fn S50 athletes. W eather ronrlitiona short of victory. Haiijs-Grryh and , j^si i, foi.ght wi". Once the season iilarls. all trans- Yacavino ...... ? i ’ Kidney ...... points in the third period to M'an-I handled it expertly, calling an ex- n a r k ...... I 1 11 . r n “ d looked-perfect for the *20.000.001), Tom Kelley wer^anCinstays in Bo-Knp,,ti,. played thus fai. s m Hanlpsl SpikFr' pertation'and hotel hills Are paid chester’s 21. ' tremely lough game very well. . (i 12 Soranno with Nationalist Thina anrl The federation ai .slow with Bf.m.n K S isai Bopi.s ...... Q 0,0 Stone ...... ThHin Ctiil nil the sidelines- thumbs down on amMlier one man j iiUernational aport-s fe.stival, hut tand'a drive,.-" Both lenm.s got off Hardest volleyi-ali spiiter , m and while on tn» road a player re­ Chuck Saimond paced the Indian lb the final eight minutes the 1^ B<‘njot ...... ] Jo Edwards ... "mional team. 3t^'v Biiiakowski, there was.already a .strong indica-! , _ ,akmg a 9^ edge m the l.ukmgK.n .M'anchesler. alihough not the most ceives *10 a dav meal money. Thi# RlRolr^ltl ...... J Th^ International of India, tion it would be a financial flop. BA'SfsilW: INTBRArEm.ATES..} first period Dave Turkinglon and li n hur . attack with i21 points, as five of ; cal continued to add to iU ...... \ l 7 8-U consistent,' IS V,s Avens, one of food hill i s -*2 more than fn# the local hoopsterc hit double fig- lead, miming circles wound the Total* ...... 23 ' o l 16 Totals ...... tlon. which control, all kl hi , | .u . i.— „r only 12.000 to 16.000 .spectalora- In last rtigllts only action in the . Harold Brainard dire.ted Boltons 1______— . .'ais>.Ans held theU biggest lead, 16 Tueada.y'a Result# I pintail don't need a long lartdli^ ' .’trip, they can lower into a s« t'^ HncUeV 'w hich has rivalled skr- I>arrv Smith led the (it'oeery continued to hit and. keep Bolton Shs-Ann Beslanranl '.^S to wjit'k ' vrilh a.nrl. he '.'..oilid a - • . * 'single game performance ol' the polnU, T^-Oo. ... American League ing hs of Tnn roversv ''^'’ring and was helped by ahead ,n the third period. ... P P’*, gieat. . Ice skalm g .seasop. ,in Perennial Champs Making Move ^ Cleveland 4, Quebec 3. decoys. Scatter decoys/from 15 i sea..on. He had earlier canned 19. ' McAdam and White, with seyen 25 yards from your blind, leaving ■ h7re.” ap%ared to he c"^! m"n*g Larry Ixivett and Neil Pierson ! The defensive play of p.Mton wiiii.v '. . . : . -s .M amhestef has ended at all area.s T o p E f f o r t : The team's 74 points also mark- 1 and »ix points respectively mark­ Eaatem I.e«gue fallered in the 'final perihd IS. H. iKrthal ...... 11 the center of the set open. Remem­ WASHIKGTON’S ' do«-n The International Hockey Fm- Houses, the sconng was even- .Pli-a ,. ■ 3 * mainlained ^nd supervised by the *S\ithoiit any doubt, last night'# ed a new- high'for the season. ed Uie way for ^ e Red^^^^^ , Herald Photo by Oflara Washington 4, Clinton 4. I Butkiis foiiled' out with four min­ • ...... t I, Park liepartinent. Center .Springs performance .hv Zee s HuiUeri, Johnstow n 2, C harlotte 1. ber that ducks, as do planes, land Federation subm itted to a 10 day ; 1>’ d i v i d e c h ______utes remaining in the gahie, Pie- -Ma.*.-e .-...... : Twice previously the Silk Tow-n * ?n thl fin.1 ag ain st, the wltjid. rather than an Il-rtay schedule. B'litc ...... •. « Pond never was open, .one day for ,, also known as Manchester High# quintet compiled 67 points. ; Thread City five s 22 in the final Saimond (40) Baltles for Rebound Philadelphia 10. Greensboro 2. > vioiisly. Bntkus had thrown a rei * skapruu it second time in .31 Kentucky, UConn \nth the first games on Friday jrholaM ir Basketbi4U F-ist- ...... 2 ernnd time in [^^lans. was the best of the sea- BIRTHDAY over Norm Hohenthal and limited I'r-nran...... " vea>A Ihe ue was nni safe for the Hustlers recorded sev­ irmtead of Thursday him to 15 points. From-thus point Zima ■ ...... 1 ; ■':? ss..romS."; mihlic's use Life savers, for many eral season highs ^ in whipping However, no one likes the dirt j FtHAM 64. -Rocky Hill 53. ' on however Hohenthal ran wild io MS U i u d i ,* . . tiUalers. were Center Springa .4n- CCIL champion \5'indham High at w’as followed by JV ■Wheaton’s 1 iheir best percentage of the .it# that has been frozen into the main Stafford 57. Sm ith 36. { score 14 snd pace ShysAnn's last 1 Senr- at iialf B-ltcn 3‘-P nex and Charter Oak Park akating Showing New Power r7“V n 7 l 3 7 y VaTd7 sfalTan,f ' »hh, 29 out o ' 75 for 39 per cent. arena rink or the mushy ire that Agawan 60. Ellington 44 the Arena. 74-6.3, 824-828 MAIN ST. i.s created when the warm sun Wilcox Tech 72. St, Thomas -. m * \ xh#* “4 points thF . ZatumkVwL’'‘^ r t S * f doubt i shines into the open end scored in any game this season Aquinas 59. ’ I The 45 points in the aerond New York. Feb. 17 (/Pj—Wait a'minute there. Charlie, be­ L^1 The hockey meeting , affirmed East H artford 56. H artford 64 Sports ISiiiht Proaroni f riVIfiy moupv Ta»j^ aToveV" ^ ‘’e* p^r:;^s^S ' ^ ^ e p^r^e.rna;;r w fore vou .start thinking how strange it’ll be to see the likes his »Ure team, spying every-one | measure of the WhippTi TIRE the achediile that had been nngin-' New London 60. Noruorh .59 I f *_ X a • Although he he'has has a teaching de- half represented gl ee Roosevelt Brown of the New-, in any half this . of Kentuckv. Connecticut. Southern Methodist and those played a fine game. He added that JV's, 54-45. Jim ,, MistrettaM ^retta took top WARDS ally agreed on at a aimilar meet­ Conard 76. Maloney 67. T o V n (/I f sS' York C-I.n,. prefer, another form 3. Chuck .Saimond s 21 pomt : other-nerexinials on thfusidelines when they hold the National it waa "a nice game to win.” As scoring honors \m h 17 points, fol­ MONTGOMERY WARD ^ SHISftTHMK ing in New York Feb 8, The nine vVpthersfield 77, Bnstol Es^- for himaelf, he confessed that he of work and for good reaaon. Re- production waa ah Ihdi\'idijal sea- Collegiate Basketball Tfuifnament'- ''-^-^ ' lowed by Ton^^Ttlorianosj lfi hdrkex'cren-m.s will qi'a.'' 'o REOups „m ' ,56' probably wouldn’t be able to -get- h ^ e r 74. W indham 6,3.■ Irentlv while in Hartford for the .on high. . ,u. * ‘ next month. of three with Riiasia. r>,echnslo- Manch Dave, Spotismen's Show.- Alex Wehater . The win was scored before _tns Detroit ilT-4) got 28 points and to sleep,untll about 3 a.m. vakia. and Canaria top seeded in riaini-ille 66. Rockville 42 Male teachers-ilfthe Manrheslei * Mementarvrv teachers- are Dave, Sportsmen s snow.- Aiex .-.ensin 4. 1 ne win -e r-. Juit like that they’re back in the 24.rebounds for"ace soph Dave De- of it for the^day, a. the freshman Getting, back to the game, he squad trounced W’indham's frosh, each group | Newington 68. M'indsor 47. schora^TCemTv.'iii ,.1 .. .. 4 ...,11 'c^me A 'rtiil ourfronr- fnint nooman'andF3 /M-i rvn a r, 'anrl TTflflDon StfStandish, Doo- 1 got around tohalking about the big running after,* night of basket- busschere______in _a 94-61 w altz over mused tiiat had his boys played all FIRST LINE NYLON TIRES b d iin d t h e i r, w ipe off the man wa.. a standout athlete at; Negi'o tackle...... , Alao.sAlso.* the home team victoryr ictor ball flip-flops among conference gjj|j^jj^_Y\'aUace. Providence (15- 68-36. yesterday afternoon. Coach • The United Slates will play Rus- ’ Rim.sburv 60. Farm ington .5'5 searonseason as they did last night, they ,t ifyde'sV w/1 - _ charges -a now sstand # ,w M #4 0_09-2. GOODYEAR aia on Saturday. Feb 27. and Can- j Southington 58.. Middletown- 4,3. leaders that’ll make Feb. 16 stand'thumped Rhode Island, 72-60, could very well have a clean slate, c'*** *; j , ada will meet'a on the fo l-• Glastonbury 63. Wilson 60. ,,,,,, for bjack Tue.sday lo many. Jimmy Hadnot had 23 points But looking forward to Friday, he ' p x’ >lnnclie»ter ^ f Pin. St. Tho.nias Seminary 84. East Georgia Tech, sailing nj_nng. 16 rebounds, and Memphis lowing Sundkv, Sunday, closing day of the St. Thomas r-eininary e,. ra-.. jerseys ami oaskfioaii ai iMiiiinanu. ,gg.pound all Nalio'nal Football bracket of the^CIAC Class A noted------th a t his boys still have a big ; * '7 MiHUeita ...... 4 a-4 10 games Thus two of the m o as t Windaq;-Windsnj;' 44. . ; _ .sneaks Friday night to he.ariUne a | Othei membei s of the uo. _ League defensive iaclclO'^JRr'the T'"’"'.„eni paimn-s. Not 'to for I toward it-s first South^stern Con-" Stale (14-41 whipped Loyola of ,ww ...... w— X---- \A johriY»on ...... Q- 1*1 .5 I'Ti'' 'ference championship in 22 years. one with Wethersfield before to.ur- yO dramatic games come at the very i Ellsworth .50, Beacon Arademj gport. Night at the Manchester | rlnde Don Bammnref Colls, Btowrrweigha■weigha a iket Wi. dham came W New Orleans, 54-38, w ith George nament play begins, in New Haveri J AVhito end Gg. ! High school Arena The Manohes- son. Boh ^5 onpec.k, Mx^o^Dmna, . suddenly is in a three-way even i,-f,vn McAdam I High School Arena The Manohes- i son Boh VonDer.k, Price's 17-points the top shooting later this month, ^ 3 Keish ... FIRESTONE ' ter Education Aasociation is spon- Maurice 5tn Chevalier. -up dogfight witlf lyupl Kentucky: . 'Thus the final home game start- 4 Saimond Matheny, Flaa. A teams in Connecticut The 5-snd Auburn after losing to Ten-, c ie n Campbell’s jump shot at the Viol aoring the evening for the henefjJ slPiibnei and Gordon Matheny, Both learns have been prarlicing , a Teilow. He , a defeat dropped the Whippets a peg nessee in^a 5'ys6 upset a t Knox.- jjyjj^er enabled to upset ed out much the same as the first j Reardon of.the MEA Scholarship KiimJ s nave neen pra, M.-m,; , •Rosy in qnit^ ^a Tejlow,Tallow. He ,* a -.r.-" . Windham engagement, with lihe — r the past six «'ceks ,^„ght high ville las^ mgJw , i sixth-ranked Georgia Tech, and 29 16-28 74 Featured event will be a basket- earnestlyearni foi locals trailing 13-8 at the end of K'“"'ai' .