HALE's Who Never Came, Has a New Lan Family, a Missionary Family in Rev

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HALE's Who Never Came, Has a New Lan Family, a Missionary Family in Rev ATcrage Daily Net Press Run The Weather ) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1960 Forecast of C. S. Weather B nren PAGE SIXTEEN For’ tlMi Week Ended ^anrbpstrr Suptiing iipralb Feb. IS, leeo eioady, ehance of aa occasional shower late tonight Sad Thnraday. Past; matrons o f . Temple Chap­ 13,077 Low tonight In SOs. High Thuraday ter, OES,- will meet at the home of Banker to JSpeak Junior Isabellas . Member of the Audit near 40. About Town Mrs. Winston Turklngton, 67 Ham­ Bureau of Circulation.. lin St., tomorrow at 8 p.m. Host­ On Market Trends Set Record Hop Manchester— A City of Village Charm Clumges*and new ideas in edu­ esses will be Mrs. Herman Ditt- cation will be discussed at a series J n l c i l V S Blocked meyer, and Mrs. James Lewis. James G. Wilson; vice pfesldent A committee meeting of the (Classified Advertising on Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS of four meetings, to be moderated of the Connecticut Bank and Trust Junior Daughters of Isabella to VOL. LXXIX, NO. 117 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1960 by Laveme Strong, Connecticut Co. In'thd municipal loans depart­ plan for a record hop to be held State Department of Education, ■ The mUitary whist party spon­ *By Factory Method sored by the Friendly Orcle, s c h o ­ ment, and financial advisor to Feb. 24 at the 'VPW Home will beginning Thursday at 956 Main Manches’Ier'- on bonds and short be held tonight at 6:45 at the OLD STYLE WIDE BRIM HATS St.. Hartford. The series will be oled for today, has been cancelled Brokenhearted because of Illness among many of term loans, will speak tomorrow home of Miss Linda Ellis, 47 Watch for Red Rockets House Group sponsored by the Service Bureau night at the high school on "Bonds Virginia Rd., president. Theme of * CUT DOWN TO ANY WIDTH. for Women’s jOrgariizations. the members. It will be resched­ uled, for the spring. and Current Market Trends.” the record hop will be “ Mardi HATS MADE SMALLER OR LARGER. Still Mourning His talk will be the last in a Gras.’ and half-masks w-ill be dis- Clears Bill on Hie Center Church Mothers’ Club series on investment, sponsored ’The Rev. Arnold W. Tozer, pas­ trlouted at the door. The dance Detroit, Feb. 17 tSb—An old will hold a potluck and auction to­ by the adult evening school, will be held from 7:30 to 11:30. on mongrel, which attracted wide morrow at 6:30 p.m. in the Rob­ tor of Second Congregational A native'of New Jersey, Wilson BritainW ill Get Chhrch, Manchester; the Rev. with unmasking to take, place at attention with a 6-day fast Civil Rights I bins room. Members are remimded was graduated from New York 11 O'clock. to bring donations, for the McCul- Wajme landau, Ellington, and the I O while grieving for the master University . with a bachelor of sci­ The Jmvior. Daughters of Isabel- HALE'S who never came, has a new lan family, a missionary family in Rev. J. William L. Graham, Leba­ ence degree In banking and in­ Washington, Feb. 17 (IP)— the South whom the club is spon­ non .are attending the 25th an­ la, at a recent meeting, also com- home. vestment. He also did graduate pleted plans for a cake sale to be "Old Brokenhehrted’’ has The House Rule.s Committee soring. For information, members nual pastors’ pre-Lenten study con­ work at the graduate school of Big Radar Eye may contact Mrs. Frank Findlay, ference of Congregational Chris-, held Feb. 27 at Hale’s Department SERVICE OEPT. been adopted by A fMi>(ly-in agreed informally today to businesEi administration of NYU, store; a bowling party for March nearby Birmingham.' 'ilie local 38 Chestnut St. tian and Evangelical and Re­ and at the -Wharton School of clear a stalemated civil rights formed ministers at Springfield, 20 at the East Hartford Bowling OAK ST. ENTRANCE— MANCHESTER - ' - humane society says the 8- business administration at the Burian-Moss Photo bill for House consideration. Mass. Lan.es, and a retreat for a weekend Wnshinirton Feb 17 IIP)__^♦United SUtes and $22 m'iUion for year-old ..og still is mourning Foritaal action sending the mea- The Tozer Group of"%econd Con- University of Pennsylvania. wasillllgiuil, reu. AI , <11 ..ninmanH for his master but seems to. be gnegational Church will meet to­ Engaged He began his banking career in Un April at the Convent of the Britain. 'The British \ ill command j sure to the House floor probably .