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NEW MINERALS RECENTLY APPROVED BY THE COMMISSION ON NEW MINERALS AND MINERAL NAMES INTERNATIONAL MINERALOGICAL ASSOCIATION The information given here is provided by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names, I. M. A. for comparative purposes and as a service to mineralogists working on new species. Each mineral is described in the following format: IMA No. (any relationship to other minerals) Chemical Formula Crystal system, space group unit cell parameters Colour; lustre; diaphaneity. Optical properties. Strongest lines in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern. The names of these approved species are considered confidential information until the authors have published their descriptions or released information themselves. NO OTHER INFORMATION WILL BE RELEASED BY THE COMMISSION J. A. Mandarino, Chairman Emeritus and J. D. Grice, Chairman Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names International Mineralogical Association 1996 PROPOSALS IMA No. 96-003 The Fe3§ analogue of winstanleyite ( Fe3+,Te6+,Tin+,Mg2+)Tc4§ IMA No. 96-001 Cubic: la3 Cu~(Te6+O4)2(AsS+O4)2.3 H20 a 11.011 ,~ Triclinic: P1 or P] Orange; adamantine; translucent a 8.984, b 10.079, c 8.975 A,~ at 102.68 o , 13 92.45 o , y Isotropic, n(calc) = 2.17 70.45 ~ 4.486 (29), 3.175 (100), 2.943 (23), 2.749 (37), 2.592 Emerald green; vitreous to adamantine; transparent to (22), 1.944 (44), 1.658 (45) translucent Biaxial, indices of refraction calculated from reflec- IMA No. 96-004 tance measurements are 1.71-1.73 AI2(OH)sCI-2H20 9.28 (70), 4.65 (70), 3.097 (100), 3.018 (60), 2.658 Cubic: Im3m (50), 2.468 (50), 1.740 (50) a 19.878 ,~ Yellow-orange to yellow-brown; vitreous; transparent IMA No. 96-002 The calcium-dominant analogue of Isotropic, n 1.53-1.55 guilleminite 8.11 (70), 7.03 (50), 4.47 (60), 3.23 (70), 2.706 (i00), [Cao.75(H30)o.25](UO2)3(SeO3)2(OH) H20 2.446 (80), 1.957 (70) Orthorhombic: Pmn21 or Pmnm a 7.010, b 17.135, c 17.606 ,~ IMA No. 96-005 Lemon-yellow; pearly; translucent Mg2(CO3)CI(OH).3H20 Biaxial (-), ~t 1.1.54 calc., 13 1.73, y 1.75, 2V(meas.) Hexagonal (trigonal): R3c or R3c 33 ~ a 23.163, c 7.221 A 8.79 (80), 8.56 (40), 3.51 (100), 3.24 (40), 3.093 (50), White; lustre and diaphaneity unknown 3.032 (100), 1.924 (40) Uniaxial, o~ 1.510, e 1.510 11.66 (100), 3.396 (17), 3.356 (17), 3.264 (21), 3.218 (21), 3.000 (41), 2.657 (22) 732 J.A. MANDARINO AND J. D. GRICE IMA No. 96-006 Biaxial (-), ~ 1.483, ~ 1.516(calc.), 7 1.533, NaZn4(SO4)(OH)6CI.6H20 2V(meas.) 70 ~ 2V(calc.) 70 ~ Hexagonal (trigonal): P3 7.92 (M), 5.52 (VS), 5.26 (M), 4.99 (M), 