■ Windham IS3) hair game between teachers from and seem too be in ^ , p relty good .school out nea now ^working-working a« , ^ ' L ^ ConnccUcutl/-8uppo8edly out Kentucky wa.s quick to 'take ad- r PtJ ^ lVsA«> tterl) pow er ahovel '. in New w*__ a-eYork._I. t l aaked for 7 Zeea A a Hustlers and their fol the first stanza. The visitors could p, _ lHAM^NrW! FWST QUALITY! the high school a com-, shape but just, the> «11 the Yankee Conference rot® 'M vantage, getting double -figure have been ahead hv much mqre |< Apinu 1-4 1 [Time Trials Go Well dominates year after .vefir. is right j jj,gpmg from all five starters in a .SIvman ...... bined limtor high and, elementary have the next Rosy if he wasn’t degrading him- * lowers. ______' ______back in there vY|lh a 6-2 re^rd af-1 -o, ...... Reed ...... i J-* ,2 team of teacher.s. Two teams froml Ihe winter recess comes at an Wh'^aton ...... ‘ ir*^ ter knocking off leader Maiaachu- I X z • I2 Rlum ...... • •• 5 ^ the Rec Midget Ixagi.e P"' ’i! ‘ Tickets.for.the Jrpqrts Night can setts, 71-49. l>am“ev^” by coach Adolph Rupp. I *»fee.throw —line - they ——.f were----w hot. " u.' net ,4 Mprehand ...... 1^., ^ WIIFFH Ib^uI Xlocks form in the prellminaiv at 1:30. M cliinis^ #1100,000 Infielder, ting seven out of seven. Manches-U siakans ...... 4 .s-7 13 h, purchased from any MEA mem­ Three Team Tie is tied at 9-2 with idle Auburn and ter. although scoring first, could jf ...... --- ^ Smlth Coaching Tegas A&M. racing along atop T^th each with three SEC games Tvbi Or ber or at the door. no: begin to click. W ith 1:17 r«-I ^ T„taiB'' ...... 23 17-30- 63 Sqiraw Valley Calif . Feb. 17 —w Trouble, was the results coming Coaching the high school profs the Southwest Conference, is down rem aining Succum hs A fter Long Illness maining. Windham was leading, | Scorf* al half: 32*29 Windham. T f b t i M s Time trials in' the Winter Olvm- in by teletype were nol in agree- will be Ht’rry ' Smith, a former to a three team tie for first with Texasi'-which got 25 points from ' lime inais m u -ment with the ones coming over athlete at Boston Itntversity while old power SMU and Texas after pica speed skating event .went oft ImsI JSight^s Fights Jay ArneUeun its whopping win' the public-address system . AI Cone, a fnfnter great at the I losing to Texas. 79-62_. while SMU over A*M. triggered the South- i to make room for our new 19€tO line NOT •like clockwork yesterday . Only Solhe'timc trials were at times University ' of Connecticut. will ‘ Kiemo. Calif. - -'R oque .Mara- Ipswich Mass. Feb. 17- 5'r'--4> That celebrated Philadelphia was am acking Rice, 75-58, west Conference aeramble into a : there were too many clock.’ a trial handle llie. reins of the, teachers , villa. 170. Boise. Idaho, outpotmed Just to make it complete. East- T«kt Off«l , , « n . s , 7-2 tie w:ith the Aggjes and SMU ; All first line tires must go I The'resultThe're.sult wa.swas momentarilym om entarily hut InIn the the 500-meter 500-meter trials, trials, for for ex- ex- fpo,,, the eight g ra d e s .'- Ical Brad. 169. Lo.s Angeles. 10>\. , ■in 1910. > 1911 - andr;”.;?""’"”’'"’'’ 1913. ?-em Kentucky the ■ season long w'ith each having ftve^cpnference Modern Stock Car Racing: tU T intense ronfuainn—a...... - ...... condition nol . ample...... Eiigeni...... Grishin of« Russia Headlining the high school ed Los AngelesAni!-to BoolsBoil. Monro-'.'.C•-'* Monroe. ’’"''''''"'’jr;? 'j,',™,' Born Sept.S.pi 19.,S. 1890HW .1 at OJoaoM- I leader, in the Ohio Valley Con- game.’ lo play. •R A N D 'previously•__ -Is. . ss* li-Mc-sss-M unkpown i*i i Iaib in Ihis **allf»V* valley, bettered V*i«hjs M'nt'IHworld rpmfHrecord^yith Witn ffa . _ pj^,j Her- ^.hUndj:ed.4.h>aiaan.d _dqUaj_ iiM iej^la ten Mas^^^Mclhi).'*.■ ■ ?l.nnii played for th# e--f^i*ance—was. ..sniackcd down to Eastern Kent^ as a re.sult Of tangreii.;tnngura and tempenr-Hnie of 40 a'econ.da flatr-according ^ Morjarlv is currently play-, thr Agundez. 122. -Mexicali. Calif., dead.'\ ' r-ohi, Soxj .Cleveland, H**th# third" behind co-leaders Tennes­ of iLs forfeif IjsC now is 8-3 with Pot of Gold for Winners N lW t and New York Gt- I% vecside5IM W AfieM 9F TIRES menls '- ’ . to the manual timer.s. : mV.vith ^ Mclnniti; died yesterday at f able graves and -New York Gl- see Tech and Western Kentucky one Ohio Valley game left com-' The story llie conflicting A little later, the elertinnlc 7 | vallev League and Hvde is , San Antonio, Tex. Gil Cadtlli. Memorial F ^ital xf'f'' " prolong- a n ta'after leaving •- .e A'a. He later after forfeiting Its game to West- pared lo 6-2 for Tennessee tech Davtona Beach, Fla.—(N A EI-f faster-some-as muck as 10 miles clorks whnt like Ihia.^ _aull_.'ame in. It had Grishin fin- roach. Coach 129'-. -San Francisco. ' outpointed managed the .Philedelphia Phils erh. Trailing 38-20. Eastern Coach and Western Kentucky, each with TUBE-TYPE TOBELBS^ Mclnnis.had a- 308 lifetime bat­ The?e was a time, hot too long an hour-ani while the race isn t Firal there wcjiTHhe human lahmg in'4n,.. ^mith will select hi.« other three ' Frankie Valdez. 129'^. San An-in 1900 Paul McBrayer pulled his club off four loop games remaining. timers, using stopwatcl^sc- The After a half hour-or so of nm- p,rk Danielson, tonio. 10, ' ting average in the majora. play* ag " whe%tock car racing driv-’ always to the swift, the percent- I the court and refused to return af- /' Hnmn Games Left tim es thev recorded were tfik'.nnes. ning. phoning and Kaiaer I'm Brezinsky Con- Buffalo. N. Y. - Irish .la-'kie mg m 2.128 games. 5 ter a squabble triggered by a foul announced on the puhlic-aridress matter was cleared. F.nshin was, •> m Kaia i. , . Dowd and Donrellv 3 4;-^Buffalo. nut- baseman on the polerW^mftidd Solemn high .Mass wiU ha sung • Connecticut still trails Ma.s- '« L " " f ^ " r o±uts" "'""i'^nruke a speed close to 1,40 N O W ^ W S 8 136 • called on Eastern's Ralph Richard­ raced for peanut . 500-mHe Sweep- system and the ones that really'credited with 40,0, hut »he prac- m# R'" .pomred Orlando Zulimta, ' ,'which included Eddie .Col!ins>J^ck at Sacred Heart Church. Manchis- s'achusetts (4-2i. but has a 6.-2 6.70-15 black IT'H 6.70-15 blacky. 142 2 son. The score at the time went in- They took high''cisks .for Already the. track has been ' countedV <>UII kri.t- I Except •- f " • s thatI .«• . nothing...... tice^, • ss.^ -S.s... time can I he submitted as a Harold . Park. . . P . n-,.,,. anU Horn > Run Bakei. \ ler. Mass , at 9 a m. Friday " to the books as the final. Yankee record with both its re­ lub#-typ# plus tub#l#ss Rig guns for the junior high- , Havana, 10 maining league'games at home --r stakes, and a majority- of them 142.I8I for a single lap. ONLY counted officially since these were record; '\.AlcInniB, a mere ,5-f.oot-8. posted •. St. Mary’s, the Western Collegi­ •xcls# lax and H R i S v axcito tax and ------against Vermont and Rhode, Is^' drove cars that looked as if they .*20.000 on the line, I 'practice nine A representative of ih'e eler- a remarkable ,99,0 fielding average ate Athletic Conference leader, es­ your old lira your old tiro Simultaneoiisly. th» trials were Ironies firm whose machinery was . m the''(lajora. land. had. been left over from VVoodrow jj^ivers will be stom ping from the 4100 All caped the run of shockers—whip­ Wilson’s, inaugural parade, -] start. , ouatainn^ * being timed - electronically and involved defended the computers. A t Cleveland m 1922 he com m it­ ping College of, the Pacific. 79-55, Notre. Dame, in line for an at- Full 20-monlh nationwid# Ruggtd nylon construction, large bid to' the NCAA, ran its rec­ Those day.’ are gone and about ' Waving a dollar bill in front of Ihcfte results were transm itted to ''T he equipment wa.s working ted only on,.'error in 152 games. to build a 0-1 WCAC record and a road hazard guoronta# iga«AcTy M Block iTubo-TyiM Who* "— a n r r r Tournament were having a ball. for in NASCAR'.’ Speed . Weeks ; D ll prko ' price U(t prko Son prk* Stuek (rPls Doiibj^i that title is decided in a post-sea­ Tueaday'# Reeiilts - List Sak prict Uil ariu Solo srlM T. *•#« . Holy Ci-oss. which Joined the NIT races over the Daytona Interna-; Stip«r wlHi *odi.boforo 'wHk- ooiii jilffs pies trado^loaln lra4s-lopln FRfel; tro4 o lo sloe fraile4 pplp« Irodo-loplK frede fe plei ToTrYLucli on Kid Rftdrijsiiez In S>vim Triumph ing champ St. John’s, reeled off its William * Mary, only team lo beat St. Louis 111. D etroit 104 NytMU Hylom OICiM lOI excise fpx o iiln lox exrisAtes In four races alone, spread over Phtladelphia 117. Cincinnati 112 • K(iS« tfX •xcise lex o iciu Mi ' •iciio Ml ' Uth Straight for a 16-2 j record, VVesf, Virginia within the con­ 7555 S4.46 u . i r ------1 7 6 TI ------ir . f i— , i 7 .st Y- 5 5 3 1 ,M.4I Feb. 12, 13, 14. purses totaling 1 7 5 7 5 UM TIRE — n c ri— 5 5 7 1 F trat .I4n» Flak Custom Paced by Bill Stuek'a double, nsdltng Boston U. 83-76 as soph ference. cuffed winJess • Davidson. New York 126. Syracuse 116 7 .16-11 26.6S — 7F 5I— H j*l z .iA Is “• w i i — :— M .44 '• FTr«t Quality Drtuxe-Tj-rex "ChlraVo F?b 1" —Thr^f camiot matchltchl Hank Han m power hut i I Manchester High's swimming team 73-65. $125,000 were put' up for,,, grabs. 7.40-IS . 2V.IO — T¥3 5 — — M A i~ 1 1 * 4 ' ■ 7 A5 .U saAo — 17TI— ” : 3 5 3 1 24.M boxer wi ■ sUF Jackie Foley scored 29 points. And a man like Cotton , Owens, MOUNTING • TM-n — • Jt.ll’" ' — 77T 5~ — 5 5 3 5 5 5 3 5 weeks after dazzling ^.cago S.a- Vi*''oppor.' - downed Hartford High yesterday,' ».66/f.i6-75“ '“ liTTO — JTTi— IS7 B l O i Tire and Tube ot Tubeless njny hu who won the pole pdaltion for the v,dium ring birds with his knockout .58-19, It waa the Indians ninth win NOW AVAILABLE ent. in 11 meets. Stuek splash d horn# Sweepstakes coming up Feb. 14 NO CASH D0 WN-!»>T^UR TRADE-IN IS YOUR DOWN PAVMENT1\ proiyes-s, Henrv H ank tonight re he 1 with a qualifying average speed size Black W hite In ,h is’ last slart on -Jan firal in the lOO-yard freestyle snd turns...... to: the ',same „ ■ scene to . try "Vi■out sucressfully. defended his Califor- UConriTiefense Stops UMass, of 149.892 jnjles per hour, . could 6.76x15 ! 16.88 20.88 I 40-yard freestyle. -< MACHINE SHOP his ^-hilling .effect sgam sl . ixto. r,jg ijght.hp„yy crown against Or- j - Coach Dick Sollanek report# haul off *20,000 for th a t one 500- 22J18 GIANT -I N S A L E ! 