A. Baran Dural


А. Баран Дурал

ABSTRACT: At this point, like many other wrong Western-based ideas, the idea which claims that “ was a federation of theocracies” (KYML İCKA, 1997: 156-158) is so problematic. Some can easily assume that Ottoman Empire was actually a Balkan empire. When one can combine the mission of “Eastern Roman Emperor” some Ottoman sultans used not only as a judicial title and as a means of Ottoman hinterland, but also for their personal destiny and the “Eastern Roma-Byzantium” tradition taken over. with that title, one can understand Ottoman state tradition more easily. Ottoman Empire was a Balkan Empire when the roots of “devshirmeh”s (Young Christian boys recruited from different parts of the Empire. Talented ones became even grand-viziers later on), governors, commanders, viziers or artists that flourished the Empire, is being considered. After Tanzimat period, by modernizing the army, introducing the new higher education institutions where positivist curriculum was taught the state recovered its power. The Ottoman society that met initially nationalist then liberal ideas especially after the loss of the Balkan countries. Both the Otoman Empire and the Kemalist leadership discovered the importance of struggle for economic independence during the era of Young Turks. In this sense, the revolution was both a sign of departure from and continuity of the Ottomans. The Republics’ elite who were also composed of Balkan oriented leaders shows the significance of regioın for the Turkish traditional state manners. In this article Turkish- Bulgarian relations within the Kemalist Era will be discussed, due to the explained conceptual framework above. Keywords: Kemalist Era. . Bulgaria, Turkish Independence War, Ottoman Empire

Introduction: The origins of the Balkan In fact, the search for the turning of the route Turkish State of Turkish society to the West doesn’t start with Kemalist Revolution, but it is brought to a solid The philosophical origins of Ottoman Empire ground in the era of Atatürk. After the Tanzimat, have been the subject of different discussions in with the modernization of the army, and with the both Western and Eastern intellectual history. In opening of military-civilian higher education this context, for the thesis of Will Kymlicka institutions that was dominated by positivist about being a "federation of theocracies" of education system, the state began to get around Ottoman Empire can be countered with a typical the power that it lost. Especially with the effects antithesis about being a typical Balkan Empire of of Balkan countries detached from the Ottoman Ottoman Empire. When it is turned over not only state, Kemalist leadership also as the Ottoman in terms of the legal order of the emperor and the society that was introduced with the idea of state's hinterland, but also with the Roman nationalism and then freedom discovered the Empire mission that they assimilate into their importance of economic independence fight personal fate, and with the tradition of Eastern before with the Young Turk Revolution. In this Roman-Byzantine that this mission is inherited sense, the revolution is an indication of both from, it can be grasped the Ottoman State detachment from the Ottomans and its tradition more easily. The origin, upbringing continuity. That the significant portion of the style of the administrators, commanders, viziers staff that was charged in Kemalist period based and craftsmen who were trained in the reused on the origins of Balkan shows the importance of system, and geographical distribution of the the geography of Balkan in terms of the lands that the state gave the most importance traditional origins of Turkish state. In this article, were examined, it can be understood that the the Turkish-Bulgarian relations in Kemalist era Ottoman Empire is a typical Balkan Empire.