■The FTiscilla Circle of Emanuel Engaged Immaculate Conception in Putnam. A super-power radar station and operate the station. in better spirits. He’s also eat­ night at 8 In the church parlors. The engagement of Miss Elaine 1934 at the Guarantee Tnist Co. will be taken tomoirow. The de- Mrs. C a^ Swanson and Mrs. Rob­ Lutheran Church Women will meet in New, York. The engagement of'M iss Mari­ able to spot Soviet missiles Fifty British and U.S. officers ing re^larly again^ A. Brezniak of Manchester to The dog refused to eat after ! cisioii to act was made at a hur- ert Weldlg ■will be hostesses. tomorrow at 8 p.m. at"the home of Wilson served in the Army dur­ lyn Jean Loyzim of Coventry to thousands of miles away will and men, plus 500 civilian techni­ I riedly called session this morning. Mrs. .Theodore Chambers. 41 White Donald F. Antonson of Webster, Lloyd John Schmidt, son of Mr. cians. will man the huge station. he was found at the side of a Airs Anger Mass., is announced by her par­ ing World War n as the chief in­ Sweetheart Ball be set up in England for U.S.- road, apparently having been ! 'The. House probably will consid- St. vestigator, 'criminal investigatibn and Mrs. Er\vln Schmidt of Apple- British defense, the State De­ Since operating costs are uncer­ j er the bill next month. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Brezniak, ton, Wls., is announced by her par­ tain, Washington and London have struck by a car. The Injuries 27 Waddell Rd. Her fiance is the di-Wslon in Yokohama. He .lolned Held by DeMolay partment announced today. weren’t serious, but the dog I Meanwhile, a. Democratic plan The. Lincoln School PTA ■will the Hartford Bank and 'Trust Co. in ents. Lt. Col. and Mrs. Stephen agreed that after five years there : for securing Negro voting righiui On Idea He meet tonight at 8 o'clock in the son of Andrew Antonson. Webster, 1951. w’htch later became the Con­ Loyzim bf .Merrow Rd., Coventry. The huge metal screen—bigger shall be a further, agreement on wouldn’t eat. Six days later he finally sur­ I was placed before the Senailc Rules school auditorium.' Guest speaker \iass. necticut Bank and Tnist. He Is,^ In Tlje brlde-cleet Is a graduate The eighth annual Sweetheart than a football field set on . its sharing the costa t^tween the tivo i Committee but consideration was l ECLERC will be Dr. Truman Esau, director Miss Brezniak is a graduate of charge of the bank’s inve.s'tmerits. cum laude of Harlt College, and Is Ball, sponsored by John Matlier side—is tp be built at a $120 mil­ governments. rendered to a 3-year-oId girl armed with a tempting morsel j deferred. FUNERAL HOME of_ the Child Guidance Clinic. There Manchester 'High School and St. 'The lecture Is open to th» nubile a meriiber of Mu Phi. Epsilon, hon­ Chapter, Order of DeMolay, was lion cost at Fylingdales Moor, Because the hl^li^^wer radar Chairman Thoma.s C. Hennings Misled U*S. will be a quc.ation and ans^ver peri­ Agnes’- Home, West Hartford. She without charge in room 208 at 7 orary music sorority. She is em­ held Saturday evening in the ball­ Yorkshire. This is midway up the puts out a great ambunt of heat of chicken. I Jr. (D-Mo), author of the measure, i.s employed as a nurse for Dr. p.m. room at the Masonic Temple. east coast of Britain, betw-een that is dangerous, the FyUngdales ; od and refreshments. ployed as supervisor of music in i sent word he was unable to be Washington, Feb. 17 (IP)— FUNERAL Thomas F. Murphy in Hartford. the Coventry public schools. A grand march was led by Rich­ London and Edinburgh. installation will be surroundfed-by a present because of illness. He re­ A rehearsal for the installation Mr. Antonson is a graduate of Her fiance, a Fulbright scholar in ard Kennedy, master councilor, Defense experts said this giant big fence, extending two mile quested that action • be put off. President Eisenhower will go SERVICE St. Louis High School, Webster, with Miss Mary Jane McLolighlin. Inatallation, plus two others now front of the metal screen and one- N- of officers of the World War 1 Vet­ Court Continues Germany, received his bachelor of News I The Hennings bill, made public on nationwide television and ifalter N. erans’ Auxiliary will take place at and served in the U.S. Coast Guard music education.degree at Chicago Lou Gagnon’s orchestra; provided under construction In North Amer­ third mile to the ’•ear. for the first time, is modeled In radio Sunday evening to dis­ ' Leclerc, the VFW Home Thursday at 7 p.m. for four years. He is now employed Dr. Fancher Case Musical college’^ d his master of music for daricing. ica, will be able to' prove speedy ■The screen is expected to be 400 , large part on the Eisenhower ad­ cuss national defense and his Director by Pratt & Whitney Aircraft.
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