7;i0xl6 1 1 8 ^ 6.70x1-3 iKidt Rodriguez. lando-Pi Pietro in'12 rounds. Pie-i I Stuek e.stab'ished.a new State, rec­ mile event. SERVICE 7.60x15 11 *20.88 1 -24.88 I The Puerto Rican, noyy Cal^foi- yjo,|,|y _n{. io.qi to Mike Holt Dec. ord In thf 200-y.y>rd tareast&trok# [' Trinity Adds ^ la rk ’s Scalp If a stock car driver is skillful T -iO x Il “ ■'rtia Slate light-heavy»;eight cham- 5 '.Johftnne.s'ouvg and fought a ' 6.00x15, i1“’“ 22.88- ' 36.88 for a 25-yar-' pool in the recent enough, and has the machinery to piop from Mountain View and rtmputable 10-round draw with the 1 meet with Windham The old mark match his skill, racing is a short • Rebuilt Distributors 7AOxl4 1 16 .8 ^ 1 20.88 6 .0 0 x 1 6 * -ranked .No. 1 hv l.he National Box- unbeaten Von Clay in Philadelphia. 1 * H ^ to nnlv 15 points in the♦winI^er'. Southern’s Don Perelli was was 2:03.4 ,Stuek turned in a o.. Ut-evU' winvt tazifVk 9A tmint's cut ■ to a bank roll. In 1959, L*e' RiversU& Batteries [ 8.50x14..... 1 1A8?' . 22.88 mg Assn.. IS a 2-1 underdog for the Qm p ' ' ■ 2:03J elockin'g. second half, Ihe OJniversity of» high man with 26 points 'Petty, a gray-halred veteran from • Grind Heads AOOxtf ' JO.88 24.88 6.4'.Qxl.i- televised lABf,.^ 10 p.m. F.STi 10-, Rodriguez, once on Flo.vd Pat- Sum m ary: In the 'Trinity game, the pace­ Randleman, N.C., won well over S ^ m o n th ‘ Massachu-setts ,was''Whipped 70-49 • Turn Drums 4n roiindec, . ' |pi-son's, sparring staff, has won 24 J. .M*dl*.v Relay—Hiirtsnn, Zaglm, Towle, setter was John Norman, the Ban­ *50,000. Someone w ith an IBM gudbintM 6-volt •Hank. 24-ycai -old former Pe- _houts aince .turning pro in 19.56. ■ Nieleeie M 1 .'39 1. last night by .the University -of. tams’ valuable sophomore. He got machine, or nothing to do with- hia Ekchange 20ievable "Tire S]ioH Schedule iu,ie.«lil H. 8l»warl M 1.92.6 j ~ chusetts got nowheri^. With ’ the INSTALLED poiinils to tile .Sl l-Qiiis slugger in i lon-vd. BackMi-eli'' . HiidjAn were also'winners. second half 17 minutes gone, the they're using for racing. Used lo > Regroove Pistons F or ‘ that one. . IStrvkei-'R T»t'»len«nn M. 1 ‘ Trinity beat Clark University of vlsito.i's had only two field goals. b‘e not man.v could afford to come It was Hank's second straiglyf Today 1 pV7*.i,tyu R »la\-:-rnrd«er. Drapeau, up with new ones each-year and fUwenjde botteries give you mere start ^ ' • ' Nell, Then M. 1.23 «. W orcM ter ,at H artford. 96-86; and When the game ended, Massa­ S p a c e r s ■ ’!k O^ virtorv'o\-p-- the once top-rated risk destruction. Now the '60 power, more guarantee ot a price you eon^'^ Cheney at Cromwell Southern Connecticut inched by chusetts had added only 15 point# Bovyriry. Previoiial.v. he had sLop- Friday. Feb. 19' - Assumption, 67-66, in-a game that models form a whopping majority. afford. Drive in today and ask for Riverside. l^d- Bowdry .in 10 at New Orleana College' Basketball to its halftime total- There are 78 cars #n the grounds FISK TIRE SERVICE Manchester at W'ethersfleld 8 <50 I ended in a squabble about a last Jack Rose of. the Huskies, -got MANCHESTER Pec 7 . . Rockville at Glastonbury. S;.30. Holy cSoss fis. Boston Unlv 76 "figasp shot that woiild have spelled here, for the Speed Weeks event, Rf'SSlAN SK^ATI?R CONGRATIIL'ATED— Yvgeiii Grishin, cent-hr. Russia’s world 18.pointsito lead both teams. ,and 51 are the'latest off the De­ Open till 9 P.M. Thurs', oiiri Eri.— .All'Day .Sal, i...,,-Hank, whoqe short, chopping RHAM at Windham Tech. Providence 72, Rhode Island 60 victory for Assumption if it had punches caiT.V reinai'kable ateani. Torrington vs. High Swim., 7:30 re^rd-holder for 500 metejh, i's congraUilated toda.y by two in AIC 64, N ortheastern 50 been accepted. troit production l i n e s . '' • AUTO PARTSi will be seeking his sixth aU.aight Even if they couldn't afford it, MANCHESTER I --A rena. Alv,9tvang, left, and Hfliar Elvenes, after a practice race at Squaw V all^, Cam., in H artford 58, Kings. ,56 Referees and timer.hudcUed and Fort Lauderdale, Pla. — FrSddie dhU & ai HARTFORD. vlcjtory. The fallier of five has-28 oajmuj^ed the ball took to th# air Blades,'' -178, Fort Laudeidsle, the drivers who hope to finish first 270 BROAD S; Chich hew i. ma,,u.llv timed .1 40 .econd,. fl.t.lThi, i. I’- '- .f " " '! ,* r™ .'' Uonnecticiit TV, Massachiisetti 911 PARK ST 91 ( K N T K R SX- knocKouLa among hia 40 victories. toolite tn' be allowed and Soulh- stopped Joe 'Thomas, IM, Elisa­ or high in ^ e money would ha^c l*Trenlon. N-, J. — Danny Liv- his world record of 40.2,. but t^ecause the race wa# a speed’time trial ana not an “oi He has Inst 10 bouts and has one *9T rinity 96, ClaHt 86 #ni Connecticut was declared the beth, N. J.,' 5. 1 to splurge on hew cars. 'They fe CH 6-fi561 , Ml 3 -2 1 1 1 , draw , ingalon. 136H Trenton outpointed ficial race the new time will not count., (AP Photo^ax). 1 The rangy 227year-oid Rtjdnguez Eddie .Antoni^tti. 136, New York, 8 /

• / i * ' •'ll. \ \ A ■ V: i' \ PAGE S|;j^NTEEN Ma n c h e s t e r e v e n in g h e r a l d , Ma n c h e s t e r ; c o n n ,, We d n e s d a y , e e b r u a r y n ,. i960

/ Houses for Sale 72 Houses for Sale 72 MANCHESTER EVENIIJg HERALD, MANCHESTER; CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1960 Suburban for Rent 66 Houses for Sale 72 Broad Master Plan ^ SECLUDED, immaculata 6 room -Smle Netvd VKRNON»-New ijo o m apartment, ROCKLEDOE - New 6 room Co­ I—MINIMUM down, FHA mort­ Musical Instroincnts 53 Apartments— Flata— gage, 6 room. cape, 3 or 4 bed­ ranch, built-in atove, gu-we. ) ■ - Building-Contracting: 14 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY iind SHORTEN Tenementk ‘ 63 3 bedrtioms, electric stove, refrlg- lonial with forced hot water heat, many axtrM, I acres, treee. Only ' erator, heat, hot water, washer fireplace, living room. bathe, rooms. Selling under $13,000. R. ACCORDION, 120 bass. Excelsior F. Dimock Co., Ml t-5245 or Bar- $15,900. Carlton W. Hutchins, MI Prd|>o^ed by Alvord UNFURNISHED 8 room apartment and dryer, heated garage and tnodem kitchen 'complete ■ with Rctundup ALL TYPES OF carpdnti^ work 9-51$2. ' Aecordlana, 1« swltchee. Very rea­ b'utit-ins, full basement, 1-car ga­ bara/SToods. M3 9-7702. done. Alteratinna dormers, roof­ sonable. Ml 9-3364. suitable for business couple. PI basement. $126 monthly. Compare IfASrWEEl^ this with" any. TR 5-2600, TR rage. Phllbrick Afency. Ml 9-8464. CAPE COD—6 roortr with l'/4 ing, porcties flntal, upetalrs, 2-6890.. IL^BRN O N —New 6 room ranch, (Continaed from P|)ge One) A plea for a comprehensive towh basements and garage, etc, vOall CRlNfiEW WE^T • LARGEST selection of sheet music, 8-6S78. 'bedrooms finished recreation baths. Close to schools, churches A’TTRACnVE 6 room duplex, three PORTER STREET Section—7 room and bus stops. Priced (or - quick plan aimed at eliminating "lack Ml 9-5981, ' 70RA6UN0LE methods, song folios and teaching home near achool, den, full dining room. $700 down FRA. Selling f ^ Air Chief Bans materials in Eastern Connecticut. bedrooms, large cabinet kitchen, AffDOVER—Rdute 6. Almost new sale. Call owner, Ml 3-7389. slated to sUrt >" AMO FMISHEP 4 room apartment. Stove,' elec­ room, large kitchen, living room $13.600: R. F. Dlmock Co,, Ml be upeet. 7 of coordination" among Manches­ kiE BAECMEUT Ward Music Stores, 99 Suipmer etalnless eteel sink and tub. Base­ 9-5245 Or Barbara Woods, Ml ADVERTISING Roofing—Siding 16 ment and attic, two porches, oak tricity, hot water, separate fur­ 15x24 with fireplace, built-in book­ 54 AND 56 BIRCH ST., business ter’s many planning groups was St. Open Tuesday, Wednesday, cases and desk, attached one-car 9-7702 Mahual Tying Thursday and Friday 1-9 p,m. Sat­ flooring throughout, steam oil nace 8upP"*tl- Adults Only. No zoned. 6 tenements, brings in Pope CriticueK May made last night by Martin Al- CDOGHUN ROOFINO Company pets. Call PI 2-8188 after 6. garage, second floor, .3 bedrooms $250 per month. Full price $18,000. urday 9-6. heat, copper window screens. m —MANCHESTER—New 6 room Fairfield, Feb. 17 (>Pi—Republi­ vord, chairman of the Town Plan­ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENT DEPT. HOURS inc. Aluminum aldi'ig, asphalt Adults preferred. Opposite Center and bath, extra building lot. tiown payment $5,000. I cart ar­ ning Commission (TPC). ROCKVILLE — New four room $20(900 Phllbrick, Agency, ’Ml ranch. 1V4 baths, built-in oven and can congressional candidate Frede­ Church tQ Reds 8:15 A.M. to 4:.30 P.M. asbestos roofing. Also aluminum, Psrk. Available M a r « Iff. Tel. MI range,' fireplace, oversized garage. range your mortgage. JA 9-0636. Alvord .told representatives of galvanized or copper gutters and 58 9-7529. » apartment, heat and hot water, 9-8464. rick Pope Jr., Fairfield, today as­ Wanted—^To Buy atove and refrigerator, $85 a Over an acre of land, selling SIX R(?OM cape in tip-top ahape. town agencies at a meeting in the leaders. Ml .3-7707, $18,700. R. F. Dlmock Co., Ml sailed GOP State Chairman Edwin (Cohtlnned from Page One) CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. THREE ROOM modem neat apart­ month. Also th|;ee room apart­ 'THE SUBURBAN Central location. This home hai H. May Jr. for the latter’e crit­ Municipal Building that such a HONDA^ Thru FRIDAV 10:»0 A.M.