15 will be discussed in line with the perspective the issue of peasants’ location was being described above. discussed in Turkish Revolution is important. While Mustafa Kemal was sitting alone in a Mustafa Kemal as Sofia Military Attaché stylish Bulgarian patisserie, the waiters didn’t want to show a place for a peasant because of his In the formation of the Kemalist period clothing. The peasant demanded his justice and Turkish-Bulgarian relations, the appointment of complained about the workplace and the Mustafa Kemal as Military Attaché in Sofia on patisserie that was accused of discrimination October 25, 1923 is considered as a turning accepted their mistake, and apologized to the point. There are two different views about being Bulgarian villager. In later years, Mustafa Kemal sent of Mustafa Kemal to this region in the field evaluated the attitude of the villager under the of political history. According to the first of headings as "protecting the sense of citizenship", them, M. Kemal was sent to the region in exile and the attitude of the Bulgarian police as "equal by the central government. The second one also treatment of citizens / importance given to the advocates that he was sent for being recovered of rights of citizens. (SU, 1977: 2-64), (ATAY, the stained relations with Bulgaria during the 2010:2-108) According to some historians, the . At that time, it is known that an origins of the principle that has a deep meaning inner-strife was experienced under the leadership the Kemalist narrative, "the masters of the nation of Union and Progress Party. Mustafa Kemal is are villagers" relies under the said event. After among the prominent names and comes at the Mustafa Kemal had successful contacts and good beginning of the ones who make opposition to relationship in Sophia that he had went there Enver, Talat and Cemal Pashas who have been very reluctantly he returned home on 20 January known as "Right Unionists” recently. Therefore, 1915 (TÜMENO ĞLU, 2006). being evaluated as “exile” of his being appointed to Sofia is seen as more consistent (DURAL, Alliance in the Period of World War I 2009: 118-130). The activities of Mustafa Kemal during the Balkan Wars is a turning point in terms of the time he was in Bulgaria are grouped under three Ottoman-Bulgarian relations. Because of the main headings. They are to work for the conditions during and after the war, the relations improvement of relations with Bulgaria, to between the two countries have reached the most collect information on military matters and to negative phase. However, that both countries obtain information about the status of the participate in World War II in order to eliminate Turkish minority. Mustafa Kemal who followed the losses experienced during the Balkan Wars a multi-faceted and reasonable policy in order to combines them in a common point. Bulgaria obtain the necessary success in these activities joined the block of Central Powers in which the established friendships with people of Ottoman Empire existed in 1915. During the war considerable elite people from both public and the relations between the two countries that were military-civilian bureaucracy primarily in in the same block entered into the softening and Bulgaria. He saw the benefits of these good friendship process. Bulgarian and Turkish troops relations in a short and long term. For example in fought together in some of the fronts during the 1914 elections 17 deputies of Turkish origins war. The repressive policies against the Turks in were elected to Bulgarian MPs. Besides, thanks Bulgaria ended in this period. That Turks take to the relationships developed in Sofia, he could place in the agricultural sector intensively, that get considerable help from his Bulgarian Bulgarian army is nourished from agricultural colleagues during the national struggle. products produced in the regions where there Sofia reflected the rapid appearance of a city was a density of the Turks during the war get the in the first quarter 20th century Westernizing. In Bulgarian management and the Turkish minority view of seeing the transformation of Bulgaria, closer. In light of these positive developments, the striking events in this city which serves the new Turkish-Bulgarian cultural and/or almost "litmus paper” will be located in the friendship associations have been established in thoughts of Mustafa Kemal at his leadership Bulgaria; the theme of ethnic brotherhood of period and he would put his thoughts and ideas and Turks was emphasized (Coskun, to life when the time came. Among these events, 2001:9). especially an anecdotal that passed at a pastry shop and Mustafa Kemal said very often when