3.642 (M), a 8.359, c 13.059 A 2.834 (S), 2.758 (M), 2.732 (M) Colourless to white; pearly; translucent Uniaxial (-), co 1.5607, e 1.5382 IMA No. 96-013 14.244 (100), 6.501 (23), 4.339 (15), 3.258 (14), 2.967 Fe2+(UO2)2(SO4)2 (OH)2.3HzO (10) Orthorhombic: Pnnm or Pnn2 a 15.908, b 16.274, c 6.903 ,~ IMA No. 96-007 Pale yellow to white; vitreous; transparent (K,Na)sFe~+[SizoO5o(OH)6] 12H20 Biaxial (-), ct 1.470, ~ 1.492, 7 1.504(calc.), Triclinic: Pi 2V(meas.) 73 ~ a 14.86, b 20.54, c 5.29 ,~, et 95.6 ~ [3 92.3 ~ 7 94.4~ 7.95 (81), 5.91 (100), 3.941 (71), 3.451 (67), 3.166 Pink-brownish; silky to earthy; translucent (50), 2.894 (41), 2.596 (70) Biaxial (+), et 1.523, 13 1.525, 7 1.550, 2V(meas.) 30 ~ 2V(calc.) 32 ~ IMA No. 96-014 12.36 (100), 11.60 (40), 10.21 (14), 3.411 (37), 3.281 Pb 148b3oS5405 (15), 2.896 (12) Monoclinic: C2/m a 52.00, b 8.148, c 24.311 ,~, 13 104.09 ~ IMA No. 96-008 The Fe3+-dominant analogue of Bluish-black; metallic; opaque beryl In reflected light: black with blue-red reflections, low (Fe,Mg,A1)2(Na,)[Be3Si6Ols].H20 anisotropism, low bireflectance, Hexagonal: P6/mcc nonpleochroic. R1 & Re: (40.03, 42.90 %)470nm, a 9.387, c 9.202 (36.46, 40.92 %)546nm, (35.65, 40.25 %)589nm, Light-blue; vitreous; transparent (32.40, 36.00 %)650nm Uniaxial (-), co 1.625, E 1.619 4.04 (m), 3.47 (s), 3.44 (m), 3.04 (m), 2.96 (s), 2.296 8.12 (S), 4.00 (M), 3.278 (VS), 2.903 (S), 2.553 (MW), (m) 1.752 (MW) IMA No. 96-015 IMA No. 96-009 CusO2(SeO3)2CI2 Ca3 [BsO6(OH)7]C12.8H20 Monoclinic: P21/c Monoclinic: Pn a 6.045, b 13.778, c 5.579 A, 13 95.76 ~ a 17.42, b 8.077, c 17.33 ,~, ~ 121.48 ~ Chestnut to dark brown; very strong vitreous to Colourless to white; vitreous; transparent to translu- adamantine; translucent cent Biaxial (-), ~ 2.06, I] 2.11, 7 2.15, 2V(meas.) large, Biaxial (-), ~ 1.506, 13 1.527, T 1.532, 2V(meas.) 56 ~ 2V(calc.) 82 ~ 2V(calc.) 51 ~ 6.88 (68), 5.511 (50), 2.990 (100), 2.963 (94), 2.566 8.10 (10), 4.04 (4), 3.56 (2), 2.834 (2), 2.535 (2), 2.276 (67), 2.296 (95) (2) IMA No. 96-017 A triclinic polymorph of clinoclase IMA No. 96-010 The Fe3+-dominant analogue of Cu3(AsO4)(OH)3 tomichite Triclinic: P1 (Fe3+,Ti)4Ti3AsO13(OH) a 5.445, b 5.873, c 5.104 ,~, ~ 114.95 ~ I] 93.05~ 2t Monoclinic: A2/m 91.92 ~ a 7.184, b 14.289, c 5.006 ,~, 13 105.17 ~ Green-blue; vitreous; transparent Black; metallic; opaque Biaxial (-), 1.760, 13 1.80, 7 1.83, 2V(meas.) 77 ~ In reflected light: greyish-white, no bireflectance, 2V(calc.) 80 ~ nonpleochroic. R~ & R2: (20.1, 20.8 %)460nm, 4.613 (100), 4.580 (50), 3.390 (60), 2.713 (40), 2.543 (18.7, 19.3 %)540nm, (18.2, 18.9 %)580nm, (17.5, (40), 2.445 (30) 18.1%) 660nm 3.117 (30), 2.846 (80), 2.681 (100), 2.029 (30), 1.5825 IMA No. 96-019 (50) NaCa3(CO3)zF3.H20 Hexagonal (trigonal): P3z a 6.718, c 15.050 A IMA No. 96-012 Colourless to white; vitreous; transparent to translu- Ca(H20)3(C204) or CaC204.3H20 cent Triclinic: Pi Uniaxial (+), co 1.538, ~ 1.563 a 6.097, b 7.145, c 8.434 ,~, et 76.54 ~ 13 70.30 ~ 5.809 (30), 5,010 (30), 3.358 (30), 2.791 (50), 2.508 70.75 ~ (40), 2.010 (100), 1.939 (40) Colourless; vitreous; transparent NEW 1996 MINERALS 733 IMA No. 96-020 3.65 (90), 3.11 (51), 2.83 (36), 2.60 (49), 2.58 (100), Pb1206Mn(Mn,Mg)4(Mg,Mn)2(SO4)(CO3) 4C14(OH) 12 2.33 (41), 2.11 (31) Tetragonal: P42/nnm a 12.627, c 12.595 IMA No. 96-027 Apple green to emerald green; vitreous to adamantine; NaCusOz(SeO3)2CI3 transparent Orthorhombic: Pbnm Anomalously biaxial (+), at, [3, and 7 > 1.92 a 10.482, b 17.732, c 6.432 8.95 (20), 7.30 (20), 3.99 (30), 2.975 (100), 2.752 (30), Emerald-green; vitreous; transparent 2.473 (20), 1.716 (20) Biaxial (--), a 1.845, [3 1.968, y 1.975, 2V(meas.) 20 ~ 2V(calc.) 31 ~ IMA No. 96-022 A polymorph of fluorapatite 9.01 (10), 8.84 (60), 5.24 (100), 3.251 (40), 2.955 (27), (Ca,R)5(PO4)3FR = Sr, Na, REE 2.626 (25), 2.513 (12) Hexagonal: P63 a 9.485, c 7.000 IMA No. 96-028 Pale yellow; vitreous; transparent NaFe42+(PO4)3 Uniaxial (-), co 1.649, ~ 1.637 Hexagonal (trigonal)."~ R3 3.498 (45), 3.104 (22), 2.838 (100), 2.814 (48), 2.740 a 14.97, c 41.66 A (53), 1.963 (21), 1.865 (31) Very pale amber; waxy; transparent Uniaxial (+), co 1.72, E 1.75 IMA No. 96-023 A manganese- and fluorine-rich 4.13 (80), 3.47 (50), 3.21 (50), 3.01 (90), 2.93 (50), member of the eudialyte group 2.85 (50), 2.71 (100), 2.57 (50) (Na,RE) 15(Ca,RE)6Mn3Zr3NbSi25076F2 Hexagonal (trigonal): R3m IMA No. 96-029 a 14.1686, c 30.0847 A Al16B65i2037 Yellow-brown; vitreous; transparent Monoclinic: C2/m, Cm or C2 Uniaxial (-), co 1.628, e 1.623 a 14.767, b 5.574, c 15.079 A, ~ 91.959 ~ 11.362 (43), 7.084 (41), 5.681 (30), 4.296 (34), 3.382 White; vitreous; transparent (37), 2.962 (91), 2.840 (100) Biaxial (+), e~ 1.629, ~ 1.640, 3' 1.654, 2V(meas.) 82 ~ 2V(calc.) 84 ~ IMA No. 96-024 The scandium-dominant analogue of 5.41 (70), 5.19 (100), 4.95 (60), 4.31 (70), 3.378 (60), xenotime-(Y) 2.162 (40) ScPO 4 Tetragonal: 14ffamd o IMA No. 96-030 a 6.589, c 5.806 A (Rh,Pd)2As Pale-pink; vitreous; transparent Orthorhombic: Pnma or Pn21a Uniaxial (+), o~ 1.790, e 1.86 a 5.866, b 3.893, c 7.302 A 3.293 (100), 2.464 (8), 2.178 (4), 2.055 (4), 1.693 (6), Colour not observed, metallic, opaque 1.647 (6) In reflected light: brownish with a pale green tinge, anisotropism moderate-distinct from dark brown to IMA No.