—SATtJRDAS 9 A.M. ROOFINa, SIDING, painting Car ment with heat and hot water, $65 9-5245 or Barbara Woods, MI many line features. Terrific buy plan would stop officials from see­ WA^ITED — Baby’s Jump seat. ment. First floor, parking space, 9-7702. icism of hU campaign tactics. of fellow-travelers into churcheg pentry, Alteratlona. and addttlone gas heat. Refrigerator and stove per month. TR 5-5126. In beautiful Birchwood Park. at $14,900. Warren E. Howland ing "the trees for the forest, or Welsh only. Tel. 5tl 9-9637. ■Three bedrooms—7 rooms. A Pope wrote the Republican and educaiiional tnstltotione." Ceiltngs Workmanship guaran furnished. Ideal for an elderly V-MANCHB8TER-NeW’ 8»/4 room Realtor, MI 3-1108. vice versa." in town development .lames Wipe, asaocia'te geharal ASE READ YOUR AD teed A, A. Dion, Inc, 299 AuMmn saphisUcated, split-level home fee- chieftain that he will continue to and capitid improvement planning. WE BUY and sell anUque and used couple or newly weds. Available ranch, built-in G.E oven and 5 AND 6 DUPLEX. Looks good out score one of his GDP rivals—for­ secretary of the council, released St, IjO 3-.4860 ______furniture, china, glass, silver, plC' ApRrtmcnt BuildinRS t'urlng luxurious living, sleeping r3>a4lfled or -Want Ada” are taken over the phone a» » Mar. 1. Rent $80. Tel. MI ’9-7319. anorecreational facilities. .414% range, fireplace, 3 bedrooms, near side and is excellent inside. Near mer Congressman Albert P. Mo- A plan for some A30.000, • half a copy of the iaaahual and a letter ture frames guns, attic contents, for Sale 69 bus, school. Priced to eel) at of which could be paid by the of protest that he had written to venlence. The adverOaer rtouirt read hla ad the FIRST DAT IT RAY’S RtioFlNO CO , shingle and whole estates; Furniture refin- COMPLETELY furnished two large mortgage can be assumed with a buses schools, churches, two oil rano of Greenwich—"whenever Heads GOP Club a p p e a r s and REPORT E fr^ R S In t(me for the bullt-in roofs, gutter and conduc­ THE ^oiira 115,600 Call Richard F DimocK bumerk. Realistically priced at federal government under an Secretary of Defense Thomas 8. ished and repaired. Furniture Re­ room apartment’ suitable for two 126-128 LYNESS ST. Brand new moderate down payment. By ap­ Co.. Ml 9-5246 or Barbara Woods. and xvherever criticism is war- tion. The Herald la responalble fdr^only ONE Incorrert or oitiitteil tor work; roof, chimnev repairs BROkE DCN/M adults. Ample parking. 272 Main two 4>/4 room apartments. Enjoy pointment, only. $14,990. No reasonable offer turned granted." Mrs. Harlan Taylqr has been amendiuended 1954 .housing law, Gates Jr. pair Service and Sales, Talcott- M’ 9-7702. elected the new' president of the was urged upon Town Directors by inaertlon for any advertlaement andxthen only to the extent of a Ray Hagenow, Ml 9-2214; Rav MOTKE-^CkvfE St. MI 3-4071. Income and your own home. Avail down. Jack Lappen Agency, Ml The former state legislator, who There W'as no tpunediate com­ .lackson. Ml 3-8325, vdlle Ml 3-7449. J. D. REALTY 9-4506. Eve. MI 4-1894, MI 4-0149. Women’s Republican Club of Man­ the TPC head. He introduced m ak e good" Inaertlon. Errora which dri^not lmaen the value of iviEOa REPAIRS.' able for Immediate occupancy Vl-MANCHBSTER. New listing. is vicing for the party’s con­ ment from the Department of I> - thewdv?rtlaenient will not be corrected bK!make good Inaertlon. CASH WAITING for one-owner car. $23,900. J. D. Realty, MI 3-5129. Six room cape. Immaculate con­ chester. James Klar. chief planner of the fenee, although there was an, in­ 6 ROOM DUPLEX, central. In­ Ml 3-5129 gressional nomination from the The announcement was made to­ Slate Development Commission, Automatic 53-54. Good condition. dition. Attached breezeway and Fourth (Fairfield County) District, direct report that Secretary Gatea Roofing and Chimneys ’ 6-A quire at 106 Spruce St; Lots for Sale 73 day by Mrs. Malcolm. Lambert, to explain how^ the federal pro­ had been ."stantled and stunned" PI 2-7176 after 6 p.m. Saturday garage, amesite'drive. Near Man: said he was irked by May’s re­ rOtTR COOPERATION and Sunday all day. Business Property for Sale 70 Chester Hospital. $13,700. R. F publictty chairman. gram works. to hear of the manual. Dial Ml 3-2711 ROOFING — Specializing repairing 3i’a ROOM a p a r t m e n t , fur- EIGHT ROOM Dutch- Colonial, MANCHESTER—4 B zone lots marks at a Lincoln Day dinner Mrs. Taylor hudededs Mrs. John BE APPRECIATED roofs of all kinds.-New roofs, gut steam heat, one-car garage, near Dimock Co. NH 9-5245 or Barbara could rbe inilustrial. Also lot on It would cover such areas as In a statement. Wine said the ^shed or unfurnished. $7S month­ Friday in Fairfield. Bowen whose resignation was ac­ council "Is gravely concerned ter work, chimneys cleaned re ly. Adults. New Bolton Rd. MI INVESTMENT PROPERTY bus, shopping and Verplanck Woods. Ml j-7702. BOX Mountain Drive, Vernon and land use and sidiool and utility Rooms Without Board 59 Pope said he was “ shocked and cepted by the club’s executive about what/ appears to be a pat­ paired. Aluminum . aiding. 30 3-6389. Oil'heat. School. Excellent condition, South St., Coventry. Manchester— astounded” when the chairman needs and, according to Alvord. 1; Auto Driving School 7-A years’ experience. F’ree esti Have several plecep of excellent $17,900. Phllbrick Agency. Ml X—BOLTON—4 room ranch, en 2 parcels 80 and 90 acres. One C board "with regret” Mrs. Bowen tern of biased religious and social Lost and Found FURNISHED ROOM-*One minute closed breeieway with, .alousie urged GOP congressional rivals stated that "personal reasons" pre­ provide a point of focus for all the males. Call Howley, Ml 3-5361, MI from Main Street, light houne- 65 BENTON STREET 5 rooms, Income property. Fcir further in 9-8464. zone lot In Manchester. J. D planning now approached in di­ Indoctrination of personnel by the IjOST_Brown male Collie, vicinity i MORTLOCK’S Manchester’s lead ,3-0763. '■ 2-famlly windows, garage, awnings, com­ Realty. MI 3-5129, they should stop njsking critical vented her continuing as president, United SUtes Air Force.” keeping, women only. Ml 9-7959 first floor, garage, in formation please call remarks of one another and con­ verse ways by such groups as the Rd. and Keeney. MI Ing driving school. Three skill I home. MI 9-4461. BIRCH MOUNTAIN Extension — bination doors and windows, hi but she will remain as a member His letter to Gates, dated Ecb. Bush Hill acre land. Immaculate condition centrate their fire on the Demo­ of the executive board. She was TPC. Parking Authority, Develop­ 9-4952. courteous instructors. Class room PLEASANT HEATED room near Bolton. 6 room, cape. 6% mort­ THREE CHOICE lots available 11, urged that the Secretary with­ Instructions for 16, ‘ 7 year olds. Heating and Plumbing 17 J. D. REALTY gage may be assumed. 4 finished, $14,400. R. F. Dlmock Co. Ml $2,200 per lot. R F. Dtmock 0> cratic incumbent - - Congressman elected president last May. ment Commission, Redevelopment bath for gentleman. Free parking. Ageijcy. Advisory Park and Re­ draw the manual and recall all FOUND—Hound puppy, black and Telephone Mr. Mortlock, Director !54 High St, S ROOM FLAT, also garage, In-l^ one partially finished, one unfin­ 9-5245 .or Barbara Woods, kfl MI 9-5245 or Barbara Woods, Ml ^-Donsld J. Irwin. Mrs. Taylor, a member of the of Driver Education Ml 9-7F)8. LEAl' Help Wanted— Female 35 Articles For Sale 45 Household Goods Ml 3-5129 Ml 3-1637 ished room. Recreation room.'full 9-7702. Republican Town Committee fpr creation Commission, Board .of distributed copies. It also aak(A tan, male, about 12 weeks old. Call quire 35 Chestnut Street. 9-7702. ’*^It- would be ridiculous for that Gates meet with council Lee Fracchia, \Dog Warden; MI park or repla^aw’flshers:plaCe on any PLEASANT heated room, one block basement, lot 150x200. $14,600. candidate to wage a cahtpaign for the past tiivn years, has been a Education, Board qf Directors, artd ^ LARSON’S i2onnecUcut’s first U- SNOW BLOWERS - Toro power 19.55 NORGE 12.5 cu. ft. 2-donr re­ reprasentatives and give them * 8-8594, ■ , ■ .... . faucet for $2. labor and material THREE WOMEN 3 evenings a from M^in St,, separate entrance. Marion E. Robertson. Broker, Ml MANCHESTER GREEN—Older f SIX B ZONE loU with city water nomination -^'ithout jreference lo member ftt the GOP club’s execu­ the Directors’ fiscal, policies com­ — i censed driving school trained. . included. MI 3-4523. ’ week, 3 hours per evening.-130 a handle, push or. self-propelled. frigerator. Very good condition, Gentlemen, Free parking. Ml 58 NORTH STREET -8 rooms for room house with great potential, Union St., Manchester, $2,600 complete explanation. $125. Call ]|dl 9-5946. Houses Tor Sale 72 3-6953. his opponents,” Pope said. tive board for three- years. She is mittee. - ■ CerUfled and approved. Is now of- week. For interview call MI 4-0394 Reo. Snowbird and" Bolens. Capl 3-4724. , rent. MI 9-7630, . 3 extra lots Included. reduced each. MI 9-6495. a past vice president of the HoJ- UnIHed Approach " The manual.' used in a reserve Announcements 2 ferlng classroom and behind PI TMBING AND heating-, - re between 10-12 and 3-5. tol Equipment Co.. 38 Main St. MANCHESTER—6 room spHt level, price to settle estate. S. A. non-commipsibited officer couim modeling, installations, repairs. Ml 3-7958. AN ESTATE range, combination MANCHESTER - Sturdy new HEBRON RD.. Bolton—Three lots, Itster St. School PTA, a former A ■ unified approach, Alvord eaid, ___ - 1 wheel instruction for teenagers. COMFORTABLE "RQOM for a gen­ FOUR ROOM tenement $60. Three room Garrison Colonial baths, wooded tot 15x22 recreation room, Beechler, Realtor, MI 8-6969 or Phone Tax for SehooU Girl Scout leader, and is now a discusses American churches and All work guaranteed. 25 years ex­ BAKERY SALESGIRL Part-time, oil and electric, $.38. Good condi­ room tenement $55. MI 9-5220. MI 9-8982. each lot 200x800 Cieszyneki-Felber is needed for such areas as the cen­ INCOME TAXES prepared in your Ml 9-6075 tleman at 14tj Hackmatack St. hot water heat, full' Insulation built-in stove; 110’ (rontgge. Only Washington, Feb, >17 (A>i—A rec­ (>ib Scout den mother. the National Council of Churches perience. 24-hour service. Call morning hours. Apply in person. WRIGHT POWER blade saws. New tion. Apply Pepin's Grocery, Rt. MI 3-1616, OV 4-3680. \ 9-5. ______' $16,900. Carlton W. HOtchlns. Ml Agency, MI 3-1409. Ml 9-4291, tral business zone and the North home or by appointment. Exper­ and used. A P Equipment Co., 945 44A, Bolton. MI 3-16.57. plastered walls fireplace with ommendation of Gov. Abraham A Mrs. Taylor was born in Roches­ End. The approach lo the latter in a secUon titled, "SocurUy Ed­ ienced tax work, 24 hour service. PREPARE FOR driver’s test: Earl VanCamp, Ml 9-4749. Parkadc Bakery. Manchester 9-5132. SIX BOOM Cape, 114 baths' Ages 16 to 60, Driving and class Center St. Ml 9-2052. FOR RENT—Six room flat, all con- . paneled wall, knotty pine '■*>! cellar, house and grounds In ek- HENRY STREET. Mancheeter—A Ribicoff that the federal excise tax ter; N.H., where her father is a has been "piecemeal," he said. ucation and Discipline.” AH 3-4723. Shopping Parkade.' ATTRACTIVELY fumishetd room room. Three InstDictors. No wait­ AT NORMAN’S with cooking privileges, private veniences, one-car garage-, $95 per nets Large shade trees. Owner $11.500—BhcOeptlonal 6 room ranch, cellent condition, well landscaped zone, near all echoole, 70x130. on telephones be returned to the city councilman and active in Re- The manual says the council and builder. MI 8-4860 A comprehensive plan drawn by FEDERAL INCOME taxes pre­ ing. Manchester Driving Acade­ Moving—^Tnicking— entrance, parking. Inquire at 167 month. References required. No cellar, garage. 