Bulgarian Support for National Struggle Bulgarian administration and Ankara Government as: The period after the First World War was a bane for both countries. Ottomans cccording to From Stamboliyski Rule to Lausanne Article 32 of Moudros Armistice and the Bulgarians according to article 3 of the Treaty of "Although Stamboliyski Government was Bulgaria in Thessaloniki had to cut off defeated in the war, they didn’t allow to be used diplomatic relations with each other. In of Bulgaria as a Kemalist base. In return, conclusion of these treatments, the task of Mustafa Kemal wrote a letter to Stamboliyski on protecting the rights of Bulgarians in Turkey was behalf of the Parliament on 30 Nisan.1920. After given to Swedish Embassy, and the task of Mustafa Kemal mentioned being dispersed of the protecting the rights of Turks in Bulgaria was Ottoman parliament in and being given to Spanish Embassy. (TU ĞLACI, 1984: arrested of the deputies in this letter, he 21) The limitations that were brought by the mentioned the recognition of the parliament treaties gave harm to Turkish-Bulgarian relations gathered in Ankara and the purpose and scope of have damaged in a large extent and brought to a the struggle. Bulgaria reacted this letter standstill (VELIKOV, 1969:42). Despite the positively and started to look into the ways of prohibitions of the Treaties, the relations making a contact. In conclusion of these studies, between the two countries have continued at Bulgarian Government sent a secret diplomatic various levels, albeit difficult. Mustafa Kemal mission to Ankara under the management of tried to make use of the relations that he Angel Grozkov in May 1921. This is considered established in Bulgaria in the past in National as an official visit to the Bulgarian Government. Struggle period. (TA ŞKIN: 12) With being put the Treaties of Sevres and On this matter, the government of Ankara Moudros into effect, the invasions started in sent Gürer Cevat Abbas, the semi-official Ottoman Empire. Against these unfair and unjust representative, to Sofia on February 21 1921. invasions, a National Assembly was established However on the follow-up of Entente Powers in and a resistance movement started and the pressure of Bulgarian Government Cevat under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal. National Abbas Gürer had to return to Ankara in July Struggle Movement that was insufficient in view 1921. (DE ĞERL İ, 2007:10-14) In the later of both materially and morally was looking for process, Turkish-Bulgarian relations began to support as national and international levels. develop more. That each of the two countries Especially on the western border, Kemalist fought together in World War I and that the basic leadership wanted to secure this region by philosophy of Stambolivski government focused making cooperation with Bulgaria. For this on the farmers and the peasants are factors that reason, in Thrace, a fight was started under the help to improve relations. That approximately 90 leadership of Cafer Tayyar Bey and the percent of Turks living in Bulgaria had come representatives of Ankara government made the from the peasant class and class fractions, and search for aid and support by going to Bulgaria. that the Bulgarian government didn’t dissociate Bulgarian administration of the period its own target audience due to ethnic elements promoted Mustafa Kemal and the Turkish during this period provided that Turkish minority resistance movement. Hereby, weapons and stood close to the governments of Stambolivski, ammunition delivery was made from Bulgaria to and this closeness was reflected in the relations Turkey. Even after Cafer Tayyar Bey's troops between the two management. (TÜMENO ĞLU, had been defeated to Greek forces, some of these 2006) Stambolivski who openly praised Mustafa troops wanted to help by passing the Bulgarian Kemal in Bulgarian Parliament in 26 October border and they took refuge in Bulgaria. 1922 gave opportunity to make two Bulgarian administration hosted the war-weary appointments with the representatives of troops that took refuge to them in a good way Kemalist government by sending an authority and made the necessary assistance to them. named T. Markov to İzmir in the beginning of (TA ŞKIN, 2008:12-13) ( Şİ MŞEK, 1999:56) 1923. had its golden age in Although Bulgaria was exposed to the Stambolivski period. This period is a period in pressure of Entente States several times, they which the rights of Bulgarian Turks and Muslims continued to support to National Struggle. Ta şkın didn’t restricted and they could live comfortably narrates the conditions of the relations between without being under any pressure. (TURAN,


2000:285) However, overthrown of Stambolivski that took the reaction of Bulgaria Turks, he government with a coup took place in June 1923 began to follow almost the exact opposite of the interrupted the Turkish-Bulgarian relations for a previous power in domestic politics. Following a short period. reckless foreign policy towards Turkey, new The interest of Balkan states participated in government attracted the attention of government the Lausanne discussing focused on the problem in Ankara in view of both this indifference and of Western Thrace. It was required to be the application towards the Turkish minority. On consulted to the opinions of not only Turkey but the points where the ones except for Bulgaria Bulgaria and especially on the border was sensitive, Bulgarian government impressed factions. In the conference, the mountainous by the Kemalist administration that developed a northern part of Western Thrace that was within shy style to Sofia, sent Simon Radev to Ankara the boundaries of Bulgaria was left outside the in 1924 in order to normalize relations between Bulgarian sovereignty in accordance with the the two countries. (TURAN:11-13) Peace of Neuilly that was signed after World The efforts of Radev resulted in a short time, War II between the years 1913-1918. Following and gave a rise to a new era between the two the war, the south line of Western Thrace was countries. In this context, in October 18, 1925, occupied by Allied States and Bulgaria that shortly after the establishment of Turkish evaluated the region as a stepping stone to Republic (SOYSAL, 1983:255) a 'Friendship Aegean Sea opposed the domination of Greece in Agreement' was signed with Bulgaria in Ankara. Western Thrace. Why then, the control of that It is known that this treaty strengthen the area was left to France; however the opening to economic, social, cultural and legal ties in Aegean Sea of Bulgaria in the Lausanne Turkish-Bulgarian relations. The absence of Conference issued the Turkish-Greek-Bulgarian provisions in relation to time in the Treaty is border factions on the table. In the discussions connected to the desire to establish a permanent that were made with this agenda on November and lasting bond of friendship. The political 22, 1922 the representative of Bulgaria was relations with Bulgaria required to evolve in this Stambolivski, of England was Lord Curzon and period, should be turned over within the of Ankara was İsmet Inonu. framework of the treaty of friendship. The Bulgarian leader Stambolivski, who spoke in provision of paragraph A in the agreement is the a session made a supportive speech in Ankara same as follows: "the two governments government and emphasized the issue of regarding the protection of minorities, the Turkish-Bulgarian joint venture interests by written provisions of the Treaty of Neuilly of all risking the exposure to protests of Greece and the Muslim minorities living in Bulgaria and the Romania. In long-running negotiations, Turkey Bulgarians living in the Treaty of Lausanne left the table by being approved of his benefits from all of the domination, whereas he made all demands of written provisions are mutually concerned." That sovereignty-association of Greece in Eastern Turkey-Bulgaria Friendship Treaty is still in Thrace rejected, whereas he didn’t be persistent force reveals the nature of this document itself. very much in Western Thrace matter. Ismet (ŞAH İN, 2009:7) Inonu, who mainly supported some thesis of Stambolivski mainly Alexandropoulos created Turkish-Bulgarian Agreement of Residence the public peace in line of Bulgarian demands and he became the preliminary of the Ankara In the date of signing the Friendship Treaty a government's policies that are at the attempt to residence contract with Bulgaria was come into establish strong friendships in order to survive in force. The two articles that have determining the after the peace (TURAN, 1999:18-45). features of the contract that allows Bulgarian Turks to migrate freely to homeland Turkey, are The Treaty of Friendship Dated 1925 as follows: "The Contracting Parties accept that it would However, the process of mutual friendship be no obstacle on the optional migrations of started in Lausanne became a victim of turmoil Bulgarian Turks or Turkish Bulgars. Immigrants in domestic politics in Bulgaria. Tsankov's shall have the right freely to bring with them government that was overthrown Stambolivski in movable and to liquidate the immovable property a successful coup and replaced him, turned to the of goods and animals. Those who have not old politics especially for the Turkish minority liquidated the immovable property before the