2 acres, nice loca­ comor lot, Bucklev School, shown Choice neighborhood. Owner 'sell­ states for aid to education has the publicart politics. She was graduat­ officially sponsored the retrised GOOD QUAUTY upland hay. Well general approval of Connecticut’s a consultant, he said, would answer standard version of the bible. pared with your savings in mind. my. PI 2-7249, *■ Storage 20 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE Maple St. information by phone. See Alice VERNON—6 ro6m ranch, A-1 con' tion. C?arlton W,. Hutchins., Ml bv appointment. Phllbrick Agency, ing. Call MI 9-7755. ed from Lksell Junior College in such questions as what the agen­ c l e Rk -^t y p i s t fertilized. MI 4-8156. H. L. Wells. Ml 9-8464 six Democratic House members. Aiiburndale, Mass. She’has lived in "Of 955 persons who served in Reasonable rates. Call Ml 9-6246. Clampet, 843 Main St,, Manches­ dition, with 3 ‘ acres of land that 9-5132 'm o LOTS, good location, city cies should do as a whole about AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. Local- $388 ter. Ribicoff’s suggestion was made Manchester for 14 years. Hec.hus- this project," the manual conU- moving, packing, storage. Low Opening for an. experienced USED LUMBER—aean 2x3. 2x4, 236 SCHOOL STREET—Please call could be used for building. 4’ i% BOWERS SCHOOL-6 room co­ water, average 73x100, $1,200 each. informally to Democratic state col- getting water and sewers into INCOME TAX returns prepared by Garage— Service—Storage 10 mortgage can be assumed Priced COVENTRY band is an aeronautical engineer areas that need them; about plan­ nues, "30 have been affiliated with rate on long distance moves to clerk-typist in small department. 2x6 and up. Aasocted' sheathing, All new,. 10-piece living room, afternoons or evenings. MI 9-3897. .NORTH ‘ COVENTRY — 3-room lonial, entrance hall, dishwasher, Charles Lesperance. MI 9-7620 ■ leagues yestferday at a reception in- with United Aircraft Corp. The pro-Communist fronts, projects, former Infernal Re^’enue agent in Position requires a neat apMaring flooring, inside doors, window for quick sale. J. D, P.ealty, Ml ning streets In connection with the ’ your home or by appointment. Ml j 48 states. MI 3-5187. 10 piece bedroom, 20 piece kitchen apartment, priva^ entrance, heat birch cabinets, partial recreation OFFERS WANTED his honor at the home of -Sen: Taylors have two children, Judith, and publications." GARAGE FOR RENT. 139 E. Cen- woman with good typing ■ ability. sash, plumbing supplies. fipea, set. PLEASANT IJVRGE heated room and lights. PI 2-7720 before^2:30. 8- 5129. room, garages, trees, $16:800 Ati- Suburban for Sale 75 Thomas J. Dodd (D-Conn). relocatfdn of Rt. 6; about selling 9-8988. MANCHESTER Package DellveiTr Some facility In shorthand helpful hot water and steam, fumacei 12.. and Jeffrey, 8. some of the town’s Globe Hollow In his letUr to Gatea, Wine said ter SI., Ml 9-7177. for gentlerhan. Private entrance. FIVE ROOM ranche* - 6 ’ and stime present mortgage, small $8,900 5 'j rooms, almost new. Connecticut’s Chief Executive Mrs. Philip Holway will succeed that "to imply some relationship Light trucking and package deliv- but not essential. Modern office, cabinet sinks and bricks, 90 E, Center St. FOUR ROOM flat, partialjy heafed; VERNON"— Splendid split level, land to buy up a more even town­ NORMANS. INC. room (^lonlali For further de rash. Carlton W. Hutchins. Ml lake privileges, easy financing. was here as chairman of the Gov­ Mrs. Taylor as program chairman between the revised standard ver­ KNAPP SHOES. Harr>’ Mahoney. etji. Refrigerators, washers and excellent benefit program. Apply daily 3:30-5:39 p.m. Saturdays 443 Hartford Road No small childr'en. Call MI 9-2863 seven rooms, built-in range and wide distTibiition of park end t:oo- FURNISHED rooms and efficiency tails call Charles Lesperance Ml 9,5132. I $9,700 6 room cape, 14x29 living ernors’ Committee seeking to for the Women’s GOP Club. Mrs. sion of the Holy Bible and c ^ - Ml 3-4327.______Business -Services P e e r e d 13 stove moving speclaltv. Folding Call Choman Housewrdeking, Manchester . after 6 p.m. \ .. jm, shade trees, 'easy financing. oven, aluminum .storms, garage, maintain the federal level of con­ reation land. _ FIRST NATIONAL STORES, MI 9-2392. y apartment available. For Informa-- 9- 7890. GUEST HOUSE, 17 Spruce St. ;' high location. Owner transferred. Raymond Quifh has been named Alvord noted the master plan the munism is ineldious and absurd. chairs for rent. MJ 9-0762. ’ Easy Terms MI 3-1524 tributions to the interstate hig)^ legiilative chairman, and Mrs. Al­ NEW ELECTROLUX ( R1.--Auto- RADIO-TV REPAIRS, any make— INC. tion call MI 9-4.578. ONE 2-ROOM- apartment and oni^.^ SEVEN ROOM hbme, aluminum Business zone, good condition, LAWRENCE F. FI ANO Quick sale price $16,900. Anderson- TPC started in 1945 has been made . "To aver by innuendo,y Wine > matlc-F World’s only fully auto- MANCHESTER Moving and Truck STORKLINE twin baby carriage, Open 9 a.m.—9 p.m. 3-room apartment., both furnished. forced hot water heat. Spsftious, Ivshan Realty Co., MI 8-2131. JA wav system. len Turkington was named lo serve continued, "that the NaUonm cars, amplifiers phonographs nd PARK AND OAKLAND AVE. WELL HEATED room, continuous storms, enclosed porch, garage, . Ribicoff said he is opposed to as co-chairman of hospitality with obsolete by rapid development and ■Viatic ‘ cleaner. New work-saving changers. Over 47 years total ex­ ing Company. Local and long dis excellent condition. Call any time, All utilities supplied, pleasant resi­ rooms. Thvo-rar garage.,By ap­ Paul P. Fiano MI 3-0458 8-0139. changing' conditions. Council of Churches is associat^ EAST HARTFORD MI 3-54.57. -"X Before you buy furniture anywhere hot water, shower, private en­ amesite drive. Asking 412.600. continuance of the 'phone tax Mrs. Havens Peck. features! Twn-tone color. See It perience 90 days guarantee -.n all tance moving, packing and ator dential' section of Rockville. Gall Paul J. Correnti. Ml 8-5363. pointment only. Philbrick agenry. BROKERS MI 3-2766 ', The TPC interviewed five con­ or in any Way influenced by tn* today. MI 3-6.106. ' work. Potterton’a. Ml 9-4537. age. Regular service throughout Shop ft Norman’g trance; parking. Gentleman only. TR 5-5915 or TR 5-3011. Ml 9-846t, / i VERNON—Very neat one year old : war-time revenue measure, as Tec­ MORE Communist party 1« an example o* 101 Chestnut St. oramended in President Elsenhow Mrs. Arnold C. Thompson has sultants la8t'~month, Alvord said, New England States and Florida, 4 CAROL DRIVE-Roc»rvl!l« ti$,- LARGE 3 bedroom ranch, ceramic . ranch s' 1 rooms. 8 large bed with an eye lo getting a compre­ Irresponsibility at iU worst. CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, Ml 3-6563. 9x12 GRAY. RUG and pad. Kxc?l- A BENGAL gas stoVe, 30" with an rooms, full basement, city water, er's recent budget message. been nam6d to head the Republi­ PROMOTIONAL assistant — $2 FURNISHED light "housekeeping 860. 8 room ranch, large living bath, Hreplsce. basement garage, I hensive plan "which we need oed' 'The associate general secretary Personals 3 available all hours Satisfaction lent condition. $40. Ml 3-4788., oven, boiler and storage compsrt- Business 1.4>catinns Charming 8'4 room ranch with convenient to school, bus. Park-. aluminum etocm windows, fire­ •Die Governor said, however, If can Women's "Recruit for^ 1960 hourly, 9-12- noon, 6 days, car a ------. I me'nt, $15. MI 9-9596. room, including lights, gas and room, cabinet kitchen, 8 bed­ full basement, fireplace, built-in ly, and as fast as we can get It. deecribed the council as the guaranteed. Call .Ml 9-1315. must, no selling. Call on otir pros­ for Rent S4 rooms, lt4% mortgage can be ade. S. A. Beechler, Realtor 50 1 place. amesite drive. $83 per it must be continued the income campaign in coordination with resentative body of 33 Proteetwt VACCUM CLEANERS repaired in Painting— Papering 21 THREE - BULB fluorescent light |------!------r- electric refrigerator. Near e Main athvp, wall-to-wall carpeting and should be. returned to the states The cost, split between the town pects in the home-setting up ap­ fixtures. $4 each, two used inside I GRANDMOTHER’S enlonial maple mly. 1 assumed. Marion- E. Robertson. 3-6969 oc MI 9-8952. month carrying charge after email the town committee and the Young and orthodox denominations of the iny own home shop. Forty years |ctiain SAW work — Trees cut. 3t Garage available. I.jidiesN I other extras; I.^rge wooded lot. down payment. Gaston Realty Co. for educational purposes. and federal governmehL could to­ PAINTING AND paperKangtng pointments for our salesmen. doors, $5 each anjd 4 eight ft. j clock, colonial solid map!' dinette Tel, MI 3-6388, I a ir -conditioned 8-room office. Broker, Ml S-695S. GOP Club. tal $30,000, he said, held down United SUtes. factory experience. All makes, Reasonable rat-,a. Call. PI 2-7558 ioO% Mam Street location. Park­ ! A.sking $18,500. ■ HENRY 8T a re a -^ Foom Cape j MI 9-5731 or TR 5-6293. Ribicoff said the lax would yield low rates, free estimates, free <■ Good clpun workmanship at rea Phone Meriden, BE 7-3163, metal Venetian blinds, $3.50 each.' set. Will sacrifice. Can he seen bv The Women's GOP Club will somewhat by the fact uiat much William Frye, director of infor­ beflveen 1:30-4-30 or any time ing. Marlow’s. 867 Main St. FIVE ROOM ranch In Vpmon with Cod. many attractive features in- about $6.5 million annually lo Con­ sponsor a series of coffee hours pickup and delivery, Mr. Miller, ■Saturday or Sunday sonahle rates. 