18 final departure have to make this liquidation pact and the development of "Macedonian over a period of two years starting the question" that made a fuss in the region in immigration day. On the matter that bringing the Bulgaria (EY İCİGİL, 2004). However, the money obtained from the elimination of the signing of the Turkey-Greece 1933 Sincere goods of money to abroad shall be a treated Agreement Pact, prevented Bulgaria from between the two governments. "(Turkish culture, opening the Aegean Sea. Even providing partial 1985:250), 1925 direct contact against being Slavic threat with While this treaty is resolving the mutual Greece implicitly of Turkey that was anxious residence problem of Bulgarian Turks and about being Slavic of the Balkans did not affect Turkish, it is also about almost all the texts the overall progress of Turkish-Bulgarian related to residency issue and the position of the relationship. Turkish minority in Bulgaria between the two In conclusion, Although Turkish-Bulgarian countries that was signed between the years relations that were tried to be normal became 1925-1930s. When it is considered that the colder in the time of Cold War period from time founders –the elites- of new Turkish Republic o time, even at the time of Bulgarian leader that was founded on the basis of Ottoman Empire Todor Zhivkov the two countries return from the that can be characterized as a typical Balkan threshold of war danger, the friendship was Empire, are from Rumelia-Balkan origins, the developed in the framework of cooperation. In close attention given to Balkan problem by the problematic geography, the friendship bridge Kemalist authority is understood more easily In that was established with the participation of two this context, when just Bulgaria-Greece-Turkey countries since 1930s has become normal with relations are examined, it could be argued that being placed of Turkish minority in Bulgarian the Kemalist government behaved irresponsible domestic politics with not the secessionist or irrelevant in Foreign Turks matter. On the demands today anc the friendship-cooperation other hand, the other conventions judged and bridge between the two countries has been aimed at the resolution of problems between the strengthened with the unshakable bonds in most two communities between the years 1929-1932 of fields especially in education, culture, are these: economy. 1927:Turkey-Bulgaria Modus Vivendi 1928: Turkey-Bulgaria Agreement on Trade and Bibliography MaritimeTransport 1929: Turkey-Bulgaria Neutrality, Conciliation, ATAY,Falih Rıfkı (2010), Çankaya (Pozitif, and Arbitration Legal Solution Agreement İstanbul) 1930: Turkey-Bulgaria Seyrisefin Agreement CO ŞKUN, Birgül Demirta ş (2001), 1931: Turkey-Bulgaria Veterinary (vet) Bulgaristan’la Yeni Dönem So ğuk Sava ş Sonrası Agreement Ankara-Sofya ili şkileri (ASAM, Ankara) 1932: Turkey-Bulgaria Payment Agreement DURAL, A. Baran (2009), Atatürk’ün Liderlik Sırları (BirHarf, İstanbul) Conclusion: From Kemalist time to today EY İCİL Ahmet (2004), “Atatürk Devrinde Türkiye’nin Balkan Politikası”, Atatürk Although the spread of ultra-nationalists Ara ştırma Merkezi Dergisi, sayı 59,ciltXX which came to power in Bulgaria in 1933, and (Ankara) tough foreign policy caused disconnection in the SOYSAL, İsmail (1983), Türkiye’nin Siyasal Turkish-Bulgarian relations, despite being not to Antla şmaları(1920–1945) I.Cilt, (Ankara) participate in the Balkan Pact of Sofia despite the SU, Mükerrem Kamil (1977), Atanın Romanı insistent invitation of Ankara, there was no (Milliyet, İstanbul) serious deterioration in Turkish-Bulgarian ŞAH İN, Ayhan (2009), “Bulgaristan relations, or long-term provision of mutual Türklerinin Tarihsel Perspektiften İncelenmesi incomprehension in the Kemalist period. Turkey ve Göçü”, Yayınlanmamı ş Yüksek lisans Ödevi that struggled for establishing the Balkan Pact (Trakya Üniversitesi SBE, ) with the aim of resisting towards the Şİ MŞEK, Halil (1999), Türk-Bulgar İli şkileri expansionist and imperialist policies of Italy and ve Göç (Harp Akademileri Basımevi, İstanbul) to consolidate the status quo in the Balkans, TA ŞKIN, Tayfun (2008), “Türk- Bulgar couldn’t reach the expected results because of İli şkileri,” Yayınlanmamı ş Yüksek lisans Ödevi both not joining of Albania and Bulgaria in the (Trakya Üniversitesi SBE, Edirne)


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