30 Man­ MI 9-87-50. appointment. Call MI 9-0245 eve- NEWI,Y DECORATED rm>m. ve Six room cape with one-car ga- data about the town Js avalUble mation for the council, said that SEWING ^MACHINE operator, nicely furnished, well healed, in carport, amesite driv;e. ' rage, oil heat. :combinstion atorm c(lu(ie desirable Bowers School dis­ Wanted— Real Estate 77 necticut. and discussion meetings in homes JA 3-5409, . chester. Ravmond Fiske. Ml nings. ^lAIN STREET—Building for com- mortgage. ^ trict, garage with patio, high as- ______now and needs only to be organ­ Oliver M. Gale Jr., special assist­ nlghtshifJz 5 p.m. to 10, p.m. Ex- VACUUM CLEANER Last year’s i ------: private home, parking, 316 Spruce storms, $13,900, 4’4% windows.' screens. and doors Con­ Rep. Frank Kowalski, repi-esen- on a neighborhood basis d'-iring M & M RUBBISH removal features 9-9237. perienre preferred. Applv Kaklar erclal business oi* office use. con be assumed. J. D. Realty, Ml and listings ized In a consultant's study. ant to SecreUry Gatea, had phoned WANTED—Two riders to Hsrtford full-time commercial, industrial, model (never used) $24.95. Will I DIVAN-I^rge two-piece modern St. , venient to school bus. and shop­ lumabie 4>,% morlgege. low i FARMS ACREAGE tative-at-large, said Ribicoff’s pro­ the fall campaign. him yesterday to report that Ote Toy Co., 60 Hilliard St. ill subdivide MI 9-5229, 9-8. monthly payment, better value at „ „ homes wanted Call U * R posal—similar to one made to the At the meeting. Director Fran­ Hospitsl or vicinity, 8-4:45. Call; residential, service. Attics, cel­ THOMAS HARRISON Painting take $2 weekly. Eastern States sectional. Slightly damaged. $13,900— IMMA(JUI-ATE 6 room ’ ping. Asking $13,500. - cis Mahoney threw etrong support SecreUry had received the letter. and paperhanging. Guaranteed Distributor Corp. Ml 3-5194. | Phone 'insurance adjuster. MI a realistic price S. A. Beechler, Realty Co., Inc. 50 4-8193. Eve- President by Gof. Nelson Rocke­ m 3-5952, after 5:15. ^ i lars. yards, burning barrels, card- DO IT NOW-! You've thought about l a r g e STORE at 26 Birch cape, new furnace, screened: Realtor. 50 3-6969 or MI 9-8952, to Alvord's idea and. declared Frye quoted Gale as saying the hoard drur , snow plowing (side­ workmanship. Ml 9-2497. ^ 3-8973, Apartments— Flats— ALICE CLAMPET. Realtor nings BU 9-6736, feller of New York, is a good one. RocUrille-V eruon it We know. Probably talked about SEWING MACHINE- I,ast year’s / Appl\ Marlow's 867 Main porch, garage, nice lot. trees, bus. ’’Let’e get to It as soon as possi- 'Secretary was "sUrtled and WANTED—Ride fo Pratt and; walks). Ml 9-97.57, Tenements 63 Near i^ain St, Parking. TWO FA50LY-Convenient West with certain reservations. W'hitney, north parking lot, first EXTERIOR AND interior pauitlng it, loo. But don’t put off any long- model (never used). $34.95. Will DRIVING TO ALBERTS • school, shopping Carlton W. Ml 9-4'.543 WANTED—In B zone, one or two Rep. Donald Irwin-said Ribicoff's stunned." , Call AVON now to arrange Hutchins, . MI 9-5132. Side location, excellent condition, lots, top dollar paid. J. D. Realty, According to Town Planning “We are going to get right oB shift, from Lydall Street. Man- SNOW PLOWING—Driveways, elc. and paperhanging. Wallpaper ' er take, $2 weekly. Eastern States IN HARTFORD? TWO ROOM unfurnished apart­ U4RGE 'STORE. 207 North Main I( buying, eelling or wish to suggestion is ’’attractive” hut he Democrats Seen books. Guaranteed workmanship. interview in your home at your Distributor Corp. MI 3-5194. -! THEN WE'LI- GIVE YOU ment, stove, refrigerator hi?at. trade, contact this office. high income property, priced" for Ml 3-5129. Engineer Edward Rybezyk, the to It and see what the etory is. chag^r. MT 9-7240______■ lop service. Save your back and -convenienefe. I>et us show you how St. Newtriodem front, good -busi­ MANCHESTER—Beautiful 3 bed­ immediate sale. S. A. Beechler, would want to study It further. Frye quoted Gale as saying. heart" .Manchester Esso Service Reasonable rates Fully insured. FREE GASOLINE Apply M»-’’low's. 867 Main 81. ness cenl^. $65 monthly. room ranch, garage, large lot. SsELUNG—BUYING—Trading? We Reps: Emilio Q. Daddario, Chester In Agreement money could be ealfmarked in the WILL TAKE riders to Pratt and you ran earn extra money the 21" ADMIRAL consoletle UHF and Realtor, MI 3-6969 or MI 9-8952. TPC budget for the forthcoming The manual, NR 45 -0060, In­ Center. Ml 9-8198. Fast 'and courteous service. Leo Whether You Buy Or Not extras galore. Full price. $15,800. offei you free confidential In­ Bowles. Robert N. Giaimo: and WTiitney, third shift. Gate 3 park­ J. Pelletier Ml 9-6326. easy wav in your spare time. Call VHF blond, two years old excel­ We re so sure that you’ll find trad­ FIVE RboM dlduplex, hot water, IJIRGE 3 bedroom ranch. 24 f t . ------———zr—r:.rr^- fiscal year (beguining July 1) or crement V, Vol. 7, was Issued by CH'7-41,37. lent condition, $75. MI 3-8916. yard, no heat. 1101 Short wa. out—5 room expandable living-dining room, with fireplace, .N EW ’ SJ/^-ROOM R A N C H , spections and arrange all financ­ John 8. Monagan jgave the Gov­ Harmoriy is expected lo ' reign the ConUnenUl Air Command and ing lot Call MI 3-1409. ^ ing with Mu a pleasure that we’re bath, shower, j Hou for Rent 6.6 home. $8:500. Many more new and otherwise earmarked by the Di MORTENSEN TV. Specialized RCA EXTERIOR AND interior painting, Sullivan A,ve.. VWapplng MI 4-1943, modem kitchen, laundry room. Gas heat, tile bath with vanity, ing from start to finish. Mitten ernor’s suggestion whole-hearted between factions of the vear.'J4ppraval prepared.„Mmtajy,_,Tn^^ BRAND NEW Trimble bathetfe, going to’, give_. xpu free gaapIinfL used fto r $.5.000jip, Cal]_the Ells -Will-work- -hand .and glove Town Committee Tonight wneff-lti * « e t o r ^ ____ WANTED—Ride from RegjUlJBd-,^ -televlflion, servicer Ml 5-4641.------decorating; ceilings, floors, paper­ whether you buy or not. .lust rome FOUR KOI artlall'v-fumlshed large family-room..-oversized ga- . Amesite driveway. Priced to-aell at^ approval:------would depend‘on the Directors ac­ Center at Lackland Air Force Vtnmon to Afkay Bldg., Capitol hanging. Clean . workmanship. Help Wanted— Male 36 light green aluminum. $10. 153 FOUR ROOM apartment, including single house or large lot. Lake- worth Mitten Agency. Realtors, Ml rage, oil heat, one block from J12.6OO. vou. Membe'r Multiple Listing Dodd, host of the reception, was meets to lake action on three Base, Texas. , . Oak St.. East Hartford, any time. in, prfjve to yourself that .vou won't 3-6930, 50 9-5524. Service. Call the Ellsworth Mitten tion when they set the budget thU Ave. Hartford. Hours 8:1.5-4:15, NOTICE—R. E. Crowell & Co., Free estimates. No job too small. do better anv-where than at Albert’s heat, hot water gas for cooking, view Terrace, lufh Coventry. private beach, $12,500: 5tl 3-1244 xil types of real estate for sale. | called back lo the Senate for a items. The affair quickly raised a TR 5-6430, after 5:30, or Ml Public Accountants, offices'now lo­ John V’erfaille, Ml 3-2521. electric refrigerator and gas Agency, Realtors. 50 3-6980. roll call vote and was'not available A hew committee, of .50 members spring. FULLER BRUSH—full-time part- DAVENPORT, high chair, summer Furniture Store. Our good reputa-, Call MI 9-8593, SCHOOL STREET—8'4 roomi. new i .JAMES O. DOW’LING j question at the capitol whefa S-1571. any, time. Ask for Mr. cated at 24’ S Prospect St., East stove, $92 monthly. Call Ml 9-4071 34 HELAINE RD. for comment. will be up for approval, a motion to Needs SDO Approval EXTERIOR and- Interior painting. time openings for Manchester-Wil- rugs, duplicating machine, suit tion for over 50 years is your as-' heating system, new plumbing, i Broker MI 9-8816 A contract between the t(jwn ChaimiAn John E. Moss (D»Callf) Heavisides. Hartford. BU 9-4.508, JA 8-8634. limantic area, married and car. ■Eler-I surance that you \vill be treated from 5-7 p rn. PRIVATELY owned, 5 room mod­ aluminum storms, easily convert- incxeti&eincrease thexiic membershipiiiciinjeiaiiijz lbi-w 75 will ------mor* of the apecial House OoverTim**!^ Ceilings lefini.shed. Paperhanging. cases, mirror, lamps, bootw. ern home. Ideal location. Option Six* room cape in tip-top pondi-j xj Repetto Jim Dowling Guteriria Sentence be made and Mrs. Elizabeth Spur- and consultant chosen by ^ e r i^ Ml 9-0090 for interview. trie saw and polishing wheels with ! fo'c S-Od square. . HEATED 6 room apartment, with ed'to 2 apartments. Owner fran­ Merit Pay Boosts Information subcommittee ae* FLOpR SANDING and refinlshing. Wallpaper book.s. Estimates given. to buv with small down payment. tion. Fireplace. Aluminum siding.' ling will be recommended to fill a would have to be approved by the Automobiles for Sale • 4 Specializing in old flivirs Ml Fully covered by insurance. Call motors. Electric sander, HI-FI act . DON’T MISS, OUT garage ano bark yard. Bus and 1 tic. Reduced to $12:900. J. D. BUILT BY ANSALDI sailed the manual as "outr«f» ATTENTION—All route men. Ful­ Call MI 9-4416. Full basement. Convenient to For Financial Plot Hartford, Feb. 17 (>i—Employes vacancy on the Board of Educa­ Slate Development Commiasion 9-5750. Edward R Price. MI 9-1003. with public address system. Iron-1 WASHINGTON BIRTHDAY children’s school handy. Hot water: Realty, 50 3-5129. ______of the Governor's office received ecus.” 19,56 FORD V8, Fnrdnmatic ler Brush has good route available schools, shopping ind bus. Asking Five room ranch, full basement.; - -» 1 -aa tion. (SDCI and the federal,, govem- ip Stafford Springs. Profits of ing board Various other tools. Ifl" | HALF PRICE SAI-E ar ga,a range fiirtiished, . $1201 g ROOM '.SINGLE, 2-rar garage, about one-third of the total of 19 mcnl. The SDC would supervise Mask, whose subcommittee nef Fordor Radio, heater, clean, $750. ANY STYLE typwrUers for rent Vernon St. I NOW GOING ON! monthly. Ml 9-1046 ' i steam heat nil. $125 per month. ROCKLEDGE custom built 5V* $15,600. Madeline Smith, Realtor, two fireplaces, hot water oil heal.'tl, J A 1 J Y lO l ll ilS A primary is slated April 6 on $100 a week and better, extra bene- room ranch, attached garage, fin­ special merit pay Increases haiided the consultant's work but leave b€«sn InvesUgating secrecy in^JfoY- MI 3-8458. and repair. Berube’s Typwrlter Courses and Classes 27 Li-sted below are just some of the pall NAtional 3-4592 after 6 p.m. 5II 9,1642. cast iron radiators, full fhsulation, the election of Democratic Town emment and withholding of in* Service, Ml 9-34774) fits, Cqr. Married only. Call Rock­ NEW S-room apartment, heat, hot 1 ished recreation ' mom. plus'nu- ______plastered walls, ceramic tile bath, 01 t last year by the slate gq,vern- Committee members, but agree­ policy up to the municipality, Klar ville TR 5-9004 or AD 6-1929. fanta.slic values which we are of­ formdtlon by. federal agencies, told OLDER CARS, mechanics spe­ ELECTRONICS mfers well-paying Boats and Accessories 16 fering right now. Take advantage water, stove, refrigerator, garage, | merous extras By appoii.tment; vm DSOR - 79 Laurel St. birch cabinets, city water*and city (Continued from Page One) ment. ment on the 'elate tonight would said. '* only. Paul J. Correnti. Ml 3-5.363., , Data made public today by the Officials predicted periods of a reporter: cials, flxtt yourspll cars, always TREE SER'VICE. Tree removal positions to technician.s and serv­ MEN — EARN money taking a ' of them. Come down and see for po children, $75 monthly. Cal) PI SIX ROOM house, $90. MI 9-5229, sewerage, amesite drive. eliminate holding it- Ally. ICrancis \ a good selection. Look behind our specialists, insured. Reasonable icemen. "Learh-by-dclng” — train 18 FT. OLYMPIA cabin cruiser. 35 2-8090 tugged in disbelief w'hen he heard State Personnel Department, on from four to five months for final "We are going to look into this survey for a leading in­ yourself how much yon can save. 9-5. NICE 6 ROOM oversized cape with j en, buiK-tn oven, screened porch' (2) six room ranches. 1*.^ baths, T. O’Loughlin. a leader among the thoroughly. We want every fact— bffleo. Douglas Motors, 833 Main rales. Call Ml 3-7695. ' now at Connecticut’s Oldest Elec­ h.p Evinrude outboard motor. ‘ , ’ Was! Now! half acre lot. Excellent financing fuir basement, two fireplaces, hot the sentence. request, showed that six members so-called "old guard" town com­ federal approval. Rybezyk said tronic School. Day and evening surance company; Year 'round j Call MI 9-0650 after 5. GENERAL RENTAL agenny- WeJ ceramic tile bath, close to Main Mac51ahon sentenced' Robert J. who wrote it, who approved it. work. Also ideal for retired or Bedroom Sets ■ ■. ___ $199;50 $100 available Marion B Robertson. water oil heat, cast iron radiators, of Governor Ribicoff's office staff mittee nic'mbera. said today he work should begin on the plan WANTOD Clean used cart We COSMA REFRIGERATION Serv­ classes. Spring term inarts Maxell specialize to rentals of all Kinds ■ St., moderately priced tor quick fcvereigh, a Guterma associate, to received meritsalary increases s.arLing .next September or Oc­ who distributed it. and who is re­ buy^\t^ade down or trade any- ice. F.epatrs all make refrigera­ semi-retired men. Guaranteed IJving Room Sets .. .. $195,00 $ 95 sale. a_Bealty, .M1.3_.5129, Broker, Ml 3-6958. full Insulation, plastered walls, plans to recommend Mrs. Spur- 20., Limited enrollment - free ___ $169.50 Cail J. D. Realty. Ml 8-5129, eve-. cabinets, city water and city 2 v'cars and 11 months iri prisoit which are labeled for outstanding ling” for the vacancy created by the tober. ' : sponsible." ------^------thlng ''"fu gles Motors. 333 Main. tors, freezers, washing machines. hourly rate. Call Ml 3-2319. 9-1. BilildinR Materials 4 Refrigerators * nings ?n 3-1637 placement service—extended tui­ Comb. Ranges .■ .. .. $198.50 LARGE. THREE bedroom ranch BOLTON LAKE sewerage, two-car garage, amesite and fined him $10,00(). •errtce. ■* » resignation of Mayor Leo B. Fla- The. limit in matching federal The incident was the thiril Um« dryer-Sr-ranges, oil 'and gas burn­ tion plan. Free catalog. New Eng­ Guterma and Ev»leigh were con­ in three months that Air Force 1955 CHEVROLET station wagon, ers. Ml 9-0883. All work" guaran ­ ABLE—ALERT—APT—Young man W EEKLY, SA''’INGR URT Kitchen Set.a ... ___ $ 59.50 * 30 [ f o r r e n t -W hy look further? VISIT with attached garage and full drive. The top pa.v boost in that o(Dce herly...... funds would be $15,000, Klar eaid, land Technical Institute. 56 Union wanted to be trained as sales rep- ___ $160.,50 Generous size 4 room ranch with victed Jan. 27, was for $600. The others there • Mrs. Spurling agrees to hav.e.the aHhouglf the town could finance manuals or orders have created 4-door, pow^glide. * cylinder, 2- teed. Place. Hartford, Conn. Phone Wa.shers ...... * 6'5.( We have new 3 'j2 room,room heated; basement.. I.5 fire-j to sell. ntiitslonl regulations,” -Guterma were able to obtain raises for twp leave from Camp j^jeunc. N.C" _lheir tlnancing. • by appointment, MT 9-2653, I pany doors, and windows, custom $ IMMEmATE PKOFITR $_ -national alumlmim-'.prfiducts. Be . Machine and Sheet Metal ■ | Lot 65x340. House completely in­ 5 room CB,pe in Coventry. Excel­ In accordance with the provl- .CHestmit 8-2147 mahogany. MI 3-1279.- at .105 B'lhc^St. place, 2?5x225, separate rental said. - employes. They were the State were picked up in soui'b \\ilndsor Mayor Eugene T Kqlly told .ctharter and Bvlavm work guaranteed. Call eolleet Wil- in business for yourself. Complete Parts sulated. J D. Realty, 5U 3-5129, units, $60 monthly incoprie. out­ lent buy. , . ’’ • 1954- BUICK. super, t'wo-door, two- Oversized cape in Glastonbury, “I did not loot the Jacobs Com­ Highway Department, the 'Veter­ about 3:45 a.m. today by Trooper yord the .Director's will seek TPC,'the Eighth School and Utilitlei tone, haldtop. Excellent conrlitioii. I limantic HA 3-.il96, .» EARN INT.R UN LIMITED training program in safes and WINDOWS 'a t WHOLESALE THREE ROOM apartment in House buildings trees--$15,900' .Carlton Robert CJoffey of the Hartford- lead gettlh'g:-. More than competi- PRICES’! 159 HENRY STREET—immaculate near MInnechaug. 2-car garage, on pany. I did not bilk its assets. I ans Home and Hospital and the approval of iieqdccl projects w*"; District, sealed Bids will bo ro- >n 9-1646. Musical Instruments 53 & Hale Building. Heated, elevator, MODEL and W. Hutchins. Ml 9-5132. find myself aa a mariner' befogged State Andilors. "" " - Troop. .. jFlJtT FINISH Holland window EXCLl.'RIVE PAINT ; livelv priced*, comnle'te line of bath. Tel. MI 3-4123. A,«i^k for_H. B. | 7 room hbme. 2*4 baths, hot water full acre.' pec’.ed to be voted in aH lay it(- ceivpd at the office of the District, i shades, made to measure. All PAHERN MAKERS heat, recreation- room. 5% mort East Hartfoid—A beautiful Shan­ 5 and 5 flat, Manchester, $14,990. in a ^ a of federal regulations. I The balance were able to win • They were Jam^s F. LaMountain ercnduni. whether Ihtt chartcr calls Utt the fire house. 32 Main Street, 1951 MERCURY Monterey ’ Radio, products. LimiloH franchises For Fuel and Feed 49-A HEAR THE Kinsmsn Spinet organ. Hpiise or E. A. Weden,.^ of 27 Savoy Ave;, Springfifeld, heater, mcrconiatir. Excellent metal Venetian blinds at a. mw ' f r .a n c h i r e interview, cal! BU 9-9022 between gage may be assumed. Marion E non built colonial on Oak St. Six 4 room expandable cape in 5fan- have no money at all and I lost merit "pay boosts for only one for such approval or not. m the Town of Manchester^ .Con* low price Keys made while you Finest of home organs. LJfetime Robertsoh Broker. Ml 3-5953., rooms, ceramic tile bath, breeze. rhester, reduced to $11,000.' Must my entire fortune in the-jiacobs worker. They follow; Parole Board, Mass., and Jamc.s L. Kearney of Klar. commenthig generally, nectlciit, not later than 7:30 P.M. condition. Ml 3-6534 6-8 p in. P-RY OAK WOOD -Cut fireplace enjoyment. Dubaldo Music Cen­ MANCHESTER—Six room Apart-1 AIRCRAFT ENGINE I wait Marlow's ^ Now avHilejblc'in Manrhester and wav and garage, wooded lot. sell immediately. _ Company." Mystic Ora; School., budget divi­ 900 Hebron Ave.. Glastonbury, who about, capital ’rhpfovement pro- ] Febnirry 29th, - 1960. Eastern and stove lengths. $10 per load de ter, 186 W. Middle Turnpike'. Call ment. Call TR 5-4371 after $-30 j| 1959 FORD V8 Country' Sedan sta­ vicinity. Operate a retail paint- p.m. MECHANICS^ ^ ' sTop^LoblmTr $18,900 6 room ranch in South Windsor. sion. personnel dhpartmMit, Laurel were fdlind in a car belonging to grams said towri .governmenta i Standard Time, At. which time said tion wagon Beautiful beige color ALL MAKES of T\', radio and business of your own,. Hundreds of livered. PI 2-7886. Ml 9-6205. Heights Sanatorium, Limg Lane Kearney's family. should’ try to sell them by public I bids will be 'publicly open^. read home electronic equipment ' ex­ branches already In operation. Free Situations Wanted- The pair was turned over lo with Fordomatic, radio, heater i SEASONED hardwood, cut *ny 40 UPRIGHT pianos, must sell out TOOL and THIS IS THE HOMi'] Andover-Cape Cod. 3^ full bed- ] JACK J. LAPPEN AGENCY ^ ScniOF CitizCllS School and th* Sta e Prison relations programs, using pant- and recorded, all for thei»iurmsh-( and defroster, w.w. tires. It's a pertly repaired with: a 90-day paint offer get/t re.sullis fast. $5,000 Female I rooms, "plastered walls. 2 fire- * ; ^ _ __ Marines stationed in Hartford to phlcts and service club support. and installation of the sanitary guarantee. Call Mr. Britney at the investment necessary for merchan­ _____ length, $10 a load delivered. due to city construction, Opposite DIE MAKERS $4,000 station wagon. Like new. ! Grantland Nursery and Land- Hartford Politte Station. All pianos FOR YOU': places.places, aluminum storm windows, MT 9-4506 Evcl MT 4-J894 MI 4-0149 Plan Card Party EDUOATI-.4N STUDY be taken back to camp.'.Bond of ______: ____ , I .sewer above desenbed. At Brunner’s, for peanuts. Only' Manches.er______TV. MI 9-1046’. dise. Tliere is no charge for the » SEPTIC TANKS 2-car' garage, ceramic tile bath. $9"was pos',.ed for Kearney on a .Bid proposals must be executed DAY.CARE for pre-school child, ' scape. Ml 8-0669. ’ - redveed; therefore, you. supply CLEANED and INSTALLED A neat ranch in Vernon Street Hartford, Feb. 17 (Ab-S-An 8-man $289 down, cash or trade. , Open WEAVRfG of buma, moth holes franchise. Experience, not neces­ SHEET METAL one acre lot, a terrific buy. Selling i /-.-ltapm pnMFTlRT? charge of .operating a car-without in ^cordance with and subject to sary. Present branches ■ earn as West Side, MI 9-4449, your own delivery of pianos. Open area ir immaculate laondition. $1,800 below appraised value. O nlyl” A N T C H -A R M -lT L'lr tJK I . ' The Senior Citizens Club, con* committee ha.s been named by the Olcl^tere Lack Vilainins evenings till 9, On thj. Manches- and tom clothing, runs, FOR s a l e — Seasoned hardwood evenings 5-11 p.m. week days. All a license.. inatriittlons and specifications con- high as $30,000 per vear. Gtlaran- • SEWERS MECHANICS Loads of*spacious living area. Wall $16,900. ducted ""by the Recreation'Depart­ Connecticut Association of Boards ter-Vemon town line in Talcott- handbags repaired)- .zipper re­ for furnaces, fireplaces, or stove. day Saturdays!. Meyers Piano, 255 Excellently fdcaled ranch - liv­ of Education I study legislation Troper Coffey said that, ac­ i taints In the...contract proposals. toed reauUs though factory ^ MACHINE CI.EANED.' to wall carpeting, Large lot. ment. will sponsor its second an­ cording to 'the atorv of the two ‘Washington—Many of ! Infoniiation and „specifications ______and vdlle TcJ..,MI 3-5191, placement, umbrellas repaired, Vision. In trim areas les.s than i ftRUABlYl'. woman desires baby Gigho Bros. , Route « - A , Bolton, Jdarket St., Hartford, Conn, Amston—Year 'round borne with ing room with firenlace. kitchen concerning public schools. MT'3-5301 OILERS ’ Radiant heat,'' Attached garage. nual card parly tomorrow at the vdutha, Kearney went AWOL Feb. iton’a, senior citizens eat-tod. little, j contract proposals are avail* men'p shirt collars reversed a d 15.009 population, franchise may be sittingjjf;-my own home. MI .3-82.58. I Ohiy $16,100. . ; 4 spacious rooms, garage, svindeck, with'ample cabinets, stove and The committee, chosen yester­ 1998 FORD Custom 3pn sedan, 4- 1 population • INSTALLATION li Fusion Welders dishwasher. 3 large bedroom.s. full,, Community Y beginning at 8 ' 2. He was picked up.,,last Thurs­ A. Federalt*..,— 1 Government ...rv.v survey in ' ^fele at‘ tile office .pf the District, replaced. Marltrw’s Mttle Mend­ operated in conjunction with ah- near lake. Asking $7,900. day, will present Us opinion on leg- door with standard sl,ii(i. heater, ing Shop. ■ SEASONED hardwood, cut to ah>^| - .basement. Best of all 4*4% mort-'. day in Houston, Tex. dica.les that many people over 60 .52 Main Street, 51anchester. Con* and defroster Beautiful blue, Fijll ‘ other btisiricas. For- information length, $ld a load delivered. Ml FOR SALE - r 6-ROOM CAPE SPECIALliST JARVIS REAUPY CO. isl?(^tion to the state's General As-, doii't eat enough foods containing MACHINE •Off'Lake St.; Vernon!—A pictiir- gage. >; ■ 51 r. and Mrs. EdwartTMacKeever bn Monday Kearney and Lk- 'necticut, from the custodkin- Th« '■ priCB $1,288, only $188 down.-cash contact Marv Carter Paint Fac: Situations Wanted-.—Male 39 3-6183. ■ ■ ) All rooms finished, 3 domterar sembly'. protein, iron, and the B vitamins jDistrict reserves the .right to reject plenty of cinseta, ' fireplace, A Multiple Lis’ting; Realtor esqiie ranch, 6 rooms, attached ga­ are donating theii services I'o epn- Mountain left camp together, the Or trhde .Brunner's; vour Lark Buildine-Cnntractind 14 lories. P. >£). Box 4118, Tampa. OPERATORS rage. 2 fireplaces, built-ins, .large JARVIS REALTY CO. . diict this card party which will con- Its members are Dr: Howard .1. day before Kearney was to .be niacin and thiamine, -all of which any or all. or any pArt of any or an dealer. Open evanings till 9 p iii . ' Florida. ’ ■ BY r e t ir e d man-Wanted full riimpiia room, rloae to schools, Town and Country im 3-4112 PI 2-8311 Ml 3;6766 Wetstone of Bloomfield, chairman; are supplied by iu£a,l, poultry, fish, bids if deemed to be In the boet In­ or part-time work. Handy at any Garden-r-Farm— Dairy bus, shopping, churches. Priced with experience on lot. $16,990. *: ' A Multiple Listing,Realtor , of setback and military Whist. given a summary court mai-tial. ^ In Talcottville, Fill your gas lank ANY-.KIND of carpentry and cabi­ \>rtical Turret loathes The proceeds will be going to th^ L. Reed Clerk, Stamford; Francis 'They said they came .north by bus. eggs, milk, and maJty grain foods. terest o f the District. „ 29.9c.' , net work done. Honest and relia­ kind,of w’ork..MI 3-7052. Products 50 to sell as owner Is leaving town. Drainage Co. MI 3-6786 Help Wanted— Female 35 Milling Machines - i ' ” LIVING CAN BE FUN U & R REALTY CO., INC. MI 3-4112 PI 2-8311 Senior Citizens Camp Fund. j; Conlon, Goshen; John K. Davis, 'Dated at Manchester, Connecti­ ble workmaiishlp Call Roscoe Can be seen at 9 Emerson St. WoAdalock; Bernard S. Goodrich, cut. this 17th day of Eebruary, 1959 CHEVROLET 6 Bel Air 4-door, Thompson. .Ml 3-1895 for est'' (off West Center St.), between Ml 9-4143 Jig Mill.s fh this ideally located bedroom This party is open to the public PROTESTANT I^ADY wants wom­ Engine Lathes i^nch on Arcellia Drivel Large Ml 4-8193 Newington; Dr. Howard J. Hauss, 1960. sedan with heater,’ defroster, deJ malee,' Dogs— Birds-r-Pets 4UQREEN m o u n t a in potatoes-SO 8-8 p.m. (Nb agents). MANCHESTER and there w'iU be prizes as well as New London; Dr. Orville J. Sweet- luxe radio, electric wipers Only an companion not over 65, Must living room with corner Tireplace, Evenings after 7:30— refreshments included- in the smalt ih* bag, $1.90. 150 Spencer St. Don’t Wait— Apply At 'ing, New Haven, and Sigmund: THE?HE ______PRESIDENT ANDJBOXRD T.nnh miles. Sold with a new car BIDWELL HUME Improvemen be able ,tp, dri-ye. No hard work. r family sized kitchen, full basement. Mr'. Christensen,,BU 9-6736 Six room ranch, garage, sun admission ' charge. These prizes Good home. Beal references. Write A carport that can be used as a Alder, Rocky Hill. j*] OF DIRECTORSQRS OF.THE EIGHTH jvarranty. ’ Big trades and hw Ob:-----AHetmtiona. additions -- ga. SEVEN WEEK old pups for sale. porch, fireplace, 4%' G.I. mort- .and refreshments have been do EXPERT S(3HOOL AND UTIUTIES DIS­ monthly payments Sec Rninner rages. Roofing and siding exi>erts. Box S,- HeraldT Small mixed breed. $5. MT 3-0958. EMPLOYMENT patio for summer fun. Best all— 66 b o o t RANCiH. 4 large bed- e. Convenient location. S16..200. ateriihy the members of the Sen assume-a l~tjr% mni-lghf 'CUlng-j—iKtem'scTirep-^e . „ _ ------BANliBUPTUY COlfBT------] VI EN r*—W H fciE I --BA L A ^ CING-. TRICT— now for a super deal. Open eve­ Aluminum. clapboards a specifilty. STENOGRAPHER-Wm train lo do Five- room Cape Cod. garage, ior Citizens Club Unexcelled’ • workmanship. F.asy SEPTIC TANKS W AN TED — — ---- -O F F ie f— — below FHA appraisal at $16,900. acres. Carlton W. Hutchins, MI Hartford, Feb.'17 (/P) - f'irst ; BADIATOR REPAIRING AND RECORING nings Till 9 p.m. legal secretarial -work. Write Box' fireplace, nea'r school and bus. Anyorte wishing transportation ® By: budget terms. ND 9-6498 yt TR C(X’KER SPANIEL pupa, AKC AND .396 Main St.. East Hartford- 9:5132. meetings of creditors yesterday In 1 Y. Herald.- X JARVIS REALTY CO.- $15,700; Excellent condition. may ride on the special bus lekving i V COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE David J Marks, Preaident 'J16B .I-.ARK 6 cyl 4-door ^eluxe' 5-9109 ' ' registered. $25, MI 9-1838,- Connecticut. petitions before U.S. Referee in j ’ Raymond F. Damato. D iractor sedan with radio, hc.ater, ifefrost,. ONE EXPfWENCED AU,Tp SALESMAN . A Jdultiple Listing Realtor MANCHESTER-Only $2,400 to as­ Six room Colonial., garage,. $500 the,’ East Side Recreation Cente.r at SEE PL06GED SEWERS required or 25 year FHA mortgage Bankruptcy TSaul Berman inqlud- , Thomaa Elliott, D irector er. seat covers, wlu'le walls. d c-; STENOGRAPHER_ ONE PURE bred Pekingese male, Open Monday thru Friday— MI 3-4112 Pi 2-8311 Ml 3-676? sume present mortgage on this 6 7:15 p.m. and making the follow­ To Well Lincoln. Mercury, English P*brd and Safe-Buy Used Cars. room brick Cape Codr kteCarthy to qualified buyer. Full price ing stops: Oak ;and 51aln; Center edv ^ 1 Philip Burgeas, D irector luxe .chrome trim, underroaling. For Complete H‘nme'.S 7 week old ptippy. Tel. PI 2-8251 New enr transportation furnished, gasoline allowance, life In­ 8 A.M. U 4 P.M. Arthur Warrlngpori.. D Jrectpf. (Jppoilunily for clerk-typist with evenings...... Mashina GIsaied WADDELL SCHOOL area 1957 Enterprises, 50 9-4576, MI 3-6472. $14,800, and Main; Spnice and E. Ceole*;; Richard L. Robideaux; Box 153,1 It's Just like new, V?ry low mile- , Reniodelirisr Call | surance, liberal drawing ac™unt. . . , Edward MoHarty, D irector age, and the full price wjlh all some stenographic ability, capable .Sepdo Tanks. Dry Wella. Sewer ranch, three bedrooms, Duilt-in LOMAS ^ N E 'n’LETON CO, Parker and E. Center; Parker and Walker Lane,' East Hampton; as-' Just men with a desire to make excellent salary deed apply. PlIAn & WHITNEY Seta, none; liabilities, $5,737.59. CLARKE MOTOR . Denis Frechette, Director this equipment isionly $1,788. Only .JACK kERlN ' . Of handling a variety o p duties. Unee Installed—Oellar Wnter- range and oven, full basemerif, Ma n c h e s t e r —Rockiedge six CH 9-6211 , ' , E. 5Iiddle Tpke., or anyyl’here along $88, down. It’s Brunner's _ for WANTED-Home for white ■ oAt. proofing Done. AIRCRAFT aluminum storms, attached ga room ranch, dining room, base­ 51yrna T. Knop, i06 Spring St, -V 301 BRbAD STREET— MI 9-2012 OERTIElRaJ- -BY ■ . 31) Locust St. KH 9-1805! Position requires accurate typing — t Aiiply In Person to Mr. Cahill Ml 9-7613 ~*tJfeen Rd. The bus will leave the Joseph A. Voli, Arranged plete benefit program. Modem of tered. 11” very small. Black blan­ AWWIIARTY-BROTHERS MI $-3131. JA Sg)lS9. Uta.” ■ / flee. Write P. O, Box 1512, Hart- Eas4 Hartford 8, Conneetient I '' ' • ' • I ALL TYPES qt carpentry, recrea-; ket. 24 chanipions in 5 gepera- ^ t r o M Dflpesal Co. 7 80r CENTER STREET •7 tion rooms, remodeling, .additions ;>°rd stating business expeVience tions, J^iilgreed, $15. C.-E, Barn- - t80- m rtnri Read Herj^d Advt. and gar'agee. Call MI 9'4291., edueVtion and salary required: ford, Re8erv|olr-Bd.,' Rockville.' I X' 7 , ■\ ■' ■--t